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S�CTION I: 17efinition�
a. Comprehensive P].an ar portions thereof are thcrse c�-ordinated pl.ans in pre-
paration or which have been prepared b,y the Plannin� Commission far the ph�sical develop-
ment of the municipa�.it�; ar any plans,� beinp, partions af the eomprehensive pl.an, prepared
for the phpsical develapmsnt of suah �nunieipalit,y, �at desi�mate, aman� other thir�s�
plans �tnd pT'o�T�mS ta encour��e the most appropriate use of land, and less con�estion
thrcu�hout the municipalitg� 3.n the �nterest of public health and welfarea
b. Dedication is the deliberate appropriatian of land b� its owner far any �*ener�7.
and pu�Iic uses and purposes, r�servin� to hims�lf no c�ther ri�hts than such as arp cornpatibl,�
with the full exercise and en,�oyment af the public uses to which the property has been devoted,
e: F�.na1 Plat �is the r�lan af the plat, �ubdiui.sion, ar dedication3 or an,y porti�ons
thereaf prepared far filing far record t�y the County Auditor, and containin� those elements
and r�quirements set forth in Section 8 af this OI°C�1T1811C�y ��ter the Count� Auditor has f`iled
for record the �'inal Plat} it shall therearter be known as an authorized plat, subdivision, or
d. First Cl�ss 9horelands shal�. mean public lands, once or still belong3.n,g�tt� the
st�te, borderin� an the shares of a nav3.gable lxke� or r�.ver, nat s�zbject to tidal .f1o�r, be-
t�aeen t� line of ordinary high water and tl� lins af navi�ability, �r inr�r harbor line�, 3.f
esta�lished} and within or in front of th� corporate 1im�ts of the City� or within two miles
thereof upon either side,
e. The Snner Harbor Line sha:Il mean the line located and establisl�d in navi�able
w�ters between the line ef' ordinary hit�h water and the auter harbor 1.ine �nd canstitutin� the
inner bound�ry of the haxbor are�. B�lkheads cannot be erect�d beyond the Inner Harbar lin�.
f`� Official Plans are thos� official maps or map, cr portions thereo#'� adagted by
ordinance by the Cit,y af Rentan as provided in Ch. l.�1�, Seca 6y I,aws} 1935, as hereafter amended
�R.c,w. 35063.110).
�*. Planning Commission sha21 be that Commission estat�3.ished b� the Mayor and City
Cc�uncil of t�� City af Renton as provided in Ch. !�}�, Laws� 193�, �s herea�'�ter amended (Ch. �5,
�3� R.C,k�.). {drd, llq3} .
h, A Praposed Pl�t c�r Subdivision is a prelimin�ry plan of the p1at, subdivisianx
�r dedication cantaining the element� and requirements as set forth in Sect3on 6 he reof.
i. Public Hi�hways incl.udes every wa�r� road, street, �nd �ioulevard� and every way,
or p2ace in tha state open as a matter of ri eht ta publ.ie vehicular travel both inside and
ov.tside the limit� of the City and shall include c�mmunit� arterials� nei�hborhood streets, and
residentia3 stree�s, sa�ne af which �nay or ma,y not be pc�rtions of tl� primar,y ar second�ry hi�h-
way syst��n af the State of Washin�ton.
3. Sabdivider is �ny perso n, firm or corporation propcsing to make, or have made,
a subdinision.
k, Subdivision or Pla� is an area of la nda which has been d3,vided. into two or more
p],c�ts, traetsa ar other divisions of land, and may or may not include a map: or m�.ps� rela ted
thereto, .far tl� purpose! whet�er immediate or future, of trar�sfer of awnership} or for build-
ing developments� includ3.n� a11 designations af street lines, public area, bc,undaries� lot
lines� easements, riahts of wa,yy pavem�nt widths, curb lines, loca�tion and size of util.ities,
lacatian and size of land areas to be dedicated; provided that thi� defYnit3.on of a subdivisic,n
sha11 not include thase cli.visions of land for a�ricultural purpos�s, where each parcel is �en
acres or more in �rea �nd which does not include any new streets, e�sernentsa ri�hts 4f way, or
other provisions for necess�ry pu.blie areas and f acilities.
l. Tenta�ive Appresva.l is the official action taken on the propased plat, subdi-
vision� or dedication by the Cit.,y Council �fter recommendation b;yp the Planning Cammission
meeting in repular sessian�
m. Final Approval is the final official action taken by the City Council after
recommendation by the �'lanning Commission on the proposed plat, subdivision, dedication� or
portion thereof that has previously received tentative appron�l.
SECTIdN I A. Interpretation and Purpose:
In their interpretation and �pplic�tion, the prnvisions of this Ordinance sha11 be held
to be the minimum reauirements adopted for the protection of the public health, safety and
welfar�. To ?arotect the public, amon� other purposes, such provisions are intended to provide
for permanently wholesome urommunity environment, adequate municipal ser�,*ices znd safe streets
and thorouahfares.
This Qrdinance shall not apply to any lot or lots form ing a part of a subdivision created
and recorded prior to the effective date of tha.s Ordinance. Nor is it intended by this Ordin�-
�nce to repea7_, ahrogate, annul or in any way impair or interfere with existin� provisions of
other laws or ordinances� except those specificall,y repealed by this C�rdinance, or with private
restrictions placed upon propert.y by deed, covenant, or other private a�reement, or with re-
�trictive c��enants, running wi.th the land to which the City is a partyo TnThere this Ordinance
imposses a �reater restriction upon land than is imposed or required Y,y such existing provis-
ions of law, ordinance, contract o.r deed, the provisions of this Crdinance shall control.
SECTION 2, Administerin� Autrority:
The Planning Commission is desi¢nated and assi�ned the duty of administeri.n� and carryina
out the terms of thiq ordinance subject to final appronal of the City Council as herein pro-
SECTION 3. Procedure:
No person, firm� or corporation, proposing to make� or having made a plzt or suhdivision
of land containin� five or more 1ots, plots, or tracts; or proposing to make or having made a
plat or subdivision containin� a dedication of any part thereof as a nublic street or highway�
shall enter into any eontract for the sale of, or shall of.fer to sell, said subdivision, or
plat, or any part thereof, or shall proceed with any construction work on the proposed subdi-
vision� including grading, and eacavation, relating thereto� until he or it has obtained from
tre Plannin� Commission, both the tentative and final approval of the proposed plat, subdivi-
sion, ar dedication in accordance with the prescribed rules and re�xlations contained herein:
A. General
1. The subdivider, his en gineer, or land surveyor, while the proposed p7a t, sub-
dieision� or dedication is in sketch form, and before the proposed plat, subdivision or dedi-
cation is prepared, shall consult with the Plannin� Director for the purpose of ascertaining
the requirements of the Official Plan, or any portions thereof� and obtaining any explanation
of the rules and regulations herein contained as may be necessary and related to the proposed
plat� subdivision or dedication.
2. The tentative approval of the proposed plat shall be �ffective for six months
unless extended by the Planning C anmissian upon proper application by the subdivider for a
period not to exceed six ad=itional months, or until such time as the final pla�t has be�n
appro�ed for the entire area of land covered by the proposed plat, provided the latter period
is less than the six months extension period.
3. A final plat may be presented for final approval for an,y portion of a large sub-
division when the proposed plat therefor has previously received tentative appraval by the
City Council provided dedicated access is furnished.
1.�. When the Pl�nning Commission has ascertained that the public use and interest
will be served and advanced by the proposed plat, subdivision and�or dedication in accor�a nce
with rules herein contained the Plannin� Commission and Cit� Council shall execute their
written approval which shall be suitably inscribed on the final plat, subdivision and/or dedi-
cation. Thereafter, the final plat, subdivision, or dedics�tion may �e presented for filin�
for record to the Count� Auditor of the Crunty of Kin�, and after it has been filed for record,
it sk�all be known as an authori zed pla t� subdivis ion, or dedication of land.
B. Specific
1. The proposed plat, subdinision� or dedication, and application for "Tentative
approval" thereof shall be prepared by the subdivider� his engineer, or land surveyor in accar�d-
ance with the requirement� for the proposed plat� subdivision,, or dedicat ian as set forth in
Section 6 hereof� and the proposed plat, gubdivisi�n� or dedicat ion� and the application and
the date it is received; and the application sukanitted by the subdivider, his engirieer� or
land surveyor shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount of `"3.00 per lot in the proposed sub-
division but in no event less than a `�30.00 minimum. The application and the proposed plat,
subdivisiani c�r dedication sha3.2 be submitted to the City Clerk twc� weeks pr•i.or to the meeting
of the Planning Commissian� durin� which timef the Clerk sha21 transmit the application �nd
the propased pl�t, subdivisicrn, er dedication to the City Plannin� Director, An equal fe�
(�3.00 per lot but not less than a �30,04 minimum} shall accampa�y the application for "final
apnroval�� of the propqsed plat� subdivision� or dedicat,ion� or for any portian thereof. In
ariy pr000sed subdivision, the subdivider may elect �to dedica�e unto the City, fo r recreation-
al purposes, in accor�ance wa.th �he provisions of the Official P3an� azly or aIl Iand areas of
not Iess tha.n seven acres in Iieu of the secand ha.lf of the fee reauired for ap?�roval of the
fina.l plat.
2. T� Planning� Director shall transmit two cc>c�ies of the proposed plat to �the
City En�ineer, one copy to the City Health officer, and on� copy to the Buildin� Tnspector
for their respective recommendations re�arding the �aroposed plat, subdivision� or dedication.
The Plannin� Director shall retain twa copies for the rnembers of the Planni.n� Cammission.
3. The City En�ineer, witl�� He�2th Officer, and the Buil�ii.ng InspectQr {and other
departm�nt heads�i within the scape af their municipal functions, sha31 make their respectiva
recammendatians regardin� the propo�ed plat� subdivisian, or dedicatian in re�art form to ths
Planning Director within a period o�' twenty da,ys f'mm the da,y tr�e C3.ty Clerk received the
applicatian for its �pproval.
�. The Plannin�; Director shall transmit the application, the propased plat� sub-
division, or dedication� and the respective reaammendations of the City En�ineer, Health
C�fficer, Buil�iing Snspectar� (and ather departanent heads) to the Secretary af the Planning
Commission prior to its re�lar meeting.
�, The Plannin�; C�ammission shall examine the pr�posed plat, subdivision, or dedi-
cation to ascertain whether it conforms to the reqnirements af the t�fficial, Plan ar any portion
6. Natice of public heara.n� on th� propased plat, subdivisian,� or dedicatian shall
be made b9 postin� three copies of the notice af the h�arin� in cans�aicuaus places withirz the
Cit;q and a like notice et� or ad�acent to the land graposed ta be platted or subdivided, in
which the tims and place of sur,h hearing is clearly indicated� al1 of which shall be posted
not less than ten days prior ta the hearin�.
7. The City Cauncil wi21 either tentatively approve ar withhold tentative approval.
of the proposed plat, subdivision� or dedicatian, wi.thin a perio� of b0 days after the �ity
C2e ric has received the application, and the prapased plat, subdivisians ar dedicat,�.on� to-
gether with a Iist of stzggested modifications� prepared in accor�ance �ith the pro�Tisions
herein eQntained, shall he retained in the files of the PlaPr�in?� Commission, and a copythereaf
shall be returned to the subdivider. A certificats of approval, or withholdin� approval�,
shall b� forwarded to each of the municipal officers that received � copy of the praposed
t�lat, subdi�*i sion or dedication.
8. If the proposed plat is approved by the City C�yuncil, the subdivider befare
requestin� final appresval, shall elec�� by a writ�en s�t,atement, tc� carry aut minimum amprove-
ments in accord�nce with the �rgvis�.ons of Section ? herein contained by the follc��a�.ng methods�
a. In lieu of the completion of the improvements as provided in Paragrap'h 8B�
hereinbelnw, a bond executed by a reputable suret� companya based on an estim2 te hZ� the City
�n�rineer, shall be furnishPd bq the su�divider in an amount equal to the cost of construction
af a1l such improvemen;ts, �he bond shall 'he subject t,o the eor�dition that the im�ravetnents
will t�e comple ted w�.thin 12 months after approval of the fin�l plat� and in �he event t�hat
they are not campleted, the City c�r an,y other cc�ntractor so hired �y ths City ma� praceed with
�Gha wark and hold the a*aner and the b4ndin�* campany jointly respons3.ble �or the total cost
thereof. As an alternative, the subdivider rnay deposit a certified check wi t�� and z�a,yable to
the Cit;� Treasurer, ir�t p1acQ �f a sur�i,y band in favor of the City.
b. By actual installatian of improvements in acc�rda nce witl� the provi�aans of
Section 7 herein cont�3.ned� and in accordance with the installation requirements and uzxier
the s��pervision af the �ity En�ineer.
c. Combina.tion of these methods speci.fied in 8 a and b above.
9. The City �n�inePr shall be advised of the subdivideris method af assuring
�erformance within twen�y da,ys after the proposed p2at, sul�divisiona ar dedication has re-
ceived '�Tentative Apbravalt` hy the Cit,y COlIi2CI.Z.
10�, The subdividsr may then make applica-t�ion for such permits from the Cit�r as
are necessary to praceed with the installation of improvementsd 6
11. Aftsr completion of all improvements, the City Fn�ineer and Health department
shall each submit a certificate in duplicate to the Plannin� �ommission stztin� whether sub-
divider has completed the rec�uired installation in accordance with the provisions of Section
7 herein cantained, and in accordance with installation standards of their respective depart-
ments. One copy of such certificate to the subdivider, to�ether with a notice advisin� him
to prepare a final plat for that portion of the area con-t,a3_ned in the pro��osed plat, subdivi-
sion or dedication in -hich minimum improuements have been installed and covered b,y the certi-
ficate issued by the City En�ineer, and the orininal shall be retained by the Planning Comm-
1?., The subdivider shall submit the final plat consistin� of the ori�inal and five
copies prepared in accordance with the provisians of Section 8 hereof� after its required im-
provements� if an,y, have been installed in accordance with the p rovisions of Section 7• The
final plat shall be transnitted to the Planning Director, who, in turn, shall transmit it to
the Planning Commission, and the �lannin� Commission shall rscommend either approval or dis-
approval of the plat or suhdivision within b� days af the date of filing said plat with the
Cit� Clerk �r return said plat or subdivision to the applicant for modification or correction�
unless the applicant in the meanti_me sha11 have filed written consent for a lon�er period with-
in which the Plannin� Commission is to act thereon.
13e TY� :'larmin7 Commission at a re?ular meetin� ma,y then approve and recommend to
the �ity Council the adoption of the f`inal plat and its secretary sha11 advise the City Clerk
of the action taken with respect thereto� and indicate said approval on the origina 1 and five
copies. A.fter final approval by the City Council the oridi.na7. and five copies of the final
plat shall be si�ned by the Ma,yor and the City C1erk and dultl distributed and filed for record.
��,CT70N l.�. ��neral Principles of Desipn and Mi.nimum Requirements for the La,yout Subdivisions:
In the planninn of a plat, subdivision, or dec�ication, the subdivider shall prepare his
proposed plat, in conformance with the followinp provisions:
A, Provisions of the Comprehensive Plan.
l. Land, which the Plannin� Commission has found to be unsuitable forsubdivision
due to flooding� bad drainage, steep slopes, rock formations, or other f�atures likely to be
harmful to the safet,y, welfare, and general health of the future residents, and the Planning
Commission considers inappropriate for subdivision, shall not be subdivided, unless adequate
m�thods a.re formulated by the subdivider and approved by the City Fngirieer,
2, Those areas of the City� where topographical slooes are 1� per cent or more�
sha.7_1 be divided in conformance with anq additional requirements� which the Planning Commiss-
ion shall provide to any subdivider within 30 days after receipt of this request� which shal.l
be accompanied bv a sketch map showin� location �f proposed pla t, subdivision,, or dedication.
Such ad�iitional requirements shall be secured from the appropriate departments by the Plan-
nin� Corrunission
3. '1'he proposed subdivision shall provide .for such requirements contained in the
official plans or portions thereof and development plans for the Cit,p of Ren ton.
1.4. The subdivider shall make availah�].e, for puhla.c acquisition, sur,h ].ands in the
area to be subdivided for parks play�rounds, and public t�.iildings as may be determined b,y the
B. Street and Block La�rout:
l. Shall conform to the most adv�nta�eous development of adjoining areas� and the
entirs nei�hhorhood, and shall provide amon� others the following:
a. Street continuity of appropriate streets and arterials.
b. Streets continuing to boundaries of tract iahere appropriate.
c. Streets generally followi.ng contour lines,
d. Streets intersectin� at ri�ht an�les, or as nearly �s possible.
e. Street jogs shall be avoided.
f. Nothing� l.e ss than full-width streets� and no boundary streets on the tract in
which the plat is located, unless required to �rovide ri�ht of wap for streets and arterials
desi�nated by the 0fficial Plar_ or portions thereof.
�. Alle,ys in business district at least 20 feet wide,
h. For residential lots frontin� on ma�or arterials only, either al�eys in the
rear, or s� rvice drives in front o
2. Blocks shall meet the followinP requirements:
a. The width of blocks shall provide for two tiers of lots which shall meet
the requirements of the zonin� ordinance and any amendments ther.eto.
b, The length of blocks shall not exceed 1,320 feet where the avera�e size of
lots dves not exceed two acres in area.
c. In any block exceeding 660 feet in length� walks or pedestrian ways at a mid-
block point sh�ll be required� when determined to be essential by the Planning Commission to
provide circulation or access to schools, playgrounds� shopping centers, etco; the right of
w�,y of which shall be at least ten feet in width, except as provided in Section 9B Y�reof.
d. The nwnber of streets intersecting with existing or proposed public hi�hways
as shown on the plan, as set forth in Section !;C and D below shall he held to � minimum.
ir.ihenever the topography and �ene.ral characteristi,cs of the 2rea to be platted requir� blocks
of more than 1,320 feet, such r�ason shaZl he listed and suppor ted by the desi�n of the pla.t�
sut�division, or dedication.
C. Ri�hts of Ta�a,y of Pi�hlic Highways, Road, Streets and Alle,ys:
l. Community Arterials:
a. Parktiia,ys, parkdrives, and boulevards shall be as specified by the Official
Plan, but not less th�n a hundred feet rieht of way in an,y case.
b. ���henever a limited access hiahway and approaches thereto are indic�ted by
the Official Plan, for future development� and the subdivider reserves or sets �side land for
possible sale as the ri�ht of way for such limited access hiehwav, such piec� of land shall
be in conformance with the Official Plan. Limited access hirhways sha11 be as specified by
the Off icial Plan but not less than 150 feet wide i.n any case.
c. Major strrets as specified by the Official Plan sh all not be less than 80
feet wide in any case, except as orc�vided in �ection 9B hereof,
2. Nei�h�orhood Streets:
a, Parkways, parkdrives, and boulevards shall be as specified by the Official
Plan but not less than �0 feet wide in any case.
b. Minor streets shall be as spec3 fied by the Official Plan hut not less than
60 feet �ride in arz,y c�seo
3. Resid�tial Str�ets, local Streets, Alle,ys and Service Drives:
a. Local Str�ets and dead-end streets which are not over �00 feet long shall
have a minimum of 50 feet. All dead-end streets shall termina te in a circul.�r turn around
d�sign havin� a minimum riaht of way diameter of 60 feet, unl.ess the Planning Commission
a�±proves � riTrf �d r�y�r Shaped paved space in the p],ace of the required turnin� circleo Ri�ht
of wav for the "T" or "Y" shall not bc less than K O fePt.
b. Allevs and service drives shall be a minimum of 20 feet,
c. Ezsements for utilities shall be provid�d a1on� rear lot lines and when pro-
vided alon� side lot lines, such easements shall he at l�ast 10 feet wide except �s provided
in Secti on 9B hereof. One half of the width of the easement shall re added to the minimum
lot width requirement.
l. Community Arterials:
a. Parkways, parkdrives, �nd rot�levards as shown on the Official Plan or port-
ions th�reof shall be a minimum of L�8 feet, not includin� curb or parking lanee
b, Major streets as shown on the �fficial Pl�n or portions thereof shall b� a
minimum of ��8 f�et� not includin? curb or parkin� lane.
2. Neiahborhood Streets:
�. Parkwa�r�:, parkdrives, and boulPvards as shown on the Offi.cial Plan or part-
�.ons there�f sha11 be a minimum of ?a� feet, not incluclinp_ curb or narking lane.
b. Minor street{� as shown on the Official Plan or portians thereof shall be a
min3.mum af 36 feet, not includin� curbs or parkin� lane,
3. �esiden tial Str.eets:
a. All loc�l streets and dead-end streets which are not over a00 feet in len�th
shall be a min-imum of 3� feet, not includin� curb or parkin� 12ne. The �avement of a turniz��
circle at t'�e end of a dead-end street shall have a minimum outsid� d?.amenter of 50 feet and
shall be at least 32 feet wir�e eXcept as nrovided in Seclion �B here.of.
b. .�lle,ys an:� s�r�rice drives shall re a min<<_mum of 20 feet.
E. �'rades and Curv�s--Streets and pedestrian T�Ta,ys:
1, �'Trades for Public �iiRhways an�l PAdestrian Ways:
a. Community Arterials.
(1) !�rades of Parkways, parkdriues, and boulevards as shown on the Offici�al
Plan or portions thereoi shall � not more than �i per cent where possibl�o
(2) �rades of major streets as shown on the Offirial Plan or portzons thereof
shall be not more th an 5 pe r c ent �rhere pos sible.
b. Neigh�orhood Streets.
(1) Grades of parkways, parkdrives and boulevards as shoran on t he Official
Plan or nortiens thereof sY�all be n�t more than 5 x�er cent where possible.
(2) CTrades of minor streets s�all be net more than � pe.r cent T�rhPre z�ossible,
c. Residential streets and �edestrian wa.ys.
(1) �rades of local streets, service drives, and alle�s sha�l be not more
tha.n 7 c�er cent where possible a
(2) �tra�es of pedestrian wa,ys or cresswalks shall �e not more than 10 per cent
unless steps desi�ned in �ccor�ance with ap:�roved standards of the City En�ineer are pro�rided
in t he pla ns.
d. A11 ch�n�es in street urades shall be oompleted �-�y vertical curves meeting
�he standards and requirements af the City Enryineer.
2, '�he radii of curvature on the center line shall not be less i�han the follo�.n�:
a. Community Arterials:
(1) Parkways� parkdrives an.d boulPvards shown as such as on the Official Plan
or portions thereof: 3�0 feet.
(2) Major streets as shown on the Official Plan or portions thereof; 200 feet.
b. Nei�hborhood streets:
(1) Parla�ray, parkdrives, and boulevards� as sh�wn on the Official Pl�n or
portions thereof: ?00 feet.
{2) Minor Streets as shown on the Official Plan or portions thereofl 1.00 fP.P_t.
c. B.esidential Streets:
(1) Local streets, service drives, and allevs shown on the Official Plan o r
portions thereof: 100 feeto
d. � tangent of at least 200 feet in len�th shall be provided between reverse
curves for community arterials, 1S0 feet for neighborhood streets and 100 fee t for residential
F. Intersections.
1. At street and all.ey intersections, property line corner� shall be rounded by an
arc, the minimum radii o�' which shall be 10 and 5 feet, respectively. In busir�ss districts
a chord ma,y b e substitu�ed for such arc.
2. Street curbs at intersections shall be rounded by radii of at least 20 feet,
�, Parkin� Stripso
l. Parkin� Strips shall be provided as required �y the City F.n�ineer.
Ho Stre�t Li�;htin�.
1. Street li�;htin� installations shall he located in reference to the dimension
of fu11 nr�wn trees and in accordance with the detercninations and standards of the City En�i-
I. Sidewalks.
l. Sidewalks servin� proposed commercial, shoppin� and retail 1_and uses shall bP
at least 12 feet wid�.
2. Sidewalks serving areas of proposed apartment houses, row housina, and ��rden
apar-tments sh�ll b� at le�st 8 feet wide, and sh�11 be located at least two feet from thc
property line and within the ri�ht of way,
3, Sidewalks serving areas proposed for single dwellin�; unit homes shall be at
least four feet wide and sh�ll be located at Zeast two �eet from the propert� line and within
the right of wa.y.
J. Lots.
l. Tr�e size, shape and orientation of lots shall he apz�ropriate for the J_ocation
of the proposed subdivision and for the t,ype of develo�nent contemplated. (See Section 7 A 5)b
2. Fxcessive dep th in relation to wi�lth shall be �voided,
3e Fvery lot shall abut on a public streeto
�. Lots for residence purposes nat abuttin� on bodies of �rater shall be at 7.east
60 feet wide at the buildin� lin�, in order to rermit complianc� with side ,yard requirements
of t,he zonin� ardinance and still be adequate for a ruildin� of practicable widths; lots for
residence purposes abuttinff on hodies of water shall be at least �0 feet wide at the building
line and shall be at least ��0 feet wide at the meander line i.n order tc x�ennit compliance with
side yard requirements of the zoning ordinance, and to provide adeauate innress and e�ress to
the body of water.
5. Lots, except corner lots, havin� fronta?e on two streets shall t�e avoided
ti�here bossible .
6. Side lot lines shall be ap��roximately at ri�ht angles to the right of way lirye
of th� str�et on which the lot faceso
7o Corner lots for residential use shall be platted wid�r than interior lots� and
shall confo rm to the requirements of the zoninff ordinance,
8. Residential lots fronting on community art�rials, sh�ll have extra dspth in
accordance with the provisions of Section 9 B 1 Ixreof.
9. The proposed plats, subdivisions� or dedications which include lot layout to
b� used for business purposes� shall be desi�ned to provide for a minimum of off-street parking
has�d upon the requirements of th� zonin� orriinance, and the buildin� and parld.ng are�s shall
he cle�rl,y indicat�d thereon, a.nd upon approval bv the ?lanninr? Commission� made a part of the
final plat.
SECTION S, Procedure for Subdivision of First Class Sh�relandso
r�neral. principles relatinp, to the procedure for the ant�roval of proposed pla ts, sub-
divisions, or dedications o�' first class shorelands, and 7_2nds lyin� between t� line of
ordinar,y hi�h w�ter and an established inner harhor line in navi?a?�le waters:
R. Procedure:
1. Suhmi_t a statement (Cri¢inal and five copies (�) to th� City Plannin� Commission
containin� the folloTain� information:
(a.) A statement describing the location of the lar,d as recorded in the County
Assessor's office, to�ether �,aith a vicinity sketch map showing the location of the land.
(b) A sta tement relatind to the proposed development of the subdivision require-
ments for 1and fill, if an��, waterwa,ys, moora�e, wharves, or other proposed improvements�
toaether with a map showina the location of the shorelan�s proposed to be subdivided, the
inner harbor lin�, line of nani�ahility, and thA line of ordin�r�r hi�h water.
(c) A statement showin� present ownership of the l�nd to b e subdi�Tided indi-
catin� the time and date of said c�wnership ,
(d) A statement indicatin�� and � map showin�� the proposed method of providin�
in�ress and e�ress to the uplands from t he shorelands.
2. The Plannin� Commission shall retain the orie�inal and shall distribute the re-
mainin� coryies to the proper ¢overnmental agencies.
SECTION 6, Requirements of the Proposed P7.�t:
(a) The proposed plat and ei{7ht (�) prints +,hereof shall be prepared by a
re�istered professional en�ineer or land surveyor� to which shall be attached a written
application addressed to the Planninp Commission reauestin� tentative approval of the pro-
posed plat.
(b) A vicinity sketch at the scale of not less than Ia00 feet� and not more
than 800 feet, to the inch shall accompany thc� proposed plat. The vicinity sketch map shall
show �11 adjacent subdivisions, streets, tract lines of acrea,=;�e parcels, with the nazr�s vf
owners of record af such parcels, It 5}lm'll.�. show how the streets and alleys in the proposed
subdivision may connect with existing and praposed streets and aJ_leys in nei�hborhin� sub-
divisions or unplatted propert,y to preduce the most advantageous cievel.opment faf the entire
(c) Horizont�l scale of the preli.minary plat shall be 200 _t'eet or ler�s to thc
:;_r�ch and the vertical scale of the streets and sewer prnfil�s shaZl be 20 feet, or less to
the i nc h.
(d) The proposec� plat as suhmitted to the Git,y Plannin� Commission sh�ll con-
t�ain a certifi.cate fror� the County Treasurer indicatin� that �11 taxes on said pronerty in-
cluded in the praposed plat, subdi�rision, or dedicatien, have been paid and a certi�ica.te
from the County Assessor indicatin� that all assessments on this nraperty� have been paid in
accc�rdance with a11 applicable lawso
(Pl The proposed plat, subdivision, ar dedic�t.�.�n sha�l cont�in the follcwi.ng:
(1.) A11 ma�s shall inc�icate the name of the nranesed nlat, subdivision or
(2) Al1 maps shall show the names of the su�divider and surve,yor or engine�r,
(3) A map sho�rin£7 thP tract clesinnation of the proposed plat, subdivision,
or dedicat�_an as shourn in the fil�s and recorc�s cf the County Auditor of the Courrt� of Kir�.
(l-1) A map showin� existin� monuments of recc�rdo
(K) A map shewing the names and addresses of owners of unplatted lands lyin�
cantiguous and adjacent to �he proposed plat, subdivision or ded5cation,
(6) A map sheT,�ri.n� the bound�ry lin�s, accurate and to scale, of the tract
to be subdszr�ded,
(7) ti map showin� the location, width� and names of all existin� or platted
streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the proposed development and other im-
porta.nt features, such as permanent buildin�s, w�ter co�zrses, power lines, tPlephone lines�
railroad lines, municip�l bc��ndaries, Yownship lines� and section linPs.
(�) A map showin� location, pipe sizes, anc? �rades of all exieting sewers�
water mains� culvPrts, electric�l concluits, telephone conduits, and ether underground in-
stall.ations within the tract and immediately acljacent thereto,
(9) � map shall he prepared showing cant ours with intervals af 10 feet or
l�ss referenced to eithPr the ?lnited States Coast and �eodetic �urvey datum, the plain coor-
c�inate s,ystem for tre �tate of T^r2shin��ton, or such other �overnmental datum acceptable to
the Cit,y Fngineer,
(10} A map showin� the la,yout of propos�d utility mains, st,reet riahts of
way lines, lot lines, alley and easement lines, shall be prep�red and ref�renced to the
T?nited State Coast and r7eodetic Surve,y datum, or the plain coordinate system for the state
of �rashin�ton such such datt�n acceptable t� the City Engir�eer.
(a) A la,yout shall be prepared showing the location and approximate sizes
of catch basins, culverts, ard other draina�e structu.res.
(11} � map shall be pr�pare� sho�iin� the plan of street li�hting.
(l�) A map shall be pr�pared showin� the nrofile and tentative pr�des of
Pach street.
(13) A drawin� shall be prP�a.red showin� the crb ss sections of each proposed
street, width of pavement, the location and width of sidewalks, and the location a.nd size
o f uti litv mains.
�7��.) Drawin�s shall be prepared showin� the pla.ns and profi]E s, �rades and
sizes ef proposed sanitary sewers, the method of sewa�e dispos�l, or a sewer plan in lieu of
such � sewer system.
(1�) A plan sha.11 be prepared showina the proposed water distri?:ution s,ystem,
pipe sizes and their gr�des and the location of valves and firP hydrants� or a.nother plan in
l.ieu of a w�ter distribution system plan.
(1F) A map shall be prepared showin� the proposed zonin� boundary lines� in-
dicatin� proposed uses of property� and including front ,yard, rear ya.rd and side yard require-
ments of the zonin� or,�inance,
(17) � map shall be prepared showing all parcels of land irrtended to tx in-
dicated or temporarily reserved to public use or to �e res�>rved in the deeds for the the com-
mon use of property owers of the subdivision with the purpose, cendition, or limitations of
such res��rv�tions clearly indicated.
(lfl) All maps shall show the date, scale� and the r�crth point.
(19) The prc�posed subdivision shall ha�Te attached �Go it copie� of any private
restr��_ctions nraposed to be included in the deeds. The subdi��ider� his at�ent, or en�ir�er
�re permitted to combine an,y of the aMove maps and drawinffs so as to show the pr��osed devel-
opment clearly and to expedi te the planninn of the proposed nlat, subdivision or dedication.
f, The proposed plat, subdivision, or dedication of lands contip�uous to, or
repres�ntin� a portion, of or all the fronta�e of a ?�od,y of water in which navi�ability,
inner hzrhor lines, and outer harbor lines have not �een dete�nined shall clearly show the
follobTin� featur�s a.nd information in addition to the provisi.ans nerein contained in Section
6 e hereof:
(1) A map shall � pre,pared showin� the proposed meander line, Tahich line
shall be located 20 horizont�l feet inland from the line of ordinar,y hi�h water and shall
be referenced ta m��nder 2ines heretofor locatede
(2) A map shall be prepared showin� the names of the owners of alI inundated
lands, and all uplands lyinn adjacent or continuous to the lan d proposed to be platt�d, sub-
divided, or dedicated,
(3) � map shall ?�e prepared ahowin� the land use re�ulations of the zoning
ordinance applicable to the land to be platted, subdivided, or dedicated� and the l.and lyin�
ad�acent and conti�uaus thereto.
(!�) A map shall he prepared showin� the proposed Taharf or dock line beyand
which no structures may b� erect�d, tagether with a statement containin� � nroposed decli c�tion
and the restriction of the uses of inundated lands and water lyinM be�ond the wharf or dock.
{�;) A map shall be prepared showing the lacation of all proposed monuments
which shnll be erected at the intersection of �11 lot lines and the meander line,
(6) A map shall be prepared showing the buildin� line for all structures�
and the buildin� line shall be est�blished �;0 horizontal feet upland f'rom a median 1 ine of
the meander line.
S�'CTTON 7. Procedure for Installin� Improvements and Devel.opin�; Standards Therefor.
�,. The Cit,y En�*ineer shzll prepare minimum installation materials, desi�ns, and con-
struct`on standards appropri�te to the locality, topography, soil conditions and geolo� of
the area in which the prcposed olat, sub diQision, or dedic�tion is to be deve)_oped and im-
proved, Said standards shall be maci� availahle toall subdiTaiders, or their surveyors and
en�ineers 10 da,ys after receipt of the x�roposed plat, subdivision, er dedication by the City
En�ineer from the Planning C�mmission. N�inimum improvements shall incl��c�e the followingt
l. S�reets shall be cons�rzeted to full wldth and surfaced in accordance to the
stan�ar ds and under the supervis�.on of the Citv Encineer,
2e Curbs and {?utters s�all be installed in accor�l�_nce witr the standa.rds and
�lr.der the supervision of the City Fnp,ineera
3. Sic�ew�lks shall be constructed on �th sides �f the street i.n accordance with
the standards and under the supervision nf the cit,y Fn�in�er.
!�. The water distribution system includint� the locations af fire hvdrant� shall
be desi�ned in accerdance �aith the standaa�ds �.nd installed �ander the supervision af the City
Fnrineer. Connections shall be orovided for Pach let.
�. The subdivision sh�ll be provided with � complete sanitary sewer s,ystem �t no
cost to the City provi�iing a pu�lic sewer main is l,yin� within 800 fe�t of the prepased sub-
�ivision. �h� sanitary syst�m sha11 be designed and installed in accordance with the stand-
ards and under the supervisicn of the City �%n�ir�eer, who shall char�e for insnection to sub-
divider, If a public sewer main is not located wi.thin 8"��0 fe�t of the proposed subdivision�
the subdivider may provide for priv�te disposal systems �s reo�.zired by the CityTs applicable
ordinances and the Seattle-Kin_r_. County Health Departmcnt,
5. Permanent monuments and other markers sha.11 �e erected and loca.ted and each
lot �hall h� stak�d in accordance with thP standards a.n� under the supervision of the City
SFC'I'ION 8. Requirements for the Final Plat.
The map of the final plat, subdivision, or dedication shall be su?xnitted to +.,he Planninp
Commission in the form herewith prescrih�d:
a. All doc�zments, maps, stirvey notes shall cont ain the aame of the sub division
to h� clearly referenced to it,
b. All documents, mans, survey nctes shall contain the name and ad�ress of
t�e s�abdivic�er and his surveyors or enaineer, or be cle�rl y referenced ta it,
c. The mao shall show the north point, scale, and date. (True an� magnetic
d. The map shall r�rcvide suitahle space for inscriptions of the �itv's
apnroval of tne final plato
e, The be�zndary lines with accixate dista.nces and bearinas, location and
width of all existing previousl,y recor ded public hinhways approachin� �nd intersecting the
boundaries of the subdivision shall �e Ghown on the map and referenced to the �?nited States
Coast and C�eodectic Survey iiatum or the plain coor�inate system ror the State af T�Tashin7ton,
an�/or acceptable data prescribed by t,h� City En�ineero
f. The ma� shall accurately show the roundar�r lines of all_ �arks and pla,y-
�ronnds and ri�hts ef �ray of all public hinh�,Tays cont2.irpd in t'��e plat, surdivision� or ded-
icatipn, and shall contain thereon, suitahly inscribed, and described, a statement. of dedi-
cation of tbese ri�?hts of Uray, playareunds, parks and ot�er necessary areas,
�r, The map shall s�ow the len�;th of a11 ares an�3 radii,
h. The map shall show a17. turnin� an�les, points of curvatures, and len�th
o�' tannents shall r� sc indicated,
i. Titie map shall shc�w the locati�n of all m�numents or UThich their si�es �nd
sha�e, and loc�tion are ind.icatedo
j. The error of encl_osure of ar.y and all traverses shal.l not excePd one foat
in four thc�usand feet.
k. ComplPte field and c�mputation no+�es show-i_n� ori�inal or re-established
cerners, Trith �?escrintion of the s�r+e; showin� true �earin�*s and dist.�nces to esta�-;lished
street l�nes and monuments, turnin�* annles, points of c,irz�ztures, 1_en�th of ta.n=�ents and the
actual traverse shoTaing error of enclosure and method of bal_an�in� ��r�_tr sketc%:es SY3oW12� all
distances, an�les ar.d calctzlations rectairec3 to �etermine ccrners �rCI (�1St�:'?CPS of +.he plat,
suhd?vj_s ion, or dedicatic+n.
SFCTLON �, jlariances.
�. Generall,y. The Planning Commission may recommend a variance subject to final app-
roval af the City Council from these re�ulations, when� in its o�in�an� undue hardship may
re�sult from strict c�mp7.iancp,� Zn �rrantin� any variance� the Plannin� Cor.imissi�n shall pre-
scribe onl�* conditions ti:at it deem� necessary to or desirable for the public interest, In
makin� its findin�s, �.s required hereinbelow, the Plar.nin� Commission shall take into account
the nature o:� the proposed use of land and the e xisting �as� of land in the vicinity, the
number of persans to reside or work in the proposed subdivision an� the probable effer.t of
the proposed subdivision upon traffic conditions in the vicinit,y, No v?rianee shal.l he
�ranted unless the Plannint- Com�nission f�nds:
lo Tha.t there are spe��ial cire��mstances �r cnnditions�said nro�erty such that
the strict application of the provisiens of this Orcl;na nce w�uld dearive '�•he a��licant� of
the reasonable ,_ise of his 7_and. � `
2. That the variance is necessar,y for the preser�ration and. �nj�yment of a sub-
st�.ntial nroper�t�r rinht of the pet�tioner.
3� `�hat the �r�.zltin� of the variance will not he ��etrimental to the z��arl.ic welfare
cr in;urious to other �roperty in the territory in Tahich s�id prepert,y is situ ated.
B. Complete Nei?h'�orhood. The Plannin� Commission ma,y rec�,nmena a varian�e from t,hese
re�u�ations in case ef a nZan �'or a comnlete community or nei��?�borhood w�ich, in the jud�nent
�f the �'lanninF Commission, nre�rides adeq�xate pu�lic spaces an� includes pro�ri.sions for effi-
cient circul.a.tion, li^�ht and air and other needse In makin� its f_indinns, as required ?�Pre-
in�elo7a, the Plannina Commission sh.all take into account the nature of the proposed �.zse of
land and the existin� i�se of lar.d in the vicinity, the nurnber c�f p�rsor_s to reside or work in
the proposed subdi�rision and t,�e pr;,�abZe effect o� thP proposed su'�division �a�on �raffi.� cnn-
ditions in the vicinity. The Plannino Commission shall find that: �
l, Trie proposed pr�ject will constitutP a desira��le and stable comm�anit�T develop-
r:en t.
2. The nroposPd project will �e in har+nony with a d�acent areas.
�. Applications required,
l. t�enerally. Application for any s�ach vari�nce sh�ll be su�m�tted in writing
by the su'�divider at the time when the preliminar�r plat is filed for the considerati.on of
the Plannin� Commission. The petition shall state f�ill,y the aro+tnds for t,he application
and a11 the facts relied upon b,y the petitiener.
2, Complete Neipht�erho�d. Application for any such �rariance shall he made �.n
writin�? b,y the subdivider at the time wnen the preli^�inary plat i� fi�.ed for the consideration
of the Plannin^� �ommission, st,a�inn fl�.11y and clearly all facts relied upon b,y the petitioner
and shall he supplemented t�rith maras, plans or. other additional data which may aid the Planning
Cormiission in tl^.e anal,ysis of the proposed nra�ect. The plans for s�ch c�evelepment sha11.
include such covenants, restrictions or other le�7a1 p.rovisions necessar,y to �zarantee the
full achi�vement of the Dlan,
tTpon petition for such varianc�s as above specified, the Plannin� Commission shall
nostpon� the time of recommEndation to the City Council of the proposed pla t, s«bdivision
or dedication fer not to exceed 30 days. The City Co�sncil, wit�in fifteen days after re-
ceiving the recommendation f'rom the Planninn Commission, shall review such recormnPndation
a.nd thereupon may concur, modify or reject any such recommendation of the Pla.nnins� Commission.
D. fixceptions.
1. After the Planning Commission receives the proposed plat, subdivzsion, or
dedica�tion from the subdivider, it ma�r recommend exceptions to the prozTisions contained
herein by requirin� a�y or all of the follot�ring:
a. Greater park and pla,y�round space in addition to the area included in the
Official Plan. However, in no case shall such additional areas represent more than twide
the amount spPcified in the Of_ficial Plan, except when the c�ff.icial zoninrr ordinance and
map or oroposed plat, subdivision or dedication proposes nir�her residential land use den-
sities than twice the existi,n� d�nsitiPs.
b. A reali�rnnent of a community arterial or neiah�orhoed street, as shown
cn the Official Plan so as te permit the subdivider to Fm�pa.re a k�etter arranaement af Icts,
residential streets and other publ�_c wa,ys, parks, and play7roundso
c. Tn c ases of excessi.ve tonoTra:�hical �rades of 1K� or more, crosswalk re-
nuirements mav '�e omitt�d,
d, In cases Tnrhere the view will tie deterred b,y polPs and wires, the easement
requirements for utilities ma�� be omitted, and in lieu thPreof, the �ztilities shall be in-
stalled in the street ri^�ht of wav.
• eo In case of a minor street �lon�* which the av�ra�e size of lots it two
�cres or mare, and tY� avera�;e street fronta�e of said lots is 200 feet or more, the sub-
divider ma,y be �ra nted permission to provide a pavement width less than that required for
minor streets not includin� curh, provid�d that stzch pavement width shall include at least
10 foot lanes.
f, In cases where the total of the minimum reauir�nents for side�ralk, parking
strip and pavement widths exceeds the minimum right of way .requirements, minimum riahts of
way required shall equal the total mini.mum requirement af the sirlewalk, parkin?strip and
pavement widths.
g. In cases where the lots of a subdivision face a cammunity arterial including
such public hi�hw�rs as are provided in Section !�C 1 Y�reof, the reguirements for the de�th
of said lot s may bP increased in an amount not to e xceed 20 feet.
SFCTION 10. Penalti es.
lk.ny person or persons, f`irm or firms, or ariy one, or more corporations at various and
successive times, or at any one time af'ter adoption of the or�iinance havin� pla.tted, sub-
divided or divided into smaller parts, any parcel of land or property into five or more such
lots, plot s, tracts, or smaller parts, the area of each of which i.s [ acres or less, for
purposes of provi:iin+� buildin� sides, now, cr at any time hence, held in one ownership, either
b,y contract for purchase, by deed or hy both, an�i who has ne�le cted or failed to comply with
th� provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdeamnor and upon conviction thereof
shall be surject to a f`i.ne in any sum not to exceed one hundred dollars ( �100) for each of
said lots, tracts, �r small p�rts, or imprisonment in the city jail for a period not to ex-
ceed 30 days, or �* both such £ine and imprisonment, and whoever, bein� the owner or a�ent of
the owner, of any land located �rithin a ola t or subdivision containing five or more such lots,
plots, tracts, or small parts, transfers, or sells, or a�rees to sell, or option any land by
reference to, or exhi�ition of or by any other use of a plat, or map of a subdi�rision, before
such plat or map has been approved t�y the City or County authority h�vin� jurisdiction �ereof,
and before the same has been filed for record in the office o.f the appropriate county audit,or,
sha11, �_n �ddition to any ot her pen�lties provided for herein, forfeit and pay a penalty of
not to e xceed one hundred (�1001 dollars for each lot, or parcel se transferred, or sold, or
a�reed or optioned to �e sold, and the description of such lot by metes and bounds in the
instrument of transfer, agreeing or optioning, shall not exempt tl� transac�ion from such
penalty. ThP Pl�nning Commission or the City Eneineer ma,y initiate an action to enjoin such
transfer, sale, a�reement, or option by makin� applicat ion for an injunction in the �une rior
Ccurt; and/or Plannina Commission or City Engineer ma,y recover said penalty for the City of
Renton by a civi]_ action in �xiy court of compet�nt jurisdiction.
S�'CTION lla Conflict.
Ordinances No. lOI;K and No. 1351 and any and all other orc�inances or parts of ordinances
in conf'lict he rewith are hereby repealed.
SFCTTON 1?_. Validity.
Should any sectian, suh5ection, para�raph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance
be dec7.�red uncomstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall_ not affect the
valiciity of the remaininR portions of this Ordinanceo
S�'CTI�N 13,, Tit1� of �rdinance.
This Ordinance shall be known as the "P1_attin;� and Subdivision Ordinance".
SrCTION 11r. Effective nate.
This Ordinance sha.11 be in full force from and after its passage� apr�ro��al and legal
publication as nrot�ided by law.
PASSED BY T?�F; ��ITY COTJ�CIL this �,�, day of ��-' , 1958.
U '
F.T�. �LrXAN�E�, Cit�s Clerk
A?'P�0�IE D Ft�' ^'�iE MAYOR t hi s �� d�y of �y� � 1958
✓ y�
JOF R,. �XTER, Ma�,yor
�kpproved as to form:
raerard TM�. Ghellan, Cit,y Attorne,y
♦ • . ;
SECTION 12. Validity.
Should any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of
this ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such
decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance,
SECTION 13. Title of Ordinance.
This ordinance shall be known as the "Platting and Subdivision Ordinance".
S"ACTION 14. Effective Date.
This Ordinance shall be in full force from and after its passage, approvals
and legal publication as provided by law.
PASSED BY ]THE CITY COTJYCIL this ;9� ?- day of , 1958.
exander, City Clerk
Approved as to form:
Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney