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03043 - Technical Information Report
� �`� �!�i J��' � �✓ "/ � TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT m � Highpointe II Subdivision Intersection of N.E. 12th Street and Shelton Avenue N.E. Renton, Washington Prepared for: K.B.S. III, L.L.C. July 30, 2002 REV lSED D£G.q,20 o Z ' �\'�K' 6q � Q. �oF w F' � � 25672 l�j .c���s���p���� I2-q�o Z� EXPIRES -2 --U 304�3 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. PROJECT OVERVIEW II. CONDTTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUNIlvIARY III. OFF-STTE ANALYSIS Upstream Drainage Analysis Task 1-Study Area Definition and Maps Task 2 - Resource Review Task 3 -Field Inspection Task 4 -Drainage System Description and Problem Screening Off-site Analysis Drainage System Table Downstream Drainage Map N. FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALTTY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN � Existing Site Hydrology Developed Site Hydrology Drainage System Design V. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN VI. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES VII. OTI�R PERMITS VIII. ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN IX. BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES AND DECLARATION OF COVENANTS X. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL EXHIBITS EXHIBIT 1 VICINTTY MAP EXH7BTT 2 PRELIlVIINARY SITE PLAN EXHIBIT 3 SCS SOII,S MAP EXHIBTT 4 FEMA MAP EXHIBIT 5 EXISTING CON'DITIONS I�1AP EXHIBIT 6 DEVELOPED CO?VDITIONS �P APPENDIX KING COL':�1TY DRAINAGE BASLv MAP SENSITNE AREAS MAP FOLIO (LANDSLIDE VIAP, SEISMIC MAP, EROSION MAP, COAL?vIINE MAP, STREAMS, AND 100-YEAR FLOODPLAII�NLAP, WETLAND MAP) I. PROJECT OVERVIEVV Project: Highpointe II- 12-Lot Subdivision Site Area: 156,380 square feet(3.59 acres) Site Location: The site is located within the City of Renton on the north side of N.E. 12th Street adjacent to the T-intersection of Shelton Avenue N.E. and N.E. 12th Street. The site is also located within a portion of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Secrion 4,Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, City of Renton, King County,Washington(see Exhibit 1, Vicinity Map). Existing Adjacent Development: Existing property adjacent to the site includes: North: Single-family residential South: Single-family residential East: Single-fanuly residential West: Single-family residential Pre-Development Site Conditions: The existing site contains one existing residential home which will remain as part of the development of the project. The topography of the site is generally flat, with grades ranging from approximately one-half percent to two percent sloping from the south to the north. Existing ground cover consists of mostly grass lawn,pasture and some brush and scattered ornamental trees. Post-De�elopment Site Conditions: The proposed project consists of the development of 12 single-family lots served by a new 32-foot-wide paved,public roadway section extending from the proposed new public roadway extension by Honey Creek Hill from Sunset Boulevard. Runoff patterns in the post-developed condition of the site will be similar to pre-developed conditions. Surface runoff from the paved public access road will be collected by catch basins and underground pipe,then conveyed to an open combined weddetention pond for treatrnent and detention. Building roof drains will be tightlined to the detention facility. e:\bcelmisc�n.766 IL CONDITIONS AND REQUIREME�ITS SUMMARY Core Requirement No.l-Discharge at the Natural Location: On-site infiltration tests completed by the geotechnical engineer for the Highpointe II Subdivision have confirmed that the on-site soils are unsuitable for infiltration. Based on this information,all new impervious surface areas will be collected and conveyed to a new detention facility. Surface water runoff from the proposed paved public and private access roads and lots will be conveyed to an above ground combined weddetention pond for detention and treatment and will then discharge to the storm system in the new public street. Stormwater runoff from the proposed building roof drains and driveway areas will be conveyed to the detention pond by tightlined storm pipe. Core Requirement No.2- Off-Site Analysis: See Section III for a detailed description of the off-site analysis. Core Requirement No.3 -Flow Control: See Section IV for a detailed description of the proposed flow control measures. Core Requirement No.4-Conveyance System: The proposed conveyance system will consist of catch basins and underground storm pipe which will collect and convey surface water runoff from the new public and private paved access road and lots to an open combined weddetention pond. Core Requirement No. 5 -Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control: Prior to any clearing or grading of the site,a temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan will be designed and approved in accordance with City of Renton development standards. The TESC plan is included with the roadway and utility improvement plans prepared for construction plan submittal. Special Requirement No.l-Other Adopted Area Specific Requirements: The project is not located in a designated critical drainage area or in an area included in an adopted master drainage plan, lake management plan or shared facility drainage plan. The project is located in the Puget Sound Basin and May Creek Subbasin,but is not subject to any specific drainage requirements. Special Requirement No.2-Floodplain/Floodway Delineation: The project is not located in or near a stream,lake,or wetland. Therefore,no floodplain or floodways exist on or adjacent to the project site. Special Requirement No.3-Flood Protection Facilities: The project is not located within a floodplain or a floodway and therefore no flood protection facilities are required. Special Requirement No.4-Source Control: The proposed project is a 12-lot residential subdivision and is therefore not subject to the canditions of this requirement. Special Requirement No.5 -Oil Control: A spill control device has been incorporated into the final design of the stormwater system for the public access road improvements to collect and contain oil and other floatable containments. e:\bce�misc1m.766 III. OFF-SITE ANALYSIS TASK 1-STUDY AREA DEFII�TITIO'.�T A�1D MAPS The 3.59-acre project site is located on the north side of N.E. 12th Street,adjacent to the T-intersection of N.E. 12th Street and Shelton Avenue N.E. The project site is located within the Puget Sound Drainage Basin and the May Creek Subbasin, as defined in the King County Basin Reconnaissance Program Summary. Please refer to the King County Drainage Basin Map in the Appendix of this report. Upstream Drainage Analysis: From field inspection and review of the topographic survey prepared for the project, the site does not receive any upstream tributary runoff except for a small amount of surface runoff from a portion of the Highpointe I Short Plat property located south«-est of the site. TASK 2-RESOURCE REVIEW Please refer to the Appendix for additional exhibits and information related to the following items: Subbasin Drainage Basins: The site is located in the Puget Sound Basin and May Creek Subbasin area. Please refer to the King County Drainage Basin in the Appendix. Community Plan: The site is Located in the Newcastle Community Planning area. Please refer to the community planning area map in the Appendix. Basin Reconnaissance Summary Report: The King County Basin Reconnaissance Summary for the May Creek Subbasin is not included in the Appendix since it is not discussed in the Basin Reconnaissance Manual. Sensitive Areas Map Folio: The King County Sensitive Areas Map Folio confirm that the site is not located in hazard areas such as landslide, seismic, and erosion, and the site does not contain any wetlands, streams or 100-year floodplains. Please refer to the Sensitive Areas Map Folio in the Appendix. Wetlands Inventory: According to the King County Sensitive Areas Map Folio for wetlands,there are no wetlands located on or near the project site. SCS Soils Survey: Based on review of the SCS Soils Survey Map, the on-site soils generally consist of Alder«�ood gravelly sandy loam(AGC). Please refer to the SCS Soil Survey'Vlap, Exhibit 3. Drainage Complaints: Based on discussions with City of Renton Public �Vorks Staff, there are no �:nown draina;e complaints w�ithin the project site area. e:\bce�misc1m.766 TASK 3 -FIELD INSPECTION Based on a detailed site visit, it was confirmed that the existing site curreutly contains one e�sting residential home, with a gravel driveway. Existing site grades are generally flat with grades gently sloping from the south to the north at approximately 0.5 percent to 2 percent. Existing vegetation on the site consists of several deciduous trees and grass lawn around the residential home, with the remainder consisting of open grass pasture with some brush and scattered trees. A cyclone fence is located along portions of the perimeter of the site. From field oUservations, the site does not have a defined discharge point for stormwater runoff. TASK 4-DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION An�D PROBLEM SCREEVING Drainage System Description: Please refer to the Drainage System Table and Downstream Drainage Map in this report. As previously indicated, on-site grades are relatively flat with grades sloping from the south to the north at slopes of approximately one-half percent to two percent. After discharging off site,drainage flows continue by sheetflow generally in a northerly direction for approximately 500 feet, eventually entering the existing drainage system on the south side of N.E. Sunset Boulevard and then drains in an easterly direction through exisring catch basins and culverts for approximately one-quarter mile. From here, drainage flows enter a Type 2 catch basin and flows north across N.E. Sunset Boulevard. Flows then continue north through an underground storm system for approximately 400 feet, ultimately discharging into Honey Creek. Based on field inspection,there were no observed downstream drainage capacity problems or noticeable erosion control problems within the downstream drainage system. e:\bce�misc1m.766 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DR.AINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Surface Water Design Manual, Core Requirement #2 u l��v ��,�F'r �� Basin� ��p� � / E Q Subbasin Name: T � � Subbasin Number: �t�..�o.r; � �-,.,��„ � „�\.:p ;-t:�, �:..:n {.:.:.. 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Please refer to the infiltration recommendations report prepared by Earth Consultants,Inc.,included within this report which indicates that the site soils are not adequate for infiltration. The detention and water quality treatment system will be designed for a 100 yeaz/24 hour storm event,in accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Drainage System Design: See attached detention and water quality treatment sizing calculations for the project site. e:\bce�misc1m.766 7/30/02 3 : 39 : 29 pm Shareware Release page 1 Highpointe Short Plat � DETENTION SIZING CALCULATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: Al NAME: 2YR/24HR PRE-DEV. SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 3 . 70 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE . . . . : KC24HR PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 3 . 60 Acres 0 . 10 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 85 . 00 98 . 00 TC. . . . : 40 . 57 min 40 . 57 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 440 . 00 ns : 0 . 1300 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0150 PEAK RATE : 0 . 39 cfs VOL: 0 . 25 Ac-ft TIME : 490 min BASIN ID : A2 NAME: lOYR/24HR PRE-DEV. SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 3 . 70 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE . . . . : KC24HR PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 3 . 60 Acres 0 . 10 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 85 . 00 98 . 00 TC. . . . : 40 . 57 min 40 . 57 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 440 . 00 ns : 0 . 1300 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0150 PEAK RATE: 0 . 83 cfs VOL: 0 . 47 Ac-ft TIME : 490 min BASIN ID: A3 NAME: 100YR/24HR PRE-DEV. SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 3 . 70 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs ' RAINFAI,L TYPE . . . . : KC24HR PERV IMP ' PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 . 90 inches AR.EA. . : 3 . 60 Acres 0 . 10 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 85 . 00 98 . 00 ' TC. . . . : 40 . 57 min 40 . 57 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 440 . 00 ns : 0 . 1300 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0150 , PEAK RATE : 1 . 39 cfs VOL: 0 . 74 Ac-ft TIME : 480 min BASIN ID: A4 NAME: 2YR/24HR POST-DEV. ' SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 3 . 70 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : KC24HR PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 2 . 30 Acres 1 .40 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 86 . 00 98 . 00 , TC. . . . : 10 . 00 min 10 . 00 min � ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L : 440 . 00 ns : 0 . 1300 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0150 PEAK RATE : 1 . C6 cfs VOL: 0 . 37 Ac-ft TIME : 480 min 7/30/02 3 : 39 :29 pm Shareware Release page 2 � Highpointe Short Plat DETENTION SIZING CALCULATION , --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- BAS IN SLTMMA.RY BASIN ID: A5 NAME: lOYR/24HR POST-DEV. SBUH METH�DOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 3 . 70 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPE. . . . : KC24HR PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 2 . 30 Acres 1 . 40 Acres '� TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 86 . 00 98 . 00 �I TC. . . . : 10 . 00 min 10 . 00 min �, ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 440 . 00 ns : 0 . 1300 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0150 I PEAK RATE : 1 . 82 cfs VOL: 0 . 61 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min I BASIN ID: A6 NAME : 100YR/24HR POST-DEV. SBUH METHODOLOGY ' TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 3 .70 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs ' RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : KC24HR PERV IMP ' PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 2 . 30 Acres 1. 40 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 86 . 00 98 . 00 � TC. . . . : 10 . 00 min 10 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF : 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 440 . 00 ns : 0 . 1300 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0150 PEAK RATE: 2 . 71 cfs VOL: 0 . 90 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min ', BASIN ID: A7 NAME: 1/3 2YR/24HR WATER QUALITY SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 3 . 70 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : KC24HR PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 0 . 67 inches AREA. . : 2 . 30 Acres 1.40 Acres TIME INTERVAL . . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC. . . . : 10 . 00 min 10 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 PEAK RATE: 0 . 17 cfs VOL: 0 . 07 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min 7/30/02 3 : 39 :29 pm Shareware Release page 3 Highpointe Short Plat DETENTION SIZING CALCULATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY PEAK TIME VOLUME HYD RUNOFF OF OF Contrib NUM RATE PEAK HYDRO Area cfs min. cf\AcFt Acres --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 1 0 . 190 900 16106 cf 3 . 70 2 0 . 785 520 26730 cf 3 . 70 3 1 . 388 510 39132 cf 3 . 70 4 0 . 178 1010 16105 cf 3 . 70 5 0 . 587 540 26729 cf 3 . 70 6 1 . 204 520 39131 cf 3 . 70 7/30/02 3 : 39 : 30 pm Shareware Release page 4 � Highpointe Short Plat DETENTION SIZING CALCULATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- STORAGE STRUCTURE LIST STORAGE LIST ID No. 1 Description: INITIAN DETENTION POND S_TORAGE LIST ID No. 2 Description: FINAL DETENTION POND 7/30/02 3 : 39 : 30 pm Shareware Release page 5 Highpointe Short Plat DETENTION SIZING CALCULATION I STAGE STORAGE TABLE CUSTOM STORAGE ID No. 1 II Description: INITIAN DETENTION POND ' i STAGE <---STORAGE----� STAGE <----STORAGE----> STAGE <----STOI'cAG&----> STAGE <----STORAGE----> (f:} ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- 426.30 0.0000 0.0000 427.50 2521 0.0579 426.70 5401 0.1240 429.90 8442 0.1938 426.40 193.43 0.0044 427.60 2754 0.0632 428.80 5645 0.1296 430.00 8698 C.1997 426.50 386.66 0.0089 427.70 2967 0.0686 428.90 5890 0.1352 430.10 8998 0.2C66 426.60 580.29 0.0133 427.80 3220 0.0739 429.00 6135 0.1408 430.20 9298 0.2135 426.70 773.71 0.0178 427.90 3454 0.0793 429.10 6391 0.1467 430.30 9598 0.2203 426.80 967.14 0.0222 428.00 3687 0.0846 429.20 6648 0.1526 430.40 9698 0.2272 426.90 1161 0.0266 426.10 3932 0.0903 429.30 6904 0.1585 430.50 10198 0.2341 427.00 1354 0.0311 428.20 4177 0.0959 429.40 7160 0.1644 43Q.60 1049B 0.2410 427.10 1587 0.0364 428.30 4421 0.1015 929.50 7417 0.1703 430.70 10'l98 D.2479 427.20 1821 0.0418 428.40 4666 0.1071 429.60 7673 0.1761 430.80 11098 0.2548 427.30 2054 0.0472 428.50 4911 0.1127 429.70 7929 0.1820 430.90 11398 0.2617 427.40 2267 0.0525 428.E0 5155 C.1L84 429.60 &185 0.1879 431.00 1:69n 0.25A5 �� 7/30/02 3 : 39 : 30 pm Shareware Release page 6 Highpointe Short Plat DETENTION SIZING CALCULATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- STAGE STORAGE TABLE CUSTOM STORAGE ID No. 2 Description: FINAL DETENTION POND STAGE <----STOR:,3�----> STAG3 <----STOF_�GE---> 5^AGE �----ST02AGE----> S�AGE <----STOF.A��---> (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- lft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- {ft) ---c[--- --AC-Ft- (ft;• ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- 426.30 O.OD00 0.0000 427.SD 3151 0.0723 426.70 6751 0.1550 429.90 10553 0.2423 426.40 291.86 0.0056 427.6D 3443 0.0790 428.60 7057 0.1620 430.00 10873 0.2495 426.50 483.71 0.0111 427.70 3734 0.0857 426.90 7363 0.1690 430.10 11203 0.2572 426.60 725.57 0.0167 427.60 4026 0.0924 429.00 7669 0.1761 430.20 11533 0.2646 426.70 967.43 0.0222 427.90 4317 0.0991 429.1Q 7989 0.1834 430.30 11663 D.2723 426.80 1209 0.0278 428.00 9609 O.lOSB 429.20 8310 0.1908 430.40 12193 0.2799 42fi.40 1451 0.0333 426.10 4915 0.1128 429.30 8630 0.1981 43D.50 12523 0.2875 427.00 1693 0.0389 426.20 5221 0.1199 429.40 8951 0.2055 430.60 12853 0.2951 427.10 1985 0.0456 428.30 5527 0.1269 429.50 9271 0.2128 430.70 13183 0.3026 427.2D 2276 0.0523 428.40 5833 0.1339 429.60 9591 0.2202 430.80 13513 0.3102 427.30 2568 0.0589 428.50 6139 0.1409 429.70 9912 0.2275 430.90 13843 0.3178 427.40 2859 •�.0656 428.ED 6445 C.146D 429.80 1G232 0.2349 431.00 14173 0.3254 � _ 7/30/02 3 : 39 : 30 pm Shareware Release page 7 �II Highpointe Short Plat , DETENTION SIZING CALCUL,ATION ' --------------------------------------------------------------------- ' --------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCHARGE STRUCTURE LIST , MULTIPLE ORIFICE ID No . 1 ' Description: CONTROL STRUCTURE Outlet Elev: 426 . 30 Elev: 424 .20 ft Orifice Diameter : 2 . 1504 in. Elev: 428 . 70 ft Orifice 2 Diameter: 6 . 3164 in. 7/30/02 3 : 39 : 30 pm Shareware Release page 8 � Highpointe Short Plat DETENTION SIZING CALCULATION ' _____________________________________________________________________ � STAGE DISCHARGE TABLE MULTIPLE ORIFICE ID No. 1 Description: CONTROL STRUCTURE Outlet Elev: 426 . 30 Elev: 424 . 20 ft Orifice Diameter : 2 . 1504 in. Elev: 428 . 70 ft Orifice 2 Diameter : 6 . 3164 in. STAGE <--DISCHARGE---> STAGE <--D:SCI-WRGE---> STAGE <--DISCI-:ARGE---� STAGE <--JISC:�iARGE---> (ft) ---cfs-- ------ (ft) ---cfa-- ------- fft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- 426.30 0.0000 427.50 0.1375 426.70 0.1945 429.90 1.4241 426.40 0.0397 427.60 D.1431 428.80 0.5408 430.00 1.4758 426.50 0.0561 427.70 0.1485 428.90 0.6865 430.10 1.5257 426.60 0.0687 427.80 0.1537 429.00 0.7992 430.20 1.5738 426.70 0.0794 427.90 D.1587 429.10 0.8947 430.30 1.6205 426.80 0.0887 428.00 D.1636 429.20 0.9793 430.40 1.6657 426.90 0.0972 428.10 0.1684 429.30 1.0560 430.50 1.7D97 427.00 0.1050 428.20 0.1730 429.40 1.1268 430.60 1.7526 427.10 0.1122 428.30 0.1775 429.50 1.1929 430.70 1.7944 427.20 0.1190 428.40 0.1818 429.60 1.2551 430.80 1.8352 427.30 0.1255 428.50 0.1861 429.70 1.3141 430.90 1.8750 427.40 0.1316 428.60 0.1903 429.80 1.3703 431.00 1.9140 7/30/02 3 : 39 : 33 pm Shareware Release page 9 Highpointe Short Plat DETENTION SIZING CALCULATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL POOL TABLE SJMMARY MATCH INFLCW -STO- -DIS- c-?EAK-� OUTFLOW STORAGE I <—------DESCRIPTION---------> (cfs) (cfs) --id- --id- <-STAGE> id (cfs) VOL (cf) II ____________________________________________________________________��____�___`�_____ � 2YR/24HR ROUTING ... . . .. ...... 0.19 1.06 1 1 428.59 1 0.19 5143.24 cf I�I lOYR/24FII2 ROLiTING .. .... ...... O.B3 1.62 1 1 428.99 2 0.79 6104.46 cf �i 1DOYR/24HR ROUTING . .. .. ...... 1.39 2.71 1 1 429.B3 3 1.39 8271.58 cf�-'�5�O� ��� 3 3� �� 2YR/24HR FINAL . .. . . .. .. ...... 0.39 1.06 2 1 428.32 4 0.18 5578.70 cf ^ �''. _OYR/24HR FINAL .. . . .. .. .. .... 0.83 1.82 2 1 428.83 5 G.59 7153.98 cf I iOCYR/24HR FINA_. . .. .. . . .. . . .. _.39 2.71 2 1 429.52 6 1.e0 932?.25 cf I DETE\TTION/�'�'ATER QUALITY STAGE STORAGE TABLE Elevation Area V �V Ft. Sq. 423 660 0 0 424 1,098 879 879 425 1,608 1,353 2,232 426.3 2,378 1,993 4,224 Water Quality Volume 427 2,844 1,693 1,693 428 2,988 2,916 4,609 429 3,132 3,060 7,669 430 3,276 3,204 10,873 Detention Volume e:lbce�misc1m.766 . VF'ATER QUALITY VOLLmZE SIZING CALCtiLATIONS The water quality for this project is designed as a wet pond based on the following criteria: 1. The design water surface area in the wet pond shall be a minimum of one percent of the impervious surface area in the drainage subbasin. Total Impervious Area: 1.4 Acres =60,984 square feet Wet Pond Surface Area Required:61 D�square feet Wet Pond Surface Area Provided:2.37Bsquare feet 2. The design volume of the���et pond shall be a minimum of the total volume of runoff from the tributary subbasin proposed developed condition using a water quality design storm event having a total I precipitation of one-third of the two year/24 hour total precipitation. I Total Volume Water Quality Required: 3,049 cubic feet(See Basin A7 calculation) Total Volume Water Quality Provided: 4,22� cubic feet e:lbce�misc1m.766 . V. CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Conveyance system calculations for the project are included in this report. VI. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES No special reports or studies have been prepared or required for the project. VII. OTHER PERMITS The pernuts required for this project include 1.)preliminary plat approval,2.)construction plan approval for roadway, storm drainage and utilities, and 3.) final plat approval. VIII. ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN As part of the final construction plan submittal, a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan will be prepared in accordance with City of Renton Design Standards using the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Erosion control measures will include a temporary construction entrance, mirafi filter fence located along the perimeter of the site at low areas, temporary drainage ditches and rock check dams, and a temporary sediment trap to collect and filter surface water runoff during the construction phase. IX. BOND QUANTITIES,FACILITY SUMMARIES AND DECLARATION OF COVENANTS A Bond Quantity Worksheet, Facility Summary, and Declazation of Covenant will be prepared as required during the final design phase of the project for submittal to the City with the final construction documents. X. OPERATIONS AI��MAINTENANCE MANUAL An Operations and Maintenance Manual will be prepared for the project's storm drainage system as part of the final construction plan preparation and final Technical Information Report. e:lbcelmisc1m.766 . • !, HIGHF'OIN1E2.x15 � BARGHAUSCN CONSULTING ENGWEERS-PIPE FLOW CALCULATOR usinp ihe Itational Method&MOnninp Formula KING COUNTY DESIGN FOR 25 YEAR STORM JOB NAM[�. HIGHPOIME II NOTE:ENTER DEFAUlTS AND STORM DATA BEFORE BEGINNING DATE: 12/10/2002 DEFAULTS C= 0.9 n= 0.014 FILE/: NIGHPOINfE2.XLS JJACOBS/MYDOCS d= 12 Tc� 6.3 A-Contrlbuflnp Area(Ac) 61d=Deslpn Flow(ch) COEFFICIENTS FOR THE RATIONAL METHOD'1r"�BUATION C=Runoff Coefflclent 9f=Full Copoctty Flow(cfs) STORM Ar Br TC-Tkne o}Conce�trotlon(min) Vd=Velocity of Desipn Flow(fps) 2YR 1.58 0.58 ' 1=Inten5lfy Uf Tc(In/M) Vf=VelocMy af Full Fbw(fps) IOVR 2.44 0.64 PRECIP� 3.4 d=qometer of Pipe(In) s=Slope of pipe(%) 25YR 2.66 0.65 Ar. 2.66 L=Lenpih of Plpe(tt) n-Morvunp RouqMiea Coefficient 50VR 2.75 0.65&_ 0.65 D�Woter Depth ot Qd(In) Tt.Travel Tlme at Vd(min) 100YR 2.61 0.63 �, FROM TO A s L d Tc n -C:` SUMA A•C SUMA'C 1 9d 9f Od/9f D/d D Vf Vtl Tt �.."' ��'..' -z:..�.:"`������� ��'......--`----�. ���«a .-�-:a --s�"�•������ .�a�- --�.�. �_�a.. .��e� .v..:. .a:--��----a----. ._ CBIO CB9 0.08 0.50 156 12 6.3 0.014 0.9 0.08 0.07 0.07 2.73 020 2.34 0.084 0.100 2.33 2.98 1.70 1.53 CB9 EXCBS O.Q3 1.56 209 12 7.8 0.014 0.0 0.11 0.03 010 2.37 023 4.13 0.057 0.163 1.95 5.26 2.82 124 EXCBS CB8 OAE 0.80 45 12 0.1 0.014 0.55 1 05 0.52 0.62 2.16 1.33 2.96 0.449 0.471 5.65 3.77 370 0 20 C88 CBS 026 O.BO 55 12 9.3 0.014 0.9 1.31 0.23 0.85 2.13 1.81 2.96 0.611 0.568 6.82 3.77 3.96 0.23 C87 CB6 0.56 1.43 156 12 6.3 0.014 0.9 0.5C 0.50 0.50 2J3 1.39 3.95 0.348 0.408 4.89 5.04 4.60 0,57 CB6 CBS 0.74 1.00 43 12 6.9 0.014 0.9 1.3 0.67 t.IJ 259 3.02 3.31 0.915 0.746 8.96 421 4.76 0.15 CBS CB4 0.16 1.00 77 15 9.5 0.01a 0.9 0.16 0.14 2.1C 2.09 4.53 6.00 0.755 0.649 9.73 4.89 5.38 0.24 C84 CB3 029 2.C2 79 15 9.7 0.014 0.9 0.45 026 2.43 2.06 4.99 10.25 0.487 0.493 7.39 8.36 8.35 016 C83 CB2 0.00 2.02 96 15 9.9 0.014 0.0 0.45 0.00 2.43 204 4.94 10.?5 0.482 0.490 7.35 8.36 8.34 0.19 CBII CB12 0.10 0.50 100 12 6.3 0.014 0.9 D.1 0.09 0.09 2.73 025 2.34 0.105 0220 2.64 2.98 1.92 0,87 C812 C82 0.15 0.50 102 12 7.2 0.014 0.9 0.25 0.14 0.23 2.51 0.57 2.34 0.242 0.334 4.00 2.98 2.45 0.69 C82 POND 0.32 2.91 23 IS 10.1 0.014 0.9 0.32 0.29 2.94 2.01 5.91 10.23 0.578 0.545 8.17 8.34 8.62 Ofkt F'O�f�I � � HIGHPOINTE II (Q�s�� p����r�o !��}P ��„4�� ���� � � Fq1Np TAGf W 1E10 � g � SED79�17'E 519434' I � 7 2 . �T 1��pF , s I.10Q6Y �, A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE S.E. 1J4 SEC. 4, T.23N, R.5E, W.M., � - , ; p�,1 �R,�^'��wTM , o „��;.-M�=°°-;��, .� �' KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON -:; `,; PREUM�4 Pp E� '�""`"�'° � „�`��� ,�; ' R,�pD o��OZ a-� �• �„A,�,. � B oa.xrr��m�a��`miravu+r. � � � gR1E E ��A � g�. ^ a mctiun d � ro�'.r�ec�av roa ar wa wac�xr ug�wu I ', � :'I 1 �� �.°�l i ,�IR ry I� Z I e��anac �ss�s ; ��� es ; `L _ _ :� ; � �; W.�s � �, i [I' ; lP ti •;I � �� �za , ` nl" �: IQ � � Z �r�r�c�uc}p :r+anr,u,ov a�a wu�. � �; ; � � ; ° � 2ss�'rac(tzni sm[rr�,n•w ar'us ucmv. ---'" ---`� � ---+'-----�-1- �' 1 p+ I 2 ' `�3 ' � g� � � � `^ Ell17111Q�k IJ�.66� ___-- 1 � J 1 I aiJ � � � � .� �.aY.�os(M'{�1 Gtes ' 7R�U.T'A'8lCM#1 FlOVm � � I � A Q Q„ u,c�rw��/Of � ,� 11 CT ,00Nnea ' ; � ser srrr s wrt s� 1 F sPa �� i a�� • i��zn' u�t� � � I �-f��0.� i 9 �7d'E M2SSd' 9 10 Q W -BASIS OF BEARlNG ------- � � s ,� � I 1�-_ sovn�i/s Cqenex ar NQPTNEAST 12TN STREFT soun��sr oortr�ne� /�i 7RUE/x1RTH 9ASF0 UPOw d.OBK P0.VnC�ONC SiSfEY!(M) 6 !• ` ��_-•�`--�� ,1��, i '�3'�r,c7a�z�s�-±+ rV �,�°�'Q""&,o�T"���`°��f,� ��� � . ;�=------; i ; ,r,`;;a�F 6.�.d�� ';�, i � ,` . �, r � � , 63 ���� ^�^�.�� Q APPUED A7 AN�ser nv�s�'a�mr awss asK w� r � �----- � m' Nwuw�+r. 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Cen re JJ639 97H AVENUF SOUM PE ooxrwcr. �wr wac�mw n[mwaFn warr�-wr nut wr xrtnmrr �.: �� � �F;,� �v�ea w�r, wn eaooa ROADWAY AND w�m,vsx nor swu aa�xc iw�sv�oven m.vru mrn�x n,w er n�c BUILDING SETHACKS �' „ � � �+ (253)est-19o� „��,,.����TME�„�„�a�„�. ,�� t�.,,Y„�: �• Kas�LLc. ;�� Pointe DRAINAGE PLAN 6/XE r500�A�vONO�EC�7uTd6�-07]3.mM1C CCNiR4.9W1 MRt'. SNE TARD: 3' � Do1` �,f�;�pE°�,� ,ea F�`WED�5 n�z ' �„� �� ��� � ,• ��`�`wusv���.a�`x�ea�n r nc n�aaT ioanm s w� arwa ruzo- zo• � � ffrroYAl t���� Surveying � r.v � - $ � �� EXPIRES 9-23-03 PHCW£: (206)623-7000 �B�. �� 4 � 12 o� 2�ffi erxi +'-w' +n1am 11�IAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION MANUAL • APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS f=OR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILTIIF.S _ NO.2-INFlLTRATION Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance Results E�ected When Component Is Needed EAai�tenance Is Pe�formed � Ge�eral Trash E�Debris See'Ponds'Standard No.1 See'Ponds'Standard No.1 Pasonous Vegetation See'Ponds'Standard No.1 See'Ponds'Star�dard No.t � Pdlution See'Ponds'Standard No.i See'Pwids'Standard No.1 Unmowed GrassJ See'Ponds'Standard No.1 See'Ponds'Standard No.1 Ground Cover Rodent Holes See'Ponds'Standard Na 1 See'Ponds'Standard No.1 Insects See'Ponds'Standard No.1 See'Ponds'Standard No.1 Storage Area S�ment A percolation test pft or test of fiacility indicates SedimeM is removed and/or faciliry faa"Gty is oniy wor{cing at 90%of its designed is deaned so that i�filtration system capabil'�ties. If two inches or more sediment is worics according to design. present,remove. - Sheet Cover(If Sheet cover is visibte and has more that three Sheet cover repaired or replaced. ApPlicable) 1/4-irx�holes in it. . Sump F711ed witfi My sedimeM and debris filling vautt to 1096 of Clean out sump to design depth. SedimeFlt and Debris depth from sump bottom t�bot�m of outlet pipe (If App(icable) or obstruc6ing flow into the connector pipe. FRer Bags FAled with S�ment Sediment and debris fill bag more than 1/2 full. Repiace filter bag o�redesign and Debris system. Rock Fitters Sediment and Debris By visual inspection,little or no water flows Replace gravei in rock fitter. through fiRer during heavy rai�storms. Side Slopes of Pond Erosion See'Ponds'Standard No.1 See'Ponds'Standard No.1 Emergency Rock Missing See'Ponds'Staridard No.1 Overflow Sptllway Settling Ponds and 5ediment Remove when 6'or more. Vautts • Note: Sed'unenf accumulation of more than 25 inches per yea�may indicate excessive erosion is occurring upstream of Ohe faciGty or that conveyance systems are not being properfy maintained. The contributing drainage area should be checked for erosion proWems or �r�adequate mainfenance of conveyance systems if e�ccessive sedimentation is noted in an infiftration facility. Check hvice a year duRng firs12 years of operation;once a year fhereafter. Gean manholes✓catch basins,repair damaged inlets/outlets, a�r►�asn r�a�s. 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual A-2 , • APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRNATELY MAINTAINED DRATNAGE FACII,TITES NO. 5-CATCH BASINS r IJtaintenance Defect Conditiorts When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Compo�ent Maintenance is pertoRned General Trash&Debris Trash or debris af more than 1/2 cubic foot which is No Trash or debris located {Indudes Sedimer�t) located imme�atety in front of the catch basin immediately in front of catch opening or is blocking capaary of the basin by basin opening. more than 10% Trash or debris(in the basin)that exceeds 1/3 the No trash or debris in the catch depth fr�om the bottom of basin to invert the lowest basin. . pipe into or out ot the basin. Trash or debris in any inlet or ouUet pipe bfocking Inlet and outlet pipes free of more than 1/3 of its height trash or debris. Dead animals or vegetation that could generate No dead animals or vegetation odors that could cause campiaints or dangerous � p�eseM witi�in the catch basin. gases(e.g.,methane). Deposits of gart�age exceeding 1 cubic foot i� No cond'iU'on present which voiume would attract or support the . breeding of insects or rodents. Structure Damage to Comer of frame extends more U»an 3/4 inch past Frame is even with curb. � Frame and/or Top Stab curb face into the street(If applicable). Top slab has holes targer than 2 square inches or Top slab is free of holes and cracks wider than i/4 inch(ntent is to make sure cracks. all material is mm�i�g into basin). Frame not s'dting flush on top slab,i.e.,separation Frame is sitting flush on top of more than 3/4 inch of ihe frame from tt�e top siab. slab. Cracks in Basin Walfs/ Cracks wider than 1/2 inch and longer than 3 leet, Basin repfaced or repaired to Bottom any evidence af soil paztides entering catch basin design standards. through cradcs,or maintenance person judges that structure is unsound. Cracks wider than 1/2 i�ch and bnger than 1 foot No cracks more than 114 inch at the joint of any inleU ouUet pipe or any evidence vride at the joint of inleUoutlet of soil partides entering cabch basin through pipe. cracks. SedimenU Basin has settted more than 1 inch or has rotated Basin replaced or repaired to Misalignrnent more than 2 inches out of alignment design standards. . 1998 Surfacc Water Design Manual 9I1/98 A-5 � APPENDIX A MAINIENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE�ACII+I'IIES _ NO.5-CATCH 6ASINS(CONTJNUFD� Maintena�ce Defect Conditions When Maintenance Is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is performed Fre Hazarcl Presence of d�emicals such as natural gas,oil and No flammable chemicals gasoline. present Vegetation Vegetation growing across and bbcking more than No vegetaHon blociang opening ' • 10°6 of the basin opening. to basin. Vegetation growing in inleUoutlet pipe joints that is No vegetation or root growth more than sa inches tall and less than six inct�es present �2 Poilution Nontlammable chemicals of more than 1/2 cu6ic foot No pollution present other than per three feet of basin length. surFace film. Catc�Basin Cover Cover Not in Place' Cover is missing o�only partiaity i�plaoe.Any open Catch basin cover is dosed catch basin�equires maintenance. . Lodcing Mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by on maiMenance Mechanism opens witt�proper Not Woridng person with proper tools.Bofts irtto frame have less tools. ihan 12 inch of thread. Cover DifficuR io One ma3rrtenance person cannot rernove 6d after Cover can be removed by one Remove applying 80 Ibs.of fit�irrteM is keep cove�irom maintenance pecson. seaiing otf access to maintenance. Ladder Ladder Rungs Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs,mis�gnment, Ladder meets design standards Unsafe rust,cradcs,or sharp edges. and albws maintenance person safe access. Metal Grates Grate with opening wider than 7/8 inch. Grate opening meets design (!f Ap�cable) � standards_ Trash and Debris Trash and debris that is blocking more Uian 20%of Grate free of Vash and debris. grate surface. Damaged or Grate missing o�broken member(s)of ihe grate. Grate is in place and meets Missing. design standards. NO.6 DEBRfS.BARR(ERS (E.G.,'TRASH RACKS) Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Resu{ts Expected When_ Components Maintenance is Performed. General Trash and Debris Trash or debris that is plugging more than 20%of Barrier dear to receive capacity the openings in the bartier. flow. Metal Damaged/Missing Ba�s are bent out of shape mo�e than 3 inohes. Bars in place with no bends more Bars. than 3/4 inch. . Bars are missing or entire barrier missing. Bars in place according to design. Bars are loose and rust is causing 5096 deterioration Repair or replace barrier to - to any part of barrier. desig�standards. � 9/1198 1998 Surface Water Design Manual � A-6 • APPENDIX A MAIN'IFNAN(�STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAWCAINID DRAWAGE FACILPTIF.S N0.10-CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS(PIPES&DITCHES) Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed. Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed . Pipes Sediment 8��ebris Accumutated sediment that exceeds 20%of the Pipe cleaned of all sec�ment diameter of the pipe. arid debris. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water All vegetation removed so water through pipes. flows freely through pipes. . Damaged Proteaive coaUng is damaged;nist is causing Pipe repai�ed or replaced. more than 50°,6 deterioration to any part of pipe. My dent that decreases the cross section area of Pipe�epaired or replaced. pipe by more than 20°k. Open Ditches Trash�Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot pe�1,000 T�and debris deared from square feet of d'dch and slopes. ditches. Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20�o of the Ditch deaned/ftushed ot alf � design depth. sediment and debris so that it � matches design. . Vegetatian Vegetation that reduces free movement of water Water flows freely through tfuough�tches. ditches. Erosion Damage to See'Ponds"Standard No.t See`Ponds"Standard No.1 Slopes Rock Lining Out of Maintenance person can see native sal beneath Replace�ocks to design Place or Missing(If the rock Gning. shandards. Applicable). Catch Basins See"Catch Basins:Standard No.5 See'Catch Basins"Standard No.5 Debris Barriers See`Debris Barriers"Standard No.6 See"Debris Barriers'Standard (e.g.,Trash Rack) No.6 N0.11 -GROUNDS (LANDSCAPING) IJlaintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance Es Needed Resulis Expected When ComponeM Maintenance is Performed General Weeds Weeds growing i�more than 20%of the landscaped Weeds present in less than 59'0 (Nonpoisonous) area(trees and shrubs only). of the landscaped area. 5alety Hazard My presenoe af paso�ivy or other poisonous No pasonous vegetation vegetation. present in landscaped area. Trash or Litter Paper,cans,botties,totaling more than 1 cubic foot Area dear of 1'rtter. • withi�a(andscaped area(trees and shrubs only)of t,000 square feet Trees and Shrubs Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are split or Trees and shrubs with less than broken which affec!more than 259'0 of the total 5%o(total fdiage with split or foliage of the tree or shrub. broken limbs. Trees o�shrubs that have been blown dowm or Tree or shrub in place free of • knocked over. injury. Trees or shrubs which are not adequately supported Tree or shrub in place and or are leaning over,causing exposure of the roots. adequately supported;remove any dead or diseased trees. !.' 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1198 A-9 i . APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATEI.Y MAINTAINID DRAINAGE FACII1'I'�.S I N0. 13-WATER QUALJTY FACILITIES(COIVTINUED� II, � D.�Wetvaults ' � Maintenance Defect Conditioa When Maintenance is Needed Results F�cpected When II Component Maintenaoce is Periormed Wetvault Trash/Debris Trash and debris accumulated in vault,ppe or Trash and debris removed from Accumulation inleV outlet,(�nciudes floatables and non- vautt floatabfes). . Sediment Accumulation Sediment accumulation in vault bottom that Removal of sediment hom vautt in Vault exceeds the depth of the sedment zorie plus 6- inches. Damaged Pipes InIeV ouUet piping damaged or broken and in Pipe repaired and/or reptaced. need of repair. Access Cover Cover cannot be opened or removed,especialty Pipe repaired or repiaced to � Damaged!Not Worfdng by one person. proper working speafications. _ Vautt Structure Vaul�Cracks wider than 1/2-ir�ch and any No cracics wider than 1/4inch at Damaged evidence of sal partides eMering tlie structure the jant of the inleV ouUet pipe. through ttie cracks,or maintenanceJ inspecction Vauft is detertrnned to be personnel determines that the vault is not stnicturally sound. ' structuralty sound. Baffles Baffles cortading,cracfdr►g,warping and/or Repair or replace.baffles to ' showing signs of failure as detertnined by speaficatioru. � maintenancel inspection staff. Access Ladder Damage Ladder is corroded or deteriorated,not functioning Ladder�eplaced or repaired to prope�iy,missing rungs,has cracks andl or speafications,and is safe to . misaligned. use as deteRnined by inspection personnel. 1998 SurFacc Wator Design Manual 9/1/98 A-13 � E"', � G4 � � � W � � � E"r � � � � � � � W V � � � 0 c � � � m --i x m -� x O `,Y` N i = •p ' p -' ' fEP/KUIE : /r n f 3N � � HARR7NG ON �' `�NE � � � ' � ��v� ' ,;r;:!', Av 5 � s RINGTON�O �� �c 4 � AV ' wau :. � w+a� r� ' �r . ,� +n E �^ qy z "Wi �I� `r'� �" �e= c� � ' �1:.�^ nE ro H 7`b c m x �,'�, NE 4C� � 1� INDEX AV �.� A Q • . � � '��� itan re sc 3s. � t m � �, S�4 :� Y NE ti, ��ry � [ 51 a.f; I �c nir m �''� �. } � � b�'' '� +IM� +c JEFFERSON A x� fi tt M�':;.:� .- w NJv e � Ar � � 4,�� $`�\ ,�, NE � � �� E FENSON AY NE .y�.'�OZI-� � . � lAV� m � r IRKUNO qy ♦ KI V +¢. 351d . �'� ,r� o - NE � _� I X� � � �� o LYNNWOOD py ��'� ��,N � _ ���K R .�. rRa`F. ^�. � . ::�� $ NE ~� ` �, v, r � � �MONROE 80� A4 1� NE ° ~ � ��.$ � - �� ,ai•�s M�i1� 1� � �m m w� : Y A NE �',;:A 'Q^ aa � � � x N ll� o ^ � .. � ` rl �,�o � �3 I � � � O � � OLYMP A AV � 4 � � �r�e�r .y ���� pu°at"��� � g �k'�r 4 \� `� IlERCE `�x ^ e = o � � � ^�_� = ��'� �- ��� � � x � Z � � v� AY N �"m r� eT r � PIER[ �t[KE v '�D/, �• ;:W�i�-"•�•' q ,,, � � E 0�EN AV� � �o` vt �v M P NE �"��v �� x z 35 .nV ' Z[ ��.� �nM r�x ..( REDMON A � nv M . �� NE ou f � 1287H AV� SE��5� �. � � � � � ��� .. 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'� •i. I • c�i � I .a O •I m' .. �;�,1,q�• _ f pl � ¢.. Z . ��m.�p frl � 1��' "_ (� �.r,: � � �a � S .7 f�'I[�» r'��". m (�c_..•. . d • ,�a m � W • I ' � ,� , �'"-"" ' � i a°-i::.�C� ��'. . , I�� • . . _ .,i'� . . . � � ,. . .0 / I . • � ' � {�'� / . �.�.� L�y�.:• � � � y� � • -�+'/ ,. . m � - � y Q . (� (' + �Z. �.:�� y J'•it .�. �Sw � m -,� ' � . ' �y� `i_.+�<,... / F�pT ,� i � � .� � .. . � a, w,�`a,I� � � .eQ" ��� �.• �, , •� , U y,'�.,.�sl. ��• ' S � C tYi� $�a' ` � a� �. + i w � Ir �W i� 'oi��� +�E�C y9 'ra,^ 'I• f �`•.m . ', ` e t . .:�: ��G Q r" I ' `• ,. � _ m: L..;, v ' µe+�' d,�'s���4 .'�� -•----•--- �-----•- ---- - —- {h�- � � n a ��' �-�i� r: .� _ - � �� � ' _ _'I""""_' � . �;� I�ti +Z',^ 1^ .�� i.+ •;' E ' ``' .�' I 4 o a 4 �, _ .�Q._ - �7 •,� _ _ \ 7d. a �a 1 m ,�, �, i�r• -- „�p � ,�. �J ll� Q •I ;. .�� � -' � ,,� �r ,� i. /{�� O I � .i,_ t. �.� N u t�tY � •Q K ` ^ - - •--- �--- •---- --- -_' t.r• t*� _O II �"11 `�:el a I__'�", F. y'_n: I..L .i m � ..� II � ��,.�' : . � ♦ C �� i/• W p Y ,'�} - �%i 's, • �. � �•' Q ../,• �°� .� � `.• s ¢ .�—. _t c '�� • '� � ' � � G � � ,. •� � � � • � • ��;,. m � ms� > -�„' � • � �� VJ _ I U N I:" vrs�.,,�.y� ,.i ':'�.•�,� �p ,� �'•, i'N 'j J . r .•;; J � J. �..• Qo ;�b . �ti{�.` .y• ��' ���•._���` ���� � Ii. v '� ' ,'�, ..w `:�-� i ��' id`�?r „ , . , . �W�`�i�;a x�!'+' 'zp ':��c. '1 I�'�- ♦ r.� O °' ; . • .\ x Q� � r. ' — i�-t j� '- — � .m w ..- ¢ � � �'„'�',` . . ; '��� ' •H19/l • • ; — — � . ^T �/� � ^^, '' • • / _ • ,�t 'tlt`.1 ° 3,�rt`„6 •J,� � V • ��� ry�]' i-��r :F ••ju� � '�• � �II• �� � •II• C+l s�'SPr3 �. a < k �' U' � ..y '���' 't•`� � e . .�, L�• •.' `r`�'"'�' 6�' •� ` . ��� � t � �'� .�.,a „r. . ,�.e•� .. . `.I � W .:�z :• ,.•. � . •:-. — ,�Y . GUIDE TO MAPPING UNITS • For a full description of a mapping imit, read both the description of the mapping imit and that of the soil series Lo which the mapping tmit belongs. See table 6, page 70, for descriptions of woodland groups. Other information is given in tables as follows: Acreage and extent, table 1, page 9. Tawn and country planning, table 4, page 57. Engineering uses of the soils, tables 2 and 3, Recreational uses, table 5, page 64. pages 36 throu� 55. Estimated yields, table 7, page 79. Woodland Described Capability imit group Map on symbol Mapping w�it page Symbol Page Symbol AgB Aldeiwood gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 6 percent slopes---------- 10 Ne-2 76 3d2 , �AgC Alden�rood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent siopes--------- 8 IVe-2 76 3d1 �--+ AgD Aldeiwood gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes-------- 10 YIe-2 78 3d1 AkF Aldexwood and Kitsap soils, very steep------------------------ 10 VIIe-1 78 2d1 AmB Arents, Aldeiwood material, 0 to 6 percent slopes 1/---------- 10 IVe-2 76 3d2 AmC Arents, Aldernrood material, 6 to 15 percent slopes 1/--------- 10 Ne-2 76 3d2 An Arents, Everett material 1/----------------------------------- 11 IVs-1 77 3f3 BeC Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes---------- 11 IVe-2 76 3d2 BeD Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes--------- 12 VIe-2 78 3d1 BeF Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 40 to 75 percent slopes--------- 12 VIIe-1 78 3d1 Bh Belling�am silt loam------------------------------------------ 12 IIIw-2 76 3w2 Br Briscot silt loam--------------------------------------------- 13 IIw-2 75 3w1 Su Buckley silt loam--------------------------------------------- 13 IIIw-2 76 4w1 Cb Coastal beaches------------ --------- ----------- 14 VIIIw-1 78 --- Ea . Earlmont silt loam------------------------�------------------- 14 IIw-2 75 3w2 Ed Edgewick fine sandy loam-------•------------------------------ 15 IIIw-1 75 201 EvB Everett gravelly sandy loam, 0 to S percent slopes------------ 15 Ns-1 77 3f3 EvC Everett gravelly sandy loam, S to 15 percent slopes----------- 16 VIs-1 78 3f3 EvD Everett gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes---------- 16 VIe-1 77 3f2 EwC �Everett-Aldeiw ood gravelly sandy loa�, 6 to 15 percent slopes------------------------------------------------------ 16 VIs-1 78 3f3 InA Indianola loamy fine sand, 0 to 4 percent slopes-------------- 17 Ns-2 77 4s3 InC Indianola loamy fine sand, 4 to 15 percent slopes----�-------�_.. 16 IVs-2 77 4s3 InD Indianola loamy fine sand, 15 to 30 percent slopes---=-�-.---_- 17 VIe-1 76 4s2 Kp6 Kitsap silt loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes----------------------- 17 IIIe-1 75 2d2 KpC Kitsap silt loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes---------------------- 18 IVe-1 76 �d2 KpD Kitsap silt loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes--------------------- 18 VIe-2 78 2d1 KsC Klaus gravelly loamy sand, 6 to 15 percent slapes------------- 18 VIs-1 78 3f1 Ma Mixed alluvial land------------------------------------------- 18 VIw-2 78 201 NeC Neilton very gravelly loamy sand, 2 to 15 percent slopes------ 19 YIs-1 78 3f3 Ng Newberg silt loam--------------------------------------------- 19 IIw-1 74 201 T�c Nooksack silt loam-------------------------------------------- 20 IIw-1 74 201 No Noima sandy loam---------------------------------------------- 20 IIIN-3 76 3w2 Or Orca� peat---------------------------------------------------- 21 VIIIw-1 78 --- Os Oridia silt loam---------------------------------------------- 21 IIw-2 75 3w1 OvC Ovall gravelly loam, 0 to 15 percent slopes------------------- 22 Ne-2 76 3d1 OvD Ovall gravelly loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes------------------ 23 YIe-2 78 3d1 OvF Ovall gravelly loam, 40 to 75 percent slopes------------------ 23 VIIe-1 78 3d1 Pc Pilchuck loamy fine sand-------------------------------------- 23 VIw-1 78 2s1 Pk Pilchuck fine sandy loam------------=----=-------------------- 23 IVw-1 76 2s1 Pu Puget silty clay loam----------------------=------------------ 24 IIIw-2 76 3w2 Py Puyallup fine sandy loam------- --- - 24 IIw-1 74 201 ----------------------- ---- RaC Ragnar fine sandy lo�n, 6 to 15 percent slopes----------'------ 25 IVe-3 77 4s1 RaD Ragnar fine sandy loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes--------------- 26 VIe-2 78 4s1 RdC Ragnar-Indianola association, sloping: 1/---------------------- 26 -------- -- --- Ragnar soil--------------------------------------------- -- IVe-3 77 4s1 Indianola soil------------------------------------------- -- Ns-2 77 4s3 RdE Ragiar-Indianola association, moderately steep: 1/------------ 26 -------- -- --- Ragnar soil--------------------------------------------- -- VIe-2 78 4s1 Indianola soil------------------------------------------- -- VIe-1 77 4s2 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRSNTING OFFICE:]9T3 O-568-266 EXHIBIT 4 FEMA MAP F -o REDMOND PK\AN� �9�,� m AVENUE NE SE 105TH I m PLACE L ,i, SE 106TH STREET Z NE 19TH : NE 18TH �++ �STREET iz > oqly� Q 77TH o P�ACE -� AVENUE NE NE 17TH y NE 17TH S STREEf NE 15TH STREET NEWPORT AVENUE NE NE 75TH SUNSET PLACE NE 15TH STREET I w e —�NE 74TH ? STREET oG��'qR STREET z � NE 13TH �c. "' \ �S7REET '`' < PtERCE 1 �UEEN �� o PLACE NE AV � z 0 � ZONE X TN y STREET 9 - FEMA MAP �X�18�T- � NORTH NATIONAI FLOOD INSURANCE PR06RAM � i� � FIRM f100D INSURANCE RATE MAP KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND INCORPOR.ATED AREAS PANEL 668 OF 1725 ISEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) COPlTAINS: ' COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFD( KING COUMY, UNINCORPORATED AAEAS 530071 0668 i RENTON,CfTY OF 5,90088 0668 � . MAP NUMBER 53033C0668 F ��G�µCY M���� MAP REYISED: � MAY 16, 1995 � z . � � < , d �Qp �P� o*72 Federal Emergency Management Agency � EXHIBIT 5 EXISTING CONDITIONS MAP _. �--�--�-r-•.� - -� .. . .... - :'?'�,•, ,ti— � -- ;,•r.• �t. ..�-• �� ,�:r•^ ,�+�•..'=:�i•; _ - ''�l�'l;;1_:%'`..�_.t: ,:�(.����.:j %R!., -.. `L .M"�[ � � •f - - _ .i - .'f - •'f" � �` � - 'vs` ,�� •�,1'i.'..�`"'�y'�,',' _ ••, ��.. ,S' ,!: �.�� � — �' �e f •��:�!'„±�. ,� •_,;.• s:j �' •-�:�" �«?... " 1S {(��I� � �X ��/� '� .oe. �.�... . :� A - �n i � � 1 .:f ,� A .... ' a�w� :i;• +i�.�r♦ � � • ` t:•! � r� �� i�: A ' � r�` � ' � ' rw M,�na�. ` A � i . '� � � �' � � �~ . ' _� ` w"'(r• ��p I�' � . ' 1 �^' � �'x «�. A '' � ' � ,� .:� e .% �� ��, � � I ��?j � Q ,_.� .A . 1 �O � � � : �. Y�.�/ ..:: �.�. g A t, t, �S � � ` A * v/7 : � fi C � S/ y �i � d 1 _ �`n` t+,�� rwtor i �t�i �. ,t v ,' V ' � ` /s ,'•`�'� tf � � � � A � � � } � ,v\ ..�.�Jb�.'! v' .�+w.w �.wr�� � ' ,:4.�� � w • a. V� �.� {�iA M ;i � �� '� `� � a M. 0 A .ar.� �s y 1t - �..o'* ,.e � � �r•�sQ � � � / ,i �w•'� • �cwi•�n a O I ., �:,.�... , �«.: .•�'�` 1. .� O' "".iia►'Y ' J ��'� r t //�/ "� H � ""' r' ,. •°'°°� . s �,►i�.. .6`.� . ,•' �. � � �+ , . ..�,.� • •..•:� �. ..._.._.... .............w .�� wa.. �.r �t, �t ♦ 'd s' ,� 'p� �7i Bi7 � a •;Y . � —��a1Pa7-�m„�.�i--.-x d �� � �.a � . K� ' �r �: Y� r �� 7 �� � a� !Y'•.�1 ..•..•t�, ,, . ;�!•�' � .. W.� rt. •, � R •���'K•� A � �" - :p','!i''�',���,f'• '��,� : : �'�] �� . NA � �i' t( •�/�. .�+1 �y_,� � �� �� � • 1 '" - ,•�'*,�• A s, t�• `��' N�n.Ml /II��Y/A�J � � � ��� ,`'�'�,•l•',I t,4,',�•.,,'•• �tr�/'��,�j N�, 1/� � � � '. .� � ���� w ` ' � �� S �.w� ��e� I ' A , r �� ,, , / � � �a r � �L ` :,l ..�a ti � "' .% .: l '� `' r : � •t4• 1 ' .' � �� i� ♦ � �� 1 � , � : �; .� , �, �J_�--x,;,..,,�-r. . X f,�,�^y<<—■� � ��.� , .vr...0� .� A �`�"�"^ /� ♦ �a�y r�wN.N��IMI� j A , •�' Y, ji � � , r �f O / ^''� �NI�� ' �f�M Jt l � � �� a � +ea ey.r� Kw�w.�.��}i ] ' G..J � A A 8 � ,i � .aw.a�l A •� ' � � A .i T QRfe.�1 f tI ' �I �lew J{. aAl1.MQ�i�.R � . { qr11� ��a i ' � M��1'/1/A � . ��t �I An� Ay� � +fiM���� �• � .hr,��.w�' � �W% ,�i �V � � ""'�'� � � 4�� �.�M . •,�L�r�� ��� r ' .► �!/'W .M�1 i� . Ai � . ��/M M . EXHIBIT 6 DEVELOPED CONDITIONS MAP ��� 1 i � A PORTION OF THE 3.E.1/4 OF THE 3E 1/4 3EC.4,T23N, R5E,W.M, 1 ��1 �c� ' � i i C(TY OF RENTON, KIIVC3 COUMY, WA3HINC3TON � ' � '�----`-'--�---s---�--5 °�,�4 -; � , : � r---- . � ' _-- . � � � � r----= -------- ---i,-------i a e1 � i el OO � - - •i d�o�s� i , � , � � ,:� � i O -_i �' ' _, � .i ' h°��i 2��• a i ,�cKn r-a � --_-- �" - `� I �' �� � � � �o i d � CT ti� , ��i � . i � j .wr � I � __ 1 �AQ"1',- '� � �� I ���� . � _ 1 r�6�N� � � e ' / � � �N�~�� . r i u•w�y \ � Q 7MCI A W .�_ n � � ,... � . .• � ,� �„� ..,. �.,. � 1 • arr�h V � � . -------- ��� _-u-a.� �`� n .' _�. i�� � amv�tw r•etn�w� N• NAM/Ms � / s�r� � \I f � �'�rr�_ O . l�tl � eu'wro. ��\- � �\7 i s w•+niy�,�.r�, . I �r"�I.'3'6 � i �w o (� a �nu o.. •� ,,v ''•1; � . aw.1 n•.nq� �;� --�------ �w as,w��x u�r�wr.me�r �� � � �r ' �� �� r�� �{„ r.aa.ne��nrra � . ._.. ..�,:,.. , ., ��.., ��,.. 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