HomeMy WebLinkAbout03370 - Technical Information Report TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT FOR ' THE PLAT of CHERIE LANE II ', S. 34TH PL. & Wells Ave. S. Renton, Washington 98059 October 200b; Revised 2007 Prepared for: MR. STEVEN BECK � � g�� AMBERWOOD, LLC pg _ 19129 SE 145T" STREET � - REtiTO'�, WASHINGTO:v 98059 Prepared by: � Brant A. Schweikl, P.E. ��•07 REPORT #05043 "I hereby state that this Storm Drainage Report for The Plat of Cherie Lane II has been prepared by me or under my supervision and meets the standard of care and expertise which is usual and customary in this community of professional engineers. I understand that the City of Renton does not and will not assume liability for the sufficiency. suitability or performance of drainage facilities prepared by me." This analysis is based on data and records either supplied to, or obtained by, Schweikl and Associates, pllc. These documents are referenced within the text of the analysis. The anal}�sis has been prepared utilizing procedures and practices within the standard accepted practices of the industry. The Plat of Cherie Lane II Parcel Numbers 2923059040 & 29230�9188 STORM DRAINAGE REPORT TIR Section 1 - Project Overview The nine lot Plat of Cherie Lane II is located west of the intersection of Wells Avenue � South and South 34`h Street, in Renton, Washington. The project lies with in the Black River subbasin of the Duwamish- Green River Basin. The project consists of two existing parcels, Lot 8, Parcel # 2923059040 & Tract A, #2923059188 of the Stiegmen Short Plat, City of Renton SP (LUA-98-026), 1.75 acres & 1.19 acres, respectively. The overall proposed project consists of two existing parcels (Parcel No. 2923059040) and Tract A(Parcel No. 2923059188). The parcels are 76,401 sf and 47,301 sf in size, respectively. Currently the site is undeveloped and contains three existing wetlands, two of which appear to be of jurisdictional size, Wetlands "A" & "C". Wetland "B"is small and has been deemed a non jurisdictional wetland and is proposed to be filled with this proposal. The two parcels are divided by an existing City of Renton undeveloped and unopened right-of-way for South 34`� Street. The South 34`h Street ROW is undeveloped but has sanitary sewer and storm drainage utilities installed along the length of the ROW. The surrounding land uses include the single-family residential Plat of VVinsper I to the north, the single-family residential developments of the Stiegman SP and Winsper I to the east, the plat of Cherie Lane I (under construction) to the south and unplatted/undeveloped parcels of land to the west. The project will not include the existing portions of the S. 34th Street right-of-way (ROW) that that will remain undeveloped and unopened. The project proponents presented the City with a point's paper that showed that the most feasible east-west public ROW extension between Wells Ave. S. and Talbot Road S. is the future extension of the S. 34`h Place (Cherie Lane I). Therefore the existing restrictive covenant that was applied to the underlying Stiegman Short Plat (LUA-98-026, SHPL-H, ECF) will be rescinded and the project will not be required to improve the existing S. 34`h Street ROW. The project proposes to dedicate an additional 7 feet of south portion of Parcel.# 2923059188 along the S. 34`" Place ROVb' to accommodate a 42 foot public ROVV and 32 foot street width. The proposed access for all six (6) proposed single-family lots (R-8 Single-Family Residential) via the existing S. �4`h Place public ROW. There is also a small sliver of land that line along the north boundary line of Lot 3 that will be dedicated to the City of Renton as ROW. The project proposes to plat the two existing parcels into 6 single-family residential lots in the R-8 Residential zone, two wetland tracts, Tracts "A" & �'B" to be presen�ed, and a Tract "C" the project's stormwater detention tract. �11 lots will directly front off of South 34`h Place (Cherie Lane II) and receive all of their utility ser��ices from the S. 34`�' Place ROVJ, except for their sanitary sewer service for Lot 6 that w-il1 connect to the existing 8"f� Soos Creek sanitary sewer main located in the existing S. 34`h Street ROW. The project also proposes to utilize wetland buffer averaging to configure the existing wetland bu�ers to better suite the development of the property and preserve Wetlands "A" and `'C" in the proposed Wetland Tract B that will have a Native Grow-th Protection Easement applied to the tract. The Wetlands Report by Alder NW will address the wetland buffer averaging plan that will add approximately 6,712 sf of additional wetland buffer area Tract B wetland buffers of VVetland A and B. The 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) is the storm drainage regulatory manual adopted by the City of Renton. In accordance with the 2005 KCSV�'DM, Figure 1.l.2.A Flow Chart for Determinin�vpe of Draina�e Review RecLuired, was utilized to determine the type of drainage review that the project is subject to. The results of the storm drainage review type was determined to be a Full Drainage Review, because the project proposes greater than 10,000 sf of new impervious surface and greater than 7000 sf of land disturbing activity. The King County Soils Survey Maps provided by the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service were reviewed to determine the soil characteristics vvith the project sub basin with respect to the soils susceptibility to landslides and erosion and its capability for groundwater recharge and surface water runof£ Upon review there is no soil survey mapping available for area. TIR Section 2 —Conditions and Requirements The project will receive its complete plat conditions and requirements once the plat has completed it Preliminary Plat submittal process, Hearing and SEPA review. The preliminary plat submittal has been created with respect to the City of Renton 1�lunicipal Code and the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). TIR Section 3 — Offsite Analysis The project's Level One Downstream Analysis was conducted on Sunday October 16cn The weather at the time of the downstream analysis fie(d investigation was approximately �9 degrees and overcast. See enclosed Level One Downstream Analysis report. Resource Review The available resources were revie�ved and a summarv of the resource research follows: The project does not lie in either a FEMA flood plain, a Critical Drainage Area or an adopted Basin Plan. The King County Sensitive Areas portfolio was reviewed with the use of the ivlap �vebsite and there area no sensitive areas located onsite. There are a few sensitive areas in the surrounding vicinity. 1.) There is an area of Coal vline hazard located to the south of the proposed project in the Plat of Cherie Lane II; 2.) Downstream, west of Talbot Road South there is an area of SAO Erosion identified along the slopes that descend from the uphill properties to the valley floor along Highway 167; 3.) There is a Class 2 Salmonid stream located downstream of the project approximately 1400 lf, at the valley floor elevation adjacent to Highway 167; 4.) The Panther Lake SAO Wetland area is located upstream east of the project approximately 3600 lf. See the enclosed iMap printout. The DNRP Drainage Complaints located in the immediate vicinity downstream properties were researched and there were two that were near the path of the projects downstream. The first was first complaint was a Case # 1990-0353, a diversion that is now closed that is located on Parcel 3023059071. 3340 Talbot Road S. The second is Case #191-0929, flooding (Type C and SR) that is now closed that is located on Parcel 3023059041, 3400 Talbot Road S. The existence of three wetlands onsite was noted during the wetland reconnaissance by Alder NW and in their wetland report. Two of the wetlands, Wetlands '`A" & "C" will be preserved in wetland tracts and Wetland "B", is a smaller non-jurisdictional wetland that will be filled as part of this proposal. Field Investi�ation The project site and downstream existing storm drainage infrastructure was inspected on Sunday October 16`h at 9:30 am. The projects upstream storm drainage infrastructure includes the existing public storm drainage conveyance and detentions systems associated with the Stiegmen Short Plat and Winsper Div 1. The City of Renton has an existing 12"(� conveyance system within the existing 42' wide S. 341h Street ROW that conveys public stormwater from Wells Ave S. to the west parcel line of Cherie Lane II. From the existing Type I catch basin along the western parcel boundary the public storm water flow is conveyed southward in an 18"(� diameter pipe to the southwest corner of the parcel where flows enter an existing Type 2 catch basin within the S. 34`h Place ROW. The downstream investigation commences at the existing Type 2 catch basin within the S. 34�' Place ROW' (PT"A") where the conveyance system also collects the detained storm��-ater runoff from the large detention/water quality vault for the Plat of Cherie Lane I. From PT"A" the downstream path is an 18"� ADS N-]2 pipe approximately 180 lf ��-est���ard to PT"B" a Type 1 catch basin in Parcel 30230�9108 in an area that has been recently graded in conjunction with the Plat of Cherie Lane I. The grade in to the CB is 2.3% and the grade out is 7.9%The Type I CB's sump is full of sediment and the stormwater runoff is flowing clear. The depth of invert is 3.30 feet on the outlet and the CB has a solid grate. From PT"B" the stormwater continues westward approximately 57 If in the 18"4� storm drainage pipe to PT"C", another Type 1 CB. Thc CB has a depth to invert of 4.85 feet (outlet), has a solid lid and its sump is full of sediment, with the flow still running clear. From PT"C", the downstream path continues to the west in an 18"� steel pipe approximately 618 lf to the a Type 2 CB, PT"D", adjacent to the east edge of the Talbot Road S. ROW. The Type 2 CB has a solid lid and lies within a graded private access that extends eastward back to PT"A". The graded private access is over grown with blackberry and other vegetation and has a small ditch section along the northern side of the access up against the northerly slope to the established gravel driveway within Parcel 302305971. The difference in elevation between the two graded accesses varies between 0-6 feet as they ascend the slope. There is also a corresponding small driveway drainage swale along the southerly driveway access to Parcel 302305971. The CB at PT"D" there is an 18"Q� LCPE entering from the existing easterly Talbot Road S. roadside ditch that collects the uphill stormwater runoff from the slopes east of Talbot Road S. as far north as S. 32"d St. The 18"Q) pipe is at 7.5% slope. The CB also has the 18"(�7 steel inlet from the Cherie Lane I and II projects to the east and the 18"Q) steel outlet ��'�a, 2.5% to the south. The 18"� outlet from PT"D" the conveys stormwater runoff south to a Type 1 CB, PT"E", 90 feet to the south located in the asphalt paved shoulder of the Talbot Road S. The Type 1 CB has a 12"f� steel pipe exiting the structure to the west, crossing under Talbot Road S. The available ma�cimum head that can be developed on the 12"Q) pipe is 3.6 feet and the pipe has a slope of approximately 2.4%. The existing CB downsizes the conveyance system from 18"� to 12"f� which could potentially cause a restriction in the '� system capacity at PT"E". The maximum Q with respect to an inlet condition that could I be discharged with the maximum head is approximately 6.8 cfs prior to overflow of the !�, roadway. If overflow was to occur during the extreme storm events if would not develop ' depths of greater than approximately 3 inches prior to sheet flowing across the Talbot Road S. in a broad crested weir that should not impede emergency vehicle traffic. There are no apparent indications of the western roadside slope that there have been major overtopping incidents of the CB and the Talbot Road S. roadway section. The 12"fD steel culvert from PT"E" extends approximately 45 lf to the west side of �I Talbot Road S. to PT"F", where the pipe discharges to a heavily vegetated board crested ' swale at an approximate slope of 5-7%. The swale is a semi to fully forested swale that continues westward to PT"G", the end of the downstream analysis. See Offsite Analysis � Drainage System Table, Reference Section B-8. ' TIR Section 4 — Flow Control and Water Quality Analysis and Design The written conclusions from the Pre-application meeting conducted at the City of Renton indicates that the Plat of Cherie Lane II will be required to provide Flow Gontrol to the Level 2 Flow Control levels as promulgated in the 2005 King County Surface Water Design �1anua1 (KCSWDM). The project proposed to develop 0.88 acres of e�isting area of the project with the single- family residential development. The developed basin contains 0.56 acres of impen'lOL1S surfaces (structures, driveways, pavement, and sidewalks) and has 0.32 acres of developed lawn and landscaping, totaling 0.88 acres. The determination of the impervious area for the residential building area is considered to be 75% of the total lot area and the remainder shall be la��-n and landscaping. (See calculations) The clean stoml�vater runoff from the proposed single-family structure on Lot 6 (0.06 acres) and a portion of the pervious lawn will be directed to VVetland A for the purpose of recharge of the wetland and its buffer. See the Wetland Recharge Basin Map, B-2, for a analysis of the wetland recharge capacity. Over the years the upland developments have cutoff the natural surface flows that most likely have in the past been the source of the recharge and creation of the wetlands located within the Cherie Lane II project site. From our review of past design documents for the uphill developments we found that there was no attempt nor requirement for the developments to provide equivalent ���etland recharge the flows to the wetland, therefore the marked decrease in the delineated wetland area that we found during our wetland study compared to the 1998 Stiegman Short Plat w�etland delineation. The runoff coefficient analysis indicates that the release of the proposed Lot 6 stormwater runoff flows will not totally equate to the potential recharge basin area that was lost during the past upland development, but contributes to re-establishing past nature conditions to the greatest extent possible for the Cherie Lane II development. The KCRTS hydrologic modeling software that the 2005 KCSWDI�1 requires engineers to utilize in sizing of flow control facilities (detention facilities) will be used to determine the project detention requirements. The City of Renton has adopted the 2005 KCSVVDM as the City's storm drainage manual. The site basin information was input into the KCRTS modeling program and the analysis �� performed and a considerable amount of effort was made to have the project's Duration Comparison Analysis met the acceptable design parameters as stated in the KCRTS Computer Software Reference Manual. The program has a few modeling parameters that appear to have inhibited our model for meeting all of the approval tolerances associated with the Duration Comparison .4nalysis. First the first cutoff parameter of being less than zero could not be met due to the fact that the minimum orifice is limited to 0.50" (�. We were also unable to meet the 10% tolerance on the negative side (unable to discharge enough) due to the fact that the program only allows for 3 orifices. Therefore the facility is effectively oversized due to the limitations of the program. We also believe that with the smaller projects the resulting significantly small flows make it substantially more difficult to meet the 10% tolerance from the design event. Take for example the 100 — year existing storm event of 0.070 cfs. A 10°ro tolerance would only be 0.007 cfs, which is approaching an insignificant and an unobtainable level of flo��� regulation. The 10°io tolerances for the lesser design flo���s are even smaller and even more difticult to model. The KCRTS model results indicatcs that the required volurne is 10.668 cf and the proposed vault proposes to include 10,897 cf to the top of the over flo��� riser. The proposed flow control facility will be located in a separate detention tract at the south west corner of the project. The facility is proposed to be an underground detention/water quality wet vault with the following dimension configurations that are set to maximize site usage and the detention and water quality design requirements of the KCSWDM with respect to the available tract area set aside. The dimensions provide an equivalent storage volume to that of the preliminary KCRTS calculations but provide for a deeper and longer vault than what automatically calculated by the KCRTS modeling software. � The preliminary permanent water quality volume for the wet vault is calculated with respect to Section of the 200� KCSVVDM for the Basic wetpond criteria. Wetpool volume = Vb=f"`(0.9A; + 0.2�A�a+ O.lOA�f+0.l0Ao�*(R/12) Where, Vb= wetpool volume (c� �� f= volume factor A; = area of impervious surface (s fl A�g= area of till soil covered with grass (s� A�f= area of till soil covered with forest (s� Ao= area of outwash soil covered with grass or forest (s fl R= rainfall from mean annual storm event (inches) (refer to attached Figure 6.4.1.A KCSWDM) Therefore, Vh=3[(0.9(24,394) + 025(13,939))(0.47",�12)] � Vh=2991 cf(required} The proposed detention iwater quality vault would be 78'(L) x 22'(W) x approximately 15'(D) w�ith 3,432 cf of the bottom four feet of Cell lof the vault being set aside as water quality wetpool storage. The discharge from the facility would be to the newly installed Type 2 CB just to the north of the Cherie Lane I detentiorv'water quality vault located in the cul-de-sac at the western end of the new S. 34`h Place public right-of-���ay. , TIR Section 5 — Conveyance System Analysis and Design ��� The project proposes to install two Type I catch basins in the northerly flowline of S. 34`h I'i Place to collect stormwater from the pavement and tie in the roof drain lines from the �' proposed structures and convey the runoff to the detention vault for treatment and flow ', control. The all public storm drainage pipe is proposed to be 12''�3. The capacity of the ' storm drainage system will utilize a Rational Method tilannings barrel capacity analysis '�, assuming that the entire developed area draining to the pond is conveyed through the system. The analysis will be performed on the systems critical pipe, the pipe �vith the shallo���est slope or the pipe bet�vezn CB#1 and CI3�?. This is a very cons�rvative since the Rational Method of analysis inherently provides large peak values than the other acceptable conveyance system analysis methods. The analysis indicates that the maximum Rational pipe capacity is 7.54 cfs at 100% depth of flow in the minimum sloped pipe (5.19%), while the maximum design storm e��ent is the 100-year 24-hour Type 1 A which develops a peak flow of only 1.61 cfs. The actual KCSVVD'_v1 design storm event is the 25-year 24-hour Type 1 A which develops a peak flow of only 1.45 cfs. Special Requirements Analysis The Special Requirements #1 - #5, of Section 1.3 of the 2005 KCSWDM do not apply to the project. Summary In summary, the project proposes to install an underground detention and water quality vault to address the Level 2 Flow Control detention requirements. The vault w�ill be located in a separate detention tract west of proposed Lot 1. The vault will be designed with the appropriate water quality dead storage to provide large basic treatment. The project also performed a downstream analysis Core Requirement #2, to support our projects storm drainage design and found that the downstream appears to have sufficient capacity to convey the design storm event. There downstream did discover that there is a conveyance system pipe downsizing that occurs along the eastern edge of Talbot Road South prior to cross under the public right-of-vvay that could possibly overtop the road during the 100 year event, but would not cause any damage to residential structures or , infrastructure. Our proposed project will be providing flow control and will not increase the discharges to the existing downstream conveyance system. Therefore the before mention pipe system downsizing will not exacerbated by the development of the Cherie Lane II development. The adopted City of Renton storm drainage manual, the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual criteria requires that the project prepare a Full Drainage Review. The project will be designed with respect to and in accordance with the requirements of the 2005 KCSWDM. KING COUNTY. W'ASHIVGTON, SLRFACE WATER DES1Gv MANliAL �_�z%� TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET �ic��� 1 Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND PROJECT ENGINEER DESCRIPTION Project Owner ��F�� _� Project Name G�Y�,�,�.� �,� � Phone ����� ��j DDES Permit# Address Location Township �'3 S Range �� Project Engineer cclf.�K(, Section 2q Company ��•�L(� Site Address W,�LL E���_ Phone %25 — 5• � ST Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS Landuse Services ❑ DFW HPA ❑ Shoreline Subdivison / Short Subd. / UPp Management ❑ COE 404 ❑ Building Services ❑ DOE Dam Safety � Structural M!F/Commerical / SFR RockeryNault/ ❑ Clearing and Grading � FEMA Floodplain ❑ ESA Section 7 ❑ Right-of-Way Use ❑ COE WeUands ❑ Other ❑ Other Part 5 PLAN AND REPORT INFORMATION Technical Information Report Site Improvement Plan (Engr. Plans) Type of Drainage Review ull Targeted ! Type(circle one): Full Modified / (circle): arge Site mall Site Date (include revision /D G D r o Date (include revision dates): dates): Date of Final: Date of Final: Part 6 ADJUSTMENT APPROVALS Type(circle one): � Standard / omplex / Preapplication ! Experimental/ Blanket Description: (include conditions in TIR Section 2) Date of A roval: 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 1/1/OS l KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MAvliAL �'�� � TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET � Part 7 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monitoring Required: Yes / No Describe: Start Date: Completion Date: Part 8 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Communiry Plan : f�ENTD� Special District Ove�lays: Drainage Basin: ,t�Uu�P�-nn v�H-�i2 1 �i V E_j� StormwaterRequirements: �!-��/Qc�� , ��,,, L�12otJ Part 9 ONSITE AND ADJACENT SENSITIVE AKEAS �� ❑ River/Stream ❑ Steep Slope ❑ ke ❑ Erosion Hazard �etlands ����(�,_+�i ,�lo��'�p�>�, ❑ Landslide Hazard ❑ Closed Depression ❑ Coal Mine Hazard ' ❑ Floodplain ❑ Seismic Hazard _,,,,� ❑ Other ❑ Habitat Protection ❑ Part 10 SOILS Soil Type Slopes� Erosan Potential f�'�G —/� �Vl o,;���°�� ❑ High Groundwater Table(within 5 feet) ❑ Sole Source Aquifer ❑ Other ❑ Seeps/Springs ❑ Additional Sheets Attached � 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 1/1105 2 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL ��}.� TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 11 DRAINAGE DESIGN LiMITATiONS REFERENCE LIMITATION!SITE CONSTRAINT 0 Core 2-Offsite Analvsis oN� ❑ Sensitive/Critical Areas /V ❑ SEPA �Y��� ❑ Other ❑ ❑ Additional Sheets Attached �I Part 12 TIR SUMMARY SHEET rovide one TIR Summa Sheet er Threshdd Discha e Area Threshold Discharge Area: name or descri tion ^" Core Requirements (all 8 apply) Dischar e at Natural Location Number of atural Dischar e Locations: I Offsite Analysis Level: 1 2 / 3 dated: D Flow Control Level: 1 / 3 or Exemption Number incl. facili summa sheet Small Site BMPs Conveyance System Spill containment located at: '' hu�-� Erosion and Sediment ConVol ESC Site Supervisor: �..o�ro2, F.,�„-.�:,��,�D�� Contact Phone: ' After Hours Phone: Maintenance and Operation Responsibility: Private / ublic If Private, Maintenance L R uired: Yes / No Financial Guarantees and Provided: Yes / No Liabilit Water Quality Type: Basi Sens. Lake / Enhanced Basicm / Bog (include facility summary sheet) or Exemption No. Landsca Mana ement Plan: Yes / No S cial Re uirements as a licable Area Specific Drainage Type: CDA/SDO/MDP/BP/LMP/Shared Fac./None R uirements Name: Floodplain/Floodway Delineation Type: Major ! Minor / Exemption K None r 100-year Base Flood Elevation (or range): `��A Datum: i�1�� Flood Protection Faalities Describe: �j I� ! S�urce Control Describe landuse: ���,�`�'�'f� v t rJG L� T=ft-+� ��` {comm./industrial landuse} pescribe an structural controls: � �� Y N��J t-�a T 2005 Surface Water Design Manual U1/OS 3 KING COUI�TY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANliAL ,]��� TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET � Oil Controi High-use Site: Yes / o Treatment BMP: � Maintenance Agreement: Yes / No with whom? Other Draina e Structures Describe: �,,,,�.N� ��i'�d�r�-�csyJ W�T'Jh�-ccT �NQ ? �'Y,�� � G3� G�,vr�yh� �� �i`C S?Y�+ti( Part 13 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION �l� learing Limits l� Stabilize Exposed SurFaces , over Measures lJ R move and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities Ii l� Perimeter Protection Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris Ensure � �U affic Area Stabilization � �Peration of Permanent Facilities i diment Retention Flag Limits of SAO and open space I preservation areas II �urface Water Control ❑ pther I ' �Ust Control II � Construction Se uence �� Part 14 STORMWATER FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS Note: Include Facili Summa and Sketch Flow Control T /Descri tion Water Qual� T /Descri tion Md���� ❑ Detention ° � ❑ Biofiltration ❑ Infiltration �ld Wetpool Vk.c.C�' ❑ Regional Faality ❑ Media Fittration ❑ Shared Facility ❑ Oil Control ' ❑ Small Site BMPs l� Spill Control T o� 1 G3 ❑ Other ❑ Small Site BMPs ❑ Other ; � 2005 Surface Water Design Manual I/1/OS 4 ►�� Schrrc�ld�As.�od�l�pllc CHERIE LANE II ��' `�r'��r�'.�°�` �t a"'r�°�'°� '� 1945 South 375th Shcet Phone: (253)81�1700 Fea�way,wes� �soo3 Fax: (253)515-1701 VICINITY MAP ����� �y� � ��( � ! � � L ,', ,�,�7����� ` ���` CI.00"C � '� j i ..1 !�' 4 � � � f �y , _•'� .�". 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They series is described and thea each napping tmit in are the aost exteasive soils in the survey area. that series_ tkiless it is specifically mentioned otherwise, it is to be asst�ed that what is stated Alder+ood avelly sandy loan, 6 to 15 xent about the soil serie3 holds uue for the aapping sloQes --This soil is rolling.. Areas are imi u in that series. Thus, to get full infosaauon irreYular in shape and range fraw 10 to about 600 about any one napQing umit, it.is necessary to read acres in size_ ' both the deseription of the napping imit �d the Representative profile of Alderrood gravelly d�scriptioa of the soil series to rihich it beleatgs. s�dr lo�, 6 to 15 perceset slopes, in woodland, An ieQort�t part o� the description of each 450 feet�east �d 1,300 feet south of the north soil series is the soil profile, that is, the quarter corner of sec. 15, T. 24 N., R. 6 E.: sequence of layen fra� the surface dawnvard to � rock. or other uaderlyi.ng �aurial. Each stries Al--0 to 2 indies, very dark broxn (lOYR 2/2) contains two deseriptions of this profile. Zhe gravelly s�dy loa�, dark grayish brovn fint is brief and in tex�s fasiliar to the Iayvan. (lOYR 4/2) dry; weak, fine, granular struc- T'he seca�d, datailed and in tedmical�tea�s, is for �re; slightlr hard, friable, noasticky, scientisu,, eagineers; and others who need to aake no�lastic; �au�► roots; strongly acid; thomugh and precise studies of soils. Ihtless it abrupt, xavy boundarp. 1 to 3 inches thick. is othexrrise stated, the colon given in the 62--2 to I2 inches, dark-b:wo (IOYR 4/3) gravelly descriptians are those of a soist SD1I. sandy loa. brw+n (lOYR 5/3) dry; �od$rate, As ientio�ed i.n the sectiot► "Hor '�is S�avep Nas sedi�, snbaagular blocky structure; slightly Made," not all napping tmits are aeabers of a soil hard, friable, nonsticky, nos�plastic; aany series. Urban land, for exaipla, dnes not bela�g roots; str�gly acid; clear, wavy baundary. to a soil series, but n�rertheless. is listed in 9 to 14 in�es thick_ alphabetic order along xith the soil series. B3--12 to Z7 ine]ies, grayish-brorm (2.5Y S,/2) Following the nave of each aappiag imit is a- gravelly sandr loa�, light gray (Z.SY 7/2) sysbol in parenttuses. Tliis syabo2 ident�ifies the dry; samy, sediia, distiact aottles of light sapping �mit m the detailed soil sap. Listed at olive brown (2_SY 5/6); hard, friable, non- the end of each descriptioa of a napping imit is the stirky, noaplastic; aany roots; mediia acid; capability imit and voodl�d group in vhich the abrupt, wavy boundary. 12 Lo 23 inches thick. aapping imit has been placed. The woodland desig- IIC--27 to 60 inches, gra�rish-brown (2.SY 5/2), nauon and the page for the description of each reakly to strongly co�solidated till. Iight capability unit can be foimd by referring to the gray (2_5Y 7/2) dry; co�on, aediu�, distinct "Guide to Mapping Uaits" at the back of this siu�vey. =ottles of light olive hrown aad yella+ish The acreage and proportionate exteat of each bra+n (2.5Y S/6� �d lOYR S/6); �assive; no ' sapping imit are shown in table I. Id�y of the roots; Qedita acid. Many feet thick. terns �sed in desciibing soils can be found in the Glossary at the end of this surve�r, and �ore de- The A horizaa ranges fx�a� very dark brovn to tailed infornauoa about the teainclog�► and methods d�k bro+ai. '1�►e B horizon is dark brown, grayish of soil mapping can be obtained fra� the Soil Swever bivwtt, and dark yella+ish brown. The consolidated Maaual (19). C horizaa, at a depffi of 24 t� 4Q iaches, is Qostly gtayish bro�+n aottled xith yellowish bram. So�e Alderwood Series IaY'« � �e C horizan slake in xater. In a few _ areag, thera is a thin, gray oz grayish-brwn A2 The Alde�rwood series is aade ug of aodezatelr horizan_ In �ost arezs, this horizm has been well drained soils that have a xeakly cansolidated destroyed thrwgh logging aperations; - to strongly caa�solidated substrat�a at a depth of Soils included r►ith this soil in mapping make up 24 to 40 inches. These soils are o�n uplands. They no �ore tLazi 30 pereait of the total acreage. Some ' foxaed wder conifers, in gluial deposits. Slopes areas are up to 3 percent the poorly drained Nor'a� are 0 to 70 percent. The anaual precipitation is Bellingha, Seattle, lY�kwila, and Shalcar soils; 35 to 60 inches, most a£ which is rainfall, bets+ean sa�e are up to 5 perce�nt the very gravelly Everett October and Mav. The mean annuai air tmperattae is and Neiltan wils; and so■e are up to 15 percent about 50" F. 1he frost-free sessan is 150 to Z00 Alderwod soils that have slopes more gentle or � days. Elevatien ranges froa 100 to 8U0 feet. steeper than 6 to 15 percent. Sa�e areas ia New- In a representative profile, tht surface layer castle Hills are 25 percent Beausite soils, sa�e and subsoil an very dark brown, dark-brora, and nurtheast of Duvall are as �ch as 25 percent Ovall grayish-broxn gravelly sandy loaa about 27 inches soils, and so�e in the vicinity of Dash Point are thick_ 'The substratua is grayish-broMm, rreakly 10 percent Indianola and 1Citsap soils. Also consolidated to strongly cmisolidated glacial till included are s�all areas of Alderwood soils that that extends to a depth of 60 inches and nore, have a gravellr loas surface laYer and subsoil. 8 Permeability is moderately rapi.d in the surface Arents, Alderwood Material ' layer and subsoil and very slow in the substratim. Roots penetrate easily to the consolidated substra- ttm vhere they tend to mat on the surface. Some . Arents, Alderwood material consists of Alderwood —^^*s entar the substratun through cracks. Nater soils that have been so disturbed through urban- � s on top of the substraum.in xinter. Available izatian that they no longer can be classified �ritn r capacity is la+. Rxmoff is slar to medi�, the Aldexwood series. Thrse soils, however, have and the�hazard of erosian is aoderate. a�y sisalar features. The upper part of the soil� This soil is used for ti�er, pasture, berries, to a depth of 20 to 40 inches, is brn�ru to dark- � and rov ervps, �d for �ubaa develo�ent. Capability brorn gravellr s�dy lo�a. Belor this is a grayish- uait IVe-2; woodland group 3d1. bra�n, cousolidated aad impervious substratu�. � Alderwood velly sandy loas, 0 to 6 ercent Slopes geaerally range fro� 0 to 15 percent. slopes (AgB .-- s soil is nearly leve an '�ese soils are used for urban developaent. i imdulating: It is similar to Aldeswood gravelly sandy loa�, 6 to 15 percent slapes, but in places �q�u, plde�rood �aterial� 0 to 6 rcent sl es � iu surface layer is 2 Lo 3 inchrs thicker. Areas (A�B .--In �any areas "s soil i.s leveZ, as a aze irregular in shape and range fra� 10 acres m result of shaping dxain� constniction for uri�an slightly aore thaa 600 aeres in size. ��lities. Aress are rect�►galar ia shape and S�e araas aze as �uch as 15 pe=cent includad r�� fr� 5 a�� � 8�t 400 aeres in size. Noaa, Belliagham, 'hikwila, aad Shalcar soils, all ����ye �file of Areats, Alderwood of which are poorly drained; aad soae areas in the saterial � to 6 vicinity of En�ciai+ are as �ch as i0 percem� � P�mt slopes, in an urban area. Buckley soils. 1,300 fe�t rest �d 350 feet sauth of the northeast Rimoff is slw, �►d the erosia� hazard is coraer of sec. 23, T. 25 H., R. 5 E.: slight. 0 to 26 inches, dark-brorn [lOYA 4/3) gravelly n►is �aerwooa soii is �ea f� r.i�er, ��, ��, 1�,,, �e isrowa (lOYR 6/3) drY; berries, aad row crops, and for �abazi devela�aeaL. �sire; slightly hard, very friable, non- Capability imit IVe-2; waodland graup 3d2. �i� y, ncmplastic; aany roots; aedi� acid; Alderxood gravellr saad lo� 15 �o '30 ait abnipt, ssoad► boimdary. 23 to 29 inches slapes (AgD .--DeQ to e stratta ia s soil thi�. varies xithin short distances, bnt is c�only 26 to 60 inches, grayish-brown (2.5Y 5/2) weakly about 4U inches. Aress are elo�gated aad range consolidated to strongly consolidated glacial fra0 7 to about 250 acres in size. till, light bro�mish gray (2.SY 6/Z) dry; Soils included rrith this soil in aapping nake co�on, medi�, pTominent �ottles of yellarish up no more than 30 percent of the total acreage. broxn (lOYR S/6) moist; massive; no roots; �e �as are up to 25 percent Everott soils thzt sedi�a acid. I�fany feet thick. �ve slopes of 15 to 30 percent, and sa�e aress are . up to 2 percent Bellinghas, Narna, and Seattle soils, The upper, very friable part of the soil extends which are in depressions. Some areas, especially to a depth of 20 to 40 inches and ranges from dark on Squak Mountain, in Nexcastle Hills, and north of grayish broxn to dark yella+ish br�own. Tiger Mountain, are 25 perc�t Beausite and Ovall Sone aress are up to 30 percent in�luded soils soils. Beausite soils are imderlain by sandstoae, that are si�ailar to this soil material; but either and Qvall soils by andesite. shallarer or deeper over the cospact substratua; Rimoff is =ediim, and the erosioa hazard is and sa`e areas are 5 to 10 percent very gravelly severe. The slipQage potential is soderate. Everett soils and sandy Indianola soils. This AZden�ood soil is used nostlr for tiaber. This Arents, Aldezxood soil is noderately xell Sa�e areas on the lower parts of slapes are used drained. Pexaeability in the upper, disturbed soil for pastur�_ Capability �mit VIe-2; roodlaad group saterial 'u aoderately rapid to �oderate2y slar, 3d1. dapending on its co�paction during construction. The substrat�n is vei7r slarly peiaeab3e. Roots Alderwood and ICits soils, very st (J1k�l.-- penetrate to and tend to aat on the surface of the 'Ihis mapping unit is t 50 percent Alden�+ood ca►solidated substrat�. Soae roots enter the gravelly sandy 20� and 25 penait ICitsap silt substratea throngh cracks. Mater ,aves on top of lo�. Slopes are 25 Lo 70 perca�t. Distributioa �e �stratia in t�rinter. Available water ca aei of the soils varies greatly rrithin short distances. is la+. Rimoff is slor, and the erosia� hazard isy About 15 perce�t of saoe 'apped areas is an s2ight. included, ucm�ed, very deep, 'oderately coarse 7hu soil is used for urban developsent. Ca- textured soil; and about 10 percent of so�e areas is a very deep, coarse-textured Indiannla soil. P�ility unit IVe-2; voodland group 3d2, Drainage and perneability vary. Rtmoff is rapid to very rapid, and the erosion hazazd is severe to � Arents, Alderwood material, 6 to 25 ercent very severe. The slippage potential is severe. slopes Am -- is soil as convex slopes. Areas These soils are used for timber. Capability are rectangular in shape and range from 10 acres to unit VIIe-I; woodland group 2d1. about 450 acres in size. 10 Proj. ] 5043 CHERIE LANE II OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, CORE REQUIREMENT#2 Basin: Duwamish - Green River-West Subbasin Name: Black River Subbasin Number: Symbol Drainage Drainage Slope Distance Existing Potential Observations of field Component Type, Component from site Problems Problems inspector, resource Name, and Size Descri tion dischar e reviewer, or resident see map Type:sheet flow,swale, drainage basin,vegetation, % '/.ml=1,320 ft. constrictions,under capacity,ponding, tributary area,likelihood of problem, stream,channel,pipe, cover,depth,rype of sensitive overtopping,flooding,habitat or organism overflow pathways,potential impacts pond;Size:diameter, area,volume destruction,scouring,bank sloughing, surface area sedimentation,incision,other erosion A Site discharge Project site drainage - 0 None None Cherie Lane 1 CB, Outlet location, Southwest Developed will be from vault connects in here corner of property. discharged to Type 2 CB A-B Channel Flow, Type 1 CB, Solid Lid, 2.3% 0'-180' Newly graded None The CB sump was full of 18"f�N-12 pipe, IE -3.30 ft for installation sediment, low flow runoff of pipe, at the flowing clear. time of Downstream the hydro seeding had not established B-C Channel Flow, Type 1 CB, Solid Lid, 7.9% 180'-257' None None The CB sump was full of 18"� Steel pipe IE -4.85 ft (outlet) sediment, low flow runoff flowin clear. C-D Channel Flow, Type 2 CB, Solid Lid, t15% 257'-618' None None None 18"Q) Steel pipe Eastern edge of Talbot i Road S. ' D-E Channel Flow, Type 1 CB at Pt E 2.5°/a 6l 8'-708' None None CB Clean 18"QJ Steel pipe IE (in)�3.6 ft 1 � Pro'. _.� .15043 E-F Channel Flow, Type 1 CB at Pt E 2.4% 708'-753' Pipe Flow Capacity Max. Capacity before 12"Q� Steel pipe IE (in)�3.6 ft Downsizing restriction overtopping f6.8 CFS, maximum depth at CB of �3" F-G Channel Flow, Heavily forested to 5-7% 753'- None None Good Condition Broad crested semi forested natural 1350' shallow swale. swale 2 � � - u . . �t � :...r.y,.�-..+7IF��, 1{�}�t�W�� w i. � �; r7 �'i'",t'`"}"�+� ''�1 "'��' �� � y �� � f x �� ti �� , � � , ���. �I �;, , t"k a�ya �;�' +� 'i' .1 i d � � ' •�i .' �j b Y �b�ilfl�'+� 1�� �.� � i �sF ( � ..�� '� j, ���";.� � ... �� � � a � � � '� nj� � �l� � � � n ji..,�'� ,T''� j q`. � r" �. 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See Wetland Recharge basin Map B-2 05043-Storm AREAS 1.xls 1/22/2007 CITY FILE NO. CHERIE LANE II - PRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT � '� �� � � ��_ ���� � ��: � �;� \� \��� �A 1 �; T 1� o A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 , OF SEC. 29, TWP 23N., RGE. 5E., W.M. '-,���-� S'� '';�:: ,;�' � ' ' �� : _ ` CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON �; `� �,r��, '; �,y � � `���jj�' 1 ,� __; � YI%(� �� '1 "1 -. 3�. I — _ _ _ _ _ _ � � -; r � � �_ - � ,_ � � �� .� � � � � � f 1 ✓~'7 St j S. 32ND STREET � i- ` / _�- — — �7�— -- _� ._ _r � r' ' _� C � -" I \�� � � / �L.,— ! � � J! + I ' j � � � f �� , ���� , �/ � � � _� _ !�l / I � � � I \ k� t Y Y � / ll � f � 'I � �4 �K' !. Il� � � � � � � � � �� , �� ,� u�l�z� � `. " „ ` � I ; �� ii J/I !I ' Z )I� 3 4 � 5 � 5 I � I e I s I to i I SCALE 1" = 4p' 1 ,r- �. r,_ : _- ..' 'II�RACi 0 I � I � plAr or'MNsv�A OiN9aN n � I � I � �0' 0 20' �0� B0� F�� �� , —__- - � �. � �. �� I . � � � 1/0�,�b PNi$K-SB I � � 1 , .__'� � ' � ' II �. 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"^" � �� 1 ! `�-I — — — � — — — RENTDN, Was�iNcroN 98D59 A9129�THCSTREET Pr � "'�� �� Y ` _ � " `. .. � 1 P'w'�L'�'i. ,�x c�nie �u�■ � `, � � � j RENTON, WASHINGTON 98059 �N 1 � � , , °� � � `�' �"`�' ` PARCEL Nos.: � �� �'� � .,�: ��,`,`� +i '� I SURVEYOR � � �rr�s •,._ '`., .. �`�. �,, \� \ 1 � q.o � �� 2923059040 � .- � / , �+" `� � �T ,,,,. !� f�;, \ \ � z9z3oset Ba DA4E CAYTON. P.E. \ � �, E7o59NC AND PROPbS�BA�N }--� CORE DE9CN, INC. � g �� '»` �� ""�''•a°°'�� ,' ' �� --�. I�� � ��� LEGAL DESCRIPTION 14711 NE 291H PI..ACE, sui��o� . �$ , , J I -�— �_� \� ' � , • B E ASH C ON 98059 ..,e � ,, � i ' H s�r. ' r'wr' --�—, , ELL N1E� 14 N < ; � , 34,�sr. C � � ' � �, � � �- ��"�� i �--- _ -"s-- - -��— - — ���— zsza ' ' � -��-- +---�- �---- - - - 059040 �; I I i N --- . _ ` —ti ��'� -- - - - - : 5 "� ��oi..ui � ::�, � � - �- � �.--� --- ---+-- - -- -- , :--- - - -�--_ ----- , � , //�-� ---- -- /9812289012N SP �UA-98-026-SHPL REC ENGINEER . �� 'c- � __ -+ __ _ _ .-� 4� �4�'�� � �� � - ` �: I l i dc 98�ZZB?932 SD SP DAF-N 330 FT DF 5 BRANT A. SCHyyEIKL, P.E, , �d p q Vt4W . ,. : I � M�z : ! � I� F � �ETOF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 lESS EAST 660 $�HwpKL AND ASSOCIATES. PUC a � _-, �--- TRACT A � 1945 S. 175TH STREET �-——I-� r�'——1 �=r"1 �'',� �„ �� ,. I FEDERAL WAY, �ASHINGTON 98003 a.n,s �- � - �`. `6 , �`.1 �, �� ....__.... , _._"F / ... 1"+-.�3 . �.:� ` { ze2sossiae .j .� \ '�'"�'�L r : a ` s �.�. � � i c �_- O �� �r, �r. -�. -� � � ✓� iRACT A RENTON SP /LUA-98-D26-SHPL MY�• fl�• ���i �A�..� '�. . Mu�6�MMl�E I p,,..� ., � , � �� ��,� ,e�.,r. � REC �81 22 8 9 01 2 & 9 81 2281 9 32 SD SP H �. .��� ��"� �� ,.� �=� I TRh pAF-N 330 FT OF S 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF SW Z „ �,. F��,,,„, a��F��� i/4 LESS EAST 660 FEET. IMPERVIOUS AREA �s i:W.na� �i'`C ��. '�'"' � 0.43 ACRES (LOT 6 STRUCTURE W . .. �: .` ��..� ...� �..�` ...�.� .. . ��' u DISCHARGES TO WETLAND A) �C �.... :' ,.� � . � �� ... . Z ... . . .. ,. . �.. . ...� �.�.. ... �. � ' . ,.. . ., .. �� � c . . . ., , .. . --- ---- ., ING � � — — � -- --� n ,-- ----�r--�r ---�--*-- , - - � - » - R N EXIST NG BASIN AREA W ov� ��. -___. . ���� 'l �l f'---- �� . .. �__+____�__ _ : � -BO SINCLE FA�IILV RESIDENTIAL �S -- ------ `'- ��"—��� 1 01 ACRES FOREST Ti _. _. . ——_ .—�.r——� —+- M-+�-���-- � --'^-"i- `__.`� -- -� � ��N 7 � 'g��� . 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'7 ;�i�a R �� I I�� _ �� 9 , �� 2D00 SF PER LOT TOTAL = 0.88 ACRES �y, �^� �-.`�. � �� ���` � �a � � I�� � � VOL �500 SF�LOT DRIVEWAY) ��0 � i �.`�\ } � \ �� IJ =W� I� � ' v�� -� ,i '; ,_�� �I 3� ...�. 1 , � � ; � , o � I�� � ,� � � � � i� 15 14 13 � w r�et � — fA � o a�cae g �{ � — — _ I� � jj y� , o / ��' � � � i �,� Des�qnsd: BAS � UTILITIES ��cketl BAS �'^' � �i � �- NATURAL CAS PUGET SOUN� ENERGY �'���'* j � _ -I_S� T + ��' I -" ELECTRIG7Y: PUGET SOUNO ENERGY De�� 01/22/07 I I �/1 , ';' ; , s naEE oN�' co�i�cnsr cna� CALL 48 HOURS ;� Jo0 No.: 06043 � : �, � ` / ' � ,�� �� _ ,�__ '�4! �'�, ;.� , �� �, . _ � � � i � '± � . wn�: arr oF R��-oH BEFORE YOU DIG nsa a. �. � �. '�---_ -�..�•. '\ , �`-��`. ; .._ �`_ ._� �7I� / PL/A —`---`.y_•"`..+--5 �---' .. .� L%,.. '` �.}�i ` � � •.i ��. ..��� .-� SEWlER: SOOS CREEK WATER k SEWER DISiF21CT 6 t N � FIRE DISTRICT: CITY OF RENTON 1-800-424-5555 D�� SCALE� 1"� 40� D '�, 1 O� i Sh00t6 �. � KCRTS - E uivalent Flows II� q � Equivalents for 2 year ', Year Till-Forest Till-Lawn Till-Imp Till-Forest Till-Lawn Till-Imp ', 1 0.5700 0.1124 � 100 0.081 0.212 0.472 1.7544 1 0.1968 , 25 0.063 0.114 0.363 8.8929 5.0813 1 � 10 0.049 0.092 0.296 ' 5 0.047 0.089 0.296 3 0.041 0.082 0.259 2 0.028 0.049 0.246 1.3 0.017 0.045 0.243 1.1 0.002 0.019 0.213 50 0.075 0.179 0.436 KCRTS Equivalent Flows.xls - 705 South 9t^Street ' S hweikl d� A Suite 303 - C SSOCIQteS�pllc Tacoma,WA 98405 Civil Engineering, Project .�fanagernent and Cnnszrltirzg Phone:(253) 272-445 I Fax: (252) 272-4495 Cherie Lane II -05043 Pre- Developed Basin Input—PREDEV_1 ? : ! � ~ � Land Use Type ? Area (acres] Till Forest .88 Till Pasture U.OUO Titl Grass 0.000 Outwash Forest 0.000 Outwash Pasture 0.000 Ouiwash Grass 0.000 Wetland 0.000 Impervious 0.000 Scale Factor 1.000 Time Step r Hourly �l 15-minute Data Type ...................., '�� Reduced `� :Historic Compute Total Area Reduced is 8 years simulating Historic record ' - 705 South 9� Street • ,S hweikl & f� Suite 303 - C SSOCIRtBS�pUc Tacoma,WA 98405 Civil Engineering, Project.�lanagen�ent and Consi4lting Phone:(253) 272-4451 Fax: (252) 272-4495 Cherie Lane II -05043 Pre- Developed Basin Input-PREDE�'_1 _ �ow r�eq:�e:-��y �na�ys�s ��y='2a�S�� �Li Co�`���le��.. _ ,I�me Series F=�1e: predev 1 . tsf P9ean= -1 . 6 i 2 StdDev= bl. 2 j2 ?_c-ect Location:Sea-_ac Skew= -C. 129 ---Annlld� P2aK Flcw Rates--- ----�lcw �requency Ar.alysis------- --ow Rate Ranx Ti:r.e of ?eak - - Peaks - - Rank �eturn Frcb (CFS; (CFS; Period �. 026 16 2/16/49 22:00 C.0�9 1 89.5� G . 989 �. C51 5 3/^;3/50 i6:G0 0.0�6 2 32 . 13 0. 969 C.C56 2 2/C9/51 :8:00 0.053 3 19.58 0. 949 C.Oi7 32 1/30/52 9:00 0.052 4 14 .08 0. 929 0.014 4"� 1/18/53 19:00 0. 051 5 10. 99 0. 909 u.020 26 1/06/54 6:00 0. 043 6 9.01 0. 8�G 0.035 9 2/0�/55 21: �0 O. C41 7 7 . 64 0.869 u.030 12 12/20/55 1?:OC O. C3? 8 6. 63 0.849 0.023 21 12/09/56 15:OC O. C35 9 5 . 86 0. 829 ' 0.025 20 '_/16/58 2G:OC O. C35 10 � .24 0 .80G �.020 23 '_;29/59 3:00 O. G35 11 4 .75 0.?�9 �.�37 8 li/2C/59 2_:CO 0. 03C 12 4 .34 0.76G ;'. 020 22 2;24/6- 1�:C0 0.03G 13 3 . 99 0 .749 �. 012 44 1/03%62 i:00 0.029 14 3 .70 0.?29 �. 016 36 ;1/25;62 �4 :00 0.027 15 3.44 � .709 C.C20 27 1/�'i/64 "�8 :00 0. 026 16 ? .22 0 .69� C�.Gi9 39 �l/30/64 =2:G0 0.026 17 ?. �3 C . 6?:; O.Olei 38 li C6/o6 3:0� C.026 lts 2 . �5 0 .65;� u.035 10 1/i9%&7 i9 :��0 C.025 19 2 .70 G.63�; 0.02G 29 2/03/68 22:00 C .025 20 2. 56 0.61� 0.020 28 12/03/68 1?:00 C .023 21 2 . 44 0 .59� 0.017 34 1/13/70 23:00 C.020 22 2 .32 0.5i� 0.014 42 12/06/70 8:00 C.020 23 2.22 0.55C 0.041 � 2/28/72 3:OC C.020 24 2. 13 0 .53� 0.019 29 �/i3/?3 5:OC 0.020 25 2 . �4 0 .�1� �.020 25 "�/i5/�9 2: �C G.020 26 1 . 96 0 .49:; J.030 �3 12/26/i4 23: �G O.�J2G 27 1 . 89 0 . 4�; :7.Oi9 30 i2%02/�� 2C: OC C. �20 �8 1 .�2 � . 4�; ,�. OG2 50 �/�4/�7 19:OG O.Oi9 29 1 .7� 0 . 43;_ �. ��'c 3, ":2;l�i�i 1 . .�C C. :,�9 3G i .70 0. 4� � C. O:G �6 2/12/�9 8:�C G.::iB 3� 1 . 64 0 .39;' ., . C26 �d ;211�i79 B:�G 0. �1� �� 1 .59 0. , ., � . C�4 4C �2!26%80 �:CG G. �i7 33 1 .5d_ 0. 3�:; � . C26 1, "_0!�6/8� 1.5:C0 0. ��7 �� 1 . 49 0. 3�: C. G25 i9 i%05/B3 8:00 O.Oi7 �� � . 45 0.3_ C . 017 35 1i24/B4 i'�:CO C.016 36 ; .91 0.29= G. COS 48 2/li/�35 6:CG C .u^16 3? : .3? 0.2�-- ' �.C43 6 1/18/80 20:CG G.Olo 38 � .33 0.25_ .C�� _� ".1. � _."��0 7 . �C C . :�� . 39 _ .3� C ._�_ � Created on I!1Bi200?9 5i 00 Ph9 OSOd3 PREDEV l.doc � I - 705 South 9�Street � �'� ,.�chweikl & f�ssociates llc Suice 303 � p Tacoma,WA 98405 Ci��il Engineering, Project.11anagement and Consulting Phone:(253) 272-4451 Fax: (252)272-4495 ' Cherie Lane II -05043 ' I Developed Basin Input—DEV_1 III ' - � - � � Land Use Type ? , Area (acres� Till Forest 0.000 : Till Pasture 0.000 � Till Grass 0.32 Ouiwash Forest O.00D Outwash Pasture 0.000 Ouiwash Grass 0.000 Wetland D.D00 Impervious 0.56 Scale Factor 1.000 Time Step % Hourly 15-minute Data Type �'� Reduced � Historic Compute Total Area Enter area for this land use type, 0.0 if NONE . 705 South 9�Street �' .Sch weikl & Associates !Ic Suite 303 � p Tacoma,WA 98405 Civil Engineering, Project:�lanagement and Consulting Phone:(253) 272-4451 Fax: (252) 272-4495 Cherie Lane II -05043 Pre- Developed Basin Input-DEV_1 �lcw Freq�.:e:��y Ana:ysis �ogPearscr. I,I Coef�icients Time Series File:dEV 1 . tSf �^ean= -0.�88 StdDev= 0. 109 Project Locat�on:Sea-=ac Skew= 0.440 ---Annual Peak Flow Ra�es--- -----Flow Frequer.cy r,nalysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Pea;c - - Peaics - - Rar.k Return Prob (CFS) (CrS) Period 0.167 21 2/16/49 2�: C0 0.294 1 89. 50 0. 989 0.276 2 3/03/50 16:C0 0.276 2 32. 13 0. 969 0. 1�0 20 2/09/51 2:00 0.268 3 19. 58 0. 999 0. 134 �� 10/15/51 13:00 0.266 4 14 .08 0. 929 0. 128 44 3/24/53 15:G0 0.232 5 10. 99 0.909 O. i56 2i 12/19/5s 19:G0 0.232 6 9.Oi 0. 889 O. i61 23 =1/25/54 2:C0 0.214 7 ?. 64 �.869 0. 15; 24 "�1/18/55 1�:G0 0.21C 8 6. 63 0. 849 0. 186 15 i2/G9/56 19 :00 0.2C6 9 5.86 �.829 0. 164 22 12/25/57 16:00 0. �98 10 5 .24 �. 809 0. 122 47 11/i8/58 13:00 0. "�92 1� 4 .75 0.789 C. 157 2� 11/20/59 5:00 0. 191 12 4 .34 �.i69 C. 140 36 2/14/61 21:00 0. ,�90 13 3. 99 0.749 0.138 39 li/22/61 2:00 0.�89 14 3.70 0.729 0_ 139 37 12/15/62 2:00 0. "�86 15 3. 44 0_709 �. 156 26 12/31/63 23:00 0. ,,62 16 3.22 0.690 0. 140 35 12/21/64 4 :00 O. 1Bi 17 3.03 0.670 0. 141 34 1/05/66 16:00 0.1$0 18 2 .85 0.650 0.219 7 11/13/66 19:00 0.1?6 19 2 .70 0. 630 0.232 5 8/24/68 16:00 O.i70 20 2. 56 0. 610 0. 129 43 12/03/68 16:00 0.167 2i 2.94 0.590 0. 142 33 1/13/70 22:00 �. �64 22 2.32 0.570 0. 135 39 12/06/70 8:00 0. :61 23 2.22 0.550 I 0.210 8 2/27/72 ?:00 �. "�57 24 2. 13 0.530 0. 125 46 i/13/73 2:00 0. �5i 25 2.04 0.51C 0. 150 28 11/28/�3 9:00 �. �56 26 1. 96 G.490 0.198 �.0 12/26/?9 23:00 �. 156 2? 1.69 C.470 0.�28 =5 12/^u2/;5 20:0� �. �5G 28 : . 82 C.45� 0.�5G 3C 8/26/7? 2:00 O. 1�C 29 :. 75 C.�3� 0.206 9 9/17/-8 2:00 0. "��C 30 i.70 C. 410 O.i81 l; 9/08/79 15:00 O. i47 31 �. 69 C. 390 0. �82 "�6 12/14/79 21:00 O. i9ei 32 �. 59 C. 370 0. 192 11 il/21/80 11:00 0. 142 33 �. 59 C. 3�0 0.266 9 i0%06/81 0:00 0.�91 39 1.49 0.330 0. 189 �9 10/28/82 i6:00 0. 140 35 1. 95 0.310 0. 150 29 1/03/89 1:00 0. 140 36 1. 91 0.291 0. 130 42 6/06/85 22:00 0. 139 37 1.37 0.271 0. 180 �8 1/18/86 16:00 0. 138 38 1. 33 0.251 0.232 6 10/26/86 0:00 0. 1?:, 39 1 . 30 G.�31 Created on I120l2007 1:44:00 PM 05043 DEV I.doc O. iO3 49 11/11/87 0:00 0. 134 40 1 .27 0.211 0. 134 91 8/21/89 17:00 O. i39 41 1.24 G.191 C.294 i i/09/90 0':00 0. 130 42 1.2''� C. i?1 0.268 3 11/24/90 8:00 0. 129 43 1. 18 G. �51 0. 147 31 1/27/92 15:00 C. 128 44 1. 15 G. �31 �. 096 50 11/Cl/92 i6:00 C. 128 45 1. 12 O. ill 0. 112 48 11/30/93 22:00 G. 125 46 1. 10 0.091 0. 146 32 �1/30/99 4 :00 G. 122 4� 1.08 0.071 0. 190 13 2/08/96 ��:00 G. 1�2 48 �.05 0.051 O. ��E i9 1/02!9? 6:OC G. 103 49 "_.03 0.031 0. _91 i� i�, ��9. 9^ i.. . �C C . ,ab �J =. 01 G.Oli Computed Peaks 0.315 100.00 0. 990 Computed Peaks 0.288 50.00 0.980 Computed Peaks 0.261 25.00 0.960 Computed Peaks 0.227 10.00 0.900 Computed Peaks 0.220 8.00 0.875 Computed Peaks 0.200 5.00 0.800 Computed Peaks 0.160 2.00 0.500 Computed Peaks 0.134 1.30 0.231 Created on 1/20/2007 1:44:00 PM 05043 DEV I.doc - 705 South 9w Street ' S h weik! & A Suite 303 - C SSOC[QtCS�p��C Tacoma,WA 98405 ('i��i/ F.nKineerin�l. Pruject�Llunagement and Consulting Phone:(253) 272-4451 Fax: (252)272-4495 Cherie Lane II -05043 PRF.DEV 1 vs DF.V 1 Return Period 2 5 10 20 50 100 i _—- ' ' ' - ' ----' __ --- -- DEV__1 pks in Sea Ix • PREDEV_1.pks .Q..., ._ . . . ... 10'1 ..__—___— ._ ' . ._ --_—'__"_'__._ —__ . • � • • • � U 1r...t.. ... a� • .� � ♦, a, . •♦ r �����• U � � ♦1������♦ � � * ������ , � • ♦.�� ♦ �� — _ _" "__ _-"-F-� _--'__-__.._-_" -....___ _—__-__-.--.____. _. ... _ '_ _'.... ♦ ♦ ♦ �0 3 � _._'_�-1 1 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 BO 90 95 98 99 Curtulati�e Probabiity osoa3 PRrncv i �s��v i do� - 705 South 9�' Street ' ►s hweikl & A Suite 303 - C SSOCIQteS� p��C Tacoma,WA 98405 C�vil Engineer•irrg, Project_llanagement ar7d Constrlting Phone:(253) 2�z-a45 i Fax: (252) 272-4495 Cherie Lane II -05043 TARGET INPUT ? - � � - � � - - �'� i.J Time Series File is predev_l.tsf ? Output File is TARGET_l.dur Type of Intervals �-' Stage � Discharge Number of Intervals 35 Interval Size 0.0015 � First Inter�al 0.011� User Specified Intervals ` _ ___ � Compute Flow Durations ******* means the MINIMUM will be used - 705 South 9u Street � S h weik! & A Suite 303 . C SSOCIIIIeS, pllc Tacoma,WA 98405 Civil Erlgincering, P)'OJL'Ct .11anugernent and Const�lting Phone:(253) 272-4451 Fax: (252)272-4495 Cherie Lane II -05043 R/D Facility Definition File - Vault 1 Stage Discharge Storage Perm-Area (Ft) (CFS) (Cu-Ft) (Sq-Ft) . . �uCO 0 . ���G � " 0, C . � Q. O1C0 O. 00i 16. 8 0.0 J.0200 C. 00', 33. 6 0.0 0, 03C0 C.00= 5C . 4 0.0 � .04C0 O.00i 67 .2 0.0 �'.0500 O.001 84 . 0 0.0 '��. i900 0.003 319.2 0.0 :i.3400 0.004 �71 .2 0.0 _i.9900 0. 005 823.2 C.0 J. 6400 0. 005 �07�.'_ u^.0 ;;.7900 0. 006 132� . : C.0 ,�. 9300 0.007 i562.3 0,0 i .C800 O.CO? �9�9 .3 0.0 1.230C O.008 2066.3 C.0 1. 380C 0. 008 2318 .3 0.0 1.5200 0.008 2553. 5 C.0 1. 6700 0.009 2805.5 0.0 �.8200 0.009 3057 .5 G.0 _. 9700 0. 010 3309.4 0.0 2. 1100 O.O1C 3544 . 6 G. � �.260G 0. �10 3796. 6 C.0 �. 91C0 0.011 9�98. 6 �.0 :. 56C0 0.011 4300. 6 0.0 �. 71C0 0. 011 4552. 6 C.0 i. 85G0 C. Oli 9787.8 0.0 3. 0000 C. 012 5039.8 ^v.0 3. 1500 �. 012 5291 .7 0.0 �. 3000 ^v. 012 5543.� C.0 3.9900 0. 013 5778. 9 C.0 3. 5900 0. 013 603C.9 C.0 �. E500 0. 013 6"�31.? C.0 � . 6600 0. 013 6�98.5 �.0 �. 6700 0.014 6'_E5.3 0.0 � . 6800 G. O1� 6"�82. 1 C.0 � . 0900 O.Oi4 E:98.9 C.0 3.7C00 0. 015 6215.7 0.0 3. 8400 0. 016 E45C. 9 C.G �. 9900 0.018 6702. 9 0.0 1 . 1400 O.Oi9 E954 . 9 0.0 � .2900 0.019 7206. 9 0. 0 � . 4900 C. 020 7458.8 G. 0 � . 5800 0. 02_ 7699 .0 0. 0 ; .73G0 G.022 %9�6.G O. 0 . '?F?�`l . "��� �+= . , . �reat�d un I 1`i�ufi? 11:?��ilU:1!�1 V,AI�I.T I duc 5.OG00 0 . �23 8399. 6 C. � 5.0"�0^u C.023 8416.4 C. � 5. �20C G.024 L�433.2 ., . , J.O3UO U.UzJ 89J�.'J ., . 0 5.G4C0 0.02? �966.8 0. 0 5.0500 0.028 �4�3. 6 0. 0 5.0600 0 .028 �5C0. 4 0. 0 5.0700 0. 028 8517 .2 0. 0 5.2200 C. C33 8769.2 0.0 5. 360C O.Q36 9004 .4 0. 0 5.Si0C G.G�9 92�6. 4 O. u^ �. 66C0 G.041 950B . 3 C. � �.81C0 O.C43 9?60.3 0. � 5. 9600 0.045 _0012.3 O.G 6. 1000 O.C4? 1024? .5 0.0 6. 1400 0.09? 10314 .7 0.0 6. 1700 0.098 10365. 1 0. 0 6. 1900 0.048 10398 .i 0. 0 6.2200 0. 049 10449. 1 0. 0 6.24CC C. 05G 1GS82.? 0. 0 6.2`'00 0.052 1Q533. i O. G 6. 30CG 0.054 iG583.5 0. 0 6.32G0 0.057 106i�. "� 0. 0 6.3500 u.060 1066?.� -' ' 0. 0 6.�500 0.309 %4$35.5 0. 0 6.5�G0 0. 933 ilOG3.5 0.0 6. 6�00 1 . 66 =11?1.5 0. 0 6.7500 2. 46 i1339.5 0.0 6.850C 2.?4 11507 .5 0.0 6. 950C 3. �0 11675.4 0.0 ?. 05�G 3.2� 11843.4 C.0 7. 15CC 3. 95 1201"�.4 O.0 7. 2500 3 . 66 12179. 4 0. � ?.35C0 3. 85 12347 . 4 C. 0 ? . 45C0 4 . 09 12515. 4 �. 0 ?. 5500 4 .21 12683. 4 �.0 7. 6500 4 . 38 12851. 4 0.� , �.?500 4 . �5 13C'�9.4 �.0 7.8500 4 . 71 1318?. 4 0. � 7. 9�00 4 .86 13355. 4 C. 0 ', 8. 05G0 5. G1 1s��3. _ _ . � 1G�. 00 Base �'aci��ty E�e��°ct-�.. O.0 Mi;_utes/�nc:�. Ave�ace ___...-�,_._� 4 Fa^i�'_ity Type 6. 350G0 �epta ;f�) O. G0000 Slcpe - Hcrizcn�ai Ccmp��er._ -1.COOGO �anx v�dID2tc�/R.lsc (t�; 3 N�:T.ber cf Or�fices 6. 35�u� 2iser :ead ;ffi;, 12.p�C� riiser �ia:�e`�:�r F Bc�tom Perm�able (icgica� ; F Sides Permeab=e ,'.log��ca,� ,' T Nctched riser ;icgical; T Triangular t�otch (lcgicai; 2u. 00�JC _�:��t�h ar_gie (�egr�e�, c�zar���n �;�i�,_on? ii:���ou:�nt v,a���.�r i.d,,� (specl-yi �iser cLficw rat�r.g cGrt.�e fi��ename 76.3600 Facility Lenqth (ft) 1679. 92 Facility Bottom Area (sq ft) 0 Pr;mary Hydrograpl: dev l .tsf F:ydrograph & inflow TS fiie _d���:� �___�ow TS file 2 Year 1_E4 F.our . ^OCCu;;E-01 I'arget peak discnarge rate 4- Year 3148 Hour -; . �99:+90E+15 Target oea;c discharge rate 41 Year Y�4 Hcur _ _:_+�:��E+:5 Target peak d_s:.l:arg� rate 48 �ear ��4 4 :iour -�. 99999CE+15 Target peak discharge rate 42 Year =9�0 Hour -� . +����G�-15 Target peak discharge rate �? Year :�� Hour -���. 99999�E+1.5 Target peak d-_scharge rate 2"� Year 2836 Hour -�. 99999CE+15 Target peak discnarge rate 0 Year 34�9 Hour -� . 9°9y90E-15 Targe� peak discharge rate � Iteration Startir.g Menu se��ecticn � �teration Startir.g �rvi:�dcw _� I`era_i�n ='_:�a� ��]�:�;oo-� 0.00000 Orifice height (ft) , 0.500000 Orifice diameter (in) • ' �. � �837c-�1 Orifice ��scha�ge ;�fs) 3.65000 Orifice height (ft) , 0.500000 Orifice diameter (in) �I . 11i398r.-�= Orifice discl:arge (c_`s; 5.00000 Orifice height (ft) 0. 830000 Orifice diameter (in) �• . 217060E-01 Orifice discharge (c�s) 0. 19000 Notch hei�ht � �_eate Docurr.ent Eile T Calculate Peaks = View ?eaks �' Not�fy when peak dates crar.�e r ciot rea;cs i Calcu�a�e Duraticr. F view dsrations I T Plct �uration F Plct Pea;c Stage F P1ot ;�uration Stace rciou�.pks Feak fi�_e 1 idout.dur ��uration f�-ie 1 !specify) Peak file 2 (specify) Duration f•�le � �I Created on 1/19/2007 I 1:22:00 AM VAULT_I.doc I ;specify) Peak file 3 ' �ARGEi.dur DLration f�le � i ;snec'_fy; Peak fi_e . � ispecify; L�ration fiie 4 � CalcLiate Vo�ume 1G% 1/ 0 0:00 Volume Sta�t �a�� 10/30/ 0 23: 00 Volume End Da_� F Calculate D/S Compliance dsout i./S Compliar.ce Cu�P�s� =�1� (specify) D/S Tribstary file ;specify) Reservoir �iie C.00OOC D/S Compiia:�ce La�: 'L PCC is d:scrarge cernp�'�ia�ce e=�� �r,:�? . Creat�d��n I�19���)il- I I �3���(,':�h4 ��:Al I f I .loc - 705 South 9�h Screet �' ►Sch weikl & f�ssociates p!!c Su ite 303 � Tacoma,WA 98405 Civil Engineering, Project_�Ianagement and Consulting Phone:(253) 272-445 I Fax: (252)272-4495 Cherie Lane II -05043 RDOUT - Discharge from detention Vault Flcw =recL2ncy Analysis LogPearsoz III Ccef��cier.ts Time Series File: rdOut. tBf Mean= -1. 750 StdDev= 0.218 Project Location:Sea-Tac Skew= 0. 89? ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Ra�e Rank T�r.te of Pea:{ - - Pea;cs - - Ran;c Return Prob ;CFS} CrS; (fti Period 0.011 39 2/22/49 13:�G O. C59 6.34 1 89.50 0. 989 0.019 1� 3/05/50 7 :C0 O. C51 6.25 2 32. 13 0. 969 0.059 1 2/09/51 20:C0 0.045 . 5. 95 3 "�9.58 0. 949 0.011 46 2/04/52 ;:00 0.093 5.79 4 14 .08 0. 929 0.015 28 1/18/53 22:00 0.042 5.?5 5 10.99 0. 909 0.013 31 1/06/59 12:00 0.041 5.67 6 9.01 0.889 0.013 34 2/08/55 9:00 0.040 5.55 7 7 . 64 0.869 0.022 11 1/06/56 12:00 0.039 5.50 8 6. 63 0.849 G.Ci3 32 2/26/�7 4 :00 �.039 �.49 9 5.86 0.829 G.018 22 1/1?/56 7:00 �.033 �.24 10 5.24 0.8C9 G.012 38 1/24/59 "�6:00 0.022 4 .84 11 4 .75 0.789 0.043 4 11/21/59 3:00 0.022 4 .?4 12 4 .34 0.769 0.020 15 11/24/60 1? :OC C.02i 9 . 63 13 3. 99 0.749 0.011 47 12/24/61 6:00 0.021 9 .59 14 3.70 0.729 0.015 27 1�/26/62 11:OC 0.020 4.47 15 3.94 0.7C9 0.019 20 11/19/63 17 :00 0.020 4 .41 16 3.22 0. 690 0.022 12 12/O1/64 8 :00 0.019 9 .23 17 3.03 0. 6i0 C.013 35 1/0?/66 4 :00 G.019 4 . 17 18 2.85 0. 650 C.018 21 12/13/66 15:00 0.019 4 . "�4 19 2.?0 0. 630 0.013 33 1/20/68 20: 00 C.019 9 .09 2G 2.56 0. 610 0. 012 36 12/li/68 8 : ;,0 0.018 9 .03 21 2.94 0.590 0.016 26 1/27/70 4 : C0 0.018 9 .03 22 2 .32 0.570 0. 016 24 12/G7/70 11: C0 0. 0�� 3.88 23 2.22 0.550 0.039 8 3/06/72 22:G0 0. ��6 3.87 24 2 . 13 0.53C O.C21 13 12i26/i2 7 :OG O.Oi6 3.81 25 2.04 0.51C 0.017 23 1/16/79 19:00 O. C16 3.80 26 1. 96 0.990 0.012 3? 12/2i/?4 1�:00 O. C_5 3.75 2? ,,.89 0.9?0 0.019 29 12/09/75 3:00 0. 0=5 3.70 28 1.82 0.450 O.G10 98 8/26/7� 7:00 O.C19 3. 68 29 1.?5 0.930 O.G19 18 12/�5/77 19:00 O.Oi4 3.6? 3C �.70 0.41C O.C1� 99 2/��2/?9 18:C0 0. �:3 3..56 31 1. 64 0. 39C O.G92 5 12/"�7/79 20:00 O. C�3 3.55 32 ,� .59 0. 37C O.G14 30 12i30/80 22:00 O. Oi3 3.54 33 1.54 G.�50 0.033 10 10/06/81 18:00 0. 0:3 3.48 39 � .49 0. �30 ' 0.016 25 1/08/83 3:00 O. C�3 3.40 35 1.�5 0.310 ' 0.011 99 12/10/83 19:00 O.Ci2 3.32 36 1 . 41 G.291 O.G11 9G 11/C4/84 i:00 0.012 .1.25 3% 1 .37 0.271 0.021 14 1/19/86 1:C0 0.012 2. 90 38 1 .33 �.2�1 0.039 9 11/29/86 �:r,0 0.01�� 2.88 39 1 .30 0.2�1 O.011 9: 12/'�C/8�' � :CG C.O1� 2.88 40 1 .27 0.2i"� ' Crcated on Ul9/2007 9:57:00 AM 05043 rdout.doc i I 0.011 92 =1/05/88 22:00 �.01; 2.86 41 1.24 0. 19i �.045 3 1!09!90 :9 :OC O. C;1 2.7C 42 1.21 0. 171 O.C40 � 4/05/91 6: C0 0. 011 2 .57 43 i. 18 0.151 0.019 �9 1/31/92 6:G0 0.011 2. Si 44 1. 15 C .131 0.011 45 1/26/93 4 :00 0.01� 2. 40 45 1. 12 C."111 0.010 50 2/i7/94 22:00 0.�1"� 2.36 46 1. 10 0.091 0.020 16 12/27/94 8:OC 0.0"�1 2.35 4i 1.G8 0.0?i O.G51 2 2/09/96 4 :C0 0.010 2 .20 48 1.05 O.C51 0.091 6 1,i02/9? 12: G0 O.O1C 2.C9 49 =.03 0 .�31 u.Gl� 43 _C�3C�!9? 1�: Ou 0.010 _. 96 5C _ . �1 ,, .C�1 Computed Peaks 0.078 6.36 100.00 0.990 Computed Peaks 0.062 6.35 50.00 0.980 Computed Peaks 0.049 6.22 25.00 0. 960 , Computed Peaks 0. 035 5.31 10.00 0. 900 Computed Peaks 0.032 5.20 B.00 0.875 Computed Peaks 0.026 5.04 5.00 0.800 Computed Peaks 0.017 3.88 2.00 0.500 Computed Peaks 0.012 3.30 1.30 0.231 I � I � Created on I�19,�2007 9 i?00 AM 0�043 rdout.doc - 705 South 9�h Street • S h weikl & A Suite 303 - C SSOClUt6S�pllc Tacoma,WA 98405 (�n�i! f;����,�ineer-in�, Project Munugement and Consultin� Phone:(253) 272-445I Fax: (252)272-4495 Cherie Lane II -05043 Routed "I'ime Scries-lluration Gra h __ .._ _ _ ... . _ _ _ _ _ __. _ _ _ � 0 � ou�e�c.v,-� =/Bf'-�-�-$' o _------ -—-- -- o J � � r� _ .—� --- Zo�¢S 1 SS�Z$ g -- -- - -- --- -- o ---_ ------ � LL U y M OI 0 - - -- _ . ._.. . .. . ` __._._- __..'-_'-'_ _.. qO _ _ ___.". _ _. ._'___. _'__ __-_ . . __ t U � I! o = �=o�'f ���`� 0 - _ ----- ----- - - -- - 0 , �= o,so" 1ez,�7 � - -- - -- — -- ---_ _ _ 0 „ � �= o.so �n,l� 0 0 ll� " 1U�� 1n � 1U-� 10�� 1q-� 10° 1'roGab�ury Exceedence Created on I/19/2007 I 1:13:00 AM05043 Routc doc '. 705 South 9�Street ' s h wer'kl & f� Suite 303 - C SSOC1QteS�p��C Tacoma,WA 98405 Civil Engineering, Project.1�lanagement and Consaslting Phone:(253) 272-4451 Fax: (252) 272-4495 Cherie Lane II -05043 Duration Comparison Analysis Base File: predev 1 . tsf New File: rdout. tsf Cutoff Units: Disczarge ir. CFS -----Fractior. of Time----- ---------Creck of Tclerar.ce------- Cutoff 3ase New �C:^.ange Probabili�y Base New �Change ' 0. 011 I 0. 93�-02 0.32E-01 297.0 I 0.93E-02 0.011 0. 013 18.0 ; �'L- 0.0�5 � 0. 50E-02 �. 5?E-02 13.8 � O.SOE-C2 0. 01� 0.015 6.2 .� 0.018 i 0.28E-02 0. 33E-02 18 .2 I 0.28E-02 0.018 0.019 3.3 0.022 I O. i7E-02 0. 92E-03 -46.1 I C. 1%'�-02 i,. �22 0.021 -6. 6 0.026 � 0. 11E-02 0. 68E-G3 -35.8 � O.liE-02 C.026 C. 022 -14.6 O.C29 I �. 67:-03 C.5i�-03 -14 .? 0.67E-,^�3 0. 029 0.026 -�1.8 0.033 I 0. 44E-C3 u. 45E-03 2 .6 I 0.44E-03 0. 033 0.033 0.8 0.037 I 0.30E-03 0. 32E-03 6.8 I 0.30E-03 0.037 0.037 1.3 0.041 I 0.21E-03 O. i8E-03 -17.2 � C.2iE-03 0.041 0.040 -2.4 0.044 I 0. 11�-03 0. 66E-G4 -42.0 I 0. 11E-03 0. 044 G.042 -5.2 0.048 I 0.59E-04 0.27E-04 -53.8 ' 0. 59E-04 0.048 0. 045 -6.6 0.052 ! 0.32E-04 0. 91E-05 -71.4 I 0.32E-04 0.052 0. 047 -9.2 0.055 I 0. 68E-05 0. 68E-05 0.0 I 0. 68E-05 0.055 0.055 0.2 G.059 I 0.23E-05 0. 23E-05 u.0 I ^v.23E-05 0.059 0.059 0. 6 Maximum positive excursicn = 0.002 cfs ( '_8.0�) occurring at 0.011 cfs on the Base Data:p-edev l.tsf and at C.013 cfs or. tne New Cata:rdout.tsf Maximum negative excursion = 0.006 cfs (-19. 9$) occurri:�g at O.G29 c�s on the Base Ca=a:predev l.tsf and at 0.023 c�s on the New Data:rdo�:t.�st Created on I/19/2007 9:49:00 AM 05043 COMAPRE I.doc 6.4.1 WETPONDS—BASIC AI�D LARGE—,b(ETNODS OF,-I�VALYSIS FIGURE 6.4.1.A PRECIPITATION FOR MEAN ANNUAL STORM IN INCHES(FEET) ; ST 1.0/ LA 1.2 i � ST 1.1 ST 1.0 LA 0.8 LA. 0.9 �„�o�:.�,��., I� � iw� ;.�_ q R�Mo<ounrr .�, � ,�r^( ��.r-t_i .� jf �l j � � �� 4 _ �l. Y• !d l� S�1 �1 i��_� / ^ � , , ,'�3' !�- j,�,y �_ . �J 1 I ; �"' t /S `�� ' i� � J I 1 •�r �� � • f � .�vu � � . � [r�' �i � z� 9 `, i • e &7 � �i � `�E � � J 6 SIATL `t� ,�\ �. �� yl j``�`�' � ��^.aexv.� �:; ��Z,s,_�,�� `1 l� Z 1 ��_� � �' �� / I L. � .'7 � i-.� .��rn. ' ' �r j i ` , F 1 L `7 �. y p� � 0 L i � } � a �,*v-i, A=' ;' F .,.n,s. .�� ; a o _. � _ � J � .� ,; ;� �`�,-�—, � � ?– s..+ Q . ; � , G p .. } .��� "`7 �j _ � ( ` ' ���i f r 0.54•• st,::r- � � �� n (0.045,) `'" e :R,.»�o�.�. ,E.�.�o��„ 0.47" (0.039') n • u� Incorporated Area � � .x� River/l.ake 0.47" � — Major Road (0.039') 0.5Zp (0.043') 0.65•• NOTE:Areas east of the eastemmost isopiwial should use 0.65 0.56" (0.054') inches unless rainfall data is available tor the location of interest (0.047') 2'The mean arnwal stortn is a conceplual stam found by divi�ng the annual precipitation by the total number of storm everns per year result,generates large amounts of runoff. For this application, till soil types inctude Buckley and bedrock soils,and-alluvial and outwash soils that have a seasonally high water table or are underlain at a shallow depth(less than 5 feet)by glacial till. U.S. Soil Conservation Service(SCS)hydrologic soil groups that are classified as till soils include a few B, most C,and all D soils. See Chapter 3 for � classification of specific SCS soil types. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 1/24/2005 6-71 SECTION 6.4 Vb'ETPOOL FACILITY DESIGNS • Till forest is all permanent onsite forest and/or shrub cover, located on till soils, that retains the natural understory vegetation and forest duff,irrespective of age, if densities are sufficient to cnsure at least 80 percent canopy cover within 5 years. To be counted in this category, forest must be protected as permanent open space. Such areas shall be placed in a separate open space tract or shall be �.J protectcd through covenants or conservation easements. Section 5.2.1 has a brief discussion of forested open space under the heading"Rural Residential Projects." • Outwash is soil that infiltrates well and as a result produces small amounts of runoff. SCS hydrologic soil groups classified as outwash soils include all A,most B, and some C soils. See Chapter 3 for classification of specific SCS soil types. Cover categories are based on existing U.S. Department of Agriculture soil survey data or site-specific data where available. � Next,coefficients specific to the four cover rypes are weighted by the drainage areas and then multiplied by the rainfall R from Step 2 to produce the runoff volume V,: V, _ (0.9A;+0.25.4,b+O.lOA,f+O.O lA�}x(R) �� (6-13) C�.9�'I��1/T4)a-�.z5(�3,93`J) +-o + o) �C �� � `-�'197 GF where V, = volume of runoff from mean annual storm(c� A; = area of impervious surface(sf} A,�= area of till soil covered with grass(s� A,�= area of till soil covered with forest(s� A� = area of outWash soil covered with grass or forest(sfl R = rainfall from mean annual storm(ft) Step 4: Calculate wetpool volume(i�b). Use the results of the previous steps to calculate the required wecpool volume according to the following equation: Vb — .f V. � '�X � Z9 � G� �6-14) ...� �7= 9 where V,, = wetpool volume(c� f' = volume factor from Step 1 V, = runoff volume(c�from Step 3 Step 5: Determine wetpool dimensions. Determine the wetpool dimensions satisfying the design criteria outlined below. A simple way to check the volume of each wetpool cell is to use the following equation: vh = h(A, +A,) (6-15) 2 where Yh = wetpool volume(cf} h = wetpool depth(ft) A i = water quality design surface area of wetpool (s fl A, = bottom area of wetpool(s� Step 6: Design pond outlet pipe and determine primary overflow water surface. The design criteria for wetponds(see Section for a pond outlet pipe to be placed on a reverse grade from the pond's wetpool to the outlet structure. Use the following procedure to design the pond outlet pipe and determine the primary overflow water surface elevation: a) Use the nomographs in Section 4.3 (Figures 4.3.1.B and 4.3.1.C)to select a trial size for the pond outlet pipe sufficient to pass the WQ design flow Q„p. � b) Use Figure 43.1.F to determine the critical depth d�at the outflow end of the pipe for Q„q. 1i24/2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 6-72 TECHNICAL INFO�:MATION REPORT STORM DRAINAGE CONVEYANCE SYSTEM CALCULATIONS i Flow Capacity Calcs. (manning's) Q = I .-ig6 n � R- � � S , 13o1d Numbers entered directl Pipe Dia. (D) 12.00 " 12.00 " 8.00 " Manning's n (n} 0.014 0.014 0.014 Slope (S) 5.19% 0.50% 0.87% Depth (Y} 1.00' 1.00' 0.67' Qactual 7.54 cfs 2.34 cfs 1.05 cfs Vactual 9.596 fps 2.979 fps 3.000 fps �,� Frlename 05043_GE�\'ERAL.XLS Tab Pipe Flows/,'10�7007 1/:.i6,9,19 I Rational Method (KCSWDM) Storm Event 25 yr Precip (Pr) 3.4 Area Basin area 0.56 AC 0.32 AC C Table 3.2.1A 0.9 0.25 ar Table 3.2.1 B 2.66 2.66 br Table 3.2.1 B 0.65 0.65 Tc Time of concentraton 6.3 6.3 ir ar*Tc^(-br) 0.80 0.80 Ir Pr x ir 2.73 2.73 Total Q C x I r x A 1.38 cfs�0.2 , 1.60 Rationai Method (KCSWDM) Storm Event 100 yr Precip (Pr} 3.9 Area Basin area 0.56 AC 0.32 AC C Table 3.2.1A 0.9 0.25 ar Table 3.2.1 B 2.61 2.61 br Table 3.2.1 B 0.63 0.63 Tc Time of concentraton 6.3 6.3 ir ar*Tc^(-br) 0.82 0.82 Ir Pr x ir 3.19 3.19 Total Q C x Ir x A 1.61 cfs 0.26 cfs 1.86 � 0�0¢3 ,,.,;t,,,v,.,,.� Ru�vvcr�utv1YU lAl1VN ANll ANALYJIS NIEIHODS li FIGURE 25-YEAR 24HOUR ISOPLUV�ALS ' � ' �� ��� �� ��� � � SM MDIIISM COUMT• �''. 2S ��a.K •�. i ��. �� "� �� � ��� �� �� KIMOCOUMT'/ � ��` rru� - � ?' � __.�_ _ _ �8 � - �, S .... 3� , - � } -� �- ?: _ I � _ i �r� ' t� / ._ ^ �. . �e ' � ' w+r � . . .-, � �.....w : �\ ,i . �?,3 • � : ----;�__� ~�% �4 . , ,. . - u? • :. _ - : � _ . �� � •,s - _ ' ; _ a . _ �. :• „ a , y .,_.- � _,,�;._ _ �K �.� ', �_.,< �__._.- ...,� ��-� - .. :... •; - - �; a . ....,.. � fti�It �_ . �' � +� . , .��.S __. � ��. +' -� ,\ __ _" . ' l.�~ ('. 1� — - l.� �l '. \r � �:.� �. • _ �� •� - 5.0 - . �` ... ..�. ;� _ �:� _ y �� , - -.l= � �,�� l .� (� N) _ . _�`� M . _- _ V �� i:�w • �. 1J� '- . •�r.c ♦ ` . �..M ' � �7.._.---� _ � S L� � . , . .. . '' � / ' . � ' � .'.1` , ��__' � . j .` • ��� -- . an, ��r � � : :j : � i _ . ✓1,. � � . i' r i� S J ' `- tJ ( � � , ^.,. .� _ � . tit . � ` v� Oj I ' t+ �, . '' ��_ , \ � �• ' :" ..... � _ 4r, _� .�� `.I . '• � C � � � � � �/. `� .m-J� � . � �� ^ y ; ' � ''�r, �. � �, `� l�},e.�;` ...�.. K�.a�o�.T. :� - � �Vr._'_- �. PIERC!couwrr WESTERN � ��;�� � KING COUNTY ` -` -- � SS N � �` � 50 25-Year 24-Hour � � ti � 4.5� f ` Precipitation `��� � � �,;��.� o�--��Maes �, op in Inches � 9!1l98 1998 Surface Water Desi�n Vianual 3-16 �'` G � 3.2.1 RATIONAL MET'HOD FIGURE 3.2.1.D 100-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIAIS ! �y�J�-� - --- --- -- ��- __ eourTr 3 T , .. - 1 -�- �' r oou�rr .� � 3 3� •^ ___ .� ` � �`' . -4 , , �} . - , _...,. 3 j - =• � � `?� ...,.. • �w `: ..« � 4 9•8 ,, ' .-_- .-... � 4r � - _ '� 4,� ' .� -- .`� � ' +-�-� __ ��`.' . . .«..: _ `�� - 43 ,\ . ... � ., —,_``� . ,--` - .. , . ; . _ ..... __. __ � �` - � - - , .� �,, , •�. ...... tA.i � R •T � – � � ��y�.' � _ \ � ' V7 _ �\ `.� ' � f — p .. ' � •� r' _ . � -� �v , t � y`, :� � s' � 'Y 1 � . _ . _� • _ � = N�t�/ \ �n � I S ``•`i w . _ ^�� —" , J• ��� �^ . 4 ." IN. � � `,` � . . . " �i^`�. � \ . . � . � � �.� • ` - .. �i � � 1. . {a� � . .__ _` � •��� '�- . " �� i .�a.0• • . . S� " _ '_�_"' . : ``t " . �_��� ' � , i ` �� , . : \ �! . � ` \ . . \ ��N Y \ . � `\• '\ O � a '-/ �� ..m,- ' \ '✓ `� i.aa... � -�'o --- r a�o��.. '� ►iE cc crouwrr ��. i i WESTERN � `� � '�=:�, ', KING COUNTY �' � ,. . Cs.$ ' O �y V.O N � 0�eV '~. 5.5 �, 100-Year 24Hour a� �,:� �.,� � � Precipitation °`��,h -� ���__- - � f"� � L, in Inches °�""� h• ' h� 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/II98 3-17