HomeMy WebLinkAbout03212 - Technical Information - Preliminary _� � j ', �-� � I - PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL _ INFORMATION REPORT _ FOR THE LANDING RENTON, WASHINGTON October 31, 2005 ' Revised May 19, 2006 Prepared for: Harvest Partners 8214 Westch�ster Drive, Suite 650 Dallas, TX 75225 Prepared ry: W& H PACIFIC, INC. 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washington 98021 (425) 9�1-4800 ��12 PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT FOR THE LANDING RENTON, WASHINGTON October 31, 2005 Revised May 19, 2006 Prepared for: Harvest Partners 8214 Westchester Drive, Suite 650 Dallas, TX 75225 � F• H �Q�j9 Engineer: � S �y Nicole F. Hernandez, P.E. � � W& H Pacific,Inc. - ° 3350 Monte Villa Parkway 9 r � Bothell, Washington 98021 .c�,�Fc S ER�°��� (425) 951-4800 ss� AL �� �j 1�1� EXPIRES: SEPT.7, � TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 Project Overview 1.1 Purpose and Scope 1.2 Existing Conditions 1.3 Developed Conditions _ 2.0 Preliminary Conditions Summary �_ 2.1 Core Requirements ' 3.0 Off-Site Analysis 3.1 Upstream Drainage Analysis 3.2 Downstream Drainage Analysis 4.0 Retention/Detention Analysis and Design 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology 4.2 Developed Site Hydrology 4.3 Water Quality 4.4 Detention 5.0 Conveyance Systems Analysis and Design 5.1 Roof Downspout System 5.2 Proposed On-Site Conveyance System 6.0 Special Reports and Studies 7.0 Basin and Community Planning Areas 8.0 Other Permits 9.0 Erosion/ Sedimentation Control Design 10.0 Bond Quantities Worksheet, Retention/Detention Facility Summary Sheet and Sketch, and Declaration of Covenant 11.0 Maintenance and Operations Manual Appendix A - Isopluvial Maps (2-5rear, 10-year, 100-year) Appendix B - Stormshed Water Quality Calculations 6�'&H Pacific,Inc. TIR The Landrn,�—Harvest Parmers P:',Harvest Partners i032536�tilanagement�Transfers'Old ib7�P Folders�Officel Word�tir title-toc 5-19-06.doc ,�fay 2006 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS FIGURES 1 T.I.R. Worksheet 2 Vicinity Map 3.1 Existing Conditions Map 3.2 Developed Conditions Map 4 King County Soil Survey Map W&HPac�c,Inc. TIR The LandinA—Hanesr Parmers P:1Harvest Parmers10325361ManagementlTransfers101d WHP Folders�O,ffrce'.if'ord.tir ritle-roc�-19-06.doc ,4fay 2006 11 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Purpose and Scope The following Technical Information Report (TIR} is provided for The Landing development project. The existing site lies within a portion of NW '/< Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. and NE 1/< Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, Washington (see Figure 2 — Vicinity Map). The site is approximately 38.8 acres in size. The site discharges to the north in a tightline system before entering an existing tight line system which is conveyed to Lake Washington. The site is located in a direct discharge basin. As directed by the City of Renton, the hydrologic analysis will be based on the 2001 Department of Ecology Stormwater Management 'vlanual for Western Washington (Ecology Manual). Conveyance facilities will be based on the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Ma.nual (KCSWDM). 1.2 Existing Conditions The existing site consists of asphalt parking lots, existing buildings, and landscape islands (See Figure 3.1). A more detailed description of each basin can be found in Section 4. 1.3 Developed Conditions The proposed development will include buildings with associated drive aisles, parking and landscape. These buildings are to be used primarily for parking garages, retail shops and commercial purposes. All drainage facilities and water quality treatment facilities were designed to a complete build-out condition, and were designed per the 2001 Ecology Manual and the City of ' Renton Standards. The proposed development will consist of asphalt parking, drive aisles, buildings, and landscaping throughout the entire site. (See Figure 3.2), Developed Conditions Map). Existing and developed condition basin delineations aze found in Section 4. i4'&HPacific.lnc. TIR The Landing—Harvest Partners P:�Harvest Parmers'032536'�llanagement�Transfers'Old ii71P Folde�s'�Office��ti ordypre rrr bod}�5-19-06.doc .Ltay 20�6 1 K�9��'NY�m�t of pe�ve�°Psne�t�d_F_nv"soemenhal Services , TECHNICAL [NFOF�MATlON REPORT (TIR) WOF�KS[[EET ' �-� _e���:� _ .- �� ��c��r-t��or��: _ - � _ _. _, _ : _ - �� ��� - €��s�r�c�- Projed t�arne ��NA�vEsT f��x� 7N� G��/�i/�1G i �gZ/�Gf��STGf/�S7�iL T�I�I✓E Sct�TE GSb Location Tomzsh' 23N , DAu.A-s,i x �szzs � Phone R�ge s-E ' (za�) 3�9- eBGo ; ....5ection l✓i�/�� SE�r7a.($ Projert Enginee •-------• , �1/ito�,E �EiGn/.gn/�E� - , Company Gt��f� �fi�iFi� � Acidress/Phone �`�LS� 9S/- ��00 -�?art� �1'P��t3�P�NQT - - eart-� �TI-[E�3-�E1�1DNS=Ai�ID-PEE�I�S =- . - - =- , - ;. �. JAP��iG�1�DN-- - - - ; : - : -.. . __:. . . _ ___ Subdivison DFW HPA Shoreline Management Short Subd'nrision COE 404 Rockery ' Grading DOE Dam Safety Structural Vautts Commercial FEMA Flo�dplain Other Other COE Wetlands � ' 'P�rt� �lT�-�MNfUN(TY��ID 13RATNAGE=B}�iN , - Community Gi� oF ��i�/Tvi✓ Drainage Basin �vwc�• CEai¢� 7�i��n/ E 3.�sin/ � Part 6.;`S1T�Ct=7�4RAGT;�RISTIGS; , - -. River Floodptain Wetlands Stream Seeps/Springs Criticat Stream Reach High Groundwater Table DepressionslSwales Groundwater Recharge Lake � Other Steep Slopes ��.��f f----� �� _ __ _ _ __ -�ar��_�E3u.S_ - , , -- : " - 5od Type Sbpes ErQsiort Po�ial Etosnre Veborties . Gf,cs�l G,��✓a�u�e, Addifional Sheets Attached �art'$.:::�3E1��flPt►�Et�37':L�M�A�IONS . REFERENCE LIMITATION/SfTE CONSTRAINT Ct►.4—Downstream Anafvsis Additional Sheets Attached �?att-9 :�S�-�Q�IF.tEMEf�1TS ;. _ `_ � MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS � DURING CONSTRUCTION AFfER CONSTRUCTION 5edimentation Faciiities Stabilize Exposed Surface ! Stabilized Construction Entrance Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities Perimeter Runoff Control Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris Clearing and Graing Restrictions Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities Cover Practices Flag Limits of SAO and open space i Construction Sequence preservation areas i ��� Other i � I � _: _ - = = - , . . ,. .. - ,_� : _ _ :_: _ ._ _ _ _ _ ._ _ �-2at�O''-SI3F3Fi4CE�YA�-;.s�Sf� - ' - - Crass L'e�ed TareEc � ��� � � � P��� Energy Dissa�ator F)ow DispersaJ on of Efun�ated Site Open Channel we�ar�d Waiver Storage Dry Pond � Stream Regionai Wet Pond Detention Brief Description of System Operation FacTrty Related Site Limitafions Reference Facif'rty Lim'�tation , _._ ,. _ ..: , . . :; - : . _- - _ , - �art��-�RUGT[�fi�t�INAL�S15_ � -P.art��= EASE[VIE�ITS�T�iA�S- Cast in Place Vautt Drainage Eassment Retaining 1�Vall Access Easement Rockery>4' High Native Growth Protection Easement : Structural on Steep Slope Tract Other Other '� P<art�3-::�IGNATlJRE�F PF�DFESSIONAL-E�1G�NFER I or a civil engineer under my supervision my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the informati�n provided here is accurate. Si ned/Date � . ' 1 ' , - � __ , -_� � �. > } - �a�r � �cMt, St-..�,_, � � N a �� � `� � � � �� � � � ��� p _ � _ l�T ��hin�tar� �� _�t�' � �'��, � ` 1\ �',F .i..�_ � ;4.: . � � ¢ � ; � � �°� � I � '� ".. "_ t ( ,.� � s �r a�}� S; TE _� t�n t�r�,sc �� _. �'.r' _ti'Q r ,� � . �� , � +� - .:57'�I�if i J` ��',�j- � A�r�� ��� ,�- �s��,; � ;4��� --'^� - S 9�1St}1Pf�� �-, �y�'� [� j �=''� ,�' F — '5--�'f 7��t-� ; � s�t � �� i ,�-� ��T ` -� � T -� �� .�" � � �_� �� •+�� �� w ' IV�9th�i�-- � .;t..�-�--•-• r-- r----� Y ,. ..' � ..`� -Y �` R. a' ��- Y .:-.�. �.. � , � �..:1��4T;$t �: ;@ +� � ; . ' _�...,�121�t-�L � ; cs;, �',-� t��Rl�r�ds Park* �d� T— 3__._ Rerr�an � ; _ - _ :" �3� _ : �_ ' < _ ���4m SE �"'k�p�1 N 5th St�a N �tfi� �-� ��' � 1 , ,� ,_- ,�irpart ,� , �"� �� �-r �i��r#t P� �-: 3 � " ___�._ :... , .h�( �.�t .�� ��T �+ � ��e_ `� f s , � � �� ��' � � �� �C�P � � ��t�t Sl �' � � :k� ���'Si.a r �_�__, � � F.,+�.�.. �� _._�, ��"'" + - t _ � , � , � f _��. � �_� 3�d�E„�._.-Y��'J ; � V � , ; € � � e --- p�rt�Wdy� ; � � e��- � �- �;� ��;� ��� : � ��-�-. �e���� s:�� �WFientffn�e 3 -- +a17t�t� _ _ ,� ��t; , °-, �� "� ..� q �L F 3dc�.�t �s 2ndS=t �._�-� �c�� . .5�?.�qdPt'�fr� �' � - f J�'w.. � � e a . . . VICINITY MAP N . T. S. FIGURE 2 2.0 PRELIMINARY CONDITIONS SUMMARY ' 2.1 Core Requirements i� Core Requirement#1: Discharge at the Natural Location The proposed project's conveyance system will utilize the similar discharge points as the current conditions, which is to Lake Washington via a new 36" storm pipe along � Park Avenue North and an existing 54" storm pipe along Garden Avenue. i � Core Requirement#2: Off-Site Analysis ' The Level 1 Analysis was performed and the results presented in Section 3. I > Core Requirement#3: Runoff Control ' Since this project will discharge directly into Lake Washington through a conveyance system, it is exempt from flow control. Water quality will be provided by wet vaults. There is no upstream runoff that enters the proposed site. ➢ Core Requirement#4: Conveyance System The new pipe system is designed with sufficient capacity to convey and contain the 25-year, 24-hour peak flow using approved methods in the 1990 KCSWDM. It is assumed that the downstream pipes utilized by the project have adequate capacity. � Core Requirement#5: Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Erosion and sediment controls were installed during demolition and pre-loading of the proposed building pads as detailed in the King County Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC} Standards. I3'&HPac�c,Inc. TIR The Larrding—Harvest Partners P:'.Harvest Partners'i032536L11anagenrentlTransfersl0ld Yi'HP FoJdersl0fficelWord!pre tir body 5-19-06.doc ,4fay 2006 2 -- --- � - i N I I � � r � � � s bq m h I +A+ U � � I o • � � � � Z �LI � 1 � w U � ^ � � Z F- ~ I Q �� f� ,�'�, ❑ ¢ Z z � O � � !�— � � � "� w z �— — � � � " � > i= � � � � � = x � - �` _.........---------_ _ __ "' Q Q � �O �O a - . I i_ u �- ,,� _� i-� „"'.i�``r '. �;�`� ,� f�`�:;�� ''i �� " �- ,.,t � ` `''.n'. • Q O � ,i' � , l � -.l �,���a��•I � �F— . 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FIGURE 3.2 � Checked for CampLence Lo City Standerds 33�0 Yonte Vflla Perkray � CI T � OF � THE LANDWG � EotLell, pashingtoa �o2,—ee� � � � �� ;� RENTON • _ ., ;,u��s,-.,�, � HARVEST PARTNERS �Ni° � �� � onruM (4u�u-boe jpp w 1 Plenntna/8uildir.g/Publie Wcrlce Oept. � .tp.�.n�cem P�. ��„.�,,,, .L,,,�,,..,,�,;,�, Ho. Re�ns�aN e� eare pPFR ��� DEVELOPED CONDITIONS �, � W o � 0 U �jJ rJ CA 7CN 8A5(N. TYPE i J � CATCH 8AS7N, 1YPE 2 LL- e�a STORM CLEANOUT � SANITARY SEWfR IIANNOLE - o a:a SANITARY SEILER CLEANOUT . � WATER AlANHOLE � � WATER VAUL7 xi WA7ER VALYE p .,u i /� f�:.y.�. � - _i ,• od I �, i .�_ '� � . �( �..�� ' � RtJI� �� WATER YE7ER z ',i �\ ' / rl � O , ' � ` I � lRRfGA710N CONiROL YALVE Q �j / /, � � `z � �� ', ' .;� ``��� + �i \� ,'� ��' � ��' r�`_:p:t:Y F.' ��"r A40NfTOR WElJ_ J j � �� /�r/ / �/� �j� .�A �I:-, � '�".'•��i.�� �.''� �1.� 1 �-� r`�'-. FlRE HYDRANT � � / / �^� � �� � _ / �� � '� �i ..i��.'`"�i � j�' $::�. �,�. . 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I �� I � / • / � .� -4 - � � - �;,: 3. ,i� � � I � i►I i r=� ,.�;:R .a�� - _ �: , _ _ ',; � �; � __—. — /r:�� i �� fi.-,�,- ' a � $ � �;r• i; ;�� .s l �- - — — -8?89� !lI1�P� � I _��-.. ; F�E=30:5-- at _ "�`�i` � f RETAli \ � i I - I i� _! . _ �' '/ , / ,�� � ...'1�_ B10 � _ — � 80VEE� Rf7A1L 10K � I � '�'.� il � `'I � ��}V.y� FFE= . ; � /��/�; f � PETAIL _ 17.5K A fFE= 29 -�'-= w` II i �lr�a : c:.r,nn FIGURE 3.2a ChecYed for Comp]imce to �ty Standnrds 050 yonk Yilla Pvk�my �,� � �E �'°°...."'"' c�..��,�- CITY OF THE LANDING ,a�_ � � �s�v, p�n;�aton esoz�-am '"'D ��� RENTCN HARVEST PARTNERS •.m _ • ., �:.:s�n,-.aoo ""`nw e ;,:slsst-uoe a� �� DATUM �n��� � Plonning/Building/Pu61ie Works Dept. DEVELOPED CONDITIONS ��.��� �� ������� NO. REJISICN BY CAiE pFFR � s'""'m1°°"' o- � _•�.` ' ' � � � \ � � /1� . \ �.lj! ' �' \`` \`,\ ` {``1 �^ w j i;�, � , � � ; �RE�AlL � � ,` f � � � ' ` � � �'� HOTEL A90VE ' I I \, - � � 1,:, 1 � ...-.�'� � � � ; � � ' 15K � ` %,�=' ` ` �� � ` :,� , '� ��� 1 LEGEND: — —� � I Y I' I � _' ''� 1r '�+ �1 +'` , `1` �'�`i?,'�,�:'' � � CATCH BASN. J — — — '.�.:- '�I� �111 i B f � i� ' � +1 '� '�, ' � _ rnE 1 u- '- - -- ' .�i I � i � +I I� - 6 /,�it � ` ` \ ``, 'i�` � � CA TCH BASIN. T)PE 2 ! � //� —�'•`. \� , , � \`� o� sraru aF.wour ,.� I I s �^ - � , i I . � . � /// ,r "�''^" -._.�` � ,��' , �i1 i, 1'1 ` ::� SANl7ARY SEN£R YANHOLE / ` G a� SANI7ARY SEN£R CL£ANOUT - ,� �� I� � I I I L i�e..I � / o / � i' -- - -- - t�1 i` ` . _— ' _ � �� I . t x� "'T � � � I �i��� �: l � �;.1 �',�'�. WATER MANHOLE � ,.�-z� .,-, ',` �I� � I I ��` _ �"_ _ �. �• ( I �_' ____�`'`�.:L� sa,r� � 1� �Y...� � WATEH YAULi Z _ I , I , / e:'`'� i ; �:.lv" �� 11�i `'i ef1✓� i ,'. i J Wa iErr Vat vE Q c -- � i� I� � � ! � � �� � � ��'�� _ � .=a, WATER IAETER I z _ — � I �` � � I �_. I � � 1,, `,�•, '��` .�,�r �cr !RRlGA710N CONTROL YALYE a u RETAfL `� � �!11➢Ol;e I 1� l , � ., � `i� �� ��> wawrar xezl �� �.� ' i � ,:�� < � I •�� -`' ` �1, `.� �. FlRE HYURANT W 10K � l (F i" ' �_ � 1 .1 .���' ` fi 4' `` t y*..� K.Y'r- � P O S T I N L N C A T O R V A L V E � FFE= 29 •:. � �+� �I I i!��° �= 31.5 1 �' ;=�' �, �`;1 ,`� �� FlRE OEPT CONNECRON � i��# I' I � �.��"`=Rf�AIL ,� �'•,�i` ��'St o V RFs,�a/c.,a W :1.' � �, 23.5K , t 1 7 uoNu�rErrr • Q L(��I� I: : � � I :�; - � � � '� o sraz��raN rme : J �I I - � f .:�E I�5� I '�''' I � �� F, `;.i1 �, = SANITARY SENER UNE ` .Y 1 '� I i.� l`` ' �� �fl F� '�1 1 lY WATER LINE �:�- � R � � '._. : I,: I �. S f • ��L� � `. ,'" �i ■ PROPOSED CATCH BASlN •1, � _�f -I.; I � �I€ r ��c.� :� t, �1�` PROPOSED 570RN ORA1N _ 1 ,� , , , � � ,� �.r , , 11t� � � I I _. . � I •��,.;5 ` �, � ❑ PROPOSED TREATAlENT VAUL,' ���F � � f �I ~ ., �� , ; ��. � � � �� ,::.. ; I� � �`l � 's�:. �� i ��� i �� ' � �� � � �` f I . ' I ( i I I± '•11` ! '�I� �\ I—'� - � �i '',�'. i �� ti �, � l � i _�_ , ,. ' �' �;1 ��,\ �,. � � � ` :�.� � = �QT 3 �"' ' `� ' ;�, �.t �'�t�; N � �� � �+ .p..� � ' � v�o � 1 `'S , __ j. �'�; I � I � �� / � ' -- - �-- ---- - - � �.1 "1� ` - - �.._ .�I � _ � � _"'�f- } � � �1 ` � r � �✓� 1 �,� ',�: �` � '�.. � �a� � '.i` I � i , � i� �.� _ � •L� .i 1 1� 1 �'.. �. r � � - II !} I I � �� i �� '� 1' � i . � •�'�.. '- �1 �� _ � �'� ! i'�: i "_""" !I i ,,.��.� i�"�„ � i ��t ,1.._,y .�� ;l'� �i .. -_ _ i'�'' � �II N, i �:,: �,.) ' y j � ;-=� �=��- � ` ` � _ LOT3 �� ';; j ;I `E° ' �. i I I � i` � ' 1i � _,M �I ,} �� : � i � _ � � � ; `, � _... F` ;.._ , i j , TOTAL SITE AREA= 13.6 ACRES _= I ��;� _ 'I � _ _ j .�:�;�� ';� i� �! �� � I� � � � ► �� .. PARKING/DRIVE AISLES — 8,52 ACRES ^�� ;��, � i i .:�G" ► — _ ��� , ROOF AREA— 5.08 ACRES .�...r ' j � ay � i f ' ill �,i �., �__�. � � � � I I 1 i; �� ___ �:.L:.; � � � r � ! � i� � s � � � coz < < �� ' � - � ?» JUN IOR I. I I C 103 � 1� f il i f� _; ; - — ANCHQR t � I ( �` �E i � y� C 1 0 i 2 6 K i:=,.. I I '^" A 2 5K�R ' � �} ! � GROCER .s„W ' ;' .' j T N, R�K A I L FFE= 32.5 ,,.., �i 1 �� � �, 55K ` -�` i ' ; _�' FFE= 31 FFE= 34.0 + � ; � . .; � � i I t � � - I; � � i , I I+ I � a � � s i�l, I '�!>..s � j, � � � FFE= 31 ,�-e"-. � �i'� j '� � '': 1 1 � �� �,"` I��'�� � .�F �� - - ---�EI � � _`.� ,' . � , �� � � °� I � _ ` -�-- a ; _ `�y ..._ ' � o, � ;. �` , _=£_ ( � � f I - , + i i � I1 ���'�I�:-, ', p �� -�-�� '� � � s � F I G U R E 3.2b � � II j �=-� --- (,(JAQ� � y �� ' �� ! � �� I �ji l I + ��•� Cheeked for Cemplieace to City Stmderds i�r_ I-`-i---- I � I t I I ��- �•� I f � _—�_--'�'�` :�=— .� ' o�o��i� 11 i ~ .. — 7— ti — �� �: ,�`=�:w—=— — — — —��— �����'�'��jG,� I �J 7::El..� �_-- ' - - I � -+ � �`-'• ,o�r. '�^� ex�� - i,„ / �r. 1 Y/���� �� i J3`�1,� . � ����. .�. - - � . I -��-r-� _ . � �' -- --- --� --� _._._.... ._.__._..__ . _ ._ . , _ — — �' � �'� � y•_-�---- - - s �. � - , _ : �: � _ -rt�� -- �_ .�..__ `i _ -- 3350 Yante 7111a PerYsal . ...�q � Bothell. I►a�htnttan 9802l-8972 � � � '"�"""�""""' �p CI TY OF THE LANDING �° � 05 . �.=5i�,-.�, '�1` RENTON HARVEST PARTNERS ..�. _ r.za�vs,-.eoe '""Ma ��_, �w�� Pt.m�,� �. REV1510N EY QATE PFFR � � ��� p�anning/Buildng/Publie Works Dept C`Z�Q .E,e„�.,,,,,,,,,�,,,,,,,,,u�„�,;,,�„ � DEVELOPED CONDITIONS � O �� ,%'` ,� �� •.� - �� � � ' — - -`- _ � o � %. ��� � ' IEGEND �� ` i/ :�; I _ � � I{ ` W /i A '� t� .��`�.�� / � .ij: \ i \ e �+o-�o,�m� � —' I !7 CATQf 9A9N. TYPE 1 � /� /J' � ` �-7', � � I `� _ —!.. � m _ � �I� � (� CAT01 BASN. TYPE 2 �, '�� /� � i�`/�5•. � � /�`r `� •� _ I I. . %�/ , ._� ,C�/. : ' 4 „�,��'^v�. _ — ` i - - �,I h��1 I q I i?'� STORM CLEANOUT � SANITARY SEN£rZ MANNOLE � � �� �' �%e=��=� 1�• � �� 4�:� >� t' � ' �� saNiraRr sFw�z aFuaour .G7 % r;' `�j"i ( � � y �, — "" __- — a - -B-i09 11 E J ;�, wa�a uaayaF � ��-�3- - � "- R£TAIL � � ,1� � /�' ` ��j jl -- AFFICcS� --8110 lOK Y: I :;�" ;� � i� wareR vau�r z %t' ' �, f. , � *1 B10 - _ ` A80VE RETAIL � =1 �; I w w��a vuvE � r� 1 ( „� , . � / . RETAIL i7.5K FFE= 29 ^. ��- i I �¢ WATER METEft 'i � ! ; f lOK Q .y � / !;r �` G% FFE= 30.5 1 OF ES FFE= 37 ��� i � �� u�Rrc�nau cavarna vacvE u. u � L �� uor�rort wFu J � i � ;�� �\ ABO _ -�-� I � O F1RE HYDRANi w � � Yl % � �i�� �. � �1 ,�� r+i (�i: POST 1NDICA70R VAl.VE N I � _. f 1 � EI �,�_ O / i, � B11 I � I I i I o.r i�� �,x �a£o�r corrNEcnor� � � l � iI, 'J r� RETAIL � .=r. , �� � o wx' REBAR/CAP D Y {�� � I ( f� 1lK f` � r .� � �,�,�{ _� � ,� ! .,� MONUMEN7 J � � � � FFE= 3 t� I D STOR4 DRAM IJNE . ; �\\ /:{ f � � ,�� 5 SAWTARY SEWER LflJE '--� W WA TER UNE � �� �� � �i I� `, I �, � � ■ PROPOSED CA7CH 8A5lN ` 1 �'" ••-� !Y�\ I,' ! ��' 1 ��+' i ��� I`t PROPOSED STORM ORAlN �,. \ :~ 1 r. r , 1 �' ~ �t � � PROPOSED 7REA7ifENT VAULT " ' �' �, � f ,I ' I��� ., . ��: 1 j '� ,�� '� � �'� ' r �–' '� l r f —, "�F � i �' �i I , j� � � in� r ,;I,% � I� ` f -'� � ..... �i ��' '� ' N %i � �� ,{ i � ~- l ~ _ '���.�j Ih�s' � � ��` �. I�I i f = LOT 4 `� � � `' i� � - _ - � ; •- _ti _ — l: - �1 ? I ;` ' : _�. I � � A' 'i ' i '` { � r t �lii i�' I I I I ; e i i i ��� I � � «'r'�.,'-� �_ _ f. I ��� �r j ' ��� � �. - j �=W jl `�� h� I LOT 4 • � � ��� j � �. ����; � � ; � r t'o i -�_—��' � + TOTAL SITE AREA= 18.9 ACRES � i�I�----- 1 1 O i 6-_ � ` : r , , � � �� � � PARKING/DRIVE AISLES = 13.9 ACRES I ' ' �' - ,`� ; i _ - ROOF AREA =4,9 ACRES , r... . � ;, ! ', r ;' ;' ; _ _ � � � r� - � � � ( H10J RE�AIL �"G4 B'OS � ; � �; ��•5 JUNIOR B10t r� 5� JUNfOP, JUNfOR ` t ( '� � ANCHQR REiA L � f �E_ 3� ANCHOR ANCHQR ._� i i �''. - - ' � 8 1 0 0 _ 14K 6K idK 21K ,. �; 5 r \� � FI TNE55 _ ; FFE=31 �=3� �- 31 FFE= 31 _ ��'�i� � - r ��.� � i I 42.5K ,^ 'e I� � - - :� � FFE= 37 ' r i �'� j � F �— \�\ i 1� i f y-' : .. �.� , ; — � �" �. � ; ; �� � } ;� � � ..',.p��'�J � - , \�� T o c o � - '- - - � \�\��{ I I I I I:,..,� " I _-- �% � _� � OADING _..._ � ' I.,.. ,p.� _ � ' � + � ,�_ , i �1 .._ tOA� � � :,��� 1 � t �� �1�Y 1 l��' - - -�-.�" =n;.�I T� =s'=.�. - �� - � -_- = � - — —— — — — J :� ,� —�,�,�, ��_ _ ,�_�___ � -- � I;� i .. ;. ...v � :� �"f� � __— --- _ —-- ' - — — -L�-�i i--—= _ �- =.:.i-_! 1_ ._--r=�� I �� ? � � I 1 i I i I � .. r ; . __--�_ a r. - _ _ �a : � . - � --- - r � _. ,- i � FIGURE 3.2c. � ' - -- , r _ � _ � -{� _ _ - — I i _ - i , - - - - - - - /, _ f-1 - - i - - - - - - � _►-��-1-��' _-�-�--�,,._—_ = u' - —� --r-. I — i i I— I �' I �— pT' :;�� CheeYed for Campliaaee to City Standerds �r-.� � }�. � i — �- - � t~- - o�:r - - - - 7 -==,-, i — ; i-- - -f !i � - 9'=<�-::�=�-�I-� —+-+-- - —�--�: �{'I 1 i i 1 �`1-r -� � i!�- _ ! 'Lf--�� I ,5�'' . � 3350 Yoale I'�lla PuYwe1 � � sGLE �""�"'^"' .+:..� CITY OF THE LANDING � , ���e� ��� ��-e� � �°�� RENTON HARVESTPARTNERS � ♦ . vu�s�-�eou 'y rPrO .e �� jpp � �A� pbnning/Building/PubGc Works Cept. P���,���,,, ,�,,,�,,, ,�„�,�,,�,��� N0. REVISiON er ca� n,PPa � ��� DEVELOPED CONDITIONS (,�„ „ If drained, this soil is used £or row crops. It Ap2--3 to 8 inches, gray (5Y 5/1) silty clay loam, is also used for pasture. Capability unit IIw-3;. light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2) dry; many, no woodland classification. fine, prominent,.dark reddish-brown (5YR 3/3 � and 3�4) mottles and common, fine, prominent Urban Land mottles of strong brown (7.SYR 5/6) and red- dish yellow (7.5YR 6/6) dry; moderate, fine Urban land (Ur) is soil that has been modified b and qery fiqe; angular blocky structure; hard, Y friable, sticky, plastic; common fine roots; . disturbance of the natural layers with additions of inedium acid; abrupt, wavy boundary. 4 to 6 fill material several feet thick to accommodate large inches thick. industrial and housing installations. In the Green B21g--8 to 38 inches, gray (5Y S/1) silty clay loam, River Valley the fill ranges from about 3 to more gray (5Y 6/1) dry; common, fine, prominent, than 12 feet in thickness, and from gravelly sandy brown (7.5YR 4/4) mottles and mediiun, pmmi- loam to gravelly loam in texture. nent mottles of brownish yellox (lOYR 6/6} dry; The erosion hazard is slight to moderate. No 25 percent of matrix is lenses of very dark capability or woodla�d classi£icati�n. brurn �lOYR 2/2} and dazk yellowish-brm�m (lOYR 3/4) peaty muck, brown (7.5YR 4/2) dry; Woodinville Series massive; hard, firm,. sticky. plastic; few fine roots; mediun acid; clear, smooth boundary. � 30 to 40 inches thick. 'i'he Woodinville series is made up of nearly level B22g--38 to 60 inches, greenish-gray (5BG S/1) silt and gently undulating, poorly drained soils that loam, gray (5Y 6/1) dry; few, fine, prominent formed uttder grass and sedges. in alluvium, on stream mottles of brownish yelFow (lOYR 6/6) dry; bottoms. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. The annual massive; hard, very friable, slightly sticky, precipitation ranges from 35 to 55 inches, and the slightly plastic; strongly acid. mean annual air temperature is about SO° F. 'I71e frost-free season is about 190 days. Elevation The A horizon ranges from dark grayish brown to ranges from about sea level to about 85 feet, gray and from silt loam to silty clay loam. The B In a representative profile, gray silt loam, horizon ranges from gray and grayish broxn to olive silty clay loam, and layers of peaty muck extend to gray-and greenish gray and from silty clay loam to a depth of about 38 inches. This is underlain by silt loam: In places there are thin lenses of very greenish-gray silt loam that extends to a depth of fine sandy loam and loamy fine sand. Peaty lenses 60 inches and more. are common in the B horizon. These lenses are thin, Woodinville soils are used for row crops, pasture, and their combined thickness, between depths of L0. and urban development, and 40 inches, does not exceed 10 inches. Soils included with this soil in mapping make up Woodinville silt loam (Wo) .--This soil is in elon- no more than 25 percent of the total acreage. Some gated and blocky shaped areas that range.from S to areas are up to 15 percent. Puget.soils; some are up � nearly 300 acres in size. It is nearly level and ' to 10 percent Snohomish soils; and some areas are up gently undulating. Slopes are less than 2 percent. to l0 percent Oridia, Briscot, Puyallup, Newberg. Represeatative profile of Woodinville silt loam, and Nooksack soils. in pasture, 1,700 feet south and 400 feet west of Permeability is moderately slow. There is a sea- the nort:� a�:arter corner �f sec. 6, T. 25 N., R, 7 sonal high water table at or near the surface. In E•� drained areas, the effective rooting depth is 60 inches or more. In undrained areas, rooting depth Apl--O to 3 inches, gra3° (5Y 5/1) silt loam, grayish is restricted. The available water capacity is brown (lOYR 5J2) 'dry; common, fine, prominent, high. Runoff is slow, and the hazard of erosion is dark reddish-brown (5YR 3/4) and reddish-brown slight. Stream overflow is a severe hazard unless (5YR S/4) mottles; moderate, medium, crumb flood protection is provided (pl. III, top). structure; hard, friable, sticky� plas.tic; This soil is used for row crops, pasture, and many fine roots; medivm acid; clear, smooth urban development. Capability unit IIw-2; xoodland boundary. 2 to 4 inches thick, group 3w2. � I 33 . f /��� E I . ►• � � •--it..� � � •- v ��.. � ' � I l; �" ,w�.��I, . i I!� �' � � '� ,;�'",�*, �^�iC��g,!� . �� ��. /I ti� jt�t�4.�o1'.' iD`�4"�0�7w ���"� �i \� 1 i � � ���d�/1 I' :��� ._a"�'��. �;.� �� b y ' �� r�_i�l;!�ri��`�� �r-�L ����_������;,i�-.� ��_�� i I� � . � sc.alf w ��,..� �w . i �f� � I � ��e� 1��� n ���''�r t'.`l� � I' /�' t�*��1��' tr� r� a k'� .}!. " ..: i� { I ���• � I� ^�` �r{� ��I�r�'ri ..i^�+ ,.�} ,R (y ' .1„i��J�; � ��r� If *` �._`;'r(� `�'., 1�1 I� ... �. ,�,� �` t� �+, v��� . .y��1f� •i��,�i i .. �. 1 }.d.�iE.. y 'f!} \ ,�t - I ' / '' M' •! a `�'�� ° '' ,5 �� ;\ tiy�. P'; {� ; � `i I .� � ���+' � ; ��,,,.'';►�'�+t' %�,���`� ,` „��"`�tl,� : � :F� ��'���;�. � '�:,�''� '� :�� r , i � , �; . ��..�. ,. ��,.�.�:..��,..,r►:��r.. � :,�, �7� '`���w,,�d���,>Y � --., .. •(I .'C��'T'.�:'��;'r,� 1�•r w�. :'r� ,pa��:s.i� ���' ��I ;� ^�=� �� � . �, ' . .. �7, •;... , , . ... � i�� . 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RENroN�.9 M�. 12'30" (loins yf�ef 1 1) � RaC HENTON I.T Ml. �oSEG7 St�E � I 1972 as part of Scaie 1:24 000 �partment ot 3/s y ya 0 1 � and the 5000 4000 3000 2000 100� 5000 �1-1 �Station -�-� 1 ' , Th4 msv Is one o1�wt ol 20. F ±. KING COUNTY AREA, WASHINGTON N0. 5 � i --�---�- I I l � 3.0 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS 3.1 Upstream Drainage Analysis There is no upstream flow that enters the site. Figure 3.1 —Existing Conditions. 3.2 Downstream Drainage Analysis Lot 1 and 4 currently both discharge into an existing 30" diameter storm drain pipe that runs north along Park Avenue N. This existing pipe is being replaced as part of the City's roadway improvements with a new 36" pipe. The discharge for Lots 1 and 4 will be re-directed into this new pipe. Lot 3 discharge into an existing 54" storm drain pipe that runs north along Garden Avenue. Both the new 36" and the 54" pipe eventually join and run along Logan Avenue. These flows ultimately discharge into Lake Washington. The proposed site flows will be similar to the existing flows since the site does not gain any new impervious surface. Therefore, the offsite conveyance system should be adequate to convey the flow from the site to the discharge point, Lake Washington, and wzll not have any erosion problems downstream. jt"c�H Pacific,Inc. TIR The Lan�ing —Han�esl Parhiers P:'Harvest Partners'032536',,4tanagemenl�Trans(ers101d iT'FIP Folders O�fice�}d''ord�pre tir bod}5-19-06.doc ,�-fay�006 3 4.0 RETENTION/DETENTION ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ' 4.1 Ezisting Site Hydrology The site currently consists of 3 lots. The site is bound to the west and north by Logan Avenue and the east side of the site is bound by Garden Ave. North. The site is divided in half by Pazk Avenue North. The existing site area is mostly all impervious. Soils on the site consist primarily of Urban Land (Ur) which is fill soil. See the Geotechnical Report found in the Append� for more information on site soils. See Figure 4 for the Soil Survey Map. The site lies outside the 500-year flood plain, per FEMA panel 53033C0977 F, dated may 16�' 1995. Lot 1 Lot 1 is 6.4 acres in size. It consists of a well compacted gravel footprint where an I' existing Boeing building once was and an asphalt parking lot. The lot is relatively flat with elevations that range from 27 feet to 30 feet (See Figure 3.1a, Existing Conditions Map). Lot 3 Lot 3 is 13.6 acres is size. It consists of an asphalt parking lot with planter strips an existing 2 story, 8,000 square foot building and an existing road that runs through the , middle of the quadrant. The lot is relatively flat with elevations that range from 28 feet to I 33 feet sloping from southeast to northwest(See Figure 3.1b, Existing Conditions Map). I Lot 4 I�, Lot 4 is 18.8 acres in size. It consists of a well compacted gravel footprint where an I, existing Boeing building once was and an asphalt parking lot. The lot is relatively flat ' with elevations that range from 28 feet to 30 feet (See Figure 3.1c, Existing Conditions ', Map). ! 4.2 Developed Site Hydrolog,y , Lot 1 , This proposed lot will consist of retail shops, restaurants, a cinema, and a parking gazage. A drive aisle will run through the middle of the site with landscaping on each side. (See Figure 3.2a, Developed Conditions Map). ii'&H Pacific,L:c. TIR The Laruirng -Harvesl Partriers P:iHarvest Parhvers'�032536'vl�larurgemenr'�Transfers!0(d w'HP Folders�Offrce',if'ord�pre tir body 5-19-06.doc ,11ay 2006 4 4.0 RETENTION/DETENTION ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Lot 3 This proposed lot will consist of retail shops and restaurants with an asphalt parking lot. Landscaping will be provided around each building and in landscape islands. (See Figure 3.2b, Developed Conditions Map). Lot 4 This proposed lot will consist of retail shops, restaurants, a firness center, and an asphalt parking lot. Landscaping will be provided around each building and in landscape islands. (See Figure 3.2c, Developed Conditions Map). 4.3 Water Quality The water quality sizing was performed using StormShed software. A wet vault will be used for the water quality treatment. The vault was sized based on the volume of the water quality design storm or 72 percent of the 2-year, 24-hour storm (1.44 inches). Since most of the site is impervious the calculations were performed using a general area of 1 acre of asphalt. The result would be an overestimated volume per acre (4,400 cubic feet per acre). (See Appendix for the Stormshed results). Water Quality per Lot(non roof area) Lot Acres Water Quality Treatment(c� Lot 1 1.5 6,600 Lot 3 8.52 37,500 Lot 4 13.9 61,160 -� � � � A more detailed design will be developed for each area and an updated repor� will be submitted with the construction documents. �-------�_ __ •`�, 4.4 Detention ' There is no detention required, since the site will directly discharge to Lake Washington. W&HPac�c,Inc. TIR The Landing—Harvest Parmers P:iFlarvest Parmers i032536��llanagement ITransfersiOld WHP Folders�,O�Sce I Wordipre tir body 5-19-06.doc �1�fay 2006 5 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 5.1 Roof Downspout System The building downspouts will bypass the water quality vault and discharge directly into the roadway storm drainage system. 5.2 Proposed On-site Conveyance System The project conveyance system is a conventional storm dra.inage collection system that will collect runoff from the entire site, including asphalt, roof areas, and landscaping via catch basins and pipes. The new pipe system is designed with sufficient capacity to convey and contain the 25- year, 24-hour peak flow using approved methods in the 1990 KCSWDM. ii 8cH Pac�c,Inc. TIR The Landing—Harvest Parmers P:tHan�est Partners1032536L�fanagementiTransfers101d i�77P Foldersi0„�?celWord�re 1rr bafy 5-19-06.doc Afay 2006 6 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES 6.0 Special Reports and Studies ' 7 Kleinfelder, Draft Geotechnical Engineering Report, July 2005. Provided under separate cover. iG'&1�Pacr�ic,Inc. TIR The landing—Harvesl Parrners P:Narvest Parmers'-032536'_Afarragement'�Trarufers'�Old�i'FIP Folders'�Office',if'ord�re tir body 5-19-06.doc ,'llay 2006 � —� - — 7.0 BASIN AND COMMUNITY PLANNING AREAS I�, 7.0 Basin and Community Planning Areas Not applicable Gi'&HPac�c,Inc. TIR The Landing—Harvest Partners � P:'Narvest Partnersl032536L�LfanagementiTransfers101d WHP FolderslO�f'ice',Word'�re tir body 5-19-06.doc May 2006 8 8.0 OTHER PERl�7ITS 8.0 Other Permits Not applicable II � W&H Pac�c,lnc. TIR The LandinA—Harvest Parnrers P:1Harvest Partners10325361ManagementlTrarufersiOld WHP FolderslO�J'ice iWordypre tir body 5-19-06.doc .bfay 2006 9 —� 9.0 EROSION/ SEDIMENTATION CONTROL CONTROL DESIGN The Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESCP) for The Landing has been developed utilizing the King County Storm Water Design Manual and City of Renton standazds. Temporary erosion and sedimentation control requirements shall be maintained and are specifically addressed in the King County Core Requirement No. 5 (SWDM). Erosion and sediment control notes per City of Renton standards are provided on the Erosion Control plans. ➢ ESC measures will be maintained and inspected daily during non rainfall events and hourly during rainfall events. An ESC supervisor will be assigned to oversee the standards, as directed on the construction documents and in the KCSWDM 5.4.10. The City inspector will be given the ESC supervisor's name and 24-hour emergency contact phone number prior to start of construction. 'The name and 24-hour emergency phone number of the designated ESC supervisor will be posted at the primary construction entrance to the site. A written standard ESC maintenance report will be used to record all maintenance activities and inspections for the site. W&tI Pac�c,Inc. TIR The Landing—Harvest Partners � P.•'�Flarvest Partrrers'�032536i.�1anagemenr',Transfers'�Old K7fP Folders�Ojfice.W'ord�pre tir body 5-19-06.doc ,b1ay 1006 ' 10 -� 10.0 BOND QUANTITIES WORKSHEET,RETENTION/DETENTION FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET AND SKETCH, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT 10. Bond Quantities Worksheet 1. Not applicable at this time �� i � , , - � W&HPac�c,Inc. TIR The Landing—Harvest Parmers P:',Harvest Partners1032536�Management'�Transfers101d WHP Folders'�Office�Worcf�pre tir body 5-19-06.doc ,Lfay�006 11 11.0 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS MANUAL 11.0 Maintenance and Operations Manual ➢ King County, Washington Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix A— Maintenance Requirements for Privately Maintained Drainage Facilities. (selected pages) 1992 W&H Pac�c,Inc. TIR The LandinA—Harvest Partners P:Ilfarvest Partners�0325361ManagementlTransfers101d WHP FolderslO�celWord�re tir body 5-19-06.doc .4fay?006 12 APPENDIX Appendix A Isopluvial Maps (2, 10, 100-year, 24hour storms) W&HPac�c,Inc. TIR The Landin�—Harvest Parmers P:'Harvest Parmersi032536L�lanagementiTransfersi0ld WHP FoldersiO�ce1 Worcflpre tir body 5-19-06.doc .ti£ay 2006 Appendix � � � � � � � ��, � .,�- �� `„ `''"" '_ ` �,�"�"���. �.'K'f�'��t��'�E j�� _ . _� t. �11 � •l —'�' ';�'`�� �w� , ,�1�� � -��,,. ��.��� �I� � `� .� � - � ��� ' ����� ��. ��a �� ;� � , ���,�� � ,w��� � � � ���� � ��IIt �1�. ��e����� � -f ��, � � e . `!`.■..lE��� . �.�, `,� _ _ _� � - " �,�Ett,�����ai� �- -�� ��i '�� ��� ► •^ �'�'�1`�la�f� �r� �r���� � �� •a -..�.,.� ������-,. - . ��.��'�' ��:' - � a �. ��; - �"�r�=� �1�� ,� v • � � � 4 .4 �. �,r . ., �y . � ilM.i� �� !r \ �� � � ��' ��.J��.��1�\ _ �, •,��-:=� �b �� ��►��� ; , �� ��.�. � ._! 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TIR The Larrding—Harvest Parmers P:'�Flarvest Partrrers1032536L�fanagementiTransfers�0ld WHP FolderslOffice'�Word�pre ti�body 5-19-06.doc May 2006 Appendix -� CLEARHIS II WQ Event Summary: I, BasinlD Peak Q Peak T Peak Vol Area Method Raintype Event ------ (cfs) (hrs) (ac-ft) ac /�oss WQ 0.41 8.00 0.1401 1.00 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 2 yr Water Quality flow (assuming 100%EIA)=0.32'0.41 =0.13 cfs/acre Water Quality Volume=0.72'0.1401 '43560=4400 cf/acre Drainage Area: WQ Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 020 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.1000 ac 86.00 0.14 hrs Impervious 0.9000 ac 98.00 0.09 hrs Total 1.0000 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: 10% pervious 86.00 0.1000 ac Impervious CN Data: Parking area 98.00 0.9000 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet SHEET 20.00 ft 2.00% 0.1500 3.42 min Sheet across parking lot 93.00 ft 2.00% 0.0110 1.45 min Channel pipe 340.00 ft 0.50% 21.0000 3.82 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet across parking lot 93.00 ft 2.00% 0.0110 1.45 min Channel pipe 340.00 ft 0.50% 21.0000 3.82 min