HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/29/2015 - Mintues Board Minutes 2015-09-29draft Page 1 of 3 RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 29, 2015 , 2005 , 2005 , 2002 Attending: Laura Clawson, Stefanie McIrvin, Betsy Prather, Alice Stenstrom, Elizabeth P. Stewart, Kim Sweet, Lisa Wivag, and Vinod Waghamare. Absent and excused: Vicki Jo Utterstrom Guest: Dan Clawson Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Stefanie McIrvin. The meeting was held at the Renton History Museum, 235 Mill Ave S, Renton. Oral Communications / Public Comments Information Stefanie thanked attorney Dan Clawson for advising the Board on the proposed easement on 117 ½ Park Ave. North. Dan explained that, in simple terms, an easement is the right to do something on someone else’s land. The potential purchaser of the building south of the Renton Historical Society’s annex building submitted a draft easement, not written by a lawyer. Their building is 3 or 4 feet north, overlapping on our lot, and the proposed easement would give them the right to maintain their gas line and overhang where they currently are. Dan recommended against signing the easement as written; the language is imprecise and it is not based in an accurate survey. Dan recommended that the purchaser hire a survey company for an updated survey to find out where property lines actually are. Trying to save $4000 or $5000 on an accurate survey can actually cost you more money and years of litigation. Lisa Wivag asked whether a survey would have automatically been conducted during the purchase process; Dan replied, not necessarily. The Board instructed Secretary Liz Stewart to tell the purchaser that the Board cannot agree to the easement as written; legal counsel recommends that they purchaser get a legal survey and a legal easement. Artifact of the Month Information Laura Clawson’s artifact of the month was a snag boat on Snohom ish River that they learned about in Anacortes. Snag boats cleared the river and made it possible to move goods to market in Seattle, Tacoma, and Bellingham. They saw one of two surviving nineteenth -century snag boats in the U.S.; the other worked the Mississippi. Board Communication Information Liz told the Board about her experience at the Association for State and Local History (AASLH) Conference in Louisville, KY. It was her first time at the AASLH Conference and she enjoyed meeting colleagues across the country. She also took a tour of sites around the Ohio River and visited Mary Todd Lincoln’s childhood home in Lexington, KY. Board Minutes 2015-09-29draft Page 2 of 3 RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 29, 2015 , 2005 , 2005 , 2002 Laura and Dan recently visited Anacortes Museum & Maritime Heritage Center, in a former Carnegie Library. They were impressed in particular by the life-size cut-outs of historical figures, in the Museum and then continuing around the town. The city’s trash cans also recreate historical cans of fish packed in Anacortes. Board Correspondence Liz shared an email from the Renton Community Foundation announcing upcoming training about planned giving and strategic planning; RCF’s training are open to all Board members for free, as representatives of one of their funds. Kim Sweet asked whether the strategic planner giving the session might be available to work with the Board in 2016, and Liz said she would check on his fees and availability. Vinod Waghamare also pointed out that the Community Consulting Partnerships offers consultants for free, to support nonpro fits. All agreed that the Board should start organizing a retreat toward a new strategic plan, after the fundraiser. Consent Agenda (Vice President) Action Item  MOTION: A quorum being present, Laura Clawson moved to approve the consent agenda as submitted; Kim Sweet seconded. Motion passed, none opposed, none abstaining. Old Business Action Items (1) Fall fundraiser: The Board discussed assignments for the day of the History Making Party at The Red House, and Kim informed the Board that Gene Sens would like to continue the event until 7 pm, rather the advertised 6 pm. Trustees discussed the logistics of the raffle prizes. Winners will receive text messages to pick up their baskets before they leave. Lisa volunteered to contact basket-winners who were not present and she also volunteered to get their baskets to them. Liz reviewed the use of the Converge credit card device from Key Bank. Assignments and final instructions would be distributed via email. Lisa expressed her concerns about the numerous changes to fundraiser plans and the lack of committee involvement; the event was originally meant to be a membership development event and then it became a fundraiser, without assurances that adequate funds could be raised. She believed that major decisions—about ticket split, for example—should have been approved by the Board. Liz reviewed the decision-making process since April, and encouraged trustees to give their all to make the event successful; we can learn from it and design better events in the future. Discussion / Action Items Discussion (1) Public Engagement Coordinator hire: Liz circulated the cover letter and the resume for our prospective hire, Mark Mulder, and reviewed the hiring process. She received over 60 applications in response to the ad, which was posted in numerous places in mid-August. After Board Minutes 2015-09-29draft Page 3 of 3 RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 29, 2015 , 2005 , 2005 , 2002 reviewing all the application materials, staff narrowed the field to six highly qualified candidates and then scheduled face-to-face interviews. Two candidates dropped out, and a panel comprised of Museum Director, Collection Manager, Board President, Board Vice President, and Volunteer Committee member interviewed four candidates. Consensus quickly emerged around two of them, and the panel left it to staff to select the candidate they felt would be the best fit for the job. Liz was waiting for results of a background check and references; if those were positive, she would ask the Board to approve Mark’s hiring. (2) 2014 990 Tax Return: Treasurer Laura Clawson reviewed the 2014 990 as prepared by Vi Lee, McCorkle & Associates CPAs, which had been circulated prior to the meeting. Donations have been down in 2014, but staff held the line on expenses, too; Endowment investments have been performing well.  MOTION: Laura Clawson moved that Board accept the 990 tax return as submitted; Kim Sweet seconded. Motion passed, none opposed, none abstaining. Mission Moment Information There was no Mission Moment this month. Adjournment Action Item Laura Clawson moved to adjourn; Betsy Prather seconded. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 7:02 pm. Elizabeth P. Stewart, Secretary Board of Trustees, Renton Historical Society