HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/2015 - Mintues Board Minutes 2015-12-15final Page 1 of 1 RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF TRUSTEES December 15, 2015 , 2005 , 2005 , 2002 Attending: Stefanie McIrvin, Antoin Johnson, Betsy Prather, Alice Stenstrom, Elizabeth P. Stewart, Kim Sweet, and Vinod Waghamare. Absent: Laura Clawson, Vicki Jo Utterstrom, and Lisa Wivag. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by President Stefanie McIrvin. The meeting was held at the home of Vice President Kim Sweet, 622 Morris Ave S, Renton. Trustees welcomed the newest member of the Board, Antoin Johnson. Consent Agenda (Vice President) Action Item A quorum being present, trustees agreed to dispense with the regular order of the meeting. Old Business Action Items (1) 2016 Budget: In Treasurer Laura Clawson’s absence, President Stefanie McIrvin called for any discussion or questions on the 2016 budget, submitted at the November meeting. There were no questions.  MOTION: Betsy Prather moved that the Board adopt the budget as submitted by the Finance Committee, and Kim Sweet seconded. Motion passed, none opposed, one abstention. Adjournment Action Item Stefanie reminded trustees that a new Secretary is still needed for 2016. Trustees will rotate the Secretary’s duties among themselves, excluding the officers, unless and until someone steps forward to take the position. Vinod Waghamare asked about the duties, and Liz Stewart agreed to send out the job description. Liz also distributed a calendar of Board meetings in 2016.  MOTION: Kim Sweet moved to adjourn; Betsy Prather seconded. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 7:38 pm. Elizabeth P. Stewart, Secretary Board of Trustees, Renton Historical Society