HomeMy WebLinkAbout03825 - Technical Information Report U��'oo Z os) � ■ � � N �� � m� � c;...,�n=W��i�,^'y �'J "' n ,,���.cv�,_, ■ - �UN 0 3 2015 � p'ji►.�t��C, �iVi����� Technical lnformation Report PREPARED FOR: �` 3 Greene-Gasaway Architects, PLLC `; PO Box 4158 Federal Way, WA 98063-4158 PROJECT: Maplewood Heights Elementary School Portables 130 Jericho Avenue NE Renton, WA 98059 Project No. 2150095.10 PREPARED BY: �` `� � �� ��� '� � �� � �� 1�`��� Rohin Elangovan, EIT Project Engineer K,b� REV/EWED BY: William J. Fierst, PE Project Manager Sean M. Comfort, PE Principal DATE: April 2015 Revised May 2015 Civi!Engineers • Structural Engineers • Landscape Architects • Communrty Planners • Land Surveyors • Neighbors 3 Szs --r^'•>.,r.--�l � .=.'..j is.l�.� i�: '_�N 0 3 201h , . _,,��,- Technica! Information Report PREPARED FOR: Greene-Gasaway Architects, PLLC PO Box 4158 Federal Way, WA 98063-4158 �, �'z;'2��� PROJECT: `ty y�,�C���� c����c � "�'�,,�� Maplewood Heights Elementary School Portables 130 Jericho Avenue NE , Renton, WA 98059 '� ,P,�� � Project No. 2150095.10 � ti ss�ox`L � PREPARED BY: I hereby state that tn�s Technical Rohin Elangovan, EIT Information Report for Maplewood Project Engineer Heights Elementary School Portables has been prepared by me or under my supervision, and meets the standard of REVlEWED BY.• care and expertise that is usual and customary in this community for William J. Fierst, PE professional engineers. I understand that City of Renton dces not and will not Project Manager assume liability for the sufficiency, suitability, or performance of drainage Sean M. Comfort, PE facilities prepared by me. Principal DATE: April 2015 Revised May 2015 Table of Contents Section Page 1.0 Project Overview............................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 Conditions and Requirements Summary....................................................................................1 2.1 CR 1 - Discharge at the Natural Location........................................................................... 1 2.2 CR 2 -Offsite Analysis........................................................................................................ 1 2.3 CR 3- Flow Control.............................................................................................................2 2.4 CR 4- Conveyance System................................................................................................3 2.5 CR 5- Erosion and Sediment Control.................................................................................3 2.6 CR 6 - Maintenance and Operations ..................................................................................3 2.7 CR 7- Financial Guarantees and Liability..........................................................................4 2.8 CR 8-Water Quality...........................................................................................................4 2.9 Special Requirement(SR) 1 -Other Adopted Requirements.............................................4 2.10 SR 2- Flood Hazard Delineation........................................................................................4 2.11 SR 3- Flood Protection Facilities........................................................................................4 2.12 SR 4-Source Control.........................................................................................................4 2.13 SR 5-Oil Control................................................................................................................4 2.14 SR 6—Aquifer Protection Area...........................................................................................4 3.0 Offsite Analysis....................................•--.................................................................................-----.4 3.1 Task 1 —Study Area Definition and Maps...........................................................................4 3.2 Task 2—Resource Review.................................................................................................5 3.3 Task 3—Field Inspection....................................................................................................5 3.4 Task 4—Drainage System Description and Problem Descriptions....................................6 4.0 Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design..................................................6 5.0 Conveyance System Analysis and Design..................................................................................7 6.0 Special Reports and Studies ........................................................................................................7 7.0 Other Permits .................................................................................................................................7 8.0 Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (CSWPPP) Analysis and Design ........ ? 9.0 Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant..................................... 8 10.0 Operations and Maintenance Manual..........................................................................................8 11.0 Conclusion......................................................................................................................................8 Technical Information Report O Q Q O Maplewood Heights Elementary School Portables � Project No.2150095.10 Appendices Appendix A Technical Information Report (TIR)Worksheet Exhibits A-1.............Vicinity Map A-2.............Geotechnical Report A-3............. Existing Conditions Map A-4.............Site Plan A-5.............Existing Basin Map A-6............. Developed Basin Map A-7.............Conveyance Calculations A-8............. FIRM Rate Map A-9.............Operations and Maintenance Manuat A-10...........City of Renton Bond Quantities Worksheet A-11........... King County Districts and Development Conditions i��ni�,:;;da .i��,uiRiaiici;r�erc:,. ���� Maplewood Heights Elementary School Portables . Project No.2150095.10 1.0 Project Overview Maplewood Heights Elementary School is located at 130 Jericho Avenue NE on Parcel No. 0847100090 Renton, Washington. See Appendix A-1 for a Vicinity Map. The project site area is 8.67 acres, with 4.11 acres of existing impervious coverage. The 2015 portable classroom project proposes to install three double portable classrooms, ramps, stairs, and landings at Maplewood Heights Elementary School, and demolish four existing single classroom portables. See Appendix A-3 for the Existing Conditions Map and Appendix A-4 for the Site Plan. This would result in 5,594 square feet (SF) of new impervious surface and 1,043 SF of replaced impervious surface (total of 6,637 SF of new plus replaced impervious surfaces). In addition, 1,610 SF of impervious surface will be converted to pervious lawn. The site will realize a net increase of 3,984 SF of impervious surfaces. See Appendices A-5 and A-6 for Existing and Developed Basin Maps. The 2009 King Counry Surface Water Design Manual(KCSWDM) and Cify of Renton Amendments to the King County Surface Water Design Manual(February 2010)establish the methodology and design criteria used for the project. The Rational Method was used to determine conveyance capacities. 2.0 Conditions and Requirements Summary The project triggers Full Drainage Review because it results in more than 7,000 square feet of land disturbing activity and over 2,000 square feet of new and/or replaced impervious surface. Below is a summary of how the proposed project will meet the Core Requirements (CR). 2.1 CR 1 -Discharge at the Natural Location The natural discharge location of stormwater for the project area is the grass field south of the existing portables. Stormwater flows southwest across the field to SE 2`� Place and is conveyed along the north curb flow line of SE 2"d Placer�., Stormwater then enters a catch basin located southwest of the project site on SE 2nd Place. Stormwater is then co�eyed in an 8-inch pipe to a catch basin at the northeast comer of the intersection of SE 2"d Place and Jericho Avenue SE. Stormwater is then co�veyed through an 18-inch concrete pipe through a series of catch basins west along SE 2nd Place, up to a storm manhole adjacent to the intersection of SE 2"d Place and Hoquiam Avenue. Stormwater is then conveyed to the south in a 48-inch pipe and outfalls to Maplewood Creek. Stormwater roof runoff from the proposed portables will be discharged from the roof with downspouts, and will flow through a series of proposed catch basins and cleanouts prior to discharging to a gravel-filled trench for flow control. A minimum of approximately 80 feet of grass-vegetated flow path segment is provided upon discharge from a gravel-filled trench, and thus exceeds the 25-foot minimum requirement specified per KCSWDM C2.4.4. Roof and site runoff will flow overland and discharge at the natural location, and thus will not adversely affect downstream properties or drainage systems. 2.2 CR 2-Offsite Analysis AHBL staff performed a Level One Downstream Analysis for the project on March 18, 2015. The analysis included: • Defining and mapping the study area. • Reviewing available information on the study area. Tec�hnical Info 9ation Report ry �� . � Ma lewood Hei hts Elementa School Portables 1 p.,.l.,�� ��,. �,G�noc ,n • Field inspecting the study area. • Analyzing the existing drainage system, including its existing and predicted problems, if any. Please refer to Section 3.0 for the full offsite analysis. 2.3 CR 3- Flow Control Full dispersion of roof runoff was evaluated. Per Appendix C.2.1.1 of the KCSWDM, a native, vegetated, flow path segment of at least 100 feet in length must be available along the flow path that n.�noff would follow upon discharge from a dispersion device. A native, vegetated flow path of 100 feet is not available onsite. Therefore, full dispersion is not feasible. Full Infiltration of roof runoff was evaluated. Based on the infiltration assessment by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. (found in Exhibit A-2, pg. 2), the soils are described as medium dense to very dense Vashon lodgement till. The glacial till soils are not recommended for infiltration due to the very dense and fine-grained nature. Therefore, full infiltration is not feasible. Based on Figure C.1.3.A, one or more of the following Best Management Practices (BMPs) must be implemented for target impervious surface not addressed with full dispersion or with full infiltration of roof runoff: 1. Full Infiltration—As described in the geotechnical report, the site soils do not allow for su�cient infiltration; therefore, full infiltration is not feasible. Please see Exhibit A-2. 2. Limited Infiltration —As described in the geotechnical report, the site soils do not allow for sufficient infiltration; therefore, limited infiltration is not feasible. Please see Exhibit A-2. 3. Basic Dispersion — � a. Splash�Blocks —Per KCSWDM C2.4.2, splash blocks require a 50-foot vegetated flow path between the dispersion device and any downstream impervious surFace or drainage feature. The proposed asphalt walks are within 6 feet of the building; therefore, splash blocks are not feasible. b. Rock Pads—Per KCSWDM C2.4.3, rock pads require a 50-foot vegetated flow � path between the dispersion device and any downstream impervious surface or drainage feature. The proposed asphalt walks are within 5 feet of the building; therefore, splash blocks are not feasible. c. Gravel-Filled Trenches—The project proposes three gravel-filled trenches. The gravel-filled trenches are described in the ne�paragraph. Based on a meeting with AHBL and Steve Lee of City of Renton on March 11, 2015, dispersion was determined to be an acceptable flow control measure for this project. d. Sheet Flow—Per KCSWDM C2.4.5, sheet flow is not used for roof downspouts; therefore, sheet flow is not feasible. Technical Information Report O Q O O Maplewood Heights Elementary School Portables 2 . Project No. 2150095.10 Three gravel-filled trenches are proposed for this project. A summary of the area tributary to each gravel-filled trench is shown below: Impervious Pervious Impervious Equivalent Length (SF) (SF) [I+P*(700/5000)] (FT) SF Gravel-Filled 2�gg6 1,199 3,154 46 Trench 1 Gravel-Filled Trench 2 2,671 571 2,751 40 I Gravel-Filled 1,996 676 2,041 30 � Trench 3 ' Total 7,653 2,446 7,996 116 Section C.2.4.4 of the KCSWDM states that the gravel trench size shall be designed at a ratio of ' 10 feet of trench per 700 SF impervious (or 5,000 SF pervious)tributary to the trench. Therefore, the length of each gravel-filled trench was determined by calculating the impervious equivalent tributary area to the gravel-filled trench. See Exhibit A-6 for the location of each gravel-filled trench. A minimum of approximately 80 feet of grass-vegetated flow path segment is provided upon discharge for each gravel trench, and thus exceeds the 25-foot minimum requirement. 2.4 CR 4-Conveyance System The three new double portable classrooms will include d�wnspouts that tie into roof drain systems prior to entering proposed catch basins and gravel-filled trenches onsite. Based on Section of the KCSWDM, new pipe systems shall be designed with sufficient capacity to convey and contain the 25-year peak flow, with a minimum of 6 inches of freeboard between the design water surface and structure grate. In addition, runoff from the 100-year peak storm event cannot create or aggravate a severe flooding problem or severe er�sion problem. The new pipe system has sufficient capacity for a 25-year peak flow. Catch basin rims do not overtop in the 100-year peak storm event, and there is more than 6 inches of freeboard between the design water surFace and structure grate during the 25-year peak storm event. N�severe flooding problems or severe erosion problems are created or aggravated in the 100-year storm event. See Appendix A-7 for the conveyance basin and calculations. 2.5 CR 5- Erosion and Sediment Control Onsite land disturbance will consist of clearing the work site (approximately 1y000 SF), small amounts of demolition, and regrading for placement of five catch basins, six area drains, and three gravel-filled trenches. Erosion and sediment control will be provided with the use of temporary and permanent seeding within the work limits, silt fence or wattles, and in�et sediment protection. A Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan has been included in the plan set. See Section 8 for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (CSWPPP) Analysis and Designs. 2.6 CR 6- Maintenance and Operations Maintenance and operations of all drainage facilities will be maintained by the owner. The project proposes new area drains and catch basins onsite. See Appendix A-9 for the Operations and Maintenance Manual. Technical Information Report O Q O Q Maplewood Heights Elementary School Portables 3 . Project No. 2150095.10 2.7 CR 7 - Financial Guarantees and Liability This project will provide financial guarantees and liability per City of Renton requirements. See Appendix A-10 for the City of Renton Bond Quantities Worksheet. 2.8 CR 8-Water Quality No pollution generating surfaces are proposed as part of this development; therefore, the development meets the Surface Area Exemption. CR 8 will not apply. 2.9 Special Requirement(SR) 1 -Other Adopted Requirements The project is included in the Lower Cedar River Drainage Basin. City and County basin I' requirements will be followed where applicable. 2.10 SR 2- Flood Hazard Delineation The proposed project is not in or adjacent to the 100-year floodplain. See Appendix A-8 for the FIRM Rate Map. 2.11 SR 3 - Flood Protection Facilities This project does not rely on existing flood protection facilities, nor will it modify or construct new � flood protection facilities. 2.12 SR 4-Source Control The proposed project is an educational facility; therefore, it does not fit the definition of a commercial, industrial, or multi-family site for source control purposes. 2.13 SR 5 -Oil Control The site does not meet high use criteria and is not subject to oil control measures. 2.14 SR 6—Aquifer Protection Area The project is not located within an aquifer protection zone. See Appendix A-11 for King County Districts and Development Conditions. 3.0 Offsite Analysis There are no upstream tributary areas contributing drainage to the basin area. 3.1 Task 1 —Study Area Definition and Maps Maplewood Heights Elementary School proposes to place three new portable buildings on the 8.67-acre site located at 130 Jericho Avenue SE in Renton, Washington. AHBL staff visited the site on March 18, 2015. The project site lies within the Lower Cedar River Drainage Basin, as delineated by the King County Water Features Map. There are no wetlands on or in the vicinity of the project site basin. The existing project site consists of four single classroom portables, one double classroom portable, five portable ramps, associated asphalt walks, a storage container, and grassed area. TecPhnical Info 9ation Report ry D Q . D Ma lewood Hei hts Elementa School Portables 4 Project No.2150095.10 The project site basin receives no upstream stormwater. In existing conditions, there is one discharge location from the project site. Stormwater from the existing portable roofs is conveyed via downspouts and splash blocks, and sheet flows 80 feet southwest through grassed area to SE 2`� Place. Stormwater flows west along the SE 2nd Place curb line. Stormwater enters a catch basin southwest of the project site on SE 2"d Place. Stormwater is then conveyed in an 8-inch pipe to a catch basin at the northeast c nor er of the intersection of SE 2"d Place and Jericho Avenue SE. Stormwater is then conveyed through an 18-inch concrete pipe through a series of catch basins west along 5,�,�"� Place, up to a storm manhole adjacent to the intersection of SE 2"a Place and Hoquiam Avenue. Stormwater is then conveyed to the south in a 48-inch pipe and outfalls to Maplewood Creek. 3.2 Task 2—Resource Review I The following resources were reviewed to discover any existing or potential problems in the study area: • Civil Engineering Plans: Maplewood Heights Elementary School, dated April 10, 1996, prepared by Waldron Pomeroy Smith Foote&Akira Architects. • FEMA Map: FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map 53033C0982F, dated May 16, 1995, indicates that the project site lies within Zone X—areas determined to be outside the 500- year floodplain (see Exhibit A-8). • King County iMAP: The project site is not located in any of the following mapped critical areas: o Coal Mine Hazard Areas o Erosion Hazard Areas o Landslide Hazard Areas o Seismic Hazard Areas o Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas 0 100-Year Flood Plain o Wetlands • Soils Information: Site soils have been classified as medium dense to very dense Vashon lodgement till, overlain in places by fill (see Exhibit A-2), based on a Geotechnical Report dated March 16, 2015, prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. • City of Renton COR Maps: The downstream basins were delineated using the City of Renton COR Maps, along with a site visit on March 18, 2015. 3.3 Task 3—Field Inspection On March 18, 2015, AHBL staff performed a Downstream Analysis of the drainage system receiving stormwater runoff from the proposed portable classrooms at Maplewood Heights Elementary School. 1. Investigate any problems reported or observed during the resource review: No problems were reported or observed during the resource review. 2. Locate all existing/potential constrictions or lack of capacity in the existing drainage system: No constrictions or lack of capacity in the existing drainage system was observed. Technical Information Report Q Q O O Maplewood Heights Elementary School Portables 5 ■ I Project No.2150095.10 3. Identify all existing/potential downstream drainage problems as defined in Section No existing/potential downstream drainage problems were observed. 4. Identify existing/potential overtopping, scouring, bank sloughing, or sedimentation: No existing/potential overtopping, scouring, bank sloughing, or sedimentation was observed. 5. Identify significant destruction of aquatic habitat or organisms (e.g., severe siltation, back erosion, or incision in a stream): No significant destruction of aquatic habitat or organisms was observed. 6. Collect qualitative data on features such as land use, impervious surfaces, topography, and soil types: The land use on the project site is a school site, which consists of four single classroom portables, one double classroom portable, five portable ramps, associated asphalt walks, a storage container, and grassed area to the south. The project site area is 8.67 acres, with 4.11 acres of existing impervious coverage. 7. Collect information on pipe sizes, channel characteristics, drainage structures, and relevant critical areas (e.g., wetlands, stream, and steep slopes): Pipe sizes were determined by using survey information and City of Renton COR Maps. The pipe running downstream west along SE 2"d Place is an 18-inch pipe until reaching a manhole at the intersection of Hoquiam Avenue SE and SE 2"d Place, where the pipe is conveyed south in a 48-inch storm pipe. No critical areas were observed. 8. Verity tributary basins delineated in Task 1: Based on the topography onsite, the basin � delineation based on the survey was confirmed. 9. Contact neighboring property owners or residents in the area about past or existing drainage problems, and describe these in the report (optional): This requirement is not applicable for this project. 10. Note the date and weather conditions at the time of the inspection: The site visit occurred � on March 18, 2015. The weather was sunny and 60 degrees. 3.4 Task 4— Drainage System Description and Problem Descriptions The natural discharge location of stormwater for the project area is the grass field south of the existing portables. Stormwater will flow from the proposed portables to catch basins via roof ' drains and closed conveyance piping to three gravel-filled trenches along the south side of the proposed portables. Stormwater is�roposed to sheet flow from the gravel-filled trenches through a vegetated flow path toward SE 2" Place. Stormwater flows west along the SE 2�d Place curb line. Stormwater enters a catch basin southwest of the project site on SE 2nd Place. Stormwater is then conveyed in an 8-inch pipe to a catch basin at the northeast corner of the intersection of SE 2"d Place and Jericho Avenue SE. Stormwater is then conveyed through an 18-inch concrete pipe through a series of catch basins west along SE 2nd Place, up to a storm manhole adjacent to the intersection of SE 2"d Place and Hoquiam Avenue. Stormwater is then conveyed to the south in a 48-inch pipe and outfalls to Maplewood Creek. No signs of flooding, overtopping, or erosion were evident at the time of the inspection. 4.0 Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design See Sections 2.3 and 2.8 above for the Flow Control and Water Quality Analysis sections. Technical Information Report O Q O O Maplewood Heights Elementary School Portables 6 ■ Project No.2150095.10 5.0 Conveyance System Analysis and Design The project proposes collection of storm drainage from the three proposed double classroom portables via roof drain systems that drain to proposed catch basins onsite. Storm drainage from proposed asphalt pavement and grassed areas sheet flow to two proposed catch basins onsite prior to connection to gravel-filled trenches along the south side of the project site. Conveyance capacity calculations are included in Appendix A-7. 6.0 Special Reports and Studies A Geotechnical Report dated March 16, 2015, prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc., can be found in Appendix A-2. 7.0 Other Permits No other permits are required as part of this proposed development. 8.0 Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (CSWPPP) Analysis and Design The proposed development shall comply with guidelines set forth in City of Renton drainage requirements. The plan will include erosion/sedimentation control features designed to prevent sediment-laden runoff from leaving the site or adversely affecting critical water resources during construction. The following measures are shown on the ESC plans and will be used to control sedimentation/ erosion processes: • Clearing Limits—All areas to remain undisturbed during the construction of the project will be delineated prior to any site clearing or grading. • Cover Measures—Cover measures will be implemented for the disturbed areas. • Perimeter Protection—Filter fabric fences for site runoff protection will be provided at the downstream site perimeter. • Traffic Area Stabilization—Traffic area stabilization is not applicable for this project. • Sediment Retention— Inlet sediment protection will be utilized as part of this project. • Storm Drain Inlet Protection— Inlet sediment protection will be provided on all new and existing catch basins downstream of construction activities. • Surface Water Collection —Catch basins and conveyance pipes will provide surface water collection. • Dewatering Control—Dewatering Control is not applicable for this project. • Dust Control—Dust control measures, including sweeping and water truck, will be implemented when exposed soils are dry to the point that wind transport is possible, and roadways, drainage ways, or surface waters are likely to be impacted. Tecphnical Infor 9ation Report ry 0 Q . O Ma lewood Hei hts Elementa School Portables 7 Project No. 2150095.10 • Flow Control— Flow control is provided with three gravel-filled trenches along the south side of the project site. 9.0 Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant See Section 2.7 above for CR 7— Financial Guarantees and Liability. See Appendix A-10 for the _ City of Renton Bond Quantities Worksheet. Facility Summaries and Declaration of Covenant are not applicable to this project. 10.0 Operations and Maintenance Manual Maintenance and operations of all drainage facilities will be maintained by the owner. The project proposes new catch basins onsite. See Appendix A-9 for operations and maintenance information. 11.0 Conclusion This site has been designed to meet or exceed the requirements of the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual, as amended by the City of Renton Amendments to the King County Surface Water Design Manua!(February 2010). Flow calculations and modeling utilize City of Renton standards for sizing stormwater conveyance. This analysis is based on data and records either supplied to�r obtained by AHBL. These documents are referenced within the text of the analysis. The analysis has been prepared using procedures and practices within the standard accepted practices of the industry. AHBL, Inc. /���� Rohin Elangovan, EIT � Project Engineer RE/Isk April 2015 Revised May 2015 Q:12015�21500951WORDPROC1Reports�20150521 Rpt(TIR)2150095 10.docx Technical Information Report O Q O O Maplewood Heights Elementary School Portables 8 . Project No.2150095.10 Appendix A Technical Information Report (TIR) Worksheet Exhibits A-1....................Vicinity Map A-2....................Geotechnical Report A-3....................Existing Conditions Map A-4....................Site Plan A-5....................Existing Basin Map A-6....................Developed Basin Map A-7....................Conveyance Calculations A-8....................FIRM Rate Map A-9....................Operations and Maintenance Manual A-10..................Cityof Renton Bond Quantities Worlcsheet A-11..................King County Districts and Development Conditions Technical Infortnation Report O Q O O Maplewood Heights Elementary School Portables ■ Project No.2150095.10 - KING C�UNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND PROJECT ENGINEER DESCRIPTION Project Owner �?�tvi ot�} Sc H�oc, �"�rST�r ct Project Name �'�f�I�LJ�w�OG��� I-1t�L�l-/> > rx�� �'3�� Phone �ZS-� ZL��f — �tl�� DDES Permit# Address �S1 � .S f Z� H � Location Township 2 � S�p�Tc.�_, G�/� �i 8 t 7 g Range d� Project Engineer J���{, ti' 6L a-N��c��' �l Section ��j Company �#�(3 L Site Address ��,0 J£Ri���c �rv� �� Phone S`�-3�s�- Z�r 2 Z EN i��; 4v f? Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION Part 4 OTHER REV(EWS AND PERMITS ❑ Landuse Services ❑ DFW HPA ❑ Shoreline Subdivison / Short Subd. 1 UPD Management ❑ COE 404 ❑ Building Services ❑ DOE Dam Safety � Structural M/F I Commerical / SFR RockeryNault/ �Clearing and Grading � FEMA Floodplain � ESA Section 7 ❑ Right-of-Way Use ❑ COE Wetlands ' ❑ Other ❑ Other /�� Part 5 PLAN AN� REPORT (N�QRMATION Technical Information Report Site Improvement Plan (Engr. Plans) Type of Drainage Review � 1 Targeted / Type (circle one): Full / Modified I (circle): Large Site mall Site Date (include revision Date (include revision dates): dates): Date of Final: Date of FinaL ' Part 6 ADJUSTMENT APPROVALS ' Type (circle one): Standard / C�mplex / Preapplication / Experimenta(1 Blanket I�`%� I Description: (include conditions in TIR Section 2) I' N/� i Date of A roval: ����` 2009 Surface Water Design Manual l;9/2009 1 KING COUNTY; V4'ASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN �tANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 7 M�NITORlNG REQUIREMENTS ' Describe: �!/� Monitoring Required: Yes No` ' Start Date: N!A ; Completion Date: ���rd� Par#8 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BAS1N Community Plan : f�rwC1�S�Lr.` Special District Overlays: � Drainage Basin: LG(,r,�;�� C�D�2 �� v�r� Stormwater Requirements: Part 9 ONS[TE AND ADJACENT SENSITIVE AREAS ❑ River/Stream ❑ Steep Slope ❑ Lake ❑ Erosion Hazard ❑ Wetlands ❑ Landslide Hazard ❑ Closed Depression ❑ Coal Mine Hazard �i ❑ Floodplain ❑ Seismic Hazard �� Other � !.� ❑ Habitat Protection � ❑ ' i Part 10 SO1LS S�il Type Slopes Erosion Potential C, �F������;,! �r�.c+�r �_f S l�o�;�i� c��- , � ❑ High Groundwater Table (within 5 feet) ❑ Sole Source Aquifer ❑ Other ❑ Seeps/Springs ❑ Additional Sheets Attached 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009 2 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 11 DRAINAGE DESIGN LIMITATIONS REFERENCE LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT ❑ Core 2—Offsite Analysis ❑ Sensitive/Critical Areas ❑ SEPA �➢1 Other I�1�(� ❑ ❑ Additional Sheets Attached Part 12 TIR SUMMARY SHEET rovide one TIR Summa Sheet er ThreshoEd Dischar e Area Threshold Discharge Area: name or descri tion S��f�c� S'�T�- Core Requirements (all 8 apply) Dischar e at Natural Location Number of NaturaE Dischar e Locations: 1 Offsite Analysis Level: 1� / 2 / 3 dated: ��/ 8/15 Flow Control Level: 1 / 2 / 3 or Exemption Number incl. facili summa sheet Small Site BMPs Conveyance System Spill containment focated at: �,A Erosion and Sediment Control ESC Site Supervisor: -�g� ����z p� a�E� ,— Contact Phone: �(wA2p�0 II After Hours Phone: Maintenance and Operation Responsibility: Private / ub c I If Private, Maintenance Lo Re uired: Yes /No '� Financial Guarantees and Provided: e J No I Liabili '� Water Quality Type: Basic ! Sens. Lake / Enhanced Basicm / Bog (include facility summary sheet) or Exemption No. f Landsca e Mana ement Plan: Yes / No S ecial Re uirements as a licable Area Specific Drainage Type: CDA/SDO/ MDP/BP!LMP /Shared Fac. I None Re uirements Name: lV !� Floodplain/Floodway Delineation Type: Major / Minor / Exemption / None �y/ ,%f� 100-year Base Flood Elevation (or range): Datum: Flood Protection Facilities Describe: �t1��} Source Control Describe landuse: (comm./industrial landuse) Describe any structural controls: N�� Z009 Surface��'ater Design Manual 1!9/2009 3 KING COUNTY, Vb'ASHINGTON, SURFACE tiVATER DESIGN �1ANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Oil Control High-use Site: Yes No Treatment BMP: Maintenance Agreement: Yes� with whom? Other Draina e Structures Describe: ���c� ,�si,�s, cc�osr�� c��✓;; �Y/-1-n.rc:` Prp,`� Cr�-i��L �j CGL�D T,�F�/G(-1� i Part 13 EROSlON AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS i DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION �� � learing Limits Stabilize Exposed Surfaces � �,Cover Measures Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities ❑ Perimeter Protection Clean and Remove All Sitt and Debris, Ensure � ❑ Traffic Area Stabilization Operation of Permanent Facilities ❑ Sediment Retention ❑ Flag Limits of SAO and open space , preservation areas , ❑ Surface Water CoAection ❑ Other j ❑ Dewatering Control ! � Dust Control ❑ Flow Control ' Part 14 STORMWATER FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS Note: Indude Facili Summa and Sketch Flow Control T elDescri tion Water Quali T e/Descri tion ❑ Detention ❑ Biofiltration I ❑ Infiltration ❑ Wetpool ❑ Regional Facility ❑ Media Filtration � ❑ Shared Facility ❑ Oil Control i ❑ Flow Control ❑ Spill Control BMPs ; � Other �II��{v'��� t'IGC�I'? � Flow Control BMPs r REN�� ❑ Other (�/�y 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009 4 KING COUNTY, VVASHINGTOI�; SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 15 EASEMENTS/TRACTS Part 16 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS ❑ Drainage Easement ❑ Cast in Place Vauit ❑ Covenant ❑ Retaining Wall ❑ Native Growth Protection Covenant ❑ Rockery > 4' High ❑ Tract ❑ Structural on Steep Slope ❑ Other }'�''(tr ❑ Other ��f /� � Part 17 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I, or a civil engineer under my supervision, have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attached Technical Information Report. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. '���I!�,�.,, ^- ' y!a!a�t 5 Si ned/Date i i _ L__ 2009 Surface Water Design:�ianual 1!9/2009 5 ,r_ .7[t.; � ►3 �t. ' -- - �, ? T = „ _ � �'t`''t � : -- � ,. " � _ - � rAc+u r�,u+3�•1ei�Jita '�� "T r�� �• =� = 1 - mr��n�-� 3chc�1 -- - 3 ��• _- -'�'- �- D . rs i�: __. , � . . � � . - � 1 _�-.-i' _•�ti� .' _ ' �Gj. _ �y 4 __ .- :;ct . 7 - '� �- - - i - ... .r-�..,•-.. . i . SITE �"+, LOCATION , � y�,_.?^,� 1 ����, _ � � g u - � � � � - D 7 � _ � � � __ _ ' V1 Vl u_ , ;;� T m �L?4ZflC5t � � SE.A:n[1$t ;`'�, � p � A��d V1 '� i "' � c�., -- � ^ ,• �� � 5`r 163r4F! -- . r�{ _ • ` w M �,' '_ � h J �� ,� 3 c- � �' ��-�°iVf'�:,- n �r;r -_ 4 = ;� . 'T E, �:� �'�� Q�� :.: :��� ' z_� � ��Jer _ �� r �i - . �.:a, ^3 'ti r� W .. �Pj�. ti W _ � t�6 � � � � �. ' .�� _ r�yt;' � a - - � {1641 F17F���q{S Pefk = _ _-_ �=s _ �� _ -� VICINITY MAP � 1�� �M,B�„� � Sw�� Q�� � �^� MAPLEWOOD HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY t�� SCHOOL PORTABLES � VICINITY A- � T A C O M A . S E A T T L E 1215 Nath 30th SUeet,Suite J00,Taam4 MA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL 316 Occidmtal A�enue South,Suite 320,SeaHle,WA 98104 Z06.267.2425 TEL M AP � a s s o c i a t e d � �' c'� C � �'1 SCIC? (� CE; � v4 �� . .. .. .. .. . . ,. .. . March 16, 2015 Project No. KE150128A Renton School District c/o Greene Gasaway Architects, PLLC P.O. Box 4158 Federal Way, Washington 98062 Attention: Mr. Sam Rosendahl Subject: Document Review Portable Classroom Placements Renton School District Multiple Locations Dear Mr. Rosendahl: This report presents the resutts of Associated Earth Sciences, Inc.'s (AESI's) review of AESI's past project files and exploration logs at schools currently planned to receive new portable classrooms. This summary of available subsurface exploration information has been prepared for the eight elementary schools identified by Greene Gasaway Architects, PLLC. Where past explorations have been identified, preliminary findings, including our opinion regarding the feasibility of storm water infiltration, are provided. Written authorization to proceed with this study was granted by Greene Gasaway Architects, PLLC. This review was accomplished in general accordance with our original proposal letter dated March 6, 2015. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the Renton School District, and its agents, for specific application to this project. Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget, our services have been performed in accordance with generalty accepted geotechnical engineering and engineering geology practices in effect in this area at the time our report was prepared. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTIONS We understand that the Renton School District is proposing the placement (or replacement) of portable classroom buildings at the following elementary schools: Kirkland Office � 911 Fifth Avenue � Kirkland,WA 98D33 P � 425.827.7701 F� 425.827.5424 �verett Office � 2911%:Hewitt Avenue,Suite 2 � Everett,WA 98201 P � 425.259.0522 F � 425.252.3408 Taccma Office � 1552 Commerce Street,Suite 102 � Tacoma,WA 98402 P � 253.722.2992 F � 253.722.2993 www.aesgeo.com Portable Classroom Placements Renton School District Document Review Proposed placement durin� 2015 • Maplewood Heights: 130-Jericho Avenue SE, Renton, Washington • Hazelwood: 7100- 116th Avenue SE, Newcastle, Washington '� � Campbell Hill: 6418 S 124th Street, Seattle, Washington • Sierra Heights: 2501- Union Avenue NE, Renton, Washington Proposed placement possiblv durin� 2016 • Tiffany Park: 1601 Lake Youngs Way SE, Renton, Washington • Talbot Hill: 2300 Talbot Road South, Renton, Washington � Lakeridge: 7400 South 115`h Street, Seattle, Washington • Bryn Mawr: 8212 South 118`h Street, Seattle, Washington We understand that the portable buildings will be self-contained, and each will consist of a wood-frame building supported on concrete foundation bearing strips. A crawl-space floor design is expected, without a slab-on-grade floor. We understand that infiltration of collected storm water is currently under consideration for the proposed portable buildings. AE51 D�CUMENT REVIEW - FINDINGS AESI has completed a review of AESI's past project files and exploration logs of the above-listed sites. The following sections provide a brief overview of the anticipated subsurface conditions at each site, based on the data gathered during our document review. Copies of previous AE51 exploration logs and site plans reviewed for this study are attached to this report. Maplewood Heights Elementary School AESI completed subsurface explorations at the Maplewood Heights Elementary School (ES) site in lanuary 2012 and January 2015. In summary,these explorations encountered medium dense to very dense Vashon Iodgement till, overlain in places by fill. The Vashon lodgement till is generally considered suitable for foundation support of portable classroom structures. We consider the density and texture of the lodgement ti(I encountered in our past explorations, along with our previous experience with sites exhibiting similar soil conditions, to preclude the use of infiltration for the handling of storm water runoff at the Maplewood Heights ES site, in our opinion. March 16,2015 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES,INC. ip�;pc-K£150128A2-Pro,�ect5120:50I28��K£�WP Page 2 Portable Classroom P/acemenrs Renton Schoo!District Document Review Hazelwood Elementary Schooi AESI completed subsurface explorations at the Hazelwood ES site in June, July, August and November 2003, and February 2004. In summary, these explorations encountered medium dense to very dense Vashon lodgement till, Vashon advance outwash, and Tukwila Formation bedrock, overlain in places by fill. The lodgement till, advance outwash, and bedrock are generally considered suitable for foundation support of portable classroom structures. We consider the density and texture of the lodgement till, and bedrock encountered in our past explorations, along with our previous experience with sites exhibiting similar soil/rock conditions, to preclude the use of infiltration for the handling of storm water runoff. The Vashon advance outwash soils, encountered primarily at the northern and eastern portions of the Hazelwood ES site, may be conducive to storm water infiltration. We recommend a site-specific explaration for the proposed portables to evaluate the feasibility of storm water infiltration at the planned locations of the new structures. Campbell Hill Elementary School AESI completed subsurface explorations at the Campbell Hill ES site in December 2000. In summary, these explorations encountered medium dense to very dense ablation till, lodgement till, and Tukwila Formation bedrock, overlain in places by fill. The ablation till, lodgement till, and bedrock are generally considered suitable for foundation support of portable classroom structures. We consider the variability in density and texture of the ablation till, the density and texture of the lodgement till, and bedrock encountered in our past explorations, along with our previous experience with sites exhibiting similar soil/rock conditions, to preclude the use of infiltration for the handling of storm water runoff at the Campbell Hill ES site, in our opinion. Sierra Heights Elementary School AESI completed subsurface explorations at the Sierra Heights ES site in September 1993. In summary, these explorations encountered very dense Vashon lodgement till, overlain in places by fill. The Vashon lodgement till is generally considered suitable for foundation support of portable classroom structures. We consider the density and texture of the lodgement till encountered in our past explorations, along with our previous experience with sites exhibiting similar soil conditions, to preclude the use of infiltration for the handling of storm water runoff at the Sierra Heights ES site, in our opinion. Tiffany Park Elementary School Our research did not reveal past AESI subsurface explorations at the existing Tiffany Park ES site. AESI completed subsurface explorations at a potential Tiffany Park ES site, located to the southeast of the existing Tiffany Park ES campus, in September 2012. In summary, these March 16, 2015 ASSOClATED EARTH SClFNCES,fNC. JP;./pc—KE:50;28A2—P;ojec[s�10150128�Ke"1WV Page 3 Portable Classroom Placements Renton Schoo!District Document Review explorations encountered medium dense to very dense Vashon lodgement till. Also, our review of the Geolog�c Map of King County, Washington, by Derek B. Booth, Kathy A. Troost, and Aaron P. Wisher, 2006, indicates that the existing Tiffany Park ES site is underlain by lodgement till sediments. The Vashon lodgement till is generally considered suitable for foundation support of portable classroom structures. We consider the density and texture of the lodgement till encountered in our past explorations at the nearby site, along with our review of the regional geologic map and our previous experience with sites exhibiting similar soil conditions, to likely preclude the use of infiltration for the handling of storm water runoff at the existing Tiffany Park ES site, in our opinion. We recommend a site-specific exploration for the proposed portables to evaluate the feasibility of storm water infiltration at the planned locations of the new structures. Talbot Hill Elementary School AESI completed subsurface explorations at the Talbot Hill ES site in April 1996. In summary, these explorations encountered very dense lodgement till and Renton Formation bedrock, overlain in p{aces by fill. The lodgement till and bedrock are generally cansidered suitable for foundation support of portable classroam structures. We consider the density and texture of the lodgement till, and bedrock encountered in our past explorations, along with our previous experience with sites exhibiting similar soil/rock conditions, to preclude the use of infiltration for the handling of storm water runoff at the Talbot Hill ES site, in our opinion. Lakeridge Elementary School AESI completed subsurface explorations at the Lakeridge ES site in Apri) 1991, January 1993 and March 1994, and issued a letter dated Apri) 22, 2014 providing our opinion regarding the feasibility of storm water infiltration, based on previous explorations in the vicinity of the site. In summary, the referenced explorations, both on-site and in the vicinity, encountered very dense Vashon lodgement till, overlain in places by fill. The Vashon lodgement till is generally considered suitable for foundation support of portable classroom structures. As mentioned in our April 22, 2014 letter, we consider the density and texture of the lodgement till encountered in our past explorations, along with our previous experience with sites exhibiting similar soii conditions, to preclude the use of infiltration for the handling of storm water runoff at the Lakeridge ES site, in our opinion. Bryn Mawr Elementary School Our research did not revea! past AESI subsurface expforations at the Bryn Mawr ES site. AESI recently issued a proposal to complete subsurface explorations for support in design of ADA improvement at the existing Bryn Mawr ES campus. We recommend that these explorations be MarCh 16,2015 ASSOClATED EARTH SGENCES,INC. JPl,1pc—KE150128A2—Projecfs�20250128�KE4WP Page 4 Portable Classroom Placements Renton Schoof District Document Review expanded to include a site-specific exploration for the proposed portables to evaluate the feasibility of storm water infiltration at the planned locations of the new structures. tLOSURE �I We are pleased to have had the opportunity to prepare this summary of anticipated subsurface ' conditions at the above-listed sites, based on the data gathered during our document review. We are confident that this report will aid in your design process. As stated above, we recommend that site-specific explorations be completed for selected sites where currently- available information is lacking or suggests variability in subsurface conditions. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. , Kirkland, Washington I� A ,.�����_.:.�`�. 7,�. ti�` �:._..�� � ,;�`;'� �'-.^`�- �::-.;-;,,''� .� . _ r,�'' ': :`J�;:,, -,-r`�- �j �:f,1;...:(�'t,, -�,Z .%a:i�`;�,;��q > >�'c . i - - � /�''.����� '�:� / �°� - i. . {�.'\.�-,..� -.t:�..-�.,',\ . ��' t,/ ��.,.�,i\"s'��� '`�� � f� "d�.�,:•'�"iY 1 i`_�,.l�Y.� �� N-r ;—�J� �.�,' ...,.,�� '" � .s .a Jeffrey P. Laub, L.G., L.E.G. Kurt D. Mer�iman, P.E. Senior Project Engineering Geologist Senior Principal Engineer Attachment A: Site Plan and Exploration Logs—Maplewood Heights ES Attachment B: Site Plan and Exploration Logs— Hazelwood ES Attachment C: Site Plan and Exploration Logs—Campbel) Hi11 ES Attachment D: Site Plan and Exploration Logs—Sierra Neights ES Attachment E: Site Plan and Exploration Logs—Tiffany Park ES (nearby site) Attachment F: Site Plan and Exploration Logs—Talbot Hill ES Attachment G: Site Plan and Expforation Logs—Lakeridge ES MarCh 16, 2015 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, lNC. ,o4%�_rE�so:zs:+2-Pro�eds�20150128�,r������ Page 5 . II Attachment A. ; Site Plan and Exploration Logs ' Maplewood Heights ES '' ; ; , � , � , ;_ i , ; , �_i � �! , � , � L_ �� �.I � i �--, � �`,.,° I.iiY`..'F::�_l. 4��r�Yi,)ti{; ..-..„..�..,_._...:'.:__.,� . , ��i't!l;�, i_f�:s� i,�.`,.. - ..� . , �- .. , . .. � _.. /, y . . . ......., ' ��r�� i- .� • .. . '. .. t �)t . 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F%, ,I/ .' � .. f � r � � �''i� �// 1�� �/� � � ... . .. , i � �X, r /////!/J// / ! ,, �/" �' /�i��//f\� � . . r r�, ♦ �� / � , ,:/� / � / ' � t �•� i�j�/� � - ♦ ti . / �r + �'',l�iE� �� , %. �,. % � ���.✓i�// ��, 1 , i , HBr3�� j�� . It r i.i . � /// //!. , / ., .,, . /% ,.. .�1 �� i �i/ri � ir�i ii l ir �� � �r - �... i i ! .,.) � r ..�;' � � /�i fi . . . �� i�• A �.. ' . .� ._ . . ) � �' � i '� y ,�/' �! ! 7 . . "ii�.._r.J�_'t� � //r�/'� �� _ � /� i �i � � - � � r J)�� / r�� / .. � � /7�': . . Y� ;�-�" . ' ye ��j i�' � �F �.. , . .. � . y . f . I 1 , f,.� / l�. / f . �.f �/. p y � � . . p � ... ' �� /l��l//%/`/// �� , .. '. ' ,. , . � ' f `t �%///�/! .� . � /✓ ��� C. \ . . . /e l n �;,�, ; r;�i/i F ./; , , ; % ; „ APPROXIMATE LOCATION ,� ' �� ,� i./�.f .�" r /.,j ii�, / i �if ��' a ;.y �,• f ,; ;, „ /, , ,. > OF ASPHALT CORE-TYP i , r ' ���� � i, . , t ' �. �;, y.: ,, ,if/ i , : � � �Y ` � < ! r f: '�i� f � , , .fi .� � , m .... ._._ , � .�s r r� _.�'`r . , y � �� � _ . LL :/ /' ry. ../ . .../,!�.�r/y "r! f�,�..� (} � � �riy� �f�',� ' y���f� ��` ' � � . . . .. . � . . . ,J '�t,i }i � '%/ /.%/ / ' `� . . „ ,� . ' � �L.i: •/J !� � �,f; . � ` . ��, .. . �'. � N , � A � F 0 20 40 a� N NQTE: BLACK AND WHITE REPRODUCTION OF THIS COLOR ORIGINAL MAY FEET �r REFERENCE:AHBL REDUCE ITS EFFECTIVENESSAND LEAD TO INCORRECT INTERPRETATION. z � v a S s o � i a t e d SITE AND EXPLORATION PLAN FIGURE 2 m ;�,,���""�� tW �a �� I: ri ;; �„ i c� rt c;� [:t s MAPLEWOOD HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DATE 1/15 g , RENTON,WASHINGTON PROJ.NO. TE140638A � - -� ����`,., associated GX IorationLo � e a r t h s c i e n c e s Project Number Exploration Number Sheet s -� ^ y �: z � ° � � E � a TE140638A HB-1 1of1 Project Name Ma�lewood Heights Efementary School Ground Surface Elevakion(ft) �ocation Renton. WA Datum N�q DrilEerlEquipment Hand Borina DateStart/Finish 11�qJ15.,1/�qJ1�, Hammer WeighUDrop N/A Hole Diameter(in) � iq�hag .-. c m � V1 U 0 O > � y a S E �a �a� 3 BIOWS/FOOt f I� °� � c�� �� .. o a� � T � DESCRIPTION " 3 m io 20 30 40 ° : _I Vashon LodgementTill E ` Medium dense,moist io very moist,gray,silty fine SAND,some fine to { S_i : �. coarse gravel,trace medium to coarse sand{SM). � Dense at 1 foot. S-2 � � _ � Bottom of expbration boring at 2 feet I No seepage. No caving. I ! I 1 I I � I 5 a I " � I N 1 I � � � ' I N N J � � � . � . � i � Sampler Type(ST): � � 2"OD Sp{it Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: LDM � m 3"OD Split 5poon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample � Water Level O Approved by: CJK w � Grab Sample � Sheiby Tube Sample 1 Water Level at time of drilling(ATD) < _ �''��`. asso � ; etBd Ex IorationLo � e a r t h �c i e n c e s Project Number Exploration Number Sheet � : „ ' ° � � ° � � ' � ' TE 140638A H B-2 1 of 1 Project Name Mar�lewood Heights Elementar�School Ground Surface Elevation(ft) �ocation Renton. WA �atum N(A DrillerlEquipment Hand Boring Date StartlFinish 'I/�G/�.r,,�J�g11�i Hammer Weight/Drop N/A Hole Diameter(in) 4 �nches w y V p � y (p � @ N � a �E �,Q` 3 BIowSlFoot � p T � �� �o � m � DESCRIPTION " � io 20 3o ao ° Vashon Lodgement Till � Medium dense,moist to very moist,gray,silty fine SAND,some fine to � g_� �. �. coarse gravel,Vace medium to coarse sand(SM). • Dense at 2 feet. S-2 . � Bottom of exploralim boring at 2.5 feet No seepage. No caving. 5 � b N C'1 N m � C R � � a � Sampler Type(ST}: � � 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) 0 No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: LDM , o � 3"OD Split Spoon 5ampler(D 8�M) �j Ring Sample � Water Level() Approved by: CJK w � Grab Sample Q Snelby Tube Sample 1 '�'ater Level at time of drilling(ATD) a _ __ . __ __, — .. _ , ' —„_ `\' \' ` , rr�w� \\�� '7��, ` -- . ��. _ . - �;' _. :�, �.. - ��. ' `i _ •��� ', �� 1 �'� � � ; � �: � \' ,`� ` '. ' , .\` •, �.' i , . ,... � ��� `�,,` ;� `�" I ti�� ` �•, `r�,� , �� . . �I ' ' ; r `. � � <; ... • � EXISTING SCHOOL . ���'� �`�\```"���/ �' `• �' � ; APPROXIMATE LOCA3tON � •EB:��,'�: ; OF EXPLaRATION BORING • —,�, --, ' TYP ; ,� \ I , � �, � ; _ _ �.� , -� - a ��o. ;�EB-1 . f6'-6° /��F,O;��'S, �•-F�'idp��.s� .,, 34 4 `•. /�b�,-i /� ., �,c s� .�\.. I ; - ; ` ' ���-�pQ � \c�_{9� � ;��� !, / r� EB-4 . , ' • .. �._ .:�` G0�' ;/%/ � .: `Q_ . ,1,,,. �: ` Q` f� �. �,;�g-3 �y _ i` ��'�� , NEW ASP iALTJ � ri ¢ 'ING FlRE HYDRANT a .�� ;: �� . / `',•I � — —. .— — ; . - . `ti ,.� � _. .. ' i, __ .._ ... _ EDGE OF EXiST1NG ASPHALT �. " i -- i _ - - ------ � �� i - ',� _- - _w;,_- -�_ - � i: � �- -- - • " 1 -- -- �: `.. � �: , '.� � . .. t , '� __--_ _ _ ``----�------� -- � ,. � _. _ _� _ � _ a x w v � N � � N N O N m Q �J� �� W � m REFERENCE: CLIENT FEET •m x 9 0 o Associated Earth Sciences,Inc. SITE AND EXPL4RATI�N PLAN FIGURE 2 a a � ❑ � � � MAPLEWOOD HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY-COVERED PLAY AREA DATE 1l12 c� �� �� ��'° ' `�y RENTON, WASHINGTON g � PROJ.N0. TE120020A r�ssociated Earth Sciences,Inc. �� �pY�t�p� �,� �r; f ¢�� � Project Number Explora#ion Number Sheet � � ��"� � TE120020A EB-1 1 ot 1 Projeci Name Maplewaod Neights Elementarx-Covered Play Area Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Location Renton, WA Datum N/A DriliedEquipment Geologic Drill/Trailer Mounted HSA Date Start/Finish 1/�7/19,,1/97j19 liammer WeighUDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) � U3 U� p � � "�'� N m � �,� � y Blows/Foot ,� � � �� 3 m S m �' �E °' o `m � � �' �� DESCRfPTiON " � m io 20 3o ao ° 6 inches Forest Duff,Or anic Vashon Lodgement Till(lh(eathered) Very moist,gay,silty fine fo medium SAND,with gravel,slight oxidation 2 I S'� staining. s � 7 11 � Vashon Lodgement Tiil(Unweathersd} �. S 2 Wet to very moist,gray,silty fine to medium SAND,with gravel,orange 20 oxidation staining. 27 50 2fi S-3 , Wet,gray,silty fine to medium SAND,with gravel. g � 14 2 12 10 Very moist,gray,fine to medium SAND,with gravel,slight horizontal �� S-4 oxidation staining. 15 �3 21 � S-5 Moist,gray,fine to medium SAND,with gravei. �j, �5� 2� BoUom of exploration boring at 13.5 feet 15 Ground water seepage at 5 feet. 20 ► 25 � � 30 35 h N � � � d � 'L L �(7 � Sampler Type{ST): ti m 2"OD Spfit Spoon Sampler(SPT� a No Reco�ery M-Moisture Logged by: �T o � 3°OD Split Spoon Sampler{D&M) � Ring 5ample = `Water Level Q `�^ _`J�9L•��. lAT1�1 Approved by: - , � I Associated Earth Sciences,Inc. EX loration Lo � D ;3 � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet ��' a� � < <-��- TE120020A EB-2 1 of 1 Project rvame Maplewood Heights Elementary- Covered Play Area Ground Surface Elevation(ft) Location Renton.WA Datum NIq DrilledEquipment Geologic Drill/Trailer Mounted HSA Date Start/Finish 1/97/1�1/�7/19 _ Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30" Hale Diameter(inj $ N �p � m ip N °' L� —� � N Blows/Foot ,� d S � �� �E� � r � T �' DESCRIPTION � 3 m �0 20 3o ao ° 4 inches Sod/Topsoil Fill Wet,gray,silty fine to medium SAND,with gravel,slight orange oxidation �� S�� staining. 14 � 21 5 S-2 � 5 11 � � 6 Vashon Lodgement Till(Unweathered) 47 S-3 Wet to very moist,gray,fine to medium SAND,with silt,and gravel. g�� 2�, 1� Moist,gray,silty�ine to medium SAND,with gravel. '� S-4 so/ 2• Bottom of exploration boring at 11 feet I Ground water seepage at 7 feet 15 , 20 � ' 25 I i � 30 35 N 0 N n 2 a m LL � a � o Sampler Type(ST}: N m 2'OD Split Spoon Sampler{SP� � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample .Q Water Level Q Approved by: m ;� t�i�" (,rah Samnla I1I Sholhv T��hc c�m„ios 'Nater Level at time of drillina(ATDI Associated Earth Sciences,Inc. �X loration Lo ,��.' a � � � ,-�� Project Number Exploration Number Sheet Y'�`� � �f�. � TE120020A E8-3 1 of 1 Pro;ect Name Mapiewood Heights ElsmentarX-Covered Play Area Ground Surface Elevation(ft) Location Renton.WA Datum N/A DriUer/Equipment Geologic Drill/Trailer Mounted HSA Date StarUFinish 1/97/19�1/97/19 H2mmer WeighVDrop 140#/30° Hole Diameter(in) � `� Lo ° m � �' °' � BIOWSI�OOt � L � '-N J u� a S E `� �, �E � o m � �T �' �� DESCRIPTION � � m �0 20 3o ao � 6 inches Forest Duff,drganic Vashon lodgement Till(Weafhered) S 1 , Very moist,gray,fine to coarse SAND,with silt,and gravel. Zg 14 3� 16 � S 2 Very moist to wet,gray,fine to coarse SANO,with silt,and gravel. � 8 31 17 14 Vashon Lodgement Till(Unweathered) 14 S-3 Wet to very moist,gray,sifty fine to medium SAND,with gravel. � 2, j� Moist,gray,silry ftne to medium SAND,with gravel. 3� S-4 87/ 2' Bottom oF expbration boring at 11 feet Ground water seepage at 6 feet 15 i 26 25 � i 35 N O �V � j � u LL � C v N Sampler Type(ST): N m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampfer(SPT) Q No Recovery M-Moisture Lagged by: MT � m 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&PA) � Ring Sample SL Water Leve! � Appro�ed by: m �1 `� Ivi Grab Semnla � GhA!n�r r�il�o Ramntol Water Level at time of drillinq(ATD} r�ssociaEed Earth Sciences,I�ic �X �OPatlOrl <.O � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet �'`� � {'�"=• � x- =- 7E120020A EB-4 1 of 1 Project Name Mapiewood Heiphts Elementary- Cavered P(ay Area Ground Surtace Elevation(ft} Location Ren#on. WA Datum N/A DrilledEquipment Geologic Drill/Trailer Mounfed HSA Date Start/Finish 1/?7/1?,1/�7/1? Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30° Hole Diameter(in) � c m � w m �� a m � � -� � N Blows/Foot ,- a S E c° �, �a � 3 p T � �� �o � m � DESCRIPTION � � �0 2o so ao ° 4 inches Sod/To sol Fill S 1 Wet,gray,silty fine to coarse SAND,with gravel,slight oxidation staining. � 3 � s S 9 5 S-2 � ♦1 Vashon Lodgement Till(Unvreathered) e � Moist,gray,silty fine to medium SAND,with gravel. 14 S-3 37 79 42 10 S-4 � • 50/ " Bottom ot e�loration boring at 10.5 feet Ground water seepage at 25 feet. I 15 � 20 ' 25 � � 30 35 N O N n � W 2 a m LL 7 a. (� N Sampler Type(S�: � m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampier{SPT) a No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT � � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D 8�M) � Ring Sample SZ Watsr Level() Approved by: � °? � f;rah Samnla I� choir,,,T��ho ca,,,,,�01 Water Leve!at time of drillina{ATD) Attachment B: Site Plan and Exploration Logs Hazelwood ES � I '�i�.�����,��\�� LEGEND .\�i�� �`. � ��� \�� �� �, � .,� '=�. EP-1 ■ Approximate locatlon of expioration pit ' \��:�. ` �, �-- � � � ' �j ��`�� �\����'��__ EB-1 • Approximate location of explorafion boring I ' '�'� �. �- �, �\ ;f� ���� � � ` _ A A' \ �"�-�? ��. � ` �, ��`���'�- �(` T Approximate locatian of cross-section r-�., � � �, � ��,�,=� —_ `1 i `,. IJ + � \ \` �` "- ` 1 ``� � � � � �\�„ `�_ � I i � � I I\ .,�� �/''�-� `��'��.�����~ � ```„`_ �.. ` � 1 \. � I ` � �-�,� �>> �.��„� "_"'`' I-1'� � �I • ���j ��=��1,,,���x/// I � >'• '�-_ � � `` �.: �'' � � � / � ` � ` � �\ �� � 1 ►� �� '' ` ����- - �---����-- �-�����y� _, _ ,� I �� �,F.. � _..� ''�'�"'`� `� '��-�� �'`� :��-��` �ra �rw.�`�.� „• �' �_ � I\�� �� �%-."�"r'•.�` �' ��� ���1��"���--..1�. I � I ( �I .g -� / ` ` /;�:..� � -•.. .,_..,�f � � ��—�.—�'''' ':e� —%?S=� �� �`� �.. „-•�..._ -�.'�-_ _i' ' � �� ( � I � {�;'� � o EB-s .,,,;� �- � \ f / I�'.-c-.._ ..,_.� - , I l ��a-� � , \�-%� � ��_ -- — — — -- _ = -��--�� � ���I;J - ' � � � � /-`'�l .�� �� � � J � - I . . � �l EP� C� �` i � �/ ;I � + � � � ► �) I � I ____ � � � �1�' � � _ -j � �. . _ �,j , ; - ' ; ' . � 1 �-... f�`' +� , f � �. ` L� i����� � � �'s � � �EB-s _ �1 t � ���p .J, ,, � , � • �� I ' � � -� \ � �► �, , � . I �'i +-� }—_ , i , � � I I� �( � 1% �y + ;-� I ��� � �� � � ' � r � , �� 1► � EB-io ,f ' � , a � � �'.��-- � � • B-7 I: I � � �� ,...I �� ��_�-- _ —_ --� � I � ; �� � � y � ~ � I I � f � t( li I �" � �--y — � � i �I. I � , � � � I�' . � I -� � ( i � ' ! ---�-. ..-.�1� � i � •, .-� �!- � -" �+-e � , , _ _ I� �- �--.�. ..— __.- ; . �, , 1 _ :�.,.�: ..��_`.- ■ 1 � ,�. �., - -�: - �;.� --=-�` � 1 � � � ¢ _---__� � ,i � i� �=-._.__�� ,,:�..�_,m---.-.._�'� 1 .�_ .. /��%"-----,_-- f + ,/f-i�:`� � r i�_„ �--�— •� � ! '� r �w�� � ( ��;;•;�;'�=--=-�:;.�� ; I � � � �\ f��l�iii;�.!.�r ..�.., ' ���: �_�— _ � \� � �I �� & a\ �r�—� ��l//�/�/,''// �` � � i; ' �f�.;�•,,�. 1 -� � ��:� � r �-F- -:. �: � � � � � .. �., ; ;!��/�!- � s°,. I �� � G / � a� H �,:, ��(l�1.� �f :�� �---�'. � � �...,.. ._ �_ r �, � , f � - i: A � I i 1 � •--r.. ''� , �. � �a�. � � � . , i� �li �. � 1 \` � y . %:/�iib� r J�y '! 4/ I! l I I�i�i� :��� � � ;;;��;%;>�' f , �;�����% I -� / EB-24 \ �i � 7 I � �I'fi��;.;�; E�,18 � /� �� \ _ 1 ,� ,.y� ��40. �f;�!�/,r�J// ��p r�i�� � EP'� r � ( ,�.,�,`, �� \ �, •;.• Jr,;i./`tr 'r'J ��f � � ( ( 1 �;i� I � EP�3 \ �' �� E�3 � � / ;;::;;':%'' , � '' �l j� I :�-. q� � � � � / �� ' � � � � ';�.i�;'� i''" µ ''' �� 'il r 1��'����lY � / � � E�=S� f �� P� '�'/%'i ��EB 25 �;��I ��.) I �� , 'I � 1 �:���� � � '�� � --'� I'� � `' :,1.._..1 j I ( � � � " :ti�i1 E�-s2 �� � , 1/�, �� (f '= �, ;; , ( �i .,i�� ".�'` � , ` ,�� �� ���� �►.�.;_ '--- +.<"` :�'�� � ��� � .I r�:� � � ,�- p,� ��L... J� ��l t�,,; -�,� __ .._::; � , �� � ,(I � I ;�i l�-��a, � / ` A e u' / � 4wj1,�'• ;EP=6 _ ---_.•�'o � /� � � k 1 .... . 1 il� �:%�i,x ! I . ,g- . �.�:.;!'� . :'�:���-� ,~} .\� � � 1 :.�i n� j� � i I I..� �j�1 � ,«w.. �,!' h,� y����:; LOG OF EXPLORATiON PlT N�. EP-1 � This log is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth 5ciences, Inc.(AESI}for the named project and shouid be L read together with that report for complefe interpretation.This summary applies only to the locaflon of this trench at the °� time of excavation.Subsurfacz co�ditions may change at this location with the passage of Ume.The data presented are o a simpification of actual conditions encountered. DESCRIPTION Loose, moist_dark brown, SILTY fine SAND,organic�leaf moid and root hair�___________J_ -- -- ----- --------- — ---------- — Vashon Lodgement Tiil � � 4Loose moist red to li ht brown SILTY fine to medium SAND. 1 �---=---=--- 5-----=----------------------------------� Medium dense, moist, gray, fine to coarse SAND with rounded,fine to coarse gravels. 2 3 � Becomes dense below 4'. 5 6 I � Becomes very dense befow 7'. I I � 8 - � � � g .. f I • �a .. � 11 � I i � 9 2 - - - -- --� � Botton of exploraticn pit�c�iepth 12 feet • 13 No ground water seepage e;ncountered during exploration_ No caving. i 14 15 - I � 1 16 ; i i7 � I I 'I$ 19 � 0 O � Hazelwood Elementary � Newcastle, VIIA � a c� ' Associated Earth Sciences, lnc. � Logged by: MT Project No. KE03329A M � Approved by: � � � � � June 2003 a � LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP-2 � This iag is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc.(AES!}for the named project and shouid be � read together with that report for compiete interpreta6on.This summary applies only to the loca6on of this trench at the � time of excavafion. Subsurface conditions may change at this locatlon with the passage of time.The data presented are D a simpification of actual conditions encountered. DESCRlPTI0T1 Loose, moist, dark brown, SlLTY fine SAND, or anic leaf mold and root hairs . Vashfln Lodgement Till � Loose, moist, red-brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine rounded gravel. 2 3 ----------------------------------------------------- Dense, moist, gray, SILTY fine to coarse SAND, rounded,fine to coarse gravel. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 — -- Bottom of exploraGon pit at depth 10 feet 11 No gr�und water seepage encountered during explaration. No caving. 12 13 14 i 15 I16 � 17 18 � 19 � 0 0 " Hazetwood Elementary � Newcastle, WA � a t� � Associated Earth Sciences, IRC. Project No. KE03329A ; Logged by: MT � � � � � a Approved by:� June 2003 � LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP-3 � This log is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc.(AESI}for the named project and shouid be s read together with that report for complete interpretation.This summary applies only to the loca6on af tf�is Uench at the ,a, 6me of excavation.Subsurface condifions may change at this loca6on with the passage of 6me.The data presented are o a simplfic-ztion af actual conditions e�couniered. �ESCRlPTION Loose, moist, dark brown, SILTY fine SAND, organic(leaf mold and root hairs}. Vashon Lodgement Tiil � Loose, moist, lighf brown, SILTY fine to medium SAND, rounded fine to medium gravef. 2 ----------------------------------------------------- 3 �ense, moist, gray, SILTY fine to coarse SAND, rounded,fine to medium gravel. 4 5 Very dense at 5'. 6 7 i i 8 j � � g �—.—_ _— I � � [3ottom r,f exploration pit at depth 9 feet I 10 ( No grnund water sezpage encountered during exploration. 'Vo cavinc�. i 1 � 11 -� 12 13 � � 14 15 I 16 ' � 17 I 18 � I 19 � 0 0 " Hazelwood Elementary � Newcastie, WA � a � ' Associated Earth Sciences, If1C. Project No. KE03329A � Logged by: MT � � � � � � � Approved by: � JUne 2003 a � L.OG OF EXPL4RATION PIT NO. EP-4 � This!og is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences,Inc.(AESI)for the named project and shouid be � read together with that report for complete interpretation.This summary applies only to the loqtion of this trench at the m iime of excavation.Subsurface conditions may change at this location with the passage of time.The data presented are o a simplfication of actua!conditions encountered. DESCRIPTION Loose, moist, dark brawn, SILTY fine SAND,or anic leaf mold and root hairs . Vashon LodgementTill � Loose to medium dense, moisf, light red-brown, SILTY fine to medium SAND, rounded fine#o medium gravei, root zone at 18". 2 3 ----------------------------------------------------- Dense, moist, gray, SILTY fine to coarse SAND,fine to coarse gravel and cobble. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 gottom of expioration pit at deptli 9.5 teet No ground waier seepage encountered during explaration. No caving. 11 � 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 M 0 0 � Hazelwood Efementary � Newcastle, WA � a � Q Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Project No. KE03329A a� Logged by: MT � � � � � AppfO��ed by� � � June 2003 � LOG OF EXPLORATION PiT IVO. EP-5 � This iog is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. (AE51)for ihe named project and should be � read together with that report for complete interpretation.This summary app�ies only to the locafion of this trench at the � time of excavat�on.Subsurface condifions may change at this location w'ith the passage of fime.The data presented are o a simpification of actual conditions encountered. DESCRIPTION Loose, moist, dark brown, SILTY fine SAND, organic(leaf moid and root hairs). Loose, moist, dark brown, SILTY fine SAND, or�anic________________________�' � �-------------------- Tukwifa�ormation Loose to medium dense, moist, light yellow-brown,�ne to medium SAND, some rounded gravel and 2 cobbles. weathered Tukwila Formation _____�' -----�----------------�------------------------- 3 Very dense, moist, dark gray, SANDSTONE, fractured {4'to 8" blacks}dark red to black oxidation staining on fracture surfaces. 4 5 Bottam of exploration pit at depth 5 feet 6 No ground water seepage encountered during exploration. No qving. I 7 i g � 9 I 10 � 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 � S " Hazelwood E(ementary N � Newcastle, WA � a c9 Q Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. � Logged by: MT Project No. KE03329A � � � � � � � Approved by: � June 2003 LOG OF EXPL�RATION PIT NO. EP-6 � This log is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences,Inc.{AESI)far the named proJect and should be � read together with thai report for com�lete fnterp�etation.This summary a�pplies only to the locafion of this trench at the � lime of excavaiian. 5ubsutface conditions may change ai this location with the passage of time.The data presented are o a simplfication of actual conditions encountered. DESCRIPTION Loose, moist, daric brown, SILTY fi�e SAND, organic{leaf mold and root hairs). � � `Loose_moist� dark brown=S1LTY fine SAND, organic______________ � Advance Outwash ----------- Laose to medium dense, moist, yellow-gray-brown, fine to medium SAND,few fine to coarse gravel, 2 may raots upper 12". ----------------------------------------------------- 3 Dense, moist, gray, fine to coarse SAND with fine to coarse, rounded gravel. 4 ------------------------.-----.------------------------ Tukwila Formation 5 Dense, moist, dark gray SANDST�NE, fractured wifh dark red to black oxidation staining on fracture surfaces. 6 7 Bottom of exploration pit at depth 6.5 feet No ground water seepage encountered during expioration. No caving_ 8 i y � 1L � � , � 1�� I 13 1� I ' � 15 � 1�i , 17 l i i 18 � i 19 � .�„ ---- — � � 0 0 � Hazelwood Efementary ; Newcas#le, VIIA 'a c� Q Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. � Logged by: M i Project No. KE03329A a Approved by:� � � � � � June 2003 LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP-7 � This log is part of the report prepared by Associated Ear1h Sciences,Inc.{AESI)for the named projecf and should be � read together with thai report for complete interpretation.This summary appties onty to the lacation of this trench at the � time of excavation.Subsurface conditions may change at this location with the passage of time.The data presented are O a simpffication of a�tual conditions encountered, DESCRIPTION Laose, moist, dark brown, SILTY fine SAND, organic (leaf moid and root hairs). 1 ------------- ----------------- Advance Outwash 2 Loose to medium dense, moist, yellow-gray-brown, fine fo medium SAND, some fine to coarse, rounded gravel. 3 � Qense with depth below 3'. 5 6 Dense to very dense, moist, gray, fine to coarse SAND, few fine to coarse, rounded gravel, trace cobble. 7 8 � � � I 9 i 10 � I i 1� j I 12 13 Dense,wet, gray, GRAVELLY SAfV�/SANDY GRAVEL. 14 'I 5 16 Bottom of exploration pit at depth 16 feet 17 No ground water seepage encountered during exploration. No caving. 18 19 � 0 " Hazelwood Elementary � Newcastle, WA -, a � Associated Earth Sciences, I�C. praject No. KE03329A � Logged by: MT � ApProved by: � � � � � � June 2003 LOG OF EXPLOR�41'!ON Pll' NO. EP-8 � This log is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences,inc.{AESI)for the named project and should be L read together with that�epor�for complete interpretation.3his summary applies only to fhe locafion of this trench at the � time of excavation.Subsurface conditions may change at this loca6on with the passage af time.The data presented are o a simplfication of actual conditions encountered. DESCRIPTION Loose, moist, dark brown, SILTY fine SAND, organic(leaf mold and root hairs). � Advance Outwash Loose to medium dense, moist, yelfow-gray-brown,fine to medium SAND, trace silt, few rounded, fine to coarse gravel. z Roots upper 18". 3 4 5 6 7 8 ------------------------------------------------------ Medium dense, moist, light reddish gray,fine to coarse SAND, few medium gravef. 9 10 11 I 12 � � 13 I ; 14 I '15 � 16 I Bottom of expforation pit at depth 16 feet � 17 No ground water seepage encountered during exploration. No caving. 18 19 i �, 0 0 " Hazelwood Elementary ; Newcastle, WA � a � � Associated Earth Sciences, ItIC. Project No. KE03329A � Logged by: MT � � � � � � Approved by: � � June 2003 a � LOG OF EXPL4RATION PIT NO. EP-9 � This log is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences,Inc.(AESI}for the named project and shou(d be � read together with that report for complete interpretation.This summary applies only to the loca6an of this lrench at the � 6me of excavation.S�ibsurface condi6ons may change at this Iocation w�th the passage of time.The data presented are o a simplfica#ion of ackual condiUons encountered. DESCRIPTION Loose, moist, dark brown, SILTY fine SAND, organic (feaf moid and root hairs). f- !Dr�to moist, brown SILTYSANQ. __________________� � ------------- -- Advance Outwash Loose to medium dense, moist, red-brown-gray, fine fo medium SAND with rounded, fine to medium 2 �ra�el.------------ --------------------------------------� Medium dense to dense, moist, gray, medium to coarse SAND, few fine to coarse, rounded gravel. 3 4 � 5 6 � � i j � 8 + I 9 - � � � ,o 11 - 12 13 14 15 16 - - Bottom of exploration pit at depth 16 feet 17 - No ground water seepage encountered during exploration. No caving. 18 19 � 0 0 � Haze�wood Efementary � Newcastle, WA � a � Q Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. N Logged by: MT Project No. KE03329A 0.� � � � � � Approved by: � June 2003 LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP-'i 0 � This log is part of fhe report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences,inc.(AESI}for the named project and should be � read together with that report for complete inierpretation.This summary applies only to the iocation of this trench at the � time of excavatlon_Subsurface conditions may change at this location with the passage of time.The data presented are o a simpffication of actuat conditions encountered. DESCRIPTiON Loose, moist, dark brown, SlLTY fine SAND, organic(leaf mold and root hairs). 1 ---------------------Advance0utwash ---------------------- L�ose to medium dense, moist, red-brown-gray, fine to coarse SAND, a6undant fne to coarse, 2 rounded grave{ and cobb(es. ----------------------------------------------------- 3 Dense, moist, gray, fine to medium SAND with rounded, fine to coarse gravel and some cabble. 4 Dense, moist, gray, medium to coarse SAND with rounded,�ne to coarse gravei, few cobble. 5 6 % � ( g i g More fine to coarse gravel and cobble. ! I I � 1 t? � � I I 1'! i 12 � � ; I 13 i 14 --------------------------- � Dense, moist, gray GRAVELLY coarse SAND/SANDY medium GRAVEL. 15 ; 16 Bottom of explora6an pit at depth 16 feet 17 No ground water seepage encountered dunng expioration. No cavi�g. 18 4 19 I I � 0 0 � Hazelwood Elementary � Newcastle, WA � a � Q Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. N Logged by: MT Project No. KE03329A � � � � � � � Approved by: � June 2003 LOG OF EXPLORATION PfT NO. EP-'i 1 � This log is part of the report prepared by Assaciated Earth 5ciences, Inc.(AE5!}for the named project and should be � read together with that report for complete interpretation.This summary applies only to the locafion of this trench at the � time of excavation.Subsurface conditions may change at this location with the passage of time.The data presented are o a simplfication of actual conditions encountered. DESCRIPTION Loose, moist, dark brown, SILTY fine SAND, organic(leaf mold and root hairs}. ----------------------------------------------------- � Advance Outwash Loose to medium dense, moist, yellow-brown-gray, fine to coarse SAND,few rounded gravel, roots 2 to 2'. � 3 Tukwila Formation 4 Dense, moist, dark gray to brown tuffaceous SANDSTONE, fractures 4"to 6" blocks, dark red to black oxidation staining on fractured surfaces. 5 6 7 8 — Battc.m of exp�ura8on pit at depth 8 feet ; 9 No ground wa+er seepage encountered during expioration. No caving. I 10 11 � 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 � 0 0 � Hazelwood Elementary � Newcastle, V11A � a c� � Associated Earth Sr,iences, lilC. Project No. KE03329A N Logged by: MT � � Approved by: � � � June 2003 d LOC OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP-12 � This log is part of the report prepared by Associated Earfh Sciences,Inc.(AESt}for the named project and should be � read together with that report for complete interpretation.This summary applies oniy to the locafion of this trench at the � time of excavation. 5ubsurface conditions may change at this location with the passage of time.The data presented are o a simpificztion�f aclual conditions encountered. DESCRIPTION Loose, moist, dark brown, SILTY fine SAND, arganic(leaf mold and root hairs). 1 ---------------------Advance0ufwash ---------------------- Loose ta medium dense, moist, yellow-gray-brown,fine to medium SAND,few rounded gravei. 2 I 3 Tukwila Fo�maf'son 4 Dense, moist, dark gray tuffaceous SANDSTONE and TUFF,fractured into 4" ta 8" blocks, dark red to black oxidation staining on fractured surfaces. Altered to clay. 5 i 6 : 7 � f � 8 � � ig — -- ------- I � Botkam o;exploration pit at depth 3 feet � � 10 No grounci water seepage e�countered during explorati::� No caving. I � 11 I 12 13 - 14 15 16 17 18 19 � 0 0 " Hazelwood Elementary ' Newcastie, WA � a 0 � Associated Earth Sciences, IC1C. project No. KE03329A � Logged by: MT a Approved by: �{i � � � � � June 2003 L�G OF EXPLORATION PIT PlO. EP-13 � This Icg is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences,Inc.(AESI)tor the named project and should be � read together w'ith that report for complefe interprefaiion.This summary applies only to the location of this trench at the a time of excavation.Subsurface conditions may change at this location with the passage of Gme.The data presented are o a simpification of actuai condiUons encountered. DESCRfPT10N Loose, moist, dark brown, SILTY fine SAND, organic(leaf mo{cf and root hairs). ------------------------------------------------------- � Advance Outwash Loose to medium dense, moist,yellow-gray-brown,fine to medium SAND, few rounded gravel. 2 Tukwita Formation 3 Dense, moist, dark gray ANDESITE,fractured with dark red to black oxidation staining an fracture surfaces. Less fracfured with depth. 4 5 6 7 Bottom of exploration pit at depth 7 feet 8 No ground water seepage encountered during exploraGon. No caving. ` 9 � � 10 � 11 12 13 14 i 15 1fi 17 18 19 � 0 � Hazelwood Elementary � Newcastle, WA � a `� Associated Earth Sciences, (t1C. Projecf No. KE03329A N Logged by: MT a� � � � � a� Approved by: � June 2003 � LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT N4, EP-14 � This log is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences,lnc.(AESI)for the named project and should be � read together with that report for complete interpretation.This summary aPplies only to the location of this trench at the � time of excavation. Subsurface conditions may change ai this localion with the passage of time.The data presented are p a simplfication of actual cond+tions encountered. DESCRiPTION Loose, moist_dark brown, SILTY fine SAND_orq.anic�eaf mold and root hair�.__________,� ------ --��— — — ---------- Advance autwash � Medium dense, moist, yellow-green-brown, fine to medium SAND,few rounded, fine to coarse gravel. 2 3 Tukwila Formation 4 Dense, moist, dark gray, tu#faceous SANDSTONE, fractured 4"to 6"fragments, dark red to black oxidation staining on fracture surfaces. 5 6 Bottom of exploration pit at depth 6 feet 7 No ground water seepage encountered during exploraGon. tVo qving. 8 j g � I 10 - I � 11 � 12 13 14 - 15 16 17 � 18 i 19 � 0 0 " Hazelwood Elementary ' Newcastle, WA � a � � Associated Earth Sciences, IIIG. project No. KE03329A Q� Logged by: MT � � � � � Approved by: � June 2003 , LOG OF EXP�OR/�TION PIT iV4. EP-15 � This log is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences,inc.(AES!)for the named project and shouid be L read together with that report for complete interpretation.This summary appties only to the IocaGon of this trench at the a time of excavafion.SubsurFace conditions may change at this localion with the passage of time.The data presented are O a simplfication of actual conditions encountered. DESCRIPTtON Loose, moist_dark brown, SILTY fine SAND,org.anic�eaf mold and root hair�_ ----------� Fill 3 Dense, moist, dark brown, SILTY SAND, 1" to 96"diameter sandsfone fragments. � 2 Loose, moist, gray SILTY SAND, mottled, 4"to 12" diameter sandstone fragments. 3 Sides of hole caving. 4 3' by 3' boulder. 5 6 Many 92" to 18" sandstone fragments. 7 8 9 10 -— —---- — - - � -- Bottom of explora6on pit at depfh 10 feel 11 No ground water seeoage encountered during exp;oraiion.Caving hefow 3'. � I 12 � `i 13 I 14 15 16 17 18 19 � 0 0 N Hazelwaod Elementary � Newcastle, WA a c7 � Associated Earth Sciences, If1C. project No. KE03329A � Logged by: MT � � � � � � � Approved by: � � June 2003 a � L�G OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP-16 " I This iog is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences,Inc.(AESI)for the named project and should be � read together with that repori for complete interpretation.This summary applies only to the location of this trench at the � Gme of excavation.Subsurface condifions may change at this location with the passage of time.The data presented are o a simplfication of actual conditions encountered. DESCRIPTION Trash/Fiil � Loose, moist, brown StLTY SAND. 30%wood and organics. � Wood, branches, plastic, rebar, metal fencing, steei cable, glass soda bottles, more chain link fencing, concrete curbs -many 'I'to 3'sections of 6"curh. 3 4 5 Loose to medium dense, moist, red-yellow-brown,fne to coarse SAND, rounded, fne to coarse �' GRAVEL, some cobble, mottled. 6 7 8 Advance Outwash � Medium dense, moist, gray,fine to coarse SAND, rounded fine to coarse GRAVEL,few cobble. I 9 ' '10 � i I� Tukwila Fo�mation 11 � Dense, moist, dark gray SANDSTONE, 6"to 8" fracture biocks, dark red to black oxidation staining � on fracture surFaces. 12 Bottom of exploration pit at depth 12 feet 13 No ground water seepage encountered during exploration. No caving. 14 15 16 17 18 19 � 0 0 N Hazelwood Elemen�ary � Newcastle, WA � a c� Q Associated Earth Sciences, inc. N Logged by: MT Project No. KE03329A � � � � � � a Approved by: �, June 2003 r r� LOG OF EXPLOR/�TION PIT NO. EP�17 - This log is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. {AES!)for the named project and should be r read together with that report for complete interprefation.�is summary applies only to the iocation of this trench at fhe � time of excavation.Subsurface conditions may change at this location with the passage of time.The data presented are o a simplfica6on of actual condii9ons encountered. DESCRIPTION �oase, moist, dark brown, SILTY fine SAND, organic(leaf mold and raot hairs). � Vashan Lodgement Till Loose to medium dense, moist, yellow-green-brown, fine to medium SAND,with rounded fine to 2 coarse�ravel, few cobble._____ ___�_--_��_���_-_____�_-����_�___J Medium dense, moist,gray, fine to coarse SAND with rounded, fine to coarse gravel, few cobb{es. 3 4 5 s 7 � I 8 �. i � � 1U - . — - --- � -�-- - 11 -� Bottom of exploration pit at depth 10 feet � No ground water seepage encountered during exploration_ No caving, � 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 � 0 0 N Hazeiwood Elementary � Newcastle, WA � a c7 � Associated Earth Sciences, IC1C. Project No. KE03329A � Logged by: MT � � � � � � Approved by: � June 2003 a H V LOt� OF �JCPL.ORA`TI�N PtT fVO. EP�18 , � � This log is part of#he report prepa�ed by Associated Earth Sciertces, Inc.(AESI)for the named project and should be � read together with that report for com�lete interpretation.This summary applies only to the locabon of fhis trench at the � time of excavation.5ubsurface condifions may change at this locaiion with the passage of time.The dafa presented are ' o a simplfication of actual conditions encountered. DESCRIPTION G Laose, moist, dark brown, SILTY fine SAND, organic(leaf mold and root hairs). � Vashon Lodgement Til1 Loose to medium dense, moist, yeliow-brown,fine to medium SAND, with raunded fine to caarsa 2 ra_veE, few cabble_ ; _________________________�______—_______—J Dense, moist, gray, fine to caarse SAND with rounded, fine ta coarse gravel,few cobbles. 3 4 � 5 6 i 7 � 8 � � g i Bottom of exploration pit at depth 9 feet 10 No ground water seepage encountered during exploration. No caving. i i i i 11 12 I 13 14 15 I �. 16 i 17 i 18 � I 19 J �I � 1 I 0 a N n a Hazeiwood Elementary � = Newcastle, WA � � � Q Associated Earth Sciences, ItIC. Project No. KE03329;� ; Logged by: MT � � � � � � � Appraved by: Julte 200� a F- u Y Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX toration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-1 1 of 1 Project fvame Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevafion(ft} Location NewCastle. WA Qaium N/A Driller/Equipment Davies Drilling/ HSFA Date StartlFnish ��,/��/(►� �l��ln�_ Hammer Weight/Qrop 14Q#/30�� Hole Diameter(in) � m uo ° a'� � � sa —� � � BlowsrFoot � m � a 3 t a a e�— O T � T �o �' � a� C�7� ca .� DESCR(PTION " � �0 20 3o ao � S-1 5� �2 �5' Vashon Lodgement Till Dry to moist,tight brown,SILTY fine SANDIfine SANDY SILT,few fine gravel. Moist,gray, SIL1Y fine io medium SAND with fine io medium gravef; �4 S-2 rounded. Moist,gray,fine to coarse SAND with fine to coarse gravel,trace silt. 37 � $ t7 S-3 Moist,gray,fine to coarse SAND,some fine t o coarse gravel. 25 50� � oi S-4 34 p 50/ " 16 Boriom of expioraGon boring at 9 teet 15 —�_ 20 25 36 35 0 N ai � � � a � � 5ampler Type(ST): � m 2"OD Spiit Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&A4) � Ring Sample � W2ter Levei (} Approved by: � Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Pro}ect Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-2 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementar� Ground Surface Elevation(ft} Location Newcast{e. WA Datum N/A Driller/Equipment Davies Drillinq/HSFA Date Start/Finish n���nm��R13�!(1R Hammer WeighUDrop 940#/30'� Hole Diameter{in) c m � � y L� ° m � � � a Q E m a` in BIOWSIFOOt �-- � S � `� >. �E �' o a� � T "? �N DESCRIPTION o � m � v �' 10 20 30 40 � Weathered Vashon Lodgement Till 3 S-'� Moist,Gght orangish brown to gray,SILTY fine to coarse SAND,few a � rounded gravel. s $-2 g ♦ 4 � Vashon Lodgement TiU S-3 Moist,brown-gray,fine to coarse SANDY GRAVEUGRAVELLY SAND. 2� Rock in tip of sample. a7 as ae S� or sa 8ottom of exptorelion boring a18 feet No ground water or seepage encountered during expbration. 10 15 ZQ 25 30 35 0 N � � a � � Sampler Type(ST): � m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampier(SPT} � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: NfT o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Samp!e SL Water Leve!Q Approved by: � °D ^ n ..• �. — � ,_ ♦ wa�Pr I Pvel at time of driliinq(ATD) Associated Earth Sciences, inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-3 1 of 1 Project Name Hazeiwooc! Elementarv Ground Surface ElevaGon(ft) Location Newcastle. WA Datum �y/Q Driller/Equipment D�vies Drillinq/HSFA Date StarUFinish n��:�n�{L,F/'��!!13 Hammer Weight/Rrop 140#/30" Hote Diameter(in} r � L� a � � � °' —� � � Blows/Foot � a S E `� � �a � o m m m C�� m z � T �' DESCRIPTION " � m �0 20 3o ao ° d g S-� Fi11 �3 �1 Dry to moist,{ight brown,SILTY fine SAND,few fine gravel,mottled,some 3 orange oxidation. S 2 Same a 3 10 7 � Cuttings more brown and more medium gravel. ---------- ------- 8 S-3 Vashon Lodgement Tili 21 � Moist,brown-gray,SILTY fine to coarse SAND,few rounded gravel. 3g / 10 S-4 5oi • Battom of exploration baring at 10.t feei Bottom at 10.1'on rock-coutd not driN or sample through. 15 - ZO 25 30 35 � a 0 H v; � � � a � � Sampler Type(ST): � m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampier(SPT} � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT � � 3"00 Split 5poon Sampler(D&��i) � Ring Sample � Water Level() Approved by: � :�� ��_,� �_ �___,,, ♦ �.nJater Level at time of drilling(ATD) Associated Ea�th Sciences, Inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-4 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground 5urface Elevation{ft) Location Newcastle, WA Datum N/A Driller/Equipment Davies Drilling /HSFA Date Starf/Finish �;��nin�,�r�nm� Hammer weightlDrop 140#I 30" Hole Diameter(in} c a� � � y L D � � � y � a@ E °�a � 3 BIOws/FOOt ` a S E p T tn �� �o `0 m L DESCRIPTION � � io 20 30 40 ° S-1 8 Vashon Lodgement Tfil 2a 58 Dry to moisf,light brown,fine SANDY S1LT/SILTY fine SANO,trace so gravei. S_2 Moist,gray-brown,fine to coarse SAND with fine to coarse rounded gravel, 23 mottled. � 4a4� 5 � S-3 5 is • sa s- 10 S� 29 Moist,gray-brown,SILTY fine to coarse SAND with fine to coarse, o� so� - rounded gravel. S-5 OI Moist,dark gray,medium to coarse SAND,some grounded gravel. 5ot ' �� 5-6 or sor • Bottom of exploration bo�ng at 15.5 feet No ground water or seepage encountered during exptoration 20 25 3Q 35 � 0 0 t� � a 5 � --� a � � Sampler Type(ST): � m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o m 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) a Ring Sampte SZ Waler Level() Approved by: � `° ^ n - . — . - . � tnta�p�I avPl at timP of drillina(ATD) Associated Earth Sciences, 1nc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-5 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwaod Elemenfary Ground Surface Elevation (ft} Locat(on Newcastle. WA Datum N/A Driller/E4uipment Davies Drilling /HSFA Date Start/Finish n���nm��R/:�nl(13 Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) � � � V p � � �p tA � Q a� �� •` N Blows/Foot F.°'. aai S@ ` '�' �E°1 0 os � Q � `� �� DESCRIPT(ON � � � �0 20 3o ao � 2 /4" o r uali A urfa 1/4"mi s. 8 S-1 Fifl t4 �22 Moist,ligh#brown,fine fo medium SAND,few rounded gravei. tz Moist ta wet,olive-gray,fine to coarse SAND,trace siit,few rounded fine 3 S-2 gravel. 3 , 4 5 S-3 3 4 4 10 Wet,ofive to gray,fine to mediurn SAND,trace silt,trace fine gravel, i/4" 5 S-`} h' k or anic ne t to f am ler. 5 AZ Advance Outwash 2t � �5 Moist, brown-gray,coarse SAND,fine to medium gravel,ye[low oxidation, 12 S-5 reddish,rounded gravel near tip of sampler,bits of bladc carban. 39 a� 42 i 20 Moist,iight brown-gray,coarse SAND,few fine gravel,yellow-orange �4 S'6 oxidation. 2q 49 � 25 25 Wet to saturafed,gray-brown,coarse SAND,stight orange oxidation. = 13 I S'7 a� so� • 30 Ntoist,gray,fine to coarse SAND. �a S'8 2a 52 � � Bottom of expbra6on boring at 31.5 feet Seepage at 25' 35 0 N J� ^ � � � a � � Sampler Type(ST): o � 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(5PT) D No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sample�(D 8 M} C Ring Sample S_L Water Level() Approved by: n m � � s ��,..,.,.�,,,..,i-,�f�.,,e„F�riu�.,,,reTrn Associated Earth 5ciences, 1nc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-6 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary. Ground Surface Eievation(ft) Location Newcastle WA Datum NIA DrillerlEquipment Davies Driliing/ HSFA Date StarflFinish _�}�/��I(1'�,Rt4(1/�3 Hammer Weight/Drop 140#/30" Hoie Diameter(in) c d � v � L� O � � � � y� ` �n gIOWS/FQOf �-.- p T cn �� �� fD � � DESCRIPTIDN " � 10 20 3o ao ° - s-� Fili ;2 ez Dry to moist, light brown, S1LTY fine SAND,few rounded gravel. ta Dry to moist,light gray-brown,fine to medium SANDY . GRAVEL/GRAVELLY SAND. S-2 Moist,light brown-gray,fine to coarse SAiVO,few rounded gravel. 14 A24 io 5 S-3 Moist to wet,dark brown SILTY SAND,trace rounded,fne gravel,organic, 3 e reddish oxida6on zone. 5 Advance Outwash ---------- 10 = S� Wet to saturated,light gray,medium to coarse SAND,few fine gravel. � 26 2a so� - of ... �5 S 5 Wet,gray, medium to coarse SANU, few fine gravei,orangish oxida6on. 24 ` 20 1 11 2fl Wet,gray,mediurti to coarse SAND. �p s-6 16 � � z, 25 Wet to saturated,gray,metiium to coarse SAND. � 14 S-7 � ss � 32 Bottom of exploration boring at 26.5 feet Seepage at 10'and 25' 30 � 35 0 N � , � "� � a � � Sampfer Type{ST): . � m 2"OD Spiit Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT' o ?� 3"OD Sptit Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample 1 W ater Level() Approved by: � "' " r+ s tni.,�,,,I cunl 04 fimn nf ririllinn(ATTII Associated Earth Sciences, inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � � Project Number E�cptoration Number Sheet � KE03329A EB-7 1 of 9 Project Name Hazefwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) Location Newcastle. WA Datum [�/q DriQeNEquipment Davies Drilfina /HSFA Date StartlFinish �J1/f13 7/1/�3 Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/ 30" Hole Diameter(in) � � y VO � mtD N a S E '��° >. a�a� 3 BIOWS/FOOt � � � �E � `m � T `� �� DESCRIPTION � � m �0 2o aa ao � S-� d FiN s s,a Moist,gray, medium SAtVD. a Moist,dark brrnm,fine SANDY SILT. Moist,light brown-gray,medium SAND,orange oxidation. S-2 Moist,gray-brown SAND. � OZ Moist,dark brown,fine to medium SANDY SILT,orange oxidation. � Maist reddish light brown,medium to coarse SAND,orange oxidation. 5 Wet,reddish brown,SILTY fine to medium SAND/SANDY SILT,few fine S-3 rounded gravel. 2 As 3 10 Wet,light gray,very fine SANDY S1LT,orange oxidation. 5 S� Wet r wri ra ine to medium AND t c fin r v I 9 �2 Advance Outwash 16 � Wet,gray,fine to medium SAND. 15 Moist,gray,fine to coarse SAND,few fine to medium gavel,some orange �s S-5 oxidation. ao s:� 43 20 8oitom of expbratlon boring at 2t.5 fee! No ground water or seepage encountered during expioration. 25 30 35 0 N N � 'y � a c� � Sampler Type(ST): � m 2"OD Spiit Spoon Sampier(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT c I I i 3"OD Spiit Spcon Sampler(D &M} � Ring Sample `=c '�Nater Level O Approved by: '» Associated Earth Sciences, ►nc. EX foration Lo � � � � � Project Number Expioration Number Sheef KE03329A EB-8 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwaod Elementa ,ry Ground Surface Elevation(ft) � Location Newcastle. WA Datum j�/A Driiler/Equipment Davies Drilling/ HSFA Date Starf/Finish 7/(11/(1��7/1/�� Hammer WeightlDrop 140#/30�� Hole Diameter(in) � N U 0 � � � + iq L O. p.'n �� -1 N B��W.S�FD�I � o T c`0n c�cn �o `° m r DESCRIPTION � � �0 2o sa ao ° oa ,2 S-1 Fiil 20 ` 7 Dry to maist,light brown SIl7y fine SAND,rounded grave!and cobble. t7 S_2 Wet,gray-brown,SILTY fine to coarse SAND,few rounded fine gravei. 3 e 3 4 5 S-3 Advance Outwash �q o 8 Moisk,red-brown to gray,fine to medium SAND,few rounded gravel, 14 mottled_ _ 10 Wet to moist,yellowish gray SILT grading to fine ta medium SAND,orange 4 S-� oxidation. �7 3o Fractured gravel in middie of sampler. �3 �5 N{oist,gray,fine to coarse SAND,few rounded gravel in tip;horizontal e S-5 1/10"laminations-darWlight. ig ss 26 20 Moist,gray,fine to coarse SAND. � S"6 21 52 31 Bottom of exploration boring at 21.5 feet 25 30 35 � 0 N I �f � � � R (:) � Sampler Type(ST): � m 2"�D Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT � m 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample 2 Water levei(} Approved by: ^,� Y�_ __ � --• �• — . ..___�_ ♦ Wat�r Levei at 6me of driNing{ATD) Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number ExploraGon Number Sheet KE03329A EB-9 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementarv Ground Surface Elevation(ft) Location NewCastle. WA Datum NIA DriIIeNEquipment Davies Drilling 1 HSFA Date Start/Finish 7m�m�,7l1/(1'� Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/ 30'� Hole Diameter(in) .'.-' t� L Q � � � tn °' � —� � y BlawsiFo4f � a S E ��, ma � o � p T y �� o � m � - DESCRIPTION � � �0 20 3o ao � S`� Vashon Lodgement TiII p �2z Ory to moist,light brown,SILTY fine SAND,few fine rounded gravel. �2 Moist,light brown,fine to cc�arse SAND with siit,fine to medium rounded gravel. � S-2 Moist,light brawn,fine to medium SAND,trace siit,fine to medium s �5. ^ 50 .5• r41����d9���•------------------------ Moist,tight brown-gray,fine to coarse SAND,rounded gravel. ' S S_3 �s 43 50 " 0! Bottom of expbration boring at 6.5 feet 10 15 20 I I 25 30 35 0 N 0i � � 7 a c7 � Sampler Type(ST): o Q 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) Q No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT m m 3"QD Split Spoon 5ampler(D&M) � Ring Sampie SZ Water Level Q Approved by: �,/ _ '—' � -� •• — � .. ._ � watPr Levei at time of drilling(ATD} V� Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX Ioration Lo � � � � � Pr�ject Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-10 1 of 9 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) �o�ation Newcastfe WA oatum N!q DrillerlEquipment Davies Drillinca ! HSFA DateStart/Finish 7/1/f13�7/1/(]3 fiammer WeighUDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter{in) c as � v � V 0 � N � � � a �� �a-� 3 Blows/Foo# � � T cn C�rn �a `° m L DESCRIPTION , " � �0 2a so ao ° Vashon Lodgement Till g � S-� Dry to moist,light brown,SILTY fine SAND/fine to medium SAtJD. 2� s2 35 Moist,gray, SILTY fine fo medium SAND,rounded fine to coarse gravel. 15 S'2 2s sa ss 5 g_3 Moist,gray, SILTY fine to medium SAND,rounded fine to coarse gravel. 19 ' a � aa • �o S.� ° 50/ ' 8ottom of exploration boring at�0.2 feet No ground water or seepage e�countered during exploration. — 15 � � I I I � I � I I 20 25 I i 30 35 0 N A 7 � � a c9 � Sampler Type(ST): o m 2"OD 5plit Spaon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT � I I I 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D 8 h�1) a Ring Sample � 'Nater Levei O Approved by: � Associated Earth Sciences, �n�. Ex loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Explorat(on Number Sheet KE03329A EB-11 1 of 1 ProjecE Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground SurFace Elevation(ft) Loption Newcastle. WA Datum N/A Driller/Equipment Bortec/HSFA and Diamond Rit Rock Core Date Start/Finish R/41[►'�,$J41Q3 Hammer Weight/Drop 140#/30'� Hole Diameter(in) r m �a � a�i � 3 y r� o, �E �Q` 3 Blows/Foat ` o T in ��' �o � m s �_ DESCRlPTION � � 10 2o so 44 � Vashon Lodgement Ti!! Damp to moist,yellow-brovm,SfLTY SAND with gravef(SM};contains scattered cobbtes. 5 S-1 Damp to moist,gray,SANDY GRAVEL(GW);contains scaltered cobbles. 5_�2 Change f�om auger fo rock co�e at 7'2". 32 , _ S-7.5 RQD=0% os 50� • RQD=0% � S-9.5 0 10 Rounded gravel 114"to 1 1!2". -12. � RQD=0% 0 -14. 15 RQD=4°� -45. --------------.----------------- o Tukwi{a Fortnabon Moist,dark gray andesitic BRECCIA and VolcanicTUFF. � -77. RQD=80%(good). 20 RQD=83%(good). 83 -22. 25 RQD=95%(excellent). 95 -27. RQD=90%{excellent). 30 so S-31 Bottom of exploration boring at 31 feet 0 35 N � L E u � 0 2 � a � ¢ Sampler Type(ST): o � 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT} Q No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler�D&M} � Ring Sample Q Water Level() Approved by: m e`-7^� ..--� �___�_ f;l Chclhv Tuha Cmm��c 1 �later Level at time of drilling(ATD) Associated Earth Sciences, ���. Ex loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-12 1 of 1 Project Name Nazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Eleva6on(ft) �ocation Newcastle, WA Datum �IA DriilerlEquipment Bortec/ HSFA and Diamond Rit Rock Core Date Start/Finish R��m3TR/�tn:� Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter fn) � y V O � N � y °' t� —� -� N Blows/Foot � m S � �° E, �E�' o m � T `� �� DESCRIPTION " � m 10 20 3o ao ° � Vashon Lodgement Till Damp,light brown-gray,SILTY SAND with gravel(SM);contains scattered cobbles. 5 S-1 �3 53 32 S-2 Switch ko rock core at 9'. a 501 ^ S-9. -------------------- 10 ——————————— Tukwila Formation RQD=0% (very poor). _�� Damp,light brown to g�ay. 85 VOLCANICLASTIC SAIVDSTONENOLCANIC TUFF,weathered fractured, highly weathered sandstone in fractures,red oxidation staining on fracture surfaces. . RQD=0%(very poor), -14. 80 ------------------------------- 15 RQD=26%(poor). so _�g Dark gray,VOLCANICLASTIC SANDSTONE/VOLCANIC 7UFF, weathered c(ay soif with fractures. 20 RQD=16%(very poor). 95 Brown to tan VOLCANICL4STIC SANDSTONE/VOLCANIC TUFF, S-24 weathered,maximum fragment=2". 25 RQD=0% (very poory. Less weathered with depth. a5 -26. RQD=0% (very poor). 80 -28. RQD=0°k (very poor}. 30 5-30 85 8onom of exploration boring at 3Q feet 0 35 0 N E Iu 0 Z I a' c� m Sampler Type {5T}: � m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT � m 3"OD S lit S oon Sam ler(D&M Rin Sam le �? Water Level Approved by: m p P p � g P 1 'Nater Level at time of drifiin ATD � m ��`i", �,..,h c��,,.,io �`I Shalhv TiihP Samole - 9� � Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � ProJect Number Expioration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-13 1 of 1 Project Name Hazefwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) Location Newcastle. WA Datum N!A DrilleNEquipment Bortec/ HSFA and Diamond Rit Rock Core Date Start/Finish �3/5L(L,�/Q3 Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) C N _ y .Lv' t/1 U� a � � 4) $ a c�v E —y a� 3 B�OWS/FOOt ` m S � �� �E � o u� � T �' DESCRIPTION " � m �0 20 3o ao ° Vashon Lodgement Till Damp to molst,yeltow-brown,SILTY SANl�,trace rounded gravel and cobbles. I Tukwila Formation Damp to moist,tight brown-gray, VOLCANIC TUFF,reddish oxidation staining. 5 S-1 6 so S-6.2 45 Dark brown-gray VOLCANICLASTIC SANOSTONE,slightfy weathered, some red oxidation. 10 RQO=0.22°10(very poor)} sc -11. RQD=209�0(very poor) so 15 .15. Blue-gray interbedded andesitic BRECCIA and TUFF,some red-black o�odation staining on fracture surfaces. -16. RQD=50%(fair). �p RQD=56°/a(fair). �o ------------------------------- 2� Brown-gray VOLCANICLASTIC SANDSTONE. _2�. RQD=40°k(paor). 25 � Blue-gray,interbedded andesitic BRECCItJ and TUFF. -26. RQD=80%(goad). 30 S-30 �a Bottom of expbration boring at 30 feet 0 35 N n W � E v > 0 Z � d C9 a Sampler Type(ST): � Q 2"OD Splii Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT � � 3"OD Sptit Spoon Sampier(D&M) � Ring Samp[e n Water Level Q Approved by: m � Water Level at time of drillin ATD m !!`? r-,...�, c.......i.. � Rhalhv TuhP Camnfa g� � Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX laration Lo � � � � � Project Numaer Expioration Numher Sheet KE03329A EB-14 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) LocaSion NewcBstle. WA Datum �/A Driller/Equipment Bortec/ HSFA and Diamond $it Rock Core Date Start/Finlsh g/7JQ3,$17J2�3 Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) �^. U7 U O p � � �j " �� —� � � BlowslFoot � o. S E `0 E �a � 3 � y � �� � � o m � T `� DESCRIPTION � � m �0 20 3o ao � Vashon Lodgement Till Oamp,yellow-brown,SiLTY SAND(ML),few rounded gravel. 5 S"� -- — -- 15 Damp to moist,brown-g►ay to gray,SILT`(SAND(ML}with rounded gravel. Qg 51 ------------------------------- 10 S-2 47 5oi ^ Moist,gray,GRAVELLY SAND(SW},trace silt. 15 S-3 41 32 50/ 15 20 S-4 21 �� „ 25 Moist,biue-gray,SILTY SAND(SM),rounded gravel. 33 S-5 qs 50� ° 30 S-6 3� / 501 ,� " 35 27 S S-7 p� � 501 " � n Botlom of exploration boring at 35.8 feet Y > I 0 Z � C f9 � 5ampler Type(ST): o � 2"OO Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: I o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D 8 M) � Ring Sample 2 Water Level() Approved by: N °"• �-^���••���o I� Shel6v Tu6e Samole 1 �Nater Level at time of dnlling{ATD) I Associated Ea�th Sciences, Inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Expioration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-15 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary �round sur�ace E�evauon(tt) Location Newc2stle. WA Datum N/p Dri(lerlEquipment Bortec!HSFA and Diamond Rit Rock Core Date Start/Finish �nm�,$/7/�� Hammer WeightlDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) v � V � � d � y $ a a� —� � �n BIOWS/FOOt °� °�a � 3 ~ o T � U'�9 t l �'o c��c —�° .� � DESCRIPTION " � 10 2o so ao ° Fill Loose to medium dense,damp to moist,SILTY SAND(SM),oxidation, mottling. 5 I � , �� Tulcwila Formation Dense,moist,yellaw-brown,VOLCANIC TUFF with gravel,weathered. �5 Brown-gray,VOLCANIC�4STIC 8ANDSTONENOLCANIC TUFF, � S-1 vveathered,fractured. za A a 2a RQD= 13%(very poor). 90 _�g Switched to rock core at 19'fi'. 20 � RQD=27%(p0o�). Gray,VOLCAtJICLASTIC SANDSTONENOLCANIC TUFF,weathered, y5 gouge zone at bottom of sample,yellow clayey silt in fractures. 25 -26.7 RQD=0°to(�ery poor). s5 30 _30. Boriom o(expbration boring at 30 5(eet 0 35 N n N D E m > 0 � I m Sampler Type(ST): m m 2"OD Split 5poon Sampler(SPT} � No Recovery M-Moisture �a9g�d by: MT o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&M} � Ring 5ample SZ Water Leve!() Approved by: N � (:r�h Camnla !� Shelbv Tube Sample 1 '�Nater Level at time of drilling(F�TD) Associated Earth Sciences, ���. Ex ioration Lo � � � � � Project Number Explora6on Number Sheet KE03329A EB-16 1 of 1 ProjeCt Name Hazelwood Elementary _ �round surface Eievation�ft� �ocat�on Newcastle WA Daturn ��/q DrilleriEquipment $ortec/ HSFA and Diamond Bit Rock Core Date StartlFinish �3/R��i�i�nn3 Hammer WeightlDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) c a� � .�. N V O � d � �q � a o,� m d --� %� BIOWS/FOOt F- p T � �� �o � m � DESCRIPTION " � tio 20 3o ao ° Forest Duff£fopsoil D�m�,��rk�rywn S1LLY S�ND org�ni�_____ -------- Vashon Lodgement Till Damp,yellow-brown,SILTY SAND(SM),contains rounded gravel. 5 S_� 20 40 88 48 10 S-2 � Maist,gray,SILTY SAND(SM)with rounded gravel. �5� so� 5 �5 Color change to blue-gray below 15'. 45 S'3 r4. ~ sol 5,. 20 S� 40 � � 50� ^ Bottom of expbraGon boring at 23 feet I � 25 30 � 0 35 0 N n M D E m > Z � a � � Sampler Type(ST): � m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: o � 3"00 Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring 5ample � 1�^later Level() ApProved by: � � � Sheibv Tube Samole 1 'Nater Level at time of drilling(ATD) �% N. (1r�h C�mnlo Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX Ioration Lo � � � � � ProJect Number Expioration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-17 1 of 1 ProJect Name Hazeiwood Elementa� Ground Surface Elevatian(ft) __ Loca6on Newcastle. WA Datum ni/A DrilterlEquipment Bortec/HSFA and Diamond Bit Rock Core Date StaruFinish glftl(13,g��»nn3 Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in} � y t� � 01 � N =y� � v� B�OWS/FOOf � c S � �T �a � o a� p T � C�v� o ie m L DESCRlPTION � � �0 20 3o ao ° Forest Duif am dark r wn ILTY ND ni Vashon Lodgement Tili Damp,yellow-brown,SILTY SAND(SM),few rounded gravel and cobble. , 5 � S-1 / 50l ,� �� S'2 Damp,gray SILTY SANd(SM)with gravei. Sa��� � � �$ � � 20 S'3 No sampie recovery. 5or. 25 g� ! 50ld" 8ottom of exploraUon boring at 25 feet I 30 0 35 N n `a O E d � 0 Z � � W Sampier Type(ST): � m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recavery M-Moisture logged by: o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Samp4e SZ Water Level() Approved by: � �^ r��h Gam��a n Shelbv Tube Sam�le 1 �'�ater Level at time of drilling(ATD) Associated Ea�th Sciences, Inc. Ex loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-18 9 of 1 Project Name Hazefwood Elementary Ground Surtace Elevation(ft) �oca�;on Newcastle,WA Datum n��A Driller/Equipment Bortec/HSFA and Diamond Bit Rock Core �ate start/Fnish ��R1p3,glg/2�ng -- Hammer Weight/Drop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) .�.� � V O 'j N �D !�!1 � a a'n �� -� N BlOWS/FOOt � O T cmn �v� �'o m m '� DESCR1PTlON � � �0 20 30 40 ° Vashan Lodgemerrt Till Damp,yellow-brown,Sti.7Y SAND(SM)with rounded gravel and cobble. 5 23 S'� 36 F�O/ " 0! Damp to moist,gray,SILTY SAND(SM),with rounded gravel and cobble. 10 Gravei content increases with depth. S-2 ! 15 50! " Bottom oi explaradon horing at 15 feel 20 � 25 30 0 35 0 N n L E � Z I � aU', � Sampler Type(ST): � � 2"OD Split Spoon Sampier(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: o m 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&h4} � Ring Sample � Water Level O Approved by: m � (;=1 1 l^later Level at time of driliin ATD N � r_.�ti c��.,,,io � Sheihv Tuhe Samoie - 9� ) Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Ex loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheei KE03329A EB-19 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Efevation(ft) Location Newcastle. WA Datum n(!A Driller/Equipment Bortec!HSFA and Diamond Bit Rock Core Date Start/Finish .$( !(1��RlR/�flfl� Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30" Hole Qiameter(in) v v) U�O O � � v7 °� L m � �n B�OWS/FOOt � m S � �° T SE ?? o v � � `� �� DESCRIPTlON " � m �0 20 3o ao ° Vashon Lodgement Till Damp,yellow-brown,SILTY SAND{SM}with rounded gravel,scattered cobble. � S-1 Damp,brown-gray,SILTY SAND(SM)with rounded gravei and cobble p8 50! ^ 10 S-2 � � 50/ ^ i Increase in gravel content with depth. � �5 Moist,blue-gray,S1LTY SAND(SM)with rounded gravel and cobble. 20 S-3 Z � 50/ .5' 25 30 S� � 501 Bottom of expbration boring at 30 teet 0 35 N n N a E v > 0 Z � a � � Sampler Type(ST): ; m 2"OD Spiit Spoon Sampler{SPT} � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: ' o m 3"OD Spiit Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample � Water Level(} Approved by: � � �-..� �....,..�� I� Shelhv Tuhe S�mnle 1 Water Level ai time of drilling(ATD) Associated Earth Sciences, lnc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-20 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) Location Newcastle. WA Datum N/A Dri(ler/Equipmenk Bortec/ HSFA and Diarnond Rit Rock Core Date Start/Finish /� 11!(}:�,$/11/(l� Hammer WeightlDrop 140#/30" Hofe Diameter(in) c d � N V O � N � �n "' L� —m � � BlowslFoot � a S E `� % � a� a � °� � C9 v) � io — � T �' DESCRIPTION � � m �0 20 3o ao ° Tukwita Formation S-1.4 Bfue-gray,interbedded andesitic BRECCtA and TUFF,red oxidation, fracture surfaces. RQD=0°/a(very poor}. � 5 S-4.6 Yeliow and gray clay in fracture at 6'. Weathered to red-brown sand at bottom. RQD=0°�(very poor). S-6.4 � 10 RQD=0% (very poor). ..1 t.7 95 ------------------------------- � Blue-gray,interbedded andesitic BRECCIA and TUFF. RQD=95%(exceltent). 15 to -16. RQD=90%(excellent). 20 1 -21. RQD=95% (excellent). � 25 to S-27 Bottom of expbretion bori�g at 27 feet sa a 35 N A Y a d o ( Z a c� � Sampler Type(ST): � m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o � 3"OD Spiit Spoon Sampler(D 8 M} � Ring Sample 2 Water Levei() Approved hy: m 1 Water Level at time of drillin (ATD) ^ � �.��c�...n�.� I;`I Rhalhv TuhP Sam�le - 9 Associated Earth Sciences, lnc. EX loration Lo -' � � � � � Project Number Exploratlon Number Sheet KE03329A EB-21 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Etementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) Location Newcastle. WA Datum N/A Driller/Equipment Bortec/ HSFA and Diamond Rit Rock Core Date StarUFinish R/11/�3,g/�1/(}.,'� Hammer WeightlDrop 140#1 30" Hofe Dlameter(in) v N V � � N � C N � a a� N J V1 8���/l�$�7��0# � � S � �O E� �E y 3 .. � o � � T `� �� DESCRIPTION � � m �0 2 0 3 o a o ° Tu[cwila Formation Lo�se to medium dense,damp,yeilow-brown,SILTY fine to medium � � SAND SM. _______ L.1------------------- Blue-gray,inte�bedded andesitic BRECCIA and TUFF. RQD=0°/a(very poar}. S-3.4 ss 5 RQD=78°/a(good). 7 S-8.5 1Q RQD=70%(fair). -'10. t0 RQD=73%(iair). �o -13. � 15 RQD=95% (excellent). to -�a. Zo RQD=8%(good). t -23. 25 RQD=95%(excellent). �o S-29 34 Boriom of exploration boring at 29 feei 0 35 0 N n Y E w � 0 z � e � W Sample�Type{ST): o m 2"OD Spiit Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT � m 3"OD Split Spoan Sampier(D&M) � Ring Sample Q Water Level() Approved by: 0 �? {� l;rah Sarnnla � Shelbv Tube Sample 1 Water Level a!time of driliing(ATD) Associated Earth Sciences, �n�. Ex loration Lo � � � � � Project Number ExplaraQon Number Sheet KE03329A EB-22 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Ele�ation(R) �ocation Newcastfe. WA Qatum t��A Drilier/Equipment Bo�tec/HSFA and Diamond Rit Rock Core Date Start/Finish �/��(p�R/1�lQ3 _ Hammer Weight/Drop 14Q#/ 30" Ho1e Diameter(in) c d � � � L� � a�i � u� � Q a y� -� H BIOWS1FOOt � p T � �� �o � m = DESCRIPTfON � � 10 20 3o ao ° S-0.4 Tukwila Formation 'Blue-gray,interbedded andesitic BRECGIA and TUFFACEOUS SANDSTONE,fractured(i"to 3"fragments)dark red to black oxidatlon staining on fracture su�Faces. RQD=10%(very poor}. 90 5 '4•7 Yellowish sand filled fracuues,black and orange oxidation stafning on fracture surfaces. RQD=54% (fair). to �� -10.2 Some black oxidaGon staining on fracture surface. RQO=90%(excellent). to -14. , t5 1 il2"of Eractured ANDESITE in middle of sample. RQD=83%(good}. 1 -19. 20 RQD=90%(exceltent). ------------------------------- io Blue-gray andesiGc BRECCIA. -24. 25 RQD=86°/a(good). 1 -29. 30 Boltom of eupforation bo�ng at 29 5 feet 0 35 N n Y G E d > 0 Z � a t9 � Sampler Type(ST): � m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture �o99�by: MT o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&M} � Ring Sample 2 Water Level() Approved by: `0 1 W�ter Level at time of drillin AT u� � r_.�ti c�..,.,io i� ShPihv Tuhe Samole 9� �� Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX [oration �o � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-23 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementar� Ground Surface Eleva6on(ft) Location Newcastle WA Datum (y/A Dri►lerJEquipment Bartec(HSFA and Diamond Bit Rock Care Date Start/Finish R/1�I(13� /1R �I�ftp3 Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30" Ho[e Diameter(in) � Uf V Q :7 d � N � a a� m� � N BlowslFoot � p T � �� �o � m � DESCRIPTION � 3 �0 20 30 40 � Vashan Lodgement Tit{ Damp,yellow-brown,SItTY SAND(SM)with rounded grave!and cobble- 5 S,1 30 50/ ' Color change at 6.5'fa gray. 10 S-2 2t � sor ^ 15 20 S-3 � 50! ' 25 Color change to blue-gray at 26'. 30 S_4 O! SD� �, Bottom of exploretion boring at 30 5 feet g 35 n � v a E m > D z � a c� � Sampler Type(ST}: � � 2"OD Split 5poon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: o � 3"OD Splil Spcon Sampier(D&M) � Ring Sample SZ Water Level(} Approved by: �? P� Grab Samole t�I ShelbY Tube Sample 1 �ater Level at time of drilling(ATO) Associated Earth Sciences, ���. Ex loration L.o � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-24 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) �ocation NewCastle. WA Datum N!A DrillerlEquipment Bortec! HSFA and Diamond Bit Rock Core Date Start/Finish �/1�lCI� A11�!�(111� Hammer Weight/Drop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) v rp U— O > � y " �a —� � � Blows/Foot � c. s E �a� � � o a`� � T �' �� DESCRIPTfON � � m L V 3 1Q 20 30 40 � Vashon Lodgement Til! �amp,yellow-brown,SILTY SAND(SM)with rounded gravel and cobble. 5 lO S-1 5 /5_ ^ Color change to gray at 10'. 5oi 5� 15 Boulder at 17'-moved 5'east_ 20 S-2 �5 � 501 5" Colar change to blue-gray at 22'. 25 o/ 30 S-3 5p! ^ i Bodom of expbration boring at 30 25 Teet I i 0 35 � 0 N � d � I E i c 2 ' a � � Sampler Type(ST): � m 2"oD Split Spoon Sampter(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moislure Logged by: o m 3"00 Split Spoon Sampler(D 8 M) D Ring Sample � Water Level() Approved by: � � Grab Samole � Shelby Tube Sample Z �Nater Level at timF of drilling(ATD) � Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-25 1 of 1 Project Name Nazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 360 Location NewCaStle WA Datum N/A Driller/Equipment BarteC Date StartlFinish 11114/(13,11/14/�(lf1'i Hammer WeighUDrop 140#1 30" Hole Diameter(in) v ° L � 3 °' `� BlowsJFoot ~ � a a� �� � � p T � �� �o � m � DESCRIPTION " � �0 2a so ao ° Topsoit L o m ist da br wn I TY fin to me iu A D. Advance Ovfwash Loose to medium dense,light brown to brown-gray,SILTY fine to coarse SAND with fine to coarse rounded gravel. 5 10 --------------.----------------- Tukwila Fortnation Dense,moist,gray SANDSTONE. 15 Bottom of exploraEon boring at 14 feet I 2� 25 30 0 35 r c N . N E d > 0 2 � a � � Sampler Type(ST): M � 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D& P,�l C Ring Sample 2 Water Level(} Approved by: 9 �I _ _ �1 ,.�_��..T..�_ „___,_ ♦ Water Level at time of drillina(ATD) Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Ex loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Explaration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-26 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Eiementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 401 LocaGon NewCestle. WA Datum N/A DrilledEquipment BolteC DateStart/Finish ��i�ar43,11/141�()fl� Hammer Weight/Drop 140#1 30" tiole Diameter(in) � N U Q '..�7 d � N � a n� �,� � N Blows/Foot �- a S E �° T �E� o' c� p T y C7 cn o m m r DESCRIPTION � � �0 20 3o ao ° - Topsoil m ' t ITYfi A Advance Outwash Medium dense.moist to wet,yeltow-gray-brawn,fine to medium SAND, few rounded gravel. --------------.----------------- Tutcwila Formation � Medium dense,moisi ta wet,yellow-gray-brovm,SILTY fine to caarse 5 SAtVD. 10 Medium dense,saturated,blue-gray,SILTY fine to coarse SAND. 15 Dense 15.5'to 17'. ---------------------- ------------------------------- Medium dense 17'to 20'. 20 ------------------------------- Very dense at 2d'. Bottom of expbration boring at 21 feet 25 30 0 35 0 N O N ' d a E u > 0 2 a c9 � Sampter Type(ST): o � 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � t3o Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: IviT o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) D Ring Sample � �Nater Level() Approved by: umi I;"';i 2roh Camnio i� Shelhv Tuha Samole 1 Water Level at time of drilling(ATD� I Associated Earth Sciences, ���. Ex loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-27 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementarx Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 390 Location �3ewC2stle.lNA Datum N(A DrilledEquipment BortBC Date Start/Finish 11/14/(13�1/1dl�(1f1� Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30�� Hole Diameter(in) c a� v a a� �,� � `� Blows/Foot � o T u� �� �� � � � DESCRIPTION � � m t v � 10 20 30 40 � Topsoil Loose,moist,dark brown,SILTY fine to medium SANO,organic. ----------- -------------- ----TII Medium dense,moist,yellow-brown to gray,SILTY fine to coarse SANO, rounded gravel(weathered). 5 10 Oense,moist,brown-gray to gray,SILTY fine to coarse SAND,rounded gravel(unweathered}. ' , 1� Moisture content increase. ------------- Tukwila Formation Moist,blue-gray BEDROCK. V dneat1 '. 2Q Bottam of expbralion boring at 19 feel 25 30 g 35 � 0 N m E d ? I o 2 � , a � � Sampler Type (ST): � � 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) Q No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o m 3"00 Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample �? Water Levei() Approved by: � � (:r�h C7mnlr� �} Shelbv Tube Samo(e 1 4Vater Level at time of drilling(ATD) Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Numbe� Sheet KE03329A EB-28 1 of 1 Froject Name Hazeiwood Elemen#ary Ground SurFace E(evation(ft} 403 Location Newcastle. WA Datum NIA DrilledEquipment BorteC Date Start/Finish 11/14lQ�,,11/1dJ�(1(l3 Hammer WeighUDrop 14Q#/30" _ Hole Diameter(in) c d � v y V � � C1 � y $ a a� �a� -� v� BIOWSIFOOt � O T tE�n U'�cn �E a? o °' o � m � DESCRIPTION � 3 �0 20 3o ao ° Fill 4"to 8"quarry spalfs. Vashon Lodgement Tiil I Medium dense to dense with depth,brown to gray,SiLTY fine to coarse SAND,rounded grave►. 5 10 Wet at 13'. 15 Very dense. Tukwila F a'on Bottom of exploration 6oring at 18(eei 20 25 30 0 35 N O N v E u > 0 Z � a C� � Sampler Type(ST): o m 2"OD Spiit Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o m 3"OD Spiit Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample � Water level(} Approved by: m � �l ,.__� �___�_ f,l ctio�h„r���o c�m��o 1 Water Level at time of driliing(ATD) Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX toration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-29 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elemeritarv Ground Surface Eleva6on(tt) 404 Location Newcastle.WA Datum N/A Driller/Equipment BorteC Date Start/Finish ����am3,����ai�nn:� Hammer WeightlDrop 140#/30" Ho{e Diameter(in} c a� ,r � N �a � � ip N � L � -J � B1ows/Foot {� n S E L� i, �a � o � � T � C�cn o ia ap L DESCRIPTION " � 10 20 3o aa � Topsail Loose,wet,dark brown,SlLTY fine SANO,organic. Vashon Lodgement Tiil Medium dense,wet,light brown,SILTY SAND,rounded gravel. Medium dense,moist,light brown to brown,SIL'fY SAND with graveE. 5 Tukwila ortn io Bottom of expbration boring at 7 feet 10 15 20 25 ' 30 0 35 0 N O N m � N � O 2 � a c� � Sampler Type (ST): � m 2"OD Split Spaon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o m 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D 8�M) � Ring Sample S_L Water Level() Approved by: m 1 Water Level ak time of drillin ATD N � r-�� c�•••��� n �hplhv Tube Sam�le - g t } Associated Earth Sciences, inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-30 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Eleva6on(ft) 408 Location Newcastle.WA Datum N/A DrilleNEquipment BorteC DateStart/Finish 11/1df(Z3,11/14/?Of13 Hammer WeighVDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) c m � v N U- 0 > �p u) °' L� � � y BIQWSIFOOt �- o T � �� ��?� o a� �� o @ m -� DESCRIPTtON � � �0 20 3o ao ° Topsoil Loose,moist,dark brown,SILN fine to medium SAND,organic. Vashan Lodgemen!Till Medium dense,moist,light brown to gray-brown,SlLTI fine to medium SAND with fine to medium rounded gravel. 5 Dense below 6'. Wet at 9'. 't 0 15 Tukwila Fo ' n Bottom of exploralion boring at 17 feel 20 25 30 a 35 r c N W E L > O Z � a � � Sampler Type(ST): o � 2"OD Split Spoon 5ampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o m 3"OD Sp�it Spoon Sampler(D&M) a Ring Sample Q Water Level Q Approved by: �? � � Sheibv Tube Samole 1 �Vater Level at time of drilling(ATD) f:rah Gam�la Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Expforation Number Sheet KE03329A EB-31 1 of 1 Project Name HaZelwood Elemeflt2lX _ Ground Surface Etevation(ft) 416 Location Newcastle. WA Datum NIA DrilledEquipment Bortec Date StartlFinish 11/14/f13,��/�a��nn� Hammer Weight/Drop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) � ! N U� j d � � N ,� Q a —y_ � B�OWSIFaO� � nai S � '� >' �E� a � � T `� �y DESCRIPTION � � m �0 20 34 ao � Topsoil Loose,moist fo wet,dark brown,SIITY fine SAND. ------------------------------- Vashon Lodgement T�II Wet to moist(below 3'),light brown to gray-brown,fine to medium SAND, rounded gravel. 5 10 ' �5 ' Tukwila Formation Bottom of exptoration boring at 16 feet 20 25 30 0 35 N O N N E v > 0 2 � a C7 � Sampler Type(ST): � � 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler{SPT) Q No Recovery M-Maisture Logged by: MT o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D S M) � Ring Sample �? Water Level() Approved by: m � ,. , ,. , I-1 ��„��,.T,,,.,, �,....,,�„1 Water Level at time of drilling(ATR) Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploralion Number Sheet KE03329A EB-32 1 of 1 Projeet Name Hazelwood Elementar� Ground Surface Etevation(ft) 415 Location NeWC8Sti2.WA Datum NIA Drii{erlEquipment BOr�eC Date Start/Finish 11/14lflR 11/14I�f1Cl3 Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) � � � N ." N U O ,�0� d � U7 � a aa �d J N B�OW$�F��t � Q T �E �� �E w o d DESCRIPTION � � m = v � 10 20 30 40 � Topsoil Loose,moist,dark brown,SILTY SAND,organic. ------------------------------- Vashon Lodgement T�II Medium dense,damp to moist,yetlow-brown to gray,SILTY SAND with gravel. 5 Dense at 7'. 90 Tu ' For ation Bottom of expbraGon boring at t0 feet 95 20 25 30 0 35 0 N O N � I � E v > 0 z � a c� � Sampler Type(S�: � m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT} � No Recovery Ni•Moisture Logged by: MT o m 3"OD Spiit Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample 2 Water Level{) Approved by: !� � (:rah�amnta � Shelbv Tube Samnie 1 '�Nater Level at time of driNing(ATD) ( Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Ex loration Lo � � � � � ProJect Number Expioratlon Number Sheet KE03329A EB-33 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementar� Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 417 Location Newcastle. WA � Datum N/A Dri1ledEquipment Bot'teC Date Start/Finish 11/14/[1'�,11/1 d(,2Q(1� Hammer WeighUDrop 140#1 30" Hole Diameter(in) � N V O � 6�7 � t�il r a na �d � v� BIOWS/FOOt F o T � �� �o��!m � DESCRIPTION � � �0 20 3o ao � Topsoi� Loose,moist,dark brown,SILTY fine SAND. Vashon Lodgement Tili Medium dense,moist,brown to gray,fine to medium SAND,rounded gravel. 5 Tukwila Fo a' n Bottom of exploraUon boring at 8 leet 10 � 15 I 20 25 30 0 35 N O N d a I m 0 Z � a c� m Sampier Type(ST): � m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o m 3"00 Split Spoon Sampler(D 8�M) � Ring Sample 1 Water Level� Approved by: m ��. - � � � n ��..��„T„�..c.......�„1 Water Level at time of drilling(ATD) Associated Earth Sciences, ���. Ex loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Expioration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-34 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 413 Location NewCastle. WA Datum N/A Driller/Equipmeni 801't@C Date Start/Finish n�r��in4,�»�i�nna Namrner Weight/Drop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(n) � � � L� � a'� � � —� � � Blows/Foot �- O '� � �° T ��� p L C7 v� o co m DESCRIPTION U � �0 20 3o ao ° Vashon Lodgement Till Dense,moist,light yelfow-brown,SILTY SAND with Bne to medium gravel. 5 Dense to very dense,moist,light gray,SILTY SAND with fine to medium gravel. �Q Smooth impenetrable surface encountered at 12.5'interpreted to be Tukwila Formation. Hottom af exploration borfng at 12.5 ieet No ground watedseepage. 15 2Q 25 30 35 e ! 0 0 N � IU � � � t � Sampler Type{5T}: o � 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: t�1T o � 3"00 Split Spoon Sampler(0&M) � Ring Sample � Water Level() Appro�ed by: m �"� f:rah Ramnla i� Shelbv Tube 5amole 1 'rti'ater Level at time of drilling(ATD) I Associated Earth Sciences, ���. Ex loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-35 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 416 Location Newcastle.WA Datum N/.� DrilledEquipment Bo�teC Date Start/Finish f1?��r�Q,������nna Hammer Weighf/Drop 140#J 30" Hole Diameter(in) G N � � V) U— O > ° N °� t� a� -� N BIOWS/FdOt � n S E �E, �a ,a`> o y � T `� �� DESCRIPTlON " � m 10 2o so ao � Topsoil LQo,s,�m�i�t,,��rk brsv�n,�fLTY_fing$A�ID Qrg��i�________ Vashon Lodgement Till Medium dense,wet to saturated,light yellow-brown,SILTY SAND with gravef. Dense, moist,light yellow-brown,SILTY SAHD with gravel. 5 �� Becomes Iight g�ay at t0'. More moist and coarse at 12'. Wet at 14'. �g More gravel at 14.5' Refus on bedrock surfac -sli h I i ula rfac . Bottom of exploreGon boring at 15 feet No ground waterlseepage. 20 25 30 35 a ry H U W � 7 a � � Sampler Type(5T): � m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT} Q No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o m 3"OD Split Spoon 5ampler(D&M) D Ring Sample 2 Water Level() Approved by: � � �..,�c.,.,.,.,ie �) Ghelhv Tiihe Ramole 1 Water Level at time of driiling(ATD) Associated Earth Sciences, Enc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Pro}ect Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-36 1 ofi 1 Projecf Name Hazeiwood Elementary Ground Surface EfevaGon(ftj 415 Location NewCastle WA Datum N/A DrilledEquipment BOfteC Date Start/Finish f1�l�R/fld �l?Rl�(](ld Nammer Weight/Drop '!40#I 3Q" Hole Diameter(in} v y U- O � � F C ��l1 n O.� �d J � 81��/1/$/I��Ot � a S E � E. �S£ � o a� 0 T � C7 cq o � m � DESCRIPTION " 3 10 20 3o ao ° Topsoil ,�Qo�e�.m�i�t,��4c b�vyp,_,S�LY fn�.�ANQ,4rg,�ri�________J Vashon Lodgement Tit! Medium dense to dense,wet to moist(upper 6"saturated)light yeffow-brown,SILTY SAND wifh gravel. 5 Bec2��light�ra�at�5'--------------------� 10 T kwila Formati • m h dri lin surFace 8oitom of expioration boring at 8.5 feet No ground watedseepage. 15 20 25 30 35 , 0 N � U R � 7 a c� � Sampler Type(ST): o � 2"OD Spfit Spoon Sampler(SPT) D No Recovery M-Moistu�e Logged by: MT o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample SZ Water Level O Approved by: �' � Grab 5amole � Sheiby Tube Sampie� `�"Jater Level at fime of drilling(ATD) Associateci Earth Sciences, inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-37 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementan[ Ground Surface Elevation{ft) 417 tocation Newcastle. WA Datum NfA Driller/Equipment BofteC Date Start/Finish ��/(14,�l�F(�[►tld Hammer WeightlDrop '140#/ 30" Hole D(ameter(in) � y L D �° a�i `� a� N Q a m� � N B10WSlFOOt � n S E L° �. �E e? o p T � �� o � m L DESCRIPTION " 3 �0 20 3o ao ° Topsoii Qo�e m�i�t,�ark�rQwn t9 re�brown�SILTY fine SLN�o.�g�n'I�r.___ Vashon Lodgement Till Medium dense to dense,moist,light gray-brown,SILN SAND,few gravei. � 5 10 atUratedatl0'.________________________ Tu3swifa Formation Medium dense to dense,saturated,yellow-brown,SILTY SAND. 15 ------------------------------- Dense,saturated,yellow-brown,S1LTY SAND. , � 20 Ftowin ter at 1 .5'. Ve d n e at 19.5'. '� Bottom of exploration boring at 19.5(eet Seepage at 17 5'and 19.5' 25 30 35 0 0 N N U A � a c� � Sampler Type(ST}: � � 2"OD 5plit Spoon Sampler(SP'n Q No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample SZ Water Level() Approved by: m 1 Water Levei at Gme of drillin ATD N � r^_��ti camnln �'. GhPlhv Tnhc Ramnlv _ 9� � Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number SheeE KEd3329A EB-38 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Etevation(ft) 414 �ocation Newcastle.WA Datum N/A DrilledEquipment Bol't@C Date StartlFinish n�i���na,��l�naa Hammer Weight/Drop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) ,� C m � w. Ul U� O � �p � � � —� -� N Blows/Foot �- L � m S � `��° >, �E� o d p T � C�cn o m m L DESCRIPTION � � �0 2o so 40 � Topsoil �oose r�q�t dark brQwn SfITY fne SAND,orgarli�________� Vashon Lodgement Titl Dense,moist to wet,light brown-gray,SILTY SAND with gravel. 5 More gray at 5'. ------------------------------- Tukwita Formation(weatfiere� Dense,moist to wet,light yellow-brown to dark blue(altemating)SI�TY SAND,dark blue 114"to 1/2"sandstone fragments. 10 1/8"cr k t ' ve dense with ih. Bottom of expbralion boring at 10 feet Seepage at 7.5'. 15 20 25 30 35 < 0 0 N (V N C Q a t� a Sampler Type(ST): o m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler{SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o � 3"OD Sp(it Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample SZ 'rlater Level() Approved by: m � f-'i _. .. _ . _ � iAfofar I miol a4 fimo nf rlrillinn/ATf11 Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-39 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft} 418 Location Newcastle.WA Datum �(/A �riller/Equipment BOiteC Date StartJFinish �I�R/fld��l��l�QCld Hammer Weight/Drop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) c a� � � y L�O '.�� y �D N r� Q a �� -� �n BIOWS/FOOt � aai S � ��j �E� ° � � T �' DESCRIPTION � 3 m �0 20 3o ao ° Topsoil ,G,Qo�e�m44,�t�i�rk�rown SIITY�n�SANp,�rgani�._________J Vashon Lodgement Tili Medium dense to dense,moist,gray to yellow-brovm,SILTY SAIJD,few gravel. 5 Very i'rttle grave!5'io 10'. �� Tukwila Formation Dense,moist, brown to blue,SILTY SAND, 1/4"sandsFone fragments weathered. i� It t drill at 12. '-blue ss cre t 1/4"to 1!2". Bottom of exploreti�boring at 12 5 feet 1 No ground vraterlseepage. 15 � 20 25 30 35 0 N � � m � � a � � Sampier Type(ST): � m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: 1v1T o m 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler{D&M) � Ring Sample 2 Water Level() Approved by: m � ^ Z VVater Levei at time of drilling(ATD) `n �"d r+..,�, c....,.,+„ I:I Choihv Ti ihc Cmm�la Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Expioration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-40 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surtace Eieva6on(ft) 412 Location Newcastle. WA Datum N/A Driiler/Equipment Bort2C Date Start/Finlsh [1�/�7/f14,�/�7/?QQ4 Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30° Hole Diameter(in) v m L 0 O > � N � —m � � BlowslFoot � m S � ��, �E d o `m Q T `� �� DESCRIPTION � � m �0 20 3o ao ° Fill Organic debris on surface. Loose,mofst,�ariable color,blue,gray,brown,sandstone fragmenfs 2"to 2'boulders. 5 Vashon Lodgemerrt TI�{Weathered) ------- Loose to medium dense,wet,light yellow-brown,SILTY SAND,with gravel. 10 Bottom of expbration boring at 11 feet Drid rig could not get past 4'in either the originai location or the location 5'to the east Backhce could not excavale ihrough siltstone boulders Moved approximlely 20'south and excavated N-S tesl pit extending into adjacent low area 15 20 25 30 35 0 N � u R � � a � � Sampler Type(ST): o m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample 2 Water Level Q Approved by: N � �--,� c��r�� � �hP.IhV TIIhP.SBf110I@� Water Level at time of drilling(ATD) . _ __ _ _ __ Associated Earth Sciences, {nc. �X loration Lo � � � � � Praject Number ExploraUan Number Sheet KE03329A EB-41 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 408 �ocation Newcastle. WA Oatum N/A � DrilledEquipment BO�teC Date Start/Finish (1�(�F1 �l? /�Qfl4 Hammer WeighUDrop 140#1 30° Hole Diameter(in) ..�.. N V�O �O � � �/1 °' _ —� � � BlowslFoot � � S � `��° �, �E� o a� � � `� �� DESCRIPTION � 3 m 10 20 3o ao � Tapsoil Loo�e m�i�t,darl�rown�fLTY_fin��APlD org�nic__________ Vashon Lodgemeni TiVi Dense,maist,►igh#yeliow brown,SILTY SAND,IitUe gravel. 5 More gravei at 6'. Co4or change to light bro�m-gray at 9'. 10 -------------------- Tukwila Farmation(weathered) Dense,moist, blue,SANDSTONE,fractured(cuttings= 1/4"to 1!2" sandstone fragments). � 15 Altemates between blue to yeilow-brown at 1'to 2'intervais. 20 Wet at 22.5'. Saturated at 23.5'. � Wat r at 24' e dense fractured. 25 Bottom o(explwation boring at 24 feet i Seepage at 24' 30 35 0 N � u m � � a c� � Sampler Type(ST): o m 2"�D Split 5poon Sampler(SPT} � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT � m 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample � Water Level() Approved by: n IC;1 rroh Comnlo I� Shelbv Tube Samale Z Water Level at time of drilling(ATD) Associated Earth Sciences, ���. Ex {oration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-42 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft} 412 LocaUon Newcasfle. WA Datum NIA DriHedEquipment BorteC Date StartlFinish (1?!�R((L��/�R(2QQ4 Hammer Weight/Drop 140#/3d" Hole Diameter(in) c o� � V � Lo o > � v� ,c a ro E �Q� 3 B�OWS/FOOf � O T cn C��n �o `° m L DESCRIPTION � � �0 2o ao ao ° Topsoil LQo�e rrZOi�I,.SJ�rk brown SILTY fn��AND,organi�,.________J Vashon Lodgement Titl Medium dense,wet,tight gray-brown,SILTY SAND with gravet. � Dense,moist,lighf gray-brown,SILTY SAND with gravel Dense to very dense below 7.5' _ �p Light gray below 9'. 15 Blue-gray at 15';more gravel and coarser sand. Moisture increase to very mast to wet at t7'to 18'. 20 I T kwila ortnation•smooth driUin u ace Bottom of exploration boring at 22.5 teet No ground wateUseepage. 25 I 30 � 35 < 0 0 N N L u N � 7 a � m Sampler TyQe(ST): � m 2"DO Split 5poon Sampler(SPT} � No Recovery M-Maisture Logged by: MT o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D�PA1 LI Ring Sample n Water Level() Approved by: � �7 � ,- ..--,- f-'' c���ti„r.,tia c�.,,�ia 1 Water Level at time of drilling(ATD) Ass�ciated Earth Sciences, ���. Ex loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-43 1 of 1 Pmject Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 410 Loca6on Newcastle WA oatum tvlA Driller/Equipment BorteC Date Start/Finish (1�l�RIQd� /��f1f14 Hammer Weight/Drop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) .�i N V � � y � � ,= a Q� �m � N BIOWSIFOOt � p T tO � T �o � m � � �� `� DESCRIPTION � � �0 20 3o ao � ropsoil .l,�o�e Rl9(S_t.�a[kbC4��1�TY�n�.�l�N1�.9r9��1�————————J. Vashon Lodgement Till Dense,moist,light red-brown,SILTY SAND with gravel. Dense to very dense,light yellow-brown to gray,SILTY SAND�nnth gravel 5 l0 ------------------------------- Very dense,moist,blue-gray,SILTY SAND with gravel. � �5 ukwita F rtnati �smoofh driliin im enatratabie at 15.5' BaHom of expbrafion horing at 15.5 feet No ground water/seepage. 20 25 30 35 I 0 0 � � � A � I a , � � Sampler Type(ST): a � 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o m 3"00 Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sampte 2 Water Levei() Approved by: m � f�rah�amnla � Shelby Tube Sample 1 '�'�'ater Level ai time of drilling(ATD) i Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. ' �X (oration Lo � � � � � Praject Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-44 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevation{ft) 406 LocaGon Newcastle WA Datum N/A DrilledEquipment BOI'teC Date Start/Finish OZF/1Ld_,2L2fi�2f]4 Hammer Weight/Drop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) vt11 U— O > ` p ♦ (p � L'O � � L7��W.S���QI 1— —y J tA p T ii� �� �o �0 m L DESCRIPTION � � �0 2o so ao ° Topsoil LQo�e rtlpi�t,siaric br�us�$1L.TY�in�g�AND,4rg�niE________J Vashon Lodgement Till Medium dense to dense,moist to wet,yeliow-brown,SILTY SAND with gravef. Wet at 4',then moist witFi depth. 5 Gray and slightly coarser with depth. 10 15 Wetat t6'. 7ukwiia F r at'on 8ottam of expbratio�boring al 17 5 feet Seepage at 4'and 16'. 2Q 25 'I ' 30 35 0 0 N N L u � � � a � � Sampfer Type(ST}: o m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampter(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: tvfT o � 3"OD Spiit Spoo� Sampler(D 8�M) � Ring Sample 2 Water Level Q Approved by: � fv'1 C;rah Samnle � Shelby Tube Sample 1 `�^�ater Level at time of driliing(ATD) I Associated Earth Sciences, I�c. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-45 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementark Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 403 Location Newcastle. WA Datum N/A Driller/Equipment BorteC Date StartlFinish (1�l?71(ld �l�71�f1(14 Harnmer WeIghUDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) � c m � v � L�O � y � o y �. O. �d J tA C��O�/$�FO�� � n. .S E � A �j n N p N p T � C 7 v) o co pp .c DESCRIPTION � � 10 20 30 4D � F;U Medium dense,mnist,blue-gray,SANDSTONE,cobbles and small boulders. ------- - ---------- Vashon Lodgement Till Loose to medium dense,wet,light brown to 9ray,fine to coarse SAt3D, trace sitG 5 10 Dense to very dense below 12'. 15 Tukwila Fo 'o Botiom of expbration boring at 18 feet Seepage at 4'. 20 25 30 ', I 35 � N N u m � � a c9 < Sampier Type(ST): ; m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o W 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D 8 M) � Ring Sample 2 Water Level O Approved by: m � ,. _._ .._ _._ rl cti„��,.T,.�„�,,,,,.,�„Z Water Level at time of drilling(ATD) I Associated Earth Sciences, lnc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project IVumber Explora6on Number Sheet KE03329A EB-46 1 of 1 Project Name NaZelwood Elementa�r Ground Surface Ele�ation(ft) 404 Location NewCastle. WA Datum ��/A Driller/Equipment BofteC Date Start/Fnish � 12 �71Qd ?/�7/�Clfld Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in} � a na °'a� 3 B��WS/FOOt t� a T i� �"' �o mm t DESCRIPTION " � �0 2o ao aa � Vashon Lodgement Tifi Medium dense to dense,wet to saturated,light ye(low-brown,SILTY fine to medium SAND with fine to medium gravet. 5 Dense,coarser,and light gray with depth. 10 --------------.----------------- Tukwila Formation Dense to very dense,moist to wet,blue-gray sandstone fragments in S(L1Y SAIVD maferial,fragments to 1/4"diameter. 15 Botiom of exploration boring at 14 5 feet No cyound waiedseepage 20 25 30 35 � 0 0 N � U I W � "Y a � � Sampler Type(ST): � m 2"00 Split Spoon Sampler{SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D& M) C Ring Sample S_Z Water Level() Approved by: m i�7 Grab Sample � Shelby Tube 5ample� Watet Level aY time of dri!ling(ATD} Associated Earth Scisnces, Inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Explora6on Number Shaet KE03329A EB-47 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft} 399.5 Location NewC2st{e WA ' Datum N!A Dri{Ier/Equipment Boft@C Date Start/Finish f1�127lf14z(?7(��_ Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter rn) c a� v N V a � N � N °' —� � � Blows/Foat � L,n Q S E L�° T ��a? o `m 0 T � C7�n o m � .c DESCRIPTION � � �0 2o ao ao ° Vashon Lodgement Till Medium dense to dense,moist to wet,brown to fight brown-gray,SILTY SANO with graveL 5 Dense to very dense below 5'. Gradual color change to light gray. 10 ' 15 Color change to bfue-gray at i5',wet. Tukwi a Formation 8ottom of expioralion boring at 17 feet Possible seepage at 16'to 17" 20 25 30 35 < 0 N � � I m � � a � m Sampler Type(ST): o m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o � 3"OD Spiit Spoon Sampfer(D&M) � Ring 5ample � Water Level O Appraved by: m t Water Level at time of driflin ATD N ��'. (:roh Com�lo n Shelhv Tube Samole - 9� � Associated Ea�th Sciences, �n�. Ex loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploraiion Number Sheet KE03329A EB-48 1 af 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Eleration(ft) 400 Lacation Newcastfe. WA Datum N/A DrifledEquipment BOtt2C Date StartlFinish n�i�Fina,ti��»nna Hammer Weight/Drop 140#/30" Hole Dtameter(in) v N L� j 61 � N Q, o, �� -� y: Blows/Foot � n s E �° �, ��m o a`� p T � �� o R m � DESCRIPTION � � �0 2o so ao ° Advance Oufwash Medium dense to dense,wet to saturated,light yeltow-brown,SILTY fine SAND with few gravel. 5 --------------.----------------- Tukwila Focmation Dense to very dense,moist,ANDESITE BRECCIA and TUFF, 1/8"to 1/2" dark fragme�ts. 10 Bottom oF exploration horing at t0 feet 15 20 25 ' 34 I 35 � 0 a � � t u � � a c� �a�' Sampler Type(ST): � � 2"OD Spkit Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recavery M-Moisture Logged by: MT � � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampier(D&M) � Ring Sample � Watsr Level() Approved by: '� '� '� Shelbv Tube Samale 1 '+ti'ater Level at time of drilling(ATD) � (:rah Gamnla �: Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-49 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft} 382 Location NewCastle. WA Datum N!A DnlledEquipment Bo�teC Date Start/Finish (1�/?�(j�4,�/�R/�fl[l4 Hammer Weight/Drop 140#/30�� Hole Diameter{in) � { � V� � d � h n S E La° � —°' -'� �' BIOWS/FOOt H ma � 3 " cv C9 v� E � � a� � T �' DESCRIPTION � � m �0 20 3o ao ° Topsoii Loose,moist to wet,dark brown,SILTY ftne SAND,organic. Advance Outwash ----------- Dense,moist,light brown,GRAVELI.Y SAND. T 'a ortnation Bottom of exploration haring at 3 feet 5 No ground vratedseepage. 10 , 15 20 25 � 30 35 8 N N V N � � a cs � Sampler Type(ST): ; m 2"OD Split Spoon 5ampler(SP'i) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged 6y: MT o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D�M) � Ring Sample 2 Water Levei() Approved by: �' �s Grab Sampfe � Shelby Tube 5ample 1 �`a,er�_eve! at time of drilling(ATD) Associated Earth Sciences, �n�. Ex loration Lo � � � � � Project Numtrer Euploration Number Sheef KE03329A EB-50 1 of 1 Project Name Hazefwood Elementary Gmund Surface Efevation(ft} 362 Location NeWCastle.WA Datum N/A DrillerlEquipment BorteC Date Start/Finish {}�l�F,/(14�/�Fi/?f1f14 Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30�� Hole Diameter(in) c a� vN U- O > � y °' L� �' � Blows/Foot � n S E � T °�n� 3 m � c7 cn � E � o � � j `� DESCRfPTION � � � �0 2o so ao ° Topsoil _LQo�e m9i,�t ty w�t,��rk t�rQwn,�1�7'Y fine SAI�D Qg�nic______J Vashon lodgement Till Dense,moist,light yeliow-brown to light gray,S(LTY SAND with gravel. 5 10 Dense,wet,light gray,SILTY SAND with fine to coarse gravet. Wet at 13'. 15 Wetat 15'. T 'la ation 8ottom oF exptoration boring at 76 5 feel 20 25 ' 30 35 0 N � L u A C9, i � Sampler Type(ST): � m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o m 3"00 5piit Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample � Water Level() Approved by: `� I�7 Grab Sample � 5heiby Tube Sample 1 'Nater Level at time of drilling(ATD) Associated Earth Sciences, inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheet KE03329A EB-51 1 of 1 Project Name Hazelwood Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 366 Location Newcastle. WA Datum �1/A DrilledEquipment Bo�teC Date Start/Fl�ish tl�/?7!()4,������nna Hammer WeighUDrop 14Q#/30" Hole Diameter(in) y m vo o � = v�i Q a� �m � � BIOWSIFOOt �-�- o T c�n �`�' �o � m L DESCRlPTION � � �0 2o so ao � �i�� Loose,wet to saturated,black,SILTY SAND,few gravei. 5 Loose,wet,yeilow-brown,SILTY SAND,few gravel. Loose,wet,motUed black to gray,SILTY SAND with gravel. 10 ----- ---------- Vashon Lodgement Till Medium dense to dense,wet,yellow-brown to gray,51LTY SAND,fine gravel. 15 20 --------------.----------------- Tukw�la Formation Boriom of exploration boring at 21 feet 8oring rebcated 5 north due to prior refusal. 25 30 35 < 0 0 N � L V � � � a � , � 5ampler Type(5T): �, � m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged hy: MT o m 3"OD Split Spoon Sampier(D&M) � Ring Sample 2 Water Level() Approved by: w � Grab Sample � Shelby Tube Sampie 1 Water Levei at lime of drilling(ATDj Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. � EX loration Lo � � � � � Praject Number Explora/ion Number Sheet KE03329A EB-52 1 of 2 Project Name Hazelwood Elertlentark Ground Surface Eleva6on(ft) 382 Location Newcastle. WA �atum �llq OrillerlEquipment BoI'teC Date StartlFinish 1J?!?7/(L��/�7/�(L4 Hammer Weight/Drop 140#/30'� Hole Diameter(in} c a� � � N V O � d � N m t.n —a� J N BIOWS/FOOt F01 � S � �° � ��mo a� � T `� �� DESCRlPTION " � m io 20 3o ao � Topsoil L�g�e m�i�,�ark brovm,,��T,'fn..g SAlID Qrg���________ Vashon Lodgement Tili Mecfium dense to dense,wet to moist,light brown,SILTY SAND with gravel. 5 10 15 Color change at 17'to light gray. 20 Seepage at 23'. 25 ' 30 35 0 N � u m � � G. � � Sampier Type(ST}: � m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler{SPT} � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o � 3°OD Split Spoon Sampier(D&M) � Ring Sample 2 Water Level() Approved by: W � Grab Sampie � Shelby Tube Sample 1 Water Level at time of drifling(ATD) Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. EX loration Lo � � � � � Project Number Exploration Number Sheek KE03329A EB-52 2 of 2 Project Name Hazelwood Elementa� Ground Surface Elevafion(ft) 382 Location NewCastle. WA Datum ,�/A DriiledEquipment BorteC Date Start/Fnish mi��tna,�l�7/�j}Qd Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(inj � °� t � � � � SIOWS/FOOt � .n n S E ��, °1 a m 3 a� m �y �E � � � � ;T �' DESCRIPTiON " � m �0 2o ao ao ° 45 1/8"diameter andesite fragments corning up in cuttings. $p Tu il Fortnatio BoKom of explo2tion boring at 50 feet Seepge at 23' 55 I so 65 70 I I i 75 g N N L u `m � a Ic� m Sampler Type(ST): � m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: MT o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D 8 M) � Ring 5ampie 2 Water Level() Approved by: � �'t�il l;rah Samnle � ShelbY Tube Sampie 1 4vater Level at time of drilling(ATD) Attachment C: Site Plan and Exploration Logs Campbell Hiil ES � �' I , � - 1 j , � � . , , : ; � _ I"' !' �_ _ � t' ! � - +,�' „ � r � � ,, --- � - l,_:'�.,. �- -�----------� . J _` •-- __-....._ __------ • . ' ,I J� ::` __. . .. _ _ - �. I - - �„��. _ , - ---__-----= ' , i --" •�Q �,`_,. .� ' ., ^ - j'- _r�^--_' �a '' �.. • t' - ""_�.� � w __�il�� .� ,�=n_:� r�� ` _ - , 1-`�.._"_ _ �_ �r I�_ � � E8�4--�-_�-•- �x ���` Qa l� ----- ��- �.-.-.--.._..__._.:..._..__.:_..�,. -� _ �. -�' 'I� i . ,� ,� _ ���„ � � '� � ' - `-,.-,• - ' _"�'-``�:._ �- "- � ��� i 1 •� - w---- •.__ - . - - - -� . -- � - r . �� � . ,F- �' `� . - � � � � �� - �.f.�. ;. -----�.-_ __ - ,__ . . -----------_-----�\� ,. 1 � � i ;� f�� '� = -' - - - -_ _ ��- J���= . - ��.a- - ----------- -- — ,� .. ,�, - � FM PRmFR17 .�~ li _' �,� •/�rr � . ' �`4" _ '_ ,'• ,� _ " � _ ' ;' � .� -�"�-.�...�.-+_�'- �� � � ,�i . 'f � �� �(� ����^ �, I�i����� / " � r-Y1_ r��� .'r---� r � . �i.;. � i j� r i r� � - i i i.• i _-�� _ J/ t, f, i t i -�'.. i � a i � �-. Y `�,i f i�,r i, � � �' L..�J L � L_��l L__J ./� l�r�� I �� , I 'I _ _ _ '': l_ � r-' � � � !"" !, "�� �I - e � � � ` , ' _ '`�,, �rf�g : — _ . , ', � _ _ _ _ � i�' i . . ... _ }.e • � '���,},' j i • �� --------- - " � 'J , ��� � j.l�f` . � / � ' .% •'� �'. '� �,� �.�� � � ., � 1�t �� - - - - --- - --- - , •� •� i �- � ', ;i + . •/ ^. �' .- "� , r '� ' ; � . . . �� : . ..:.. � . � . : .. : , ,- ; t ; ,�t� _ - _ _ _ - . ---------- -- -- -------- --------�- : - - 1 - �.� : � ,� �t � -- r --•-------- -- - --- ----------•- ==-------------------�1=..._...._._ _.- ,_ _ '• •i 'i l `;�' " "'- - - - -� � •f, �' � ��. -— - � � 't � �� �', �` � `r ' �� � {- ,•' -- �' j --4-' � /� f �' �`• / y � � �' ��-7 � � �' /!} i � � , � ;�� _� ,' f . ,, r� •`,` ' , � ��= +,� } '+�'r � �� ..`` '. � jt�� �; '`.' �r, t �. �� , '� � � � _ � r �!!��f . I: �+.� � , --a.�' �� ' /, �, . ' ���/ � � t ip'- 7. ff.�01.00 /� : �_ ,. �� .,oi oo • ' *."; -- - -.__-"";"..c'�� ',, � '�_ � '; �:` i � i � ' , !. . . / � ' � '_ ; ,� ; � � i� �I � �• � �, ,` r .�+`�� i �; •!_" p � __ • . J �' .!i ;�' �, t . � , ',i " � � _ , o �L_`.i _`:C^_._---� � � �' � r ) f . ; `: l i` /- L f � � __ _ �1 _ _ ___ ____���.�_ _ _ __� - �, ;� f; �:f ;, .1`' � ' : ; --�- - _ r' - _ - ' _ :(f _J. �� I �������������������.���.��.�.������� � '�. - -- .°.. _ ,� � ;,,ri s ; - .—�-- ;_::_:- - ,:,;„ - —�-- ---;= ---------- ' i-�` — • � I� fl0lfin INM ` '�� w.; ;� '1:�-=— ,�-'� f --_� , N °�. '� , ��� �:--��-..=- — . , --------------_—.._.._..---------- • �� p , � '. �.r � � � �`�"' - � �'�` i �� � �"� = ' �\ ��`. .�. �:,� _r: ; ,'� �� ' _ __y.• i' Legend o � ,� � � �" �./� ►fer ;� \, �"" -- � � EB-1 � Approximate location of exploration boring �;. ' � � � � - � �� Reference: D.A. Berg, Inc. Assoaated Eartt�Saences, lnc. SITE AND EXPLORATiON PLAN FIGURE t � � � � � CAMPBELL HILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RENOVATION �AZE o�ro� SEA�I�TLE, WASHINGTON PR�JECTNO. KE00851G �soc�►�o Ex loration Lo EAIaTH Project Number Exploration Number Sheet 9c��c�s,��� KE00851 G EB-1 1 of 1 Project Name Campbell Hifi Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 386' Location Seattle WA Datum Tn�gran�jj�G�irvav DrflledEguipment Grego'ry, Drilling/CME 45C Date StartlFinish 1�!?7/fl(�;1�1�7/�(1[�� Hammer WeightJDrap 140#/30" Nole Diameter(n) 1n" ti � LD � � � N � a Q �,� � � BlowslFoot � p T � �� �� � m � DESCRIPTION � � �0 2o so ao ° � �' nd T 'I S-� `' Fill4 4 2� Medium dense,moist,mottied brown,SILTY fine to coarse SAND wifh fine 7 to coarse gravel and trac2 cobbles. (SM) AblaHon Till 5 Medium dense,very moist,motUed gray,fine to coarse SAND,litile siit 3 S-2 �- (SM) 5 t 1 --- - - - --- - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - - s �� Medium dense,moist,gray,interbedded SILTY SAND and SAND with siit, 9 S-3 f fi ravel 1� 20 Tukwila Formation Bedrock 9 ' 15 S� - Ve dense,moist,oWdized brown,SIITY SAND with littJe fine vel. 46 S� � oi sa • Bottom of exploration boring at 1 fi{eet 2Q 25 30 35 0 N � � � � 7 � � Sampler Type(ST): � o m 2"OD Split Spoan Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: BWG ' � m 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(0 8 M) � Ring Sample � Water Level() Approved by: : 0 „s��,A.,.�Q Ex lorafion Lo EARTH Project N�mber �xplo�ation Number Sheet SCIENCE9�INC KE00851 G EB-2 1 of 1 Project Name Campbell Ni8 Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft} 389' �option Seattie WA DatUm T�n�ranhic Survev Driller/Equipment Gregory Dri€fing I CME 45C Date Startl�inish 1�1�7f�1�l�7—'l�t1� Hammer WeightlDrop 140#/30�� Hole Diameter(in) 1�” � N U � a m � `n �'�� a S E �� �a� 3 Biows/FOOt F a T v� �`n d� � m � I DESCRIPTION � � �0 2a 3o ao ° �' � �` n i � S'� =. Fill 2 eg Loose,moist,daric brown,fine GRAVELLY fine SAND,littte sif� (SM) a S-2 �: Grades fo very laose. � e t z Ablation Till � 5 S_3 �' Medium dense,moist,gray,SILTY fine to medium SAND. (SM) 3 e 6 13 7 j� Grades to dense. S-4 . �a 18 41 23 I Tukvuila Formation Bedrock ( 15 S_� Dense,moist,mottled dark browrt,SILTY fine SANQ.IIHie gcavel. (SM) �o a 20 B 18 Battom of expbration boring at 16.5 feet 2D ' 25 30 35 o �N N N � C � 7 � � Sampier Type(ST): o � 2"QD Split Spaon Sampler(SPT) Q No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: HWG � � 3"OD S�fit S�oon Sama(er(D&�il � Rina SamolP �? Water I eval Il Approved by: ������ Ex loration Lo � EAFi'i'f-1 Project Numher Expioration Number Sheet sc��ces.�nac KEOQ851 G EB-3 1 of 1 Project Name Campbell Hiil Elementar�+ Ground Surface Elevation(fit) 394' Location Seattie.WA Daium Tp��ra�hi�S��rvPT Driller/Equipment GI'e 0 D�illitl !CME 45C Date Sfart/Finish ��q����7��nnn Hammer Weight/Drop 140 /30" Hole Diameter(in} ���� `" °' �� a � `� BIaWS/FOOt � —m � �, o. S E �� �Q ` � i � j � �� , E � o � �' DESCRIPTION " � m �0 20 3o ao ° ' � ,.�.� T i S-1 � Fil! 3 �s Loose,moist,brown,SILTY fine SAND,trace gravel and cobbles. (SM} 3 Ablat[on Til[ 5 S_Z - Dense,moist,gray,S1LTY fi�e to coa�se SAND,little gravei. (SM) � e 1t 33 22 1Q S-3 �� . Dense,moist to very moist,gray,fine SAND,few silt. (SP) 6 s ts as 25 ' 15 - AS above. ip S-4 2o s � 17 Bottam of expbrafwn borin9 at 76.5 feet 20 25 30 35 0 H LV R 7 C N � � �? Sampler Type{ST): o m 2"OD 5piit Spoon 5ampler(SP� � No Recovery M-Moistu�e Logged by: BWG � A roved b o m 3`OD Split Spoon Sampler(D 8�M) � Ring Sample S? Water Levei{) PP Y� ���,�.�o Ex lo�a#ion Lo EAia"i'H Project Number Exploration Number Sheet actr�asa,uvc KE00851 G EB-4 1 of i Project Name Campbell Hi{I Elemen#ary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 394' Locafion Seat�le WA Datum ,"n�n�ranhir.S�inrPv DriltedEquipment Greaory Drillinct 1 CME 45C Date Start/Fnish ����mn �������nnn Hammet Weight/Drop 14Q#/30" Hole Diameter(in} ��}�� N v � L� � � � y m g m � BfowslFoot � � a � ma` 3 ` n S E � � . � � o d m m � "' — a T �' DESCR1PTiON " �m �0 20 3o ao ° �t vi Ablatfon Tili S_,� _ Medium dense,maist,gray,SILTY 8ne SAND,trace fine gravei. (SM) g s 2i 12 5 S_2 Gradesta dense. � s 17 3 19 1� S-3 Very stiff,moist,gray,fine SRNDY SILT. (ML) �p s ( ( � 13 8 15 Lodgement Tili �5 Very dense,moist,motUed gray,SILTY fine to coarse SAND with gravel. t4 S'4 (SM) 24 52 28 Bottom of explaration toring at 16.5 feet 20 ' 25 30 35 a R fV � 7C R � � a �? Sampfer Type(ST}: o m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) Q No Recovery M-Moistnre logged by: BWG o m 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample 2 Water Level() Approved by: m ,-, _ . _ . — ,o,ssoc�ar�o Ex IorafiorD Lo EARTI�1 Project Number Exploration Number Sheet sc�auoes,�e�c KE00851 G EB-5 1 of 1 Project Name Campbell Hiil Elementar�C Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 398' location Seattle.WA Datum ���a�hir.gir� DrilledEquipment Greaory Drilling I CME 45C Date StartlFinisfi 17/�71(1n,�����i�nnn Hammer WeighflDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) 1�^ � o. n'a �,� � � BEOWS/FOOt � -� J N d T � �y . �E � o a� � `� DESCRIPTION " � m �0 20 3a ao � i v� Ablatfon Till � Medum dense,maist to very moist,brown,SIITY fine SAND,IitUe fine 3 S-� � gravel. (SM) 8 �22 14 � As above. S-2 to �� s �� 1 O S-3 Very stiif,moist,gray SILT,some fine sand. (ML} � a 72 7 15 Lodgement Tifl �5 g.4 Very dense,moist,gray,SILTY fine to coarse SANO,some gravel. (SM) 20 a sor • 8ottom oF exptoration boring at 16 feet 20 25 30 35 s N H � t`� 7 C N 7 7 a i �? Sampler Type(ST}: o m 2"OD Spiit Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: BWG � � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sampie � V1/ater�evel() Approved by: � 0 m � ��„,$��,�,�n Ex tora#ion Lo EARTH Project Number Exploration Number Sheet sci�ces�tn�c KE00851 G EB-6 1 of 1 Project Name Cam�bell Hiil Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 40Q' Location Seattle. WA Datum TQ�g�hir.S�w_ P; DrillerlEquipment Gregorx Driiling/CME 45C Date StartlFnish ��/�Zfj�1�/�712(�� Hammer WeighvOrop �140#/30” Hole Diameter(in) ,(}^ � m L a •a° m �O ni BIOWS/FOOt I— a. S � �€, �'� `- � � � T � �� . �E � o a� ° �' DESCRIPTION U 3 m �0 20 3o ao � n tt vin S-1 Abiatlon Till 7 �t2 Medium dense,moist,gray,SILTY fine SANQ,trace fine gravel. (SMj 5 $ Oense,moist,gray,SILTY fine to coarse SAPlD with gravel. (SM) 9 S'2 ' . �s � 2s 1 o S-3 Very stiff,moist,gray SILT,little fine sand. (ML} s A I 7 � 9 �5 Medium dense,moist,grdy,SlLTY fine to coarse SAND,little fine gravel. 5 S-4 (gM) �2 a �s Bottom of explo2don boring at 16.5 feet 20 � 25 30 35 � n fV � � C N � 7 � Sampler Type{S17: o m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT} � No Recovery M-Maisture Lagged by: BWG � 3"OD S lit S �on Sam !er D&M Rin Sam le SZ Water Leve( APP Y o m p• P p � � � 9 p 0 roved b : . m � -- �soc�,-�D Ex loration Lo EARTH Project Number ExploraUon Number Sheet sci�cea,wc KE00851 G EB-7 '{ of 1 Projeet Name Cam�bell Hill Elementary _ Ground Surface Elevahon(ft) 397' LocaBon Seattle.WA Datum Tn�nn9��hir.��irva�_ DrfltedEquipment Gregor}LDrilling/CME 45C Date Start/Finish 9�/�7/[1(1,1�1�71�nn� Hammer Weight/Drop �4a#�30" Hole Diameter(in) 1��� v � V � � � � y Q S � �� �a� o Slows/Foot ` c��n � � — � T �' DESCRlPTiON " � m �0 20 3o ao ° w � S-1 '. Filt 2 s 2 4 Very loose,very moist,brown,SILTY fine SAND with fine gravel. (SM} z 5 Grades to loose,wet,gray,SILTY fine SAND,little gravel. (SM) 5 S-2 6 10 4 Ablation Tilt 10 Very dense,moist,gray,SILTY fine to caarse SAND with gravel. {5M) �� S-3 3o ss 2s ' �' Grades to dense. � S-4 8 17 B 21 eBottom of expbraGon boring at 16.5 feet 20 25 30 35 S N N 1� J C l0 � ' ? Sampler Type(ST): o m 2'OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) Q No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: BWG o m 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sampie 2 'Nater Level() Approved by: mr� ,. , ,. . — �,�,9��,�,.�n Exploration Lo EARTH Project Number Exploration Number Sheet 9CIENCE9.INC KE00851 G EB-8 , 1 of 1 Project Name Campbell Hill Elementary Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 398' , Location Seatt(e.WA Datum J�p�9ra� �inrPv OrillerlEquipment Gregory-Drilling J CME 45C Date StartlFinish ��»�mQ,���?���nn Hamme�WeightlDrop 140#/30" � Hole Diameter(in) ��� � m °a � m � �' Q S � �� �,a� 3 B{owS/Foot ` m T �o �cr� . �� � � °' ° � DESCRIPTION � � � �0 2o so ao ° w � S-1 ': F;lt 2 es Very loase,very moist to wet,dark brown,SILTY fine SAND,trace wood. � •_ {SM) Ablatton Till 5 S_2 Medium dense,moist,mottled brown,S(LTY fine SANO,li�Je gcavel. (SM) � a �o z 15 �o S-3 No Recovery. No samples recovered. ProbablyTukwila FormaGon � • so - bedrocic. 15 S�d No Recove . Probabfe bedrock. I' oi so� • Boitom of explordtion boring at 15 feet ' 2Q ' 25 30 35 s N N � C N 7 7 ? Sampler Type(ST}: o m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SPT) � No Recovery M-Moisiure Logged by: gW� � m 3"OQ Spfit Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample SZ Water Level() Approved by: 0 `� � ^--� ^---�- ^ — a�soc�rreo Ex loration Lo EaAT1-t Project Number ExQloration Number Sheet ac��c�s,i�c KEU0854G EB-9 _ 1 of 1 Project Name Cam.�bell Nill Eiementar�r Ground SurFace Elevation(ft) 384' Locatian Seattle WA Datum T���r��hir.$urvp7 DriltedEquipment Grecto�Drilling/CME 45C Date StarttFnish 1�1�71f1(l 1�l�7/�(1ltC1 Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30" Fiole Diameter(in} ��^ � m V 0 � N � tA L� —o -� � BlowslFaot ,� m $ a �� �— � � ` p T � �� �o A m � DESCRIPTION " � �0 20 3o ao ° n T il 8 S-1 "�' .. Ffll 6 A13 Medium dense,moist,brovm,SlLTY fine to coarse SAIVD,few fine gravel. 7 (SM) Topsoil(cuttings) 5 Loose,very moist,dark brown,SILTY fine SANO with IitUe gravel and trace 3 S'2 � -. wood. (SM} 3 9 s Ablation Till 10 S 3 Very stifF,moist,tan SiLT,littJe fine sand. {M�} 5 A 9 23 14 15 Grades to hard,gray. 6 S"4 12 30 18 Bottom of expioration boring at 16.5 feet 20 25 30 35 s N � A � C A � l ? Sampler Type(ST): o m 2"OD Split Spoon Sampier(SPT) Q No Recovery M-Moisture Logged by: BWG o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler{D&M) � Ring Sample � Water Level(} Approved by: m _r. _ . _ Attachment D: Site Plan and Exploration Logs Sierra Heights ES i ,, � J O V . . r p Z ,. ;_. � �' � W - �_ � � -� p �, � a' � Q W . � z �=Z ~ _ . .. ; . � � � � zcav N�W . , ` ; , , , ' ; � � -� ° °' Na� _ NZ � au,u, . � �W ' . � t,r� � 0 , � az : � g T S = �,� r- �aL1 � � ° � _ .�, ; W � ,�K � ; � V) Lr O. LL , � ' : '. : � � � _; .,..�... ,... , � �� �� ' ` . : t� ; , a 1,�� �y +� ■ �"� ' O: � *- Y. � � ' � � � � � � I I L._J ; . � : � . ...:. : . . . , . , , .�. , , . � . ; , ., : .,. : ...._ ,...�.. � � � ; � � ,_. i , j..; : . , ; � . � �_. � � � ' : � . � :. ; --� _ __�__� M , ._ � � i32nd A�enue S� � ii ' + ' f � ' , { . � � � , . . : ; .I.. i... t �, 1 i, f i � � . ; . � ; , j j , .. , .... � ,. a.., j � ' 1 , . ..:. � i . . . � i � , � • , , � i � � -i � . � . . .: i :�..._. ... { � . .... .. . � ,. , � j ' � i � � � �- '_ � . , , i � �, , � .. • . �. i. . � �. + . i . � � r � ; � , � � � ..i .� , � .,� ,. ., .. .., .�. , .! . . . � 3 � ' .• � � , 1 ' I , 4 , . . � , • ' N Noitnals�Mwa�r �- . ...;.i M �,,,.k S,' t .c";. .Y..1� � :�. v �. ...r '� � ' ` ' ' r' O ,� ,.. . � �, � :1;,:, � '. ; � l � ; a � � , - � -•! . -,.. � .,. �:r� . ,. _ :,`. . . �� �� I �.W .�__..�_.��_J ; ,��, ��: , � � _. ___ _ .� ' � � : ; , ; � — — � ' � �, � I � � � � "� �� . � � o W� ,- = i� N ___ __ J o��---- -� . � � , . ��o --------� � � , ��d�„Q x�� treudsa �. . i__...... __�..:�.1 , _ r �O �; , ,� �� , �: N, , ,,. ;� , , r. . .' ' �� ` , � ' , ,�.� . � .. ,.� I:d 1.. . � ..` . .. � � . i , . • , . _.� t i F.. :. ; , � 'f }t ; , i :'•} � �� I ��- � ` i ' i...; �.._a�. I T .f��4� � f ) � 1 i ' � ;. ��� � �� �. . . � � � , � � � , t } �. '� h . � �. , . ' :, ;.; .,� �,l.�,.� � , ..,. . ......... � , ' �� �' � � . , j � � , � �• i ` � ' ! _,.� � t ' ,�. � ' � � ' ., ' � ..� :.r. y , .. t � �� � � � .�. � . . . .. . i t • : + � f � ,+ ��� � � 3 � . + � � ,� � � `: t � � r , r , ' , • , �, -- . _, , ' i " � ` ! � t 1.-� r ;;, I � e:._._ ...i .'..i..� ' ._.� � t.a i t.,.�...� 1 t 7 � .,1... �...:i 1 �'. � � �.<.! .y � � � � . .� `� � ; ,� � {, i, � � �, J � � � � � , . ; I �, r � ' � ' F i { � � 4 ti � ' , ; ' , .�, i �.;� 5 � , � ' � f. I I t �. � y+t..I,�.1 1� � -i. � � . � �...� t y I f �.,.� + . � � � . .i ` t I, i t �� � S 1 �I { �. � � '{- I 1 � 1_.� Y I . '. . . , .. ,�.....!_.. r. t....M- S,: J .._�,.I _ .. . .. . ,,.� , � ... . , .. . . . ' �. :. � '... -�:...1: . � �1 . : . . ' ' , S . : e � 7 : � . . .,�. • 1 .. '--� .1 + ' ,.� .' ; ���� . �..��. . � . I . , . 1 { , ( � f�.��•'1 � f,. l� . I ! ' � �.i... i i � . . , � .. ..: .�.r.. ,. f . . . . . � � , . ,. ..�. � I� � .�._� . , � .:;..'i:. ....... . � H�►NQ EXPLORATI�N H�LE NUMBER �H-1 SEDtMENT DESCRiPTION 0 2" Sod. Medium dense, dry, silty, fine to medium sand. (Fill) 6" Dense, dry to damp, gray, silty, fine to medium sand with some gravel. (Lodgement Till} 12" � BOH @ 12" Note: No seepage; no caving. NUMBER SEDIMENT DESCRlPTION a ' Subs�aface con�tlo�s depk:ted represent ot�observattons at the tlme and locatlon of ttds exploratary hoie,modfied by geolo�c lr�terpreietion,er�neering artelysis,and judgment Thay are not necess�Yy represeotative of othe�Lknes and locatlorts, We w91 reot accept reaponsf6Ntly tar the eise or Irtterpretatlon hy ofhers�t�farn�atlon presented on tMs log, G93192A 9/93 � Sierra Heights School Renton, Washington assoc�aTEc EARTH ' SCtENCES, [NC EXPLaRAT1C�N B�RING L4G EB-1 _ � _ � Z ct STAt�DAf�PENERATtON RESISTANCE ¢ = SEDiMENT DESCRIPTION a � 0!�- �w+s/Foot � � y �'y 10 20 3Q 40 Damp, gray /light brown, fine to medium sand with some silt. (Fill} T � 1 5 Damp, gray, silty, fine to medium � 6�+ sand with some gravel. (Lodgement Till) 5�� I BOH C 9` 10 Note: No seepage. i Substuface con�tions depicted represent o�observations at tfie tune and location of ttis exploratory hok,mo�Sfied by geo{ocp'c interpretation,engineering analysis,a�d judgment They are not necessarily represenfafive of other times and locatiorts. We w�i not accept respons9biCty for the use or interpietation by others of infonnation presented on this tag. � G93192A 9/93 Sierra Heights School Renton, Washington �#SSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, iNC EXPLaRATION B�RING L4G EB-2 a y � � Z tt STAI�ARD PEI�RATlON RESlS'TANCE Q y SEDIMENT OESCRIPTI�N � � �Q ���t � � � a � �3 t0 20 30 40 Damp, brown, fine to medium sand with some silt and gravel. (Fill) T 1 Dam ra 5 T p, g y, fine to medium sand 73 with some silt and gravel. (Lodge- -�- ment Till) T 1 �� BOH @ 9' la Note: No seepage. ' Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observafions at the time and tocaiia�of this exp(oralory hole,modficd by geolo�a interpretation,eregineering analysis,aad judgment They are nct�cessar�yr representative of otfier times and bcations. We wiN not accept respons�biGiy for the use or interpretatior�by others of irtformation presertted'on lttis log " G93192A 9/93 Sierra Heights School Renton, Washington �o►ssoc��►-rEo EARTH SCIENCES, iNC EXPLORATION B�RING L4G EB-3 N � 2¢ STMDARD PFJ�RATION AESJSfANCE � = SEDlMENT QESCRIPTION a � �tW- �ws�Foot c7 � can c�?� 10 20 30 40 Damp, brown, silty, fine to medium sand with some gravel. (Fill) � 31 I Damp, gray, silty, fine to medium S T „ sand with some gravel. (Lodgement 1 6 Till) I 4,� Box � 9' lo Note: No seepage. ' � Subsurface r,ond'itions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hoie,modfied by geobgic irtterpretation,engineeris�g anatysis,and judgme+n.They are not r►ecessar�y representative of other times and locations. We v�n'9 noi accept responsrb�ity for the use or inierpretation by others of information presented'ott ihis tog ' G93192A 9/93 Sierra Heights School ' Renton, Washington ASS OCfATE D EARTH SCIENCES, INC EXPLC)RATIaN B4RtNG LOG EB-�� _ � � � Z¢ STAt�DAAD PENERATION RE515TANC� Q � SEDtMENT DESCRiPTION � � p a �°���Ot � � a N �� 10 20 30 4� Damp, gray, silty, fine to medium sand with some gravel. (Lodgement � 78 Till) 5I ,� 5„ Box � �2� Note: No seepage. � 10 , Subsurface conc6tions depicted represent our obsesvations at the time and locatian of tFus expbratay hole,modified by geobgic interpretation,engineering�alysis,and judgmenL They are aoi necessardy representative of other tnnes and locatiw�s. We w�not accept respo�sib�7ty tor the use or ir�terpretation by oihers of information presenfed'on iftis log. G93292A 9/93 � Sierra Heights School Renton, Washington ASSO CIATE D EARTH SCIENCES, fNC EXPL�RATION BQRING LOG EB-5 _ _ � z� STAfVDARII PENERATION RE5t3fAMCE N � y SEDIMENT DESCRIPTlON o~. � �h�- B1ows/Foo! w Q c� � � N �� 10 20 30 40 Moist, gray/brown,: fine to medium sand. (Fill) - I ' Damp, gray, silty, fine to medium 5 � 4,r sand with some gravel. (Lodgement Till) IT �ox @ 9� lo Note: No seepage. � = pounding on a rock. No N value recorded. Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observatia+s at the time and bcation of Utis expbratory hole,nwdf'ed 6y geologic interpretation,eng�eering analysis,and judgmeM.They are not necessanly.re�xesentafive of othe�times and locations. We wiU nat accept responsbility for the use or interpretation by others af irrformation pEesented'on thislog." � G93192A 9/93 Sierra Heights School Renton, Washington AgSt�C#ATED EARTH SCIENCES, tNC Attachment E: Site Plan and Exploration Logs Tiffany Park ES (nearby site) � \ \ � ,V f� \\�\ \ �`\ f \\\ \ �.`` . \` � t \\� � . � . � t � � � � '�5 � �� � � � � � 1 �.,,• � � , i � i � 1 �. `��. � r--------� ��. _ . . i i r t � r i � ` � � � � � � � � i �� \•� i �'�� - � .+e � � � �'/ /�' \ � � � ` �ti��``� �� '''' ,-. � � ,' ,: i ,� �EP-3 �, `. _-- , , �. � �� �• � �, .' �' � , ,-' �;� ��e . . `. � APPROXIMATE LOCATION ,- '" l ``•� i'�° �;�."' s;,": ; ' l�, \'� OF EXPLORATiON PiT �" ,�<� � ,�,��;���-a �• . ��` TYP _,-- . 3``�r. . � ; j . �\ �� .. �` �`\ � ,��M�c , \ `\ �� ` �\/ � _ . �!.-. .f .. �\ . \ ' ��� � �` � � �� �� � �EP-2 �� ��. - ' '� , \, �� � ��� ,`\ , , _- - '', _ � �.��' \ ` _ `� -- : ' . �, ,, _ _ EP-4� �.\ '� � - _ • ` ; �:: . : . . , . , _ __ �. �. -_ , - , - �, � . . - _-- �. � - ,` . _- ,` ,` ''�, . . _ . . t � _ . , , t�� , . . , �_�°°,',j�:�: �EP-'i . � _. _ '"� `.�` '� i � . . . . . , _ �= . , � , ' `tr �EP-12" �� �� `` m . � . � .` � � . _ . _ � � :�,. _- . . � _ ,. �. .�; 9, � . . . , . . , , '� -. , . ' '; � , _ I . . EP-5 � \��, '�. ', � , ; .� � , , • ; ; ,,-� : ,'.; _`•, . . ��. , , � , ;:_ - . ; : ; . .. . , � � : _ . i , � -- �EP 't1 � ______1_'T_k—.._ - � .�: . .�. . � �� _ ' . , � .. ... . _ \ ir'. \` �\\ 3�'q� ♦ � ` '� . . . . . ._ - .. . .. .:.'Y,y'�� \� ,�•` E ` �.��. � _. , , __��.. .: ..l ..`.� ' . . _. . . , -. . _.; \�� I . � .. � �. . .. - . . � . . `�� �� ; . IY�^ - �` �� ` .. - . . . . ; ` J� � : ' _ ,. _-��� . `.�..' . . � __ � - . . . -- . . � �`\ E,.��'�\ 1�� � � � ���� ... - . . ,. - , . . . .' - ���,ys _��`\ 1 ."` ' 1 /�� �/\ �- ' . . ' oe�� �� � �`t` � >� ' _ . ' _, .. . � . ,- ��\ �\ h, '� �EP-9 . _ _ ,� . �. � .� . ti , ,: . ..: , � �-„- ` ; ` _ �� �. l� ___ ' \��� � - . = �.`' � EP-6� � ��`� � �` .�' `" ^ ' . . . ` �`. � , - , , ' .,� �. ` e ' . . \, �,/ � / � � . . /�. ,' 0�1 ob e{`•OJ =e,!PS9 '.O.�r . . � _ , ; � . . .. � :-� ,� �y a $S- h " . .� . � � ~�'� : \ 1 ! � . - 6 � � .� t � . . . �� € Bc y�n . ' �. ��, ' o - '� . . �` � �5 f ��fi"w . . : ! 9d. i a� :�• �19 ! . . � . .- . ` �� . 1 � � .crp as . . . " I/.� .�`� �. ���` � m��� � , � . . � . . . .� . `1 I ! o��+ . . ' /�y�� �$�.� �p '�+age�l�. . . . . . ' �. .. . .' \��\\ � � �--,�\ _. '�°a _�� ,;,>�` � y< :,` .: ■EP-8 EP-7� ` \ ``�` t9 ,� � � - � 1 :��' "�" \.��t-�.. t9 � � 'L� . . ' . � . _ . ��\`�`\ � \ � � . . , ;t� e d. 1 1� 6� .� . ` �� \'' � . , � '?t9 � 1 . 8y�!'{� - .. . . —'— __ '�{.e .bt•. ' _ , �� ♦ ' •� �}_ `� i �_ � . �' '\ _ �" � ]t'SS t T � 1C:`yt�e`� .. �• ` 9 � __ __---- � _- �� <�.�� _ _ -- OEP-10 _�--�,fi0 .�-�-�-q-_� `i . ' �.��,� �,.�—"_ �' , �';' Q --- � � _� . - � -!�—f _ x � l k � � .� - �, � �\ �e� r��-� aa.ct�tnT u� � � �� - _, .—'-:�g �� a t � ♦ � . .�.. . s��.*y�s � m , ' \ z ,..�.asiw¢ ' n;X� ------------ \` --__�} . `' _����__��_� _��� �S Y �, � �� --' � �_��_` 1V y � _-)'_ -� o�Ay� __ -__ ' -_ i � ��'+ _ -T"1� � --�- ~ � � y Q 75 150 v 0 � REFERENCE: AHBL F�ET � 0 s Associated Earth Scienees,Inc. SITE AND EXPLORATION P�.AN �'�uRE 2 � � TIFFANY PARK SITE DATE 9/i2 a --`�' '� � �Y'� -' � N RENTON, bUASHINGTON PROJ. NO. KE120359A LOG OF EXPLORATI4N PIT NO. EP-1 ` This log is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences,inc.(AESI)for the named projecf and should be L read tagether with that repor�for compIete interpretation.This summary applies only to the locafion of thEs trench at the � time of excavation.Sutrsurface condifions may change at this location with the passage of time.The data presented are o a simpification of actuaf conditions encountered. DESCRiPTiON i Topsoil 7 � Weathered Vashon Lodgement Tili 2 Medium dense, moist, mottled gray and brown, fine to coarse SAND, with silt, little fine to caarse gravel; no stratification or strucfure (SM). 3 4 5 6 Vashon Loc{gement Tilt 1 Vashon Advance Outwash Transitional Sediments Dense, moist, brown,fine to coarse SAND, with f�ne to coarse gravel,few silt; no stratification (SW). 7 r $ 9 Very dense, moist, mottled gray, fine to coarse SAND, with silt, fittle fine to coarse gravel; no stratification or structure (SM). 10 i 11 Bottom of exploration pit at depth 10.5 feet No seepage. No caving. 12 � � 13 14 � j 15 i 16 17 I � 18 � 19 N /1A O N m Q Tiffany Park Site E � Renton, WA '� � a " Associated Earth Sciences Inc. pro ect No. KE12�359A o Logged by: BWG � � rt APP�oved bV: y�^✓- �?.' x.�,,�"1�5� �� � 9/6/12 L�G OF EXPLORATION P1T NO. EP-2 ` This iog is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences,Inc.{AESI)for the named project and should be L read together with that report for complete interpretation.This summary applies only to the location of this trench at the � time of excavation.Subsurface conditions may change at this location wiih the passage of time.The data presented are � ❑ a simpification o(actuai conditions encountered. 1 DESCRIPTtON Topsoil 1 Weathered Vashon Lodgement 7ifl I, 2 Medium dense, maist, light brown, fine SAND, with silt, few fine gravel; no stratification or structure (SM). ; 3 4 Vashon Lodgement Tilt/Vashon Advance Outwash Transition Sediments Dense grading to very dense, very moist, mottled gray grading to gray, fine to coarse SAND, with 5 silt, litt[e fine gravel {SM); pockefs of gray,fine to medium SAND, few silt(SP). 6 i 7 � � i 8 i 9 10 11 Bottom of exploration pit at depth 10.5 feet I No seepage. No caving. 12 13 14 15 � 16 ; � i 17 I i 1$ i , � i 19 I N O N m � Tiffany Park Site F N Renton, WA � a m Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Project No. KE�20359A N Logged by: BWG � � 'X' � � �:.. „ APPraved bY� -�,.�= i' .�`-' ,.� 9/6/12 � LOG OF EXPLORATION PiT NO. EP-3 � This log is part of!he report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, inc.(AES(j fior the named project and should be � read together with that report for compleie interpretation.This summary applies only to the location of this trench at the m time of excavation.Subsurface conditions may change at this[ocation with the passage af time.The data presented are o a simplfication of actual conditions encauntered. DESCRIPTION I Topsoil 1 Weathered Vashon Lodgement Till 2 Medium dense, moist, light brown,fine SAND, with siit, few fine gravel; no strati#ication or structure (SM}. 3 ' Vashon Lodgement Tifl 4 Dense grading to very dense, very moist, gray,fine to coarse SAND, with silt,few fine gravel; no stratification or structure (SM). 5 6 7 � 8 I 9 10 Bottom of exploration pit at depth 10 feet 11 No seepage. No caving. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 '� 19 N _nn o LV H m n Tiffany Park Site � � Renton, WA � a " Associa�ed Earth Sciences Inc. o togged by: BWG ' Project No. KE120359A � �<�, r .�.. � aFProved by: �= �--- ��� �F- f -:�^ 9/6/12 LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP-4 � This log is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences,Inc.(AESI)for the named project and should be L read together with that report for complete interpretation.This summary applies only to the location of this trench at the m time of excavation.Subsurface condifions may change at this location with the passage of time.The data presented are p a simpification ot actual conditions encountered. DESCRIPTION Topsoil 1 Weathered Vashon Lodgement Ti{I 2 Medium dense, moist, reddish brown, fine to medium SAND, with siit, few fine gravel; no stratification or structure (SM). 3 Vashon Lodgement Till 4 Dense grading to very dense, moist, gray,fine to coarse SAND, with silt, few fine gravel; no stratification or structure (SM). 5 I 6 � i � i 8 " 9 10 11 Bottom of e�loration pit ai depth 10.5 feet No seepage. No caving. i 12 i 13 ' f 14 i j 75 i 1 1 16 � ,� 18 19 � .,� 0 N � D Tiffany Park Site E N Renton, WA � a � Associated Earth Sciences Inc. Pro ect No. KE120359A � Logged by: BWG � � � APProved by: �� n ��� : ;.ri �'`�' :;! 9/6/12 � LOG QF EXPL�RATI4N PIT N4. EP-5 " This Iog is part of the�eport prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. (AE51)for?he named project ard should be L read together tivifh ihat report for com�lete interpretation.This summary applies only to the location of this irench at the m time of excavation.Subsurface condifions may change at fhis location with the passage of lime.The data presented are ! o a simp(fication of actual conditions encountered. ( DESCRIPTfON i Topsoit 1 I �� 2 Weafhered Vashon Lodgement Tilt ; Medium dense, moist, mottled brown, fine to medium SAND, with silt, few fine gravei; no 3 stratification or structure (SM). i I �. 4 Vashon Lodgement Tiil f Dense grading to very dense, very tnoist, mottled gray,fine to coarse SAND,with sitt (SM). 5 6 7 I � 8 9 f i 10 i 11 Bottom of exploration pit at depth 10.5 feet No seepage. No caving. 12 13 14 15 16 � 17 � � 18 19 � s—i^ N ti D Tiffany Park Site E � Renton, WA � a m Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. pro ect No. KE120359A � Logged by: BWG � � APProved bY� ;t� n �� �I".�� �'�.:,1 9/6112 LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP-6 � This log is part of fhe report Prepared by Assaciaied Earth Sciences,Inc. (AESI}for the named projecf and shoufd be r read together w�th that report for compfete interpretation.This summary appiies only to the location of this trench at the � time of excavation.Subsutface conditions may change at ihis Iocation with ihe passage of time.The data presented are o a simp{fication of actuai conditions encouniered. DESCRIPTION i Topsoil 1 Weathered Vashon Lodgement Til! 2 Medium dense, moist, mottled brown, fine to coarse SAIVD,with sift, little fine ta coarse gravei; no s#ratification or structure (SM}. 3 i Vashon Lodgement Til1 4 Dense grading to very dense, very moist to wef, mottied gray grading to gray, fine to coarse SAND, with silt, littfe fine to coarse gravel; no stratificatian or structure (SM). 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bottom of exploration pit at depth 1�feet � 11 Weak sespage zones below S feet. No caving. � 12 13 �� 14 15 16 17 �g I i9 NI ^n O�LJ N � � Tiffany Park Site E � Renton, WA � i " Associated Earth Sciences Inc. Pro ect No. KE1203�9A o Logged by: BWG � � � � � -���i � � a APProved hy: -��� � �'` 9/fi/12 LOG OF EXPLORATIaN PiT NO. EP-7 � This log is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences,Ina(AESI)for the named project and shouid be I� � � read together with that report for complete interpretation.This summary applies anly to the location of this trench at ihe � time of excavation.Subsurface conditions may change ai this location with the passage of fime.The data presented are a a simplfication of aotual conditions encountered. DESCRiPT(ON Topsoil , 1 Weathered Vashon Lodgement Till ` ' 2 Medium dense, moist, iight brown,fine SAND, with si{t, few fine gravel; no stratification or structure i (SM). 3 � Vashon Ladgement Till 5 Dense grading fo very dense, very moist, mottied gray grading to gray, tine to coarse SAND, with silt, littie fine gravel, trace coarse gravel and cobbles, one boulder; no sfratification or structure 6 (SM). 7 � $ 9 10 Bottom oi exploration pit at depth 10 feet 11 No seepage. No caving. 12 i3 14 � 15 16 , 17 � �8 � I 19 � ; ' ; "' ^c' --- — - c :� o � E Tiffany Park Site '��, � Renton, WA � 2 � Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. pro ect No. KE120359A o Logged by: BWG � ry y� ���: �r;-.� � � �, Aparoved by: '�"y 9/6/12 y LOG OF EXPLORATtON P1T NO. EP-8 � � � ` This log is part of the report Prepared by Associated Earth Sciences,Inc. (AESI)for the named project and shouid be � read together with that report far complete inferpretation.This summary applies only to the location of this trench at the � time of excavation.Subsurface condifions may change at ihis location with the passage of ftme.The data presented are o a simpification of actual conditions encountered. DESCRIPTION 7opsoil 1 Weathered Vashon Lodgement Till 2 Medium dense, very moist, reddish brown, fine to medium SAND, with silt, few fine to coarse gravef; i no stratification or struc#ure (SM). i �I 3 _ ' ! 4 � Vashon Lodgement Till � 5 Dense grading to very dense, very moist, mottled gray, fine to coarse SAND,with silt, little fine ta coarse gravel, trace cobbles; no stratification or structure (SM). 6 7 8 9 1 I 1Q ' � ' Bottorn of exploration pit at depth 10 feet 11 No seepage. No caving. 12 � 13 I i 14 15 16 � 17 18 19 � "s—�� N m � Tiffany Park Site � � Renton, WA � a " Associated Earth Sciences Ine. pro ect No. KE120359A o Logged by: BWG �( �^ :-� 1 N Yx � �.^'T Y'..^`T f.i'.-�;�.i �, Approv�d by: -�.•=� �3 9/6/12 LOG OF EXPLORATION P(T NO. EP-9 ` This log is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc.(AESI)for the named project and shouid be � read together with that report for complete interpretation.This summary appiies aniy to the locatian of this trench at the � time of excavation.Subsurface conditions may change at this location with the passage of time.The data presented are � a simpification of actual conditions encounfered. DESCRIPTION � � Topsoil 1 2 Weathered Vashon Lodgement Tiii � Medium dense, moist, mottled brown, fine to medium SAND, with si{t; no stratification or sfructure I 3 (SM). � � 4 Vashon Lodgement Tifl � 5 Dense grading to very dense,very moist, mottled gray,#ine to coarse SAhID, with silt, If#tle fine to eoarse gra�el, trace cobbles and boufders; no stratification or structure (SM}. 6 7 � $ 9 Bottom of explaration pit at depth 9 feet 10 ! No seepage. No caving. � 11 � 12 13 � 14 ' 15 16 17 I. � 18 19 � �� 0 N W � Tiffany Park Site E �, Renton, WA � � " Associated Earth Sciences,Inc. Pro ect No. KE120359A � Logged by: BWG � � �PProved by- !;�_: � �'�-v:� ♦ �s, � 9/6��2 LOG OF EXPLORATION PiT NO, EP-10 � This log is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciances,Inc.(AESI}for the named�roject and should be � read togetfier u!ith that report for corr�plete interpretation.This summary appiies only to the location of this trench at the � iime of excavation.Subsurface conditions may change at this location with the passage of t�me.The data presented are r� a simplfication of actuai conditions encountered. DESCRlPTION Tapsoil 1 2 Weathered Vashon Lodgement Till Medium dense, moist, light brown, fine SAND,wifh silt, trace fine gravei; no stratification or structure , ( 3 (SM). ' 4 Vashan Lodgement Till 1 Dense grading to very dense, moist, mottled gray,fine ta coarse SAND, with siit,few fine to coarse i 5 gravel; no stratificatian or structure (SM). � 6 ! ! � � � 7 � ; � 8 Bottom af exploration pit at depth 8 feet � 9 No seepage. tdo caving. I 10 ; 11 � � 12 13 ' 14 i5 i � l 16 � � � i 17 I ! ; 18 19 `" n n o-Z_ (\ � D Tiffany Park Site E � Renton, WA � � a " Associated Earth Sciences Inc. Pro ect No. KE120359A a Logged by: BWG � � .- ''� � � '' ' �� a Approved by: "� +� r. 9/6/12 LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP-11 � This log is parl of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. (AESI)for the named project and shouid be r read together with that repor�for complete interpretation.This summary appiies only to the location of this trench at the � time of excavation.Subsu�face conditions may change at this location with the passage of Cime.The data presented are o a simpification of actual conditions enoountered. DESCRIPTION Topsoil 1 Weathered Vashon Lodgement Tiil 2 Medium dense, moist, light brown,fine SAND, with siit, trace fine gravel; no stratification or structure (SM). 3 4 Vashon Lodgement Till 5 Dense grading to very dense,very moist, mottled gray, fine to medium SAND, with silt, few fine to coarse gravel, trace cobbles; no stratification or structure (SM). 6 7 ; � 8 I 9 Bottom af exploration pit at depth 8.5 feet No seepage. No cavi�g. � 10 11 12 13 14 � 15 16 17 18 i9 N ^^ - r0 __ N � n Tiffany Park Site E � Renton, WA � -� a " Associated Earth Sciences Inc. Pro ect No. KE120359A � Logged by: BWG � 1 a APProved by: �' � ��S°'," .;. ;,�,'_- � 9�6/12 LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP-12 f � This log is part of the report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences,Inc.(AESI)for the named project and should be � read together with that report for complete interpretation.This summary applies oNy to the location of this trench at the � m time of excavation.Subsurface conditions may cfiange at this location with the passage of time.The data presented are o a simplfication of acfual conditions encountered. i DESCRtPTION Topsoi! 1 Weathered Vashon Lodgement Till 2 Medium dense,moist, light brown, fine SAND,with silt,trace fine gravel; no stratification or structure (SM). 3 i � 4 Vashon Lodgement Till j Dense grading to very dense, moist, mottled brown and gray grading to gray,fine to coarse SAND, with silt, few fine gravel; no stratification or structure (SM). 5 6 7 8 f9 'f 10 � Bottom of exploration pit at depth 10 feet � 11 No seepage. No caving. 12 i � 13 � 14 i � � 15 ; 16 I 17 � i 18 i 19 N O N � � Tiffany Park Site E � Renton, WA � � � Associated Earth Sciences,Inc. project No. KE720359A � Logged by: BWG � APPro�ed by: � ?` ~';,�y z'-��_ � 9/6/12 a � Attachment F: Site Plan and Exploration Logs Talbot Hill ES � S. 23rd Street ' __, N _ - �`Q Q . 210 li . ;� • �, � ! I r ' ��� ' EB-9 � � , � �� � �� . �B�1 PROPOSED PARKlNG � , `/ �Q'Q �`\^` � Q 1 � �p , � �'`` <-� �� � p`� � 1 �� �Q � / �OC� / � , QQ ; � �� � EB-3 ' � � � z L � i � '� � � ,' � � �.j � i �• � EB-2� � 1 EB�4 � la \\ \ � � ��� 0�.� �Rpp�SF� `�f~�,1 � I �0 �1 v ` BU�� I '�► r �'a� , �' '�.�"/�� O'N� / � 8a... � ' '� � �< riN � ,3�' �Q � ,�_., �� ,c'�'yQ.°� �? , 6���sSRo � ��3 � I`� i ,' i ,,?Q a`'�,`r � ��NG �M ,��.�� � � , � � v v Q'j I � � ttra. ,� �r v m�`� ; � EB-7 � EB-6 � EB-5 I� � , i' � � � � � �� �� ��� �� � '\ � , � ` , .'���w � i �\ ��\ � '��``\ �` ` w}�� i 1r� � � � \� �' � �� ��' � � � �E�O� �� EB-8 ' � O Ap �`` \ ,1 ���Ts� � ���A��R�OFO � � i / � -� � '�RF �. � �c4qF� / �EB-13 � "`AJ�`. G�M I ` �' � '° � S�r t i � �s �, ' /BqS�ST�NG i � � � LAY I o i � p�qMO A(� � ' / -'J _.1 � � I �� � ND � r^" � � _ �-I I �, � � �-.�, � � '°qo 'N i � , � � � ; ' � / 4rh'<<c�sFQ EB-11' � �� , ��� ,,` , � '� � � .\ \ � ` '49Fq I �� � i � � � . ' - _, � �EB-14\ e F�,� ` ' ..� EB-12 � � � , �, ..� , ,, � a .ys sj, • �� i '�, rq�F�� } � , - - __ ., 9 � ,� , � ', �, '� �'� °tio<< ,,-� , , , �, _, , \ i, � ; \ \ � /��� i �� ; ' � ��, � , ' �' EB-10 ,, � � �. , -_._ � ` s ` , � �� ____� ` ' � �� �'� i / �� �� �� ' � ; , i � 1 � - ' � 'a� � � � I a� �5 a o 0 0 0 o t� �� �`,�. P LfiG�N'.S ' EB^1 � Approximate locetian of exploratlon boring FIGURE 1: SITE AND EXPLORATION PL` TALBOT HILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RENOVATION RENTON, WASHINGTON hfORTH PROJECT IdO. G9fi095�► . o �o0 20o MAY 1996 ----� SCALE IN FEET AS�OCIA'TEP.� EART1� F��FERENCE: T.C.A.INC.SUF�VEYQRS-ENGINEEFIS-DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS''TALBQ7 HILL S C M E N C E S, I N Ci ELEMEN7ARY TOPOGqAPHIC SURVEY',DATED 10%23195. EXPLORATION B�RING L4G Number EB-1 � w Z� STANDARD PENETRATION H -� �W RESISTANCE SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION �- °- p¢ WQ Q �� Blows/Foot � � (Moislure con�ent,%) 10 20 30 40 � Moist, gray-brown, silty SAND with gravel and occasional cobbies. (Fill) 35 � I :� . . _______________________________________________________________________________ . Moist, brown and gray, weathered SANDSTONE/ SILTSTONE. (Bedrock) I 50/4" � 10 I 1 ` � 5015" SOH @ 10-1/2' Note: Bedding plane approximately 45 degrees to - horizontal. 15 i Za 25 3d Suhsurface conditions depicted represent our observalions at the time and location of this e�lorelory hote,madified by geologic intetpretations,engineering analysls,and jadgment They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations. We wiN not accept responsbil'ity for the use or InterpreYati�n by others of information presented on this log. ReVIeW� By ,J.!/+�7 Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Talbot Hill Elementary 911 Fifth Avenue, Suite 100 School Renovations Kirkland, Washington 98033 Renton, Washington Phone: 206-827-7701 Project No. G96095A -- - - " � •■ IAAA EXPLORATION BOR1 NG L�G Number EB-2 � � STANDARD PENETRATION SEDIMENT DESCRIPTf�N ~ a � ~' RESISTANCE oQ �� B�ow��Fooc � � (Moishge cantent,%) 10 20 30 40 ) �,. Moist, brown, silty SAND with gravel. (Fill) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Moist, gray, sandy SfLT with occasionat wood debris; T �4 _:� hydrocarbon odor. (Filf} — 5 1 ' �" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moist, green-gray, silty SAND with occasional gravel. 10 � ���� cF���� T �o ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 50/5'� Moist, gray and brown, weathered SANDSTONE/ , SILTST NE. Bedrock 15 I 50/6" � ` BOH @ 15-1/2' Note: Bedding plane approximately 60 degrees to horizontal. 20 _ _ _ . _ 25 30 Subsutface conditions depided teptesent our observations at Ihe time and location nf this exploretory hole,madfied 6y geologic interpretations,engineering analysis,and judgment. They are not necessari{y representative ot other times and locations. We will not accept respons�ifiiy for the use or interpretaGon by others of infartnation presented on this log. R2VI@W� By s�� Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Talbot Hill Elementary 9'11 Fifth Avenue, Suite 100 School Renovations Kirkland, Washington 98033 Renton, Washington Phone: 206-827-7701 Project No. G96095A . .. .....„ EXPLORATION B4RlNG LaG Number EB-3 0 � STANOARD PENETRATION 1-=- � � � RESISTANCE SEDIA/IENT DESCRIPTION Q a p� � eiowSiFoot � � (Moislure Cantent,�} 10 20 30 40 -�,;. --; Moist, gray, sandy GRAVEL with cobbles and trace ;.,silt:...(.Fill)_..._.—............._._..-�----...__....._ ` . Moist, red-brown, silty SAND/weathered SANDSTONE. � �� � 5 1 -�. � Moist, red-brown and gray, silty SAND/weathered ,�� I �9� 1 , SANDSTONE. (Bedrock) 1 5�/0" BOH @ 11-1/2' 15 r � = � 20 _ _ _ __ _. _ _. _ _ 25 30 I Subsurtace cond{fions depicted represent our observations at the time and locafion of fhis exploratory hole,modified by geologic interpretations,engineering analysis,and judgment. They are not necessarily representative oi olher 6mes and locations. We will noi accept responsf6ility far the use or inte�preta6on by others of information prese�ted on this log. ReViBW@d BY s� Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Talbo# Hill Elementary 911 Fifth Avenue, Suite 100 School Renovations Kirkland, Washington 98033 Renton, Washington Ph�ne: 206-827-770� Project No. G96095A . .. ..,.... EXPL�RATfON BORING LOG Number EB-4 � Z W STANDARD PENETRATION I=— � RESISTAIVCE SEDIMEfVT DESCRIPTION n- °' O Q w � �� eiaWS�Foot � � c� c►no5n,re C.DR�8f1�.%� �0 2� .�Q � �4 Moist, gray-brown, sandy SlLT with occasional gravel. I (Fiil} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moist, gray-brown, sandy SILT with occasional gravel. (Lodgement Tiii) 73 � � � , zv Moist, yeliow-brown, siity SAND. (Weathered Sandstone} @ 8' moist, yellow-brown and gray, weathered NDSTONE. B drock T 5a/4" so� @ s� Note: Bedding plane approximately 45 degrees #0 10 " horizontal. `' 15 20 25 30 Suhsurface condiGons depicted represent our ohserva6ons at the lime and lop6on of this exploratory hnle,modified by geobgic interpretaUons,engineering analysis,and JudgmenL They are not necessarily representative of other 6mes and locations. We will not accept responsibi4'ity far the use or interpretation by others of infortna6on presented on thR log. R@Vl@W@d By �s/Y Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Talbot Hi11 Elementary 911 Fifth Avenue, Suite 10� School Renovations Kirkland, Washington 98033 Renton, Washington PhnnP� 2�6-827-7701 Pt'oje�t No. G9s095A EXPLORATIDN B�RING LOG Number EB-5 = W Z flC STANDARD PENETRATION F- J �w RESISTANCE SEDIMENT DESCRIPTtON �- a o¢ QW ¢ � � B�owsrFoor � � (Moistwe Conteni,^�� 10 20 3Q 40 _-�,:; Moist, gray-brown, silty SAND with gravel. (Fill) I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wet, gray-brown, fine to coarse SAND with gra�ei and some silt. {Fill) 5 � 63 �� � /—" �—�l...a i Moist, gray, weathered SILTSTONE with stringers of coal. (Bedrock) = 50/4" 10 , BOH @ 1Q' , 15 20 25 30 Subsurface condHions depicted represent our o5serva6ons at fhe time and loca6on of this exploratory hole,modfied by geofogic intetpretatians,engineering analysis,and judgment. They are not necessanly representative of other fimes and locations. We wiil not accept responsibility for Ihe use or inlerpretalion by others of iniormation presented on this lag. R2VI@W@d By �jl Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Talbot Hill Elementary 911 Fifth Avenue, Suite 100 School Renovations Kirkland, Washington 98033 Renton, Washington Phnne: 206-827-7701 Project No. G96095A EXPLC)RATION BORING LOG Number EB-6 = W Z OC STANDARD PENETRATfON � -� � w RESISTANCE SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION � °' O Q wo Q � � eioWs�oat � � t�n�u�e �'��4°5) 10 20 30 4D Moist, gray-brown, sandy SILT (Fill} T Wet, gray-brown, gravelly SAND with some silt. (Fill) r � 5 I �,7.2, 2� _�,: Moist, red-brown to light brown, weathered SILTSTONEI SANDSTONE. (Bedrock) I 50/1" BOH @ 9-1/2' 10 =,, 15 20 25 30 Subsurtace conditlons depicted tepresent our obsenraHons at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modifsed by geologic interpretations,engineering anafysis,and Judqment. They are not necessarily representative af other times and lacations. We wili not accept responsiblily for the use or inte�pretation by athers of infortnation presented on ihis log. RBVf@W2C� By � Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Talbot Hiil Elementary 91� Fifth Avenue, Suite 100 Schaol Renovations Kirkland, Washington 98033 Renton, Washington Phone: 206-827-7701 Project No. G9fi095A - - - - � - - --. ..,.,.. EXPLURATION BORING LOG Number EB-7 �� STANDARD PENETRATION l�=— —W' �W RESISTANCE SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION �- °- o Q w � �� elows/Foot � � (.� (Moislure content,��) 90 20 30 40 Moisf, gray-brown SI�T. (Fill) z Moist, green-gray and brown, sandy SILT with some �� organics. (Fill) 5 r�� 22 I ' Moist, brown and red-brown, sandy SILT. �� �G ' (Lodgement Till) — Dry, black, thinly laminated (1/16"} COAL WITHIN � SfLTSTONE. 15 5� � 2�� ' No recovery. (Black dust on sampler) (Bedrock) I 025- ,� BOH @ 16-1/2' 20 25 3Q Subsurface conditians depided represent our absenrations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by geofogic interpretations,engineering analysis,and judgment. They are not necessa�ly representative of o1Aer times and tocations. We vn11 not accept responsibility for the use or intetprelation by others of infortnation presented an this log. � Reviewed By kTSi Associated Ear�h Sciences, Inc. Taibot Hill Elementary 91'I Fifth Avenue, Suite 100 School Renovations Kirkland, Washington 98033 Renton, Washington Phone: 206-827-7701 Project No. G96095A EXPLORATIDN B4RING LQG Number EB-8 W �� STANDARD PENETRATION (_- a �� RESISTANCE SEDIMENT DESCR1PT10N Q � �� B�o�Foo� (MoiS���e Content,%) 10 20 30 4D Moist, yellow-brown SILT. (Fill} � I Moist, gray-brown, gravelly SAND with some siit. (Fi(i) � 48 5 (15.7} � Moist, light gray, weathered SANDSTONE/SILTSTONE. (Bedrack) 50/5" I BOH @ 8' 10 15 20 25 30 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our o6servations at the fime and loption ot this exploratory ho1e,modified by geologic inferpretaqons,engineering anatysis,and judgment They are not necessarily representative ot other 4mes and locations. We will not accept responsbilily for the use ar interpretalion by others of infortnation presented on thfs log. RgVIBWBd By Tjl Associated Earth Sciences, inc. Taibot Hill Elementary 911 Fifth Avenue, Suite 100 Schooi Renovations Kirkland, Washington 98033 Renton, Washington Phone: 206-827-7701 Project No. G96095A . .. ._,.., EXPLORATiON BORING L�G Number EB-9 = w Z� STANDARD PENETRATION F— —� �W RESISTANCE SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION a °- o Q QW Q �� BfowsrFoot � � (Moisture content,�) 10 20 30 44 Moist, dark brown, silty SAND with gravel and pieces of = asphalt. (Fill) Moist, brown, sandy S}LT with wood and charcoai pieces. T 8• {Fill) 5 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moist, brown-gray, sandy SILT. (Ladgement Till) 25 �o I � Moist, red-brown, silty SAND. Red-brown, weathered SANDSTONE. 50/3" _ ' BOH @ 14-1/2' �� I 2Q 25 30 Subsurtace condilions depicted represent our o6servaUons at the fime and location of this explaratory hofe,modified by geologic intetpretations,engineering anatysis,and judgment They are not necessarily representative of alher fimes and locations. We v�nll not accept responsibiliry for the use or interpretakon by others of infortnation presented an this log. RBVI@W2CI By 'Tj�/J'� Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Talbot Hill Elementary 911 Fifth Avenue, Suite 100 School Renovations Kirkland, Washington 98033 Renton, Washington _ ph�nA• �nF_R�7-7701 Project No. G96495A EXPLQRATION BORING LOG Number EB-10 = W Z oC STANDARD PENETRATION SEDIiViEiVT DESCRIPTION n~, a—'. �►W— RESISTANCE w � �� eioWSiFaot o � � cn,�o�si�� Content,%) 10 20 30 40 Topsoi� Wet, brown, sandy SILT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- �' 13 Moist, gray-brawn and red-brown, silty SAND. � (Weathered Sedrock) 5 WD Saturated, very soft zone from 5-1/2'to 6'. �2�.2� �d�� I 1/2" BOH @ 7' WD =while driiling �p 15 2a 25 30 Subsurface conditions depicted represent onr a6servations at ihe time and location of this e�loratory hote,modified by geologic inte�retations,engineering analysis,and judgment They are not necessar�y representalive of othertimes and locations. We wiil not accept responsi6ltAy for the use or Interpretation by others of infortnation presented on this log. R@VIG'W8a By �j��f Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Talbot Hil! Elementary 911 Fifth Avenue, Suite 100 Schoo! Renovations Kirkland, Washington 98033 Renton, Washington Phone: 206-827-7701 Projec# No. G96�95A EXPL4RATiO�I BORING LOG Number EB-11 = W Z� STAN�ARD PENETRATION I— a �� RESiSTANCE SEDIMENT DESCR{PTION Q Q Oa,� B�owS/�oot � � (Moisture Contem,%) 10 20 3d 40 _...opsa��---..____._.._..___..----._____--�-•- -- _ ..._......_..._...----......_._..._.••.--�-•--.............. Wet, gray-brown, sandy SILT. (Fi11) Moist, light gray, weathered SANDSTONE/SlLTSTONE. 11.6 Bedrock I � � 50J5 BOH @ 3' ��2�� Note: Seepage into boring at 1-1/2`. 5 10 ' 15 20 _ _ __. _ . 25 i 30 I SubsuAace conditions depicted represent our observatians at ihe time and IocaYson ot this exploratory hole,modfied by geologic i interpretatlons,eogineering analysis,aed judgment They are not necessaNy representative of other times and locafions. We wili not accept responsihility for the use or interpretadon by others of infortnaGon presented on this log. ReVI@WeCI By Ts Associated Earth Sciences, inc. Talbot Hill Elementary 911 Fifth Avenue, Suite 100 School Renovations Kirk(and, Washington 98033 Renton, Washington Phone: 206-827-7701 Project No. G96095A - - -�. ....,,. EXPLORATION BORING LC�� Number EB-12 = W Z W STANDARD PENETRATION i— —� �I— RESISTANCE SEDIMENT DESCRIPT{ON a °- oa WQ Q �?3 Blows/Foat � � (►�toisture content,%� 10 20 30 40 _�_opsoi)-------------------------------------------------------------------- �- I 1 (23.1) Wet, gray-brown, sandy SiLT. (Fill) � WD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50l5 Moist, red-brown and gray-brown, weathered T 1/2" SANDSTONE/SILTSTONE. (Bedrock} 5 � BON @ 5-1l2' 10 — 15 20 25 ' 30 Suhsurface cond�tians depicied represent our obsetvations at the time and location of Utis e�laratory hole,modified by geologic interpretations,engineering analysis,aed judgment. They are not necessatily representative of other times and locations. We will nal accept�esponsibiliry for the ase ar interpretatian by others of intormation presented on this log. REVI@W@d By TS/�-J Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Talbot Hill Elementary 911 Fifth Avenue, Suite 100 School Renovations Kirkiand, Washington 98�33 Renton, Washington Phone: 206-827-7701 Praject No. G96095A w�_:t �nn� EXPL4RAT14N BORING LOG Number EB-13 � � STANDARD PENETRATION I-=- � �H RESISTANCE SEDIMENT DESCRIPTiON n- a QW Q �}j Btows/Foot CA � (P�Ioislure Con�en��} 1Q 20 30 4Q _ _opsoi --------------------------------------------------------------------- I Moist, brown, silty SAND with some gravel. (Fill) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moist, gray-brown and red-brown, sandy SILT with some gravel. (Lodgement Tiil) 50/4" s I BOH @ 5' 10 ' 'i 5 20 — 25 30 Subsurtace conditions depicted represent our o6servations at the time and location of this exptoratory hofe,modified by geologic interpretaUons,engineering anatysis,and judgment They are not necessarily�epresentative of other times and 1�ca6ons. We anli not accept responsibiliiy for the use or interpretation by others of intortnation presenfed on this log. ReVIG'WGCI By T,f/yf Associated Earth Sciences, inc. Talbot Hitl Elementary 911 Fifth Avenue, Suite 'i 00 School Renovations Kirkfand, Washington 98�33 Renton, Washington Phone: 2D6-827-7701 Project No. G96095A . •• iwww EXPLaRATION B4RING LOG Number EB-14 � � STANDARD PENETRATfON I=— � �IW— RESISTANCE SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION °- Q Q �� Blows/Foot � (Moisture cornent,•�) 10 20 30 40 --°�sot-=--------------------------------------------------------------------- Moist, gray-brown, siity SAND and sandy SILT with pieces of gray sandstone/siltstone. (Fill) 1� 5 k (16.0} ♦ 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Toist, gray and gray-brown, sandy SILT. (Lodgement 10 T (18.5) � � 1 = 50/6" BOH@14' — 15 20 25 30 Subsurtace condiUons depided represent our o6servations at ihe time and location of ihis e�loratory hote,modified by geologic intetpretations,engineering anatysis,and judgment. They are not necessarily representative o(other times and locations. We wiil not accept responsibllity far the use or intelpreta6an by others of infortnation presented on this log. R@VIBW@C) By �,.5/lif Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Talbot Hili Elementary 911 Fifth Avenue, Suite '100 School Renovations Kirkland, Washington 98033 Rentan, Washington Phone: 206-827-7701 Project No. G96095A Attachment G: Site Plan and Exploration Logs � lakeridge ES � w w s a O a � � � \ 1 \ \ \ � \ l 360 - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, � � \ � � ` � � � \ � � \ � � • EB-Z EB-3 '� ` \ NORTH \ � � —� � � EB-� \� � `t � ( EB-� � \\ `� ` L !_J� � � � � COVfRED PLAY STRUCTURE, wo � ' � � . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � SaUTH � SCHOOL BUtLDfNG � � - 115TH - �''' � ` STREET �� � � ` � � � � `a � � � � � , . . . . \'�l ��, 0 LEGENd �-4 � Approxknate iocatton ot expioratlon bortng 0 8� 160 ' Scafe in Feet I, A880CIATED I' LAKERIDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EAATH 7400 SOUTH 115TH STREET gC IE N C E� 1 N C RENTON, WASHINGTON � 9104-21 G April 1991 Figure 2 EXPLaRAT�ON B4RING LOG E�-�A x ,� _ � z¢ SiAPDAAD PENERATtON RESiSTANC� :� Q � 5EDtMENT DfSCRIPTION W � Q Q Bbws/Foot ¢ C7 � n N �3 10 20 3Q 40 4" To sail Moist, brown, grey, tan and black, mottled, oxidized, organic, silty sand to sandy silt, (Fill) � � 5 � I • Wet, brown and grey, mottled, 10 � siltp sand with gravels. (Fi.11) � Rock in driveshoe at sample S�+ interval 10-11�. � - - — 15 � i2oist, bro�+in—grep, slightly oxidiz j �� A ed, silty, fine to coarse sand with 1 gravels. (Lodgement Till) 5C �3�J'�i 16� 20 B = sampler bouncing on rock ?�D = Glhile drilling �� Samples taken using a Dames & P�oore Sampler wi:th a 300 lb hammer. SPT blow counts-� were converted fror� the Dames & Moore blow caunts. Subsurface can�tions depicied represent our observatiorta at the time and loeatiort af this exploraiwY����bY 9��� iriterpretation,er�in�ering anatysis,and judgment They are not necessanl�r representative of other times and locationa We w�t�at accept responsb�ity far ihe use or inierpretalion by others af infwmation presented on flus log. Lakeridge Elementary School 9�-��—Z1G April 24, 1991 7400 S 11.5th Street Renton, tdashington Assoc��o►T�Q EARTH SCIENCES, tNC ' EXPL�RATIDN BORiNG LOG EB-zA = y � � z� STAl�DAAO PENERAT'ION RESlSTANCE :� � ? SEDIMENT DESCRIPTIQN � � p Q BiowslFoot c9 n � �3 10 20 30 40 �,T Moist, brown, tan and black, mottled, T organic, silty, fine to coarse sand I ♦ (Fill) -L � --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 � _- WD � Moist, brown oxidized, hecoming less oxidized �aith depth, silty, fine to coarse sand with gravels. Gravel � � content increasing with depth. (Lodgement Till) lp T s 1 So- �ox 11� WD = While drilling 15 ' � Samples taken using a Dames & Moore Sampler with a 300 lb hammer. SPT blow counts were converted '^fror��-t�ie��Da'��s'�&=�lae�e�bloti��counts. Suesixface concftiot�a depicted represerrt our obsswatiorss at the time and locatio�t of this exp{oratory fwle,modfied by geologic irtterixetatior►,ergneering anaiysis,aod judgmerri.They are not neeessanlY rePresentative of othet tenes and locations. We wiR not accept respo�ty for the usa or i�terpretation bY others of ir�formatian presented on this log. Lakeridge Elementary School 9104-21G April 24, 1991 7400 S. 115th Street Renton, tdashington ASSOClATED EARTH SCtENCES, 1NC EXPLORATi�N BUR1N� L�G EB-3A x y = � z¢ STAAnAAD PENERATIQN FiESl5TANCE ¢ = SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION a � Q 1�- 61o�►s/Foo+ � � � � �3 !Q 20 3Q 4Q 4" To soil Moist, brown, tan and hlack,mottled, � organic, siltp, fine to coarse sand � with gravels. (Fill) 5I 0 Wet, brown and tan, oxidized, � � mottled, silty sand with gravels. _ _ �F111Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZD I Moist, brown, oxidized, gravelly, silty, fine to coarse sand. Becom- B � ing gravelier with depth. J�' Rock in driveshoe at 122-14'-limited T sample return� (Lodgement Till) -�- � 15 � B Su- � B � BOH I b; - ' B = sampler bouncing on rocic WD = While drilling ?� Samples taicen using a Dames & Moore Sampler with a 300 lb hammer SPT biow counts were converted from the Dames & Moore blow counts Subs�rface co�tiorts ckpieted represent ow observaiiona at tfie time atd Iccation of ttis expbratory hole,modified by geolugie interFxetation,erx,�teeri�g analysia,artd lttdgmenL TheY arc not necessanly rcpreser►tative of other�ncs a�rd bcations. We wiY rtot accept responsd�ty for the use�interpretation by othera of mformation presented on this log. Lakeridge Elementary School 9104-21G April 24, 1991 7400 S 115th Street Renton, Washington �aSSOC1ATED � EI�RTH SCIENCES, INC EXPLORATION B�RING L�G EB-4A x � � � Z¢ STAt�DARD PEi�ERATION HESISTANCE X Q y 5EDIMENT DESCAIPTION W � �H ��++$/Foot � � � N �� 10 20 30 40 Moist to wet, brown, mottled, silty, fine to coarse sand with organics. tF���} I � � Moist, brown, oxidized, silty, fine S T � A to coarse sand. (Fill) 1 Moist, brown, gravelly, silty, fine � S to coarse sand. Lod ement Till BOH 9' 10 WD = W3iile drilling S0+ 15 , '•` Samples taken nsing a Dames & P'Ioore Sampler with a 300 lb hammer. SPT blow counts were converted from the Dames & Aloore blow counts. Subsuface conditio�s deFicted retxesent aur obaervatioRs at the time and tocation of tfiis expbratorY hol�modf�ed b!+9�� inletpretation,enyn�ering aoalysia,and judgtneni They ae na1 necessar�ly representative of oihcY tines and locatiorts. We wiM not accept responwb�ty fw ihe use or interpretation by oihe+s af ittformation presented ao this log. Lakeridge Elementary School 9104-21G April 24, 1991 7400 S 115th Street Renton, jdashington ASSOClATED - EARTH SCIENCES, INC South 714th Sfreet �s , FIGURE 1: SlTE AND EXPLORA�I�N PLAN - - ___ _ - _ - - - - - _ • . .. � - -_ . . � . � � , , . -,\ \ , �hp +I EB'9 � `�� � \ � 1� � ��1 � �. \\ � • � 1�1 1 \ 1\ � \�\ � � l� .. �l l �� �� \ l 1 � ` 1 �`� EB-8��,1 \ � \,. e , � „ � ,' . � � ti � ` � � 1 , , � � ', � � � Grass Play Fietd �i � ` 1� � '� .� , � t` , , � , � a ,' , � � � � � EB-10 ,( ',� , 1 \` � ; � N , � � �� ` � O , • i '� � � � � � \ Q ._ , �+ 4 . � � , � ` � O ' � `-- ` \ \ \ 4 y ! .� � � � , � � � � �� `.. � � \� - - - - - '. \` \� �� � \�� \ �C LEGEPlD j `- - - - - - - - - - .� � , � � � \ �1r � -- - - - - - -- ' � . � � i/ �� _ EB-7 � � '. �����\���` � �\` �, O EB-� � Approximate locatfon of exploration boring for current study ; ' i . _-- - -'-_ � - - - -- ---•. �� �\ � � � �\ , � � � Q � �� � " _ _ - - - - - - --- -- - ---. �. �� `` � � �, � � � \ � �' i � � � Grass Play Area � � ��'� � � ��� � � EB-iQ ♦ Approximate location of exploratfon boring for previous study _ � � "� �` ` � \ �\``` `` � C? � , EB-11. � �•��5 `'�� � �� .�� , , � ��,`�`'� NORTH � i � E G��� ) � � � � ` � � \ � \ � �� � � t` � �` � �..yEB-2A EB-3A� ' � ' ` � '`' `� �,' Q ' �� ; � � �- . . , ` ` ` � � , �, " , '�� •G i � -Go'vered A!C Basketball Area ` ° ""' i � (p 1 I � � � `� � � ,� � \ � � `lt����,`�,� {� \ � \ � � }� �� ' � EB-4A EB-1A`���� � ���� ', ` `��',��, 1 � 1) � • , • �` �l�\�� t5\��` � `\� \ � � � � I � `� �` , � � � \ \ � � � p i � 1 � � � � � � � � � � � o I �i � �r ! EXISTING BUILDiNG Wood Chip � �\ `��,�� �� ,�\����� ` ,`\+� I � P[ay Area � , ` `� ` � � �' ` � � � � � � ti I � � � � � � � � ,� i� � l ` r\ �\�\\ � �`ti �. � �1 1 . ;'� , � • EB-5 � �, . , �� �� �;� , � r � � � ', � .� � , , I e�e � .`� � � � � � � ' I � �c< �B-j , � � �. � � so ' � ( GO � . . � � � ` , ' ' ' EB-4 • ` ' ' , , � Grass � \ � � - , i f � ', `\ � , � �, \ � �\�� � ., South 115tF� Street � � � � l o � � , , ,' ` ( ' EB-3 , a �, �� , . , , � r EB-2 + , � r � , � , � � � � � �� � , i , •,,� ` � ! r , � 'r � � t ' � � Asphalt ; ' N ,� �� � �, , � , P_2a Q-2a P-22 , � � LAKERIDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ; � i � _ _ _ - - - - - - - _ � - ���'o RENTON WASHiNGTON � ,' ,� E r ' _ "_- - :' ____- _ _ _ _ __ -;--= _ - _ ' 3`- PROJECT NO. G93010A � ' ' � " 3�o' ` - ' ' " � '° FEBRUARY 1993 � o �oo zoa SCAlE IN EEET ASSOCIATE� EARTH Sou�h '1 ?6th Street SCIENCES, INC EXPLORATi�N B4RiNG LOG E�-1 � � _¢ STAPDAi�PEAEAATION RESISTANC� SEDIMEM'DESCRiPT10N �a � p Q Bbws/Foot � uaj �3 t0 20 30 4d 3 Topsoil. Moist, brown, slightly silty to silty, fine � s to medium sand with gravels. Becoming unsorted, silty, fine to coarse sand with gravels. �xidized to 62' . (Lodgement Till) 5 T 1 81 � Ias,��� . B Box @ 9t 10 B = sampler bouncing � � � I Subsurface cond'rtions depicted represent our observations at the time and bcation of t�is expbraiory hole,mo�fied by geobgic inierpretation,engineering anafysis,and judgrtient TheY az not necessarity rep�antative of other tones and locations, We wi0 not accept respons�br'Gty for!he use ar iMerpretation hy oEfiers of infarmation presented on thes tog. G93410A 1/18/93 Lakeridge Elementary Schoal South ll5th Street QSSOCIATED � Seattle, Washington EA RTH SC�ENCES, INC EXPLORATI�N BORING L4G EB-Z � Z¢ STAI�DARD PENERATION RESISTANC� SEDW�NT DESCRIPTION W � p Q 8bwslFoot � y �3 �a 2 o s o a a 4"-6" Asphalt Moist, brown becoming gray, unsorted, silty, fine to coarse sand with gravels. Slightly T 52/6" � oxidized at sample interval S'-62' . 1 (Lodgement Till) 5 I 94/ • $�„ Box � b2� � lo � Subsurfiace concfitions depicted represent our observations at the time and tocation of tMs exploratory hol�mod�fied by geoioyc 'vrterpretationy ergmeer6►9 analysis,artd lud�e�+t. TheY ae not necessardy reprerEntative of ather tnnes and Jocations. We wiQ not accept responsibiQty for ffie use or interpretation by offiers of info�mation presenied on tfiis Eog. ' G93010A 1/18/93 Lakeridge Elementary School south ll5th Street AS S OCIATE D � Seattle, Washington EARTH SCIENCES, INC EXPLORATION �ORING L�G EB-3 _ � 2 oc STAPAARD PEt�ERATION REStSJ'ANCE SEDtMEM DESCR{PTION W � �¢ Bbws/Foot � N �3 10 20 30 40 3" Asphalt Moist, brown, slightly silty to silty, fine to medium sand becoming silty, fine to "(" � coarse sand with gravels. (Fill) 1 5 Moist, brown, unsorted, silty, fine to coarse 50/4" sand with gravels. (Lodgement Till} _ BOH @ 8t 10 ' � � Subs+irface condtions depicted represen!au observations at the time and location ot Uus expbratory hole,modified byr geobgic inierp�etation,erx,�eerin9 analYs+s,and Nd9meM-TheY ae not necessanl�r reprr_rntative of other tunes and locations. We will nof accept responsb�ty for t6e use ar interpretation by►clhers uf infortnation preseoted on this log. ' G93010A 1/18/93 Lakeridge Elementary 5chool south llsth street - ASS OCIATE D Seattle, [dashington EA RTH SC�ENCES, INC EXPLC�RATlON BaRING L�G EB-4 _ � Z¢ STAl�AAD PErERATlON REStSTAlsCE SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION W � p a Bbws/Foot � y �� 10 20 30 4Q 2" Asphalt Moist, tan to brown to dark brown, oxidized, mottled, clayey, silty to slightly silty, fin T � to medium sand with scattered gravels. (Fill) 1 Moist, brown, unsorted, silty, fine to coarse 5 sand with gravels. (Lodgement Till) I • BOH � 9' 10 S�face coodtions depicted represent our observatio�at the time a�d location of tivs exploraiary hde,modfied by geotogic inte�ptetation,etgi�eering artatysis,and judgmenl. They are not necessarity reprr_aMative of ather t�nes and locations. We wi�not accept responsrbTity for the use o�interpretation b�/others of infwmation prese�ted on this log. ' G93010A 1/18/93 Lakeridge Elementary School South 115th Street Seattle, �Jashington ASSOCtATED - EARTH SCIENCES, !NC EXPLORATIC�N BORING LQG �B-5 _ � z� STAI�AF�PFSERATION RES�STANCE SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION �a � p Q 81ows/Foot a� � N �3 10 2D 30 40 4" Asphalt. ;�Ioist to wet, bro�an and tan, mottled, silty, fine to coarse sand with gravels. (Fill) � I t�loist, brown, unsorted, silty, fine to coarse 5 sand with gravels. (Lodgemerct Till) = 53/6" � BOH @ 8' 10 � , Subsurface condrtions depicted represe�t our abservations at the time and location of this ex�loratory hole,rtwdrfted by geologic irtterpretation,engineera�g anatysis,and judgme�t.TheY ae not necessanTy reprcmtaiive of oiher�nes and locations. We will not , accept responsib�ity for the use or e�terpretation by others of information presented on ttis log. G93010A 1/18/93 Lakeridge Elementary School South 115th Street ASSOClATED Seattle, Washington EARTH SCIENCES, INC � � EXPL�RATI�N BQRING L�G EB-6 _ � 2¢ STAI�ARO PENERATiON RESISTANCE SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION � � �Q Bbws/Foot � N �3 1� 2Q 30 40 6" Cedar chips. Moist to wet, brown, oxidized, mottled, silty, fine to medium sand with minor T a organics. {Fill) ,� 5 68 • Moist, brown-graq, unsorted, silty, fine to T coarse sand with ravels. Lod ement Ti11 �, BOH @ 9' 10 � Subsurface con�tions depicted represent our obsenratioRs at the time and location of tlris expbratory hole,modfied by geobogic iMerpretation,es�grt�eering anaiysis,�d judgment They;ae not necessanly reprr_rntaWe of other times and locations. We w�l not accept respons�b�Tny for the use or interpretation bY cthers of irtformaiion p�esented�on titis log. ' G93010A 1/18/93 Lakeridge Elementary School South llSth Street seattle, Washington ASS OCIATE D � EARTH SClENCES, INC EXPLORAT{�N B�RING LOG EB-7 _ � Z� STAPDAHD PENERATION AESlSTANC� SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION W � p Q Bbws/Foot � N �� 10 20 3Q 40 3" Topsoil. Moist, brown, oxidized, mottled, silty, fine to coarse sand with gravels. (Fill) � Moist, brown, unsorted, silty, fine to coarse 5 sand with gravels. (Lodgement Till) = 62/6" � BOH @ 8' 10 B = sampler bouncing (rock in driveshoe) , I S�d�swface wnd�6ons depicted represeni our obsetvatiorts at the time and location of this expioratcry hote,modfied by geobgic iMerpretation,erx,�neerin9 analYsis.and 1�9�-�Y are not necessardy repretztttative of oiher times and locations. We witi not accept responsbd'ity for ihe t�e ar interpnetation by otf�ers of�formation presented an fhis bg. � G93010A 1/18/93 Lakeridge Elementary School , South llSth Street ASSOCIATED � Seattle, Washington EARTH SCIENCES, iNC EXPL4RAT1aN BQRING L�G EB-8 _ � i r� STAt�DAf�PEbERATTON RESI,STANCF SEDtlUIENT DESCRIPTION �a � O Q Bb+Ns/Foot a N �3 t0 2U 30 4Q 3" Topsoil. Moist becoming wet with depth, brown, oxidized, mott�ed in areas, clayey, silty ta � � slightly silty, fine to medium sand with gravels and minor organics. (Fill) 5 I ' � 10 i�oist, brown, unsorted, silty, fine to coarse � 50/6' sand with graavels. (Lodgement Till} BOH @ 132' , Subsurface condtions depicted represent ar observations at the mne and location of Uus exploratory hole,modfied by geoMgic irKe�pretation,etgmeerR�y analYsis,and judgrnent They are not necessanly repr�mtative of other times and tocations. We wi�not accept respons�i'ity fw the use or irtterpretation bY others of 6tformation presented on this log. � G93010A 1/18/93 Lakeridge Elementary School South 115th Street ASS�CIATED - Seattle, Washington EARTH SCfENCES, INC EXPLORATiON BQRING LOG EB-9 _ � Z¢ SFAPDARD PEPEAATtON RESISTANCE SEDMI�NT DESCAIPTION �a � p Q Blows/Foot � N �� 10 20 30 40 4" Tapsoil. Moist, brown, oxidized, silty, fine to medium sand becoming silty, fine to coarse T sand. (Fill) 1 5 Moist, brown, unsorted, silty, fine to coarse sand with gravels. Containing � 93 • coal bits. (Lodgement Till) 10 I ��9" • Box @ 1s2� , 15 ' � Subsuri-act condtions depicted represent our observatiorts at the time and location of tttis expbratory hole,mo�fied bN 9��� interpretation,eng�eerin9�Y�.�1�9�t T�Y ae not necessan'1y rep�e:sntative of ather�nes and locations. We w�not accept respons�Tity for tfie use or inlerpretation by oihers of mfomwtion presertted on thes tog. G93010A 1/18/93 Lakeridge Elementary School South 115th Street ASSOCfATE D � Seattle, tJashington EARTH SC[ENCES, !NC EXPLORATI�N B�RIOVG L4G EB-10 = J 2 2 5fAl�ARD PEhERATION RESJSfANC� SEDIMENT DESCR1PTfON � � p a Bbws/Foot � N �3 I 0 20 30 40 3" Topsoil. Moist, brown, oxidized, silty, fine to medium sand. (Fill) T • �. Moist, brocJn, unsorted, silty, fine to 5 coarse sand �aith gravels. (Lodgement Till) I »,9" , BOH @ 9' 10 � Subsurfiace con�tions depicted represen!our observations at the time and location of this expioratory hole,modfied by geobgic iMerpretation,er�ga�eer6sg anatysis,and judgment.The�t ae not necessardy repre�zntaiive of other tones and lacations. We wi0 not accept responsbi6ty fw the use or iMerpretation by others of mformation prese�ted on ttis fog. ' G93010A 1/18/93 Lakeridge Elementary School South ll5th Street AS SO CIATE D � Seattle, Washington EA RTH SCIENCES, tNC EXPL4RAT14N B�RING LOG EB—li _ � =tt STAI�AAa PEt�RAT10N RESISTANC� SEDIl11�NT DESCRiPTIdN � � p Q Bbws/Foat ° N �3 to 2o sa aa 4" 'Fopsoil. Moist, brown, oxidized, silty, organic, fine to medium sand. (Fill) T � L 5 Moist, brown—gray, unsorted, silty, fine to coarse sand with gravels. (Lodgement Till I92/8' a BOH @ 9' i0 ' Subsurface condfiions depicted nepresent our observatia►s at the time and location of this exploratory hd�modfied by geologie itrterpretation,em�eering anatYs�s.and 1�9�-T�Y are nat necessanTy repr�mtative of othef times and bcations. We wii!not accept responsibiiity fot the use oe iMerpretatiort bY oihc�rs of�formation presenfed on this bg . G93030A 1/I8/93 Lakeridge Elementary School South 115th Street ASSOCIATED � Seattle, Washington EARTH SCIENCES, INC < < � � � ti � � � . � � � \ � � Wood Chip �` � �� Play Area � �� \ Covered �` � �� A/C Basketbali � � � Court , � � (To Remain) � '� ' � o � 1 ' � � �� � � .i ���...� .�� � � / � 1 � �� � EB-12A, B, C �\ � Proposed Bu�ding � W�d `� �, � Chip � � ` Play '` �` Area � �` 1 EB-13� � ` � � I� � � � � . � � � �1 � � � w� . � EB-14� �. Existing Bw'Iding ` � '��..-�. � '� , � ! ,�-- -�„_ � .=. , . � + . . � � , , ._ , � , , , , , , , , w o � LEGEND EB-14 � Approxlmate location of exploratton boring NQRTH 0 40 80 , SCAIE M FEET ADDITIONAL EXPLORATION MAP A88OC�ATED LAKERIDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EAQTi-� RENTON, WASHINGTON 8C 1 E 1\I CE�� I N C G930 i OA 3/94 FiGURE 1 EXPLORATI�N BO�ING LOG Number EB-12 STANDARD PENETRATlON _ � Z� RESiSTANCE SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION W � Q Q �o„�,S�Foor o � c� c� �0 2o so ao Wet,dark brown to brown,slliy,flne to medium SAND with trace gravel. (Ril) 2.5 �2 5.0 �14 7.5 44 ♦ Molst,(lght brown to gray witii orange mottting,silty, flne to medurn SAND with some graveL , (Lodgement 3ill,wec�thered In upper 1 to 2 feet) ! 10.0 T Ii I tso il BOH� 11-1/2' i 12.5 ; Subsurface condtilor�s deplcted represent our observatlons at the tfms and bcation of tt�ls e�loratory hde,modl�ad by Aeologlc Interpretations.enAtieering anaHsLs.and luciAment. fiey are not necessadty represet�tath+e of other times and locntlons. We wlll not accept responslb6lty for tfi►e use or Interpretaiton by others ot Infortnarifln preseMed on thls Iog. Rev{ewed Sy � Assoclated Earth Scfences, fnc. Lakeridge Elementary School 91 i Fiffh Avenue, Suite 100 Renfion, V1lashington Kirkland, Washington 98033 Project No, G9301 OA Phone: 206-827-7701 Mai'Ch 1994 �,�„� �n�,_u��_�n�n EXPLaf�ATl�N BORI�VG LOG Number EB-13 � STANDARD PENETRATION SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION a a ?w RESISTANCE � � o Q �,o��Foat o ¢ c� � � �0 2o ao ao 2.5 �3 Moist to wet,brown to Ilght brown,silfy,flne to medlum SAND wlth trace�raveL (Htl) 5.0 �4 � -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Molst to damp,gray,silty,t�ne to medium SAND w{th �'S some gravel. (Lodgement TIII) �p/6� BOH�9' 10.0 Note: Mlnor seepQge at 7'. i 2.5 Subsurtace crondmoru deplcted represent our observatloru at the time and locatfon ot thts e�loratory hole,modiAed by geoio8ic Intetpretations,engheering analysls,and)udement, fiey Qa�ot necessaifly representattve of oiher ttmes and locatlons. We wid not accspt responslblltfy for the use or Interpretutlon by alhers ot Intormatton presentad on fhts bg. Reviewed By � Assoclated Earth Sciences, �nc. Lakeridge Elementary Schoo( 911 Fiffh Avenue, Suifie 100 Renton, Washington Kirkland, Washington 98033 Pro'ect No. G93010A Phone; 206-827-7701 MarCh 1994 r,...,. nr1L ��1-7 C An A EXPLORATION BORING LOG ' Number EB-14 STANDARD PENETRAT{ON _ � z� RESISTANCE ►— p., w � � �Q Blows/Foot SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION a � �� �0 20 30 40 Moist to wet,llght brown to brown to gr�y with 2'� deptfi,sllty,flne to medlum SAND with trace � gravei and organics. (Fllp • 5.Q 9 7.5 ' 31 • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � ' 10.0 � Damp,gray,siity,fine to med(um SAND witt� +� I sorne gravel. (Lvdgement Tfll) ' �2.5 I 'I BOH � 13' S0/6' Note: Mino�seepage at 9-1/2' Subwrface condttlor�s depicted rspresent ax observafions at the flme and location of tt9s e�loratory hole,modlRed by eeologlc Interrxetatloru,englneatinA anaysls,and Judgmerrt. fiey are not[�ecessarlly representaiNe ot other flmes and iocattons. We wlil nat accept respons�c���ry ror me use a�nterpreranon by others a�nrom,anon preser,ted on thts bg. Revlewed 8y � Assocfated Earth Sciences, inc. Lakeridge Elementary School 911 Flffh Avenue, su�te loo Renton, Washingtan Kirkland, Washington 98033 Project No. G93010A Phone; 246-827-7701 Mc�r�:h 1994 '- .�.� i n�-� r �n � ��'� a...�� E:E`!:�.50y_. _. _.-.-- ---� --�-- - -- � - -- _ ,,,.; ,I, ..-._ ._.__.,.. _.,._ ,�.-.,. . ;�. ��� ` �- �-�5- .�.���. . . �.� - . . . ..�_.` . ...�f � _ ��a._i...�` - •, d.� ;---- . .. - - -- �- ���—� - ��-- �� -_ . ' � '� ����if� _ ���..�. � . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .�.�. . . . . ' . y` ' -e"J ` —.S — -�'�—�, ,i . t ` �`�' � _ `�`�'"�'��_ �-_—� �� N ��.—. i � ~` , . ,./. � , , � � .. � � � _ - r ', ;� %�i ,. ��i� �� � .�, i� I . . . . .. Sz,`8�1/`59 RiM 49#:22._.� �'I'� �T.�X—X-�- BX�HAIM1: #.. �� . � ��f' �k� . ..��tv I' I I �Yl ^ i ' 72 ,.CPa.SW JE=4DC.37 . � �-r;,--- %� t � � ' ! ! O ! i� Z�C?P W IE=400.37 �ORTA��E / � �� I _ f ;. �-EKr�Ca _� `,a.��.�. . . . . . . . . :.' _.— - .,_ ------ — . _ " =F=4��S.BOt -., PO4T48 E - �X � . '� ---� �, F�-4�9��t �r � � r �� � ,: �, ; ^� �.�,...,��,..i.�,�� ���;, ' ' � � � � �° : � 'j � eu �`c � � - �, ": , � , � � � � '� ' I ' r� t A E 'EZ —^�-�!.-_"___., -'-� � k � . .il .-. .' .� . .... � . . ��_. . . . �� �-�� � ��.Y � 7996 CT�; �� : '.��.��l+�' . t : � ,, _ [ I ��� � - ._ � . .�� � i ,� ��: r ��2 ..0!v� � :a � �` � -- -- �- .— =�_ ! . . . . . . . .�. . . . .� .,: x ��-•�RTABLE I� �, . �i '.�.�.�. -. ,�.�.' .�. .�.�. .-. .�.' � .� . _ .- -t07.98t �/��� • � :� �r_�-■� -- --- - f �-- � ;{j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r %� ��l �-+�._ _.—_-__��� .. ' !J � . . . . _ . . . , �..::� ': � /,± �; _ �Y=_�i��= . � . . . . . . - I . A L; IL . ' x ,� / / ':j �a -��_ I e� co . . '. . -":� — — �_ � GRAPHIC SCALE N r � + ` - 1 �2 C� � � � � � x X ' � -- —p�.�_ 1 1 • � cD� . �.�. x• � t'cor;' _ � ' 0 15 30 60 FEET Z � STOP � . 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I Civil Egineea �1/ Shuwral Engirreers Q�� � �^�� MAPLEWOOD HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY ��� SCHOOL PORTABLES N� EXISTING CONDITIONS A- 3 T A C O M A S E A T T L E 2215 Nath 3(�h SUeet,Suite 300,Toowna, MA 98�03 253.383.2422 TEL M AP 316 Occidmtd A�enue South,Suite 320,Seattk,WA 98104 206.267.2425 TEL /� j:�' li. . -. .�. .�. . ���� y`' �;i . . �.. .__._ - -. r- Y _____ .- � _ -_.. � ' . . . . . . . _ . ,._. i � � �. \ . . -_ _ . s. � . . �. . . . . �. .. .. ��..) �i � . .� � .n . � . . � .-. . , . . . .♦ - ��� . . �f —,� �. . . . . . �` �� - � -- s� 8"�J i . _ _ .� - _� ��-� - � N ..,; , /4 �I � � ;__ . `F �;�` ' -I ���� L ��i � . . . ���3 1099 ft�k 4�422�—� ��j�--•��X,�`x�--;' - -. � � �—I I I—II I I � — — S 12`..Cr-� �N 1E a�0 z7. � �``�2" C�P W �E an�3� . :- � I I I—1 l I I I�I + ++ I I—I I I—I ' �� � �kl _� + �� I I-111=11 I I I-I I I + ++ 111=�11 � � �" � : � ��. r +++++++++++++ I I I-1I I II I-1I I- + + ++ i I- =1 � r � I-1 I 1=1 I -1 I I-1 I I I I I-1 I I � a.;� ,F + + + + + + + + � � - + + + + + + _ + — — � + + + + + + _ �.:� + + + + + + � �; �;• + + + + + + � � ;�:I . : 1 ; + + + + + + � � , + + + + + + � � �, + + + + + + �� -�_ �� � + + + + + + � -��� .- � �'� . . } + -� _ t ' ;ti �. , � --_- GRAPHIC SCALE .� ��__� � ��{ � ; � ,� jJ 1 . .� N X` ~. � 0 15 30 60 FEET ..( � X� ,^c�V- � zi �T�F 1 " �� ,� � C 'TA.4�'� ' �,� �/// `� . . �t � �� i ' � -�-••f '�.,_� . . . . � -Y- {. . . . . . . . . . . . x:.., .—- � � � � ;�, c�o \ � 1"=30 FEET ��` C�r � is3_��a c?.ssJ I'f', � ,F_�ss.�s ��� � �2 CFP hv c 339.�3 � n� = —��� �:t 12 ..�? _. k 395.93 � '� - _ �. i :� ��� ' I � � � ;f . ' �` 4pS - LEGEND ��� : � :� • �f . , � � = 'i 1 � �- 'I I� .� . . . � .�.�. � ,I ' --. . - . . . NEW IMPERVIOUS: , ' '`.� . .. _�. . . .�,�.�.�. �f � � � �' . 0.128AC ' ' ! � f, ' , �'' ` � ��� ; , , � � POINT OF DISCHARGE �� `} ; � ! � .�. a s �- .�-,�'��-�T=P � �m PROJECT LIMITS :�� ,- _._ ' , �� AREA: 0.34 AC ��CED IMPERNOUS ��V o.024 Ao �-�-r ' -� ; ��' PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS: 0.22 AC �;�� �/ ` , t �� , PROPOSED PERVIOUS: 0.12 AC / 1 x I I—I I I—I I I 1 _ j,�� � �� � �. -- _�� : _ ,i � , � � � '. �� -� i 404 _ �/�1�.�v�:� -- _f ; � O.O5STAC IMPERVIOUS TO REMAIN ` x I I I—I I I—I �i�- S � 7���� -3 , y — — ' � ,-5�yc., 4 9_ - ,� �f I $' :P S?E�98.3� � $ � - _. 3""i;RA'N � k�x` —x—�?� 403 + + + ;��'' ;� � �� �, � A O� + EXISTING IMPERVIOUS TO PERVIOUS ,P•;�� 1 . �,µ��' � `t . . . .037 AC � ' '. ^' T�'n^^-�� --- _--- - + + + _�_,�F� �{._ ' �,8/lw. � ... ._ ��. —. — - - .-._ . . . . . . � . . � .. .. . . . 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T. � � _.__�-- - �?� � - G - - - � G - ;. , � , � - , , SE 1�6TH STl4�E�� 402 - __- �— _��— � � _ �� --�-.-- ► �� � -- -� , � �. ` `'�;ir` �srce s2a 4i�n=;�s.a� -- . - '. g° �P N �E=3sa.a' &' !F hW ��.t=38E,3% ■ Civil Egwieers I— Stvcdnal Engineers � � �^��^^��� MAPLEWOOD HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY O : �5�� SCHOOL PORTABLES /� ^ Nerghbors /, _ � TACOM A SEATTLE SITE PLAN �, 2215 Nath 30th Street,Suite 3W,Taana,WA 98�03 253.383.2422 iEL 316�ddrnid Arenue South,Sufte 320,SeaHle,WA 98104 206.267.2425 lEL _ _ —_ I I ! �T\ � I .. ... ... ., .. - 4 .' .., .. - � . . .".:. . .. .. .... . . . � I � __`_t�'<___� �— �__-_.:�_✓~ � ' � — _ --— , _ —,,._,__ _ _ : I .c`�, "'a'`..\:'.'i.�.i'�. X_......."_ .. � ,.... ..... . fAr�� _ —_�___.__—!., �� ��� . . � � __ � i � � I i . ..� � YY . ' ... '... �, .. ....... ..._. ..... ....... ........._.. .. .. '� .. . . . ::. ..�. ...�' .. 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S�e nVel fVel CBasin / ID (ac) (min) (cfs) ! (cfs) �; ratio ' (ft) , (ft/s) (ft/s) Hyd - - - ��- -_ I 6�� ' 2 0.0960 6.55 0.1751 0.5626 0.31 0.1919 Diam 2•5232 2.8654 AD#1 � _ - --- _ - _ - -- -- --- - -- - ---- , 6„ 1 0.0960 6.96 0.1714 . 0.5626 .� 0.30 0.1890 , Diam , 2•5223 . 2.8654 � , - - -- -- - - -- --- -- _ - -- -- --- --- From To Rch Loss App ' Bend , Junct Loss , HW Loss Elev Max EI Node Node (ft) (ft) (ft) ' (ft) (ft) (ft) ' __ _ - - - -- - - --_ - -- -- - �402.6031 --- -- - - - -- - _ -- --- , CB #1 CB #3 403.3080 0.0989 ' 0.0004 � ------ ; 403.2095 06.0200 � - - - --- ' AD #1 . CB #1 r 403.6917 ' ------ ------ ------ �403.6917 406.4700 ROUTEHYD [] THRU [UnNtled] USING Seattle A 100 yr] OTZERO RELATIVE RATIONAL - -� ,.- -- - - - _ �_ _- Reach Area ' TC � Flow Full Q Full nDepth S�e , nVel fVel CBasin / ID (ac) (min) , (cfs) (cfs) ratio (ft) (ft/s) , (ft/s) Hyd __ _ 6" 2 ', 0.0960 6.54 0.2199 ' 0.5626 0.39 0.2173 Diam 2•6861 : 2.8654 . AD #1 -�- -- -------_- - � - - -- 6" ' 1 0.0960 6.92 0.2155 0.5626 0.38 ' 0.2144 : 2.6804 2.8654 Diam ' , - - -- - - - - -- I ___ _ - -- -- - _ _-- _-_ From To Rch Loss App Bend Junct Loss HW Loss Elev Mag El ' Node Node (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) _--� _--_�-------- -- ' 402.6344 ' CB #1 CB #3 '�403.3496 0.1120 ! 0.0005 ------ 403.2380� 406.0200 ,- -- - - -__ __ , -- ----- �- - AD#1 ' CB #1 403.7336 ------ �-----� ------ ' 403.7336 d 406.4700 Record Id: AD #1 ' - - _-- - -- -- - -_ Design Method : Rational � IDF Table: i Seattle Composite C Calc _- - - _ _ _ _ _ __-- Description SubArea Sub c A-7 Pa��ement and roofs (n=0.90j 0.07 ac 0.90 - ---_ - -- - 'Lawn (n=0.25) '0.03 ac 0.25 Directly Connected TC Calc _ _ _ - - - _ __ - - _ Type , Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT -- - - - -- _- �jFixed � � i ;6.30 min Directly Connected TC ' 6.30min Record Id: AD #1 ;Descrip: Prototype Record ;Increment �0.10 ft - -- r- - -- Start El. 403.4000 ft Max El. '406.4700 ft - - - -- ---- - - _ _- - - - __ �Classification Catch Basin Structure Type 'CB-TYPE 1 -- -- - - - --- - - --- �Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector 'Catch 1.4160 ft iBottom Area 3.9700 sf Condition iExisting ' Stage Storage RaNng Curve 403.4000 ft 0.0000 cf 405.0000 ft 6.3520 cf 403.5000 ft 0.3970 cf 405.1000 ft 6.7490 cf 403.6000 ft 0.7940 cf 405.2000 8 7.1460 cf 403.7000 ft 1.1910 cf 405.3000 ft 7.5430 cf 403.8000 ft 1.5880 cf 405.4000 ft 7.9400 cf 403.9000 ft 1.9850 cf 405.5000 ft 8.3370 cf 404.0000 ft 2.3820 cf 405.6000 ft 8.7340 cf 404.1000 ft 2.7790 cf 405.7000 ft 9.1310 cf 404.2000 ft 3.1760 cf 405.8000 ft' 9.5280 cf 404.3000 ft 3.5730 cf 405.9000 ft 99250 cf 404.4000 ft 3.9700 cf 406.0000 ft 10.3220 cf 404.5000 ft 4.3670 cf 406.1000 ft 10.7190 cf 404.6000 ft 4.7640 cf 406.2000 ft 11.1160 cf 404.7000 ft 5.1610 cf 406.3000 ft 11.5130 cf -_-- - _ _ 404.8000 ft 5.5580 cf 406.4000 ft 11.9100 cf 406.4700 ft 12.1879 cf Record Id: CB #1 A-7 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft 'Start El. 403.0200 ft Max EL i406.0200 ft Classification Catch Basin Structure Type ';CB-TYPE 1 ----- - --_-- -- r-------- Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) '';Channelization Curved or Deflector -- - -_ - - -- - - -- -- - -- - -- Catch 1.4160 ft 'Bottom Area 3.9700 sf ' - - ___ _ -- --- - - - i �Condition Existing � Stage Storage Rating Curve 403.0200 ft 0.0000 cf 404.5200 ft 5.9550 cf 403.1200 ft 0.3970 cf 404.6200 ft 6.3520 cf j 403.2200 ft 0.7940 cf 404.7200 ft 6.7490 cf i 403.3200 ft 1.1910 cf 404.8200 ft 7.1460 cf ! - ----i 403.4200 ft 1.5880 cf 404.9200 ft 7.5430 cf ; �- i 403.5200 ft 1.9850 cf 405.0200 ft 7.9400 cf ' 403.6200 ft 2.3820 cf 405.1200 ft 8.3370 cf 403.7200 ft 2.7790 cf 405.2200 ft 8.7340 cf i , -- -� 403.8200 ft 3.1760 cf 405.3200 ft 9.1310 cf ; 403.9200 ft 3.5730 cf 405.4200 ft 9.5280 cf � 404.0200 ft'3.9700 cf 405.5200 ft 9.9250 cf � 404.1200 ft 4.3670 cf 405.6200 ft 10.3220 cf; ---� - __ _ 404.2200 ft 4.7640 cf 405.7200 ft 10.7190 cf 404.3200 ft 5.1610 cf 405.8200 ft 11.1160 cf - : 406.0200 ft 11.9100 cf Record Id: CB #3 __ _ _ -- -- -- -- -- - --- - -- -- - -- Descrip: Prototype Record ;Increment 0.10 ft Start El. 1402.4000 ft 'Max El. 405.4300 ft - - - -- --- --- ----- Classification Manhole Structure Type iCB-TYPE 1 Ent Ke ;Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector - - - - -- - Catch 1.4160 ft ;Bottom Area 3.9700 sf ' --- - -- Condition Existing I - ------- - - � : Stage Storage Rating Curve __-_,---- - -- __ -__ _�-.; 402.4000 ft 0.0000 cf 404.0000 ft 6.3520 cf '; A-7 402.5000 ft 0.3970 cf 404.1000 ft 6.7490 cf ; 402.6000 ft 0.7940 cf 404.2000 ft' 7.1460 cf I � 402.7000 ft 1.1910 cf 404.3000 ft 7.5430 cf '' 402.8000 ft 1.5880 cf 404.4000 ft 7.9400 cf 402.9000 ft 1.9850 cf 404.5000 ft 8.3370 cf 403.0000 ft 2.3820 cf 404.6000 ft 8.7340 cf I 403.1000 ft 2.7790 cf 404.7000 ft 9.1310 cf : _ - � 403.2000 ft 3.1760 cf 404.8000 ft 9.5280 cf ' 403.3000 ft 3.5730 cf 404.9000 ft: 9.9250 cf 403.4000 ft'3.9700 cf 405.0000 ft:10.3220 cf' 403.5000 ft 4.3670 cf 405.1000 ft 10.7190 cf 403.6000 ft 4.7640 cf 405.2000 ft 11.1160 cf i -� 403.7000 ft 5.1610 cf 405.3000 ft 11.5130 cf i 403.8000 ft';5.5580 cf 405.4000 ft 11.9100 cf� 405.4300 ft 12.0291 cf� Record Id: 1 � Section Sha e: Circular � P Uniform Flow Method: 'Manning's �Coefficient: �0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time 1"ranslation DnNode �B#3 -� UpNode CB#1 - �-- -- ; Material �Plastic 'Size ;6" Diam ; Ent Losses ;Groove End w/Headwall � ' Length 162.0000 ft Slope ':1.00% � Up Invert �403.0200 ft Dn Invert 402.4000 ft ' � Conduit Constraints Min Vel 'M�Vel Min Slope'Max Slope Min Cover; � _ _ _- --- 2.00 ft/s 15.00 ftls 0.50% 2.00°/a '3.00 ft - _- --- - -- - - - --- - -- - ----- Drop across MH 0.0000 ft ,Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr� �--- - --- - ------ - Up Invert _ .402.400 Dn Invert -0� Match inverts. - -- - - - -- - _ DnNode 'CB #3 UpNode �CB #1 A-7 Record Id: 2 Section Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's iCoefficient: 0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation; ' DnNode CB #1 'UpNode AD#1 Material � Plastic Size 6" Diam Ent Losses �Groove End w/Headwall -- – - — - Length 38.0000 ft ,Slope 1.00% Up Invert ,403.4006 ft �Dn Invert i403.0200 ft , Conduit Constraints ----, _� . Min Vel jMax Vel .Min Slope.Max Slope Min Cover: ,2.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s'0.50°/a 2.00% 3.00 ft -- ---�- __ --- ---- - - - Drop across MH �0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr _ _ —-- — Up Invert 1403.0200 ft Dn Invert 403.4000 ft Match inverts. DnNode ;CB#1 ,;UpNode ;AD#1 Licensed to: AHBL A-7 Conveyance Basin 2(Area Tributary to Gravel Filled Trench#2) [AD�t2] � [C �t2] � � � ; � � C��4 � A-7 History Cleared: 12:00:26 Thursday, May 21, 2015 ROUTEHYD [] THRU [UnHtled] USING Seattle A_�i [�]�10TZER0 RELATIVE RATIONAL -- ----- ---- -- - ---- -- -- Reach Area TC ' Flow Full Q Full nDepth nVel ' fVel CBasin/ ID (ac) (min) (cfs) : (cfs) rallo (ft) . Size �ft/s) (ft/s) Hyd -- - -- - �__-_ _ -- - - -- - -- 6" 2 0.0744 0.23 0.1692 ' 0.5626 0.30 0.1880 ' 2.5068 . 2.8654 AD#2 Diam - - ---- - - -- - _-- _ - - - . � 6" 4 ; 0.0744 0.69 0.1692 ; 0.5626 � 0.30 0.1880 Diam ' 2•5068 2.8654 -- -- - _ _ _._ -- _ _ _ ' From To Rch Loss ' App Bend Junct Loss ; HW Loss Elev ' Mag EI Node Node (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) --. _ - - __ --- _ - - - - - 402.6031 ' - -- _ _._ -- - -- -�- - _ __ _ ' CB #2 CB #4 403.3757 0.0976 0.0006 I ------ �403.2787 406.0900 - - -' -' - AD #2 ' CB #2 ' 403.7257 i ------ ------ � ------ 403.7257 406.4600 : ROUTEHYD [] THRU [Untitled] USING Seattle AN [100 yr] l�OTZERO RELATIVE RATIONAL � Reach � Area ' TC Flow ' Full Q Full nDepth �Size ' nVel ': fVel CB sa in/ � ID ' (ac) (min) (cfs) (cfs) ratio (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) Hyd - - _- - - = - - - - - --�--_ ---- - --- -- 6" 2 0.0744 0.22 0.2128 0.5626 0.38 0.2134 Diam 2•6622 2.8654 AD#2 - 6�� _- - � 4 ' 0.0744 ; 0.65 0.2128 0.5626 0.38 0.2134 Di� ! 2.6622 2.8654 - - - - - _- ---- --- -- ----- - -- From , To Rch Loss App Bend Junct Loss HW Loss Elev Max El Node Node (ft) ; (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) - - ---_- - ' . 402.6344 ' CB#2 CB #4 403.4171 ! 0.1101 0.0007 ------ � 403.3078 406.0900 ' --_ _ -__ _ --- -. AD #2 CB #2 403.7671 ------ i ------ ------ � 403.7672 ' 406.4600 Record Id: AD #2 _ -- - - --- _- --- -- _ _ - - _- Design Method ' Rational IDF Table: KingCountyIr Composite C Calc -- -- _ -- - --- Description SubArea Sub c A-7 Pavement and roofs (n=0.90) ,0.06 ac ',0.90 Lawn (n�.25) - . --�0.01 ac �0.25 I Record Id: AD #2 I� Descrip: �Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft II� I � Start EL �403 4400 ft M� El. 406.4600 ft Classification Catch Basin Structure Type CB-TYPE 1 �, Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) ,.Channelization Curved or Deflector _ _--- -- _-_ - - -- - -- Catch 1.4160 ft Bottom Area '3.970 Condition ;Existing ( Stage Storage Rating Curve 403.4400 ft 0.0000 cf 405.0400 ft' 6.3520 cf 403.5400 ft 0.3970 cf 405.1400 ft 6.7490 cf � 403.6400 ft 0.7940 cf 405.2400 ft 7.1460 cf i � 403.7400 ft 1.1910 cf 405.3400 ft 7.5430 cf I 403.8400 ft 1.5880 cf 405.4400 ft 7.9400 cf � 403.9400 ft'1.9850 cf 445.5400 ft 8.3370 cf 404.0400 ft 2.3 820 cf 405.6400 ft 8.7340 cf �', --- � 404.1400 ft 2.7790 cf 405.7400 ft' 9.1310 cf i 404.2400 ft 3.1760 cf 405.8400 ft 9.5280 cf _- 404.3400 ft 3.5730 cf 405.9400 ft' 9.9250 cf 404.4400 ft 3.9700 cf 406.0400 ft 10.3220 cf j 404.5400 ft 4.3670 cf 406.1400 ft 10.7190 cf'. 404.6400 ft 4.7640 cf 406.2400 ft 11.1160 cf' 404.7400 ft 5.1610 cf 406.3400 ft 11.5130 cf, 404.8400 ft 5.5580 cf 406.4400 ft 119100 cf i � 406.4600 ft 11.9894 cf' Record Id: CB #2 �-- _ _ Descrip: ;Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft - - -- - - - -- -_ _ --- - -- - Start EL 403.0900 ft IMax El. 406.0900 ft --. . _ � -- -- Classification Catch Basm Structure T e 'CB-TYPE 1 ' I A-7 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved ar Deflector 'Catch �1.4160 ft Bottom Area 3.9700 sf Condition iExisting Stage Storage Rating Curve _ - - ---- 403.0900 ft 0.0000 cf 404.5900 ft 5.9550 cf 403.1900 ft 0.3970 cf 404.6900 ft 6.3520 cf 403.2900 ft 0.7940 cf 404.7900 ft 6.7490 cf 403.3900 ft 1.1910 cf 404.8900 ft 7.1460 cf 403.4900 ft 1.5880 cf 404.9900 ft 7.5430 cf 403.5900 ft 1.9850 cf 405.0900 ft 7.9400 cf 403.6900 ft 2.3820 cf 405.1900 ft 8.3370 cf 403.7900 ft 2.7790 cf 405.2900 ft 8.7340 cf 403.8900 ft 3.1760 cf 405.3900 ft 9.1310 cf 403.9900 ft 3.5730 cf 405.4900 ft 9.5280 cf 404.0900 ft'3.9700 cf 405.5900 ft 9.9250 cf 404.1900 ft 4.3670 cf 405.6900 ft 10.3220 cf 404.2900 ft 4.7640 cf 405.7900 ft 10.7190 cf 404.3900 ft S.1610 cf 405.8900 ft 11.1160 cf 406.0900 ft 11.9100 cf Record Id: CB #4 ------ ------- - Descrip: Prototype Record 'Increment j0.10 fl Start El. '402.4000 ft Max El. !405.5500 ft _--__---- -__ - -- _ _ - ----_ _� Classification Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1 Ent Ke �Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) ':Channelization Curved or Deflector ---_ - _ -- Catch ;4160 ft �Bo Area 3.9700 sf --- � Condition ;Existing _--- __ _ _- --- - Stage Storage Rating Curve 402.4000 ft 0.0000 cf 404.0000 ft 6.3520 cf 402.5000 ft 0.3970 cf 404.1000 ft 6.7490 cf 402.6000 ft 0.7940 cf 404.2000 ft 7.1460 cf 402.7000 ft 1.1910 cf 404.3000 ft 7.5430 cf A-7 402.8000 ft 1.5880 cf 404.4000 ft 7.9400 cf �I 402.9000 ft 1.9850 cf 404.5000 ft 8.3370 cf 403.0000 ft 2.3820 cf 404.6000 ft 8.7340 cf ; ___ ___ ; 403.1000 ft'2.7790 cf 404.7000 ft 9.1310 cf � 403.2000 ft 3.1760 cf 404.8000 ft 9.5280 cf '� 403.3000 ft 3.5730 cf 404.9000 ft 9.9250 cf 403.4000 ft 3.9700 cf 405.0000 ft 10.3220 cf' 403.5000 ft 4.3670 cf 405.1000 ft 10.7190 cf i , _ _ _ , 403.6000 ft 4.7640 cf 405.2000 ft 11.1160 cf 403.7000 ft 5.1610 cf 405.3000 ft 11.5130 cf� 403.8000 ft 5.5580 cf 405.4000 ft 11.9100 cf ; _._ _ _ -- 405.5500 ft 12.5055 cf Record Id: 2 _ -- _. Section Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's 'Coefficient: '0.0130 I ;Routing Method: ,Travel Time Translation ' ; ----- _ - - -- DnNode ;CB#2 UpNode AD #2 - ---- --- - 'Material 'Plastic .Size '6" Diam - - - - - - -- __ -- -__ Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 35.0000 ft Slope �1.00%- '___ _ __ _ _ _ _ i Up Invert ,403.4400 ft Dn Invert 403.0900 ft ; -- - - ---_ � , Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover, ;2.00 ft/s '15.00 ft/s 0.50% '2.00% 3.00 ft - __ _ __ _-- -- __ _ ----- -- Drop across MH '0.0000 ft :Ex/Infil Rate ,0.0000 in/hr; - _- _-- -�- Up Invert 403.0900 Dn Invert 03.4400 Match inverts. ' DnNode 'CB#2 UpNode AD�- Record Id: 4 � Section Shape: Circular ----- _ . --- -_ _ Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130 A-7 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode CB #4 jUpNode CB #2 Material Plastic ,Size �6" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 69.0000 ft �Slope 1.00% --- --- ---- _- — -=- Up Invert 403.0900 ft �Dn Invert 402.4000 ft - -�— --------- - -- - —z_ __— Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel ;Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover' 2.00 ft/s ;15.00 ft/s �0 50% 2.00% �3.00 ft -- -- __ -- Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex�Tnfil Rate 0.0000 in/hr - _ - _ _ -- � Up Invert 402.4000 ft Dn Invert 403.0900 ft � ; , Match inverts. :DnNode :CB#4 �UpNode jCB#2 Licensed to: AHBL ' I A-7 Conveyance Basin 3 (Area Tributary to Gravel Filled Trench #3) AD #6 �' � , � i i � ; � C��#5 � A-7 History Cleared: 12:04:43 Thursday, May 21, 2015 ROUTEHYD [] THRU [UnNtled] USING Seattle [25 OTZERO RELATIVE RATIONAL _-_-- — ---- -- __=- -- -------— Reach Area TC Flow Full Q ' Full nDepth S�e nVel tVel CBasin / ID (ac) (min) (cfs) (cfs) . ratio (ft) (ft/s) , (ft/s) Hyd ' - ---- _ -- __ — ___ ---- _.. ___ _ : 6„ 5 0.0613 0.31 0.1305 0.5560 . 0.23 0.1646 ;Diam ' 2•3183 2.8319 . AD #4 _ -- ---- -- --- T - -- ---- From To Rch Loss App , Bend ' Junct Loss HW Loss Elev ; Max El Node Node (ft) (ft) ' (ft) ; (ft) (ft) (ft) _-- -----_ _ ---- _ _ _ -- - -- ---- 403.4475 f - - --- - - --' �' AD #6 CB #5 I 403.9270 ' ------ ' ------ ------ � 4039270 406.1100 __� ROUTEHYD [] THRU [Untitled) USiNG Seattle Al D [100 ygj�.NOTZERO RELATIVE RATIONAL Reach Area TC Flow Full Q Full nDepth S�e nVel fVel CBasin / ID ; (ac) (min) (cfs) (cfs) ratio (ft) ' (ft/s) , (ft/s) Hyd _ - -- —_---- --- --_ —_ 6" 5 0.0613 0.29 0.1642 0.5560 0.30 0.1860 Diam ' 2•4668 2.8319 AD #4 From To ' Rch Loss '' App Bend ' Junct Loss HW Loss Elev Mag EI ', Node Node (ft) (ft) ; (ft) ; (ft) (ft) (ft) ! =- -- =-- - - -- --- -�- ---- - ----- - ---- -- -—- _ 403.4631 � AD #6 CB #5 403.9608 -- ------ ------ ' 403.9608 406.1100 � Record Id: AD #4 — ------ -- - --___- - -- -----_- -- --- - ---- --- --- Design Method Rational IDF Table: KingCountyIr ' -- --—- _----_- -- -__ _ - -- . _ - - -- -- Composite C Calc _ _ P -- � Descri tion SubArea Sub c ', Pavement and roofs (n=0.90) (0.05 ac �0.90 � Lawn (n=0.25)- �''0.02 ac '0.25 Record Id: AD #6 _ _ _ _ ____ Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft � A-7 -- - Start El. 403.6800 ft 'Max El. 406.1100 ft - - _ -- --- - - - Classification Catch Basin Structure Type ICB-TYPE 1 - - -- - ----�-�- -- Ent Ke �Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) ;Channelization'Curved or Deflector Catch ;1.4160 ft �ottom Area '3.9700 sf -- - __-_ _---_ _ ----- Condition Existing Stage Storage Rating Curve ,_,_ ---- __ 403.6800 ft 0.0000 cf 404.9800 ft 5.1610 cf 403.7800 ft 0.3970 cf 405.0800 ft 5.5580 cf 403.8800 ft 0.7940 cf 405.1800 ft 5.9550 cf'; 403.9800 ft 1.1910 cf 405.2800 ft 6.3520 cf; � 404.0800 ft 1.5880 cf 405.3800 ft 6.7490 cf� 404.1800 ft 1.9850 cf 405.4800 ft 7.1460 cf -- --- -- - -- - 404.2800 ft 2.3820 cf 405.5800 ft 7.5430 cf''� 404.3800 ft 2.7790 cf 405.6800 ft 7.9400 cf j 404.4800 ft 3.1760 cf 405.7800 ft 8.3370 cf� 404.5800 ft 3.5730 cf 405.8800 ft 8.7340 cf� ; 404.6800 ft 3.9700 cf 405.9800 ft 9.1310 cf i 404.7800 ft 4.3670 cf 406.0800 ft 9.5280 cf i -_ -�_ _ - � 406.1100 ft 9.6471 cf' Record Id: CB #5 __ . -- T- --- - ---- Descrip: Prototype Record jIncrement j0.10 ft Start El. ;403.2600 ft Max El. 40 ( - - =-- - - --- Classification Manhole Structure Type 'CB-TYPE 1 Ent Ke �Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflectar _ _ -�--- - - - - ---- - _ __ - Catch 1.4160 ft ZBottom Area 3.9700 sf Condition �Existing I _ ___--- --- _ - --- Stage Storage Rating Curve 403.2600 ft 0.0000 cf 404.5600 ft 5.1610 cf 403.3600 ft 0_3970 cf 404.6600 ft 5.5580 cf I 403.4600 ft 0.7940 cf 404.7600 ft 5.9550 cf 403.5600 ft 1.1910 cf 404.8600 ft 6.3520 cf A-7 403.6600 ft 1.5880 cf 404.9600 ft 6.7490 cf I 403.7600 ft 1.9850 cf 405.0600 ft 7.1460 cf �, 403.8600 ft 2.3820 cf 405.1600 ft 7.5430 cf 403.9600 ft 2.7790 cf 405.2600 ft 7.9400 cf 404.0600 ft'3.1760 cf 405.3600 ft 8.3370 cf 404.1600 ft(3.5730 cf 405.4600 ft 8.7340 cf 404.2600 ft 3.9700 cf 405.5600 ft 9.1310 cf 404.3600 ft;4.3670 cf 405.6600 ft 9.5280 cf 405.8400 ft 10.2425 cf Record Id: 5 Section Shape: ;Circular _ __ ---- ---- -- Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: '0.0130 :Routing Method: Travel Time Translation ;DnNode CB #5 ;UpNode AD#6 'Material Plastic Size i6" Diam Ent Losses 'Groove End w/Headwall - _ _ --, -- -- -� Length 43.0000 ft Slope 0.98% ''Up Invert 403.6800 ft Dn Invert j403.2600 ft Conduit Constraints � Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Mi�' 2.00 ft/s '15.00 ft/s 0.50% ;2.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate O.00OOjnLhr Up Invert ,403.2600 Dn Invert 403.6800 ft � Match inverts. - __- --- - - ------ -- - - - DnNode CB #5 ;UpNode AD#6 Licensed to: .AHBL A-7 iEGFtiI% I ;.a . . . ...... .. .. . . � �._ '� �o��. �.. ._... ..._,.e„_. �I ,:, > _.�.:.r.,.. . I-�. --- ._ -...._ _- - . ;�,���.: , ._.., . . _. _ __... . -. _ '_' -�:� m�E,w � ...�..,. I I���_ -- —__._..__ - _ - I . .---- ---------- _•_t-� .� �E.�r�' - _ ..__ �T .. . , ., _ ,'�j �Q I _� ��„ ,» �" II �� i¢ � � - ', =o�� �.: � . N �� — `� _�� _� �_.. � , , � ' � -� l `fl.�V AFAS JO Ea.f .. �I I � -CITY OF RENTOr � f I ` I I i30JS8 . . . . .r ` ^� '. � I � �r , a . �., , �.. � I i �, � �_ =I � utrite.�c n� � I �_�� F �. . � ,� ;.� . . , .. ,�_-_�� , j i , R. � ..� ... ,. I I I - _ l IJfl�^K�COtSTAi WRRIE � 'I � ZONE% 1^, � J.I ' I .�� I � � 2 I `-I s�j 1C � � I� ,- .,,.'. _ , � . . �. �� �� � � _—__ �..,.o)E.�.-.. . +� RItiG COUNTY �; �...� ��„ � CI7Y OF REb-'TOl�J' � � C':YIVCORPOR.aTED e1REAS i �.,� . 53W88 � � � i30071 �� � �I = E I � �� � ti; e.s�-�--- _ .� � f I , "_ � � � � _� ��, -� I 'I ��ti�r3o.. °r��c.. 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A-2) No. 2—Infiltrarion Facilities(p.A-3) No. 3—Detention Tanks and Vaults(p.A-5) No. 4—Control Structure/Flow Restrictor(p. A-?1 No. 5—Catch Basins and Manholes(p. A-9) No. 6—Conveyance Pipes and Ditches (p.A-11) No. 7—Debris Barriers(e.g.,Trash Racks) (p. A-12) No. 8—Energy Dissipaters (p. A- 13) No. 9—Fencing(p. A-14) No. 10—GatesBollazds/Access Bamers (p. A-1�) No. 11 —Grounds(Landscaping) (p. A-16) No. 12—Access Roads(p.A-17) No. 13—Basic Biofiltration Swale(grass) (p. A-18) No. 14—Wet Biofiltration Swale(p.A-19) No. 15—Filter Strip(p.A-20) No. 16—Wetpond(p.A-21) No. 17—Wetvault(p.A-23) No. 18—Stormwater Wetland(p. A-24) No. 19—Sand Filter Pond(p.A-26) No. 20—Sand Filter Vault(p.A-28) No. 21 —Stormfilter(Cartridge Type)(p.A-30) No. 22—Baffle Oil/Water Separator(p.A-32) No. 23—Coalescing Plate OiUWater Separator(p. A-33) A_g No. 24—Catch Basin Insert(p. A-35} 2009 Surface Water Design Manual—Appendix A 1/9/2009 A-1 APPEI��IX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL,COIvTVEYANCE,AND WQ FACILITIES NO. 5- CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Structure Sediment Sediment exceeds 60%of the depth from the Sump of catch basin contains no bottom of the catch basin to the invert of the sediment. lowest pipe into or out of the catch basin or is within 6 inches of the invert of the lowest pipe into or out of the catch basin. Trash and debris Trash or debris of more than'/:cubic foot which No Trash or debris blocking or is located immediately in front of the catch basin potentially blocking entrance to opening or is blocking capacity of the catch basin catch basin. by more than 10%. Trash or debris in the catch basin that exceeds No trash or debris in the catch basin. '/,the depth from the bottom of basin to invert the lowest pipe into or out of the basin. Dead animals or vegetation that could generate No dead animals or vegetation odors that could cause complaints or dange�ous present within catch basin. gases(e.g.,methane). Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubi�foot in No condition present which would volume. attract or support the breeding of insects or rodents. Damage to frame Comer of frame extends more than'/inch past Frame is even with curb. and/or top slab curb face into the street(If applicable). Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches or Top slab is free of holes and cracks, cracks wider than'/.inch. Frame not sitting flush on top slab,i.e., Frame is sitting flush on top slab. separation of more than'/.inch of the frame from the top slab. Cracks in walis or Cracks wider than Y:inch and longer than 3 feet, Catch basin is sealed and bottom any evidence of soil particfes entering catch structurally sound. basin through cracks,or maintenance person judges that catch basin is unsound. Cracks wider than'/:inch and longer than 1 foot No cradcs more than'/4 inch wide at at the joint of any inlet/outlet pipe or any evidence the joint of inieUoutlet pipe. of soil particles entering catch basin through cracks. SetUemenU Catch basin has settled more than 1 inch or has Basin replaced or repaired to design misalignment rotated more than 2 inches out of alignment. standards. Damaged pipe joints Cracks wider than'/rinch at the joint of the No cracks more than Y.-inch wide at inleVoutlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of inleUouUet pipes. the catch basin at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipes. Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollufion such Materials removed and disposed of pollution as oil,gasoline,concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. InIeUOutlet Pipe Sediment Sediment filling 20�0 or more of the pipe. InleUoutlet pipes clear of sediment. accumulation Trash and debris Trash and debris accumulated in inleUoutlef No trash or debris in pipes. pipes(includes floatables and non-floatables). i Damaged Cracks wider than Yrinch at the joint of the No cracks more than Y.-inch wide at i inlet/outlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of the inleUoutlet pipe. at the joints of the inleUoutiet pipes. A-9 2009 5urface Water Design Manual—Appendix A 1i912009 A-9 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL,CONVEYANCE,AND WQ FACILITIES NO. 5- CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Res�lts Expected When Component Maintenance is PerFormed Metal Grates Unsafe grate opening Grate with opening wider than'/s inch. Grate opening meets design (Catch Basins) standards. Trash and debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20% Grate free of trash and debris. of grate surface. footnote to guidelines for disposal Damaged or missing Grate missing or broken member(s)of the grate. Grate is in place and meets design Any open structure requires urgent standards. maintenance. Manhole Cover/Lid CoverAid not in place Cover/lid is missing or only partialiy in place. Cover/lid protects opening to My open structure requires urgent structure. maintenance. Locking mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by one Mechanism opens with proper tools. Not Working maintenance person with proper tools.Bolts ' cannot be seated. Self-locking covedlid does not work. Cover/lid difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove Cover/lid can be removed and Remove cover/lid after appiying 80 Ibs.of lift. reinstalled by one maintenance person. i� _ � � � i4, � � A-9 1/9I2009 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix A A-10 APPEiVDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL,CONVEYANCE,AND WQ FACILITIES NO. 6-CONVEYANCE PIPES AND DITCHES Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Pipes Sediment&debris Accumulated sediment or debris that exceeds Water flows freely through pipes. accumulation 20%of the diameter of the pipe. Vegetation/roots Vegetationlroots that reduce free movement of Water flows freely through pipes. water through pipes. Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of pollution as oil,gasoline,concrete slurries ar paint. according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surtace oil film. Damage to protec6ve Protective coating is damaged;rust or corrosion Pipe repaired or repiaced. coating or corrosion is weakening the structural integrity of any part of pipe. Damaged Any dent thaf decreases the cross section area of Pipe repaired or replaced. , pipe by more than 20%or is determined to have j weakened structural integrity of the pipe. Ditches Trash and debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Trash and debris cieared from square feet of ditch and siopes. ditches. Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20%of the Ditch cleaned/flushed of all sediment accumulation design depth. and debris so that it matches design. Noxious weeds Any noxious or nuisance vegetation which may Noxious and nuisance vegetation wnstitute a hazard to County personnel or the removed according to applicable public. regulations. No danger of noxious vegetation where County personnel or the public might normally be. Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of poliution as oii,gasoline,concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surtace oil film. Vegeta6on Vegetation that reduces free movement of water Water flows freely through ditches. through ditches. Erosion damage to Any erosion observed on a ditch slope. Slopes are not eroding. slopes Rock lining out of One layer or less of rodc exists above native soil Replace rocks to design standards. place or missing(If area 5 square feet or more,any exposed native � Applicable) soii. A-9 2009 Surface W'ater Design Manuat—Appendix A 1/9I2009 A-1 1 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL,CONVEYANCE,AND WQ FACII.ITIES NO. 11 - GROUNDS (LANDSCAPING) Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Site Trash or litter Any trash and debris which exceed 1 cubic foot Trash and debris cieared from site. per 1,000 square feet(this is about equal to the amount of trash it would take to fili up one standard size office garbage can). In general, there should be no visual evidence of dumping. Noxious weeds Any noxious or nuisance vegetation which may Noxious and nuisance vegetation constitute a hazard to County personnel or the removed according to applicable I public. regulations. No danger of noxious vegetation where County personnel or the public might nortnally be. Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of pollution as oil,gasoline,concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. Gress/groundcover Grass or groundcover exceeds 18 inches in Grass or groundcover mowed to a 'i height. height no greater than 6 inches. Trees and Shrubs Hazard Any tree or limb of a tree identified as having a No hazard trees in facility. I potential to fall and cause property damage or I threaten human life. A hazard tree identified by j a qualified arborist must be removed as soon � as possible. , Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are split or Trees and shrubs with less than 5% � broken which affect more than 25%of the total of total foliage with split or broken foliage of the tree or shrub. limbs. Trees or shrubs that have been blown down or No blown down vegetation or knocked over. knocked over vegetation. Trees or shrubs free of injury. Trees or shrubs which are not adequately Tree or shrub in place and supported or are feaning over,causing exposure adequately supported;dead or of the roots. diseased trees removed. r;��a�,�.� � I. " "•�� - �`�� A-9 1/9/2009 2009 Surface Water Design Manual—Appendix A A-16 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIItEMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL,CONVEYANCE,AND WQ FACII.ITIES NO. 24-CATCH BASIN iNSERT Maintenance Defect.or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Media lnsert Visible Oil Visible oit sheen passing through media Media inset replaced. Insert does not fit Flow gets into catch basin without going through All flow goes through media. catch basin properly media. Filter media plugged Filter media plugged. Flow through filter media is normal. Oil absorbent media Media oil saturated. Oil absorbent media replaced. saturated Water saturated Catch basin insert is saturated with water,which Insert replaced. no longer has the capacity to absorb. i Service Iffe exceeded Regular interval replacement due to typical Media replaced at manufacturers average life of inedia inseh product,typically one recommended interval. month. Seasonal When storms occur and during the wet season. Remove,Gean and replace or install maintenance new insert after major storms, monthly during the wet season or at manufacturer's recommended interval. A-9 2009 Surface 1�Vater Design i�fanual—9ppendix:� 1%9.%2009 .A-35 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet S15 Webdate: 04/03/2015 � King County Department of Permitting & Environmental Review ' 35030 SE Douglas Street, Suite 210 Snoqualmie, Washington 98065-9266 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. 206-296-6600 TTY Relay 711 i Project Name: Maplewood Heights Elementary School Portables Date: 5/21/2015 �ocation: 130 Jericho Ave SE Project No.: U15002051 Activity No.: Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and Clearing greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? profit. Prices are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database. yes _x no If yes, Forest Practice Permit Number: (RCW 76.09) Page 1 of 9 Unit prices updated: 3/2/2015 Version: 3/2/2015 20150521 Renton Bond Quantities Worksheet2.xls Report Date: 5/21/2015 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet S,5 Webdate: 04/03/201� Unit #of Reference# Price Unit Quantit A lications Cost EROSION/SEDIMENT CONTROL Number Backfill &compaction-embankment ESC-1 $ 6.00 CY 118 1 708 Check dams,4"minus rock ESC-2 SWDM $ 80.00 Each Crushed surfacin 1 1/4"minus ESC-3 WSDOT 9-03.9 3 $ 95.00 CY Ditchin ESC-4 $ 9.00 CY Excavation-bulk ESC-5 $ 2.00 CY Fence, silt ESC-6 SWDM $ 1.50 LF 300 1 450 Fence,Temporary(NGPE) ESC-7 $ 1.50 LF Hydroseedin ESC-8 SWDM $ 0.80 SY 200 1 160 Jute Mesh ESC-9 SWDM 5.42.2 $ 3.50 SY Mulch, b hand,straw, 3"dee ESC-10 SWDM $ 2.50 SY Mulch, by machine, straw, 2"deep ESC-11 SWDM $ 2.00 SY Pi in ,tem ora , CPP, 6" ESC-12 $ 12.00 LF Pi ing,temporary, CPP, 8" ESC-13 $ 14.00 LF Piping, temporary, CPP, 12" ESC-14 $ 18.00 LF Plastic covering, 6mm thick, sandba ged ESC-15 SWDM $ 4.00 SY Rip Rap, machine placed; slopes ESC-16 WSDOT 9-13.1 2 $ 45.00 CY Rock Construction Entrance, 50'x15'x1' ESC-17 SWDM $ 1,800.00 Each Rock Construction Entrance, 100'x15'x1' ESC-18 SWDM $ 3,200.00 Each 1 1 3200 Sediment pond riser assembly ESC-19 SWDM 5.4.52 $ 2,200.00 Each Sediment trap, 5' high berm ESC-20 SWDM $ 19.00 LF Sed.trap,5'high,riprapped spillway berm section ESC-21 SWDM $ 70.00 LF Seeding, b hand ESC-22 SWDM $ 1.00 SY Soddin , 1"dee , level round ESC-23 SWDM $ 8.00 SY Soddin , 1"deep,slo ed round ESC-24 SWDM $ 10.00 SY TESC Supervisor ESG25 $ 110.00 HR i Water truck, dust control ESC-26 SWDM 5.4_7 $ 140.00 HR WRITE-IN-ITEMS � see a e 9 Each ESC SUBTOTAL: $ 4,518.00 30%CONTINGENCY 8�MOBILIZATION: $ 1,355.40 , ESC TOTAL: $ 5,873.40 COLUMN: A Page 2 of 9 Unit prices updated: 3/2/2015 Version: 3/2/2015 20��^F?1 R�^+^^ Bond nuantities W�rksheet2xls Reoqrt p�+�' S/21����S Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet N'�Ouaiu: 04/v�i�vio j Existing Future Public Private Right-of-Way Right of Way Improvements 8 Draina e Facilities Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost GENERAL ITEMS No. Backfill&Com action-embankment GI-1 $ 6.00 CY Backfill&Com action-trench GI-2 $ 9.00 CY 150 1,350.00 Clear/Remove Brush,b hand GI-3 $ 1.00 SY Clearin /Grubbin /Tree Removal GI-4 $10,000.00 Acre 0.42 4,200.00 Excavation-bulk GI-5 $ 2.00 CY 94 188.00 Excavation-Trench GI-6 $ 5.00 CY 66 330.00 Fencin ,cedar,6'hi h GI-7 $ 20.00 LF Fencin ,chain link,vin I coated, 6'hi h GI-8 $ 20.00 LF 20 400.00 Fencin ,chain link, ate,vin I coated, 2 GI-9 $ 1,400.00 Each Fencin ,s lit rail,3'hi h GI-10 $ 15.00 LF Fill&com act-common barrow GI-11 $ 25.00 CY Fill&com act- ravel base GI-12 $ 27.00 CY 20 540.00 Fill&com act-screened to soil GI-13 $ 39.00 CY Gabion, 12"dee ,stone filled mesh GI-14 $ 65.00 SY Gabion, 18"dee ,stone filled mesh GI-15 $ 90.00 SY Gabion,36"dee ,stone filled mesh GI-16 $ 150.00 SY Gradin ,fine,b hand GI-17 $ 2.50 SY Gradin ,fine,with rader GI-18 $ 2.00 SY 177 354.00 Monuments,3'lon GI-19 $ 250.00 Each Sensitive Areas Si n GI-20 $ 7.00 Each Soddin , 1"dee ,slo ed round GI-21 $ 8.00 SY 200 1,600.00 Surve in ,line& rade GI-22 $ 850.00 Da Surve in ,lot location/lines GI-23 $ 1,800.00 Acre Traffic control crew 2 fla ers GI-24 $ 120.00 HR , Trail,4"chi ed wood GI-25 $ 8.00 SY I Trail,4"crushed cinder GI-26 $ 9.00 SY Trail,4"to course GI-27 $ 12.00 SY Wall,retainin ,concrete GI-28 $ 55.00 SF Wall,rocke GI-29 $ 15.00 SF Page 3 of 9 SUBTOTAL 8,962.00 Unit prices updated: 03/02/2015 `KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Version: 03/02/2015 20150521 Renton Bond Quantities Worksheet2.xls Report Date: 5/21/2015 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Webdate 04/03/2015 Existing Future Public Private Right-of-way Right of Way Improvements 8�Draina e Facllities Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost ROADIMPROVEMENT No. AC Grindin ,4'wide machine<1000s RI-1 $ 30.00 SY AC Grindin ,4'wide machine 1000-2000 RI-2 $ 16.00 SY AC Grindin ,4'wide machine>2000s RI-3 $ 10.00 SY AC Removal/Dis osal RI-4 $ 35.00 SY Barricade, e I II Permanent RI-6 $ 56.00 LF Curb&Gutter,rolled RI-7 $ 17.00 LF Curb&Gutter,vertical RI-8 $ 12.50 LF Curb and Gutter,demolition and dis osal RI-9 $ 18.00 LF Curb,extruded as halt RI-10 $ 5.50 LF Curb,extruded concrete RI-11 $ 7.00 LF Sawcut,as halt,3"de th RI-12 $ 1.85 LF 5 9.25 Sawcut,concrete, er 1"de th RI-13 $ 3.00 LF 120 360.00 Sealant,as halt RI-14 $ 2.00 LF Shoulder,AC, see AC road unit rice RI-15 $ - SY Shoulder, ravel,4"thick RI-16 $ 15.00 SY Sidewalk,4"thick RI-17 $ 38.00 SY 177 6,726.00 Sidewalk,4"thick,demolition and dis os RI-18 $ 32.00 SY Sidewalk,5"thick RI-19 $ 41.00 SY Sidewalk,5"thick,demolition and dis os RI-20 $ 40.00 SY Si n,handica RI-21 $ 85.00 Each Stri in , er stall RI-22 $ 7.00 Each Stri in ,thermo lastic, for crosswalk RI-23 $ 3.00 SF Striping,4"reflectorized line RI-24 $ 0.50 LF Page 4 of 9 SUBTOTAL 7,095.25 Unit prices updated: 03/02/2015 *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Ve�slOn: 03/02/2015 20,�n��, Rer�,,.,a„nd Q���„f�r�os Wnrlrehcgt2.x�� r RQpa�r n�ra• 5/2�!�n�5 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet ""�°°a`�: °4,�"`�'� , Existing Future Public Private Right-of-way Right of Way Imqrovements &Draina e Facilltles Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost ROAD SURFACING No. 4"Rock=2.5 base&1.5"to course 9 1/2"Rock=8"base 8�1.5"to course Additional 2.5"Crushed SurFacin RS-1 $ 3.60 SY HMA 1/2"Overla , 1.5" RS-2 $ 14.00 SY HMA 1/2"Overla 2" RS-3 $ 18.00 SY HMA Road,2",4"rock, First 2500 SY RS-4 $ 28.00 SY HMA Road,2",4"rock,Qt .over 2500 S RS-5 $ 21.00 SY HMA Road,3",9 1/2"Rock,First 2500 S RS-6 $ 35.00 SY HMA Road,3",9 1/2"Rock,Qt Over 25 RS-7 $ 42.00 SY Not Used RS-8 Not Used RS-9 HMA Road,6"De th,First 2500 SY RS-10 $ 33.10 SY HMA Road,6"De th,Qt .Over 2500 S RS-11 $ 30.00 SY HMA 3/4"or 1",4"De th RS-12 $ 20.00 SY Gravel Road,4"rock,First 2500 SY RS-13 $ 15.00 SY Gravel Road,4"rock,Q .over 2500 SY RS-14 $ 10.00 SY PCC Road Add Under Write-Ins w/Desi RS-15 Thickened Edge RS-17 $ 8.60 LF Page 5 of 9 SUBTOTAL Unit prices updated: 03/02/2015 'KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Version: 03/02/2015 20150521 Renton Bond Quantities Worksheet2.xls Report Date: 5/21/2015 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Webdate: 04/03/2015 Existing Future Public Private Right-of-way Right of Way Improvements 8 Dralna e Facilitles Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost DRAINAGE (CPP=Corrugated Plastic Pipe,N12 or Equivalent) For Culvert rices, Avera e of 4'cover was assumed.Assume erforated PVC is same rice as solid i e. Access Road,R/D D-1 $ 21.00 SY Bollards-fixed D-2 $ 240.74 Each Bollards-removable D-3 $ 452.34 Each "' CBs include frame and lid CB T e I D-4 $ 1,500.00 Each 9 13,500.00 CB T e IL D-5 $ 1,750.00 Each CB T e II,48"diameter D-6 $ 2,300.00 Each for additional de th over 4' D-7 $ 480.00 FT CB T e II,54"diameter D-8 $ 2,500.00 Each for additional de th over 4' D-9 $ 495.00 FT CB T e II,60"diameter D-10 $ 2,800.00 Each for additional de th over 4' D-11 $ 600.00 FT CB T e II,72"diameter D-12 $ 3,600.00 Each for additional de th over 4' D-13 $ 850.00 FT Throu h-curb Inlet Framework Add D-14 $ 400.00 Each Cleanout,PVC,4" D-15 $ 150.00 Each Cleanout,PVC,6" D-16 $ 170.00 Each 18 3,060.00 Cleanout,PVC,8" D-17 $ 200.00 Each Culvert,PVC,4" D-18 $ 10.00 LF Culvert,PVC,6" D-19 $ 13.00 LF 515 6,695.00 Culvert,PVC, 8" D-20 $ 15.00 LF Culvert,PVC, 12" D-21 $ 23.00 LF Culvert,CMP,8" D-22 $ 19.00 LF Culvert,CMP, 12" D-23 $ 29.00 LF Culvert,CMP, 15" D-24 $ 35.00 LF Culvert,CMP, 18" D-25 $ 41.00 LF Culvert,CMP,24" D-26 $ 56.00 LF Culvert,CMP,30" D-27 $ 78.00 LF Culvert,CMP,36" D-28 $ 130.00 LF Culvert,CMP,48" D-29 $ 190.00 LF Culvert,CMP,60" D-30 $ 270.00 LF Culvert,CMP,72" D-31 $ 350.00 LF Page 6 of 9 SUBTOTAL 23,255.00 Unit prices updated: 03/02/2015 *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Version: 03/02/2015 20'�^�" Renr^^a^nd Q ,s Wrr4c���t2.xlc Rppof�n�to� 5/2�i�n�r� Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet weuuaie 041.,.,,�.,..: Existing Future Public Private I Right-of-way Right of Way Improvements DRAINAGE CONTINUEO &Drainage Facilities No. Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Culvert,Concrete,8" D-32 $ 25.00 LF Culvert,Concrete, 12" D-33 $ 36.00 LF Culvert,Concrete, 15" D-34 $ 42.00 LF Culvert,Concrete, 18" D-35 $ 48.00 LF Culvert,Concrete,24" D-36 $ 78.00 LF Culvert,Concrete,30" D-37 $ 125.00 LF Culvert,Concrete,36" D-38 $ 150.00 LF Culvert,Concrete,42" D-39 $ 175.00 LF Culvert,Concrete,48" D-40 $ 205.00 LF Culvert,CPP,6" D-41 $ 14.00 LF Culvert,CPP,8" D-42 $ 16.00 LF Culvert,CPP, 12" D-43 $ 24.00 LF Culvert,CPP, 15" D-44 $ 35.00 LF Culvert,CPP, 18" D-45 $ 41.00 LF Culvert,CPP,24" D-46 $ 56.00 LF Culvert,CPP,30" D-47 $ 78.00 LF Culvert,CPP,36" D-48 $ 130.00 LF Ditchin D-49 $ 9.50 CY Flow Dis ersal Trench 1,436 base+ D-50 $ 28.00 LF French Drain 3'de th D-51 $ 26.00 LF Geotextile,laid in trench, ol ro lene D-52 $ 3.00 SY Mid-tank Access Riser,48"dia, 6'dee D-54 $ 2,000.00 Each Pond Overtlow S illwa D-55 $ 16.00 SY Restrictor/Oil Se arator, 12" D-56 $ 1,150.00 Each Restrictor/Oil Se arator, 15" D-57 $ 1,350.00 Each RestrictoNOil Se arator, 18" D-58 $ 1,700.00 Each Ri ra , laced D-59 $ 42.00 CY Tank End Reducer 36"diameter D-60 $ 1,200.00 Each Trash Rack, 12" D-61 $ 350.00 Each Trash Rack, 15" D-62 $ 410.00 Each Trash Rack, 18" D-63 $ 480.00 Each Trash Rack,21" D-64 $ 550.00 Each Page 7 of 9 SUBTOTAL Unit prices updated: 03/02/2015 'KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. VefslOn: 03/02/2015 20150521 Renton Bond Quantities Worksheet2.xls Report Date: 5/21/2015 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Webdate 04/03/2015 Existing Future Public Private Right-of-way Right of Way Improvements &Draina e Facilitiea Unit Price Unit Quant. Price Quant. Cost Quant. Cost PARKING LOT SURFACING Not To Be Used For Roads Or Shoulders No. 2"AC,2"to course rock 8�4"borrow PL-1 $ 21.00 SY NA NA 2"AC, 1.5" to course&2.5"base cour PL-2 $ 28.00 SY NA NA 4"select boRow PL-3 $ 5.00 SY NA NA 1.5"to course rock&2.5"base course PL-4 $ 14.00 SY NA NA UTILITY POLES 8�STREET LIGHTING Utili ole relocation costs must be accom anied b Franchise Utlll 's Cost EstimatE Utili Pole s Relocation UP-1 Lum Sum Street Li ht Poles w/Luminaires UP-2 Each WRITE-IN-ITEMS Such as detention/water uali vaults. No� WI-1 Each WI-2 SY WI-3 CY WI-4 LF WI-5 FT WI-6 WI-7 WI-8 WI-9 wi-io SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL(SUM ALL PAGES): 39,312.25 30%CONTINGENCY$MOBILIZATION: 11,793.68 GRANDTOTAL: 51,105.93 COLUMN: B C p Page 8 of 9 Unit prices updated: 03/02/2015 *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Version: 03/02/2015 2���n��i Re�tnn Rnnd Qi iantitiqg�A/rr4eF,cot2.XIC Pport n�to� 5/2�i�niF - ------ -------- - -�----- -- -a � -'---r--'--- ----------- "- r---' ----"- -... --r.. .. .. o'----v�a-��---o--'-r----�--=-r---'--r�-'--- �• ----� � HOME NEWS SERVICES DIRECTORY CONTACTSee�Ch Tefms: S28�Ch � . . KCGIS Center www.KingCounty.gov/GIS �___ :�-- �—r_ — - -� ----------- KCGIS Parcel Reports King County Districts and Development Conditions for parcel � Districts and Development 0847100090 Conditions Report � __ ___ �-,..,_ Find Your Council District Parcel number 0847100090 Drainage Lower Cedar River -- ';,� Address 130 JERICHO AVE Basin � � Find Your Watershed SE 98059 Watershed Cedar River/Lake ��� KCGIS Center Jurisdiction Renton Washington � � � � _ — -- -- WRIA Cedar-Sammamish � Zipcode 98059 - _ �� � L! _ - _ � Kroll Map page 810 � PLSS NE-15-23-5 - Thomas Guide 656 '" --- - page Latitude 47.48216 Longitude -122.14571 � King County GIS Center King Street Center 201 S.Jackson St. Suite 706 Seattle,WA 98104 giscenter _kingcounty�gov +47.59909 N Electoral Districts -122.33136 W Voting district RNT 11-3683 Fire district does not apply ___ ___ +47° 35'56.72" King County Cou_ncil district District 9,Reaqan Water district King County Water District -122° 19'S2.90" Dunn 90 (206)477-1009 Sewer district does not apply � Water 8�Sewer district does not apply Congressional district 9 Parks&Recreation does not apply Legislative district 11 district School district Renton#403 Hospital district Public Hospital District No. Seattle school board district dces not apply(not in 1 Seattle) Rural library disVict Rural King County Library King County planning and critical areas designations King Co_unt�z_o_ni_ng NA,check with Potential annexation area does not apply jurisdiction Rural town? No Develooment conditions None __ Water service planning area does not apply �._ Comprehensive Plan um Roads MPS zone 449 Jrban Growth Area Urban Transportation Concurrency does not apply Community Service Area does not apply Management Community Plannin�Area Newcastle Forest Production district? No Coal mine hazards? None mapped Agricultural Production disVict? No Erosion hazards? None mapped Critical aquifer recharge area? None mapped Landslide hazards? None mapped 100-year flood plain? None mapped Seismic hazards? None mapped Wetlands at this parcel? None mapped Within the Tacoma Smelter Non-Detect to 20.0 Plume? ppm Estlmatad Aramk '�., Related resources A-11