HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet for 5/4/2015 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 4, 2015 Monday, 7 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CAIL 3. PROCLAMATION a. Municipal Clerk's Week- May 3 - May 9, 2015 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The first comment period is limited to one-half hour. The second comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and city of residence for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. NOTICE to all participants: pursuant to state law, RCW 42.17A.555, campaigning for any ballot measure or candidate in City Hall and/or during any portion of the council meeting, including the audience comment portion of the meeting, is PROHIBITED. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of 4/27/2015. Council concur. b. City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 1/1/2015 through 3/31/2015, and expiration report of agreements expiring 4/1/2015 to 9/30/2015. Information. c. City Clerk submits petition for street vacation of an unimproved portion of N. 38th St. between Meadow Ave. N. and I-405; petitioner James Tasca, Renton (VAC-15-001). Refer to Administration; set public hearing on 5/18/2015. (See S.o.for resolution.J d. Community Services Department recommends approval of a Job Order Contract (JOC) Work Order with Forma Construction Company (CAG-13-149), in the amount of $350,000 to demolish eight housing units for the development of the future Sunset Court Park. Council concur. e. Community Senrices Department recommends approval of a grant agreement with Public Health Seattle & King County to accept $20,539 for the Renton Farmers Market; and adjust the budget as necessary. Council concur. f. Police Department recommends adopting a resolution authorizing an interlocal agreement with the Renton School district to implement three School Resource Officers over a three year period. Council concur. (See 8.b.for reso/ution.) g. Police Department requests authorization to fill an Evidence Technician position at Step E of the Grade pn53 salary scale, effective 5/16/2015. Council concur. Page 1 of 2 II - h. Transportation Systems Division requests approval of a resolution adopting the City of Renton Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINE55 Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers; Accounts Receivable Collection Contract; Tax Administrative Rules* 8. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Resolutions: a. Set public hearing on 5/18/2015 for James Tasca street vacation petition (See item 6.c.) b. Interlocal agreement with Renton School District for School Resource Officers (See 6.f.J Ordinance for first reading: a. Tax Administrative Rules (See 7.a.) 9. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) 10. AUDIENCE COMMENTS 11. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) COUNCIL CHAMBERS May 4, 2015 Monday, 6:00 p.m. Legislative Update • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk• CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 To view Council Meetings online please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings Page 2 of 2 Denis Law ' �1�Of Mayor _ .� - ,�`SY O , � U � � i � �� S ' - Mayor's Office � �1'roc�dmdtion . ZVFiereas,the office of the municipal clerk, a time-honored and vital part of local government, exists throughout the world; and _ , �GV�cereas,the o�ce of the municipal clerk is the oldest among public servants; and �Gl�Fiereas,the office of the municipal clerk provides the professional link between the citizens,the local governing bodies, and agencies of government at other levels; and �kereas, municipal clerks have pledged to be ever mindful of their neutrality and impartiality, rending equal service to all; and ZVhereas,the municipal clerk serves as the information center on functions of local government and community; and � `GVhereas, municipal clerks continually strive to improve the administratian of the affairs of the office of the munieipal clerk through participation in education programs,seminars, workshops, and the annual meetings of their state, province, county, and international professional organizations; and `fNkereas, it is most appropriate that we recognize the accomplishments of the office of the municipal clerk; � � � . Now, tFierefore, I, Denis Law, Mayor of the City of Renton,�do hereby proclaim the week of May 3-9,2015,to be � �Vlunici aCCler s �Vee p �. � in the City of Renton, and further extend appreciation to our municipal clerk,Jason Seth, and to all municipal clerks for the vital services they perform and their exemplary dedication to the communities they represent. - In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Renton to be affixed this 4th day of May, 2015. � � Denis Low, Mayor , City of Renton, Washington . , Renton Ctty Hall � 1055 South Grady Way • Renton,Washington 98057 • renfonwa:gov i � CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL � � h _ Subject/Title: Meeting: City of Renton Contract Lists: 1st Quarter 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL-04 May 2015 Report Six-month Expiration Report Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: I A. List of contracts fully executed from January 1, City Clerk 2015 through March 31, 2015 B. List of contracts expiring between April 1, 2015 Staff Contact: and September 30, 2015 Jason A. Seth, City Clerk, ext. 6502 Recommended Action: None; Information only. Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Fully executed in first quarter 2015 were 71 contracts, 22 addendums, 21 change orders, 5 (JOC) work orders, and 13 are highlighted as being over 10% and/or$100,000 of original amount. The six-month expiration report shows 57 agreements that will expire between April 1, 2015 and September 30, 2015. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None; Information only. i - - - - - — - , - � ,. Contracts Fully Executed from 1/1/2015 thru 3/31/2015 �p��ract�VO p�uripbQn Oept Orig Corrtr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration ca��-os-orr BergerJAbam Engineers.!nt-Update Prolect Definition Repartfor �w .:��;mo _�,3x�.�oa � z2/32f2oos Strander BIvQ SW 27th Corr#dor lmprovernents Canttactor:(009258�BERGERJABAM ENGtN£ERS!NC _ Supp 7ype Number Date Suppiemental Description` addendum Adden#9-15 02/12/Z015 Adden 89-15-BergerlAbam Engineers,Inc.-Time Extension& construction management services.$11,6i3.00 � Previaus Exp Oate New Ex�s Date 03f31/2Q15 08/31/2015 CAG-09-094 WA State Military Dept- Pubtic Assistance Grant Agreement Fire $0 $0 R 12f 31J20d9 #D09-OA4 to accept monies for reimbursement of disaster Contractor.{2340)WASHINGTON STATE expenses incurred due to the Jan Q9 Storm - Supp Type Number Date 5uppiemental Description � _.... �...._ . . .. -___ . ._ __ _ . .__ ... .._ _ _. .... .. addendum Adden#d-1S Oij15J2p15 Adden#4-15- Wa 5tate Mititary Dept.-Time eactension oniy Previaus Exp Oate Fiew Exp Date OIJ29J2015 OIJ29J2017 CAGii-008 P5R HVAC&Mechanical5ervices-FuU Service Agreement for CS $159,000 $396,116 P 12/31/2013 MethanicatJHVAC Mairttenance at Rentan City Hat[ ($79,500Jyear Contractor:(Obd542}pSR -2 year contract) SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description -_ ..... - - -.. _ _ ..__, ..._ __. _... _ addendum Adden tF3-15 Q1J20/2015 Adden#3-15-PSR Mechanical•Time e�ctension and addfional _ amourn Previous�p date New Exp Oate 12/31(2Q14 22/31J2015 CAG-11-133 Guy F.Atkinson Canstrucfiian,LEC.-Strander Boulevardj5W 27th PW $32,381,159 $13,5$5,912 F 12j31J201� Street EaRension-Phase 1,Segment 2A Confractar:(031H99}GUY F ATKINSOIY CONSTRUCTION � Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description .._ _... . _. ._ - -- - - - change CO#24-15 02/16/2015 CO#24-15-Guy Atkinsnn Construction-additional amaunt CAG-li-192 Johansen E�etava#ing,tnt-Publit Works project-Rairrier Av S{SR PW $i6,032.172 $17,�76�78 P 12j31J2014 167}5 Grady Way ta 5 2nd Street($16,432,772.44)-Thls is a 2011 Enniracior:(034317}JOHANSEN EXCAVATING tNC contract that was signed in 2012. 5upp Type Number Oate Suppiemental t3est�iptian change CO#39-15 02/19J2015 CO#34-15-lohansen fxcavating,lnc.-Change order to increase amount . I pata u of: 4/22(2015 3:41:46PM Printed: 41�12015 Page l af i7 , I \\RVAPP02lEdenReports\��s�5iVe5pecl�Ko�\W�d R�pQrts\CM\contracts_oaecuked.ryt � V Contracts Fuily Executed from 1/1/2015 thru 3/31/2015 ' Co�ract No Description Oept Orig Corttr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration I CAG-12-024 King Conservation District-Kir�Consenration District AgreemeM CS �;:;::_;�,�4 ,a;R�_;$i1$�,�Q R 12/31/2012 for award for knotweed corttrol along cedar river(rev.$89,254.00). Corrtractor:(1534)KING CONSERVATION DIST 4t9 Expires:12/31/2012 Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description _�_._.--_. . _.__ .�__.._Y_ --_____..._...- -------, __. ._.._____.__ �.._..__..-- ---- ----. ---- ---_. addendum Adden#4-15 03/06/2015 Adden#4-15-RH2 Engineering,int-Revise in-kind services grant amounts CAG-12-086 EA/Blumen Consulting Group,Inc-Quendall Terminais EIS CED $39,765 $131,980 P 03/31/2013 Addendum. $39,765.00-Expires:3/31/2013 Contractor.(022723)EA ENGINEERING Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#5-15 03/19/2015 Adden#5-15-EA/Blumen-continuation of work&time extension to 12/31/2015. Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2014 12/31/2015 CAG-12-091 Icon Materials-Taxiway B System Rehabilitation-North Portion PW $2,364,#64 $2,485,533 P 12/31/2013 Contractor:(036552►ICON MATERIALS INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Oexription change CO#9-15 03/04/2015 CO#9-15-ICON Materials-change order for amourrt only (project is completed) CAG-12-132 SRG Partnership,Inc.-Arhitectural Enginering Services for Renton PW $712,910 $1,5d4,052 P 09/SO/2014 Aerospace Training Cerrter. CoMractor:(076706)SRG PARTNERSHIP iNC Supp Type Number Date Supplemerttal Description --- - - - _�_ . . - -- --- — --. . _... addendum Adden#2-15 OS/08/2015 Adden X2-15-SRG Partnenhip,Inc.O-Additional amount for contrad amendmeM addendum 03/17J2015 Adden#2-SSa•SRG Partnership,Inc:Additionat amount for contract amendment-Adding Time Extension to 12/31/2016 Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2014 12/31/2016 CAG-13-021 CH2M Hill-Sunset 7errace Regional Stormwater Facility(SWP PW $179,003 $195,724 P 06/30/2015 27-5292)$179,003-Exp:6/30/2015 Contractor:(012960)CH2M HILL ENGINEERS INC Supp Type Number Oate 5upplemerrtal Description addendum Adden#2-15 03/04/2015 Adden It2-15-CH2M Hill-additionai amount for flow corrtrol and time extension Dit�as oF. 4/22/2015 3:41:46PM Prktted: 4/22/20i5 Page 2 of 17 �Vt��PP02�EdenReportsVeportsWteSpec\renton\Unked R�portsW�lkorxracts_«ecuted.rpt . � - Contracts Fully Executed from 1/1/2015 thru 3/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Currern Amt Ciass Expimtion CAG-13-105 Coast&Harbor Engineering,inc.-Cedar River Gravel Removal PW $992;&QQ _ .��„I�E�„� P 12/31/2015 Projed Grant(Rev:$5,313,000)Pay:$992,599.52 Contractor:(016463i COAST&HARBOR ENGINEERING INC - Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description - _ . __.._- . --- .-. -_ —.. _.._._ ___.._ ..___�_,___. _.. ._. ._.. __ _..__ ---. _... �_____ ,_ . addendum Adden a3-15 02/09/2015 Adden#3-15-Coast&Harbor Engineering-Additional amount for maintenance dredge CAG-13-149 Berschauer Phiilips Construction Co.-1ob Order Contrect- CS $0 �3,594�6$9 P 12/31/2015 indefinite delivery contrad for performing small pubiic works-not Contractor:(Q09439)FORMA CONSTRUCTION/ to exceed$350,000 per job or 4 milifon in total work orders per year(2 year with an option to extend 1 more year) Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Oescription �---..r_.. . _.. .. ._. . __ ____ .. . _. __ _. .__._._._-_,. _... ._. _ ... work order WO#29-15 Ol/29/2015 WO#29-15-City Hall HR 2 Office Remodel-Construd three new - offices in the HR Dept area of City Hall work order p30-15 02/12/2015 WO tf30-15- Forma Construction-Work Order Contract-800 Buiiding Concrete Steps.$38,747.85. change CO#1-15 02/25/2015 CO#1-15-WO q24-14-Forma ConsVuction-Fluoride Building Roof Repairs-Repair water damaged ceiling = work order WO#31-15 03/09/2015 WO fi31-15- Forma Construction-Work Order Contract -Maplewood Park Trestle Bridge.$88,06137 exp:SO/1/2015 work order WO#32-15 03/16/2015 WO#32-15- Forma�onstruction-Work Order Contract-Coulon Dock Light Phase 1$5,003.51-exp:10/1/2015 change CO#2-15 03/23/2015 CO#2-15-Work Order p21-14-forma Construction-additional work on 200 Mill 81dg tenant improvement(Amazing Grace Christian School) work order WO#33-15 03/25/2015 WO#33-15- Forma Construction-Work Order Contract- Highlands New Walkway.$84,093.24-exp:6/1/2015 CAG-13-182 Flernings Holiday Lighting-holiday lighti�g at Gene Coulon CS $75,983 $83,39fi P 12/31/2014 Memorial Beach Park&Piazza Park. Contractor:(026563)FLEMINGS HOIIDAY LIGHTING LLC Supp Type Number Oate SupplemenWl Description change CO#3-15 O3/09/2015 Change Order#3-15-Flemings Holiday lighting-additional amount&time extension. CAG-13-194 APS Survey&Mapping-Consultant Agreement to field-inventory& PW 5191,851 $191,851 P 03/31/2015 map the City's municipal stormwater system Contractor:(005237)APS SURVEY&MAPPING LLC Supp Type Number Date SupplemenWl Description addendum Adden#1-15 03/09/2015 Adden 1�1-15-APS Survey&Mapping/NPDES Permit Project- time extension only. Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 03/31/2015 06/30/2015 Dan as of: 4/22/2015 3:41:46PM Prinbed: 4/22/2015 Page 3 of 17 \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports�SiteSpec�reMon\tinked Reports\CM\coMra�executed.rpt Corrtracts Fully Executed from 1/i/2015 thru 3/31/20I5 CoM�act No Description Dept Orig CoMr Amt CurreM Amt Class Expirafion CAG-13-201 AES lusociates(Eclectic Ekctrical Er�ineering)-construction CS $9,800 $12,800 P 06/01/2014 design documeMs for lighting of Senior Activity Center&Highfand Contracto�:(001118)A6 INC Park Supp Type Number Date Supplemerrtai Description ---.. . - -- ._.. ..---� __._ _. _..- ---- --_ _.__ -..__.__..�. ---- — — -- - _ ---- addendum Adden q4-15 02/23/2015 Adden tf4-15-AES Associates-construction administration services. CAG-13-214 KPG-Highlands to Boeing/Landir�Pedestrian Connection Projed PW $2�,t100 $413,368 P 12/31/2015 Contrador:(042772)KPG INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemerrtal Description �_ _.___ __.�___._.. _... .,_�..._ � _ _ .- -- .-. - ----_.._..�___ _._�. __ ._.___ . - -- -- - addendum Adden#5-15 02/16/2015 Adden#5-15-KPG,PS.-Additional scope of work for project close out. 534,145.15 CAG-13-220 PND Engineers,Inc-Engineering services for design&permitting CS $196,923 $261,261 P 12/31/2015 � services to replace Riverview Park bridge Contractor:(061121a PND ENGINEERS SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description .___..__.- - - - --__ ___ . . _n__. __. _�. _.__. _._. �_._ _..-- -__ .___. . -- - - addendum Adden#4-15 03/27/2015 Adden#4-IS-PND Engineers-additional design costs CAG-14-047 URS Corporation-On-call Architectural&Engineering Services PW $191,500 $252,897 P 12/31/2015 Contrador.(083660)URS CORP SuppType Number Date SupplementalDescription addendum Adden 1t1-15 03/04/2015 Adden#1-14-URS Corporation-Blast fence Project-additional amount addendum Adden ti2-15 03/23I2015 Adden#2-15-URS Corporation-Blast Fence Project-additionai amount$15,000. CAG-14-054 Equity Builders,LLC-Airport Lift Station ReplacemeM PW $5�2,455 . $77$,437 P 12/31/2015 (YVWP-273625)(5672,455.05) Contrador:(024365)EQUITY BUILDERS LlC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description change CO#3-15 01/06/2015 Change Order ik3-15-Equity Builders-add'I stope of wark. CAG-14-065 Quigg Bros Inc-NE 31st St Culvert Repair Project,Replacement PW $652,953 $762,04i P 12/31/2014 Ahernative-Bridge. Contractor:(065158)QUIGG BROS.INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Dexription change CO#6-15 01/15/2015 CO#6-15-Quigg Bros.Inc.-credit for supply amendment Previous Exp Date New Exp Oate 12/31/2014 12/31/2015 change CO l�7-15 02/04/2015 Change Order ttl-15-Quigg Bros,lnc-additional amount for coMract amendme�t. oaa u of: a/W�u 3:41:46PM PriMed: 4/22/ZO15 Page 4 of 17 \VtvAPPo2lEdenRywonsVev�sls�tesaa�renton\UnYcd 8evorts�cM�c«macts«ecuted.rpt Contracts Fully Executed from 1/1/2015 thru 3/31/2015 Contract No Descripiion Dept Orig Comr Amt Current Amt Class Expiretion CAG-14-074 Universa)fietd Services,Inc.-SW 43rd/SE Carr Rd/SE Petrovitsky PW $10,849 $10,849 P 22/12/2020 Rd Corridor Improvemerrts Contractor:(084350)UNIVERSAL FIEL�SERVICES INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental DescripHon addendum Adden qi-15 03/10/2015 Adden#1-15-Universal Field Services-Supplemental Agreement for appraisal review and negotiation services CAG-14-078 Equity Builders,LLC.-Sewer Radio Panel Relocation&Lift Station PW $145,799 $147,000 P 12/31/2015 Improvements Contractor:(024365)EQUITY BUILDERS LLC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description __. ._.�.. __ _ .�.. - __. . .—, --�_. �..,__... .- - — ___. , change CO ttl-15 Ol/06/2015 Change Order ill-15-Equity Builders,LLC-add'I scope of work. CAG-14-079 Northwest Cascade,Inc.-Sunset Community Low impact PW $1,301,143 $1,156,158 P Ol/31/2015 - Development Retrofit Stormwater Green Connection-Water Main Contractor.(056232)NORTHWEST CASCADE WC Replacement Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Descrfption —.. _ _. - - - -- - — - - - . ._ change CO#3-15 02/02/2015 Change Order#3-15-Northwest Cascade,Inc-additional work and time extension. Previous Exp Date New Exp Oate O1/31/2015 09/30/2015 CAG-14-081 Universal Fieid Services,Inc.-Right of Way services for the Logan PW $18,425 $26,637 P 06/30/2015 Av N(N.Airport Way to N 6th St)Improvement Projects Contractor:(084350)UNIVERSAL FIEID SERVICES INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#2-15 02J03/2015 Adden#2-15-U�iversal Field 5ervices-additional scope of services. CAG-14-088 Gary Merlino Construction-Renton Airport Runway Blast Wall PW $1,252,565 $1,155,947 P 12/31/2015 Replacement Contrador:(048830►GARY MERLINO CONST CO Supp Type Number Oate Supplemental Description change CO#1-15 03/OS/2015 CO#1-15-Gary Merlino Construction-Changing by 30 working days change CO#2-15 03/OS/2015 CO A2-15-Gary Merlino Construction- credit for removal of schedule ill change COtt3-15 03/OS/2015 CO#3-15-Gary Merlino Construction-additional charges for archaealogical inadverteM discovery change CO#4-15 03/05/2015 CO tW-15-Gary Merlino Construction-changing by 60 working days Data as of: 4/22J2015 3:41:46PM PriMed: 4/22/2015 Page 5 of 17 \\NVAPP02\EdenReports\reports�5i[e5pec�reMon\linked Reports\CM\coMracts_acecuted.rpt Cor�tracts Fully Executed from i/i/2015 thru 3j31/2015 CoMrad No Descripiion Dept Orig Co�'Amt CuneM Amt Gass Expiratton CAG-14-090 Road Construction Northwe�,inc.•SW 7th St/Naches Av SW PW '�'�`� ' �,� �3 �` Y,,� P O3/31/2015 �� Storm System Improvement Project Corrtractor.(068803}ROAD CONSTRUCTtON NW 5upp Type Number Date Supplemental 0escription __.,___ .-- .._.___,. _� _�____�-- -- ____._..___-----.--___...__�_._--- --__ . _...- --- ---- --,- change CO#2-15 Ol/07/2015 Change Order#2-15-Road Construction Northwest-additiona) scope of servkes. change C01i3-15 02/24/2015 CO�3-15- Road Construction NW -additional amount and time extension Previous Exp Oate New Exp Date 06/O1/2015 12/31/2015 change CO#4-15 03/17/2015 CO It4-15- Road Construction NW -additional amount CAG-14-102 Sound Resource ManagemeM Group,inc.-Solid Waste Rate Model PW $18,100 $32,100 P 12/31/2014 CoMractor:(076055)SOUND RESOURCE MGMT GROUP INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description ------- .- -_ ___ __. __. .. ro---- ._ . .. ___. _.. _-- --__ _�._.____..___ .._. ---- - --. � __ ._ , addendum Adden Ii1-15 O1J22/2015 Adden#1-15-Sound Resource Managemerrt Group,inc.-Solid Waste Contract Cost Analysis&Rate Model Update Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2014 12/31/2015 CAG-14-104 BERK-2015 Transportation Element to the comprehensive Pian CED $32,320 $96,960 P 12/31/Z014 Contractor:(009274)BERK&ASSOCIATES INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#1-15 02/19/2015 Adden#1-15- Berk-2015 Transportation Element to the Comprehensive Plan addendum Adden#i-15 02/19/2015 Adden#1-15-BERK-Additional-2015 Transportation Element to the Comprehensive Plan CAG-14-128 Transportatlon Systems,Inc-replace parking bt lighting at Senior CS $134,560 $138,75b P 02/27/2015 Activity Center. Contractor:(082397}TRANSPORTATION SYSfEMS INC Supp Type Number Oate SupplemeMal Description - - ___ -- --- - -- -- - -- �- ---- change CO#1-15 02/18/2015 CO#1-15-Tranpsortation Systems Inc-Time Extension only Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 02/27/2015 OS/28/2015 change C01�2-15 03/26/2015 Change Order�t2-15-Trensportatlon Systems Inc-increase size of conduit to current code CAG-14-133 Seattle Tree Preservation,inc.-Tree Maintenance Services C5 $182,682 $182,682 P 12/31/2014 Agreemerrt for tree removal and pruning services Contractor:(07330315EATTLE TREE PRESERVATION INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description change CO#1-15 OS/08/2015 CO tt1-15-Seattle Tree Presenration-fime entension o�ly Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2014 04/04/2015 DaU asof:4/22/2015 3:41:i6PM Printed: 4f22/2015 Page 6 of il \UNAVP02\EdenReports�rcPorts�5ite5pecV��\linixd Reports\L�coatracts_executed.rpt i Contracts Fully Executed from 1/1/2015 thru 3/31/2015 Contcact No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt dass Expiration CAG-14-148 King County-IMerbcai Agreement for use of electronic flngerprint Po(ice $0 $0 M 12/31/2999 capture equipmerit. - Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Dexription ...____,___.. _. __.. ___ _._._._ ._ . _ _. __ ..--_ ._.. __.- --- _ . __ nJa(new) O1/12/2015 CAG-14-151 Lakeside Industries,Inc-SW 6rady Way Overiay Project PW $847,339 $847,339 P 12/31/2020 - Contractor:(043292)LAKESIDE INOUSTRIES Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 02/il/2015 CAG-14-153 CivilTech Engineering,�nc.-8ridge Load Rating,Bridge name:NE PW $8,420 $8,420 P 03/31/2015 31st Street Bridge No.2;number Renton-24 Contractor:(016075)CIVILTECH ENGINEERING INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description ___ -- ._ __. -.----- - -. _ _ _._.._._. _. _._ _.. addendum Adden#1-15 03/31/2015 Adden#1-15-CivilTech Engineering,inc.-Extending completion date only. Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 03/31/2015 06/30/2015 CAG-14-160 USDA Wildlife Services-Bird Hazard Mitigation at Municipal Airport PW $34,998 $34,998 P 12/31/2015 Contractor:(083655)USDA,APHIS;GENERAL Supp Type Number Oate Supplemental Description n/a(new) 02/24/2015 CAG-15-001 Otto Rosenau&Associates,Inc.-Emergency geotechnical review CS $3,000 $3,000 P 05/01/2015 of unstable siopes above the Cedar River Trail Contractor:(058570)OTTO ROSENAU&ASSOCIATES�NC SuppType Number Date Suppiemental Description n/a(new) 01/02/2015 CAG-15-002 KPG,Inc.-WMATI Owner's Representative Services PW $74,000 $74,000 P 12/31/2015 Contrador.(042772)KPG INC SuppType Number Oate Supplemental Description n/a�new) 01/12/2015 CAG-15-003 Reid Middleton-Structural&Non-Structural Plan Review CED $iD0,000 $100,000 P 12/31/2015 Contractor:(066451�REID MIDDLETON INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new} 01/13/2015 Oata as of: 4/22/2015 3:41:46PM Printed: 4/22/2015 Page 7 of 17 \\RVAPP02\EdenReparts�tePurts�SiteSpec�reirton\Unked Reports\CM\coMracts_aecuted.rpt � Contracts Full Executed from 1 2 � y /1/ 015 thru 3/31/2015 I Contract No Desc�tption Dept Orig Comr Amt Currerrt Amt Class Expiretion I CAG-15-004 Outcomes by Levy-Legislati�rP consuFting services Court $58,200 $58,200 P 12/31/2015 Contractor:�058621)OUTCOMES BY IEVY LLC Supp Type Number Date Supptemental Description -----... -- -- _.._... , --_. �.__ _ __ . _ _. _ _ - — - n/a(new) O1/12/2015 �, CAG-15-005 Epicenter Services,ILC.-leff Brown-Solid Waste Collection PW $30,000 $30,000 P 12/31/2015 CorKrdct,Policy Development&Technical Assistance Cont2ctor:(024363j EPICENTER SERVICES LLC Supp Type Number Date SupPlemental Description n/a(new) ._ ._ Ol/05/2015 _.. _ . . . ,_ _. _ . [AG-15-009 Washington Transportation Improvement 8oard(TIB)-TIB Grant PW $1,024,750 $1,024,750 R 12/31/2018 Main Avenue South Project-(Rev:$1,024,750.00) Contractor:(1244�WA ST TIB SuppType Number Date Supplemental0escription - - � - _ . n/a(new) 01/29/2015 CAG-15-010 Kolke Consulting Group,Inc.-Structu�al&Non-structurai Plan CED $20,000 $20,000 P 12/31/2015 Review Contrador:(042740►KOLKE CONSUITING GROUP INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 01/13/2015 CAG-15-0i1 Green Effects,Inc.-Landscaping maintenance services PW $7,464 57,464 P 12/31/2016 Contrador:(031470)GREEN EFFECTS INC SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description - - - - - -- ... n/a(new) O1/16/2015 CAG-15-014 Perteet,Inc.-Preliminary Design Phase Sunset Lane PW $14,436 $14,436 P 12/31/2015 Contractor:(061292)PERTEET ENGINEERING INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 01/15/2015 CAG-15-015 Renton Sailing Club-Annuai MOU with the Renton Sailing Club CS $500 $S00 R 01/31/2016 Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) O1/26/2015 Oata as of: 4/22/2015 3:4L•46PM P�iriuM: 4/22J2015 Page 8 of 17 \VryAPPQ21EdenReports�ePortsl�e5pec\renton\Unked IkP�\CM1coMr+cts_aecuted.rpt Contratts Fuily Executed from 1/1/2015 thru 3/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Corrtr Amt CurrerK Amt Class Expiration fAG-15-016 Performance Mechanipl Group-Installation of the HVAC system at CS $78,236 $78,236 P 12/07/2016 the 200 Mill Building Sst floor HVAC Contractor:(061135)PERFORMANCE MECHANICAI Supp Type Number �ate Supp�emental Description . ..__ _.__ . _ — - _ _ _.. ..... . ... . . - - n/a(new) O3/28/2015 CAG-15-017 Creative Fuel Studios(Sheila Cowley�-Consuhant Agreement for Court $27,450 $27,950 P 05/31/2015 - graphic design services for communkations division Contractor.(018968)CREATIVE FUEL STUDIOS Supp Type Number Oate Supplemerrtal Description � -- - -.__ _ _ _ __. _. . n/a(new) OS/22/2015 CAG-15-018 King County Metro Transit-Mnual agreement for purchase of PW $99,756 $99,755 P 12/31/2015 ORCA Business Passport Products.$99,756.00 Contractor:(041608)KING CNTY FINANCE Supp Type Number Date Supp�emental Description ...._ _ . ._ _ . _. . _ -- n/a(new) 02/12/2015 CAG-15-020 Valbridge Property Advisors/Allen Brackett Shedd-Property CS $3,000 $3,000 P 04/10/2015 Summary Appraisal for Fawcett Property Contractor:(011880)ALLEN BRACKETT SHEDD Supp Type Number Date Supplementai Description n/a(new) 02/04/2015 CAG-15-021 Spfritridge Co�structlon-construct a concrete monument at CS $3,950 $3,950 P 03/31/2d15 Meadow Crest Playground Contrector:(076379}SPIRITRID6E CONSfRUCTION INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 02/10/2015 CAG-15-022 Interagenty/Various Cities-PSE Energize Eastside 230kV PW $0 $U M 12/31/2020 Transmission line Projed Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Descripfion n/a(newj 02/20/2015 CAG-15-023 OTAK,Inc-secondary review for environmental&land survey CED $20,000 $20,000 P 12/31/2015 services related to wetlands&streams. Contractor:(058565)OTAK INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(newi 02/11/2015 Oab as of: 4/22/2015 3:41:46PM Printed: 4/22/2015 Page 9 of 17 \\RVAPP02\EdenReportskeports�SiteSpec\rmton\tinked Reports\CM\coMncts executed.rpt � Contracts Fully Executed from 1/1/2015 thru 3/31/2015 CaMract No Description Dept Orig CoMr Amt Currer�t Amt Class Expi�ation CAG-15-024 CM Design Group,ILC.-Grady Way Pavemerrt Preservation Project PW 519,269 $19,269 P 12/31/Z015 Cantractor:(016404)CM DESIGN GROUP LLC SuppType Number Oate Supp(emental Description _--__ ___ - -- ._. .. _____._. ... _ -- --- --- - n/a(new) 02/17/2015 CAG-15-026 RH2 Engineering,Inc.-Water&Wastewater Utility 2015/2016 PW $222,641 $222,641 P 01/31/2017 Generel5ervices Cornractor:t068180)RH2 ENGINEERING INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(newj -- -- p2/20/2015- - - - - _ . _. . _ . CAG-15-027 BHC Consuttants-structural and non-structural plan review CED $20,000 $20,000 P 12/31/2015 Contractor:(009510i BHC CONSULTANTS LLC Supp Type Number Date Supplemerrtal Description I n/a(new) 02/23/2015 CAG-15-029 local Pros Painting&Construction-City Hall Stairwell Painting CS 525,866 525,866 P 12/31/2015 Contraaor.(045210)LOCAL PROS PAI(YTING& ' SuppType Number Oate Supplemental0escription I'i n/a(new) 02/19/2015 CAG-15-030 Design Concepts-professional landscape architedurel design for CS $30,405 530,405 P 12/Ol/2015 Meadow Crest Playground Cortt►actor:(020994)DESIGN CONCEPTS CLA INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 02/24/2015 CAG-15-031 Aquatic Speciaities Services-Pool Spray Garden Feature Repair CS $15,493 515,493 P 12/31/2015 Contrattor:(005305)AQUATIC SPECIAITY SERVICES INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 02/25/2015 CAG-15-033 BERK-2015 Transportation Element to the Comprehensive Plan CEO $4,500 $4,50Q P 12/31/2015 Contrador:(009274)BERK&ASSOCIATES INC Supp Type Number Date SupplemeMal Descriptio� n/a(new) 02/23/2015 Oata as of: 4/22/2015 3:41:46PM P�inted: 4/22/2015 Page 10 of 17 \\�APP02�EdenRepoKs\reports\SiteSpec�renton\Linked Reports\CM\coMrxts executed.rpt n _ II - �� �� Contracts Fuily Executed from 1/1/2015 thru 3/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Corttr Amt Currerrt Amt Class Expiration CAG-15-034 Bravo Ernrironmerttai NW-Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 2015- PW $130,556 $130,556 P 07/31/2015 CCTV Inspection Contractor:(011264)BRAVO ENVIRONMENTAL NW INC Supp 7ype Number Oate Supplemental Description __. - - _ .___.. .., _ �_.. ._____ _.. _. __ n/a(new) 03/04/2015 - CAG-15-035 Narth Coast Realty Advisors-properry appreisal for fietcher parcel CS $2,750 $2,750 P OS/01/2015 #1433100090 Contractor:(056016)NORTH COASf REALTY ADVISORS Supp Type Number Oate Supplementai Description n/a(new) 03/03/2015 _ CAG-15-036 Harbor Power Engineers,Inc.-Electrical Engineering design for CS $7,500 $7,SOQ P 11/01/2015 lighting the sport courts at North Highlands Neighborhood Center Contractor:(032606)HARBOR POWER ENGINEERS INC SuppType Number Oate Supplemental Description n/a(new) 03/03/2015 CAG-15-037 Pioneer Cable Contractors,Inc. -Installation of outdoor lighting at CS $103,526 5103,526 P 07/01/2Qi5 Highlands Neighborhood Park Contrador:(061482)PIONEER CABLE INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental DescripHon n/a(new) 03/04/2015 CAG-15-038 The Transpo Group-2015 Transportation Element to the CED $89,000 $89,000 P 12/31/2015 Comprehensive Plan Contractor:{Og2360)TRANSPO GROUP INC,THE . Supp Type Number Date Supplemental DescripNon n/a(new) 03/04/2015 CAG-15-039 Henderson,Young&Company-2015 Transportation Element to CED $59,430 $59,430 P 12/31/2015 the Comprehensive Plan Contractor:(033573)HENDERSON YOUNG&COMPANY Supp Type Number Date Supplementai Description n/a(new) 03/04/2015 CAG-15-04U Oahn Design,LLC.-Provide interpretive sign at Riverview Park CS $4,526 $4,526 P 09/Ol/2015 ! Bridge(research,text,design,illustrate&fabricate) Contractor:(019811)DAHN DESIGN LLC ' Supp Type Number Date Supplemental�escription n/a(newj 02/17/2015 ', Data�s of: 4/22/2015 3:41:46PM Printed: 4/22/2015 Page 110f 17 \\RVAPP02\EdenReports�reports�SiteSpec\renton\Lioked Reports�CM\coMrects_oxcuted.rpt ' Contracts Fully Executed from i/i/2015 thru 3/31/2015 Contrad No DescripGon Dept Orig Cornr Amt Currern Amt Class Expiration CAG-15-041 CM Design Group-Ouvali Av NE Pavem�nt Preservation Project- PW 5157,T81 5157,781 P 12/31/2015 Design Services Corttractor:(016404)CM DESIGN GROUP LLC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description .._...---_. ...._ __ _. ._ ..__....-- - - - �._. __ _.. .__ _. . . _ _... ._._ n/a(new) 03/05/2015 CAG-15-042 Westem States Fire Protection-Annual fire suppression system CS $2,095 $2,095 P OS/31/2017 inspection. Contractor:(091111)WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION Supp Type Number Oate Supplemental Descripfion - ___-__.._. _ _ _ _ n/a(newj 03/16/2015 CAG-15-043 Widener&Associates-Aerospace Training Center SEPA Checklist PW $17,886 $17,886 P 12/31/2015 preparation. Contractor:(091850)WIDENER&ASSOCIATES Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 03/18/2015 _..- ---. CAG-15-044 All Traffic�ata Services-Traffic CouM services. PW $25,000 $25,000 P 02/28/2016 Contrador.(0019851 ALl TRAFfIC DATA SERVICES INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemernal Description n/a(new) 02/02/2015 CAG-15-045 Quantum CoMracting NorthWest,LLC-200 Mill 8uilding Roof CS $15,611 $15,611 P 12/31/2015 Project-Sprirrt Equipment Moving Contractor:(065120)QUANTUM CONTRACTING NORTHWEST Supp Type Number Date Suppiementai Description n/a(new) 03/25/2015 CAG-15-046 Perteet,Inc.-Sunset Lane-Preliminary Design&Report Phase PW $135,792 $135,792 P O3/31/2016 (Sunset lane&NE SOth StJ.$135,792.00 Contractor:(061292)PERTEET ENGINEERING INC SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 03/26/2015 CAG-15-048 Valbridge Property Advison/Allen Brackett Shedd-property CS $3,500 $3,500 P 06/01/2015 summary appraisal for Ker►yon-Dobson Park Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Descrip0on n/a�new) 03/26/2015 Data u of: 4/22/20i5 3:41:46PM Printed: M22/2015 Page 12 of 17 \1�APP02\EdenReports�►ePorts�5ite5pec�reMo�V.�nked Reports\CMlcontracts executed.rpt I _ — Full Executed from 1 1 2tl15 thru 3 31/2015 _ Contrac#s y / / / Contract No Desc�iptian Oept Orig Contr Amt Currerrt Amt Ciass Expiratinn I CAG-15-849 Valbridge Property AdvisonjAllen Brackett 5hedd-properry CS S3,500 53,SW P a6ioi/2axs � summary appraisal far May Yaitey Meadows danation parcei i Supp Type Number Date Suppiemental Description _ . �_. ._. _ . _ -- n/a(new) + ~ 03/26/2015 ' CAGiS-050 tandau Asso ciates-level 1 Enivironmetnal Assessment far fawcett tS $S,OOd $5,000 P 06/01120i5 II - ProRQrtY Supp Type Number date Supplemental Description n/a(newi 03/26/2015 CAG-15-051 Medtronic Physia Controt,tnc-defibrillator Manitor 5ervices Fire $22,810 $22,820 F 12/31J2015 Contractor.(061760}PHYSIO-CONTROI iNC Supp Type Number Date Suppiemental Oescription n/a(new) 03/30/2015 CAG-15-052 Aquatst Speciaities Scrvices-poal service&rnaintenance at Nenry CS S49,000 $49,� P 12J31J20i6 Mases Aquatit Center Contractar:{{,�Q5305�AQUATlC SPEClAITY SERVIEES INC Supp Type Nurnber pate Supplemental Descriptian n/a(new) 03/27/2015 CAG-25-054 Washington Poison Controt-Crisis line-2015-2016 Numan CS $11,000 $12,000 P 12J33/24i6 Services 6eneral fund ConLract Supp Type Nurnber Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 03(31/2015 CAG-25-055 Washingta�Commurrity Alflance tor Se#f•Heip-law incame& CS 5�0,286 $1Q2$6 F 12J31j2016 Immigra�rt Business Development Program-2015-2016 Human Services Generai Fund Contract Supp Type Number i3ate Suppiementa!�escriptian nJa(new} 03/3112015 CAG-15-056 Valley Cities Counseling&Consultatian-Homeless Outreach-2015 CS 533,000 $33,000 P 12/31/2Qi6 -2016 Human Services Generat fund Cor►tract SuPpTYpe Number pate Supptemertai Descriptian II n/a(new) ��131/2015 Oata as of: �!�/2015 3;42:46PM Prfoted: 4J22J2015 Page 13 of 17 � \1RYAPP42\EdenReports\�rtsl5ite5pec�renton\Linked Reppres\CM\coMraets_ewecuted.rpt I � � Contracts Fully Executed from 1/1/2015 thru 3/31/2015 Contrad No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt dass Expiration CAG-15-057 Ukrainian Community Cer�ter of Wa-Refugee Assistance Program- CS $10,000 $10,000 P 12/31/2016 2015-2016 Human Services Generai Fund Contract Supp Type Number Oate Supplemental Oescription _._ ..___.... _ _ �...___ - - - ._ . . _... _. _ _... . ._ n/a(new) 03/31/2015 CAG-IS-OSS Ukrainian Community Center of Wa-Crisis Family Intervention CS $24,�0 $24,000 P i2/31/2016 Program-2015-2016 Human Services General Fund Contract Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description .u- . . . . _ _._ _____ _ - - — - - n/a(new) 03/31/2015 CAG-15-059 Therapeutic Heafth Services-Drug&Alcohol Treatment-2015- CS $10,000 $10,000 P 12/31/2016 2016 Human Services General Fund Corrtract SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description - _ n/a(new) 03/31/2015 CAG-15-060 South Mental Health-low Income Counseling Program-2015- CS $10,000 $10,000 P 12/31/2016 2016 Human Services General Fund Corrtract Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Oescription nJa(new) 03/31/2015 G1Gi5-061 Renton Ecumenical Association of Churches-REACH-Center of CS $15,000 $15,000 P 12/31/2016 • Hope-2015-2016 Human Servkes 6eneral Fund Contract Supp Type Number Date Supplementai Description n/a(new) 03/31/2015 CAG-15-062 Sound Mer�tal Heafth-Children's Community Support Program- C5 $20,000 $20,000 P 12/31J2016 2015-2016 Human Services 6enerai Fund Contract SuppType Number Oate Supplemental Description n/a(new) 03/31/2015 CAG-15-063 Renton ARe Youth&FAmily Servkes(RAYS)-SPARK T.H.I.S.-2015- CS 530,000 S3d,000 P 12J31/2016 2016 Human Services Geoeral Fund Contract Supp Type Number �ate Supplemental Description n/a(newj 03/31/2015 �ata as oF. 4/22/2015 3:41:46PM Printed: 4J22/2015 Page 14 of 17 \�RVAPP02\EdenReports�reports�5ite5pec�reirtoo\tinked Reports\CM\coMracts_aecuted.rpt _ Contracts Fully Executed from 1/1/2015 thru 3/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Currer�i Amt Ctass Expirafion - CAG-15-064 Refugee Women's Alliance-Case Management&Emergency CS $15,000 $15,000 P 12/31/2015 = Assistance-2015-2016 Human Services General Fund Contract - Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description _._v__..___... . �. _.�.._ _.. . �._. e _. _ _.. _ — - - -..._ - n/a(new} 03/31/2015 CAG-15-065 Renton Area Youth&FAmily Servkes(RAYS�-Counseling Program- CS $10,Q00 $10,000 P 12/31J2016 2015-2016 Human Services General Fund Contract Supp Type Number Date Supplementai Description _ __. _. . ._.._ . �.._ _ .. _ . .. - n/a(new} 03/31/2015 = fAG-15-066 Puget Sound Training Center-Employment&Training Services CS $10,000 $10,000 P 12/31/2016 - SuppType Number Date SupplemenWlOescription _ ... _ _ n/a(newj 03/31/2015 CAG-15-067 Pediatric Interium Care Center-interim care of drug-exposed CS $12,000 $12,Q00 P 12/31/2016 infa nts SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(newJ 03/31/2015 CA6-15-068 King County Bar Foundation-Pro Bono Services Program CS $15,000 $15,000 P 12/31/2016 SuppType Number Date Supplemental0escription n/a(new) 03/31/2015 CAG-15-069 Greater Maple Valley Community Center-DateWise Program CS $12,000 512,000 P 12/31/2�16 Supp Type Number Date Supplementai Descripdon n/a(new) 03/31/2015 , CAG-15-070 Friends of Youth-HeaRhy Start Program CS $22,016 $22,016 P 12/31/2016 Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description _. . _ _ n/a(new) 03/31/2015 Data as of: 4/22J2015 3:41:46PM arimed: a/22/2015 Page 15 of 17 \\RVAPP02\EdenReports�reports�SiteSpec�reMon\Linked Reporfs\CM\coMracts_executed.rpt � Contracts Fully Executed from 1/1/2015 thru 3/31/2015 Cor�tnd No Description Dept Orfg CoMr Amt Currerrt Arnt Class Expiratio� G4G-IS-071 Emergency Feeding Prograrn-Hunger Relief Progrem CS $22,000 $22,000 P 12/31/2016 Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description __.._. _.�.. _ __. _ ._____.__.. -- _.. _ . _._ ._... _ n/a(new) 03/31/2015 CAG-15-072 Hero House Progrem-Psychiatric Rehabilitation Progrem CS $50,000 $l0,Od0 P 12/31/2026 Supp Type Number Date Supplementa�Description n/a(new) _- " 03/31/2015 . _ __ .__ . _._ _ . _ _ - CAG-15-073 Feminist Women's Health Center dba Cedar River Ciinic- CS $22,500 $22,500 P 12/31/2016 Reproductive heaRhcare for low-income women SuppType Number Date SupplementalDescription ..-- - _ . _ _ _ . . . _ n/a(new) 03/31/2015 CAG-15-074 Bridge�isability Ministries-Guardianship Program CS $10,�0 $10,000 P 12/31/2016 Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 03/31/2015 CAG-15-075 Bridge Disability Ministries-Mobility Program CS $10,000 $10,000 P 12/31/2016 SuppType Number Date SupplemenWlDescription n/a(new) 03/31/2015 CAG-15-076 Auburn Youth Resources-Youth Outreach Progrem CS $14,302 S14,302 P 12/31/2616 Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(newJ 03/31/2015 CAG-15-083 Sylvia feder-2015 EMT Instruction&MoMhly Run Reports Fire $20,000 $20,000 P 12/31/2015 Contractor:(079515)SYLVIA FEDER Supp Type Number Date Suppiemental Description _._ �_- - - -- n/a(new) 02/17/2U15 Data as ot. 4/22/2015 3:41:46PM Printed: 4/22/2015 Page 16 of 17 \\RVA7P02\Edenfleports\�rts�te5pec�renton\lk�ked aeports\cM�m�rtracts_oxcvted.rpt - Contracts Fuily Executed from 1/1/2015 thru 3/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiretion LAG-10-002 Renton Community Foundation-Lease for Suite 100 at the Uberty CS 514,400 $14,400 R 07/31J2012 Park Commu�ity Buildi�g$7,200 per yea r for 2 years=$14,400. Contractor:(2327)RENTON COMMUNITY fOUNDATION Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Destription '� __._----.,_..- --- - - �._a. .__ _..__. .�..___ ,.__.__._._._.. . ._ _. . . _w_ . addendum Adden#1-15 03/24/2015 Adden ttl-15-Renton Community Foundation-adjusting monthly , - rental to$733.96 and time extension. = Previous Exp Date New Exp Date _ 07/31/2012 02/O1/2017 lAG-15-001 New Cingular Wiretess(AT&T Wireless)Cell Site Lease-Tiffany Park CS 52,500 $2,500 R 12/31/2025 &Tolling Hilis Water Tank(1 time charge$7,500 then$2,500 per Contractor:(5504)NEW CINGULAR WIRELE55 month) Supp Type Number Oate Supptemental Description n/a(new� � v 02/24/2015 � � LAG-15-002 NW Restaurant Experience-Concessions at Maplewood Golf CS $0 $0 R 03/09/2021 Course Contredor:(5535)NW RESTAURANT EXPERIENCE SuppType Number Date SupplementalDescription n/a(new) 03/20/2015 _ Number of Items Processed: 119 (New Contracts:71; Addendums: 22; Change Orders: 21; Work Orders: 5) Number of Contracts/Leases Affected: 103 � Current Contracu/$Amount Summary: Payable (94) $87,928,248 Receivabie (7) $1,231,430 Miscellaneous (2) $0 Data as of:4/Z2/2015 3:4L•46PM Printed: 4/22/2035 Page 17 of 17 \\RNAPP02\EdenReports�rePats\SkeSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\co�uacts_e�recuted.rpt � Contracts Expiring from 4/1/2015 thru 9/30/2015 Contrad No Oescription Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CAG-13-199 WA State Dept of Ecology -Ecology Municipal5torm Water PW $170,000 $170,000 R 04/03/2015 Capacity Grant(rev:$170,000.00) Contractor:(1255)WASHINGTON STATE CAG-15-020 Valbridge Property Advisors/Alien Brackett Shedd-Property CS $3,000 $3,000 P 04/10/2015 Summary Appraisal for Fawcett Property Contractor:(011880)ALLEN BRACKETT SHEDD - -- ----- _. .---- - CAG-14-046 Karen's Footcare Services-Footcare Service for Senior Citizens CS $900 $900 P 04/25/2015 CAG-OS-118 King County-2009-2011 loint Interlocal Agreement for CDGB funds CS $0 $0 M 04/30/2015 Contrector:(101227)KING CNTY HOUSING&COMM DEV CAG-13-099 Thyssen Krupp Elevator Corporetion-Elevator Maintenance for all C5 553,721 $53,721 P 04/30/2015 City owned and designated elevators.$26,860.56 per year Contractor:(081355)THYSSEN KRUPP ELEVATOR CAG-14-018 Buno Construction,LLC.-Monterey Terrace Water Main PW $775,074 $775,074 P 05/Ol/2015 Replacement Project Contractor:(012164)BUNO CONSTRUCTION LLC CAG-15-001 Otto Rosenau&Associates,Inc.-Emergency geotechnical review CS $3,000 53,000 P 05/OS/2015 of unstable slopes above the Cedar River Trail Contrector:(058570)OTTO ROSENAU&ASSOCIATES INC CAG-15-035 North Coast Realty Advisors-property appraisal for Fletcher parcel CS $2,750 $2,750 P 05/OS/2015 #1433100090 Contractor:(056016)NORTH COAST REALTY ADVISORS CAG-14-048 Benita R.Horn&Associates-Conduct Assessments,establish plan, Court $72,000 , $72,000 P OS/30/2015 provide support for goal of inclusive city Contrector:(009242)BENITA R HORN&ASSOCIATES CAG-14-055 U.S.Dept of Agriculture-Waterfowl Management CS $2,230 $2,230 P 05/30/2015 Contractor:(083655)USDA,APHIS;GENERAI CAG-15-019 Trelstad Enterprises,LLC-Tree Maintenance Services Contract CS $36,644 $36,644 P OS/30/2015 Agreement CAG-14-099 Herrera Environmentat Consultants-Stormwater Management PW $34,856 $34,856 P OS/31/2015 , Program NPDES Gap Analysis Contractor.(033887)HERRERA ENVIRONMENTAL CAG-15-017 Creative Fuel Studios(Sheila Cowley)-Consultant Agreement for Court $27,950 $27,950 P 05/31/2015 - graphic design services for communications division Contractor:(018968)CREATIVE FUEI SfUDIOS G4G-14-083 Sierra Pacific Construction,LLC.-Maplewood Creek/Madsen Creek PW $75,124 $75,124 P 06/Ol/2015 Sediment Basin Cleaning Projed 2014 Contractor:(074685)SIERRA PACIFIC CONSTRUCTION CAG-15-048 Valbridge Property Advisors/Allen Brackett Shedd-properry CS $3,500 $3,500 P 06/Ol/2015 summary appraisal for Kenyon-Oobson Park CAG-15-049 Valbridge Property Advisors/Alien Brackett Shedd-property CS $3,500 $3,500 P 06/Ol/2015 summary appraisal for May Valley Meadows donation parcel CAG-15-050 Landau Associates-Level 1 Environmetnal Assessment for Fawcett CS $5,000 55,000 P 06/Ol/2015 Property CAG-14-082 Everbridge,Inc-Service Agreement for emergency notification and Fire $21,609 521,609 P 06/21/2015 conterence calling serivices. Contractor:(024915►EVERBRIOGE INC Data as of: 4/20/2015 9:13:07AM Printed: 4/20/2015 Page 1 of 4 \\RVAPP02\EdenReports�reports�SiteSpec\reMon\linked Rcports\CM\coiK2cts_expired.rpt Contracts Expiring from 4/1/2015 thru 9/30/2015 ContractNo Description Dept OrigContrAmt CurrentAmt Class Expiration CAG-11-135 Wa Transportation-WSDOT-Rainier Av 5/WSDOT Mohility Grant PW $1,500,000 $2,500,000 R 06/30/2015 ($1,500,000 rev)term:July 1,2011-1une 30,2015 Contractor:(1340)WASHINGTON STATE CAG-12-108 Washington State Department of Ecology-Grant Agreement for PW $644,000 $644,000 R 06/30/2015 Stormwater Retrofit(5644,000 rev) Contractor:(1255)WASHINGTON STATE CAG-12-151 Wa Dept of Ecology-Grant Agreement kG1200545 for Stormwater PW $913,000 $913,000 R 06/30/2015 grant program-HarringtonAv NE Green Connection-Proviso Contrector:(1255)WASHINGTON STATE Funding agreement(rev:$913,000) CAG-12-152 Wa Dept of Ecology-Grant Agreement#G1200544 for Stormwater PW $983,000 $983,000 R 06/30/2015 grant program-Proviso funding agreement(rev:$983,000) Contractor:(1255)WASHINGTON STATE CAG-12-153 Wa Oept of Ecology-Grant Agreement qG1200555 for Stormwater PW $615,600 $615,600 R 06/30/2015 grant program-Proviso Funding agreement(rev:$615,600) Contractor:(1255)WASHINGTON STATE CAG-12-154 Wa Dept of Ecology-Grant Agreement#G1200560for Stormwater PW $206,000 $206,000 R 06/30/2015 grant program-Proviso Funding agreement(rev:$206,000) Contractor:(1255)WASHINGTON STATE CAG-13-021 CH2M Hill-Sunset Terrace Regional Storrnwater Faci{ity(SWP PW $1�9,003 $195,724 P 06/30/2015 27-5292)$179,003-Exp:6/30/2015 Contractor:(012960)CH2M Hlll ENGINEERS INC CAG-13-023 CH2MHil1 Engineers,Inc.-Sunset Community Plan SSIP- PW $212,704 $359,316 P 06/30/2015 Harrington Avenue NE Green Project Contractor:(012960)CH2M HILL ENGINEERS INC CAG-13-129 Department of Commerce-Street lights converted to LED lights- PW $500,000 $500,000 R 06/30/2015 2012 Energy efficiency grant(Rev.$500,000.00) Contractor:(4734)PUGET SOUND ENERGY CAG-13-132 Wa Traffic Safety Commission-Installation of Flashing beacons at PW $7,500 $7,500 R 06/30/2015 Cascade Elementary School Grant(Rev.$7,500) CAG-13-133 Wa Traffic Safety Commission-Installation of Flashing beacons at PW $15,000 $15,000 R 06/30/2015 I McKnight Middle School Grant(Rev.$15,000) I CAG-13-134 Wa Treffic Safety Commission-Installation of Fiashing beacons at PW $7,500 $7,500 R 06/30/2015 Honey Dew Elementary School Grant(Rev.$7,500) i CAG-13-195 WSDOT-Commute Trip Reduction TranspoRation Demand PW $81,272 $81,272 P 06/30/2015 Management Implementation Agreement Contractor:(089300)DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION - . -- - CAG-13-206 Center for Children&Youth Services-Suburban KC Council MOU Court $0 $0 M 06/30/2015 on Gangs Implementation Plan Contractor:(400038)CENTER FOR CHILDREN AND CAG-14-021 KPG,Inc.-Forecasting Development Traffic Impatts in North PW $24,543 $41,718 P 06/30/2015 Renton Contractor:(042772)KPG INC CAG-14-031 Integrated Aquatics-Cedar River Monitoriing 2014 for Cedar River PW $33,778 $41,056 P 06/30/2015 205 Project Contractor:(060581)INTEGRATED AQUATICS CAG-14-049 State of Washington,Salmon Recovery Funding Board&Recreation PW $150,000 $150,000 R Q6/30/2015 &Conservation Office-Project agreement to improve salmon Contractor:(1340)WASHINGTON STATE habitat Data as of: 4/20/2015 9:13:07AM Printed: 4/20/2015 Pdge 2 Of 4 \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\reMon\linked Reports\CM\contracts_expired.rpt � Contracts Expiring from 4/1/2015 thru 9/30/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CAG-14-068 CivilTech Engineering,Inc-Engineering support services for NE 31st PW $34,999 $34,999 P 06/30/2015 St CulveR Replacement Project Contractor:(016075)CIVILTECH ENGINEERING INC CAG-14-069 Sun West Property Maintenance-Window Washingat City Hall- CS $11,300 $11,300 P 06/30/2015 Quarterly Cleaning Contrector:(078998)SUNWEST PROPERTY MAINTENEANCE CAG-14-075 Widener&Associates-environmental services for 5 7th St& PW $11,734 $11,734 P 06/30/2015 Shattuck Av Intersection Project. Contractor:(091850)WIDENER&ASSOCIATES CAG-14-077 Reid Instruments-2014 Water Telemetry SCADA Upgrades for PW $56,320 $56,320 P 06/30/2015 Water facilities Contractor:(066450)REID INSTRUMENTS CAG-14-081 Universai Fie►d Services,Inc.-Right of Way services for the Logan PW $18,425 $26,637 P 06/30/2015 Av N(N.Airport Way to N 6th St)Improvement Projects Contractor:(084350}UNIVERSAL FIELD SERVICES INC CAG-14-147 Dahn�esign-Interpretive design services for signs at Riverview CS $13,447 $13,447 P 07/QS/2015 Park Bridge project. Contractor:(019811)DAHN DESIGN LLC CAG-15-037 Pioneer Cabie Contractors,Inc. -Installation of outdoor lighting at CS $103,526 $103,526 P 07/Ol/2015 Highlands Neighborhood Park Contractor:(061982)PIONEER CABLE INC CAG-95-058 Wa Cornmunity,Trade&Economic Development Trust fund�oan- PW $0 $0 M 07/Ol/2015 Storm Drainage Improvements Contractor:(089191)WA ST OEPT OF COMMUNITY,TRADE CAG-03-041 Wa Transportation-Agreement to obtain HES Grant program funds PW $31,500 $396,000 R 07/23/2015 to make fmprovements at NE Sunset Bivd and Duvall Ave NE Contractor:(1256)WA 5T DOT CAG-13-044 Rodarte Construction,Inc.-President Park Water Main PW $733,004 $733,004 P 07/30/2015 Replacement Project Contrector:(069020)RODARTE CONSTRUCTION INC CAG-14-089 A Advanced Septic Services,Inc.-5.132nd St Sewer Extension PW $213,447 SZ82,274 P 07/31/2015 Contractor:(000151)A ADVANCED SEPTIC SERVICES INC , CAG-14-146 KPG,Inc.-Downtown Circulation Project-Phase 1,Main Av 5& PW $148,819 $148,819 P 07/31/2015 Bronson Way Contractor:(042772)KPG INC CAG-15-034 Bravo Environmental NW-Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 2015- PW $130,556 5130,556 P 07/31/ZO35 CCTV Inspection Contractor.(011264)BRAVO ENVIRONMENTAL NW INC CAG-15-090 KPG,Inc.-Signal Analysis for Gene Coulon Park PW $19,812 $19,812 P 07/31/2015 Contractar:(042772)KPG INC ---- -- - LAG-14-003 Rainier Flight Service,LLC.-800 Building month to month lease PW $30,954 $30,954 R 07/31/2015 (rev:$30,9954 yr) CAG-10-130 Synaptec Software,Inc-Probation System Replacement ASD $17,500 $17,500 P 08/16/2015 Contractor.(07952015YNAPTEC SOFTWARE INC CAG-14-062 Wa Dept of Fish&Wildlife(WDFW)-Agreement for amphibian CS $0 SO M 08/31/2015 species monitoriing at Black River Riparian Forest Contractor:(088194)WA ST OEPT OF FISH&WILDLIFE CAG-14-150 WA Stat Milita &US De t of H m ri -2014 Em r n 7 , e ry p o e Secu ty e ge cy Fire $88,16 $88,167 R 08/31/2015 Mgmt Performance Grant(EMPG) I' - --- Data as of: 4/20/2015 9:13:07AM Printed: 4/20/2015 Page 3 of 4 \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports�5Re5pec\reMon\Unked Reports\CM\controcts expired.rpt Contracts Expiring from 4/1/2015 thru 9/30/2015 ` Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CAG-15-040 Dahn Design,LLC.-Provide interpretive sign at Riverview Park CS $4,526 $4,526 P 09/O3/2015 Bridge(research,text,design,illustrate&fabricate) Contrador.(019811)DAHN DESIGN LLC ' ---- ------ - -- CAG-13-109 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG)-Federal Police $30,206 $30,206 R 09/30/2015 funding for domestice violence diret victim services&coban in-car Contractor:(3136�DEPTARTMENT OF JUSTICE patrol cameras(Rev:$30,206) CAG-14-138 WA Traffic Safety Commission-MOU to provide OT funding for Police $15,700 $15,700 R 09/30/2015 LEA's participation in safety emphasis patrols($15,700 Rev) LAG-09-005 Cricket Comrnunications,Inc -City lease for placing/operating CS $120,000 $120,000 R 09/30/2015 cellular equipment on roof of 200 Mill Bldg.$24,000 x 3 years= Contractor:(3597)CRICKET COMMUNtCAT10NS $120,000 Number of Contracts/leases: 57 Expired Contract Amt: Payable $4,657,665 Receivable 56,392,627 Miscellaneous $0 Data as of: 4/20/2015 9:13:07AM Printed: 4/20/2015 Page 4 Of 4 \\NVAPP02\EdenReports\reports�5rte5pec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\coMracts ezpired.rpt \ I��^� CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL W C � Subject/Title: Meeting: Street Vacation Request, portion of N. 38th St. REGULAR COUNCIL-04 May 2015 between Meadow Ave. N. and I-405 (Petitioner: James Tasca; VAC-15-001) Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: A. Petition City Clerk B. Draft Resolution Staff Contact: Jason Seth, City Clerk, ext. 6502 Recommended Action: Set Public Hearing date of 5/18/2015; refer to Administration. Fisca) Impact: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: On March 26, 2015 a petition was submitted by James Tasca, 14805 SE Jones Rd, Renton, WA 98058, requesting vacation of an unimproved portion of N. 38th St. between Meadow Ave. N. and I-405.The Community and Economic Development Department has verified the petition documents and reports that 100% of abutting property owners have signed the petition. ' STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the resolution setting a public hearing to consider vacating an unimproved portion of N. 38th St. between Meadow Ave. N. and I-405 on 5/18/2015, and refer the petition to the Administration for determination and advisability of the vacation and need for retention of easements. . . . � 1 � � ► . �.` City of Renton � ` o�gY °� , � . PETiTION FOR VACATION 4F ���°z RIGHT-OF-WAY T0: City Clerk • Date: '� �� // s City of Renton Circulated by: t 1055 S Grady Way Address Renton, WA 98057 Phone: Dear Mayor and Councii Members via City Clerk: Emoil: We,the undersigned property owners abutting a certain portion of public right-of-way, respectfufly request the vacation of the right-of-way as described on the attached "Exhibit A" and commonly known as:�dR%G�- 3����1• �/t�a�-1 N,l��ii)ar,� �}ve fo �'�/]`'t�STl4�� ��� (Insert ciosest cross streets and reference the street name,i.e.,NE Bog Street from Bicycle Alley to Slalom Avenue NE.) I/We request a time and p�ace be fixed when this petition will be heard by the City Councii. Of the property owners abutting the area of this petition, % (2/3 or more required)of the lineal frontage have agreed and indicated their joining this petition with their signatures below: I PROPERTY OWNER(S) I Property Identification Number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ (First 10 digits of your 11-digit property[ax account numberJ I Signature: 9 �� �-, % INAME: ��6 I A°��n s S, . I ��n� o�. u ITELEPHONE NUMBE � � Property Identificati _ _ account numberJ I Signature: i 1 NAME: � I ADDRE55: f 1 ICIIY: ZIP: E-MAII: � I TELEPHONE NUMBER: I J W � � _ .�� • • � . . i �� �. AFFIDAV{T OF AUTHORIZATION � � *'To be signed in front of a Notary Public;* I, (Print Name/s) �V� P�� s �• 1 �4 S C}� , declare that I am,or we are: (Check one): �The current owner(s) of the bordering property involved in this petition An authorized representative for the petitioners who are the bordering owners And that the foregoing statements and signatures herein contained and the information herewith are in a!I respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. T�✓1.�- �r ���- �gnature of Owner/Representative) (Signature of Owner/Representative) (Signature of Owner/Representative) (Signature of Owner/Representative) NOTARY STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know of or have satisfactory evidence that ��C�.-�Y��.�, � �G�S CG� signed this instrument and acknowledged it e his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. `\``����\\\\�1 ���r � \ ,�a�H1A R �4 : ..,,, _ �,_,�`gg10N�,iq�,�4��lic'n anc�for the State of Was��'ngton P�r � -�,g '�pTAR~ ��^� i � ,u � � vis i \� � N� q �IVot3r�r (�tint) _ h,�u,Y - � ` �s'W � � a �., �ev � + 1 - 1 �%,���--,,�B;�T„18..�=� _ R1�--�laa K ,������1 WAS\���intment expires: � ����� C Dated: � �� J � **SUBMIT PETITION and FILING FEE TO THE CITY CLERK, 7ti'FLOOR, RENTON CITY HALL** FOR CffY USE: ' � Legal Description � Vacation Area Map Vcinity Map � Public Benefit Facplanation aFiling Fee o_....._�:....,,..a. �...._..,�.....:....�_.:.:,,..�...... �^ . � � � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ctiof & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT D Q��O� ^�.' M E M O R A N D U M ENTOiV DATE: March 25, 2015 MAR 2 5 2015 TO: lason Seth, City Clerk RECEIVED FROM: Bob Mac Onie,Technical & Property Services C1TY CLERK�s orric� SUBJECT: Tasca Vacation Petition We have received and reviewed the above reference petition and find it valid. X More than two-thirds of the abutting property owners have signed the petition. (Approximately 100% of the frontage is represented by those who have currently signed the petition.) The petition does not include the parcel IDs for the adiacent properties. See the red line mark up of the Petition. X The petitioner's maps and (egal description are sufficient. Please ask the petitioner to use the attached le�al description the Map Exhibit is fine. X The petitioner's explanation of public benefit is sufficient. Please request the City Council to set a resolution which fixes the time for a public hearing (pursuant to Section 9-14-3 of the RMC). Since this road is unimproved, there is no requirement to send individual notifications to nearby property owners. Finally, please add the following Department File Number to your indexing information. PRM-25-0064 h:\file sys\prm-property services administration\prm-25-street vacations from 1990 and forward\0064-vac-15- 001\vacation petition verification memo.doc I� 3 ' � l ExHisir A VAC 1S-0Ol LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of North 38`h Street(formerly known as SE 86th Street and platted as Griffith Avenue in C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 2,according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, Page 64, records of King County,Washington) lying easterly of Meadow Avenue North(formerly known as 106�h Ave SE and platted as Kenny eoulevard in said plat) and lying westerly of Interstate 405. Situate in the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 32,Township 24 North, Range 5 East,W.M., in the City of Renton, King County,Washington. I ' �r . . , , . .. � ��- � . Map Exhibit .-� *� E_.— �r � , � . ,f ~� � , � ^ T �`� � ; ; � � . , : r•� , , - -�1erc�r I51ant1r;f _ ' ,, ,-�t�_ ��, ,� � . . _ ..�� - � =, �+ � � '�` , ;r L:.:/ ' . . � _.;. : - . Lr�f�'�' . F��t.S'�Ylh�GTUN' f�.�': . . _ � t I `•`:�_" " . ,, _— � - - I � �Lti� � I ^„'�.., t�., t ' ' = ,~`� � - I r`_{'��� � �J 4 I 't*""- . �! :�,���( t� r^r , - 1 l�•� 1_"��., _/// f i.'f ' '�"���r �-ii 1 � _.,. .�.. _ �, � � r t F CBJa�RiVer ;�-;,�-1•.�} ,it.i �r ,,L ?'!��"_ �.. , � ,-=� 's�:r..!"' . -. .�-�•,:�1� 37t?lWS�S � - 3St?:605GF � Z � W �1 � ti `� Parcel Number { p 3342700570 I �}I ?:!4?:U:1:�)d � 0d W �� � N 38TH ST � �,OCATI�N OF 'j� REQUESTED VACATIO1Mi,'I b � �, � � Parcel Number ~ 3342700630 39T?;UOrgr t ' 3:ral1GU8?: �� � I� ( i : � > CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, SETTING A HEARING DATE TO VACATE A PORTION OF N. 38T" STREET BETWEEN MEADOW AVENUE N.AND I-405(JAMES TASCA, PETITIONER;VAC 15-001). WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about March 26, 2015, pursuant to the requirements of RCW 35.79, petitioning for the vacation of a portion of N. 38th Street between Meadow Avenue N. and I-405, as hereinafter more , particularly described, and the petition was signed by the owners of more than two-thirds (2/3) I of the ro ert abuttin u on the street sou ht to be vacated and same bein described as , P P Y g P g g follows: See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: [A portion of N. 38th Street between Meadow Avenue N. and I-405]. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. That the 18th day of May, 2015, at the hour of 7:00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers at City Hall, Renton, King County, Washington, is hereby fixed as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the above-mentioned petition for vacating a portion of N. 38th Street between Meadow Avenue N. and I-405, which hearing date is not more than sixty (60) nor less than twenty(20)days from the date of passage of this resolution. SECTION I1. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of the time and date of this hearing as provided by RCW 35.79.020 and any and/or all persons interested 1 � . RESOLUTION N0. therein or objecting to this vacation may then appear and be heard, or they may file their written objections with the City Clerk at or prior to the time of hearing on the vacation. �' SECTION III. The City Council shall determine, as provided by RCW 35.79.030, as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine their fair market value of the property sought to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. 4266, and the amount of compensation to be paid by the Petitioner-Owners to the City for such vacation. The City likewise reserves the right to retain an easement for public utility and related purposes. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason A.Seth,City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J.Warren, City Attorney RES.1669:4/10/15:scr 2 � . �� � RESOLUTION NO. Ext��aR A YAC 15-001 LEGAl.DESCRIPTION That portion of North 38"'Street(formerly known as SE 86"'Street and platted as Griffith Avenue in C.D. Hfilman's lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No.2,accarding to the ptat thereof recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, Page 64, records of King County,Washingtonj lying easterly of Meadow Avenue North(formerly known as 306"'Ave SE and platted as Kenny Boulevard in said plat)and lying westerly of Interstate 405. Situate in the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Sectton 32,Township 24 North, Range 5 East,W.M., in the City of Renton, Ki�g County,Washington. 3 I , R �- \ RESQLUTION N�. l�iap �xhibit • .+J � � .� 1 ���� i• �� ' �� ' 1 ' •r/ "�; 'f �' t ': ;' � �- - .tt� �'�� i f + C�Ei�vu� t '•4.j !t +� 4>S "�\ �'�. �� � � I I` ' M t �` � ��' i /� a„ �y ��� ��� � �i t�' 1E � :t ''�- '�1,.'�'i i' � �� t 'k�'� .r � -�ter�er• tslantf �,,, ,��" -;�;:1 ' °:t '"-1; E i_t;,'i'�• , '- =:. _.... ' _ - �� : � � j� + ., � � , ' "1� J�� .�L�.'1..1 ' t.", i.o���+��f��X � .j' J ':•'s 1 1� "t ' N1 e:�c.a�:,rle` ,, ?, - �, ,. . , � ,:_. � 1 � , . 1��19�" ;.,,. t. � --�' � - , � � . ' ` r' `� �Y'�.S`fi�IN'GT014� �� �,�„ �� ':' f�'`�-�,, r.a �t���. . � .�""' `= rr../ `�.�., ` t +, . • : r . . �"". .,�i`' -.� �'' ; , �` � �� .� . . M� •._- ��..,,.'•� .,, . . :i� �y �' , ' � � � . �» � ' , , �•4�„`��y � , �. � �• �•� . , 'ti' .� '�• w�y'�i• � � • T� ; ��r 1r� -�h , a � ,�, . 1 �l�:�����1 f Y ����_ ,,:.,(�`'i"'�� — ' j-� �r'h—+_ .,' 'j �, -.�i t.;ti .F �S '. ,�N ,. '(, ..' . • ��a '� L �'� � Ceda�Rrver �".' _i � .-. _ . �+ . 4- "",i 2}. ':E : 33rttr,�c�ss � xs�,r.rooaca Z - .W � � Parcel Number ,,, .�„�,,,, � 33427045T0 � f� � N 38TN ST ' LCiCATT0�1'OF pG REQUESTED VACATIOIY � a . � ,� O ,.� � Patcel Number " 33427�0630 3.�rt:60rlr !ttf tt�Od?: 4 I c �. CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL � � , Subject/Title: Meeting: Sunset Park Multiplex Demolition REGULAR COUNCIL- 04 May 2015 Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: A. Forma Job Order Proposal #52 Community Services B. Site Map Staff Contact: Peter Renner, Facilities Director, ext. 6605 Recommended Action: Council Concur. Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ $350,000.00 Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ $350,000.00 Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: The City has purchased blocks of land in the Sunset Court area for the development of the future Sunset Court Park. These plots had existing multiplex housing units that were deemed to be obsolete by the seller,the Renton Housing Authority. The City's Job Order Contractor, Forma Construction, demolished four units at a cost of roughly$240,000 late in 2014, making way for a grant-funded storm water detention facility. Approximately half the cost of the demolition was related to asbestos- ' containing material removal. Proposal #52 is to demolish eight similar buildings on the next tract of land to the west. Because the ' asbestos survey showed somewhat less asbestos in some of the units,the cost for this work wilf be $340,082.34. We will have some incidental costs associated with their work, hence the budget of $350,000.00. The last building on the site will be demolished after the completion of the library. It is currently being used as the construction job shack by the Highlands Library contractor. The property will be rough graded and hydro-seeded. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve of a Job Order Contract (JOC) Work Order with Forma Construction Company(CAG-13-149), in the amount of$350,000 to demolish eight housing units for the development of the future Sunset Court Park. � CITY OF RENTON JOB ORDER CONTRACTING proposal NQ 52 . rev.N9 . Sunset 8 Dupleg Demo I date: I 3/13/15 I Icontractor contact: I Lon Weaver I I phone: I 360.280.6650 I I email: I lonw@formacc.com I CONTENTS Work Order Form Scope of Wark Line Item Cost Estimate Site plan ao � ��� a �� FORMA FORMA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1736 4TH AVE SOUTH SEATTLE WA 206.626.0256 l Job Order Contract: CAG-15-149 Work Title: Sunset 8 uuplex Uemo's ProJect Number: 52 LocaUon: Sunset lilvtl IteMon,WA RequestingAgency: CommunityServices Work Order No.: Modiflcation No.: Date of Proposal. 3/13/2015 Completion SChedule:� � JOC Firm:�FORMAConstruction Company � DesCNptlon of Work: Addltional irNormadon can be Iound on the attached Wak Oider Plan Provide all labor,materials and equipment to Demo(8)4plex buildings as per good taith survey by Thertnatech NW,Inc.dated 2/16/15 and per scope of work listed below dated 3/3/15. CSI Summary of Work Ordor kems Listad in Unit Price Book CSI I CSI Dlvlsion Description I B Tota/st I Cindexst I C�oeffic ent I DNisP�AToWI 1 �General Requirements � $146,978� 1.024 � 1.040 � 156,525.69 2 ISite Construction I $85,4901 1.024 � 1.040 � 91,043.43 3 I Concrete I I 1.024 I 1.040 I 0.00 4 I Masonry � I 1.024 � 1.040 I 0.00 5 I Metais I I 1.024 I 1.040 I 0.00 6 IWood and Plastics I I �.o2a I �.oao I o.00 7 IThertnal and Moisture Protection I I 1.024 I 1.040 I 0.00 8 I Openings I I 1.024 I 7.040 I 0.00 9 IFinishes I I 1.0241 1•040 � 0.00 �o Ispecianies I I �.oza I �.oao I o.00 11 �Equipment I I 1.024 I �•�0 � 0.00 12 I Fumishings I I 1•024 � 1.040 � 0.00 13 ISpecial Construdion I $59,1651 1.024 I 1.040 I 63,008.36 14 IConveying Systems I I 1.024 I 1-040 I 0.00 15 IMechanical � � 1.024 � 1.040 � 0.00 16 �Electrical � � 1.024 � 1.040 � 0.00 I I I I I I I I I I � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I � Totai of all items Iisted is Price Book�S 310,577.48 I Work Order Itams Not Listed in Unit Price Book � MateHals � Labor � item Iwork Item Descriptlon Indude type of material, I I I Unit MaYI I I Unit Labor I Item Price(Incl. Na manutacture name,part number,type of work... Unita Qty P�� Labor Hours p�ce negot.Coeff.) 1 I I I 0 I 3 - I 0 I S - I $ - 2 I I I o Is - I o I $ - I $ - 3 I I I 0 13 - I 0 I $ - I $ - 4 I I I 0 I $ - I o I $ - I $ - I I I I I I I � Total of all items not listed in Price Book� s - � Total Work Order Amount� =310,577.48� Washington State Sales Tax(9.5%City of Renton)� ;29,504.86I Total Funding Amount� ;340,082.34� � Approval Signatures: � `' % �� � Date: Notes:1.This Work Order I.IOC Contractor I ' -�''1�i, ��"It-�'V�.__- I 3/13/2015 IProject Manager I I IDenis Law,Mayor I I IAttest:Jason Seth,City Clerk I I � CITY OF RENTON JOB ORDER CONTRACTING WORK ORDER PROPOSAL - SCOPE OF WORK DETAIL PROJECT: Sunset 8 Duplex Demo's Location: 1055 S Grady Way March 13,2015 Renton,WA 98057 Estimated duration: • 1 Weeks Pre con • 8 Weeks Co►�struction • 1 Week Punch list/Demob Description:Provide all labor,materials and equipment to Demo(8)4plex buildings as per good faith survey by Thermatech NW,Inc.dated 2/16/15 and per scope of work listed below dated 3/3/15. General information • The performance of all work will be in accordance with OSHA and WISHA safety requirements.Work in accordance with applicable construction and buildings codes. • The project start date will depend on award notice to proceed • All construction debris will be cleaned up during construction;all debris shall be disposed of off-site. • Final cleaning of the site to remove any remaining debris or materials shall be accomplished at the conclusion of the project. • This is a prevailing wage project. Work Plan • Abatement o Provide all labor,materials and equipment to compete all abatement work at all(8)buildings as per the asbestos survey reports dated 2/16/15 to include any and all permits,reports and completed per city codes and ordinances. o Perform daily job site cleanup and perform final job site cleanup at the completion of your scope of work. • Demo o Provide all permits needed to complete the demo of the structures and utilities. o Provide locates o Complete TESC to include hay bales around site and drain socks. o Disconnect and cap all utilities to the sidewalk. o Coordinate and disconnect of the power to the buildings back to the pole. o Provided water connection,hydrant permit if needed to control dust. o Demo concrete side walk and from the front doors to the main side walk and throughout the property and show on demo site plan. o Demo trees and roots ba11s and all brush at planter boxes next to house. o Demo existing galvanized fencing around the property,lineal foot TBD. o Provide all labor,materials and equipment to compete the demo of all(8)buildings,foundations, slab as per demo site plan. o Grade all areas demoed to be flat and free from holes and uneven surfaces. o Provide hydro seeding on all exposed soil azound site. o Perform daily job site cleanup and perform final job site cleanup at the completion of your scope of work. FORMA CONSTRUCTION COtv1PANY 1736 4TH AVE SOUTH STE.6 SEATTLE WA 206.626.025G . , WORK ORDER PROPOSAL-SCOPE OF WORK DETAII CITY OF RENTON JOB ORDER CONTRACTING Assumptions o All areas work azeas will be cleaz and ready for construction each day for us to start work. o Minimal grading at concrete removal o No backfill included in pricing o All work will be done during normal work hours. Special or potential long lead items • N/A Utility outages • N/A Special traiaing/orientation requirements • N/A Hours of operation • Normal work hours 7:OOAM-S:OOPM Monday-Friday Schedule issues/Milestones • N/A Special security requirements • N/A Closeout/Owner Stock Items • N/A Hazardous materials • See Hazmat report FORMA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1736 4TH AVE SOUTH STE.B SEATTLE WA 206.626.0256 Greg Stroh Sunset 8 Plex Demo ' FORMA CONSTRUCTION - - _- w.«..w. ir� - - ..n�. ueo. w. ea, o.�e CoW �WIiCeC� ONCyYp� Noy purMNy lhil ToOtl TOYI TaW TWI Abatement 01472850 0100 PemYte�ule olthum6,most Giks,madmum PSCAA PanYt 80,000.0 %Job ____1,P00.00 02411918 0810 Selecdva tlemolltlon,�uDbia�handllrq,dumpeler,40 C V.,10�on cepaGty,weekly�enlal,Intludae one dump per week,wat ta Asbeatoe caqaMYrg malaAsls 3.0 Meek 2,580.00 2,580.00 be atlded to tlamditlon cwt. - - - - - - ---- 0lB213�1 2000 Ashestw�WbmeM puiPms�l,woAcer Prolactlon,whda Oody,foot,hsed cow�6 plovee�peaUc P sW4 par men per dry for 20 days(S Man)- - 200.0 FA . _ 2�500.00 _ , 2,500.00 02BY1911 2660.PuOetlw�6alemsnl pupmenl,reapkatw,dnpls uae.ceMOpa _ _ _ 2 per men per Gry tor 20 Asya 200.0 EA 1.380.00 _ ____7,390.00 OYB213�5 0Y10 OSNATsrtlnp,esDs�loesemphrg�PCM�nalyeb,NtO5H7400.mavnum PenanalekmoNtpanalyuit 20.0 EA 1,99000 84.00_--_-_-_ - _2,052.00 02821345 1000 OSF1A TMWp,Claaned�ros sampba 1 per IouUon_ _ ___ B 0 EA 398 00 21.M 417.M 028213�6 1110 OSHA Testlnp,da�n�d uw sertpbs,PCM ur umpls anWyala,NIOSH 7�00,maomum _ 20.0 EA 1,990.00 &520 _ _ 2,05520 02827347 5020 ASDeatw wub p�ckplrq,hentllnp 6 UlapwN,dlapoa�l cheryas,a�ad.h�W,mu Dump faas for�q�Wutw malerieM 145.0 CV 50,750.00 � MLmerill..W� -- - - - --- 9]la1N P,.ytdP4 6fyt4U9 ewitlma Oamo ' 01643920 I WYOC I Rent exuvaWr Aleasl hvtlndb cmNer mounletl 2.6 CY uo�rJtv-ReM oer week I RenW for Fsavala A I 2.0 I x�aek I I I Y2�0.00 I 9.240.00 015�3320 I 03YOC I ReM s�orawtor tllsMl MOr�Wit cnwler mounted 2.6 CV uo�dtv-ReM oer week I ReM�Por Easv�la B I 2 0 I v.eek I I I 8.210.00 I 9.210.00 01543320 I 0720E I ReM ecavNor tlla�M hwlnWic vavAer mounted 2.5 CV uoadN-Claw dvN co�t I Ooentor 1or Exavrior p I 2.01 dm I I I 3.eao.00 I 3 co0 00 07543320 I 0320E I RaM e�rav�lor dluel fwtlnuNc awAar mourMetl 2.6 CV nwdN-Crew U�IN ewt I poerNor ior Eravator B I 2.0 I dev� � - � I -�� - - I � 3 800.00� 3.800.00 Oi 547320 I U3/PC I Rmt a�x�v�ta�tlkhment.bucket thumbe-Rant oa/vwak I ptled�emrM for Eaavator p � - - �-I 2.0 I vwMc I I I 1.M0.00 I 1.M0.00 07647340 I 03�YC I Rem emv�ta�tivnenl.butl�et Mumin-ReM osr wealc I NladwneM fo/Emvaln B I 2.0 I vwek I I I 1.H0.00 I 1.M0.00 • 01549850 I 0700 I ModlW4on or OsmoDNW4on.tlozer.IoeAer.bui�hos or eirawlur.eUwe 750 H.P..uo to 50 mMea I MOD uW AenqO M asaMor A I 2.0 I EA I 195.00 I I 8�0.001 835 00 01543850 I 0100 I ModlWtlon a tlemo0111ratlon.tlozer.IOWer.b�fJdioa or wvala.above 150 H.P..uo ro 50 mYee I Mob aM tlmwD M e�cevala B I 2.0 I EA I 195.W I I 840.001 835.00 &�,br 9l'�u��.,'.rle. 1Y(l W :i W�U� l.i[.r0 iiU Claat anG Grub � 0154J320 I 05509 I Rsnt brwh cNooar tlNssl an�lna 12'cutter M�d 730 HP•Rent osr dav I I 5 0 I dm I I I 7.135.00 I 7.�35 00 016493Y0 I 0550E I Rant brwh chloosr dlewl en:.ine 12"cultar ha�d 130 HP-Crew dailv wet I I 5.0 I Aavs I I I 1.982.00 I 7.882.00 � 31 N 1010 I 7YEO I CIBYd�O 6 0NEM0a.V!!lBAIOViI fAf1aB�1ld�1lB.IE'd'1�ml�eG 8lIId IIII Wdt I 1 15.0 1 EA I 7 7.775.001 I LE75.001 18.850.00 �. ,...a.l,.� .._ 1i ];vli 113L:00 :3UCIVu � Concrete antl aohalt tlemol¢mn �'. 01547320 I 09YOC I Rsnt ssnvNor dia�d hvOraVk vawler mountetl 2 5 CV uoeaN•Rent oer week I ReMN kr Ec�v�tor A I 1.0 I week I I I 1.820.001� 1.8Y0.00 I 015/3720 I 0325E I Rerrt wavdor AInM MtlrauNc aawle�moumed 3.5 CV posptv•Cmv dalN cost I Ooaala fa Fxavalor A I 5.0 I Uara I I I 12170.001 12.270 00 �� 01543320 I 0312C I Rart s�rav�tor�thtl+ment.butlut thumbs•RSM osr w�alc I AttsUiamaM for 6cavala A I 1 0 I week I - I I 720.001 720.00 '�.. 07543320 I W60C i Rerrt bed�hosao�da��S to 80 HP 3l4 CV pwaN•Rant nar week I I 1.0 I xaek I I I 8l5.001 885.00 � 0754]320 I W SOE I ReM DeWwaJo�tlar 46 to 80 HP L4 CY caoaciN-Crew Aa+v cost I I 5.0 I Aavt I I 1.887.00 I 1.837.00 I 01543320 I 04lBC I RSM b�ddios-IoeAar�lhchmenL Mtlnulic��nwner tYOU 11 I W-Rent oar neek I I 1.0 I weelc I I I 850.00 I 850.00 I 075433Y0 I O�EBE I Rent b�dhos�lwdx dUchment.hvtlnUlc lummer 120011 Ib�-Crew tlallv co�l i 1 5 0 I Om I I I lgE.00 I 89E.00 �I 07647320 I 3BB09 I qenL ShovaWeGNo�bucket.7 CV-Rer�t osr dav I � � �� - --� 1 5.0 I dm I I I 407.50 I i07.50 '��. 0164J320 13BBOEIRent.5howVE�ckhosDucket.lCV-Crawd�Wcotl �� � I � I 5.01 dm I I I 347.001 347.00 '� Ot 519850 I 0020 I MobYtz��on or demobNlutlon.Aozer.b�Aar.b�cMhoe or�arvelor.70 H.P.ta 160 H.P.,uo to 50 miea I Mob�nU dano for badc Iwe 1- �� �2,0 I EA I tI8.00 I I 2dt.00 I 430.00 '� t.�..�e�F e��.:�y.nai Cu�w,�ur�.l_lo ���t+i� .�b�tl s.i �i uU•vv General Conditions ���� 01112850 I 0100 I Permib rub o(IhumD.most tltiel,mWmum I a s���p/oarmeM for HyEranit,Power W 4bea � 300.000 0 I%JoD I I I I 8.000.00 II 01311320 I 0160 I FkW osrsonnN.wnsnl uuioow kbore�.werw� I Dust cantrd 2 man 3weaka I 8.0 I xesk I 11.400.00 I I I 11.l00 00 I 07582850 I Ot001TemoonnFandr���..tlWnlink.8'hioh.77a� I I 87501 LF I 1.853751 2.288.251 I 3.920.00 01613J40 I 2200C I ReM daclrk wn.rtor au snoine 5 kW-Rant ox weak 1 I 8.0 I vwek I I I 380.00 I 380.00 01543140 1 B�10D I Rent toYal ooNEN cliemiqi•Rent oer monM I I 2 0 I mnM I I I 388.00 I 388.00 .,«�„a ca.imw,e t��.� �a o,rrs a�r,e,s �.a ne .�,�a.,�i� HauUna a�tl Dumo Feeo Ot S133Y0 5310C Rent kuck.Oumo.1 We.25 ton.1B QV.oavlo�d.450 H.P.-Rent oer waek �Trucldnn de6Aa Wck A 8.0 week I B,650.00 8.550.00 015J3320 5370C Rant Wck.dumo.4 We.251on.1B C.v.owloe0.a50 N.P.-Rent owweek �Tmckhu deM�Wck B 8.0 week I e.550.00 8.550.00 01543320 5310E Ranl truck.Aumo.4 Ws.251on.18 C.V.oMoaA.450 H.P.•Craw daiv cwl �Oorslw for Vudc A 30.0 tlavs I 28.010.00 28.010.00 O75A3320 5310E Renl VurJc.Aumo.4 Ws.25 tcn.18 C.V.oMoM.450 H.P.-Crew daiv wat �OoaMv for huqc B 30 0 tlava I 28.070.00 28.010.00 'I oz���ozo o�oo sdecnw aamaroon.aunw cneroe+,A�Ww uro.n rny,bwmrq corowawn ma�sr+�u.induae.appr�reea oMy emr,a�e a�n,aide wws.roanrq,.na aae 3zo.o �m se.zao.00 I ze.z�o.00 w.ia a.,o aee.�eecv•�.ze-s�o wn 02411920 0500 SNectlre tlertqllUon,dump dmrgea,lyplul urban dly,iedamatlon aU6m,uwel cherpe,IndiMei tlppNq feea oNy �Co-mNqled Aebla poorkg,roohg,tlrywell 300.0 tm 24,800 00 21,600.00 hamYp Awnp feea 14000ef �i oosa��ar)(uo•��•�s�ocr)(aqr a�rnps�er cen�qU tO laq)(15�WIM98.5 Eumpster at 10 tme�3B5 tmel 02�7197 B 0840 SekctNe demditlon,rubW�h haMling,dumpelar,40 C.V,10 ton capadry,weekty reniN,Indude�one dump per week,coat to �Dump�ta rental A for wmingbd debA� 8.0 v,qek 5,180.00� 5,180.00 6e etldeA 10 damWitlon coal. 0247197 B Od10 Selactiva tlemolitbn,rubbia�hantllinp,dumpalar,40 C.V.,10 ton cep�dry,waakly rsnul,Indudes oro dump per v�aelc,w�t ro �Dumpater/enld B for co-rtirpled dab�i� 8.0 waak 5,180.00 I 5,180.00 be�tl0e0 W CemdlGon coat. �.��+yd�,;�n,.,�rrr�>1.�.�� s�iaoi,o re,iaouo nnae000 �raM Tola ]9 i�a T5 ]0.6N BB i!3 B9!60 2Vi 833 t� 3l13/2015 1 of2 r Greg Stroh Sunset 8 Plex Demo FORMA CONSTRUCTION - I CSI Division Labor Mat Subs Equip Other User Total 01 General Requirements 13,054 I 2,266 124,458 7,200 146,978 02 Site Construction 12,311 63,740 9,439 85,490 13 Special Construction 4,376 , 4,039 50,750 59,165 Renton City Cost Index 6,999 Subtotal 298,631 City Renton Coefficient 1.04 11,945 Total Estimate 310,577 3/13/2015 2af2 . � , .. �E� - , .,._y...».e..�. y...... 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JI9 � ____--- --- -- ------- ---------- ------- -- - - t ---------- � --- ---- . --- ------------- - ' ��gend �__.---- --- - C�y and GouMY BoundarY rt Acquisition from RHA �:; �R�,�, Qr�pe Y Parceis Q 1st Floor � � 1st Fioor 4,."" � 2nd F{oor � 1st Fiflor � �ther Buitdings �' Buiid'+ngs ,- COLOR LEGEND �I �Ii�e:in use �� � Yellow:Previously demolished il � <± �:To be demolished ,Y "� �,.��;;; �,. Notes Yeltcwr•flemdiG°�2014 Re�1;pemoittion 2015 g�ue:Save Untii Summe►2a�5 � frum an iMemet mappin9 site and �+�,. This map is a uaer generated stetic output ma or maY not be Cl��f������ F���pt��Division �y tor reterence oniy.Data�eryers that a����«oc�,,,�,Q reiiebie. `�"""""+Finance&IT Division �2� � ('ryt� �28 F�� RentonMapSuppoR�Rentonwa.gav THIS MAP�S NOT Ta SE USED FOR NAVICYAT�ON - WGS t984 Web Mercatoc Auxiliary_Sphere 1211$12d14 � � CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL �q - � , Subject/Title: Meeting: Seattle& King County Agreement Grant REGULAR COUNCIL- 04 May 2015 #CDIP3884— Partnerships to Improve Community Health (PICH)— Renton Farmers Market Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: A. PHSKC Agreement Community Services Staff Contact: Carrie Olson, x7214 Recommended Action: Council Concur. Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ 0 Transfer Amendment: $ 0 Amount Budgeted: $ 0 Revenue Generated: $ 20,539 Total Project Budget: $ 0 City Share Total Project: $ 0 SUMMARY OF ACTION: The City applied, and was subsequently accepted, for a PICH Grant that will allow the Renton Farmers Market (RFM) Coordinator to: 1. Apply for and receive license to accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) electronic benefits transfers (EBT) at RFM. 2. Hire a Farmers Market Food Assistant—SNAP Program for the RFM. 3. Develop a SNAP EBT token program that includes training for all RFM staff and eligible RFM vendors on the processes. 4. Educate SNAP recipients on how to utilize those benefits at RFM. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve a grant agreement with Public Health Seattle&King County to accept$20,539 for the Renton Farmers Market;and adjust the budget as necessary. �-- - __ � Public Health � Seattle & King County COMMUNITY SERVICES AGREEMENT(Govt.) PHSKC Agreement#CDIP3884 This Agreement is between King County and the Recipient identified below. The County department overseeing the work to be performed in this Agreement is the Department of Public Health (PHSKC). RECIPIENT NAME RECIPIENT FEDERAL TAX ID# City of Renton s�-sooiz�i RECIPIENT ADDRESS RECIPIENT CONTACT�EMAIL ADDRESS 1055 South Grady WayRenton Terry Higashimaya Washington98o55 thigashiyama@rentonwa.gov PHSKC DNISION PROJECT TITLE ODIR Partnerships to Improve Community Health(PICH)Renton Fanners Market AGREEMENT START DATE AGREEMENT END DATE AGREEMENT MAXIMUM AMOUNT 5/1/2015 7:00:00 AM 9/29/2015 7:00:00 AM I �20,539.00 IFUNDING DETAILS Fundina Saurce PHSKC Contract# Amount Effective Dates � Federal-CFDA: 93.331 1U58DP005663-01 20,538.64 5/1/2015-9/29/2015 I FUNDING SUMMARY I FEDERAL:$20,539.00 I COUNTY:$0 I STATE:$0 I OTf�R:SO I IS THE RECIPIENT A FEDERAL SUBRECIPIENT FOR PURPOSES OF THIS AGREEMENT? EXHIBITS.The following Exhlblts are attached and are Incorporated Into this Agreement by reference: EXHIBIT A-Special Terms 8�Conditions; EXHIBIT B-Scope of Work; EXHIBIT C-Budget; EXHIBIT D-Invoice; Exhibit E-Certificate of Insurance 8 Endorsement In consideration of payments, covenants,and agreements hereinafter mentioned,to be made and pertormed by the parties hereto,the parties mutually agree that the Recipient shall provide services and comply with the requirements set forth in this Agreement. The parties signing below represent that they have read and understand this Agreement,and have the authority to execute this Agreement.Furthermore,in addition to agreeing to the terms and conditions provided herein,by signing this Agreement,the Recipient certifies that it has read and understands the Agreement requirements on the PHSKC website(http://www.kingcounty.gov/health/contracts), and agrees to comply with all of the Agreement terms and conditions detailed on that site,including EEO/Nondiscrimination, HIPAA, Insurance,and Credentialin�,as applicable. RECIPIENT SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME AND TITLE DATE SIGNED PHSKC SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME AND TITLE DATE SIGNED Marguerite Ro, CDIP Division Director . Approved as to Form:OFFICE OF THE KING COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY (This form is available in altemate formats for people with disabilities upon request.) +w KING COUNTY TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Aqreement Term and Termination A. This Agreement shall commence on the Agreement Start Date and shail terminate on the Agreement End Date as specified on page 1 of this Ag�eement, unless extended or terminated earlier, pursuant to the te�ms and conditions of the Agreement. B. This Agreement may be terminated by the County o�the Recipient without cause, in whole or in part, prior to the Agreement End Date, by providing the other party thirty(30) days advance written notice of the termination. The Agreement may be suspended by the County without cause, in whole or in part, prior to the date specified in Subsection 1.A. above, by providing the Recipient thirty (30) days advance written notice of the suspension. C. The County may terminate or suspend this Agreement, in whole or in part, upon seven (7) days advance written notice in the event: (1)the Recipient materially breaches any duty, obligation, or service required pursuant to this Agreement, or(2)the duties, obligations, or services required herein become impossible, illegal, or not feasible. If the Agreement is terminated by the County pursuant to this Subsection 1.C. (1), the Recipient shall be liable for damages, including any additional costs of procurement of similar services from another source. If the termination results from acts or omissions of the Recipient, including but not limited to misappropriation, nonperformance of required services, or fiscal mismanagement, the Recipient shall �eturn to the Counry immediately any funds, misappropriated or unexpended, which have been paid to the Recipient by the County. D. If County or other expected or actual funding is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way prior to the termination date set forth above in Subsection 1.A., the County may, upon written notification to the Recipient, terminate or suspend this Agreement in whole or in part. If the Agreement is terminated or suspended as provided in this Section: (1)the County will be liable only for payment in accordance with the terms of this Agreement for services rendered prior to the effective date of termination or suspension; and (2) in the case of termination the Recipient shall be released from any obligation to provide such further services pursuant to the Agreement ; and (3) in the case of suspension the Recipient shall be released from any obligation to provide senrices during the period of suspension and until such time as the County provides written authorization to resume services.. Funding or obligation under this Agreement beyond the current appropriation year is conditional upon appropriation by the County Council of sufficient funds to support the activities described in the Agreement. Should such appropriation not be approved, this Agreement will terminate at the close of the current appropriation year. E. Nothing herein shall limit, waive, or extinguish any right or remedy provided by this Agreement or law that either party may have in the event that the obligations, terms, and conditions set forth in this Agreement are breached by the other party. 2. Comoensation and Method of Pavment A. The County shall reimburse the Recipient for satisfactory completion of the services and requirements specified in this Agreement, payable upon receipt and approval by the County of a signed invoice in substantially the form of the attached Invoice Exhibit, which complies with the attached Budget Exhibit. B. The Recipient shall submit an invoice and all accompanying reports as specified in the attached exhibits not more than 60 working days after the close of each indicated reporting period. The County shall make payment to the Recipient not more than 30 days after a complete and accurate invoice is received. C. The Recipient shall submit its final invoice and all outstanding reports within 90 days of the date this Agreement terminates. If the RecipienYs final invoice and reports are not submitted W by the day specified in this subsection, the County will be relieved of all liability for payment to I the Recipient of the amounts set forth in said invoice or any subsequent invoice. D. When a budget is attached hereto as an exhibit, the Recipient shall apply the funds received ' from the County under this Agreement in accordance with said budget. The Agreement may contain separate budgets for separate program components. The Recipient shall request prior approval from the County for an amendment to this Agreement when the cumulative amount of transfers among the budget categories is expe�ted to exceed 10% of the Agreement amount in any Agreement budget. Supporting documents necessary to explain fully the nature and purpose of the amendment must accompany each request for an amendment. Cumulative transfers befinreen budget categories of 10% or less need not be incorporated by written amendment; however, the County must be informed immediately in writing of each such change. E. Should, in the sole discretion of the County, the Recipient not timely expend funds allocated under this Agreement, the County may recapture and reprogram any such under-expenditures unilaterally and without the need for further amendment of this Agreement. The County may unilaterally make changes to the funding source without the need for an amendment. The Recipient shall be notified in writing of any changes in the fund source or the recapturing or reprograming of under expenditures. F. If travel costs are contained in the attached budget, reimbursement of Recipient travel, lodging, and meal expenses are limited to the eligible costs based on the following rates and criteria. 1. The mileage rate allowed by King County shall not exceed the current Intemal Revenue Service (IRS) rates per mile as allowed for business related travel. The IRS mileage rate shall be paid for the operation, maintenance and depreciation of individually owned vehicles for that time which the vehicle is used during work hours. Parking shall be the actual cost. When rental vehicles are authorized, govemment rates shall be requested. If the Recipient does not request govemment rates, the Recipient shall be personally responsible for the difference. Please reference the federal web site for current rates: http://www.gsa.gov. 2. Reimbursement for meals shall be limited to the per diem rates established by federal travel requisitions for the host city in the Code of Federal Regulations, 41 CFR § 301, App.A. Please reference httq://www.qsa.qov for the current host city per diem rates. 3. Accommodation rates shall not exceed the federal lodging timit plus host city taxes. The Recipient shall always request govemment rates. 4. Air travel shall be by coach class at the lowest possible price available at the time the County requests a particular trip. In general, a trip is associated with a particular work activity of limited duration and only one round-trip ticket, per person, shall be billed per trip. Any air travel occurring as part of a federal grant must be in accordance with the Fly America Act. 3. Internal Control and Accountina Svstem The Recipient shall establish and maintain a system of accoUnting and intemal controls which complies with applicable generally accepted govemment accounting standards (GAGAS). 4. Debarment and Susaension Certification Entities that are debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment by the U.S. Government are excluded from receiving federal funds and contracting with the County. The Recipient, by signature to this Agreement, certifies that the Recipient is not presently debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment by any Federal department or agency. The Recipient also agrees that it will not enter into a sub-agreement with a Recipient that is debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment. The Recipient agrees to notify King County in the event it, or a sub-awardee, is debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment by any Federal department or agency. 5. Maintenance of Records/Evaluations and Insaections Rj !t A. The Recipient shall maintain accounts and records, including personnel, property, financial, and programmatic reco�ds and other such records as may be deemed necessary by the County to ensure proper accounting for all Agreement funds and compliance with this Agreement. B. In accordance with the nondiscrimination and equal employment opportunity requirements set forth in Section 13. below, the Recipient shall maintain the following: 1. Records of employment, employment advertisements, application forms, and other pertinent data, records and information related to employment, applications for employment or the administration or delivery of services or any other benefits under this Agreement; and 2. Records, including written quotes, bids, estimates or proposals submitted to the Recipient by all businesses seeking to participate on this Agreement, and any other information necessary to document the actual use of and payments to sub-awardees and suppliers in this Agreement, including employment records. The Counry may visit the site of the work and the Recipient's office to review the foregoing records. The Recipient shall provide every assistance requested by the County during such visits. In all other respects, the Recipient shall make the foregoing records available to the County for inspection and copying upon request. If this Agreement involves federal funds, the Recipient shall comply with all record keeping requirements set forth in any federal rules, regulations or statutes included or referenced in the Agreement documents. C. Except as provided in Section 6 of this Agreement, the records listed in A and B above shall be maintained for a period of six(6)years after termination hereof unless permission to destroy them is granted by the Oifice of the Archivist in accordance with Revised Code of Washington (RCVN) Chapter 40.14. D. Medical records shall be maintained and preserved by the Recipient in accordance with state and federal medical records statutes, including but not limited to RCW 70.41.190, 70.02.160, and standard medical records practice. If the Recipient ceases operations under this Agreement, the Recipient shall be responsible for the disposition and maintenance of such medical records. E. The Recipient agrees to cooperate with the County or its agent in the evaluation of the Recipient's performance under this Agreement and to make available all information reasonably required by any such evaluation process. The results and records of said evaluations shall be maintained and disclosed in accordance with RCW Chapter 42.56. F. The Recipient agrees that all information, records, and data collected in connection with this Agreement shall be protected from unauthorized disclosure in accordance with applicable state and federal law. 6. Comaliance with the Health Insurance Portabilitv and Accountabilitv Act of 1996 (HIPAA� The Recipient shall not use protected health information created or shared under this Agreement in any manner that would constitute a violation of HIPAA and any regulations enacted pursuant to its provisions. Recipient shall read and certify compliance with all HIPAA requirements at http://www.kingcounty.gov/healthservices/health/partnerships/contracts 7. Audits A. If the Recipient is a municipal entity or other govemment institution or jurisdiction, it shall notiiy the County in writing within 30 days of when its annual report of examination/audit, conducted by the Washington State Auditor, has been completed. B. Additional audit or review requirements which may be imposed on the County will be passed on to the Recipient and the Recipient will be required to comply with any such requirements. 8. Corrective Action If the County determines that a breach of Agreement has occurred, that is, the Recipient has failed to comply with any terms or conditions of this Agreement or the Recipient has failed to provide in ry any manner the work or services agreed to herein, and if the County deems said breach to warrant corrective action, the following sequential procedure will apply: A. The County will notify the Recipient in writing of the nature of the breach; The Recipient shall respond in writing within three (3)working days of its receipt of such notification, which response shall indicate the steps being taken to correct the specified deficiencies. The corrective action plan shall specify the proposed completion date for bringing the Agreement into compliance, which date shall not be more than ten (10) days from the date of the Recipient's response, unless the County, at its sole discretion, specifies in writing an extension in the number of days to complete the corrective actions; B. The County will notify the Recipient in writing of the County's determination as to the sufficiency of the Recipient's corrective aetion plan. The determination of sufficiency of the Recipient's corrective action plan shall be at the sole discretion of the County; C. In the event that the Recipient does not respond within the appropriate time with a corrective action plan, or the RecipienYs corrective action plan is determined by the County to be insufficient, the County may commence termination or suspension of this Agreement in whole or in part pursuant to Section 1.C.; D. In addition, the County may withhold any payment owed the Recipient or prohibit the Recipient from incurring additional obligations of funds until the County is satisfied that corrective action has been taken or completed; and E. Nothing herein shall be deemed to affect or waive any rights the parties may have pursuant to Section 1., Subsections B, C, D, and E. 9. Disaute Resolution The parties shall use their best, good-faith efforts to cooperatively resolve disputes and problems that arise in connection with this Agreement. Both parties will make a good faith effort to continue without delay to carry out their respective responsibilities under this Agreement while attempting to resolve the dispute under this section. 10. Hold Harmless and Indemnification A. In providing services under this Agreement,the Recipient is an independent contractor, and neither it nor its officers, agents, employees, or subcontractors are employees of the County for any purpose. The Recipient shall be responsible for all federal and/or state tax, industrial insurance, and Social Security liability that may result from the perFormance of and compensation for these services and shall make no claim of career service or civil service rights which may accrue to a County employee under state or local law. The County assumes no responsibility for the payment of any compensation, wages, benefits, or taxes, by, or on behalf of the Recipient, its employees, subcontractors, and/or others by reason of this Agreement. The Recipient shall protect, indemnify, and save harmless the County, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, costs, and/or losses whatsoever occurring or resulting from (1) the RecipienYs failure to pay any such compensation, wages, benefits, or taxes, and/or(2) the supplying to the Recipient of work, services, materials, or supplies by Recipient employees or other suppliers in connection with or support of the performance of this Agreement. B. The Recipient further agrees that it is financially responsible for and will repay the County all indicated amounts following an audit exception which occurs due to the negligence, intentional act, and/or failure, for any reason, to comply with the terms of this Agreement by the Recipient, its officers, employees, agents, or subcontractors. This duty to repay the County shall not be diminished or extinguished by the prior termination of the Agreement pursuant to the Term and Termination section. C. The Recipient shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County, its officers, employees, and agents from any and all costs, claims,judgments, and/or awards of damages, arising out of, or in any way resulting from, the negligent acts or omissions of the Recipient, its officers, employees, sub-awardees and/or agents in its performance or non-performance of its � obligations under this Agreement. In the event the County incurs any judgment, award, and/or cost arising therefrom including attomeys'fees to enforce the provisions of this article, all such fees, expenses, and costs shall be recoverable from the Recipient. D. The County shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Recipient, its officers, employees, and agents from any and all costs, claims,judgments, and/or awards of damages, arising out of, or in any way resulting from, the negligent acts or omissions of the County, its officers, employees, or agents in its performance or non-perFormance of its obligations under this Agreement. In the event the Recipient incurs any judgment, award, and/or cost arising therefrom including attomeys'fees to enforce the provisions of this article, all such fees, expenses, and costs shall be recoverable from the County. E. Claims shall include, but not be limited to, assertions that use or transfer of software, book, document, report, film, tape, or sound reproduction or material of any kind, delivered hereunder, constitutes an infringement of any copyright, patent, trademark, trade name, and/or otherwise results in unfair trade practice. F. Nothing contained within this provision shall affect and/or alter the application of any other provision contained within this Agreement. G. The indemnification, protection, defense and save harmless obligations contained herein shall sunrive the expiration, abandonment or termination of this Agreement. 11. Insurance Reauirements By the date of execution of this Agreement, the Recipient shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from, or in connection with, the performance of work hereunder by the Recipient, its agents, representatives, employees, and/or sub-awardees. The costs of such insurance shall be paid by the Recipient or sub-awardee. The Recipient may furnish separate certificates of insurance and policy endorsements for each sub-awardee as evidence of compliance with the insurance requirements of this Agreement. The Recipient is responsible for ensuring compliance with all of the insurance requirements stated herein. Failure by the Recipient, its agents, employees, officers, sub- awardee, providers, and/or provider sub-awardees to comply with the insurance requirements stated herein shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement. Specific coverages and requirements are at http://www.kingcounty.gov/healthservices/health/partnerships/contracts; Recipients shall read and provide required insurance documentation prior to the signing of this Agreement. 12. Assianment/Subaareements A. The Recipient shall not assign or sub-award any portion of this Agreement or transfer or assign any claim arising pursuant to this Agreement without the written consent of the County. Said consent must be sought in writing by the Recipient not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of any proposed assignment. B. "Sub-agreement"shall mean any agreement between the Recipient and a sub-awardee or befinreen sub-awardees that is based on this Agreement, provided that the term "sub-awardee" does not include the purchase of(1) support services not related to the subject matter of this Agreement, or(2) supplies. C. The Recipient shall include Se�tions 2.D., 2.E., 3, 4, 5, 6, 10.A., 10.B., 10.G., 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, and the Funder's Special Terms and Conditions, if attached, in every sub- agreement that relates to the subject matter of this Agreement. D. The Recipient agrees to include the following tanguage verbatim in every sub-agreement for services which relate to the subject matter of this Agreement: "Sub-awardee shall protect, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless King County, its officers, employees and agents from any and all costs, claims,judgments, and/or awards of damages arising out of, or in any way resulting from the negligent act or omissions of sub-awardee, its officers, employees, and/or agents in connection with or in support of this Agreement. Sub- awardee expressly agrees and understands that King County is a third party beneficiary to this Agreement and shall have the right to bring an action against sub-awardee to enforce the provisions of this paragraph." 13. Nondiscrimination and Equal Emplovment Oqportunitv The Recipient shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws regarding discrimination, including those set forth in this Section. During performance of the Agreement, the Recipient agrees that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of the employee or applicant's sex, race, color, marital status, national origin, religious affiliation, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or age except by minimum age and retirement provisions, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification. The Recipient will make equal employment opportunity efforts to ensure that applicants and employees are treated, without regard to their sex, race, color, marital status, national origin, religious affiliation, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or age. Additional requirements are at http://www.kingcounty.gov/healthservices/health/partnerships/contracts; Recipients shall read and certify compliance. 14. Conflict of Interest A. The Recipient agrees to comply with applicable provisions of K.C.C. 3.04. Failure to comply with such requirements shall be a material breach of this Agreement, and may result in termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section II and subject the Recipient to the remedies stated therein, or otherwise available to the County at law or in equity. B. The Recipient agrees, pursuant to KCC 3.04.060, that it will not willfully attempt to secure preferential treatment in its dealings with the County by offering any valuable consideration, thing of value or gift, whether in the form of services, loan, thing or promise, in any form to any county official or employee. The Recipient acknowledges that if it is found to have violated the prohibition found in this paragraph, its current Agreements with the county will be cancelled and it shall not be able to bid on any county Agreement for a period of two years. C. The Recipient acknowledges that for one year after leaving County employment, a former County employee may not have a financial or beneficial interest in an agreement or grant that was planned, authorized, or funded by a County action in which the former County employee participated during County employment. Recipient shall identify at the time of offer current or former County employees involved in the preparation of proposals or the anticipated performance of Work if awarded the Agreement. Failure to identify current or former County employees involved in this transaction may result in the County's denying or terminating this Agreement.After Agreement award, the Recipient is responsible for notifying the County's Project Manager of current or former County employees who may become involved in the Agreement any time during the term of the Agreement. 15. Equipment Purchase, Maintenance, and Ownershia A. The Recipient agrees that any equipment purchased, in whole or in part,with Agreement funds at a cost of$5,000 per item or more,when the purchase of such equipment is reimbursable as an Agreement budget item, is upon its purchase or receipt the prope,rty of the County and/or federal/state government. The Recipient shall be responsible for all such property, including the proper care and maintenance of the equipment. B. The Recipient shall ensure that all such equipment will be returned to the County or federal/state govemment upon termination of this Agreement unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties. 16. Proprietarv Riqhts The parties to this Agreement hereby mutually agree that if any patentable or copyrightable material or article should result from the work described herein, all rights accruing from such material or article shall be the sole property of the party that produces such material or article. If any patentable or copyrightable material or article should result from the work described herein and is jointly produced by both parties, all rights accruing from such material or article shall be owned in accordance with US Patent Law. Each party agrees to and does hereby grant to the other party irrevocable, nonexclusive, and royalty-free license to use, according to law, any material or article ', and use any method that may be developed as part of the work under this Agreement. j The foregoing products license shall not apply to existing training materials, consulting aids, checklists, and other materials and documents of the Recipient which are modified for use in the performance of this Agreement. The foregoing provisions of this section shall not apply to existing training materials, consulting aids, checklists, and other materials and documents of the Recipient that are not modified for use in the ' perFormance of this Agreement. ', 17. Political Activitv Prohibited ��, None of the funds, materials, property, or services provided directly or indirectly under this � Agreement shall be used for any partisan political activity or to further the election or defeat of any candidate for public office. 18. Kinct Countv Recvcled Product Procurement Policv In accordance with King County Code 18.20,the Recipient shall use recycled paper, and both sides of sheets of paper whenever practicable, when submitting proposals, reports, and invoices, if paper copies are required. 19. Future Suaaort The County makes no commitment to support the services awarded for herein and assumes no obligation for future support of the activity awarded herein except as expressly set forth in this Agreement. . 20. Entire AqreementlWaiver of Default The parties agree that this Agreement is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral or written representations or understandings not incorporated herein are excluded. Both parties recognize that time is of the essence in the performance of the provisions of this Agreement. Waiver of any default shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent default. Waiver or breach of any provision of the Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of the Agreement unless stated to be such through written approval by the County, which shall be attached to the original Agreement. 21. Amendments Either party may request changes to this Agreement. Proposed changes which are mutually agreed upon shall be incorporated by written amendments to this Agreement. Changes to the County's Agreement numbering system or fund source may be made unilaterally by the County and without the need for amendment of this Agreement. The Recipient shall be notified in writing of any changes in the Agreement number or fund source assigned by the County; provided, however, that the total compensation allocated by the County through this Agreement does not change. 22. Notices Whenever this Agreement provides for notice to be provided by one party to another, such notice shall be in writing and directed to the chief executive office of the Recipient and the project representative of the County department specified on page one of this Agreement. Any time within which a party must take some action shall be computed from the date that the notice is received by said party. 23. Services Provided in Accordance with Law and Rule and Repulation The Recipient and any sub-awardee agree to abide by the laws of the state of Washington, rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and regulations of the state and federal govemments, as applicable,which control disposition of funds granted under this Agreement, all of which are incorporated herein by reference. In the event that there is a conflict befinreen any of the language contained in any exhibit or attachment to this Agreement, the language in the Agreement shall have control over the language contained in the exhibit or the attachment, unless the parties affirmatively agree in writing to the contrary. 24. Apqlicable Law This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The venue for any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for King County, Washington. 25. Electronic Processinp and Siqnatures The parties agree that this Agreement may be processed and signed electronically,which if done so,will be subject to additional terms and conditions found at https://www.docusiqn.comlcompanvlterms-of-use. The parties acknowledge that they have consulted with their respective attomeys and have had the opportunity to review this Agreement. Therefore, the parties expressly agree that this Agreement shall be given full force and effect according to each and all of its express terms and provisions and the rule of construction that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be employed in the interpretation of this Agreement. The parties executing this Agreement electronically have authority to sign and bind its represented party to this Agreement. 26. No Third Partv Bene�ciaries Except for the parties to whom this Agreement is assigned in compliance with the terms of this Agreement, there are no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement, and this Agreement shall not impart any rights enforceable by any person or entity that is not a party hereto. END OF COUNTY TERMS AND CONDITIONS , E�chibit A—Special Terms and Conditions This Contract is funded in whole or in part by the US Government, through Department ofHealth and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Cooperative A�reement NolU58DP005663. In addition to King County's general ter»�s and conditions, the Contractor shall also comply with the terms and conditions of the funder and the jederal certificatioirs and assurances in this F.�chibit ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OMB Circular A-133 Audit A. If the Contractor or subcontractor is a non-profit organization as defined in OMB Circular A-133, and expends a total of$500,000 or more in federal financial assistance and has received federal financial assistance from the County during its fiscal year,then the Contractor or subcontractor shall meet the respective A-133 requirements described in herein as applicable. ' B. If the Contractor is a non-profit organization, it shall have an independent audit conducted of its fmancial statement and condition,which shall comply with the requirements of GAAS (generally accepted auditing standards); GAO's Standards for Audits of Governmental Organizations, Programs, Activities,and Functions; and OMB Circular A-133, as amended, and as applicable. T'he Contractor shall provide a copy of the audit report to each County division providing financial assistance to the Contractor no later than nine(9)months subsequent to the end of the Contractor's fiscal yeaz. The I Contractor shall provide to the County its response and corrective action plan for all findings and 'i reportable conditions contained in its audit. When reference is made in its audit to a"Management Letter"or other correspondence made by the auditor,the Contractor shall provide copies of those communications and the Contractor's response and corrective action plan. Submittal of these documents shall constitute compliance with this requirement. C. If the Contractor is a Washington state municipal entity or other government institution or jurisdiction, it shall submit to the County a copy of its annual report of examination/audit,conducted by the Washington State Auditor,within thirty(30)days of receipt,which submittal shall constitute compliance with this requirement. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services(HI3S)Requirements This awazd is based on the application submitted to,and as approved by, CDC and is subject to the terms and conditions incorporated either directly or by reference in the following: A. The grant program legislation and program regulation cited in this Notice of Awazd. B. The restrictions on the expenditure of federal funds in appropriations acts to the extent those restrictions are pertinent to the award. C. 45 CFR Part 74 or 45 CFR Part 92 as applicable. D. The HS Grants Policy Statement, including addenda in effect as of the beginning date of the budget period. Cost Limitations as Stated in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 A. Cap on Salaries(Div. H,Title II, Sec. 203): None of the funds appropriated in this title shall be used to pay the salary of an individual,through a grant or other extramural mechanism,at a rate in excess of Executive Level II. Note: The salary rate limitation does not restrict the salary that an organization may pay an individual working under an HHS contract r order; it merely limits the portion of that salary that may be paid with Federal funds. 1 Exhibit A—Special Terms and Conditions B. Gun Control Prohibition(Div. H, Title II, Sec. 217): None of the funds made available in this title may be used, in whole or in part,to advocate or promote gun control. C. Proper Use of Appropriations—Publicity and Propaganda(LOBBYING) FY2012 (Div. H, Title V, Sec. 503) • 503(a): No part of any appropriation contained in this Act or transferred pursuant to section 4002 of Public Law 111-148 shall be 7sed, other than for normal and recognized executive- legislative relationships, for publicity or propaganda putposes,for the prepazation, distribution,or use of any kit,pamphlet,booklet, publication, electronic communication, radio,television, or video presentation designed to support or defeat the enactment of legislation before the Congress or any State or local legislature or legislative body, except in presentation of the Congress or any State or local legislature itself, or designed to support or any proposed or pending regulation, administrative action,or order issued by the executive branch of any State or local govemment itself. • 503(b): No part of any appropriation contained in this Act or transferred pursuant to grant or - contract recipient,or agency acting for such recipient,related to any activity designed to influence the enactment of legislation,appropriations,regulation, administrative action,or Executive order proposed or pending before the Congress or any State government. State legislature or local legislature or legislative body, other than normal and recognized executive legislative relationships or participation by an agency or officer of an State, local or tribal government in policymaking and administrative processes within the executive branch of that government. • 503(c): The prohibitions in subsections(a) and(b) shall include any activity to advocate or promote any proposed,pending or future Federal, State or local tax increase, or any proposed, pending, or future requirement or restriction on any legal consumer product, including its sale of mazketing, including but not limited to the advocacy or promotion of gun control. For additional information, see Additional Requirement 12 at http:i/�i�ti°.cdc.goviod,�pa�/fundin�/�rant�/additional re�.shtm and Anti Lobbying Restrictions for CDC Grantees at http:/!�r�v�c cdc.�ov!od/p�o/fundin¢/�rants!Anti-Lobbyiti� Restrictions for CDC Grantees July_2012.pd£ D. Needle Exchange(Div. H,Title V, Sec.522): Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act,no funds appropriated in this Act shall be used to carry out any program of distributing sterile needles or syringes for the hypodermic injection of any illegal drug. E. Restricts dealings with corporations with recent felonies(Div. E, Title VI, Sec. 623): None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to enter into a contract,memorandum of understanding, or cooperative agreement with, make a grant to,or provide a loan or loan guarantee to any corporation that was convicted(or had an officer or agent of such corporation acting on behalf of the corporation convicted)of a felony criminal violation under any Federal or State law within the preceding 24 months,where the awarding agency is aware of the conviction, unless the agency has considered suspension or debarment of the corporation,or such officer or agent, and made a determination that this further action is not necessary to protect the interests of the Government. F. Restricts dealings with corporations with recent felonies(Div. E,Title VI, Sec. 622,Div. H,Title V, Sec. 518): None of the funds made available by this 2 E7chibit A—Special Terms and Conditions Act may be used to enter unto a contract,memorandum of understanding,or cooperative agreement with,make a grant to, or provide a loan or loan guarantee to,any corporation that any unpaid Federal tax liability that has been assessed,for which all judicial and administrative remedies have been exhausted or have lapsed, and that is not being paid in a timely manner pursuant to an agreement with the authority responsible for collecting the tax liability,where the awarding agency is awaze of the unpaid t�liability,unless the agency has considered suspension or debarment of the corporation and made a determination that this further action is mot necessary to protect the interest of The Government. G. Blocking access to pornography(Div. H,Title V, Sec. 528): (a)None of the funds made available in this Act may be used to maintain or establish a computer network unless such network blocks the viewing, downloading, and exchanging of pornography; (b)Nothing in subsection(a) sha11 limit the use of funds necessary for any Federal, State,tribal,or local law enforcement agency or any other entity carrying out criminal investigations,prosecution, or adjudication activities. Trafficking In Persons: This awazd is subject to the requirements of the Trafficking Victims Protectiom Act of 2000, as amended (22 U.S.C. Part 7104(g). For the full te�ct of the awazd terms and conditions, see. http.//�titi�•.cdc.aov/od�'p�o/fundin�/grants/A�ard Tern1 and Condition for Trafficking in Persons.shtm. STANDARD FEDERAL CERTIFICATIONS AND ASSURANCES Following are the Assurances, Certifications, and Special Conditions that apply to all federally funded(in whole or in part)agreements administered by the Washington State Department of Health. 1. FEDERAL CIRCULARS: The following compliance matrix identi�es the Office of Management and Budget's Circulars that contain the requirements which govem expenditure of federal funds. These requirements apply to the Department of Health and then follow the funds to the subrecipient. The federal Circulars which provide the applicable administrative requirements,cost principles and audit requirements aze identified by subrecipient organization type. COMPLIANCE MATRIX � OMB CIRCULAR I ENTITY TYPE `�M�ISTRATIVE COST PRINCIPLES AUDIT REQUIREMENTS l I REQUIREMENTS I I , State,Local and Indian ' Tribal Governments& A-102&Common Rule 2 CFR 225(A-87) A-133 Govemmental Hospitals Non-Profit Organizations A-110 2 CFR 230(A-122) A-133 ' &Non-Profit Hospitals Colleges or Universities A-110 2 CFR 220(A-21) I A-133 I &Affiliated Hospitals 2. WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTION T'he requirements of48 CFR section 3.908(found at 11ttp./'��ti��v.ecfr.eo�•)implementing section 828 ofthe National Defense Authorization Act(NDAA)for Fiscal Year 2013 (Pub. L 112-239,enacted January 2,2013) entitled"Pilot Program for Enhancement of Contractor Employee Whistleblower Protections"apply to this award. 3 �-- __ `�'1 E�chibit A–Special Terms and Conditions This notice requires that grantees inform their employees in writing of employee whistleblower rights and protections under 41 U.S.C.4712 in the predominant native language of the workforce. The details of 41 U.S.C. 4712 can be found at http://uscode.house.�ov/browse.shtml. (regarding 48 CFR section 3.908,note that use of the term"contract","contractor","subcontract",or"subcontractor"for the purpose of this term, should read as "granY',"grantee","subgrant",or"subgrantee". 3. CERTIFICATION REGARDING DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS The Contractor certifies that the Contractor will, or will continue to, provide a drug-free workplace in accordance with 45 CFR Part 76 by: a) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture,distribution, dispensing,possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; b) Establishing an ongoing drug-free awareness program to inform employees about (1)The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (2)The contractor's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; (3)Any available drug counseling,rehabilitation,and employee assistance programs;and (4)The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; c) Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the contract be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph(a)above; d) Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph(a), above,that, as a condition of employment under the contract,the employee will— (1)Abide by the terms of the statement; and ! (2)Notify the employer in writing of his or her conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring ' in the workplace no later than five calendaz days after such conviction; e) Notifying the agency in writing within ten calendar days after receiving notice under pazagraph(d)(2) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice, including position title, to every contract o�cer or other designee on whose contract activity the convicted employee was working, unless the Federal agency has designated a central point for the receipt of such notices.Notice shall include the identification number(s)of each affected grant; fl Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under paragraph(d)(2),with , respect to any employee who is so convicted— (1)Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee,up to and including termination,consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,as amended;or ' (2)Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program ' approved for such purposes by a Federal, State,or tocal health,law enforcement,or other appropriate ' agency; g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of paragraphs(a),(b),(c),(d),(e),and(fl. 4 Exhibit A—Special Terms and Conditions For purposes of pazagraph(e)regarding agency notification of criminal drug convictions,DOH has designated the following central point for receipt of such notices: Compliance and Internal Control Officer Office of Grants Management WA State Department of Health PO Box 47905 Olympia,WA 98504-7905 4. CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING Title 31, United States Code, Section 1352, entitled "Limitation on use of appropriated funds to influence certain Federal contracting and financial transactions," generally prohibits recipients of Federal grants and cooperative agreements from using Federal (appropriated) funds for lobbying the Executive or Legislative Branches of the Federal Government in connection with a SPECIFIC grant or cooperative agreement. Section 1352 also requires that each person who requests or receives a Federal grant or cooperative agreement must disctose lobbying undertaken with non-Federal (nonappropriated) funds. These requirements apply to grants and cooperative agreements EXCEEDING$100,000 in total costs(45 CFR Part 93). The Contractor certifies,to the best of his or her lrnowledge and belief,that: (1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid,by or on behalf of the Contractor,to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress,or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awazding of any Federal contract,the making of any Federal grant,the making of any Federal loan,the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract,grant,loan,or cooperative agreement. (2) If any funds other than Federally appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency,a Member of Congress,an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the Contractor shall complete and submit Standazd Form-LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions. (If needed, Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," its instructions, and continuation sheet aze included at the end of this application form.) (3) The Contractor shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subcontracts at all tiers includin subcontracts, subcontracts, and contracts under grants, loans and � g I cooperative agreements)and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352,U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than$10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. 5. CERTIFICATION REGARDING PROGRAM FRAUD CIVIL REMEDIES ACT(PFCRA) The Contractor certifies that the statements herein are true, complete, and accurate to the best of his or her l�owledge,and that he or she is aware that any false,fictitious,or fraudulent statements or claims may subject him 5 Exhibit A—Special Terms and Conditions or her to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. The Contractor ees that the contractin or anization will �' g g comply with the Public Health Service terms and conditions of award if a contract is awarded. 6. CERTIFICATION REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL TOBACCO SMOKE Public Law 103-227,also known as the Pro-Children Act of 1994 (Act),requires that smoking not be permitted in any portion of any indoor facility owned or leased or contracted for by an entity and used routinely or regularly for the provision of health, day care, early childhood development services, education or library services to children under the age of 18, if the services aze funded by Federal programs either directly or through State or local ' governments, by Federal grant, contract, loan, or loan guarantee. T'he law also applies to children's services that , are provided in indoor facilities that are constructed, operated, or maintained with such Federal funds. 'The law does not apply to children's services provided in private residence, portions of facilities used for inpatient drug or alcohol treatment, service providers whose sole source of applicable Federal funds is Medicare or Medicaid, or facilities where WIC coupons are redeemed. Failure to comply with the provisions of the law may result in the imposition of a civil monetary penalty of up to $1,000 for each violation and/or the imposition of an administrative compliance order on the responsible entity. The Contractor certifies that the contracting organization will comply with the requirements of the Act and will not allow smoking within any portion of any indoor facility used for the provision of services for children as defined by the Act. The contracting organization agrees that it will require that the language of this certification be included in any subcontracts which contain provisions for children's services and that all subrecipients shall certify accordingly. The Public Health Services (PHS) strongly encourages all recipients to provide a smoke-free workplace and promote the non-use of tobacco products. This is consistent with the PHS mission to protect and advance the physical and mental health of the American people. ASSLJRANCES—NON CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response,including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,gathering and maintaining the data needed,and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,including suggestions for reducing this burden,to the O�ce of Management and Budget,Paperwork Reduction Project(0348-0040),Washington,DC 20503 PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET. Note: Certain of these assurances may not be applicable to your project or program. If you have questions, please contact the awarding agency. Further, certain Federal awarding agencies may require applicants to certify to additional assurances. If such is the case,you will be notified. As the duly authorized representative of the contractor,I certify that the Contractor: 1. Has the legal authority to apply for Federal assistance, and the institutional, managerial and financial capability (including funds sufficient to pay the non-Federal share of project cost)to ensure proper planning,management, and completion of the project described in this application. 6 Exhibit A—Special Terms and Conditions 2. Will give the awarding agency, the Comptroller General of the United States, and if appropriate, the State, through I any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the award; and will establish a proper accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards or agency directives. 3. Will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of personal or organizational conflict of interest,or personal gain. 4. Will initiate and complete the work within the applicable time frame after receipt of approval of the awarding agency. 5. Will comply with the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. 4728-4763) relating to prescribed standards for merit systems for programs funded under one of the 19 statutes or regulations specified in Appendix A of OPM's Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration(5 C.F.R. 900,Subpart F). 6. Will comply with all Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to: (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; (b) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1681-1683, and 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended(29 U.S.C. 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps; (d) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended(42 U.S.C. 6101-6107),which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; (e)the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; (fl the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention,Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970(P.L. 91-616), as amended,relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; (g) 523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912(42 U.S.C. 290 dd-3 and 290 ee 3),as amended,relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records; (h) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale,rental or financing of housing; (i) any other nondiscrimination provisions in the specific statute(s) under which application for Federal assistance is being made; and (j) the requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s)which may apply to the application. 7. Will comply, or has already complied, with the requirements of Titles II and III of the uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) which provide for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced or whose property is acquired as a result of Federal or federally assisted programs. These requirements apply to all interests in real property acquired for project purposes regardless of Federal participation in purchases. 8. Will comply, as applicable,with the provisions of the Hatch Act(5 U.S.C. 1501-1508 and 7324-7328)which limit the political activities of employees whose principal employment activities aze funded in whole or in part with Federal funds. 9. Will comply, as applicable,with the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act(40 U.S.C. 276a to 276a-7),the Copeland Act(40 U.S.C. 276c and 18 U.S.C. 874)and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act(40 U.S.C. 327- 333),regarding labor standazds for federally assisted construction subagreements. 10. Will comply, if applicable, with flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-234) which requires recipients in a special flood hazard atea to participate in the program and to purchase flood insurance if the total cost of insurab(e construction and acquisition is $10,000 or more. I 1. Will comply with environmental standards which may be prescribed pursuant to the following: (a) institution of environmental quality control measures under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-190) and 7 Exhibit A—Special Terms and Conditions Executive Order (EO) 11514; (b) notification of violating facilities pursuant to EO 11738; (c) protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (d) evaluation of flood hazards in floodplains in accordance with EO 11988; (e) assurance of project consistency with the approved State management program developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.); (fl conformity of Federal actions to State (Clear Air) Implementation Plans under Section 176(c) of the Clear Air Act of 1955, as amended (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.); ' (g)protection of underground sources of drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974,as amended, (P.L. 93-523); and (h)protection of endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 19�3, as amended, (P.L. 93-205). 12 Will comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C. 1721 et seq.) related to protecting components or potential components of the national wild and scenic rivers system. 13. Will assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470), EO 11593 (identification and protection of historic properties), and the ' Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974(16 U.S.C.469a-1 et seq.). 14. Will comply with P.L. 93-348 regazding the protection of human subjects involved in research, development, and 'i related activities supported by this award of assistance. I 15. Will comply with the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act of 1966 (P.L. 89-544, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 2131 et seq.) pertaining to the care, handling, and treatment of warm blooded animals held for reseazch, teaching, or other activities supported by this award of assistance. � 16. Will comply with the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act(42 U.S.C. 4801 et seq.)which prohibits the use II of lead-based paint in construction or rehabilitation of residence structures. ' 17. Will cause to be performed the required financial and compliance audits in accordance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and ONIB Circular No. A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. 18. Will comply with all applicable requirements of all other Federal laws, executive orders, regulations and policies governing this program. 8 Exhibit B Scope of Work City of Renton (Renton Farmers Market) Contract Period: May 1, 2015 to September 29, 2015 Background: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently awarded Public Health— Seattle � King County(Public Health), Seattle Children's Hospital and the Healthy King County Coalition (HKCC) a Partnerships to Improve Community Health (PICH) grant. The three-year, $9 million grant will support efforts related to obesity prevention and tobacco prevention in order to improve the health of youth, families and communities. We will be working in King County and partnering with communities in Southeast Seattle and South King County. Obesity and tobacco are two of the leading causes of premature illness, death and health care costs across the nation and in King County. The PICH grant builds on previous Healthy Communities work by Public Health (http://www.kinqcounty.qov/healthservices/health/about/healthvcommunities.aspx) as well as current community efforts to increase access to healthy foods and physical activity, reduce exposure to unhealthy foods and beverages, and reduce exposure to tobacco products. Public Health's Healthy Communities work focuses on health equity to ensure all King County residents have a fair chance to live long, healthy lives. Contractors will propose a set of activities that are designed to change organizational practices, policies and environments to make the healthy choice the easier choice. The activities are also designed to build new ways for various sectors such as education, housing, food systems, businesses etc. to interact in order to create healthier communities. Project Summary: The City of Renton, hereafter referred to as Renton Farmers Market (RFM)will influence a policy change to accept SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits, implement a nutrition incentive program for SNAP recipients, and become a community advocate for connecting low-income residents with opportunities to purchase fresh, locally grown produce. Final outcomes will include: � Acceptance of SNAP benefits at RFM to provide access to over 19,000 residents in Renton who are SNAP recipients to affordable, healthy foods. • Implementation of SNAP Incentive (Fresh Bucks) at RFM. • Healthy, affordable food is more accessible to those with limited transportation. • Increase the availability of healthy options at food banks and meal programs. • Farmers Market Food Access Assistant as permanent fully funded position by City of Renton. Funding Period: This contract covers the period from May 1, 2015 to September 29, 2015. This contract may be renewed at the end of this period contingent on renewal of Public Health's federal award and contractor performance. Year 2 and Year 3 Milestones below will be completed if this contract is renewed. Method of Accountability: Designated Renton Farmers Market staff will meet in person or by phone with the Public Health project staff on a monthly basis, or more frequently as needed, to review project status using the Project Workplan (see below). Renton Farmers Marketwill complete progress reporting as described in this contract_ Description of Outcomes CDIP3884-City of Renton (Renton Farmers Market) 1 � -_ _ � I Outcome 1 ' Completed By Outcome 1 Implement a system to accept SNAP EBT benefits at RFM to provide September 2015 I improved access to over 19,000 residents in Renton participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to affordable, healthy foods. � Year 1 May 2015-September 2015 Milestones for�utcome 1 I Milestone 1 Within 30 days of contract execution, develop an annual approved work plan describing activities and timelines to accomplish milestones related to this outcome. � Milestone 2 � Apply for and receive license to accept SNAP EBT at RFM � Milestone 3 � Hire Farmers Market Food Access Assistant for RFM Milestone 4 I Develop SNAP EBT token program,to include training to all RFM staff and eligible RFM vendors on processes. I Milestone 5 I Communicate availability of SNAP EBT benefits at RFM and educate SNAP recipients on how to utilize those benefits at RFM. I �utcome 2 � Completed By I Outcome Z I Implementation of nutrition incentive (Fresh Bucks) for SNAP recipients at I September 2016 RFM. I Year 1 May 2015-September 2015 Milestones for Outcome 2 Milestone 1 Within 30 days of contract execution, develop an annual approved work plan describing activities and timelines to accomplish milestones related to this outcome. � Milestone 2 ( Meet with PHSKC to develop community outreach plan I I Year 2 October 2015-September 2016 Milestones for Outcome 2 ( Milestone 1 I Within 30 days of contract execution, develop an annual approved work plan describing activities and timelines to accomplish milestones related to this outcome. Milestone 2 With community input, develop a plan for a nutrition incentive program at RFM including potential funding sources, a draft bud�et, and sustainability plan � Milestone 3 � Implement plan for nutrition incentive pro�ram as developed in year 1. ( Milestone 4 � Create communication materials for nutrition incentive program � Milestone 5 � Conduct outreach and education of nutrition incentive program � Year 3 October 2016-September 2017 Milestones for Outcome 2 - I Milestone 1 Within 30 days of contract execution, develop an annual app�oved work plan describing activities and timelines to accomplish milestones related to this outcome. � Milestone 2 � Conduct outreach and education of nutrition incentive pro�ram � Milestone 3 � Further refine incentive program and identify sustainable fundin� � Milestone 4 � Adapt and refine nutrition incentive program based on lessons learned I Outcome 3 ( Completed By ( Outcome 3 One regular, benefited Farmers Market Food Access Assistant position will I September 2017 be fully funded by the City of Renton. I Year 1 May 2015-Septem6er 2015 Milestones for Outcome 3 I Milestone 1 I Wthin 30 days of contract execution, develop an annual approved work plan describing activities and timelines to accomplish milestones related to this outcome. Milestone 2 I Hire Farmers Market Food Access Assistant as seasonal, part-time position using PICH grant funding. � Year 2 October 2015-September 2016 Milestones for Outcome 3 Milestone 1 I Within 30 days of contract execution, develop an annual approved work plan describing activities and timelines to accomplish milestones related to this outcome. Milestone 2 I Maintain Farmers Market Food Access Assistant as seasonal, part-time position using PICH �rant funding. I Year 3 October 2016-September 2017 Milestones for Outcome 3 Milestone 1 Develop an annual approved work plan describing activities and timelines to accomplish I milestones related to this outcome. CDIP3884-City of Renton (Renton Farmers Market) 2 � I Milestone 2 I Farmers Market Food Access Assistant as seasonal, part-time position using PICH grant funding. I Milestone 3 I Present to City Council or other decision making body on the benefits and value add of a Farmers Market Food Access Assistant � Milestone 3 � City of Renton adds Farmers Market Food Access Assistant as a re�ular benefited employee � . . � . Outcome 4 . I Completed By I Outcome 4 Develop two systems for those with limited transportation to access I September 2017 affordable, healthy foods in Renton. � Year 1 May 2015-September 2015 Milestones for Outcome 4 I Milestone 1 I Within 30 days of contract execution, develop an annual approved work plan describing activities and timelines to accomplish milestones related to this outcome. Year 2 O�tober 2015-September 2016 Milestones for Outcome 4 Milestone 1 I Within 30 days of contract execution, develop an annual approved work plan describing activities and timelines to accomplish milestones related to this outcome. Milestone 2 I Identify transportation issues for SNAP beneficiaries by sunreying community partners and residents to better understand transportation barriers Milestone 3 � Develop plan to improve transportation access based on identified communitv needs Year 3 October 2016-September 2017 Milestones for Outcome 4 Milestone 1 I Within 30 days of contract execution, develop an annual approved work plan describing activities and timelines to accomplish milestones related to this outcome. Milestone 2 � Survey SNAP recipients to identif�if transportation issues to RFM have improved. Milestone I Work with partners to implement one mobile farmers market. 3 Milestone 3 I Implement plan to improve transportation access based on identified community needs. Milestone 4 � Create regular, scheduled transportation to RFM for SNAP beneficiaries. Outcome 5 � Completed By Outcome 5 I Increase pounds of fresh produce donated by RFM to the Renton Food I September 2017 Bank from 3,300 pounds donated in 2014 by 20%. Year 1 May 2015-�September 2015 Milestones for Outcome 5 Milestone 1 I Within 30 days of contract execution, develop an annual approved work plan describing activities and timelines to accomplish milestones related to this outcome. Milestone 2 � Work with PHSKC to develop a plan for community enga�ement. Year 2 Octob�r 2015-September 2016 Milestones for Outcome 5 I Milestone 1 I Within 30 days of contract execution, develop an annual approved work plan describing activities I and timelines to accomplish milestones related to this outcome. Milestone 2 � Survey RFM vendors to identify barriers to donatinq additional food to the Renton Food Bank. � IMilestone 2 Increase pounds of fresh produce donated by RFM to Renton Food Bank from amount donated I I in 2015 by 10%. Year 3 October 2016-September 2017 Milestones fo.r Outcome 5 1 Milestone 1 I Within 30 days of contract execution, develop an annual approved work plan describing activities and timelines to accomplish milestones related to this outcome. IMilestone 2 Increase pounds of fresh produce donated by RFM to Renton Food Bank from amount donated I in 2016 by 10%. I Milestone 3 I Based on baRiers, implement finro solutions for donating additional food to the Renton Food � Bank. Additional Deliverables and Expectations— CDIP3884-City of Renton(Renton Farmers Market) 3 Report Monthly on Workplan Progress Renton Farmers Market will discuss progress on the agreed work plan with assigned Pubiic Health project officer by phone or in-person monthly. RFM and Public Health staff will meet in-person quarterly. RFM will provide a detailed written progress report to project officer quarterly. Template for quarterly progress reports will be provided to the contractor by Public Health. RFM will complete a final report at the end of the project period and complete other reporting as required by CDC per Public Health -for example, semi-annual reports. Templates for final report and other semi-annual reports witl be provided to RFM by Public Health. Work collaboratively and receive technical assistance - Public Health, Healthy King County Coalition, and Seattle Children's will provide and coordinate technical assistance to support the outcomes in this contract. Renton Farmers Market will work with PICH staff to incorporate appropriate technical assistance into workplans and to identify assistance as needed as the project progresses. Examples of areas of technical assistance are: health equity, building partnerships, communications, evaluation, policy development, adapting or identifying evidence-based practices, and outcome-specific assistance. The three PICH agencies may provide assistance directly, coordinate assistance from a national CDC provider, coordinate peer-to-peer networks, and, in some cases, identify additional technical assistance providers. Participate in coalitions and task forces As it relates to the outcomes in this contract, the Renton Farmers Market will work with Public Health staff to identify coalitions and task forces and participate as it benefits the work. The Healthy King County Coalition focuses on systems, policies, and environment issues in King County that affect heafthy eating, active living, and tobacco use and exposure. Renton Farmers Market is invited to join HKCC and participate in a work group. Other organizations, coalitions, individuals or groups working on obesity, nutrition, physical activity or tobacco prevention may also participate. � Communicate to advance Healthy Communities work Communications is a tool to support healthy community change among stakeholders, community partners and the public. Communication activities will be part of Renton Farmers Market workplans and should be linked j specificaly to each grantee's program objectives. Renton Farmers Markets will co-develop communications I plans. Renton Farmers Markets should include budget for communications planning and activities. , Renton Farmers Markets will work with Public Health Communications staff to develop stories that reflect the � successes of the policy, systems and environment changes taking place as a result of their accomplishments. I In addition, Renton Farmers Market is encouraged to�develop a communications plan when its workplan is finalized. A Communications Plan will identify: 1)A communications goal such as raising awareness of a potential policy change or promoting community actions, 2)Your target audience(s) 3) Key messages 4)Appeal or style of communication that will be most effective for reaching your audience 5) Channel(s)to effectively reach various audiences 6) Cultural and linguistic considerations to ensure your messages reach your audiences and 5)A plan to assess your efforts. � Public Health Communications staff along with support from Seattle Children's and the Healthy King County Coalition are available to provide technical assistance as grantees develop and implement communications activities. Follow rules for the use of federal funds Use of PICH funds must follow cost principles outlined in OMB Circular A-122 (for non-profits) and OMB Circular A-87 (for governments and tribes). PICH funds can't be used for any type of lobbying—an explanation j CDIP3884-City of Renton(Renton Farmers Market) 4 of what that means is here http://www.cdc.qov/obesitv/downloads/Anti-Lobbvinq-Restrictions-for-CDC- Grantees-JuIv2012-508.qdf. Renton Farmers Market should contact Public Health staff with any questions or assistance needs regarding being a federal sub-awardee. Participate tn other initiative wide activities Renton Farmers Market will be invited to pa�ticipate in initiative-wide activities, such as an annual Healthy Communities summit or a PICH contractor's network meeting quarterly or monthly. Participate in evaluation activities Renton Farmers Markets will name a person who will lead evaluation aetivities for this contract. The Renton Farmers Market and the PICH Evaluation Team will work collaboratively to track the strengths and challenges of implementing PICH funded activities. Grantees will be expected to evaluate policy, systems and environmental changes and short-term outcomes (that happen during the project period). The evaluation protocol and set of outcomes for the activities in this contract will be co-developed with input from stakeholders and is intended to provide the Renton Farmers Market and PICH leadership with useful information for decision-making, planning and project management. The Renton Farmers Market and PICH evaluator will develop evaluation activities that the Renton Farmers Market will include in workplans. The Renton Farmers Market will provide project data using agreed upon methods. These methods may include interviews, surveys, recording observations, tracking logs, estimates of use, and using documents to provide evidence of policy implementation. PICH evaluators will provide ongoing technical support. Risk assessment, report how PICH funds are spent and bill for reimbursement Renton Farmers Market will undergo a risk assessment by Public Health prior to any grant funds being spent. This risk assessment will evaluate a number of areas including, but not limited to: RFM's prior experience with managing federal funds and audit results, organizational capacity to act as a subrecipient of federal funds, maturity of internal controls/fiscal monitoring standards, as well as overall risk of budget items requested (i.e. is work being subcontracted, overall value of equipment purchased etc.). Renton Farmers Market must have a financial system that is able to prepare reports and separate PICH funds from other organization expenses. Contractors will bill Public Health monthly for reimbursement of PICH expenses. Invoices must refle�t all costs incurred for a month's activities. Invoices cannot span multiple months. Public Heafth cannot pay ahead for expenses. Invoices for reimbursement are due to Public Health 10 working days after the end of each month. Documentation of costs must be included with the Invoice. CDIP3884-City of Renton (Renton Farmers Market) 5 Exhibit C ' Budget City of Renton-Renton Farmers Market Contract Period: May 12015-September 29,2015 Salaries and Wages �. . . . .• Farmers Market Coordinator, Carrie Olson $62,400.00 0.2 5 $5,200 Farmers Market Food Access Assistant,TBN $32,300.00 0.6 5 $8,075 TotalSalaries and Wages $13,275 Benefits . .• Medical, Dental and Retirement(Farmer's Market Coordinator Only) 0.28 $ 1,456 Medicare 0.0145 $ 192 Social Security 0.062 $823 Unemployment($10 per month x 6 months x 2 employees=$120) $ 120 Industrial Insurance( 1.3 per hour worked x 1248 hours) $1,622 Total Benefits $4,214 Other -. -. • � . EBT Terminal Data-Service needed to run EBT SNAP benefit card at market Per Month 6 $ 19.95 $ 120 Transaction Fees-Wireless Transaction Fee per SNAP transaction Per Transaction 1000 $0.20 $200 Tokens-Form of currency for SNAP benefits at RFM Per Token 5000 $0.11 $550 Zippered currency bags Per Bag 60 $3.00 $ 180 Advertising-It is anticipated that some external advertising such as newspaper or radio advertisments will be needed 1 $2,000.00 $2,000 Total Other $3,050 Total Direct Costs $20,539 Total Indirect Costs $- Total $20,539 INVOICE Contract Number CDIP 3884 `` �"��:���'� '��" '�''���'=�� — — :c>*.�-�` �et`�nfortna'�ion `'��`�'.n°�� '�:�q• 4> ,� ;�:�;,�,s��::, Exhibit:_D .��� . �����k £��'��p��,G�c�� Contract Period: May 1,2015-September 29,2015 d� '`.,:�:�.�.�� a ��%�}�`'��'pn"`_� ''; "���' "�� , � .��„��� , -� ,� � �:� � `� r _ " r ������s�. ��.�.�`�'�����i�;=��'a��* .,,�s.�''-:: Remit to: `�""5u�'� e��y �te k ���,'a�i�i�M�'�;s� '��""`�`�� .� �,F 4, x`.a���-�""�w�.a � Renton City Hall 6th Floor `_ }�nvoiceDate �``'��,� , , �.� f ,..' .�� , � ..�3- � � 1055 5outh Grady Way _- ��invo'ic���� ��` - ,�° r , � ' ., Renton WA 98057 �Amourit��ePaid�""`��`�'',_'� � '� � �'���,� � '"` y y���` �'�-�`�s. , -�. a� � sc.�"6m��ga,e S +t�%y�-9 �k ti - - R- ,. � �"y�'�� Carrie Olson .� ffix + .<,�������a���r� ��� 5 ,� `y � Phone:425-430-7214 Pn�on Rem ntp �'�.. `,s�� .� �a. ' �'- � �a� , �.T;. } clolson@rentonwa.gov PHProgramname&pFwne �.: _ , .. . - . _ . _ ._.. .._- - , :-.,�: . .. _ �>.- __ •.:.:. , ..,. ;.. -, :•� ,:... _. �. ... ..., . __ r.:> ..:,-�.. .. - .._ . .. _.v . .. .. --� ` . Submit signed hardcopy invoice to: Nathan Drain Partnerships to Improve Community Health(PICH) Public Health-Seattle&King County 4015th Ave.,Suite 900 Seattle,WA 98104 Invoice for services rendered under this contract for the period of: Expenditure Item Contract Current Accumulated alance(Budget Budget Expenditure Expense (ess (month) (to date) accumulated) Sala�ies&Wa es-List b Title and Numbe�of Rate of Pa /Hr Bud CurreM Auumutated Balance - 8 Y � Y 8� ;.w�.:.,;..,:._ . .., � - . Name Hours . �EzpendRure Ezpense , . , . Farmers Market Coordinator,Carrie Olson � � � $5,200•00� -� -� 5,200.00 Farmers Market Food Access Assistant, I I I $g.075.001 'I -I 8,075.00 TBN Subtotal $13,275.00 13,275.00 -: I ,�..,� I rY I , dget � �,I . :-W►reM . -I . -� .,., ,:..,F . : . F�inge Benefits-Ust by Employee Percen of Base Sala Bu Accumulated Ba�ance Salary Expenditure . Expense (Medical,Dental and Retirement(Farmer's I I I I 'I ') Market Coordinator Only) $1,456.00 1,456.00 �Medicare � � I S 192•49I � � 192.49 �Social Security � � I S 823.05� � � 823.05 , �Unemployment � � � $12�•00� � � 120.00 �Industrial Insurance � I � $1,622.40� � I 1,622.40 Subtotal� � � $4,213.94� -� -� 4,213.94 r Costs-Please List � . Unics � unit Cost � Budget f WrrerK � ha:vniulated �`- Baianc� .� IEBT Terminal Data � � I $119.70I 'I -I 119.70 ITransaction Fees-Wireless Transaction Fee I I I I I ( per SNAP transaction $200.00 200.00 ITokens-Form of currency for SNAP I I I $550.00I ( I 550.00 benefits at RFM �Zippered currency bags � � � $180.00� � � 180.00 IAdvertising � � I $2,000•OO I � � 2,000•00 � Subtotal I I I $3,049.70I -I -I 3,049.70 CDIP3884-City of Renton-Renton Farmers Market 1 Sub-Total $20,538.64 $- $- $20,538.64 � � Indirect rate Ilndirect base � I I I �Overhead/Indirect � � � $-� $-� $-� $-� � TOTAL � I I $20,538.64 � $' � $- � $20,538.64 � I,the undersigned,do hereby certify under penalty of perjury,that this is a true and correct claim for reimbursement services rendered.I understand that any faise claims,statements,documents,or concealment of material fact may be prosecuted under applicable Federal and State laws.This certification includes any attachments which serve as supporting documentation to this reimbursement request. Signed Date PH Program Manager Approval Date Print Name Project Officer Reviewed Date CDIP3884-City of Renton-Renton Farmers Market 2 � � � .. , CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL � . � _ Subject/Title: Meeting: Interlocal Agreement with the Renton School REGULAR COUNCIL- 04 May 2015 District for School Resource Officers Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: A. Interlocal Agreement Police B. Draft Resolution Staff Contact: Commander Floyd Eldridge Recommended Action: Council Concur. Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A , Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: The City of Renton, the Renton Police Department, and the Renton School District share the desire to promote law enforcement services to the students who attend Renton schools within the city limits of Renton. The ur ose of this Interlocal a reement is to place three School Resource Officers with the Renton P P g School District over a three year period. The Renton School District will compensate the City for a portion of the salary and benefits incurred ($75,000 each school year for each School Resource Officer assigned, see Exhibit A for more details). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution authorizing an interlocal agreement with the Renton School district to implement three School Resource Officers over a three year period. �� �� INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT For SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS Between THE CITY OF RENTON and RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.403 In Accordance with the Interlocal Cooperation Act (RCW 39.34), the City of Renton ("The City"), and Renton School District No. 403 ("The District"), each of which is a Washington Municipal Corporation,hereby enter into the following INT'ERLOCAL AGREEMENT: RECITALS WHEREAS: A. The District and the City desire to promote law enforcement and related services to Renton High School,Hazen High School,Lindbergh High School and other Renton District Schools within the City; B. A School Resource Officer Program has been proposed for District High Schools within the City as hereinafter described; C. The District and the City recognize the potential benefits of the School Resource Officer Program to the citizens of the City and particularly to the students and stafF of the District High Schools within the City;and D. It is in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the District and the City to establish this program, NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained, the Parties agree as follows: I. TERM of AGREEMENT and RENEWAL 1.1 This Agreement shall commence as of April 1,2015 and shall terminate as of June 30,2017. 12 The Parties to this Agreement acla�owledge an informal memo of understanding in anticipation of approval of this Agreement by the respective governing bodies of the City and the District: assignment of an SRO at Renton High School beginning on September l,2014 under the general terms of this Agreement. 1.3 This Agreement may be renewed by written agreement of both Parties. 1.4 The Agreement may be terminated by either party by ninety(90)days written statement of termination directed to the other party. Should the Agreement be terminated be either party,the District shall pay the City for services provided through the termination date,and the City will reimburse the District on a prorated basis for any payment previously made in advance of services provided by the City. 1 II. SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER PROGRAM 2.1 A School Resource Officer Program has been established between the City of Renton Police Department("Renton PD")and the District,with services provided to Renton District High Schools within the City of Renton. Said program shall continue for the term of this agreement. 22 Through the School Resource Officer Program,the District and the Renton PD have committed to providing a safe school environment that promotes education and SRO interaction with students in a positive cazing manner. This is accomplished with a committed partnership among the school, student,staff,parents,police department,and neighbors to enhance the schools and the community. III.RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE RENTON PD 3.1 The Chief of the Renton PD("the Chief')shall assign regularly employed police o�cers as School Resource Officers("SROs")to High Schools in the City of Renton who will also provide additional services to other Renton District Schools located within the City of Renton. The City and the District anticipate that three(3)SROs will be assigned in accordance with the following schedule: One SRO assigned beginning September 1,2014,a second SRO assigned beginning September l, 2015,and a third SRO assigned beginning January 1,2016. 32 The SROs shall be assigned to the District for a minimum of twenty(20)hours per week while school is in session.Additional time may be authorized by the department at the request of the school district not to exceed a total of forty(40)hours per week subject to department approval and provided the SRO's assistance is not required for other police activities away from the school. Absences from the school by the SRO during the school yeaz for training or other Renton PD activities shall not � exceed five(5)school days in duration at any one time. T'he Renton PD may temporazily reassign the SRO during school holidays and vacations. 3.3 The SRO shall also act as an instructor for specialized,short-term law enforcement related programs at the High Schools or other District schools within Renton when invited to do so by the I principal or member of the faculty. 3.4 The SROs shall have the following additional duties and responsibilities: 3.4.1 When requested by the principal,the SRO shall attend pazent/faculty meetings to solicit support and understanding of the program. 3.4.2 The SRO shall make him/herself available for conferences with students,pazents and faculty members in order to assist them with problems of law enforcement or crime prevention in nature. 3.4.3 The SRO shall become familiar with all community agencies which offer assistance to youth and their families such as youth job placement assistance,mental health clinics,drug treatment centers,etc.The SRO shall make referrals to such agencies when necessary thereby acting as a resource person to the students,faculty,and staff of the school. 3.4.4 The SRO shall assist the principal and the District's Safety and Security Manager in developing plans and strategies to prevent and/or minimize dangerous situations that may result in student unrest. 2 3.4.5 The SRO shall assist and advise the District's Safety and Security Manager in planning and coordinating the work of the District and School Safety Officers who work under the supervision of the Safety and Security Manager. 3.4.6 Should it become necessary to conduct formal police interviews with a student,the SRO sha11 adhere to the Renton PD policies and legal requirements with regard to such interviews. 3.4.7 The SRO shall take law enforcement action as required, including.but not limited to appropriate law enforcement action against intruders and unwanted guests who may appeaz at the school and related school activities.As soon as practicable,the SRO shall make the principal of the school aware of any law enforcement action. 3.4.8 The SRO shall give assistance to other police officers in matters regarding his/her school assignment,whenever necessary. 3.4.9 The SRO shall patrol the assigned school and surrounding neighborhoods in order to identify,investigate,and prevent incidents involving weapons,violence,hazassment, intimidation,and other law violations. The SRO may also be assigned investigations related to runaways,assaults,thefts,and truancy,provided such investigations relate to the students attending the school to which the SRO is assigned. The SRO may also be assigned or provide tr�c enforcement duties at the schools and surrounding neighborhoods. Such duties may include school zone speed enforcement. 3.4.10 The SRO shall maintain detailed and accurate records of the operation of the School Resowce Officer Program. 3.4.11 The SRO shall not act as a school disciplinarian,as disciplining students is a school responsibility. The SRO shall not perform any non-law enforcement functions. However,if the principal believes an incident is a violation of the law,the principal may contact the SRO and the SRO shall then determine whether law enforcement action is appropriate. School Resource Officers are not to be used for regularly assigned duties such as lunchroom duty. If there is a problem azea,the SRO may assist the school until the problem is solved. 3.4.12 The SRO shall have a primary obligation to the City,not the School District. This contract and performance thereof by the City police officers shall not create any special relationship with any person or duties to protect any specific persons from hann or injury including the party signing this contract.T'he law enforcementlpeacekeeping duties to be performed pursuant to the contract are the same in extent and scope as those provided by police officers to every member of the public. 3.4.13 Any exceptions to the above must be mutually agreed upon by the Chief of Police of the Renton PD,the School District,and the School Principal. IV.RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE DISTRICT 4.1 The District shall provide the SRO with the materials and facilities necessary to the performance of the SRO duties at the assigned High School. 3 42 The following materials and facilities aze deemed necessary to the performance of the SRO's duties: 4.2.1 Access to a properly lighted private office with a telephone that may be used for general business purposes. 42.2 A location for files and records that can be properly locked and secured. 42.3 A desk with drawers,a chair,work table,filing cabinet,and officer supplies. 4.2.4 Access to a computer,and/or clerical assistance. V. FINANCING OF THE SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER 5.1 The District will compensate the City for a portion of the salary and benefits incurred for the assigned School Resource Officers on a monthly basis for the duration of the agreement. The District will pay the City$75,000 each school year,for each SRO assigned,prorated and invoiced on a monthly basis. 5.2 Any overtime hours requested and authorized by either party to this Agreement shall be paid by the party requesting and authorizing the additional overtime hours. If the District requests and authorizes the overtime hours,the District will be sepazately invoiced for the direct salary and related benefits for the overtime hours worked by the assigned SRO. VI. EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS The SROs shall be employees of the Renton PD and shall not be employees of the School District. The School District and the Chief acknowledge that the SROs shall remain under the direct supervision of the Renton PD. VII.APPOINTMENT OF SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS 7.1 The SRO must be a volunteer for the position with a minimum of three(3)years of law enforcement service or experience. 7.2 The appointment of the SRO shall be at the discretion of the Chief based upon: 72.1 A written application to the Chief that outlines his/her qualifications;and 72.2 Input from the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee,and the District's Safety and Security Manager. 7.3 Additional criteria for consideration by the Chief shall include job knowledge,training, education,appearance,attitude,communication skills,and bearing. 4 I VIII.DISMISSAL OF SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER;REPLACEMENT 8.1 In the event the district determines that the SRO is not effectively performing his or her duties and responsibilities,the district shall state the reasons therefore in writing,and shall request a mediation process,as described herein,to resolve the issue(s)identified. If the Chief desires,the Superintendent and Chief,or their designees shall meet with the SRO to mediate or resolve the identified problems. At such meeting,specified school or district staff may be required to be present. If,within a reasonable amount of time after commencement of such mediation the problem cannot be resolved or mediated or in the event mediation is not sought by the chief,then the SRO shall be removed from the program and a replacement shall be obtained. 8.2 The Chief may dismiss or reassign the SRO based upon Renton PD rules,regulation,and/or general orders and when it is in the best interest of the Parties,the students and the citizens of the City of Renton. 8.3 In the event of the resignation,dismissal,or reassignment of the SRO, or in the case of long term absences by the SRO,the Chief shall provide a temporary replacement for the SRO within thirty(30)school days of such absence,dismissal,resignation,or reassignment. As soon as practicable,the chief shall appoint a permanent replacement for the SRO position. IX. LIABILITY Each party shall be responsible and liable for the consequences of any act or failute to act on the part of itself, its employees,and its agents. Each party shall be responsible for its own negligence; neither party shall indemnify nor hold the other party hazmless. X.MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 9.1 Effective Date. This Agreement shall be effective upon ratification by action of the governing body and execution by the chief Executive Officer of each of the Parties. 9.2 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only upon consent of all Parties hereto. Any amendment hereto shall be in writing and shall be ratified and executed by the Parties in the same manner in which it was originally adopted. 9.3 Waiver. The waiver by any Party of any breach of any term,covenant,or condition of the Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same term,covenant, or condition of this Agreement. 9.4 Severabilitv. If any provision of the Agreement shall be held invalid,the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby. 9.5 Entire AQreement. This Agreement represents the entire understanding of the Parties and supersedes any oral representations that are inconsistent with or modify its terms and conditions. 9.6 Counteroarts. This Agreement shall be effective whether signed by all Parties on the same document or whether signed in counterparts. 9.7 Notices. Except as otherwise provided in the Agreement,any notice required be provided under the terms of this Agreement shall be delivered by certified mail,return receipt requested,or by personal service to: 5 Dr. Merri Rieger,Saperintendent Renton School District No.403 300 SW 7t"Street Renton,WA 98057 Kevin Milosevich,Chief of Police City of Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 EXECUT'ED and APPROVED by the Parties in identical counterparts of this Agreement,each of � which shall be deemed an original hereof,on the dates set forth below. APPROVED AS TO FORM: DATED this day of CITY OF RENTON Attest: By Jason Seth,City Clerk Date Denis Law,Mayor I At the direction of the Renton City Council at an I City Attorney,City of Renton Date open public meeting held on . ' APPROVED AS TO FORM: DATED this day of , RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT By Assistant Superintendent,HR Dr. Merri Rieger,Its Superintendent At the direction of the Renton School Board at an open public meeting held on . Megan Gregor,Deputy City Clerk Date 6 . . CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS WITH RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403. WHEREAS, the City and Renton School District No. 403 ("District") are authorized, pursuant to RCW Chapter 39.34, to enter into an interlocal government cooperative agreement; and WHEREAS, the District and the City desire to promote law enforcement and related services to Renton High School, Hazen High School, Lindbergh High School and other Renton District Schools within the City; and WHEREAS, a School Resource Officer Program has been proposed for District High Schools within the City; and WHEREAS, the District and the City recognize the potential benefits of the School Resource Officer Program to the citizens of the City and particularly to the students and staff of the District High Schools within the City; and WHEREAS, through the School Resource Officer Program, the District and the Renton Police Department have committed to providing a safe school environment that promotes education and interaction with students in a positive caring manner; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the District and the City to establish this program; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1 _ , . • RESOLUTION N0. SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION 11. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into an interlocal agreement for School Resource Officers with the District. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason A.Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.1671:4/22/15:scr 2 / r � � � CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Meeting: Start Evidence Technician at Step E wage REGULAR COUNCIL- 04 May 2015 Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: None. Police Staff Contact: Commander David Leibman Recommended Action: Council Concur. Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A - Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: � Tyler Tebbets began his employment with the City of Renton in April 2004 as a Jailer. In November 2004, he was hired as a police officer and served in this capacity until February 2008 when he desired to return to the Jail as a Jailer. Mr.Tebbets served in this capacity until January 2011 when all of our jailors were hired as correction officers with the SCORE Jail. Mr.Tebbets has over eleven years of law enforcement related experience, with most of those years served with the City of Renton. He has been hired as an Evidence Technician with the City of Renton, effective May 2015, and authorization is requested to start him in at a Step "E" wage for this position. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize compensating Tyler Tebbets as an Evidence Technician at Step E of Grade pn53 salary scale, effective May 16, 2015. CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL �p- � . Subject/Title: Meeting: Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) Transition REGULAR COUNCIL-04 May 2015 Plan Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: A. Issue Paper Public Works B. ADA Transition Plan C. Draft Resolution Staff Contact: Dan Hasty,Transportation Planner, ext. 7217 Recommended Action: Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)Transition Plan (Transition Plan) for pedestrian facilities in the public rights-of-way is in place to ensure that the City creates reasonable, accessible paths of travel in the public rights-of-way for everyone, including people with disabilities. Over the past 10 years the City has made a significant and long-term commitment to improving the accessibility of its pedestrian facilities. The Transition Plan identifies physical barriers and prioritizes improvements that should be made throughout the City while describing new and existing policies and programs to enhance overall pedestrian accessibility throughout City facilities. A formally adopted Transition Plan is required by the Washington State Department of Transportation, as well as seve�al other grant funding agencies from which the City receives funding for infrastructure projects. Over the past year, staff has researched, developed, and assembled the Transition Plan, based on current state and federal requirements under Title II of the ADA. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve a resolution adopting the City of Renton Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT p ����0� � �• M E M O R A N D U M DATE: May 4, 2015 T0: Ed Prince Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA: Denis Law, Mayor FROM: Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Dan Hasty,Transportation Planner(ext. 7217) SUBJECT: City of Renton Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan ISSUE: Should Council approve a Resolution adopting the City of Renton Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan? RECOMMENDATION: Approve a Resolution adopting the City of Renton Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan. BACKGROUND: The City of Renton Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)Transition Plan (Transition Plan) for pedestrian facilities in the public rights-of-way is to ensure that the City creates reasonable, accessible paths of travel in the public rights-of-way for everyone, including people with disabilities. Over the past 10 years the City has made a significant and long- term commitment to improving the accessibility of its pedestrian facilities. ! The Transition Plan identifies physical barriers and prioritizes improvements that should be made throughout the City while detailing new and existing policies and programs to enhance overall pedestrian accessibility throughout City facilities. A formally adopted Transition Plan is required by the Washington Department of Transportation, as well as several other grant funding agencies from which the City receives funding for infrastructure projects. Over the past year staff has researched, developed,and assembled the City of Renton Transition Plan, based on current state and federal requirements under Title II of the ADA. Ed Prince,Council President Members of the Renton City Council Page 2 of 2 May 4,2015 Highlights of what the Transition Plan include: • History of ADA transition implementation in Renton and list of recently upgraded facilities • Discussion of state and federal laws and regulations • Adopted policies and procedures • Inventory of existing infrastructure assets • Prioritization and programming of future upgrade work such as: ❖ Methodology used to complete Self Evaluation ❖ list of projects scheduled to be done in 2015 ❖ Criteria used for prioritizing future upgrade work • Schedule and funding cc: Iwen Wang,Administrative Services Administretor Nancy Carlson,Human Resources/Risk Management Administrator Doug Jacobson,Deputy Public Works Administrator,Transportation Jim Seitz,Transportation Planning Manager Gary Lamb,Risk Manager Hai Nguyen,Finance Analyst Joey Harnden,Administrative Secretary 1 • • � ' • . • • � � . 1 . • � . • � . . �,"",n'�' �' . . . t ;�'°�;� �-'��;� ,� ;^� � � `"�' ' y � �'M�7S�yY.�:p.,';���� �*'�����.. +�- . . . • -k.�- � �1��' - .�F" ,' �,.tL �` � 4 �i '}� s; � .y'S.''�°��� 7� �r , _ � t ��'- 'L� ..F"� _ . . ���� � ^ `5� _ . L �' ; '"�+r. ..�-.. "`�''��.�. ._.. i; -.�' ��.: " - ` �� ;;iil�� '�`-��"= ' �-.�..� � .. , � �... . � w 4 / � ,w.x. ;,%A-f:% ` '�_ "w yt 1 . -�'V` `�� � , • � • � � • • • ' • . � . . � � � � � • • � • City of . RENTON.AHEAD OF TNE CUR�E� ' �. . Pub�ic �Vor�s l�epartment Table of Contents Overview.......................................................................................................................................................2 Policiesand Procedures................................................................................................................................2 Sidewalk, Curb Ramp and Accessible Pedestrian Signal Inventory...............................................................3 �, Project Prioritization.....................................................................................................................................4 IFunding .........................................................................................................................................................5 Schedule........................................................................................................................................................6 Appendix A:Recently Completed&Future Planned ADA Upgrades Appendix B:Pavement Patching at Crosswalks Memo Appendix C:Sidewalk&Curb Ramp ADA Compliance Request Process A endix D:Accessible Pedestrian Si nal Locations Ma PP B P Appendix E:Policy for Minor Modifications to Signal Systems at Pedestrian Street Crossings Appendix F:Locations of Wheelchair Ramps&ADA Compliance Map Appendix G: MACOG Intersection Inventory Tool Appendix H:Crosswalk Closing Law Appendix I:Washington State Laws Appendix J:Funding Opportunities Appendix K: Now You Have a Transition Plan... Now What? City of Renton Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan Overview The Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)of 1990 is a civil rights statute that prohibits discrimination against people who have disabilities. Title II of the ADA specifically add�esses the subject of making public services and public transportation accessible to those with disabilities. With the advent of ADA,design and construction of facilities for public use,such as sidewalks and traffic signal crossings that are not accessible by people with disabilities constitutes discrimination. The purpose of the Transition Plan is to remove barriers to mobility for people with disabilities. The ADA requires that all governmental agencies complete a Transition Plan for the construction of curb ramps at all locations where walkways cross curbs in streets or municipally owned parking lots and at mid-block crossings. The contents and requirements of ADA Transition Plans are described in the ADA Title II Technical Assistance Manual,Section II-8.300. http:/Jwww.ada.�ov/taman2.html The City of Renton Transition Plan contains the following: • A list of physical barriers in the City that limit the accessibility of sidewalks and signalized crossings to individuals with disabilities • A detailed outline of the process to be implemented for removing these barriers • A schedule to achieve compliance with Title II including the interim steps that will be taken each year for the transition period • The name of the official responsible for the Plan's implementation Policies and Procedures A barrier free transportation system requires policies and procedures that ensure that all departments and programs are striving to meet the goal of a transportation system that is free of barriers. Planning documents must provide clear policy direction for new development. Inspection practices must assure that sidewalk facilities have been properly constructed and meet applicable standards. The City has an interest in exercising particular diligence in regard to pedestrian facility development, regardless of whether pedestrian facilities have been constructed as part of a private development project or as part of a public works project. The cost associated with remediation of work that has been done incorrectly often far exceeds the original cost of the initial project. The City of Renton has the following policies and procedures in place for creating a barrier free transportation system: 2 • Updates to the City's Comprehensive Plan will include goals and policies that result in the development of an accessible transportation system • Updates to the Renton's Municipal Code will include specific requirements to upgrade sidewalks and signa�crossing to meet current ADA standards • Concurrent with full depth street overlay work,every place where sidewalks intersect the project,the crossings will be brought up to contemporary ADA standards, including compliant curb ramps(see appendix B) • Concurrent with all major capital improvement projects sidewalk will be brought up to contemporary ADA standards and accessible pedestrian signals(APS)shall be installed at all traffic signals with pedestrian indications (see appendix E) • Traffic signals without pedestrian indications shall be designed for future installation of APS • Roadway designs will meet ADA standards to assure that new ramps are properly located, designed and constructed • Inspection practices will assure that sidewalk facilities have been constructed according to plan and meet applicable standards , • Citizen re uests will be documented and follow throu h will be tracked G g • The Public Works Administrator or their designee will serve as the Sidewalk Transition Plan Mana er for the Public Works De artment g P • The Community and Economic Development Administrator or their designee will serve as the Sidewalk Transition Plan Manager for the Community and Economic Development Department Upgrading the entire network is an immense undertaking and must be done in phases that are dependent on available funding. Sidewalk, Curb Ramp and Accessible Pedestrian Signal Inventory Pre arin a com lete and useful inventory is costty because of the huge amount of labor required to P g P collect, input and manage the data. Over the years the City of Renton has been working toward having a complete and accurate inventory of all public right of way infrastructures. The City of Renton's current sidewalk and curb ramp inventory was completed in 2008 as part of a comprehensive citywide walkway study and the City has also completed an inventory of all the city traffic signals that may need accessible pedestrian signal(APS) improvements. The 2008 inventory identified 2,974 existing curb ramps with 2,196 of those judged to ofFer substantial compliance when inventoried. See attached Figure 12 from 2008 Comprehensive Walkway Study Final Report. There are currently 129 traffic signals in the City of Renton,of those eight that are equipped with APS push buttons. Five are located on Rainier Ave South plus three additional located at NE 4"'& Whitman,Garden Avenue North &North Park Drive and NE Sunset Blvd&NE Union Avenue. 3 In 2014 the City began to update to the Citywide Sidewalk and Curb Ramp inventory using the following two stage process: Stage One is a preliminary evaluation designed to give the City of Renton a reasonably accurate sense for what the existing conditions are. Stage One will inventory and document 1)existence of sidewalk 2)existence of curb ramps at all locations in which the sidewalk intersects roadway intersections or makes a major transition 3)analysis will be done using the City's aerial photography and Google Earth to determine if the existing curb ramps are: a. Not compliant with contemporary ADA standards and do not offer"substantial"compliance i.e.do not offer safe and usable access to the majority of the population needing curb ramps for mobility b. Not compliant with contemporary ADA standards but do offer"substantial"compliance i.e. they do offer safe and usable access to the majority of the population needing curb ramps for mobility(in the raters opinion the ramp was built in the past under a vastly different standard and was compliant when built, but falls short of what is required by toda�s Standard)or c. Geometry is close to the contemporary Standard d. Does not have ADA detectable warning surface e. Does not have what appears to be a level landing that is close to or exceeds four feet by four feet in area Stage Two is a detailed field audit that will fully satisfy the federal requirement covering Self Evaluation 1)Width of any existing sidewalk 2)obstructions to access to sidewalk such as grossly �, excessive cross sloping caused by root or frost heaving,or at existing driveway locations 3) Geometry and slope of all existing curb ramps This data will be entered into a database in the City GIS and when complete will include all public rights of way. The Public Works Transportation Division will maintain the database as necessary to reflect new information such as annexations,capital improvement projects and/or physical condition changes.This Database will be analyzed and used to schedule and program corrective measures. Project Prioritization The following criteria will be considered to select and prioritize projects from the inventories and those identified by citizen requests: 1) Government Buildings-Title 11 requires city governments to ensure that all of their programs,services,and activities are accessible to people with disabilities. Any feature that serves as a barrier to access to a government building or facility is assumed to have the highest priority. 2) Primary Walk Route to School-a location that is a barrier along a primary walking route , to a school will have a higher priority than other walkways near schools ', 4 3) Churches—church properties frequently host Senior and disabled groups/activities 4) Senior Citizen Center and Housing/Assisted Living/Social Service Agency/Disabled—a location that is a barrier to these locations will have higher priority 5) Transit Center or bus stop—a location blocking access to fixed route bus service will have higher priority 6) Park-a location blocking pedestrian access to parks will have higher priority 7) Pedestrian Attractions—a walkway that serves more pedestrians than one with a lower number of pedestrians. The following facilities are identified as ones that tend to attract pedestrians. Additional consideration will accrue to locations that are in close proximity to more than one of the following pedestrian attractors a. Schools(within the designated radius from school) b. Hospital c. Arterial Street d. High Density Residential Neighborhood e. Designated Urban Center f. Commercial/Mixed Use Areas g. Commercial Neighborhood Business Areas 8) Availability of a convenient alternative route. 9) Location has standing curb or"unusable" ramp vs. location has substandard, but usable ramp 10) Is the project already within a larger capital improvement project that is reasonably expected to be funding in the next 6 years Citywide, not all non-compliant ramps and traffic signals can be immediately upgraded or replaced, or even replaced or upgraded in the short term.The City does not have the financial resources to do so. Locations that are not up to current standards, but offer relatively safe usability and do not obviously block access to more than a small percentage of disabled pedestrians have a lower priority than locations that cannot accommodate a large percentage of the affected population. All requests for pedestrian accessibility improvements will continue to be given careful consideration. The City of Renton will continue to assign evaluation of citizen requests a high priority and if it is practical when there is an immediate need the City will address barriers in those locations as soon as resources are available. In some instances barriers are beyond the City's ability to correct immediately. In those cases,the City will attempt to identify an interim alternative , accessible route and will identify and prioritize these locations. Funding The City of Renton has included funding for a Barrier Free Transition Program in its Six-Yea� Transportation Improvement Plan(TIP). In addition all of the Cit�/s Capital Improvement projects and private development projects with the City's right of way will be constructed to current accessibility standards. S Schedule It will take the City of Renton many years of dedicated work to upgrade all the sidewalks,traffic signals and other pedestrian improvements to meet current ADA standards. This is further complicated by updates to the current standards that make previously compliant improvements non-compliant. This plan provides a foundation for this work but will require updating in the _ future. The City will take interim steps on an annual basis to implement the plan. For further information regarding past and future projects,see the schedule in appendix A. 6 Appendix A: Recently Completed & Future Planned ADA Upgrades Recentiv Completed and Planned Future Improvements Completed Proiects Upgrades done as part of Capital Improvement Projects: 2014 NE Park Dr Pedestrian walkway added to Houser Way N overpass, 1580 feet of new ADA compliant sidewalk,4 Ramp locations improved, Crosswalks at I-405 ramps improved I 2014 I Park Ave N 100 feet new ADA compliant sidewalk,5 ramp locations improved Crosswalks at Park Ave N x Garden Ave N improved 2014 NE 4`h St&Whitman 5 ramp locations improved Ct N E 2014 Rainier Ave S from Approximately 7,000 linear feet of new ADA compliant sidewalk. 21 Grady Way to S 3�d pedestrian crossing(ocations of City streets upgraded to full ADA Street compliance including APS and 37 new ramps. Upgrades done as part of the City Overlay Program: 2014 1615`Ave SE&SE 4 ramp upgrades � I 156`h St I 2014 I 160`h Ct&SE 156`h I 2 ramp upgrades � St , I2014 159th Ave SE&SE 4 ramp upgrades ( 156`h St 2014 158`h Ave SE&SE 2 ramp upgrades I ( 156`h St ' I 2014 I 157`h Ave SE&SE I 4 ramp upgrades 156`h St I 2014 I 156`h Ct SE&SE I 2 ramp upgrades 156`h St ( 2014 SE 156th PI&SE I 2 ramp upgrades I 157`h St � I 2014 I SE 156t�Ct& 158t� I 2 ramp upgrades � Ave SE l 2014 1615`Ave SE& 2 ramp upgrades I Maple Valley Rd 2014 SE 156`h St mid- 2 ramp upgrades � block I 2014 156`h PI SE mid- 1 ramp upgrade I block I I a 2014 158`h Ave SE mid- 1 ramp upgrade block ( Future Scheduled Proiects Upgrades done as part of Capital Improvement Projects: 2015 Logan Ave N from Project includes new curb,gutter,sidewalks,landscaped buffer all of Cedar River Bridge which will be designed and constructed to contemporary ADA to N 6"'St. East side standards. The intersection at N 3ro will be reconfigured and will include upgraded pedestrian crossings that include APS. 2015 I NW 4`h&Taylor I The existing pedestrian amenities at the intersection will be upgraded to ADA compliance or MEF 2015 I 5 7`h St &S Shattuck I The intersection will be reconfigured. Pedestrian crossings will be � Ave upgraded to contemporary standards and will feature APS 2015 S Main St&5 2nd The intersection will be raised. All pedestrian crossings will be Street upgraded to full ADA compliance and there will be APS on at all pedestrian crossings. 2015 Lake Washington The project will provide a shared use regional trail from the Cedar Loop Trail from River Trail eventually extending to the north city limits along Airport Logan Ave to Rainier Way and Rainier Ave N. All elements of the project will be designed ' Ave and constructed in full compliance with contemporary ADA standards. 2015 I Benson Rd&Carr I All pedestrian crossings will be upgraded to full ADA compliance and Rd there will be APS on at all pedestrian crossings. Upgrades done as part of the City Overlay Program: ( 2015 I Oakesdale Av SW I All pedestrian crossing locations between SW 3rd PI&SW Langston Rd will be upgraded to contemporary standard or MEF I 2015 ( Houser Way S I All pedestrian crossing locations between Shattuck Ave 5&Burnette Ave S wil)be upgraded to contemporary standard or MEF 2015 I Burnette PI 5 ( All pedestrian crossing locations between S 2"d St&5 Tobin St will be upgraded to contemporary standard or MEF � 2015 ( 118th Ave SE I All pedestrian crossing locations between SE Petrovitsky Rd &SE 175`n St will be upgraded to contemporary standard or MEF See the following maps for additional locations that the City has done recent overlay work. Where existing sidewalk intersects the street being overlaid the pedestrian crossings will have been upgraded to ADA Compliance as part of the annual overlay program. �. ,�<. , — ��:==��►_ / � _ , �#! � ', t�r y�,.:� _ ,�►`� - `� .��1 I � r.. �� :i��,i.� ..�/ '�i��`• '� `:� r „ ��� �' ���t�`' �,�.'� . ��nr����►�� . ,��� � �� ����.�� ,��` Y� � ��A}��y�i��� ������I��� � , r� ' �(j .. �� � .�`�' M��'� ��� j�'� � �"' �,�i ��� C!� a.rr. / ) ..c� �'��� _ a .,1.. —�f�; _ !��,,,M.� R1��� �i�.. '.• ( i(� � ��, „!''} � � �� ;s�� � - LA �HrY/R ^ �r+r � I �5 �*�ry E rl �i \ w S�. ����� M ,��'►'� '�y - � «�..M��'�f�Fi~�S!{�?�����r� �� � � ���j-.�',p .�"\" ��:� a:.''�y�. �•1�'i ' t ! � � �� , � �:i . � �/�� � � �� ,..: �11 � = « .y G- _ �� —�. � � - . . .� .r+,i� � ����t:l�i ��'' t /rr. �"+� a�'��� � ��'`�';: • ",�,t� ���IE,� (s�`i,��t�j _�� � � � � �?�i �� }� • � �,t'� ��/� � � � -� .3��" �� :;i•�r��,�/ � Ni,� °y�` ,�,� ["�. i3� '� ;f �i► .�i�+. 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'^. • .�" ' Street Patch �"��l�y Year,MaF_Number � and aver(ay 2013 1 � with Curb Ramps �2q13.2 �«„� 2D13.3 ��134 ✓ r1 � - — t , - � i � � � � � � �.� � _��— n � ;' �=� �� ��� ��► � � � � . . . - � �// i� � ,.� �� � � ,. �, �Ci I,��. ��1'� �i� , .� � ���� —!! , ����•-- --{ �— �i1, k �y ■ � � � � �� � ��~� �_ � I�� 5�` ..�(� ��� ��1' � �� t}Sf ,thY � r _C . .. � �' k r � T ��, �,_� � .� �' 4 �.' . „ a � " �I€J�.J E�' � , w �9r Q t ^F 9� � d �}' S 1: i * ' „ p � � ; , . .t..�"�',... � L_I u ' i " r � .` �i ' , � �---•—•_I '�._..� i. - � � _ ` ;� . i _.._ " � ,.,.. , E..v ._.._.._.., f � � ' i . � i.e „� �sw� +�w ' E •�--� Ef�i�. •, ' L..3 T ^ � � TM � � � • � �� ^ C � t��� �~ Ir)w9 K1� S�y � � ' _ �� 1 ♦ I.� Y�Y�y � Map Numbar SVaat tioma Strsat From To Straat ' Street Patch - 1 Renbn Ave&t 650'W W Fqrde hlgrde Ave N � 1 f0anbn Ava&t kardie Ave NW painier Ave N and Overlay ' ��AVe� ���� ��A�� 2 PE t71h St OuvapAve NE 430'Fistof QrvaN 2 PE 91h St lirriglon Ave N Jeflarson Ave DE 2 NE 9Ci Sl Jaffarsm Ave N KrM6nd Ave t� W'�� u rb Ra m p s 3 M�otoe Ave SE Alpb Vaby fdf J318 SE&A SI 3 SEBM Si SE 51h 91 Mbnoe Ave SE � Eaal Vallay W SYV 27th St SW 191h Sl 3 11Mh Avt SE SE 1791h H SE 176M St 5 1091h Ave SE SE/79M q 3E 17&h Sl IT-GIS 5 SE 1791h F1 109 Ave SE 1 t01h Ave SE Printed on 06I13Y2011 6 WhilwoM Lane S(AoeyJ S 7w S� S 8M 3� •,_._`y �� 8 Mosas Lane(Ab1l) 3 7F 51 3 BM SI `�� ���.J..... -.. e vwre�snhbos S(AaeY1 S sh St S an 5� Appendix B : Pavement Patching at Crosswalks Memo . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT � �r,,,�O� � -- �� �: M E M O R A N D U M DATE: November 24, 2014 T0: Gregg Zimmerman FROM: Bob Hanson SUBIECT: Pavement Patching at Crosswalks A question has arisen as to the impact ADA regulations have on our trench restoration requirements through intersections. Is it necessary to provide PROWAG compliant ramps at the ends of crosswalks that are crossed by trench restoration pavement patches? The responsibility for correcting PROWAG substandard intersections belongs to the City, and the City has a Transition Plan that provides for correction of all ADA deficient intersections including a schedule and budget. The City's pavement patching standards for trench restoration require grinding and overlay of at least one full lane width for the length of trench affected when that trench runs with the centerline of the street. Below, I have excerpts from two Department of Justice documents relative to the subject. Both documents address conditions that occur when a local authority performs pavement work on a street. They do not address what is required when a third party does utility work in a city street: From the Department of Justice/Department of Transportation Joint Technical Assistance'on the Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act Requirements to Provide Curb Ramps when Streets, Roads, or Highways are Altered through Resurfacing: I An alteration is a change that affects or could affect the usability of all or part of a �'� building or facility.3 Alterations of streets, roads, or highways include activities such as reconstruction, rehabilitation, resurfacing,widening, and projects of similar scale and effect.� Maintenance activities on streets,roads, or highways, such as filling potholes,are not alterations. When is resurfacing considered to be an alteration? Pavement Patching at Crosswalks Page 2 of 2 November 24,2014 Resurfacing is an alteration that triggers the requirement to add curb ramps if it involves work on a street or roadway spanning from one intersection to another, and includes overlays of additional material to the road surface, with or without milling. Examples include,but are not limited to the following treatments or their equivalents: addition of a new layer of asphalt,reconstruction, concrete pavement rehabilitation and reconstruction,open-graded surface course,micro-surfacing and thin lift overlays, cape seals, and in-place asphalt recycling. What kinds of treatments constitute maintenance rather than an alteration? Treatments that serve solely to seal and protect the road surface, improve friction, and control splash and spray are considered to be maintenance because they do not significantly affect the public's access to or usability of the road. Some examples of the types of treatments that would normally be considered maintenance are: painting or striping lanes, crack filling and sealing, surface sealing, chip seals, slurry seals, fog seals, scrub sealing,joint crack seals,joint repairs,dowel bar retrofit, spot high-friction treatments, diamond grinding, and pavement patching. In some cases,the combination of several maintenance treatrnents occurring at or near the same time may qualify as an alteration and would trigger the obligation to provide curb ramps. From the Glossary of Terms for DOJ/DOT Joint Technical Assistance on the ADA Title II Requirements to Provide Curb Ramps When Streets Roads or Highways are Altered Through Resurfacing: Pavement patching—Pavement patching involves selectively repairing portions of the pavement where the slabs are generally in good condition, but comers or joints are broken. The depth of the patch could be full depth or partial depth. The Department of Justice documents address pavement projects,and the various treatments that might be used, and which are alterations and which maintenance. Projects that are exclusively utility work that includes pavement patching, only as a required part of trench restoration, are not discussed in those documents. Trench restoration that includes pavement patching will be performed in accordance with the Cit�s trench restoration policy. Such trench restoration does not affect the usability of the pavement and will be considered "pavement patching"and thus maintenance, not triggering PROWAG curb ramp requirements. Appendix C: Sidewalk & Curb Ramp ADA Compliance Request Process City of Renton WA Public Works Sidewaik and Curb Ramp ADA Compliance Request Process Americans with Disability Act Provisions for requesting sidewalk and curb upgrades or filing grievances related to compliance with ADA. The City of Renton has adopted an internal procedure for providing prompt and equitable resolution to requests for sidewalk and curb ramp upgrades to meet the standard set by Public Rights of Way Access Board (PROWAC) standards and complaints alleging any action prohibited by the US Department of lustice regulation implementing Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Requests or complaints should be addressed to:City of Renton, Public Works Department, 1055 5 Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057 and should include the information set forth below and will be processed in accordance with the following procedure: 1. Notice of request or complaint should be filed within 14 days of when the requestor or complaintant becomes aware of alleged non-compliance; 2. A request or complaint can be made at any time; 3. The request or complaint shall be made in writing; 4. A request or complaint should include the name,address,and telephone number of the person making the request or complaint; 5. The request or complaint must identify the location and nature of the requested improvement; 6. A request or complaint should include a detailed description of the perceived barrier and any explanation by the requestor or complainant as to any claimed violation of the ADA. 7. An investigation shall follow the filing of a complaint or request. The investigation shall be conducted by the Public Works ADA Transition Plan Manager or designee appointed by the Public Works Administrator. These rules contemplate informal, investigations,affording all interested persons and their representatives, if any,an opportunity to submit evidence relevant to a request or complaint. 8. A written determination of the request or complaint and a description of the resolution,if any,shall be issued by the Public Works ADA Transition Plan Manager and a copy shall be forwarded to the requestor or complainant no later than 14 business days after the request or complaint was received by the City. In the event of complex issues arising from the request or complaint,and that may require additional time to thoroughly review and investigate;the Public Works DepartmenYs response may extend beyond 14 days upon notice to the requestor or complainant. 9. The Public Works ADA Transition Plan Manager shall maintain files and records of the City of Renton Public Works Department that pertain to requests or complaints filed regarding accessibility within the Public Right of Way. 10. The requestor or complaintant may request reconsideration of any administrative determination made by the Public Works Department Administrator,or his/her designee,as provided in RMC 4-8-110, in instances where he or she is dissatisfied with the resolution. Any final decision of the Public Works Department Administrator, or his/her designee,may be appealed to the Hearing Examiner as provided in RMC 4-8-110. Appendix D : Accessible Pedestrian Signal Locations Map --���� ,, ���._�_ :,.. - o ,; :, �: :��� ,�. _ �., :��z 7 � ( � �, I. �. �� - f l,t �f�_ ; �, - �.�� �� / ��.„ � a=eiwood Park �'��� -�� .�: _ ,:,�� ��� ,T� � ,�'S �x.��._- 4�. .:�� .� .�:��r.: : '�4 � : , ��' �,� " �_ L s�. .y , d4^r� 0�I;-y w`` '���. �f h'± t � � . :�� �F` »�.\`� rc+ ��� -���z�,� . 5 ' `��y � � 'Cou,gar= �, .P, /�;�. ... ' / ; � � �` �R � i h�.E ! � p(�j : �.��`���° -:�� :����� � ., �,, Lake Boren Parli���. ^ ������ ��,�:��,: ���. � � :� � �». ;��-��Wiidiar _ y ��T � i� �, �.�-�� �� t� � � G�� ' . �'�A�i f ^$a.'4 ,Y`Y t'ff � , l�--�'��,� �j � '�.'4' �y :: � . $ t:.�ta.a� � "/ l`'ti�1 . ,/'l �tl 1 , : La ke' � � �� r� � K E N N D A L E .���`' ` r >3 . L � . „r�- � L: ;�:.>.. S:7 _.�,` �'� 4�• a ��o- �,��Sk."�� - �Washington � ���-. � � ;,; � � '���u.�:-�� � ����,� _ � _ � ���a:..� w„ ,�_ ,�,, �,� . ' �, ,;:, >� �,�'��"� � ' �,' +,�. . - . -.. - - � - - _ � .,. �. 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De�t� rk ��; aY`�r�l� "". Philip r �: ,� �..�.:��.:�.` w. ��C�� � J?5`� ✓-` _ �; gV`1 �^, ; Arnold Park ';,�� �,��,.�;.'.-,"� , �,��~�.� '� �' ;�� , ,� �eq� � k. `� )� �, �r�i a":, "�.-�� ikWlla� '',�. 5 5 � . _ _>; � Park �'��1/\A L L E Y: � ` � �; , , t ..� � �\.-� Y; � t�� n, .� ae ;:-,Th� LJ ' �.:--� � ��""' Cascada Park Q � 181 ' �� �-.;� Teasdale Park r ai; .'��°-. � !``` ,"^3 E N S O N .. ,� � ' �tl t 0�� � .� m�; � �'� Valley '� � �c � ��'�to -ark J ' � ��' � Medica ��;—_�-_.__....-•M --1_ <. � ' :� � ,,r., �'�=f� �`SF-P FAIRWtJQD =�:._ =..�:;.::�__��� N�, �',.';. I' etrp ��� ' `'�--�; `w� �,x'k;:. , �it ;... Q �:�;. Sky-Rd==--.~� k:�x.g' j; ;i t ' ,.. . - ,` .; .,=�`=r:.. t. �! -'.:, v-;:�.�:�,�,��:a,; -,_. ;' �: ..,.:.-; t -:.�-a�e>=-.:-: L -' 'rti'��� ,�a'�-',.":'.;-�,: — O =��:�;;�i;r,,s:r�;�'���='�:�::��<i�� . ' �.� xA��,��.�-'� ., x' ` :; �� x� �,. �� � . . ��UI, Va� ' �' - �'.�-as.'��.rb+"a Ra�,s�rqr.� � 5 5 ,..,, . ,.. - _.__---_-� '�� �:,� � :-*g�.r� -------x� '_�k:`,%s...- -�`x . €.'+#�:, ; _ �ane�Park� - ---=-; � �� 4xTA�L B_C)T ;� ��` . Acess Pedestrian Signal � 167 "� � t- I la ke ~ { '�,,; . � Yes P�� Existing Traffic Signal Locations �� N� Appendix E: Policy for Minor Modifications to Signal Systems at Pedestrian Street Crossings POLICY FOR M[NOR MODIFICATIONS TO StGNAL SYSTENIS AT PEDESTRIAN � STREET CRaSSiNGS Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish guide[ines defining minor modficstions b sigrial systems aruf their appliwtion to projects at signalized intersectioc�s ihat include pedestrian street crossings. Definition: Minor Modifications. Tra�c signal work such as routine maintenance,cabinet upgrades, loop/video detection installation and repairs,pedestrian and traffic signal head upgrades,and relocafion of pedestrian pushbuttons that do not involve sidewalk constnution that touches ramps or landings are defined as minor modifications that do not require additional improvements to meet full accessibility requirernents. Application: The Crty will make minor rnod�cations to signalized intersections in accordance with this policy without the necessfty of making those additional modifications necessary to rneet full � accessibility requi�ements,including APS improVements. The City will construct other signal upgrades including APS improvernents,and ramp and la�ding improvements at signalized irrtersections in compliance with The 2005 Oreft Public Rights of Way Accessibility Guidelines as may be amended or replaced and adopted by the Department of Justice(PROWAG)in accordance with its Transit�on Pla�. The City of Renton Tra�sition Plan provides for: 1. A fund to install pedestrian improvements In response to requests. 2. Inclusion of pedestrian improvements in accordance with PROWAG standards in street and pedestrian capital improvemerrt projects. 3. Systematic citywide funding and upgrading of crosswalks,ramps,landings and pedestrian signals in accordance with an inventory analysis and schedule. POLICY FOR MINOR MODIFICATIONS TO �• p� — 130 PUBLIc woRKs SIGNAL SYSTEMS AT PEDESTRfAN PPRo� ^ � � � DEPARTMENT STREET CROSSINGS � HJIyt�L.�+ `��I 'r � Pushbutton Installation City of Bellevue's Kam Szabo asked... ■ I've got a few questions about APS pushbutton installations. � 1. If you modify a curb ramp, but the existing pushbutton is located in an accessible location (meets all the various criteria for height and offsets), do you have to change the button to an APS button? 2. What if you are just adding truncated domes to the ramp? 3. Do you always have to separate out buttons if you have modified the ramp? ''� Since PROWAG is not formally adopted yet, I just want to get a better handle on what the triggers are from WSDOT and the Federal perspective. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jodi Petersen, FHWA Washington Division Office, provided this response to Kam's question. ■ Hi Kam - � FHWA's position is that in the absence of a "standard" for public right-of-way facilities, entities should refer to PROWAG -which is considered to be a "reasonable and consistent policy" for PROW facilities. Washington State LTAP News Page �7 Issue 111 •Summer 2012 At the very least, the City must develop a "reasonable and consistent policy" for how it plans to address APS. Our expectation is that anytime you "touch" the pedestrian signals/pushbuttons, that you will replace with APS. If the scope of your project is only to modify the curb ramp (adding truncated domes, et al), and not "altering" the pedestrian signals/pushbuttons -then you don't have to install APS at that time. However, at some point you will need to change out , the pedestrian signals/pushbuttons to meet the PROWAG requirements (once I PROWAG is adopted as a standard). ' The bottom line is: the City either uses the PROWAG now as it's (the City's) reasonable & consistent policy, or it develops its own "reasonable and consistent policy" for how the City will address APS (until PROWAG is adopted as the standard). The City's policy will need to specify when it will install APS , (i.e., when pedestrian signals are altered, upon request/at a time specified in a specific schedule -such as in a transition plan). I hope that this is helpful. I've cc'd Aaron Butters (WSDOT H&LP) on this !� response so as to ensure a consistent message (from FHWA) to all local agencies who may have the same/similar questions. , Please let me know if you have further questions or need clarification of the above. , ---------------- - One quick follow up -When do you need to separate the buttons? Is that the same standard of "when ou touch the buttons" or does it have an hin to do Y , Yt 9 with the ramps being modified? Kam . Kam - Yes, at any time you "alter" the pedestrian signals/pushbuttons. Jodi Washington State LTAP News Page �8 Issue 111 •Summer 2012 Appendix F: Locations of Wheelchair Ramps & ADA Compliance Map Legend Wheelchair Ramp Compliance � . � Ramp is Present A Ramp is ADA Compliant N , � ,_Miles 0 0.5 �� �. _ ` �. : �:�� ' �� !R !� �1`�_ .�N �aMS�� _ Y � t€ � . •�LM ��4. . `�•d-�,-J-M�\ ' �:;�?�1A�' . 9' " ' W - . ♦ �iA� Z Q ' • �w 1 - S ? -r °�M �` �� � I y , �� -i �e+"a � N B 4f � " �A �. '• ..i,. -� � � x S _ . S A . . •�•51� ' __- � � \ � � ` � a�T --� "�• 1lMaivE�s ._..'e�!"�"�.'+ i ,^ � �� T • � � - - , w "�`' '�Z I �a��ry. ,' .- �,�.. �.. � �. \' � t ����� ,.:��s ,' . _— — "`�";., �� . � d.r � ♦ ,�f t 169 .. 50id✓ . ' - Y� �f 1 i ._ .. . . 2f' � ._ '_ " � < . ' �--., �� . . ' _.`. ' . ____ N . $ i -- �OWI1tGYY11�fls9ft � s _ . �z,� , ���� . - "� ,.� s � .l .1 NI51� . ` , �a''�,.-. `—_� .__ � e ,�N 7. ` 35[. T�a�2 � � � , `��"'l, , bPuaMY` _ '4 `��' `x � � " �,�__ � ' . /7 v -�. f ' a • "y Sf 1 �� € 6 `_"SWI]51 S� F . � S 2 �5 s � � 6I •C ' . ti , • � �F! .-- ' S < . i �_ �. � �{Y _ - - .sw�s� s�a� . 1`7 , -- -. . ' M s� � � , k ' ti`�Y � � Location of Wheelchair Ramps�ADA Compliance 9 ' i �• ,T,,,,,�„��,o� Comprehensive Walkway Study-2008 Fi 12re �''��;zo� ����-'�� City of Renton Januery 3,2008 Appendix G: MACOG Intersection Inventory Tool ADA Intersection Data Collection Definitions and Instructions ADA Intersection Data Collection Intersection Diagram In order to consistently collect data for each intersection the diagram below shows the naming convention used for intersection legs, curb ramps, and sidewalks. • Intersection leg is named after the direction of travel into the intersection. [South Bound,West Bound, North Bound, East Bound] • Sidewalks are identified with a lowercase letter starting in the Northeast corner moving clockwise around. [a, b, c, d, e,f,g,h] • Curb ramps are identified with an uppercase letter and correspond to the matching sidewalk. [A, B, C, D, E, F, G,H] �oath �auad /r ar _ � � � � .� g � � � g h � �i � � j� � � � " � � � � _ _ � E- - _ _ _ �a _ _ _ .� w �' r r ''� _ _ 3 � � � � � � f' F - - � C' c . . ..� 1 � ! .�.. _ _ e d' hort� Baund Page 2 ADA Intersection Data Collection Data Collection Form � LPA: N/S: FlW: Ins:_Date: ID: � _ Approach ; .. .. - . ..., . : _ ,.e...:.,:,-.,_._.._, . ..��._......,...:.e.___....:.__ . . � g � h � - ° � a � b � � � � � � � � � : , � . : I ._ . I ;, _. _ . _ _ ': � . { { `: �------+--------� �' � Crosswalk ', a r---- —}----------� : r : . , � � - - - - - � i __�._.»-- _ ? - � , } ( g �' G B - b ' =- ---- -- ' H South Bound � '4 � . _ � Approsc6 Crosswalk � � Approacd � Crosswalk . - � � _��------_.------�---------- m° m I - -- - -- ' -- - -__.._ -----_._.. .�_ _._..__-- � � r � , � � k . I . • . � i � f I E North Bound p ' � Approach I . , F �� . . � � e � f � � � d � �-- ------..._ I -- ---- � �---. � --- - - �-_.._ _ - I � E - - - :- � - � � � ` ; Crossw•alk � � � _ - j - ( I � e ; --------- ; d � I � ; , � — — — I { — � — —f i � f I s � � Curb Ramps ( Type I Widd� I Landing I Cl� I Run"•o I Cross�o �Gutter/o I Edgc ��e,�a I Sutfacc I�l'arning I Grd Brk Spxe � I I Type OK. OK'. OK. AIi'I •I'_\-BI•til � .I I ��i a�i ooi �_�_KI oa� � _ti ' Y._,� I �._� $ 'Y( •P\-T3T-,y I .I ..I ..I oJi oo� �>nl \-f -R I 4nI l�•� � t -ti I 1"-V C ' 1'1 P\ F3l `. I ..I . I _� n�l ooi "o� \-I -ItI "o� 1 -� I � .\ I 1"-\ D �ri _i��_r��-til .I ..I ..� ��� o�� ��,I �_r .HI ���� � -1 ! � -ti I v-� EINI.-1'1-61-'� I ..I ..I ..I n�i o5i o�l � E .KI o�l ti .�, I � .� I � .` F IVr-e�-Kr-\ I _I ..I _I ��� �o' ��i �_� -R I aql ��•.; I �'-� I v-� G� i�i r�-�;� -� � ..I ,.I -� �„� a,� ,,o� `_i .k � oa� ti _ti � � -;� � } ,�; H 'Pl•P:�-Tit•!�i I ..I ..I ..I u,�i °ol °o� �.P-R � �ol �-` I F.\ I 1�-V �General Intersection � �Approach/Crosswalk� � Curb Ramp � Sidewalk Page 3 ADA Intersection Data Collection General intersection This is general information about location of the intersection and any comments that needed to describe the intersecfion. This is collected during the Preliminary Evaluation and carried over into the Detailed Evaluation. Loca/Public Agency(LPA): Location of intersection,whether it is in the city or town limits or in the county. N/S;Street name for the north/south running street comprising the intersection. E/W: Street name for the east/west running street comprising the intersection. lns:Initials of the person completing the evaluation. Date;The date the evaluation is being completed. ID: A unique,pre-determined number based on MACOG's GIS. 7-digit number,first two numbers is the county number(20 -Elkhart,43 - Kosciusko, 50-Marshall, 71 -St Joseph),the remaining 5 are random and unique. Commenr;There is not a designated spot for comments. You can put them either in the middle of the intersection or on the back of the form. Approach/Crosswalk The approach/crosswalk data is identified by direction of travel on each intersection leg: South Bound, West Bound, North Bound, and East Bound. (refer to the diagram above). Approach �vf Lanes:The number of lanes on this leg of the intersection. (e.g.If there are two lanes going one direction and two lanes going the other direction, number of lanes would be four.) Control:The stop control device at the leg of the intersection,either"None" (N),"Stop Sign" (ST),or"Signal" (SG). Page 4 ADA Intersection Data Collection Median?: Curbed area outside of the vehicular path that acts as a refuge island for pedestrians crossing the intersection leg. Median Width:If there is a median,the width of the median (in inches) from curb line to curb line. � Median Warn: A detectable warning is a surface feature built in or applied to a walldn surface to warn of hazards on a edestrian ath. It must have g P P truncated domes and must be color contrasted from the surface around it. �■� � `� , I t I .�,� � � --; � 1�, `I , E,q �jo, � i i � i m� �"' �I I r__� L__. -� r, � . , l . i I � � � 1' �1 U �, ,�m _�an_ SOA Crosswalk Marked?:Marked crosswalk is the portion of the intersection leg that is distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other marlangs. Width:The width (in inches) of the crosswalk if it is marked. Length:The length (in feet) of the pedestrian crossing measured from curb to curb across the intersection leg. Cross:The cross slope (in percent) is perpendicular to the direction of travel where pedestrians would cross the roadway. Run:The run slope (in percent) is in the direction of travel where pedestrians would cross the roadway. Ped Signaf:Whether a visual and/or audible pedestrian signal is present on the roadway. Ped Time:The number of seconds the pedestrian signal,if there is a signal, allows for a pedestrian to cross the roadway. Page 5 ADA Intersection Data Collection Curb Ramp The curb ramp data is identified by the letters A-H (refer to the diagram above). Type:Curb ramps can be several different types, choose one of the following: _. x�Y'�� �l�'lilill"v.l� . �n4 _ _ . !YIlm��.��� . Perpendicular A curb ramp with a main (PE) slope running , � perpendicular to the curb . line, and with either a flared or curb edge. Parallel (PA) A system of two sloped � ramps that run parallel to landinp Mip�t \ 76 mm(3 in) � the curb line from a � � 7 % , common lower landing that _� �- ' is approximately level with the street ' Blended A curb ramp where the . - � Transition sidewalk is blended into or - (BT) flush with the street. .z, _ . . . `�-� . . - : _. d'�.��.�-���=-. . None (N) There is no curb ramp,but a curb on the street Width: The width (in inches) of the curb ramp not including the flared edges. , --; i ;�: ;�:�:�:-1 , ,. . , ,L2 m min ; , . • '+ , a.on .�, :� l � _1.2 m min__ . - - �1� ,. 4.Oft �-,-. - -- -•---_._.._---------- � i�,�, � \ ---- ..,...,-�..:=��;:•i - •----�_�T. T�-•- �, � '.-- -.. Page 6 ADA Intersection Data Collection tanding:The length (in inches) of the level clear space at the top of the curb ramp. It may be shared by another curb ramp. This space is meant for a wheelchair to rest without rolling down the ramp. 1.2mmu� � ��� �DR w � 12 m min � �.BufNdwp �.�� r� � �' �.,1 � '���.;/ / �"! ���,� �.� � � � ,�1/ � ` /y ---�, 12mmin !/ � +.oe \ / � ,t` j/ --� _ ��f � � �,�,; ,�• i �,� ,� � j `��� � '�.� s ��i��� ,�=..�� % '-� ' ��-� � Uear 5 ace:The len in inches of the level clear s ace at the bottom of P � � ) P the curb ramp. It must be outside of the lane of travel. This space is meant for a wheelchair to rest at the bottom of the ramp. � i�� �z�� I� � .o� � �1 , � 12mmn j �—�— � I I ;^—� i �r �j�� ` � . /y-� ,��\�,, , �'� �4\ I ; �.211�101� .'�.' ff l �j/-� �OR .1��` �I ! . e �� / � � � __l` � � � ��` � �.'1 T R1117 �. iq� I Page 7 I ADA Intersection Data Collection Run %:The running slope is the slope of the curb ramp in the direction of travel (in percent) � ' - � � ;''�::. r-- ,------1, ::.: , , •:.;: ; , .::..:� , . e.•; 1� , : :�•: � - ----..�_._._.__.____. ` ;.� � � Running slope 53'a �'' - maximum \ �:��� �. ' _ .`���;;.',, � ��``���„,.,;.,1, , . - ::���... :.: .:.:.:R:..�.... ........:....... � , „ ...,.. __ ... � ----- -- ----- _ ________ --- Cross%:The cross slope is the slope of the curb ramp perpendicular to the direction of travel (in percent). .,ul�l�„'�I!'A;�,�('�f�"''i�i,�,�r,a �!� � , \ ,���������������p�4�'i4�y�;,"ti} �- � \ / � cross slope ,�'�', i ���'a � •� I � ' � "�' ��:"�;�, /��� ," .;�: ,;�, � ,,_-::" - I � . �� '� � ` � -. ;;�� �� a � II r , Gutter%:The counter slope of the gutter or street at the bottom of the curb . ramp into the direction of travel (in percent). .-��r� ,.,,i ��) gq enr�'+�rdt(1 � ' ���'�,�VI��'f��l�flpk i{����y�'�eny ' . �'`'',�a14�ik� t `, } ���' � � ��r�h .;� ,� ::;,;;:" '�� ,,,:;:. �ifli _ •1:' \x''/ // \ � •` Page 8 -- _ _ I ADA Intersection Data Collection Edge Type:If the curb ramp is perpendicular,are the sides of the ramp: • N (None) -If it is neither flared nor returned or it is not a perpendicular ramp • F (Flared) -Flared or sloped edge • R(Returned) -Returned and protected from cross travel by an obstruction such as grass landing(steep flare may count as returned) �� � 4 '`{ �►.� ' y � �Hreo sb.a a aro wnp � t.tOmu�a �� p �.Yf,�'/ iiMMrMtlm7�4�w1�R ����� . . . . . . : i ,�% �`°�.°"°�"r' ;�:`: ■ �:- r,i `', ,, • • � �f `�. Flare %:The slope of the flared edge on a perpendicular curb ramp. Measure the steepest incline (if it is returned or none,leave blank) Surf�rce OK?:The surface of the curb ramp must be firm,stable and slip resistant and clear of gratings, access covers and other appurtenances. Warning OK?:A detectable warning is a surface feature built in or applied to a walldng surface to warn of hazards on a pedestrian path. Circle'Y'if there is a warning surface that meets all the following conditions: • The pad is a contrasting color to the surrounding surface; and ' • The pad has'truncated domes' • The pad is at least 2'wide in the direction of pedestrian travel and be the full width of the curb ramp Fulf widd� of curb ran� '��" �:�i -.�.� �. l .�: ,`� �'. �' _ _._. '� .�" 61�mirt . � . . . •�: Page 9 ADA Intersection Data Collection Grd Brk OK?:The grade break between the sidewalk and the street is located at the top and bottom of the ramp and not on the surface of the curb ramp, landing or gutter areas. Circle'Y'if both breaks meet the following conditions: • The surface on each side of the breaks are flush (so a wheelchair will roll easily); and • The break is perpendicular to the direction of travel; and • If the gap is 0.25" or less and round,then okay. � �' I ,I �,; I i � I,�,�. � ; �,9 A�� �'_"_- _O Grade break is -_ ; ,�, perpendicularto --- _ � ` direction of travel. _�;;'�:�: �� _`�-_=—_--- Page 10 ADA Intersection Data Collection Sidewalks The sidewalk data is identified by the letters a-h (refer to the diagram). The sidewalk should be evaluated half way up the block. Measurements should be the most narrow or sloped section of the sidewalk Width:The width (in inches) of the sidewalk or Pedestrian Access Route, which is walk or path that is intended for pedestrian movement must have a continuous clear space that is wide enough for a wheelchair to travel across. - -------------- -- _. ------� _.� _-� ----- -� -- __.__. _-----__ -Curb - --- ----_-__--------- -------------�-------------- . _��.�-____.�_ � �E' � E;•+ N� -------�-----�---------- --- -PAR within width of sidewalk Passing:There should be a passing zone at least every 200 feet that is at least 5 feet wide. This could be wider sidewalks, level driveways or alleys, or crosswalks. -c�� -----------�-- --------- --- —--------� -- --------� ----- - � -Passing N'� E �� .� � ►n m : T • ` T ` i_-_ \ � /------' 61Rm- - - - —f-1 s5 m-;� Page 11 ADA Intersection Data Coliection � Cross 1:The cross slope is the slope perpendicular ta the direction of travel (in percent�, Grade OK?:The running grade,or slope,should be appro�cimately the same as the adjacent street Surface OK?:The surface of the sidewalk must be firm, stable and slip resistant Gap:The width ar height(in inches) of the iargest gap either horizantally or vertically on the sidewalk. I 6.4 max 6.4-13 y- 1/4 '' 1/4-tt2 '� � �..._ � � Grate OK?: Circle`Y' if there is na drainage grate ar if it meets the following conditions: • The opening is less than 0.5"wide; and • The elangated openings are perpendicular to the directian af travel. dominant directian of travel ,-� ��' -; r� �� � �' ' ! l( � � �:� �� I ,� � �, i ��� ' � � � � � � � � � i � I I � , ; i { ' i { i; � I � ; ! I G '. ' f L� long dimension perpendicular to � �` `- � " `'��' `�� `�' �' � daminant direction af travel � i � ; I � ; � � � ( : �' i � � i ', " } ii ': � ; � �I � � i ' I � • � I I � � ; i ; �' ' �, :� L.' ' �JI! �_,` �' �` �� �._ � - , �- 13 max fiJ'Z � ' Page 12 � � � ADA Intersection Data Collection Prorrusion:A protruding object is anything that extends horizontally into the clear width of the sidewalk.Circle `Y'if there is any protrusion into the sidewalk Protr. Height:The height(in inches) from the ground to the bottom edge of the protrusion. Protr. tength:The length (in inches) measured horizontally from the base to the furthest edge into the sidewalk clear space. Protr. Barrier:A barrier should be provided when a protrusion reduces the � vertical clearance of the sidewalk less than 80". A barrier is something that provides an early detection of a protrusion so it can be avoided. It must be no more than 27"from the ground. Protrusion limits Reduced Vertical C/earance & Barrier 100 max __ 4 �. - ---- --- -- --t � ; � 1.� x E � �' � ; �� �� � r fV $ --� �,/� A 'n� X /�I -- -I ' . °G �e .. : X I 'I ////' �., , ,ro � N � I I / � .��I�./% _ � X � --- , � Past-Mounted Objects ---�r---. �, —.t-- fF `� 't i �`� . f ) i r�. +' � � � E , \`' Xy3Q6 ��� �.ti �� � a E;� rijQ t00 meic ! ` �14Q._._� , a: � � �� f S �;;, 100 mmc ' � 100 rt5ax �`� X>306 I { 1 I}�_ _ nI R ' Ej 1 � 7 O�� 0� I �{ C � , i � � � �a) (b} (c) Page 13 LPA: N/S: E/W: Ins: Date: ID: � Approach � � g � h i _---I � a ( b ( � � I � � � � � i � � --� ii I h I Crosswalk a I I � � � I � � I I _ _I � � � � � � � !I � � � � � � � I � — � ��— g G � i B b _ ___ � H � South Bound � A � ( Approach I Crosswalk I Approach Crosswalk � � � � � � � � I I � � I I I � � I -- ---I w 3 I f I I� I I � � _� I J _ I � � �� I E � North Bound � D I F i Approach I C C f � e � 1 � � � c ( d � � � � � � _ I I � Crosswalk I I I I I e � j d I I I I � � I I I I j j I I _- I I � � I I I I Curb Ramps I Type Width ( Landing I Cpe� I Run% I Cross% I Gutter% I Edpe I Flare% I Surface I Warn�ing I Grd Brk S ace T e OK? OK. OK? AI I I I I I I I I I I I BI I I I I I I I I I I I � I I I I I I I I I i I I DI I I I I I I I I I I EI I I I I I I I I I I I FI I I I I I I I I I I I GI I I I I I I I I I I I HI I I I I I I I I I I I LPA: — N/S: 'Fir,� �}�_ E/W:.�Cl�i'1G� �11P. Ins: I�Date: $ ( ID:j��j�(Q 7 � Approach � g � �i i � � a � b I O.7O i �.� � , � �. �'� � �. D,4 U 3 G I ,� �- I -- � C7 I 3 � � 1u I 4 �r � crosswa�k p '�4 Q I � /y a i �� a r�� Q . i � Q Qi � � -- I — I �� I y'�n �� I -- ( -� � I ._ I I c�rJ'�n I -- I — — � -- . � � O.x � , _. � — 5' j 4'�� � 4-1 g :O . G � , B , . ; � . b I H � J South Bound � A � _ _ � Approach � Crosswalk ��'L►����, Approach � Crosswalk � c�0 �(�._ � �. � � .� }USt (�112d Ccc(� A � �� � r-3 I A I OI �-� �a 2)iu� �x.�-��s, �, � I C�I 34-I 1 I I - I �.5 � c�ny C.R. � � I � -- I I.I I - I 3,++ w 3 I -= 1 3.0 I j , � 3) b'��, cc�ss�.s i I-- �I I E \ North Bound l D I ��Q`;�(.� f t�_� F i A�proa� C C � o - - /� \a 1 e � f � � � n il, c � d � �� I 1.�� t�0 i _ +�� �i' i 3�s n � U � Crosswatk � � � ` i�U I 1�� a _ � � � � /� � e d �I U I �2 I 5�. / i � �� I — I o.� � � �" � �C�I -- � �I.Co �i � � � I --I _ Curb Ramps I Type I Width I Landing I Cpe� I Run% I Cross% I Gutter%I EyPe I Flare% I Surf'e I Warning I Grd Brk S ace T e OK. OK? OK. p ri.- i-,�-�;� -r. � �-U�� � G�-U�� � 3-D �� � �.4 °�� I�� `%��� 5.3 -�� `��'� � 5.9 °'�� C�`' � �� ;� � �-� B I ,>�� i��-E,,�� I �-I � I Co'D��I �-0 I o.3°�I l•i �-��� �,.$ °%� .. ��: � �3,1 °UI C�-` � ti �� � c-�'j.': C � P1�-P.;•R"i'=`+ ( �1-�� I�" � I 7�d I �J.�Q°I �.� ��°I V.� ��ol�-I�-K I — �}°I � �' I � l�� I ��J D I Yf,-I':1-13'i -'`� I �p-5 I ��� I �Q I �.�. n`��I '�J��j a;�I 5.�c'"I \-t -iZ I — anI �-�`, I Y� I `i �' E � t�� -r,ti-t;� -� � �—,��-------=-� .:r <<,,.�—_�';--j- °,�-�---a�.-u-�-------L�I �"-,: I������___�_•-`;_ , , ---, FI r�� -F��-f;r� , ., i . ,o �� -----�_'`'��`___c'�`i--�s--r--�---�-,�--�._.;�_�� (i PE.-P:1-13i -:� I 5-� "I�—� "I �—O'� I 7,7j °al O.�jr °ul �.�unl `'-i OI � �.�I V�,' I 1 �' I O-�' H Pi:-P:1-131 -.: IS'�� I �—V , I �� �I !•� �°I Q• ! `iu13.4 %�I �`-1 RI _ �°I � ' I � Q I ��-ti ������ �i/�/`�0�3 �M. Appendix H: Crosswalk Closing Law Closing Crosswalks (see Clause (6)) RCW 46.61.240 Crossing at other than crosswalks. (1) Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right of way to all vehicles upon the roadway. (2) Where curb ramps exist at or adjacent to intersections or at marked crosswalks in other locations, disabled persons may enter the roadway from the curb ramps and cross the roadway within or as closely as practicable to the crosswalk. All other pedestrian rights and duties as defined elsewhere in this chapter remain applicable. (3) Any pedestrian crossing a roadway at a point where a pedestrian tunnel or overhead pedestrian crossing has been provided shall yield the right of way to,all vehicles upon the roadway. (4) Between adjacent intersections at which traffic-control signals are in operation pedestrians shall not cross at any place except in a marked crosswalk. (5) No pedestrian shall cross a roadway intersection diagonally unless authorized by official traffic-control devices; and, when authorized to cross diagonally, pedestrians shall cross only in accordance with the official traffic-control devices pertaining to such crossing movements. (6) No pedestrian shall cross a roadway at an unmarked crosswalk where an official sign I prohibits such crossing. Appendix I : Washington State Laws � Washington State Laws on ADA RCWs>Title 35 > Chapter 35.68 > Section 35.68.075 RCW 35.68.075 Curb ramps for persons with disabilities — Required — Standards and requirements. (1)The standard for construction on any county road,or city or town street,for which curbs in combination with sidewalks,paths,or other pedestrian access ways are to be constructed,shall be not less than Mro ramps per lineal block on or near the crosswalks at intersections.Such ramps shall be at least thirty-six inches wide and so constructed as to allow reasonable access to the crosswalk for physicaly handicapped persons,without uniquely endangering blind persons. (2)Standards set for curb ramping under subsection(1)of this section shall not apply to any curb ebsting upon enactment of this section but shall apply to all new curb construction and to all replacement curbs constructed at any point in a blodc which gives reasonable access to a crosswalk. (3)Upon September 21, 1977,every ramp thereaRer constructed under subsection(1)of this section,which serves one end of a crosswalk,shall be matched by another ramp at the other end of the crosswalk. However,no ramp shall be required at the other end of the crosswatk if there is no curb nor sidewalk at the other end of the crosswalk.Nor shall any matching ramp constructed pursuant to this subsection require a subsequent matching ramp. [1989 c 173§1;7977 ex.s.c 137§1;1973 c 83§1.] WACs >Title 236 > Chapter 236-60 Chapter 236-60 WAC Last Update: 1/24/78 . . n n r �on standards Su ested des� n a d co st uct 99 J . - m f r h h s�call of s�dewalk and curb ra ps o t e p y y handicapped person without uniquely endangering the blind Chapter Listinq WAC Sections 236-60-001 Purpose. 236-60-005 Scope. 236-60-010 Definition. 236-60-020 Design standards. 236-60-030 Advance waming system for the blind. 236-60-040 Types of suggested textures. 236-60-050 Curb ramp types. 236-60-060 Curb ramp typical. 236-60-070 Curb ramp --Type "A." 236-60-080 Curb ramp--Type "B." 236-60-090 Curb ramp —Type "C." 236-60-100 Factors to be considered. 236-60-001 II Purpose. , The purpose of this chapter is to provide several suggested model design,construction,and location standards to aid counties,cities,and tovms in constructing curb ramps to allow reasonable access to the crosswalk for physically handicapped persons without uniquely endangering blind persons in accordance with chapter 137, Laws of 1977 ex. sess.(chapter 35.68 RCVV). , [Statutory Authority:RCW 35.68 076.78-02-066(Order 77-5),§236�0-001,filed 1/24/78.] I _ . ..._ ...-- _,.. ...._.�.. .. ... ... ._.... ,....._ ._._. _ . _...,� .,..._... . .. . ,.,.. ..__ . - ._e_,.._.....�...,_..,...._,..:,_ _ i 236-6�-005 Scope. The design construction and location standards set forth in chapter 236-60 WAC are suggestions only,and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of RCW 35.68.075 and any applicable code. If these suggested standards are followed they should be used as a guide and not as a substitute for engineering , judgment based on the conditions existing at any particular location. [Statutory Authority:RCW 77-5),§236-60-005,filed 1/24/78.] 236-60-010 Definition. As used in this chapter,the following words shall have the following meanings: (1)Handicapped pedestrian-a pedestrian,or person in a wheelchair,who has limited mobility,stamina,agility, reaction time,impaired vision or hearing,or who may have difficulty walking,with or without assistive devices. (2)Curb ramp-an interruption in a curb with a ramp from roadway to walk which forms a part of the accessible route of travel, no part of which projects into the roadway. It includes a center ramp and iwo shoulder slopes. (3)Center ramp-the sloped surface providing pedestrian access to the roadway. (4)Shoulder slope-the sloped flared sides on each side of the center ramp,providing a gradual inGine from the edge of the center ramp to the sidewalk. (5)Landing-a level area at least as wide as and,as long as,the width(except as othervvise provided),and within or at a terminus of, a stair or ramp,but not less than 5"[']0"in width. (6)Main pedestrian path-the walkway used by the pedestrian traffic clear of utility poles,signs,and parking meters. [Stahrtory Authority:RCW 35.68 076.78-02-066(Order 77-5),§236�0-010,filed 1/24/78.] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 235-60-020 Design standards. The following construction standards are applicable to all curb-ramps set forth in this chapter. (1)The width of the center ramps shall be at least thirty-six inches. (2)Shoulder slopes shall not exceed one inch in 6. (3)The center ramp slope shall not exceed 1 in 12 and the cross slope shall not exceed 1 in 50. (4)Curb ramps should contain a slip-resistant surface. (5)The site of the curb ramp should be graded and drained to eliminate pooling of water or the accumulation of ice or water on the ramp,the ramp landing,or at the toe of the ramp. (6)Handrails shall not be used at any point of access along the curb ramp. (7)Curb ramps should be outside of the main pedestrian path. (8)Whenever curb ramps are placed in the main flow of pedestrian traffic,the following standards prevail: (a)Align with the direction of pedestrian traffic. (b)Advance warning system. (9)The curb ramp should be distinguished from surrounding surtaces either by color or texture. (10)There should be no abnipt change in elevation to exceed 1/2 inch. (11)A landing 5 feet x 5 feet should be located at top and bottom of every curb ramp. [Statutory Authority:RCW 77-5),§236-60-020,filed 1/24l78.] 236-b0-030 Advance warning system for the biind. Whenever curb ramps are placed in the main flow of pedestrian traffic,an advance waming system is necessary in order to aid the blind.Waming materials should be adapted to local conditions.This texture should be in advance of a ramp curb.(See WAC 236-60-060.) [Statutory Authority:RCW 35 68 076.78-02-066(Order 77-5),§236-60-030,filed 1/24/78.] 23b-60-040 Types of suggested textures. M7�C 236-60-Qt� TYPES OF SUGCEST£p TEXTt?1tES 1 , Tactile surtaca, such as � 4sfng wetal insert ia cancrete with r�c�ssed pattern, dnd renwve insert. 2 � F • • � , Brick-Nasonry (Rouqh ftnfshl 3 � � Aqqr�gate ston�s shal� ba S/8 � inches maximu�. 4 O � Traftic Suttons - not awre � � � than 1/� Inch hiqh, 2 ta � inches on centet. Br�ght color. suttons iaay b� part oE the concreta surtace pattern. Notes: �a) Type No. 1 is recommended for the center ramp surface. (b) These standards are not a substitute for engineering judgment. They provide design guidance. [Statutory Authority:RCW 77-5�,§236-60-040,filed 1/24/78.] 236-60-050 Curb ramp types. The curb ramp depicted in WAC 236-60-060 is the suggested design for a typical curb ramp including waming system.The drawings contained in WAC 236-60-070,236-60-080,and 236-60-090 show the suggested location for curb ramps in three different but typical curb situations.All of these drawings are guidelines and are intended to show design concept. [Stahrtory Authorily:RCW 35 68.076.78-02-066(Order 77-5),§2ss-so-oso,filed 1/24/78.] _ _ _ _. 236-60-060 Curb ramp typical. The following is a design for a typical curb ramp: 5�a' Miw«�u� F � � -- r--—— ——— —-r�� � � / •� � lov�Nct Waqyr,n�� ! � � 3�ST�M �eTNL Bt�►�of S�OEMI��-K — _.•--•—�__��� I S�ot+�ratK LEvi� W+c+►�s s►ac.s �T -�vv aKn sorta►.t af tCa�.tp. e 0 �� U? � 4' v�w�� M►.an.�c e�TP � �K�t�zia ' � � � � sa.�os s 4�►w RatilP � � . t FCusk�.�ot�s� `�Yrs�nu4 ax�sa �(s )t w..,� / 7b G s 3'-a� >>a 4 su�rs 'ur+a"v�►. t / �►�.,rw�, 1 1 Texturin of center ram recommended with metal rid laced in II ( ) g p , g p wet concrete and then removed to leave ridged surface pattern. Pattem not to exceed 1/2"width. (2) Advance warning strip (shown dotted), necessary when ramp is in direct line of main pedestrian path. [Statutory Authority:RCW 35.68 076.78-02-066(Order 77-5),§236-60-060,filed 1/24/78.] _ _ _. 236-b0-070 Curb ramp —Type"A." TYPE A Pesscale �Lx�sT�*+� � P4�MTIMC� S�OGIYaIC�f a1t@♦ ( I I � S�'0" ; fw�,'�'�s:,.., +�a� »sw � ! CONC�t� \ I ' _�-- _...�'�''�� .� _ ' liHiY oF I ' �i+ �� li vEoes��u,u I P�T N � ( sk����' \ � �� �1�l�+l�l� OF III pF'i.D�LSTltLi►l� ? � [Statutory Authority:RCW 35 68 076.78-02-066(Order 77-5),§236-60-070,filed 1/24/78.] 235-60-080 Curb ramp —Type "B." � TYrE e '�-�P�a.rTuw ►�sa O4 R.uRk�^tG s�c+�wa�K —� PAOPe.lZY �u+E �l�t ��t OF � t�acwauG—� �i �'� ►it.�f GutB y� cvca awo � �— —— L,wrr aF Pisres?C�a►1 P�TN ' NEw cvqy pl��"'+G� CuitB Rurtv I�Itew oR 1'��rK��.oa�. MErt sros�K FuK�i svci+cCr (1) This curb ramp type can be used with the existing planting area or with the sidewalk extension into the parking area. [Statutory Authority:RCW 77-5),§236-60-080,filed 1l24J78.] 236-60-090 Curb ramp —Type "C." TYRe �, uTutt�ES iw�.acc I WI►RNING S`1�TLM PEois Q�eN 1 SF��23L•�•o•O4o P4TW.� i ��4 �~ . � � . y° �crnsn.aa ' * StoElMauc� - -- �--- -• �--�— lt.��T of PEa[STlk��l P�►'T+�• �tiva+�ct v�r.eK+�a� �fiT�M R�qwaaD 3Et '13G-(,O A,a. This curb ramp type is acceptable when utilities are a conflict and/or the street grade exceeds wenty-five to one �4°�)• [Stahrtory Authority:RCW 35 68.076.78-02-066(Order 77-5),§236-60-090,filed 1/24l18.] 'L'36-60-100 � Factors to be considered, Factors which should be considered by a city,town or county when deciding whether to follow or deviate from the design,surface textures and/or location standards set forth in this chapter include,but are not limited to,the following: • (1)Street alignments and curb configurations that are substantially different from the curb situations shown. (2)An adjacent driveway or loading ramp. (3)Unusual sidewalk textures in the vicinity. (4)Steeper street grades. (5)Utility vaults. (6)Whether a different design or location would assist the handicapped pedestrian without uniquely endangering the blind. [Statutory Authority:RCW 77-5),§236-60-100,filed 1/24l78.] NEW SECTION WAC 51-40-1106 Section 1106--Accessible design and standards. Section 1106.1 General. Where accessibility is required by this chapter, buildings and facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with this section, unless otherwise specified in this chapter. 1106.2 Space Allowance and Reach Ranges. 1106.2.1 Wheelchair passage width. The minimum clear width for single wheelchair passage shall be 36 inches (915 mm). The minimum width for two wheelchairs to pass is 60 inches (1525 mm). EXCEPTION: The minimum width for single wheelchair passage may be 32 inches (815 mm) for a maximum distance of 24 inches (610 mm). 1106.2.2 Wheelchair turning spaces. Wheelchair turning spaces shall be designed and constructed to satisfy one of the following requirements: 1. A turning space not less than 60 inches (1525 mm) in diameter; or, 2. A turning space at T-shaped intersections or within a room, where the minimum width is not less than 36 inches (915 mm). Each segment of the T shall be clear of obstructions not less than 24 inches (610 mm) in each direction. Wheelchair turning space may include knee and toe clearance in accordance with Section 1106.2.4.3. 1106.2.3 Unobstructed floor space. A floor space, including the vertical space above such floor space, which is free of any physical obstruction including door swings, to a height of 29 inches (737 mm). Where a pair of doors occurs, the swing of the inactive leaf may be considered to be unobstructed floor space. Unobstructed floor space may include toe spaces that are a minimum of 9 inches (230 mm) in height and not more than 6 inches (152 mm) in depth. 1106.2.4 Clear floor or ground spaces and maneuvering clearance space for wheelchairs. 1106.2.4.1 Size. The minimum clear floor or ground space required to accommodate a single, stationary wheelchair occupant shall be not less than 30 inches (760 mm) by 48 inches (1220 mm). 1106.Z.4.2 Approach. Wheelchair spaces shall be designed to allow for forward or parallel approach to an accessible feature. 1106.2.4.3 Knee and toe clearances. Spaces under obstructions, work surfaces or fixtures may be included in the clear floor or ground space provided that they are at least 30 inches (760 mm) in width, a minimum of 27 inches (685 mm) in height, and not greater than 25 inches (635 mm) in depth. Toe spaces under obstructions, work surfaces or fixtures which comply with the requirements for unobstructed floor space may be included in the clear floor or ground space. 1106.2.4.4 Approach to wheelchair spaces. One full unobstructed side of the clear floor or ground space for a wheelchair shall adjoin or overlap an accessible route of travel, or shall adjoin another wheelchair clear space. Clear space located in an alcove or otherwise confined on all or part of three sides shall be not less than 36 inches (915 mm) in width where forward approach is provided, or 60 inches (1525 mm) in width where parallel approach is provided. 1106.2.4.5 Forward reach. Where the clear floor space allows only forward approach to an object, the maximum forward reach allowed shall not be higher than 48 inches (1220 mm). Reach obstructions 20 inches (510 mm) or less in depth may project into the clear space provided that knee clearance is maintained in accordance with Section 1106.2.4.3. Reach obstructions greater than 20 inches (510 mm) in depth may project into the clear space provided that the reach obstruction shall not exceed 25 inches � (635 mm) in depth and the maximum forward reach shall not exceed 44 inches (1118 mm) in height. The minimum low forward reach shall not be lower than 15 inches (380 mm). 1106.2.4.6 Side reach. Where the clear floor space allows parallel approach by a person in a wheelchair, the maximum high side reach allowed shall not be higher than 54 inches (1370 mm). Obstructions no greater than 34 inches (865 mm) in height and no more than 24 inches (610 mm) in depth may be located in the side reach area provided that when such obstructions are present, the side reach shall not exceed 46 inches (1170 mm) in height. The minimum low side reach shall not be lower than 9 inches (230 mm). 1106.3 Controls and Hardware. 1106.3.1 O eration. Handles ulls latches locks and other o eratin P , P , , , P 9 devices on doors, windows, cabinets, plumbing fixtures, and storage facilities, shall have a lever or other shape which will permit operation by wrist or arm pressure and which does not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting to operate. Doors shall comply with Section 1003.3.1.5. The force to activate controls on lavatories and water fountains and flush valves on water closets and urinals shall not be greater than 5 pounds (22.2 N). 1106.3.2 Mounting heights. The highest operable part of environmental and other controls, dispensers, receptacles, and other operable equipment shall be within at least one of the reach ran es s ecified in Section 1106.2.4, and 9 P not less than 36 inches (915 mm) above the floor. Electrical and communications system receptacles on walls shall be mounted a minimum of 15 inches (380 mm) above the floor. Door hardware shall be mounted at not less than 36 inches (915 mm) and not more than 48 inches (1220 mm) above the floor. 1106.3.3 Clear floor space. Clear floor space that allows a forward or a side approach shall be provided at all controls or hardware. 1106.4 Accessible Route of Travel. 1106.4.1 Width. The minimum clear width of an accessible route of travel shall be 36 inches (915 mm) except at doors (see Section 1106.10.2). Where an accessible route includes a 180 degree turn around an obstruction which is less than 48 inches (1220 mm) in width, the clear width of the accessible route of travel around the obstruction shall be 42 inches (1065 mm) minimum. For exterior accessible routes of travel, the minimum clear width shall be 44 inches (1118 mm). EXCEPTION: The minimum width for single wheelchair passage may be 32 inches (815 mm) for a maximum distance of 24 inches (610 mm). Where an accessible route of travel is less than 60 inches (1525 mm) in width, passing spaces at least 60 inches (1525 mm) by 60 inches (1525 mm) shall be located at intervals not to exceed 200 feet (61 m). A T-shaped intersection of two corridors or walks may be used as a passing space. 1106.4.2 Height. Accessible routes shall have a clear height of not less than 79 inches (2007 mm). Where the vertical clearance of an area adjoining an accessible route of travel is less than 79 inches (2007 mm) but more than 27 inches (685 mm), a continuous permanent barrier shall be installed to prevent traffic into such areas of reduced clearance. 1106.4.3 Slope. An accessible route of travel shall have a running slope not greater than 1 vertical in 12 horizontal. An accessible route of travel with a running slope greater than 1 vertical in 20 horizontal shall comply with Section 1106.8. Cross slopes of an accessible route of travel shall not exceed 1 vertical in 48 horizontal. 1106.4.4 Changes in level. Changes in level along an accessible route of travel shall comply with Section 1106.6. Stairs or escalators shall not be part of an accessible route of travel. Any raised area within an accessible route of travel shall be cut through to maintain a level route or shall have curb ramps at both sides and a level area not less than 48 inches (1220 mm) long connecting the ramps. 1106.4.5 Surfaces. 1 1106.4.5.1 General. All floor and ground surfaces in an accessible route of travel shall comply with Section 1106.7. 1106.4.5.2 Detectable warnings. Curb ramps shall have detectable warnings complying with Section 1106.17. Detectable warnings shall extend the full width and depth of the curb ramp. 1106.4.6 Illumination. Illumination shall be provided along an exterior accessible route of travel at any time the building is occupied, with an intensity of not less than one footcandle (10.76 Ix) on the surface of the route. 1106.4.7 Curb ramps. 1106.4.7.1 Slope. Slopes of curb ramps shall comply with Section 1106.8. Transitions from ramps to walks, gutters, or vehicular ways shall be flush and free of abrupt changes in height. Maximum slopes of adjoining gutters n h curb ram or accessible route and road surfaces immediately adjace t to t e p of travel shall not exceed 1 vertical in 20 horizontal. 1106.4.7.2 Width. Curb ramps shall be not less than 36 inches (915 mm) in width, exclusive of the required side slopes. 1106.4.7.3 Side slopes of curb ramps. Curb ramps located where pedestrians must walk across the ramp, or where not protected by handrails or guardrails, shall have sloped sides. The maximum side slope shall be 1 vertical in 10 horizontal. Curb ramps with returned curbs may be used where pedestrians would not normally walk across the ramp. EXCEPTION: Where the width of the walking surface at the top of the ramp and parallel to the run of the ramp is less than 48 inches (1220 mm), the maximum side slope shall be 1 vertical in 12 horizontal. 1106.4.7.4 Location. Built-up curb ramps shall be located so as not to project into vehicular ways nor be located within accessible parking spaces. 1106.4.7.5 Obstructions. Curb ramps shall be located or protected to �I prevent their obstruction by parked vehicles. 1106.4.7.6 Location at marked cross walks. Curb ramps at marked cross walks shall be wholly contained within the markings, excluding any sloped sides. 1106.4.7.7 Orientation. Curb ramps shall be oriented in the same direction as pedestrian flow of crosswalks; diagonally oriented curb ramps are prohibited. 1106.4.8 Vehicular areas. Where an accessible route of travel crosses or adjoins a vehicular way, and where there are no curbs, railings or other ' elements which separate the pedestrian and vehicular areas, and which are detectable by a person who has a severe vision impairment, the boundary ', between the areas shall be defined by a continuous detectable warning not , less than 36 inches (915 mm) wide, complying with Section 1106.17. � 1106.5 Protruding Objects. Protruding objects shall not reduce the clear width of a route of travel or maneuvering space. Any wall- or post-mounted object with its leading edge between 27 inches (685 mm) and 79 inches (2007 mm) above the floor may project not more than 4 inches (102 mm) into a route of travel, corridor, passageway, or aisle. Any wall- or post- ' � mounted projection greater than 4 inches (102 mm) shall extend to the floor. 1106.6 Changes in Level. Accessible routes of travel and accessible spaces within buildings shall have continuous common floor or ramp surfaces. Abrupt change in height greater than 1/4 inch (6 mm) shall be beveled to 1 ', vertical in 2 horizontal. Changes in level greater than 1/2 inch (13 mm) shall �, be accomplished by means of a ramp meeting the requirements of Section '� I 1106.8, a curb ramp meeting the requirements of Section 1106.4.7, or an elevator or platform lift meeting the requirements of Section 1105.3. For 'I Type B dwelling units, see also Section 1106.27. I 1106J Floor Coverings and Surface Treatments. I', 1106.7.1 General. All surfaces shall be firm and stable. 1106.7.2 Carpeting. Carpeting and floor mats in accessible areas shall be securely fastened to the underlying surface, and shall provide a firm, stable, continuous, and relatively smooth surface. 1106.7.3 Slip-resistant surfaces. Showers; locker rooms; swimming pool, spa, and hot tub decks; toilet rooms; and other areas subject to wet conditions shall have slip-resistant floors. Exterior accessible routes of travel shall have slip-resistant surfaces. 1106.7.4 Grates. Within an accessible route of travel, grates shall have openings not more than 1/2 inch (13 mm) in one direction. Where grates have elongated openings, they shall be placed so that the long dimension is perpendicular to the dominant direction of travel. The maximum vertical surface change shall be 1/8 inch (3 mm). 1106.7.5 Expansion and construction joints. Expansion and construction joints in exterior routes of travel shall have a width of not more than 1/2 inch (13 mm), shall be filled with a firm, compressible, elastic material, and shall be substantially level with the surface of the accessible route of travel. 1106.8 Ramps. 1106.8.1 General. Ramps required to be accessible shall comply with Section 1003.3.4 and the provisions of this section. No ramp shall change direction between landings, except ramps with an inside radius of 30 feet (9144 mm) or greater. 1106.8.2 Slope and rise. The maximum slope of a ramp shall be 1 vertical in 12 horizontal. The maximum rise for any run shall be 30 inches (760 mm). 1106.8.3 Width. The minimum width of a ramp shall be not less than 36 inches (915 mm) for interior ramps and 44 inches (1118 mm) for exterior ramps. 1106.8.4 Landings. Ramps within the accessible route of travel shall have I landings at the top and bottom, and at least one intermediate landing shall �', be provided for each 30 inches (760 mm) of rise. Landings shall be level and , have a minimum dimension measured in the direction of ramp run of not , less than 60 inches (1525 mm). Where the ramp changes direction at a i landing, the landing shall be not less than 60 inches (1525 mm) by 60 inches (1525 mm). The width of any landing shall be not less than the width � of the ramp. , 1106.8.5 Handrails. Ram s havin slo es stee er than 1 vertical to 20 P 9 P P , horizontal shall have handrails as required for stairways, except that I intermediate handrails as required in Section 1003.3.3.6 are not required. '� Handrails shall be continuous provided that they shall not be required at any � point of access along the ramp, nor at any curb ramp. Handrails shall extend at least 12 inches (305 mm) beyond the top and bottom of any ramp run. EXCEPTION: Ramps having a rise less than or equal to 6 inches (152 mm), or a run less than or equal to 72 inches (1830 mm), need not have handrails. 1106.8.6 Exterior ramps. Exposed ramps and their approaches shall be constructed to prevent the accumulation of water on walking surfaces. I 1106.8.7 Edge protection. Any portion of the edge of a ramp with a slope I greater than 1 vertical in 20 horizontal, or landing which is more than 1/2 inch (13 mm) above the adjacent grade or floor, shall be provided with edge protection in accordance with the following: �I 1. Walls and Curbs. When used walls r r I II' , o cu bs shal be not less than 2 inches (51 mm) in height above the surface of the accessible route of travel. 2. Railings. When used, railings shall comply with Section 1106.8.5 and also , shall have one of the following features: 2.1. An intermediate rail mounted 17 to 19 inches (430 to 485 mm) above the ramp or landing surface, or 2.2. A guardrail complying with Section 509. 1106.9 Stairways. 1106.9.1 General. Stairways required to be accessible shall comply with Section 1003.3.3 and provisions of this section. 1106.9.2 Open risers. Open risers shall not be permitted. EXCEPTION: Stairways in Group R, Division 1 apartment buildings may have open risers. 1106.9.3 Nosings. Stair nosings shall be flush, slip-resistant, and rounded to a radius of 1/2 inch (13 mm) maximum. Risers shall be sloped, or the underside of the nosing shall have an angle of not less than 60 degrees from the horizontal. Nosings shall project no more than 1-1/2 inches (38 mm). 1106.9.4 Exterior stairways. Exposed stairways and their approaches shall � be constructed to prevent the accumulation of water on walking surfaces. � 1106.10 Doors. 1106.10.1 General. Doors required to be accessible shall comply with Section 1003.3.1 and with provisions of this section. For the purpose of this section, gates shall be considered to be doors. An accessible gate or door shall be provided adjacent to any turnstile or revolving door. Where doorways have two independently operated door leaves, then at least one leaf shall comply with this section. 1106.10.2 Clear width. Doors shall be capable of being opened so that the clear width of the opening is not less than 32 inches (815 mm). EXCEPTION: Doors not requiring full user passage, such as shallow closets, may have a clear opening of not less than 20 inches (510 mm). 1106.10.3 Maneuvering clearances at doors. Except as provided in Section 1106.27, all doors shall have minimum maneuvering clearances as follows: 1. For a forward approach, where a door must be pulled to be opened, an unobstructed floor space shall extend at least 18 inches (455 mm) beyond the strike jamb and extend at least 60 inches (1525 mm) perpendicular to the doorway. 2. For a forward approach, where a door must be pushed to be opened and is equipped with a closer and a latch, an unobstructed floor space shall extend at least 12 inches (305 mm) beyond the strike jamb and extend at least 48 inches (12Z0 mm) perpendicular to the doorway. 3. For a forward approach, where a door must be pushed to be opened and is not equipped with a closer and a latch, an unobstructed floor space shall be at least the width of the doorway and extend at least 48 inches (1220 mm) perpendicular to the doorway. 4. For a hinge side approach, where a door must be pulled to be opened, an unobstructed floor space shall extend at least 36 inches (915 mm) beyond the latch side of the door and at least 60 inches (1525 mm) perpendicular to the doorway, or shall have an unobstructed floor space that extends at least 42 inches (1065 mm) beyond the latch side of the door and at least 54 inches (1370 mm) perpendicular to the doorway. 5. For a hinge side approach, where a door must be pushed to be opened and is not equipped with both a closer and a latch, an unobstructed floor space, measured from the latch side, shall extend across the width of the doorway and beyond the hinge side of the door for a total width of not less than 54 inches (1370 mm); and at least 42 inches (1065 mm) perpendicular to the doorway. 6. For a hinge side approach, where a door must be pushed to be opened and is equipped with both latch and closer, an unobstructed floor space, measured from the latch side, shall extend across the width of the doorway I and beyond the hinge side of the door for a total width of not less than 54 inches (1370 mm); and at least 48 inches (1220 mm) perpendicular to the doorway. 7. For a latch side approach, where a door must be pulled to be opened and is equipped with a closer, an unobstructed floor space shall extend at least 24 inches (610 mm) beyond the latch side of the door and at least 54 inches (1370 mm) perpendicular to the doorway. 8. For a latch side approach, where a door must be pulled to be opened and is not equipped with a closer, an unobstructed floor space shall extend at least 24 inches (610 mm) beyond the latch side of the door and at least 48 inches (1220 mm) perpendicular to the doorway. 9. For a latch side approach, where a door must be pushed to be opened and is equipped with a closer, an unobstructed floor space shall extend at least 24 inches (610 mm) beyond the latch side of the door and at least 48 inches (1370 mm) perpendicular to the doorway. 10. For a latch side approach, where a door must be pushed to be opened and is not equipped with a closer, an unobstructed floor space shall extend at least 24 inches (610 mm) parallel to the doorway, beyond the latch side of the door and at least 42 inches (1065 mm) perpendicular to the doorway. 11. For a forward approach, to a sliding or folding door, an unobstructed � floor space shall extend the same width as the door opening and at least 48 inches (1220 mm) perpendicular to the doorway. 12. For a slide side approach to a sliding or folding door, an unobstructed floor space, measured from the latch side, shall extend across the width of the doorway and beyond the slide side of the door for a total width of not less than 54 inches (1370 mm); and at least 42 inches (1065 mm) perpendicular to the doorway. 13. For a latch side approach to a sliding or folding door, an unobstructed floor space shall extend at least 24 inches (610 mm) beyond the latch side of the door and at least 42 inches (1065 mm) perpendicular to the doorway. 14. Where two doors are in series, the minimum distance between two hinged or pivoted doors shall be 48 inches (1220 mm), in addition to any area needed for door swing. Doors in series shall swing either in the same direction, or away from the space between the doors. 15. All doors in alcoves shall comply with the requirement for a forward approach. 1106.10.4 Thresholds at doors. Thresholds at doors shall comply with Section 1106.6. EXCEPTION: In dwelling units, exterior doors other than the accessible entrance to a dwelling unit, may be sliding doors with thresholds not exceeding 3/4 inch (19 mm). 1106.10.5 Automatic and power-assisted doors. Door-closers or power- operators shall be operable as required by Section 1003.3.1.2. EXCEPTION: Floor pad or electric eye actuated power-operators. All power-operated doors shall remain in the fully open position for not less than 6 seconds before closing. Touch switches shall be mounted 36 inches (915 mm) above the floor and not less than 18 inches (455 mm), nor more than 36 inches (915 mm), horizontally from the nearest point of travel of the moving door. Other power-operated doors must be actuated from a location not less than 36 inches (915 mm) from the nearest point of travel of the moving door. Power-operated doors shall automatically reopen when they encounter an obstruction other than the strike jamb. 1106.10.6 Door closers. Where provided, door closers shall be adjusted to close from an open position of 70 degrees to a point 3 inches (76 mm) from the latch, in not less than 3 seconds, when measured to the leading edge of the door. 1106.10.7 Vision panels. Where a door contains one or more vision panels, the bottom of the glass of at least one panel, shall be not more than 43 inches (1091 mm) above the floor. 1106.11 Bathrooms, Toilet Rooms, Bathing Facilities, and Shower Rooms. 1106.11.1 General. Bathrooms, toilet rooms, bathing facilities, and shower rooms shall be designed in accordance with this section. For dwelling units, see also Section 1106.27. 1106.11.2 Unobstructed floor space. An unobstructed floor space shall be provided within bathrooms, toilet rooms, bathing facilities, and shower rooms of sufficient size to inscribe a circle with a diameter not tess than 60 inches (1525 mm). Doors in any position may encroach into this space by not more than 12 inches (305 mm). The clear floor spaces at fixtures, the accessible route of travel, and the unobstructed floor space may overlap. 1106.11.3 Wheelchair accessible toilet stalls. 1106.11.3.1 Dimensions. Wheelchair accessible toilet stalls shall be at least 60 inches (1525 mm) in width. Where wall-hung water closets are installed, the depth of the stall shall be not less than 56 inches (1420 mm). Where floor-mounted water closets are installed, the depth of the stall shall be not less than 59 inches (1500 mm). Entry to the compartment shall have a clear width of 32 inches (815 mm). Toilet stall doors shall not swing into the clear floor space required for any fixture. Except for door swing, a clear unobstructed access not less than 48 inches (1220 mm) in width shall be provided to toilet stalls. EXCEPTION: Partitions may project not more than one inch (25 mm), in the aggregate, into the required width of the stall. 1106.11.3.2 Toe clearances. In any toilet stall, the front partition and at least one side partition shall provide a toe clearance of at least 9 inches (230 mm) above the floor. EXCEPTION: Toe clearance is not required in a stall with a depth greater than 60 inches (1525 mm). 1106.11.3.3 Door hardware. Doors of accessible toilet stalls shall comply with Section 1106.3. 1106.11.4 Ambulatory accessible toilet stalls. Ambulatory accessible toilet stalls shall be at least 36 inches (915 mm) in width, with an outward swinging, self-closing door. Grab bars shall be installed on each side of the toilet stall and shall comply with Sections 1106.11.5.3 and 1106.11.11. 1106.11.5 Water closets. 1106.11.5.1 Clear floor space. The lateral distance from the center line of the water closet to the nearest obstruction, excluding grab bars, shall be 18 inches (455 mm) on one side and not less than 42 inches (1065 mm) on the other side. In other than stalls, a clear floor space of not less than 32 inches (815 mm), measured perpendicular to the wall on which the water closet is ��� mounted, shall be provided in front of the water closet. ' EXCEPTION: In other than a toilet stall, a lavatory may be located within the clear floor space required for a water closet provided that knee and toe clearances for the lavatory comply with Section 1106.11.7, below, and: 1. In Type B dwelling units the edge of the lavatory shall be located not less than 15 inches (380 mm) from the centerline of the water closet; or, 2. In all other occupancies the edge of the lavatory shall be located not less than 18 inches (455 mm) from the centerline of the water closet. 1106.11.5.2 Height. The height of water closets shall be a minimum of 17 inches (430 mm) and a maximum of 19 inches (485 mm) measured to the top of the seat. Seats shall not be sprung to return to a lifted position. 1106.11.5.3 Grab bars. Grab bars shall be installed at one side and at the back of the water closet. The top of grab bars shall be not less than 33 inches (840 mm) and not more than 36 inches (915 mm) above and parallel to the floor. Grab bars located at the side shall be a minimum 42 inches (1065 mm) in length located not more than 12 inches (305 mm) from the rear wall and extending at least 54 inches (1370 mm) from the rear wall. Grab bars located at the back shall be a minimum of 36 inches (915 mm) in length and shall extend at least 12 inches (305 mm) beyond the center of the water closet toward the side wall and at least 24 inches (610 mm) toward the open side of the water closet. Grab bars located at the back shall be mounted not more than 9 inches (230 mm) behind the water closet seat. See also Section 1106.11.11. 1106.11.5.4 Flush controls. Flush controls shall be mounted for use from the wide side of the water closet area and not more than 44 inches (1118 mm) above the floor. Flush valves shall comply with Section 1106.3. 1106,11.5.5 Dispensers and receptacles. Toilet paper and other dispensers or receptacles shall be installed within easy reach of the water closet, and shall not interfere with unobstructed floor space or grab bar utilization. 1106.11.6 Urinals. A clear floor space measuring 30 inches (760 mm) in width by 48 inches (1220 mm) in depth shall be provided in front of urinals to allow for forward approach. Urinal shields shall have a clear space between them of not less than 29 inches (737 mm) and shall not extend farther than the front edge of the urinal rim. Urinals shall be stall-type or wall-hung with an elongated rim at a maximum of 17 inches(430 mm) above the floor. Flush controls shall be mounted not more than 44 inches(1118 mm) above the floor. Flush valves shall comply with Section 1106.3. 1106.11.7 Lavatories and sinks. 1106.11.7.1 Clear floor space. A clear floor space not less than 30 inches (760 mm) in width by 48 inches (1220 mm) in depth shall be provided in front of lavatories and sinks to allow a forward approach. The clear floor space may include knee and toe clearances not to exceed 19 inches (485 mm) extending under the lavatory or sink. 1106.11.7.2 Height. Lavatories and sinks shall be mounted with the rim or counter surface no higher than 34 inches (865 mm) above the finished floor. 1106.11.7.3 Knee and toe clearances. 1106. Lavatories. The total depth of the clear space beneath a lavatory shall be not less than 17 inches (430 mm), of which toe clearance shall be not more than 6 inches (152 mm) of the total depth. Knee clearance shall be not less than 29 inches (237 mm) in height and 30 inches (760 mm) in width. 1106. Sinks. Knee clearance not less than 27 inches (685 mm) in height, 30 inches (760 mm) in width, and 19 inches (485 mm) in depth shall be provided underneath sinks. 1106.11.7.4 Exposed pipes and surfaces. Hot water and drain pipes exposed under lavatories and sinks shall be insulated or otherwise covered. There shall be no sharp or abrasive surfaces under lavatories or sinks. 1106.11.7.5 Faucets. Faucet control handles shall be located not more than 17 inches (430 mm) from the front edge of the lavatory, sink or counter, and shall comply with Section 1106.3. Self-closing valves shall remain open for at least 10 seconds per operation. 1106.11.7.6 Sink depth. Sinks shall be not more than 6-1/2 inches (165 mm) in vertical depth. 1106.11.8 Mirrors, dispensers, and other fixtures. Mirrors or shelves shall be installed so that the bottom of the mirror or the top of the shelf is within 40 inches (1015 mm) of the floor. Drying equipment, towel or other dispensers, and disposal fixtures shall be mounted so as to not exceed 40 inches (1015 mm) above the finished floor to any rack, operating controls, receptacle or dispenser. 1106.11.9 Bathtubs. 1106.11.9.1 Clear floor space. A clear floor space not less than 60 inches (1525 mm) in length shall be provided along the tub. Where the required seat is located at the end of the tub, the clear floor space shall be not less than 75 inches (1905 mm) in length. The clear floor space shall be not less than 30 inches (760 mm) in width where access to the space is parallel to the tub and not less than 48 inches (1220 mm) in width where access to the space is at right angles to the tub. A lavatory which complies with Section 1106.11.7, above, may be located in the clear floor space for the tub. Where a seat is provided and a lavatory is located in the clear floor space for the tub, the lavatory shall be located at the end of the tub ad�acent to the controls. 1106.11.9.2 Seats. An in-tub seat or a seat at the end of the tub shall be provided. In-tub seats shall be portable and removable, not less than 12 inches (305 mm) in width, and extend the full width of the tub. Seats at the end of the tub shall be constructed flush with the top of the tub and shall extend not less than 15 inches (380 mm) from the end of the tub. Seats shall be mounted securely and shall not slip during use. 1106.11.9.3 Grab bars. All required grab bars shall be installed parallel to the floor. Lower grab bars shall be installed centered 9 inches (230 mm) above the tub rim. Upper or single grab bars shall be installed centered not less than 33 inches (840 mm) and not more than 36 inches (915 mm) above the floor of the clear space. Where a tub has a seat at the end, two grab bars not less than 48 inches (1220 mm) in length shall be installed on the wall opposite the clear floor space. One end of each grab bar shall terminate where the tub abuts the seat. Where a tub has an in-tub seat, two grab bars, not less than 24 inches (610 mm) in length, shall be installed on the wall opposite the clear floor space. The grab bars shall extend to not less than 24 inches (610 mm) from one end of the tub and not less than 12 inches (305 mm) from the other end. One grab bar shall be installed on the wall at the end of the tub opposite the drain, extending at least 12 inches (305 mm) from the clear floor space. For all bathtubs, one grab bar shall be installed on the wall at the end of the tub nearest the drain, extending at least 24 inches (610 mm) from the clear floor space. 1106.11.9.4 Controls and fixtures. Faucets and other controls shall be located above the tub rim and below the grab bars, shall be offset laterally from the clear floor space between the open edge of the tub and the mid- point of the tub and shall comply with Section 1106.3. A shower spray unit, with a hose at least 60 inches (1525 mm) long, that can be used as a fixed shower head or as a hand-held shower, shall be provided. 1106.11.9.5 Bathtub enclosures. Where provided, enclosures for bathtubs shall not obstruct controls or obstruct transfer from wheelchairs onto bathtub seats or into tubs. Bathtub enclosures shall not have tracks mounted on the tub rim. 1106.11.10 Shower stalls. 1106.11.10.1 Configuration. Shower stalls shall have one of the following configurations: 1. Transfer shower stalls shall be 36 inches by 36 inches (915 by 915 mm), nominal, and shall have a seat; or, 2. Roll-in shower stalls shall be not less than 30 inches (760 mm) in depth by 60 inches (15Z5 mm) in length. 1106.11.10.2 Clear floar space. A clear floor space shall be provided adjacent to shower stalls. 1. For transfer shower stalls, a clear floor space not less than 48 inches (1220 mm) in length, parallel to the open side of the shower stall, and not less than 36 inches (915 mm) in width, perpendicular to the open edge of the shower stall, shall be located so as to extend at least 12 inches (305 mm) beyond the wall on which the seat is mounted. 2. For roll-in shower stalls, a clear floor space not less than 60 inches (1525 mm) in length, parallel to the open edge of the shower stall, and not less than 36 inches (915 mm) in width, perpendicular to the open edge of the shower stall, shall be provided. A lavatory which complies with Section 1106.11.7, above, may be located within one end of the clear floor space. Where a seat is provided in the shower, a lavatory may be located only at the opposite end of the clear space. 1106.11.10.3 Seats. Transfer shower stalls shall be provided with a folding or non-folding seat located on the wall opposite the shower controls. Roll-in shower stalls shall be provided with a folding seat located on the wall adjacent to the shower controls. EXCEPTION: Roll-in shower stalls located in occupancies other than hotels, lodging houses and congregate residences need not be provided with a seat. The seat shall be mounted not less than 17 inches (430 mm) and not more than 19 inches (485 mm) above the floor. The seat shall be mounted not , more than 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) from the shower walls. The leading edge of ' the seat may be set back not more than 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) from the leading edge of the shower stall. The seat shall be L-shaped and shall extend the full depth of the stall. The section of the seat adjacent to the wall opposite the clear floor space shall be at least 22 inches (560 mm) and not more than 23 inches (585 mm) wide, measured from the wall on which the seat is mounted. That section of the seat shall extend not less than 14 inches (355 mm) but not more than 15 inches (380 mm), measured from the wall opposite the clear floor space. , The remaining portion of the seat shall be not less than 15 inches (380 mm) and not more than 16 inches (405 mm) wide, measured from the wall on which the seat is mounted, and shall extend the remaining depth of the stall. 1106.11.10.4 Grab bars. All required grab bars shall be installed parallel to the floor. All grab bars shall be installed not less than 33 inches (840 mm) and not more than 36 inches (915 mm) above the floor of the adjacent clear space. For transfer shower stalls, a grab bar, not less than 18 inches (455 mm) in length, shall be installed on the wall opposite the clear floor space. One end of the grab bar shall terminate at the wall opposite the seat. A grab bar not less than 27 inches (685 mm) in length shall also be installed on the wall opposite the seat. For roll-in shower stalls, grab bars shall be provided on all permanent stall walls. Grab bars located on either end of the stall shall be not less than 27 inches (685 mm) in length. The grab bar located opposite the clear space shall be not less than 48 inches (1220 mm) in length. 1106.11.10.5 Controls and fixtures. Faucets and other controls shall be located on the same wall as the shower spray unit, and shall be installed not less than 38 inches (965 mm) or more than 48 inches (1220 mm) above the shower floor and shall comply with Section 1106.3. In addition: � 1. For transfer shower stalls, the controls shall be located on the wall I�, opposite the shower seat. The controls shall be located within 18 inches (455 il mm) of the open side of the shower stalL , 2. For roll-in shower stalls equipped with seats, the controls shall be ', mounted on the wall adjacent to the seat not more than 27 inches (685 mm) ' from the wall where the seat is mounted. For roll-in shower stalls without seats, the controls may be located on any wall. Where the controls are located on the back wall, they shall be located not more than 27 inches (685 mm) from a side wall. A shower spray unit, with a hose at least 60 inches (1525 mm) long, that ', can be used as a fixed shower head or as a hand-held shower, shall be I provided. �� EXCEPTION: In unmonitored facilities where vandalism is a consideration, a �xed shower head may be installed not more than 48 inches (1220 mm) above the stall floor. 1106.11.10.6 Thresholds. In transfer shower stalls, thresholds shall be flush or beveled with a maximum edge height of 1/2 inch (13 mm), and a maximum slope of not more than 1 vertical in 2 horizontal. Thresholds in roll-in shower stalls shall be level with the adjacent clear space. 1106.11.10.7 Shower enclosures. Where provided, enclosures for shower stalls shall not obstruct controls or obstruct transfer from wheelchairs onto shower seats. 1106.11.11 Structural requirements for grab bars, and tub and shower seats. 1106.11.11.1 General. All grab bars, and tub and shower seats required to be accessible, shall comply with this section. 1106.11.11.2 Size and spacing of grab bars. Grab bars shall have an outside diameter of not less than 1-1/4 inch (32 mm) nor more than 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) and shall provide a clearance of 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) between the grab bar and the wall. 1106.11.11.3 Structural strength. The structural strength of grab bars, tub and shower seats, fasteners and mounting devices shall meet the following specification: 1. Bending stress in a grab bar or seat induced by the maximum bending moment from the application of 300 pounds (1334 N) shall be less than the allowable stress for the material of the grab bar or seat. 2. Shear stress induced in a grab bar or seat by the application of 300 pounds (1334 N) shall be less than the allowable shear stress for the material of the grab bar or seat. If the connection between the grab bar or seat and its mounting bracket or other support is considered to be fully restrained, then direct and torsional shear stresses shall be totaled for the � combined shear stress, which shall not exceed the allowable shear stress. 3. Shear force induced in a fastener or mounting device from the application of 300 pounds (1334 N) shall be less than the allowable lateral load of either the fastener or mounting device or the supporting structure, whichever is the smaller allowable load. 4. Tensile force induced in a fastener by a direct tension force of 300 pounds (1334 N) plus the maximum moment from the application of 300 pounds (1334 N) shall be less than the allowable withdrawal load between the fastener and the supporting structure. 1106.11.11.4 Special hazards. A grab bar and any wall or other surface adjacent to it shall be free of any sharp or abrasive elements. Edges shall have a minimum radius of 1/8 inch (3 mm). 1106.12 Kitchens. 1106.12.1 Clear floor space. An unobstructed floor space shall be provided within kitchens of sufficient size to inscribe a circle with a diameter not less than 60 inches (1525 mm). Doors in any position may encroach into this space by not more than 12 inches (305 mm). The clear floor spaces at fixtures, the accessible route of travel, and the unobstructed floor space may overlap. 1106.12.2 Counter surfaces and shelving. Within Type A dwelling units, a counter surface, a minimum of 30 inches (760 mm) wide by 24 inches (610 mm) deep, shall be provided at a maximum height of 34 inches (865 mm), with a knee space beneath at least 27 inches (685 mm) in height. In other than dwelling units, at least 50 percent of shelf space in cabinets, refrigerators and freezers shall be within the reach ranges specified in Section 1106.2.4. 1106.13 Water Fountains. 1106.13.1 Clear floor space. Wall- and post-mounted cantilevered units shall have a minimum clear floor space in front of the unit, of 30 inches (760 mm) in width by 48 inches (1220 mm) in depth to allow a forward approach. Free-standing or built-in units not having a clear space beneath them shall have an adjacent clear floor space at least 30 inches (760 mm) in depth by 48 inches (1220 mm) in width in order to allow a person in a wheelchair to make a parallel approach to the unit. 1106.13.2 Knee space. Wall- and post-mounted cantilevered units shall have knee space in accordance with Section 1106.2.4.3. The knee space shall be not less than 17 inches (430 mm) nor more than 19 inches (485 mm) in depth. 1106.13.3 Spout location. Spouts shall be Iocated not more than 36 inches (915 mm) above the floor or ground surface. Spouts shall be located at the front of the unit and shall direct a water flow not less than 4 inches (102 mm) in height, in a trajectory parallel to the front of the unit. Recessed units shall be installed such that the spout is not recessed beyond the plane of the wall. 1106.13.4 Controls. Controls shall be located not more than 6 inches (152 mm) from the front of the unit and shall comply with Section 1106.3. The force required to activate the control shall not exceed 5 pounds (22.2 N). 1106.13.5 Water fountains in alcoves. Where a unit is installed in an alcove greater than 8 inches (205 mm) in depth, the alcove shall be not less than 48 inches (1220 mm) in width. A minimum 24 inches (610 mm) of clear space shall be provided from the spout to the nearest side wall of the alcove. 1106.14 Telephones. 1106.14.1 Clear floor or ground space. A clear floor or ground space, not less than 30 inches (760 mm) by 48 inches (1220 mm), that allows either a forward or parallel approach, shall be provided in front of telephones. Bases, enclosures and fixed seats shall not project into the clear floor space. Where parallel approach is provided, any shelf or enclosure shall not project farther than 10 inches (255 mm) beyond the face of the telephone. Where a forward approach is provided, any shelf shall not project farther than 20 inches (510 mm) beyond the face of the telephone; any enclosure panels shall be a minimum 30 inches (760 mm) apart, and where less than 36 inches (915 mm) apart, shall project no more than 24 inches (610 mm) beyond the face of the phone. 1106.14.2 Height. The highest operable part of a telephone shall be within the reach ranges specified in Section 1106.2.4. 1106.14.3 Equipment for persons with hearing impairments. Telephones shall be equipped with volume controls and shall be hearing aid compatible. Volume controls shall be capable of increasing volume not less than 12 dbA nor more than 18 dbA above normal. EXCEPTION: Where an automatic reset is provided, 18 dbA may be exceeded. 1106.14.4 Controls. Telephones shall have push-button controls where service for such equipment is available. 1106.14.5 Cord length. The cord from the telephone to the handset shall be not less than 29 inches (737 mm) in length. 1106.14.6 Text telephones. Text telephones shall be permanently affixed within, or adjacent to, the telephone enclosure. Where an acoustic coupler is used, the telephone cord shall be sufficiently long to allow connection of the text telephone and the telephone receiver. 1106.14.7 Shelf and electrical outlet. Shelves and an electrical outlet shall be located within or adjacent to the telephone enclosure. The shelf shall be not less than 10 inches by 10 inches (255 mm by 255 mm) in dimension, with a vertical clearance above the shelf of not less than 6 inches (152 mm). The telephone handset shall be capable of being placed flush on the surface of the shelf. 1106.15 Alarms. 1106.15.1 Audible alarms. Audible alarms shall produce a sound in accordance with the Fire Code. 1106.15.2 Visible alarms. Visible alarm signal appliances shall be integrated into the building or facility alarm system. Where single-station audible alarms are provided, single-station visible alarm signals shall be provided. EXCEPTION: Dwelling units in Group R, Division 1 apartment buildings. Visible alarms shall be located not less than 80 inches (2030 mm) above floor level, or 6 inches (152 mm) below the ceiling, whichever is lower, and at an interval of not more than 50 feet (15 m) horizontal, in rooms, corridors, and hallways. In rooms or spaces exceeding 100 feet (30 m) in horizontal dimension, with no obstructions exceeding 6 feet (1830 mm) in height above the finished floor, visible alarms may be placed around the perimeter at intervals not to exceed 100 feet (30 m) horizontally. Visible alarm signals shall comply with the following criteria: 1. The lamp shall be a xenon strobe type or equivalent. 2. The color shall be clear or unfiltered white light. 3. The maximum pulse duration shall be two-tenths of one second (0.2 sec) with a maximum duty cycle of 40 percent. The pulse duration is defined as the time interval between initial and final point of 10 percent of maximum signal. 4. The intensity shall be a minimum of 75 candela. 5. The flash rate shall be a minimum of 1 Hz and a maximum of 3 Hz. 1106.15.3 Access to manual fire alarm systems. Manual fire alarm devices shall be mounted not more than 54 inches (1370 mm) above the floor where a parallel approach is provided. 1106.16 Signage. 1106.16.1 Symbols. 1106.16.1.1 International Symbol of Access. The International Symbol of Access shall be as shown below: (WAC 51-40-1106, Illus. 1) 1106.16.1.2 Text telephones. Text telephones required by Section 1105.4.2 shall be identified by the International Text Telephone Symbol as shown below: (WAC 51-40-1106, Illus. 2) 1106.16.1.3 Assistive listening systems. Permanently installed assistive listening systems that are required by Section 1103.1.2.2 shall be identified by the International Symbol of Access for Hearing Loss as shown below: (WAC 51-40-1106, Illus. 3) 1106.16.1.4 Volume control telephones. Telephones required by Section 1105.4.2 to have volume controls shall be identified by a handset containing a depiction of a telephone handset with radiating sound waves. 1106.16.2 Mounting location and height. Signs shall be installed on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door. Signs shall be centered at 60 inches (1525 mm) above the finished floor. Mounting location for such signage shall be such that a person may approach within 3 inches (76 mm) of signage without encountering protruding objects or standing within the swing of a door. 1106.16.3 Finish and color. Characters and symbols shall have a high contrast with their background. The character and background of interior signs shall be eggshell, matte, or other nonglare finish. All interior and exterior signs depicting the International Symbol of Access shall be white on a blue background. 1106.16.4 Character proportion and height. Letters and numbers on signs shall have a width-to-height ratio between 3:5 and 1:1 and a stroke-width- to-height ratio between 1:5 and 1:10. Characters and numbers on signs shall be sized according to the viewing distance from which they are to be read. The minimum character height for ; signs that are suspended or projected overhead is 3 inches (76 mm) for upper case letters. Lower case letters are permitted. 1106.16.5 Raised and Braille characters and pictorial symbol signs (pictograms). 1106.16.5.1 Raised characters and symbols. Characters and symbols on tactile signs shall be raised at least 1/32 inch (.8 mm). Raised characters and symbols shall be simple type face upper case characters. Raised characters and symbols shall be between 5/8 inch (16 mm) and 2 inches (51 mm) in height. Raised characters shall be accompanied by Braille in ' accordance with this section. 1106.16.5.2 Braille. Braille shall be separated from the corresponding raised characters or symbols. Brailie shall be Grade 2. 1106.16.5.3 Pictograms. Where provided, pictograms shall be accompanied by the equivalent verbal description placed directly below the pictogram. The border dimension of the pictogram shall be not less than 6 inches (152 mm) in height. 1106.17 Detectable Warnings. Detectable warnings on walking surfaces shall consist of raised truncated domes having a diameter of 0.9 inches (23 mm) nominal, a height of 0.2 inches (5 mm) nominal, and a center-to-center spacing of 2.35 inches (60 mm) nominal, and shall contrast visually with adjoining surfaces. 1106.18 Storage, Shelving and Display Units. 1106.18.1 Clear floor space. Storage, shelving and display units shall have a clear floor space, not less than 30 inches (760 mm) by 48 inches (1220 mm), that allows for either a forward or parallel approach. 1106.18.2 Height. Accessible storage, shelving and display units shall be within the reach ranges specified in Section 1106.2.4. Clothes rods shall be not more than 54 inches (1370 mm) above the floor. , 1106.19 Seating, Tables, and Sinks. I 1106.19.1 Clear floor space. Sinks and seating spaces at tables shall have a � clear floor space of not less than 30 inches (760 mm) by 48 inches (1220 mm), that allows forward approach. The clear floor space shall not overlap knee space by more than 19 inches (483 mm). 1106.19.2 Knee clearances. Knee spaces at tables, counters, and sinks shall be provided in accordance with Section 1106.Z.4.3. In addition, the depth of the knee space shall be not less than 19 inches (483 mm). No projection which might obstruct the arm of a wheelchair may intrude into this 1 clearance, within 24 inches (610 mm) horizontally from the table edge. 1106.19.3 Height. The tops of tables and sinks shall be not less than 28 inches (710 mm) nor more than 34 inches (865 mm) in height above the floor or ground. 1106.20 Aisles. All aisles required to be accessible, including check out aisles, food service lines, and aisles between fixed tables, shall be not less than 36 inches (915 mm) in width. 1106.21 Assembly Areas. 1106.21.1 Wheelchair spaces. 1106.21.1.1 Location. Wheelchair spaces shall be an integral part of any fixed seating plan and shall be dispersed throughout the seating area. Spaces shall adjoin an accessible route of travel that also serves as a means of egress and shall be located to provide lines of sight comparable to those for all viewing areas. EXCEPTION: Accessible viewing positions may be clustered for bleachers, balconies and other areas having sight lines that require slopes of greater than 5 percent. Equivalent accessible viewing positions may be located on levels having accessible egress. 1106.21.1.2 Size. Wheelchair spaces shall be not less than 33 inches (840 mm) in width. Where forward or rear approach is provided, wheelchair spaces shall be not less than 48 inches (1220 mm) in depth. Where only side approach is provided, wheelchair spaces shall be not less than 60 inches (1525 mm) in depth. 1106.21.1.3 Surfaces. The ground or floor surfaces at wheelchair locations shall be level and shall comply with Section 1106.7. 1106.21.2 Placement of assistive listening systems. Where an assistive listening system serves individual fixed seats, such seats shall have a clear line of sight and shall be located not more than 50 feet (15 m) from the stage or performance area. 1106.22 Restaurants and Cafeterias. 1106.Z2.1 Aisles. Aisles to fixed tables required to be accessible shall comply with Section 1106.20. 1106.22.2 Food service lines. 1106.22.2.1 Clear floor space. Food service lines shall comply with Section 1106.20. 1106.22.2.2 Height. Tray slides shall be mounted not more than 34 inches (865 mm) in height above the floor. 1106.22.2.3 Counters and bars. Where service of food or drink is provided at counters more than 34 inches (865 mm) in height, to customers seated on stools or standing, a portion of the main counter shall be provided in compliance with Section 1106.19, or service shall be available at accessible � tables within the same area. ' 1106.22.2.4 Tableware and condiment areas. Self-service shelves and dispensing devices for tableware, dishware, condiments, food, and ' beverages shall be installed to comply with Section 1106.18. , 1106.23 Patient bedrooms. Each patient bedroom shall be designed and constructed to provide space for a 180-degree turn that complies with Section 1106.2.2. Each patient room shall have a minimum clear floor space not less than 36 inches 915 mm on e h i ac s de of an bed. ( ) Y 1106.24 Customer Service Facilities. 1106.24.1 Dressing and fitting rooms. 1106.24.1.1 Clear floor space. Each dressing and fitting room shall have a clear floor space complying with Section 1106.2. EXCEPTION: Dressing and fitting rooms that are entered through a curtained opening need not comply with Section 1106.2.2. 1106.24.1.2 Doors. All doors to accessible dressing and fitting rooms shall comply with Section 1106.10. 1106.24.1.3 Benches. Every accessible dressing or fitting room shall have a bench installed adjacent to the longest wall in the room. The bench shall be not less than 24 inches (610 mm) in width and 48 inches (12Z0 mm) in length, and shall be mounted not less than 17 inches (430 mm) nor more than 19 inches (483 mm) above the finished floor. Clear floor space shall be provided adjacent to the bench to allow for parallel transfer, and the structural strength of the bench shall comply with Section 1106.11.11.3. Where benches are installed in dressing and fitting rooms adjacent to showers, swimming pools, or other wet locations, water shall not accumulate upon the surface of the bench and the bench shall have a slip-resistant surface. 1106.24.1.4 Mirrors. Where provided, mirrors in accessible dressing and fitting rooms shall be not less than 18 inches (455 mm) in width by 54 inches (1370 mm) in height and shall be mounted opposite the bench. 1106.24.2 Counters and windows. Where counters are required to be accessible, the accessible portion shall be not less than 36 inches (915 mm) in length and not more than 36 inches (915 mm) in height above the finished floor. Where accessible windows are required, they shall be no more than 36 inches (915 mm) in height above the finished floor. i EXCEPTION: An auxiliary counter with a maximum height of 36 inches (915 mm) is installed in close proximity to the main counter. 1106.24.3 Check-out aisles. The width of accessible check-out aisles shall comply with Section 1106.20. Counters in accessible check-out aisles shall be not more than 38 inches (965 mm) in height, and the top of the raised edge of the counter shall not exceed 40 inches (1015 mm) in height above the finished floor. Accessible check-out aisles shall be identified by the International Symbol of Access in accordance with Section 1106.16.1.1. 1106.25 Libraries. 1106.25.1 Reading and study areas. At least 5 percent, or a minimum of one, of each element of fixed seating, tables, or study carrels shall comply with Section 1106.19. Clearances between fixed accessible tables and study carrels shall comply with Section 1106.20. 1106.25.2 Check-out areas. At least one lane at each check-out area shall comply with Section 1106.20. Any traffic control or book security gates or turnstiles shall comply with Section 1106.10. 1106.25.3 Card catalogs, magazine displays and stacks. 1106.25.3.1 Aisles. Aisles between card catalogs, magazine displays or stacks shall comply with Section 1106.20. 1106.25.3.2 Height. Card catalogs or magazine displays shall have a reach height of not more than 54 inches (1370 mm) for side approach and not more than 48 inches (1220 mm) for forward approach. Not all shelves in library stacks need be located within reach ranges required by Section 1106.2.4. 1106.26 Hotels and Congregate Residences. 1106.26.1 Clear floor space. Each sleeping room shall have a space complying with Section 1106.4.1, along both sides of each bed. � EXCEPTION: In rooms with two beds, only one 36 inch (915 mm) wide maneuvering space need be provided between the two beds. 1106.26.2 Accessible route of travel. An accessible route of travel complying with Section 1103.2.2 shall connect all accessible spaces and elements; including telephones, patios, terraces, balconies, carports, garages or parking spaces; with all accessible sleeping rooms. 1106.26.3 Doors. Doors within all sleeping rooms, suites or other covered units shall comply with Section 1106.10. 1106.26.4 Storage. Where fixed or built-in storage is provided in accessible units, sleeping rooms, or suites; including cabinets, shelves, closets, and drawers; at least one of each type shall comply with Section 1106.18. 1106.26.5 Controls. All controls in accessible units, sleeping rooms, and suites shall comply with Section 1106.3. 1106.27 Dwelling Units. 1106.27.1 Type A and B dwelling units. Type A and B dwelling units shall comply with Section 1106. EXCEPTIONS: 1. In a Type A accessible dwelling unit with two or more stories, access to other levels is not required if the accessible level complies with all requirements for Type A accessible dwelling units and that kitchen, toilet and bathing facilities, and at least one bedroom are provided on the accessible level. 2. Kitchens in Type B dwelling units need not comply with Section 1106.12.1, provided that: 2.1. A clear space at least 30 inches by 48 inches (760 mm by 1220 mm) that allows parallel approach by a person in a wheelchair is provided at the range or cook top and sink, and either a parallel or forward approach is provided at all other appliances; and, 2.2. In all other kitchens, clearance between all opposing counters, base cabinets, countertops, appliances, and walls shall be not less than 40 inches (1015 mm); and, 2.3. In "U" shaped kitchens with a sink, range, or cooktop at the base of the "U", an unobstructed floor space of sufficient size to inscribe a circle with a diameter of not less than 60 inches (1525 mm) shall be provided. 3. Bathrooms in Type B dwelling units need not comply with Section 1106.11.2, provided that sufficient maneuvering space which is not less than 30 inches by 48 inches (760 by 1220 mm) is provided within the bathroom. Doors may swing into the clear floor space provided at any fixture, but shall not encroach on the required maneuvering space. 4. Doors in Type B dwelling units, other than the primary entry door, need not comply with Section 1106.10.3. 5. Mezzanines in Type A or B dwelling units need not be accessible. 6. Raised or sunken floors in Type B dwelling units need not be accessible, provided that they do not interfere with the accessible route of travel through the unit, and are not located in the kitchen or bathroom. 7. Counter surfaces in Type B dwelling units need not comply with Section 1106.12.2. ' 8. Within an individual dwelling unit in a building with an elevator, access to other levels is i not required if the accessible level complies with all requirements for accessible dwelling I units. � 9. In Type B dwelling units, exterior deck, patio, or balcony surfaces may be no more than 4 I�'i inches (100 mm) below the floor level of the interior surface where the exterior surface is I constructed of an impervious material such as concrete, brick, or flagstone. 10. Vanities or lavatories in Type A and B dwelling units may be located in the clear floor spaces as permitted in Section 1106.11.5.1. 11. Seats for bathtubs or showers are not required in Type B dwelling units. 12. In Type B dwelling units, the clear floor space for bathtubs or showers may be reduced to not less than 30 inches (760 mm) in width by 48 inches (1220 mm) in length. 1106.27.2 Adaptable fixtures for dwelling units. 1106.27.2.1 Grab bars. Grab bars may be omitted in bathing and toilet facilities within Type A or B dwelling units, provided that all structural reinforcements for grab bar installation are provided in the appropriate locations in the adjoining walls. 1106.27.2.2 Kitchen counters. Cabinets or shelving may be installed beneath the counter space required by Section 1106.12.2, provided that such cabinetry or shelving is not permanent, and is easily removable. 1106.27.2.3 Lavatories. Cabinets or shelving may be installed beneath bathroom lavatories provided that such cabinetry or shelving is not permanent, and is easily removable. 1106.27.2.4 Signage. Parking signage required by Section 1107.3 need not be installed in spaces designated for accessible dwelling units. [� NEW SECTION WAC 51-40-1107 Section 1107--Parkin facilities. 9 Section 1107.1 Accessible Parking Required. 1107.1.1 General. For other than Group R, Division 1 apartment buildings, when parking lots or garage facilities are provided, accessible parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with Table No. 11-F. 1107.1.2 Inpatient and outpatient medical care facilities. For Group I, Division 1.1, 1.2 and 2 units and facilities specializing in the treatment of persons with mobility impairments on either an inpatient or outpatient basis, 20 percent of the parking spaces provided accessory to such units and facilities shall be accessible. 1107.1.3 Outpatient medical care facilities. For Group I, Division 1.1 and 1.2 Occupancies providing outpatient medical care facilities, 10 percent of the parking spaces provided accessory to such occupancies shall be accessible. 1107.1.4 Apartment buildings. For Group R, Division 1 apartment buildings where parking is provided, one accessible parking space shall be provided for each Type A dwelling unit and reserved for it's occupants. In addition, where the total parking provided on a site exceeds 1 parking space per dwelling unit, not less than 2 percent, and in no case less than 1 space, of this additional parking shall be accessible. 1107.1.5 Van parking. For other than Group R, Division 1 apartment buildings, where accessible parking is required, one of every eight accessible parking spaces, or fraction thereof, shall be designed to be accessible to vans. 1107.1.6 Location of parking. Accessible parking spaces shall be located on the shortest possible accessible route of travel to an accessible building entrance. In facilities with multiple accessible building entrances with adjacent parking, accessible parking spaces shall be dispersed and located near the accessible entrances. Wherever practical, the accessible route of travel shall not cross lanes of vehicular traffic. Where crossing traffic lanes is necessary, the route of travel shall be designated and marked as a crosswalk. EXCEPTION: In multilevel parking structures, all accessible van parking spaces may be located on the same level. Where a parking facility is not accessory to a particular building, accessible parking spaces shall be located on the shortest accessible route to an accessible pedestrian entrance to the parking facility. 1107.2 Design and Construction. 1107.2.1 General. When accessible parking spaces are required by this section, they shall be designed and constructed in accordance with this section. 1107.2.2 Size. Parking spaces shall be not less than 96 inches (2440 mm) in width and shall have an adjacent access aisle not less than 60 inches (1525 mm) in width. Van accessible parking spaces shall have an adjacent access aisle not less than 96 inches (2440 mm) in width. Where two adjacent spaces are provided, the access aisle may be shared between the two spaces. Boundaries of access aisles shall be marked so that the aisles will not be used as parking space. 1107.2.3 Vertical clearance. Where accessible parking spaces are required for vans, the vertical clearance shall be not less than 114 inches (2895 mm) at the parking space and along at least one vehicle access route to such spaces from site entrances and exits. 1107.2.4 Slope. Accessible parking spaces and access aisles shall be located on a surface with a slope not to exceed 1 vertical in 48 horizontal. 1107.2.5 Surface. Parking spaces and access aisles shall be firm, stable, smooth, and slip-resistant. 1107.3 Signs. Every parking space required by this section shall be identified by a sign, centered between 3 and 5 feet (915 mm and 1525 mm) above the parking surface, at the head of the parking space. The sign shall include the International Symbol of Access and the phrase "State Disabled Parking Permit Required". Van accessible parking spaces shall have an additional sign mounted below the International Symbol of Access identifying the spaces as "Van Accessible." EXCEPTION: Where all of the accessible parking spaces comply with the standards for van accessible parking spaces. (See also Section 1106.27.2) [] NEW SECTION WAC 51-40-1108 Section 1108--Passenger loading zones. Section 1108.1 Location. Where provided, passenger loading zones shall be located on an accessible route of travel. 1108.2 Design and Construction. 1108.2.1 General. Passenger loading zones shall be designed and constructed in accordance with this section. 1108.2.2 Size. Passenger loading zones shall provide an access aisle not less than 60 inches (1525 mm) in width by 20 feet (6 m) in length with the Iong dimension abutting and parallel to: A: the vehicle space on one side; and B: an accessible route of travel on the other. 1108.2.3 Slope. Such zones shall be located on a surface with a slope not exceeding 1 vertical in 48 horizontal. [] PART III - ACCESSIBILITY FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS NEW SECTION WAC 51-40-1109 Section 1109--Scope. Section 1109.1 General. The provisions of this part apply to renovation, alterations, and additions to existing buildings including those identified as historic buildings. This chapter includes minimum standards for removing architectural barriers, and providing and maintaining accessibility for persons with disabilities to existing buildings and their related facilities. iv I n Facilitation. De artures from s ecific technical and 1109.2 Equ a e t p p 'r m n of this art b the use of alternate methods are scoping requi e e ts p y permitted where such methods will provide equivalent or greater access to, and usability of, the facility. Alternate methods shall permit individuals with disabilities to approach, enter, and use a site, building, facility or portion thereof; as easily, safely, conveniently, and independently as the specified method. [] NEW SECTION WAC 51-40-1110 Section 1110--Definitions. Section 1110. For the purpose of this part, certain terms are designated as follows: ALTERATION is any change, addition, or modification in construction or occupancy. - ALTERATION, SUBSTANTIAL is any alteration, where the total cost of all alterations (including but not limited to electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and structural changes) for a building or facility within any 12-month period amounts to 60 percent or more of the appraised value. PATH OF TRAVEL means a continuous, unobstructed way of pedestrian passage by means of which an altered area may be approached, entered, and exited, and which connects the altered area with an exterior approach (including sidewalks, streets, and parking areas), an entry to the facility, and other parts of the facility. For the purposes of this part, the term path of travel also includes restrooms, telephones, and water fountains serving the altered area. TECHNICALLY INFEASIBLE means that an alteration has little likelihood of being accomplished because existing structural conditions would require removing or altering a load-bearing member which is an essential part of the structural frame, or because site constraints prohibit modification or addition of elements, spaces, or features which are in full and strict compliance with the minimum requirements for new construction and necessary to provide accessibility. [l NEW SECTION WAC 51-40-1111 Section 1111--Additions. Section 1111 Additions. New additions may be made to existing buildings without making the entire building comply, provided the new additions conform to the provisions of Part II of this chapter, except as follows: 1. Entrances. Where a new addition to a building or facility does not have an �I accessible entrance, at least one entrance in the existing building or facility shall be accessible. 2. Accessible Route. Where the only accessible entrance to the addition is located in the existing building or facility, at least one accessible route of travel shall be provided through the existing building or facility to all rooms, elements and spaces in the new addition which are required to be accessible. 3. Toilet and Bathing Facilities. Where there are no toilet rooms and bathing facilities in an addition and these facilities are provided in the existing building, then at least one toilet and bathing facility in the existing facility shall comply with Section 1106 or with Section 1112.3.7. 4. Group I Occupancies. Where patient rooms are added to an existing Group I Occupancy, a percentage of the additional rooms equal to the requirement of Section 1103.1.6, but in no case more than the total number � of rooms required by Section 1103.1.6, shall comply with Section 1106.23. Wh r oil t or bathin facilities are art of the accessible rooms the shall eet e , 9 P Y comply with Section 1106.11. 5. Path of Travel. Where an addition affects the access to or use of an area of primary function, to the maximum extent feasible, the path of travel to the area of primary function shall be made accessible. EXCEPTION: Subject to the approval of the building ofFicial, the path of travel need not be made accessible if the cost of compliance with this part would exceed 20 percent of the total , cost of construction, inclusive of the cost of eliminating barriers, within a 36-month period. �� NEW SECTION WAC 51-40-1112 Section 1112--Alterations. Section 1112 Alterations. 1112.1 General. 1112.1.1 Compliance. Alterations to existing buildings or facilities shall comply with this section. No alteration shall reduce or have the effect of reducing accessibility or usability of a building, portion of a building, or facili . If com liance with this section is technicall infeasible, the alteration tY P Y shall rovide accessibilit to the maximum extent feasible. P Y EXCEPTION: Except when substantial as defined by Section 1110, alterations to Group R, Division 1 apartment buildings need not comply with this section. 1112.1.2 Existing elements. Where existing elements, spaces, essential ' features or common areas are altered, each such altered element, space, feature, or area shall comply with the applicable provisions of Part II of this chapter. Where an alteration is to an area of primary function, to the maximum extent feasible, the path of travel to the altered area shall be made accessible. See also Appendix Chapter 11 Division II. EXCEPTIONS: 1. An accessible route of travel need not be provided to altered elements, spaces or comm�n areas which are not areas of primary function. 2. Areas of evacuation assistance need not be added to an altered building. 3. Subject to the approval of the building official, the path of travel need not be made accessible if the cost of compliance with this part would exceed 20 percent of the total cost of construction, inclusive of the cost of eliminating barriers, within an 36-month period. 1112.1.3 Installation of stairs or escalators. Where an escalator or new !, stairway is planned or installed requiring major structural changes, then a I means of vertical transportation (e.g. elevator, platform lift) shall be � provided in accordance with this chapter. i 1112.1.4 Other re uirements. G i 1112.1.4.1 Where alterations of single elements, when considered together, ��� amount to an alteration of a room or space in a building or facility, the entire area or space shall be accessible. 1112.1.4.2 No alteration of an existing element, space o� area of a building shall impose a requirement for greater accessibility than that which would be required for new construction. 1112.1.4.3 Where the alteration work is limited solely to the electrical, mechanical or plumbing system or hazardous materials removal, and does not involve the alteration, structural or otherwise, of any elements and � spaces required to be accessible under these standards, Chapter 11 does not apply. I 1112.1.4.4 Where alterations would increase the number of public pay telephones to four, with at least one in the interior, or where the facility has four or more public pay telephones and one or more is altered; at least one interior text telephone shall be provided in accordance with Section 1106.14. 1112.1.4.5 Where a building has an accessible entrance, altered entrances � need not be made accessible unless they provide access to areas of primary function. 1112.1.4.6 Where sleeping rooms are altered in an existing Group R, Division 1 hotel, at least 1 sleeping room that complies with Section 1106.26 shall be provided for each 25 sleeping rooms or fraction thereof. In addition, at least 1 sleeping room for each 25 sleeping rooms or fraction thereof shall have telephones, visible alarms, and visible notification devices in accordance with Section 1103.1.8.3. 1112.1.4.7 Where patient bedrooms are altered in an existing Group I Occupancy, a percentage of the altered bedrooms equal to the requirement of Section 1103.1.6, but in no case more than the total number of bedrooms required by Section 1103.1.6, shall comply with Section 1106.23. Where toilet or bathing facilities are part of the accessible rooms, they shall comply with Section 1106.11. 1112.2 Substantial Alterations. Where substantial alteration as defined in Section 1110 occurs to a building or facility, the entire building or facility shall comply with Part II of this code. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Areas of evacuation assistance need not be added to a substantially altered building. 2. Type B Dwelling units need not be provided in buildings which are substantially altered. 1112.3 Modifications. 1112.3.1 General. The following modifications set forth in this section may be used for compliance where the required standard is technically infeasible or when providing access to historic buildings. 1112.3.2 Ramps. Curb ramps and ramps constructed on existing sites, or in existing buildings or facilities, may have slopes and rises greater than specified in Part II of this chapter, where space limitations preclude the use of 1 vertical in 12 horizontal slope or less, provided that: 1. A slope not greater than 1 vertical in 10 horizontal is allowed for a maximum rise of 6 inches (152 mm). 2. A slope not greater than 1 vertical in 8 horizontal is allowed for a maximum rise of 3 inches (76 mm). 3. Slopes greater than 1 vertical in 8 horizontal are prohibited. 1112.3.3 Stairways. Full extension of stair handrails is not required when such extension would be hazardous or impossible due to plan configuration. When an accessible elevator is provided, existing stairs need not be made accessible. 1112.3.4 Elevators. Elevators shall comply with Chapter 296-81, Washington Administrative Code. 1112.3.5 Platform lifts. Upon the approval of the building official, platform lifts may be used in alterations, in locations in addition to those permitted in Part II of this chapter, if installation of an elevator is technically infeasible. Platform lifts shall comply with Chapter 296-81 of the Washington Administrative Code. 1112.3.6 Doors. 1112.3.6.1 Clearance. When existing elements prohibit strict compliance with the clearance requirements, a projection of 5/8 inch (16 mm) maximum r ; is permitted for the latch side door stop. 1112.3.6.2 Thresholds. Existing thresholds measuring 3/4 inch (19 mm) high or less which are modified to provide a beveled edge on each side, may be retained. 1112.3.7 Toilet rooms. 1112.3.7.1 Shared facilities. The addition of one unisex toilet facility accessible to all occupants on the floor may be provided in lieu of making existing toilet facilities accessible when it is technically infeasible to comply with either part of Chapter 11. The unisex facility shall be located in the same area as existing facilities. 1112.3.7.2 Number. The number of toilet facilities and water closets required by the Building Code may be reduced by one, in order to provide accessible features. 1112.3.7.3 Signage. When existing toilet facilities are altered and not all are made accessible, directional signage complying with Section 1106.16.3 and 1106.16.4 shall be provided indicating the location of the nearest accessible toilet facility. 1112.3.8 Assembly areas. Seating shall adjoin an accessible route of travel that also serves as a means of emergency egress or route to an area for evacuation assistance. In alterations, accessibility to raised or sunken dining areas, or to all parts of outdoor seating areas is not required provided that the same services and amenities are provided in an accessible space usable by the general public and not restricted to use by people with disabilities. 1112.3.9 Dressing rooms. Where it is technically infeasible to meet the requirements of Part II of this chapter, one dressing room for each sex, or a unisex dressing room, on each level shall be accessible. � [l NEW SECTION WAC 51-40-1113 Section 1113--Historic preservation. � Section 1113.1 General. Generally the accessibility provisions of this part shall be applied to historic buildings and facilities as defined in Section 3403.5 of this code. The building official, after consulting with the appropriate historic preservation officer, shall determine whether provisions required by this part for accessible routes of travel (interior or exterior), ramps, entrances, toilets, parking, or signage would threaten or destroy the historic significance of the building or facility. If it is determined that any of the accessibility requirements listed above would threaten or destroy the historic significance of a building or facility, the modifications of Section 1112.3 for that feature may be utilized. 1113.2 Special Provisions. Where removing architectural barriers or providing accessibility would threaten or destroy the historic significance of a building or facility, the following special provisions may be used: 1. At least one accessible route from a site access point to an accessible route of travel shall be provided. 2. At least one accessible entrance which is used by the public shall be provided. EXCEPTION: Where it is determined by the building official that no entrance used by the public can comply, access at any accessible entrance which is unlocked during business hours may be used provided directional signs are located at the primary entrance, and the accessible entrance has a notification system. The route of travel for the accessible entrance shall not pass through hazardous areas, storage rooms, closets, kitchens or spaces used for similar purposes. 3. Where toilet facilities are provided, at least one toilet facility complying with Section 1111 and 1112 shall be provided along an accessible route. Such toilet facility shall be a shared facility available to both sexes. 4. Accessible routes from an accessible entrance to all publicly used spaces, on at least the level of accessible entrance, shall be provided. Access should be provided to all levels of a building or facility when practical. Displays and written information and documents shall be located where they can be seen by a seated person. �] NEW SECTION WAC 51-40-1114 Section 1114--Appeal. Section 1114.1 Request for Appeal. An appeal from the standards for accessibility for existing buildings may be filed with the building official in accordance with Section 105, when existing structural elements or physical constraints of the site prevent full compliance or would threaten or destroy the historical significance of a historic building. 1114.2 Review. � 1114.2.1 Consideration of alternative methods. Review of appeal requests shall include consideration of alternative methods which may provide partial access. 1114.2.2 Waiver or modification of requirements. The appeals board may waive or modify the requirements of this section when it is determined that compliance with accessibility requirements would threaten or destroy the historic significance of a building or facility. NEW SECTION WAC 51-40-93116 Section 93116. THIS APPENDIX IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. IT IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL TO ENFORCE IT. APPENDIX CHAPTER 11 DIVISION II AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT GUIDELINES FOR READILY ACHIEVABLE BARRIER REMOVAL 93116.1 Purpose. The purpose of this division is to provide the United States Department of Justice, Americans with Disabilities Act Guidelines for readily achievable barrier removal in existing buildings. 93116.2 Scope. 93116.2.1 General. The provisions of this division may be used as a guideline for the removal of readily achievable barriers to accessibility in existing buildings, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. 93116.2.2 Applicability of other provisions. Except as specifically allowed by this division, all buildings and portions thereof shall meet all applicable provisions of this code. 93116.3 Definitions. For the purpose of this division, certain terms are defined as follows: COMMERCE is travel, trade, traffic, commerce, transportation, or communication-- 1. Among the several States; 2. Between any foreign country or any territory or possession and any State; or 3. Between points in the same State but through another State or foreign country. COMMERCIAL FACILITIES are facilities-- 1. Whose operations will affect commerce; 2. That are intended for nonresidential use by a private entity; and 3. That are not-- 3.1. Facilities that are covered or expressly exempted from coverage under the Fair Housing Act of 1968, as amended (42 U.S.C. 3601-3631); 3.2 Aircraft; or 3.3. Railroad locomotives, railroad freight cars, railroad cabooses, commuter or intercity passenger rail cars (including coaches, dining cars, sleeping cars, lounge cars, and food service cars), any other railroad cars described in Section 242 of the American's with Disabilities Act or covered under title II of the American's with Disabilities Act, or railroad rights-of-way. For purposes of this definition, "rail" and "railroad" have the meaning given the term "railroad" in Section 202(e) of the Federal Railroad Safety Act of 1970 (46 U.S.C. 431(e)). PLACE OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION is a facility, operated by a private entity, whose operations affect commerce and fall within at least one of the following categories-- 1. An inn, hotel, motel, or other place of lodging, except for an establishment located within a building that contains not more than five rooms for rent or hire and that is actually occupied by the proprietor of the establishment as the residence of the proprietor; 2. A restaurant, bar, or other establishment serving food or drink; 3. A motion picture house, theater, concert hall, stadium, or other place of exhibition or entertainment; 4. An auditorium, convention center, lecture hall, or other place of public , gathering; 5. A bakery, grocery store, clothing store, hardware store, shopping center, or other sales or rental establishment; 6. A laundromat, dry-cleaner, bank, barber shop, beauty shop, travel service, shoe repair service, funeral parlor, gas station, office of an accountant or lawyer, pharmacy, insurance office, professional office of a health care provider, hospital, or other service establishment; 7. A terminal, depot, or other station used for specified public transportation; 8. A museum, library, gallery, or other place of public display or collection; 9. A park, zoo, amusement park, or other place of recreation; 10. A nursery, elementary, secondary, undergraduate, or postgraduate private school, or other place of education; 11. A day care center, senior citizen center, homeless shelter, food bank, adoption agency, or other social service center establishment; and 12. A gymnasium, health spa, bowling alley, golf course, or other place of exercise or recreation. PRIVATE ENTITY is a person or entity other than a public entity. PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION is a private entity that owns, leases (or leases to), or operates a place of public accommodation. PUBLIC ENTITY is-- 1. Any State or local government; 2. Any department, agency, special purpose district, or other instrumentality of a State or States or local government; and 3. The National Railroad Passenger Corporation, and any commuter authority (as defined in Section 103(8) of the Rail Passenger Service Act). READILY ACHIEVABLE is easily accomplishable and able to be carried out without much difficulty or expense. In determining whether an action is readily achievable, factors to be considered include-- 1. The nature and cost of the action needed under this part; , 2. The overall financial resources of the site or sites involved in the action; the number of persons employed at the site; the effect on expenses and resources, or the impact otherwise of the action upon the operation of the site; 3. The overall financial resources of any parent corporation or entity; the overall size of the parent corporation or entity with respect to the number of its employees; the number, type, and location of its facilities; 4. The type of operation or operations of the parent corporation or entity, including the composition, structure, and functions of the work force of the parent corporation or entity; and 5. The geographic separateness, and the administrative or fiscal relationship of the site or sites in question to the parent corporation or entity. 93116.4 Removal of Barriers. A public accommodation shall remove architectural barriers in existing facilities, including communication barriers that are structural in nature, where such removal is readily achievable, i.e., easily accomplishable and able to be carried out without much difficulty or expense. 93116.5 Examples. Examples of steps to remove barriers include, but are not limited to, the following actions: 1. Installing ramps; 2. Making curb cuts in sidewalks and entrances; 3. Lowering shelves; 4. Rearranging tables, chairs, vending machines, display racks, and other furniture; 5. Lowering telephones; 6. Adding raised letter markings on elevator control buttons; 7. Installing flashing alarm lights; 8. Widening doors; 9. Installing offset hinges to widen doorways; 10. Eliminating a turnstile or providing an alternative accessible path; 11. Installing accessible door hardware; 12. Installing grab bars in toilet stalls; 13. Rearranging toilet partitions to increase maneuvering space; 14. Insulating lavatory pipes; 15. Installing a raised toilet seat; 16. Installing a full-length bathroom mirror; 17. Lowering the paper towel dispenser in a bathroom; 18. Creating a designated accessible parking space; 19. Installing an accessible paper cup dispenser at an existing inaccessible water fountain; 20. Removing high pile, low density carpeting; or 21. Modifying vehicle hand controls. 93116.6 Priorities. A public accommodation shall take measures to comply with the barrier removal requirements of this section in accordance with the following order of priorities: 1. First, a public accommodation shall take measures to provide access to a place of public accommodation from public sidewalks, parking, or public trans ortation. These measures include, for exam le, installin an entrance P P 9 ramp, widening entrances, and providing accessible parking spaces. 2. Second, a public accommodation shall take measures to provide access to those areas of a place of public accommodation where goods and services are made available to the public. These measures include, for example, adjusting the layout of display racks, rearranging tables, widening doors, and installing ramps. 3. Third a ublic accommodation shall take measures to rovide access to , p P restroom facilities in places of public accommodation where restroom facilities are used by the public on more than an incidental basis. These measures include, for example, removal of obstructing furniture or vending machines, widening of doors, installations of ramps, providing accessible signage, widening of toilet stalls, and installations of grab bars. 4. Fourth, a public accommodation shall take any other measures necessary to provide access to the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of a place of public accommodation. 93116.7 Relationship to Alterations Requirements of Chapter 11, Part III of this Code. Measures taken solely to comply with the barrier removal requirements of this section are not required to conform to the requirements for alterations in Chapter 11, Part III of this code. These measures include, for example, installing a ramp with a steeper slope or widening a doorway to a narrower width than that required by Chapter 11, Part III of this code. No measure shall be taken, however, that poses a significant risk to the health or safety of individuals with disabilities or others. Barrier removal is required to conform to the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for existing , buildings. 93116.8 Portable Ramps. Portable ramps should be used to comply with this division only when installation of a permanent ramp is not readily achievable. In order to avoid any significant risk to the health or safety of individuals with disabilities or others in using portable ramps, due consideration shall be given to safety features such as nonslip surfaces, railings, anchoring, and strength of materials. 93116.9 Interpretation of Readily Achievable. The rearrangement of temporary or movable structures, such as furniture, equipment, and display racks is not readily achievable to the extent that it results in a significant loss of selling or serving space. I, 93116.10 Alternatives to Barrier Removal. 93116.10.1 General. Where a public accommodation can demonstrate that barrier removal is not readily achievable, a public accommodation shall not fail to make its goods and services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations available through alternative methods, if those methods are readily achievable. 93116.10.2 Examples. Examples of alternatives to barrier removal include, but are not limited to, the following actions: 1. Providing curb service or home delivery; 2. Retrieving merchandise from inaccessible shelves or racks; 3. Relocating activities to accessible locations; 4. Providing refueling service at inaccessible self-service gas stations. 93116.11 Personal Devices and Services. This section does not require a public accommodation to provide its customers, clients, or participants with personal devices, such as wheelchairs, or services of a personal nature including assistance in eating, toileting, or dressin . 9 93116.12 Multiscreen Cinemas. If it is not readily achievable to remove II, barriers to provide access by persons with mobility impairments to all of the '� theaters of a multiscreen cinema, the cinema shall establish a film rotation ' � schedule that provides reasonable access for individuals who use wheelchairs to all films. Reasonable notice shall be provided to the public as to the location and time of accessible showings. 93116.13 Readily Achievable and Undue Burden: Factors to be Considered. , In determining whether an action is readily achievable or would result in an ' undue burden, factors to be considered include: � 1. The nature and cost of the action needed under this part; '' 2. The overall financial resources of the site or sites involved in the action; the number of persons employed at the site; the effect on expenses and resources, or the impact otherwise of the action upon the operation of the site; 3. The overall financial resources of any parent corporation or entity; the overall size of the parent corporation or entity with respects to the number ' of its employees; the number, type, and location of its facilities; 4. The type of operation or operations of the parent corporation or entity, including the composition, structure, and functions of the work force of the parent corporation or entity; and 5. The geographic separateness, and the administrative or fiscal relationship of the site or sites in question to the parent corporation or entity. 93116.14 Accessible or Special Goods. 93116.14.1 This part does not require a public accommodation to alter its inventory to include accessible or special goods that are designed for, or � facilitate use by, individuals with disabilities. 93116.14.2 A public accommodation shall order accessible or special goods at the request of an individual with disabilities, if, in the normal course of its operation, it makes special orders on request for unstocked goods, and if the accessible or special goods can be obtained from a supplier with whom the public accommodation customarily does business. 93116.14.3 Examples of accessible or special goods include items such as Braille versions of books, books on audio cassettes, closed-captioned video tapes, special sizes or lines of clothing, and special foods to meet particular dietary needs. 93116.15 Seating in Assembly Areas. To the extent that it is readily achievable, a public accommodation shall: 1. Provide a reasonable number of wheelchair seating spaces in assembly areas; and, 2. Locate the wheelchair seating spaces so that they: 2.1. Are dispersed throughout the seating area; 2.2. Provide lines of sight comparable to those in all viewing areas; 2.3. Adjoin an accessible route of travel that also serves as a means of egress in case of emergency; and, 2.4. Permit individuals who use wheelchairs to sit with family members or other companions. EXCEPTION: If removal of seats is not readily achievable, a public accommodation shall provide a portable chair or other means to permit a family member or other companion to sit with an individual who uses a wheelchair. NEW SECTION WAC 51-40-93117 Section 93117. THIS APPENDIX IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. IT IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL TO ENFORCE IT. APPENDIX CHAPTER 11 DIVISION III AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ALTERNATE GUIDELINES FOR DETECTABLE WARNINGS 93117.1 General. The purpose of this division is to provide additional design guidelines for construction and installation of truncated domes as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. 93117.2 Raised Truncated Domes. Raised truncated domes shall have a diameter of 0.9 inches (23 mm) nominal, a height of 0.2 inches (5 mm) nominal and a center-to-center spacing of 2.35 (60 mm) inches nominal. Raised truncated domes shall comply with Appendix Chapter il, Division V for visual contrast. NEW SECTION WAC 51-40-93118 Section 93118. APPENDIX CHAPTER 11 DIVISION IV AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ALTERNATE GUIDELINES FOR AUDIBLE ALARMS 93118.1 Purpose. The purpose of this division is to provide the United States Department of Justice, Americans with Disabilities Act Guidelines for audible alarms. 93118.2 Audible Alarms. Audible alarms shall exceed the prevailing equivalent sound level in the room or space by at least 15 decibels, or shall exceed any maximum sound level with a duration of 30 seconds by 5 decibels, whichever is louder. Sound levels for alarm signals shall not exceed 120 decibels. NEW SECTION WAC 51-40-93119 Section 93119. THIS APPENDIX IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. IT IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL TO ENFORCE IT. APPENDIX CHAPTER 11 DIVISION V AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ALTERNATE GUIDELINES FOR VISUAL CONTRAST 93119.1 Purpose. The purpose of this division is to provide the United States Department of Justice, Americans with Disabilities Act. 93119.2 Guidelines for Visual Contrast. 93119.2.1 Raised truncated domes. Raised truncated domes used as detectable warnings shall contrast visually by 70 percent with adjoining surfaces. Contrast in percent shall be determined as follows: Contrast = [(B1 - BZ )/B1 ] x100 Where: B 1 = light reflectance value (LRV) of the lighter area; and, B 2 = light reflectance value (LRV) of the darker area. The material used to provide contrast shall be an integral part of the walking surface. 93119.2.2 Signage. The characters and background of signs shall be eggshell (11 to 19 degree gloss on 60 degree glossimeter). Characters shall be light on a dark background (or dark on a light background) and contrast with their background by at least 70 percent. Contrast in percent shall be determined as follows: Contrast = [(B 1 - B 2 )/B 1 ] x 100 Where: B 1 = light reflectance value (LRV) of the lighter area; and, B Z = light reflectance value (LRV) of the darker area. Reviser's note: The brackets and enclosed material in the text of the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appear in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040. NEW SECTION WAC 51-40-93120 Section 93120. THIS APPENDIX IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. IT IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL TO ENFORCE IT. APPENDIX CHAPTER 11 DIVISION VI AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT GUIDELINES FOR AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINES 93120.1 Purpose. The purpose of this division is to provide the United States Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board Americans with Disabilities Act Guidelines for automated teller machines. 93120.2 Accessible Buildings: Automated Teller Machines. Where automated teller machines are provided, each machine shall comply with the requirements below except where two or more machines are provided at a location, then only one must comply. EXCEPTION: Drive-up-only automated teller machines are not required to comply with 93120.4 and 93120.5. 93120.3 General. Each automated teller machine required to be accessible by 93120.2 shall be on an accessible route and shall compl� with the provisions of this section. 93120.4 Clear Floor Space. The automated teller machine shall be located so that clear floor space complying with 1106.2.4.1, 1106.2.4.2, 1106.Z.4.3 and 1106.2.4.4 is provided to allow a person using a wheelchair to make a forward approach, a parallel approach, or both, to the machine. 93120.5 Reach Ranges. 1. Forward Approach Only. If only a forward approach is possible, operable parts of all controls shall be placed within the forward reach range specified in 1106.2.4.5. 2. Parallel Approach Only. If only a parallel approach is possible, operable parts of controls shall be placed as follows: 2.1. Reach Depth Not More Than 10 inches (255 mm). Where the reach depth to the operable parts of all controls as measured from the vertical plane perpendicular to the edge of the unobstructed clear space at the farthest protrusion of the automated teller machine or surround is not more than 10 inches (255 mm), the maximum height above the finished floor or grade shall be 54 inches (1370 mm). 2.2. Reach Depth More Than 10 inches (255 mm). Where the reach depth to the operable parts of any control as measured from the vertical plane perpendicular to the edge of the unobstructed clear floor space at the farthest protrusion of the automated teller machine or surround is more than 10 inches (255 mm), the maximum height above the finished floor or grade shall be as follows: 3. Forward and Parallel Approach. If both a forward and parallel approach are possible, operable parts of controls shall be placed within at least one of the reach ranges in paragraphs (1) or (2) of this section. 4. Bins. Where bins are provided for envelopes, waste paper, or other purposes, at least one of each type provided shall comply with the applicable reach ranges in paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of this section. EXCEPTION: Where a function can be performed in a substantially equivalent manner by using an alternate control, only one of the controls needed to perform that function is required to comply with this section. If the controls are identified by tactile markings, such markings shall be provided on both controls. 93120.6 Controls. Controls for user activation shall comply with 1106.3. 93120.7 Equipment for Persons with Vision Impairments. Instructions and all information for use shall be made accessible to and independently usable by persons with vision impairments. Appendix J: Funding Opportunities / i /- " / i� � / �� ' �� � � �,� �� � � �� �� � • ,� � + ,� ~ �� `l � r�.� �� '�S � � O�n� � Un(�111��r���(15 S�i£ic 4�g$�Cl,h AQ ���de��laer,,��.��,�`F 5 x��y.vaY 4t o�a acc�ss�°��r.�dch� �Z► e � F�eza1 �,ust4i aid�a��°s9 4it1.a`v. - T�gi,c��T�ans�ti nu��F c��1T�sit�at�gic4tu'°d�x�musaB�cde'�1���� 21)• D� e�«�� ts UndcsF For cx�'�'�bentfitt+� z.�is�1%� A�t�� ��� dbicy�le 4�O��by_cas��asis, R,�,,nust c�e tmPr�"'em- ,��entU'`-t cx►ta� giri.�,an ��a case- S�or�Ta°'ats��"�`-"��icy.._. nss��'t��l s at te ulscxs► �S evfosP ` d�tes+m t tbe2► f eadfO� � �oti'�sion � , �1U 'fe �a ch ��'�t'� p���� -.- pr g ,���,F z�sp tcntial����b�1i . �uscb� �,p mUs d�,���� _-- tMovtnB��ation � e��e����� B1r "''� bility at1 t1� '� • I� »u y�c►11•bte c�I$i ty,a£�ty� ,��nsit dUpd� tta� n��Cl r?� ,rs� �blein�ea�$i'bP°�et,ard��scben�f�c53,'-�°-�.�-_,--� s auth°tt�'e cth�F�ciesa� ,x��U,S1� 1'� '�'- �"� •`'U'W� s �q°��m fi�m 4°�ir;-�otfiatione�O i�cO'�°�,to'Q`�u tbi11 ' t\,U��`er,,Fe Te��g,� Sl /~ � � a �ostb�P° �$.S�O�°� �a�20��:�ot�`�a�are�a 6 O(��a* �i � �� * ��a�,,� ����tsed 1aaa�'�� ikstslas� tl��l1�1�1��c 8� � � +r . � b�G�vas b�cv�lc P�.��eS ,� C,� -�" * * e 2h'sTa 1cf�„stg°n VC�e t11i(1 F.ZA, A � * * •► * z�istab Rag'�Bi�• * « . * . * ,, * D A���`� * * * ,� �► } * � # ��to'p�b1u � �` '" * esn plat+ ,� �, � * �r p,,cceSg�{�flt► siti '�' tio�a��� � * + ti��S�A�1g8`'���ep lat�s * * ,�, +► dl� * * * * t ��gp�toa� gicV�1� * ,g�� �te * a��¢le ���y�t d e��snent�p°t � * * 8s��zacics�eCca4"talan ,� cle sb te� °p���y�uca8�°t ses�c°cea gicYsle -— � \ � Appendix K: Now You Have a Transition Plan ... 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M � . , f � a �. �r'' • � � � � � � � ADA Transition Plan + . Im lementation Exam le p p City of Plymouth ■ Adopted Transition Plan in March 2012 ■ Inventory Priority Rank ■ High - 6� intersections ■ Medium - 63 intersections ■ Low - 248 intersections Totat Intersection Per Priarity 1 2 3 L,egend Ac�ess E.ro�cations ser�r�g � L.acsrtians serving Locat�ons serving H�: ��.�,��� Grade Gon�rnment Commercial& Other Areas `' `�"�' Fadli�tles . �mp�yroment Med: �errters Low: � i , , ..�. , ' }�. .. �., . ��.. . ,. . � �__. _�._..... _, __..___... _ .. _ . . . . _�'`.' ,..- -".___.l � !_.. _'..,_h._..��...�._.._.,� _ ..; 3 32 C 15 12 , , :::��n���:�:� : , .. ::; B ��S � -: A 1�� ' ��;,;;���:z: , . _ . _ _ :��' . . ,� - . . �► 2'�:. �: � ; . . 45:, � �1 ; , �1 _ , �.--"1 ...� __—_--�- _..��� p priorit�es 'Ma�' ,,r,, A� -- --""""���� . -- - �th �� �r ,�, Ctty of P1Ymo r------._ _� . `d , �..--- ,,,�.�_._ - � - 1 � � 1 ,..�.—^ R _.� ��D .�..._.. ..._... . t� \ ' � � __.. i,ti1 f� f' »nu �,I �n�i�h� c..'""rC-- � I ......--- ' �,e:��ela9Cre .` • f ,r ` ..... ,�'�, r N �' �;3U .�.-.'...-. ,. ^" i� -� �� r� �, _ � � _ _ _ ;� S ; �3T \�� 1 iI _"""' t`i c +p � `y (� � °i � '� n- t '° �' �,�, rvt��ia_ � 2 ( .� __ ' ��Rd . 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S ,�ir,te� ,�,��ess dated . o.�S tY�.l Gt�Qn p ♦ �'p , e�ge�tl .w ge1e uate ln� c,k ���e Ree�a1 . eed�a • sl,�l.�e f � el�ea�� , g�ec r .� � � - , 1 � � �1 � � � � � � • O 1 ' �r 1�u.� ' �►.� ' G� ' , � ,� e�i�tl�'g " , , , �.e��` ions 1�' - �, , , t the w ide�a�' . � '�, � re1nV��' ts�c°ris � � , , rr �°n' �' iremen , ze�.0 i � , oY�te �e� �' , , , • ZriG° �e5 S:��ilitY ' ��, �A�°Ges ard aGG�S s�ep� t°� , a.ke little , T �� • "'� '1 � • � • � ^�,,,,..,..�--�'"".�� �....--�""'"��► � CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHiNGTON, ADOPTING AN AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT(ADA)TRANSITION PLAN. WHEREAS, the federal government enacted the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and its amendments, to prevent discrimination, to extend the protections of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and to ensure equal opportunities for the physically and mentally disabled to employment, public accommodations, commercial facilities, transportation, and services, programs or activities of all state and local governments; and WHEREAS, Title II of the ADA requires that municipalities develop and adopt transition plans which document physical barriers to accessibility, propose modifications to remove those barriers, and a schedule to complete the modifications; and WHEREAS, the United States Department of Justice recently modified the ADA Standards for Accessible Design and the Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right- of-Way; and WHEREAS, Renton has been and remains committed to meeting or exceeding ADA requirements and to eliminating barriers to public services, activities, programs and facilities; and WHEREAS, a transition plan for facilities in the public right-of-way has been prepared that reflects the City's current infrastructure and ADA design standards; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. 1 , RESOLUTION N0. SECTION II. The City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, adopts by reference the City of Renton Washington Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. ' Jason A.Seth,City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J.Warren, City Attorney RES.1670:4/22/15:scr 2 � �� C1 r CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, SETTING A HEARING DATE TO VACATE A PORTION OF N. 38T" STREET BETWEEN MEADOW AVENUE N. AND I-405 (JAMES TASCA, PETITIONER;VAC 15-001�. WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about March 26, 2015, pursuant to the requirements of RCW 35.79, petitioning for the vacation of a portion of N. 38th Street between Meadow Avenue N. and I-405, as hereinafter more particularly described, and the petition was signed by the owners of more than two-thirds (2/3) of the property abutting upon the street sought to be vacated, and same being described as follows: See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: [A portion of N. 38`h Street between Meadow Avenue N. and I-405J. NOW, �HEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOIVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. That the 18`h day of May, 2015, at the hour of 7:00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers at City Hall, Renton, King County,Washington, is hereby fixed as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the above-mentioned petition for vacating a portion of N. tn between Meadow Avenue N. and I-405, which hearing date is not more than sixty 38 Street (60) nor less than twenty (20) days from the date of passage of this resolution. SECTION II. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of the time and date of this hearing as provided by RCW 35.79.020 and any and/or all persons interested 1 � RESOLUTION NO. therein or objecting to this vacation may then appear and be heard, or they may file their written objections with the City Clerk at or prior to the time of hearing on the vacation. SECTION II1. The City Council shall determine, as provided by RCW 35.79.030, as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine their fair market value of the property sought to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. 4266, and the amount of compensation to be paid by the Petitioner-Owners to the City for such vacation. The City likewise reserves the right to retain an easement for public utility and related purposes. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren,City Attorney RE5.1669:4/10/i5:scr 2 i '' ,, i i RESOLUTION N0. EXHiBR A VAC 15-0d1 LE�iAL DEStRFPTiON That portion af Narth 38`"Street{formeriy known as SE 86`"Street and ptatted as Griffith Avenue in C.D. Hillman's 1.ake Washin on Garden af Eden pivisian No. 2, actording to the piat thereaf�ecorded in Valume 11 of R1ats, Page 64, records af tCin County,Washin tonj lying easte�ly af Meadow Avenue Narth{farrnerly knawn as 106�'Ave SE and platted as Kenny Bocrlevard in said plat}and iyir�g westerly af interstate 4D5. Situate in the Southeast quarter af the Northwest quarter af Sed�on 32, Township 24 Narth, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City af Rentan, King County,Washingtan. 3 � RESOLUTION NO. Map Exhibit . r E, -��:� � _ . ,�.`: � i � �� � ;� Ev� �::;-. .; -r .� : ;} ; , �� �: :; ;_: . . : � -�iei ' . f: � . ;� ~� � � '�-} � _ � �''� ,'`,�'�';�, . �;� t - � �'; � �� , Lake 8oren •� G 't '` ��•��� �. le � � .� . ., � ,._ � 1 �� � � Lflff�' 1{—' � . . i� _.1�, . W.�l..S'HlNGTUN �f�� � i_ ..�-_� � :- �` �,. �, 1 �� • � �� "<-. � ` ` ' '�— ' ' � `' , �j' ' � �, � - � � f � ��, 1: -, . e.---'�:\ � ; . . . . . � . ; � � , . . . ; � _� , ,���. � , ' '� ,� �� -- j � � �. � � . � •,-- � rdar R�ver '� �. i (Z�a I -' � .1 . �=� �7l11Gdv5 � �,��.��� l � 1 Z �� j fl l Q � Parcel Number ,,, ,,,,:,,,,,E O 3342700570 0 f � � � �. N 38TH ST � LOCATION OF I,'a REQUESTED VACATION' N � � ' � O v ' Z Parcel Number ' ~ = 3342700630 �,�a:rx��sr � � �,.,:�r, � '1 4 ,�`� CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON RESOLUTiON NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ' SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS WITH RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.403. WHEREAS, the City and Renton Schooi District No. 403 ("District"} are authorized, pursuant to RCW Chapter 39.34, to enter into an interlocal government cooperative agreement; and WHEREAS, the District and the City desire to promote law enforcement and related services to Renton High School, Hazen High School, Lindbergh High School and other Renton District Schools within the City; and WHEREAS, a School Resource Officer Program has been proposed for District High Schools within the City; and WHEREAS, the Dist�id and the City recognize the potentia) benefits of the School Resource Officer Program to the citizens of the City and particularly to the students and staff of the District High Schools within the City; and WHEREAS, through the School Resource Officer Program, the District and the Renton Police Department have committed to providing a safe school environment that promotes education and interadion with students in a positive caring manner; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the District and the City to establish this program; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1 RESOLUTION N0. SECTION I. The above recitafs are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into an interlocal agreement for School Resource OfFicers with the District. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason A. Seth, City Cle�k APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: L wren . W rr II a ce J a en, City Attorney � RES.1671:4/22/15:scr 2 �- G1 • I ,� � CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 5-25-14 OF CHAPTER 25, BUSINESS AND OCCUPATION TAX CODE, AND ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER 26, ENTITLED "TAX ADMINISTRATIVE CODE," OF TITLE V (FINANCE AND BUSINESS REGULATIONS) OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE, PROVIDING ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSES FOR ADMINISTERlNG CITY TAX�CODES. WHEREAS, state law authorizes municipalities to impose a business and occupation tax on business activities within the City; and WHEREAS, in 2003,the Legislature passed EHB 2030 (RCW Chapter 35.102), establishing a more uniform system of City business and occupation taxes through mandatory adoption of a model Business and Occupation tax ordinance; and WHEREAS, the 2003 Legislature also directed cities, working in conjunction with the f Washin on Cities to establish a set of model administrative rocedures in Association o , p � administerin their business and occu ation taxes based on; and g P WHEREAS,the Council adopted a Business and Occupatian Tax Code in compliance with RCW Chapter 35.102 and the model ordinance; and , WHEREAS, section 5-25-14 of the Business and Occupation Tax Code provides that Administrative Provisions to be adopted at a later date; and WHEREAS, the Council wishes the City to administer all tax codes af the City including Chapters 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-11 as well as 5-25 consistently; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 . �, ORDINANCE N0. SECTION I. Section 5-25-14, Administrative Provisions, of Chapter 25 Business and Occupation Tax, of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is hereby amended as follows: 5-25-14 ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS: rt,� na.,,. ..+..,+,. �w..ii ... ....,..., ... , , � ra.,-,1+:..� .,+.�.��+ ..i�....� ...�.�:+:., ..I ..�.. � � � r � .....� :r,r. � vi�rsii.�'acci^m^rs�R� 9��2f !'c{a�e� adrra;r�is��a�+a�t��efT Tf1E DfOV1510115 contained in chaqter 5-26, Tax Administrative Code, shall be fullv applicable to the qrovisions of this chapter except as expresslv stated to the contrarv herein. SECTION 11. Title V (Finance and Business Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is hereby amended to add a new Chapter 26, entitled "Tax Administrative Code" to read as follows: CHAPTER 26 TAX ADMINISTRATIVE CODE SECTION 5-26-1 Purpose 5-26-2 Application Of Chapter Stated 5-26-3 Definitions 5-26-4 Definitions—References To Chapter 82.32 RCW 5-26-5 Registration/License Requirements 2 ORDINANCE NO. , 5-26-6 When Due And Payable—Reporting Periods—.Monthly, 4uarterly, And Annual Returns—Threshold Provisions Or Relief From Filing Requirements—Computing Time Periods—Failure To File Returns 5-26-7 Payment Methods—Mailing Returns Or Remittances—Time Extension—Deposits—Recording Payments—Payment Must Accompany Return—NSF Checks 5-26-8 Records To Be Preserved—Examination—Estoppel To Question Assessment 5-26-9 Accounting Methods 5-26-10 Public Work Contracts—Payment Of Fee And Tax Before Final Payment For Work 5-26-11 Unde�payment Of Tax, Interest, Or Penalty—Interest 5-26-12 Time In Which Assessment May Be Made 5-26-13 Overpayment Of Tax, Penalty, Or Interest—Credit Or Refund— Interest Rate—Statute Of Limitations 5-26-14 Late Payment—Disregard Of Written Instructions—Evasion— Penalties 5-26-15 Cancellation Of Penalties And Interest 5-26-16 Voluntary Registratior� 5-26-17 Taxpayer Quitting Business—Liability Of Successor 5-26-18 Corredion Of Tax—Administrative Appeal 5-26-19 Judicial Review Of Hearing Examiner Decision 5-26-20 Administration—Administrator To Make Rules 5-26-21 Ancillary Allocation Authority Of Administrator 5-26-22 Mailing Of Notices 5-26-23 Tax Declared Additional 5-26-24 Public Disclosure—Confidentiality—Information Sharing 5-26-25 Tax Constitutes Debt 5-26-26 Unlawful Actions—Violation—Penalties 3 t i ORDINANCE N0. 5-26-27 Suspension or Revocation of Business License and/or Registration 5-26-28 Closing Agreement Provisions 5-26-29 Charge-Off Of Uncollettible Taxes 5-26-30 Severability 5-26-31 Collection Of Tax 5-26-32 Tax Amnesty 5-26-33 Effective Date 5-26-1 PURPOSE: Washington Constitution Article XI, Section 12 and RCW 35A.82.020 and 35A.11.020 (code cities); RCW 35.22.280(32) (first class cities); RCW 35.23.440(8) (second class cities); and RCW 35.27.370(9) (fourth class cities and towns), which give municipalities the authority to license for �evenue. In the absence of a legal or constitutional prohibition, municipalities have the power to define taxation categories as they see fit in order to respond to the unique concerns and responsibilities of local government. It is intended that this chapter be as uniform as possible among the various municipalities and consistent with the mandatory requirements of Chapter 35.102 RCW for municipalities. Uniformity with provisions of state tax laws should not be presumed, and references in this chapter to statutory or administrative rule changes do not mean state tax statutes or rules promulgated by the Department of Revenue automatically apply. This chapter is to provide administrative specific guidelines and provisions to implement,administer, and enforce the city tax codes. 5-26-2 APPLICATION OF CHAPTER STATED: 4 ORDINANCE NO. Unless expressly stated to the contrary in each chapter,the provisions of this chapter shall apply with resped to the taxes and fees imposed by Chapter 5-5 (Business Licenses), 5-6 (Admission Tax), 5-7 (Entertainment Device License); 5-8 I (Gambling Tax), 5-11 (Utility Tax), and 5-25 (Business and Occupation Tax Code). This chapter shall also apply to such other chapters and sections of the Renton Municipa{ Code (RMC) in such manner and to such extent as expressly indicated in each such chapter or section. 5-26-3 DEFINITIONS: For purposes of this chapte�: A. "Administrator" means the Administrator of the Administrative Services Department or any officer, agent, or employee of the City designated to act on the Administrator's behalf. B. "Chapter" means this Chapter 5-26 as it may be amended from time to time, unless otherwise clearly indicative by the context. C. "Department" means the Department of Administrative Services or successor department. D. "Inflation Adjustment." Whenever an "inflation adjustment" is �equired or permitted pursuant to any section of RMC Title V, such adjustment shall be an amount equal to the amount and direction of change determined by reference to the Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers Consumer Price Index (CPI-W) for each twelve (12j month period ending on August 31st as published by the United States Department of Labor.To calculate 5 ORDINANCE NO. annuai or biennial adjustments, the Administrator shall use the current rate multiplied by one (1) plus or minus, as the case may be, the annual or biennial change in the CPI-W. E. "Reporting period" means: 1. A one (1) month period beginning the first day of each calendar month (monthly); or 2. A three (3) month period beginning the first day of January,April,July or October of each year(quarterly); or 3. A twelve (12) month period beginning the first day of January of each year (annualj. 4. For a per employee fee identified in RMC 5-5-3.C.2, the annual reporting shall mean the four (4) calendar quarters preceding the annual business license expiration date. F. "Return" means any document a person is required by the City to file to satisfy or establish a tax or fee obligation that is administered or collected by the City and that has a statutorily defined due date. G. "Successor" means any person to whom a taxpayer quitting, selling out, exchanging, or disposing of a business sells or otherwise conveys, directly or indiredly, in bulk and not in the ordinary course of the taxpayer's business, any part of the materials, supplies, merchandise, inventory,fixtures, or equipment of the taxpayer. Any person obligated to fulfill the terms of a contract shall be 6 ORDINANCE NO. deemed a successor to any contractor defaulting in the performance of any contract as to which such person is a surety or guarantor. H. "Tax year" or"taxable year" means the calendar year. 5-26-4 DEFINITIONS—REFERENCES TO CHAPTER 82.32 RCW: Where provisions of Chapter 82.32 RCW are incorporated by reference in this chapter or any chapter to which these administrative provisions apply, "department" as used in this Chapter or the RCW shall refer� to the "Administrator" as defined in RMC 5-25-2.A and "warrant" as used in the RCW I shall mean "citation or criminal complaint." 5-26-5 REGISTRATION/UCENSE REQUIREMENTS: I No person shall engage in any business or conduct any business activity I without first obtaining a valid current business registration as required by RMC 5-5-3,General Business License. � 5-26-6 WHEN DUE AND PAYABLE — REPORTING PERIODS — MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, AND ANNUAL RETURNS — THRESHOLD PROVISIONS OR RELIEF FROM FILING REQUIREMENTS—COMPUTING TIME PERIODS—FAILURE TO FILE RETURNS: A. Other than any annual registration fee required by RMC 5-5-3.C.1, License Registration Fee, and the Per Employee Fee required by RMC 5-5-3.C.2, taxes or fees imposed by Chapters 5-5, 5-6, S-7, 5-8, 5-11, and 5-25 shall be due and payable in quarterly installments. At the Administrator's discretion, businesses may be assigned to a monthly or annual reporting period depending 7 ORDINANCE N0. on the tax amount owing or type of tax. Tax returns and payments are due on or before the last day of the next month following the end of the assigned reporting period covered by the return. B. Taxes and fees shall be paid as provided in this chapter and accompanied by a return on forms as prescribed by the Administrator. The return shall be signed by the taxpayer personally or by a responsible officer or agent of the taxpayer. The individual signing the return shall swear or affirm that the information in the return is complete and true to the best of their belief and knowledge. C. Tax returns must be filed and tax must be paid by the due date. The tax return must be fiied whether or not any tax is owed. Returns not received on or before the due date are subject to penalties and interest in accordance with this chapter, in addition to any other civil or criminal sanction or remedy that may be available. D. For purposes of the tax imposed by Chapter 5-25, any person whose value of products, gross proceeds of sales, or gross income of the business, subject to tax after all allowable deductions, is equal to or less than Three Hundred and Seventy-Five Thousand dollars ($375,000) in the current quarter, shall file a return, declare no tax due under Chapter 5-25 on their return, and submit the return to the Administrator. 8 ORDINANCE NO. E. Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, the Administrator may relieve any person of the requirement to file returns if the person meets exemption criteria under RMC 5-25-10. F. A taxpayer that commences to engage in business activity shall file a return and pay the tax or fee for the portion of the reporting period during which the taxpayer is engaged in business activity. G. Except as otherwise specifically provided by any other provision of this chapter, in computing any period of days prescribed by this chapter the day of the act or event from which the designated period of time runs shall not be included. The last day of the period shall be included unless it is falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or City or federal legal holiday, in which case the last day of such period shall be the next succeeding day which is neither a Saturday,Sunday, or city or federal legal holiday. H. If any taxpayer fails, neglects or refuses to make a return as and when required in this chapter, the Administrator is authorized to determine the amount of the tax or fees payable by obtaining facts and information upon which , to base the Administrator's estimate of the tax or fees due. Such assessment shall be deemed prima facie correct and shall be the amount of tax owed to the City by the taxpayer. The Administrator shall notify the taxpayer by mail in writing of the amount of tax so determined, together with any penalty, interest, and fees due; the total of such amounts shall thereupon become immediately ' due and payable. The cost to the City, whether in staff time, or the use of , 9 ORDINANCE N0. professionals hired by the City, of researching and calculating such tax or fee shall be added to the taxpayer's assessment and paid by the taxpayer. 5-26-7 PAYMENT METHODS — MAILING RETURNS OR REMITTANCES — TIME EXTENSION — DEPOSITS — RECORDING PAYMENTS — PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY RETURN—NSF CHECKS: A. Taxes shall be paid to the Administrator in United States currency by bank draft, certified check, cashier's check, personal check, money order, cash, or by wire transfer or electronic payment if such wire transfer or electronic payment is authorized by the Administrator. A convenience fee may be charged for electronic payments. If payment so received is not paid by the bank on which it is drawn, the taxpayer, by whom such payment is tendered, shall remain liable for payment of the tax and for al1 legal penalties, the same as if such payment had not been tendered. Acceptance of any sum by the Administrator shall not discharge the tax or fee due unless the amount paid is the full amount due. B. A return or remittance that is transmitted to the City by United States mail shall be deemed filed or received on the date shown by the cancellation mark stamped by the post office upon the envelope containing it. The Administrator may allow electronic filing of returns or remittances from any taxpayer. A return or remittance which is transmitted to the City electronically shall be deemed filed or received according to procedures set forth by the Administrator. 10 ORDINANCE N0. C. If a written request is received prior to the due date,the Administrator,for good cause, may grant, in writing, additional time within which to make and file returns. D.The Administrator shall keep full and accurate records of all funds received or refunded. The Administrator shall apply payments first against all penalties and interest owing, and then upon the tax,without regard to any direction of the taxpayer. E. For any return not accompanied by a remittance of the tax shown to be due thereon, the taxpayer shall be deemed to have failed or refused to file a return and shall be subject to the penalties and interest provided in this chapter. F. Any payment made that is returned for lack of sufficient funds or for any other reason will not be considered received until payment by certified check, money order, or cash of the original amount due, plus a "nonsufficient funds" (NSF� charge of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) is received by the Administrator. Any license issued upon payment with an NSF check will be considered void, and shall be returned to the Administrator. No license shall be reissued until payment (including the NSF fee) is received. G. The Administrator is authorized, but not required, to mail tax return forms to taxpayers, but failure of the taxpayer to receive any such fo�ms shall not excuse the taxpayer from filing returns and making payment of the taxes or fees, when and as due under this chapter. 11 ORDINANCE N0. 5-26-8 RECORDS TO BE PRESERVED—EXAMINATION—ESTOPPEL TO QUESTION ASSESSMENT: Every person liable for any fee or tax imposed by Chapters 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-11, and 5-25 shall keep and preserve, for a period of five (5)years after filing a return, such records as may be necessary to determine the amount of any fee or tax for which the person may be liable; which records shall include copies of all federal income tax and state tax returns and reports made by the person. All books, records, papers, invoices, vendor lists, inventories, stocks of inerchandise, and other data including supporting data for federal i�come tax and state tax returns and reports shall be open for examination at any time by the Administrator or its duly authorized agent. Every person's business premises shall be open for inspection or examination by the Administrator or a duly authorized agent. A. If a person does not keep the necessary books and records within the city, it shall be sufficient if such person (a) produces within the City such books and records as may be required by the Administrator, or (b) bears the cost of examination by the Administrator's agent at the place where such books and records are kept; provided,that the person electing to bear such cost shall pay in advance to the Administrator the estimated amount thereof including round-trip transportation costs, lodging, meals and incidental expenses, subject to adjustment upon completion ofthe examination. 12 ORDINANCE N0. B. Any person who fails,or refuses a Department request,to provide or make I avaifable records, or to allow inspection or examination of the business premises, shall be forever barred from questioning in any court action, the correctness of any assessment of taxes made by the City for any period for which such records have not been provided, made available or kept and preserved, or in respect of which inspettion or examination of the business premises has been denied. The Administrator is authorized to determine the amount of the tax or fees payable by obtaining facts and information upon which to base the estimate of the tax or fees due. Such fee or tax assessment shall be deemed prima facie correct and shall be the amount of tax owing the City by the taxpayer. The Administrator shall notify the taxpayer by mail the amount of tax so determined, together with any penalty, interest, and fees due;the total of such amounts shall thereupon become immediately due and payable. The cost to the City, whether in staff time, or the use of professionals hired by the City, of researching and calculating such tax or fee shall be added to the taxpayer's assessment and paid by the taxpayer. 5-26-9 ACCOUNTING METHODS: A. A taxpayer may file tax returns in each reporting period with amounts based upon cash receipts only if the taxpayer's books of account are kept on a cash receipts basis. A taxpayer that does not regularly keep books of account on a cash receipts basis must file returns with amounts based on the accrual method. 13 ORDINANCE N0. B. The taxes imposed and the returns required shall be upon a calendar year basis. 5-26-10 PUBLIC WORK CONTRACTS—PAYMENT OF FEE AND TAX BEFORE FINAL PAYMENT FOR WORK: The Administrator may, before issuing any final payment to any person performing any public work contract for the City, require such person to pay in full all license fees or taxes due under this title from such person on account of such contract or otherwise, and may require such taxpayer to file with the Administrator a verified list of all subcontractors supplying labor and/or materials to the person in connection with said public work. 5-26-11 UNDERPAYMENT OF TAX, INTEREST, OR PENALTY—INTEREST: If, upon examination of any returns, or from other information obtained by the Administrator, it appears that a tax or penalty less than that properly due has been paid, the Administrator shall assess the additional amount found to be due and shall add thereto interest on the tax only. The Administrator shall notity the person by mail of the additional amount, which shall become due and shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the date of the notice, or within such time as the Administrator may provide in writing. A. For the purposes of this section, the rate of interest to be charged for any late or underpayment of taxes and/or any assessments shall be in accordance with RCW 82.32.050 as it now exists or as it may be amended. 14 l ORDINANCE N0. B. If subsection A of this section is held to be invalid, then the provisions of RCW 82.32.060 as existing at the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section shall apply. 5-26-12 TIME IN WHICH ASSESSMENT MAY BE MADE: The Administrator shall not assess, or correct an assessment for, additional taxes, penalties, or interest due more than four (4) years after the close of the calendar year in which they were incurred, except that the Administrator may issue an assessment: A. Against a person who is not currently registered or licensed or has not filed a tax return as required by this chapter for taxes due within the period commencing ten (10) years prior to the close of the catendar year in which the person was contacted in writing by the Administrator; B. Against a person that has committed fraud or who misrepresented a material fact; or C. Against a person that has executed a written waiver of such limitations. 5-26-13 OVERPAYMENT OF TAX, PENALTY, OR INTEREST—CREDIT OR REFUND— INTEREST RATE—STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS: A. If, upon receipt of an application for a refund, or during an audit or examination of the taxpayer's records and tax returns, the Administrator determines that the amount of tax, penalty, or interest paid is in excess of that properly due, the excess amount shall be credited to the taxpayer's account or shail be refunded to the taxpayer. Except as provided in subsection B of this 15 ORDINANCE N0. section, no refund or credit shall be made for taxes, penalties, or interest paid more than (4)four years prior to the beginning of the calendar year in which the refund application is made or examination of records is completed. B.The execution of a written waiver shall extend the time for applying for, or making a refund or credit of any taxes paid during, or attributable to, the years covered by the waiver if, prior to the expiration of the waiver period, an application for refund of such taxes is made by the taxpayer or the Administrator discovers that a refund or credit is due. C. Refunds shall be made by means of vouchers approved by the Administrator and by the issuance of a City check or warrants drawn upon and payable from such funds as the City may provide. D. Any final judgment for which a recovery is granted by any court of � competent jurisdiction for tax, penalties, interest, or costs paid by any person shall be paid in the same manner, as provided in subsection C of this section, upon the filing with the Administrator a certified copy of the order or judgment of the court. E. The rate of interest on overpayments of taxes on refunds or credits of amounts paid or other recovery allowed a taxpayer shall be in accordance with RCW 82.32.060 as it now exists or as it may be amended. F. If subsection E of this section is hefd to be invalid, then the provisions of RCW 82.32.060 as existing at the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section shall apply. 16 ORDINANCE NO. 5-26-14 LATE PAYMENT—DISREGARD OF WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS—EVASION— •PENALTIES: A. If payment of any tax due on a return to be filed by a taxpayer is not received by the Administrator by the due date, the Administrator shall add a penalty in accordance with RCW 82.32.090(1) as it now exists or as it may be amended. , B. If the Administrator determines that any tax has been substantially underpaid as defined in RCW 82.32.090{2), there shall be added a penalty in accordance with RCW 82.32.090(2)as it now exists or as it may be amended. C. If a citation or criminal complaint is issued by the City for the collection of taxes, fees, assessments, interest or penalties, there shall be added thereto a penalty in accordance with RCW 82.32.090(3) as it now exists or as it may be amended. D. If the Administrator finds that a person has engaged in any business or performed any act upon which a tax is imposed under this title and that person has not obtained from the Administrator a license as required by RMC 5-5-3, the Administrator shall impose a penalty in accordance with RCW 82.32.090�4) as it now exists or as it may be amended. No penalty shall be imposed unde� this subsection D if the person who has engaged in business without a license obtains a license prior to being noti�ed by the Administrator of the need to be licensed. E. If the Administrator determines that all or any part of a deficiency resulted from the taxpayer's failure to follow specific written tax reporting instructions, 17 ORDINANCE N0. there shall be assessed a penalty in accordance with RCW 82.32.090(5) as it now exists or as it may be amended. F. If the Administrator finds that all or any part of the deficiency resulted f�om an intent to evade the tax payable,the Administrator shall assess a penalty in accordance with RCW 82.32.090(6) as it now exists or as it may be amended. G. The penalties imposed under subsections A through E of this section can each be imposed on the same tax found to be due. This subsection does not prohibit or restrict the application of other penalties authorized by law. H. The Administrator shall not impose both the evasion penalty and the penalty for disregarding specific written instructions on the same tax found to be due. I. For the purposes of this section, "return" means any document a person is required by the City to file to satisfy or establish a tax or fee obligation that is administered or collected by the City, and that has a statutorily defined due date. I. If incorporation into the city code of future changes to RCW 82.32.090 is deemed invalid, then the provisions of RCW 82.32.090 referenced in this section existing at the time the ordinance codified in this section is efFective shall apply. 5-26-15 CANCELLATION OF PENALTIES AND INTEREST: A. The Administrator may cancel any penalties and/or interest imposed under RMC 5-26-14.A if the taxpayer shows that its failure to timely file or pay the tax was due to reasonable cause and not willful neglect. Willful neglect is 18 ORDINANCE NO. presumed unless the taxpayer shows that it exercised ordinary business care and prudence in making arrangements to file the return and pay the tax but was neve�theless, due to circumstances beyond the taxpayer's control, unable to file or pay by the due date. The Administrator's authority to waive or cancel penalties and/or interest under this subsection shall extend to amounts already paid and also includes any disputes currently pending. "Reasonable cause" may include the following and other similar circumstances: 1. The return was filed on time, but was inadvertently mailed to another agency or there was a delay or loss related to the postal service. The Administrator may also cancel interest in this situation. 2. The delinquency was due to written erroneous information given the taxpayer by the Department. The Administrator may also cancel interest in this situation. 3. The delinquency was caused by the death or serious illness of the taxpayer or his/her immediate family, or by the illness or death of his/her tax preparer or a member of the tax preparer's immediate family, prior to the filing date. 4. The delinquency was caused by the unavoidable absence of the taxpayer, prior to the filing date. 5.The delinquency was caused by the destruction,through no fault of the taxpayer, by fire or other casualty of the taxpayer's place of business or business records. 19 ORDINANCE NO. 6. The taxpayer, prior to the time of filing the return, made timely application to the Department, in writing, for proper forms and these forms were not furnished in sufficient time to permit the completed return ta be filed and the tax paid before the definquent date. 7. The delinquency was the result of an unforeseen and unintentional circumstance, not immediately known to the taxpayer, caused by the malfeasance or misconduct of the taxpayer's employee or accountant. 8. The Administrator has reasonably determined that the taxpayer made a good faith effort to comply with the provisions of this chapter. 9. The taxpayer inadvertently failed to file a tax return because of a good faith belief that the taxpayer qualified for the filing exemption in RMC 5-26-6.D. The Administrator has no authority to cancel any other penalties or to cancel penalties for any other reason except as provided in subsection C of this section. B. A request for cancellation of penalties and/or interest must be received by the Administrator within thirty(30) days after the date the Department mails the notice that the penalties and/or interest are due. The request must be in writing and contain competent proof of all pertinent facts supporting a reasonable cause ' determination. In all cases the burden of proving the facts rests upon the taxpayer. C. The Administrator may cancel the penalties in RMC 5-26-14.A one time if a person: 1.Was not licensed, and filing returns; 20 ORDINANCE N0. II 2. Was unaware of his/her responsibility to fife and pay tax; and I 3. Obtained business licenses and filed past due tax returns within thirty (30) days after being notified by the Department. D. The Administrator shall not cancel any interest charged upon amounts due, except under subsections A.1 and 2 of this section. 5-26-16 VOLUNTARY REG{STRATION: In the case of any unregistered taxpayer doing business in the City of Renton that voluntarily registers prior to being contacted by the Department, the Department shall not assess for back taxes or interest for more than four (4) calendar years prior to the year of registration. In addition, the late payment penalty imposed under RMC 5-26-14.A shall not apply. � -17 TAXPAYER UITTING BUSINESS—LIABILITY OF SUCCESSOR: 5-26 Q A. Whenever any taxpayer quits business, sells out, exchanges, or otherwise disposes of his business or his stock of goods, any tax payable hereunder shall become immediately due and payable. Such taxpayer shall, within ten (10) days thereafter make a return and pay the tax due. , B. Any person who becomes a successor shall become liable for the full amount of any tax owing. The successor shall withhold from the purchase price a sum sufficient to pay any tax due to the City from the taxpayer until such time as: 1. The taxpayer shall produce a receipt from the City showing payment in full of any tax due or a certi�cate that no tax is due;or 21 ORDINANCE N0. 2. More than six (6) months have passed since the successor notified the Administrator of the acquisition and the Administrator has not issued and notified the successor of an assessment. C. Payment of the tax by the successor shall, to the extent thereof, be deemed a payment upon the purchase price. If such payment is greater in amount than the purchase price, the amount of the difference shall become a debt due such successor from the taxpayer. D. Notwithstanding the above, if a successor gives written notice to the Administrator of the acquisition, and the Department does not within six (6) months of the date it received the notice issue an assessment against the taxpayer and mail a copy of that assessment to the successor,the successor shall not be liable for the tax. 5-26-18 CORRECTION OF TAX—ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL: A. Any person, except one who has failed to comply with section 5-26-8, having been issued a notice af additional taxes, delinquent taxes, interest, or penalties assessed by the Department may, within thirty (30) days after the issuance of such notice or within the period covered by any extension of the due date granted by the Department, request a correction of the amount of the assessment and a conference for review of the assessment. Interest and penalties assessed shall continue to accrue during the Department's review of a request for a correction, except and to the extent that the Department later determines that a tax assessment was too high or the delay in issuing a 22 ORDINANCE NO. determination is due to unreasonabie delays caused by the Department. After ' the conference, the Department will make a final determination regarding the assessment and shall notify the taxpayer of the Department's determination within sixty (60) days, unless otherwise notified in writing by the Department. Such determination shall be subject to appeal pursuant to subsection B of this section. If no request for correction is filed within the time period provided herein, the assessment covered by such notice shall become final and immediately due and payable. B. Any person aggrieved by the amount of any fee, tax, interest or penalty determined by the Department to be due under the provisions of this chapter or Chapters 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-11, and 5-25 may pay the amount due as determined by the Department and appeal to the hearing examiner from such determination by filing a written notice of appeal with the City Clerk pursuant to the following procedure: 1. Filing Fee: A One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150) filing fee shall be the a eal. submitted with the appeal, which filing fee is required to process pp 2. Form of Appeat: Any appeal must be in writing and must contain the following: a. The taxpayer's name, business address, and phone number; b. A statement identifying the determination of the Department from which the appeal is taken; 23 ORDINANCE NO. c. A receipt or other proof of payment of the assessment in the amount determined by the Department; d. A statement setting forth the grounds upon which the appeal is taken and identifying specific errors the Department is alleged to have made in making the determination;and e. A statement identifying the requested re{ief from the determination being appealed. f. A receipt from the Department, as proof of payment "under protest", for the amount of the fee, tax, interest and penalty determined to be owing by the Department. Such payment shall be a condition precedent to the �ight to appeal to the hearing examiner. 3. Time and Place to Appeal: Any appeal shall be filed with the office of the City Clerk with a copy to the Administrator no later than twenty (20) days following the date on which the determination of the Department was mailed to the taxpayer. Failure to follow the appeal procedures in this section, including paying the filing fee and payment "under protest", shall preclude the taxpayer's right to appeal. 4. Appeal Hearing: The hearing examiner shall schedule a hearing date, notify the taxpayer and the Administrator of such hearing date and shall then conduct an appeal hearing in accordance with this chapter and procedures developed by the hea�ing examiner, at which time the appellant taxpayer and 24 ORDINANCE NO. the Administrator shall have the opportunity to be heard and to introduce evidence relevant to the subject of the appeai. 5. Burden of Proof: The appellant taxpayer shall have the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that the determination of the Department is erroneous. ' 6. Hearing Record: The hearing examiner shall preserve a record of the hearing in such a form and manner as he/she deems proper. 7. Decision of the Hearing Examiner: Following the hearing, the hearing examiner shall enter a decision on the appeal, supported by written findings and conclusions in support thereof. A copy of the findings, conclusions and decision shall be mailed to the appellant taxpayer and to the Administrator. The decision shall state the correct amount of the fee, tax, interest or penalty owing. If the hearing examiner determines that the taxpayer is owed a refund, such refund amount shall be paid to the taxpayer in accordance with RMC 5-26-13. If the hearing examiner determines that the taxpayer is underpaying more than the amount determined by the Department, the additional amount owed by the taxpayer shall be paid to the City in accordance with RMC 5-26-11 and 5-26-14. 5-26-191UDICIAL REVIEW OF HEARING EXAMINER DECISION: , The decision of the hearing examiner is final, subject to review by either party under the provision of RCW 7.16.040, so long as the appealing party files and serves upon all necessary parties the petition for granting a writ of review 25 ORDINANCE NO. within twenty (20) days of the date of issuance of the hearing examiner's decision. 5-26-20 ADMINISTRATION—ADMINISTRATOR TO MAKE RULES: The administration of this chapter and Chapters 5-6, 5-7, S-8, 5-11, and 5-25 shall be accomplished under the direction of the Administrator. The Administrator may prescribe forms and shall have the power, from time to time, to adopt, publish and enforce ru{es and regulations not inconsistent with these chapters or with law for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter. It shall be unlawful to violate or fail to comply with any such rule or regulation. 5-26-21 ANCILLARY ALLOCATION AUTHORITY OF ADMINISTRATOR: The Administrator is authorized to enter into agreements with other Washington cities which impose an "eligible gross receipts tax"to: A. Conduct an audit or joint audit of a taxpayer by using an auditor employed by the City of Renton, another city, or a contract auditor; provided, that such contract auditor's pay is not in any way based upon the amount of tax assessed; B. Allocate or apportion, in a manner that fairly reflects the gross receipts earned from activities conduded within the respective cities,the gross proceeds of sales, gross receipts, or gross income of the business, or taxes due from any person that is required to pay an eligible gross receipts tax to more than one Washington city; provided, that for tax periods beginning on or after January 1, 26 ORDINANCE N0. 2008, such agreement shall be consistent with the allocation or apportionment methods set forth in RCW 35.102.130 as it now exists or as it may be amended; C. Apply the City's tax prospectively where a taxpayer has no office or place of business within the city and has paid tax on all gross income to another Washington city where the taxpayer is located; provided, that the other city maintains an eligible gross receipts tax, and the income was not derived from contracts with the City. 5-26-22 MAILING OF NOTICES: Any notice required by this chapter to be mailed to any taxpayer or licensee shall be sent by ordinary mait, addressed to the address of the taxpayer or licensee as shown by the records of the Administrator. Failure of the taxpayer or licensee to receive any such mailed notice shall not release the taxpaye� or licensee from any tax, fee, interest, or any penalties thereon, nor shall such failure operate to extend any time limit set by the provisions of this chapter. It is the responsibility of the taxpayer to inform the Administrator in writing about a change in the taxpayer's address. 5-26-23 TAX DECLARED ADDITIONAL: The license fee and tax levied in Chapters 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-il, and 5-25 � RMC shall be additional to any license fee or tax imposed or levied under any law or any other ordinance of the City of Renton except as othen�vise expressly provided. 5-26-24 PUBLIC DISCLOSURE—CONFIDENTIALITY—INFORMATION SHARING: 27 ORDINANCE NO. A. For purposes of this section defined terms shail be as set forth in RMC 5- 26-3 except as otherwise stated: 1. "Disclose" means to make known to any person in any manner whatever a return or tax information; 2. "Return"shal) have the meaning provided in RMC 5-26-3; 3. "Tax information" means (a) a taxpayer's identity, (b) the nature, source, or amount of the taxpayer's income, payments, receipts, deductions, exemptions, credits, assets, liabilities, net worth, tax liability deficiencies, over assessments, or tax payments, whether taken from the taxpayer's books and records or any other source, (c) whether the taxpayer's return was, is being, or will be examined or subject to other investigation or processing, and (d) other data received by, recorded by, prepared by, furnished to, or collected by the City with respect to the determination of the existence, or possible existence, of liability, or the amount thereof, of a person under the City's tax codes for a tax, penalty, interest, fine,forfeiture, or other imposition, or offense. However, data, material, or documents that do not disclose information related to a specific or identifiable taxpayer do not constitute tax information under this section. Nothing in this chapter requires any person possessing data, material, or documents made confidential and privileged by this section to delete information from such data, material, or documents so as to permit its disclosure; 28 ORDINANCE N0. 4. "City agency" means every city office, Department, division, bureau, board, commission, or other city agency; 5. "Taxpayer identity" means the taxpayer's name, address, telephone number, registration number, or any combination thereof, or any other information disclosing the identity of the taxpayer. B. Returns and tax information are confidential and privileged and, except as authorized by this section, neither the Administrator nor any other person may disclose any return or tax information. C.This section does not prohibit the Admini5trator from: 1. Disclosing such return or tax information in a civil or criminal judicial proceeding or an administrative proceeding: a. In respect of any tax imposed under the City's tax codes if the taxpayer or its officer or other person liable under this title is a party in the proceeding;or b. In which the taxpayer about whom such return or tax information is sought and another city agency are adverse parties in the proceeding; 2. Disclosing, subject to such requirements and conditions as the Administrator prescribes, such return or tax information regarding a taxpayer to such taxpayer or to such person or persons as that taxpayer may designate in a request for, or consent to, such disclosure, or to any other person, at the taxpayer's request, to the extent necessary to comply with a request for information or assistance made by the taxpayer to such other person. However, 29 . ORDINANCE N0. tax information not received from the taxpayer must not be so disclosed if the Administrator determines that such disclosure would compromise any investigation or litigation by any federal, state, or local government agency in connection with the civil or criminal liability of the taxpayer or another person, or that such disclosure would identify a confidential informant, or that such disclosure is contrary to any agreement entered into by the Administrator that provides for the reciprocal exchange of information with other government agencies which agreement requires confidentiality with respect to such information unless such information is requi�ed to be disclosed to the taxpayer by the order of any court; 3. Publishing statistics so classified as to prevent the identification of particular returns or reports or items thereof; 4. Disclosing such return or tax information, for official purposes only, to the mayor, chief administrative officer, or city attorney, or to any city agency, or to any member of the City Council or their authorized designees dealing with matters of taxation, revenue, trade, commerce, the control of industry or the professions; 5. Permitting the City's records to be audited and examined by the proper city, state or federal officer, his or her agents and employees; 6. Disclosing any such return or tax information to a peace officer as defined in RCW 9A.04.110 or county or city prosecuting attorney, for official purposes. The disclosure may be made only in response to a search warrant, 30 ORDINANCE NO. sub oena or other court order unless the disclosure is for the ur ose of I P , , P P criminal tax enforcement. A peace officer or county or city prosecuting attorney who receives the return or tax information may disclose that return or tax information only for use in the investigation and a related court proceeding, or in the court proceeding for which the return or tax information originally was sought or where otherwise allowed to be disclosed under this section; 7. Disclosing any such return or tax information to the proper officer of the Internal Revenue Service of the United States, the Canadian government or provincial governments of Canada, or to the proper officer of the tax � Department of any state or city or town o�county, for official purposes, but only � if the statutes of the United States, Canada or its provincial governments, or of such other state or city or town or county, as the case may be, grants substantially similar privileges to the proper officers of the City; 8. Disclosing any such return or tax information to the United States Department of Justice, including the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the Department of Defense, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Customs and Border Protection agencies of the United States Department of Homeland Security, the United States Coast Gua�d, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau of the United States Department of Treasury, and the United States Department of Transportation, or any authorized representative of these federa[ agencies or their successors, for official purposes; 31 ORDINANCE NO. 9. Publishing or otherwise disclosing the text of a written determination designated by the Administrator as a precedent pursuant to RCW 82.32.410. 10. Disclosing, in a manner that is not associated with other tax information, the taxpayer name, entity type, business address, mailing address, revenue tax registration numbers and the active/closed status of such registrations, state or local business license registration identification and the active/closed status and effective dates of such licenses, reseller permit numbers and the status of such permits, North American Industry Classification System or Standard Industrial Classification Code of a taxpayer, and the dates of opening and closing of business. This subsection may not be construed as giving authority to any person receiving such information to use such information for any commercial purpose; 11. Disclosing such return or tax information that is also maintained by another Washington state or local governrnental agency as a public record available for inspection and copying under the provisions of Chapter 42.56 RCW or is a document maintained by a court of record and is not otherwise prohibited from disclasure; 12. Disclosing such return or tax information to the United States Department of Agriculture, or successor Department or agenty, for the limited purpose of investigating food stamp fraud by retailers; 13. Disclosing to a financial institution, escrow company or title company, in connection with specific real p�operty that is the subject of a real estate 32 ORDINANCE NO. transaction, current amounts due the City for a filed judgment, or lien against the real property; 14. Disclosing to a person against whom the Administrator has asserted liability as a successor under the City's tax codes any return or tax information pertaining to the specific business of the taxpayer to which the person has succeeded; 15. Disclosing real estate excise tax affidavit forms in the possession of the City, including real estate excise tax affidavit forms for transactions exempt or otherwise not subject to tax; or 16. Disclosing such �eturn or tax information to the court or hearing examiner in respect to the Administrator's application for a subpoena if there is probable cause to believe that records in the possession of a third party will aid the Administrator in connection with its official duties under this title or a civil or criminal investigation. D. 1. The Administrator may disclose return or taxpayer information to a person under investigation or during any court or administrative proceeding against a person under investigation as provided in this subsection D. The disclosure must be in connection with the Administrator's official duties under this title, or a civil or criminal investigation. The disclosure may occur only when the person under investigation and the person in possession of data, materials, or documents are parties to the return or tax information to be disclosed. 33 ORDINANCE N0. 2. Before disclosure of any tax return or tax information under this ' subsection D, the Administrator must, through written correspondence, inform the taxpayer of the requested disclosure. The correspondence must clearly identify the data, materials, or documents to be disclosed. The Administrator may not disclose any tax return or tax information under this subsection D until the time period allowed in subsection D.3 of this section has expired or until the court has ruled on any challenge brought under subsection D.3 of this section. 3. The taxpayer has twenty (20) days from the receipt of the written request required under this subsection to petition the superior court of the county in which the petitioner resides (or with any court with jurisdiction over the matter that allows disclosure of information under this subsection D� for I injunctive relief consistent with the provisions of applicable state law governing disclosure of taxpayer information. ' 4. Requesting information under this subsection that may indicate that a I�, taxpayer is under investigation does not constitute a disclosure of tax return or I tax information under this section. E. Service of and compliance with a subpoena issued by the court or any administrative body with authority to issue subpoenas does not constitute a disclosure of return or tax information under this section. Notwithstanding anything else to the contrary in this section, a person served with a subpoena issued by the court or administrative body may disclose the existence or content of the subpoena and the reco�ds therein identified to that person's legal counsel. 34 ORDINANCE N0. F. Any person acquiring knowledge of any return or tax information in the course of his or her employment with the City and any person acquiring knowledge of any return or tax information as provided under subsections C.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 9 of this section who reveals or makes known any such return or tax information to another person not entitled to knowledge of such return or tax information under the provisions of this section or other applicable law may be punished by a civil penalty not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), and, if the person violating this requirement is an officer or employee of the City, such person may be required to forfeit such office or employment. 5-26-25 TAX CONSTITUTES DEBT: Any license fee or tax due and unpaid under this chapter, and all interest and penalties thereon, shall constitute a debt to the City and may be collected in the same manner as any other debt in like amount, which remedy shall be in addition to all other existing remedies. ', 5-26-26 UNLAWFUL ACTIONS—VIOLATION—PENALTIES: �''� A. It shall be unlawful for any person liable for fees or taxes under this chapter or Chapters 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-11, and 5-25: 1. To violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter or Chapters 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-11, or 5-25 RMC or any lawful rule or regulation adopted by the Administrator; 2.To make any false statement on any license application or tax return; 35 '�� ORDINANCE NO. 3.To aid or abet any person in any attempt to evade payment of a license fee or tax; 4. To fail to appear or testify in response to a subpoena issued pursuant to the rules of procedure of the office of the hearing examiner; 5. To testify falsely in any investigation, audit, or proceeding conducted pursuant to this chapter. B. Violation of any of the provisions of this chapter is a gross misdemeanor. Any person convicted of a violation of this chapter may be punished by a fine not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), imprisonment not to exceed one (1) year, or both fine and imprisonment. Penalties or punishments provided in this chapter shall be in addition to all other penalties provided by law. C. Any person, or officer of a corporation, convicted of continuing to engage in business after the revocation of a license shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor and may be punished by, a fine not to exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), or imprisonment not to exceed one (1) year, or both fine and imprisonment. 5-26•27 SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF BUSINESS LICENSE AND/OR REGISTRATION: See RMC Chapter 5-5. 5-26-28 CLOSING AGREEMENT PROVISIONS: The Administrator may enter into an agreement in writing with any person relating to the liability of such persan in respect of any tax imposed by any of the chapters within this title and administered by this chapter for any taxable 36 ORDINANCE NO. period(s). Upon approval of such agreement, evidenced by execution thereof by the Administrator and the person so agreeing, the agreement shall be final and conclusive as to the tax liability or tax immunity covered thereby, and, except upon a showing of fraud or malfeasance,or misrepresentation of a material fact: A. The case shall not be reopened as to the matters agreed upon, or the agreement modified, by the Administrator or the taxpayer; and 8. In any suit, action or proceeding, such agreement, or any determination, assessment, collection, payment, abatement, refund, or credit made in accordance therewith, shall not be annulled, modified,set aside, or disregarded. 5-26-29 CHARGE-OFF OF UNCOLLECTIBLE TAXES: I The Administrator may charge off any tax, penalty, or interest that is owed by a taxpayer, if the Administrator reasonably ascertains that the cost of collecting such amounts would be greater than the total amount that is owed or likely to be collected from the taxpayer. 5-26-30 SEVERABILITY: If any provision of this chapter or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the chapter or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected. 5-26-31 COLLECTION OF TAX: The City may pursue collection of any fee, tax, interest or penafty due and unpaid to the fullest extent and in any manner authorized by law, including but 37 �-- - _ � ORDINANCE NO. not limited to the filing of a civil action against the taxpayer for the payment of such debt or the use by the City of a collection agency for such purposes. 5-26-32 TAX AMNESTY: The Administrator, with City Council approval, may from time to time declare periods of tax amnesty to the extent that the Administrator determines that such periods of tax amnesty are likely to have the effect of increasing revenues to the City. The Administrator may promulgate rules and procedures to implement the provisions of this section. 5-26-33 EFFECTIVE DATE: This chapter shall be effective lanuary 1, 2016. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective on lanuary 1, 2016. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. lason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1864:4/13/15:scr 38 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT � o 'ry°f ---.-"' ��0� ��� M E M O R A N D U M DATE: M ay 4, 2015 C►TY OF RENTON TO: Ed Prince, Council President Members of the Renton City Council MAY 0 4 2015 FROM: Denis Law, Mayor RECEIVED Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer CITYCLERK'SOFFICE SUBJECT: Administrative Report In addition to our day-to-day activities, the following are some items worthy of note for this week: • The traffic signal at the intersection of South Grady Way and Shattuck Avenue South will be out of operation on Thursday, May 7th from 9:30 a.m.to 1:30 p.m. so that King County Metro can replace a cabinet for its Route 101 Traffic Signal Priority Project. The intersection will be controlled by King County Police, with additional traffic control installed as needed. Questions may be directed to Transportation Maintenance Assistant Manager Eric Cutshall at (425) 430-7423. • Street Maintenance crews will be performing work at various locations during the week of May 4th through 8th. Please note all work zones will experience lane closures between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. and is weather permitting, which may slightly alter the schedule. o Monday, May 4th through Thursday, May 7th: Both eastbound and westbound curb lanes along South Grady Way at Lake Avenue South will be closed alternately for work in the crosswalks. Crews will start on the south side of Grady Way in the morning and expect to switch to the north side crosswalk approximately midday. o Tuesday, May 5th: Northbound curb lane on Logan Avenue South at Airport Way will be closed for final paving of the new curb, gutter and sidewalk. o Wednesday, May 6th through Thursday, May 7th: Westbound curb lane closure on SE 192nd Street from Benson Drive South/SR 515/108th Avenue SE for paving. Questions may be directed to the Public Works Maintenance Shop at (425) 430-7400. Agenda Item No.: s RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET (Page 1) CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRE55 IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE DATE: `�/ �/�S PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 1 � 5 Name: l/a-�rrT / ' ��'1/ho ''� Name: � ,r � Address: / � ��� ��S �U� f� Address: r, / City: �� fio4 Zip Code: City: �i de: Email: Email: / Topic: Topic: v/ 2 , 6 Name: � � '" � Name: Address v Address: I Cit Zi Code: Cit / Zi Code: Y� p Y� P Email: Email: I Topic: / Topic: � i 3 . �.. 7 Name: ' Name: Address: � / Address: / City: Zip Code: City: I Zip Code: Email: Email: / Topic: / Topic: / 4 8 Name: Name: Address: / Address: / City: p Code: City: 1 Zip Code: Email: Email: Topic: � Topic: (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) (Continued from Reverse Side- Page 2) RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET - CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit / 9 13 Name: Name: Address: � / Address: //J City: Zip C d : / City: Zip de / Email: / Email: / Topic: � � / Topic: v / ! 10 14 Name: Name: Address: / Address: � City: Zi Code: City: Zi Code: Email: ; Email: Topic: Topic: � / 11 15 Name: Name: Address: �, Address: / City: ' Zip Code: City: / Zip Code: Email: ' Email: � Topic: � Topic: / 12 16 Name: Name: Address: � Address: � City: � Zip Code: City: � Zip Code: Email: ' Email: Topic: Topic: FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT p,pPROOUNCIL May 4, 2015 C�� Dat� � y �s ' APPROVAL OF CLAIMS AND PAYROLL VOUCHERS The Finance Committee approves for payment on May 4, 2015 claims vouchers 337695 — 338070, 3 wire transfers and 1 payroll run with benefit withholding payments totaling $6,584,884.07 and payroll vouchers including 721 direct deposits and 62 payroll checks totaling $1,581,110.47. �- . . Don Persson, Chair � �S Gre � Taylor, Vice-Chair A�i�lo Pavone, Member ✓ � FINANCE COMMITTEE �PPRC)VEC� �� COMMITTEE REPORT C�� COUNCIL May 4, 2015 ��t� � Accounts Receivable Collection Contract � (April 27, 2015) The Finance Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the combined five-year collection service contract with Alliance0ne, June 1, 2015 through May 31, 2020, for both the City's general account receivables and Municipal Court receivables, based on the fee schedule currently available to the Municipal Court. a Don Persson, Chair Nor in Attendance Greg Taylor, Vice Chair � rmo do Pavone, Member cc: Jamie Thomas, Finance Director Kari Roller, Financial Services Manager J FINANCE COMMITTEE ��(��(�V�� �Y COMMITTEE REPORT C�'�( C�UNC��"" May 4, 2015 �at� 5 � ' I Tax Administrative Rules (April 27, 2015) The Finance Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the proposed administrative rules for the administration of city taxes. The Committee further recommends that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. �U � Don Persson, Chair Not in Attendance Greg Taylor, Vice Chair mo do�avone, Member cc: Jamie Thomas, Finance Director Kari Roller,Financial Services Manager J STAFF RECAP COUNCIL MEETING REFERRALS 5/4/2015 MOTIONS REFERRED TO ADMINISTRATION: none Other Requests: Schedule time for Council to see newly purchased fire equipment. - Peterson MOTIONS REFERRED TO COUNCIL COMMITTEE: Marijuana laws and traffic camera enforcement briefings—Refer to Public Safetv Committee. - Milosevich *The consent agenda items were adopted as presented. I , � RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 4, 2015 Council Chambers Monday, 7:00 p.m. M I N U T E S Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Councif to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ', ROLL CALL OF ED PRINCE, Council President; RUTH PEREZ; ARMONDO PAVONE; RANDY COUNCILMEMBERS CORMAN; MARCIE PALMER; DON PERSSON. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER GREG TAYLOR. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN ATTENDANCE DENIS LAW, Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; GARMON NEWSOM II,Senior Assistant City Attorney;JASON SETH, City Clerk; MEGAN GREGOR, Deputy City Clerk; IWEN WANG,Administrative Services Administrator; COMMANDER PAUL CLINE and COMMANDER FLOYD ELDRIDGE, Police Department. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring the week of May 3—May 9, ASD: Municipal Clerks Week— 2015 to be "Municipal Clerks Week" in the City of Renton, and extended May 3—May 9, 2015 appreciation to Renton's municipal clerk,lason Seth, and to all municipal clerks for the vital services they perform and their exemplary dedication to the communities they represent. City Clerk Jason Seth accepted the proclamation and thanked Council and the administration for their support. He also expressed thanks to the City Clerk Division's staff as well as the lobby volunteers. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer 1ay Covington reviewed a written administrative ' report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2015 and beyond. Items noted were: � The traffic signal at the intersection of South Grady Way and Shattuck Ave.S will be out of operation on Thursday, May 7th from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. � Street Maintenance crews will be performing work at various locations during the week of May 4th through 8th. Please note all work zones will experience lane closures between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. but is dependent on the weather,which may slightly alter the schedule. AUDIENCE COMMENT Dave McCammon (Renton) inquired if there is an alternative to the proposed Citizen Comment: McCammon Renton Fire Authority. He requested that a public statement be made to —Renton Fire Authority address any alternatives as well as how emergency services in Renton will be Considerations affected if the ballot measure fails. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council: Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 4/27/2015. Council concur. 4/27/2015 Mav 4, 2015 Renton Citv Council Minutes Pa�e 79 City Clerk: Quarterly Contract City Clerk submitted quarterly contract list for period 1/1/2015 through List, 1/1/2015—3/31/2015 3/31/2015, and expiration report for agreements expiring 4/1/2015 to 9/30/2015. Information. VAC: 15-001,Street Vacation City Clerk submitted petition for street vacation of an unimproved portion of N. Petition,lames Tasca 38th St. between Meadow Ave. N. and I-405; petitioner James Tasca, Renton (VAC-15-001). Refer to Administration; set public hearing on 5/18/2015. (See page 80 for resolution.J CAG: 13-149, Demolition of Community Services Department recommended approval of a Job Order housing units for development Contract(JOC)Work Order with Forma Construction Company(CAG-13-149), in of future Sunset Court Park the amount of$350,000 to demolish eight housing units for the development of the future Sunset Court Park. Council concur. Community Services: Renton Community Services Department recommended approval of a grant agreement Farmers Market, Public Health with Public Health Seattle& King County to accept$20,539 for the Renton Seattle& King County Grant Farmers Market; and adjust the budget as necessary. Council Concur. Police:School Resource Police Department recommended adopting a resolution authorizing an Officers, Renton School interlocal agreement with the Renton School district to implement three School District ILA Resource Officers over a three year period. Council concur. (See page 80 for resolution.J Police: Evidence Technician, Police Department requested authorization to fill an Evidence Technician I Hire at Step E position at Step E of the Grade pn53 salary scale, effective 5/16/2015. Council , concur. Transportation: Americans Transportation Systems Division requested approval of a resolution adopting ��� with Disabilities Act Transition the City of Renton Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan. Refer to i Plan Transportation (Aviation) Committee. �� MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINE55 Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval Finance Committee of Claim Vouchers 337695—338070,three wire transfers and one payroll run Finance:Vouchers with benefit withholding payments totaling$6,584,884.07 and payroll vouchers including 721 direct deposits and 62 payroll checks totaling$1,581,110.47. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Finance:Accounts Receivable Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending Collection Contract, Alliance concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the combined five-year One collection service contract with AllianceOne,June 1, 2015 through May 31, 2020,for both the City's general account receivables and Municipal Court receivables, based on the fee schedule currently available to the Municipal Court. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Finance:Tax Administrative Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending Rules concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the proposed administrative rules for the administration of city taxes.The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. (See page 80 for ordinance.J Mav 4,2015 Renton Citv Council Minutes Pa�e 80 RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTION#4252 A resolution was read setting a hearing date to vacate a portion of N. 38th St. Vacation: N. 38th St. between between Meadow Ave. N and I-405(James Tasca, Petitioner;VAC-15-001). Meadow Ave. N and I-405, MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ' Tasca,VAG15-001 RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. RESOLUTION#4253 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Police: School Resource interlocal agreement for School Resource Officers with Renton School District Officers, Renton School No.403. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE District ILA RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. ' The ollowin ordinance was resented or irst readin and re erred to the next f 9 P f f 9 f Council meeting for second and final reading: ORDINANCE An ordinance was read amending section 5-25-14 of Chapter 25, Business and ASD:Tax Administrative Rules Occupation Tax Code,and adopting a new Chapter 26, entitled "Tax Administrative Code,"of Title V(Finance and Business Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, providing administrative processes for administering City tax codes. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/18/2015. NEW BUSINESS See attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar. Council: Cancel 5/11/2015 MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CANCEL THE 5/11/2015 , COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. Police: Marijuana Laws& MOVED BY PAVONE, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL REFER A BRIEFING ON � Traffic Camera Enforcement MARUUANA LAWS AND TRAFFIC CAMERA ENFORCEMENT TO THE PUBLIC Briefing SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Fire: Fire Engine Tour Councilmember Persson requested a tour of the new fire engines. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME: 7:19 p.m. ��� Ja n A.`Seth, C�MC, Cit Clerk Y Megan Gregor, Recorder May 4, 2015 Council Committee Meeting Calendar May 4, 2015 Ma 11,2015 ";�; :�5�''< �:;: w���" _ .. � �� ;� � �',��„�� Moi�tlay , ,.. � CANCELED Community Services Committee, Chair Perez CANCELED Utilities Committee, Chair Taylor 3:30 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Prince, Meet in City Hall Lobby 1. Tour of KCHA (King County Housing Authority) Sites, Greenbridge & Seola Gardens CANCELED City Council Meeting, Chair Prince May 12, 2015 Tuesday 11:00 AM Transportation Committee, Chair Palmer, Council Conference Room 1. City of Renton Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan 2. Kennydale Traffic Concerns Briefing 3. Emerging Issues in Transportation May i$.2015 � `_ _ Monday 4:00 PM Planning & Development Committee, Chair Corman - Council Conf. Rm. 1 . Portion of N. 38`h St. Street Vacation Briefing 2. 2015 Comprehensive Plan Update CANCELED Public Safety Committee, Chair Pavone 5:30 PM Finance Committee, Chair Persson - Council Conference Room 1 . Vouchers 2. Emerging Issues in Revenue Streams 6:00 PM Committee of the Whole - Chair Prince, Council Chambers 1. County Executive's "Best Start for Kids" Initiative 2. Regionallssues CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 18th day of May, 2015, at 7 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057,to I consider the following: Petition for Street Vacation for an unimproved portion of N. 38th St., between Meadow Ave. N. and I-405. (Petitioner:James Tasca; File No. VAC-15-001) The meeting is open to the public. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the petition. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430- 6510. ;� ;` �r � L � Jason A. Seth City Clerk Published Renton Reporter May 8, 2015 Account No. 50640 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF MEETING CANCELLATION RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has canceled the regular Council meeting scheduled for Monday, May 11, 2015. For further information, please call 425- 430-6510. / , ��� � � � '� ''%� � i ,�'�Jason A. Seth , �/ City Clerk i/ Published: Renton Reporter May 8, 2015 Account No. 50640 . . , - � . CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIN6 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 18th day of May, 2015, at 7 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, to consider the following: Petition for Street Vacation for an unimproved portion of N. 38th St., between Meadow Ave. N. and I-405. (Petitioner: James Tasca; File No. VAC-15-001) The meeting is open to the public. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the petition. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430- 6510. i ` r /� / � c Jason A. Seth City Clerk ' Published Renton Reporter ; May 8, 2015 Account No. 50640 5/7/2015 —Notice sentto 26 PORs per attached labels. S. Weir ° cc: B. MacOnie/CED 1�Y � .. �.,• C> fs �'� + !!� ♦ ���`�� N RENTON CITY COUNCIL ON MONDAY, MAY 18, 2015 AT 7:00 P.M. RENTON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1055 SOUTH G RADY WAY TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Petition for Street Vacation for an unimproved portion of N. 38th St., between Meadow Ave. N. and I-405. (Petitioner: James Tasca; File No. VAC-15-001) � � J).�/W�SS � �,,,:�,�;� , � ff Z j r� � � �� -- W � �, ' � �a f Parcel Number � � � ,,, ,,,,:�,;,,: f p ' 3342700570 ' I , o J l( I w � �I � ,� � j � i� N 38TH ST LocaTio:�oF � ,� � '' � REQUESTED VACATIO� �- (i o N � � ..' �� � I Parce! Number � ' � 3342700630 ' ,�,,.,-,z� j --� -----� ! I ' � � ,�.,:.:r. ; jf , All interested parties are invited to attend and present written and/or oral comments_ Compfete legal description& further information available rn the City Clerk's Office—425-430-6510 ■ ' The removal, mutilation, destruction, or concealment of W a r n i n this notice is a misdemeanor punishable by fine and g . imprisonment. ,��. ' � (. BAKER JAMES C BERGMAN TODD+SHELLY BOLLINGER 3713 MEADOW AVE N 3813 MEADOW AVE N MARIE+LAZARENKO B RENTON WA, 98056 �NTON WA, 98056 3706 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA, 98056 BROWNE THEO A+KIMBERLY CHUANG DUNDAS DONALD R & P A SENGCHANH+OUDANONH J DENICE 1409 N 37TH ST 3904 MEADOW AVE N 3701 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA, 98056 RENTON WA, 98056 RENTON WA, 98056 HINCHEY MICHAEL J JEPSON BARRY+ANITA JIMINEZ MICHAEL A+GINA K 1410 N 39TH ST 6013 lOSTH AVE NE 1406 N 38TH ST RENTON WA, 98056 KIRKLAND WA, 98033 RENTON WA, 98056 JOSEPH KING COUNTY-PARKS KULLMAN CHRISTOPHER G REDMOND+VATHSALA GAN ADM-ES-0800, 500 4TH AVE 3820 MEADOW AVE N 3902 MEADOW AVE N SEATTLE WA, 98004 RENTON WA, 98056 RENTON WA, 98056 LAKE BUCKY L LIANG GUOXUAN+XUELING MARTIN DANA 3716 MEADOW AVE N LUO ET AL RENNELLE+CANTEL RENTON WA, 98056 3705 MEADOW AVE N 3704 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA, 98905 RENTON WA, 98056 MOFFATT JOAN L MONWAI JUSTIN W & NIDO N PHAM BICH-NGOC THI 3709 MEADOW AVE N 1426 N 38TH ST 1420 N 38TH ST RENTON WA, 98056 RENTON WA, 98056 RENTON WA, 98056 SCHMITT DAVID W JR STEWARD PAUL L STOLLER SHAWN E+LYNN E PO BOX 2966 3901 MEADOW AVE N 1405 N 38TH ST RENTON WA, 98056 RENTON WA, 98056 RENTON WA, 98056 I 'TAN LE TANG YAN TASCA JAMES G 11825 SE 87TH ST 1416 N 39TH ST 14805 SE JONES PL NEWCASTLE WA, 98056 RENTON WA, 98056 RENTON WA, 98058 WIKE RYAN JAMES+MARIA WONG ALICE L MAN-S 1412 N 38TH ST � 3821 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA, 98056 RENTON WA, 98056 � ` Denis Law ' �1�Of Mayor � � ,S� � U �t �� , � " Mayor's Office � �1'rocldmation . �NFiereas,the office of the municipal clerk, a time-honored and vita.l part of local�government, exists throughout the worid; and _ �GVhereas,the office of the municipal clerk is the oldest among public servants; and ZVhereas,the office of the municipal clerk provides the professional link between the citizens,the local governing bodies, and agencies of government at other levels; and Z!I�hereas, municipal clerks have pledged to be ever mindful of their neutrality and impartiality, rending equal service to all; and tiVFiereas,the municipal clerk serves as the information center on functions of local government and community; and � � ��tereas, municipal clerks continually strive to improve the administratian of the affeirs of the office of the munieipal clerk through participation in education programs,seminars, workshops, and the annual meetings of th�ir state, province, county, and international professional . organizations; and ZV(tereas, it is most appropriate that we recognize the accomplishments of the office of the municipal clerk; � , Now, t6cerefore, I, Denis Law, May�r of the City of Renton,�do hereby proclaim the week of May 3-9,2015,to be � �VlunicipaCCCer�,s �Vee�, in the City of Renton, and further extend appreciation to our municipal clerk,Jason Seth;and to all municipal clerks for the vital services they perfprm and their exemplary dedication to the comm'unities they represent. . - In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Renton to be affixed this 4th day of May, 2015. 1 ' Denis Law, Mayor , City of Renfon, Washington . . . Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton,Washington 98057 � renfonwa:gov � •