HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee of the Whole Packet for 6/22/2015 . • 13. ADJOURNMENT CLV��I�,�w����� �,�.��,� COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA .l '�'+� ����'�� (Preceding Council Meeting) �— '� , �� G�S cV� k�'L' " ����� 7th FLOOR CONFERENCING CENTER �I��'� �=`��Z"J''� — �'�.���G June 22, 2015 ��t.� ��vn��-}-��n , � ���`n Monday, 6:00 p.m. ��,� Lw,_, , ��v�y�-' a-�,,z,� �u;✓�y Design/Layout Changes for Council Agenda, Minutes & Agenda Bills Pr�c.�'I S�l�y_� �`''�'�,- �,�� •– ��%�r�' Regional Issues ����� � ��������� Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk /�r�� 'Z���,��a�1 CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARETELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENTACCESS CHANNEL Z1 �-� To view Council Meetings online please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings ��.Iv"1'� �I N�Csl�1�'" Page 3 of 3 ___ _ . � � . �. �.�,�a =�,. n ��._�>*��. ��� ,� � .. � �..... - � • • • _ C er s O � ce Brie � n - g � Committee of the Whole Meeting - Monday, lune 22, 2015 ��. '•m -_ . . ���� ii�r a �rrotti�imi� i -i ui �^t,r ��r�, ,;a nn r i �:��na. . � �,���� � .. , �n.: �,. �����,� ���. � ,e���,�n i�� ���:����.i��i mnr=� �;:�,; . .-i-.��,��� i� a�-,•, ,.,� ��p�rninninniwru�urea i.a�,�,.� • Motivation for Chan e g �� — LEAN out the Process � � � `�Y) — Increase Readability �► � — Focus on the Customer s� — Closer to the Best City in King County � �,� ' � � • Ch a n es -�� g — Agenda, Agenda Bill & Minutes Templates , . � • Implementation ��� — Switch Date is TODAY I, — July 6, 2015 will be first meeting with new look . • Questions . . Jason Seth, City Clerk Megan Gregor, Deputy City Clerk Agenda Current vs. New A6EMDA � - RENTiON CtTY C4UNCIL � City of � REGULAR MEETING � �� .s � � �../.�.` � ��''"I aprn v,zo�s AGENDA Mond�y,7 p.m. .... , ._..__,_. ...., . __....,__,..,... , .....-------,.._,. .... ..,-- i. caurooROERaronP��cEOFau�c�nr�ce City Council Regular Meeting r.00 nti►-nn�y,nP.a Z�,mis 2 ROLL CAII Cound9 Chambers,7tfi Floor,City Hal l-iQ55 S.Gndy W ay 3. SPECIAI PRESENTATiONS 1. CAII TO ORDER&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE a_ Public Worics'Roadro"Comp�tition Wmner Recognition b. WRIA 8 arui 9 Special Preserrtation 2. ROLL CALL 4_ ADMINISTRATtVE REPORT 3- SPEqAI PRESENTATION e) Pubtit WorkS"Roadeo"Campetitim Winnv Rrt�nition S. AUDIENCE COMMEMT b� WRIA B and 9 Special Presentatae� (Sp�akers mvst sign up prior to the Cauncil meeting. fach speaker is a�towed five minutes_ The q, pDMINISTRATIVE REP�tT first commertt period is limited to ot►�hatf hour. The seca�d mmment penod tater on in the agenda is unimited in duration.► When you are recogrozed by the Prrsidmg Offrcer,please wa3k m 5. AUUIENCE COMMENT the podium and state your name and ciry of residence for the record,SPfLUNG YOUR LAST NANtE. • Speakers must si�up prior to the Co�ncil meetins_ NOTICE to ap partieipants: pursuent to state lew,RCW 42.17A.555,campai�gning for ar►y • Ead�sqeaker is allowed fne minutes. balbt measure ar candidete in City Hall and/or during any portion of the cauncil meeting, • The�rsc oommeni periad s��nnrted to 3o ma��nes. induding the eudience comment portion of the me�ting,is PftOHIBRED. • The second commcvrt perrod,ixer a,��che a�,da,is unlimiud in duntion. WMen recasr�aed,pleazc state}rour name&city of resi�ence for the rcoord. 6. CONSENT AGENDA t�TtCE w a�participxKs:p�swnc to srne law,R[w 4LVA555,canqaipr�for any balla The fo1owing items are distnbuted to Coundlmembers�n advance fw stud�r and review,�!d VkC �awre or candidate in Ciry HaA and/w durirK my portion of the council meetir�,indu�� recommended actiorts will be attepted in a singk moti�ai_ My item may be rtmoved for furUier �e auaience c«nrrKrK pwtion of che mecein6,is vNOH�rrEo. discuss�on rf re�sted by a Councilme�nber. 6. CONSENT AGENDA a. Approval of CourKil meevnp mmutes of 4/20/2015.Coundl cortnr. nx fonowieg icems are datnbirted co councimer�erz a�aavance for m�dy u�reri�w.rne b. Admnistratnre 5ervias Department recommer►ds adopting the proposed administrainre rules � "'"' � �'»+S wiu bc�ue�ed���s�++�e moc�on_Any rtem m.y be rerrwved tor tucner re�arding 8&O taxes,administration of admissions,amusem�nt devices,gamblir�,and utilicies disussion if so requested. taxes,es well as tlu per employte bvsiness licrnse fees.Refer to Finarxe Committee_ e) A�raval of Coundl mrrting minuta o(4/20/2015_ c Adm�rstrative Sernces Department recammends authaiting the adminisiravon to enter into a toundl Concur canbined fivtyear wllection service corttract with AliianaOrx,lune 1,2025 through May 31, b) Admaristrative Services Departmmt raommmds adopting the proposed 2020,for both the Gtys ge�eral auount rcceivades and M�icipal Court rcceivables,based on a�ninstrative ruks regarding B&O taxes,a�ninimata�of admissions, the fe�scheduFe arrmtiy available to the Munidpal Court.R�fer to Finance Committee. amusement devices,Qamtsling,and utilities taxes,as wNl as the per empbyee d. Commumry and EmrwmM Development Department recommends adopLon of a resoluUun batsiness license fees. [sta6lishine a rrwratorium on acapting applications far residerttia! chvelopmtnt within the Refer to F�nance Committee Commercial Arterial (CA) and Uie Residential Mula-famity {RMF) zones. LoundE toncur; set pubtic heari�on 6/22/2015.(See S.a.for rnolution.) c? Community and Econom�developmmt Department recommends adoption of a e_ Utility Systems Divisan retommends authorizine the transfer af 530,000 from the apprwed ����a^����shing a maratorium on acceptirtg applications for res�mtial 2015 Capital�rwement Program Emergency Respaxe Projects buc�et to invease tFx budget �Opr^�^t'^�hm the Commercial Arterial(CA)and the Residential Mutti-Family for W�Nz 1,2 and 3 Building Roof Replacemmt Projett,and approvir�the Jab Order Cantraa (RMf)zones.(See8.a.farrrsofution.) (JOC) Wor1c Order with Fama Caistruction Comp�y (CAGi3-149), in the amount of ��M���o^�r,sM public hraring on 6/22/2015 S$7,379.A4,for roaF rcplaoemern Coundl concur_ Pa�r t°`a Agenda Bill Current vs. New CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL � c:���,;;.�•„�, Subject/Title: Meedng: A$ enda Bill 16001 ���—t�..�s r � r;1 � � ��`h•�`�I Tax Administracive Rules REGULAR COUNpI-27 Apr 2015 • � •� � Exttebits• Submitting Data: Dtpt/Div/Boartl: SUBJECT/TR�E: Tax Administrative Roks A Drah Ordinante Admfnistrative Service5 RECOMMENDED ACTtON: R�fer to f's�ance Committ�e DEPARTMENT AdmirosErativt Services Staff Con�[: STAFF CONTACT: twen Warrg,ASD AdminisSrotor fwrn Wang,ASD Adminisiratar,ext bS58 EXT.: 6858 Reeommended Action: • � Refer w Fuwnce Comrtattce. Ezpendrture Required: 5 n/a Transfer Amendment: 5 �/a Amount Budgeted: 5 n/a Revenue Generated: 5 nJa Total Prq�a Budgrt: 5 n/a City Sharc Total ProjeR: 5 nJa F'iscallmpact: • ' ExpenAiture Ret�ui�ed:$ N�A TtMt5fei A►at�d�ttenC$ N/A The City has varjo�s trusinczs taxes and fees witfi vatyinp administrative ruies for rccords reterrtion, Amount Budgeted:5 N/A Revenue Ger�erated:5 N/A appea�,penalties and lMerest provispns_With Me adoption of the bus�esz&ocapation{8&O)Uz in T��Project Budget:$ N�A City Share Tot�Project:5 ��� 2014,the City�s required to adopt a set of adminiztntive rWes,re6ardin6 ths B&O bY,thai are conz3stcM wi[h model rules dcvabped by tF�e Assotirtion of Washinston Cities for afl Ixal govemmeMz I SUMMARY Of ACTIOM' ' with a B&O tax.The propoxd oMironce wiU estab�ish tlxse a�ninistntive ru�es for e&O tanes and wi�� I � also extend to the adminis[ntion of admizsiores,amusement devaces,ssmblin6,and uti�ities taxes,az wdl The City has various business tnxez and fces with varying administrative rules for records reternion, as the per employee business 6cense fees. appeal,penaltia and in[eresc provisioru.Uliith the adopxion a#tfu battiness&occupetion{8&O)tax in j 20i4,th�Ciry is required to adopt a set of administrative n�es,rtgardang the B&a tax,that arc � consistmt with model r�es developed by the Associaaon of Wash�ngtan Cities for afl Eocal govemmmu with a Bffi0 tax_The proposed ordinarxe will estabiish triese admir�imative ruta for B&0 taxrs and wilt also e�Rend to the admin�tration of admissfons,amusemmt de+rices,gamblir�,and utilicies ta�c�s,as well as the per employee bus�tss licertse fm_ � : STAFF RECOMMETIDATION: A.Dnh Ordinance Adopt the proposed adminisuative ruies regarQing B&D taxes,adminFstration ot admissions, � �• � amusement devices,gambling,and utilities taxes,as well as the per employee business licerne fees_ Adopt the proposed administnYwe rules regarding B&O taxes,adm�iztration of admizsiore, amuzement devices,gambling,and utilitiez tazes,as we;l as the per employee business Gcense fees. • Minutes Current vs. New RENTON LITY COVNCIL — Re�ulx Meetins � l;i[y of � '��"n,� '�— r� �, � �' (�� � � �;'' P.pn I 27,2015 Cauncil Chamben „��„�,,,�,,,, ,,,,,!„ hlonday,7:00 p.m. M I N U T E S ReMon City Hal: MINUTES ULLTOORDER MayorLawolledthemectinpaftheRentonCityCounciltoordersndledtlx City Council Regular Meeting Pledge of A:legpnu tc the flas. 7:00 PM-Monday,April 27,2015 RQLI fALI OF ED PRfl�kCE,Counti!Prcside�rt;DON PERSSOM;MARCIE PALMER;RANDY Camcii Chambers,3th Floor,City tlall—1055 5.Grady Way Ci0l1NClLMEMBERS CORMAN;ARMpMDQ PAVONE;9iUT31 PfREZ. MOVED BY PR[FlCE,SECONDfD BY PERSSCNI,QDUNCII EXCt1SE ABSENF COUNC1l1�MBER GREG TAYLOR CALL TO ORDER CARRIED. kbWr Fro Tem Ed Pm�ce calted the meeting oFthe Renton Gty Coundl m wder x J:00 PM and led the Pledse of Allr�iance C7iY STAFF tN ATfENDANCE DENIS tAW,Mayor,LAWERENCE/.WARREN,Rty AtMmey;1ASON SETH,Ciryr Clerk;�CaA!!6REGOR,Deputy Ciry Cferk;GREGG ZkMMERMAN,Public Works R�ULL Admnistrator;RON STRAKA,Surface Water Utility Er�ineering Manaser, ���emben Present: Coundlmembers A6sent: PATRKK 2ELLNER,Street Maintenan�e Servioes Supervisor;KiP BRAATEN, ��+�e,Msyor Pro Tem Gre6 Tayfor Maintenance ServiTrs Wmker tlt;GOMMANOEIt KATIE N6CCLaNCY,Pd'ece Don Pcrsson Randy Corman,Counci Presode�rt Pro Tem � ��M- Ruth Pere= SPEqAI VRESENTATION Publ"¢Works A�minisuator Gregs Ztmmerman and Strect Mamtenancc Mmondo Pawne Pt�11C�1�101k3:"I�QidlOJP SMfICK SUp47V150f Pit(ICk ZlIIIt!!pflStlKld 7 W�1I1lr5 ji�(!L LO K1p Bf7itE11 lubiti!PiMf!► CampMition Winner for w�+nie�tfit American Public Works Association�APWA)Ecryepmerrt MpVEO BY PRtNCE,SECONDED 8Y CORMAN,OOUP►Ctl EXCUSE ABSEM Recosnitiw� "'Roadeo.'Mh.Braaten won tvro aut of tM1e faur cvents by maneuverins heavy �pvNCIiMfMBERS DON PERSSON ANO GREG TAYLOR.tARRIED_ equi{wnrnx throujh an obstacle coause,demortstratine tl�e slcil Is it takez to pertam the A�y iMemal openteons of the Public Workz I7epartment.He w�ll ADMIMISTRATIVf STAFF PRESEHT also be ser�t 4o Colorrdo to repr�t the Washi�ton Lhapoer at the 2015 Dmis law,Mayor APWA Westem Snow and Ice Conference in September. Lawcfence J.Warten.Gty Aitomry Utility:WRIA 8 xM 9 L{pdate lason f�Mdvihil-Kur�fram WRIA�4Yater Resource ImreMory Nea)8 and fCaren Jason 3eth,City Clerlc Berseron fran WRIR 9 provided an�date on wattrshedbased restoration artd ����e�,���� saimon recarery e�Renton.Aft�v explac�ir�Me boundaries af Me WRIA S and �'t8G L^"^�*^'�^•P�#ic Works Adminisuxor WRIA 9 toverase areu,hk.Muhrihil-KuMz hi6hli6Med the work accompBshed Ran Ssr�ca,Swfaee Water Uc+lity En6ineer Mana6er durin6 the pasc ren years.Hc also emphasi:ed the importa�xe of renewing the ��ullrxr,Street Mahrerwue Services Supwisar ten-y�ear irrterfocal apeement bctween the Crty md U�e two Water Rasowce ����.Mainenance Servic:s Wwker I!I tnventcxyAreu. CommarWer Knie McClirKy,Police Departma�t COfdSfM AGEI�A lmms frsced on the m�ent cgenda are oea�oted by ax moaiart which foflowx ��1AL PRESEMAilONS fhe listing. a) P�lic 1Morkz Adm3nistntor GreeB Lmmerman and Street Mairrcenance Servioes Supe�visw Patrick 2dlner presemed a wiro�ers jxket to Kp 8raaten Tor wa�na�C the Mnerican Publec Works Council:Meetin�Mrwtes of Apprcwal aF Council meetin6 m'vnuoes of 4f 20/2015. Coundl concur. pssoo,nron(ApWA)Equipmerrc"Roadeo."Mr.Braaten won twa wrt oE Mc four eveMs by 4�20J2015 maneweraig heavy eqti�pmrnt through an nhztade course,dem�strating the skiflz R t�cez m ASD:Tax Administrarne Rules Administeaave Services Departm�t recommended adoptir►g the propoaed �f°^^ttx daih/mtemal opentions af the Publ"ec Worta Departmeirt He wi11 also be sem to adninistraave rulrs re�ardins 8&O taxes,administration of admasions, �O�d°n'rcprrsent the Washin�ton Lri�roer at the 2015 APWA Weztem Snow and Ice amuzemeM devices,Samblin�and utAKies taxes,u wetl u the per anployee ��e�'������� D�ainess lic�mze fees.Refer w F�..,.,•:^.�..�'ttee. b� Jaton Muhr�hilNCwnz from NR21A(Watcr Reso�ace Inventory Area�8 md Karen Berseron trom ASD:Accounu Receiv�e AdministraOve Services Oepartment recommended authorain6 the WRU4 9 proveded an update on watershed-bued restorxion and salmon recovery in Rerroon.After Collection CoMnct,Alfianoe administration�diter irKo a oom6ined frve-year colleRion service c�pntract e�lainins the 6oundaries of the WRIA 8 and WRIA 9 coveraee areas,Mr_Mulvihill-Kurrtz Qne with All'rarKeOne,Jwie 1,2015 throusfi t,�y 31,2A20,for both the Cit�+s hi�li6hted tfie wark xcamplished dwvig the past ten years.He also emphasaed the irt�ortrce general acoauM receivables a�d Municipal Court receivables,based on the fee �nnewi�the ten�yer iMerlovl a6rcemerrt bctwee�the City and thc two Water Rew�rcc scfiedule currently avsilable oo the�ecqa!Court.Refer to Fnance �^�M°ry MeaS. Committee_ oa-n-u city wurci�rtefiix MceciK�rom�tes va6e i