HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee of the Whole Packet for 11/2/2015 /�� ... � CITY OF � � ��� , � AGENDA Committee of the Whole Meeting 5:30 PM-Monday, November 2,2015 Council Chambers,7th Floor, City Hall—1055 S. Grady Way AGENDA 1. Mid-biennium Budget 2. Lodging(Hotel/Motel)Tax Update/General Economic Development Update � ���i�� ��' �����r��� i t�°������-+��5 � �ti�� � ��Nd��� �,�� �,���c� , � �__.__ ��I v►� r. (,1t�� �`"'`� . � -� ��a,�o. �����,;.. �� � ��►f y �' ' �� r� �Y;�,� ��,� C�v�w �� ^J�� � �,e ��� ����' � i,c� n . S ���, �,�,�1.� �y V� I -Q�ss � �'���r� �. �-�'�� � J �� �,� 'f�`'sw��S � �� ��� � �.v��v� W1r��S�v��.t� t;��n�� V�iv�c�z�7�r- . � . �_ ` p � ♦ `�� � � � � � � � ,� ` U C) i t- � � �� � ' �, Z J � ♦ � { � � � ';, .� �� � 4� � O ¢, .,-r � � � U � � � U � � � �� � � — o � � o � � '� a� � � Q � � o � � � N U . � . a���; ♦ � O O � . .. . ._ _,� _ �._ � . ...._. . . ,. �. >' z' i� <tt � ♦ i � � � � 1� �� W , � �w� : . �., .. �� "' a .. '�i� r r"' � .. � �-� .��_ �;,.� ._ -:�: � ..... , . _ „ _.,1 .. __. . ....__ .... , __c,.a;t,w �^-.�. _. . . .. .. . , ,. ..4. -,. ,_... o, _ ,...,._. , c w+t��' � ���k r�� �d � What is the Lodging Tax? The lodging tax, also referred to as the hotel-motel tax, is a consumer tax on lodging charges for periods of less than 30 consecutive days for hotels, motels, rooming houses, private campgrounds, RV parks, and similar facilities. n • m z � � n � - , m . � � N _ _ _ _ _ � ��,. . r,i. `' � :: ,�:,. �p`' -@� "`;� ,,'� ,:•t��- �� =a. .� - .. � , r�+'�: ,r,��_ _ ��� � �_ ��'d . M °�� ,��`" sx'.: :,s' .. � Back ro� nd � How Can the Lodging Tax Revenues Be Used? The guiding principle for the use of lodging taxes is that they must be used for activities, operations and expenditures designed to increase tourism. Tourism marketing; Marketing and operations of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists; Operations and capital expenditures of tourism-related facilities owned or operated by a municipality or a public facilities district; or n Operations of tourism-related facilities owned or operated by • m nonprofit organizations. (RCW 67.28. 1816) � o '� n '� - , m - • 3 � N - - _ __ _ , � a - �; ., N � , , _ �, , � �, _ � .�.�_ __ ,� a �,.. n�„�._.� ,� . �h, . _ _u� , . _ �_.��, _ __�. :�;� �acl� ro� nd � How Can the Lodging Tax Revenues Be Used? Note that, as of July 1 , 2013, capital expenditures for tourism-related facilities owned by nonprofit organizations are no longer permitted expenditures of lodging tax funds. n � m z � � n � - a � • 3 � N � � ;`� � . � ����, , �. , ��- .. � � T s k� uY _.,.o �_.,..,.s,:z....�Se��._ _�.e �.,«,.��+-�.-.�.. , _..___ _ ...�..�+��«..�... .. . _ .... �,�. . . ���.� . .. _y�.. , _ _ _._._. ._ _-..,. �sw. ��_.�r �....,._ . , . I ��� Back rou nd ������������ g What is Included in Tourism Marketing and Operations? . . . ,. � • „ i n ivi i It cludes act t es defined as tour�sm romotion in p state law. (RCW 67.28.080) . . . . . Advertisin ublicizin or otherwise distributin g� p g� g � information for the ur ose of attractin and welc min 0 p p g 9 to u ri sts; . . Developing strategies to expand tourism; Operating tourism promotion agencies; and n Funding the marketing or operation of special events . m festivals designed to attract tourists. � o ►�- n � - , m - . � � N - ' �' �'�' ���' ��. . �I � � � :_. .�..,_. __x � �c� _ ,�_ . _ �.-__ �..�__ . . . _, _ _. _ ��* B��k ro� n� ������������� � � Application for Lodging Tax Funds I n counties or cities of at least 5,000 population, applications must be submitted directly to the lodging tax advisory committee (LTAC). � Councilperson Marcie Palmer, Chair Michael Schabbing, Marriott Katie Hunter, Hilton �4 Brent Camman, Renton Chamber of Commerce n � ��eti Shridhar, City of Renton • m � � � n � � , n~i . � � N , __ _ __ , � �� � � . �. � ��`�x � £�� �. ��y �, , ,.� �� _ a_ . �a�� r�� �d � Who Can Apply? Convention and visitors bureaus; � Destination marketing organizations; , - Nonprofits, including main street organizations, lodging associations, or chambers of commerce; Municipalities - cities and counties must submit applications for their own projects to the LTAC. n � m � ,� o n � - , m _ . � � N - a � , _- . . _ _ . _ �„���_ � -...� .,,w�.. �aCk r�ur�� � Who can Apply? "The City of Renton will on/y consider proposals for the use of the Lodging Tax Fund from public and non- pro�t agencies. " n • n�i Z � '�' °n -� - , m . � � N • � . ��r ,.� .- . .�. �.�;�.�- ,�� , ,: r . � ,.. . � ,... n 4 . �, _ p ., � w. , - .. ' �p .LN�� . ♦ . + < . •Y� A 1�'� r � ; :_��.�,�„° �, � �� �i��' � �-�°° � '- , �.: . ,. , y ���s .__ A��.�����.���,_ � .�,�_ _ .., ._ , �,� ,. I COV�r � ��et � CITY OF enton ; ; Application for Renton Lodging Tax Funds Amount of Lodging Tax Requested: $ IToday's Date: Funding Request Amount: 1 Event/Program Title: Proposed Date of Event/Program: Proposed Location of Event/Program: Proposed Time of Event/Program: Organization: Contact Name: Mailing Address: Phone: Cell: Fax: Website: E-mail Address: , n � Federal Tax ID Number � � � '-�- n � - , m . 3 � N , '� ' . �. i��,� v4� t .��,.- � r -�� � _ � F " r` � ` � e�' ` —" , �� r� ,> , �y� � �._ _. _.�_. �_. ��. , __�. �� ��_, e. �� � :.k� _.�� e .��`�r�._ �C�v� r � h eet Check all service categories that apply to this application: Tourism Promotion/Marketing Operation of a Special Event/Festival designed to attract tourists Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated by a non-profit organization Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality Check which one of the following applies to your agency: Non-Profit (Attach copy of current non-profit corporate registration with Washington Secretary of State) Public Agency �I For Profit Agency / Business n I ' m � z Is this an annual or multi-year request (not to exceed three years) � "� n '� � , m . . � � N � �� tX �r. <. �n. :U*' _ '. . . 3.s .4.i , Y.t ,..,- ��x vF � �� g. .m s. , .�� ♦ e.�' ' r -.� r � ..; .. �,� �.�a � .- � " ,,. . . .... +'. P ..�k.` .si::.�. , _ .. - ,..... _�a. - .. . _...:.a. . x. . '...�ff , ._ +��,.._ __.� .,...s. . . .-.. _ ._ .1. ._. . . � �ove r �h eet CERTIFICATION I am an authorized agent of the organization/agency applying for funding. I understand that: • I am proposing a tourism-related service. If awarded, my organization intends to enter into a Municipal Services Contract with the City and provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming the City as an additional insured and in an amount determined by the City. • Unless otherwise approved by the Committee, the City of Renton will only reimburse those costs actually incurred by my organization/agency and only after the service is rendered, paid for if provided by a third party, and a signed Request for Reimbursement form (or other form acceptable to the City) has been submitted to the City, including copies of invoices and payment documentation. • My agency will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format determined by the City. Signature: Date: Printed or Typed Name: � • m z � � n -� - , m . � � N � , _ : ' : � . : �� � � � ��, �� � � � � �� -� ,}� - ��., ,� �� ;� � � M ; _r��_ �.�: -�.:_, :._ . . .� �_ _..-.._� .,��..��.� ��.�, ���.r M..�.�� �.�.'� ,��., .�, ,, ,,. _._,�, �...3 .a� , � .:;� ��. r � � I�� r�ta� uestion� p� C� 1 . Describe your tourism-related activity or event. If an event, list the event name, date(s), and projected overall attendance. Describe why tourists will travel to Renton to attend your event, activity/facility. n I�'�� . � � z � � n '� - , m . . � � N � �� , .,t �� . r �, . � � .. �. ; _ .. � �� �. � , _ ;gF , ��� ,; > � ��- r-, �� � . .. � - , �_��_._ d q a�...�.:.�.���,� ��= =_�- -� _- - � ,�; � , �� ,- � �� u � lemerat�� ��a�����r�s � pp 2. (Some of the estimates in question#2 are required by State IawJ As a direct result of your proposed tourism-related service,provide an estimate of: Methodology:* a. Overall attendance at your proposed event/activity/facility: b. Number of people who will travel more than 50 miles for your event/activity: c. Of the people who travel more than 50 miles,the number of people who will travel from another country or state: d. Of the people who travel more than 50 miles,the number of people who will stay overnight in Renton or the Renton area: e. Of the people staying overnight,the number of people who will stay in PAID accommodations(hotel/motel/bed-breakfast) in Renton or the Renton area: f. Number of paid lodging room nights resulting from your proposed event/ activity/facility: (Example:l5 paid rooms on Friday and 50 paid rooms on Saturday=75 paid lodging room nights) g. At an average daily rate ,�` '''^'1, my paid room lodging impact is: n (e.g.75 x$100=$7,500) � � Z �` '� °n � - , m . � � N . , 4 � ,� � , . , � �-� �. �� ��x ��� ;�.� `� . w � >. ��� � � , ... . . �.�-. . �. . . , . , � . � •� . p. ��r.�b���..._ <...�.__._...,��: ._ .��:..._.....,� . . ., "��� '� �. ���� '�'s� � . � Su lementa� uestion� pp 3. Describe the prior success of your event/activity/facility in attracting tourists: 4. Describe your target tourist audience (location, demographics, etc.): 5. Describe how you will promote your event/a�tl��t�/facility to n ; attract tourists: • m '� v ,.� v '' n I � — , m . r r � � � N � . � �.� e � . �:��. N �.: �; � .,: : � u lem�nt�� Q��s�i �s p� 6. Describe how you will promote lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the CitY of Renton. 7. Are you applying for Lodging Tax Funds from another entity/municipality (yes or no)? If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s) and amount(s) requested: 8. What is the overall budget for your event/activity/facility? What percent of the budget are you requesting from Renton n Lodging Tax Fund? � . �, z � � n -� - . m . � � N .:.,_ ," - � ��� ..,x..z,,,;:.:.k=._a����4��,� ,...�-. .. ��I�r ���:.:.y .. �.w_......... �� 4 ...,.«.��„,..f .. . ..�.., . . .�,� �`',r�� �,�s�F�:�.a� �. :�.>;::s =x�'� , � u lem�nta� uesti�r�s p� 9. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not available or recommended? 10. Does your organization have a current City of Renton Business License? Note: Organizations will be required to obtain a business license. Business license information can be found on the City's website: www.rentonwa.gov, under Business/Information for Businesses. 11 . Have you contacted the City of Renton to understand event or other permitting requirements? n . � Note: Organizations will be required to obtain all necessary permits. Visit: Z http://www.rentonwa.gov/specialeventpermit for more information. � � n � � , m . . � � N �_.._;� � � br� ittin the A lication g pp Application Deadline: No later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, 11/20/2015 Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered. Submit original AND one electronic copy to: City of Renton Lodging Tax Advisory Committee c/o Cliff Long, Economic Development Director 1055 S. Grady Way ', Renton, WA 98057 � Email: clon rentonwa.�ov � You must complete and sign the cover sheet with this packet � You may use the Supplemental Form or type the questions and answers on separate sheets of paper. b Please number each page in your packet,except for the optional brochures/information. n � • m z '� '� n � - , m . 3 � N ; . � -�r>...,� .. . ..a:.;��_ ,;., � ,, �� � � Y,. .., ����, ;�� ` ��`�� ? ��s��, ��.. � � � � �� . � . � r _ �� �� � _. � � ,� . . .� .., ___. __ � � ��_ _ .. � �: .,� ��. ._ _'a..a_� �, . . . ,�.� �. ,�� ,... ��t��h � �ts 1 . Itemized budget for your eventlactivity/facility (income and expenses). . . , � I'I 2. Description and budget showing how you intend to use �� the amount requested from the City of Renton. 3. A copy of your agency's current non-profit corporate registration with th�e Washington Secretary of State. n . m z � � n '� — , m . . � � N � � , i . _ . �, _ �_ � . . � � _, _ . ��,_ . .� .. . ..__��y. ��� �. � , . n:��: � _ __. ..���_ . �At���h men�� ��������� 4. A copy of your organization's business plan, if you have one. � 5. (Optional) Brochures or other information about your eventlactivitylfacility, in particular items showing recent tourism promotion efforts. Note: This proposal and all documents filed with the City are public records. The City may choose to post on its website copies of the proposals and attached documents. n • m z '� '�' n � - , m . � � N �i �e� � �� TIMELINE FOR 2016 LODGING TAX APPLICATIONS October 12, 2015 Applications Available October 28, 2015 at 3:30pm Application workshop for interested applicants in the Renton City Hall7tn Floor Conferencing Center November 20, 2015 Applications due (hardcopy and email) by 5:00 p.m. I November 23, 2015 LTAC subcommittee to receive electronic � copies of applications for review December 4, 2015 Special LTAC meeting to interview all applicants January 11, 2016 Funding list reviewed by Renton City Council n . � (Please note that dates and requirements for future application cycles are subject to change.) � � '� °n � - , m . . � � N � � �. .., �. � ` ; � � �'` �'��� -, , . 3 , , ; R � � � �� �� �� � � � � ��� 'I��` - , , � ..a . -._ � � °��� . F.,_ T ..,..w� _._ � ;. � - � . , . _.. �...._.,.�. „-�,.�,�4�»,.,_.�A...�....�, ��. ,s� . .v._,, _ . _� �... � ��t �s know �� we car� �el . . e � Cliff Long Community & Economic Development City of Renton 425-430-6591 clong��rentonwa. ov www. re nto nwa.g ov/I od g i n�tax n • m z `� '�' °n � - � y � • 3 � N �_— _ � ��UN . cA��--. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE COMMITTEE REPORT November 2, 2015 2015/2016 Mid-biennium Budget Amendment (September 28, 2015) I The Committee of the Whole reviewed the proposed 2015/2016 Mid-biennium Budget Amendment of $28,522,952 over the two years for an adjusted appropriation of $598,225,452 for the biennium, and recommends concurrence in the following actions: 1. Property Tax Levy (ordinances): a. Establish substantial need to increase the property tax levy by 1% versus the current rate of inflation of .25%, which is determined by the September annual change of the Implicit Price Deflator (IPD). b. Authorize 2016 property tax levy, including prior year correction and the 1% increase from the 2015 base levv established above, to be increased by 0.72% or $262,260 from the 2015 total propertv tax levy. c. Set the 2016 property tax levy, based on the above authorized increase, plus the new construction, annexation, and administrative refunds, at $37,250,000 based on the preliminary worksheet provided by King County Assessor's Office. 2. Interfund Loans (resolution): a. Create an interfund loan in the amount of $4,000,000 to Fund 316 (Municipal Facilities Capital Improvement) to help support general government property acquisitions. The loan will come from the City's Water (405) and Wastewater (406) Utility Funds, to be repaid over a period of four (4) years at an interest rate of 1.65% per annum untif paid. b. Create an interfund loan in the amount of $875,000 to Fund 108 (Leased Facilities) to cover new tenant improvements, commission cost, and building repairs. The loan will come from the City's Insurance Fund (Fund 502), without interest, and repaid within five (5) years. 3. Chan�es to Authorized Positions: The proposed budget will add a total of 15.6 positions and make pay/classification ,� adjustments for another 13 positions. Most of these changes have been previously �''� approved by the City Council or are funded by permit revenues. These changes, and the 2.5 positions added during the second quarter of 2015, will increase the overall city position by 18.125 FTE. Details of the 18.125 positions and 13 pay/classification adjustments are outlined below: a. Administrative Services: Reclassify 1 Financial Services Manager and 1 GIS Manager to m30 from m26 b. Communitv and Economic Development (all changes are supported by permit fees): i. Add .5 Senior Planner, 1 Civil Engineer II, 1 Engineering Specialist II, 1 LT Building/Combo Inspector, and 1 Construction Inspector ii. Convert .5 Office Assistant II (a03) to 1 Administrative Secretary (a09), 1 Senior Planner (a28) to Long Range Planning Manager (m33), 1 Mapping Coordinator (a29) to Property and Technical Services Manager (m29), and 1 Plan Reviewer to Civil Engineer II (previously approved) iii. Reclassify 1 Building Official to m33 from m32 and add 5% out-of-class pay to 1 Building Plan Reviewer for the additional duties assumed with the elimination of Development Services Director position. iv. Eliminate 1 Development Services Director c. Police: Add 4 Police Officers and 4 Police Officer Over Hires (funded with salary savings) d. Citv Attornev: Add 1 Legal Assistant (previously approved) e. Communitv Services: i. Reclassify 1 Facility Maintenance Supervisor (a21) to Facility Maintenance Manager (m28) (previously approved) ii. Add 2 Limited Term Capital Project Coordinators f. Executive: i. Convert .5 Secretary II to 1 Secretary II and .5 Office Assistant I to .625 Office Assistant I (all previously approved) ii. Reclassify 1 Communication Specialist II (m21) to Communication Manager (m26) and 1 Communication Specialist II (m21) to Communication Specialist I (a12) (all previously approved) iii. Adjust Mayor Salary g. Human Resources and Risk Mana�ement: Reclassify 1 HR Manager to m32 from m30 h. Public Works: i. Reclassify 1 Street Maintenance Manager to m30 from m28 and 1 Wastewater Maintenance Manager to m30 from m28 ii. Add .5 Civil Engineer II, 1 Administrative Secretary I, and 1 Civil Engineer III (al) previously approved and adjusted as part of the 2"d quarter budget adjustment) The Committee of the Whole recommends Council approve the proposed 2015/2016 Mid- biennium Budget Amendments and present the associated legislation reflecting the above changes for first reading. Ed Prince, Council President w CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY OF RENTON FISCAL YEARS 2015/2016 BIENNIAL BUDGET AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 5737, AND THEREAFTER AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NOS. 5755 AND 5764, IN THE AMOUNT OF$28,522,952. WHEREAS, on November 3, 2014, the Council adopted Ordinance No. 5737 approving the City of Renton's 2015/2016 Biennial Budget; and WHEREAS, on April 13, 2015, the Council adopted Ordinance No. 5755 carrying forward funds appropriated in 2014, but not expended in 2014, due to capital project interruptions and delays in invoice payments, that needed to be carried forward and appropriated for expenditure in 2015; and WHEREAS, on August 10, 2015, the Council adopted Ordinance No. 5764 making minor corrections and recognizing grants, contributions and associated costs, and new cost items not included in the budget, which required additional adjustments to the 2015/2016 Biennial Budget; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW the Council is required to provide for a mid biennial review, and any modification thereto shall occur no sooner than eight months after the start, but no later than the conclusion of the first year of the biennium; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CIN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDA�N AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Ordinance Nos. 5737, 5755 and 5764 establishing the City of Renton's 2015/2016 Biennial Budget are hereby amended in the total amount of $28,522,952 for an amended total of$598,225,450 over the biennium. 1 Paae 1 of 23 � ORDINANCE N0. SECTION II. Summary budget adjustments by fund for 2015 and 2016 are hereby attached as Exhibits A and B, respectively. Detailed lists of adjustments are available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk, Renton City Hall. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1889:10/14/15:scr 2 Paae 2 of 23 , � ORDINANCE NO. Exhibit A: 2015 Mid-Biennial Budget Adjustment Summary by Fund , `� BEGINNING FUND BALA NCE REVENUES EXPENDITURES I� ENDING FUND BAIANCE Available 2015 Beg 2015 Ad: 2015 2015 2015 2015 Ending Fund Reserved/ Fund Fund Fund Bal Changes Fund Ba' Budgeted Changes Adjusted Budgeted Changes Adjusted Balance Designated Balance 000 GENERAI 11,159,313 - 11,159,313 84,865,472 2,711,586 87,577,058 87,025,065 3,314,214 90,339,279 8,397,091 8,397,091 001 COMMUNITYSERVICES 2,467,703 - 2,467,703 12,478,920 (500,000� 11,978,920 12,608,356 - 12,608,356 1,838,267 1,838,267 003 STREETS 2,147,229 - 2,147,229 10,186,242 (157,000) 10,029,242 10,353,242 (13,000) 10,340,242 1,836,229 r'� 1,836,229 004 COMMUNITYOEVELOPMENTBLOCKGRANT 74,951 - 74,951 462,908 - 462,908 448,804 - 448,804 89,055 89,055 005 MUSEUM 65,500 - 65,500 227,761 - 227,761 227,761 - 227,761 65,500 65,500 009 FARMERSMARKEf 104,950 - 104,950 59,400 - 59,400 59,453 - 59,453 104,897 (104,897) - 011 fIREANDEMERGENCYSVCHEAITH&WELLNESS 74,565 - 74,565 25,000 - 25,000 25,000 - 25,000 74,565 (74,565) - 21X GENERAL GOVERNMENT MISC DEBT SVC 1,471,071 - 1,471,071 20,155,392 - 20,155,392 20,151,288 - 20,151,288 1,475,175 - 1,475,175 Total General Governmental Funds 17,565,282 - 17,565,282 128,461,095 2,054,586 130,515,681 130,898,969 3,301,214 134,200,183 13,880,779 (179,462) 13,701,317 102 ARTERIAlSTREETS 14,885 - 14,885 640,000 - 640,000 640,000 - 640,000 14,885 14,885 108 LEASEDCITYPROPERTIES 121,014 - 121,014 768,957 882,500 1,651,457 663,403 1,097,515 1,760,918 11,553 11,553 110 SPECIAIHOTEI-MOTELTAX 219,090 - 219,090 265,000 - 265,000 283,942 - 283,942 200,148 � 200,148 125 ONEPERCENTFORART 101,380 - 101,380 15,000 - 15,000 102,950 - 102,950 13,430 13,430 127 CABLECOMMUNICATIONSDEVELOPMENT 313,090 - 313,090 97,674 - 97,674 117,674 - 117,674 293,090 293,090 135 SPRINGBROOKWETLANDSBANK 330,922 - 330,922 - - - - - 330,922 330,922 303 fOMMUNIiYSERVICESIMPACTMITIGATION 1,238,600 - 1,238,600 86,500 - 86,500 - 472,264 472,264 852,836 ;� 852,836 304 FIREIMPACTMITIGATION 926,488 - 926,488 99,000 - 99,000 250,000 - 250,000 775,488 775,488 305 7RANSPORTATIONIMPACTMITfGAiION 844,648 - 844,648 600,000 - 600,000 1,152,335 - 1,152,335 292,313 292,313 316 MUNICIPALFACILITIESCIP 4,493,986 - 4,493,986 5,546,015 8,622,264 14,168,279 9,746,585 8,621,904 18,368,489 293,776 293,776 317 CAPITALtMPROVEMENT 4,059,718 - 4,059,718 18,973,614 (2,342,750) 16,630,864 22,353,726 (3,362,957) 18,990,769 1,699,813 (650,000� 1,049,813 326 HOUSINGOPPORTUNITY/ECODEVREVOLVING 1,086,766 - 1,086,766 - - - 75,000 - 75,000 1,011,766 (1,000,000) 11,766 336 NEWLIeRARVDEVELOPMENT 15,329,760 - 15,329,760 - - - 15,329,760 - 15,329,760 - - 402 AIRPORT OPERATIONS&CIP 806,821 - 806,821 16,596,888 - 16,596,888 16,469,927 - 16,469,927 933,782 (172,053) 761,729 403 SOLIDWASTEUTILITV 1,545,606 - 1,545,606 16,461,726 - 16,461,726 16,675,139 - 16,675,139 1,332,193 (400,000) 932,193 404 GOLF COURSE SYSTEM&CAPITAL (42,911) - (42,911) 2,655,383 - 2,655,383 2,616,052 - 2,616,052 (3,580) - �3,580) 405 WATER OPERATIONS&CAPITAL 15,872,094 - 15,872,094 16,272,634 - 16,272,634 20,799,381 2,500,000 23,299,381 8,845,347 (3,130,093) 5,715,254 406 WASTEWATER OPERATIONS&CAPITAL 10,905,399 - 10,905,399 28,617,862 - 28,617,862 30,226,798 1,500,000 31,726,798 7,796,463 (1,875,988) 5,920,475 407 SURfACE WATER OPERATIONS&CAPITAL 7,804,221 - 7,804,221 17,244,568 594,343 17,838,911 21,196,980 594,343 21,791,323 3,851,809 (1,084,194) 2,767,615 501 E4UIPMENTRENTAL 5,310,319 - 5,310,319 5,901,271 - 5,901,271 7,436,777 - 7,436,777 3,774,813 3,774,813 5021NSURANCE 12,069,311 - 12,069,311 5,641,647 - 5,641,647 3,594,578 875,000 4,469,578 13,241,380 (13,683,653� (442,273) 503 INFORMATION SERVICES 1,916,048 - 1,916,048 4,677,631 - 4,677,631 5,653,265 - 5,653,265 940,414 940,414 504 FACILITIES � 1,154,089 - 1,154,089 4,954,325 - 4,954,325 5,115,716 94,377 5,210,093 898,321 898,321 505 COMMUNICATIONS 383,969 - 383,969 992,431 - 992,431 991,430 815 992,245 384,155 384,155 512 HEALTHCAREINSURANCE � 6,675,505 - 6,675,505 12,954,736 - 12,954,736 13,424,573 - 13,424,573 6,205,668 (4,027,372) 2,178,296 522 lE0FF1REfIREESHEALTH�ARE 7,711,863 - 7,711,863 2,271,434 - 2,271,434 1,115,744 - 1,115,744 8,867,553 (223,149) 8,644,404 611 FIREMENS PENSION 5,040,982 - 5,040,982 468,000 - 468,000 210,475 - 210,475 5,298,507 (5,298,507) - Total Other Funds 106,233,663 - 106,233,663 162,802,296 7,756,357 170,558,653 196,242,210 12,393,261 208,635,471 68,156,845 (31,545,009) 36,631,836 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 123,798,945 - 123,798,945 291,263,391 9,810,943 301,074,333 327,141,179 15,694,475 342,835,654 82,037,624 (31,724,471� 50,313,153 3 Pa�e 3__of 23 ORDINANCE NO. Exhibit B: 2016 Mid-Biennial Budget Adjustment Summary by Fund II BEGINNING FUND BALANCE �� REVENUES EXPENDITURES II ENDING FUND BALANCE 2016 201E 2016 2016 Available 2016 Beg 2016 Adj. Budgeted Adjustec� Budgeted Adjusted Ending fund Reserved/ Fund Fund Fund Bal Changes Fund Bal Revenue Changes Revenu� Expenditure Changes Expenditure Balance Designated Balance 000 GENERAL 8,505,869 (108,778) 8,397,091 86,749,334 2,224,996 88,974,330 86,765,519 1,194,979 87,960,498 9,410,923 9,410,923 001 COMMUNITYSERVICES 2,022,533 (184,266) 1,838,267 12,727,828 (248,834) 12,478,994 12,727,828 311,166 13,038,993 1,278,267 1,278,267 003 STREEfS 1,581,566 254,663 1,836,229 10,571,584 (82,000) 10,489,584 10,600,405 (92,045) 10,508,360 1,817,453 1,817,453 004 COMMUNITlDEVE�OPMENTBLOCKGRANT 24,301 64,754 89,055 307,462 - 307,462 295,986 - 295,986 100,531 100,531 005 MUSEUM 52,979 12,521 65,500 235,281 - 235,281 235,281 - 235,281 65,500 65,500 009 FARMERS MARKET 75,551 29,346 104,897 59,400 - 59,400 63,315 - 63,315 100,982 (100,982) - O11 FIREANDEMERGENCYSVC HEALTH&WELLNESS 55,094 19,471 74,565 25,000 - 25,000 25,000 - 25,000 74,565 (74,565) - 21X GENERAIGOVERNMENTMISCDEBTSVC 1,115,674 359,501 1,475,175 6,248,676 - 6,248,676 6,248,676 - 6,248,676 1,475,175 - 1,475,175 Total Generel Govemmental funds 13,433,567 447,212 13,880,779 116,924,565 1,894,162 118,818,726 316,962,010 1,414,100 318,376,309 14,323,396 �175,547) 14,147,848 102 ARTERIALSTREETS 15,689 (804) 14,885 650,000 - 650,000 650,000 - 650,000 14,885 14,885 108 LEASED CITYPROPERTIES 473,815 (462,262) 11,553 768,957 155,133 924,090 671,979 205,184 877,163 58,479 58,479 110 SPECIALHO7EL-MOTEL7AX 155,913 44,235 200,148 265,000 - 265,000 265,000 - 265,000 200,148 � 200,148 125 ONEPERCENTFOR ART 4,821 8,609 13,430 15,000 - 15,000 - - - 28,430 28,430 127 CABLECOMMUNICATIONSDEVE�OPMENT 285,632 7,458 293,090 97,674 - 97,674 97,674 - 97,674 293,090 293,090 135 SPRINGBROOKWETLANDSBANK 669,613 (338,691) 330,922 - - - - - - 330,922 330,922 303 COMMUNITYSERVICESIMPACTMITIGATION 1,197,118 (344,282) 852,836 86,500 - 86,500 - - - 939,336 939,336 304 FIREIMPACT MITIGATION 695,165 80,323 775,488 99,000 - 99,000 250,000 - 250,000 624,488 624,488 305 TRANSPOR7ATIONIMPACT MITIGATION 769,685 (477,372) 292,313 216,500 216,500 433,000 - - - 725,313 725,313 316 MUNICIPALfACIUTIESQP 424,689 (130,913) 293,776 5,103,000 1,041,587 6,144,587 5,39�,000 1,041,587 6,433,587 4,776 4,776 317 CAPI7AlIMPROVEMENT 327,434 1,372,379 1,699,813 6,582,000 9,241,465 15,823,465 6,831,590 10,364,168 17,195,758 327,520 327,520 326 HOUSINGOPPORTUNITY/ECODEVREVOLVING 1,010,599 1,167 1,011,766 - - - - - 1,011,766 (1,000,000) 11,766 336 NEWLIBRARYDEVELOPMENT 57,000 (57,000) - - - - - - - - - 402 AIRPORT OPERATIONS&CIP 623,969 309,813 933,782 3,473,293 - 3,473,293 3,786,185 (546,000) 3,240,185 1,166,890 (177,896) 988,994 403 SOLIDWASTEUTILIIY 1,044,342 287,851 1,332,193 16,514,320 - 16,514,320 17,144,532 - 17,144,532 701,980 (400,000) 301,980 404 G OLF CO URSE SYSTE M&CAPITAL 151,022 (154,602) (3,580) 2,812,793 - 2,812,793 2,303,479 - 2,303,479 505,735 (306,592) 199,143 405 WATER OPERATIONS&CAPITAL 10,565,303 (1,719,956) 8,845,347 16,308,371 650,992 16,959,363 17,894,664 14,471 17,909,135 7,895,576 (2,866,331) 5,029,245 406 WASTEWATER OPERATIONS&CAPITAL 8,430,756 (634,293) 7,796,463 26,417,398 390,595 26,807,993 25,897,580 18,079 25,915,659 8,688,797 (1,714,042) 6,974,755 407 SURfACE WATER OPERATIONS&CAPITAL 3,366,916 484,893 3,851,809 9,859,250 193,286 10,052,536 10,026,642 244,443 10,271,085 3,633,259 (1,123,391� 2,509,868 501 EQUIPMENTRENTAL 3,865,586 (90,773) 3,774,813 5,970,145 - 5,970,145 4,248,192 - 4,248,192 5,496,766 5,496,766 502 INSURnNCE 12,504,225 737,155 13,241,380 3,991,201 175,000 4,166,201 3,509,594 - 3,SD9,594 13,897,988 (14,179,391) (281,403) 503 INFORMATION SERVICES 833,056 107,358 940,414 4,702,271 20,600 4,722,871 4,712,338 37,140 4,749,478 913,807 913,807 504 FACILITtES � ! ; 710,924 187,397 898,321 4,930,944 22,600 4,953,544 4,926,946 32,162 4,959,108 892,758 892,758 SOS COMMUNICATIONS 328,743 55,412 384,155 1,027,739 - 1,027,739 1,026,738 3,143 1,029,881 382,013 382,013 512 HEALTHCAREINSURANCE "�` 5,950,595 255,073 6,205,668 14,295,824 - 14,295,824 14,596,149 - 14,596,149 5,905,343 (4,378,845) 1,526,498 522 LEOFFIRETIREESHEALTHCARE 7,745,180 1,122,373 8,867,553 2,272,207 2,272,207 1,167,553 1,167,553 9,972,207 (9,972,207� - 611 FIREMENSPENSION 5,165,003 133,504 5,298,507 468,000 - 468,000 200,475 - 200,475 5,566,032 (5,566,032) - Total Other Funds 67,372,793 784,052 68,156,845 126,927,387 12,307,758 139,035,145 125,599,310 11,414,377 137,013,687 70,178,303 (41,684,726) 28,493,577 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 80,806,360 1,231,264 82,037,624 243,851,952 14,001,919 257,853,871 242,561,320 12,828,477 255,389,796 84,501,698 (41,860,273� 42,641,425 2 year total 123,798,945 535,115,343 23,812,862 558,928,204 569,702,499 28,522,952 598,225,450 84,501,698 (41,860,273) 42,641,425 4 Paqe 4 of 23 � • 2015/2016 Mid-Biennial BudgetAmendment Detail 1/6 PUND Adopted 2015 Adiustment 2016 Adiustment Amended uENERAL FUND(Fund OXX) . - Begin�ing Fund Balance 17,565,282 - - 17,565,282 REVENUES 245,385,659 CW Property Tax - 260,000 ' CW Sales Tax(Use,Annexation,and Criminal Justice) x� 1,140,000 1,060,000 „ CW Electricity and Natural Gas Utility/Use Tax (732,000) (732,000) CW Transfer Station � 180,000 180,000 ,� CW CityUtilityTaxes 150,000 150,000 CW Cellular Utility Tax " (150,000) �300,000) � CW State Shared Revenues 250,000 620,000 CW Gambling Tax 400,000 - � CED Permit Fees 825,000 480,000 CED Water,Wastewater,and Surface Water share of Inspection Positions 1 - 55,689 � FES Reimbursement of state wildfire mobilization 20,286 - FES Reimbursement for personnel cost to conduct DUI drill.FD#25 4,090 - � FES 2015 EMPG Grant 72,903 - CS Add 2.0 LT Capital Project Coordinators(1.0 Facilities/1.0 Parks) ` - 251,166 N� PW Compensation for 2013 LED Project warranty work 25,000 - PD Remove budget for state seizure money (130,693) (130,693) Total Revenue Adjustment 245,385,659 2,054,586 1,894,162 249,334,407 EXPENDITURES 247,860,979 EXE Convert Secretary 0.5 FTE to 1.0 fTE(Approved 8/10/15) 16,302 50,791 EXE Mayor pay/ben adjustment - 1�,8z8 AS Reciass Financial Svcs Mgr m26 to m30 - - 16,540 � CA Add 1.0 Legal Assistant(Approved 8/10/15) - 104,583 CED Eliminate Development Svcs Director (123,098) (158,155) � CED Reclass Building Official m32 to m33 - 3,345 CED Building Plan Reviewer out of class 59'o pay - - 5,000 �' CED Reclass Senior Planner a28 to Long Range Planning Mgr m33 - 13,238 CED Reclass 0.5 FTE Office Assistant 2 a03 to 1.0 FTE Admin Sec 1 a09 - 38,396 � CED Add 0.5 FTE Senior Planner - 68,�98 I CED Reclass Mapping Coordinator a29 to Mapping Supervisor m29 �� - 627 '� CED Reclass Plan Reviewer to Civil Engineer 2(Approved 8/10/15) 4,424 9,890 CED Add lA Civil Engineer 2 - 137,727 � CED Add 1.0 lT Building/Combo Inspector - 123,753 CED Add 1.0 Construction Inspector �� �_�; '��-� - 123,753 � CED Add 1.0 Engineering Specialist 2 - 125,278 CED Office Equipment for 4 New CED positions - 43,200 PD Valley Comm Contract Adjustment - 74,000 PD Add 4.0 Police Officers ��� - 527,151 ..� PD Add 4.0 Police Officers(overhire funded with salary savings) - - PD SCORE Contrect Adjustment - 203,000 � PD Remove budget for state seizure money (130,693) (130,693) FES Communication consultant for RFA education outreach 50,000 - FES Response to state wildfire mobilization 20,286 - FES Personnel cost to conduct DUI drill.FO#25 4,090 - �; FES 2015 EMPG Grant 72,903 - HR Reclass Human Resources Mgr m30 to m32 - 5,783 �`. CS Add 2.0 LT Capital Project Coordinators(1.0 Facilities/1.0 Parks - 251,166 CS Extend Contract Arborist for additional year � - 60,000 PW Compensation for 2013 LED Project warranty work 25,000 - PW Kennydale Traffic Calming "�' 20,000 - � PW Truck Mounted Arrow eoard and Speed Radar Display Signs 14,000 20,000 PW School Flashing Beacons(2 Schools)and School Beacon Mother Boards "� 58,000 40,000 :� PW Electricity savings (130,000) (160,000) PW Reclass Waste Water/Spec Ops Mgr m28 to m30 - 2,469 �� ;, PW Reclass Street Maint Mgr m28 to m30 - 5,486 CW Healthcare Insure�ce Premium � 'y� ��-��� - (250,441) CW Transfer for Property Acquisition/Interfund Loan 3,400,000 41,587 Total Expenditure Adjustment 247,860'.179 3,301,214 ]414,300 252 576,293 Ending Fund Balance 15,089,962 (1,246,628) 480,062 14,323,396 Page 5 of 23 2015/2016 Mid-Biennial Budget Amendment Detail 2/6 • FUND Adopted 2015 Adiustment 2016 Adiustment Amended IEASED FACILITIES FUND(Fund 1081 Adopted 2015 Adiustment 2016 Adiustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 121,014 - 121,014 REVENUES 1,537,914 CS Adjust 2016 Leased City Properties revenues to rent schedules - 155,133 CS Leased City Properties interfund loan from Insurance Fund(Syrs) 875,000 - CS Tenant funded portion of TI-Attorney and Notary Supply lease 7,500 - Total Revenue Adjustment 1,537,914 882,500 155,133 2,575,547 EXPENDITURES 1,335,382 CS Payment on Interfund loan from Insurance Fund(Syrs) - 175,000 CS Reallocate existing 200 Mill budget to better reflect current operations - - CS eroker commission for Attorney and Notary Supply lease-200 13,694 - Mill Building CS Broker commission for Crawford and Company lease-200 Mill Building 40,000 - CS Jones Lange LaSalle commission on Iron Mountain lease renewal 42,642 � - � CS Jones Lange LaSalle commission on KCSARC lease renewal 37,105 - CS Kidder Mathews commission Amazing Grace 3rd floor lease 25,000 ' - � CS Kidder Mathews commission on Iron Mountain lease renewal 21,312 - CS Kidder Mathews commission on KCSARC lease renewal 13,553 - CS Additional M&O for AG 3rd floor lease-200 Mill Bldg - 41,965 CS Additional M&O for Attorney&Notary Supply lease-200 Mill ���; - 14,168 '� CS Additional M&O for Crawford&Company lease-200 Mill Bldg - 30,051 CS Adjust for cancellation of Diamond Parking contract - (56,000) � CS TI-Amazing Grace 3rd floor 200 Mill . 470,000 - CS TI-Crawford and Company lease-200 Mill Building �� 128,098 - � CS TI-Iron Mountain lease renewal 10,000 - CS TI-KCSARC lease renewal 74,210 �; - CS TI Attorney and Notary Supply lease-200 Mill Building 15,000 - CS TI Amazing Grace lst Floor-200 Mill 206,902 - 7otal Expenditure Adjustment 1,335,382 1,,097,515 205,184 2,638,082 Ending Fund Balance 323,546 (215,015) (50,051� 58,479 IMPACT MITIGATION FUNDS(Fund 303,304,305) Adopted 2015 Adiustment 2016 Adiustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 3,009,736 - 3,009,736 REVENUES 1,187,500 PW Sidewalk Fee-in-Lieu off - 17,500 PW Transportation Impact Fees - 195,000 ! PW Investment Interest - 4,000 Total Revenue Adjustment 1187,500 - 216,500 1,404,000 EXPENDITURES 1,652,335 CS Partially fund May Creek Acquisition 319,514 - �I CS Fletcher Acquisition appraisal 2,75p _ CS Property Acquisition 150,000 - Total Expenditure Adjustment 1,652,335 472,264 - 2,124,599 Ending Fund Balance 2,544,901 (472,264) 216,500 2,289,137 _Page 6 of_23 � 2015/2016 Mid-Biennial Budget Amendment Detail 3/6 fUND Adopted 2015 Adlustment 2016 Adjustment Amended MUNICIPAL CIP FUND(Fund 316) Adopted 2015 Adiustment 2016 Adiustment Amended Beginning Fund Balante 4,493,986 - 4,493,986 REVENUES 10,649,015 CS REET-Property Acquisition 400,000 - CS Partially fund May Creek Acquisition from 303 Fund 319,514 - CS Transfer from 303 Fund to Fletcher Acquisition appraisal � 2,750 - CS Remove Conservation Futures funding not to be received in 2015 (650,000) - CS Interfund Loan-Property Acquisition j� 4,000,000 � - ,`� CS Sunset Court Park Sales Proceeds 500,000 - � CS Transfer from GF/303-Property Acquisition/Interest Surplus 3,550,000 41,587 � CS Old Highlands Library Sales Proceeds - 1,000,000 CS Transfer Surplus from 336(Library Construction Fund) 500,000 - Total Revenue Adjustment 10,649,015 8,622,264 L041,587 20,312,866 EXPENDITURES 15,138,585 CS Repayment of interfund loan-Principal - 975,587 � CS Repayment of interfund loan-Interest - 66,000 CS Remove Conservation Futures funding not to be received in 2015 (650,000) - �` CS Partially fund May Creek Acquisition from Prop 2 Levy Funds 300,486 - CS Partially fund May Creek Acquisition from 303 Impact Mitigation Funds 319,514 - �� CS Transfer from Irrigation Renovation and Conservation to Sunset EIS Park Improver - (250,000) CS Transfer from Sport Court Repairs to North Highlands Park Improvements (110,000) - CS Transfer from Parking Lot and Driveway Repairs to Riverview Bridge (100,000) - CS Transfer from Park MM Playgrds,Kiosks&Interpretive Signs to Kenyon-Dobson 8� (115,474) - �' CS Transfer from Parks MM Playgrds,Kiosks&Interpretive Signs to Kenyon-Dobson t - (120,000) CS Transfer from Parks MM Light Systems Upgrades to North Highiands Park Improvc (26,602) - � CS Transfer from Parks MM-Shoreline and Bank Stabilization to Sunset EIS Park Imp - (50,000) CS Transfer from Parks MM Shoreline and Bank Stabilization to Kenyon-Dobson build - (62,500) �' CS Correct Carryforward Budget Adjustment for Transposition (360) - CS Partially fund May Creek Acquisition from Prop 2 Levy Funds ,�. (300,486) �, - ;�' CS Transfer from Prop 2 Levy Funds to Kenyon-Dobson property appraisal (3,500) - CS Transfer from Prop 2 Levy Funds to May Valley Meadows property appreisal '�' (3,500) - ',�, CS Transfer from Parking�ot and Driveway Repairs to Riverview Bridge 100,000 - CS Transfer from Irrigation Renovation and Conservation to Sunset EIS Park Improver - 250,000 'y, ,' CS Transfer from Parks MM-Shoreline and Bank Stabilization to Sunset EIS Park Imp - 50,000 CS Transfer from 303 Impact Mitigation Funds to Fletcher Acquisition appraisal 2,750 - �' CS Transfer from Coulon Park Shoreline Erosion to Coulon Park Tennis Courts Refurbi 55,000 - CS Transfer from Coulon Park Shoreline Erosion to Coulon Park Tennis Courts Refurbi (55,000) � - •.�' CS Transfer from Coulon Park Dolphins/Camel Logs Replacement to Coulon Park Pavf 139,688 - CS Transfer from Coulon Park Dolphins/Camel Logs Replacement to Coulon Park Pav� (139,688) �` - CS Transfer from Prop 2 Levy Funds to Kenyon-Dobson property appraisal 3,500 - CS Transfer from Park MM Playgrds,Kiosks&Interpretive Signs to Kenyon-Dobson B� 115,474 - � CS Transfer from Parks MM Playgrds,Kiosks&Interpretive Signs to Kenyon-Dobson t - 120,000 CS Transfer from Parks MM Shoreline and eank Stabilization to Kenyon-Dobson build - 62,500 � CS Transfer from Sport Court Repairs to North Highlands Park Improvements 110,000 - CS Transfer from Parks MM Light Systems Upgrades to North Highlands Park Improve 26,602 - CS Property Acquisition Coulon Park Expansion - - CS Trensfer from Prop 2 Levy Funds to May Valley Meadows property appraisal 3,500 �� - � CS Property Acquisition 8,400,000 - CS Node Property 550,000 - 7ota1 Expenditure Adjustment 15 13�8,SEI5 8,621,904 1,041,587 24,802,076 Ending Fund Balance 4,416 360 - 4,776 Page 7 of 23 2015/2016 Mid-Biennial Budget Amendment Detail 4/6 • FUND Adoqted 2015 Adjustment 2016 Adjustment Amended � TRANSPORTATION CIP FUND(Fund 317) Adopted 2015 Adiustment 2016 Adiustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 4,059,718 - 4,059,718 REVENUES 25,555,614 PW Business Licenses �_ - 73,000 �. PW Sunset Lane-Bond Proceeds - 4,850,000 PW 5 7th St at Shattuck Ave S-Fed STP/CMAQ (86,250) 86,250 PW S 7th St at Shattuck Ave S-TIB (96,176) 96,176 PW Logan Ave N-fed STP �����; (498,000) 498,000 � PW Logan Ave N-TIB (1,318,509) 782,448 PW Logan Ave N-Boeing and Integra Telephone � 70,777 10,944 � PW NE 31st St Bridge Replacement-BRAC - 895,185 PW N 27th Culvert Scour Repair-BRAC - 354,120 PW Lake Washington Loop Trail-State WSDOT - 426,000 PW NE Sunset Blvd-STP/CMAQ _ (656,967) 656,967 � PW Main Ave S-TIB 512,375 512,375 PW Carr Rd Improvements-Safety Grent (270,000) - Total Revenue Adjustment 25,555,614 (2342,750) 9,241,465 32,454,329 EXPENDITURES 29,185,316 PW Walkway Program - 55,000 PW Sunset Lane Construction - 4,850,000 PW S 7th St at Shattuck Ave S (252,865) 252,865 PW Logan Ave N (1,779,967) 1,299,408 PW NE 31st Bridge Replacement - 1,037,300 � PW N 27th PI Culvert Repair - 355,220 PW Lake Washington Loop Trail - 426,000 �' PW NE Sunset Blvd (1,200,000) 1,200,000 PW Main Ave S 136,375 888,375 PW Carr Rd (266,500) - Total Expenditure Adjustment 29,185,316 (3,362,957) 30,364,168 36,186,527 Ending Fund Balance 430,016 1,020,207 (1,122,703) 327,520 NEW LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT FUND(Fund 336) Adopted 2015 Adiustment 2016 Adiustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 15,329,760 - 15,329,760 REVENUES - Total Revenue Adjustment - _ _ _ EXPENDITURES 15,329,760 CS Transfer Surplus to 316 500,000 - CS Cedar River library (100,000) - CS Non-Project specific (400,000) - Total Expenditure Adjustment 15,329,760 - - 15,329,760 Ending Fund Balance - _ _ AIRPORT FUND(Fund 402/422) Adopted 2015 Adiustment 2016 Adiustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 806,821 - 806,821 REVENUES 20,070,181 Total Revenue Adjustment 20 070,181 - - 20,070,181 EXPENDITURES 20,256,112 PW Airport Office Renovation CIP - 504,000 ._:_ . ._'.___._._ r.;: PW Surface Water System Rehab (150,000) (900,000) PW Fire Water System 150,000 - PW Airport Seaplane Launch Ramp Replacement - (150,000) Total Expenditure Adjustment 20,256,112 - (546,000) 19,730,112 Ending Fund Balance 620,890 - 546,000 1,166,890 Page 8 of 23 � i � 2015/2016 Mid-Biennial Budget Amendment Detail 5/6 -FUNO Adopted 2015 Adiustment 2016 Adjustment Amended WATER UTILITY FUND(Fund 405/425&etc) Adoqted 2015 Adiustment 2016 Adiustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 15,872,094 - 15,872,094 REVENUES 32,581,005 PW Repayment of interfund loan-Principal/Interest - 650,992 7otal Revenue Adjustment 32,581,005 - 650,,992 33,231,997 EXPENDITURES 38,694,044 PW Indirect Cost Allocation to Development Sva � - 13,922 � PW Interfund Loan 2,500,000 - PW Reclass Waste Water/Spec Ops Mgr m28 to m30 �����' - 549 � PW Watermain Rehabilitation (500,000) - Pw Highland Water Main Improvements ' 800,000 - PW Transmission Main Replacement (380,000) - PW Transmission Main Replacement in SR169 to I-405 80,000 - Total Expenditure Adjustment 38,694,044 2,500,000 14 471 41,208,515 Ending Fund Balance � 9,759,055 (2,500,000) 636,521 7,895,576 WASTEWATER UTILITY FUND(Fund 406/416/426) Adopted 2015 Adlustment 2016 Adiustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 10,905,399 - 30,905,399 I REVENUES 55,035,260 II PW Repayment of interfund loan-Principal/Interest - 390,595 Total Revenue Adjustment 55,035,260 - 390,595 55,425,855 j EXPENDITURES 56,124,378 PW Indirect Cost Allocation to Development Svcs - 16,707 PW Interfund Loan 1,500,000 - PW Reclass Waste Water/Spec Ops Mgr m28 to m30 - 1,372 Total Expenditure Adjustment 56,124,378 1,500,000 18,079 57 642,457 ! Ending Fund Balance 9,816,,281 (1,500,000) 372,516 8,688,797 I SURFACEWATER UTILITY FUND(Fund 407/427) Adopted 2015 Adiustment 2016 Adiustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 7,804,221 - 7,804,221 REVENUES 27,103,818 PW Cedar River Gravel Removal(Maint.Dredge)Project - 8,286 PW Renton Stormwater Manual Update 50,000 - �-�f+����.� PW Rainier Ave Stormwater Retrofit Project (130,657) - PW Harrington Ave NE Stormwater Retrofit Project PH 2 675,000 - PW N 30th St/Burnett Ave N Storm Sys Improvement - 185,000 7otal Revenue Adjustment 27,103 8�18 594:f43 193,286 27,891,447 EXPENDITURES 31,223,623 PW Permit Fees ,� � - � 25,000 � PW Indirect Cost Allocation to Development Svcs - 25,060 PW Reclass Waste Water/Spec Ops Mgr m28 to m30 �� ,�'j - 1,097 � PW Small Drainage Projects Program (90,270) - PW Wetland Mitigation Bank Project � (25,000) - °�, PW Cedar River Gravel Removal(Maint.Dredge)Project - 8,286 PW Renton Stormwater Manual Update 50,000 - � PW Maplewood Creek Basin Storm System Improvements 25,000 - PW NE Sth PI&Edmonds Ave NE Storm System Improvement Project .�< (90,000) � - -� PW Rainier Ave St.i trofit Project (175,387) - PW Harrington Ave NE Stormwater Retrofit Project PH 2 900,000 - PW N 30th St/Burnett Ave N Storm Sys Improvement - 185,000 Total Expenditure Adjustment 31,223 623 594 34•3 244,443 32,062,409 Ending Fund Balance 3,684,416 - (51,157) 3,633,259 Page 9 of 23 2015/2016 Mid-Biennial Budget Amendment Detail 6/6 • FUND Adopted 2015 Adiustment 2016 Adiustme�t Amended INSURANCE FUND(Fund 502) Adoqted 2015 Adiustment 2016 Adiustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 12,069,311 - 12,069,311 REVENUES 9,632,848 CS Payment from Interfund loan to Leased Properties - 175,000 Total Revenue Adjustment 9 1i321 848 - 175,000 9,807,848 EXPENDITURES 7,104,171 CW Leased City Properties interfund loan from Insurance Fund 875,000 - 7otal Expenditure Adjustment 7,104,171 875 000 - 7,979,171 Ending Fund Balance 14,597,988 (875,000) 175,000 13,897,988 INFORMATION SERVICES FUND(Fund 503) Adopted 2015 Adlustment 2016 Adiustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 1,916,048 - 1,916,048 REVENUES 9,379,902 AS Civil Engineer 2-IT(PC,Office Phone) y�, - 4,350 � AS LT Building Inspector/Combo-IT(PC,Office Phone,Laptop,Cell Phone) - 5,950 AS Construction Inspector-IT(PC,Office Phone,Laptop,Cell Phone) �� - 5,950 � AS Engineering Specialist 3-IT(PC,Office Phone) - 4,350 Total Revenue Adjustment 9,379,902 - 20,600 9,400,502 EXPENDITURES 10,365,603 AS Reclass GIS coordinator m26 to m30 ; � - 16,540 ' AS Civil Engineer 2-IT(PC,Office Phone) - 4,350 AS LT Building Inspector/Combo-IT(PC,Office Phone,Laptop,Cell Phone) � � - 5,950 � AS Construction Inspector-IT(PC,Office Phone,Laptop,Cell Phone) - 5,950 AS Engineering Specialist 3-IT(PC,Office Phone) - 4,350 Total Expenditure Adjustment ]0,365,603 - 37,140 30,402,743 Ending Fund Balance 930,347 - (16,540) 913,807 FACILITIES SERVICES FUND(Fund 504) Adoqted 2015 Adiustment 2016 Adiustment Amended Begin�ing Fund Balance 1,154,089 - 1,154,089 REVENUES 9,885,269 CS LT Building Inspector/Combo-Facilities - 11,300 I CS Construction Inspector-Facilities - 11,300 Total Revenue Adjustment 9,885,269 - 22,600 9,907,869 EXPENDITURES 10,042,661 ii CS LT Building Inspector/Combo-Facilities - 11,300 CS Construction Inspector-Facilities - 11,300 CS Reclass Facility Supervisor to Facility Manager(Approved 8/10/IS) 4,377 9,562 � CS City Hall front door replacement 90,000 - CS City Hall Major Maintenance 12,000 - CS Coulon Structure Maintenance (12,000) - Total Expenditure Adjustment 30,042,661 94,377 32,162 10,169,200 Ending Fund Balance 996,697 (94,377) (9,562) 892,758 COMMUNICATIONS FUND(Fund 5051 Adooted 2015 Adiustment 2016 Adiustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 383,969 - 383,969 REVEN U ES 2,020,170 Total Revenue Adjustment 2,020„170 - - 2,020,170 EXPENDITURES 2,018,168 EXE Reclass Comm Spec 2 to Comm Mgr(Approved 8/10/15) 3,646 12,000 � EXE Reclass Comm Spec 2 to Comm Spec 1(Approved 8/10/15) (5,970) (18,790) EXE Convert Office Assistant 0.5 FTE to 0.625 FTE �Approved 8/10/15) 3,139 9,933 Total Expenditure Adjustment 2,0181673 8:L i 3,143 2,022,126 Ending Fund Balance 385,971 (815) (3,143) 382,013 Pa�c.e 1_0 of 23 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING THE PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 2016 FOR GENERAL CITY OPERATIONAL PURPOSES IN THE AMOUNT OF$37,250,000. WHEREAS,the Council has met and considered its budget for the fiscal year 2016; and WHEREAS, the Council, after hearing and considering all relevant evidence and testimony presented, determined that, in order to discharge the expected expenses and obligations of the City and in its best interest, the City of Renton requires a regular levy in the amount of$37,250,000 for 2016; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The regular property tax levy is hereby authorized for 2016 in the amount of$37,250,000. This amount includes: $357,617 or 1% in amounts authorized by the levy growth limit factor over the maximum allowable levy in 2015. In addition, the 2016 levy amount will also include additional revenue resulting from partial correction of 2013 levy error in the amount of $619,061; new construction and improvements to property in the amount of $433,285; re-levy of prior year refunds in the amount of $76,928; adjustments as a result of annexations that have occurred in the amount of $1,379; and any increase in the value of state-assessed property. SECTION II. The regular levy includes levy for the Firemen's Pension at the rate of $0.225 per$1,000 assessed valuation. 1 Paae 11 of 23 ORDINANCE N0. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1886:10/28/15:scr 2 Paae 12 of 23 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 2016. WHEREAS, the Council has properly given notice of the public hearing to consider the City's 2015-16 proposed budget pursuant to RCW 84.55.120; and WHEREAS, the Council, after hearing and after duly considering all relevant evidence and testimony presented, has determined that there is a need to increase the property tax revenues from the prior year, in addition to the increases resulting from annexations, the addition of new construction, and improvements to property, and any increases in the value of state-assessed property, in order to discharge the expected expenses and obligations of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The regular property tax levy total of $36,739,787 is hereby authorized for 2016. The levy consists of: • 2015 Base Levy: $35,761,730 • 1%growth limit in the amount of$357,617; • New annexation levy in the amount of$1,379; • 2013 levy error correction in the amount of$619,061 This is an increase of $262,260 or 0.72% over the 2015 actual levy of $36,477,527. Exhibit A shows the calculation of the change. 1 Paae 13 of 23 ORDINANCE N0. The above levy does not include increase resulting from the addition of new construction, improvements to property, any increase in the value of state-assessed property, �i and amounts re-levied due to omits or administrative refunds. The amount of new � construction and prior year refunds are $433,285 and $76,928, respectively. Therefore the total 2016 property tax levy will be $37,250,000. SECTION 11. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of . 2015. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of . 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1888:10/28/15:scr 2 Paae 14 of 23 � il ORDINANCE NO. Exhibit A: Calculation of Percentage Increase 2016 Proposed 2015 Actual Ite ms Levy Levy 2015 Base Levy $ 35,761,730 $ 35,761,730 1%Adjustment(on Base Levy only 357,617 in above Annexation 1,379 in above Levy Correction:2013 Error 619,061 611,995 Relevy Pror Year Refunds/Omits * 103,802 2016 Levy Base/2015 Actual Levy $ 36,739,787 $ 36,477,527 %Increase over Last Year Actual 0.72% Levy Excluded in "% Increase"Calculation New Construction/Improvements 433,285 * Relevy PriorYear Refunds/Omits 76,928 Subtotal of New Construction/Refunds $ 510,213 Total Proposed 2016 Levy $ 37,250,000 * Relevy of prior year refunds/omits are not included in the "increase" calculation as the amount was part of prior year levy but never collected. 3 Paae 15 of 23 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO THE REGULAR PROPERTY TAX LEVIES FOR COLLECTION IN 2016, IMPLEMENTING RCW 84.55.0101 AND FINDING SUBSTANTIAL NEED TO INCREASE THE REGULAR PROPERTY TAX LIMIT FACTOR ABOVE THE RATE OF INFLATION TO ONE PERCENT (1%), FOR A TOTAL L1MIT FACTOR OF ONE HUNDRED AND ONE PERCENT(101%). WHEREAS, Chapter 84.55 RCW establishes the "Limitations Upon Regular Property Taxes" which all taxing jurisdictions must use in calculating the amount of regular property tax levy which may be levied to provide governmental services; and WHEREAS, the limitation is generally restricted to a "limit factor", which is equal to the lower of one percent (1%) or inflation. Inflation is measured as the percentage change in the "implicit price deflator" (IPD) as published for the most recent twelve (12)-month period by the Federal Department of Commerce in September of the year before the taxes are payable; and WHEREAS, the September 2015 IPD is two hundred fifty-one thousandths percent (0.251%), therefore, the City's 2016 Property Tax levy would be one hundred and two hundred fifty-one thousandths percent (100.251%a) of the regular property taxes levied by the City in 2015, together with certain increase in assessed valuations as set forth by law; and WHEREAS, notwithstanding the foregoing general limitations, RCW 84.55.0101 permits the City to adopt, as a limit factor, a percentage increase up to one hundred and one percent (101%) provided the Council enters a finding of substantial need and approves the increased limit factor by affirmative vote of a majority plus one vote; and 1 Paae 16 of 23 ORDINANCE N0. WHEREAS, the City continues to face costs associated with labor contracts, benefits, and professional services increasing at a faster rate than the City's primary recurring revenue sources; and WHEREAS, the Council has held a public hearing regarding the 2015/2016 Mid-Biennium Budget Adjustment which included consideration of revenue sources for anticipated current expense to provide City services, and possible increases in property tax revenues; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered the effect of increasing the tax levy and the increased service demands from those in need; and WHEREAS, based on the above findings, the Council finds that a substantial need exists to set the property tax limit factor at one hundred and one percent (101%) of the 2015 property tax levy; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all aspects and substantial need exists for the City Council needs to levy 2016 property tax at one hundred and one percent (101%) of the property tax levied for 2015, pursuant to RCW 84.55.0101, to produce revenues sufficient to meet 2016 expenses. SECTION II. This ordinance has been passed by the affirmative vote of at least a majority plus one of the whole membership of the Council. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30) days after publication. 2 Paae 17 of 23 ORDINANCE NO. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of . 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1887:10/14/15:scr 3 Paae 18 of 23 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING INTERFUND LOANS TO FUND 316, MUNICIPAL FACILITIES CAPITAL INVESTMENT FUND, AND TO FUND 108, LEASED CITY PROPERTIES FUND, FOR PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND IMPROVEMENT PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the Council adopted Resolution No. 3811 authorizing interfund loans between City funds under certain conditions and circumstances; and WHEREAS, Fund 316, Municipal Facilities Capital Investment Fund, is in need of a temporary loan for the acquisition of property for future parks and community facility needs; and WHEREAS, the City's Water Utility, Fund 405, and Wastewater Utility, Fund 406, have been accumulating funds for future capital projects, part of which are available on an interim basis, and are available to lend to Fund 316 at current market interest rates; and WHEREAS, Leased City Properties, Fund 108, is in need of a temporary loan to fund improvements at the 200 Mill Building; and WHEREAS, Leased City Properties, Fund 108, is managed and reported as part of the City's General Fund; and WHEREAS, the City has been accumulating reserve funds in accordance with its Financial Policies in its Insurance Fund, Fund 502, through transfer from its General Fund. Part of the reserve funds is available on a temporary basis; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. 1 Paae 19 of 23 RESOLUTION N0. SECTION II. The Council authorizes an interfund loan in the amount of four miliion dollars ($4,000,000) to Fund 316 from the City's Water Utility (Fund 405) and Wastewater Utility (Fund 406) funds, over a period not to exceed four (4) years from the effective date. The interfund loan will be effective on or about December 1, 2015, and shall bear interest at one point sixty-five percent (1.65%) per annum until paid. SECTION III. The Council further authorizes an interfund loan in the amount of eight hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($875,000) to Fund 108. The interfund loan will be effective November 1, 2015, and will be repaid no later than five (5) years without interest. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.1684:10/5/15:scr 2 Pape 20 of 23 ' Amortization 316 from 405 Amortization Table RES Loan Info Loan Summary Loan Amount 2,500,000.00 Scheduled Payment 650,992.19 Annual Interest rate 1.65% Number of scheduled payments 4 Term 4 Actual Number of Payments Number of Payments/Yr 1 Total Early Payments - Start date 12/1/2015 Total Interest 103,968.77 Payment Beginriing Scheduled Extra Iotal Pmt No. Date Balance Payment Paymt Payment Principal Interest Ending Balance 1 12/1/2016 2,500,000.00 650,992.19 - 650,992.19 609,742.19 41,250.00 1,890,257.81 2 12/1/2017 1,890,257.81 650,992.19 - 650,992.19 619,802.94 31,189.25 1,270,454.87 3 12/1/2018 1,270,454.87 650,992.19 - 650,992.19 630,029.69 20,962.51 640,425.18 4 12/1/2019 640,425.18 650,992.19 - 650,992.19 640,425.18 10,567.02 - li 2,500,000.00 103,968.7 7 Page 21_of 23 Amortization 316 from 406 ' Amortization Table RES Loan Info Loan Summary Loan Amount 1,500,000.00 Scheduled Payment 390,595.32 Annual Interest rate 1.65% Number of scheduled payments 4 Term 4 Actual Number of Payments Number of Payments/Yr 1 Total Early Payments - Start date 12/1/2015 Total Interest 62,381.26 Payment Beginning Scheduled Extra Total Pmt No. Date Balance Payment Paymt Payment Principal Interest Ending Balance 1 12/1/2016 1,500,000.00 390,595.32 - 390,595.32 365,845.32 24,750.00 1,134,154.68 2 12/1/2017 1,134,154.68 390,595.32 - 390,595.32 371,881.76 18,713.55 762,272.92 3 12/1/2018 762,272.92 390,595.32 - 390,595.32 378,017.81 12,577.50 384,255.11 4 12/1/2019 384,255.11 390,595.32 - 390,595.32 384,255.11 6,340.21 - 1,500,000.00 62,381.26 Pac,�e 22 of 23 ' Amortization 108 from 502 Amortization Table RES Loan Info Loan Summary Loan Amount 875,000.00 Scheduled Payment 175,000.00 I Annual Interest rate 0.00% * Number of scheduled payments S Term 5 Actual Number of Payments ! Number of Payments/Yr 1 Total Early Payments - ' Start date 11/1/2015 Totallnterest - Payment Beginnmg Scheduled Extra Total Pmt No. Date Balance Payment Paymt Payment Principal Interest Ending Balance 1 11/1/2016 875,000.00 175,000.00 - 175,000.00 175,000.00 - 700,000.00 2 11/1/2017 700,000.00 175,000.00 - 175,000.00 175,000.00 - 525,000.00 3 11/1/2018 525,000.00 175,000.00 - 175,000.00 175,000.00 - 350,000.00 4 11/1/2019 350,000.00 175,000.00 - 175,000.00 175,000.00 - 175,000.00 5 11/1/2020 175,000.00 175,000.00 175,000.00 175,000.00 - - 875,000.00 - *Per BARS interest should be charged on interfund loans,unless the borrowing fund is normally funded by the lending fund.Fund 108 is a management fund of the General Fund and we are borrowing from General Fund reserves held in the Insurance Fund,therefore,interest is not required. Pa�ce_23 of 23