HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet for 11/9/2015 CITY 4F � � � � AGENDA City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM-Monday,November 9,2015 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall—1055 S. Grady Way 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION a) Leadership Eastside Day-November 9, 2015 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT • Speakers must sign-up prior to the Council meeting. • Each speaker is allowed five minutes. • The first comment period is limited to 30 minutes. • The second comment period, later on the agenda, is unlimited in duration. • When recognized, please state your name&city of residence for the record. NOTICE to all participants: pursuant to state law,RCW 42.17A.555,campaigning for any ballot measure or candidate in City Hall and/or during any portion of the council meeting, including the audience comment portion of the meeting,is PROHIBITED. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review,and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion.Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a) Approval of the November 2,2015 Council meeting minutes. Council Concur. b) Administrative Services Department submits a request for utility billing adjustments at Westgate Condominiums and Stir Restaurant, and recommends approving adjustments in the amounts of$13,25038 and$14,292.24. Refer to Finance Committee c) City Clerk submits a request for the partial release of Easement by Chris Tonkin of Bellevue TT LLC,to construct a new storm water drainage line located in the vicinity of NE 4th St. & Union Ave. NE. Refer to Utilities Committee d) Fire&Emergency Services Department recommends approval of an agreement with the Washington State Military Department to accept Department of Homeland Security Emergency Management Performance Grant(EMPG)funds in the amount of$72,093 to support the emergency management program. Council Concur � e) Utility Systems Division submits CAG-15-099,SE 165th Sanitary Sewer Extension project, contractor Scotty's General Construction;and requests acceptance of the project, approval of the final pay estimate in the amount of$6,640.76,and release of the retainage bond after 60 days, if all required releases are obtained. Council Concur 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. a) Committee on Committees: 2016 Council Committee Assignments b) Planning&Development Committee:CA Zoning Recommendation* 8. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Ordinance for first reading: a) CA Zoning Ordinance(See item 7.b.J Ordinance for second and final reading: b) Establishing a Property Tax Levy(First Reading 11/2/15J c) Authorization of the Property Tax Levy(First Reading 11/2/15J d) 2016 Property Tax-Substantial Need (First Reading 11/2/15J 9. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics;visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) 10. AUDIENCE COMMENTS 11. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) COUNCIL CHAMBERS November 9, 2015 Monday, 6:00 p.m. King County Chiefs Association: Report on Building Public Trust Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 To view Countil Meetings online,please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings ,�6 M #3. a) Denis law C I T Y O F nnay« � Mayor's Office �1'rocCamation 'Whereas, Leadership Eastside has convened leadership for the greater good for 10 years; and 'WFtereas, Leadership Eastside is an inclusive organization that promotes connections, develops and enriches leaders, and is a catalyst for tommunities to address important issues and meet the challenges of a diverse and dynamic region; and 'fNhereas, Leadership Eastside believes everyone deserves to thrive,that collaboration transcends silos and narrow interests, and that the people affected by an issue must be part of the solution; � and ZVfiereas, leadership Eastside envisions a diverse, vibrant region served by skilled leaders engaged in creating healthy and mutually supportive communities; and 4N(ereas, leadership Eastside has graduated more than 400 of our region's business, non-profit and public sector leaders who are actively serving their community in many capacities including mayors and other elected of�cials, commissioners, directors for community-based boards, non- profit staff and volunteers; Now, t�tetefore, I, Denis Law, Mayor of the City of Renton, do hereby proclaim November 9, 2015, to be .Gead�ership �astsid�e 1�ay in the City of Renton, and I encourage all citizens to join me in recognizing the many contributions that Leadership Eastside has made in our community. In witness whereof, I have hereunta set my hand and caused the sea! of the City of Renton to be affixed this 9th day of November, 2015. De is Law, ayor City of Renton, Washington i Renton City Hall . 1055 South Grady Way . Renton,Washington 98057 . rentonwa.gov AGENDA /TEM #6. a) /""` - � CITY OF n �� �' MINUTES City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM-Monday,November 2,2015 Council Chambers,7th Floor, City Hall—1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmembers Absent: Ed Prince,Council President Greg Taylor Randy Corman Armondo Pavone Ruth Perez Don Persson Marcie Palmer MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER GREG TAYLOR.CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Denis Law, Mayor Jay Covington,Chief Administrative Officer Lawrence 1.Warren, City Attorney Jason Seth,City Clerk Chip Vincent,Community& Economic Development Administrator Commander Chad Karlewicz, Police Department ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2015 and beyond. Items noted were: • Preventative street maintenance will continue to impact traffic and result in occasional street closures through December 15, 2015. I November 2, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AGENDA /TEM #6, a) CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on rhe consent agenda were adopted with one motion,following the listing. a) Approval of the October 26, 2015 Council meeting minutes. Council Concur. b) City Clerk submits the quarterly list of fully executed contracts between 7/1/2015- �' 9/30/2015,and a report of agreements expiring between 10/1/2015-3/31/2016. None; Information Only. c) Community&Economic Development Department recommended approval to revise the amounts of the impact fees collected on behalf of the Issaquah, Kent,and Renton School Districts, and adopt the 2015 Issaquah School District Capital Facilities Plan,the 2015/2016 through 2020/2021 Kent School District Capital Facilities Plan,and the 2015-2021 Renton School District Capital Facilities Plan. Refer to Finance Committee;Set Public Hearing on 11/16/2015. d) Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a King County Flood Control District Agreement for Award of Flood Reduction Grant funds in order to receive$185,000 in grant funds for the construction of the N.30th St.&Burnett Ave. N.Storm System Improvements project.Council Concur. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED.CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINE55 a) Council President Prince presented a Committee of the Whole report reviewing the proposed 2015/2016 Mid-biennium Budget Amendment of$28,522,952 over the two years for an adjusted appropriation of$598,225,452 for the biennium,and recommended concurrence in the following actions: 1. Propertv Tax Levv(ordinancesl: a. Establish substantial need to increase the property tax levy by 1%versus the current rate of inflation of.25%,which is determined by the September annual change of the Implicit Price Deflator(IPD). b. Authorize 2016 property tax levy, including prior year correction and the 1%increase from the 2015 base levv established above,to be increased by 0.72%or$262,260 from the 2015 total oronertv tax lew. c. Set the 2016 property tax levy, based on the above authorized increase, plus the new construction,annexation, and administrative refunds,at$37,250,000 based on the preliminary worksheet provided by King County Assessor's Office. 2. Interfund Loans(resolutionl: a. Create an interfund loan in the amount of$4,000,000 to Fund 316(Municipal Facilities Capital Improvement)to help support general government property acquisitions.The loan will come from the City's Water(405)and Wastewater(406) Utility Funds,to be repaid over a period of four(4)years at an interest rate of 1.65%per annum until paid. b. Create an interfund loan in the amount of$875,000 to Fund 108(Leased Facilities)to cover new tenant improvements,commission cost, and building repairs. The loan will come from the City's Insurance Fund (Fund 502),without interest, and repaid within five (5)years. November 2, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AGENDA 1TEM #6. a) 3. Chan�es to Authorized Positions: The proposed budget will add a total of 15.6 positions and make pay/classification adjustments for another 13 positions. Most of these changes have been previously approved by the City Council or are funded by permit revenues. These changes,and the 2.5 positions added during the second quarter of 2015,will increase the overall city position by 18.125 FTE. Details of the 18.125 positions and 13 pay/classification adjustments are outlined below: a. Administrative Services: Reclassify 1 Financial Services Manager and 1 GIS Manager to m30 from m26 b. Communitv and Economic Development(all changes are supported by permit fees): i. Add .5 Senior Planner, 1 Civil Engineer II, 1 Engineering Speciatist II, 1 LT Building/Combo Inspector,and 1 Construction Inspedor ii. Convert .5 Office Assistant II (a03)to 1 Administrative Secretary(a09), 1 Senior Planner(a28)to Long Range Planning Manager(m33), 1 Mapping Coordinator(a29) to Property and Technical Services Manager(m29),and 1 Plan Reviewer to Civil Engineer II (previously approved) iii. Reclassify 1 Building Official to m33 from m32 and add 5%out-of-class pay to 1 Building Plan Reviewer for the additional duties assumed with the elimination of Development Services Director position. iv. Eliminate 1 Development Services Director c. Police:Add 4 Police Officers and 4 Police Officer Over Hires(funded with salary savings) d. Citv Attornev: Add 1 Legal Assistant(previously approved) e. Communitv Services: i. Reclassify 1 Facility Maintenance Supervisor(a21)to Facility Maintenance Manager (m28) (previously approved) ii. Add 2 Limited Term Capital Project Coordinators f. Executive: i. Convert .5 Secretary II to 1 Secretary II and .5 Office Assistant I to .625 Office Assistant I (all previously approved) ii. Reclassify 1 Communication Specialist II (m21)to Communication Manager(m26) and 1 Communication Specialist II (m21)to Communication Specialist I (a12) (all previously approved) iii. Adjust Mayor Salary ' g. Human Resources and Risk Mana�ement: Reclassify 1 HR Manager to m32 from m30 h. Public Works: i. Reclassify 1 Street Maintenance Manager to m30 from m28 and 1 Wastewater Maintenance Manager to m30 from m28 ' ii. Add .5 Civil Engineer II, 1 Administrative Secretary I, and 1 Civil Engineer III (all previously approved and adjusted as part of the 2nd quarter budget adjustment) The Committee of the Whole recommended Council approve the proposed 2015/2016 Mid- biennium Budget Amendments and present associated legislation reflecting the above changes for first reading. , MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. November 2,2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AGENDA ITEM #6. a) c) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report approving for payment on November 2, 2015 claims vouchers 342495-342842,four wire transfers and one payroll run with benefit withholding payments totaling$5,702,227.05 and payroll vouchers including 745 direct deposits and 56 payroll checks totaling$1,559,870.98. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. b) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the reorganization of the IT Division with the conversion of an existing Business System Supervisor position (m26)to an Application Support Manager(m30). MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Resolution: a) Resolution No.4267:A resolution was read authorizing interfund loans to fund 316, Municipal Facilities Capital Investment Fund,and to fund 108, Leased City Properties Fund,for property acquisition and improvement purposes. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Ordinances for first reading: b) Ordinance No.5774:An ordinance was read establishing the Property Tax Levy for the year 2016 for general City operational purposes in the amount of$37,250,000. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/9/2015.CARRIED. c) Ordinance No. 5775:An ordinance was read authorizing the Property Tax Levy for the year 2016. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/9/2015.CARRIED. d) Ordinance No.5776:An ordinance was read relating to the regular Property Tax Levies for collection in 2016, implementing RCW 84.55.0101 and finding substantial need to increase the regular property tax limit factor above the rate of inflation to one percent(1%),for a total limit factor of one hundred and one percent(101%). MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON il/9/2015.CARRIED. e) Ordinance No. 5777:An ordinance was read amending the City of Renton Fiscal Years 2015/2016 Biennial Budget as adopted by Ordinance No.5737,and thereafter amended by Ordinance Nos.5755 and 5764, in the amount of$28,522,952. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING.CARRIED. Following second and final reading of Ordinance No.5777 it was, MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ.ROLL CALL:ALL AYES.CARRIED. November 2,2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AGENDA ITEM #6. a) NEW BUSINESS See attached Council Committee meeting Calendar. a) Elect Council President and Pro Tem: Council President Prince called for nominations and the election of the 2016 Council President and President Pro Tem. He nominated Councilmember Randy Corman for the 2016 Council President. Mayor Law called for additional nominations. There were no additional nominations. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL ELECT COUNCILMEMBER RANDY CORMAN AS 2016 COUNCIL PRESIDENT.CARRIED. Mr. Prince nominated Councilmember Armondo Pavone for 2016 Council President Pro Tem. Mayor Law called for additional nominations. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ELECT COUNCILMEMBER ARMONDO PAVONE AS 2016 COUNCIL PRESIDENT PRO TEM.CARRIED. Randy Corman was declared 2016 Council President, and Armondo Pavone was declared 2016 Council President Pro Tem. b) Identify Committee on Committee Members: Council President Prince announced that the Committee on Committee members are Randy Corman, 2016 Council President-elect, Armondo Pavone, 2016 Council President Pro Tem-elect, and Ed Prince, 2015 Council President. ADIOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED.TIME: 7:16 P.M. Jason A.Seth,CMC, City Clerk Megan Gregor, Recorder Monday, November 2, 2015 November 2, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AGENDA ITEM #6. a) Council Committee Meeting Calendar November 2, 2015 November 9,2015 Monday 3:30 PM Committee on Committees 1. 2016 Council Committee Assignments 4:00 PM Planning& Development Committee,Chair Corman -Council Conference Rm 1. Docket 1 1 Update 2. CA Zoning Recommendation 5:00 PM Community Services Committee, Chair Perez, Council Conference Room 1. Golf Course Operations Overview 2. Neighborhoods, Resources and Events CANCELED Utilities Committee, Vice Chair Corman 6:00 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Prince - Council Chambers 1. King County Chiefs Association: Report on Building Public Trust AGENDA ITEM #6, b) ' I"""'��`.� . ' uTY aF �Yltt�rl � . . . . , . . SUBJECT/TITLE: Utility Leak Adjustment � RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Finance Committee DEPARTMENT: Administrative Services Department STAFF CONTACT: Jamie Thomas, Fiscal Services Director EXT.: 6929 Expenditur��tequireii: �$NjA`' � Transfer Amendme"rit . $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Prbject B�tl�e�:°"�: 'i�jt � � °' ,a�: .CttyShare�'a�at P�a!_ . '_�.$N A , , . ,. . t , ��:?4;.n.:�r`'. s„��¢�.,��:5xa,�,un,.�:.r.aw:M��d` ,;:a�✓'s., . . .�?& c�krd,�•,»..�u.; .,u..#�.,. x,.,�o�i:er.,..e �i,ix� . , .z_ . .. �w� � � ~� The Finance division has received two re uests for reductions in utilit accounts related to water leaks, as q Y follows: 1.The City received a request from Westgate Condominiums, a multi-family account, at the service address 2300 Benson Rd S, Bldg B(account#06322-000). The leak was identified in a main line under the parking garage and subsequently repaired. Since the same account received a water leak adjustment in January 2014, the account does not qualify for any refund related to the water portion of the bill. Per RMC 8-4-46, utility accounts may receive up to one water leak adjustment every five years. However, city sewer and King County Metro charges related to leaked water consumption are still allowable, provided the leak occurred in a primary service line. The fo�lowing is a break down of the allowable adjustment, which covers December 2014 and January 2015 consumption charges: Sewer $4,736.16 KC Metro 8,514.22 Total $13,250.38 2.The City received a request from Stir Restaurant, a non-residential account, at the service address 151 Sunset Blvd N (account#01736-000).There was a leak identified and subsequently repaired under the asphalt and in the main service line. The following is a breakdown the adjustment requested, which covers the July and August 2015 consumption charges. Water $2,35.9.44 Sewer 4,230.72 KC Metro 7,702.08 Total $14,292.24 : A.�Westgate Condos Adjustment Request AGENDA ITEM #6, b) B. Stir Restaurant Adjustment Request � ' • �� • Staff recommends an adjustment to these accounts in the amounts of$13,250.38 and $14,292.24 for the applicable water, sewer, and King County Metro portions of the bills in accordance with City Code 8-4-46 and 8-5-23. __� � -� � ONTN REAtiS 1,V / .,.---�''�.r- CUstomer: �,Stme�t�a�ca`���M.�F,ewer 4��322Ap0 �eak Ad M�F W ate 1 , �1` ,ce PdaCe55• ��`DG 8 KC S�W E� ', 5�� a�n�on R� SEW�R 1�2? ��, �3� W a�TER 5Q� 10�� Q `�, � RVGE 4 0 0 `�, 2�1� gil{ed '�, Month 3� Q o 1�2� 6�1 1�� U 1��� .12 $ �'���� � �9�d3�. �a�'1� Q 3 �5�g33 � 3� 2•5� � �3,2��.2�� $ 1p6 � � Rp'tE per,����f K��EwER SEWER 49'� yV ATER 5�°�' A91 � �" ��, p�VGE 0 � . C�► � 2Q14 gilied R1 � M��th 21 0 491 .�8� �, 51$ 4g1 5.t46 �e�,212• Z �, � '�, De�"1� 0 3.12 $ 2 bgp,86} $ �13��5�.9s1 ,� , � g21 $� � .221 � ,� '�, y1$ cc�� 2� �5� $ 1���33 1�1 $C�t��� leak ad1��'�p14. —� �,, $ m Rp'(�' per 1� t�p�,y 5`�4e � �ustm��tj4ta�� ate�ad�u�me�t dQeS�� � Ad� a�a�e af��� w B' Ma�n��ne ie�k u�'de�� �- -- � � AGENDA /TEM #6, b) �..�l1t,cLli,c�,�,�`��'+� � ._._ �'��` / � ___,e,,,,•r/''� C�C�y�c �.--� , 7 � _ �,; r� r r� r� �=c�.:� - .� Water leak AdJustment Reqaesl Fotm oenis�aw,�v►ayor Iwen Wang,Administrator Date:?/ ��/�-J City Account I�umber: �j2Z"'� Scrvice Address:2� ��(NZ�,��Billing Period. � Location Type: Single Family Residential- �] Non-Residential- � `� �3� ')� , i2�� ' Leak Adjustment Policy(Ordinance 5600,6-15-2011) ����m'��y�` • The City will process and grant no more than one water billing adjustment for water leaks on the customers'side of the water meter per water service connection every five(5)years.Adjustments will be calculated over the billing periods when the water leak occurred,up to a maximum af t�vo (2}regular meter reading cycles.Leak adjustments will be granted for service lines onlv between the meter and t6e foundation of the buildin�. • A written request for a water billing adjustment must be submitted to Utility Biliing Customer Service within sixty(60)days of discavery of the water leak and/or sixty(60)days of receipt of a notice from the City regarding high water consumption and that a leak might have occurred. The written request must include the service address, billing periods over which the teak occurred, tocation oj the leak and a capy of the repoir receipt with a clear writte�r descriptron oj tl�e completed repain Photos verijying the repair and the location oJ the leak are strong/y recomme��d¢d Adjustment Methodology(Ordmance 5210,6-5-06) • 'The water portion of the bill will bc adjusted by charging for only 50%of the excess consumption charge over the billing period(s) when the leak occurred. Example of an adjusted water billing calculation: {0.50 X Consumption in excess of historical average for billing period) X Commodity Rate. Adjushncnts greatcr than$2,0�0 shall be submitted to the Finance Cominittee for approval or denial. There will be no adjustment of the Basic Monthly Charge or any other water charge.(Ord. 5210, 6-5-2006) • For non-residential sewer accounts,a full adjustment of the sewer bill will be made for all leaked water that did not enter the sanitary scwer system. The adjustment will be determined by averaging normal water consumption from previous representative billing periods and charging wastewnter volume cates based or�this normal average volume. Adjustments greAter than S2,Od0 shall be submitted to the Finance Committee for approval or denial. �'here will be no adjustment of the base charge or any other sewer charge. Date Leak was repaired:�/ �5/ �5 Leak Repaired By:���i CT L� � �.r, . Location of Leak:�t�.,�n �Q 1�we..� «,I��..QN Q�(�t.s� ('� �� u � - Type of Leak: Property Owner Name: �T.�il�� l ��(1�� Contact Phone#:�/�5;�a� Property Owner Signature �L Date: i�b/� Note:Attach repair receiprs ta this r e orm.A �aslment wi!l n e processed wirhont proof o reparr� rs Approved ❑ Denied❑ Reasan 2055 S GRAOY WAY,RENTON WA 98057 PHONf (4151•430•6852 FAX.•�4I5J•430-6855-0RD.565B 4/23/1011 AGENDA /TEM #6. b) i�s�ry n a..r•tNnq Sea e Service � Customer Information � Service Invoice: 0027215 Customer Name: Westgate Condominiums Invoice Date: 1/7/2015 Customer Number: A2221 Job Number: 9013738 Customer PO: Contract Customer: No Site: Westgate Condominiums CallerName: �eticia Hannah 2300 Benson Rd S Caller Phone No.: 206-582-8160 Renton WA 98055 206-841-2873 We Appreciate Your Business � � - • • . - Labor ( 1 � Plumbing Regular � 149.00 � 14 � 2,086.00� Material � 2 � Materials I � � 274.77� Expense ( 3 � Environmental/Safety Fee � 40.00 � 1 � 40.00� � 4 � Truck Service Charge I 65.00 � 1 65.00� Sub-Total: 2,465.77 Tax: 234.25 j Payment Oue Upon Receipt Total: 2,700.02, Prnblem Resolution: Leak on water supply to condos. Used jack hammer and chipping gun to break through cement. Dug down to find leak,small hoie in side of pipe. Removed and replaced section of piping.Turned water on to verify. Backfi(led and poured back cement. ��s�'�L'�" o O �U� Contact Us... 206.762.5900 Fax 206.768.7754 E-mail:billing�mckinstry.com Please mail lower portion vmh check payable to McKins�ry Co LLC,�'o McKins+ry La;kbox,PO Box 3895,Seattle,WA 98124 Please wr�te your.nvoice n�mber on your check --- _.. , Ufility Rates 300333 6322-0 cons Ivl rote%cj ' 2013 2014 � 2015 ---- -- ...__- _ _�._. ___ _..._...........__... ---_--- ; -- � , Water 130 2"Non-Residential 1 ; .00 minimum 82.51 i 95.71 100.50 ' 105.52 ' 105.52 rate 2.73 i 3.16 3.32 ; 3.48 ' 3.48 ........ ..__�_.._. .._.._.� __�......_ �. .__�.._.._......_.... _..._.._-_._.___ � -- -- , --_.-_...+................. .. ...._.� 130M 2"MTF 1 .00 minimum 82.51 ; 95.71 100.50 105.52 105.52 rate 2.57 ! 2.98 3.13 3.29 3.29 , -- � --- ------ - '- �--- - ---+-_ Renton 207 MF/Comm/monthly 1 7.50 minimum 23.88 25.08 26.33 27.65 ; 27.65 Sewer rote 2.70 2.83 2.97 2�} . '2� --._..._..._-----... _.��...-- __..._...._.... _.�._ .+...._..--...._..�-_._..__-- -....__.. ............�--------- 1 KC Sewer 402 MF/Commlmonthly 1 7.50 minimum 37.26 37.26 40.95 ; 40.95 42.61 rate 4.97 4.97 5.46 Leak Letters cust no cust seauence code reQuest date rep description 6322 0 4 INMJ 14-January-2015 Investigate Major Leak-now r 6322 0 4AMR 24-December-2014 AMR Major Leak Detected 6322 0 4 INMJ 03-December-2014 Investigate Major Leak-follow 6322 0 4 INMJ 29-October-2014 Investigate Major Leak 6322 0 4AMR 28-August-2013 AMR Major leak Detected n � Z � � m 3 � � � a I Leak Adjustment Informafion ' By comaparison periods-Prior 2 years ', 2300 BENSON RD S BLDG B 6322 0 Billed Consumption Amounts WESTGATE CONDOMINIUM and Consumption 12013 2014 2015 300333 6322 1 1 !, 130M CONSUMPTION � � $102.81 $104.64 $3487.40 I � 33 32 1060 _---� - _-- --- ----- -- 2 207 CONSUMPTION $75.39 $75.99 $3283.80 ��" � �� � � : � , , ---, __ __ __________..- --- , 4 � 402 ' CONSUMPTION $138.02 ' $133.77 $5920.31 33 i 32 1060 � � �--- -- { - -�._.,___.__.__._ �__.._ .. ,__.__ _ 12 1 130M ' CONSUMPTION $90.77 i $1704.22 $0.00 � 29 � 518 0 ; --------+- ______.�...._�------I------- ; _ � 2 207 CONSUMPTION $63.86 j $1592.76 $0.00 �' 0 ' _._...-- - _'.._ -- ___.--- ___ _...._�_......___.__..._. � __{ 4 402 �CONSUMPTION $117.39 $2787.33 $0.00 � , 29 518 0 ! �- --- - i ---— ' Total 588 6399 � 12692 186 1650 ; 3180 ......_. __ Total $ 588.00 $ 6399.00 � $ 12692.00 , ; 186 1650 I ^ 3180 --- - ------ --...._--- --- - - n � Z � � m 3 � � a A GENDA I TEM #6. b) ... � ,, �� Q Standard Springbrook...�"'�1��.`'� ;Q Standard Springbrook.»�°t��a�..� �.... . �,.. .�,..,.�aw . �.._..,_ ._.._ �___ _... .- -__. ._--- ----.---- � � ---- --- -- ------- - _ __ __- -...._.,._._.__.__ __ ; ; � ! P-_�_ '>�C �e�,'t�1 � � �' \C�__ 1(�12�-�V�_ �'_� . _ -----_____.__ . ,-_____.__---�.__ --- ___ . _�_ _________ ,_ . ! Lvl Consumption Amount � � . Lvl Consumption Amount, �u! .X : � �� � t� � i � .�� � t t�� ; � 1 51�.50000 1,592 76 j � ; 1 51�.50000 2,7B7.33 � - � ' , t � ' : � ' _ � � � , = _ ; . , _ - . J ' _ , . �, _ � i.� ., . - ,.�.�4 +� __________� ���,... : . '.m_. - - --------- .,..�.,� s �e Stnndard S ri brook».��� '� Prin9.Y�...�.".w �� ❑ p �g . ,.. �e Standard S brook �'� . , - . ;,.,�,..,_,� ._ ._: __... _: ...�..E. , �--_� _—�____------- --__.___._ ____ '� � , r— _----- --- --- --- p� ' � ,� � I z , ._ ____ C---� � � . ; � . :: � � , � i ; J�,_'_"_ �' ` �' '�-� _'��N�,�'1_.� : ____.,_____ � i -- , ----_ _-_-- - I--_.________------------- _______.___----- , i Lvi Consumption Amount' � � �� Lvl �TConsumption Amount � , ��� ` ; � .�� � � � � � � i ���� � � �.� � ; � '' ; � � 1 789.37500 2,462.85 _ . 1 263.12500 820.95 : �� � � ��� �`- ! i �jf� �--- r ii � , , _ I I . � � i ; � ; - � i . ! � ; _ � T ' I______ ____.� ---__. _____._J I i ,. �M _ T� � _._. X =_ - � ..-�___ _�.. . , ' . ... ,,,�. I —, ._ , .Q Standard Springbr�ook..,'��. �+I„�N�� . Standard Springbroak �I��III�IM . ..., ,�. .._. _---.� � .,�, ,uw�..,�„ww>.�,�.�.����:;.�:i� r —�_._----._.__..__..�------- � --------_..—____._-- - -- ---�- , - ! .- � l � I /- � f , � ! ����.__i_-'�'���� . _� _�_� _ ��G�� 1���'�C,�_�_____ : ; � �� . . ; � -------�_.._� -� ' � ..-----�_—_:��_.._.��r �i,'--, ' Lv! Consum tion Amo�t' g Lvl Consum tion Amount � I i/�� P� � � 11 3 ; � p � � ; 1 7 B 9.3 7 50 0 4,483.65 ' ; = � 1 263.12500 1,436.66 ; � ;'t = � , � �`t' � �� - I � �� � . � ' i � i � i � � i ' � .... . . ._ � � T = d '� ...__..___. ._. . ._.._ . .__.. - � � i -.. _ _. ._.___ ... .._ .._. . - —'-_"--'-" � � ' _ �' - �:..w�� . :,.:,c:.�� , . �..w�..µ.�s � .,, . . . ' ✓ s�� ��.�I =- � vaa ,� t� _ �� �� � Tran Date Tran Type Amount Description Water Sewer Storm KC Sewer Garbage Penalty Misc unapp ca ' 06/29/200�iiling 391.18 104.45 61.37 128.20 47.16 06/16/200�ayment -287.53 -75.80 -37.67 -76.90 -97.16 OS/30/200�alance 287.53 75.80 37.67 76.90 97.16 05/30/200�illing 287.53 75.80 37.67 76.90 97.16 I OS/11J2008>ayment -425.73 -114.00 -69.27 -145.30 -97.16 04/28/200�illing 425.73 Balance from History Purge 114.00 69.27 145.30 97.16 09/30/201�illing 484.57 207.51 100.97 176.09 Route Sequence Serial 3700-005640-08804546 Read Date Readin� Consumption Meter Status Artive 09/28/2015 4,339 31 08/26/2015 4,308 29 07/28/2015 4,279 29 06/26/2015 4,250 28 i 05/26/2015 4,222 30 04/27/2015 4,192 35 Q3/24/2015 4,157 28 02/25/2015 4,129 28 � �..:.:� =.e.,��.:°.��,,;-`?R � ' ,. `����'�'�: . , O�x�..:._ ,. �.1�� .. � . �� -��t° S �,_�3�41��'�. �`��" ... 518���' 11/25/2014 � 2,523 # 341 10/27/2014 2,182 106 09/24/2014 2,076 28 08/26/2014 2,048 26 07J28/2014 2,022 32 06/24/2014 1,990 24 OS/27/2014 1,966 23 04/28/2014 1,943 27 03/25/2014 1,916 24 02/27/2014 1,892 29 �+�� : 4 . __�.l 63 =� �`.� ?� _, ..� ._ . <��' _ 29 11/26/2013 1,802 23 10/30/2013 1,779 27 09/27/2013 1,752 569 �^ 08/26/2013 1,183 913 a�+ 07/29/2013 270 62 ' O6/26/2013 208 26 � 05/29/2013 182 32 Q 04/26/2013 150 29 n 03/27/2013 121 29 � 02/25/2013 92 31 y � User ID:06322 Password:0333 Lot Size/5F: 0.00 230o BENSON R�5 al�G� Phone Pay @1.800.430.1669/online @�www.rentonwa.gov Acreage: 0.00 300333 006322� UB-Account History List(Printe�g�30/2015-10:33:AM Impervious: 0.00 Page: 03 M� � Route Sequence Serial 3700-005640-08804596 Read Date Readin� Consumption Meter Status Active �:m 2 . :.,�._.__ 11/29/2012 3 3 11/27/2012 0 0 Route Sequence Serial 2560-043470-08804596 Read Date Reading Consumption Meter Status Removed 11/26/2012 5,301 48 10/08/2012 5,253 26 09/10/2012 5,227 22 OS/17/2012 5,205 32 07/11/2012 5,173 22 O6/19/2012 5,151 37 OS/10/2012 5,114 21 04/17/2012 5,093 28 03/18/2012 5,065 34 02/17/2012 5,031 35 O1/17/2012 4,996 30 12/19/2011 4,966 35 11/16/2011 4,931 26 10/21/2011 4,905 28 09/24/2011 4,877 40 08/15/2011 4,837 32 07/14/2011 4,805 25 06/16/2011 4,780 33 05/10/2011 4,747 17 04/22/2011 4,73d 35 03/17/2011 4,695 27 02/17/2011 4,668 27 O1/18/2011 4,641 35 12/13/2010 4,606 20 11/21/2010 4,586 37 10/22/2010 4,549 Est 24 09/20/2010 4,525 29 � 08/23/2010 4,496 35 ^ 07/19/2010 4,461 25 V, 06J21/2010 4,436 35 m OS/14/2010 4,401 17 � 04/23/2010 4,384 39 0 03/12/2010 4,345 17 � , 02/20/2010 4,328 34 y I � User ID:06322 Password:0333 Lot Size/SF: 0.00 2300 BENSON RD 5 BtDG� I Phone Pay @1.800.430.1669/online @ www.rentonwa.gov Acreage: 0.00 3D0333 006322 I UB-Account History List(Printecbg�30/2015-12:44•PM Impervious: 0.00 Page: 03 M� a' I� Tran Date Tran Type Amount Description Water Sewer Storm KC Sewer Garbage Penalty Misc unapp ca OS/23/201�Fayment -651.87 -194.35 -88.49 -147.42 -221.61 04/30/201�alance 651.87 19435 88.49 147.42 221.61 04(30/201�8illing 430.26 194.35 88.49 147.42 04/21/201�Payment -603.32 -213.75 -79.13 -131.04 -179.40 04/30/201Billi�g 2Q8.67 4-14.601.CT7.0015370.T 208.67 04/30/201�illing 12.94 04/03/14.606.XOC.0015370.T 12.94 04/09/20144djustment 0.00 Interfund Transfer -29.27 29.27 03/30/201�alance 603.32 213.75 79.13 231.04 208.67 -29.27 03/30/203Biiling 394.65 184.48 79.13 131.04 03/21/201�ayment -633.40 -171.66 -94.73 -158.34 -208.67 03/30/201Billing 208.67 3-14.601.CT7.0015370.T 208.67 02/28/201�8alance 633.40 200.93 94.73 15834 208.67 -29.27 02/28/201�illing 454.00 200.93 94.73 158.3A 02/28/201�iiling 208.67 2-14.601.CT7.0015370.T 208.67 02/14/2014'ayment -732.93 -4z5.30 •103.64 -174.72 -2917 Ol/30/201�alance 703.66 425.30 103.64 174.72 Ol/30/201�illing 488.52 210.16 103.64 174.72 - 3 804.60 -1048.54 Ol/28/20144djustme�t 0.00 Interfund Transfer -2,314.02 442.04 , , Ol/24/201�ayment -638.53 -638.53 Ol/30/201�illing 208.67 1-14.601.CT7.0015370.T 208.67 Ol/10/20141djustment -1,836.63 Remove Penalty leal adj -1,836.63 , Ol/30/201�illi�g 6.47 Ol/03/14.606.XOC.0015370.T 6.47 I, 01/06/2014etter 0.00 Past Due Notice � �o�/a?t�r'�Cm�r+i�'�'�"�=ia;�sz:st��•x��t�i� s�. �.�"�i�� -z,uo.�a -a,zia.a3 -�,�4�.�a '', 12/30/201�alance 16,658.07 5,388.43 4,656.47 3,943.14 833.40 1,836.63 �, 12/30/201�illing 439.80 191.27 90.19 158.34 ', 12/30/201�illing 198.73 12-13.601.CT7.0015370.T 198.73 'I 12/17/Z0131djustment 61.54 Penaity 10% 61.54 12/16/2013�ayment -575.33 -575.33 11/30/201�alance 16,533.33 5,197.16 4,566.28 4,360.13 534.67 1,775.09 11/30/201�illing 370.44 172.49 72.37 125.58 11/30/201�illing 198.73 1i-13.601.CT7.0015370.T 198.73 11/19/2013�ayment -615.41 -615.41 11/19/2013etter 0.00 Past Due Notice 11/19/20131djustment 68933 Penalty 10% 689.33 � 11/18/2013etter 0.00 Past Due Notice � 11/30/201�illing 6.16 10/24/13.606.XOC.0015370.T 6.16 m 11/Ol/201�ayment -3,567.91 -3,389.18 -178.73 Z 10/30J201�alance 19,451.99 5,024.67 4,493.91 8,239.14 608.51 1,085.76 O 10/30/201�illing 416.68 185.01 84.25 147.42 � 10/30/201�illing 198.73 10-13.601.CT7.0015370.T 198.73 _ 10/21/2013Adjustment 1,085.76 Penalty 10% 1,085.76 y m User ID:06322 Password:0333 Lot Size/SF: 0.00 2300 BENSON RD S eLDG� Phone Pay @1.800.430.1669/online @ www.rentonwa.gov Acreage: 0.00 300333 006322 UB-Account History List(Printecbg�30/2015-10:33:AM 03 MT Impervious: 0.00 Page: � AGENDA ITEM #6, b) Non Residentiai Leak Adjustment Form Non-Residential � 1X 5YR ADJUSTMENT • Accaunt Number: 1736 Address: 151 Sunset Blvd N 1.Find Prior 2 Year average Period(s)of Leak 2014 2013 Average Jul-15 � 28 � 2$.5) 28.25 Aug-15 � 29 � 27� 28 2.Identify Consumption To Adjust Billed Cons Prior 2 years Cons to ConsAvge Adjust j � Jul-15 � 1351 � 28 � 1323 I I Aug-15 � 61 I 28 ( 33 � � A!lowed Cons Adj: � 1356 3.Identify Cons Rate for Adjustment Year Allawed 2015 cons Calculated Cons Total SERVICE consoverage Percentage rate Overage Adjustment �WATER � 50% � 3.48 � 1356I $ 4,718.88 � $ (2,359.44) �SEWER I 100% � 3.12 � 1356� $ 4,230.72 � $ (4,230J2) II IKCSEWER I 100% � 5.68 , 1356I $ 7,702.08 � $ (7,702•0$) � $ 16,651.68 $ (14,292,24) I � Credit� $ (14,292.24) I� � Comments Leak in main water line in parking lot underground. N:\Flnmce\Uhlity Biliing\spdngbrook\IEAK•BIIUNG ADl '�, Attach Crystal Report as 8ackup Ver.fcanon , 2 Baciup-lears Consumphon Hs:cry and bJhng �. 3 Backup�eaks H�itonral5erv�ce Rates � Tran Date Tran Type Amount Description Water Sewer Storm KC Sewer Garbage Penalty Misc unapp ca , 12/15J200�alance -4,464.51 14.23 13.97 51.29 25.60 127.42 -4,697.02 12/15/200�illing 232.51 14.23 13.97 51.29 25.60 127.42 12/14/20081djustment 0.00 Interfund Transfer -93.14 1,067.65 -153.87 3,698.14 -254.84 -4,263.94 12/14/200&djustment 0.00 Interfund Trensfer 137.06 296.02 -433.08 11/22/2W81djustment -8,973.23 Comm Leak Adj/1X -1,438.23 -2,381.06 -5,153.94 11/21/2008.etter 0.00 Past Due All Utilities 11/15/200�alance 4,276.21 1,531.37 1,17635 153.87 1,159.78 254.84 11/15/200�iiling 523.74 115.46 74.01 51.29 155.56 127.42 11/OS/200�ayment -1,500.00 -1,372.58 -127.42 11/08J2008.etter 0.00 No Statement Printed 11/08/20081djustment 60.00 Shut off fee delinq 60.00 10/16/200�alance 5,192.47 1,355.91 1,302.34 102.58 2,376.80 254.84 10/16/200�illing 232.51 14.23 13.97 51.29 25.60 127.42 09/15/200�alance 4,959.96 1,341.68 1,08837 51.29 2,351.20 127.42 09/15/200�illing 4,959.96 1,341.68 1,088.37 51Z9 2,351.20 127.42 09/09/200�ayment -232.51 Clearing House -14.23 -13.97 -51.29 -25.60 -127.42 08/15/200�alance 232.51 14.23 13.97 51.29 25.60 127.42 08/15/200�illing 232.51 14.23 13.97 51.29 25.60 127.42 08/08/200�ayment -5,181.08 Clearing House -1,402.80 -1,138.93 -51.29 -2,460.64 -127.42 07/14/200�alance 5,181.08 1,402.80 1,138.93 51.29 2,460.64 127.42 07/14/200�illing 5,181.08 1,402.80 1,138.93 51.29 2,460.64 127.42 07/10/200�ayment -232.51 Clearing House -14.23 -13.97 -51.29 -25.60 -127.42 06/15/200�alance 232.51 14.23 13.97 51.29 � 25.60 127.42 06/15/200�illing 232.51 14.23 13.97 51.29 25.60 127.42 06/09/200�ayment -820.87 Clearing House -197.54 -141.95 -51.29 -302.62 -127.42 05/OS/200�alance 820.87 197.59 141.95 51.29 302.62 127.42 05/Ol/200�illing 820.87 197.59 141.95 51.29 302.62 127.42 05/09/200�ayment -232.51 Clearing House -14.23 -13.97 -51.29 -25.60 -127.42 04/28/200�illing 232.51 Balance from History Purge 14.23 13.97 51.29 25.60 127.42 Route Sequence Serial 2540-000790-56374949 Read Date Readin� Consumption Meter Status Active 08/26/2015 12 12 08/10/2015 0 0 `_� n l� f�1 Route Sequence Serial 2540-000790-56374949 Read Date Readin� Consumption Meter Status Removed �; 08J07/2015 8,128 44� � 7,24/ 015 8,'Q7� �,a_�""�.,_ ;35� n 05/21/2015 � 6,725 4 03/16/2015 6,724 56 � m User ID:01736 Password:0438 Lot Size/SF: 24,250.00 151 SUNSET BLVD� Phone Pay @1.800.430.1669/online @ www.rentonwa.gov Acreage: 0.56 080438 001736 0!� UB-Account History Ust(P�i�tectig 11/2015- 2:39:PM 04 CON�! � Impervious: 23,000.00 Page: �' Route Sequence Serial 2540-000790-56374949 Read Date Readinj Consumption Meter Status Removed O1/09/2015 6,658 53 11/19/2014.-_ 6,605 , 63 �� �/�(�` /�0'l�l,�'6��Vd�uiaWt9 i1�•• 'yQ'���o/+� �'.�s;��� �_'"S� a� �y �n,� . `r fl � 05/12/2014 6,428 57 03/05/2014 6,371 44 01/07/2014 6,327 35 11/19/2013 6,292 57 w�' `�1�/�13 23 � . 4 „ a�� � Y03/Q�"/Id'�3 6r18 � ,,,� 5 � `� � OS/02/2013 6,124 36 03/01/2013 6,088 35 O1/07/2013 6,053 41 il/OS/2012 6,012 42 Q9/06/2012 5,970 144 07/03/2012 5,826 94 OS/04/2012 5,732 35 03/07/2012 5,697 17 O1/06/2012 5,680 15 11/07/2011 5,665 64 09/13/2011 5,605 182 07/07/2011 5,423 103 OS/04/2011 5,320 56 03/10/2011 5,26A 174 O1/07/2011 5,090 113 11/12/2010 4,977 103 09/03/2010 4,874 55 07/06/2010 4,819 132 05/04/2010 4,687 125 03/02/2010 4,562 109 O1/06/2030 4,453 87 li/04/2009 4,366 76 09/03/2009 4,290 87 07/06/2009 4,203 98 n 05/08/2009 4,105 36 ^ 03/04/2009 4,069 30 � O1/13/2009 4,039 34 � 11/05/2�8 4,005 35 O 09/OS/2008 3,970 56 � 07/07/2008 3,91k 37 OSJ06/2008 3,877 36 y 03/11/2008 3,841 55 m User ID:01736 Password:0438 lot Size/SF: 24,250.00 151 SUNSET BLVD� Phone Pay @1.800.430.1669/online @ www.rentonwa.gov Acreage: 0.56 08o43s 001736oc1� UB-Account History Ust(Printe�9�11/2015- 2:39:PM Impervious: 23,000.00 Page 4 CON�! � AGENDA ITEM #6. b) . ,,�,. ,.w_.;�. ��-.•, �. � �,y ,�,, � ��t�� Standard 5 n �` � � '� " I �7 ;(� Standand Spring6iook.»s �, p ' . �.���.�.,.,.�.,,. � �,, . , �. . .3 :�e. .�_.e.._..�u...��'" '�.... ._.__�.._�. :,:.i� '� . I � �J � �' s J ' � � ��__---___ i-----�-----__.___.__��.�_ � __ _. _ _ � ��vl Consumption Amount� y I Lvl Consumption Amount` � � . �il'�'�'15iiY�� ' ���� � I ' � ' - 1 1,336.00�10 d,168.32 � � i - � _ If i . ; � � ' � i i � C I � � i I � � � ��, � _Ro" . "�°" � �.. .� � .,�w��� � ..,.,:.,. . .„.:, �. „ ...-.w.,.d€.u`.�IIIYI�Yii��ilWu�I �u i i��� u��,�� i�• ry 4s tandard Springbrook ���M �:, �Standard S b�rook : � I � � i � � p. , . __ � i � , � , , � a Lvl Consum tion Amount� - Lvl Consum tion Amount� - � � � i�' ��� � , � p�� , ;� 1 1,336.00000 7,588.48 1 46.00000 261.28 � _ _ . - � ; _ i � i . � - I T � _ � : .u�✓ �' �. 4 d�, C —`lln„Id.11ll„�Iri I4iVull nul�euul�.���..t4�nnuol�ll.11�nm,l� i - �monlluuuuuii inu� � ��tat�ard;� � i Standard S$�e� i� �� � �� ��� � ��� y�.� . � ,I �._Wl�, ..a�,,,�F f I �� ��� � � � � � �' � � � , . - 'L, Consumption Am� � = Lvl Consumptio�Amounti � 1. 46.�Q00! 1 d3.52 - 7 b��6 000 0' 2i.�28y � j = I � , � _ T = r ii I i I ii�� i , � i . � lii i iii i �� EIWER� PLUM & HEATING$���L/��� �- ` -�j� �� �v t � . ���� "A Local Company With A Plumbing � aC �� StaffYbuCanTrustandRelyOn" _ �StopFnea����� BEAC�N PLUMB/NG ; HEAT/NG & MECHAN/CAL, lNC customersupport�beaconp/umbing.net 1.800.FREAKIN (1.800.373.2546) �•��'EontractorfBEACOPM936KS 8611 S. 192NOStree Kent,WA98031 JOB NO. ORDER DATE CUSTOMER PHONE fd0. ¢ SI'OMER,EMAIL'�„�',.�;.,'�a��"�eax' ''��'�^�q,`��.a" SEAVICE TECH ��'?�"I-1`Zq"1 'J'`�— I W��"'— St���lt I�s� � � � ° ��A �':..: ��w � ��'rs"�'��:'• ,`.a"����Sn,k�;� „� e��5•;�!"`'0+'Y4°k'y,�;��i`�"�s�Xr�,i:�M'�!I �1���r. l, s� � ,�_�� '8ii�r4_ifxeTaim�rdCwidlbr�":: .G,u�i ..l...r n.A - ��( A C^t}�/ �' � Y �1.)'1 �. \\ V �r � /�N�+ `\ �� ���..!►�w [ s \ I� ^i �-v r v�..+t� j 1t C/���I��1�LM./� � �v\Y �, ` �� '-� CN� �:� . f- � � :� Q ��� ��� ����, . .�: . �- � k. � DlAGNOSIS/SOL U��►tF� '`~►��,'��'•.�;� �'�'��'"����`�.����.w I r . � � _ • w I ' � Q �� � - .. _ �- , INITIALS � � ACCEPT I DECLINE .�'� I � � � ,.;�,. ... ���A ` . I � I � � I r �. ,�����d� � I I -�- � / � � I _ /_ �y I� �/� ����` � �..:.��'��; I _ _ � , /� ' \ � �-- i��� I I �� l ` ~ .> � ,N�,v— ' � � ` � ,�.�c , 'I � - � I PAID BY: ❑CHECK 0 CASH �JE1L �\ Additional Comments: CHARGE I��;uQ "'�'�C ❑BItEX/ITEX/SAT.BART�C.C. �� � � SUB CHECK#��,6 � . — TOTAL �,.� C.C.#� T,nx Ir`� � � � , E�� TH.# - ( � ,� ereby ec me have ttie"'etiove`v�io d'at t e stated flat rate price. TOTAL � ❑ 30 DAY O 10 DAY AUTH. ` BILLING 81LLING BY Signature: � .��(,�� THANK YOU AUTHQRIZATION TO PROCEED WITH THE ABOVE DIAGNOSIS/SOLUTION.I warrent and re sent that ram � BE��OM P�UMBINB&MECHAIrCAL,INC. the owner/authorized representative ot the ownerftenant of ihe premises at which the work reterenced NOTES/TERMS: above is to be done. By signing below, I authorize and direct Beacon Plumbing to perform the Diagnosis! Payment in full upon completion unless othervvise noted below. salution using such materials and labor as Beacon Plumbing deems necessary and prudent. I agree to pay in full the amount speciGed tor services rendered or w11I be subject to additional coNection costs (see reverse). I HAVE READ THIS AC�REEMENT, INCLUDING THE TERMS ON THE REVERSE SIDE AND HAVE BEEN PROVIDED WITH A DUPLICATE. I AUTHORIZE BEACON PLUMBING ROCEEQ WITH THE ABOVE DIAGNOSIS/SOLUTION AT A FU1T RATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF WORK PERFORMED: I find the service and materi- plus any icable tax a service charge.AlL SALES ARE FINAL a;s rendered and instaNed 'n connection with the above work men- � � _� ° � tioned to have been completed in a satisfactory menner.I agrse that Authorized Signature: !'�� � �` � � the amount set forth in this conVact in lhe space latseled'TOTAL"to be ( the total and complete flat rate/minimum charge.I acknowledge that I Please Print Name have read and received I le o Is contract.�us��ESAR¢Fl�ut. I CERTIFY THAT THE WATER PRESSURE MEASURED TO BE PS�• Acceptence Signature � .It pressure exceeds BOPSI aN work performed will not be warrantied.This only applies to work done on potable water syslems. � � ,�/� . . .... . . . ... . . • . • - -•-- ---- --��'--- - ----... . .. cicy ofA GEND M #6. b) � ,/r. �-�r, � , �...�....:e� � � [ � � \ � � � v�.e,r,��. .F.,. '..� -�+.��..,._�,�,� ..�+�"�.�'.,+�. .,. r�-�i Water teak Ad�ustment Requesl Form �� � �en�s�aw, Mayor lwen Wang,Administrator Date:�/ Z�l� City Account Number: I��J� " �� Service Address: /�/ ��I hl���' �� I/� Billing Period: Location Type: Single Family Residential- � Non-Residential- � Leak Adjustment Policy(Ordinance 5600, 6-15-2011) • T'he City will process and grant no more than one water billing adjustment for water leaks on the customers'side of the water meter per water service connection every five(5)years. Adjustments will be calculated over the billing periods when the water leak occurred,up to a maximum of two _M;,-.._..;..�.�. (2)regular meter reading cycles. Leak adjustments will be granted for sernce lines oniv between .,,}-..-..�... ...,.- �_,�.._,.....,._ the Ymeter and the fonndation of ttie baildiri�;. • A written request for a water biliing adjustment must be submitted to Utility Billing Customer Service within sixty(60)days of discovery of the water leak and/or sixty(60) days of receipt of a notice from the City regazding high water consumption and that a leak might have occurred. The written requesr must include the service address, billing periods over which the leak occurred, location of the leak and a copy of the repair receipt with a cCear written description of the completed repain Photos verifying the repair and the location of the leak are strongly recommended. Adjustment Methodology(Ordinance 5210,6-5-06) • The water portion of the bill will be adjusted by charging for only 50%of the excess consumption charge over the hilling period(s) when the leak occurred. Exarnple of an adjusted water billing calculation: (0.50 X Consumption in excess of historieal average for billi.ng period) X Commodity Rate. Adjustments greater than $2,000 shall be submitted to the Finance Committee for approval or denial. There will be no adjustment of the Basic Monthly Charge or any other water charge. (Ord. 5210, 6-5-2006) • For non-residential sewer accounts, a full adjustment of the sewer bill will be made for all Ieaked water that did not enter the sanitary sewer system. The adjustment will be detemuned by averaging normal water consumption from previous representative billing periods and charging wastewater volume rates based on this normal average volume. Adjustments greater than$2,000 shall be submitted to the Finance Conunittee for approval or denial. There will be no adjustment of the base chazge or any other sewer charge. Date Leak was repaired:Zf�/�Leak Repaired By: ���D�-' /i/< ��rn�'ti�� / Y / location of Leak: � .��'�V...r� }'J'I�ll�j,�'l�v� ��2� d�J �-�' �jGGl��� � ` G�- ' � ������ 7ype of Leak: �i fi p ,�1/`iS ./LGG�4�/ � r � /� ,/ / Property Owner Name: /C FL.� � 1N�N � ,, Contact Phone#:��d� �� Property Owner Signature v _ ���� ,;�''-�.__�_ Date: � /.C� ! ���1�"` �,L,2�,��.1�C'� �L�.��1��L^ G�- /3.-G-�� � fz!d'-t�ti'r�� Note:Attach repair reeeipts to this r qteest f rm.Ad�stment will not be proeessed witho�it proof of repylr. Approved ❑ Denied❑ Reason�.���C�L/.���'� ..G-� �i'^--r ,�'�i� ���1 ! IQ55 5 GRADY WAY,RENTON WA 98057 PHONE:(425)-4346852 F.qX:(425)-43Q-6855-ORD.5658 4/23/201 Z _ , r--����c����oa4GENDA,��EM #6, b) � . f � ,� � . . , .. . . " _fi � i„- J' , ,,� ! '�^ , Water teak AQ�ustment Request Form Denis�aw, Mayor Iwen Wang,Administrator , . .Date:�;c�� � . . „ . ��7� 6"C`�..-b _ City Accuunt Number: � Service Address:_ Is � �,sc� f/U!J �z—����------Billing Period: Location Type: Sin�le Fanuly Residential - � Non-Residential -� L.eak Adjustment Policy{C�rdinance 5600, 6-15-2011) • The City wil] process and ��rant no more than one water billing adjustment for water leaks an the customers'side of the water meter per water service connection every five(5) years. Adjustments w�iIl be calculated o��er the billing periods when the water leak occurred, up to a maximum of two (2)regular meter reading cycles. Leak adjustments wiil be granted for service Gnes oniV between the meter and the foundation of the buildiuu. • A written request for a water billin� adjustment must be subautted to L'tility Billing Customer Service w�ithin sixty� (60)days of discovery of the water leak and.�or sixty(60) days of receipt of a notice from the City regarding high water consumption and that a leak might have occurred. The written req:�est nutst include the service address, billing perrods over whicli the leak occr�rred, location of the leak a►�d a copy� of t/ie repair receipt witlt a clear written description of the contpleted repain Photos verif}�ing the repair and the location of the leak are stro�egl�• recommended. Adjustment Nlethodoloey(Ordinance 5210,6-5-06) • The water portion of the bill will be adjusted by charging for only SO°�o of the exc.ess cansumption charge over the billing period(s) when the leak occurred. Example of an adjusted water billing calculation: (O.Sd X Consumption in excess of historical average for billing period) X Coinmodity Rate. Adjustments greater than �2,000 shall be subtnitted to the Finance Committee for approval or denial. There will be no adjustment of the Basic Monthly Charge or any ather watercharge. (Ord. 52t0. 6-5-2006} • For non-residential sew�er accounts, a full adjustment af the sewer bill will be made for all leaked water that did not enter the sanitary sewer system. The adjustment �.vill be detemzined by averaging normal water consumption from previous representative billing periods and chargin� wastewater volume rates based on this normal average volume. Adjustments greater than $2,000 shatl be submitted to the Finance Committee for approval or denial. There will be no adjustinent of the base charge or any other sewer charge. Date Leak was repaired:� ! Leak Repaired By:_����rL�rf " location of Leak:���. d�/7011%�f�!iy0 L�`` /5,,,i/y/r Type of Leak: ��T�l �/`�.��� � Property Owner Name: ,r K ,�, �r �.� � Contact Phone#:��;����� _ ..._-- Property Owner Signatur f�.,,,,....r � �- �i��'L-- Date:�,','�.�- /� ..�-d�� G�2.(Gfi/���'L i t.G .'�"ote:Attac{i repair receipts t�this equest urm. A justm�nt x>c!!not be processed withotit proof of repair. .9pproved ❑ Denied❑ Keason 1055 S GRaDY wAY,RENTON wA 93057 PNONE.(425)a30-6852 FAX.1a251-430-6855-ORD 5658 4/23/2012 �M�FtGENCY 24 H�Uf� PLUMBItVG & HEATING��J��� ��E� ea�p�r "A Local Company With A Pium ing k�n�"�Call� B�EA CC�3N PL UMB/NG Staff tbu CanTrust and Rely On„ ,�Sto,�Frea HEATING & MECHANtC�tL, INC � :custome,support�beaconptumbrng.net 1,$OO.FREAKIPI (1.$00.373.25Q6� �`Confracror�`BEACOf�M956((S - 8611 S. 192NO SVeet Kent.WA 98031 IJd8 NO. OR�ER pATE CUSTOMER PHONE NQ. CUS OM EMAIL SERVICE TECH �s���� I ���,�,� . I X� ��:., :}�� �I �L1�������._..� �a� I _ __ _ _ _ � . . . ' - - ' "t'` y 3,-. ,'! . r).� �:.� S .�!"'!"'S"'! s 1 1 � ' , , �. . ___ .��-�._..r i �:.. .�.,..� i . .��;�'� �..��».._ � i n ; � i� 1 �`�.?.,.,;^� ����. �_ - +l!; L�} - -'. . .. 1 r • r; ' �4� r7 A . t u �,. �"60.s'SR�Li.....7 �"�"'"-- -��' (M f'j ��i�� Y' D1AGNlOSI S/SOL UTION� 1� " "= - _.__ .__ ` ! - ni,�� cJ.3�� .fG n�, ���-�..,.;� � — --t'� i_ � ti�.-nc���c_r . � '� �� � , i i / �q I . . , . ./ � . .\, � _ , - �,. 1 'Z �=t 1t'�-..�;r 7�,1� l.va`�T' COlV I r..v _ �'�., J J • . . �`''�-'-� � lNlT/ALS � , � ACCEPT �DECL/NE � =�o�� r��.Y - Qn�,�:K. 3 f -- -1,� �%z ��1v�.,,��I � :�e:�_t , � I ` ' - " ' c� � /�/ �` � �J�Ler' 3erV��� J45 c.� .c�0 "�' �,r . i✓_ lh.,._„I.` . ' I � � � ��I - ��T/1't%J1':: ��t"".l" �.%Slt��-Q — �/4?.`�'�.r io i�1 S,�, ✓,..,�.-�,v�� _ ..-��.lu�s'S � I J � I �°`r I�f 4-��'� �Z�.!'� • C'c� :f-�'-�D �-.�[.L- — �`L!! 1 �,✓c:.i.1 �'Cr..?��V'• !n�,.LD . t . t , � • I Y I r7`L �Q�e�r�: �6 �F� v 1 n�.�3(',t9.9 r�rz �� /�CJt� -c� -'- --�C�,sc I �y 1 f�, � 1 ' � • � / ��L%/�.� r � �Y1� :.:..�J7 l�.S ;� r�1�,-.' n i f>-�%%�Y ' 3 G� - t �� Ga bvc�1� � � „ � ' i r ; - • - v . ` _ �S- G.=-*D-r'"_e�e�„ ,�� ! '<' ��� l.f�� �^•�ss r`s,�4��=J i. 1��. 10 .� r . �ao. i� ?t�^�..!r;� �,-:,:� �i;-�!>�� 1,�,.��.�1__�� �� t,.�.L.�:-?� -d�_?��s'r ,�.,�'��v►:e. . . �,�� :�!:r?% � C? �"r r-.�.t 4Y�Z fi ;'is � I �S'C7�c?J PAID BY: ❑'CHECK C]CA INITIAL I S�RviCE Y � Additional Comments: /l/,,. �,�,�f�.,�.,, �,,, I CHARGE � � C]BIZEX/ITEX/SAT.BART � GC. ��� � � SUB CHECK# ������'�f � �'''w`�'�?`� TOTAL . � d5�cSO.C� c.C.# /�D�' t" ax � .�'�S.?� � Al1TH:# �- ! o l.��4 , �`�!�A �5,��(�� � ., � I Hereby dechne to have the above work be pertortned at tpe'stated tiat rate pnce. I TOTAL ��� ,.�� . O 30 DAY �10 OAY AUT ,, _ � � BIILIN� - .BILLWG BY � ; Signatur� � � ; TI�ANK)YOU ' � � ' ,` t` BEACON PLUMBIN6 8 M�CHANICILL INL , q{J1'�10RIZA'�d��Qd>RCi�EED DVITa THE ABOVE DIAGNOSlS/SOLUTION.I wsrrant and represent that I am ', � ±�' , , the'ownerlautHorized representative of ihe owned,enunt �ot the premises at which the work referenced NOTES/T�RMS: . abov� �s to be done. By signing below, I authorize and direct 9eacon Piumbing to perfortn the diagnosis/ solution using such materials 9nd labor as Beacon Plumbing deems necessary and Payment in full upon completion uniess otherwise noted below. prudent I agree ro pay in tull the amount specified for sevices rendered or wi11 be subject ,7{� ����. � ��—,� ;,���� :o addit�onel coliection costs (see reverse) I HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING � THE TERMS ON THE REVERSE SIDE AND HAVE BEEN PROVIDEO WlTH A DUPUCATE ;AUTHORIZE �,����� ' BEACON PLUMBING TO PROCEED �SH�THE ABOVE OIAGNOSIS/SOLUTION AT A FkAT RATE OF . � . .� �t � �.��t l� '._ �� i��'; ` < ACCEPTANCE OF WORK PERFORMED: i find the service and maten- -��i�,�sr pius any a i�salas:tax a service qharge.ALL 5ALE5 A FINAL. als ret�dered and installed in connection with the above work men- "'�` - (V/ ��� ��- � `f r. tloned to have been completed in a sat(slactory manner.I agree thaE Authorized Signature «� � �,_ the amount set fohh in this contract in.the space labeled"TOTA�"to be �i �- � the to?ai ar,d complete flat rat�mm�mum charge. I acknov�iedge that I /Ple�se Pnnt Neme . have read and received a legi;te copy of this coMrad.qLt5ALE5 ARE fINAL ! I CERTIFY THAT THE WATER pRESSURE MEASURED 70 BE PSI. Acceptance Signaturo �%l�n�-W�� r� f pressure exceeds 80PSI all work peAormed will not be warrantied.Th�s only applies to work done on polabie wata!systems. J ' If,iP�R-ANT-the.2sms ana conditians vr c��e rave�se sk1�of t iis `or�n are oart of th�s aqre2mert. PL�ASE FiEA.�THEM CAREFliL�Y . I . I . � I H � �. . Y: , f .., � , M ' . ✓ , . ,.. , . . . . � . ' � . ;'k ,•��� i •`�'�� . � . .., . .� � , �� .. � . ' tr� ' �` '�,��r ,. ��7'���+M1 'lp'�l►�f 11(T � �� ,,, a � \ , �}' �• . .�� .. -,,, '�'��.I;''` aY e���r�' ,,l,: � �'-c;��;` ,.&�'rri"� �c's f -�a`,���f`;^�'.e �' "y' '�r�,� �,';.,� ..a ,rr�°". �'����, ��,:�;'�,:fi" �y.1 a e r �. ,F;'�'���1�',��,,�;�r�y.�� � � y,` . � �� �.A� ''�v.��+'"'� �°��"k'„'3 .• z. �,y, _ _-.. , ��.r*�., "fi'� '�• y� ��r — . _ . . • � �t'� a �`r�n � O � � - e. �.fii . �. D - .�`. i'2S'.�' . � ,.. +. , k 1 �z:, � �$ � . . 1 .{.,d`i r..�,; '� . ��������'�$. .ai`�%�� � '�R..�r.�. �«- �� �'.u� M 2w�».4L , ' . . AGENDA ITEM #6. b) AGENDA ITEM #6, c) ..�. � ClTY OF -. �'.rl.�t�11 � . . . . ,. . , SUBJECT/TITLE: Partial Release of Easement; Bellevue TT LLC; RE-15-003 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Utilities Committee DEPARTMENT: City Clerk STAFF CONTACT: lason Seth, City Clerk EXT.: 6502 . . . Expend4ture�equ�red: $NjA` TransferAmendment� $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A 7otat Project Bud�get: ,��tjA• ; C�ty Share Tc�tat ProJect: $,N/A ._.> ,� ,. .a.... r �, .., , . ._e ..,. , .. . . ,. , „ . , . ,�.a., . _ .. �v. .. . ,.. . � � � � � On October 29, 2015, Chris Tonkin of Bellevue TT LLC, 3300 Maple Valley Highway, Renton, WA 98058, filed an application with the City of Renton for partial release of an existing easement recorded under King County Auditor File Number 8312050539 as it relates to Lot 2 of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-007-82, according to the survey recorded in King under Recording No. 8207079005. An application filing fee of$250 has been paid. The property is located in the vicinity of NE 4th St& Union Ave. NE as part of the Taco Time/Starbucks project.The request is made in connection with the construction of a new storm water drainage line and the granting of a new easement in favor of the City of Renton,which will be recorded against the property. The Community&Economic Development Department has verified the validity of the documents and recommends approval of the partial release of easement,subject to the collection of the processing fee from the applicant. ACTION NEEDED: Determine whether the release of easement proposal should be granted,whether there are conditions of approval,and whether an appraisal is necessary to determine the amount of compensation to be paid, if any. : A. Application Letter B. Draft Unsigned Partial Release of Easement � ' • �� � Approve the partial release of easement, subject to the collection of the processing fee from the applicant. AGENDA ITEM #6, c) CITY OF RENTON OCT29 2015 Date: 10/9/2015 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 Attention: Renton City Clerk Re: Renton Highlands Taco Time/Starbucks Redevelopment(U 14005665) Request for Partial Release of Easement On behalf of Bellevue TT LLC, a Washington limited liability partnership, we are requesting that the utility easement recorded under King County Auditor File Number 8312050539 be partially released. This request is made in connection with the construction of a new storm water drainage line and the granting of a new easement in favor of the City of Renton,which will be recorded against the Property. We have already submitted executed easement documentation to the City for this new easement. Attached are the legal description and exhibit map showing the requested partial release of the existing easement. If you should have any questions or need further information,please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at 425 988-2439 Sincerely, Chris Tonkin Bellewe TT LLC AGENDA ITEM #6. c) Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 9$057 Partial Release of Easement Property Tax Parcei Number: Project File#: Streetintersection: Reference Number(s)of Documenls assigned or released:Additional reference numbers are on page �. Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. City of Renton,a Municipa)Corporation ]. Bellevue TT LLC The Granror,as the owner of an easement acquired from Totwav Limited Partnershio,Kanton Leasine Coro..and Safewav stores dated on 1�5/1983 ,recorded under King County Recording Number $3 1 205 05 3 9 of King County,State of Washington,over real property described beiow: Sce Exhihit "A" But this release shall not impair the easement rights acquired and recorded under King County Recording No. as to the easement not hereby released. Except as explicitly released by this document,the remaining City Easement rights shall remain in futl force and effect. The CITY OF RENTON does hereby abandon and release all rights acquired under above described easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City has caused this instrument to be executed by the Mayor and City Clerk this day of ,2Q_. MAYOR CITY CLERK STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that 1 know or have satisfactory evidence that Jesse Tanner and Marilyn Petersen are the persons who appeared before me,and said persons acknawledged that they signed this instrument,on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the inswment and acknowledged it�s the MAYOR,and the CITY CLERK,CITY OF RENTON,to be the free and voluntary act of such parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the inswment. Notary Public in and for the State of Washingron Notary(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: Partial release of easement PWPSRE002/bh AGENDA ITEM #6, c) EXHIBIT"A" I, LEGAL DESCRIPTION I UTILI7Y EASEMENT RELINGIUISHMENT That portion of an easement as shown in document titled"Grant of Easement(Utility)"recorded under Recording Number 8312050539, records of King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows; Any portion of the above described easement lying over, under or across Lot 2 of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment 007-82, recorded under Recording Number 8207079005, records of King County, Washington. ,,,,. ...,. .,,,,r. 5 ��J�� W A y y'�T'A � � . � � � � � 45789 0 .�`� `t`i� FC!S T E`��' S�� NA t L AN� OATE s�cNeo 10/09/2015 ,.....,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�: Projed Name: Taco Time-Renton Highlands October 9,2015 Page 1 of 1 TSL 1258EXH03.dwg � AGENDA ITEM #6, c) � ; ; � EXHIBIT 'B' � � � � N. LINE OF LOT 2 i ' �C��r�, 4 ��,0 9oa�� G,�`���,4.2'l�;2 1Jft1Jf'� �� �J5 9 �9 � PORTtoN oF To 2 �,p �p230� B��a�2050539 �,���,\�¢0� �� � REC. �,p�.�GO p,Q _ � 15.0' PROPOSED STORM LINE �� EASEMENT PER SEPARATE DOCUMENT 1 �, 1 1....,� N.E aTF► sT __ _ _ _ yl�l11�11U'� S ��J��F WA3y�'��'A ti � � � � �, o �. � - � � � 45789 o J� GRAPHIC SCALE �J'ip ��/S T E��` SJ� oA� NA� �p�� 0 20 40 80 SIGNED ')(�� � �rj �" a 40 F£ET sc��E" For' JOB NUMBER HORIZONTAL 1"=40' VERIICAL N/A � TACO TIME 1258 LANKTREE RENTON HiGHLANDS 1258L006.DOC LAI� 3URVEYINO, INC. 421-�•�,�, -- Title: sH�r ""�"��-'°� EASEMENT P►io�: c2s�) es�-�a� WWW(� 79r161pSUR4EYING.COU RELINQUISHMENT 1 0, 1 � DESIGNED �� I DRAWN XXX I CHECKED�XX�_ I APPROVED_L�L_ I DATE l U/09/15 � AGENDA ITEM #6, d) I � .'.CITY OF _� � ����� • � ' � 1 � 1 SUBJECT/TITLE: 2015 Emergency Management Performance Grant(EMPG) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Fire & Emergency Services STAFF CONTACT: Deborah Needham, Emergency Management Director EXT.: 7027 • •• 'I x� ..,� s _. . Expenditure lRequired: °'.$N%A°-m, . TranSfe�Amendment. $N/A � ' Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ 72,093.00 .. . ,. Total P�oJect Budget ' r a�»� N�A:.. . .., �y e�o .I�����,... ..�fi „/� t'� .G Shar ta N �a„ , . . .� . . ��.���:,.���� . ��.�n ,�� �: �..� ��;v _,,. _ . �� � � • � • The purpose of the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) is to fund local emergency management programs the city would not otherwise be able to provide. The EMPG provides supplemental funding to support the key components of a comprehensive national emergency management system for disasters and emergencies. Grant funds will be expended during FY2015, per requirements of the EMPG. Council previously accepted the award letter, as the grant contract itself was delayed this year. : A. 2015 EMPG Contract E16-102 � � ' • �� • Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Washington State Military Department and the Department of Homeland Security Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG), Contract E16-102. .Washington State Military Department AGENDA ITEM #6, d) .HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT AGREEMENT FACE SHEET 1. Subrecipient Name and Address: 2. Grant Agreement Amount: 3. Grant Agreement Number: Renton,City of Fire 8�Emergency Services,Office of 572,093 E16-102 Emergency Management 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98057-3232 4. Subrecipient Contact, phone/email: 5. Grant Agreement Start Date: 6. Grant Agreement End Date: Deborah Needham,(425)430-7027 �une 1,2015 Au ust 31,2016 dneedham(aarentonwa.aov 9 7. Department Program Manager, phone/email: 8. Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS): 9. UBI#(state revenue): Sierra Wardell,(253)512-7121 sierra.wardell(�mil.wa.aov 092278894 177-000-094 10. Funding Authority: Washington State Military Department(the"DEPARTMENT")and the U.S.Department of Homeland Security(DHS) 11. Federal Funding Identification #: 12. Federal Award Date: 13. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)#&Title: EMW-2015-EP-00028-501 09/22/2015 I 97.042(15EMPG) 14. Total Federal Amount #: 15. Program Index#&OBJ/SUB-OBJ: 16. TIN: 57,219,265 753PT NZ I 91-6001271 17. Service Districts: 18. Service Area by County(ies): 19. Women/Minority-Owned, State (BY LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT): 5,11,33,38,41 .King County Certified?: X N/A ❑ NO (BY CONGRESSIONAL DISTRIC�: 9 ❑ YES, OMWBE# 20. Agreement Classification 21. Contract Type(check all that apply): ❑ Personal Services ❑ Client Services X PubliGLocal Gov't ❑ Contract X Grant X Agreement ❑ Research/Development ❑ A/E ❑ Other ❑ Intergovernmental (RCW 39.34) ❑ Interagency 22. Subrecipient Selection Process: 23. Subrecipient Type(check all that appy) X "To all who apply&qualify" ❑ Competitive Bidding ❑ Private Organization/Individual ❑ For-Profit ❑ Sole Source ❑ A/E RCW ❑ N/A X Public Organization/Jurisdiction ❑ Non-Profit ❑ Filed w/OFM? ❑ Advertised? ❑YES ❑NO ❑ CONTRACTOR X SUBRECIPIENT ❑ OTHER 24. PURPOSE&DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the FY 2075 Emergency Management Performance Grant(15EMPG) is to provide U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Federal award funds to local jurisdictions and tribes with emergency management programs to assist in preparing for all hazards through sustainment and enhancement of those programs as described in the Work Plan. The Department is the Recipient and Pass-through Entity of the 15EMPG Award EMW-2015-EP-00028-S01,which is incorporated in and attached hereto as Attachment#1,and has made a subaward of Federal award funds to the Subrecipient pursuant to this Agreement. The Subrecipient is accountable to the Department for use of Federal award funds provided under this Agreement and the associated matching funds. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Department and Subrecipient acknowledge and accept the terms of this Agreement, including ali referenced ' Exhibits and Attachments which are hereby incorporated in and made a part hereof, and have executed this Agreement as of the date below. This Agreement Face Sheet; Special Terms & Conditions (Exhibit A); General Terms and Conditions (Exhibit B); Work Plan (Exhibit C); Timeline (Exhibit D); Budget(Exhibit E); and all other documents, exhibits and attachments expressly referenced and incorporated herein contain all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties and govern the rights and obligations of the parties to this Agreement. No other understandings,oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. In the event of an inconsistency in this Agreement, unless otherwise provided herein, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: 1. Applicable Federal and State Statutes and Regulations 4. Special Terms and Conditions 2. DHS/FEMA Award and program documents 5. General Terms and Conditions,and, 3. Work Plan 6. Other provisions of the Agreement incorporated by reference WHEREAS,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year last specified below. FOR THE DEPARTMENT: FOR THE SUBRECIPIENT: Signature Date Signature Date Richard A.Woodruff, Contracts Administrator Denis Law, Mayor Washington State Military Department APPROVED AS TO FORM(if applicable): BOILERPLATE APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brian E. Buchholz(signature on file 9/22/2015) ATTEST:Jason A. Seth, City Clerk Date Assistant Attomey General Form 05/12/2015 MLL DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 1 of 25 Renton,City of, E16-102 AGENDA /TEM #6, d) Exhibit A SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARTICLE i. KEY PERSONNEL The individuals listed below shall be considered key personnel for point of contact under this Agreement. Any substitution of key personnel by either party shall be made by written notification to the current key personnel. SUBRECIPIENT MILITARY DEPARTMENT Name � Tami Dauenhauer � Name � Gary Stumph Title � Administrative Secretary � Title � Program Coordinator E-Mail � emCaarentonwa.aov � E-Mail � aarv.stumoh a(amil.wa.aov Phone � 425�30-7053 � Phone � 253-512-7483 Name � Deborah Needham � Name � Sierra Wardell Title � Emergency Management Director � Title � Program Manager E-Mail � dneedhamkarentonwa.aov � E-Mail � sierra.wardell(a�mil.wa.�ov Phone � 425-430-7027 � Phone � 253-512-7127 Name � Mindi Mattson � Name � Dalton Gamboa Title I Emergency Management I Title I Program Assistant Coordinator E-Mail � mmattsonlaarentonwa.aov � E-Mail � dalton.aamboa(aamil.wa.aov Phone � 425-430-7041 � Phone � 253-512-7044 ARTICLE II. ADMINISTRATIVE AND/OR FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS The Subrecipient shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws, rules, regulations, requirements and program guidance identified or referenced in this Agreement and the informational documents published by DHS/FEMA applicable to the 15EMPG Program, including, but not limited to, all criteria, restrictions and requirements of the "Department of Homeland Security Notice of Funding Opportunity FY 2015 Emergency Management Performance Grant" document published by FEMA, the DHS Award Letter for Grant No. EMW- 2015-EP-00028-S01, and the federal regulations commonly applicable to DHS/FEMA grants, all of which are incorporated herein by reference. The DHS Award Letter is incorporated in this Agreement as Attachment#1. ' The Subrecipient acknowledges that since this Agreement involves federal award funding, the period of performance described herein may begin prior to the availabiliry of appropriated federal funds. The Subrecipient agrees that it will not hold the Department, the State of Washington, or the United States liable for any damages, claim fo�reimbursement, or any type of payment whatsoever for services performed under this Agreement prior to distribution of appropriated federal funds, or if federal funds are not appropriated or in a particular amount. A. STATE AND FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR DHS/FEMA PREPAREDNESS GRANTS: The following requirements apply to all DHS/FEMA Preparedness Grants administered by the Department. 1. SUBAWARDS �CONTRACTS BY SUBRECIPIENT a. The Subrecipient must make a case-by-case determination whether each agreement it makes for the disbursement of 15EMPG funds received under this Agreement casts the party receiving the funds in the role of a subrecipient or contractor in accordance with 2 ' CFR 200.330. b. If the Subrecipient becomes a pass-through entity by making a subaward to a non-federal entity as its subrecipient: i. The Subrecipient must comply with all federal laws and regulations applicable to pass-through entities of 15EMPG funds, including but not limited to those contained in 2 CFR 200. ii. The Subrecipient shall require its subrecipient to comply with all applicable state and federal laws, rules, regulations, requirements and program guidance identified or referenced in this Agreement and the informational documents published by DHS/FEMA applicable to the 15EMPG Program, including, but not limited to, all criteria, restrictions, and requirements of the "Department of Homeland Security DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 2 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA /TEM #6, d) Notice of Funding Opportunity FY 2015 Emergency Management Performance Grant" document published by FEMA, the DHS Award Letter for Grant No. EMW- 2015-EP-00028-S01 in Attachment #1, and the federal regulations commonly applicable to DHS/FEMA grants. iii. The Subrecipient shall be responsible to the Department for ensuring that all 15EMPG federal award funds provided to its subrecipient are used in accordance with applicable federal and state statutes and regulations, and the terms and conditions of the federal award set forth in Attachment#1 of this Agreement. 2. REIMBURSEMENT� BUDGET REQUIREMENTS a. Within the total Grant Agreement Amount, travel, sub-contracts, salaries, benefits, printing, equipment, and other goods and services or other budget categories will be reimbursed on an actual cost basis unless otherwise provided in this Agreement. b. The maximum amount of all reimbursement requests permitted to be submitted under this Agreement, including the final reimbursement request, is limited to and shall not exceed the total Grant Agreement Amount. c. If the Subrecipient chooses to include indirect costs within the Budget (Exhibit E), an indirect cost rate agreement negotiated between the federal cognizant agency for indirect costs and the Subrecipient establishing approved indirect cost rate(s) as described in 2 CFR 200.414 and Appendix VII to 2 CFR 200 must be submitted to the Department. However, under 2 CFR 200.414(fl, if the Subrecipient has never received a negotiated indirect cost rate agreement establishing federally negotiated rate(s), the Subrecipient may negotiate a rate with the Department or charge a de minimis rate of 10% of modified total direct costs. The SubrecipienYs actual indirect cost rate may vary from the approved rate, but must not exceed the indirect cost rate percentage identified in Exhibit E, Budget. If a Subrecipient chooses to charge the 10% de minimis rate, but did not charge indirect costs to previous subawards, a request for approval to charge indirect costs must be submitted to the Department Key Personnel for approval with an explanation for the change. d. For travel costs, Subrecipients shall comply with 2 CFR 200.474 and should consult their internal policies, state rates set pursuant to RCW 43.03.050 and RCW 43.03.060 as now existing or amended, and federal maximum rates set forth at httq://www.asa.aov, and follow the most restrictive. If travel costs exceed set state or federal limits, travel costs shall not be reimbursed without prior written approval by Department Key Personnel. e. The Subrecipient will submit reimbursement requests to the Department by submitting a properly completed State A-19 Invoice Form and Reimbursement Spreadsheet (in the format provided by the Department) detailing the expenditures for which reimbursement is sought. Reimbursement requests must be submitted to ReimbursementsCc�mil.wa.qov no later than the due dates listed within the Timeline (Exhibit D), but not more frequently than monthly. Reimbursement request totals should be commensurate to the time spent processing by the Subrecipient and the Department. If the reimbursement request isn't substantial enough, the Subrecipient should request prior written approval from Department Key Personnel to waive the due date in the Timeline(Exhibit D)and instead submit those costs on the next scheduled reimbursement due date contained in the Timeline. f. Receipts and/or backup documentation for any approved items that are authorized under this Agreement must be maintained by the Subrecipient consistent with record retention requirements of this Agreement and be made available upon request by the Department, and local, state, or federal auditors. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 3 of 25 Renton, Ciry of, E16-102 AGENDA /TEM #6, d) g. Any request for extension of a due date in the Timeline (Exhibit D) will be treated as a request for Amendment of the Agreement and must be submitted to the Department Key Personnel sufficiently in advance of the due date to provide adequate time for Department review and consideration, and can be granted or denied within the Department's sole discretion. h. All work under this Agreement must end on or before the Grant Agreement End Date, and the final reimbursement request must be submitted to the Department within 45 days after the Grant Agreement End Date, except as otherwise authorized by written amendment of this Agreement and issued by the Department. i. No costs for purchases of equipmenbsupplies will be reimbursed until the related equipmenUsupplies have been received by the Subrecipient, its contractor, or any non- federal entity to which the Subrecipient makes a subaward and is invoiced by the vendor. j. Failure to timely submit complete reports and reimbursement requests as required by this Agreement (including but not limited to those reports in the Timeline) will prohibit the Subrecipient from being reimbursed until such complete reports and reimbursement requests are submitted and the Department has had reasonable time to conduct its review. k. Final reimbursement requests will not be approved for payment until the Subrecipient is current with all reporting requirements contained in this Agreement. I. A written amendment will be required if the Subrecipient expects cumulative transfers between budget categories, as identified in the Budget (Exhibit E), to exceed 10% of the Grant Agreement Amount. Any adjustments to budget categories totals not in compliance with this paragraph will not be reimbursed. m. Subrecipients shall only use federal award funds under this Agreement to supplement existing funds, and will not use them to replace (supplant) non-federal funds that have been budgeted for the same purpose. The Subrecipient may be required to demonstrate and document that a reduction in non-federal resources occurred for reasons other than the receipt or expected receipt of federal funds. 3. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS a. The Subrecipient shall submit with each reimbursement request a report indicating the Work Plan activities the expenditures for which reimbursement is sought relate to, in the format provided by the Department. ' b. In con'unction with the next annual rant c cle a lication rocess the Subreci ient shall 1 9 Y PP P , P submit to the Department Key Personnel a final report describing all completed activities '�I under this Agreement. If a Subrecipient will not be applying for grant funding during the I next annual grant cycle application process, the Subrecipient will submit a final report with I ' its final reimbursement request to the Department detailing progress on all activities listed in the Work Plan. c. In conjunction with the final report,the Subrecipient shall submit a separate report detailing how the EMPG Exercise and Training requirements were met for all personnel funded by , federal or matching funds under this Agreement. d. The Subrecipient shall also comply with the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) and related OMB Guidance consistent with Public Law 109- 282 as amended by section 6202(a) of Public Law 110-252 (see 31 U.S.C. 6101 note) ', and complete and return to the Department the FFATA Form located at ', httq://mil.wa.aov/emeraencv-manaaement-division/qrants/requiredqrantForms, which is ', incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement. �!, e. The Subrecipient shall participate in the State's annual capabilities assessment for the State Preparedness Report. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 4 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA 1TEM #6, d I ) 4. EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT a. Subrecipients and any non-federal entity to which the Subrecipient makes a subaward shall comply with 2 CFR 200.318—200.326, to include but not limited to: i. Upon successful completion of the terms of this Agreement, all equipment and supplies purchased through this Agreement will be owned by the Subrecipient, or a recognized non-federal entity to which the Subrecipient has made a subaward, for which a contract, subrecipient grant agreement, or other means of legal transfer of ownership is in place. ' ii. All equipment, and supplies as applicable, purchased under this Agreement will be recorded and maintained in the Subrecipient's inventory system. iii. Equipment records shall include: a description of the property; the manufacturer's serial number, model number, or other identification number; the source of the equipment, including the Federal Award Identification Number(FAIN); Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number; who holds the title; the acquisition date; the cost of the equipment and the percentage of Federal participation in the cost; the location, use and condition of the equipment at the date the information was reported; and disposition data including the date of disposal and sale price of ', the property. iv. The Subrecipient shall take a physical inventory of the equipment and reconcile the results with the property records at least once every two years. Any differences befinreen quantities determined by the physical inspection and those shown in the records shall be investigated by the Subrecipient to determine the cause of the difference. The Subrecipient shall, in connection with the inventory, verify the existence, current utilization, and continued need for the equipment. v. The Subrecipient shall be responsible for any and all operational and maintenance expenses and for the safe operation of their equipment and supplies including all questions of liability. The Subrecipient shall develop appropriate maintenance schedules and procedures to ensure the equipment and supplies are well maintained and kept in good operating condition. vi. The Subrecipient shall develop a control system to ensure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage, and theft of the property. Any loss, damage, or theft shall be investigated and a report generated and sent to the Department. vii. The Subrecipient must obtain and maintain all necessary certifications and licenses for the equipment. viii. If the Subrecipient is authorized or required to sell the property, proper sales procedures must be established and followed to ensure the highest possible return. ix. If upon termination or at the Grant Agreement End Date, there is a residual inventory of unused supplies exceeding $5,000 in total aggregate value which will not be needed for any other Federal award, or when original or replacement equipment is no longer needed for the original project or program or for other activities currently or previously supported by a Federal agency, the Subrecipient must comply with following procedures: A. The Subrecipient may retain the supplies for use on other non-Federal related activities or sell them, but must compensate the Federal sponsoring agency for its share. B. The Subrecipient must dispose of equipment as follows: i. Items of equipment with a current per-unit fair market value of less than $5,000 may be retained, sold or otherwise disposed of by the Subrecipient with no further obligation to the awarding agency. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 5 of 25 Renton,City of, E16-102 A GENDA 1 TEM #6. d) ii. Items of equipment with a current per-unit fair market value of more than $5,000 may be retained or sold and the Subrecipient shall compensate the Federal-sponsoring agency for its share. x. Records for equipment shall be retained by the Subrecipient for a period of six years from the date of the disposition, replacement, or transfer. If any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration of the six year period, the records shall be retained by the Subrecipient untit all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved. b. The Subgrantee shall comply with EMD's Purchase Policy contained within the EMD Purchase Workbook version 2015.1 located at http://mil.wa.qov/emerqencv-manaqement- division/qrants/homeland-securitv-prants, incorporated by reference and made part of this Agreement. No reimbursement will be provided unless the appropriate approval has been received. c. Allowable equipment categories for the 15EMPG Program are listed on the Authorized Equipment List (AEL) located on the FEMA website at http://www.fema.qov/preparedness-non-disaster-qrants. The AEL consists of 21 categories which are divided into sub-categories. It is important the Subrecipient and any non-federal entity to which the Subrecipient makes a subaward regard the AEL as an authorized purchasing list identifying items allowed under the specific grant program, and includes items that may not be categorized as equipment according to the federal, state, local, and tribal definitions of equipment. Subrecipients are solely responsible for ensuring purchased items under this Agreement are authorized as allowed items by the AEL at time of purchase. If the item is not identified on the AEL as allowable under EMPG, Subrecipients must contact the Department Key Personnel for assistance in seeking FEMA approval prior to acquisition. Subrecipients are solely responsible for ensuring equipment eligibility in accordance with the AEL. d. Unless expressly provided otherwise, all equipment must meet all mandatory regulatory and/or DHS/FEMA adopted standards to be eligible for purchase using Federal award funds. e. Equipment purchased with DHS federal award funds is to be marked with "Purchased with funds provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security"when practicable. f. As a subrecipient of federal funds, the Subrecipient must pass on equipment and supply ' management requirements that meet or exceed the requirements outlined above to any non-federal entity to which the Subrecipient makes a sub award of federal award funds under this Agreement. . ENVIR NMENTAL AND HISTORICAL PRESERVATION 5 O The Subrecipient shall ensure full compliance with the DHS/FEMA Environmental Planning and � Historic Preservation(EHP) Program. Subrecipients are required to comply with DHS/FEMA EHP Policy Guidance which can be found at httqs://www.fema.qov/office-environmental-planninq-and- historic-preservation; FP 108-023-1 Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Policy Guidance at http://www.fema.pov/media-librarv/assets/documents/85376; and FP 108.24.4 Environmental Planning and Historical Preservation Policy at https://www.fema.qov/media- librarv/assets/documents/101537, all of which are incorporated in and made a part of this Agreement. a. Subrecipients proposing projects that have the potential to impact the environment, including, but not limited to construction of communication towers, modification or renovation of existing buildings, structures and facilities, or new construction including replacement of facilities, must participate in the DHS/FEMA EHP review process prior to DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 6 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA /TEM #6, d) project initiation. Modification of existing buildings, including minimally invasive improvements such as attaching monitors to walls, and training or exercises occurring outside in areas not considered previously disturbed also require a DHS/FEMA EHP review before project initiation. b. The EHP review process involves the submission of a detailed project description that explains the goals and objectives of the proposed project along with supporting documentation so FEMA may determine whether the proposed project has the potential to impact environmental resources and/or historic properties. c. The Subrecipient agrees that to receive any federal preparedness f�anding, all EHP compliance requirements outlined in applicable guidance must be met. The EHP review process must be completed before funds are reimbursed. Expenditures for projects started before EHP process review completion approval is received will not be reimbursed. 6. PROCUREMENT a. The Subrecipient shall comply with all procurement requirements of 2 CFR Part 200.318 through 200.326 and as specified in the General Terms and Conditions, Exhibit B, A.11. b. For all sole source contracts expected to exceed $150,000,The Subrecipient must submit to the Department for pre-procurement review and approval the procurement documents, such as requests for proposals, invitations for bids and independent cost estimates. This requirement must be passed on to any non-federal entity to which the Subrecipient makes a subaward, at which point the Subrecipient will be responsible for reviewing and approving sole source justifications of any non-federal entity to which the Subrecipient makes a subaward. 7. SUBRECIPIENT MONITORING a. The Department will monitor the activities of the Subrecipient from award to closeout. The goal of the Department's monitoring activities will be to ensure that agencies receiving federal pass-through funds are in compliance with this Agreement,federal and state audit requirements, federal grant guidance, and applicable federal and state financial regulations, as well as 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F. b. To document compliance with 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F requirements, the Subrecipient shall complete and return to the Department 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F Audit Certification Form located at httq://mil.wa.qov/emeraencv-manaaement- division/arants/reauiredarantforms with the signed Agreement and each fiscal year thereafter until the Agreement is closed, which is incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement. c. Monitoring activities may include, but are not limited to: i. review of financial and performance reports; ii. monitoring and documenting the completion of Agreement deliverables; iii. documentation of phone calls, meetings, e-mails and correspondence; iv. review of reimbursement requests and supporting documentation to ensure allowability and consistency with Agreement work plan, budget and federal requirements; v. observation and documentation of Agreement related activities, such as exercises, training, funded events and equipment demonstrations; vi. on-site visits to review equipment records and inventories, to verify source documentation for reimbursement requests and performance reports, and to verify completion of deliverables. d. The Subrecipient is required to meet or exceed the monitoring activities, as outlined above, for any non-federal entity to which the Subrecipient makes a subaward as a pass- through entity under this Agreement. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 7 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 A GENDA I TEM #6. d) e. Compliancy will be monitored throughout the performance period to assess risk. Concerns will be addressed through a Corrective Action Plan. 8. LIMITED ENGLISH PROFIENCY(CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 TITLE VI) a. All subrecipients must comply with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) prohibition against discrimination on the basis of national origin, which requires that subrecipients of federal financial assistance take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to persons with limited English proficiency (LEP) to their programs and services. Providing meaningful access for persons with LEP may entail providing language assistance services, including oral interpretation and written translation. Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency(August 11, 2000), requires federal agencies to issue guidance to recipients, assisting such organizations and entities in understanding their language access obligations. DHS published the required recipient guidance in April 2011, DHS Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons, 76 Fed. Reg. 21755-21768, (April 18, 2011). The Guidance provides helpful information such as how a recipient can determine the extent of its obligation to provide language services; selecting language services; and elements of an effective plan on language assistance for LEP persons. For additional assistance and information regarding language access obligations, please refer to the DHS Recipient Guidance at https://www.dhs.gov/guidance-published-help- department-supported-organizations-provide-meaningful-access-people-limited and additional resources on http://www.lep.pov. . 9. NIMS COMPLIANCE a. The National Incident Management System (NIMS) identifies concepts and principles that answer how to manage emergencies from preparedness to recovery regardless of their cause, size, location, or complexity. NIMS provides a consistent, nationwide approach and vocabulary for multiple agencies or jurisdictions to work together to build, sustain and deliver the core capabilities needed to achieve a secure and resilient nation. b. Consistent implementation of NIMS provides a solid foundation across jurisdictions and disciplines to ensure effective and integrated preparedness, planning, and response. NIMS empowers the components of the National Preparedness System, a requirement of Presidential Policy Directive(PPD)-8,to guide activities within the public and private sector and describes the planning, organizational activities, equipping, training and exercising needed to build and sustain the core capabilities in support of the National Preparedness Goal. c. The Subrecipient agrees that in order to receive Federal Fiscal Year 2015 federal preparedness funding, to include EMPG, NIMS compliance requitements for 2015 must be met. B. EMPG PROGRAM SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 1. The Department receives EMPG Program funding from the DHS/FEMA, which is provided to assist state, local and tribal governments enhance and sustain all-hazards emergency management capabilities as authorized by Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. §§ 5121 et seq.) and Section 662 of the Post Katrina Emergency Management Act(6 U.S.C. § 762). 2. A portion of the 15EMPG grant was identified by the state to be passed through to local jurisdictions and tribes with emergency management programs to supplement their local/tribal operating budgets to help sustain and enhance emergency management capabilities under WAC 118-09. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 8 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA ITEM #6, d) 3. The Subrecipient shall use the EMPG funds authorized under this Agreement only to perform tasks as described in the Work Plan of the Subrecipient's application for funding, as approved by the Department and incorporated into this Agreement. Funding may not be used to replace or supplant existing local or tribal government funding of emergency management programs. 4. The Subrecipient shall provide a fifty percent match of $72,093 of non-federal origin. To meet matching requirements, the Subrecipient cash matching contributions must be considered � reasonable, allowable, allocable, and necessary under the grant program and must comply with all Federal requirements and regulations, including but not limited to 2 CFR Part 200. An appropriate mechanism must be in place to capture, track, and document matching funds. 5. Exercises that are implemented with EMPG Program funds under this Agreement must meet the requirements of the 15EMPG Program. 6. All personnel funded in any part through federal award or matching funds under this Agreement shall participate in no less than three exercises in a 12-month period. The Subrecipient will report exercise participation along with the final report. 7. All personnel funded in any part through federal award or matching funds under this Agreement � shall complete the following training requirements and record proof of completion: NIMS Training ICS 100, ICS 200, IS 700, and IS 800 and the FEMA Professional Development Series IS 120, IS 230, IS 235, IS 240, IS 241, IS 242, and IS 244. The Subrecipient will report training course completion by individual personnel along with the final report. C. DHS TERMS AND CONDITIONS As a subrecipient of 15EMPG Program funding, the Subrecipient shall comply with all applicable DHS terms and conditions of the 15EMPG Award Letter and its incorporated documents for DHS Grant No. EMW-2015-EP-00028-S01, which are incorporated and made a part of this Agreement as Attachment #1. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 9 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA ITEM #6. d) Exhibit B Washington State Military Department GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/ Federal Emer enc Mana ement A enc FEMA � y � � y ( ) Grants A.1 DEFINITIONS � As used throughout this Agreement, the terms will have the same meaning as defined in 2 CFR 200 Subpart A (which is incorporated herein by reference), except as otherwise set forth below: . a. "Agreement" means this Grant Agreement. b. "Department" means the Washington State Military Department, as a state agency, any division, section, office, unit or other entity of the Department, or any of the officers or other officials lawfully representing that Department. The Department is a recipient of a federal award directly from a federal awarding agency and is the pass-through entity making a subaward to a subrecipient , under this Agreement. c. "Subrecipient" when capitalized is primarily used throughout this Agreement in reference to the non-federal entity identified on the Face Sheet of this Agreement that has received a subaward , from the Department. However, the definition of"subrecipient" is the same as in 2 CFR 200.93 ' for all other purposes. d. "Monitoring Activities" means all administrative, financial, or other review activities that are conducted to ensure compliance with all state and federal laws, rules, regulations, authorities and policies. , f. "InvestmenY' means the grant application submitted by the Subrecipient describing the project(s) for which federal funding is sought and provided under this this Agreement. Such grant application is hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference. A.2 ADVANCE PAYMENTS PROHIBITED The Department shall make no payments in advance or in anticipation of goods or services to be provided under this Agreement. Subrecipient shall not invoice the Department in advance of delivery and invoicing of such goods or services. A.3 AMENDMENTS AND MODIFICATIONS The Subrecipient or the Department may request, in writing, an amendment or modification of this Agreement. However, such amendment or modification shall not be binding, take effect or be incorporated herein until made in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of the Department and the Subrecipient. No other understandings or agreements, written or oral, shall be binding on the parties. A.4 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) OF 1990, PUBLIC LAW 101-336, 42 U.S.C. 12101 ET SEQ. AND ITS IMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS ALSO REFERRED TO AS THE "ADA" 28 CFR Part 35. The Subrecipient must comply with the ADA, which provides comprehensive civil rights protection to individuals with disabilities in the areas of employment, public accommodations, state and local government services, and telecommunication. A.5 ASSURANCES The Department and Subrecipient agree that all activity pursuant to this Agreement will be in accordance with all the applicable current federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations. A.6 CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT. SUSPENSION. OR INELIGIBILITY As federal funds are a basis for this Agreement, the Subrecipient certifies that the Subrecipient is not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participating in this Agreement by any federal department or agency. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 10 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA ITEM #6, d) The Subrecipient shall complete, sign, and return a Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, and Voluntary Exclusion form located at http://mil.wa.aov/emeraencv-manaaement- division/arants/reauiredqrantforms. Any such form completed by the Subrecipient for this Agreement shall be incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Further, the Subrecipient agrees to comply with all applicable federal regulations concerning the federal debarment and suspension system, including 2 CFR Part 180. The Subrecipient certifies that it will ensure that potential contractors or subrecipients or any of their principals are not debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in "covered transactions" by any federal department or agency. "Covered transactions" include procurement contracts for goods or services awarded under a non-procurement transaction (e.g. grant or cooperative agreement) that are expected to equal or exceed $25,000, and subawards to subrecipients for any amount. With respect to covered transactions, the Subrecipient may comply with this provision by obtaining a certification statement from the potential contractor or subrecipient or by checking the System for Award Management (http://www.sam.aov) maintained by the federal government. The Subrecipient also agrees not to enter into any arrangements or contracts with any party on the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries' "Debarred Contractor List" (http://www.lni.wa.gov/TradesLicensing/PrevWage/AwardingAgencies/DebarredContractors/). The Subrecipient also agrees not to enter into any agreements or contracts for the purchase of goods and services with any party on the Department of Enterprise Services' Debarred Vendor List (http://www.des.wa.aov/services/ContractinpPurchasina/Business/PaaesNendor-Debarment.as�x). A.7 CERTIFICATION REGARDING RESTRICTIONS ON LOBBYING As required by 44 CFR Part 18, the Subrecipient hereby certifies that to the best of its knowledge and belief: (1) no federally appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid by or on behatf of the Subrecipient to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement; (2) that if any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Agreement, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the Subrecipient will complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions; (3) and that, as applicable, the Subrecipient will require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers(including sub-contracts, sub-grants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all sub-recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into, and is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. A.8 CONFLICT OF INTEREST No officer or employee of the Department; no member, officer, or employee of the Subrecipient or its designees or agents; no member of the governing body of the jurisdiction in which the project is undertaken or located; and no other official of the Subrecipient who exercises any functions or responsibilities with respect to the project during his or her tenure, shall have any personal or pecuniary gain or interest, direct or indirect, in any contract, subcontract, or the proceeds thereof, for work to be performed in connection with the project assisted under this Agreement. The Subrecipient shall incorporate, or cause to incorporate, in all such contracts or subawards, a provision prohibiting such interest pursuant to this provision. A.9 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE STATUTES. RULES AND DEPARTMENT POLICIES The Subrecipient and all its contractors and subrecipients shall comply with, and the Department is not responsible for determining compliance with, any and all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, executive orders, OMB Circulars, and/or policies. This obligation includes, but is not limited to: nondiscrimination laws and/or policies, Energy Policy and Conservation Act(PL 94-163, as amended), DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 11 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA ITEM #6, d) the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Civil Rights Act of 1968, the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, (PL 93-288, as amended), Ethics in Public Service (RCW 42.52), Covenant Against Contingent Fees(48 CFR Section 52.203-5), Public Records Act (RCW 42.56), Prevailing Wages on Public Works (RCW 39.12), State Environmental Policy Act(RCW 43.21 C), Shoreline Management Act of 1971 (RCW 90.58), State Building Code (RCW 19.27), Energy Related Building Standards (RCW 19.27A), Provisions in Buildings for Aged and Handicapped Persons (RCW 70.92), and safety and health regulations. In the event of noncompliance or refusal to comply with any applicable law, regulation, executive order, OMB Circular or policy by the Subrecipient, its contractors or subrecipients,the Department may rescind, cancel, or terminate the Agreement in whole or in part in its sole discretion. The Subrecipient is responsible for all costs or liability arising from its failure, and that of its contractors and subrecipients, to comply with applicable laws, regulations, executive orders, OMB Circulars or policies. A.10 CONTRACTING & PROCUREMENT a. The Subrecipient shall use a competitive procurement process in the procurement and award of any contracts with contractors or sub-contractors that are entered into under the original contract award. The procurement process followed shall be in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200.318 General procurement standards through 200.326 Contract Provisions. As required by Appendix II to 2 CFR Part 200, all contracts entered into by the Subrecipient under this Agreement must include the following provisions, as applicable: 1) Contracts for more than the simplified acquisition threshold currently set at$150,000, which is the inflation adjusted amount determined by the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council (Councils) as authorized by 41 U.S.C. 1908, must address administrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instances where contractors violate or breach contract terms, and provide for such sanctions and penafties as appropriate. 2)All contracts in excess of$10,000 must address termination for cause and for convenience by the non-Federal entity including the manner by which it will be effected and the basis for settlement. 3) Equal Employment Opportunity. Except as otherwise provided under 41 CFR Part 60, all contracts that meet the definition of"federally assisted construction contract" in 41 CFR Part 60- 1.3 must include the equal opportunity clause provided under 41 CFR 60-1.4(b), in accordance with Executive Order 11246, "Equal Employment Opportunity" (30 FR 12319, 12935, 3 CFR Part, 1964-1965 Comp., p. 339), as amended by Executive Order 11375, "Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity," and implementing regulations at 41 CFR part 60, "Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor." 4) Davis-Bacon Act, as amended (40 U.S.C. 3141-3148). When required by Federal program legislation, all prime construction contracts in excess of$2,000 awarded by non-Federal entities must include a provision for compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 3141-3144, and 3146-3148) as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5, "Labor Standards Provisions Applicable to Contracts Covering Federally Financed and Assisted Construction"). In accordance with the statute, contractors must be required to pay wages to laborers and mechanics at a rate not less than the prevailing wages specified in a wage determination made by the Secretary of Labor. In addition, contractors must be required to pay wages not less than once a week. The non-Federal entity must place a copy of the current prevailing wage determination issued by the Department of Labor in each solicitation. The decision to award a contract or subcontract must be conditioned upon the acceptance of the wage determination. The non-Federal entity must report all suspected or reported violations to the Federal awarding agency. The contracts must also include a provision for compliance with the Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act (40 U.S.C. 3145), as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 3, "Contractors and Subcontractors on Public Building or Public Work Financed in Whole or in Part by Loans or Grants from the United St�tes"). The Act provides that each contractor or subrecipient must be prohibited from inducing, by any means, any person , DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 12 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA ITEM #6. d) employed in the construction, completion, or repair of public work, to give up any part of the compensation to which he or she is otherwise entitled. The non-Federal entity must report all suspected or reported violations to the Federal awarding agency. 5) Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 3701-3708). Where applicable, all contracts awarded by the non-Federal entity in excess of$100,000 that involve the employment of inechanics or laborers must include a provision for compliance with 40 U.S.C. 3702 and 3704, as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5). Under 40 U.S.C. 3702 of the Act, each contractor must be required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work week of 40 hours. Work in excess of the standard work week is permissible provided that the worker is compensated at a rate of not less than one and a half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in the work week. The requirements of 40 U.S.C. 3704 are applicable to construction work and provide that no laborer or mechanic must be required to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous. These requirements do not apply to the purchases of supplies or materials or articles ordinarily available on the open market, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence. 6) Rights to Inventions Made Under a Contract or Agreement. If the Federal award meets the definition of "funding agreemenY' under 37 CFR §401.2 (a) and the recipient or subrecipient wishes to enter into a contract with a small business firm or nonprofit organization regarding the substitution of parties, assignment or performance of experimental, developmental, or research work under that "funding agreement," the recipient or subrecipient must comply with the requirements of 37 CFR Part 401, "Rights to Inventions Made by Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms Under Government Grants, Contracts and Cooperative Agreements," and any implementing regulations issued by the awarding agency. 7) Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q.) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act(33 U.S.C. 1251-1387), as amended—Contracts and subgrants of amounts in excess of $150,000 must contain a provision that requires the non-Federal award to agree to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act(42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251-1387). Violations must be reported to the Federal awarding agency and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 8) Debarment and Suspension (Executive Orders 12549 and 12689)—A contract award (see 2 CFR 180.220) must not be made to parties listed on the government-wide exclusions in the System for Award Management(SAM), in accordance with the OMB guidelines at 2 CFR 180 that implement Executive Orders 12549 (3 CFR part 1986 Comp., p. 189) and 12689 (3 CFR part 1989 Comp., p. 235), "Debarment and Suspension." SAM Exclusions contains the names of parties debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies, as well as parties declared ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549. 9) Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment (31 U.S.C. 1352)—Contractors that apply or bid for an award exceeding $100,000 must file the required certification. Each tier certifies to the tier above that it will not and has not used Federal appropriated funds to pay any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtaining any Federal contract, grant or any other award covered by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Each tier must also disclose any lobbying with non-Federal funds that takes place in connection with obtaining any Federal award. Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to the non-Federal award. 10) Procurement of recovered materials -- As required by 2 CFR 200.322, a non-Federal entity that is a state agency or agency of a political subdivision of a state and its contractors must comply with section 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The requirements of Section 6002 include procuring only items designated in guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at 40 CFR part 247 that contain the DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 13 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA ITEM #6, d) highest percentage of recovered materials practicable, consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition, where the purchase price of the item exceeds $10,000 or the value of the quantity acquired during the preceding fiscal year exceeded $10,000; procuring solid waste management services in a manner that maximizes energy and resource recovery; and establishing an affirmative procurement program for procurement of recovered materials identified in the EPA guidelines. 11) Notice of awarding agency requirements and regulations pertaining to reporting. 12) Federal awarding agency requirements and regulations pertaining to copyrights and rights in data. 13) Access by the Department, the Subrecipient, the Federal awarding agency, the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives to any books, documents, papers, and records of the contractor which are directly pertinent to that specific contract for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptions. 14) Retention of all required records for six years after the Subrecipient has made final payments and all other pending matters are closed. 15) Mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency which are contained in the state energy conservation plan issued in compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (Pub. L. 94-163, 89 Stat. 871). b. The Department reserves the right to review the Subrecipient procurement plans and documents, and require the Subrecipient to make changes to bring its plans and documents into compliance with the requirements of 2 CFR Part 200.318 through 200.326. The Subrecipient must ensure that its procurement process requires contractors and subcontractors to provide adequate documentation with sufficient detail to support the costs of the project and to allow both the Subrecipient and Department to make a determination on eligibility of project costs. c. All contracting agreements entered into pursuant to this Agreement shall incorporate this Agreement by reference A.11 DISCLOSURE The use or disclosure by any party of any information concerning the Department for any purpose not directly connected with the administration of the Department's or the Subrecipient's responsibilities with respect to services provided under this Agreement is prohibited except by prior written consent of the Department or as required to comply with the state Public Records Act, other law or court order. A.12 DISPUTES Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, when a bona fide dispute arises befinreen the parties and it cannot be resolved through discussion and negotiation, either party may request a dispute resolution panel to resolve the dispute. A request for a dispute resolution board shall be in writing, state the disputed issues, state the relative positions of the parties, and be sent to all parties. The panel shall consist of a representative appointed by the Department, a representative appointed by the Subrecipient and a third party mutually agreed upon by both parties. The panel shall, by majority vote, resolve the dispute. Each party shall bear the cost for its panel member and its attorney fees and costs, and share equally the cost of the third panel member. A.13 LEGAL RELATIONS It is understood and agreed that this Agreement is solely for the benefit of the parties to the Agreement and gives no right to any other party. No joint venture or partnership is formed as a result of this Agreement. To the extent allowed by law, the Subrecipient, its successors or assigns, will protect, save and hold harmless the Department, the State of Washington, and the United States Government and their ' authorized agents and employees, from all claims, actions, costs, damages or expenses of any nature , whatsoever by reason of the acts or omissions of the Subrecipient, its sub-contractors, subrecipients, ', assigns, agents, contractors, consultants, licensees, invitees, employees or any person whomsoever arising out of or in connection with any acts or activities authorized by this Agreement. , DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 14 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA ITEM #6, d) To the extent allowed by law, the Subrecipient further agrees to defend the Department and the State of Washington and their authorized agents and employees in any litigation; including payment of any costs or atto�neys' fees for any claims or action commenced thereon arising out of or in connection with acts or activities authorized by this Agreement. This obligation shall not include such claims, costs, damages or expenses which may be caused by the sole negligence of the Department; provided, that if the claims or damages are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of(1)the Department, and (2) the Subrecipient, its agents, or employees, this indemnity provision shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of the Subrecipient, or Subrecipient's agents or employees. Insofar as the funding source, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is an agency of the Federal government, the following shall apply: 44 CFR 206.9 Non-liabilitv. The Federal government shall not be liable for any claim based upon the exercise or performance of, or the failure to exercise or perform a discretionary function or duty on the part of a federal agency or an employee of the Federal government in carrying out the provisions of the Stafford Act. A.14 LIMITATION OF AUTHORITY—AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE The signatories to this Agreement represent that they have the authority to bind their respective organizations to this Agreement. Only the Department's Authorized Signature representative and the Authorized Signature representative of the Subrecipient or Alternate for the Subrecipient, formally designated in writing, shall have the express, implied, or apparent authority to alter, amend, modify, or waive any clause or condition of this Agreement. Any alteration, amendment, modification, or waiver of any clause or condition of this Agreement is not effective or binding unless made in writing and signed by both parties' Authorized Signature representatives. Further, only the Authorized Signature representative or Alternate for the Subrecipient shall have signature authority to sign reimbursement requests, time extension requests, amendment and modification requests, requests for changes to projects or work plans, and other requests, certifications and documents authorized by or required under this Agreement. � A.15 LOSS OR REDUCTION OF FUNDING In the event funding from state, federal, or other sources is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way after the effective date of this Agreement and prior to normal completion or end date, the Department may unilaterally reduce the scope of work and budget or unilaterally terminate all or part of the Agreement as a"Termination for Cause"without providing the Subrecipient an opportunity to cure. Alternatively, the parties may renegotiate the terms of this Agreement under"Amendments and Modifications" to comply with new funding limitations and conditions, although the Department has no obligation to do so. A.16 NONASSIGNABILITY Neither this Agreement, nor any claim arising under this Agreement, shall be transferred or assigned by the Subrecipient. A.17 NONDISCRIMINATION The Subrecipient shall comply with all applicable federal and state non-discrimination laws, regulations, and policies. No person shall, on the grounds of age, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, marital status, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or disability (physical, mental, or sensory) be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any project, program, or activity, funded, in whole or in part, under this Agreement. A.18 NOTICES The Subrecipient shall comply with all public notices or notices to individuals required by applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations and shall maintain a record of this compliance. A.19 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY/HEALTH ACT and WASHINGTON INDUSTRIAL SAFETY/ HEALTH ACT (OSHA/WISHA) The Subrecipient represents and warrants that its work place does now or will meet all applicable federal and state safety and health regulations that are in effect during the Subrecipient's performance under this Agreement.To the extent allowed by law, the Subrecipient further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 15 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA ITEM #6, d) the Department and its employees and agents from all liability, damages and costs of any nature, including but not limited to, costs of suits and attorneys' fees assessed against the Department, as a result of the failure of the Subrecipient to so comply. A.20 OWNERSHIP OF PROJECT/CAPITAL FACILITIES The Department makes no claim to any capital facilities or real property improved or constructed with funds under this Agreement, and by this subaward of funds does not and will not acquire any ownership interest or title to such property of the Subrecipient. The Subrecipient shall assume all liabilities and responsibilities arising from the ownership and operation of the project and agrees to indemnify and hold the Department, the state of Washington and the United States government harmless from any and all causes of action arising from the ownership and operation of the project. A.21 POLITICAL ACTIVITY No portion of the funds provided herein shall be used for any partisan political activity or to further the election or defeat of any candidate for public office or influence the approval or defeat of any ballot issue. A.22 PROHIBITION AGAINST PAYMENT OF BONUS OR COMMISSION The assistance provided under this Agreement shall not be used in payment of any bonus or commission for the purpose of obtaining approval of the application for such assistance or any other approval or concurrence under this Agreement provided, however, that reasonable fees or bona fide technical consultant, managerial, or other such services, other than actual solicitation, are not hereby prohibited if otherwise eligible as project costs. A.23 PUBLICITY The Subrecipient agrees to submit to the Department prior to issuance all advertising and publicity matters relating to this Agreement wherein the DepartmenYs name is mentioned or language used from which the connection of the Department's name may, in the Department's judgment, be inferred or implied. The Subrecipient agrees not to publish or use such advertising and publicity matters without the prior written consent of the Department. The Subrecipient may copyright original work it develops in the course of or under this Agreement; however, pursuant to 2 CFR Part 200.315, FEMA reserves a royalty- free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish or othervvise use, and to authorize others to use the work for government purposes. Publication resulting from work performed under this Agreement shall include an acknowledgement of FEMA's financial support, by CFDA number, and a statement that the publication does not constitute an endorsement by FEMA or reflect FEMA's views. A.24 RECAPTURE PROVISION In the event the Subrecipient fails to expend funds under this Agreement in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and/or the provisions of the Agreement, the Department reserves the right to recapture funds in an amount equivalent to the extent of noncompliance. Such right of recapture shall exist for the life of the project following Agreement termination. Repayment by the Subrecipient of funds under this recapture provision shall occur within 30 days of demand. In the event the Department is required to institute legal proceedings to enforce the recapture provision, the Department shall be entitled to its costs and expenses thereof, including attorney fees. A.25 RECORDS a. The Subrecipient agrees to maintain all books, records, documents, receipts, invoices and all other electronic or written records necessary to sufficiently and properly reflect the Subrecipient's contracts, subawards, grant administration, and payments, including all direct and indirect charges, and expenditures in the performance of this Agreement (the"records"). b. The Subrecipient's records related to this Agreement and the projects funded may be inspected and audited by the Department o� its designee, by the Office of the State Auditor, DHS, FEMA or their designees, by the Comptroller General of the United States or its designees, or by other state or federal officials authorized by law, for the purposes of determining compliance by the Subrecipient with the terms of this Agreement and to determine the appropriate level of funding to be paid under the Agreement. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 16 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA ITEM #6, d) c. The records shall be made available by the Subrecipient for such inspection and audit, together with suitable space for such purpose, at any and all times during the Subrecipient's normal working day. d. The Subrecipient shall retain and allow access to all records related to this Agreement and the funded project(s) for a period of at least six (6) years following final payment and closure of the grant under this Agreement. Despite the minimum federal retention requirement of three (3) years, the more stringent State requirement of six (6) years must be followed. A.26 RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROJECT/STATEMENT OF WORKNVORK PLAN While the Department undertakes to assist the Subrecipient with the project/statement of work/work plan (project) by providing Federal award funds pursuant to this Agreement, the project itself remains the sole responsibility of the Subrecipient. The Department undertakes no responsibility to the Subrecipient, or to any third party, other than as is expressly set out in this Agreement. The responsibility for the design, development, construction, implementation, operation and maintenance of the project, as these phrases are applicable to this project, is solely that of the Subrecipient, as is responsibility for any claim or suit of any nature by any third party related in any way to the project. Prior to the start of any construction activity, the Subrecipient shall ensure that all applicable Federal, State, and local permits and clearances are obtained, including but not limited to FEMA compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, the Endangered Species Act, and all other environmental laws, regulations and executive orders. The Subrecipient shall defend, at its own cost, any and all claims or suits at law or in equity, which may be brought against the Subrecipient in connection with the project. The Subrecipient shall not look to the Department, or to any state or federal agency, or to any of their employees or agents, for any performance, assistance, or any payment or indemnity, including but not limited to cost of defense and/or attorneys' fees, in connection with any claim or lawsuit brought by any third party related to any design, development, construction, implementation, operation and/or maintenance of a project. A.27 SEVERABILITY If any court of rightful jurisdiction holds any provision or condition under this Agreement or its application to any person or circumstances invalid, this invalidity does not affect other provisions, terms or conditions of the Agreement, which can be given effect without the invalid provision. To this end, the terms and conditions of this Agreement are declared severable. A.28 SINGLE AUDIT ACT REQUIREMENTS (includinp all AMENDMENTS) Non-federal entities, as subrecipients of a federal award, that expend$750,000 or more in one fiscal year of federal funds from all sources, direct and indirect, are required to have a single or a program-specific audit conducted in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F. Non-federal entities that spend less than $750,000 a year in federal awards are exempt from federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F. As defined in 2 CFR Part 200, the term "non-federal entity" means a State, local government, Indian tribe, institution of higher education, or non-profit organization that carries out a federal award as a recipient or subrecipient. Subrecipients that are required to have an audit must ensure the audit is performed in accordance with Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) as found in the Government Auditing Standards(the Revised Yellow Book) developed by the United States Comptroller General and the OMB Compliance Supplement. The Subrecipient has the responsibility of notifying its auditor and requesting an audit in compliance with 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F, to include the Washington State Auditor's Office, I a federal auditor, or a public accountant performing work using GAGAS, as appropriate. Costs of the , audit may be an allowable grant expenditure as authorized by 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F. The Subrecipient shall maintain auditable records and accounts so as to facilitate the audit requirement and shall ensure that any sub-contractors also maintain auditable records. The Subrecipient is responsible for any audit exceptions incurred by its own organization or that of its sub- contractors. Responses to any unresolved management findings and disallowed or questioned costs shall be included with the audit report. The Subrecipient must respond to Department requests for information or corrective action concerning audit issues or findings within 30 days of the date of request. The Department reserves the right to recover from the Subrecipient all disallowed costs resulting from the audit. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 17 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA /TEM #6, d) Once the single audit has been completed and it includes any audit findings, the Subrecipient must send a full copy of the audit to the Department and its corrective action plan no later than nine(9) months after the end of the SubrecipienYs fiscal year(s) to: Contracts Office Washington Military Department Finance Division, Building #1 TA-20 Camp Murray, WA 98430-5032 If the Subrecipient claims it is exempt from the audit requirements of 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F, the Subrecipient must send a letter identifying this Agreement and explaining the criteria for exemption no later than nine (9) months after the end of the SubrecipienYs fiscal year(s) to the address listed above: The Department retains the sole discretion to determine whether a valid claim for an exemption from the audit requirements of this provision has been established. The Subrecipient shall include the above audit requirements in any subawards. Conducting a single or program-specific audit in compliance with 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F is a material requirement of this Agreement. In the absence of a valid claim of exemption from the audit requirements of 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F,the SubrecipienYs failure to comply with said audit requirements may result in one or more of the following actions in the Department's sole discretion: a percentage of federal awards being withheld until the audit is completed in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F; the withholding or disallowing of overhead costs; the suspension of federal awards until the audit is conducted and submitted; or termination of the federal award. A.29 SUBRECIPIENT NOT EMPLOYEE The parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this Agreement. The Subrecipient, and/or employees or agents performing under this Agreement are not employees or agents of the Department in any manner whatsoever. The Subrecipient will not be presented as, nor claim to be, an officer or employee of the Department by reason of this Agreement, nor will the Subrecipient make any claim, demand, or application to or for any right or privilege applicable to an officer or employee of the Department or of the State of Washington by reason of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, Workmen's Compensation coverage, unemployment insurance benefits, social security benefits, retirement membership or credit, or privilege or benefit which would accrue to a civil service employee under Chapter 41.06 RCW. It is understood that if the Subrecipient is another state department, state agency, state university, state college, state community college, state board, or state commission, that the officers and employees are employed by the state of Washington in their own right and not by reason of this Agreement. A.30 TAXES, FEES AND LICENSES Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement,the Subrecipient shall be responsible for, pay and maintain in current status all taxes, unemployment contributions, fees, licenses, assessments, permit charges and expenses of any other kind for the Subrecipient or its staff required by statute or regulation that are applicable to Agreement performance. A.31 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE Notwithstanding any provisions of this Agreement, the Subrecipient may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice of such termination to the Department Key Personnel identified in the Ag�eement, specifying the effective date thereof, at least thirty (30) days prior to such date. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Department, in its sole discretion and in the best interests of the State of Washington, may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part by providing ten (10) calendar days written notice, beginning on the second day after mailing to the Subrecipient. Upon notice of termination for convenience, the Department reserves the right to suspend all or part of the Agreement, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Subrecipient from incurring additional obligations � of funds. In the event of termination, the Subrecipient shall be liable for all damages as authorized by law. The rights and remedies of the Department provided for in this section shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law. ' DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 18 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA ITEM #6, d) A.32 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION FOR CAUSE In the event the Department, in its sole discretion, determines the Subrecipient has failed to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement, is in an unsound financial condition so as to endanger performance hereunder, is in violation of any laws or regulations that render the Subrecipient unable to perForm any aspect of the Agreement, or has violated any of the covenants, agreements or stipulations of this Agreement, the Department has the right to immediately suspend or terminate this Agreement in whole or in part. The Department may notify the Subrecipient in writing of the need to take corrective action and provide a period of time in which to cure. The Department is not required to allow the Subrecipient an opportunity to cure if it is not feasible as determined solely within the DepartmenYs discretion. Any time allowed for cure shall not diminish or eliminate the SubrecipienYs liability for damages or otherwise affect any other remedies available to the Department. If the Department allows the Subrecipient an opportunity to cure, the Department shall notify the Subrecipient in writing of the need to take corrective action. If the corrective action is not taken within ten (10) calendar days or as otherwise specified by the Department, or if such corrective action is deemed by the Department to be insufficient, the Agreement may be terminated in whole or in part. The Department reserves the right to suspend all or part of the Agreement, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Subrecipient from incurring additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged compliance breach, pending corrective action by the Subrecipient, if allowed, or pending a decision by the Department to terminate the Agreement in whole or in part. In the event of termination,the Subrecipient shall be liable for all damages as authorized by law, including but not limited to, any cost difference befinreen the original Agreement and the replacement or cover Agreement and all administrative costs directly related to the replacement Agreement, e.g., cost of administering the competitive solicitation process, mailing, advertising and other associated staff time. The rights and remedies of the Department provided for in this section shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law. If it is determined that the Subrecipient: (1) was not in default or material breach, or(2)failure to perform ' was outside of the SubrecipienYs control, fault or negligence, the termination shall be deemed to be a � "Termination for Convenience". A.33 TERMINATION PROCEDURES !, In addition to the procedures set forth below, if the Department terminates this Agreement, the � Subrecipient shall follow any procedures specified in the termination notice. Upon termination of this , Agreement and in addition to any other rights provided in this Agreement, the Department may require ' the Subrecipient to deliver to the Department any property specifically produced or acquired for the performance of such part of this Agreement as has been terminated. II If the termination is for convenience, the Department shall pay to the Subrecipient as an agreed upon 'i price, if separately stated, for properly authorized and completed work and services rendered or goods �' delivered to and accepted by the Department prior to the effective date of Agreement termination, the I amount agreed upon by the Subrecipient and the Department for(i) completed work and services and/or ', equipment or supplies provided for which no separate price is stated, (ii) partially completed work and I services and/or equipment or supplies provided which are accepted by the Department, (iii) other work, services and/or equipment or supplies which are accepted by the Department, and (iv)the protection and ' preservation of property. Failure to agree with such amounts shall be a dispute within the meaning of the"Disputes" clause of this Agreement. If the termination is for cause, the Department shall determine the extent of the liability of the Department. The Department shall have no other obligation to the Subrecipient for termination. The Department may withhold from any amounts due the Subrecipient such sum as the Department determines to be necessary to protect the Department against potential loss or liability. The rights and remedies of the Department provided in this Agreement shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 19 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA ITEM #6. d) After receipt of a notice of termination, and except as otherwise directed by the Department in writing, the Subrecipient shall: a. Stop work under the Agreement on the date, and to the extent specified, in the notice; b. Place no further orders or contracts for materials, services, supplies, equipment and/or facilities in relation to this Agreement except as may be necessary for completion of such portion of the work under the Agreement as is not terminated; c. Assign to the Department, in the manner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the Department, all of the rights, title, and interest of the Subrecipient under the orders and contracts so terminated, in which case the Department has the right, at its discretion, to settle or pay any or all claims arising out of the termination of such orders and contracts; d. Settle all outstanding liabilities and all claims arising out of such termination of orders and contracts, with the approval or ratification of the Department to the extent the Department may require, which approval or ratification shall be final for all the purposes of this clause; e. Transfer title to the Department and deliver in the manner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the Department any property which, if the Agreement had been completed,would have been required to be furnished to the Department; f. Complete performance of such part of the work as shall not have been terminated by the Department in compliance with all contractual requirements; and g. Take such action as may be necessary, or as the Department may require, for the protection and preservation of the property related to this Agreement which is in the possession of the Subrecipient and in which the Department has or may acquire an interest. A.34 UTILIZATION OF MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (MWBE) The Subrecipient is encouraged to utilize business firms that are certified as minority-owned and/or women-owned in carrying out the purposes of this Agreement. The Subrecipient may set utilization standards, based upon local conditions or may utilize the state of Washington MWBE goals, as identified in WAC 326-30-041. A.35 VENUE This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and the validity and performance shall be governed by, the laws of the state of Washington. Venue of any suit between the parties arising out of this Agreement shall be the Superior Court of Thurston County, Washington. The Subrecipient, by execution of this Agreement acknowledges the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Washington. A.36 WAIVERS No conditions or provisions of this Agreement can be waived unless approved in advance by the Department in writing. The Department's failure to insist upon strict performance of any provision of the Agreement or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof, or the acceptance of any performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any right under this Agreement. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 20 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 A GENDA 1 TEM #6. d) Exhibit C 15EMPG WORK PLAN Emergency Management Organization: Renton, City of The purpose of EMPG is to assist with the enhancement, sustainment and improvement of state, local, and tribal emergency management programs. Activities conducted using EMPG funding should relate directly to the five elements of emergency management: prevention; protection; response; recovery, and mitigation. Washington State does not require a specific number of activities to receive EMPG funding. However,there are required capabilities that must be conducted in order to remain eligible for EMPG funding, including but not limited to the ability to communicate and warn, educate the public,train and exercise, plan, and be NIMS compliant. The Work Plan delineates the Emergency Management Organization's emergency management program planning and priority focus for this grant cycle(to include 15EMPG grant and local funds). Communications � w Maintain the city's capability to issue emergency notifications to the public and to summon and � communicate with responding personnel. Presently,there is no single-source location of all employees � ,i; which can be referenced to call them in for disaster assignments. During last year's large fire incident, it owas clear that department and division heads do not have this information readily accessible either,so this is a gap. ------ --- -------- - ---_-- ------- — , „� . ., ._�..... - -----..._ � :Emergency Management Function: Communications and Warning Performance Measure(sJ that will be used to evaluate the program area Target(intended outcome) Measurement(how to tell if success has been achievedJ The city will have robust and redundant means of f There will be a successful test callout reaching 75%of the � communicating emergency messages. I personnel contacts attempted using the enhanced system. Annual subscription for Renton RedAlert automated notification system. sustainment 1 Submit contract in December 2015 to renew effective ? �� ` Milestone: i November 2015 i to January 2016 January 1,2016. i H W Database development and/or software to categorize employee capabilities and training and to �' maintain updated contact information to be used in a callout system for emergencies. enhancement � 2 Milestone: Select and develop or implement product ; September 2015 I to i February 2016 � ---- -- ------ -�-— --�-- � — �- - Q Incorporate employee callout using the new system in ' i ' Milestone: , May 2016 ' to � June 2016 an exercise. , 3 Radio and other communications supplies,small parts for repairs. sustainment - - -- - - Milestone: Communications maintained in good repair. I lune 2015 �to � July 2016 I Operational Readiness Multiple exercises have demonstrated that people do not intuitively access written checklists and binders w but rely on electronic files. Based on that fact and research indicating strong evidence that moving away � from static linear checklists and moving to a more dynamic, navigable format increases creativity and � quality decision making, prompted the decision to transition the Section Chief EOC SOPs into electronic oformat for better usability and clarity in conducting EOC operations. Replenish consumable EOC supplies and ensure EOC is fully supplied and equipped for a full activation that extends beyond one day. Review critical supply needs for ESF holders and replenish supplies as needed (e.g.,sheltering supplies, etc.). . ..... . . . .�.aao-i- �� ::Jk .. ......�,. . . . . �__—.�_'_____ —__"_A"_'"__" ____"'_s_—_______'__ . ' ::e�. . ---s.; ` ` Err�ergenicy°Mana$ernent'Fi�ncfit�on: Operations and Procedures DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 21 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA ITEM #6. d) Performance Measure(s)that will be used to evaluate the program area Target(intended outcome) Measurement(how to tell if success has been achieved) Emergency functions,including those in the EOC,will be -Information management system is implemented with 20 supplied and equipped to allow staff to operate with maximum EOC staff and volunteers trained in its use. efficiency under emergency conditions.Electronic navigation -4 electronic SOPs are created for Section Chiefs in the EOC. will increase speed of access to correct forms,prompt more -EOC inventory and shelter inventory is maintained at information sharing,and by moving to a non-linear format will greater than 90�of recommended quantities. stimulate more creative thinking and solutions in the disaster response. Purchase and implement information management system to be populated and generate enhancement situation reports,share situational awareness,and track tasks 1 Milestone: Purchase and install system ' � September 2015 ; to � October 2015 y� Milestone: Conduct training and mini-exercise to test system November 2015 to � March 2016 W H Revise remaining EOC SOPs for Sections Chiefs and migrate them into new electronic template enhancement � ------ -------- - ------ -- —- --- --— � 2 Milestone: Rewrite content ` _ ! August 2015 to i December 2015 V Milestone: Migrate into electronic format and test them December 2015 ; to�( May 2016 a Purchase supplies for EOC and other ESF holders sustainment -- -- - _.._._._.._ 3 Milestone: Order and restock expiring MREs August 2015 to October 2015 Milestone: Replenish and add to shelter supplies I June 2016 to � July 2016 Training Enhance the knowledge and skills of personnel with disaster assignments so that they can better perform their duties under emergency conditions.City staff have extremely small training budgets that cover only ' the basics of their department's responsibilities under the CEMP. Meaningful emergency management , training(beyond just the basics)for the non-first-responder departments has historically been provided by j emergency management. Because departments provide staff to disaster assignments only in addition to G their normal day-to-day roles, budgets do not otherwise provide for their emergency training,and m volunteers do not have the means to obtain it on their own.Support for EM related training closes an O important gap in the training of staff and volunteers. Training opportunities will be chosen based on what is available and within budget but prioritized topics include: l)Crisis Communications and PIO training, 2) Social media and technology training,3)Section Chief training(if available locally), and 4) Local EM conference(usually PIEPC)for multiple department participants to gain a broader understanding of EM and their role in it. r: - :�,� k�:;w ��, - � ��: � � ' �"` Trainin - �_ ' �1't1+Lf�p���l{d11el��Cli��4l11S`�Ott:'� g - ,�I Performance Measure(s)that will be used to evaluate the proqram area Target(intended outcome) Measurement(how to tell if success has been achievedJ City staff,volunteers and supporting agencies have the training Ten or more training instances have been provided and taken they need to carry out their assigned duties in an emergency. by the targeted persons. y� Provide ten opportunities for city staff,volunteers,or supporting agencies with training in sustainment W emergency response or recovery duties � ------------___— -------------- . --- --._ ._.....__.. . --- — - -- ---__---- � 1 Milestone: Identify training opportunities and prioritize personnel ', September 2015 to � February 2016 attendance i UStaff attend Partners in Emergency Preparedness � ' Q Milestone: i Apri12016 to j Apri12016 Conference I ; ; DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 22 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA /TEM #6, d) Community Outreach There is an ongoing need to continue to educate the community about the need for disaster preparedness and how to access and use certain tools and skills during an emergency(e.g., Renton RedAlert, Neighborhood Information Centers,CERT skills,etc.).There is also an ongoing effort to engage community w organizations and private sector partners to work with the city in order to have the best possible response � to and recovery from a disaster. This will continue to be an ongoing effort because of attrition and changes � in partners. Currently,the City is planning to engage a mental health provider in providing training to local oshelter operators and churches to help them identify mental health issues in disaster survivors and create a proper referral process.This is a first step in folding into a comprehensive case management strategy with Public Health.The partners and players are constantly moving and changing depending on staff,funding, space,etc.The City will continue looking for gaps and seeking ways to leverage community partners to help close gaps when city resources are insufficient to staff these functions. ------------------------------.._..-- ----____-- -, � finergency Manage.ment Functton: Crisis Communications, Public Education and Information ; Performance Measure(s)that will be used to evaluate the progrom orea Target(intended outcome) Measurement(how to tell if success has been achieved) Members of the community and partner organizations are -75%of participants in public education trainings report on a aware of their role in an emergency and know what they survey an increased awareness of the issues following should do. participation in the outreach activity. -Two or more new organizations join the COAD. Provide public education for members of the public and assisting organizations sustainment -------- — - -- _____—___ W 1 Milestone: Conduct Ready in Renton campaign � July 2015 i to ' October 2016 � Publish Renton Emergency Preparedness Academy ' i > Milestone: �ourse listings � lune 2015 to i July 2016 QEngage more members in the Greater Renton COAD _� _ _ enhancement __ 2 Milestone: Two more member organizations formally incorporated i 1une 2015 � to ' July 2016 into COAD Exercise � As the EOC SOPs are being re-written,only smaller exercises have been conducted by the city.June 2016 � will be the first opportunity to test all the new SOPs in a major exercise.As the CEMP is being revised over � the next year and a half, additional opportunities will arise to create an exercise when there is a need to p test out a newly proposed plan element. _ _ _ - --- --- _ - -- --- - - . -_ --- -, F. -.:�. �:L.; : ......n .. ; ` Errie en: Mana ement�unetion: Exercises,Evaluations and Corrective Actions i ,r8. .�l/. :. , .B� . Performante Measure(s)that wil/be used to evaluate the proqram area Target(intended outcome) Measurement(how to tell if success has been achievedJ EOC staff and ESF holders demonstrate their ability to carry out City staff,volunteers,and/or affiliated agencies participate in their emergency functions under simulated conditions. three or more exercises during the performance period. W Contribute to the design of and participate in one major exercise,and participate in at least two enhancement H others > 1 ----------------_ .._ _._...._- ----------- -. _. ._- -- - -, --- - --._...---- -- — Milestone: Participate in Cascadia Rising 2016 i June 2015 ' to � July 2016 � - -- - - - - __ - - - � - - - - - � - - - Q Milestone: Participate in two additional exercises i June 2015 to � July 2016 DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 23 of 25 Renton, Ciry of, E16-102 AGENDA ITEM #6, d) Exhibit D TIMELINE FFY 2015 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program DATE I TASK June 1, 2015 I Grant Agreement Start Date IJanuary 30, 2016 I Submit reimbursement request IApril 30, 2016 I Submit reimbursement request I August 31, 2016 I Grant Agreement End Date I October 15, 2016 I Submit final reimbursement request, additional reports, and/or deliverables. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 24 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 AGENDA ITEM #6, d) Exhibit E BUDGET FFY 2015 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program 15EMPG AWARD� $ 72,093.00 � SOLUTION AREA CATEGORY EMPG AMOUNT MATCH AMOUNT Salaries&Benefits - - � Overtime/Backfill $ - $ - Z Consultants/Contractors $ 9,418 $ - ZGoods&Services $ - $ - g Travel/Per Diem $ - $ - a Indirect 0% $ - $ - Subtotal $ 9,418 $ - , Z Salaries&Benefits $ - $ 124,845 ' O Overtime/Backfill $ - $ - � Consultants/Contractors $ - $ � Goods&Services $ 52,675 $ - aTravel/Per Diem $ - $ - � Indirect 0% $ - $ - oc � Subtotal $ 52,675 $ 124,845 Salaries&Benefits $ - $ - W Overtime/Backfill $ - $ - � Consultants/Contractors $ - $ - � Goods&Services $ 1,000 $ - X Travel/Per Diem $ - $ - "' Indirect 0% $ - $ - Subtotal $ 1,000 $ - Salaries&Benefits $ - $ - Overtime/Backfill $ - $ - ZConsultants/Contractors $ - $ - Z Goods&Services $ 5,000 $ - � Travel/Per Diem $ 4,000 $ - �' Indirect 0% $ - $ - Subtotal $ 9,000 $ - a Equipment $ - $ - � Indirect 0% $ - $ - "' Subtotal $ - $ - Salaries&Benefits $ - $ - Overtime/Backfill $ - $ - Q Consultants/Contractors $ - $ - o2S Goods&Services $ - $ - � Travel/Per Diem $ - $ - Indirect 0% $ - $ - Subtotal $ - $ - TOTAL Grant Agreement AMOUNT: $ 72,093 $ 124,845 • The Subrecipient will provide a match of at least$72,093, 50% of the total project cost(local/tribal budget plus EMPG award), of non-federal origin. • Cumulative transfers between budget categories in excess of 10%of the grant agreement amount will not be reimbursed without prior written authorization from the Department. Funding Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security- PI#753PT—EMPG DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FFY 15 Page 25 of 25 Renton, City of, E16-102 A GENDA 1 TEM #6, d) Attachment 1 ,. .. � Awgrri T.etf„pr U.S. Department of Homeland Security ati4�.,.,rt�� Washinqton, D.C. 20472 ' '�� K► O � 0 1 ��l9ND 5��� Bret Daugherty Washington Military Department Building 20 Camp Murray, WA 98430 Re: Grant No. EMW-2015-EP-00028 Dear Bret Daugherty: Congratulations, on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security, your application for financial assistance submitted under the Fiscal Year(FY) 2015 Emergency Management Performance Grants has been approved in the amount of$7,219,265.00 . As a condition of this award, you are required to contribute a cost match in the amount of$7,219,265.00 of non-Federal funds, or 50 percent of the total approved project costs of$14,438,530.00 . Before you request and receive any of the Federal funds awarded to you, you must establish acceptance of the award. By accepting this award, you acknowledge that the terms of the following documents are incorporated into the terms of your award: . Agreement Articles(attached to this Award Letter) . Obligating Document(attached to this Award Letter) . FY 2015 Emergency Management Performance Grants Funding Opportunity Announcement. Please make sure you read, understand, and maintain a copy of these documents in your official file for this award. In order to establish acceptance of the award and its terms, please follow these instructions: Step 1: Please go on-line to the ND Grants system at https://portal.fema.gov.After logging in, you will see a subtitle Grants Management. Under this subtitle, you will see a link that says Award Package(s). Click this link to access your award packages. Click the Review Award Package link to review and accept the award package for your award. Please print your award package for your records. Step 2: Please fill out and have your bank complete and sign the SF 1199A, Direct Deposit Sign-up Form. The information on the 1199A must match your SAM record. Be sure to include your DUNS and grant number on the form in Section 1 F"Other." The SF 1199A should be sent directly from your financial institution to the FEMA Finance Center, via fax or mail to the Vendor Maintenance Office(see address below). The 1199A form will not be accepted unless it is received directly from the financial institution. Please pay careful attention to the instructions on the form. FEMA Finance Center Attn: Vendor Maintenance P.O. Box 9001 Winchester, VA 22604 ' Secured Fax: (540) 504-2625 Email: FEMA-Finance@FEMA.DHS.gov System for Award Management(SAM): Please ensure that your organization's name, address, DUNS number, EIN, and banking information are up to date in SAM and that the DUN� number used in SAM is the same one used to apply for all AGENDA 1TEM #6. d) Attachment 1 FEMA awards. The System for Award Management is located at http://www.sam.gov. Future payments will be contingent on , the information provided in the SAM; therefore it is imperative that the information is correct. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the process to request your funds, please call (866)927-5646. �..-�-�-�` -� ' � �� w�� JEFFREY JAMES, Acting Division Director, FEMA Region X ��.+�''".5,..._.�- - 2 - A GENDA /TEM #6, d) Attachment 1 � reement Articles � 2014-10-01 00:00:00.0 U.S. Department of Homeland Security otipA�T��,� Washington, D.C. 20472 �. �* � °+ x � � ��j'�ND SE�J4 AGREEMENT ARTICLES Emergency Management Performance Grants GRANTEE: Washington Military Department PROGRAM: Emergency Management PerFormance Grants AGREEMENT EMW-2015-EP-00028-S01 NUMBER: TABLE OF CONTENTS , Article I 2015 EMPG HOLD on FUNDS Article II Acknowledgement of Federal Funding ' from DHS Article III Activities Conducted Abroad Article IV Age Discrimination Act of 1975 Article V Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Article VI Best Practices for Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Article VII Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Article VIII Civil Rights Act of 1968 Article IX Copyright - 3 - AGENDA ITEM #6, d) Attachment 1 Article X Assurances, Administrative Requirements and Cost Principles Article XI Debarment and Suspension Article XII Drug-Free Workplace Regulations Article XIII Duplication of Benefits Article XIV Energy Policy and Conservation Act Article XV Reporting Subawards and Executive Compensation Article XVI False Claims Act and Program Fraud Civil Remedies Article XVII Federal Debt Status Article XVIII Fly America Act of 1974 Article XIX Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990 Article XX Limited English Proficiency (Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI) Article XXI Lobbying Prohibitions Article XXII Non-supplanting Requirement Article XXIII Patents and Intellectual Property Rights Article XXIV Procurement of Recovered Materials Article XXV Contract Provisions for Non-federal Entity Contracts under Federal Awards Article XXVI SAFECOM Article XXVII Te�rorist Financing E.O. 13224 Article XXVIII Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Equal Opportunity in Education Act) Article XXIX Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 Article XXX Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Article XXXI System of Award Management and Universal Identifier Requirements Article XXXII USA Patriot Act of 2001 Article XXXIII Use of DHS Seal, Logo and Flags Article XXXIV Whistleblower Protection Act Article XXXV DHS Specific Acknowledgements and Assurances Article XXXVI Disposition of Equipment Acquired Under the Federal Award Article XXXVI I Prior Approval for Modification of Approved Budget Article XXXVIII Acceptance of Post Award Changes -4 - A GENDA /TEM #6, d) Attachment 1 Article I - 2015 EMPG HOLD on FUNDS This special condition is hereby applied to the Washington Military Department's FY 2015 EMPG award. The recipient agrees not to obligate, expend or drawdown 100% of the Federal share, $7,219,265 until a 2015 EMPG Work Plan, which includes the program narrative, grant activities outline, budget, budget detail, and data tables, have been reviewed and approved by the FEMA Regional Program Manager, and an official notice has been issued removing this special condition. This 2015 EMPG Work Plan shall be submitted by 5:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on October 9, 2015 in ND Grants. Article II -Acknowledgement of Federal Funding from DHS All recipients must acknowledge their use of federal funding when issuing statements, press releases, requests for proposals, bid invitations, and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or in part with Federal funds. Article III -Activities Conducted Abroad All recipients must ensure that project activities carried on outside the United States are coordinated as necessary with appropriate government authorities and that appropriate licenses, permits, or approvals are obtained. Article IV-Age Discrimination Act of 1975 All recipients must comply with the requirements of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975(42 U.S.C. � 6101 et se . , which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Article V-Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 All recipients must comply with the requirements of Titles I, II, and I II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits recipients from discriminating on the basis of disability in the operation of public entities, public and private transportation systems, places of public accommodation, and certain testing entities l42 U.S.C. � 12101-12213). Article VI - Best Practices for Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) All recipients who collect PII are required to have a publically-available privacy policy that describes what PII they collect, how they use the PII, whether they share PII with third parties, and how individuals may have their PII corrected where appropriate. Award recipients may also find as a useful resource the DHS Privacy Impact Assessments: Privacv Guidance and Privacv template respectively Article VII -Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 All recipients must comply with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. & 2000d et seq.), which provides that no person in the United States will, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Implementing regulations for the Act are found at 6 C.F.R. Part 21 and 44 C.F.R. Part 7. Article VIII -Civil Rights Act of 1968 All recipients must comply with Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which prohibits recipients from discriminating in the sale, rental, financing, and advertising of dwellings, or in the provision of services in connection therewith, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, disability, familial status, and sex (42 U.S.C. § 3601 et seq.), as implemented by the Department of Housing and Urban Development at 24 C.F.R. Part 100. The prohibition on disability discrimination includes the requirement that new multifamily housing with four or more dwelling units—i.e., the public and common use areas and individual apartment units (afl units in buildings with elevators and ground-floor units in buildings without elevators)—be designed and constructed with certain accessible features (see 24 C.F.R. § 100.201). Article IX -Copyright - 5 - AGENDA 1TEM #6. d) Attachment 1 All recipients must affix the applicable copyright notices of 17 U.S.C. §§401 or 402 and an acknowledgement of Government sponsorship (including award number) to any work first produced under Federal financial assistance awards, unless the work includes any information that is otherwise controlled by the Government (e.g., classified information or other information subject to national security or export control laws or regulations). Article X -Assurances, Administrative Requirements and Cost Principles Recipients of DHS federal financial assistance must complete OMB Standard Form 424B Assurances–Non- Construction Programs. Certain assurances in this document may not be applicable to your program, and the I awarding agency may require applicants to certify additional assurances. Please contact the program awarding � office if you have any questions. The administrative and audit requirements and cost principles that apply to DHS award recipients originate from 2 !, C.F.R. Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal � Awards, as adopted by DHS at 2 C.F.R. Part 3002. I Article XI - Debarment and Suspension All recipients must comply with Executive Orders 12549 and 12689, which provide protection against waste, fraud I and abuse by debarring or suspending those persons deemed irresponsible in their dealings with the Federal !, govemment. ', Article XII - Drug-Free Workplace Regulations II All recipients must comply with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988(41 U.S.C. & 701 et sea.), which requires I that all organizations receiving grants from any Federal agency agree to maintain a drug-free workplace. DHS I' has adopted the Act's implementing regulations at 2 C.F.R Part 3001. Article XIII - Duplication of Benefits � Any cost allocable to a particular Federal award provided for in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, Subpart E may not be charged to other Federal awards to overcome fund deficiencies, to avoid restrictions imposed by Federal statutes, regulations, or terms and conditions of the Federal awards, or for other reasons. However, this prohibition would not preclude the non-Federal entity from shifting costs that are allowable under two or more Federal awards in accordance with existing Federal statutes, regulations, or the terms and conditions of the Federal awards. Article XIV- Energy Policy and Conservation Act ' All recipients must comply with the requirements of 42 U.S.C. &6201 which contain policies relating to energy efficiency that are defined in the state energy conservation plan issues in compliance with this Act. Article XV- Reporting Subawards and Executive Compensation II a. Reporting of first-tier subawards. ' 1. Applicability. Unless you are exempt as provided in paragraph d. of this award term, you must report each action that obligates $25,000 or more in Federal funds that does not include Recovery funds (as defined in section 1512(a)(2) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Pub. L. 111-5)for a subaward to an entity (see definitions in paragraph e. of this award term). 2. Where and when to report. i. You must report each obligating action described in paragraph a.1. of this award term to http://www.fsrs.gov. ii. For subaward information, report no later than the end of the month following the month in which the obligation was made (For example, if the obligation was made on November 7, 2010, the obligation must be reported by no later than December 31, 2010.) 3. What to report. You must report the information about each obligating action that the submission instructions posted at http://www.fsrs.gov specify. b. Reporting Total Compensation of Recipient Executives. 1. Applicability and what to report. You must report total compensation for each of your five most highly compensated executives for the preceding completed fiscal year, if— - 6 - AGENDA 1TEM #6. d) Attachment 1 i. the total Federal funding authorized to date under this award is $25,000 or more; ii. in the preceding fiscal year, you received— (A) 80 percent or more of your annual gross revenues from Federal procurement contracts (and subcontracts) and Federal financial assistance subject to the Transparency Act, as defined at 2 CFR 170.320 (and subawards); and (B) $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from Federal procurement contracts (and subcontracts) and Federal financial assistance subject to the Transparency Act, as defined at 2 CFR 170.320 (and subawards); and iii. The public does not have access to information about the compensation of the executives through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m(a), 78o(d)) or section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. (To determine if the public has access to the compensation information, see the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission total compensation filings at http://www.sec.gov/answers/execom p.htm.) 2. Where and when to report. You must report executive total compensation described in paragraph b.1. of this award term: i. As part of your registration profile at https://www.sam.gov. ii. By the end of the month following the month in which this award is made, and annually thereafter. c. Reporting of Total Compensation of Subrecipient Executives. 1. Applicability and what to report. Unless you are exempt as provided in paragraph d. of this award term, for each first-tier subrecipient under this award, you shall report the names and total compensation of each of the subrecipient's five most highly compensated executives for the subrecipient's preceding completed fiscal year, if— i. in the subrecipient's preceding fiscal year, the subrecipient received— (A) 80 percent or more of its annual gross revenues from Federal procurement contracts (and subcontracts) and Federal financial assistance subject to the Transparency Act, as defined at 2 CFR 170.320 (and subawards); and (B) $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from Federal procurement contracts (and subcontracts), and Federal financial assistance subject to the Transparency Act (and subawards); and ii. The public does not have access to information about the compensation of the executives through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m(a), 78o(d)) or section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. (To determine if the public has access to the compensation information, see the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission total compensation filings at http://www.sec.gov/answers/execomp.htm.) 2. Where and when to report. You must report subrecipient executive total compensation described in paragraph c.1. of this award term: i. To the recipient. ii. By the end of the month following the month during which you make the subaward. For example, if a subaward is obligated on any date during the month of October of a given year(i.e., between October 1 and 31), you must report any required compensation information of the subrecipient by November 30 of that year. d. Exemptions If, in the previous tax year, you had gross income, from all sources, under$300,000, you are exempt from the requirements to report: i. Subawards, And ii. The total compensation of the five most highly compensated executives of any subrecipient. e. Definitions. For purposes of this award term: 1. Entity means all of the following, as defined in 2 CFR part 25: i. A Governmental organization, which is a State, local government, or Indian tribe; ii. A foreign public entity; iii. A domestic or foreign nonprofit organization; - 7 - AGENDA ITEM #6. d) Attachment 1 iv. A domestic or foreign for-profit organization; v. A Federal agency, but only as a subrecipient under an award or subaward to a non-Federal entity. 2. Executive means officers, managing partners, or any other employees in management positions. 3. Subaward: i. This term means a legal instrument to provide support for the performance of any portion of the substantive project or program for which you received this award and that you as the recipient award to an eligible subrecipient. ii. The term does not include your procurement of property and services needed to carry out . the project or program (for further explanation, see Sec. .210 of the attachment to OMB Circular A-133, "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations"). iii. A subaward may be provided through any legal agreement, including an agreement that you or a subrecipient considers a contract. 4. Subrecipient means an entity that: i. Receives a subaward from you (the recipient) under this award; and ii. Is accountable to you for the use of the Federal funds provided by the subaward. 5. Total compensation means the cash and noncash dollar value earned by the executive during the recipient's or subrecipient's preceding fiscal year and includes the following (for more information see 17 CFR 229.402(c)(2)): i. Salary and bonus. ii. Awards of stock, stock options, and stock appreciation rights. Use the dollar amount recognized for financial statement reporting purposes with respect to the fiscal year in accordance with the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123 (Revised 2004) (FAS 123R), Shared Based Payments. iii. Earnings for services under non-equity incentive plans. This does not include group life, health, hospitalization or medical reimbursement plans that do not discriminate in favor of executives, and are available generally to all salaried employees. iv. Change in pension value. This is the change in present value of defined benefit and actuarial pension plans. v. Above-market earnings on deferred compensation which is not tax-qualified. vi. Other compensation, if the aggregate value of all such other compensation (e.g. severance, termination payments, value of life insurance paid on behalf of the employee, perquisites or property) for the executive exceeds $10,000. Article XVI - False Claims Act and Program Fraud Civil Remedies All recipients must comply with the requirements of 31 U.S.C. § 3729 which set forth that no recipient of federal payments shall submit a false claim for payment. See also 38 U.S.C. § 3801-3812 which details the administrative remedies for false claims and statements made. Article XVII - Federal Debt Status All recipients are required to be non-delinquent in their repayment of any Federal debt. Examples of relevant debt include delinquent payroll and other taxes, audit disallowances, and benefit overpayments. See OMB Circular A- 129 and form SF-424B, item number 17 for additional information and guidance. Article XVIII - Fly America Act of 1974 All recipients must comply with Preference for U.S. Flag Air Carriers: (air carriers holding certificates under 49 U.S.C. §41102)for international air transportation of people and property to the extent that such service is available, in accordance with the International Air Transportation Fair Competitive Practices Act of 1974 (49 U.S.C. §40118) and the interpretative guidelines issued by the Comptroller General of the United States in the March 31, 1981, amendment to Comptroller General Decision B-138942. Article XIX -Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990 In accordance with Section 6 of the Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990, 15 U.S.C. §2225a, all recipients must ensure that all conference, meeting, convention, or training space funded in whole or in part with Federal funds complies with the fire prevention and control guidelines of the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974, as amended, 15 U.S.C. §2225. - 8 - for such sanctions and pena�ties as appropriate. AGENDA 1TEM #6. d) Attachment 1 Article XX - Limited English Proficiency(Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI) All recipients must comply with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) prohibition against discrimination on the basis of national origin, which requires that recipients of federal financial assistance take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to persons with limited English proficiency (LEP)to their programs and services. Providing meaningful access for persons with LEP may entail providing language assistance services, including oral interpretation and written translation. In order to facilitate compliance with Title VI, recipients are encouraged to consider the need for language services for LEP persons served or encountered in developing program budgets. Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English P�oficiency (August 11, 2000), requires federal agencies to issue guidance to recipients, assisting such organizations and entities in understanding their language access obligations. DHS published the required recipient guidance in April 2011, DHS Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons, 76 Fed. Reg. 21755-21768, (April 18, 2011). The Guidance provides helpful information such as how a recipient can determine the extent of its obligation to provide language services; selecting language services; and elements of an effective plan on language assistance for LEP persons. For additional assistance and information regarding language access obligations, please refer to the DHS Recipient Guidance https://www.dhs.gov/guidance-published-help- department-supported-organizations-provide-meaningful-accesspeople-limited and additional resources on http://www.lep.gov. Article XXI - Lobbying Prohibitions All recipients must comply with 31 U.S.C. §1352, which provides that none of the funds provided under an award may be expended by the recipient to pay any person to influence, or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with any Federal action concerning the award or renewal. Article XXII - Non-supplanting Requirement , All recipients who receive awards made under programs that prohibit supplanting by law must ensure that Federal funds do not replace (supplant)funds that have been budgeted for the same purpose through non-Federal sources. Where federal statues for a particular program prohibits supplanting, applicants or recipients may be required to demonstrate and document that a reduction in non-Federal resources occurred for reasons other than the receipt of expected receipt of Federal funds. Article XXIII - Patents and Intellectual Property Rights Unless otherwise provided by law, recipients are subject to the Bayh-Dole Act, Pub. L. No. 96-517, as amended, and codified in 35 U.S.C. § 200 et seq. All recipients are subject to the specific requirements governing the development, reporting, and disposition of rights to inventions and patents resulting from financial assistance awards are in 37 C.F.R. Part 401 and the standard patent rights clause in 37 C.F.R. §401.14. Article XXIV - Procurement of Recovered Materiats All recipients must comply with section 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The requirements of Section 6002 include procuring only items designated in guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at 40 C.F.R. Part 247 that contain the highest percentage of recovered�materials practicable, consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition, where the purchase price of the item exceeds$10,000 or the value of the quantity acquired by the preceding fiscal year exceeded $10,000; procuring solid waste management services in a manner that maximizes energy and resource recovery; and establishing an affirmative procurement program for procurement of recovered materials identified in the EPA guidelines. Article XXV -Contract Provisions for Non-federal Entity Contracts under Federal Awards a. Contracts for more than the simplified acquisition threshold set at $150,000. . � All recipients who have contracts exceeding the acquisition threshold currently set at $150,000, which is the inflation adjusted amount determined by Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulation Council as authorized by 41 U.S.C. §1908, must address administrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instance where contractors violate or breach contract terms and provide - 9 - AGENDA ITEM #6, d) !, Attachment 1 �� b. Contracts in excess of$10.000. I All recipients that have contracts exceeding $10,000 must address termination for cause and for �' convenience by the non-Federal entity including the manner by which it will be effected and the basis for settlement. Article XXVI -SAFECOM All recipients who receive awards made under programs that provide emergency communication equipment and its related activities must comply with the SAFECOM Guidance for Emergency Communication Grants, including provisions on technical standards that ensure and enhance interoperable communications. Article XXVII -Terro�ist Financing E.O. 13224 All recipients must comply with U.S. Executive Order 13224 and U.S. law that prohibit transactions with, and the provisions of resources and support to, individuals and organizations associated with terrorism. It is the legal responsibility of recipients to ensure compliance with the E.O. and laws. Article XXVIII -Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Equal Opportunity in Education Act) All recipients must comply with the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 l20 U.S.C. � 1681 ef sep.), which provides that no person in the United States will, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Implementing regulations are codified at 6 C.F.R. Part 17 and 44 C.F.R. Part 19 Article XXIX -Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 All recipients must comply with the requirements of the government-wide award term which implements Section 106(g) of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act(NPA) of 2000, as amended (22 U.S.C. & 71�4). This is implemented in accordance with OMB Interim Final Guidance, Federa/Register, Volume 72, No. 218, November 13, 2007. Full text of the award term is located at 2 CFR & 175.15. Article XXX - Rehabilitation Act of 1973 All recipients of must comply with the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Acf of 1973, 29 U.S.C. � 794, as amended, which provides that no otherwise qualified handicapped individual in the United States will, solely by reason of the handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving�Federal financial assistance. These requirements pertain to the provision of benefits or services as well as to employment. Article XXXI -System of Award Management and Universal Identifier Requirements A. Requirement for System of Award Management Unless y�u are exempted from this requirement under 2 CFR 25.110, you as the recipient must maintain the currency of your information in the SAM until you submit the final financial report required under this award or receive the final payment, whichever is later. This requires that you review and update the information at least annually after the initial registration, and more frequently if required by changes in your information or another award term. B. Requirement for unique entity identifier If you are authorized to make subawards under this award, you: 1. Must notify potential subrecipients that no entity (see definition in paragraph C of this award term) may receive a subaward from you unless the entity has provided its unique entity identifier to you. 2. May not make a subaward to an entity unless the entity has provided its unique entity identifier to you. C. Definitions For purposes of this award term: 1. System of Award Management (SAM) means the Federal repository into which an entity must provide information required for the conduct of business as a recipient. Additional information - 10 - AGENDA 1TEM #6, d) Attachment 1 about registration procedures may be found at the SAM Internet site (currently at http://www.s a m.g ov). 2. Unique entity identifier means the identifier required for SAM registration to uniquely identify business entities. 3. Entity, as it is used in this award term, means all of the following, as defined at 2 CFR part 25, subpart C: a. A Governmental organization, which is a State, local government, or Indian Tribe; b. A foreign public entity; c. A domestic or foreign nonprofit organization; d. A domestic or foreign for-profit organization; and e. A Federal agency, but only as a subrecipient under an award or subaward to a non- Federal entity. 4. Subaward: a. This term means a legal instrument to provide support for the performance of any portion of the substantive project or program for which you received this award and that you as the recipient award to an eligible subrecipient. b. The term does not include your procurement of property and services needed to carry out the project or program (for further explanation, see 2 CFR 200.330). c. A subaward may be provided through any legal agreement, including an agreement that you consider a contract. 5. Subrecipient means an entity that: a. Receives a subaward from you under this award; and b. Is accountable to you for the use of the Federal funds provided by the subaward. Article XXXII - USA Patriot Act of 2001 All recipients must comply with requirements of the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriafe Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act(USA PATRIOT Act), which amends 18 U.S.C. �& 175– �5�.�,�ng other things, the USA PATRIOT Act prescribes criminal penalties for possession of any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system of a type or in a quantity that is not reasonably justified by a prophylactic, protective, bona fide research, or other peaceful purpose. Article XXXIII -Use of DHS Seal, Logo and Flags Alf recipients must obtain DHS's approval prior to using the DHS seal(s), logos, crests or reproductions of flags or likenesses of DHS agency officials, including use of the United States Coast Guard seal, logo, crests or reproductions of flags or likenesses of Coast Guard officials. Article XXXIV -Whistleblower Protection Act All recipients must comply with the statutory requirements for whistleblower protections (if applicable) at 10 U.S.0 & 2409, 41 U.S.C. 4712, and 10 U.S.C. �2324, 41 U.S.C. §§4304 and 4310 r.�.��.�� ��=DHS Specific Acknowledgements and Assurances All recipients must acknowledge and agree—and require any sub-recipients, contractors, successors, transferees, and assignees acknowledge and agree—to comply with applicable provisions governing DHS access to records, accounts, documents, information, facilities, and staff. 1. Recipients must cooperate with any compliance review or complaint investigation conducted by DHS. 2. Recipients must give DHS access to and the right to examine and copy records, accounts, and other documents and sources of information related to the grant and permit access to facilities, personnel, and other individuals and information as may be necessary, as required by DHS regulations and other applicable laws or program guidance. 3. Recipients must submit timely, complete, and accurate reports to the appropriate DHS officials , and maintain appropriate backup documentation to support the reports. 4. Recipients must comply with all other special reporting, data collection, and evaluation requirements, as prescribed by law or detailed in program guidance. - 11 - AGENDA 1TEM #6. d) Attachment 1 5. If, during the past three years, the recipient has been accused of discrimination on the grounds of race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), sex, age, disability, religion, or familial status, the recipient must provide a list of all such proceedings, pending or completed, including outcome and copies of settlement agreements to the DHS awarding office and the DHS Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. 6. In the event any court or administrative agency makes a finding of discrimination on grounds of race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), sex, age, disability, religion, or familial status against the recipient, or the recipient settles a case or matter alleging such discrimination, recipients must forward a copy of the complaint and findings to the DHS Component and/or awarding office. The United States has the right to seek judicial enforcement of these obligations. Article XXXVI - Disposition of Equipment Acquired Under the Federal Award When original or replacement equipment acquired under this award by the recipient or its sub-recipients is no longer needed for the original project or program or for other activities currently or previously supported by DHS/FEMA, you must request instructions from DHS/FEMA to make proper disposition of the equipment pursuant to 2 C.F.R. §200.313. Article XXXVII - Prior Approval for Modification of Approved Budget Before making any change to the DHS/FEMA approved budget for this award, you must request prior written approval from DHS/FEMA where required by 2 C.F.R. § 200.308. For awards with an approved budget greater than $150,000, you may not transfer funds among direct cost categories, programs, functions, or activities without prior written approval from DHS/FEMA where the cumulative amount of such transfers exceeds or is expected to exceed ten percent (10%) of the total budget DHS/ FEMA last approved. You must report any deviations from your DHS/FEMA approved budget in the first Federal Financial Report (SF-425) you submit following any budget deviation, regardless of whether the budget deviation requires prior written approval. Article XXXVIII -Acceptance of Post Award Changes In the event FEMA determines that changes are necessary to the award document after an award has been made, including changes to period of performance or terms and conditions, recipients will be notified of the changes in writing. Once notification has been made, any subsequent request for funds will indicate recipient acceptance of the changes to the award. Please call the FEMA/GMD Call Center at (866) 927-5646 or via e-mail to ASK-GMDCc�dhs.qov if you have any questions. - 12 - AGENDA ITEM #6. d) `�4�i��gating Docam�n#`foir Av��iri�lAmen�lment . ,: ' ` f � 1a.AGREEMENT NO. 2. 3. RECIPIENT NO. 4. TYPE OF 5. CONTROL NO. EMW-2015-EP-00028-S01 AMENDMENT 916001095G NO. ACTION FY2015R10EMPG NO. AWARD .** 6.RECIPIENT NAME AND 7.ISSUING FEMA OFFICE AND 8.PAYMENT OFFICE AND ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS Financial Services Branch Washington Military Grant Operations 500 C Street,S.W.,Room 723 Department 245 Murray Lane-Building 410,SW Washington DC,20472 Building 20 Washington DC,20528-7000 Camp Murray,WA,98430 POC: 866-927-5646 9.NAME OF RECIPIENT PHONE NO. 10.NAME OF FEMA PROJECT COORDINATOR PROJECT OFFICER (253) Central Scheduling and Information Desk Sierra Wardell 512-7121 Phone: 800-368-6498 Email:Askcsid@dhs.gov 11.EFFECTIVE DATE OF 12. 13.ASSISTANCE ARRANGEMENT 14.PERFORMANCE PERIOD THIS ACTION I�THOD Cost Reimbursement 10/O 1/2014 OF From: Ta; PAYI�NT 10/01/2014 09/30/2016 PARS Budget Period 10/01/2014 09/30/2016 15.DESCRIPTION OF ACTION a.(Indicate funding data for awards or financial changes) PROGRAM CFDA NO. ACCOUNTING DATA PRIOR AMOUNT CURRENT CUMULATIVE NON- NAME (ACCS CODE) TOTAL AWARDED TOTAL FEDERAL ACRONYM XXXX-XXX- AWARD THIS AWARD COMMITMENT XXXXXXXXXXX-XXXX- ACTION XXXX-X +OR(-) Emergency 97.042 2015-EM-D111-R107- $0.00 $7,219,265.00 $7,219,265.00 $7,219,265.00 Management 4101-D:FY2015R10EMPG Performance $7,219,265.00 Grants TOTALS $0.00$7,219,265.00$7,219,265.00 $7,219,265.00 b.To describe changes other than funding data or f►nancial changes,attach schedule and check here. N/A 16 a.FOR NON-DISASTER PROGRAMS:RECIPIENT IS REQUIRED TO SIGN AND RETURN THREE(3)COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT TO FEMA(See Block 7 for address) Emergency Management Performance Grants recipients are not required to sign and return copies of this document.However,recipients should print and keep a copy of this document for their records. 16b.FOR DISASTER PROGRAMS:RECIPIENT IS NOT REQUIRED TO SIGN This assistance is subject to terms and conditions attached to this award notice or by incorporated reference in program legislation cited above. 17.RECIPIENT SIGNATORY OFFICIAL(Name and Title) DATE Bret Daugherty,The Adjutant General 09/22/2015 AGENDA ITEM #6, d) 18.FEMA SIGNATORY OFFICIAL(Name and Title) DATE 09/14/2015 f �� \ _� ---� KIMBERLY PENFOLD,Assistance Officer AGENDA ITEM #6, e) ../'''"n.`.. _ ` CITY OF �,'.rl��Yl � � • � . �• . � SUBJECT/TITLE: Final Pay Estimate CAG 15-099 SE 165th Sanitary Sewer Extension Contractor:Scotty's General Construction RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Utility Systems Division STAFF CONTACT: Michael Benoit, Civil Engineer EXT.: 7206 . • . . o . ._:.:;....,<.. .. ,. ... ... : Expenditure Required: $6,b48.76 Transfer Amendment: -, $NjA Amount Budgeted: $ 10,000 Revenue Generated: $ N/A Tatat Pro�ect Bud,�efif . y$�.50%�� City ShareTot�l�r`��ect $�llA , . � .;� ,,n ��.u��. >.,�«�� . . �, � .;. �....�. .. •. ,.. . ,. ,�;�.�..,�r.� ..t _ . ,. . . � � ' • � • The project was awarded on June 1, 2015. Construction began on August 17, 2015, and was completed on October 2, 2015.The original contract amount was $127,504.12 and the final amount is$120,656.76, a decrease of$6,847.36.The cost decrease was due to reduction of quantities (i.e. use of appropriate native material instead of imported backfitl). The 2015 budget for the SE 165th Sanitary Sewer Extension Project is$150,000 (426.465509).The final pay estimate is$6,640.76.The amount budgeted for this project is enough to cover the construction, engineering and staff costs of this project. : A. Final Pay Estimate B. Notice Of Completion of Public Works Contract . � � • �� • Accept the project, approve the final pay estimate in the amount of$6,640.76 and release the retainage in the amount of$5,509.44 after 60 days, subject to the receipt of all required authorizations. To: FINANCE DIRECTOR AGENDA ITEM #6. @� FRonn: PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACTOR: Scott�ls General Construction � CONTRACT NO. CAG-15-099 PO# 18/0001959 � ESTIMATE NO. 2&Final � PROJECT: SE 165th Sanitary Sewer Extension 1. CONTRACTOR EARNINGS THIS ESTIMATE $6,064.62 2. SALES TAX(ONLY ON SCHED A ITEMS) � 9.50°/a $576.14 3. TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT THIS ESTIMATE $6,640.76 4. EARNINGS PREVIOUSLY PAID CONTRACTOR $98,917.99 5. ' EARNINGS DUE CONTRACTOR THIS ESTIMATE $5,761.39 6. SUBTOTAL-CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS $104,679.38 7. RETAINAGE ON PREVIOUS EARNINGS $5,206.21 S. ** RETAINAGE ON EARNINGS THIS ESTIMATE $303.23 9. SUBTOTAL- RETAINAGE $5,509.44 10. SALES TAX PREVIOUSLY PAID $9,891.80 11. SALES TAX DUE THIS ESTIMATE $576.14 12. SUBTOTAL-SALES TAX $10,467.94 ' (95°�x LlNE 1) "` (RETAINAGE:59�b) GRAND TOTAL: $120,656.76 FINANCE DEPARTMENT ACTION: PAYMENT TO CONTRACTOR(Lines 5 and 11): ACCOUNT # 426.465509.018.594.35.63.000 $6,337.53 # 2&Final $6,337.53 RETAINED AMOUNT(Line 8): ACCOUNT # 426.465509.018.594.35.63.000 $303.23 # 2&Final $303.23 TOTAL THIS ESTIMATE: $6,640.76 CHARTER 116, LAWS OF 1965 CITY OF RENTON CERTIFICATtON I,7HE UNDERSIfiNEO DO HEREBY CERTIFY UI�Eii PENALTY OF PERJURY,THAT THE MATERIALS HAVE BEEN FURNISHED,THE SERVICES RENOERED OR THE LABOR PERFORMED AS�ESCRIB HEREIN.AND THAT THE CLAfM IS A JUST,DUE AND UNPA OBIIGAT1pN AGAINST THE CITY OF RENTON,AND THA AM , AUTHORIZED TO AUTHENTICATE AND CERTIFY TO 0 CIAtM/ �. _ � Signed: l �..�-''./ �` �,..� � � �o-22-/S �e!' �CfZz/'S� Printed On: 10/21/2015 City of Renton Pubtic Works Department Page 1 AGENDA ITEM #6, e) Printed On: 10/21/20i5 City of Renton Public Works Department Page 1 Projed SE 1fi5th Samtary Sewer Extersron Co�Vatt Number CAG-15-099 Contractor Scotry's General Constructwn Pay Estimate 2 8 Final Closing Date 10%04f2075 Ilem pescripi�on Unn Est Unit Prev-ous Previous This This Tota; Total No Quantny Price Quantny Amoum �uantiry Amount �uantty Amount 001 Mobilization 8 Demobd¢alion Lvmp Sum 7 510,882.00 0 80 58,705.60 020 $2,176 40 1 00 510,882.00 002 Tren_h Eztavabon Safe�y Systems Lump Sum 1 sz,soa ca 1 00 S2,500.00 0 GO SC 00 1 QO 52,500 00 003 Construclion Surveying.Staking,antl As•6uilts Lump Sum 1 53,000.00 1 OG 53,000 00 6.00 SO 00 1.00 53,000.00 004 Treflic Cantra Lump Sum / 53,000 00 7 DO 53,000 00 6 00 SO 00 1 QG 53,000.00 005 Temporary Erosion/SedimentatEon CoNrols lump Sum 1 53.000 00 1 00 S3.000.00 Q 00 SO 00 �OG 53,000.00 006 Landscepe RestoraUon Lump Sum t S5,000 00 1 00 55,000.00 0.00 SO 00 1.00 55,000.00 007 Furnish and Insta118-inch PVC Sewer Pipe Linear Fool 325 579.00 330 4D S26,0�0.00 0.00 SO 00 330.00 S26,07�.00 009 Furnisb and Install 6•inch PVC Sitle Sewer Pipe Linear Foot 266 S74 50 � 240.00 St7,880 00 0.00 50 00 240 00 517,880 00 009 7elevision Inspection ol Sanitary Sewers Linear Fool 325 53 00 319 00 5957.OD 0 00 50 00 319.00 5957 00 Furnish and Instal 48•inch Oiem.Sandary Sawer Manhole 010. Mt Eech 1 5/0.500 00 7 00 510,500.00 0.00 $D 00 1 00 S10,500 00 Fumish and Irstall 48•inch Diam.Sanitary Sewer Manhole Ot l. N2 Each 1 59.500 00 ? 1 00 59.500.00 0.00 50 00 1 00 59,500 00 Remwal and Replacemenl ol Unsuitable Foundation 012. Material Ton 50 S20 00 0 00 50.00 D.00 50 00 0.00 SO 00 013. SeleCt import Trench Backfill Ton 628 S72 00 61 95 5743.40 0.00 50 00 61.95 5743 40 I 014. Asphalt Patch incWdmg CSTC Square Yds 392 535 86 - 37000 S13,268.20 0.00 50 DO 3�0.00 513,268 20 015 Change Order M t �ump Sum 1 53,888 22 0.00 50 00 S 00 53,888 22 1 00 53,BBB 22 Sublotal 5104.124.20 56.064.62 5110,188 82 9 5%Sales Tax 59,891.80 9576.14 �t0,467 94 Totai S174.016.00 56,6407fi 5120,65676 I ,0.���� c�'�' � i�Z/� ,x� � 0 BTATg � AGF�II�rA�1 TEM #6. e) �� �� ` •� ❑ Revised# �'��,aee ao� NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT Date: Contractor's UBI Number: Name&Ma�ling Address of Public Agency Departmerit Use Only (;ity ot Kenton Assigned to: 1055 S Gradv Wav Renton, Wa 98057 Date Assigned: UBI Number: 177000094 Notice is hereby given relative to the completion of contract or project desc�ibed below Pro,ject Name Contract Number Job Order Contracting SE 165th Sanitary Sewer Extension CAG-15-099 ❑ Yes �No Description of Work Done/Include Jobsite Address(es) Extend approximately 330 feet of 8" sanitary sewer main in SE 165th St befinreen High Ave S and 108th Ave SE Federally funded transportation project? ❑ Yes LYJ No (if yes,provide Contract Bond Statement below) Contractor s Name E-mail Address Affidavit ID Scotty's General Construction scottysgeneral@msn.com I605022 * Contractor Address Telephone# 20405 SE 344th St,Auburn,WA 98092 I253-631-3477 If Retainage is not withheld,please select one of the following and List Surety's Name&Bond Number. ❑ Retainage Bond ❑ COritTBCt/PSymOnt bOriCI(valid for federally funded transportation projects) Name: �Bond Number: Date Contract Awarded Date Work Commenced Date Work Completed Date Work Accepted June 1, 2015 August 17, 2015 IOctober 2, 2015 ( Were Subcontracters used on t6is project?If so,please complete Addendum A. �Yes ❑No Affidavit ID*-No L&I release will be granted until all affidavits are listed. Contract Amount $ 116,442.12 Additions (+) $ Liquidated Damages $ 0.00 Reductions (-) $ 6,253.30 Amount Disbursed $ 115,147.32 Sub-Total $ 110,188.82 Amount Retained $ 5,509.44 Amount of Sales Tax 9�5 ([f various rates apply,please send a breakdown) $ 10467.94 TOTAL $ 120.656.76 ' TOTAL $ 120,656.76 NOTE: These two totals must be equal Comments: Note:The Disbursing Officer must submit this completed notice immediately after acceptance of the work done under this contract. NO PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE FROM RETAINED FLJNDS until receipt of all release certificates. Submitting Form:Please submit the completed form by email to all three agencies below. COritaCt N31T12: Natalie Wissbrod Tltle: Accounting Assistant Email Address: nwissbrod@rentonwa.gov Phone Number: a2s-aso-ss�s Employment Security Department of Revenue W�M9���� Department CPublic Works Section Labor& Industries (360)7045650 Contract Release Registration,Inquiry, PWC@dar.wa.gov (855)545-8163,option#4 Standards 8�Coordlnation ContradRelease@LNI.WA.GOV ��rt (360)902-9450 pu b I i c.wo rks @esd.wa.g ov REV 31 0020e(4/28/14) F215-038-000 04-2014 Addendum A: Please List all Su6contractors and Sub-tiers Below AGENDA /TEM #6, eJ This addendum can be submitted in other formats. Provide lmown affidavits at this time. No L&I release will be�ranted until all aftidavits are listed. Subcontractor's Name: �UBI Number:(Required) �Affidavid ID* Tony Lind Paving LLC � 602813830 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ' � � � � � � � � " � � ' � � � � � � � � , � � � � � � � For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format,please call 1-800-647-7706.Teletype(TTY) users may use the Washington Relay Service by calling 711. REV 31 0020e Addendum(04/28/14) F215-038-000 04-2014 AGENDA /TEM # 8, a) CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 4-2-080 AND 4-2-120 OF CHAPTER 2, ZONING DISTRICTS— USES AND STANDARDS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE, AMENDING THE RESIDENTIAL ZONING STANDARDS IN THE CA(COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL)ZONE. WHEREAS, the City seeks to ensure that high density occurs in locations where the infrastructure is adequate, either existing or planned, as well as to balance where new high density occurs with where it exists so that each community can flourish; and WHEREAS, the City Council previously enacted a moratorium on residential development in the CA (Commercial Arterial) Zone in order to allow staff time to review the appropriateness of allowing high density away from central areas not associated with a designated regional growth center, and to prepare an ordinance; and WHEREAS, this matter was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation and stud , and the matter havin been considered b the Plannin Commission, and the Y g Y g amendment request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 21, 2015, having considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support or in opposition; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) ORDINANCE N0. SECTION I. Subsection 4-2-080.A.18 of subsection 4-2-050.A, Subject to the Following Conditions, of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts — Uses and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is hereby amended as follows: 18. Specified use(s) are not allowed within one thousand feet (1,000') of the centerline of Renton Municipal Airport runway. In the UC Zone, buildings adjacent to pedestrian-oriented streets, designated as such via Master Plan or similar document approved by the City, shall be mixed use with ground-floor commercial uses; in all other applicable Zones, buildings shall be mixed use with ground-floor commercial. Where required, commercial space shall be provided on the ground floor at thirty feet (30') in depth along any street frontage. Averaging the minimum depth may be permitted through the site plan review process, provided no portion of the depth is reduced to less than twenty feet (20'). All commercial space on the ground floor shall have a minimum floor-to- ceiling height of fifteen feet (15'). Residential uses shall not be located on the ground floor along any street frontage. Residential uses are not permitted in the �al�ey-e� Benson, Cedar River. Talbot, or Vallev Community Planning Areas. Community Plannin� Areas are identified in the Citv of Renton's COR Maps, the Citv's online interactive mappin� application available throu�h the Citv's website. SECTION II. The subsection entitled "Density" contained in subsection 4-2-120.A, Development Standards for Commercial Zoning Designations (CN, CV, & CA), of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts — Uses and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton 2 AGENDA ITEM # 8, a) ORDINANCE N0. Municipal Code, is hereby amended as shown on Attachment A. The rest of the subsections shall remain as currently codified. SECTION III. Resolution No. 4263 passed by Council on October 26, 2015, adopting a moratorium upon the submission, acceptance, processing or approval of any applications for residential development within the CA (Commercial Arterial) Zone, except within the City Center Community Area and for previously approved and valid land use applications, is hereby repealed, and the moratorium is hereby repealed. SECTION IV. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1881:10/5/15:scr 3 �RO�NAN�ENO• I` pTlONS t�N►�►$`'CAl ES�GN UC OM,M�R�IALZON`NG O CA EN 5 FpR� et acr� 4-2w12�'a .�SSAN�AR� units per n DEVE`�pN1 �v et 2�dwellir+g d use �N dWeiiin�un'ts Per'� eXce'Ptfo C mixe �et 1a iO me�t ve P crel �,nits per de u acrel if er N,�t A 2�dW e11�ng acre• 15�d l Units p dujacre l mercia�is pWe11ing et �5 or GOm acre• Units Per� �round fio DEN51'(Y t None et ��dy�ellin� �e�ter es urn 1`let 9 ��ts'PeC n the Cit p�o�ided� ba�uS;1.5 tim M�n"n` $a dWelling u acre�n d living sitV ,�ay be Res�dentia�De� a�d H; h�a"ds ASs�ste ders�ty units per rius: un�t plannin the,max�m'��' to�ondition5 �dW elling acre• d iiving b° Corr`rr` ai\oWed sublect pssiste um X�m reas• er net 4-9-��'S' Net re' bonus:1•5 the ma P Ma,cimur'" 9 structu 1.5 tim�s units Q�R�11C tia��enS�tY Ass�sted 1iving densitY aiiaW ed 3a d eilin may pe a�re�n the East p,ate�u Res�den ,�axtimUr" densitY �anditions o{ ticnes the to to '� �d sublect Subject da�e � maY be ailow C Q 9_p�5• p65, and Kenn RM�49- un�t p1annin m cond't�°ns�f RM Gornm 'Z pri� 3> — m � � 00 � ... A�A�NMENT p, 1 AGENDA ITEM # 8, b) CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING THE PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 2016 FOR GENERAL CITY OPERATIONAL PURPOSES IN THE AMOUNT OF$37,250,000. WHEREAS, the Council has met and considered its budget for the fiscal year 2016; and WHEREAS, the Council, after hearing and considering all relevant evidence and testimony presented, determined that, in order to discharge the expected expenses and obligations of the City and in its best interest, the City of Renton requires a regular levy in the amount of$37,250,000 for 2016; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The regular property tax levy is hereby authorized for 2016 in the amount of$37,250,000. This amount includes: $357,617 or 1% in amounts authorized by the levy growth limit factor over the maximum allowable levy in 2015. In addition, the 2016 levy amount will also include additional revenue resulting from partial correction of 2013 levy error in the amount of $619,061; new construction and improvements to property in the amount of$433,285; re-levy of prior year refunds in the amount of $76,928; adjustments as a result of annexations that have occurred in the amount of $1,379; and any increase in the value of state-assessed property. SECTION II. The regular levy includes levy for the Firemen's Pension at the rate of $0.225 per$1,000 assessed valuation. 1 I, AGENDA 1TEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE N0. SECTION tll. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. lason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BYTHE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence 1. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1886:10/28/15:scr 2 AGENDA ITEM # 8, c) CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 2016. WHEREAS, the Council has properly given notice of the public hearing to consider the City's 2015-16 proposed budget pursuant to RCW 84.55.120; and WHEREAS, the Council, after hearing and after duly considering all relevant evidence and testimony presented, has determined that there is a need to increase the property tax revenues from the prior year, in addition to the increases resulting from annexations, the addition of new construction, and improvements to property, and any increases in the value of state-assessed property, in order to discharge the expected expenses and obligations of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The regular property tax levy total of $36,739,787 is hereby authorized for 2016.The levy consists of: • 2015 Base Levy: $35,761,730 • 1%growth limit in the amount of$357,617; • New annexation levy in the amount of$1,379; • 2013 levy error correction in the amount of$619,061 This is an increase of $262,260 or 0.72% over the 2015 actual levy of $36,477,527. Exhibit A shows the calculation of the change. 1 AGENDA ITEM # 8, c) ORDINANCE N0. The above levy does not include increase resulting from the addition of new construction, improvements to property, any increase in the value of state-assessed property, and amounts re-levied due to omits or administrative refunds. The amount of new construction and prior year refunds are $433,285 and $76,928, respectively. Therefore the total 2016 property tax levy will be $37,250,000. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of . 2015. lason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1888:10/28/15:scr 2 AGENDA ITEM # 8, c) ORDINANCE NO. Exhibit A: Calculation of Percentage Increase 2016 Proposed 2015 Actual Items Levy Levy 2015 Base Levy $ 35,761,730 $ 35,761,730 1%Adjustment(on Base Levy only 357,617 in above Annexation 1,379 in above Levy Correction:2013 Error 619,061 611,995 Relevy ProrYear Refunds/Omits * 103,802 2016 Levy Base/2015 Actual Levy $ 36,739,787 $ 36,477,527 %Increase over Last Year Actual 0.72°� Levy Excluded in "%Increase"Calculation New Construction/Improvements 433,285 * Relevy PriorYear Refunds/Omits 76,928 Subtotal of New Construction/Refunds $ 510,213 Total Proposed 2016 Levy $ 37,250,000 * Relevy of prioryear refunds/omits are not included in the "increase" calculation as the amount was part of prior year levy but never collected. 3 AGENDA /TEM # 8, d) CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO THE REGULAR PROPERTY TAX LEVIES FOR COLLECTION IN 2016, IMPLEMENTING RCW 84.55.0101 AND FINDING SUBSTANTIAL NEED TO INCREASE THE REGULAR PROPERTY TAX LIMIT FACTOR ABOVE THE RATE OF INFLATION TO ONE PERCENT (1%), FOR A TOTAL LIMIT FACTOR OF ONE HUNDRED ANO ONE PERCENT(101i6). WHEREAS, Chapter 84.55 RCW establishes the "Limitations Upon Regular Property Taxes" which all taxing jurisdictions must use in calculating the amount of regular property tax levy which may be levied to provide governmental services; and WHEREAS, the limitation is generally restricted to a "limit factor", which is equal to the lower of one percent (1%) or inflation. Inflation is measured as the percentage change in the "implicit price deflator" (IPD) as published for the most recent twelve (12)-month period by the Federal Department of Commerce in September of the year before the taxes are payable; and WHEREAS, the September 2015 1PD is two hundred fifty-one thousandths percent (0.251%), therefore, the City's 2016 Property Tax levy would be one hundred and two hundred fifty-one thousandths percent (100.251%a) of the regular property taxes levied by the City in in increase in assessed valuations as set forth b law; and 2015,together with certa Y WHEREAS, notwithstanding the foregoing general limitations, RCW 84.55.0101 permits the City to adopt, as a limit factor, a percentage increase up to one hundred and one percent {101%) provided the Council enters a finding of substantial need and approves the increased limit factor by affirmative vote of a majority plus one vote; and 1 AGENDA 1TEM # 8, d) ORDINANCE N0. WHEREAS,the City continues to face costs associated with labor contracts, benefits, and professional services increasing at a faster rate than the City's primary recurring revenue sources; and WHEREAS,the Council has held a public hearing regarding the 2015/2016 Mid-Biennium Budget Adjustment which included consideration of revenue sources for anticipated current expense to provide City services, and possible increases in property tax revenues; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered the effect of increasing the tax levy and the increased service demands from those in need;and WHEREAS, based on the above findings, the Council finds that a substantial need exists to set the property tax limit factor at one hundred and one percent (101%) of the 2015 property tax levy; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all aspects and substantial need exists for the City Council needs to levy 2016 property tax at one hundred and one percent (101%) of the property tax levied for 2015, pursuant to RCW 84.55.0101, to produce revenues sufficient to meet 2016 expenses. SECTION II. This ordinance has been passed by the affirmative vote of at least a majority plus one of the whole membership of the Council. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30) days after publication. 2 AGENDA I TEM # 8. d) ORDINANCE N0. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Qenis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence 1. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1887:10/14/15:scr 3 CITY OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT __�� Renton '� M E M O R A N D U M DATE: November 9, 2015 TO: Ed Prince, Council President Members of the Renton City Council FROM: Denis Law, Mayor Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Administrative Report In addition to our day-to-day activities, the following are some items worthy of note for this week: • Public Works Maintenance Services workers Kip Braaten and Rob Blackburn participated in the state APWA ROADEO competition on Thursday, October 29th in Yakima. Out of a total of 52 competitors Kip Braaten received 11th place in Snow Plow/Sander Truck Course and 37th place in Loader. Rob Blackburn received 25th place in Snow Plow/Sander Truck I Course, 3rd place in Backhoe Course, 20th place in Loader and 7th place overall. Congratulations! • Preventative street maintenance,traffic impact projects, and road closures will be at the following locations: ✓ Monday, November 9th through Friday, November 13th, approximately 7 a.m.to 3:30 p.m. Intermittent lane closures both directions of Taylor Ave NW between Renton Ave. S and the Renton city limits for repaving of failed areas of asphalt. Questions may be directed to Patrick Zellner at 425-766-6181. I ✓ Monday, November 9th through Friday, November 13th, approximately 8:OOam to 3:OOpm. Localized curb lane closures will occur at the intersection of 5. 7th Street and Shattuck Ave S. for removal of pedestrian ramps, curb and gutters on the NE and SE corners of the intersection. Questions should be directed to Keith Wooley at 425-430- 7318 or Todd Freih at 206-999-1832. ✓ Monday, November 9th through Friday, November 13th, approximately 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Westbound lane closure on 156th Avenue SE, between SE 144th Street and SE 6th Street, due to installation of sewer main. Alternative routes have been posted to mitigate for traffic delays. Questions may be directed to Mark Wetherbee at 206-999- 1829. ✓ Monday, November 9th through Friday, November 13th,approximately 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.The two east lanes on Main between 2nd and 3rd will be closed for water main improvements while the west lane will be open for traffic flow. Questions can be directed to on-site inspector Pat Miller at 206-794-6162. Ed Prince,Council President Members of Renton City Council November 9,2015 Page 2 ✓ Monday, November 9th through Friday, November 13th, approximately 8:OOam to S:OOpm. Possible lane closures on S. 55th Street and Talbot Road due to a water main installation. Questions can be directed to Ann Fowler, 425-430-7271 or Todd Freih, 425- 999-1832. ✓ Monday, November 9th through Tuesday, December 15th, approximately 7 a.m.to 5 p.m. Intermittent lane closures both directions of Chelan Avenue SE between SE 2"d Place and SE 4th Place so that crews can install storm drainage pipe and structures. Questions may be directed to Utility Civil Engineer Allen Quynn at 425-430-7247. ✓ Monday, November 9th through approximately August 31, 2016. Logan Avenue North between N 6th St and Airport Way will be closed 24/7 to all southbound traffic during construction of the Logan Ave Improvement Project. Southbound Logan Ave N traffic will be rerouted along Park Ave N to Bronson Way and S 2nd St. Questions may be directed to James Wilhoit at 425-430-7319 or via email at jwilhoit@rentonwa.gov. For updates visit the project web page at http://rentonwa.�ov/livin�/default.asqx?id=8026. Agenda Item No.: ,� RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET (Page 1) CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE DATE:,� I� II � PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit � � . 1 5 Name: �w�a�da J(����`��� Name: Address: L��X ���� l`�� �� Address: City: 9�P,�� Zip Code: vv City: Zip Code: / Email: �iv�����-77��" � Email: / � ���� / Topic: �tS�a' Topic: 2 6 Name: Name: Address: Address: /��� / City: Zip Code: / City: / Zi ode: Email: / Email: / ' Topic: �� / Topic: / // ! 3 7 t / �,../ Name: Name: � Addres : '/ Address: / City: // Zip Code: City: / Zip Code: , Email: �/ EmaiL• / Topic: / Topic: / 4 8 I, Name: Name: I Address:/ Address:/ City: � Zip Code: City:/ Zip Code: / E ail: Email: � Topic: Topic: (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) (Continued from Reverse Side- Page 2) RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET � CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 9 13 Name: Name: Address: Address: � City: Zip Code: City: Zip Code: / Email: Email: / Topic: Topic: / 10 14 Name: Name: Address: Address;/ City: Zip Code: �� Cit . Zip Code: EmaiL• / Email: Topic: / Topic: / 11 / 15 � Name: \ Name: Address: / Address: City: Zip Code: / City: Zip Code: Email: / Email: Topic: / Topic: 12 16 Name: Name: Address: / Address: ._� City: Zip Code: City: Zip Code: Email: Email: Topic: Topic: COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES COMMITTEE REPORT qppROVED BY CITY GOUNCIL November 9, 2015 �1 � � �� C ��t� , � 2016 Council Committee Assignments The Committee on Committees recommends the following council committee assignments for 2016: FINANCE UTILITIES (2"d &4th Mondays, 5:00 pm) (1St& 3`d Mondays, 4:30 pm) Don Persson, Chair Council Seat 4, Chair Armondo Pavone, Vice Chair Ruth Perez, Vice Chair Ruth Perez, Member Council Seat 3, Member PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT (2"d &4th Mondays, 4:00 pm) (2"d & 4th Thursdays, 3:00 pm) Armondo Pavone, Chair Ed Prince, Chair Don Persson, Vice Chair Council Seat 4, Vice Chair Ed Prince, Member Armondo Pavone, Member COMMUNITY SERVICES TRANSPORTATION (2"d &4th Thursdays, 4:00 pm) (15t& 3�d Mondays, 5:00 pm) Council Seat 3, Chair Ruth Perez, Chair Ed Prince, Vice Chair Council Seat 3, Vice Chair Council Seat 4, Member pon Persson, Member � � Randy Corman, Chair `� �. o do Pavone, Vice Chair , e Ed rince, Member APPROVED �Y PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORT ��t� I� �+ �5 „ November 9, 2015 CA Zone Density Referred on September 21, 2014 The Planning and Development Committee recommends concurrence with the Planning ' Commission and staff recommendation to amend the maximum density allowed in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone by Community Planning Areas as follows: City Center and Highlands 60 dwelling units per acre; East Plateau and Kennydale 30 dwelling units per acre; and no attached housing in Cedar River, Benson, Talbot and Valley. The Committee further recommends repealing the moratorium on new residential development in the CA zone. The Planning and Development Committee recommends the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. �'�t R ndy Corman, ha r m do Pavone, Vice Chair � p��� _ Marcie Palmer, Member STAFFRECAP COUNCIL MEETING REFERRALS 11/9/2015 MOTIONS REFERRED TO ADMINISTRATION: Moved by Corman, seconded by Pavone, Council refer public safety issues regarding Cascade Park to the Administration. —Milosevich Other Requests: None. MOTIONS REFERRED TO COUNCIL COMMITTEE: None.* *The consent agenda items were adopted as presented. �`��� —�-,_ "'� CITY OF n � � M I N UTES City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM-Monday,November 9,2015 Council Chambers,7th Floor, City Hall—1055 S.Grady Way CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tem Prince called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmembers Absent: Ed Prince, Mayor Pro Tem Don Persson ' Randy Corman,Council President Pro Tem Armondo Pavone Ruth Perez Marcie Palmer Greg Taylor MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT I� COUNCILMEMBER DON PERSSON.CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT I Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Alex Tuttle,Assistant City Attorney Megan Gregor, Deputy City Clerk Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Commander Mike Luther, Police Department ' PR LAMATI N OC O Leadership Eastside Day-November 9,2015. A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring November 9, 2015 to be Leadership Eastside Day in the City of Renton,and all citizens were encouraged to join in recognizing the many contributions that Leadership Eastside has made to the community. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL ADOPT THE PROCLAMATION AS READ.CARRIED. November 9, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 1 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2015 and beyond. Items noted were: • Public Works Maintenance Services workers Kip Braaten and Rob Blackburn participated in the state APWA ROADEO competition on Thursday, October 29th in Yakima.Out of a total of 52 competitors Kip Braaten received 11th place in Snow Plow/Sander Truck Course and 37th place in Loader. Rob Blackburn received 25th place in Snow Plow/Sander Truck Course, 3rd place in Backhoe Course,20th place in Loader and 7th place overall. • Preventative street maintenance will continue to impact traffic and result in occasional street closures. AUDIENCE COMMENT Amanda Scofield, Renton,addressed concerns about the cleanliness and safety of Cascade Park.She believes that the condition of the park has deteriorated and wanted to know what she could do to make the park a safer place for children and families. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL REFER PUBLIC SAFETY ISSUES REGARDING CASCADE PARK TO THE ADMINISTRATION.CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the consent agenda were adopted with one motion,following the listing. ' a) Approval of the November 2, 2015 Council meeting minutes.Council Concur. b) Administrative Services Department submitted a request for utility billing adjustments at Westgate Condominiums and Stir Restaurant, and recommended approving adjustments in the amounts of$13,250.38 and$14,292.24. Refer to Finance Committee. c) City Clerk submitted a request for the partial release of Easement by Chris Tonkin of Bellevue TT LLC,to construct a new storm water drainage line located in the vicinity of NE 4th St. & Union Ave. NE. Refer to Utilities Committee. d) Fire &Emergency Services Department recommended approval of an agreement with the Washington State Military Department to accept Department of Homeland Security Emergency Management Performance Grant(EMPG)funds in the amount of$73,093 to support the emergency management program.Council Concur. e) Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-15-099,SE 165th Sanitary Sewer Extension project, contractor Scotty's General Construction;and requested acceptance of the project,approval of the final pay estimate in the amount of$6,640.76,and re�ease of the retainage bond after 60 days, if all required releases are obtained.Council Concur. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED.CARRIED. November 9, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2 I UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Committee on Committees Chair Palmer presented a report recommending the following council committee assignments for 2016: FINANCE UTILITIES (2"a &4th Mondays, 5:00 pm) (15Y&3�d Mondays, 4:30 pm) Don Persson, Chair Council Seat 4, Chair Armondo Pavone, Vice Chair Ruth Perez,Vice Chair Ruth Perez, Member Council Seat 3, Member PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT (2"a &4th Mondays, 4:00 pm) (2"d &4th Thursdays, 3:00 pm) Armondo Pavone, Chair Ed Prince, Chair Don Persson,Vice Chair Council Seat 4,Vice Chair Ed Prince, Member Armondo Pavone, Member COMMUNITY SERVICES TRANSPORTATION (2"d &4th Thursdays, 4:00 pm) (15t& 3�d Mondays, 5:00 pm) Council Seat 3, Chair Ruth Perez, Chair Ed Prince,Vice Chair Council Seat 3,Vice Chair Council Seat 4, Member pon Persson, Member MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.CARRIED. b) Planning& Development Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending concurrence with the Planning Commission and staff recommendation to amend the maximum density allowed in the Commercial Arterial(CA) zone by Community Ptanning Areas as follows: City Center and Highlands 60 dwelling units per acre; East Plateau and Kennydale 30 dwelling units per acre;and no attached housing in Cedar River, Benson,Talbot and Valley.The Committee further recommended repealing the moratorium on new residential development in the CA zone.The Planning and Development Committee also recommended the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Ordinance for first reading: a) Ordinance No. 5778:An ordinance was read amending Sections 4-2-080 and 4-2-120 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts—Uses and Standards,of Title IV(Development Regulations)of the Renton Municipal Code,amending the residential zoning standards in the CA(Commercial Arterial)Zone. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/16/2015.CARRIED. November 9, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 3 Ordinances forsecond and final reading: b) Ordinance No. 5774:An ordinance was read establishing the Property Tax Levy for the year 2016 for general City operational purposes in the amount of$37,250,000. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ.ROLL CALL:ALL AYES.CARRIED. c) Ordinance No. 5775:An ordinance was read authorizing the Property Tax Levy for the year 2016. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ.ROLL CAII:ALL AYES.Carried d) Ordinance No.5776:An ordinance was read relating to the regular Property Tax Levies for collection in 2016, implementing RCW 84.55.0101 and finding substantial need to increase the regular property tax limit factor above the rate of inflation to one percent(1%),for a total limit factor of one hundred and one percent(101%). MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL:ALL AYES. Carried NEW BUSINE55 See attached Council committee meetin calendar. 9 ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL ADJOURN.CARRIED.TIME 7:18 P.M. � � j . � � Jason A. �eth,CIVhC,Cfity Clerk Megan Gregor, Recorder Monday, November 9,2015 November 9, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 4 Council Committee Meeting Calendar November 9, 2015 November 10,20I5 � ` �Tuesday �tt, , '�, . 11:00 AM Transportation Committee, Chair Palmer, Council Conference Room 1. Bridge Replacement Contract 2. Logan Ave. Update 3. Emerging Issues in Transportation November 16. 2016 ' � - Monday ' , w : � 3:30 PM Public Safety Committee, Chair Pavone, Council Conference Room 1. Emerging Issues in Public Safety 4:30 PM Finance Committee,Vice Chair Taylor, Council Conference Room 1. School Impact Fees 2. Vouchers 3. Utility Bill Adjustment Requests 5:30 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Prince, Conferencing Center 1. Renton River Days Wrap-up � 2. Neighborhood Program Update 3. Regionallssues NOV 9, 2015 - REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - MOTION SHEET . . .__ . . _ . , � �� _ _ _. . �. . . . � . . .�4 �� ., 4y � � � ��- � � ��n ,<,. � . . ` ����e ,�Wf , ' � 3��? � 2 .�. . ��� . 3 a JP �I���dn +r�i'd�;, a u � � � , . ) ROLL CALL ABSENT:Don Persson COUNCIL EXCUSE N/A N/A ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER DON PERSSON. 3) PROCLAMATION Leadership Eastside Day-November 9,2015.A COUNCIL ADOPT April Alexander N/A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring November THE 9,2015 to be Leadership Eastside Day in the City of Renton, PROCLAMATION an encouraged all citizens to join in recognizing the many AS READ. contributions that Leadership Eastside has made in the community. 5) AUDIENCE Amanda Scofield,Renton,addressed concerns about the Council Concur. N/A Kevin Milosevich COMMENT cleanliness and safety of Cascade Park.She has noticed Melissa Day deterioration in the condition of the park and wanted to know what she could do to make the park a safe place for children and families.COUNCIL REFER PUBLIC SAFETY ISSUES REGARDING CASCADE PARK TO THE ADMINISTRATION. 6.a) CONSENT Approval of the November 2,2015 Council meeting Council Concur. Jason Seth Megan Gregor AGENDA minutes. 6.b) CONSENT Administrative Services Department submitted a request for '' � Jamie Thomas Kari Roller ,z ,� ¢ �;.�,���`£ .. AGENDA utilit billin ad"ustments at West ate Condominiums and ` ` Y g 1 B � ����`.�.�_'� Terri Weishaput Stir Restaurant,and recommended approving adjustments ��v = '''��``��: - ' �,. .�:�;�� m;;.:v�-�:< . in the amounts of$13,250.38 and$14,292.24. �,:� ��"� � -: 6.c) CONSENT City Clerk submitted a request for the partial release of ��� Jason Seth Amanda Askran AGENDA Easement by Chris Tonkin of Bellevue TT LLC,to construct a Ct�t�tit�. new storm water drainage line located in the vicinity of NE 4th St.&Union Ave. NE. 6.d) CONSENT Fire&Emergency Services Department recommended Council Concur. Deb Needham Tami Dauenhauer AGENDA approval of an agreement with the Washington State Mindi Mattson Military Department to accept Department of Homeland Cindy Moya Security Emergency Management Performance Grant � (EMPG)funds in the amount of$73,093 to support the ' emergency management program. 6.e) CONSENT Utility Systems Division submits CAG-15-099,SE 165th Council Concur. Michael Benoit Theresa Phelan AGENDA Sanitary Sewer Extension project,contractor Scotty's Li Li-Wong General Construction;and requests acceptance of the p�oject,approval of the final pay estimate in the amount of $6,640.76,and release of the retainage bond after 60 days, if all required releases are obtained. 7.a) UNFINISHED Committee on Committees Chair Palmer presented a report Council Concur. N/A Julia Medzegian BUSINESS recommending the following council committee assignments for 2016: FINANCE UTILITIES (2nd & 4th Mondays, (15t & 3�d Mondays, 4:30 5:00 pm) pm) Don Persson, Chair Council Seat 4, Chair Armondo Pavone, Vice Ruth Perez, Vice Chair Chair Council Seat 3, Member Ruth Perez, Member PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING & (2"d & 4th Mondays, DEVELOPMENT 4:00 pm) (2"d & 4th Thursdays, 3:00 Armondo Pavone, Chair pm) Don Persson, Vice Chair Ed Prince, Chair Ed Prince, Member Council Seat 4,Vice Chair Armondo Pavone, Member COMMUNITY SERVICES TRANSPORTATION (2"a & 4th Thursdays, (15t & 3�d Mondays, 5:00 4:00 pm) pm) Council Seat 3, Chair Ruth Perez, Chair Ed Prince,Vice Chair Council Seat 3,Vice Chair Council Seat 4, Member pon Persson, Member 7.b) UNFINISHED Planning&Development Committee Chair Corman Council Concur. Chip Vincent Jennifer Henning BUSINESS presented a report recommending concurrence with the Angie Mathias Planning Commission and staff recommendation to amend Judith Subia the maximum density allowed in the Commercial Arterial (CA)zone by Community Planning Areas as follows:City Center and Highlands 60 dwelling units per acre;East Plateau and Kennydale 30 dwelling units per acre;and no attached housing in Cedar River,Benson,Talbot and Valley. The Committee further recommends repealing the moratorium on new residential development in the CA zone.The Planning and Development Committee also recommended the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. 8.a) ORDINANCE FOR Ordinance No.5778:An ordinance was read amending COUNCIL REFER Chip Vincent Jennifer Henning FIRST READING: Sections 4-2-080 and 4-2-120 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts— THE ORDINANCE Angie Mathias Uses and Standards,of Title IV(Development Regulations) FOR SECOND AND Judith Subia of the Renton Municipal Code,amending the residential FINAL READING Cindy Moya zoning standards in the CA(Commercial Arterial)Zone. ON 11/16/2015. 8.b) ORDINANCE FOR Ordinance No.5774:An ordinance was read establishing the COUNCIL ADOPT Iwen Wang Jamie Thomas SECOND AND Property Tax Levy for the year 2016 for general City THE ORDINANCE Cindy Moya FINAL READING: operational purposes in the amount of$37,250,000. AS READ.ROLL CALL:ALL AYES. 8.c) ORDINANCE FOR Ordinance No.5775:An ordinance was read authorizing the COUNCIL ADOPT Iwen Wang Jamie Thomas SECOND AND Property Tax Levy for the year 2016. THE ORDINANCE Cindy Moya FINAL READING: AS READ.ROLL CALL:ALL AYES. 8.d) ORDINANCE FOR Ordinance No. 5776:An ordinance was read relating to the COUNCIL ADOPT Iwen Wang Jamie Thomas SECOND AND regular Property Tax Levies for collection in 2016, THE ORDINANCE Cindy Moya FINAL READING: implementing RCW 84.55.0101 and finding substantial need AS READ.ROLL to increase the regular property tax limit factor above the CALL:ALL AYES. rate of inflation to one percent(1%),for a total limit factor of one hundred and one percent(10190). ,•---- �,NTa`� F C�TY QF OR��xANC ��G � ������C,�Y C��NC�4the Q,U�� �N RE*iTaN,s a sammth Rento9. 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