HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil 03/21/2011AGENDA  RENTON CITY COUNCIL    REGULAR MEETING  March 21, 2011  Monday, 7 p.m.  1.CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2.ROLL CALL 3.SPECIAL PRESENTATION a. Women in Aviation  4.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5.AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting.  Each speaker is allowed five minutes.  The  comment period will be limited to one‐half hour.  The second audience comment period later on in  the agenda is unlimited in duration.)  When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please  walk to the podium and state your name and city of residence for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST  NAME. 6.CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the  recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion.  Any item may be removed for further  discussion if requested by a Councilmember.  a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of 3/14/2011.  Council concur.  b. Community  and  Economic  Development  Department  submits  the  proposed  2011 Comprehensive  Plan  amendment  table  for  the  annual  review  processes.  Refer  to  Planning and Development Committee and Planning Commission.  c. Community and Economic Development Department submits 10% Notice of Intent to annex  petition for the proposed Fairlane Annexation and recommends a public meeting be set on  4/4/2011 to consider the petition; 37.4 acres located in the vicinity of 129th Pl. SE and SE  160th St.  Council concur.  d. Community  Services  Department  recommends  approval  of  an  expenditure in  the  amount  of $525,000  for  the acquisition  of  the  Big  5  Corporation  property  located  at  508  S.  3rd  St.   Council concur.  e. Finance and Information Technology Department recommends amending City Code regarding  filing  written  protests  for  claims  of  excessive  or  unlawful  taxes  levied  or  paid.   Refer  to  Finance Committee.  f. Fire and Emergency Services Department recommends approval of Amendment B to CAG‐10‐ 133,  with  the  Washington  State  Military  Department,  to  extend  the  expiration  date  to  7/31/2011 in  order  to  complete  mandated  environmental  and  equipment  reviews.   Council  concur. Page 1 of 221 g. Police Department recommends approval of a Memorandum of Understanding, and approval of  Amendment  #1  to  the  Memorandum  of  Understanding,  with  the  Washington  State  Traffic  Safety Commission, in the amount of $19,903.50 for reimbursement of overtime and salary  benefits for officers participating in King County Target Zero Task Forces.  Council concur.  h. Police Department requests authorization to hire a police officer at Step D of the salary range,  effective 3/16/2011. Council concur.  i. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the amount of $157,500  with  Barnard  Dunkelberg  &  Company,  Inc.  for  assistance  with  preparing  the  Sustainability  Management  Plan  for  the  Airport  Sustainability  Sudy.   Refer  to Transportation  (Aviation)  Committee.  j. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the amount of $135,938  with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Highlands to Landing Pedestrian Connection project.   Council concur.  k. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐ 10‐157,  with  Parametrix,  Inc.,  in  the  amount  of  $492,334.16  for  design  and  right‐of‐way  services for the NE 3rd/4th Corridor Improvements project.  Refer to Transportation (Aviation)  Committee.  l. Utility  Systems  Division  submits  CAG‐10‐084,  Union  Ave.  NE/Duvall  Ave.  NE  Storm  System  Repair project; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the  amount of $737.50, commencement of a 60‐day lien period, and release of retained amount of  $4,919.48  to  Hoffman  Construction,  Inc.,  contractor,  if  all  required  releases  are  obtained.  Council concur.  7.UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week.  Those topics  marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation.  Committee reports on any topics may be held  by the Chair if further review is necessary. a. Finance  Committee:   Vouchers;  2011/2012  Budget Carry‐Forward  Ordinance*;  Library  Reimbursement Bonds Authorization*  b. Utilities Committee:  Friedman Latecomer Agreement  c. Transportation (Aviation) Committee:  Operating Permit and Agreement & Sublease Agreement  with Ace Aviation  8.RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Resolution: a. Designating library facilities expenditures for potential reimbursement from bonds (See  7.a.)  Ordinance for first reading: a. 2011/2012 Budget amendment related to carrying forward 2010 funds (See 7.a.) Page 2 of 221 Ordinances for second and final reading: a. Amending City Code regarding encroachments on public property (1st reading 3/14/2011)  b. Issaquah, Kent, and Renton School District impact fees (1st reading 3/14/2011)  9.NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425‐430‐6512 for recorded information.) 10.AUDIENCE COMMENT 11.ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA   (Preceding Council Meeting)     COUNCIL CHAMBERS   March 21, 2011  Monday, 5:00 p.m.     Legislative Update;Sunset Area Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) ‐ Briefing; Regional Issues     • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk •     CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RECABLECAST:  Tues. & Thurs. at 11 AM & 9 PM, Wed. & Fri at 9 AM & 7 PM and Sat. & Sun. at 1 PM & 9 PM  Page 3 of 221 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: 2011 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Review Meeting: Regular Council - 21 Mar 2011 Exhibits: 2011 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Summaries Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Community and Economic Development Staff Contact: Angie Mathias x6576 Recommended Action: Refer to the Planning and Development Committee and Planning Commission Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: Begin the 2011 Comprehensive Plan Amendments review. This year, there are two private CPA applications: Barbee Mill (#2011-M-05), and Duvall Avenue (#2011-M-06) and eleven City initiated CPAs. All 2011 Comprehensive Plan Amendments are itemized on the attachment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve for Planning Commission review and recommendation the 2011 Comprehensive Plan amendment proposals as presented. 6b. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits the  proposed 2011 Comprehensive Plan amendment table for the annual  Page 4 of 221 H:\CED\Planning\Comp Plan\Amendments\2011\Admin\2011 CPA List.doc 2011 Comprehensive Plan Amendments #2011-M-01: Vantage Glen Mobile Home Park – Rocale Rezone from RMH to RMF to recognize request from King County Housing Authority #2011-M-02: City Center – Angie Update Element to reflect City Center Community Plan #2011-M-03: RM Policies – Angie Examine the RM policies, purpose, and criteria for zoning CN, R-14, and RMF #2011-M-04: PAA Boundary – Angie Designate the portion of the Fairwood annexation area that was added by the BRB at King County’s request #2011-M-05: Barbee Mill – Vanessa Request to change the land use designation and zoning from COR to COR and RMD to R-14 #2011-M-06: Duvall – Vanessa Request to change the land use designation and zoning from RSF to CC and R-8 to CA #2011-T-01: Sustainability – Kris Develop policies in the Comprehensive Plan addressing sustainability #2011-T-02: GMA Review – Rocale Update Plan to reflect new GMA targets #2011-T-03: Transportation Element – Angie Update Transportation Element to reflect current and future needs for transportation system #2011-T-04: Complete Streets – Kris Add goal to Transportation Element regarding Complete Streets to reflect work adopted #2011-T-05: Economic Development – Rocale #2011-T-06: Landscaping – Laureen #2011-T-07: Assisted Living Density Bonus in RLD – Erika 6b. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits the  proposed 2011 Comprehensive Plan amendment table for the annual  Page 5 of 221 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Proposed Fairlane Woods Annexation - 10% Notice of Intent Petition Meeting: Regular Council - 21 Mar 2011 Exhibits: Issue Paper Map 10% Petition Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Community and Economic Development Staff Contact: Angie Mathias, x6576 Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: The petitioners submitted this petition to the City Clerk on January 10, 2011. The proposed 37.4- acre annexation site is located in Renton’s Fairwood Potential Annexation Area. The area is abutting the current City limits at its northern and western boundaries and entirely within the Renton School District. State law requires a public meeting with the proponents to consider their request. Staff is in the process of updating the financial model used to analyze the impact of incremental annexations such as this and will present this information to the City Council at the 10% Public Meeting on April 4, 2011. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Set April 4, 2011 for a public meeting to consider the 10% Notice of Intention to Commence Annexation Proceedings petition for the proposed Fairlane Woods Annexation. 6c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits 10%  Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Fairlane Annexation Page 6 of 221 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:February 14, 2011 TO:Terri Briere, Council President City Councilmembers VIA:Denis Law, Mayor FROM:Alex Pietsch, Administrator Department of Community & Economic Development STAFF CONTACT:Angie Mathias, x6576 SUBJECT:Proposed Fairlane Woods Annexation – 10% Notice of Intent Petition ISSUE: The City is in receipt of a 10% Notice of Intent petition to annex a 37.4-acre area using the direct petition method; the proposed annexation is called Fairlane Woods. State law requires that the Council hold a public meeting with the annexation proponents within 60 days of receipt of a 10% Notice of Intent petition. The purpose of the meeting is for Council to decide whether to accept or reject the proposal and whether to require the simultaneous adoption of City zoning consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, if the proposed annexation is successful. RECOMMENDATION: On the basis of the following analysis, the Administration recommends that Council accept the 10% Notice of Intent petition. If Council concurs, the Administration recommends that it take the following actions (pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120): ·Accept the 10% Notice of Intent to Commence Annexation petition; and ·Authorize the circulation of a 60% Direct Petition of Annex for the 37.4-acre area; and ·Require that property owners within the proposed annexation area accept City of Renton zoning that is consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan land use designation. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The proposed 37.4-acre Fairlane Woods Annexation is located at the southeastern portion of the City limits. The Fairlane Woods Annexation Area is bordered by Renton City limits at to the north and west, the southern and eastern boundaries are parcel lines. 1.Location: The proposed 37.4-acre Fairlane Woods Annexation is bordered by the existing City limits at its north and west. 6c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits 10%  Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Fairlane Annexation Page 7 of 221 Proposed Fairlane Woods Annexation 10% Notice of Intent Page 2 of 6 2.Assessed value: The 2010 assessed valuation of the subject annexation site is $27,287,000. 3.Natural features: The area that is built out with single family residential is generally topographically level with a few parcels at the northwestern corner having steep slopes along the back portion of their parcels. Additionally, there is a significant area at the north that is owned by King County that contains steep slopes, between 40% and 90% grade. 4.Existing land uses: There are 108 single-family residences and vacant land owned by Renton School District, King County, and City of Seattle. 5.Existing zoning: Existing King County zoning is R-6. This area was prezoned by the City of Renton as part of Fairwood pre-zoning. City of Renton Ordinance #5561 prezoned the area with R-4 zoning; this zoning will become effective upon annexation. 6.Comprehensive Plan: Renton’s Comprehensive Plan designates the subject annexation site as Residential Low Density (RLD). 7.School District: The Fairlane Woods Annexation area is in the Renton School District. 8.Public services: All responding City of Renton departments and divisions noted that the annexation represents a logical extension of their respective services and systems and presents no foreseeable problems. Specific comments follow: Water Utility. The subject site is located within the service area of Soos Creek Water and Sewer District (SCWSD) and this would not change as a result of annexation. A certificate of water availability from SCWSD will be required prior to the issuance of development permits within the subject area, following annexation to the City. Staff noted that the City is currently working on an inter-local agreement with SCWSD for the maintenance and operation of their water mains within City rights-of-way. The proposed area will not generate need for additional City employees or responsibilities for the City because it is within SCWSD. Wastewater Utility. The area is served by Soos Creek Water and Sewer and annexation will not change the service provider. The area will not create a need for staff or present additional responsibilities for the City because it is not within Renton’s wastewater service area. Parks. The Community Services department indicated that the annexation represents a logical extension of the services provided by their department. When compared with current City of Renton standards, the area has a shortfall of parks and recreation programming. Also, it was noted that the cumulative effects of smaller scale annexations lead to the need for additional staff and resources. If new parks were to be developed in the future to serve the area, additional staffing and programming would be necessary. Police. The Police Department did not indicate any concerns regarding this 6c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits 10%  Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Fairlane Annexation Page 8 of 221 Proposed Fairlane Woods Annexation 10% Notice of Intent Page 3 of 6 proposed annexation. Staff estimated that the area would generate an additional 102 calls for service annually. No new staff would be required to serve the area at this time, however over time small incremental annexations will lead to the need for additional staff. The annexation does not present any problems for the department. Staff indicated that the area represents a logical extension of their services. Fire. Renton Fire and Emergency Services currently provides fire and emergency services to the area under a contract with Fire District #40. No additional staff would be required as a result of the annexation. Staff did not indicate any concerns regarding this proposed annexation. Surface Water. The area is located in the Lower Cedar River drainage basin. Future development will be required to comply with the City’s Surface Water Design Manual and the Flow Control Duration Matching Forested Site Conditions should be applied, as well. The area consists of plats that were constructed in the 1970’s and 80’s and the age of these systems will require inspections and repairs as necessary. Upon annexation City crews would perform maintenance to the system and there may be identified a need for improvements. Although this annexation does not create the need for additional staff, small incremental annexations over time are will eventually create need for new staff. Staff indicates the annexation is a logical extension of their services. Transportation Systems. The Transportation Systems staff has no concerns regarding the proposed annexation. Staff indicated that additional Transportation Systems staff would not be required and that the annexation represents a logical extension of services. There are several streets that have sidewalks on both sides of the streets, some have sidewalks on one side, and others have no sidewalks. The existing curb ramps on these streets are limited and they do not meet current ADA standards and are rolled curb which is not the current standard in the City. Also, street lighting is metal poles with cobra head luminaries on all streets. Energy costs associated with existing and new street lighting, and costs associated with maintenance of existing and new traffic control signage and pavement markings that may be incurred should not be a financial burden. Staff indicated that the City would assume ownership and responsibility for all existing and new streets in the area. Public Works Maintenance. The annexation does not present any problems for the Department and it represents a logical extension of their services. Staff noted the infrastructure was poorly installed and has not been maintained well, if the infrastructure were to be replaced it would represent a cost to the City. Repair work to this infrastructure may also present a cost to the City. However, the City would not assume any ownership or responsibility for any facilities within the area. 6c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits 10%  Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Fairlane Annexation Page 9 of 221 Proposed Fairlane Woods Annexation 10% Notice of Intent Page 4 of 6 Building. The Building section did not indicate any concerns regarding the proposed annexation. The annexation does not present any increased need for City staff. Planning. The Planning section did not indicate any concerns regarding the proposed annexation and stated that the annexation represents a logical extension of their services. The annexation does not present any increased need for City staff. ANALYSIS OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION: 1.Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: Renton’s Comprehensive Plan annexation policies support this proposed annexation. The subject site is within the City’s Potential Annexation Area, is subject to development pressure that might benefit from City Development Standards, and is land that is available for urbanization under the King County Comprehensive Plan, zoning, and subdivision regulations (Policy LU-38). Additionally, as Policy LU-36 states, the City recognizes “that it has an inherent interest in future land use decisions affecting its Potential Annexation Area”. 2.Consistency with the Boundary Review Board Objectives: (from RCW 36.93.180) a.Preservation of natural neighborhoods and communities; The proposed annexation would cause no disruption to the larger community. b.Use of physical boundaries, including but not limited to bodies of water, highways, and land contours; The subject site is bounded on its western portion by existing City limits and uses streets or parcel lines for the other boundaries. c.Creation and preservation of logical service areas; Water and sewer service boundaries will not change as a result of this annexation. The Fairlane Woods Annexation Area is in the Renton School District. The school district boundaries will not change, the area will remain in the Renton School District. Renton will take over police service for the 37.4-acres upon annexation; the King County Sheriff’s Department currently provides police protection to the area. Renton Fire and Emergency Services currently provide service under contract to Fire District #40 which serves the area. Pursuant to state law, there will be no change in the garbage service provider for at least seven years. d.Prevention of abnormally irregular boundaries; This annexation does not have irregular boundaries. 6c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits 10%  Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Fairlane Annexation Page 10 of 221 Proposed Fairlane Woods Annexation 10% Notice of Intent Page 5 of 6 e.Discouragement of multiple incorporations of small cities and encouragement of incorporations of cities in excess of ten thousand population in heavily populated urban areas; Not applicable. No incorporations are proposed in this area. f.Dissolution of inactive special purpose districts; Not applicable. There are no inactive special purpose districts here. g.Adjustment of impractical boundaries; Not applicable. h.Incorporation as cities or towns or annexation to cities or towns of unincorporated areas which are urban in character; King County has designated this area for urban development because of its location within the Urban Growth Boundary. The County has also indicated that it wants to divest itself from providing urban services to these unincorporated urban areas by turning them over to cities as quickly as possible. Because the subject annexation site is within Renton’s PAA and not in an area under consideration for incorporation, annexation is appropriate at this time. i.Protection of agricultural and rural lands which are designated for long term productive agricultural and resource use by a comprehensive plan adopted by the county legislative authority. Not applicable. No portions of the proposed annexation are rural or designated for long term productive agricultural use in the King County or Renton Comprehensive Plans. 3.A fiscal analysis for the proposed annexation is attached. The fiscal impact analysis that is used for annexations considers costs on a per capita basis. The fiscal analysis indicates that the proposed annexation would have an initial net negative fiscal impact of $12,055 per year. A significant contributing factor to the negative fiscal impact is the amount of roadway this proposed annexation includes. Approximately 4,160 lineal feet of roadway is estimated to cost approximately $9,277/year to maintain. This proposed annexation takes in roadways that if not included would significantly diminish the negative fiscal impact. However, it is in the City’s best interest, and is the preference of the roads division, to assume maintenance of county roadways. Over a 10-year period, it is estimated that the fiscal impact would become positive at $33,264 per year. CONCLUSION: The proposed Fairlane Woods Annexation is consistent with relevant County and City annexation policies, as well as most Boundary Review Board objectives for annexation. The proposed Annexation is consistent with relevant County and City annexation policies, as well as applicable Boundary Review Board objectives for annexation. The 6c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits 10%  Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Fairlane Annexation Page 11 of 221 Proposed Fairlane Woods Annexation 10% Notice of Intent Page 6 of 6 staff that reviewed the proposed annexation for each department did not identify any major impediments to the provision of City services to the area or indicate that they feel the annexation is untimely. 6c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits 10%  Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Fairlane Annexation Page 12 of 221 6c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits 10%  Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Fairlane Annexation Page 13 of 221 6c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits 10%  Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Fairlane Annexation Page 14 of 221 6c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits 10%  Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Fairlane Annexation Page 15 of 221 Pedestrian Walk SE 161st St SE 158th St SE 160th St 1 2 9 t h P l S E 1 3 1 s t P l S E S E 159th P l S E 160th Pl SE 159th St S E 1 6 2 nd St 1 2 6 t h A v e S E P riv a t e R d Pierce Ave SE 1 2 8 t h P l S E S E 1 6 0 t h P l SE 159th PlSE 1 6 0 t h S t Fairlane Woods AnnexationVicinity Map File Name: :\CED\Planning\GIS\GIS_projects\annexations\fairlane_annex\mxds\1_fairlane_woods_annex_vicinity.mxd Annexation BoundaryCity LimitsParcels December 30, 2010 Ken tKent Tu k w i l aTukwila S e a t t l e S e a t t l e N e w c a s tl eNewcastle BellevueBellevue M er cer Is l a n dMercer Isl a nd´0 1,000500Feet 1:5,000 6 c .   ‐   C o m m u n i t y   a n d   E c o n o m i c   D e v e l o p m e n t   D e p a r t m e n t   s u b m i t s   1 0 %   N o t i c e   o f   I n t e n t   t o   a n n e x   p e t i t i o n   f o r   t h e   p r o p o s e d   F a i r l a n e   A n n e x a t i o n   P a g e 1 6 o f 2 2 1 6c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits 10%  Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Fairlane Annexation Page 17 of 221 6c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits 10%  Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Fairlane Annexation Page 18 of 221 6c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits 10%  Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Fairlane Annexation Page 19 of 221 6c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits 10%  Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Fairlane Annexation Page 20 of 221 6c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits 10%  Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Fairlane Annexation Page 21 of 221 6c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department submits 10%  Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Fairlane Annexation Page 22 of 221 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Authorize Expenditure to Purchase Big 5 Property Meeting: Regular Council - 21 Mar 2011 Exhibits: Issue Paper Commercial & Investment Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Community Services Staff Contact: Peter Renner Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ $525,000 Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ $525,000 Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ $20 M City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: Council, in executive session on November 15th, 2010, authorized staff to negotiate for the acquisition of property owned by Big 5 Corporation at 508 S. 3rd Street on November 15th, and for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a Purchase and Sale Agreement if negotiations were successful. Big 5 Corporation accepted the offer of $525,000.00 tendered by the City's real estate brokers, Kidder Mathews, and the Mayor signed the Purchase and Sale Agreement on 2/18/11. It was executed by corporate officers at Big 5 Corporation and returned on 3/3/11. The City now has 90 days to complete its due dilligence in preparation for closing. Costs associated with this activity are expected to be less than $10,000. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the expenditure of $525,000.00 for the purchase of Big 5 Corporation property at 508 S. 3rd Street. 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 23 of 221 c:\big 5.doc COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:March 14, 2011 TO:Terri Briere, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA:Denis Law, Mayor FROM:Terry Higashiyama, Community Services Administrator STAFF CONTACT:Peter Renner, Facilities Director, ext. 6605 SUBJECT:Purchase of the Big 5 Site at 508 S. 3rd Street Issue: Should the Council authorize the expenditure of $525,000 for the purchase of property at 508 S. 3rd Street? Recommendation: Authorize the expenditure of $525,000 to purchase the Big 5 Corporation property at 508 S. 3rd Street. Background: ·Renton citizens voted to annex to the King County Library System (KCLS) in February of 2010. o The City of Renton was not a part of the KCLS construction levy vote in 2004 that provided capital funds for library construction and expansion. o Therefore, the City and KCLS had signed a pre-annexation vote agreement which stipulated that the City would provide two new libraries for KCLS use at the City’s cost if the annexation vote passed. ·The City contracted with Kidder Mathews to research available property in both the Renton Downtown and Renton Highlands for consideration in addition to the existing library sites. ·The City then hired Mithun Architects (Mithun) to create a Library Site Study, with input from the City Administration and Council, and City and KCLS staff, which would provide a preferred site list for each library branch. o Mithun has experience in designing KCLS libraries and the firm is familiar with the location criteria that KCLS has established. o As project architects for the rehabilitation of the Renton Pavilion, Mithun is also very familiar with Renton’s historic downtown. o Mithun was also the firm responsible for the production of the Sunset Area Community Investment Strategy, which was completed in 2010 after much stakeholder and public input. ·It became necessary to supplement this study with a structural analysis of the existing downtown library. If the existing library was to be remodeled for use by KCLS, substantial mechanical and energy upgrades would need to be performed. These alone could trigger compliance with current seismic standards, which have changed considerably since the library was built. Beyond that, notes on the original blueprints 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 24 of 221 c:\big 5.doc indicated that certain areas of the floor do not have the load ratings that are necessary for stacks. It was important to understand the building’s limitations relative to KCLS’ operational requirements. ·Once the seismic analysis was done, it became possible for a cost estimator to establish the relative cost for each of the potential sites, including a remodeled current library option. These relative costs were included in Mithun’s Site Study. ·On November 1, 2010, KCLS staff presented the King County Library System Area Analysis at the Council Committee of the Whole meeting, which provided the criteria that KCLS has found to be of critical importance to the success of their system and its individual branches. ·On November 15, 2010, Council met in Executive Session to review and discuss the findings of the Library Site Analysis and agreed that staff should pursue the purchase of the Big 5 Corporation property at 508 S. 3rd Street for the downtown library branch. Big 5 had previously leased larger premises on Grady Way with plans to phase out its operation of the store at 508 S. 3rd Street. ·Kidder Mathews represented the City in negotiations with the broker for the Big 5 Corporation. (Brokerage fees will be paid by the seller.) Kidder Mathews presented a draft Purchase and Sale Agreement to Big 5. ·The Big 5 Corporation accepted the City’s proposal to purchase the property for $525,000. It took several months to finalize all of the terms and conditions of the Purchase and Sale Agreement. ·The Mayor and City Clerk signed the Purchase and Sale Agreement on February 18, 2011. Big 5 corporate officers countersigned and returned the agreement on March 3, 2011. ·The agreement requires a cash payment of $525,000 at closing, which, per the conditions of the agreement, may occur as soon as June 13, 2011. Conclusion: This property is an ideal site for the new downtown library and it is available at a very reasonable price. cc:Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Iwen Wang, Finance & IS Administrator Larry Warren, City Attorney 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 25 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 26 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 27 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 28 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 29 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 30 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 31 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 32 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 33 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 34 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 35 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 36 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 37 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 38 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 39 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 40 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 41 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 42 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 43 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 44 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 45 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 46 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 47 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 48 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 49 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 50 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 51 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 52 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 53 of 221 6d. ‐ Community Services Department recommends approval of an  expenditure in the amount of $525,000 for the acquisition of the Big 5  Page 54 of 221 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Code Amendment of Section 5-21-2 Ordinance Meeting: Regular Council - 21 Mar 2011 Exhibits: Ordinance Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Finance & Information Technology Staff Contact: Iwen Wang, Administrator Recommended Action: Refer to Finance Committee Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ 0 Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: The ordinance would amend Section 5-21-2 of Chapter 21 of Title V Code (Finance and Business Regulations) to add language requiring a taxpayer that claims the City's taxes levied or paid to be unlawful or excessive to file a written protest with the City and to continue paying the taxes in question until a determination can be made by the City. This is to prevent tax payers form not paying taxes unilaterally based on their interpretation of the City or State laws without City knowledge. This is also to prevent accumulation of significant tax bills/liabilities that will be difficult for the City to collect and result in unfair burden on the remaining law abiding taxpayers who end up paying a portion of the uncollected taxes and the costs we incur collecting them. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance amending Section 5-21-2 of Chapter 21 of Title V Code. 6e. ‐ Finance and Information Technology Department recommends  amending City Code regarding filing written protests for claims of Page 55 of 221 6e. ‐ Finance and Information Technology Department recommends  amending City Code regarding filing written protests for claims of Page 56 of 221 6e. ‐ Finance and Information Technology Department recommends  amending City Code regarding filing written protests for claims of Page 57 of 221 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: 2010 Emergency Performance Grant (EMPG) Amendment B - Contract Extension Meeting: Regular Council - 21 Mar 2011 Exhibits: Issue Paper 2010 EMPG Contract E10-316 Amendment B Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Fire & Emergency Services Staff Contact: Deborah Needham, Emergency Management Director Recommended Action: Council Concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ 0 Transfer Amendment: $0 Amount Budgeted: $ 0 Revenue Generated: $0 Total Project Budget: $ 0 City Share Total Project: $ 0 SUMMARY OF ACTION: The purpose of the EMPG is to improve local emergency management programs. The EMPG provides supplemental funding to support the key components of a comprehensive national emergency management system for disasters and emergencies. The City was granted $130,366 through the EMPG for the 2010 fiscal year. Due to federally mandated environmental and equipment reviews for grant deliverables we need to extend the deadline until July 31, 2011. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment B to the Washington State Military Department and the U.S. Homeland Security Emergency Management Performance Grant, Contract #E10-316, extending the grant deadline until July 31, 2011 6f. ‐ Fire and Emergency Services Department recommends approval of  Amendment B to CAG‐10‐133, with the Washington State Military Page 58 of 221 6f. ‐ Fire and Emergency Services Department recommends approval of  Amendment B to CAG‐10‐133, with the Washington State Military Page 59 of 221 DHS-EMPG-FFY 10 Page 1 of 2 City of Renton Fire and Emergency Services Department E10-316 Amendment B Washington State Military Department AMENDMENT 1. CONTRACTOR NAME/ADDRESS: City of Renton Fire and Emergency Services Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 2. CONTRACT NUMBER: E10-316 3. AMENDMENT NUMBER: B 4. CONTRACTOR CONTACT PERSON, NAME/TITLE: Kelly Carey, (425) 430-7053 kcarey@rentonwa.gov 5. MD STAFF CONTACT, NAME/TELEPHONE: Charma Anderson (253) 512-7064 c.anderson@emd.wa.gov 6. TIN or SSN: 91-6001271 7. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASST. (CFDA) #: 97.042 EMPG 8. FUNDING SOURCE NAME/AGREEMENT #: 2010-EP-EO-0027 9. FUNDING AUTHORITY: Washington State Military Department (Department) and U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) 10. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION OF AMENDMENT, MODIFICATION, OR CHANGE ORDER: The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) provided federal funding to enhance and sustain emergency management programs. City of Renton requests an extension to complete the purchase, delivery and installation of equipment. The EMPG Program Manager has reviewed and approved this amendment. The time extension is allowable under the grant provisions. 11. AMENDMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Change the overall contract expiration date from March 31, 2011 to July 31, 2011. 2. The contract amount of $130,366 remains unchanged. 3. Replace the original Milestone Timeline with the attached Revised Milestone Timeline. This Amendment is incorporated in and made a part of the contract. Except as amended herein, all other terms and conditions of the contract remain in full force and effect. Any reference in the original contract or an Amendment to the “contract” shall mean “contract as amended”. The Department and Contractor acknowledge and accept the terms of this Amendment as identified above, effective on the final date of execution below. By signing this Amendment, the signatories warrant they have the authority to execute this Amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment: FOR THE DEPARTMENT: ______________________________________ Signature Date James M. Mullen, Director Emergency Management Division Washington Military Department APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brian E. Buchholz (signature on file) 3/12/2010 Assistant Attorney General FOR THE CONTRACTOR: ________________________________________ Signature Date Denis Law, Mayor for City of Renton Fire and Emergency Services Department Attest: _____________________________________ Bonnie Walton, City Clerk Form 10/27/00 6f. ‐ Fire and Emergency Services Department recommends approval of  Amendment B to CAG‐10‐133, with the Washington State Military Page 60 of 221 DHS-EMPG-FFY 10 Page 2 of 2 City of Renton Fire and Emergency Services Department E10-316, Amendment B REVISED MILESTONES FFY10 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program MILESTONE TASK October 1, 2009 Start of performance period. April 2009 Contract Execution. July 15, 2010 Submission of Midterm Report. July 31, 2011 End of performance period. September 15, 2011 Submit all final reports and requests for reimbursement. 6f. ‐ Fire and Emergency Services Department recommends approval of  Amendment B to CAG‐10‐133, with the Washington State Military Page 61 of 221 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Target Zero Teams - North and South King County Target Zero Task Forces Grant/Memo of Understanding Meeting: Regular Council - 21 Mar 2011 Exhibits: Memo of Understanding - WA Traffic Safety Commission - original Memo of Understanding - WA Traffic Safety Commission - Amendment #1 Increase in funding Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Police Staff Contact: Sherry Smith Extension 7507 Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ 0 Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ 0 Revenue Generated: $$19,903.50 Total Project Budget: $ 0 City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: For many years, the City of Renton Police Department has participated in several Washington State Traffic Safety Commission "grants". (WTSC) The purpose of the current agreement and Amendment #1 (CFDA #20.601) is to provide funding for law enforcement agencies to participate in the Target Zero Teams Project. The Target Zero Team DUI patrols will be deployed at times and locations where data indicates that the most safety benefit can be realized as determined by the King County Target Zero Task Forces. WTSC will reimburse the Renton Police Department for overtime salary and benefits. The term of the grant is from October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Target Zero award and Amendment #1, and authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the grant. 6g. ‐ Police Department recommends approval of a Memorandum of  Understanding, and approval of Amendment #1 to the Memorandum of Page 62 of 221 6g. ‐ Police Department recommends approval of a Memorandum of  Understanding, and approval of Amendment #1 to the Memorandum of Page 63 of 221 6g. ‐ Police Department recommends approval of a Memorandum of  Understanding, and approval of Amendment #1 to the Memorandum of Page 64 of 221 6g. ‐ Police Department recommends approval of a Memorandum of  Understanding, and approval of Amendment #1 to the Memorandum of Page 65 of 221 6g. ‐ Police Department recommends approval of a Memorandum of  Understanding, and approval of Amendment #1 to the Memorandum of Page 66 of 221 AMENDMENT #1 TO Memorandum of Understanding BETWEEN Renton Police Department and WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION THIS AMENDMENT #1 is made and entered into by and between the Renton Police Department and the WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION (WTSC). IT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS AMENDMENT #1 to increase the amount of funding available for enforcement for the project titled: Target Zero Teams relating to the MOU covering the following dates: October 1, 2010 to Sept 30, 2011. IT IS, THEREFORE, MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: 7.Grant Amount: This Amendment increases by $7,400.00 the amount available to the Renton Police Department for Target Zero Teams DUI enforcement. Thus the total amount of funding available to the Renton Police Department will be $19,903.50. This Amendment #1 will not be binding unless and until it is signed by persons authorized to bind each of the parties. IN WITNESS THEREOF, THE PARTIES HAVE EXECUTED THIS AGREEMENT: Renton Police Department _____________________________ (Agency)(Washington Traffic Safety Commission) _________________________________________________________ (Contracting agent- print)(date) ____________________________ (Signature) _______________ (Date) 6g. ‐ Police Department recommends approval of a Memorandum of  Understanding, and approval of Amendment #1 to the Memorandum of Page 67 of 221 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Request to Start Entry-level Police Officer Christopher Nielsen at "D" Step Police Officer Wage Meeting: Regular Council - 21 Mar 2011 Exhibits: Issue Paper Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Police Staff Contact: Commander Floyd Eldridge (xt 7512) Recommended Action: Council Concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ 0 Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: Officer Nielsen was raised in Renton and attended Lindbergh High School, and he graduated from the University of Washington in 2002. Officer Nielsen graduated from Syracuse university in 2005 with a Masters Degree and a Juris Doctor Degree with Honors. Since September 1, 2005, Officer Nielsen was employed by the King County Prosecutor's Office as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. During this time his duties included: All phases of criminal prosecution including initial charging determinations, plea negotiations, witness interviews, legal research, and drafting complex legal memoranda and motions All phases of misdemeanor/felony jury trials through the appellate phase Consulting with law enforcement agencies during the investigations/pre-filing phases; drafting/approving/and supervising the execution of search warrants and electronic intercept orders pursuant to RCW 9.73 Guest lecturer at the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission Basic Law Enforcement Academy and Seattle Police Department's Undercover School; and various legal update training at several local law enforcement agencies throughout King County. This is a rare opportunity to hire a practicing prosecuting attorney with substantial experience working with local law enforcement. Officer Nielsen will be a significant asset to the Department and the City of Renton. Officer Nielsen's prior law enforcement-related experience merits a higher beginning salary than "C" step. This request, if approved, will not require additional funding. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve and authorize "D" Step Police Officer wage for Entry-level Police Officer Candidate Christopher Nielsen effective his hire date of March 16, 2011. 6h. ‐ Police Department requests authorization to hire a police officer at  Step D of the salary range, effective 3/16/2011. Council concur.Page 68 of 221 POLICE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:March 14, 2011 TO: VIA: Terri Briere, Council President Members of the Renton City Council Denis Law, Mayor FROM: STAFF CONTACT: Kevin Milosevich, Chief Commander Floyd Eldridge (xt 7512) SUBJECT:Request to Start Entry-level Police Officer Christopher Nielsen at “D” – Step Police Officer Wage ISSUE: Should the City Council authorize the starting compensation for Entry-level Police Officer Candidate Christopher Nielsen at Step “D” of the Police Officer salary range? RECOMMENDATION: Approve and authorize “D” Step Police Officer wage for Entry Level Police Officer Candidate Christopher Nielsen (effective hire date of March 16, 2011). BACKGROUND: Officer Nielsen was raised in Renton and attended Lindbergh High School and he graduated from the University of Washington in 2002. Officer Nielsen graduated from Syracuse University in 2005 with a Masters Degree and a Juris Doctor Degree with Honors. Since September 1, 2005, Officer Nielsen was employed by the King County Prosecutor’s Office as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. During this time his duties included: ·All phases of criminal prosecution including initial charging determinations, plea negotiations, witness interviews, legal research, and drafting complex legal memoranda and motions ·All phases of misdemeanor/felony jury trials through the appellate phase ·Consulting with law enforcement agencies during the investigations/pre-filing phases; drafting/approving/ and supervising the execution of search warrants and electronic intercept orders pursuant to RCW 9.73 ·Guest lecturer at the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission 6h. ‐ Police Department requests authorization to hire a police officer at  Step D of the salary range, effective 3/16/2011. Council concur.Page 69 of 221 Page 2 of 2 March 14, 2011 Basic Law Enforcement Academy and Seattle Police Department’s Undercover School; and various legal update training at several local law enforcement agencies throughout King County. The Police Department has attracted many well qualified and experienced officers from outside agencies. This is a rare opportunity to hire a practicing prosecuting attorney with substantial experience working with local law enforcement. Officer Nielsen will be a significant asset to the Department and the City of Renton. According to City policy, I am authorized to offer new employees a salary of up to “C” step without Council approval. Entry-level officers with the Renton Police Department reach “D” step with three years of service. Officer Nielsen’s prior law enforcement-related experience merits a higher beginning salary than “C” step. This request, if approved, will not require additional funding. 6h. ‐ Police Department requests authorization to hire a police officer at  Step D of the salary range, effective 3/16/2011. Council concur.Page 70 of 221 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. Standard Consultant Contract Meeting: Regular Council - 21 Mar 2011 Exhibits: Issue Paper Standard Consultant Contract Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Public Works Staff Contact: Ryan Zulauf, Airport Manager (ext. 7417) Recommended Action: Refer to Transportation/Aviation Committee Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ $157,500 Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ $156,000 Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ $157,500 City Share Total Project: $ $7,500 SUMMARY OF ACTION: The consulting firm of Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. was selected through the professional services consultant selection process established in Purchasing Policy 250-02 to assist the City in preparing the Sustainability Management Plan for the Airport Sustainability Study. The objective of the Sustainability Management Plan is to develop, balance, and manage an increasingly complex set of goals and opportunities to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Airport. The project is funded through the FAA with a $150,000 grant, which requires a 5 percent match using Airport generated revenues. The anticipated project completion date is January 31, 2012, and the Renton Airport Advisory Committee will be extensively involved from the beginning of the project to ensure community involvement in the development of the Sustainability Management Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the contract with Barnard Dunkelberg and Company, Inc. for development of the Airport Sustainability Management Plan and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contract. 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 71 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 72 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 73 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 74 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 75 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 76 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 77 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 78 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 79 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 80 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 81 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 82 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 83 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 84 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 85 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 86 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 87 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 88 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 89 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 90 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 91 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 92 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 93 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 94 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 95 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 96 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 97 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 98 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 99 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 100 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 101 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 102 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 103 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 104 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 105 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 106 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 107 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 108 of 221 6i. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $157,500 with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, Inc. for Page 109 of 221 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Highlands to Landing Pedestrian Connection Project Agreement with Otak, Inc. Consultant Meeting: Regular Council - 21 Mar 2011 Exhibits: Issue Paper Consultant Contract Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Public Works Staff Contact: Keith Woolley, Civil Engineer (ext 7318) Recommended Action: Council Concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ $135,938 Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ $299,000 (2011 & 2012)Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ $2,000,000 ($299,000)City Share Total Project: $ $0 SUMMARY OF ACTION: This consultant agreement provides for an alternative analysis and preferred analysis selection, and the design of 30 percent plans, specifications and estimate for the construction of pedestrian facilities along Park Avenue from east of I-405 to The Landing development and to Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. The Transportation Division has been awarded an STP grant via PSRC in the amount of $240,000 for the design of these pedestrian improvements. The funding for the design will come from TIP #16 -- Highlands to Landing Pedestrian Connection Project. The Transportation Systems Division budgeted $299,000 for 2011 for design of this project, and estimates construction costs of $1,700,000, which are unfunded at this time. Staff will continue to pursue outside funding (grants) in order to construct this project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the consultant agreement with Otak, Inc. in the amount of $135,938 for design services on the Highlands to Landing Pedestrian Connection Project. 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 110 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 111 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 112 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 113 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 114 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 115 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 116 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 117 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 118 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 119 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 120 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 121 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 122 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 123 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 124 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 125 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 126 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 127 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 128 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 129 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 130 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 131 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 132 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 133 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 134 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 135 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 136 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 137 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 138 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 139 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 140 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 141 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 142 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 143 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 144 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 145 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 146 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 147 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 148 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 149 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 150 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 151 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 152 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 153 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 154 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 155 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 156 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 157 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 158 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 159 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 160 of 221 6j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract  in the amount of $135,938 with Otak, Inc. for design services for the Page 161 of 221 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: NE 3rd/4th Corridor Improvement, Phase 1 Supplement Agreement #1 with Parametrix, Inc. Meeting: Regular Council - 21 Mar 2011 Exhibits: Supplemental Agreement Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Public Works Staff Contact: Rob Lochmiller, Project Manager (ext 7303) Recommended Action: Refer to Transportation/Aviation Committee Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ $492,334.16 (Design & ROW) Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ $760,000 (2011 Design & ROW)Revenue Generated: $$1,050,000 (2011) Total Project Budget: $ $1,790,000 (2011)City Share Total Project: $ $740,000 (2011) SUMMARY OF ACTION: This supplemental agreement will cover the entire scope and fee needed to provide plans, specifications and estimates for the NE 3rd/4th Corridor Improvements Project. Also included are right- of-way acquisition services needed for the improvements. The Transportation Division has budgeted $440,000 for design and $320,000 for right-of-way expenses for 2011 in the proposed 2011 Carryforward. The contract amount of $492,334.16 includes $397,881.26 for design and $94,452.90 for right-of-way services for the NE 3rd/4th Corridor Improvements, Phase 1 with Parametrix, Inc. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the supplemental agreement with Parametrix, Inc. 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 162 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 163 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 164 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 165 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 166 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 167 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 168 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 169 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 170 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 171 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 172 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 173 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 174 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 175 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 176 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 177 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 178 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 179 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 180 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 181 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 182 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 183 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 184 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 185 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 186 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 187 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 188 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 189 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 190 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 191 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 192 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 193 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 194 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 195 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 196 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 197 of 221 6k. ‐ Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of  Supplemental Agreement #1 to CAG‐10‐157, with Parametrix, Inc., in the Page 198 of 221 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Final Pay Estimate – CAG-10-084 SWP-27-3146, 3350, Union Avenue NE/Duvall Avenue NE Storm System Repair Project Meeting: Regular Council - 21 Mar 2011 Exhibits: Pay Estimate #5 Final Notice of Completion – Combined Form: Dept of Revenue, Dept of L&I Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Public Works Staff Contact: Ron Straka, x7248, Daniel Carey, x7293 Recommended Action: Council Concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ 737.50 Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ 500,000 Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ 500,000 City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: Hoffman Construction started construction on the project on August 24, 2010, and completed the majority of the work on September 14, 2010. The project included installing 60 feet of new 24-inch storm line on Union Avenue NE, and 83 feet of new 36-inch storm line on Duvall Avenue NE. The original contract amount was $71,978.05 and the final contract amount is $98,389.64. The increase of $26,411.59 was mainly from having to relocate a water main that was found conflicting with the new 24-inch pipe in Union Avenue, and replacing an additional 14 feet of corroding 36-inch CMP pipe in Duvall Avenue NE. The additional costs were included in Change Order #1 and in increases in material quantities. The project is funded by the Surface Water Utility’s Capital Improvement Program’s Small Drainage Projects Program (account number 427.475015.018.595.38.63.000); $97,652.14 of the project costs was paid for under the 2010 CIP budget. The approved 2011 CIP budget for the Small Drainage Projects Program is $500,000.00. There is sufficient budget remaining in the approved 2011 CIP budget to fund the final pay estimate and staff costs. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the Union Avenue NE/Duvall Avenue NE Storm System Repair Project, approve the final pay estimate, and release the retainage of $4,919.48 after 60 days and after all the required releases from the state have been obtained. 6l. ‐ Utility Systems Division submits CAG‐10‐084, Union Ave. NE/Duvall  Ave. NE Storm System Repair project; and requests approval of the  Page 199 of 221 6l. ‐ Utility Systems Division submits CAG‐10‐084, Union Ave. NE/Duvall  Ave. NE Storm System Repair project; and requests approval of the  Page 200 of 221 6l. ‐ Utility Systems Division submits CAG‐10‐084, Union Ave. NE/Duvall  Ave. NE Storm System Repair project; and requests approval of the  Page 201 of 221 6l. ‐ Utility Systems Division submits CAG‐10‐084, Union Ave. NE/Duvall  Ave. NE Storm System Repair project; and requests approval of the  Page 202 of 221 6l. ‐ Utility Systems Division submits CAG‐10‐084, Union Ave. NE/Duvall  Ave. NE Storm System Repair project; and requests approval of the  Page 203 of 221 6l. ‐ Utility Systems Division submits CAG‐10‐084, Union Ave. NE/Duvall  Ave. NE Storm System Repair project; and requests approval of the  Page 204 of 221 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DESIGNATING CERTAIN EXPENDITURES FOR POTENTIAL REIMBURSEMENT FROM BONDS OR OTHER OBLIGATIONS THAT MAY BE AUTHORIZED AND APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY THE CITY IN THE FUTURE. WHEREAS, the City of Renton, Washington (the "City") intends to issue tax-exempt obligations from time to time for the purpose of financing its governmental activities; and WHEREAS, the United States Department of the Treasury has promulgated Regulations limiting the ability of the City to use the proceeds of tax-exempt obligations for reimbursement of prior expenditures; and WHEREAS, the Regulations require that a municipality declare its intent to issue tax- exempt bonds to reimburse the municipality for prior expenditures before the expenditures are incurred; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section I. Pursuant to U.S. Treasury Regulation Section 1.150-2(e), the City reasonably expects to reimburse the expenditures described herein with the proceeds of bonds or other obligations to be incurred by the City (the "Reimbursement Bonds"). Section II. The expenditures with respect to which the City reasonably expects to be reimbursed from the proceeds of Reimbursement Bonds include the acquisition (including land), construction, improvement, and equipping of library facilities. Section III. The maximum principal amount of debt obligations expected to be issued for the projects described in Section II is $18,000,000. 8a. ‐ Designating library facilities expenditures for potential  reimbursement from bonds (See 7.a.)Page 205 of 221 RESOLUTION NO. Section IV. The adoption of this resolution shall not obligate the City to issue the bonds. The issuance of the bonds shall require separate and additional official approval by the City Council. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2011. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2011. Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Denis Law, Mayor P:\20358_DG\20358_0PK 03/16/11 8a. ‐ Designating library facilities expenditures for potential  reimbursement from bonds (See 7.a.)Page 206 of 221 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY OF RENTON FISCAL YEARS 2011/2012 BIENNIAL BUDGET AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 5583, IN THE AMOUNT OF $30,891,197. WHEREAS, on November 22, 2010, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5583 approving the City of Renton's 2011/2012 Biennial Budget; and WHEREAS, funds appropriated in 2010, but not expended in 2010 due to capital project interruptions and delays in invoice payments, need to be carried forward and appropriated for expenditure in 2011; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Ordinance No. 5583 establishing the City of Renton's 2011/2012 Biennial Budget is hereby amended in the total amount of $30,891,197. SECTION II. Summary budget adjustments by fund for 2011 and 2012 are hereby attached as Exhibits A and B, respectively. Detailed lists of adjustments are available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk, Renton City Hall. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2011. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk 8a. ‐ 2011/2012 Budget amendment related to carrying forward 2010  funds (See 7.a.)Page 207 of 221 ORDINANCE NO. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2011. Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney ORD:1699:3/17/ll:scr Denis Law, Mayor 8a. ‐ 2011/2012 Budget amendment related to carrying forward 2010  funds (See 7.a.)Page 208 of 221 ORDINANCE NO. Exhibit A: 2011 Carry Forward Budget Adjustment Summary by Fund 2011 Carry Forward Budget Adjustment Request Analysis/Summary BEGINNING FUND BALANCE I REVENUE EXPENDITURES END FUND BALANCE Fund/ \oop::i3&^AABBBBAAAABAiBBABAi '661 "'COMMUNITYSERVICES • 003 STRffiTS ABBBB: 00 004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT - :-^6AmsWMB'MBBBiiAABBBBBBBiBBB:BBBB 006 LIBRARY ' 009 ''FARMERSMRK|T: O:!:00 OIOFIREAND EMERGENCY SVC MEMORIAL ;6i1:' FIRE AND MERGENCYSVCHWLTH&weLl-NESS: 031 PARKMEMORIAL OipiOO Oi 99?. LMGdeoNDs-crfy: HALLOOOO 0 0000000 215 GENERAL GOVERNMENT MISC DEBT SVC :0OOfptal General GovernmentarFunds;"^ ; , 01p2;0ARTB?W:^BE^SO: A '108 LEASED CITY PROPERTIES 0:1 ;16;::sP6CKtOHbTa-«T6L 1MB " 118 CUM2755 (PATHS/TRAILS) ::B25i ONEFeRCENTFOR ART...0000 127 CABLE COMMUNICATIONS DEVaOPMENT 0:i 350:; SWlNGBI^OKWferLANDS HANK: 0 0 303 COMMUNITY SERVICES IMPACT MITIGATION :;304: ;FIRE IMPACT MITIGATON1: :'B:BBBAA 305 TRANSPORTATION IMPACT MmGATION OOsigOiMyNiGiRAL.FAciLOmEscp B-MB-MBAMAA 317 CAPFTAL IMPROVEMENT :3i 8 VSOUTH LAKE WA' iNFWstRUcfURE TOJECT; 0;; 00: 326 HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 0 402:::X!RroW:QijSiA^^ 403' SOLID WASTE UTILITY : 404: MUNICIRALGOLF COURSESYSTEM; :: A\i 405 WATER OPERATIONS 406: VWSTEVWH^R 6P#!AjipNS 407 SURFACE WATER OPERATIONS OSlOetOKiNQCoutto-MEiT^ 422 AIRPORT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT' 424: MUMCIB^ESOLF COURSE SYSTEMCIPOO:':: OSO'O.;; 0: 425 WATER CIP ; 426 OOwSOriAWESOpiFOO AABBBBBB 427 SURFACE WATER CIP 04?I;::ISA0I|I^R^ 501 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 502 0 INSURANCE: ::: 503 INFORMATION SERVICES MAiiFB^MiMBBBBBBBAMBBBBBBBBiBi 505 COMMUNICATIONS -SI'iOO'HKLTTiCARE INSURANCE 0:00:O0O0O 522 LEOFF1 RETIREES HEALTHCARE ..6ii:::F!Reyi\fS:Ffi«iON':::-s:00::0:0 . ..:Tptat:::C3itlie rOFurids;-;:::::1::: O"-.;:; ;:-:"-'0:; .TOTAL:A|^; WNPS::::::::::;;:::::;::::::'::--: 2011 Budgeted Beg Fund Bal ;;:;;: ;.9,49J;i?g?; 50,606 MBABtQfXiPi (6,121) OOOOOOOOOOOO-M.Zoe.; - BBiBBBiM&B: 936' MAiBB0pPt 175,067 0000000000049:999::: 101,449 ;,;;::..;::;;i 0,051,1:8?;; ;0':o;0::0:':0;;::02oo)e87:: 995,638 BiBBB:W$py 3,264 00;:O:-0:0:;0:::1-26;796:0 88,718 :00:0-0000-0-A59S280; 1,126,594 ::;-0;:::0:i.i9o3:B22::: ""'""""""""557O134" 0:O':0:000:8,4S5;3i:?:;: 1,060,648 ABBAAAyWi 1,653 :0:;:0;::0;::ii33:t;029p0 .,,,,,..,, ---2^034" AMAZi4$p$; 4,050,493 BBBBBBBBMOB-i. '{,590,108 iOoOOOOOOO.OO^Sos: 3790669" 0::;:::0:'0:::0;:135,024:: 812,275 A-BBMMM-- - 00.0:0:0':-::00;^i6b4": 4,810,713"" :0;O;0::::0:5:i:56.,9870: " '911,613'' BBBBBMoAW 283,929 0:;;0:;0:;0;3,988,:i0i.2-;0 2,807,251 :0;0:::;0::4,082,340., :: 43,31 8,850: A 53,370,039 Changes sOOOO (14,661:); 561,861" 0 0; 066,298O- (49,110) ::0:::::0:0:;OOS;6240::: 47,347 000:011,689: "315 OOO^O:':'1.9!7?9:-: 1,883" Miiiz^A; 424,636 0:0:-li355i?3o::-:: S:A$Sfi6i)i (236,044)' MAi^fiyisy- 35" O0::::0:O;O::08-i634;-; 82,640 S:OO:::26:6|9960O: 217,283 MBA?$?A 562,820'" 000:2;3Q3,?8600. "2,747,432" 00000:0;$804S40: 162,134" ;:::;000:(36i254);;' 6350754 AiSMfiWii 644,623 0:000(496,285);:: (127,982) ABM&imB (313,356) .;,.•:.: 122,656:0 1,252,363 OOOOOO^-'OOOOOjOO'OO 1,811,737 00000:0:0000:1-?900 482,394" :;:0:':;l;'153.3lq37;:;; ""10637552" ;O:::;::O(229i463)0O (213,715) ::OO:2O2l05;782-O: 563,786 0-:: :203,908:: 15,697,517 ; 17,053,447;:;; 2011 Adjusted Fund Bal ;;;;,:::?,477;;|48:: 631,861" A:y: 116,298 (55,231) :::::;:::0::::0;::66,830 47,347 : ;:;:&i:B3b; 1,251 :::-::24,672: 176,950 0:0:0:00:0:31:2,938: 526,085 ;;: 11,407,119: Mi:.';. 171,720 "759,594 :;-0000:212,950 3,299 :OOl36,830: 171,358 'ABiBpeoiSiA- 1,343,877 :;::;0:0l ,929,4770 " lOl 19,954 0::::5,759;297: 3,808,080 HBA :;5&i522:: 163,787 Mi O-i,295,036 961,788 :;::;:::639,924: 4,695,116 MMiWi&e- 1,462,126 O:::;: 67i,ei6 66,313 BM ."0:257,686:: 2,064,638 OOOO-OOOOOOOOOoOOOOOO'O 1,811,737 BBBBBAMJP. 5,293,107 •::::;:::06,69O,O24: 1,949,165 ;;:t;0;O0;;;;:24i.j646. 70,214 ::::::6,201,894: 3,371,037 Mi 4,286 ;2480 ; : 5?,016,367 A. 70,423,486: 2011 Budgeted Revenue :::0;:;:;:;;71",689,983;:0- 10,817,691"" : 8,391,801;;: 304,000 0 0 0-1950966 0 2,030,000 0:000:52i56oO AAB 25,000" :: :: i,933;o7;5 0 2,731,960 ;>98,221,926 MMA20 fioo-.. 744,933' ;:;,;: 2ASPOA '-" W::;::0f::::,:i5,666.:0 85,000 'BAB;. 60,000 " ,: IOO;OOQ-: 250,666 O:;::::::;; 13,310,000: 10,657,819 y-BA-: '-' 00;oo:-:-:^636i2i4;; """'"" 15,0150942 " ;00 2,483,545:: 9,680,689 • 4,896,139 0 5,155,153 :- ::13,IS60T:6O;0 2,803,204 ' OoyooOiioDiPbaj: 4,500,000 :0|:0000:3,796,66o0;:" 3,650,000 'BB'ABMAiiM 3,211,401""" ,; ;,; 3,178383 0: :4,6290664''" 4,243,673;0; 953,941 OO'O Oil,248,058;::: 2,235,684 :;0:-;;::::::0.3660600;:0 ;:.;.1.21,356i702.;:: ;;:,;21.9,578,628-;0: Changes B;B:W:$M;i 11,800 :::::0:0::36,316;0 197,728" %BMMM. - '"::.15;ppp;:; BBB'B'A' '"'"""""""-' AAMMAB - ;, 425,923; ' - 3,127 :- - 00:0 ;17,666: - - -: - AAABAA -' 63B osss:: 13,637,482 AAAABB "'-' :;::;:;0(2p4,2O4)0 - :;:;;;;;;;;;;;.:;;0:::, - MBBiSpaA 198,780 -.;;-;-:.;.;-:;,:...; 630,204 BBMBBAAB " 497361" 00'000:05S;66pOO '1,045,674 AABB-B:'4 BAMMA 89,387 MMMMA - BiBBBBBBBiB: "700,060 O'OOOOOOOOOOO-OOsOO ;; 17,343,309;;: :;;1.7769:,232: •• 2011 Adjusted Revenue 0;:;:;:;/0i:,88;1:;OJ-2". 10,829,491 :00:::0:8;4O2;i:i:7:: 501,728 ::;::-:;;:0;'i9^966O 2,030,000 00:0000:00067,500 - 0:;000:0;:0:25,OOO: :;::-•:0=:-i-,o83,pre;: 2,731,960 98,647,84? 00;:;;::::;626,o6o 748,060 -','•• .0 245,000: "- ::::::-:--0:;:::;320opO 85,000 ;;;;".;:;::;;;::;;i;;.::;.:;;_;.::.-:..;;_ 60,000 : 100,000; 250,000 :::::0;i3;948,5580 24,295,301 ;:;.;;;;.. .;;;;, '- ;; :432;,ai:o:: 15,015,942 ,0 2,483:545: 9,680,689 ; 0:04:93i:,l3e:: 5,353,933 00:;;:13,1560786: 3,433,468 000;.::0:';;Oi.OO',6Bo:- "4,997,301 ;000::003,845,o66: 4,695,674 AiiBiBMBM 3,211,401 ;O0j-:;3,178,883; 4,119,051 BA 4,243,673 953,941 :::-;:Oi:i:,2480p58o: 2,935,684 ::00-:00:0;30O;6PQ:': ;: 138,700,011 :237,347i860:; 2011 Budgeted Expenditure .0:;:;:;;:7,2,568,e2i;;:0 l6',742'0'324"" AAs'29MAAi "304,060 0::0:::;:.00208:140j'00: 2,030,000 BBBBBBiAtMA.: 0-000:0:0::0::?5,pp0;;:; '""-"' MBM&tej&tSB 2,731,960 ,981,934,407: :;:0:::062p,pOp;;0 61'4,4'57' A;Ay:245:PpP:iy OOOOOi-OOssSpo;: '" "'85,674 ri"B-AABB\ 466,066" :::000:::000:529,O5e:0: 499,494"' 0; O^-'O-W •662,606';:-; 11,647,819 BBBBAMBBBA: '-' ;0:;:;: ;0:1,125;7560:;:0 " "14,951,71"6 "" :;0:;::;0;:2,5O4,738;0: 10,107,179 BABAMi^23ii 4,865,850 ;0;i|::;:l30i:56S6d::| 2,803,204' SOOsSOsOfOOpPp:;; '"""4,5660006 :0O0:00:0S0J09P;666:00 3,650,000 AMMM-B-i:B 3,195,267" :;00:0 03:293,564;;:; 4,513,461 " ::0:0::00::4i256;26i00 957,746 0::00:0:lOO,844,696 0; 2,261,732 O^SsOSxSpS^s::::: ;,;::125;9 28,829,, 0:224;863,236; Changes ;::;;:1,627,335,;:: '48,491"' :AA0:A2O:iy 66,272 OO-O;;:*:: O0O:0:O0:'-:i;5,666::0 - AABBBBBA -" OOOOOOOOOOOOOOtOO^O: ;:,:;i:i76405l.8:::: :..AAAB. :-: OOOOOOOOOpOvOoo;;; "" - 0:0:000:OP02S?0 "135,627 AA'AABBi- :BBBBBBAM: 566,666" :::0;4;3l90499000 16,359,981 000000005806660:0 '"""i6'6',666" :0;:0:::"00:0--:0;0::0-0 :;;:;:;::;;:0;000O:0;00::-0 414,134 OOOoOOappOsM? 226,763 :00:::0:0:0000:0:0;-:::'::0-0 200,317 0;:::;:0;:i2o;opo;:; 1,567,301'" iBBi'AAA 2,650,000 '0;O'::-:'::;OO:0:^00:-0 1,212,070' :00:0(27506o6j:: "1,119,846 " 0000000:000:00.010 000::;000000000--f. " -' 'MyAAiWi 29,126,679 : 30,891,197;:: 2011 Adjusted Expenditure ;:;:::;:::74,195,956 1'0','79'6,615 ;;O0OO;O:803P6,564; "'" 370,272' 000::0000:0:0268046|' 2,030,000 000100000:062,8750: ;;:';:0'00;:00;0:0?50poo:: BAMi$&,V?A '2,731,960 ;:;;::::iOOi6??,?250 :;000000::!:626,PPO;; 614,457' '00:Oooo:oO:0:2?g,p6:po BBBBB^M'i. '221,301 000000 OKOOKOO'O:-?-:- '400,606' 'AM- 0529:,p5.6:' 999,494 0:0:0:19,281,499 28,007,800 0'0:0000000::580pp6; 166,666' BBBBiMMs®: "14,951,710 0::::O0:0-2O5d473.80: 10,521,313 BBiiB^BABiBMi. 5,092,613 00000;i?,:i'0560766:: 3,663,521 00::000;0:0:22o;ooo: 60067,361 N:||:;Si769i666;0 6,300,000 BBiBByBBBBA 40407,337" Mii'AMstPf 5,633,367 BiiBAzS&siy 957,746 :::::0:::io1644,696: 2,26i,732 OO:;::;:::::;1565,475; 155,065,508 ,;: :255,754,433: Ending Fund Balance :::-:7il;02,2p3;:;;; 670,477" ;:0;:;:0;:2l7j85i:;00 76,225 " 0:0:000;:54r389::::: 47,347 ?:OiO:OO:0::8SO255;0; "-"^25 A 0;00:000;024i672.0O 176,956" 0:0:0::0:Sl2,938:::: 526,085 0;::0;9j356-iO43;;:: BBBMMWB 893,197 MM&$?QiB """"' 3,299 B:iyiiipp,5ipB 35,057 :0:::0O00686;524;O 1,003,877 " :::';.000i0,566,42i:::::: 370,460 0S00::004M3560: 95,581 0:00000::00000522:00 '30787 " ;.:0:0o'0:60i ,29.1:00: 1,626,626" ;0:;:::::::.:6p9,73:i;::0: 30854,492 01000:04?6,94200- 1,723,446" 0:00:0::67i:,ei.6:0: 49'6,2'6'6" Am 37,6860:0 994,638 56,000: 207,411 :-0000;:00"i5,773::o- 4 ,'697,171 0o006,85p,343:0:: 434969 :0000000228,458:;: 66,409 :::0:::6,665;256;;:, 4,044,989 :00;0:4,020.;7730;:: 42,660,870 ;: 52,016,913:: Reserved/ Available Fund Designated ;;;;0(i,544,9§4)0;;:: (47,347) " "(176,950)"" ;;;::;(1,76?i25i)0-:; 0;:;0:;::;0(1:i:2.i576j;'O; "::(466,6660)" ;:::0;0:::::(6o9r?3:t).0;; (2,509,634) ;000-{i:,6620566)0;00 "" (818,085) 0'::0;Oo:0(386:;Opp)0;:;: 'Bii:@M$ppPYB ;:;0:::(3;253;469>;00 (678,520) A (40626,773); ; ;:(19,170,231):; : (20,939,48?) :;0 Balance ;; ::5,617,249: 670,477 O:;:: 21.7,851: 76,225' ooo' 054,389:: - 0O0-:-O: 86,255: 1,251" :;;;0:::o;0;:24,p72 - O0:::::;:::-3:i.2i?38'- "526,085 O;; 7,586,792 y:::* i7i,72oo "" '893,197 [M 182,950 3,299 0;0:::ooi6o:,673: 35,057 0:;::0:::;OP6P;,524 1,003,877 00 01,560,421: 370,460 0 ;0:0'4260356; 95,581 0:;:0;::000000522 3,787 O00000:468,7l5: 626,020 ':AA-y'y:y'- ' 1,344,859 0:000:(59i0563) 905,361 :;;:;:;:::0291,616; 496,200 :: ; 137,68C3L; 994,638 0:0055,666: 207,411 '00;:O:;0::i5O773 "4,0970171 ::: :;:i:,525,343. 434,909 0:0 0228,458 66,409 OOOOS ,3510847; 3,366,470 A-B-ABM ;23,490,$39 31,077,431: 8 a .   ‐   2 0 1 1 / 2 0 1 2   B u d g e t   a m e n d m e n t   r e l a t e d   t o   c a r r y i n g   f o r w a r d   2 0 1 0   f u n d s   ( S e e   7 . a . ) P a g e 2 0 9 o f 2 2 1 ORDINANCE NO. Exhibit B: 2012 Carry Forward Budget Adjustment Summary by Fund 2012 Carry Forward Budget Adjustment Request Analysis/Summary BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUE EXPENDITURES END FUND BALANCE Fund/ ^OOOiOrtBWL::;:;:;;;::; 001 COMMUNITY SERVICES ooai-sr^MMBBBBiiiBBBiBBBMBBBBBMBBB: 004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 'oo5;wwmiBiBBBBBiBiBBi'BBB:;'BBBBBBBBi 006 LIBRARY :"6O90::FARM!RS':MA RKET:::0;0:00000;'0:!-0 010 FIRE AND EMERGENCY SVC MEMORIAL "pli:::; RREAON^MRSIW ^ 031 PARKMEMORIAL ::2p.10:i097:;LM MSpps-crfY HALLOO-OO^O 215 GENERA L GOVERNMENT MISC DEBT SVC Total General Governmental Punds :: :;:i62;:;ARTERiAL:STR6Ets : - 108 LEASED CITY PROPERTIES :;11 P::SPECWLHOTH^MSTELTAX : •: "118 CUM2755(PATHSrrRAILS) OOIHOONE p£Rcro;FOR:ART;:;:::::;;::::;;;0;:00: 127 CABLE'COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT 00l35008fWBpRO6K:WETtoNDs;M^ 303 'COMMUNITY SERVICES IMPACT MmGATION :3P4;:l=iRe.lMl%Ci;:i*fJGAT!0N: O;:;: 305 TRANSPORTATION IMPACT MmGATION OSIPOOMUNICII^LOFACIL^ 317 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 0:31S-SOUfH tAKiWiAOINFRA STRUCtUR|WOJECT:00000 326 HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 04.O2:0A IRTOMOPERATIONSO A 403 SOLID WASTE UTILITY : 4040,MUNICIRAL:G6iiF:C0URSESYSTEM;:;:|; 405 WATER OPERATIONS iW8Mt<&tmB%miorB^ 407 SURFACE WATER OPERATIONS :4160KINGPduNtYOMETRO:: 0 422 AIRPORT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 424 O.MUNlCpA:L:GO!-F:COURSE SyOSTBMCiP -Aii 425 WATERCIP - 0426 o^sfteAtoKpfeOOOOOOo:-: MB 427 SURFACE WATER C1P :047lO:y%i|F!yyORKS RATESTABItlZATIGN;:-;, 501 EQUIPMENT RENTAL ':;:502; .lNSUi%NCE::;:.;;;:0O:;:;::-O';: 503 INFORMATION SERVICES ::5640:FAClLm6s:;.:0;:;000:oOO:0'00-0:: "565" COMMUNICATIONS 0612 0;HEA;LTHCARe INSURANCE; ABB 522 LE0FF1 RETIREES HEALTHCARE ;'6i-i;0FiR^ENs:r^»N'000O000O00O0O0000OOO:000:O:00000O0000000 Tota 1 ;pther::Funa'sO::::::::000:;:::.;': TOTAL ALLTONPS;:;::,:'V:--: 2012 Budgeted Beg Fund Bal ;;;8;613,120 125,366 ;;0:00;0;::;i 480657.:: (6,121) ABBBBBWjes; - M 75,166 ; 936 BMABM^pM 175,067 :OO:;o:oO:O;:0O4?,699:::: 1010449 ::::::; 9,338,707; ::;;0;0:::yOO::26poe8;7:.00 1,126,113 ::;;;:;:0:;:;0::0:2470S28":0 3,264"' BMBiBB??.^::'. '" 88,044 00::::0:0;::;:;0459;528::' 7860594" - 1,474,466:; 307,640 BBiAfitefitiB 70,648" BBBBBBBAMeB 1,653 AAA$Affl$A 390,266 ;00::::0:::::000::693794O.O 3,624,003 BBM110242,112 0; 1,879,411 BMBBAS;SoM 379,669 MBB^fiMB 812,275 BB:BMBi-y - B.BMM^Aik '4,826,847 'ABB:i5iP42$0&::y """""':"""""427,8'i"6"": AA':\^PjSBm 280,124 ;0-:00;:;:4i389,4740:;- 2,781,203" 0:00:;.OO3,8;i:ei865O: Mi 038,746,723 ;: :: 48,085,430;:; Changes ::(i:,45p,9i7): 545,111" :0;0000;69,194;:0: 82,346 :: BA$2AB 47,347 :;:::i:i0O8900 315 iMMsjim: 1,883 M: 262,9390:0 424,636" -:-».:;:::17:;336:::: 0:;0:,o:::(28;0967);0 "(232,916)' 'Mi (64,878)00 35 BAiMlMi (52,987) r:: 200,996:; '""217,283"" ::::-::::-:::25;955:00 62,820 MWMM. 24,933 BBBM^SAB. 2,134 ::::oo:(24p,458)0 "635,754 MB (84,063)0 230,489 000(707i:;:i70)0 (155,965) 00:0:825,1:1'1'00: '116,531 AAM^B; 182,363 0 55,000::: "207,411 " BiBA'AWB "(729,676)" ;;Ol;:,808,037'.:' """""7,093" :,: (229,403)0: (213,715) :'-;2:;21:S:?82.0:0 ' 1,263786 000263,968:: :;;3,91:4,147 ; ; 3,931,483:; 2012 Adjusted Fund Bal ::;:;:;;;;;7ii:62,2p3 670,477 :;;000000,:21'7;85:i0 76,225 00-;-O00O0::S4,389: 47,347 00-000:0::?:#6,288 1,251 OOOOOOOOOOOz*,?./?: 176,950 OOOOOOOOM-?,^-: 526,085' AH': 9,356,043 Bi'BA BMM 893,197 iAi.;.;i 182,950 3,299 BBB 100,573; """'""""'35 O657" 'M'B 660,524 """ 1,663,877 -;0:00;;lO,5QO;42:i.': "' 370,460 :000:::::004260356;: 95,581 WBM-BAS&;] 3,787 'Bi A:fip^iiSl 1,026,020 :::o::o:0000:609,73i 3,854,492 0:0;;:00:004?6,942-. 1,723,446 ooo:0o0:0:067i,6.i6o 496,200 AAistfiao 994,638 ;0:::::000::0:;;55,ppo """"267,41 i" BBBiBBiSjls. "4,097,1 w ::;:::;6085O,343 """""":"4:'340'969 ;::,:;;;;::;':;228i458 '66,469 ABSiS0S,256 4,044,989 0 4,0026-773 ;; 42,660,870 ;0:::52,O16,91;3 2012 Budgeted chanaes 2012 Adjusted Revenue AABWl&M2A-yiM:ii 11,149,285 :0000;;:8,6029,e64:-00::00000: 304,000" 'BBABBM^B^iMBiBi 1,030,000 iB'BiAB'^°fi°PiBBBBB BMBBBispmMBBBB -'"""" :0000:0000l:,982,O75-.O::0-::-::':': "3,749,298" 100,083,554 •'.-: ::: 63O06O60, .. 971,049 ::::0:;;;;0;;265,OOO00;:;:::0;0;:: - MBBB:\5iPppBBA:A. """"' '85,6o6""""""""""' AABAAABBABiB """"""""' 660666"" :0.::-;0.:0::::Oi:PP06660:0::-;i:V::0:;;: 150,000" "' 00:;:0f0006056o0666:0-:000:'::-;00;: 9,711,400 'iBBABAAAAA-B - 0 ::0:562O687; 15,004,692 0;:o:00::2,483,5450:000:00:000 '1'1,106,460 -:0;00000050i653,5-T4000:000000000: 5,469,223 ''BiBiii3i2p3^B7:A'BBA """4,574,534 " ABAWPpooiiiAA ""5,2"66,'o6o""""""""""" 'O.0;;0:0:03:,25p,6:op;;0:;.;;.-::0;0::::: 3,566,660 'A'iA-AyiAAA'BB. 3,079,893 MBAWy593 iAyBii """""" 4,118,173 "::""""""""" ;:ooo:.o..o04;324,987;:;:;0:-;:;o;:-:oo "974367 ""' 0 0;:::;l2iPi4,224::::;0:0:::::;:;00 2,235,684 000:000600,06600.0:0.00:00:; ::;;;l2i,p96,362:-:;-00;:;:0000;:; ::;221,159,916;: AA.i. Revenue AiiiA'A'i^M^ii2i 11,149,285 MBAiMBpi^isMt 304,000 :0:000000000::0O':0:0:02160226; 1,030,000 0:::0:0::00:0:0;0000:;0:-000066,56p:; 00.0::00000:0:0::0:0:000:250ppp0 ""-"""' BBiMMAi, 982,0750 3,749,298 A-": : 100,063,554 v::;:;: OOOOO000:: 63p,poo- '" 971,049" ::::::0:'::000:0;;:;Oi;0-.;265,pPpO ::00::00::0:00:00::0000:0::0!M?o:: "'85,666 MMBBM'B^A: A-A-:'i 66,606 MBBAiABB:AspBxsP; 150,000 AMBMB-^fiB^t. 9,711,400 : : -":;:: . •OOOOOOOOOO": 562;637; 15,004,692 ~MBMBAiB:M&&'&: '11,106,460 000000:508530674:: '50469,223 :::00::;000000::"-i03i2690:387: 4,574,534 OOO 10O,0pP; 5,260,666 00000000:0;0;::0;::003!250i6p6; 3,566,666 i BB 3,079,893 00:™:::;;0;0-::3,167,S93: ----•••••••-•"••••---•^••y-- ::O00':0::i::0::::0::::::;:;4O324i987; "974,307 :;i2;Pi4,224 2,235,684 0000000:00:00:00:0:0366,660: ;;;^;0;::::;::::0;121,p9.6,362. ::-:::-:'::::'::::;;.:;22l;,i:59,9l.6- 2012 Budgeted Channp<! 2012 Adjusted Expenditure ;:;::--;;::;72,387,839:;;::;;;:;:;;s: '11,069,028 %AB$i^AyiGA\yA: 304,000 O:0:;0:;:0:::00::2i:6i562;:::;0:o:o:::::":: 1,030,000 .:::o:::o::000:::0:::::49,i5o::::::;o:: - ABBBBBiM°^9 B MMB^fisziffmiBiiBBiii 3,749,298 ;.:'.: ;-0:99,348,329;0:::0:;0:00;::: '0;;00:0;;;|::.'63p,ppo::::0;000:000000 8760232"""""""""""'"" ::0:;.;0:0:0o0:0-0:265\o6p;;;000:::0:::::::0: :::0::':0;0:00;0000:0:56:6o6;:;;-;-;::::0:0-:'0 """"'"" 85,674""'"'"'"' "AABAB-i'BA^AvA- - 536,926 :: 400,000 OOO: 0 0 S,&7;Oid06oO::: :; 9,761,400 BByAiB'BBiBBBBBAiiyB: _ MBByi'itefii&ASMM 14,972,362" 00:0000:0:020542;2p40::o0:0;0:0:000 '10,362,480 ;::o:00:;::o:0:4080i:7,627::ooo0;:::::::::;.:: '""4,941,632""'"""" 0::oo:o:;o:i3:,2p9;387':::::o:o::::::o::o: 4,954,203 ;0;;.::':;0-00.0-:0l06p,OOp::;:0:;:000;::0:::: 5,2060606 "'"" ::0:00:;:0::.;03:,256j6PP::o::::::;0:::::00 3,5o'o,o66 ;.'•;-;: .ABBABAB 2,535,156" ::;::0:00O;0:2,?3p,679:-00::0O00000:0 4,409,226" "'""' '00'0:0o:;0::4;379i434o:':o::::::;'::K: 991,015" 0 0:;::-::i:10,996,7390;0::;:0::::::0: 2,2620573" """" '0:;::00;:00:::006Sp,475:00::00;::00:0000 :;:0:;:::;12p,583,67l0:;:;;;::0:::;;00::: ::::219j932,000 y;;;; Expenditure ;;.::72i387,839: 11,069,028 BBMBi 8,5360436: 304,000 ::; ;21;5,502:: 1,030,000 :::::::;:00:;::0;:0490156: . :00000::::::0;0:25,0pp. :0':000i0;.:0;00:i0982;675-: " "3,749,298" ::;:-^:0;:;.::00;;;::0099,348,329, :'.;:0,00':::::-::000:00000::636jOo6;: 876,2'32 :::::0:0o00;0::;0;::;:0::0:;.:265,po6; :::;05o,poo: "''""850674 :: ^i-BB A:AiBiiB:BB.S3PiS2p 400,000 0000::;:0000000:0:00008:,97p;p6p: 90761,400 ::*:::::: 00000: :0:0:0000:'00:000:i 01:63:8460 14,972,362 'i.BBBBBM^&&2W 10,302,480 BABBAM4&?fim 4,941,632 -:::; 0;0:i3.;269,387O 4,954,203 ::::::0::0000::::;:0000::00::'ioo,opp:: 5,20O,0'6o '::::o:3025pflpp 3,560,006 yA.y'y:i::'y:AiBBBB'BiB 20535,156" i|i|::;0;::0;;;::::i:::::|2093p;679; 4,469,226 ..: 4,379,434: "" "991,6l5 ;:;0:;:;0:::0:;00000:-11;996i7390 '" "2,262,573 OOOOOOOO^OOOOOOOOOOO-SSo^S' ::>;:: 0;::;;::;i:2p,583,671;: - ;; 219,932,000; Ending Fund Balance : :;;:7,692,475 750,734 • 3:ip;479 0 76,225 :":0.000:65il970:: 47,347 0; ;;0;:0 907,605; 1,251 0;::;:0::0:::24,p72;0 176,950 •OO0:0::-a!2,9380:0 "" 526,085 ;:::i;0,071,268:; MBiiW^ipB 988,614" BA 182,950"; "'" 3,299'"" :;::::;::::::;::65,573::::: 34,383" :;066p;524:::: 1,663,877" :0:::001,p63;496;:; '126,460 000000::00i6035'6.0;: "45,581 0:0000;00;00:0:52200: 60787 :000000000|::00;8200: 1,058,349 BBB^iPWi: '"4,658,472 ' :::i:::i:,806,889::: 2,251,037 MB 6710616: 116,531 0;;0:000::137i68PO;: 994,638 "' 'A;AssjpopB 207,411" :O:::o0o;0:O::i:5:,773:o:: 40641,968 BBWMJSST'B '"""""" 143,856'"" : 174,011 '49,701 '" ::0:;:06,622:,74i::;0 " 4,618,100 BiHMBo:MMi 043,173,562 ;; ;53,244,829 ; Reserved/ Designated ::;:;;(1;544,954):: (47,347) (176,950) • :{1i769,251):; ;;00OO0(:i:0l:6i385)-:: (400,000) O$::O.:?^650i-i671}.:; ''(2,492,127) OgOOfl,636,570):;: "(806,007) O0:;;f:(386.,'ppo}:o :-:;;;(50325,oo6):o ;;::;(3,699;022):: ": (678,772) •\fflffiaj&B)B ::;:(19,155,25:1);: :(20,924i502:):; Available Fund Balance ::-::: 6,147,521; 750,734 MB. 310,479; 760225 E000-00550l07: _ :00"0;000;970605:: 1,251 0:0O00-000:24,672:: _ O:0:OO:::312,938- 526,085 :::: 8,302,017 :o:o:::ooo:i7i,72p: 988,014 ;:,.':'; 182,950 ""'"""""""""""""""3,299' ; 65,573 34,383 :•:•:•• ::660,524- " "i,063,877 ;::0::;:i;0663;,495 120,460 ::;;::;:;00'0'i6;356; 45,581 00v ;622-- 3,787 oO;0:o:(ii603p3) 658,349 •: :::-: 'iy "2,166,345 BM. 0:4700319 1,445,031 0:0:000:0029106i-6: '116,531 BMB1;3 7,680 994,638 -0:0"•! 55,000; "'"207,411" :0;000::-'::::0:i5-,773: 4,6'4l,908 BHiiM 82,857. 143,856 ::;vO-V;174iOH.: '"""""""49,761 :::.•: 03,623,719:: 3,339,328 - 24,018,310; ; :32;320,327: 8 a .   ‐   2 0 1 1 / 2 0 1 2   B u d g e t   a m e n d m e n t   r e l a t e d   t o   c a r r y i n g   f o r w a r d   2 0 1 0   f u n d s   ( S e e   7 . a . ) P a g e 2 1 0 o f 2 2 1 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING TITLE IX, (PUBLIC WAYS AND PROPERTY) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON", BY ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 17, ENTITLED "ENCROACHMENTS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY", ESTABLISHING THE POLICY OF PREVENTION OF ENCROACHMENTS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY, ESTABLISHING AN APPEAL PROCEDURE FOR ENCROACHMENT VIOLATION NOTICES, LEVYING COSTS TO RESOLVE, REMOVE OR CORRECT AN ENCROACHMENT, ESTABLISHING DAMAGES AND VALUE OF USE FOR AN ENCROACHMENT, ALLOWING FOR USE PERMITS FOR PUBLIC PROPERTY, DECLARING AN ENCROACHMENT AS A NUISANCE. AND ESTABLISHING THAT AN ENCROACHMENT VIOLATION MAY BE AN INFRACTION OR MISDEMEANOR. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington", is hereby amended to add a new chapter 17, entitled "Encroachments on Public Property", to read as follows: CHAPTER 17 ENCROACHMENTS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY SECTION: 9-17-1 9-17-2 9-17-3 9-17-4 9-17-5 9-17-6 9-17-7 9-17-8 9-17-9 9-17-1 Policy Definitions Procedure Appeals Boundary Disputes Costs to Resolve, Remove or Correct Damages and Value of Use Public Propertv Use Permit Nuisance D: Infraction and Misdemeanor 8a. ‐ Amending City Code regarding encroachments on public property  (1st reading 3/14/2011)Page 211 of 221 ORDINANCE NO. 9-17-1 POLICY: It is the policy of the City of Renton that no person shall make unauthorized use of public lands. Any encroachment on, to, under, over, or modification of City owned, managed, maintained or leased lands including park, natural area or open space property, public buildings or rights-of-way will be deemed trespassing regardless of when the property was initially encroached upon. The violator(s) of such encroachment shall be notified and directed to remove any and all encroachments to the land not previously approved in writing by the City, to restore the land to its original condition and provide maintenance for three (3) years following restoration- It is the policy of the City of Renton to resolve all encroachments in a fair and equitable manner, in the manner most beneficial and to work with and assist encroaching parties to remove the encroachment(s). 9-17-2 DEFINITIONS: EASEMENTS: A limited right to make use of a property owned by another, such as a right-of-way across the property. EMERGENCY: An occasion when property or life is at risk. ENCROACHMENT: An incursion onto public lands including, but not limited to, clearing, grading, gardening, landscaping, installing structures, constructing, storing, placing, dumping, maintaining, cutting, overhanging, excavating, parking, diverting, destabilizing, draining onto, defacing, damaging, mutilating, removing, and limiting access onto. 8a. ‐ Amending City Code regarding encroachments on public property  (1st reading 3/14/2011)Page 212 of 221 ORDINANCE NO. ENCROACHMENT VIOLATION NOTICE: A letter prepared by the Code Compliance division and addressed to the property owner who encroaches upon public lands or public right-of-way that defines the encroachment and stipulates the conditions and requirements for removing the encroachment. LIEN AGAINST PROPERTY: A claim or charge made against property. PUBLIC LANDS: Property owned by the City of Renton and property in which Renton has an easement or interest. Examples include parks, natural areas, fire stations, libraries and sidewalks. For purposes of this ordinance, rights-of-way will be dealt with in the right-of-way use permit ordinance. UNAUTHORIZED USE: A use not permitted by the City. 9-17-3 PROCEDURE: A. Identification of Encroachments: 1. Upon discovery that an unauthorized encroachment has occurred, City staff shall attempt to contact, in person, the property owner encroaching upon public property, identify the encroachment circumstances to the property owner, offer suggestions for removing the encroachment on an informal basis and work with that owner to have the encroachment removed and the area restored. 2. If the encroachment is not successfully removed. City staff shall review the encroachment with the City Attorney before recommending an appropriate action to the Mayor or his or her designee. 8a. ‐ Amending City Code regarding encroachments on public property  (1st reading 3/14/2011)Page 213 of 221 ORDINANCE NO. 3. Removal of Encroachment Notification. If it is determined that an encroachment requires removal and restoration, the encroaching party shall be mailed an Encroachment Violation Notice that identifies and directs removal and restoration of the unauthorized encroachment within thirty (30) days. B. Failure to Comply: 1. If the encroaching party fails to comply with the Encroachment Violation Notice, a second Encroachment Violation Notice shall be sent "Return Receipt Requested". The Notice shall indicate "Second Attempt" and provide for a thirty (30)-day response to the removal and restoration of the encroachment. 2. If the encroaching party fails to comply with the second written notice, the City may remove the unauthorized encroachment and restore the property to its original condition. The cost of such action may be charged to the encroaching party. 9-17-4 APPEALS: Individuals may appeal an Encroachment Violation Notice to the Community Services Administrator or designee, who will issue a written decision based on the City file and the contents of the appeal. Any appeal must be in writing and received within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Encroachment Violation Notice. 9-17-5 BOUNDARY DISPUTES: In the event that the property boundary is disputed, the property owner mav, at the owner's expense, commission a boundary survey by a licensed and 8a. ‐ Amending City Code regarding encroachments on public property  (1st reading 3/14/2011)Page 214 of 221 ORDINANCE NO. qualified surveyor. If there is a bona fide dispute as to the boundary, the City shall wait a reasonable time for the survey to be completed. 9-17-6 COSTS TO RESOLVE, REMOVE OR CORRECT: Costs to resolve or correct unauthorized encroachments will be charged to the party encroaching upon public lands. Such costs may include, but are not limited to, boundary surveys, construction permit fees, engineering or architectural fees, contracts. City staff time, demolition, lien applications, removal, restoration, three (3)-year maintenance costs, legal fees, and accrued interest if payment is not received within thirty (30) days of invoicing. Such costs shall be a lien against the encroaching party's real estate. 9-17-7 DAMAGES AND VALUE OF USE: In addition to the costs to resolve or correct the encroachment, the encroaching party shall be liable for any damage to City property and shall be liable for the value of the use of the City property encroached upon, at the rate of one percent (1%) per month of the fair market value of the encroached property or fifty dollars ($50) per month, whichever is greater. 9-17-8 PUBLIC PROPERTY USE PERMIT: When not prohibited by grant funding conditions tied to acquisition, restrictive covenants or applicable law, rules and regulations and upon a finding that the City has no foreseeable use or need for the property encroached upon, the encroaching party may make application for a revocable permit to use and occupy the public property. The application for the permit must be made to the 8a. ‐ Amending City Code regarding encroachments on public property  (1st reading 3/14/2011)Page 215 of 221 ORDINANCE NO. Mayor or his or her designee, legally describing the property to be used and the purpose of such use. The minimum permit requirements are described in RMC 9-2-3. There shall be a fee for such permit as established by RMC 4-1-180E. Before any permit can be issued, a fee for the duration of the encroachment must be paid at the rate set by RMC 4-1-180E. 9-17-9 NUISANCE: Any encroachment on City property is hereby declared a nuisance, which can be abated by court order or under Section 1-3-3 of this Code. 9-17-10 INFRACTION AND MISDEMEANOR: After receipt of an Encroachment Violation Notice and second Encroachment Violation Notice, one who continues, intensifies or expands such encroachment shall be issued a Notice of Infraction. After one (1) found infraction, a party continuing an encroachment shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable pursuant to RMC 1-3-1. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2011. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2011. Denis Law, Mayor 8a. ‐ Amending City Code regarding encroachments on public property  (1st reading 3/14/2011)Page 216 of 221 ORDINANCE NO. Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1641:2/16/ll:scr 8a. ‐ Amending City Code regarding encroachments on public property  (1st reading 3/14/2011)Page 217 of 221 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SUBSECTIONS 4-1-160D, FEE CALCULATIONS, AND 4-1-160J, ADOPTION OF THE DISTRICT CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN AND SUBMISSION OF THE ANNUAL UPDATES AND REPORT AND DATA, OF CHAPTER 1, ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON", SETTING THE IMPACT FEE AT $3,808 PER NEW SINGLE-FAMILY HOME IN THE ISSAQUAH SCHOOL DISTRICT; SETTING THE IMPACT FEE AT $5,486 PER NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOME AND $3,378 PER NEW MULTI-FAMILY UNIT IN THE KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT; RETAINING THE IMPACT FEE AT $6,310 PER NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOME AND $1,258 PER NEW MULTI-FAMILY UNIT IN THE RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT; AND ADOPTING THE CAPITAL FACILITIES PLANS OF THE ISSAQUAH AND KENT SCHOOL DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON. WHEREAS, under Section 4-1-160 of Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, of Title IV (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington", as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the City of Renton has heretofore collected on behalf of the Issaquah School District an impact fee of $3,344 for each new single-family home built within the District's boundaries; and WHEREAS, the Issaquah School District requested that the City of Renton adopt the District's 2010 Capital Facilities Plan, which includes an increase in the impact fee for new single-family homes to $3,808; and WHEREAS, under Section 4-1-160 of Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, of Title IV (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington", as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the City of Renton has heretofore collected on behalf of the 8b. ‐ Issaquah, Kent, and Renton School District impact fees (1st reading  3/14/2011)Page 218 of 221 ORDINANCE NO. Kent School District an impact fee of $5,394 for each new single-family home and $3,322 per new multi-family unit built within the District's boundaries; and WHEREAS, the Kent School District requested that the City of Renton adopt the District's 2010/2011 - 2015/2016 Capital Facilities Plan, which recommends an increase in the impact fee for new single-family homes to $5,486 and an increase in the impact fee for new multi-family units to $3,378; and WHEREAS, under Section 4-1-160 of Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, of Title IV (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington", as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the City of Renton has heretofore collected on behalf of the Renton School District an impact fee of $6,310 for each new single-family home and $1,258 per new multi-family unit built within the District's boundaries; and until recently the Renton School District has been able to accommodate growth within existing facilities, but currently estimates a need for additional school facilities within the next six (6) years to accommodate anticipated growth; and WHEREAS, the Renton School District has not submitted an updated Capital Facilities Plan; and WHEREAS, the adopted 2008 Capital Facilities for the Renton School District recommends the collection of an impact fee for new single-family homes of $6,310 and the collection of an impact fee for new multi-family units of $1,258; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 8b. ‐ Issaquah, Kent, and Renton School District impact fees (1st reading  3/14/2011)Page 219 of 221 ORDINANCE NO. SECTION I. Subsection 4-1-160D.5 of subsection 4-1-160D, Fee Calculations, of Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington", is hereby amended as follows: 5. The City Council may adjust the fee calculated under this subsection, as needed it sees fit, to take into account local conditions such as, but not limited to, price differentials throughout the District in the cost of new housing, school occupancy levels, and the percent of the District's Capital Facilities Budget which will be expended locally. The City Council establishes the following fees: Issaquah School District Kent School District Renton School District Single Family Fee Amount $3,344808.00 $5,394486.00 $6,310.00 Multi-Family and Accessory Dwelling Unit Fee Amount Not Applicable $3,522-378.00 $1,258.00 SECTION II. Subsection 4-1-160J.1 of subsection 4-1-160J, Adoption of the District Capital Facilities Plan and Submission of the Annual Updates and Report and Data, of Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington", is hereby amended as follows: 8b. ‐ Issaquah, Kent, and Renton School District impact fees (1st reading  3/14/2011)Page 220 of 221 ORDINANCE NO. 1. The following capital facilities plans are hereby adopted by reference by the City as part of the Capital Facilities Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan: a. The Issaquah School District No. 4112009-2010 Capital Facilities Plan; b. The Kent School District No. 415 2009/2010 - 2014/2015 2010/2011 -2015/2016 Capital Facilities Plan; c. The Renton School District No. 403 2008 Capital Facilities Plan. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and thirty (30) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2011. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of. _, 2011. Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Denis Law, Mayor Date of Publication: ORD.1695:2/3/ll:scr 8b. ‐ Issaquah, Kent, and Renton School District impact fees (1st reading  3/14/2011)Page 221 of 221