HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil 04/18/2011AGENDA  RENTON CITY COUNCIL    REGULAR MEETING  April 18, 2011  Monday, 7 p.m.  1.CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2.ROLL CALL 3.SPECIAL PRESENTATION a. Community In Schools of Renton (CISR)  4.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5.AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting.  Each speaker is allowed five minutes.  The  comment period will be limited to one‐half hour.  The second audience comment period later on in  the agenda is unlimited in duration.)  When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please  walk to the podium and state your name and city of residence for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST  NAME. 6.CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the  recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion.  Any item may be removed for further  discussion if requested by a Councilmember.  a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of 4/11/2011.  Council concur.  b. Mayor Law appoints Marlene Winter to the Parks Commission for an unexpired term expiring  6/1/2013 (position previously held by Ron Regis).  Refer to Community Services Committee.  c. City Clerk reports bid opening on 4/12/2011 for CAG‐11‐044, Benson Road 16" Water Main  Replacement  project;  nine  bids;  engineer's  estimate  $715,347.08;  and  submits  staff  recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, R.L. Alia Company, in the amount of  $591,738.  Council concur.  d. Community Services Department reports submission of nine grant applications for the 2011  Neighborhood Grant Program and recommends funding six projects totaling $48,171.  Refer to  Community Services Committee.  e. Utility  Systems  Division  recommends  approval  of  the  2010  Long‐Range  Wastewater  Management Plan.  Refer to Utilities Committee.  7.UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week.  Those topics  marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation.  Committee reports on any topics may be held  by the Chair if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole:  Clean Economy Strategy  b. Finance Committee:  Vouchers; Arbors at Sunset Utility Billing Adjustment Request; Holiday Inn  Utility Billing Adjustment Request; Permits Software Contract with EnerGov Solutions  Page 1 of 27 c. Public Safety Committee: Code Amendment Regarding Expulsions & Criminal Trespass at the  Transit Center*  d. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Rainier Ave. S. Condemnation Ordinance  e. Utilities Committee:  Partial Requirements 50‐Year Water Supply Contract with Seattle Public  Utilities*; Automated Water Meter Reading System Contract with United Pipe & Supply  8.RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Resolution: a. Partial requirements 50‐year water supply contract with Seattle Public Utilities (See 7.e.)  Ordinance for first reading: a. Code amendment regarding expulsions and criminal trespass at the Transit Center (See  7.c.)  9.NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425‐430‐6512 for recorded information.) 10.AUDIENCE COMMENT 11.ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA   (Preceding Council Meeting)     COUNCIL CHAMBERS   April 18, 2011  Monday, 6:00 p.m.     Clean Economy Strategy    • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk •     CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RECABLECAST:  Tues. & Thurs. at 11 AM & 9 PM, Wed. & Fri at 9 AM & 7 PM and Sat. & Sun. at 1 PM & 9 PM  Page 2 of 27 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Appointment to Parks Commission Meeting: Regular Council - 18 Apr 2011 Exhibits: Application for Boards-Commissions-Committees Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Executive Staff Contact: Denis Law, Mayor Recommended Action: Refer to Community Services Committee Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Mayor Law appoints the following to the Parks Commission: Ms. Marlene Winter, 2731 Mountain View Ave N, Renton, WA 98056, for an unexpired term expiring June 1, 2013 (position previously held by Ron Regis). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Confirm Mayor Law's appointment of Ms. Winter to the Parks Commission. 6b. ‐ Mayor Law appoints Marlene Winter to the Parks Commission for  an unexpired term expiring 6/1/2013 (position previously held by Page 3 of 27 6b. ‐ Mayor Law appoints Marlene Winter to the Parks Commission for  an unexpired term expiring 6/1/2013 (position previously held by Page 4 of 27 6b. ‐ Mayor Law appoints Marlene Winter to the Parks Commission for  an unexpired term expiring 6/1/2013 (position previously held by Page 5 of 27 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Bid Opening on April 12, 2011 for CAG-11-044, Benson Road 16" Water Main Replacement Project Meeting: Regular Council - 18 Apr 2011 Exhibits: Staff Recommendation Bid Tabulation Sheet (nine bids) Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Executive Staff Contact: Bonnie Walton, City Clerk, x6502 Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ 591,738 Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ 900,000 City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: Engineer's Estimate: 715,347.08 In accordance with Council procedures, bids submitted at the subject bid opening met the following three criteria: There was more than one bid, the low bid was withing the project budget, and there were no irregularities with the low bid. Therefore staff recommends acceptance of the low bid by R.L. Alia Company in the amount of $591,738. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the low bid submitted by R.L. Alia Company in the amount of $591,738. 6c. ‐ City Clerk reports bid opening on 4/12/2011 for CAG‐11‐044,  Benson Road 16" Water Main Replacement project; nine bids; Page 6 of 27 ) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PiT"~ Cityofy, /5£x MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: April 13, 2011 Bonnie Walton, City Clerk Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Supervisor, x7210 Andrew Weygandt, Water Utility Engineerx7208.^^/ Bid Opening for Benson Road 16" Water Main Replacement Project (CAG-11-044) On April 12, 2011, at 2:30 p.m., the City received sixteen bids for the Benson Road 16" Water Main Replacement Project. The City Clerk opened and publicly read all bids at 2:45 p.m. R.L. Alia Company of Renton, WA submitted the low bid, in the total amount $591,738.00. We have checked all bids for completeness, mathematical correctness, and inclusion of all required forms, and found no irregularities or mathematical errors in the low bid submitted by R.L. Alia Company. The engineer's estimate for this project is $715,347.08. In accordance with Council procedure, the low bid meets all three conditions for award: 1. The low bid must be within the total project budget. 2. There must be more than one bidder. 3. The lowest responsive, responsible bid contains no significant irregularities. The Water Utility recommends that Council award the contract to R.L. Alia Company, in the total amount of $591,738.00, at its meeting of April 18, 2011. If you have any questions, please call me. Thank you for your assistance. Attachment: Bid tabulation Lys Hornsby, Utility Systems Director H:\File Sys\WTR - Drinking Water Utility\WTR-27 - Water Project Files\WTR-27-3551 - Benson Rd 16in Water Main Replacement\Construction Contract\WTR-27-3551_memo-to-city-clerk-contract-award.doc/AWah 6c. ‐ City Clerk reports bid opening on 4/12/2011 for CAG‐11‐044,  Benson Road 16" Water Main Replacement project; nine bids; Page 7 of 27 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Description Construction Contract including 9.5% sales tax (from low bid submitted by R.L. Alia Company on 4/12/11) Construction Engineering & Administration (estimated) Special Inspection & Testing (estimated) Contingencies (estimated) Total Contract Cost (estimated) Total Project Budget (425.455596.018.595.34.63.000) Amount $591,738.00 $20,000 $10,000 $120,000 $741,000 $900,000 c:\documents and settings\jseth\local settings\temporary internet files\content.outlook\spsdk6fz\3551- budget.doc\AWtp 6c. ‐ City Clerk reports bid opening on 4/12/2011 for CAG‐11‐044,  Benson Road 16" Water Main Replacement project; nine bids; Page 8 of 27 Project Title: Sanson Road 18" Water Main Replacement Project BidDate;April12,20i1 to Preparation & clean-up Traffic CofilnJl Trench Ejcavatlon Safety Systems Construction Surveying, Slaking, and As-Buits Temporary Erosion and Sedlmaniallnn Control Sile Specific Potholing Furnish and Inslfill 16" CI 52 Di Water Pipe 5 Fittings w/ Potywrap Furnish and Install 18" Gate Value Assembly Concrete for Thrust Blockiig, Dead-Man Anchor Blocks Furnish and Install Fire H>dranl Assembly Furnish & Install 3/4" Water Ser\fce Connection Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Each Un ear Fool Connection to E>SsilnoWste Connection to Bdstlng Wale Connection lo Easting Wata Connection lo Eidsling Wate Connection to Existing Wale Cut, Cap, and Block Easllng rMain rMaln (Main rMah rMaln Benson Rd. Grady Way S.5lh Street a.4lh Street Main Abandon Basting Manhole jn Place Removal and RBplacamenl ot Unsuitable Foundation Material Select Imported Trench Backtai Crushed Surfacing Top Course & Crushed Rock Backfill 3" Depth Tamporaiy Hot MlxAsphalt |HMfi,) forTrench Patching H.M.A. Class «* PG 64-22 tor Roadway Restoration Remoial and Replacement at Concrete Curb and Gutter Replace Traffic Loop Sensor.Pavement Markings, Extruded Curbing, a Concrete Drlwway and/or Sidewalk Ri Propariy & Landscape Restart Lump Sum Ctty of Renton Englnoers Estimate Unit BM Price Amount Laaer Underground Unit Prica Total S715.347.0E 1.200.00 50,00 Tolal (5fll,738.0( >0,000.00 50.0C Total W20:525,5f 5577,930.00 $54,903.35 Total JS32,833.35 2,500.00 2,500.00 247,730.00 Titan Earthwork 5,225,0c 4.550.OC 10.500.0C 2.150.0C 3,000.00 107,238.00 2B.5O0.OD tfl.BOO.OO 13,700,00 11,400.00 3 Kings Environmental 7.755.1X 2.32Q.0C 12.700.0C 11,955.0c 6 c .   ‐   C i t y   C l e r k   r e p o r t s   b i d   o p e n i n g   o n   4 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 1   f o r   C A G ‐ 1 1 ‐ 0 4 4 ,   B e n s o n   R o a d   1 6 "   W a t e r   M a i n   R e p l a c e m e n t   p r o j e c t ;   n i n e   b i d s ;   P a g e 9 o f 2 7 CITY OF RENTON BIO-TABULATION SHEET PROJECT: Benson Rd. 16" Water Main Replacement Project CAG-11-044 DATE: April 12, 2011 Page 1 of 1 BIDDER FORMS Proposal/ Triple Form L&l Cert Bid Bond Sched. of Prices BID **lncludes Sales Tax 3 Kings Enironmental, Inc. PO Box 280 Battle Ground, WA 98604 Dave Franklin Johansen Excavating, Inc. 28215 - 112th St. E. PO Box 674 Buckley, WA 98321 Jacob Cimmer Kar-Vel Construction PO Box 58275 Renton, WA 98058 Mike Waldner Laser Underground & Earthworks 20417 87th Ave. SE Snohomish, WA 98296 Bret A. Lane Pacific Coast General, LLC PO Box 1577 Port Orchard, WA 98366 Brian Johnson R.L. Alia Company 107 Williams Ave. S. Renton, WA 98057 Richard A. Alia Santana Trucking & Excavating 23316 NE Rdm-Fall City Rd, Ste. 647 Redmond, WA 98053 Keggen Thompson Titan Earthwork 13806 16th St. E. Sumner, WA 98390 Rob Ames Westwater Construction Co. 31833 Kent-Blk Diamond Rd Auburn, WA 98092 Thomas Caplis l I ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE LEGEND: Forms: Triple Form: Non-Collusion Affidavit, Anti-Trust Claims, Minimum Wage $967,290.15 $693,028.24 $684,150.52 $597,267.75 $633,355.85 $591,738.00 $620,525.55 $700,116.72 $596,364.38 $715,350.00 6c. ‐ City Clerk reports bid opening on 4/12/2011 for CAG‐11‐044,  Benson Road 16" Water Main Replacement project; nine bids; Page 10 of 27 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: 2011 Neighborhood Project Grant Applications Meeting: Regular Council - 18 Apr 2011 Exhibits: Issue Paper Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Community Services Staff Contact: Norma McQuiller, x6595 Recommended Action: Refer to Community Services Committee Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ $48,171.00 Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ $86,000.00 City Share Total Project: $ 86,000.00 SUMMARY OF ACTION: The City Council appropriated $86,000 in the 2011 General Fund budget for the Neighborhood Grant Program. In January, 2011, the Neighborhood Program announced the availability of funding for newsletter/communication grants to our officially recognized neighborhoods. The total amount of funding approved by Council was $8,063, leaving a balance of $77,937 for the Matching Grant projects. The total amount of requests for the project grants are $48,171, which leaves a remaining balance of $29,766 for mini-grants of up to $1,000 each. The project grant applications have been received and evaluated using the following criteria to determine if the objectives of the Neighborhood Program are met: l Project size, location, and complexity are appropriate for the neighborhood group, with a realistic budget. l Documentation shows neighborhood participation and adequate volunteer labor reflecting community support for the project and includes maintenance after project completion. l Physical improvements are visible and benefit a large area of a community. l Demonstrated networking, self-help, and neighborhood organization. l Sufficient matching funds exist through volunteer labor, cash, or donated labor/materials. Based on the above criteria, the interdepartmental Grant Review Team recommended six projects for funding. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve six Neighborhood Project Grants totaling $48,171. 6d. ‐ Community Services Department reports submission of nine grant  applications for the 2011 Neighborhood Grant Program and recommends Page 11 of 27 6d. ‐ Community Services Department reports submission of nine grant  applications for the 2011 Neighborhood Grant Program and recommends Page 12 of 27 6d. ‐ Community Services Department reports submission of nine grant  applications for the 2011 Neighborhood Grant Program and recommends Page 13 of 27 6d. ‐ Community Services Department reports submission of nine grant  applications for the 2011 Neighborhood Grant Program and recommends Page 14 of 27 6d. ‐ Community Services Department reports submission of nine grant  applications for the 2011 Neighborhood Grant Program and recommends Page 15 of 27 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: 2010 Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan Meeting: Regular Council - 18 Apr 2011 Exhibits: Issue Paper 2010 Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan (PDF on CD) Resolution Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Public Works Staff Contact: Mike Benoit, Utility Systems/Wastewater, x7206 Recommended Action: Refer to Utilities Committee Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Wastewater Utility needs to update its Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan in order to provide constant evaluation of our sewer system and operating policies to meet the needs of the customers and to ensure compatibility with the City and King County’s Comprehensive Plans. The Wastewater Utility has completed the update on the plan. We previously brought this plan forward to the Utilities Committee in July 2009 as a draft under the title “2008 Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan.” At that time, we had completed administrative review of the document, the SEPA process, submitted copies to adjacent utility service providers, and obtained their comments. At its regular Council meeting on August 17, 2009, we received approval from Renton City Council to submit the plan to the King County Utilities and Technical Review Committee (UTRC) for its review and approval. The UTRC passed the plan on to the King County Council with their recommendation for approval. On January 3, 2011, King County Council approved our 2010 Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan with Ordinance 17015. The plan was also sent to the Department of Ecology for their review and they approved it on March 29, 2011. We are now asking that Council approve the 2010 Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the resolution by which Renton will formally adopt the plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2010 Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the resolution by which Renton will formally adopt the plan. 6e. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of the 2010 Long‐ Range Wastewater Management Plan.  Refer to Utilities Committee.Page 16 of 27 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:April 1, 2011 TO:Terri Briere, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA:Denis Law, Mayor FROM:Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator STAFF CONTACT:Mike Benoit, Wastewater Utility, x7206 SUBJECT:2010 Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan ISSUE: Should Council adopt the 2010 Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan? RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2010 Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the resolution by which Renton will formally adopt the plan. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The City needs to update its Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan in order to provide constant evaluation of our sewer system and operating policies to meet the needs of the customers and to ensure compatibility with the City and King County’s Comprehensive Plans. The Wastewater Utility has completed the update to the plan. Since the 1998 Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan, the City has completed flow monitoring of our sewer system in conjunction with King County (2001-02). Using that data, we developed a new hydraulic model of the entire system. As part of the model, we converted our data from a simple spreadsheet to a geodatabase. The model was used to identify potential future system deficiencies. This new product has allowed us to update the following as part of this Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan: ·Prepare a new 20-year projection of capital improvements including those needed for capacity and those needed for system age. ·Identify project needs to parts of system dependent upon technology changes such as our telemetry system. ·Identify those areas that need additional flow monitoring and modeling as 6e. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of the 2010 Long‐ Range Wastewater Management Plan.  Refer to Utilities Committee.Page 17 of 27 Terri Briere, Council President Page 2 of 3 April 1, 2011 H:\File Sys\WWP - WasteWater\WWP-09-0007 2006 Long Range Wastewater Plan_comp\Issue Paper_LRWPlan2.DOC\MABtp development continues and for areas we saw deficiencies in the original effort, such as the Renton industrial valley. Additional changes to the plan include: ·We updated our polices to be in conformance with the current overall Renton Comprehensive Plan. ·We reviewed and updated as necessary, our design standards to assure we are providing facilities that meet the long-term needs of the system. ·We reviewed and updated as necessary, both engineering and operational staffing and practices to assure we keep up with the needs of the Utility. It is important to note that the purpose of the plan is to provide guidance to the City as we develop our annual budget, work plan, and six-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). As we develop each of these elements we will need to evaluate for that specific situation and use this document only to assist in the decision making process. We previously brought this plan forward to the Utilities Committee in July 2009 as a draft under the title “2008 Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan.” At that time we had completed administrative review of the document, the SEPA process, submitted copies to adjacent utility service providers, and obtained their comments. At its regular Council meeting on August 17, 2009, we received approval from Renton City Council to submit the plan to the King County Utilities and Technical Review Committee (UTRC) for its review and approval. The UTRC passed the plan on to the King County Council with their recommendation for approval. On January 3, 2011, King County Council approved our 2010 Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan with Ordinance 17015. The plan was also sent to the Department of Ecology for their review and they approved it on March 29, 2011. We are now requesting the Renton City Council make final approval of the 2010 Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the resolution by which Renton will formally adopt the plan. OVERVIEW OF PLAN: Chapter 1 provides an introduction and overall summary of the plan. Chapter 2 provides an overview of Renton’s existing sewer system. This includes a history of the system and a description of the system and its parts. Chapter 3 lists the Wastewater Utility’s operational policies. These policies reflect federal and state regulations, as well as coordination with county and City land use policies. Chapter 4 describes the planning considerations used to develop the plan, including identification of the land use designations that affect the planning. This chapter also 6e. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of the 2010 Long‐ Range Wastewater Management Plan.  Refer to Utilities Committee.Page 18 of 27 Terri Briere, Council President Page 3 of 3 April 1, 2011 H:\File Sys\WWP - WasteWater\WWP-09-0007 2006 Long Range Wastewater Plan_comp\Issue Paper_LRWPlan2.DOC\MABtp defines the design criteria to be used for replacement and expansion of the sewer system. Chapter 5 provides an analysis of Renton’s sewer system. The chapter describes the model development and the hydraulic analysis. The chapter illustrates that the City’s system, on the whole, is in good condition. This chapter also identifies the sub-basins that are of concern to the Utility and that should be reviewed for rehabilitation or replacement during the life of the plan. Chapter 6 identifies the projects necessary to resolve the system deficiencies described in Chapter 5. These improvements are scheduled based upon projected need and the attempt at a level annual cost. This program is a guide. The system will be under constant review. These reviews will show that some of the system is holding up better than anticipated while other parts may need work sooner than planned. This plan and the system reviews will be used as tools to create the recommendations to Administration and Council for the annual CIP and budget. Chapter 7 describes and analyzes our existing operations and maintenance structure and programs and looks to identify the future needs of the system. Chapter 8 identifies a financial plan to meet the needs projected in Chapter 6. This chapter projects the funding responsibility(s) for each of the projects identified in Chapter 6 such as Local Improvement District, developer extension, or City CIP. Also discussed are the potential funding sources for Capital Improvement Projects including revenue bonds, Public Works Trust Fund Loans, grants, and King County participation. CONCLUSION: We request Council’s final approval of the 2010 Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan and that Council authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the resolution by which Renton will formally adopt the plan. cc: Lys Hornsby, Utility Systems Director Dave Christensen, Wastewater Engineering Supervisor File 6e. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of the 2010 Long‐ Range Wastewater Management Plan.  Refer to Utilities Committee.Page 19 of 27 To view the City of Renton's Final DRAFT Long Range Wastewater Management Plan, please see: http://rentonnet.org/internetapps/files/longrangewwmgmtplan.pdf 6e. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of the 2010 Long‐ Range Wastewater Management Plan.  Refer to Utilities Committee.Page 20 of 27 6e. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of the 2010 Long‐ Range Wastewater Management Plan.  Refer to Utilities Committee.Page 21 of 27 6e. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of the 2010 Long‐ Range Wastewater Management Plan.  Refer to Utilities Committee.Page 22 of 27 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A PARTIAL REQUIREMENTS CONTRACT FOR THE SUPPLY OF WATER WITH SEATTLE PUBLIC UTILITIES. WHEREAS, the City and the City of Seattle, hereinafter referred to as "Seattle Public Utilities", entered into a Seattle Water Purveyor Contract in 1998, which is set to expire by December 31, 2011; and WHEREAS, the City and Seattle Public Utilities have completed negotiations for a new 50-year Partial Requirements Contract by which Seattle Public Utilities will provide water supply to the City even though the City supplies most of its retail water service area with its own and independent sources of water supply; and WHEREAS, the City and Seattle Public Utilities have negotiated alternative provisions to the Partial Requirements Contract by which Seattle Public Utilities will provide regional water conservation services to the City; and WHEREAS, it would be in the public's best interest to have the Partial Requirements Contract executed; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Partial Requirements Contract for the supply of water with Seattle Public Utilities. 8a. ‐ Partial requirements 50‐year water supply contract with Seattle  Public Utilities (See 7.e.)Page 23 of 27 RESOLUTION NO. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2011. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2011. Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES:1498:3/3/ll:scr Denis Law, Mayor 8a. ‐ Partial requirements 50‐year water supply contract with Seattle  Public Utilities (See 7.e.)Page 24 of 27 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 31, REGULATION OF CONDUCT AT TRANSIT CENTER, OF TITLE VI (POLICE REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON", BY AMENDING SUBSECTION 6-31-3A, ADDING A NEW SUBSECTION 6-31-3D, ADDING A NEW SECTION 6-31-6, ENTITLED "TRESPASS IN TRANSIT CENTER DEFINED", RENUMBERING THE CURRENT SECTIONS 6-31-6 AND 6-31-7, AND ADDING A NEW SUBSECTION 6-31-7D, TO CLARIFY THE CRIME OF TRESPASS IN THE TRANSIT CENTER AND TO EXPAND THE CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH A PERSON CAN BE PROSECUTED FOR TRESPASS IN THE TRANSIT CENTER. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Subsection 6-31-3A, Immediate Expulsion, of Chapter 31, Regulation of Conduct at Transit Center, of Title VI (Police Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington", is hereby amended as follows: A. Immediate Expulsion: Any person violating a rule or provision of this Chapter or any federal, state or local law may be ordered by a commissioned peace officer to leave the Transit Center immediately. Failure to comply with such an expulsion order shall bo grounds for prosecution for criminal trespass. SECTION II. Section 6-31-3, Expulsion, of Chapter 31, Regulation of Conduct at Transit Center, of Title VI (Police Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington", is hereby amended to add a new subsection D, to read as follows: P. Failure to comply with any expulsion order shall be grounds for prosecution for criminal trespass. 8a. ‐ Code amendment regarding expulsions and criminal trespass at the  Transit Center (See 7.c.)Page 25 of 27 ORDINANCE NO. SECTION III. Chapter 31, Regulation of Conduct at Transit Center, of Title VI (Police Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington", is hereby amended to add a new Section 6-31-6, entitled "Trespass in Transit Center Defined", to read as shown below. The remaining sections shall be renumbered accordingly. 6-31-6 TRESPASS IN TRANSIT CENTER DEFINED: It is unlawful for any person to enter or remain in the Transit Center during the period covered by an expulsion notice pursuant to RMC 6-31-3. SECTION IV. Section 6-31-7, Penalties, of Chapter 31, Regulation of Conduct at Transit Center, of Title VI (Police Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington", is hereby renumbered as section 6-31-8 pursuant to SECTION III of this ordinance, and amended to add a new subsection D, to read as follows: P. Any person who enters or remains in the Transit Center during the period covered by an expulsion notice shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and mav be punished by a fine in any sum not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION V. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30) days after publication. 8a. ‐ Code amendment regarding expulsions and criminal trespass at the  Transit Center (See 7.c.)Page 26 of 27 ORDINANCE NO. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2011. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2011. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1696:3/30/ll:scr 8a. ‐ Code amendment regarding expulsions and criminal trespass at the  Transit Center (See 7.c.)Page 27 of 27