HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0588 RESOLUTION NU. ,�� ,�j8
WHEREAS, fi�e Depaxtmerrt of Highways of the State of V� hington is desirous of
coizstructing �Access CitV Streets to Boein� Assembly Plarrt�in Renton
through the City of Renton and is dosirous of routing the traffic on
s�i� improvement through said City of Renton over
Eigh�;h Avenue North westerly from Park Street to �iillir�.ms Street iuorth;
also along 9�illia.ms Street IVorth nort�erly from Sixth Avenue iVorth to
�entrance of Boeir� Assembly Plant property; also along �'r"illiams Street
Idorth and privately secured right of way southerlf from Sixth Avenue
North to LO�&11 Street; thence along Logan Street southerly to Dixie
Avenue; thence along Dixie Avenue westerly from Logan Street to vresterly
corporate li.mits,
and crossing other carta.in intersecting streets and public thorough:Pares, and,
Yu'HEREAS, the Departmer�t of Highways of the State of Vdashington is desirous of
receivin� Federra.l funds for the improve�ent of said Access Citv Streets to
Boein� Assembl.y P�,ant in Renton , a�
YIHEREA5, the Public Roads Administration of the Department of Agriculture of
the United States of America will not partic3pate in the construction of said
Access Gity Streets to Bp�in� Assembly Plant in Renton
until and unless the City of Renton �ill agree to refrain from
permittir.g encroachments upon the right of way of said above meiztioned streets,
and until and unZess the City of I�tenton will a�ree to refrain from passing
ordinances or laws affecting the free flo�r of trttffic on said above mentic�ned
streets or that �ill give preference to local rout,es which intersect with said
streets, other than by the erection or installation of "slow" and/or� "caution"
signs or �i.gnals, or that will unreasonably hinder or delay traffic on said
aUove mentioned streets, and until and unless the City of Renton
will agree, by si�its.blE ordinance, to adopt the grades of the improvement as
the grades of the city streets th�t are involved and agree to protect the
State of 1'4'ashington against any aru� all claims for dams.ges on account of any
char�es of grades and the construction of this improvement, and until and
unless the City of Renton will agree to maintain said i.mprovement
vrithin the cornorate limits of the City of Renton after the i.mprove—
ment h�.s been cor��pleted; provided, hov�ever, that should the Cedar t`�i.'ver bridge
on Logan Street North be da.m�ge� or destroyed by reason oz flood, earthquake,
or some unusual occurence, the City of Renton shall not be required to replace
said bridge or rebuild the dama.ged portions of said bridge, it being tl�e intent
of this instrument to place upon the City of Fienton no further obligation in
reg�rd to the bridge than ordinary maintenance;
NO�Y, TH�:.EZEFORE, B;�; IT R�;SGLVED by the �iayor and Council of tne City of
Renton th�.t for and in consideration of the De;�.rtment of Hight^rays of the
State of Nashington and the Public Roads Administration of the Depa.rtment of
Agriculture of the Uni-ted States of 9merica constructing said Access
Cit�* Streets to Boeinp� Assembly Plant in Renton
and routing traffic on the same through the City of Renton over
Eighth Avenue North ��esterly from Park Street to V�illiarns Street yorth;
also along tiYillians Street North northerly from Sixth Avenue i�dorth to
entrance of Boeing Assembly Plant property; also along 4Yilliams Street
I�orth and privatel� secured right of wuy southerly from Sixth Avenue
P�orth to Logan Street; thence along Logan Street southerly to Dixie
Avenue; thence along llixie Avenue westerly from Logan Street to �esterly
cornorate limi.ts,
arnl: crossin� other certain intersecting streets and p u�lic thoroughfares, it
hereby agrees with the Department of Highvrays of the State of �Jashington and the
Public Ro�.ds Administration of the Department of Agricuture of the United States
of America that it will not, in the future, permit encroachments on the right of
way of the said above mentioned streets, nor �ill it pass any ordinances or la�as
affectinr� the free flo� of traffic on said above mer_tioned streets or that will
give preference to local routes which intersect v�ith said streets, other than by
the erection or installation of "slo�" ana/or "caution" signs or signals, or tnat
�il.l slor up, unreasonab7.y hinder, or delay traffic on said above mentioned
streets, and that it will, by suitable ordinance, adont the gra�es of the improve—
ment as the grades of the cit,Y streets that are involved, and hereby a�rees to
protect the State of V�ashi;�gton against any and a11 clai::;s for damages account
chan�es of grades and the constructiori of this improvement, rznd hereby further
agrees to maintain said improvement �rithin the corporate limits of the City
� of Renton after this improvemerrt has been completed; provided, how—
' ever, ths.t should the Cedar River bridge on Logan Street i�orth be dama�ed or
destroyed by reason of flood, earthquake, or some unusual occurrence, the City
of �.enton shall not be required to rep� ce said brid�e or rebuild the damaged
portions of said bridge, it being the intent of this instrument to place upon
, the Citp of Renton no further obligation in regard to the bridge than
ordinary maintena.nce.
PASSED the City Council of the C:ity of nt ""
Kin�County, �fashington , this _�c�ay of � A. t?.
' I9G2.
Published: � k.D. 19 � �,!
I hereby ce f t at the foregoir� is a true copy of the ori.ginal .
resolution No. _���I�.ssed by the City Counc' oi the C t f Renton,
Kin� nty, W�shington, on the ____� /�day of A. D.,
19/2, in the regular meeting o�' sa' City Counc�.l.
D�ted this � ''�"' da.y of k• �•, Z942•
� � —2—
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