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REsoLtT�zaN rra. .�� ..
THAT :7HE���, a petiti�n of the qualified e�ect�rs within
' the corp�r�te limit� af the City c�f Renton, �lashington, c.on�
ta�ning mor e than twenty (20) per cent. of the tetal number I
�f vate� c�.�t at the last regular municipal elect�on held
�n the City of Rentar�, �"lashin�tnr�, praying that there be �ub�
m:itted t� the voters of the �ity of Renton , three questions
as fallo�is , to-wit;
Fir�t: The question of the reduction of thE carporate
Limits of the City of �enton by detaching and excluding there-�
from the following describ.ed property , ta�wits
All of Block T�ro (2� , Victoria ,�. �ell.eyts
hdd�ticn to the City of Renton.
Second: ihe que:ti�n of enl�.rging an d increasing the
cQrporate limit4 of the City ef Rent�n by dnnexing �nd addin�g
thereto the fallowing described property, ta-��;it:
Beginning 60 ft. N. cf and 676 ft. �*d. �f the
N�'l corner of Sl�ck 1 of Smi thers r 4th Addition
to the T�wn of Renton , on the N. margi.nal line
of 3rd St. in the To�n of Ren tan as indicated
by Smithers �' Additions 1 ��nd 4 to the To�tn of
Renton; thence W. 474 ft. , more or le�� , to the
E#ly margin of Black Ri�rer; thence NE'ly alon�
�aid river mr�rgin. �.. follov�. : N. 62 de�. 53
min. E. 171.6 ft. ; N. 41 deg. E. �6 ft. ;
N. 22 deg. 10 min. E. 126 ft. ; 1tT. 3 de�. 10
min. E. 102 ft. ; N. 1Q de�. 3G min. E. 95 ft. ;
mare or less to the S. mar�indl linE af �Ghe Ci ty
of Seattle �edar River pipe line ri�ht--of�wa.y ;
thence S. �9 deg. 38 min. E. 187.8 ft. along
said m�r�inal right-of--way line ; thence S. 461.4
ft. ; more or less to the place of beginning, con4 1
• taining 2.33 acres , m�re or letis. �
��_ �
Ihird: ihe queation' of �uthorizing the City af Ren�Qn ,
to er.ect a �c�.vic auditoriuu��an.d to �is�ue b�nd��in the sum af
now ta exc�ed �7QlGOQ.Oa t� pa.y therefor , as provided by
Ordinence No. 9Q6 �f the Gity cf Rentan ; ar�d I
�RE1�S, th�: }acund�rie� of the City of Rent�n, after the
exclus�on of:�-
I A►11 of Block Tw� (2) , V�ctoria A. �e11ey''�
�ddition ta the City of. Rentcn,
Prill be as f�Ilov�� :
"�eginning at the corner cammon to Secticns 17, 18 , 19 and
�Q , iownshig 23 IvTor�h, Range 5 E�.st, �N.M. ; thence east along the
wcuthline ofSection 17 t� the north�aest c�arne.r of `'7alswortha
Addition; thence S. OQ��' E. 6�4. 91 feet ; thence Td. 89°51�' E. 320
fe:et • thence S. �°9f E. 44fl feet ; then.ce l�i. 89a51t �. 34Q feet ; ther�ce
S. pa9� E. 155 feet ; thence N. 89°51'� E. 670 feet to the �outhea�t
corner of said Highlan.d Addition ; thence n�r�h along a line �i�ty
feet t*re� t �f and p&rallel t;, the n�rth and ti�ut:h c.enter line� of
Secticns 20 an� �..7 to an interaectio-n v�rith the center line of
Ced�r River;. thence northwesterly along the center. line of Ced�;r
Ri�er t� an inter�ection v�ith the ea�te�ly margin�l line of the
right��f-i:tay of the Columbia a,nd Pu�et Saund Fiail.�ray ; thence in
a northeasterly direct�on along �aid right-of�way through the
north cne--half of Section 17 and the St W. 1/4 �f the S. E. 1/4
af Section 8, iQv.�nship 23 North, Range 5 E��t , V�T.I�I. ; to the narth
bczundary of �aid S.��. l�� �f the S. �. �/4 af �ectian 8; thence
east 21�ng said north boundary line to the northeaet carner of ,
the said S. 1t1. lf4 �f the S. E. 1!4 af Sectic�r, 8 ; tnence north on
� line running north and s�uth betv�een the E. 1�2 �f the E. 1�2
and the �'Jes t 1/2 �f the East I/� of sai d Section 8 to the N. E,
corner of t�.�.e N. �'T. 1/# of the S. E. 1/4 �f Secticn 8� thence �vest
along the east �nd wetit �enter li�e of Secti�n 8 to the ea�terly
m�.rgin�.l �.ine of the right-Qf��ay af the Ncrthern Pacific �eZt I,ine ,
Railway; thence in a northea�terly direction along said easterly �
m�rginal line of the Northern Pacific Be7�t I�ine Rai lvaay to the
north line af Section 8; thence ti�est a�.ong the north line of
Sections 8 �.nd 7 to the inner harbor line af Zake CPashingt�n ;
thence in a southwe�terly and westerly direction fallov.ing sa�id
inner harbar �ine ta the ea•t b.ank of Rl€�ck River; thence in
a s�utherly directiQn alcng the ea4t bank of Blaek River tQ an
inter�ection with the South ma�ginal line of Tol�in �treet ; thence
S. 88°13� E. 340 feet; thence S. 2°52� E.. 245 feet ; thence N. 8$° I
13� VJ. 50 feet t� the ea4t bank of Black Riuer; thence in a
�outherly di.�ecti�n a3Qng .the ea,t �ank of Black Ri�zer to an I
interse�ti�n with the �auth line of the Ci�y of �eattle �ed�r
Ri�er pipe line right�af-��.ay ; thence east alang said right-of I
vsay tc a paint which is 5�1.75 feet north and 360 feet 4�rest of '
the northi��e� t cerner of Black 1, Smither�4t Fifth �ddition to the
Town (nn�r City) �f Renton ; thence S. 0 13� VT.. 52I.75 feet ta the scuth
line �f ihird �venue ; thence eayt alon� the sauth line of �ird I��renue
�o the �le4t line of Shattuck �treet ; thence sauth along the v�est ;
line of Shattuck Street to tYie �auth line of Sect�on 18� thence
eaA t 262.42 feet along the waid �ou�h line of �ect�.on l�; thence
vouth 660 feet ; thence east and paralle� to the south liaae of
Section 18 to the southeast ccrner �f Walsworth*s Addition; then ce
narth a,lor�g the east line of Section 19 to the pQint of heginning. "
WHEREAS, the boundarie� af the City �f Renton after the
annexation of:-�
Beginnin� 60 ft. N. of. and 6?6 ft. �. of the
I�TG� corner of Block 1 of Smitbers�' 4th AdditiQn
to the To��n a� Renton., un the N. margina�l line
�f 3rd St. in the T��un Qf Rentan a, indicated
by Smithers �' Additions 1 �nd � tc the Town of
Renton.; thence t�t. 4'�4 ft. , m�re or le,s , te the
E�`ly m�rgin of BlacY. River; thence NEf�.y a�.on�
said river rnargin as follaws : I�T. 62 deg. 53 min.
E. 171.fi ft. ; N� 41 de�., E. 96 ft. ; N. 22 d��.
la min. E. 1�6 f t. ; N. 3 de�. i0 min. E. 1(1� ft. ;
N. 10 de��. 3"0 min. E. 96 ft. , mare or lesQ to the
S. mar�in�l �ine of the City of 4eattle Cedar River
pipe line right-of-w�.y; thence S. 89 deg. 38 min.
E. 187.8 ft. along sa�.d marginal ri�ht�af-��.�y line ;
thence S. 461.4 ft. ; more ar le�e to the place af
beginning, ecntaining 2.33 acres , more or lea4 ,
will be a� f�li�rt� , ta�-t�rit:
"Beginning at the corner cornmon to SeEtians 17, 18 , 19 and
2Q , ToTranship 23 Narth, Rar�ge 5 Eas t, W.I�. ; thence east along the
southline of �ecti�n 17 to the nortr�mest corner of Vl�lsv��arth*s
Add�.tian; thence �. �°S'�. E. 614.91 feet; thenc� I�. 89�51� E. 320
feet ; thence S. Q 9r E. 4QQ feet; thence N. 89 51f E. 34Q feet ; thence
S. Q°9'` E. 155 feet; thence N. 89°51� E. 670 feet ta the woutheaNt corn�
of s�id Hi�hland Addi�ion; thence north along a line sixty feet v�est
of and gar.�:llel to the n�rt� �:nd south center lines of Sectians 20
and 17 tc an inters�ctian �ith the center line of Cedar R�uer; thenc.e
northWesterly ��ong the: center line �f Cedar River t,o an intersect�Gn
with the eaw terly marginal line of the ri�ht-�of-��:ray af the Ccl.urr_bia
and Puget Sound Railvkay; thence in a nertrieasterly direction al�ng
said ri�ht�of�:�.y thrcugh the narth Qne�half of Sect�.an 17 and the
S.�'�. 1/4 af the S. E. 1�4 af Secti�Qn 8, Tov�rnsh�p 23 Nnrth, R�.nge
5 Ea�t, �.M. t� the nartY�. baundary of said S.ti'1. 1�4 of the S.E. 1/4
of aect�on 8 ; thence east along �a�d narth boundary line to the
nartY�esst corner of the �aid S. �. 1/4 of the S. E. 1./4 cf Section 8;
trence nc�rth on a line running narth and �auth between the E. 1/2
o� the E. 1�2 and the ViTeet lf2 nf the East 1�2 of said Sect�.an 8
to the N. E. corner of the N. ti�T. I./4 of the S. E. 1/4 of Sectian 8 ;
thet�ce �:est aleng the eawt and �e� t center line of Sect�.�n 8 to the
easterly marginal line of the righ�-�c�f�:ay ef the Northern Faci�i�
,. Belt I.in e Railv.ay ; theb ce in a n�rtheas terly directian aZong sa�.d
eaqterly margin�.� Iine af the RTorthern Paci�ic Be1t Line R�ilv,ray
to the north line of Section 8; thence wes t P�.I.ong the north lirre
of Secticr�s 8 and 7 to the inner harbor line of I�ake t�a�hingtort;
tr�ence in� a s�uthgresterly �,nd westerly directic�n fallowing sai.d inner
harb,or line to the ea�t hank of Black l�iver; thence in a southerly
di.reatic�n �.lang the ea�t bank af B1ack. River tQ an interse�tion
with the north margin.al line Qf Third ��enue produced west ; thence
N. 89°47�' E. 749.96 feet to the wrest marg�na.l line of Shattuck Street;
then:ce scuth a�Qng the weet l,.ine of Shattuck Street t� the. �auth line.
af Section 18; thence east 262.42 feet �long the said �south line �f
Section 18; thence �outh 6EG feet; thence ea�t and parallel ta the i
sauth line of Section 18 to the southeast corner of TN�lsworth's
Additinn; thence ncrth a�o�g the ea�t line of Section 19 to the
pcaint of begir�nin�;. "
. �.3�.
a l`2d x .
y'lHEREA�, the baun.daries of. th� City of E�enton�, afte� the
annexat.ion c f the p�rti.an he rei nabove �e t f cr th and af ter the
det�ching/th�t certa�in por tian hereinaboti*e s et for th, will be
aw fallow� , to-�wit:
"Beginning at the corner common to Sectiane 17, 18, 19 and
2G , T�wnship 23 ?�To rth, Range 5 Eas t � �1.r�I. ; then ce eas t alon� the
scuthline of Seation 17 t� the north�vest cc�rner of �9'alswIIrth*s A.d-
ditian ; thence �. Qagt E. 614.9� feet ; #hence N. 89°51* E. 320 feet;
thence S.. 0°9• �. 4Q0 feet; then�e N. 89 51rt E. 340 feet; thence
�. pQ9� E. 155 ft. ; thence I3. 89 51' E. 67Q feet to the 4cutheast
cQrner of �aid Hi.�hland Additian; thence north along a Iine sixty
feet west af and parallel to the narth and �outh center line, af
Sections 2Q and I7 to an intersect�c�n with the center lir� of
Cedar River; thence north�veaterly along the center line of Cedar
Rive� to an intersecti�n with the eas.terly marginal line of the right�
of��ray of tY�e �alu�nbia and Puget Sound Railv�ay ; thence in a north-
easterly direction a�ang said right-�of��y through the north one�half
of Section Z7 and the S.VP. I/� of the S. E. 2�4 of Seeti.on 8, Town-
ship 23 �vart�., Range 5 East, �i,R�I. , to the north b�undary of said
S. �`d. 1/4 of the S. E. I/4 of �ectian 8 ; then.ce ea�t a�on said north
bQu�dary lin e t,o the nor theast corn er o f the s aid S. W. I� o f the
S. E. 1/4 of Secticn 8; thence north on � ILine running nor�th an.d south
betu�een the E. 1/� of the E. 1/�: and the s�lest 1/2 of the Ea�t 1/2 of
4aid S�ction 8 ta the N. E. corner of the N. �. 1/4 pf the S.E. 1�4
�f �'ecti�n 8; thence svest 21.ang the ea�t �,nd �re� t cen�er line of
Se��ian 8 �o trse ea,t,er�y marginal Iine of the right-�af�-�ay af the
Nort�ern Pacific Be7�t I�ine RailtrTay ; thence in a northe�sterly
direction alcng said easterly mar.�ginal� line af the l��rthern Pacifzc
�elt Zine Rail�nay tc the north line of Section 8; thence west aior�g
the north line af Sectior�s 8 and 7 to the �.nner Y�.�hor �ine of T�ke
ti�ashingtan ; th.en�e i.n a sauthwester�y anc� we�terly directicn
followin� �aid inner harbor line to the east bank af Black River ;
thence in a southerly directian a�ong the east bank of B]�ack River;
to �n inter�ectian with the sout.� marginal line of lol�in street;
then�e S. 88°13b E. 340 feet; then.ce S. `��52r �. 245 feet ; thence
N. 88°13t W. 50 feet to the ea�t bank of Black River ; thence in
a southerly directi�n along t�e east bank af Black River to an
interse.ctinn with the narth. m�rg inal line of Third AYenue produ�ed
weat; thence N. 89°47* E� 749.96 feet to the west marginal line af
Shattuck Street ; thence a�uth al�ong the west line of Sh�ttuck street
tc the sauth line of �ection 18; then�e east �.62..42 feet alang the
said south line of Section 18= thence scuth 664 feet; thence eawt
�nd parall�l to the �outh line of Secti�n 18 to the southeast c.orner
of �`lalsworth's Additian; thence north along the east line of Sect�on-
19 to the paint of heginnzn�.
. ,
�__ • ,
� �n,3�;
VJ'HEREAS, it is necessary to certify same to the County
Electi�n Board in order thdt the said questione may be placed
, upon the ballat as three propo�itzQns to be voted on at a
Special �unicipal Election to be held in the City of Renton,
�nd � wi thin the territcr ro o;,w ed to b a
Y P � e nnexed
Washington,/on the •28th day of Tuly: 1931; and �
'GT�REAS, it is necessary to have the said questi�ns submitted I�
in a ballot fbrm nat to exceed �5 �rords , for each ques.tion car
propos ition ; ATQe�r, Therefore,
BE IT RE�OLVED that a Special ElectiQn be called far the
purpose �f .ubmitting to the voters each of the three prcp�siti�n�
hereinaboYe set farth, as prayed for, and
BE IT I'LT�THER R��OZ,VEI7 by the City Ccuncil of the City of
Rent�n, th�t at least 4.5 days before the date of �uch election,
�uch propasitionw in the form of ballot titles , not to exceed 25
w�rds, each, be cer�ified to the C�unty Election B�ard of King
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the fallowing be the baZZot tities
or prouositions to be 9ubmitted:
3. �Shall the City of Renton reduce the corporate Limits by
detaching and excludi� therefrom all of Bloc� Twa (2� ,
VietQria A. Kelley's A�dition?�
?�or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�Z
Agains t . . . . . . . . . . . . .Q
2.. �`For the anne�.tion to the City of Renton of the.
terri�ory describ:ed in Resolution No. 453 (Propo�ition
No. �) af the City of Rent�n. " . . .Q
. . ��g�.�st the Annexation �3 the �ity af Renton af the
territory described in Resolution No. 453 {Pr�position
No . 2) of the City of Rentan. E� . .�f
3. �Shall the city issue �7Q,OOQ.Oa b�nds for a � Ye�. �
Ci�ic �uditarium and Swimming Poal, p�ursuant
I to Section 953g, Rem. Comp. S�at. " � Na. �
BE IT FU4THER RESOLVED th�.t the el�.et�on bo�rd of Kln�
County, St�te of YVVashingtan, be and they are hereby requ�sted
to ha4e the �ame placed upon the �all�t at the Speci.al �unicipa�
Election to be held in Kenton, VJa�hi�gton, on the 28�h d�y of
July, 193I.
, ,
.�,.. �
� � . �
APPROV�D thi� 9th day of June, 1931.
PASSED this 9th day of June, 1931.
�� ���RJ /`�1 /�J,'�f/A
� /.T /I�/ 3/Y f�
Date of first publication. June 12, 1931.
Date of secand pu�lication: lunel9 , 193I.
�sozU�zo� �Q� 453
THAT V�'HERE�,S! � petition of �he qualified electors �r3.thin
the corp.orate limits of the City af Rentan, �ashirrgtan, con�
�Gaining mare than t.wenty ��4� pe� cent. of the total number
a� vote4 cast �t the I.as.t regular municipaZ �:lec��.on held
in the Gity of Rentc.n, Washingtoni praying tha.t. there be sub�
mit�Ged. to the Yoters af the Gitp Qf Renton, three questions.
�s. falla�e, tc�-�vsi.t:
First: The 4uest�o.n af the reductian of the aorparate
limit.e af the City of Renton by de�aching and excluding there»
from the fa1lQ�ing dee�ribed property� to�ea�i.t:
A1L of Black Two C2� , Vic�vria �,. gel.leyts
Addition ta �he City of Renton. ,
SeEond: The question of enlarging and ir�ereasing the
carpQrate limits nf the City af Rentan by annexing and addin�
the�eto the fallo�i_ng deecrib.ed property, ta��it;
�eginning 6� f:t. A. of and 6?6 ft. W. of the
1�W aarner of S•lock 1 of Smithe�s t 4th Additio-n
to the Tawn c�f Renton, an the� 1�. m�rginal Iine
of �rd St. in the Town of Rentan as indic�ted
by Smithersf Additians 1 and 4 to the. Town of
Renton; thence �t. 474 ft. , m�re ar less, �a t�ae
E_��y ma,rgin of B�la�ck River; thence AI�*ly a1.or�g
ssid ri�er msrgin as faL�.awa: Iz. 6�. deg. 53
mi.n. E. I71.6 ft. ; N. 4I deg. E.. �6 ft. ;
N. 22. c�eg. 10 mi�. E. �:26 f t. ; N. 3 deg. 10
min. E. lU2 f t. ; ltC. 1Q deg. 3(� min. �. 95 �t.,
mare ar les� to the S. margina.l. linE of the Cit�
o� �eat.tle Cedar Ri�rer pipe line right�of way;
then,ce� S. 89 deg. 38 min. E. 187«8 ft. along
eaid margi�a� right�of��ray line= thenae S. 461.4
ft. = mare or lee� to the gl�ce af �eginning, can�
ta�nin� 2.33 acres , mnre ar le$s.
Third� The quea�ion of �uthori�in� the City of Rent4n
�o erect a civic auditarium and ta iseue bonds in the sum of '
na� to e�sceed ���7,QQQ.a� tQ pay therefor, as prQ�ided by (3rdinance
AI�. �46 of. the Gity of Rentan; and
. .,�,�M
�RE�►.�, the baundaries of the Gity of Renton, after the ,
exclusian of.�
AlT af Black T�o (2� : Yict�ri� A. Ke1ley�s
�dditian to the Gity of Rentcn, _
w�ll. he as fo.11ow� : '
"Heginnin� at the earner cammon to B�ctians 17, 18, 19 a�d
2Q� Tov�rnshig 23 North, Range 5 Eae t,, W.M. ; then ce e�st �1Qng the
south line of Seation �7 ts� the nor.thwest eorner of Hi�hland
Additian ; thence S. Q- 9i E. 6�4��1 fee�; thence N. 89 5Z� E. 320 �
fee�• then,ce S. £kQ9�' E. 40Q feet• thence ZT, 89°5I.� E. 34a feet; thence
S. Qb9� T. ��5 f:eet; �hence AT. 8��°51t E. 670 feet to the� aQuthe�st
corner of �aid Highl�nd Additian= thence north along a line si�ty
feet �res.t of and paralZel to the nnrth and sa�th center lines of
Sectic�ns �Q and l� to an intersectian with the cent.er lin� of I�
Cedar River� thence .no_rth�eete.rly alc�n� th.e center line of Ced�.r
Ri�er ta ari int.ersec��on v�i�h the easteriy margin�l line of the
right�Qf��y of t,he �cl.umhia and Fuget �aun,d R�iZw� th�nce in -
a narthea�ter].y dire�ti�n along �gaid right�at�c�y t ou�h the
nQ-rth one-�half of Sec�ian 17 and the S. �7'. 1/4 of the S. E. I/4
c�f Se�t�an 8, Township �3 I�Torth, Range 5 eattt, 'W'.�. , to the narth
boun.dary of aaid S. �. 1�4 of the S. E. 1.�4 of SeatiQn 8; thence
east along said north baundary line to the nQrtheast �orner af
the said S. �IT. lf4 Qf the S._ E. lf4 c�f Section 8; thence north an
a line running nQrth and sou�h bet�een the E. 1/2. of the �. ],��
and the V�e�t 1 � of t e Eagt �/2 of �aid �ect�.on 8 to the N. E�
aQrner of the . W� �4 of the �. E. 1/4 of Sectian 8� thence tives t
al.an� the east and weet �enter line nf Se.c��on � to the easterly
marginal line of the right�o.f��ray of the NQrthern Facific Be�.t Line I
Railway ; thence in a northeasterly directian �long said easterly
margin.al line af th� Nor�hern Facific Belt �ine. Rai3�vra.y to the
narth Iine of Section 8; . thence. v�est a�.ang the narth lin� of I
Sectio.�:� 8 and 7 tc the in�er harbor line Qf L�ke WaahirYgton; ,
thence in a. routha�esterly an.d v�ester�y direction folI.owing sazd I
inner harbor 3.ine: to the e��� b:ank af Bl�ek River; thence in
� southerly direction a�ang the. east bank ef S�ack River �Q an I
intersection with the South margin�.l line of Tabin stre�t; the�nce
S. 88a�.3t E. 340 feet; thence S. � 5�� �. 2.45 feet; thence AT. 88�
i3i �t. 50 feet to the east bank af Hlack River; ther�ce in a
s Quth�rly directian ��ang the ea�t bank o f Black 8i ver to an
ir�tersection with the e.outh line of the Cit� af �eattle Cedar
R�ver p�pe li.ne �ightyaf�►��y; thence S. 8-� 49* 35� E. 64 fe�t;
thence S. Qal3� E. 46�.?5 feet; thence N. 8�°4'�t E. 3Ea0 feet
to the west marginal line of Shattu�k Street; thence south �lang
the �vest line of Sh�.ttuck Street to the sauth line of Sectiorr 18;
thence ea�t 26�.42 feet along the aaid south line of Sectian 18;.
thence gauth 660 feet; thence eas.t and parall.e3. to the south lin� of
Sectian I8 tc th� scutheas� corner of �al.s�arth*s Addition; then�e
nQrth along the east line Qf Sectian 19 to the pc�int of hegi�ning.'�
an d;
�1HEREAS, the baundariee af the City of Renton aR:fter the
�nn exat iQn o f:�►
Beginning 6Q f�t. I�T. of and 6?6 ft. Vil, o.f the
l�fT corn er of Bl.ack I. of Smither� t 4th A�,d�t ian �
ta the. Town of Renton, on the I�T. marginal line
of 3rd �t. in the Town of Renton �s indica��ed
hy Smithers * 1�dditian� 1 and 4 to the Town of
Rentan; th�nae W. 4�4. f�. , m�re or less , �o �he
E�ly margin of Black Ri4e�; thence NE�ly al�ng
s_a%.� �ger m�rgin �s fo�lows : i�I. 62 c�.eg. 53 min.
E. 1.7�.6 ft. ; N. 41 deg. E. 96 ft. ; �t. �2, deg.
�0 min. E. 12.6 f t.. ; Ri. 3 deg. 1Q min. �. 1G2. ft.!
1�T. 1Q deg. 3� min� E. �5 ft. , mc�re Qr less ta the
S. marginal line of the City of Seattle Cedar �ii.ver
pipe line right4of-��ray; thence S. 89 deg� 38 m�r�.
E. �87.8� ft. along eaid marginal right�Qfr�say line;
thence S. 46�.4 f�. ; mare or Zess to the place of
be�innin�, containin� 2:.33 acres , more or less ,
wilZ tae �s f�lla�:s , ta-��t:
KBegi:nning at the corner c�non to Sectianr i7 18, �S an:d
2(�:, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M. ; thence ��st along the
sauth line Qf Section 17 ta th� nor�h�eet c.orner of Hi�hZand
�dditian x thence S. QQ9° E. 6�4.9I feet; thence �T. 8� 51* E. �2Q
feet • thenee S. OQst E. 4QQ fee�• t�hence 1�T. 8gQ51� E. 34Q fe�t; thence '
S. 0�9� �. 155 fee�; thence 1�I. a9�`5I* E. 67Q feet to the �ou�Eheast ��rner
af �aid Highland gdditiar�; thence north along a line sixty feet we�t
af and parallel to the narth and south center lines of Seetian� �a �
an:d I7 to an in�ersectian �rith the �enter line of Cedar River; ther�ce
northwe$teriy alang the center line af Cedar River t� an, in�erse�tian
�rith the easterly marginal. line of the rightoof��.y of the Columbi�
and Fuget Sound Railwa.y ; then:ce in a nartheasterly directian alang
said ri t�af--�ra�y throu the narth nne-�ha1f of Section 17 and the
S. W. 1�4 of the S. E. �4 af Sectian 8, To�vnahip 23 Nc�rth, Ran.ge
5 Ea��t, W.�� to the n�arth bQundary of said S. W. 1/4 of the S.E. lf4 ,
af �ecti:an 8; thence east a7�ong said narth bounda.ry line to the
r�nrtheast �orn.er of the said S. W. lf4 of the S. E. 1/4 of �ecti.�n 8;
thence. nQrth on a l,ine runnin north and south hetvreen the E. ],.f2
of the E. �:/� and the �es.t 1� of the East 1/2 of said Section 8 �
to the TIkE. carner of the N. �. 1`4 of the S.E. 1/4 of' Sectian 8; I
therzce west alang the east a.nd weat center Iine of 8ectian 8 to the
easterly marginal line of the right�-flf��y of the NQrthern Pac.ific
�elt Zine Rail�ray; thence in a northeaeterly directian s1.Qng aa�d
e��terly msrgin�l line cf the Nor thern Pacif i c �elt Lin e Railway
to the nortY� line af Secti��n 8; thence west along the. north line
uf Seet�ana 8 and 7 ta. the inner harhor Zine of Lake Washin�tQn;
thenEe in � sauth�esterly and westerly direction f.ollawirrg said inner
harbar line to the east b�nk of Black RiQer; thence in a southerly
d�re�tian alang the eaet bank of Black River tQ an interae�tion
�if.h the narth marginal Iine of Third l��enue produced v�est ; thenc�
ITT. �-S�4'7'� E.. 744.96 feet ta the west marginal line of Shat�uck Street;
�hence south �long the west line of Shattuck Street to the �ou�h line
af Sec�ian 18; thence east �62.42 feet along the said sauth Zine �
5ec�ion I8; thence south 660 feet ; thence east and parallel �o �kze
so�th line af Section 18 ta the southeast corner of Wals�arthta
Additian; thence nartYi a�ang the e.ast line of Section �.S to the
pnint of begix�ning.'�
i�'I�RF�iSf the: boundaxies of the �ity of Renton., after the
annexation of the gortian_ hereinahove set farth an.d after the
_ c�f
det�chin�/t.ha� eertai.n porti.on. hereinabage s e� farth, w�..11 be
as t�llaw�s , �o�wit:
"�Begi.nMing at the: corner camman to Sectians �.7, z8, l� and
2.a, Townsni.p 23 Northt Range 5 East, W.�. ; thence east a.lang the
south line c�f Secti�n 17 ta the narthwe�t corner. of Hi�Y�.land Ad-►
dition� the c� �. Q �� E. 614.pZ feet� thex�ce IS. S�a51 E� 3�Q feet;
thence S. Q�� �. 4Q0 �eet; thenc.e I�T. ��a5lt E. 340 fee�; thence
S, Q��� �.. �55 ft� ; thence N. BgQ��'� �� �`�Q fee� to the sau�heast
carner of said riighland Additian; thence north along � �ine si�.ty .
feet �est af and pa.rsllel �o the r�orth and south aenter lines o�
Sectic�n� 2E� and 17 �n an interaeetian with the center line of
Cedar Riger; thence n�rthv�esterly alang the c�nter li�e of Cedar
River ta an i�tersectian with the ea�terly marginal line af the
right»c���-v�ay af. the Calumhi� and Fuget �ound R�il4ray; ther�ee in a
nartheas�erly direction along �ai.d right�of��ray through the north
one--half of Se�tiozr 1'� and the 5.�� 1/4 of' the S.E. I/'4 of Section 8,
Townshi 23 I�a�th, Range 5 East, Y�i.M. , to the nort� baundary of said
S.V7. � of the S.E� lf4 of 5ect�.can 8; thence east alon said nortYt
baundar line to the northeast carner af the said S.W.2� of the
5.�,. I.� o� �ec.�' on 8! thence orth an � line r nnin north an eou�h
bet�eer� the �. 1�/� of •the E. 1��. and the Wes t �. of �he East 1�f2 of
said Section & �ta the: A.E. corner af the N.W. lr4 of the S.E. lf4
of 5ectian �; �hence west a1Qng the e�st and erest c�enter line of
Se�tian 8 �o the eaeterly me.r�in�l line af the right�►of�A►�.y of the
Northern Faeific Belt Line Railway; thence i� a narthea�terZy
direction along s�id easterly marginaI. Iine of the Northerr� Pacifia
B�lt T�ine Ra�ilR�ay to the north line of Sec�ion 8; thence weat along
the narth iine of Sec.tions 8 an.d 7 ta the. inner h�rbor lin� of I�ake
��shingtar�; �hence in a southwesterly �nd �esterly direet�an
fallo�ring ea�d znner harbar line ta �he ea�t bank af Black River;
thence. in a sc�utherly direction: aa.ong the ea�t bank of BT.ack River
ta an inte�se.ct�an. with the s4uth m�rgir���52�n�.Q�45Q�eet���hence
thence S. 88�1� E� 340 feet; then�e 5.
N. 88a13� �« 5(} feet ta the e�ast bank af Bla.ck River; thence in
a eoutherly directi�n alon� the e�s.t bank of Bl�ck River �o �xx
in�ersectian vv�i.th t.he north marginal line af Third 13genue prQduced
�est; thenc� �I. ��a47t E. 749.96 feet �a the we�t marginal line af
Shattuck Street; thence south alor�g the wes t line of 3ha�t�uck Stree�
ta the south I.ine af Sectian 18� thence eaat �62..42 feet along the
said scuth �ine of Sectian 18; then�e sau�h 66Q feet; thence e�at
a.nd psrallel �� ti�.e south line of Sectian 18 to the �outheast �orner
of �t�,}.s�to�th�4 Additian; �hen�e north alang the east line of Sectiar�
YS �o the pc�int of beginning.
V�iERE�, it ia nece�sary to cextify �ame to �he Cour�t�
ElectiQn Board in order that the said question� may be placed
ugon the b allat as thre� gropositigns ta be goted on at. a.
Special Mun.icipal Election to be held ir� the City of Rento�, i
�iiashingtcn, �nd within the territory pragoeed to be anne�ed, on
the �Sth day Qf 3uly, 1931; and
�HERE�S, it� is nece�sary to have the sai_d questiar� eubmitted
in � hallot form na� ta exceed �5 wQrd� , far ��r-question or
propo�itian� No�, Therefczre, � �I
�E IT RESOI,VEI3 that a Sg�cia�. Tl.e�tion 1ae called for the
purpos e �f euhmi t�ing to the voter� �each o��; the �h.ree�gropasitiQn�
he.rein�bcrve set farth� �.s prayed for, and
BEE IT FURTI�'R RES4I,�IED by the Ci�y Council of the Ci ty. of
Rentan, that at least�4�5 days before the date of such election,
such prop��itiQ.rt� �n the form of laallat ti�I.es � not ta exceed 25
a�rard�, each, be cer�ified t� the �ounty Ele�tion Bo�rd of T�ing
�3E TT l+'URTHER RESOItVED �hat the fallowing 1ae the ballot tit�e�
o�prQpo�itian�I �o t�e suT�mitted:
l� �Shall the Gi�.y of Renton redu�.e: t�Y�:e corp orate Iimit y
detacYiing. and ex�J.uding therefram all o� ��Qek Twa ���,
�Vic�oria At Kelleyrs Additinn'�'�
�'ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Q� '
, Agai.nst . . . « . . . �. . . . �
� � 2� �For the anne��ian to the City af Renton af the I'
, territory de�cri�ed in ResQlution N 453 �P_ro��sitia� I
�a. 2:� caf the Gity of. Ren��an. " . .� � "
"Ag�in4t the ann�xatian to the. �=ity o.f Ren t n of the
terFitar� desc.ribed in Re�alutian N�. 4�3�Prapas��ian
NQ. �� af the City af Renton.'� . Q�
_ �
« "Shal.l the. �i.ty isaue �70,0OO.OQ bonds f�r a � Yes. Q
Givic �iizdit�rium and �wi.mming �ool_� gursuan�
tn Seation 9539t. Rem. Camp. Stat.* � No.« �
I e
� , BE TT FtIRTHER RE�OLVED th�,t t�he election �aard of King. I
County, State o� '�Tashingtcn, be and they are hereby requested
to ha_�re the same pla_ced upon the hallot at the S�ecial Muniaipal
Electi.on t_� kre hel_d in R.enton� W'ashin�ton� an the 2��h day of �
July, 1931,
APPROtI"ED thia gth d�y of 3une, I.�31.
PASSED tnis �th c�ay o f �un e, I931. ,
C�� C�EI�
T�tte of firet public�-tian; �une ].2, 1931,