HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES0419 RESCLUTION N0. L�_`�„_ . A RESOLUi ION OF iKE CITY C?F �EN2l�N, I�'1ASHI?�TGTOII, AUiHORI�ING �i�TD DII',�+CL3.�G �HE CIiY TR.GASURER i0 PAY Z::ON.F,Y OUT OF iHE "SPECIAZ OR SINKiNG FUND'� A�7D D�?�ECiIN'G i HE C I iY CLEitK i 0 D?�A�7 ';IARRANi.5. I B� I^1 ORD>I�TED BY i� CITY COUNCII, 0�' THU CITY 4F R +F�TTiON, as f a11QYls : - . ' iHAT :�iER�AB, upon the 2Qth day of December, i927�. � I a� Ordi nanc e en ti t 1 ed "AN ORDINAI�TCE OF TI� CI'I'Y OF RENTO�T, i :TASHI��TG TON CREA�It�TG A SPEC IAL OR S INKING FUND i 0 •PROVIDE �OR EXTENSIONS, 21„�P?30VErr'II�Ni S, REPLACE2�LEI�I i S Ai3� A��UIR ING �2IGHTS IN CON?�ECTION �;TIiH THE C}PET�ATION 0�+' THE t,�`JATER SYSTEfiI� CF THE CITY 0� RENiON" bei.ng Ordinance NQ. $31, was duly an�d r egu�.arly pas�ed by the C i ty Caunci 1, and iHAT �REAS, upor� the 27�th day of December, 1927, ar� ^ Ordinance enti tled "AN t3RDI2dAI3CE OF iHE CIiY OF REI�TiON, ?7�SHIIdG10N, APPROPRI.�iIi�G ��iONEY FG� iHE �P�'CI�L OR SI_�Ir�G FL�?1� i0 PROVII3E FOR EXTETISI4NS, II��PROVEt,�'LEN�S, REPI,�C�NiS A�'D AGwUISITIOI�S OF RIGHiS ZN COl�TTrECTT0:3 k:I�H iHE DEVx,'I�QF- i�'.+�2IT AI:D OP�'+�'RATION OF .^i.H�_ �1�i�R SYSiE� 'QF THF '.�ITY QF RFN- i0�',u �eing Ordinance i�ur,iber 833 was passed by the �ity Council cf the City of Renton, and ;�LEREA�, in accordance �vith the p�ovisions of said Ordinancs No« 832 and Ordinance Number 833, cez�tain improvements aMd extensions of the v;ater system of the �ity of Rentan, have been commenced and certain expenses haqe been incurred, and `��REAS, the City Engineer ha.s submitted a detailed statement of the expenses incurred in connectian �rrith the said imprcvement of the water system by constructing tanks a,nd buying meters as more p�.rticularly set forth I in Exhiait "A" hereta attached and r�ade a par� herenf� I �rhich said detailed statement ha,s been duly and regularly approved by the city en�ineer, �Q�'1, i��EF4�E, i t i� �zereb,y ordered by the City � Caunc�l of the City of Rentan t12at the detailed I statement of ,the exp�n�e� incurred for co�zstructing water �anks and buying me�ers in th.e total eur� af � / � - �ta 5�_�be and the sas�e here�y_ is apprave�. and allowed and the City ireasurer be and she is hereby au�hbrizeri to iw�ue warrants r�rawn on the "Special cr Sinking Fund" in payment of �a,tne. I A�FRQV''.�U �his ��day of Ju�e, 1928. � � J,��� ; _ �' -'�Z,/,L,,,�"'��"'.� �;�AY'OR PA�SEI7 �hzs _�_7_-""d�y o� June, 1928. ! CITY' CZ�ER� D�te cf first puk�lication: � i � 1 � � ' � �- 19 � �' D��.� cf second publicati�n: i . . I � l , ' I - - � F�iIBI� nAtt . SP�IAZ ?�JA�'ER FUl�'D J. �. Hardie Supplies - - - - �90.1? Pac �ater �9ka �eters - - -- - 4'75.00 Rensselaer Val�re Ga �upplies - - - 89.5�