HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0395 w , ' : (Resolution of Intentiou.) RESOLU'1'ION 6V0. ---_--_------_ f3E IT ORD_1Ii�iF.D BF THF CITY COU_^�CIL OF THE CIT�Y OF RENTON: 1: Tliat it is the intention of the City Council to order the improvement oY 1r1L�u-'.-'�c� �t1`�;;� i. � _ �T r:� 1 _..L.. �. � .��r_ riY�•s � �,c� ����.a.rtrl .��;r _.-��ti i�ort,-� i ; �'��_.� �t' Lot.. -�,�,�� w�d 16 in :�lock 1; �ots I4,1�,1�:,,�, ',; �,nd 2Z in Blocl� • Lo��.. '� 1,�, ..',, l:, , i , , ,;;� 27 ,�;8 �.zld �0 in r3lock �• I �' � A . � � ,w,�=,—,�,� ,IO,lI,1.�,I�,l<_: ...1_�_ i��} �.:1 �lock io ; �o��s �,����—�..���'.�- Wn;� :�o�s 1 i,i �loc�� 8 (Insert streets or r�ortion5 thei•eof to be impro�;ed) bv (specifying na,tui•e oY improvement) coiistz�ctir,�� c�:.�,�ii4 side�;�r�.l�s i:ci tront of' ;�_�i d 10 �� zind <�o_ng� sticll c,tl�er �rork as may be �ieeessary in connectioii there�vith, alt in accordance ��ith plans Pi'epared b�� the City �;n�ineer. �. That all persons who may desire to object thereto ac•e l�ereby notified to appear and present such obje�tions at e� meeting of the City Coitricil �tio be lzeld in the Cotuicil Cha�r!ber in the City F3a11 in the Citv of Ranton at ;'";_. ___.___o'clock P. ➢I., on the__ � � i-;-,;_ _ da ` 1ts= 1-= - Y �i ;.�c�.,� . _ - ---------192:1 _ --� ___ - which time and 1>iace is i�ereby f�ed for hearing a11 matters relatin7 to said proposed im��rovement, and all � objections thereto, <ind lor determining Lhe method of payme�t f.or said iriprovement. � 3. 'Phat the Gity L+`ngineer shall, in the manner provided by law, subinit to the Cifp Council, at or prior to said date, all data ancl informatioii required by la��- to be subn:itted. 4. That tl�e cost arid expei�se of said iinpi•o�-eiiient c�i�ll be boi•ne l�y and assessed against tiie propet•ty liabie tlierefor, as provided b}� la�;*. , � I� _ � \PProved this l-�� -- -.day Of..c1.i<:t..a,1.. - _....- . �. D. 192-r�.-----• 'I - �- - �-- - ---- - - - -- - - ----- --- -- � - -�---------- -- ' \Iayor. 1'<assed this_.._.... .........da�� oi -- - .... ___ _.._......._, <�. D. 19' _ -� •- - ---- -- -- - - -- - ----- - ------ - City Clerk, ;�.t�� o',' ti:. . �iublic��tir�n....- .-...._�''.a�`��-��`s.' ._.- `-� ------ -� (� _ 1?atr ot sec�o�id ' Z�l V ( � ��' public.tt��in - - - -- - -� ------------- '� -- - - � - ----- --- a M- \ ��w���