HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0305 _ R�SOLUTIOI�T i30. I Be it ordained by the Gity �oUneil of the City Qf Renton: �ection 1 - That it is the i�tention of" the City GoUncil to order I the improverr�cnt of" �lorth Renton hy the canstr�ction of a sewage dispos�.l plant, a tr�nk sev�er and sUb-sev�ers ther�in and to create a local improvement distriet therefor, which shall inclu de as near as may be all of the territory whieh '�an be �rewered throc�gh sueh trUnk dewer , sUb-se��ers and branch sevrers corinected thereto. Section 2 - That the territoxy inclUded v�ithin s�ch local improve- ment distriet is �o�:nded as follows ; Beginning at a point where the north marginal line of Commerci�l �daterwa� ',�2 interseets the eastern bot�ndary line of the Cit� of �enton; thence northeasterly along s�ch eastern �oUndary line to the i?orth �ast corner of the soUfhwest aUarter of the soUth R east a�arter of Section 8, Tp 23 , 1_`3 5 '�.; thence west along the north boUndary line of the soUth�rest q��rter of the so�theast qUarter and the soUth one-half of the so�thv�est q��rter of Section 8, Tp 23 N, 1� 5 �: and the soa�theast yLarter of the soUtheast qUarter of �ection 7 , Tp 23 Di, � 5�, to an intersection with the north mar�inal line of �omi�ercial Evater�ay i+�o.2; thence so�;theasterly along s�.id north mars�rlal line of Com�:fnerci�l 'r�ater���:.y ��o. � to the ��int of beginning. i �. � � �16Ii� TitU1V� �L'V'r.�:tt: Begir�r�ing at �, point v�'rles e a line te� feet east of and parallel to the center line of Factory Street intersects the north lin.e of First Avenue North; thence north along a line ten feet east of an d parallel to the center line of Factory street to a point ten feet �o�;th of t'ne center line of I�okrth Avenue Tlorth; thence west alon� a line ten feet soUth of and parallel to the eenter line of Fo�;rth A�enue I�orth to apoint where said line ir�tersects the east line of the Renton �arm ?'l�t; thence north along the dividin� line between Blocks 8 and 9 of the Renton Farm Plat and �locks 1 and 2 of Ssrtoriville to a point five feet so�:th of the center line of Sixth gvenue North; ther�ce west on a line five feet soUth of and parallel to the center line of Sixth Avenue North to the west line of the Renton Farm Plat; thence continUing west along a line five � feet south o� the center line of Yesler Street to � point o�posite the center line of the alley in Block 4 of 6ds�t 's L�ke `�ashington �.ddition; tnence in a narth���esterly direction to a sew�ge disposal pl�.nt locdted on the east bank of Gedar River. � SUB-S�:'r'�i:R ido. 1 - Be�inning at a point ivhere the north line of Third 1�venue North interseets the center line of the Alley in Block 20, Renton Farm Plat; thence north along the center line of the alleys in Blocks Nos. 20,15 and 14 to an ok�let in the proposed trUnk sewer in Sixth 8venue rTorth. SUB*5��='� No. 2 - ?3egir.ning at a point where the north line of First Ave ttorth intersects the center line of the alle� in Block 25 , Renton Farm Plat; thenee north along the center line of the alleys in Blocks �3os . 25, 22, 19 , 16 and 15 of the Renton Farm �1€�t to an oUtlet in the proposed trUnk se�er in Si�th AvenUe T�orth. SUB-�E�°1� i�o.3 - Beginr�ing at a po ir�t �ti he re a line t en f ee t s oUt h o f �nd parallel to the center �.ine of First 6�enUe rdorth intersects a t , the sest line of Park i�ven�e ; ther,ce northsvesterly alang a line ten feet soUth of and parallel to the �enter line of First �venue Nbrth to apoint t�vhere said line intersects the oenter line of the Alley in Bloek 24 of the l�enton Farm Plat; thence north along the center line of the alleys in Blocks Nos. 24, 23, 18, 17 and 12 to an outlet in the proposed trUnk sewer in Sixth �vanue North. SUB -SF:7rl�t �a0 .4 - 3eginning at a point where the north �.ine of First �venUe I�arth intersects the center line of the alley in Bloek No. 2, Renton �arm �'lat; thenee north �.lang the center line of the alle�s ,.�..�. in Blocks �, 5 , o , 9 and 10 to an o�:tlet in the �roposed trknk se�ver � in Sixth AvenGe i�orth. � SU�-S�'�i� T�o.S - � Be�inr�ing at a point v�here the center line of the alley bet��een Block No. 3 af the Renton Farm Plat and Bloek l�o. 6 of Sartoriville intersects the north line of �irst Avenue N�rth; thence north along the dividing line bet��een the Rent�n Farm Plat �nd Sartoriville to an o�tlet in the proposed. tr�nk sewer in Fo�:rth AvenLe North. ^UB-S�",..,-.,R ��o. 6 - Beginning at a point where the �orth line of First �ven�e s?�rth intersects the cen�er lin� of the alley in Block No.l, C�r �Porks Addition; thenee north along the center line of the alle;�s in Blocks Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in Car �orks Addition to an oUtlet in the proposed trunk sewer iu raUrth AvenNe I�orth. SUB-S�a�'.�� 1�0 . 7 - Beginning at a point vuhere the north line of First .�►venUe idOrth irltersects the center line of the alley in Block No.B Gar �Jorks �ddition; thence north along the center line of the alle�s in Blocks i�os. 8, 7, and 6 , Gar �iior�s .&ddition to an oUtlet in the proposed tr�nk sewer in Fourth �venUe North. � ��i� _ SUB-��.a�ER s1o.8 Begirinin� at a �aoint ;r�here the v�aest line of Railroad gvenue intersects the center line o�` the alley in Block No.l�, Car �orks gddition; thence v�est ald�ng the center line of said Block No.12 to an oUtlet in the �roposed trunk se��;er in Factor� Street. SUB-S�'?;� �To.9 - Beginnirg at a p�int where the west line of Railroad Av�n�e intersects the center line of thealle�r in Block I�o.11, �ar �lorks Ad�ition; thenee wPst along the eenter line of said �lock r?o.11 to an o�:tlet in the :�roposed trt:nk sewer in Faetory Strept. S�'CTION 3 - That all x�ersons v�ho may desire to ob�ect thereto are hereby notified to appear and present sUch objections at a meeting 'I of the City Co�ncil to be held in the cokncil ch�mbers in the City � Ha}.� in the Cit�r of Renton at 8 p.m. on the day of % � , 1923, which time and place is hereby fixed for hearing all matters rel�ting to said proposed ic��provement, and ull objections thereto, and for determining the method of payment �or said i�r�prove�ient. I S�C i I vi1 4- That the Gity T nginegr shall, in the mar��ier pl�vid��i �wy l�cJ , s�bmi� to the �ity CoUncil, at or prior to said date , all d€�.ta and information required �y law to be sLbmitted. S'jC`:'IQP? 5 - That the cost and expen�e of said improve�ent shall be ' borne by and ��cessed agcinst tflae propert� liarle therefor , as pro�id.ed �y law. A�nrov�d t'nis da;T o� 1923. I�ayor. Passed this & d�y of ,1g�3. City Clerk. I?ate of �irst c��lication % � 19�3. D�te of second ��blic�tion Zg23,