HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1047 ,_. , . , ,+, ° _ � , - . 4�, Amended by aRD 5152 OK�3�'�3��IvCE �?�J. 1047 �3 f�RL3II�?_�.i�CE OF TtI� CITY 0�' R�N�'ON P.FtOVIDSi�C FOR THL CLflSITdG �F hl'3Y S'�I��ET 0� �'wV�,'�1L� IN Tr�i CIT� �3F t?%:��07i ��? �SdY P�RT TIIEREOF �D FQR GIVIz�IG ��OTICE OF SU��i t;LO�ING �Y TH �' CITY, pROVTDTl�G PLAT��.LTY FOR TI�E CONTIi�UG}� US� 1`�FTLR NOTICE, r^.ND Rt;PE.t=i.LING OR13Z�i�'�.NGE IJO. 597 l-�PFROVED l_UGLTS.'�'t ;:�9a 1.922. The Ci�y CounciZ. of the City of .�enton Do Ord�.in as Fallo�s: SECTIQl�1 l. ���'herever the condition of ;;znny s�ree� ar avenue or part of �,ny street or avenue v�3.thin �Y?� Cit;T of Rentc�n, ei�her newly cons�ructed, repaired or impraved or of � prior construetian or any part �hereof� is s�ch that its use or continued use by v�hicles�ri11 gre::�tly d�?m�.ge such rQ��d, the city m�.y at its option close such road or u.venue or any part thereof to �rt�.vel by �ll vehicles ar class of vehicles f�ar such pexiod �.s the council shall determine. S�CT:CC�N `�. B+efore ra.ny such street or �.venue or part thereof �.s' clo��d to veh3c2es or �;ny c3ass af ve'rzicles under this ordin�.nce, a not�.ce of th� d<��� on �:nd af�Ger �rrhich �he street or av�nue or �ny �art th�reof sh�ll be closed �.�.d the peric,d of such closin�; and vrhether 3.t shall b� clos ed to all vphicles or to v�hicl�s of �. ���rta,cular class ar cl�.sses sh�.I1. be pub�ished �.n one issu� o� the offici�l n_e�vs�:��Qr �rin�ed in the Ci�y of Renton= �u�d �. like notice shall �e posted on +ar prior to the d�te crf publication af such notic�, in a car.spic�o�,?s placp at each end af t�ie strset or �,v�nue ar p�.rt a�" said str�et or �.venue to be closed, provadin� �n.v.t no such str�et or �.venue or ��rt �h�reof s����ll be closet3.. —2— ' , . , , . . .r . ,- - ' sooner than three d�ys �.fter the publicatinn �nci �ostin� of notices herein provided for except in c�.ses of emsrgency, v,nQn the city council rnay, ��rithout public�,tion or del�zy, close a.ny such street or �.venue or part thereof tempor�.rily by posting notices c:�t each end of and �t alI cross roads or streets �.�nd all roa.ds or streets leading into or out from any street ar uvenue or p�zrt thereof to be tempor�.rily closed. In all emergency c�jses, as herein provicied, �he orders of tlle city council s�1GIl be imr��ediately effective. S�CTIQN 3. ��'hen any street, avenue or a ��.rt thereof shal.l be closed �.s herein nrovided, any persan, firm or corporation disregarding such closing �.nd usin� such street, avenue or pc�rt th�reof, with any vehicle to yLTh�ch said street or avenue or p�rt thereof is closed by such notice shall be desmed guilty of a misdemea.nor, and upon conviction therefor shall be fined in any sum not eYceeding one hundred (��1QO.00) dollars or by imprisc�nnent in the city j��.il for a period not exceeding thirty days or by bath such finA �nd imprisonment. SLCTIOPJ �. Thut the notices herein ;,�rovidpd for s���..11 be given pursuant to a Resolution of tY�e City Council �.nu be in the n��.ms af the City of Renton, signed by the Street Superintendent, provicied hoti�ever, th�.t in case of any emergency such streets sh�.11 be closed upon the postin; of � notice of the closing th.ereof, signed by the Street S�ap�rin— tendent v�itrovt a.ny action on the p��rt of the City Council. SECTION 5. That Ordin�.nce �yo. 597 shall be and the s^.r.ie is hereby repsaled. —2— - i i i i � i i i � i i�i i i u� _ a ,� � � 't, . i SECTION 6. T�is Ordin�,.n.ce sk?�11 be in ful1. foree �nd effect f�ve {5) da�Ts fr4n and after xts p�ss���e, �x�?�rc,val �nd legal �L�blic���ian. h�pro�edthis I5th d.:�y af l�u�ust, 1939. � �-�� �� - y� ^ } �j� ��'///f�C` /��..z2��f'�t:-;r;�� � ��q j�p . ��`� 3YSJ.Y�Llt1 Passed by the Cit�y Cauncil of the City of Ren�on, mYn., this ISth day of hu�ust, 1�39. ;,� �l/`Qi�.L�+�' CITY�CL�hK. �'�.PPROVED A5 �0��: . f ,-''Ci��-f t /� Y ��-` �,,',�._..-{_.__ I2'�ATTC►kl'��Y � � � �ate of Furl3.cc�.t3.on: ,�u�us� 17, 1939. —3—