HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1050 \ o��zrl.�-�c� T�,a. �.o�� _-�:? G�llI�'�_�;CL Gii .�,.��.:. ��TY OF ��.�L�TO%a9 -_��'':������I��-�l_,!u ^--� �L_- C?�' JIV'E THQUSnTuD (�:1��00� �OLi,�;.�'iS TO B� EXI'�P1DEll Ii� y�.P.ri. i�nOJLCT� 1!0'.:� L1:���� COi1STRUCT1uI�1 OR .::iTCI-� _=�iY B� ni��=LL.�_��T�� ii:iTnui=:I iED� ��:iJ .i��CLr���I i�i G riiv �`::.=RCx;-l�i;;CY. The City Counc_�1 of t'r�e City oi R�nton Do Ordain as FoI�o�:��s: � Section I. Th�.t the sum of one thous�.nd (�;l,00C) �01�_��:s i s�all be and tne sane is hereby a�propriated for the p�?rpos�.: oi �roviding funds far S�.P.1�. projsCts no�j: uncter construction 01' �l.C�.� �i;.v f 17.e1 4C;,nt�,l' }iP .1 j���in� .1.... v� �!V t�l�!n �,��yT Qf . ._'_�,(1(1 ,J_'.� t..'^�.� the ye�r of 193�,. Section �. _ � ,- -�;- � . __ __� _ � __ ,_. � �=_ _'� _�. _� � .. � _ ' �.eclare th:�t tl�ey h��ve found �.n emergLncy to e�.is{�� I� Section 3. T��is Or����:��i�c� s��-�_?I not be passeu ��--- , .: __ - _ cne ����^e'_.� ;�.ft�r its intraductio�� ;;.°�.ti i t sr�.Il recuire the v�^: _,� -:r.~�:_; vote of the Councilmen presGnt a.na the approval of tne ���.yor. I' Sectien 4. This Ordin�nce shall be in fu11 iorce und sffect fiJe {rJ} Ci�:v-5 _� Y'0 1 'r?C� j'i+�.r i�Fc � S� - ,'c�� ^?'OTT::.? ���ri l �•�,]_ <-.. _ �t;r?l_%C��L1�:�. - '�'20�Tw�1 ty 7.S 15th d�,.�' Ci ���g:�'�ty 1��._ , �,� � `�" �,�j�_�� _ � � �-- 1=-_Y u��. � P��ssed b the City Counuil of ti..Q Citjr of �.��_�i.�-��, :':z,. � Y .�,.,� -,-.T � ,i; >» c''�� ' ..� s 15th �_ti._:.�r o_ _. _ t, I �.�. _ f' � �� � �� w�?A�,_! � C Y CL�RK ��1r?iOVe�ifl ;S TO FOR.P:i: �1'TY :'���Tvi-�i��Y , ;-.- -� '� : '::.� : �u�.:� �� September 7 , 1939. �