HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1066� _ . l . . _. � .1 , � . . - • . , _ _ .f� Ci� � . � l � � j - -- � z - � - 1 �� � on�a�:.���c� =�,��,, ioss 1�ti ORi31i����i�1�E OF TF1L �ITY GF RL+�;TG�I, �S'T��BLI��±IraG C�:i�T:�IIv , �T�.NUII�3G CO�;�iITTi:�LS GF THf� CITY CGUNCTL, P.1zESCF�iBIlvG T�i� ll�?T1�S THE;F�LOF, 4.�-+'STKBLISHITiG Ct��.T�iII� OTFi�.E� CC�i��tITTTe;�S �3Nll R�PG�iLITv'G ORDIiv��!i C� i�0. 16. The City Council of the Cii;y of Rez�ton Do Ord�.in c�s Follo��rs: SECTIGN l. That the follo:rin� designated committees sr�.11 be �anpointed by the mayor :-;.nd sh,,.�1. serve during the term of office of the cauncilmen so �a�pointed thereon and the first councilman �.ppointed cn each cor�mittee s'_1�.I1 be tn.e ch�.irr��.n th2reof, to �vit: �'�1�YS c� �E�:NS COT��'�ITT��I�;, three menbers; STREI;T & �LL�Y, three r1er:�i�ers; FTi�1�=�NC�, ���_I�:�S & rCC�UTITS, three �embers; CITY PROP�RTY, three mPmbers; PGT�ICE dc LIC��ISE, t��r�e mer�b�rs; FIRt�, LIGHT c� 'sa=T�, tizree �nembers; LAa� & ORi�IIv��?C�, three ��einbers. ! SECTIGI�? ��. Therp shall be appointed by the r���.yor �.n ��DVI SORY �; t Lr�NNTT�G �Q�T.:TSSIC1i, consis ting of 17 :nembers, i�ho sr�all be resilents af th� City of Renton and �4•:��o s���:�1 serve :;ritnout compens�;.tion. The r�;��yor of the City shall be ex-officio �resictent of said rDVIuOHY �; PL�;;IviyIT3G CG�� ��IiSSICi�1. SEC`�IOI�3 3. The c'r_airMan of each of the stan�zin� commi ttees of tne council s��i�,ll make :all rpports of his respective co��_�ittee, ��hen rie is �reserlt, �,nd in his ��bsence any other r�emb�r of the cornniittee ��.y r���ke s��ch report. xIl such reports s��all be in xTritin� ana si�all be si�ned b,y �� m�.jority of the co�nnittee ��.nc� such reports sh�3.L be pres�:rved in the records of the City Clerk� s off_ice. S�CTiG�v a. It sh«11 be ��le �i�?ty of s��_c�� st�_�ndint, co:�,L°�iti:ees to make �. thorot?gh examin�•,�tion of all subjects co:ning wit?�in the _.�R . _ _ __ _. _ _ J • • . .� � ♦ � � � � scope of their respective juris�ictions and aIl othPr m�:.tters referred to such corar�ittees by the City Council ��.nd to report the result of t�eir investigations to the Council. S�;CTION 5. The cha.irm��.n of e��.ch cor���itte� sl��;.l� �e-.ve no�,:Pr to call t�ie �er�bers of his corr.�nittee together � t a.ny re��.sonable ti�rie and plac� to consider �{nd consult, yoncerning an3r proper subject for the cornmittees� investig_�.tion or any subject reierred to sucn cor.Lraittee. �;�.C'�`lur`� G. �.:�Y1en �:.ny ���e��.'be�� of tize cozlliriiitt�e c�:nnot ��gree �Y7.t�1 til� Vl8's'TS Of' �i12 Ot_�7.�1' ii'�iiiYJE'7'S Of t<':.8 CC1:11_ll'tt�8� SUCrl memb�I' may file a minority rPport, st�zting fu11.y ris vietis4rs in regaxd to � any �u�ltter unc�er investig�=.tion. Such renort to be read �;.t the s�.me time the report of tl�e majority of trie coinr�ittee is presented. S�CTIGi�•; r�. 'I'he cor.i_::ittee on v`�:�YS �C ��iE��A1S sh.all h�..ve s��:ner- vision over a�1 ��tt�rs affecting the trP�=�s>>ry and revenue of the Cit;� and shal� ascertain annu��.11y a.nd rAport to the Council the fin�.r.cial c�ndition of the City, sho�.Ting in �ei,�.il such fina.ncial con�ition. Such comtaittee shall fl_lrnish the Council ��itL such addition�.l infor�.•.�tion on tYie st�bjsct of fin«nce as ���ill en�zbl.e the Council to be fully informed of the amount of ta�es of every kind necessary to be levied for nL�nicipal purposes and said cor:�mittee Sh�.11 ha.Ve supervision ov�r all other m_�ters referred to it by tl�e Council. ' SEC1IUi� 8. The cor�r:littee on r Il��..�:i�C�, LL.�I�:�S r� ��C;CUul�1TS sh��ll h�ve supervision of all c1.�_i���s nrese�ited to the Counci� for allo�ti�ance a.nd of all accounts of officers �.nd otners ��.nd of the investig,tion oi all other i�_�.tters thc�t r�ay be referrea by the Council to s:_�id coir���littee. S�C�lIOiv 9. T�ze com���ittee on Lr�y�` cti O�jllli�iriVC� sl��l�_ h��ve s�i�ervision of :�11 c�vestions �.nd matters ��.ffecting the 1p��1 ri;hts . . � � . � . � � F � ' of tne City G.nd af all Ordin��nces introc�uced for the consicier:�tior. of th.e Council ��nd �.11 Ordinances introciuced sll.�ll be refPrre�. to said co�littee t�nl�ss otherwise orderea by the Council. S�CTIUi1 10. The corr�mittee on rlhr�, LIGHT ��tD '���>Tt�1� s}��.17_ have sup�rvision of ��11 matters rel�.ting to t�.e s��fety and protection of the City frora fire and a11 matters rel�jting to the li�,hting of the City and �.11 matters relating to the City water systsm a.nd such ather rn_�tters ��s m_ay be rerprrPd to said co.n.�:littt�c b;� t1�e Council. S�CT�,Oi•� 11. The co:ur:i.ttee on STn�ET c� ��LL�Y s'r.all i�=.ve supervisior. of all streets, •��7_Ieys, side��r��.lks, sec�,ers, ,r.�n.��.rves, bridgss �wnd culverts r-,nd the s�id cor.�itt�e shall ex�.mine ��.nd report to th� Council from ti�ne to tir�e �rh��t streets and alleys �.re recuired to be opened, cle.�r•ed or rep�.ired or y�h��t public improvetnents are nec�ss:..,r°y in tr-^ o�inion of s�?ch committee. S�CTIO�I I`?. TYIe cor:�z�ittee on P�LICF �� :�1C�L�S:� s:1.�1�. :-- -.ve supervision of dll matters pert��ining to thP ;�oiice court de�,�rtr�ent _��r1c3 tize licenses of t'r�e City a.nd shall from time to time report to the Council s�a.ch suggestions, ch<��nges, or �:.lter�:�tions in tne s�ame as they ndy dee�n a�visuble. S�CTIOTI I3. The cominittee on CI'TY PP�OPLk'TY shall �l�..ve super- visior_ of �.11 m_�tters rel��ting to all property �rh�ther re�l or personal, beZon�in� to t�ie City. aLCTIOiv' l�. Tl�!e �-:�V�.�;OY�Y �: PL:.i�yi�IT1G COi��?ISSIO�? sh��.l1 m�et �_t s��ch time �.s may be uirectea by the m�yor of the City and shall report in �fritin� by resol�ation or otrers;rise, t�eir recor.!t,��nd.�tion tc� the i;ounc�.l on ��nicipal ��ff::;.irs. S�c;TiGN 15. Thcjt Ordinance I�zo. 16 sha.Il be �•.nc? tl�e s�me is ilereby expressly repealed. -3- a . . . �� ♦ . • . � . SECTIGI��i 16. Th� r�ayor sr��.�i_ ri�;.ve tn.e av.tn.ority at any tine to .:�.�y�oint s�_�ch addition�7_ committees as m�ay be necess«ry, the s���,e to be cor��posed o� tbe number of. m�.�b�rs of tn.� Co�?ncil ciirected by tre mayor. a--�c!_ s��ch committees s� �_;�:aintecl s'_�.�1.� � serve d��rin� t�h.e t�r�i oi office of ti:.e cCuncilnen so =��.n_�ointed thereon. , S;:�C��'IO��i 1"7. This Ordinc�nce shali_ be in f'ull �eorc� �nd effect �ive (�) days fror� �;�n�. ��.ft �r its p��.ss_��_ e, .�,��,rov.�:.l �,nd le��.l p�lbZic��t;ion. l�p�roved this 5tr d��y of Ss�tember. , I939. _S�����0� .�� i<_.:YCi:� Passed by the City Coun.cil of the City af I�erito�:, �'�Y�. , ttlys 5th d�.y of SeptP7�bez'� 1939. —- ITY CT�C;F�.K - -- t�P:hGV� _� G 'r'O�t1i: CT�,y —_,.�,_�-:r,-,!J ; - - ----- .----- Date of Pls.b�ication: Se�tember 'r, I939. 4.