HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1000 • +� •s . • • , �a . t ; • i Tmprovement Ordfuance Bond Form j I ORDINANGE NO....100Q_...._____... AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE Il47PROVENIENT OF TOBIN AV&NtTP, I,OGAN aTEiEE2 Ta �iKE STRE'ET; I,OGAN STREET, TOBIN AVENUE TO DIXIE gVFNUE ON WEST SIDF AN"D T0 TRACT 'fA'4 IN BLOCK SIX, RENTON �I� ESTdTE COT,�'A�TI"S FIRST ADDITION TO �TON (ir srr�aeat��orm�tQsa�r�rtx�rec�€x��.�7�� by ( �x I conc�ete curbs and neceasary drainage fi�cilities all in aecordar_ce with Resolutiou No.._.'rJ1,.�.,.., oY the City Couiicil of ilie City of Reuto��. creating a local improvement district therefor, and providing that paSment for said iiiiprove��nent ba maae by �peci,a] � assesameuts ttpon property in said district payable by the mode of "Papment by Bonds." THE CITY COUNCIL OI` THE CITI OF RENTON DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLO��'S: Sectioii 1: That TOBIN 1VENUE, LOGAN STR�ET TO I,AKC+ STREET; 3�OG^.�� ST3;1.�'T� TOBIN g1tENUE TO DIXIE AVENtTE O1V VPEST �IDT AND TO TRACT "A" IN BLOCK SIX, RENTON �EkI� FST�TE COMPANY'S FIRST ADI?ITION TO RENTON be improved bc i i concrete airbs and necessary drainage facilitiea aud that such other ��ork be done as may be necessary in conuectior tlierewith, accordiug to the plaus and specifications therefor prepared under the direction of the City �ngineer and on file in the office oY the City L',1erk. Section 3: That the cost and espense of said imProvement, includiiig all necessary and incidental expenses, shall be borne bv and assessed against the property included in tlie assessuient district hereiii- aftei• created in accordance �vith law. The City of Renton shall not be liable in aiiy �na.iner for a�i5� poi•- tion of the cost and expense of said improvement, exce��t as herein providecl. I insert appropriate ��roviso fbr contril�ution fi�oin the General Punct if <iny) Section 3: That th���•e �-� hereby established a local improveinent district to be called "Local Im- provenient District ;�'o. �.8� . which said district is described as follo«•s: �`All the propert.y bet�aeen the termini of said improvement abutting upon, adjacent, vacinal or proximate to such portion of said streets and avenues to a distance back from the marginal lines thereof, as provided by law." Section 4: Bonds bearing interest at the rate of.._._-.__�_._-. Z�er ceut. per aunuiu payable on or before � __Sg�_�°n_,_._._years from the date of issuance shall be issued in pa�-ineut of the cost and expense of this improvement, which bouds shall be redeemed by the collectioii of special assessinents to be levied and assessed upon the Uroperty within said district, payable in.._..._�_....._._equal annual installments with interest at the rate of_._..SIX_.._._per cent. per annum under the mode of "Payment by E;cnds." as defined Uy law and the charter and ordinances of the City of Renton. Tliese �bonds shali be delivered to the contractor ;�i redemgtion of warrants on the Local Improvement District Fund issnecl on estimates of the Citv Engineer. or the City of Renton may, at its election, sell said bonds and inake such rede�nption in ca=h. Section 5: This ordinance shall be in full force �nd ef�ect :ive (5) days from and after its pass2ge. nppi•oval and leg�al publication. � :~pproved tliis ------.J�th..-,--_ day of.._..�Ttll�.---.,----.---> 19�$-.----• _�/_ '-- ��f� -` - - �---�---- - - _lIayor. Passed tiiis -_.StYi.._..._.. day oY ..-- -Jtll�-- - � 19��8- - --• � � , ' - ---.... . .. :--�;'�-- - --- -. - '� --------------------- -- City Clerk. Date of first �ublication_.__.__..e�-u].�i-_�.�-.--19_;�8. � � - -- - -