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tT�l_� Jl_ .�� .z...�l.i .^.^ _.__ U1^'v `J_, �{ '.'.'n\:�T 1.J�4�.TyT ;l .r '�l� :7"'i �T ��r
0�`, :)�':��TI?�:G, ST_'�AIG?�t.'ENING� �$y'ID�JING� �Tr_,NDING AND �T1�BLISHIIdG 0'a�
�rg� �� B�T:':�'�EN TI� Yi1EST CITY LII�ITS 0�' �'�'
r�TY OF R�N�N �P� :�If�IN STR�E;T IN T1� CZTY OI+' REN10N: P�OQIDING �+'OR "'=�
I'� �_ ._ _':�'?D 0'�'`i� PROPE�TY IVECESS9A�' TFiERE�R�: �ND PROVIDI=��� �'"Lm
'^'� �orv� �,� .� I?��ROVIIZENT SKAI,I, B� PASD BY � JUST A2aD E�LTITA�I:���
'"+ �!f -f'1 -�-5 ,/'� .;�-' :�.- Z'-.. . r nr �l .ry. _�.I -� ;
:J��JS�_:. . ._ � . ._ �l.' .. _ . J., �.�._ .,V . �.�._...a�_1`�I.� _. ._. � .�'� M �.. ..v.� �'�J�
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m;4 �R�'TAI1�ID';R OF SAID COP��'�1SnTI0N AN� 'TF'CES",A�Y �'XP�'NS�S �0?'' m??� G�?�T-
�l�L �?�:�'-' ^�' TF� CITY OF R�T'11�N.,t
`."1fi�E9S public necessity and convenience demand that tne above
n�.mee 4vanue be laid off, opened, widened, stra-�;,nte��a�, e�te�d�d, �.nd
established a�s a public street and highway; and
i'JH� AS, such improvement will be oi a spacial 'oen�fit to
certain lands, premises and other property, N0:;1 TI-�REFO��,
,-r, ryI�,V C::,� :�II: ^ �,r�.,�. ;T_��_'�.' .= _;; "_'�- �.,..'. . �,'. _... 01JaITr
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Section 1. � �f}-1i �/ yi��j� bet��eer� -���e •�est Cit�
Lir�its of t]�e City of Renton a�i i::ain �treet in the City of `�enton is
hereby laid off, opened, widened, straigntened, extended and established
as a �uolic str�et a:�id ��_i _h<<ra�� over t:?� iollc.�riz��� lots , blocics arc tr�cts
of land, to wit;
��� strip oi i�nc, o-r ri,;'_�t-oi-ti�ay, ��niciL 1J i-r�clucyed
witnin the follot��ing described �oundary lines. Com-
meacing at the i:ntersection of Main atreet and Fourt=_
�venue in the p1atQ��S�Ghe To�n of Renton, as recorded
in Volume one (1)f� p�ge 135, records of Kin� County,
?�l��shington, which point is further identified as Sta.
226� 71.6; thenceSO°13' E. along Center line of 1'�ain
Street 591.7 feet to a point oi curve, (Sta.220� 79.9) ;
thence west 30 feet �lor�,- radial 11Y1i 0�� said c�z���ve to
. .• F • � • � � �
� � � � •
� i�oir�t on tne easv lin;: o�' Lot �'�e.1t✓ (2C ) , �lock
;;event�zn (17j , �iov�n of henton p1at, and the true
iooint of b�ginnin�; thencs southerly on the arc of
a curve to tne right having � r�dius of o86.3 feet .
-to an intersection with the south line of said �+ot
Twenty (20) ; thence eue st al ong sai d south line 10
ieet more or less to an intersection with the arc ,
oi a curve to the right havi.ng � radius of 676.3
feet, the 686.3 feetaadius eurve and the 676.3 feet �
radius curve have a common radi�al center; thence
on a south«esterly dir2ction on the $rc of a curve
to the right to a point of tangency, (Sta. �15�-F�18.4
on center lize of right-of-g�ay);} thenceS44�55�t��. - ,
to an int2rsection cvith the south line oi said Block
seventeen (17) ; thence continuing to a point of curve
(Sts. dQ�-}�9.7 on center line of right-of-way) ; thence
on the arc vf a curve to tY� right havir� a radius
of 3'780 f2et to an intersection with the east line
of Section eighteen (18) , Township twenty-three (23;
north, �4an�e five (5) East ��1. M.; thence cont inuin�
across said Section eighteen (18) to an intersection
witn ths north line of �ecti on ninetee n (19) ; thence
continuing along arc of curve to an intersection witn
the soutn line oi the north half (�) of the north-
aast quarter (NE-4) of the northeast qufzrter (NE�)
o_ Section nineteen (19) , Totvnsiiip twenty-three {2�5;,
?�To rtn, Ra:�;e fi ve (5) Ea st. ?�. �4. which said south
line is also a part of the south. boundary line of t:e
�ity o� �enton; thence eas� along said south line to
a point of intzrsection with the arc of a curve h�vir�
a radius of 3860 feet, the 3780 feet radius curve and
the 3860 feet radius curve nave a comnon radiul center;
thence continuing on arc of said 3860 feet r�dius
curve in a northeasterly direction to an intersection
�:rith tiie east line of Section ninsteen (19j , iownship
twanty-three (23) North, �a�ge fi ve (5) East t��. 1".;
tnence north along said east line to corner common
to Secti ons nineteen (19) , eighteen (18j , seventezn
(1"7) and twenty (20J ; tnsrice east along south line of
said section twenty (?.�}) to intersection with the arc
of a azrve having a radius of 3860 feet, which curve is
�a continuation of a�rc herein before described; thence
continuing along said arc to a point af tangency,
;5ta. 209t 99.7 on center line of rignt-of-�aayj ; thence
North 44° 55� E. 518.7 feet to a point of curve, (Sta.
215�18.4 an center line of r�.ght-of-way ) ; thence along
arc o�' curve t o the le ft having a ra�dius of 756,3 feet
�o an intersection t�ith the south line of Blocic seven-
teen (17) in�the To�rn of �enton plat; thsnce cantinuin�
on said arc oi curve to ari intersection with the south
line of I,ot thirte2n (13) in said Block seventeen (17y ;
t�ence east along south line of lot thirteen (13j to
the east margin of Block seventeen (17) ; thence nort'ri
along said east `mar�inal line of Block seventeen (17)
to the ��tts point of be�,innin_�. Situ.a.ted in �ir�• Count��,
3tata oi `��ashin�;ton.
• , - w-
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Section 2. That all lands, rig�zts and privileges and other
property lying witnin the limits of tne lot s, blocks and tr�cts oi land�
described in Section l, hereof, be and the same are hereby condemned,
appropriated, taken and damage� for the �urpose of a public street and
higncvay, said lands, rights and privileges and otl2er pro�rty are to be �
taken, damaged and appropriated only after just compensation has been
ra�d� or �aid into Cou-rt for t'_.� o��rzert thereo_ in th� r�anner providea by
Sectior� �. '�:a� �;_�a costs of ac�u.zrin`; t�e ri�;�:t-o=-�°aay pro-
vided for herein shall be paid for by special assessments upon pr�perty '
specially benafited in the �anner provided by law. Any part of the costs
of said improvement that is not iinally assessed against t�e �roperty
Sp��.lu�l�i 08%lv�ilt�:i S}1.�`3�1i t.`@ �i.`�`cal ('� �rorr: �.:e :;en�ral i�A21Ci Oi tl,_"_� ul+Y pf
Re,�:t o r.
„^`78C�1021 �• '.�'.�t tI12 '.��iZlr :0:171Ci1 0� cb:�Cl l� l� i1�2'2�37' uV_f,110T—
i�ed and directed to act�uire the above larnd by purcY�ase arrl agreement,
and in case of failure to so purchase arxl acquire, that the City Attor��ey
� be and he is nsreby directed to begin and prosecizte the actions and pro-
ce2dings in tne mann�r �avided by lav� to condamn, ta�ing, damage and
�ppro pr i ate the lanci s �nd othe r propa rty nece s sary t o carr�; out the pro-
visio:�s o�' this �rdinance.
�2ction 5. It appearin� to the City Council that an emergency
exists tnis Ordin�nce shall take �ffect and be in iorce five (5) days fror� I
�n��_ a:'ter its -oassage and approval and legal publication.
1�P�- �O�T��� �HI:� 28�h d�y o� �.pril, 1936.
.�= ��� /
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�:';�� �� --_� . 28th da,;.- o_' _'_pril, 1"�0.
� ,
C I T Y - C L � � K
:-��OV�D �,5 �,,�; "O.�T:i.
'� , City Attorney
�� Date of �i rs� -3
pu���aationi_��pril 30_ �q��_