HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0928 • �L Y ♦ V � � � �' � .�. � f� �! � i `��`- � � - � �L' Gt3DI��TA�`dCL �;0. � � �. A�'v t`�1�II:ANC��` GF i�:� (:ITY G��' �E�'TiOA!� �.`lr��YI�iGiC�?� IIIC�'i1SIi�:G Al��J �;�;�Tr;��;^�Ir;�r �^�; �AL�, GR C^�-� DI�POSIiIGl�, CF B�;ERS, AI,EU, FORTER, `IJI�3ES, G� SINfII,�.R FERIv�,'NTED iJL4T,'� 0?2 VINOUS �I�,UOR A'�IID FRUIT JLTICE CCNTAI2�I17G ITC�'iE THAN CNE�HAZF OF 1 PER CENi, BY VOLTJ���1rF, CF ALCC�HCI,, ��1� iv'OT MORE THAN 3.� �'ER CENT OF AI,COHOI, BY ?htEIGHi. ^tN�' CITY COUTrCIT, C�Y+' i?-�i CIiY C'�.� :2.�:��i�C��T, ;'�:a�;:Ii:Gi013� DCi,+'S GR�AIN AS FOI�I,O�Y�: Secti o, 1� It ehall be urluB�f'�ul to �ell, giqe or otr.err.�i �e di�po�e cf cr deliver to any pereon under the age of t�renty-or,d y�ears any beer, ale, porter , wine cr similar fermented malt ar or �inous liquor and/fruit juice contair:in� more than one-h�lf �f 1 per eent, by voiurrie, of a.lcchcl� , a�c� nct r.iarE than 3.2 �er cEnt cf alcahcl by �ei�ht. Sectior 2: '��� r���r�r�.�e dispens=�ry ^; 'r:ereir.after defined �ha1.l be �i tua ted wi thin a radiue of wzthin three hundred feet Jf any grade school or high �chcol �round� , cr t�vithin a radiu4 of within three hundred feet of any church except within the territory bcunded on tre north by Second A�enue , �n the ea9t by Cedar Street, on the �outh by �'curth �;�r�nue and on ;?�.e vcretit by BurYiett Street. Section 3: It shail be unl�wful tc � ell , �arter, e�cnange or dietribute any of the aforementianed beverages containing �are than o�e-half �f 1 �er cent by volu�ne of alcah�l �:*ithout havir.� a license e c to do, as hereir.after provided. Sectian 4 : RESi�URt�NTS and/ox ��AcE�: �r�x�re r�:�ul� are Uerved and �ald: A beverage licen�e may be issued t� any restaurant and/or p�aC@ ;�here meal� are QerQed and � old, v�ith a seatin� capacity of ' at least ten (10} people , which has been in operatior. for a period �� �t leawt one (1} year ;�rior to the applicution for the licen�e. it�.e license fee ehall be Fifty Dollarw (�50.U0) per yedr, payable in advance. All beverages s �ld in euch places shall be served and con�umed on tY�e pre�nisea . No beverage 4ha11 be 4erved or delivered I ii� bot�1.�� ur.7�ee� t'rle same ha� been first opened by the seller. _l� � - ', i ' � � Secticr 5; �3�H�VFRAGF DI�i�;���a.�RI�S: t1 `�b�ver��� di�pensary�' is defined as a place where drau�ht beer or beer beverages i:; urlcu�ped bottles may be sold to the customer� , to be c�nsumed r�hile th�y sit at tabl.es therein. Not more th�n five euch licenses shG�,. be isaued. The fee to be One Hundred �'ifty Dollare per year, Nuyable in advance. Beverage diQ�iensaries sh�I� serve cnly bejrerage� , bottled eoft �xir.k-� , cigars , cigaret�ee and tobacco, and ehall not sell, serve or give ar�ay any other merchundiee or food. Such place� ehall be closed betvrEen the hcur� �f Tm�elve (12 ) :;rciock �.m. , and ai� (6) o 'cicck a.m. �3everage di�pen��rie� �ha1J� be open to t�e vie?: of the ru'nlic �t a11 times and no �r�ringing door� shall be persnitt�d. Section 6: BEV�.'RAGE S'^O�S: A "bevera�e" or "beer" �torp Er�,i1. mean a place where cnly bottled bevera�es a�xe seld. ihe license fee shall be T�enty�five Dollars per year. Bottled be�erages shall be kept in aealed cartons or caees, and such bottled bever�ges may be ��ld in caaes or cartons containing one cr more bottles. No draught bevera�es shaZl be . o1d fr�m �uch � place� and n� beveragea ehall be opened or caneumed upon the premi�es . Sectior, 7. DISTRIBUTORS: The privilege of distributi.ng beveragea shall be sub�jeet tc a license fee of One Hundred Dollarti per year. A di�tributor may sell and distribute beverages cnly to the trade (that is , licen4ed places } or to resident• of tre city ha,�ir� � damicile. Nc distributor shzll conduct cr be intereQted in any° store maintained for the retailing of beverages. Section 8: No �ereon shall sell �ny beverage or Iiqu�r ccr.- tainin� more than 3.� per cent cf alcohol by .�Ei�ht except upon pxe�cri�tion in accordance x�i th the la��rs cf the United St�tes Gnd of the State of tiYashington. -�- i � y � 1 • '� � � � � Se�tiar. �: �?o per��,Jr: unc'e� +he �ge o� ��r�rt�� -ar,e ye�rs �hail be employed in arly capacity in or about any beverage dis- pen�ary selling cr � ervin�° �se�era�?ti un��� �.ic�na� p�ar��yant t� �his ordir.ance. Section 1C : It �ha�l b� u�:l�:�fvl ��r �ry persor tc :ell, �ive or cther�ise diapcsE of cr deli�er ary beFErage enumzrated ir, this ordinance or Sunday. :eaticn 11: It shall be unlaVjrful for any pers �n tc drink any beFerage in any public plaee not lieensec3 under the �:�r��tiyic�r.ti :f tri� ordinance. Section I2: Any- per��r� srno �hail be �uilty �f viclutir.� any a� t�e provisions of this �rdinance shall be guilty of a misdeme�nor and �hal1, upan ecn�ictian there�f, be fined in a sum noi less thaz� �r�enty-five Doll�rs and r�ot more than i�c Hurdred Dollar�, or ehall be imprisoned fcr a period of not less than five dayM nor more than s iX�y days , ar by b oth auch fine and imprie onment. Section 13s Thi� ordinance shall be in full force and effect ter, days from and after itti pa:�a�,e, a��roval. ar�. leg�:l rublicati.�r , ��ti �r�-rided by la�ti. � t��P�OV�D triie � day oi �.�arch, 1933. c� . / � �...V__r Mayor � PASSED this � day of �arch, 1933. ity Clerk � Approved as to forr,�: � v%��-�% h-%� i�y �t orney �__..__� Date cf first �ubli aa�tior, : 't�arch 31e� , 1G33. vate �f ��:�r:d publicution : r��ri1 7tr� ,1�33. -3.. �