HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0884 .� . ., t - i •+ ,_ .t . r . ORDI?�I�2�CE NO.��� AN ORDITtAlZCE RELA`L ING tC A?� SPECIFYirIG AND ADO�`�II�?G �^-� S`tSiL2� 4:4 FI�AN �'O:t l�C�?'jIRIT?G ADDIiIORTAL �'IAiER A2dD �,?AKING ADDITIOI�?S ANI) BE i TERIi�EN i S i 0 'iHE EF�I STI?TG r.StT?dI CIFAL "�11AiER �VORKS SYSiER1` OF TH3;' CITY C� '�EN iON, IN KIT?G COZJN^Y, 'VA�HI�TG^ON: decl�ring the es tim�te and c��t there�f a. near a� rnay be, and submitting the propoRiti:,r. �f tY:e adoptic;n of the said �y�tem or glan, and the incurring of an inde�tedness and i��uing Speci�.l Fund Utility Wa�er �'tcrkQ B�nds in a sum n�t to exceed �lOQ,000.0� to defray the cost �nd expenae �f sueh vrark, to the qualit'ied �roters ot the said City of Rent�n, for r�tificaLi:�n or rejecti�n at a speeial e2ec�i�n tc be rieid in .aid City and pr:;viding f�r the callir.g and hcldir.g ::f wucYz election. T?iE CIiY COUIdCIZ OF i3?E CIiY CF �iON DO ORDAIN AS ?'OLLO!'TS: Secti�n l: i'hat public iriterest, welfare and c�nvenience re- auire the c;,nstructi:�n and acquisiti:.r. :.f certain additi:;rs and betterr�.ei�ts t;. , and extensi;,n� of, the exi�tirg munic�i�al wu �er �xr�r�c� s-y�teu: ��' the �ity of' �enton as hereinafter pravided. Section 2: i"7i�t the City of' Rent�r. hereby �pecif°ied and ad:,pt� t��e f'�llowing described system �r plan for pr�curing additi::r.al iwater and f�r making certain additi�ns and betterments to, and ex- tenei::r,s �f the said existing �vater v��rks sys�em of the City of Rent�n, tc-wit: ihat the said City acquire additi�r.al water by purchase , appropriation �r vtherwise �f all water available at Springbrook; ihat there be cor.structed �n::vher a2�d additivnal re�er�oir �n Tal'o;,t Hill t� provide f�r sufficient stor�age°< � ihat the e�iw�ing gra�its� �upply main be�. : _ , _ - br��k be replaced a�i th �ne �f �reGter capaci t�� ; ihat a11 exi:ting wo�den ��iains with.in th� �.�a _ .� �. . � �,... ^ � ti cas t ir�n mains :. ;; b e l�ced wit R entn er F - Thdt cr�s4 Jr �rid mains be located a:�ci �.aid s:ji �r�1ri ��.ia �:,°i <:� i lirnita t� pr:;vide f�r be�ter distributi:,n ard t'ire pr;,tectior. ; .. , F � - . � � .. � � ihat purr:p� df larger capacity in the 2:Suin Street Pum�ir.g �tati:.r. be inatalled ta pro�ide f�r an emergency �upply of �reater capaci�y, and as a part ::f �aid plan to pro�ide f�r �11 pipe�, ccnnecticns , fixture� , and such other appliances and equipment �� r�ay be necessary� t� furnish an adequate supply of" v�ater f�r the �aid City and its ir�Y:abitants and �ther per��ns usirg �;ater fr:m tiazd system; ihe City ma;� m:.c�if'y details in the i:;regoir;g �1Gn rr �y�ter� where recessary �r ad�ri�a�le� in the jud.�;ment of the City Council ana �yr�e.e n:;t �ubstanti�.11y c�anging the purp��e herein specified. ihe e� tin�at�d crst ;;f trie plan �r �ys�e� f�r the c�nstructiar, anci extensior. ;.�' �uch ,�Tater Dept. �.nd pr:.curing additional v�ater as herein described, is declared, as near a� may be, to be the sum �f' �100,OQQ.OG1. Section 3s `i�e �€�id City does hereby propase, ad�pt and s;�ecify as an integral part of the plan ar :� ._ �;;:;; ._ ,;�.��=�> �=;;:�3•�:� set f�rtn in Sectior. 2 :;f this Qrdinan�e, an�: �'� ._ :,�.;, __ � _ ��� �?� pr::vidir.g funds to pay therefor, that it �hall i��ue its Special rund LTtility tYater Wor�s Bonds in the principal sum �t' not te exce���' �lOQ ,000.OQ bearing intere. t at �. rzte not to exceed six (6} per cent per annum, payable .emi annually, b�t�i principal Gnd ir- terest payable solely iram a Speci«1 U�ility Water Work� �'und us hereirai'ter created, �aid issue �f Special �und Utility L�ater ti7:,rxs B'�nd� to be in denominati�ns ;.t' �500.0� each, numbered from one (1) to two hundred (200) inclu�i�e, and t� mature serially in i'rom three (3) tc twnety �20} ye�,r� as �'ollows : �� d l� ,r __ i � �' . 9 � J_�G_ � � � � .;� a � j�r..u� - � 9 �`J� _ , � S�u�U — t �`�� yf.�� _ i r 3� .TU o ir - � 9 .� 8 . ;/'uuu - � � `3 � J-v o�r — / 9,4�(� .I",f'o - r g:4t'�t - f',t`a� , i 9 �f�. �o�U - �� �f,� 6 5'�o -- �9 �'+� '�oa4 - /1�� �uoo - /t�✓ : �f 4Cat� ^^ . � � �`s 'r :�IJGU � '� y�= �) U t>7b — ! � �: � r^:.c ...- � �,. .. � � _ , � . .. , ,� . Said City to re�erve the righ� to retire any or aII of said Bonda remaining un��aid on any intere�t payment dat� or on or af ter t'ive (5� years �rcm the date of said bonds. Al1 cf �€�id b.�nds ta be payabl�, bctn prineipal �.nd intere� t at the �ffice �f the City ireasurer �f' the City of �enton (at the r'iscal Agency ot the S'tate �t �a�hi��gt�n in l�eav �C'crk �ity� and ta bear sucr� dates �f maturity, in eucn s�ecial amounts within tne year� aforesaid and be in .ucY, fo�m as the Gity C�uncil ;:f the ,uid C,ity sha1Z nere$fter by C�rdinance pre�cribe. Secti;,n 4 = ihat theZ e be and hereby is created a Special �Tund �a be k-��v�t1 as �ent::r. jJtility 'v�later B�r.d �iurid, v��hicY� fund is to be �r���n up:,n `'�r ti�e sale pur�:.ee �f paying the intere�t or the pFincipal and intere�t �f �aid Special Utility �Yater Work� Bond4. r'r�m and after the date of �uch bond�, and so lcng thereafter as �bliguti�r.s are outstandin� against �uch fund, the eity ireasurer �t' Rent::n �riall �e� a�ide and pay unto such fund at lea4t thirty (3Q� day� pri:;r to tne re�pecti?re date� :,n wY;ich the intere� t, or principal and intere� t �f said b�nds shall bec;.me due and payable, cert�in fixed amount4 �ut of the gr�s� revenues ;,f said municipal w�.ter��rks system, now belonging t�, or which may r.ereafter be- lon� to said Git�� , ineluding ttle additi�ns, betterment� , and extensi::.,� herein pro�ided f:.r, equiv�lent to the respective amaur.ts �f intere�t, �r �rincipal and interest as tY�e case m.ay ne, s;, f�lling due u�:,n any and all n�nds issued hereunder and tr,en :.utstar.dir� ; And tY�e said �ro�s re�rer�ues ir�rn �aici water -: _ _ _ hereby pled�ed to such pa;�ments , whicn shall constitute a char.�A up�n �11 of sucn gro�� re�renue� pri�r and superi;,r t� all �tr=_ cY�arge� what�;:,ever, including charges t or rnaintenance and cper���i��_ . ihe c:.rp::r�te aut��orities of the City �z Rent:;n hereby de- c2are that in t'i�in� the amounts tc be paid into said fund t'_.ey �ya�re exerci�ed due regard ta the c:.st ::2' operatic;n and maintenance ' ot �aid water w�rka syster�; tnat n� g�rti:;n ot' tr.e revenues of �aid �yste� ha�re been pre�riously ��ledged fcr any ::tner indeotednes� ; that tne gr�Es re��enues t� be deri�ed fr::m the :.perati�n af the � s�id �ater ti�a�rk� �Z��teLn in the �ud�ment ot the said c:.rparGte ` � t � + '1c � � . ' •s ,j . . auth::ritie� :,z' tr�e saia City �;�i��. be Qufrici.ent tc rneet all e:�- pei�ses :;x° ;,�:er�ui::n and r.�airitenance �r�d per�it t;, be se� a� ide in s�id Special �'und, an amour.t �a�f'icient to pa.y tne ir.terest or tr,e principal and ir.tere�t �f tne oonds nereb3= authorized as the same s�iall f'�11 due. i'ne Gity at' Rent:,n hereby binds it�e�f irre�ocGbly nct to .ell, lea�e �r in �ny manner di�pose �f said water worka system n:.�r belongin� t� it, or which rsay hereafter belcr.g t� it, includ- in� additi�ns, betterments , extensions nerein pro�rided f�r, until all such b�nds with intere.t. tnere�n ahall ha�re been fully paid; and said City hereby coYenants and agrees t� and with the halder. o�` each and e�rery� �f' saici b�nd� in the e�ent �uch bonds or any p:.rtion there�f' be issued, t� r�aint�.in in g�od c�nditicn and �per�,te said water w�rks �ystem, and to e4tablish and maintain �ucn ra:tes f;.r water as will presride sufficient re�renues to produce the gress revenues ree}uired t� meet the obli�;ati�r.� ::f' the said City as here- in . et �'�rtn. Secti�r. 5s inat a �pecial Electi:,n is nereby called to be neld ir. tne said City �t' Hent:;n on the llth day ot' Adarch, 1930 at wniaiti t.,ime tnere �r.�ll be submi:,ted to the c}ualif'ied vcters of said Gity f'or ratit'icati�n �r rejecti:,n, the plan �r eystem herein s��ecitied «nd ad�pted f�r the acquiring �i' additional water arid the imprevement and bettermer,t �f' tne water vaork� system and the is�uance of Special Utility �later �;��rkQ B�nds to pay therefor; such election to be hel�?. �r ':�.a r�� , ;�=•• �Y,� t,,A „;+y�,o +;��,�r�.^f +� �,� �;-�,� as by law provided I Seeti�n E: Tni� �rdir.ance shall ta;e eii'ect and be in f°�r fram and after five (5� �.a�s fr�m i ts pa��age, a.ppr�v�l and Ie� publicatic;n. Fassed by tr.e City Council and ap�r:,�ed by the I.?�y::r tr�i� �day :;z �'ebruary, 1930. __��=-1����'/!�l� �Ul_��Lc�v'"G�' ��li _ � ,_ __ � � "'�'�y;,b Attes t: �'� ,� _., - - City Clerk Appr�v�l , �-- � ;���� �`, �/'����-���:�r:= =-<=`'__ � City Att:;rney I �