HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/13/2007 - Minutes � • '�wr�
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' �� " ' Renton Airport Advisory Committee
��NTO� March 13, 2007
Chair Mike O'Halloran called the Renton Airport Advisory Committee (RAAC) meeting to
order at 5:30 p.m. A sign-in sheet for members was routed around the table. A separate sign-in
sheet was routed for the guests.
The Chairman asked everyone to take some time to go over the previous minutes before they
were presented for approval.
The Chairman announced there would be a change in the order of items on the printed agenda.
At 6:35 there would be a vote on a Vice-Chair position to be selected from the aviation side and
at 6:45 Councilmember Palmer would present an update on the Council/Administrators retreat
that was recently conducted.
The Chairman asked if there was any discussion concerning the previous minutes.
John Middlebrooks mentioned that he attended the February RAAC meeting. He asked that page
four be changed to reflect that the West Hill neighborhood was represented.
The Chairman agreed and called for approval of the previous minutes as corrected by Mr.
Middlebrooks. Councilmember Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Items Discussed:
I. Airport Issues Update—Presented by Ryan Zulauf
There was a recent meeting conducted involving representatives from both the cities of Renton
and Mercer Island with representatives of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The
purpose was to speak with Jason Pitts and to formally request the FAA support implementation
of the WAAS runway approach. It is hoped that the wark can be accomplished and the FAA will
be able to publish it with November 2008 as the effective date.
At this meeting, Paul Johnson, the FAA District Office Engineer, reminded us that we need to
approve the Airport Layout Plan, and it must be accomplished sooner, rather than later. Mr.
Johnson clarified that, even though the City is working towards a final plan that may or may not
include a Corporate Aviation Center there was no reason to delay the process of completing the
Airport Layout Plan Update. He suggested the City could eliminate Apron C from a formal
designation. In doing so, the City of Renton might want to designate the available area with a
label such as "undetermined" or something to that effect. He stressed the importance of
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obtaining an approved Airport Layout Plan to aid the City's efforts in obtaining needed grant
Mr. Pitts offered his staff to perform a fatal flaw diagnosis on the RNP WAAS/LNAV approach,
but his staff has to be trained for the process before this can happen. He anticipates this may
occur later on in 2007.
Mr. Zulauf reported that SeaTec Consultants have been directed to table their work until later
this year, or possibly sometime in 2008.
The Airport financial model should be available for the March 21 City of Renton Transportation
(Aviation) Committee meeting. Councilmember Palmer commented that there are a lot of items
to cover during this particular meeting, so it may start a few hours earlier than the normal 4 p.m.
start time. It will be announced during the March 19 Council Meeting. Interested parties may
check the City of Renton's web site or call the Council Liaison, Julia Medzegian, at
425.430.6555 for specific information.
Renton and Mercer Island Memo of Understanding (MOU) Regarding Airport Issues
A copy of the MOU was enclosed in everyone's meeting packet and available at the entry to the
Council Chambers. The City of Mercer Island has not yet had the opportunity to review and
comment on it. The RAAC members should read and acquaint themselves with the intent of the
MOU before the next RAAC meeting.
It is anticipated both cities will participate in funding a joint noise study and share in the costs
Airport Capital Projects
A number of capital projects have been put on hold until the issues involving the Airport Layout
Plan have been worked through.
Bruce Fisher, Airport Specialist, is currently working on the specifications for a project that will
remove the major dips in the runway.
The demolition project for the 820 Building (formerly the Boeing avionics building) has been put
on hold due to a funding and hazardous materials problem. Asbestos has been discovered and
the rough estimate to remove and dispose of it came in at a cost of approximately $130,000.
Items of Interest
The Airport web site was recently updated by Airport staff.
Boeing Field has scheduled a partial runway closure for March 15, from 1000-1300 hours.
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The Renton Airport Advisory Committee voting sheet has been included in the information
packet. Chairman O'Halloran inquired if anything had changed on it from the past. Mr. Zulauf
explained that nothing had changed. He clarified that the formal appointments to the RAAC are
made through the Mayor's office with Council's approval. As such, the Mayor's office
maintains the official list.
Councilmember Palmer noted that Jennifer Ann Rutkowski had previously been quite active on
the RAAC and she hasn't been at the past several meetings. She asked if anyone knew what
happened to her or why she was no longer attending. Marlene Mandt works with Jennifer Ann
and will speak with her about the RAAC in the near future.
Councilmember Palmer asked Mathew Devine (Tiffany Park) if he would be willing to contact
members of other Talbot Hill groups to see if they would like a short presentation from the
RAAC at their neighborhood association meeting. He agreed to do so.
Councilmember Palmer next acknowledged and welcomed Linda Herzog, Mercer Island
emissary, and Todd Banks, General Manager for Kenmore Air, to this evening's meeting.
II. Review of Handout for the City CounciUAdministrators Retreat—Presented by Peter
Hahn,Deputy Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator—Transportation
Peter Hahn gave an overview of the two-day City Council/Administrators workshop. He noted
that he, Ryan Zulauf, Mike O'Halloran and several other members of the RAAC were present for
the discussions concerning Renton Municipal Airport. Mr. Hahn advised that a handout entitled
Airport Development Policy Priorities c�nd Process for Examining Alternatives, dated March 1,
2007, (a copy of this document is in today's informational package) was distributed to everyone
and he noted the Councilmembers appear to have different ideas and perspectives concerning the
Mr. Hahn called attention to the Key Governing Policies for the Airport (page three of the above
noted document). Council has rearranged the order of the priorities. What is shown as #3,
"Airport operations will be sensitive to neighborhood impacts, and will strive to minimize those
impacts" has been moved up to the top item of priority. What are shown as #1 and#2 follow in
their order after the new #1, as #2 and#3 respectively.
III. Discussion—All
Q. Chc�ir O'Halloran asked if there would be vote from the RAAC coming soon.
R. It is entirely up to the RAAC Committee and their Chair to determine when a vote
would take place.
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Q. Will the noise study encompass tlTe south ericl?
R. The intent is to cover all areas that will be impacted.
Q Is the video of the meeting at Mercer Island on the City's web site now?
R. Mr. Zulauf wasn't sure. He'll look into it. (It is now on the City's website)
Q. Bob Moran wanted to know why it laas taken the Committee five years to get a noise
study completed.
R. The Airport Development Study was completed in 2005. Mr. Zulauf has been
systematically working his way through those items listed within the Development
Study as expeditiously as possible.
He clarified that the noise study being proposed as part of the Airport Layout Plan
Update will model the noise impacts of the various alternatives. That type of work
is very different than monitoring the existing daily noise event caused by a single
aircraft operation.
Q. Colleen Turner wanted to know how tl2ese new developments with Council will
affect the plans currently before the RAAC.
R. The first major change will be the elimination of the term "Preliminary Preferred
Airport Layout Plan" from the vocabulary pertaining to the current Airport Layout
Plan (ALP). This change was directed by Council in an effort to eliminate any
confusion as to the status of the plans presented by the Consultant and should clarify
to everyone that, to this point, no preferred selection has been made. The ALP
drawings have already been modified and put out on the website.
The second issue is the noise study will be completed sooner, rather than later, as it
may have an impact on the preferred selection for the ALP.
Peter Hahn interjected that no matter what else happens, the FAA still needs the
information as soon as possible; the RAAC still needs to move quickly to select an
ALP that can then be formally adopted by Council action and submitted to the FAA
for approval.
Q. Al Banholzer questioned whether the noise study would be based on the FAA Part
150, or would it be accornplished through modeling?
R It is the FAA's perspective that Renton does not have a noise problem. The Airport
staff believes the Airport Layout Plan will need to go through the State
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Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) approval process. An addendum to the
required paperwork will be a noise study. Staff anticipates this will be accomplished
using a modeling study for single (noise) events.
Q. Marlene Mandt referred back to the Airport Development Policy Priorities,
Recommended Options#S(page 3). She wanted to know about the possibiliry of
using actual use-case study scenarios that would compare events such as the new
Seahawks Training Facility with their anticipated schedules and expectations of
3,000 fans during tlzeir practice sessions; or in conjunction with the completion of
The Landing, etc.for considercztion in their deliberations over the ALP.
R. This is something that can be looked into.
Q. Mike Rice made reference to the City of Renton/Mercer Island Mernorandum of
Understanding that is curreritly being considered. He asked if Renton is still
required to meet the needs of the current leaseholders?
R. Peter Hahn responded that the City is still obligated to keep moving forward. We
need to continue to carry out the normal business activities of the Airport.
Ryan Zulauf commented that we are required to use the Airport for aviation-related
purposes. We need to move forward in compliance with the Mayor and Council's
objectives and wishes.
Councilmember Palmer added that we have to be realistic and move forward and
keep business going.
Q. Chuck Kegly with the Paci�c Northwest Business Aircraft Association (PNBAA)
stated there is a general perception in the aviation field that there is currently a
moratorium on leasing activity at Renton Municipal Airport until we get some final
directions. He asked if this was true.
R. Councilmember Palmer responded that there is no official moratorium on leasing at
the Airport. She will be bringing this matter up with the Transportation (Aviation)
Committee at their next meeting.
Q. Colleen Turner asked if the Galvin proposal and n Corporate Aviation Center were
mutually exclusive to each other.
R. Ryan Zulauf replied the issue is the finite amount of available usable land. Once the
land is leased for a particular use, other uses of that land cannot be accommodated.
Bernie Paholke wanted the RAAC members to know that their new web site was up
and running. It is chock full of good, useful information. The address is:
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ietcenter.flvprofli�ht.com. Your observations and comments are welcomed.
Mr. Paholke then mentioned folks should take a look at the other web sites for more
information. The City of Renton's web site is a good source and the noiets.or� web
site is also functioning.
Councilmember Palmer and Ryan Zulauf both proclaimed their appreciation for
ProFlight's help and their proactive approach in explaining the Airport's policies and
the fly-friendly efforts.
Chairman O'Halloran announced it was time to vote on a Vice-Chair that needed to
be selected from the aviation side of the RAAC and he asked for volunteers or
nominations. Mike Rice volunteered; Diane Paholke was nominated. Bernie
Paholke confirmed Diane would be interested in serving as Vice-Chair. There were
no other nominations. Chair O'Halloran announced the vote would be taken by a
show of hands and all of the primary members were allowed to vote. It was restated
that the role of the alternate member is to when the primary member is not present.
RAAC alternates voted where primary members were not present. Mike Rice was
selected as the sitting Vice-Chair of the RAAC because he is a primary member. He
will conduct any RAAC meetings in the event of the Chairperson should be
Q. Marlene Mandt tivanted to know about studying tlie air quality in conjunction with
the I-405 widening and the irnpending increase in airport activity.
R. Air quality analyses will not be a part of any Airport-related SEPA investigations.
The Puget Sound Air Quality Authority already monitors the air quality in the Puget
Sound Region to ensure that the region remains in compliance with the Clean Air
Bob Moran commented that the Airport item on Channel 21 was only supposed to
run for one week, but it's still being aired. He feels it is past time to "pull the plug"
on it. Councilmember Palmer was in agreement. Ryan Zulauf will look into it.
A1 Banholzer expressed frustration over all of the work for the past five years by the
RAAC that now appears will go by the wayside. He asked for a game plan with a
check-off list to be used in the future as a guide for the RAAC's deliberations and
Chairman O'Halloran responded that, at the present time, the RAAC is waiting for
the financial reports to pencil out. We need the financials before we can begin to
make any type of informed decision as to what would be best for the Airport.
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Peter Hahn asked the members to refer to the Airport Development Policy Priorities
(noted earlier) and look at page 3, Recommended Options for Proceedin�. Mr. Hahn
explained that this is the "check off' list requested by A1 Banholzer. This covers all
of the necessary items needed to arrive at a defined Airport Layout Plan, handle
public outcry; the noise study; arriving at compatible arrangements with Mercer
Island; and satisfying the FAA's requirements in a more timely fashion by
implementing their suggestions (referring to the "potential aviation center" or
"undetermined use" language in the ALP), etc.
Al Banholzer said he was looking for something more in line of a punchlist of things
to be done.
Chairman O'Halloran asked for a vote on following the Recommended Options for
Proceeding as defined in the Airport Development Policy Priorities document.
After a brief discussion, it was decided the RAAC members should take a look at the
Recommended Options and formulate an itemized list of topics each member
believes this Committee still needs to resolve. At the next RAAC meeting, the
topics will be put on a whiteboard and fully discussed. A final list will be compiled
by adding/deleting the individual ideas as they are discussed. Ultimately, each topic
will be ranked and pursued by the RAAC.
Q. Frank Marslzall asked about the FAA's role in deciding the RNP. If the FAA says
"No RNP for Renton," wliat then? What c�re the advar2tages of an RNP?
R. RNP stands for required navigational performance. In essence, it would mean
Renton would be classified as an all-weather runway and it would allow more
operations during times of inclement weather.
Q. Mr. Paholke iriquired if the noise study would take into consideration the RNP
R. Mr. Zulauf noted that it would make sense to include that in the modeling process.
Chuck Kegley (with PNBAA) commented that environmental justice might pose a
problem for the Renton Airport in trying to implement RNP because the federal act
may make it challenging to reduce impact to Mercer Island, if it results in more
impacts to less affluent communities.
Q. David Duriner(Mercer Island)asked if SEPA should be included in the
Recornmended Options for Proceeding.
R. No, because it will already be a requirement when the ALP comes up for approval as
SEPA is automatically triggered at that time.
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Rich Zwicker commented that the RAAC could move this forward regardless of
Council's concerns. He would like to use the Council's documents as a good
starting point.
Q. Colleen Turner asked for clarificntiorz that the RNP and Corporate Aviation Center
are not joined at the hip (we have to have the one in order to get the other).
Without the RNP is the Corporate Aviation Center proposal prernature?
R. Mike Rice and Bernie Paholke responded that that was not necessarily true.
Q. Wl2at did the Corporate Aviation Cer2ter proposc�ls indicate? Is the RNP a
R. Mr. Zulauf responded that in order to achieve the air taxi concept work at Renton, an
improved approach was needed. Since an ILS is not possible at Renton, staff looked
at alternative means of improving the existing approaches and RNP was just one
interesting option that has the potential in the future to improve the approach, and at
the same time, help reduce overflights of residential areas, specifically on Mercer
Ryan Zulauf commented that the Renton Municipal Airport could not obtain an
instrument landing system (ILS).
Dina Davis mentioned that Appendix I of the Airport's Business Plan does include a SEPA form
with items highlighted that the consultant thought was important. After a brief discussion,
Councilmember Palmer asked Ms. Davis to please prepare her comments on this item and get
them to her in advance of the next meeting.
IV. Council Update— Councilmember Marcie Palmer
Councilmember Palmer once again stressed the fact that the Airport is one of the City's top five
(5) areas of concern and she expressed her appreciation for all of the hard work the RAAC had
done. Councilmember Palmer will ask the Transportation (Aviation) Committee members for
more guidance on the direction they would like to see the Airport take.
The financial modeling for each scenario of the proposed ALP will be presented to Council at the
next Transportation (Aviation) Committee meeting (March 21).
Council has not decided if a Corporate Aviation Center will be built and, if it is built, who would
build and/or operate it. Councilmember Palmer does not expect any decision at this meeting.
She was clear that the RAAC would definitely be involved in the process.
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The Memorandum of Understanding with Mercer Island will also be discussed at the Committee
Another topic of discussion on the Committee agenda will be the Kenmore lease proposal.
Councilmember Palmer stressed that the City Council is all over the map where the Airport is
concerned. She explained that the Airport was on the "back burner" for so long and that most of
the Councilmembers have never really been educated on the overall aspects of the Airport, let
alone the ongoing situations at hand. Now that a general public outcry has arisen due to talk
about a "Corporate Aviation Center," the Council, as a whole, has decided that they need to have
more information before they can make informed decisions whenever it comes to Airport
In closing, Councilmember Palmer said that she and Mr. Zulauf were working on setting up a
potluck for the RAAC primary and alternate members. They anticipate holding it on a weekend
in June.
The next RAAC meeting will be held on April 10, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers.
l. No SEPA until we reach a decision.
2. Noise study—when?
Action Item(s) Person(s) Responsible Due Date
1. Answers to Mercer Island's questions
from the Jan. 29 meeting.
2. Financial modeling
Ryan Zulauf
3. Time table for LPV/WAAS approval
by FAA.
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� 6. Copy of February 13 presentation to � Ryan Zulauf � Feb. 15, 2007
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Action Item(s) Person(s) Responsible Due Date
Elliott Newman.
7. Check to see if the Mercer Island
meeting video is available on the City Ryan Zulauf Done
of Renton web site.
8. Coordinate with Norma McQuiller for
Talbot Hill neighborhood association Councilmember Palmer
9. Surf the web for impacts from
aviation on air quality' Marlene Mandt
Open Items/For future agendas
Voting decisions— Who?
The perception that there is a moratorium on leasing Airport space.
Member Name Representing
A1 Banholzer Washington Pilots Association
Dina Davis Renton Hill/Monterey Terrace
Greg Garner Member-At-Large—Primary
Peter Hahn Deputy PBPW Administrator—Transportation
Marlene Mandt Kennydale
Frank Marshall Airport Leaseholders—Alternate
John Middlebrooks West Hill —Alternate
Robert Moran South Renton—Primary
Michael O'Halloran, Chair Highlands —Primary
Bernie Paholke (for Diane Paholke) Member-At-Large—Primary
Marcie Palmer City Councilmember—Primary
Mike Rice Airport Leaseholders —Primary
� Some suggested sites were 1)Puget Sound Air Quality, and, 2)the Sea-Tac Airport web sites.
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Michael Schultz Renton Hill/Monterey Terrace—Primary
Colleen Turner Pilots Association—Primary
Richard Zwicker North Renton
Ryan Zulauf Airport Manager
Elizabeth Stevens Renton, WA
Fred Bahr Renton, WA
Howard Wolvington Issaquah, WA
Kevin Wyman Renton, WA
Todd Banks Kenmore, WA
Phil Carter Kenmore, WA
Matt Devine Renton, WA
David Dunner Mercer Island, WA
Terry Persson Renton, WA
Linda Herzog Mercer Island, WA
Summary of Questions/Comments made at the Public Meeting held on
Mercer Island on January 29, 2007
Use of the Airport
• Want information on current business uses (land based)
• Want data on current aircraft operations (typical day, busiest day, aircraft use)
• Want data on future operations for each alternative being evaluated
• If August 2006 were annualized, how will those number of operations compared to what
are being used in the evaluations?
• Explain why in the past traffic grew or diminished 15,000 to 20,000 operations a year?
• What is the basis for the traffic growth of 1,300 operations a year?
• Are there plausible or probable scenarios where traffic growth could return to 20,000
operations a year?
• What is the current number of IFR approaches versus number of VFR approaches into the
• What are the projected percentage splits between IFR and VFR with the various
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• What leverage do you have to encourage the migration of louder planes to quieter planes
and how confident are you that the shift will actually occur?
• It was stated that the Renton runway is too short for the jets that normally fly into Boeing
Field, so there is no need to worry about them returning to Renton. However, for a few
weeks these jets did use Renton Airport. So which is correct? Either the potential exists
for the louder jets to return to Renton, ar it doesn't.
• What are the current number of jet arrivals and number of jet departures?
• What are the projected number of jet arrivals and number of jet departures for each of the
various alternatives?
� What is the number of air traffic arrivals in the last 60-90 days?
• How do noise complaints get resolved today?
• What are the consequences for a violation?
Environmental Impacts
• What are current impacts (primarily noise)?
• What will be environmental impacts for each alternative being evaluated?
• Will the Airport undertake NEPA studies and if not, why?
• Will impacts on Bald Eagle nesting sites on south end of MI be evaluated?
� Will impacts on the two school and several parks in the south end of MI be evaluated?
• Will Renton pay for any mitigation (acoustic suppression) needed at homes and schools?
Flight Paths
• Is it impossible to modify the runway to take off directly toward Seward Park and use the
west part of the lake?
• Will Renton go ahead with their plans to encourage and expand private jet use of the
airport without altering the takeoff and landing heading over Mercer Island, over to the
east of the Island? Why not obtain the new RNP flight track first?
t.Why did Renton Airpart traNic increase in August 2006?Boeing 6.What is Renton's vision for the Airport?What kind of ahcraft and how many more wil�this attrect?Renton's Master Pian aims to
Field's ma�or runway,which accommodates over 500 aircraft and 150 busi- maxim�ze employrreni,:ransporia',�on.and e�;ur,omi;,deae�opmem oaport:r;'.y.r,nile r�irnrriz ng neise m,�ac',on the surraur�ing com�1�,�-
,essEs.Gaent through a senes af improvemen#.s'•n August ot ZC46 its ciasure nity In develo�ing the Master Plan alternativas,tha Renlon Airport Advisory Committee(RAAC!and elected offcials looked at aIl potential
hatl an impact on Renton AirpoR,which became a"reliever"for Boe�ng Field's aviation-related uses of fhe Airport,and examined the patential ecanomic beneflts antl perceived noise impaas to the community, Usng
dauy a�rcraft opera[�ons.A fuil dosure oithe Boeing Field ranway uc�.vrre� „ t��flnd:ngs of its Ai�s;art Develoameot Study.`.he PAAC cer.cluded tha?uses such as aircraft e�oduction.aircraft retrofitting.aviabun etluca-
fr�m August 13 to August 24,2006 whde the center po�tion of the runway was tion,and aircraft maintenanr,e and repair servir.es should be encouragetl.The recommended alternaUve aims tu attrar.f corporate aviaGon
repaired.PropEller-dnven.Wrbine-poweretl pnvate and corporatP-owned air- ...w r witn a focus on the emerg+ny 6ght je:rr,arke;equi�pe�w±h S,aga<1 comp6ant�rg.�es t�mir�nuze ncise.
crait that nermall7 xoul�oparake a;Boeing Fieid.d�verted tc Renton Airpor; ..... 7.What is the difference befween Stage 4,Sfage 2,Stage 3 and(anticipated)Sfaga d aircraft?S!age".Stage 2.Stage 3,a�d Sta�e
creahnq an abnormally high level of noise.While the runway was reopened � �� IIF 4 are measures of the nois::level genaratetl by a particular kind of aircraft.The noisiest aare tho oltler Stage 1 jets,e.g.,Boeing 70Ts and
to day6me traffic wor�continued thraugh khe nigid un,il�iovamb2r.C�nse- R"r, „ oider 727's.The next gen��ration of air.raft,e g.nawer 727s and 737's,iali into tne quieter Stage 2 clzssdication,and tne c�rrent genera-
Guently.Renton Airport conhnued to haue many nighttime aircraft operations „.�. ,., {{���(�;m,�afl fall�nto thP;uie!e5t category.S'.�ge 3.The FAA is proposing a new nase standerd for subsonic�el airplanes and subsonic �
(panc�ularly air ambulanca flights�well into the month of Novembec When ��•�� '^ transport category large airplanes-Stage 4.Staqe 4 would ensure that the latest available noise reduction technology is incorparated into
Bae�r:�Fieid reopened ail nigF.'.t:mP operations reve�!.�i back?o Boe:ng F e4tl ,�,,.,. n-w e rcraf:des�yns.
and airaaft oparations reiumetl to normal at Renton. -»
» �`+ B.Given the vision described in the Airport Develapment Study and the Airpori�ayoui Ptan,and Yhe anticipated increase in
2.What is the IFR"non•precision"approach thatpasses over Mercer �- � ' air traffic,how will this affect noise levels above Mercer Island?Tfie recommended alternafive from the AnpoR planning pruject
tstand according to tire currenf ftfght pattern?P,ent�r.Alr,�ar has:�r;o ��� �^ ,-, an6r,ipates that overaVl Airport aci,vity will not mcrease over roday's Ievels ins�ead,tne ar:"iapate�cnange wdi b2 a slight increase ir the
non-orec�sion aporoaches(NPAa to Runway 15(coming in ouer the lake) .� .„., �, number of�e!and turboprop aircraft usmg the Au�od msfead of piston-powered aircraft This will not raise the overall noise levels as the
Both non-precision approaches are siraight to the runway and allgn some- �-�°^ types of�et and turbnprops forecast are the qwetest in tPie FleeL Residents of Mercer Isiand may notir.e a r,hange in the characteristics at
wha!w:th 1sEand C�est 4'�a f Non-arecision means thai during�rclement "",:u� : ,ne noise.bu,not ir.the levei.
weather or when visibility is poor arnving airaaft can only descend to a � M- �--
specfic alti',ude before?Fey nave to"yive up"os tFe approach and tr�again "''�"� 1� 8.What acfions has ihe Ctiy af Rentoe taken tawrard ifs development ptan for the Arrpod7 What are ihe nezf steps and about
or ultlmately,go elsewhere.The approachas are under control of the Federal .., �;'� when will they happen?In 2001,the Ciry eslablished the Renrorr Airport Advisory Committee(RAAC)fa act in an advisory capacity to
AwaUon Administration(�AF�),wh�ch has so�e responsib�6ry for the a�rspace > �, tha Phayor ard Ciry Coun.tl on ma�ers re`erred to tFe F�irpaR AdJisary Ccm.rndte�by tFe City Ccurcd.P,�A,C has pro�rided ard w'��i�ortir.ue
Ore o`the hvo non-p�ecisio�approaches at Renlon(k�ewr as the RNAV� � to provide a forum for mem6ers of the r,ommunity to discuss iheir concerns tlirectly with Airporl operators and for coilective problem solving
GPS approach)bnngs aircraft directly over Mercer Island(when landing ro u. antl resoluiion of their issues.In 2G02,me Auporl Business Plan was atlopied.Recommendahans based on the Business Plan were impie-
t!�s soutF.j Th�s app�aach���es a�a�+igationa(beam travsm,tie�!trom Pa�e ��� � mer:',ed from 2042 to 2QQ5.In 204F,the Airpod D'velopment Studp was adopted and.in 2046.PAaster Plan Alternatives were created
Field that is used to follow the path down to the runway at Renton The other - noise contour studies were completetl,and pubiir,meetings began in November.Thus fac there has been one informztional open house at
NPA is rcnown as a Non-qirectronal Beacon�NDB)approac�and is Iess o ,: � ,y ,r ,.nx -r„ „ r . - .: Renton Nigh 5chool(Novem6er 21,200E}and an�nformational vJorkshop at the Ciry Caur.cil Char-ilaers at Renton City Hali{January�16
, _.. , .�.. . r- . ._ . ... ... 20D7.
oreferred by pilots because it is iess'precise"than the RNAVIGPS approach. '`�•' a. � )
3.What is the voluntary noise-abatement program?Noise abatement procedures at the Renton Municipal Auporl are voluntary mea- Thrae Altemative Avport Develapment Plans have been analyzed and one was recommended to serve as the 2U-year Development Plan.
sures created and adopted`oy p�iots to'Yiy fnendly'and bs good ne�ghbars to tF;z citizens:vtra Ir+e under aircraft;'ght�atFs.Pilcts of lar�e Prior to acceptarce,tF.e C�ty neecs te comptete th,e#ermal envircnmertal revie�:process w:fh a pubiic:ammer.t period.The fvlayor and
or turbin2-powared avcratt must comply with the provisions of FAR 9�.129{e).rather fhan these aforemenboned procedures.For specifica- Council wiil approve the plan and it wiil be sent to the FAA,which should occur in the summer of 2007.
tions as to which noise at�atement measure(s)each type of aircraft is encouraged to foilow,visit http I!rentonwa.gov and enter'airporl noise' �0.WhaC is the sequence of moving ahead with theAirpart Development Plan and approval by the FAA to install the new RNP
ir tne searsh fur,�tior: fechno�ogy?The sequence of moving ahead with the Airport Development Smdy�s. �
G.ts there anather option fo ihe cument flighf pattern?Presently.alI non-precis�en instrument appmaches to the Alrport mus�use Run- p�Qmp+eaon ota::aadinon3 no�se ana!ys>st�dy
way 15. These are the only published approaches to the AirpoR. Durmg visual(known as VFR)conditions,approar,�res may be made to p,Selar.t�on ofa preferred��iremanve oy the Renton MayouCouncii
eiiner runway depend�ng oc tne flight pat'.em sn use.�vhich is la�gely dictate6 by?he PreeaiV.�g w�nd. For future�pe�atior,s it is anticipatzci C;mt:a!ran of=r,e env:rc+;mea�z;rok,en p;xe:s fsE?F,r.tn i�rm.t;p:roi�c;�^�:ne.: __.�___._ „._�...__...,.._.. .
thal a curvetl approach(RNP)will be approvetl by the FAA that will permil aircraft with lhe appropriete on-board technology lo fly this new p,Ciry Councii approvai otthe rerommended pian
approach over the East Channei,wh�ch shou}d reduce some oi the future over-ilights of Mercer i;{and. r.appioea+ri,he p�an by t�e 3enzcn;,4aysrr�u,�a�+ ,/'
{"Approval o(the plan by the FA,�, � r,,.
5.What kinds olairptanes use the Ai�port now?What is the estimated tra�c votume of the Airpor#in the future?CuRrnCy, �°�"'
ThPre is actually no new technulogy that needs ta be installed at the Airport to ���,*�"�,I ,"` i I .'"�
Renton Airoort sentes single-eneine pistan aircraft.new Boeing 737 commercial transoort aircraft.cofporake and business charters,air im Iement the curved approacii kncwn as khe Required Nav�gat:onal Perfio�- --..,�.
taxis,recreational flyers,seaplanes,and helicopters.The Auporl also re6eves small aircraft cangestion fmm Sea-Tac and King Counry mance(RNP). Rather,the work involves the development of a set of proce-
intemational Ai{port(B�ein�Field). dures for the ilot to follow i.e, o to a certain omt in s ace,turn'x"de reas
p ( 9 p P 9 - _��.�;.�„`�'w�
The Renten Air�rt forecasts a very gradual increase in the leuel of aircraft ope�ations aver the next twenty years However,the projer,ted 3nd descend...}.The oth2r part ef the wark:nvolves coordination wi;h the FAA � ; `
level of operations does not exceed 116,000 per year and,depending on which altematroe is selecked for development,coutd be iess tnan �Which manages the auspace},other nearby airports,and the air traffic manage-
that GNhiSe more aircraft operaUons are forecast due to th2 overaii oaoulation increase in the Puget Sounv ftegion.the r�ommended AI- ment system. Implementatian of Req�;red Navigat�enal Per`.ormance�RNP�for ,
ternative Plan encourages next generation jets,which will he qweter than those they replace.Tables 1 and 2 compare the vanous Airport runway 15�33 is a long-term effort.The benefts of the new approach will not be
Layout Pian altematives under consideraticn as parl o'tne Aitpod P�iasier Plan Update process currently ur.derway immediate,but use of the RNP approach will increase oaer khe next 20 years L
ALTERNATIVE LAYOUT PLANS � ,,,_ �� Renton Municipal Airport
TABLE 1-Comparison ofAlternatives-BasedAircraft and Operafions (iLAYTON SCOTT F/ELD
EzisNng .Attemative 1 Attemative 2 Altemative 3a Attema[ive 3b Recommended
"RecreaLonal "Recrea6onal and `Corporate Aviahon "Corporete Aviation AkemaNve"Corporate � � ' �
Flying" BusmessAi�craft Center-Op4onA' Center-OphonB" AwahonCenter-Hybnd
Storage' AB"
BASED AIRCRAFT 29� 335 �285 2J3 275 250 '�, HiStoriCally,ReniOn AupOrt Served as Ihe ma�Of fe5ting feld f0�neW BOe�ng
ANNUAI OPERATIONS 8�Z65 116 900 (700 Ou0 84 i0� 95200 86,500 -�-�-3^^� �_,;;,�^^" � :�, �.x�9,�aircraft As Boeing changed ds business plans,Renton Auport has needed
to find new ways of maximizmg ds value as a public asset.
TABLE 2-Comparison olAlternatives-Aircraft Storage + . To meet this challenge,a volunteer at¢en committee.the Renton Airport
Existing NtemaSve t Akemative 2 Altemative 3a Altemative 36 Recommended _ ' �` �+ :�/`�r � � r�''�,�Adwsory Committee(RAAC)has worked since 2001 to examine ways in
"Recreahonal 'Recreationaland "Cor rateAwahon "Cor rateAviahon Altemative"Co o- +.1 " ' �
po po rp ,p:_�e±aS�_. " ! which Renton Auport can make improvements that sustain its economic
_.�. . �
Flymg' BusinessA�rcraft Center-Opnon A" Center-Opnon B' rate Aviat�on Center `�_"�` . _ _ _ - '�'value to the Renton community while minimizing the noise impacts of aircraft
Storage" -Hybnd A!B' Above Educa6onal tour at fhe Airport 'usmg Renton Airport.At the same time.Renton Airport is reqwred to compiy
iIE��OWNS �s7 I 75n 90 sa t25 ioi �� �— o�, with the regulatlons of the Federal Aviation Administration
STANDAR�HANGARS �� ��-' �72 131 132 131 ,_ "
� Consequently,when Boemg Field closed temporardy for repaus to its ma�or
CORPORATE HANGARS ' I 2 19 10 10 10 ,� '�,runway last fall,Renton Airport was required to accept the aircraft that would
��° , have normally landed at Boeing Field Both Renton and Mercer Island resi-
TOTALAIRCRAfT 245 330 281 235 20? 242 �
sioftaGe� I dents suffered from this additional noise
'AncraR srorage does not inaude ca�cularions loi rotorcratt and other fypes thar nught be stmed on rhe anport �J" �- � • '',I Fortunately,the repairs have been completed and the planes have retumed
��"I to Boeing Field but it was a great lesson for us all,and one that remforced -
GLOSSARY OF AVIATION TERMS �, !� � I the need to answer the following questions for the future of Renton Airport
�,' �- • What rype and how many aircraft should be based at the Aupori m the�uture�
Auaaff Opera6ons One completed takeo8 or landing per aircraft � """;� _ ,�,, � • What wdl happen to the Airpod's noise conNurs-will the contours get bigger.
Arrcraff Parking Temporary park�ng for aurraft Above�The Master Plan aims to support �' smaller or stay the same�
� Where is tha best locahon to create aircraR he down space on the Airport'
ALP Airport Layout Pian current employment at fhe Anport �. yyhat capdal improvement pro�ects are needed to meet our goal;of economic
Based AvcraR Aucratl that are based at Renton Airport ��iAI �''s'� � � �I value and minimized noise impact�
Br"I (Boeing Field)-three-letter FAA auport identifier �� The RAAC evaluated a8ernatives for the rewtahzation of Renton Airport to
East ChannelApproach Visual Flight approach path that takes aircraft from the East Channel Bndge over the water �, PM��� '�,ensure that its redevelopment could create economic value while minimiz-
to fnal approach onto runway 15 � � . I ing noise impacts.The'preferred altemative"encourages uses at Renton
FBOs Fixed Base Operator I Operations ,Airport that will ideally create less noise than other altematives A future
GA General Aviation-covers ali avil aviahon other than commeraal arclmes to include au , _ ._ , . ��emuonmental analysis will provide us with the necessary data to ensure
charters and au ambulance ' - � � �r�, � i that this is the case.
GPS Global Positioning System ` � �� I,To date,the City of Renton has heid two informational open houses to pro-
!FR Insvument Flight Rules-When the weather and visibdity is below the mmimums to safery j wde the pubhc with more details on the Airport Master Plan.One was held
fly visually(see VFR below),mstrument rated ptlots must nawgate usmg aucraft Flight " -� ..��. � 'i on November 21,2006 at Renton High School and the other was held on �
instruments,and specifc instrument approach procedures for each auport �..-: - January 16,2007,at Renton City Hall. On January 29,the City of Renton
Minimums Minunum aliowable Flight andlor approach altitudes �, ��_=� ��meets with Mercer Island residents to discuss their concems about the noise
NDB Non-Direchonal(Radio)Beacon-an inshument approach usmg a surface-tased radio Above The Master Plan aims to support luture impact of aucraft landing at the Renton Auport.The City of Renton plans to
beam that prowdes an approach path into NDB qualifed auports employment at the Airpo�t continue its technical analyses as well as its oulreach to Renton neighbor-
hoods and surrounding commundies to deveiop an Airport Master Plan that
NP,4 Non Prec�sion Approach Below Informa6onai open house held at the �I�can best meet the pub6c's interest
RNP Requued Nawgation Performance--proposed instrumenl approach over East Channel tor Renton High School on November 21.2006 I, _
noisa abatement �¢,�° �� s C�4�� m �� I
� ��'6i�;F � --_i. ;ai i e�.§t�tf�f
RNT (Renion)-three-letter FAA arcport iden6fier i- � � ���R��� Y; � �,I�i i
Stage 1-N Engmes Stages of noise emitted from�et engines,Stage I being the loudest&oldest,(no longer �.� ��+;�'� ��: �I
allowed),to Stage IV as currently the least noisy.Most commeraal jets today are Stage III
7ie downs Specif ed outdoor areas to tie down aucraft �
VFR Visual Fligh�Rules-Rules that govern flight procedures in wsual conditions when the �
surrounding�erram and auport are in clear wew and minimum distances from douds are
VW Very Lighl Jet-carnes ptlot plus 4-5 passengers
� �
Renton Airport Advisory Committee
Date: �-���,�2/c2%r'l /� ��
� , .
Items Discussed: �
� (
I 1
I �
i �
� 1
i �
( 1
1 _ __. _ _ _ _ _ 1
I 1
i '
� i
1 �
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I �
I _ ___ _ - _ _ fi
! _. _ {
� I
! '
� ( �
� ( {
� I 1
� '
Aetion Item js) � Persor�(s}responsible � Due date � �
� � I �' _ � �1��/0? �
. . - f
�_ �-- I �
L � � _.-- --
_ i __ _ �
_���`� _ „ I -
. _ __ . �
� �, , . ,
_ �
ORen Items/For future age�zdas +t
r -- " . ._---�1
� � _�_
_ �
I {
I �
�Usc back if necessary�
,�3, 0200 7
RAAC Committee Member Sign In
Member Name Representing Membership Email on record Sign—In
Banholzer, Al Washington Pilots Association TENTATNE alandesther@iname.com � /`/�'
Green River Chapter
Bonner, Robert South Renton Alternate bonnerro@gmail.com " � � "
Boswell, Kurt Airport Leaseholders Alternate aceaviationinc@hotmail.com
Corman, Randy City Council Member N/A rcorman@ci.renton.wa.us
Dale Estey, Suzanne City Department Representative SDaleEstey@ci.renton.wa.us o .
Davis, Dina Renton Hill/Monterey Alternate bobndina�comcast.net �i r���'-��
Deal, Colleen Ann Kennydale Alternate colleendeal(cr�,alumni.plu.edu
_ _ _ _ _
Fedor, Jan Boeing Primary jan.v.fedar(a�boeing.com �
__ _ _ - --
Fisher, Bruce Airport Operations Specialist bfisher�a,ci.renton.wa.us
Freer, Beverly Talbot Hill Alternate bevbogar@hotmail.com ��
Garner, Greg Member-At-Large Primary shgg@nwlink.com ,� „ /�
Hahn, Peter Planning/Building/Public Works phahn@ci.renton.wa.us ��,�-�
Johnson,Paul FAA Representative Primary paul.johnson(�u,faa.gov � v
Keolker,Kathy Mayar analexander@ci.renton.wa.us
- _ _
Lewis, Roger West Hill Primary louroge a�,msn.com
Mandt, Marleen Kennydale Primary marleen.k.mandt@boeing.com ;���' ^ �j�.nG;�.L.
Marshall, Frank Airport Leaseholders Alternate franklinmarshall@comcast.net ,�,,ea,,,�,,( /�. ��
Middlebrooks, John West Hill Alternate jmidbk@aol.com � � , � '��;,L 7
_ _ _ �L�-�
Moran, Robert South Renton Primary shamrocktwo@earthlink.net .�����'�'nr,�„✓
Newman, Elliot Mercer Island TENTATNE eznewman@yahoo.com
O'Halloran, Michael Highlands Primary/Chair mvohall@aol.com
O'Leary, Michael Airport Leaseholders Primary mike(a�wwheli.com
Paholke, Diane Member-At-Large Primary proflightaviationinc@yahoo.com �
Palmer, Marcie City Council Member Primary mpalmer@ci.renton.wa.us 'rJ�,�, ��, �
___ __
Persson, Don City Council Member dpersson@ci.renton.wa.us
Rice,Mike Airport Leaseholders Primary miker@pistolcreek.com �'J f�,, .
Rogan, Michael Member-At-Large Alternate mhrogan�a,compuserve.com
Rutkowski, Jennifer Ann Talbot Hill Primary jarcougar90(a�gocougs.wsu.edu ,� / ,,� ,, jy,,
_ __ . ...._ _.. __ ... . . ---
Schultz,Michael Renton Hill/Monterey Primary miketschultz@comcast.net �`f � �,:t,��. , �//,.��
Shambaugh, John State Representative Primary � I � �� " '" ` /
__ ,�
Stemwell, Karen Pilots Association Alternate kstemco�aol.com �, „ ,� �
_ _ - ___ - r � . /
Turner, Colleen Pilots Association Primary colleen turner(a�comcast.net , ���.,��„ �
_ _._. _. _ _ __ _- ... __ l�'�'�L/
Whitfield, Kenneth Member-At-Large Alternate jetpilot2l@earthlink.net
Zimmerman, Gregg PBPW Administrator gzimmerman u(�,cisenton.wa.us
Zulauf, R an Ai --�-
y rport Manager rzulauf@ci.renton.wa.us �- � ,..,_, ,._
Zwicker, Richard North Renton Primary richzwicker�msn.com �"�;�����';r-�= :�---__ _
_ _ _ _ _ ��y ^
Guest Si�n in
Please rint name Address Phone Include on Email address Sign-In
City, State,Zip Number email list?
' Yes/No
Sample,Joe 75839-364"' St 253-555-1212 Yes No joesample(��email.com �e <S'a,frp�e
Puyallup, WA 98352 - �� �,
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, ,� `�vz:. �l'l it;�* '��r�� �G'-a Yes No � --
� �et�� �'' 'l�l� !< ?i--`'r�'C7 r �:,i ��5, �`� ���,��,'�;,_.�:�'i - _> r��'�� �?rlt�-� F�r�k-� �4 v�i ��(., 'L 1 I
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Yes No � � -�'L� � �
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
� �
Airport Development Folicy Priorities and Process for
Examining Alternatives
200? Council/Administration Planning Warkshop
March 1, 2007
Over the last few manths the city council has solicited
additional public input on the airport plan and is now
interested in reviewing the airport palicy development process.
Ori�inal Process:
fihe planning process was based on the building blocks af the
business plan of 2002 and the Airport Development Plan (May, 2005).
The latter included, among other elements, recommendation 2(b} --
"development of an executive jet center." The subsequent 200� wark
on a draft Airport Layout Plan identified a preferred alternative based
on Policy 2�b). In addition, the city formally issued a Request for
Proposal for a Jet Center (after council Transportation jAviation
Committee briefing}. Three proposals were received on 4ctober 31,
2(�06. �imultaneously, the city began the implementation of
Development Plan Policy Recommendatian 2(a} - "pursue technical
solutions to create an all-weather runways" - by soliciting a draft
scope of work from a consultant to develop an RNF (required
navigation procedure�. This was viewed as a necessary condition to
attract a jet center.
First Plan Revision- October 2006
At an October 9, 20Q6 Committee of the Whole, it was
recommended that more public feedback is needed before a
plan is adopted by the council. This Ied to an Open House at
Renton High School on November 21, 2006, a Renton public
meeting in council chambers on January 16, and a Mercer
Island meeting on January 29. During this period af time
public interest in the airport plan grew, both in Mercer Island
and in Renton. The city council transportation committee
discussed this an February 7, 20�7, and agreed that the
council as a whole should re-visit this subject at the 20C17
Council Administratian Planning Warkshop.
. � . . „r,�,
FAA Meetin� on Februarv 21, 2007
Renton and Mercer Island officials met with key FAA staff to
discuss two primary topics: development of two new
approaches and status of the airport master p1an.
At the FAA meeting we learned the following very important
l. The FAA regional staff will be receiving RNP training in
2007 which would allow it to provide important threshold
information on the feasibility of RNP in Renton. This advice
from FAA to Renton would be free of charge and would be
important to have before any further investment in RNP
development is made by Renton.
2. Contrary to what the city was led to believe before, the path
to 3rd party development of RNP, and FAA approval, is not
3. The city will need to convince the FAA office that prioritizes
RNP studies that Renton should be considered ASAP (may
need the help of our Congressional delegation).
4. An improved instrument approach - LPV/WAAS -- which
would apply to a very large percentage of General Aviation
planes in Renton (Class A and B or possibly for other classes
as well) can and will be approved by FAA no later than
November 2008.
5. The FAA is concerned with the delay in the ALP (aka Master
Plan) and will not wait until the issue of RNP is resolved. The
FAA expects a plan to be approved in the near future.
Based on this information, we can conclude the following:
1. Continuing with the consultant proposal of RNP is not
prudent at this time because of the uncertainties. �
2. Without RNP the jet center proposal is pre mature. -
���, �
\ p � . - � '
��I� ��
` � . . r✓
3. By the end of 2007 we could get from FAA's newly
trained staff some important advice on the potentia.l for
4. We can still go ahead with a noise study and get
information which would help with any plan options that
have been provided in the ALP.
Kev Governin� Policies for the Airport:
� We believe that the city has considerable consensus on the
following overarching principles:
, 1. The Airport has to be financially self-sustaining.
2. The mix of uses at the Airport will operate within the
regulatory framework set by FAA.
,,� 1 . Airport operations will be sensitive to neighborhood
impacts, and will strive to minimize those impacts.
4. The mix of uses at the Airport will contribute to the
City's Business Plan goals and objectives.
Recommended Options for Proceedin�:
1. Review and clarify policies adopted in 2005 as part of the
May 2005 Renton Municipal Airport Development Study.
2. Continue with financial analysis of the various layout
3. Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the
City of Mercer Island, outlining cooperative actions taken
and those to be taken (information sharing, R.AAC
involvement, noise study, approach alternatives).
4. Continue with noise study, jointly with Mercer Island.
5. Find a way to satisfy FAA's direction to finish the ALP
work in the near term. This may suggest that the area
currently designated in one option as a corporate
aviation center would be left as "a potential future
aviation center" with no steps taken to implement it; or
this area could be more vaguely labeled "undetermined
use"; or the area could be designated for a different
aviation use, and modified in the future.
• �,� _ , ,wrr
6. Bring this new information together in very late 2007 or
7. Continue pursuing the LPV-WAAS p oa h
development by FAA. ' �;��v����'�¢��
8. Formally ask FAA to develop an RNP (resource issue).
9. Review the 2005 Airport Development Plan.
10.Determine the role of the RAAC in this revised process.
Other Issues
A number of other compelling decisions have presented
themselves. Given the regulatory framework from FAA, the
city is obligated to giving serious considerations to any
proposals that are made to the Airport. These include:
❖ Kenmore Air Proposal — length of lease
❖ Galvin Flying Service Pending Proposal
Renton Airport Development Roadmap ,
. _ _ ___. __
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O 2006 SeaTec, LLC
Airport Advisory Committee
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Council Chambers
7th Floor, City Hall
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
I Agenda Item Presenter I Time I
I L Airport Issues Update ( Ryan Zulauf/Peter Hahn 5:30—6:00 p.m. I
I II. Review of Handout for Council I Peter Hahn/All 6:01 —6:54 p.m. I
Retreat- Discussion �
I III. I Adjourn All 6:55 —7:00 p.m. I
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Please notify Carolyn Currie (ccurrie(�a,ci.renton.wa.us) and Susan Campbell-
Hehr (scampbel@ci.renton.wa.us) via email or at the phone number below
whether you will/will not be able to attend this meeting. Feel free to contact us
if you have any questions.
Renton Airport
Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers/Wiley Post Seaplane Base
616 W Perimeter Road, Unit A
Renton, WA 98057