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ORD 0843
�..r � ,, � ,.. ORD INA�'dCE ?�TO.-�� nN Ct�Di ie:Z7�.E 0�, �,�, CI^Y C�+' -�,;�• --, - --•� •�T-�Trr��OTv _�.., i.�_i_C'',. � I:f�:,___._..�. � DECI,r�?�It��G i Hr,i ^��;�E �XI S i S .; w U�3L 2 C :��^,�RG.�'+�i�i�ti' 0i:ii�i� 'iHAN Oi,.'�''i+� �hUS�D �Y ";7y ;;, i+'LOCD, r_;�`�'LGSIG'�T, �iG��T�T, �x�;i�i.��TJl��fi�', '�+'F'I�E�+.4IC� ,IG'� �:=� 11 )T.I �:::�C'�'IOT;� ��Z T'OR IT.'�,�ED�A�; i'�i•�5��+;�... V�,`iICPt 0:� J:�;��i3, C:� i'UBLIC �?.I;r:I,113, G�t �^C� �'�, RES�C�;��'iIC�3 �0 A CUi1DI i�T.01T �� U;:,;�+'t,TI,�'rESS C�' �TY PtT.E�LIC �'ROF.�„_',RiY� iTT�+' USE.�'ULi'�LSS 0'�' ';t�?ICI-? ?ir�S 3E:+u�Z1 ��SiI�CYED 13Y ACC�DJiv:�', 0�� T'0� iH:� 'R�,LI:�`+' C+ �? STr?IC�i;11 ��U�.��:'itJ��IiY C'T'�+;i'�:.,i,�'...,��Id T3Y C�LF�.Tbil'iY, 0� �N �E��'I�.+,i;�'i1^ C�+� ;'�PPRCVED CI,AII,'Ia '�C":� iEi�SOi;nL I�v'JL'�IES t�:? r�0�'��i`Y ��I,�'AG�, ���^.I,T;�I'TE C^ CL�,�►�.'a A�I�II'Tr _��02:' �'H��; GP���'?a�'IOiT C� �`��V� r?; LI'; TT'�ILI?�� OT:I?rED BY ^}i� CZiY C:? ''G�1N, OR i 0 �:�i��^ ^x�,� S 1^:I1D�`��G'�`' �I�P.�N�I�LP.��a ?�E^�TIRE� I3Y LATi�� LI�TE�_C�'ED aI'3C� `��� Lt�i'� "-,.r?D rE� �d�,; r�DO�'i'���J, '��'?-�ICH ,�,I�.��G���`C �0?1L"D 1`,IC^ 7�N�r^>>0:`?�� T+' �:�V'� �3��i� +'CR�EEN ��i ^'r�I+� "IT� G�' ,TAYITvTG '�'. �+' �L�C=�+;i, r.T�D r.�'P��OP'�IaiI'�r ^??;; SL'3.' C'_+ al�'i.�TLIT HTJTT'��-�D '_i IFi"� DOLL�:.�S (�750.00 � iG PrY r0'_� �DDS�IO?`d�_L �'^UIi L�+,Idi ;�C'3 ^Hy :�+�IRL DEr'1��'��'i:;�l;i. 'iHLi' C;I iY CCITl?i;II, OF �;-i� C I�� C�' RE�Ti()T.', , DO�S O:ZD.r�.II1 fi S �'Oi,ZG r�S: Secticn 1: iYl:. t �vriere��s it is rlecessa.ry �c;r the s�.fety and �eneral welf�,�e uf the city oi �enton, to pro�ricie :�.��e a.dequ�.te �nd �,ddition�l equi�ment for the fire department to enuble it tc re�zcier proper u,nd rlecess�ry ti�ork in �onnec�icn wi�r� t"irst a.id u,na �ther eesenti�.l �ertTice , , a.n d , ','I�'�EnS, in making up the l�udget f cr the cuf�rent year i t cculd nct Yi�.ve rea,scna,bly been forseen th�:•t it �r�cula be necessary to l�urcr�a.se other a.nd additi onal equip- ment and i�r�:�E.AS b;� reascn cf t:ie �eculiar circurn: tance� a.nd the exigencies herein e�i�tin� it Yi�.s beccme necessa.ry fcr �;he Ci t�� cf �entan to incur expens eti tc pro�ride fcr tne i urchase ci' r��cre adequ�.te �nd ac�di ticn�.l equipment �,s izer�inabc�re �:et �orth, =.:.nd / , yr.� . , � .� - `� "'r���E��S it :s estirnated tnat t��e cost cf �+.c�uiring tne necessary equi�ment in <:,c�ditiur� ';c; ',:��e funds on n�.nd th�ill be the surn cf ��50.OG; wnd '����`��EAS, said emergency is n�t cne uf ti�e � et�ler�encies ���ecific�.11y menticned in �ecticn 6, Ch�.pter 158 , ae�sicn I.�.zT� cf 1923; TwC;`I, i��:;����G�'�, B�, Ii ORDAIi�.�D th� t tnere be and 'nereby is a.�pro�riU.ted in u.dditicn to tl�ie a.r�lount irl t;he r�ud�et f'c-r the year 19�:7, tne sum of SeTren Hundred Fifty Dcll�rs ( ?75G .0C)) cut of �ne current expense fund fcr tiie p�.zrc�iase ef r_cre adequ�,te Und �= dditicn�,.l e-;uiprr!ent. An erner�ency i� hereby declared te exi� t. Section 2s ilzis crdinance sh�ll not be pa.�sed until cne :�,eek �fter its intrcducticn �:na it �t�all r�quire the unu,ffiirnous �Tcte cf the r.ler��ers cf L'ne Council yoresent �,.nd the appro�r�.l o� the T2�.ycr. �ection � : ihis crdinance �ha,ll b�ecr_�e effecti�re �ljlf..' G�c;.�15 ��'(J�: . ;"iu _.i���i �. ...�.' ,.i::, ,.,�= f ..:it�'"'V�I:,1. .-:i�� ���rr`-)1 �ublic�tion. • a �;�r r'�;". � Ci �.�i�. � � i�.�'_�' i;_ �/��C�L �; . Z�e�� ' � _ _ :j/�::� ���:.,_ �- ed ���i ,� ��.";--�' ;,: � 7_9�:n. _ .. _. ! � „ {- �., (' �J, II� �J.L�r�11 D�te of �ir�t �ou�lic:�.t�.un; �,���1�_ � lg �� U r �'s ZO'I'�T� _.' �'�' "��-'' ,:� �' . v Cit�- Attcrney ,� -