HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0837 s �v �� G:�DIN�T:CE T;C. ��`) . � ri��t ORDI�dATdCL C� i�iE CI't'Y OF �'�ti�1T0�d AUi'rIG��I�IZTrr i:i� 'i'I-i� ��AYO:� h�1� CIi�Y CLi;a�K '�0 I�;S'J�� �3GT?DS N.Gt'�IT�i,';i I,G�."�I., IT�.2I'ROVEI�f:i;I1''i' :�I�iRIC�' iTC. 165, 0 1 SAID CIiY, i'ROVIDI��1G +'0� �'�iL i���y' C�' I2iiE�;Si SAI� �3CNDS SHHr1I„I, �r;r;'_�, �'I-�L DA`iE UF T�-it+�I� ' ISSI7.�+; fiiv7� '�K��� Tt�:T.�iL�IiY _A�� AtJ'i:i0'3IGIT_�G i!-I't+�I:i �;�I,s; OR D:�LI�TI�r`�Y iC "Hr� CCNi:Z.�CiOR �"�KITdC" iHE I�vTP=�OVE�1��21i �?�T SAID .7.'�'ISiRICi. itiE CIiY C-�'tJIJCIL QF '�'HE CiiY C?+' RENiON llC:i�S C�DA.IhT 1?S H�T,1,o�:��2 Secti cn 1 : Tha.t the Iu�ayor and the Ci ty Clerk cf the City cf �enton be Gnd they are hereby � uthcri�ed �.nd directed te e.secute ��.nd iNsue lccal irir;_�c�ernent oonds a.gainst Local Imprc�rement Dis tri ct Number 165, cf the Ci ty of Rentan, and the praperty included therein, which district was created by Crdina.nce 13c., 821, cf the City cf Reriton, in the a.�greg�-te sum cf Qne 'ir�uusand �ix Hundred 'itRTenty-three �oll"xs �:.nd se�renty-i ive cents (�16��. 75) . aection � : Said �.�onds snall be in denomin:?ticns � s tullot�tis : B�nd nurn.bered 1 te be fer �23.75 a.nd bcnds 2 tc 17 �;cth inclusive, �h�.11 �e for the sum of Gne Hundred Doll��rs (�;}100.OQ} e�.ch. �a.id bonds :.ha.11 'ne i�sued cn c;r s�?��.� the 7th da,y of P;"�.rcr., 1928 , �nd shall be paya.ble an or befcre :e�ren years �:fte:� the date of their issue. ihey sha,ll bear interest =.t the ra.te cf eight (8} {er cent per �.nnurn f'rom the date of th�ir issuGnce until ca.11ed fcr p�,yment by the ireasurer of said City , which intPreat sii�.11 pe paya.ble a.nnually and �hall be e�ridenced by cou�on: �.ttwched tc �u.id bcnds, une cou��on fcr e�ch yea.rs interest, all uf v�rhich said ecupcns sh�.11 be subject � � . --�—, . f - +�. , , i � ,� E., `► . � P tc the terms and canditicns cz ti�e bana tc; vr��ich the sarne �re dtt�ched and if' any bcnd shall �e ca,lled for pa.yment befere the rr�,turity of any cW-upon �;hat may be attached �hereto the s�.id ccupcn .hall beecme void. Said bonds shall alsc ccntain a, notice cf alI of the fa.cts rer.luired by statute tc be inserted in the f��ce cf the bcnds. Section 3: i�he bcnds issued upcn the prc?Tisions cf this ordinance ma.y be scld fcr cash at not leas than pa.r �ralue ar m�.y �.t the electicn cf the City be issued directly tc the contr�ctor making trie imprctrement in said district, aeli�ered tc �iim by the City Clerk immedi�.tely upon their issue, upon the surrender by him of v�arrants is�ued against s�,id lccal impro�rerc�ent district in an amcunt equal te the bcnds sc delitrered. Secticn 4: T�-.is ordinance shall be effective fiz�e ( 5) d�•ys frcm and �.fter i ',s p�ssa.ge, �.pprcva.l and le�al �ublicG.ticn as by l�w prc�rided, �assed by t�le City Ccuncil of the City of Rentcn, ��'ashington, tnis 28th day cf rebruGry , 1928 . Appro�red by the DFGyor this 28th d�.y cf FPbruary ,1928 T,�'ay c r � �,�,-,�-;,, �i,/�?�I���(/V�l/l/'Yd����� r.1 1??,:�� . E?PP�:�CVLD �:S i0 �_�OI����: � City Clerk � �,��'i��„�^��__ � � City �ttorney I'ub 1 i s rie d; —��Z�-b�'/T/ �t ,19�8. / �.