HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/22/2009 - Minutes J � � PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT p ��'`M��O� ;\�\ �[� J Renton Airport Advisory Committee Q:�a��������.�ry September 22, 2009 ���, � �- �,�, � �Mj�l.a MINUTES— Draft i�EC�r`i/�3 ^p 9`r (;�.FR4C'�f�FF'�� Renton Airport Advisory Committee (RAAC) Chair Mike 0'Halloran called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. A sign-in sheet was sent around the table (copy attached). 1. Welcome " The Chair introduced the City's staff present for tonight's meeting: Peter Hahn, Deputy Public Works Administrator—Transportation; Ryan Zulauf, Airport Manager; Jonathan Wilson, Assistant Airport Manager; and Jennifer Jorgenson, Transportation Systems Division Secretary. City Councilmember Marcie Palmer and Suzanne Dale-Estey, Economic Development Director arrived after the meeting started. II. Approval of Previous Minutes The Chair called for any corrections, comments, or notations to the previous minutes of February 22, 2008. It was noted the date above the attendance list (page 5) read January and should be corrected to read February. With that correction incorporated, the Chair declared the previous minutes approved. III. Airport Update Ryan Zulauf, Airport Manager took the floor and gave a brief history detailing how the Renton Airport Advisory Committee (RAAC or Committee) came to exist. At the beginning, in 2000, the RAAC was organized specifically to deal with the perceived friction between the Airport, Renton citizens, the flying community, The Boeing Company, and the FAA. The representation on the RAAC came from each of these groups, with the citizen representatives being selected from the four sides surrounding the Airport and Mercer Island. The committee members are selected from a volunteer pool. Each one is approved and recommended by the Mayor followed by Council approval. Each appointee serves for a specific length of time. The first item of business tackled by the RAAC was to develop an Airport Business Plan. The Committee came up with 57 suggestions. Airpart Advisory Committee Me�ig `� September 22,2009 — c:;t��,i Page 2 of 5 �S iv.SZ,I�`.vJ�LS� ,`�.` ---'�' , ,,. i The next item af business was to deveCop official leasing policies far the Airport, quickly followed by the work dane to create an official Airport Development Plan to be used as an averall guide to grow with. In 2007, the City Council amended the Airpart Deve(apment Plan and leasing policies ta come up with the Airport Master Plan. The Airport Master P/an was subsequent{y updated and adopted by the City Council in 2009. It is now officially known as The Airport Cayout Plan, ar the ALP. The 2009 ALP has been transmitted ta the Federal Aviation Adrninistration (FAA} as required by law and naw awaits farmal acceptance and approval. The next order of business for this RAAC, with Council direction, is anticipated ta be a draft re- write of the Airport regulations and minimum standards to bring them current. When this is completed the work will be presented ta City Council for their farmal appraval and adoption. At this point, Chair O'Halloran called for a short break to go around the table have each person intraduce himself or herself to those present. Councilmember Palmer arrived during this process. Peter Nahn, Deputy PW Administrator—Transportatian, taok the floor ta review the overall process and complexity of the full runway paving project that was completed this summer. He congratulated the Airport staff and everyone invalved in the constructian process and coordination required, mentioning the entire project was accomplished with tne height of efficiency and minimai problems. The project also received extremely high compliments from . the FAA for the same reasons. Mr. Zulauf thanked Mr. Hahn for the accolades, noting it couldn't have been done without the cooperation and work from everyone invoived. Ne then continued with his report and commented that a number of new leases are worthy of special nate. AcuWings has naw been on the Airport,just narth of the Contro! Tawer, since November 2008. This required the mavement af ane of the Airport's buiidings from the south end af the Airport ta where it naw sits and updating it to indude new utilities. This required a cansiderable investment fram the Airpart's funds, to the paint where same of the finishing items had ta be put an hold until the reserves are ernce again up to a sufficient level ta ailow more expenditures. H\Fde Sys\AIR-A�rport,TranSpo�tatw�Serwces Divisan\Ol Adm�niy(�aUon1Q2 Committees'\Airpprt Advisory\RAAC Minutes\1009 MmuteslAAAC Sept 22?009 mmutes DRAfT doc Airport Advisory Committee Me�ng � September 22, 2009 �;�,.�,� �-� Page 3 of 5 D ���0� �,`� Also, Council approved the lease with Pro-Flight on the property north of the fuel farm, with a caveat to be worked out during an upcoming Transportation Committee meeting committing Pro-Flight to vacating their current facility once the new one has been built and is ready for occupancy. The fuel tanks will remain where they are. This will allow Pro-Flight to consolidate their facilities into one location instead of being spread out in several locations throughout the Airport. Responding to a question about the existing tie-down spaces, Mr. Zulauf commented the Airport might loose a few tie-down spaces when the Pro-Flight move has been completed. When pressed for a specific number of losses, he replied that there may possibly be as many as 15, but he was very skeptical and thought it might be more in the neighborhood of perhaps six to ten spaces, but it's still to be determined. Upon further questioning, Mr. Zulauf replied it is his understanding that Pro-Flight will be looking to sell their current leased location after they vacate it. A question was asked about the progress concerning the B coupling at Boeing. Mr. Zulauf stated it was going quite well now. A new water main has been installed that now maintains the firewater loop for the fuel farm. He went on to say another challenge presented to the Airport from Boeing is the building they were leasing from the City that will be returned to the City. This is another building that will need to be changed over from Boeing facilities to the Airport's facilities. At this point, Mr. Zulauf turned the floor over to Jonathan Wilson, Assistant Airport Manager, to further explain the reasons for and the results of the recent paving project. Mr. Wilson started by commenting that by far, the most difficult aspect of this project was to work out the coordination of the Airport tenants, Boeing deliveries and the varied construction activities that had to be run simultaneously. The runway was smoothed out to eliminate dips, crowned and grooved to facilitate stormwater runoff. The runway was then re-painted and the magnetic north was corrected. Mr. Wilson went on to say that what is still missing is a movement/non-movement line of demarcation that needs to be established next to the taxiways. H\Rle Sys\AIR-Airport,Transportauon Serv¢es Drvision\01 AdministraUon\02 Comnuttees\Avport Advisory\RAAC Mmu[es\2009 Minutes\RAAC Sep[22 2009 minutes DRAFT.doc Airport Advisory Committee Me'�ig �``� September 22, 2009 c,«�,f Page 4 of 5 D ���0� � Also, The Boeing Company is working with the Airport to see if it is feasible for Boeing to modify their initial test and take-off procedure. Staff briefly noted the current process and explained what they hope to see changed in it. Staff turned their attention to future projects at the Airport. The City is currently working with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the Muckleshoot Tribal Council, and other agencies to gain approval to dredge the Seaplane Base. They are working on a concept of creating an island and building a salmon restoration area using the dredging spoils. The intent is to configure the island in a manner that would divert future sedimentary deposits away from the seaplane base and further enhance the aquatic habitat. Another primary concern with this situation is creating additional nesting grounds for the geese and gulis by creating an island, which would result in more bird problems for the Airport and tenants. They are studying the possibility of planting vegetation that would inhibit nesting rather than enhancing it as a means of dealing with this problem. Funding is still a primary issue. Staff is hoping to start this construction in the summer of 2010 during the "fish window" if funding is obtained The City-owned Cedar River Hangars on the east side of the Airport consists of 29 units with flat roofs in desperate need of replacement. The current roof is an old torch-down style and some of the wood structure is suffering from wood rot. Staff is looking at a new type of tile that is installed with a heat application, but does not require the excessive open-flame torch-down method. Bids for this type of roof replacement are running in the neighborhood of$100,000. it is hoped funding can be obtained in time for the work to be done in June 2010. Also, the maintenance of the Airport's stormwater system has been neglected over the years. Staff took a cursory look at it this summer and several catch basins and storm drains were repaired. The Maintenance group is taking an inventor.y of the drainage appurtenances for placement and current condition as well as establishing cleaning schedules. The goai is to get the system cleaned out, repaired, and put on a routine maintenance schedule. Mr. Wilson next explained what happened at the Airport during the major snow event last year. The Airport has no de-icing capabilities and the buildup of snow and compact ice necessitated a full emergency runway closure until the weather let up enough to allow staff to get in there and clear it of ice. In hopes of preventing such a situation again, staff will be procuring a de-icing product at a cost of$13 a gallon and a distribution apparatus that will fit and work from the back of the Airport's H\Rle Sys\AIR-Airport,TransportaUon Services Drvivon\O]AdministraUon\02 Committees\Airpor[Advisory\RAAC Miwtez\2009 Minutes\RAAC Sep[22 2009 mmutes DRAFT.doc Airport Advisory Committee Mee�ing � September 22, 2009 c;���t Page 5 of 5 D ���0� � truck. It was noted that because of the high cost of the product, coupled with the volume required for the runway, the Airport is only able to purchase enough material for one de-icing session. The Airport also purchased a friction tester to help with Airport safety. In closing, Chair 0'Halloran advised the next meeting will be to address the Airport rules, _ regulations and minimum standards. Councilmember Palmer will be asking the City Council to refer this matter to the Transportation/Aviation Committee for discussion during the regular Council meeting on September 28, 2009. IV. Next Meeting It was agreed to meet again on the third Tuesday of the month starting in October (October 20th) from 5:30 to 7:00 or 7:30 for three sessions. The first two sessions will be to work through the current rules, standards and regulations and the third session will be to finalize a recommendation for Council consideration. V. Adjourn In a final closing comment, Councilmember Palmer requested staff remind the RAAC members of the upcoming meetings on the day before the meeting, as well as sending out and posting the notices on the web site. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Jorgenson Recording Secretary Attendance for Seatember 22, 2009: Mike O'Halloran A1 Banholzer Elliott Newman Lee Chicoine John Middlebrooks Karen Stemwell Bob Ingersoll Mark Hancock Marcie Palmer Bob Dempster Suzanne Dale Estey Matthew Devine Mike Schultz Jennifer Rutkowski Marleen Mandt Peter Hahn Ryan Zulauf H\Rle Sys\AIR-Airport,Transportation Serv�ces Drvision\Ol AdministraUon\02 Committees\Airport Advisory\RAAC Minutes\2009 Minutes\RAAC Sept 22 2009 minu[es DRAFT doc �i.r ,�` ���2� ����,1� " 2 � ���!�`�� ��� . i . . s '�-f� � . '�, ��'.�����/.�1� �Z��Z7�� �� �y, ��'���� � � . . � �� 1����(o�z�� �o C���-�� C �1�i� � f Yc�1.�Jii�lAn� �S2S S� �''��'�a��j/�'!�'.c��s�.�c,� �� .��6:.�32-6��> Ez��Fw�+�w�,�� �, ��e � �a�t�: tie ��1,���,�..�:��� � ��5 -�13�; --�� �I31� ��.��e�C �k�,� �� ��hl'� �� 1,.d�(ebroa�'Cs � �O 5�.:n�C�- �U��t�L q�'D�� �6- '��L-�c G-.]'M. i�b(-C���,G � �Z3Z 1 � ���'�2�J ou�t��� I�D�� 3��J �j��N�N� t�-�`���� 105�r-�ca���1 �✓ � � �� �� ,E�o���/ -P-�:� ll �%O h��2��-.e, e✓� c,� �r.= `z'Z3'�3�-Z3,;�7�-��6�.c�J'�"� .�� ��C''-1: E . . � '-�r.t� ��x' �v'E38 l� � ���� �1�' 2v l�, 3�l� `��'3 r��Krir�.tGN-��c.� r � ��(,C� �G�� �G�1�,�� ���v���=�=� l�C� r�-��� �S � � �--�-�. �.�����+rr�- 17��I-e ��-�t, C�i � U ���r ����. � ,�-� � ��Re�a,{cnv �'i� s"'��' � � � � �� � ,� - ' ) � ' Ej����W Gi. f� ',, U 1�c-�.,�.��;�, � ,.�v�� S Z.Z �; � �1 �QGc; ��� r�'��' � � : ,_. - ��-t-N,�%��.dev,he �,� ��J�c� � ( d J�" �.�.( �2� 15�.=1`<1 ac.:�-� 1�r �'�' 1'��1� y,z.J�-�7l��36-�l" o t-� G`�- r , t�v�1�scl�,��y��r����c'�s��E 7z ��i�ln�i"C1� �j,l;Tl�l.h,l:��� Fij�� 5:.tti'1�-111y1�5tJ Q�(lt�n�u-� �l�C,��� ��✓ -7�13">�'c'� �1"��t�'�?(��Ic1i���,,L�YY�CIC,-�,i;.'l'1 �/ J I � f� lQ/N�. >`�08 �, Z(o� S�- . ��� Gc�l� 9�10Sb /f''i� �7�-��G� �7�rR�v1�?@ c.o�tc,g���ue � � �')� ��C./ � � ,� � _ ��` ���%� �-;� '���� � MEETING NOTICE� ��IAND�TOR Y frJr aIl R�-lA f','tles�rhers Airport Advisory Committee Tuesdav. September 22� 2009 Renton Airport Location — 860 West Perimeter Road at NW Seaplanes (north end of airport near the Seaplane Base ) 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. MEETING AGENDA ( I Agenda Item I Presenter Time II I Welcome/Introductions Mike O'Halloran I 5:30 to 5:35 II I Approval of Prior Minutes Mike O'Halloran/All I 5:36 to 5:41 III Airport Update Ryan Zulauf/ 5:42 to 6:25 Jonathan Wilson/All I IIV I Set next meeting date Mike O'Halloran/All I 6:25 to 6:30 IV I Adjourn Mike O'Halloran I 6:30 Prior to the September 22, 2009, meeting, please make sure to read the minutes from the last RAAC meeting, mailed with the original meeting agenda, and posted on the Renton Airport website (www.airport.rentonwa.�ov) and be prepared with any comments/changes. Please notify Carolyn Cume (ccurrie(a�ci.renton.wa.us) and Susan Campbell- Hehr (scampbel@ci.renton.wa.us) via email or at the phone number below whether you will/will not be able to attend this meeting. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Renton Airport Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers/Wiley Post Seaplane Base 616 W Perimeter Road, Unit A Renton, WA 98057 425-430-7471 � � GENERAL VFR DEPARTd ,� PROCEDURES - �L�!L.f V L.t �.../LJ 1.J ��� D O �n�U � • � �� CLAYTON SCOTT �IELD FACTORIA DEPARTURE:Fly runway center- EAST CHANNEL DEPARTURE:Fly runway � � . � � , � � . � line until reaching 1,000'then make standard centerline untii 1 mile past departure end of left downwind west of I-405.When abeam the runway then fly outbound over the middle of '�"*��.,.,,,, ' Control Tower,make 45°right turn to exit the East Channel.Fly direct toward the East ►�e,a.,,,, EDMt�siTrt.. trafFic pattern.Cross over I-405 and then fly Channel Bridge to exit Delta airspace. o��RR�.,'. �,.. directtowardFactoriatoexitDeltaairspace. M�"'��.— � �o� • t+� � LAKEYOUNGS DEPARTURE:Fly runway - ta��� KENT DEPARTURE:Fly runway centerline centerline until reaching 1,000'then make a �� until reaching 1,000'then fly direct toward the � standard right downwind west of I-405.When east side of Valley Medical Center.Continue abeam the Control Tower,make 45°left turn straight ahead toward a point 1 mile east of ' SR-167 to exit Delta airspace without entering to exit traific pattern.Cross over I-405 and Boeing's Delta airspace. then fly direct toward northeast side of Lake Youngs to exit Delta airspace. ,� ,� ; LAKEYOUNGS DEPARTURE:Fly runway � ���`� BURIEN/SEATAC CROSSING:Re uest with ,� , centerline until reaching 1,000'then turn left q _ ' ���. and fly direct toward the southwest side of Renton Ground on initial contact.If approved ����" > .. ���q.,,,�,,,�, < Lake Youngs to exit Delta airspace. by Seattle Tower,you'll receive a transpon- ��k � �£ --. � der code.Make standard right downwind �"`�"� ��� � BURIEN/SEATAC CROSSING:Request with departure.Do not turn west until you establish ,,,���� Renton Ground on initial contact.If approved two-way radio contact with Seattle Tower on �' by Seattle Tower,you'll receive a transponder �� �,. � ���' � frequency 119.9.Renton Tower will instruct � code.Fly runway centerline.Renton Tower will "�'a instruct you when to change frequencies after You when to change frequencies after any ��" ` �' potential traffic conflicts are resolved. ,,, any potential traffic conflicts are resolved.Do � � , �` _ not turn west until you establish two-way MUSEUM/KBFI DEPARTURE:Request with r<_ radio contact with Seattle Tower on frequency Renton Ground on initial contact.Fly runway 119.9.Remember,you must receive a specific - Q clearance from Seattle to enter their Bravo �enterline and do not turn west until you airspace. establish two-way radio contact with Boeing Tower on frequency 1183.Renton Tower will �:-;� MUSEUM/KBFI DEPARTURE:Request with tell you when to change frequencies after any Renton Ground on initial contact.FIy runway potential traffic conflicts are resolved. centerline and do not turn west until you establish two-way radio contact with Boeing Tower on frequency 118.3.Renton Tower will tell you when to change frequencies after any ���}a� potential traffic conflicts are resolved. ����;'°'�'�� � �� :�t o, � Latitude : N47°29.59' � c„ + � � . - .. - - . . . . - �.. - - . . -. . _,._... . . ._ - _ ._.. _.. __ . ; 'rl,�,�`< - . . - . . . . - . .. . . Longitude : W122°12.95' � Fieid Elevation : 32'MSL � GENERAL VFF. �RIVAL PROCEDURES � � Noise Sensitive Area 90 � • ' � East Boeing Field Air Space Channe� EAST CHANNEL ARRIVAL:Make initial FACTORIA ARRIVAL:Make initial request South Flow Bridge Factor=a request approximately 8-12 miles(depending approximately 8-12 miles(depending on � North Flow � on airspeed)from KRNT.Enter Delta airspace airspeed)from KRNT.Enter Delta airspace via _ Touch&Go Pattern via the East Channel Bridge and fly inbound Factoria.Fly direct to the Water Tower. over the middle of the East Channel.Unless Unless otherwise instructed by Renton Tower, 405 otherwise instructed by Renton Tower,make make 45°to right downwind.Report over the straight-in.Report2milefinal. WaterTower. �n�r`�`� s,000� iSEw�`it� MSL "� LAKEYOUNGSARRIVAL:Make initial request KENTARRIVAL:Make initial request 1,500' approximately 8-12 miles(depending on air- approximately 8-12 miles(depending on Ms� Log Boom speed)from KRNT.Enter Delta airspace via the airspeed)from KRNT.Enter Delta airspace 1 northeast side of Lake Youngs.Fly direct to mile east of SR-167.Fly direct to the east side J��` MaplewoodGolfCourse.Unlessotherwise ofValleyMedicalCenter.Unlessotherwise I<enryc#ale ���� instructed by Renton Tower,make 45°to left instructed by Renton Tower,make straight-in. �� � downwind.Report over Maplewood Golf Report abeam Valley Medical Center. y�` Course. ,_, � LAKE YOUNGS ARRIVAL:Make initial request approximately 8-12 miles(depending on �d; s,000� •Water Tower airspeed)from KRNT.Enter Delta airspace ''P, � MSL � q�P i via the southwest side of Lake Youngs.Fly direct to Maplewood Golf Course.Unless RP"o , REN70N otherwise instructed by Renton Tower,make � A1 RPORT a 1 mile right base.Report over Maplewood P s s E i zsth st. � Golf Course. M ` C k�ngWay / 1 Maplewood HELICOPTER PROCEDURES Asa •GolfCourse 405 Rentan F,�, ARRIVAL:Enter the traffic pattern at or above 500'MSL and do not turn base East H i!I r�'f �69 � leg closer than.5 mile. '�p G�, F DEPARTURE:Proceed straight out until.5 mile from the airport and 500'MSL before proceeding on course. 167 1,500' 1,000' MSL MID-FIELDARRIVAL&DEPARTURES: FlyasinstructedbytheTower. Ms� � � d¢ � .� � Val ley Medical Center Runway 16: 5082'x 200' Runway 34 : 5042'x 200' 300'displaced threshold 340'displaced threshold Glide path is 3.00°—PAPI Glide path is 3.75°—PAPI MAP NOT SUITABLE FOR NAVIGATION. �gA�,EME�T R� NC' � � otsto �� a`�NTA oiuntaCy measuresby p�1 � R v nder ai�craftfl��ht p��port aCe v ��p,SE atRento+� w�oliveu tQcomp�Y �E, Cacedures the��t�Zens necessary ��-� SEAp� Noise abatement�e goad neighbors tothese procedure5 w�en pilots o�ia�ee°athet � � p ��fly�riend�`1 and deviate ftom Che inteCest of safety• 1291 l� 'RO��R�� , wittim the area i�ent�fied ould on1y or in of FAR91. pilots s� uests thQ pCOV151��5 �11-1- ttafif��.jhe paths. ��ontrol teq ` W�th Idbe tatried QUt boat pic��af�i must comp`1 shou weatheC,and the seaplane with any ered aiCcra� ate MS�• and idle taXimg �rd for wina fram �Cisk. tuCbine�'Pow �il alti�tudes eof�s,�a"d��'9S� withre9 line extena��q are atyour aW roceduCeS. E�IER �oo'.The P!1 tak p erat�ons Prea `mag�nacy G �perati�ons than t�ese P pROP at oc below roach Eo� as the Seapiane p Prea is east of an Ep.�AX11N • tO�ST p�'(SPEED Whe�at safe a\ti�tude op0'.On aPp j �+iitti A e11er RPM or 2, red�ced t� g pperations e rees.N4`' t �OR AIRCRAFT tedute PKOp ensit�ve areas e�has been Seaptan p�32d d � - '��, i\ots should whe��1eat of noise s unf�t thg p°w �hQddtng , Pfter takeo�,P e11er to fu11 RPM dock on t a be i�c�eased � ` prapeller RP�m ouid not intreasethe pr0p ` �St Channe1 landin9�P�iots sh tTERN or a com- toach P°wet. 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',�. 4 ' 'g ��a�s �wre �m I� �"�� � ��N�RENTON SEAPLANE BASE ��oF zX �', R � � i �yuw� uoiec.uwcca�a.io �,,��E,,,,,,,,�nu OREOGING,MITIGATIONAND I PLAN I, � I I I f�� ����90 ��� D RA FT �E� HABITAT RESTORATION C_ ��� � I I I � x: Rr,ro�,.wasn�rei«+ 'i < I I I 1"°'"°"D I°"fix , M '�1✓ ��� REVISED AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT POLICIES The Airport Development Policies below are revisions to the Policies originally contained in the 2005 Airport Development Study adopted by Council on June 27, 2005. 1. Vision Statement for Renton Municipal Airnort: a. The vision of Renton Municipal Airport is to be: i. The provider of safe, efficient, and customer-friendly general aviation facilities and services; ii. The airport of choice for aviation in Renton,the Kent Valley, and cities on the eastern shore of Lake Washington. iii. Maintain a launch site for Boeing aircraft manufacturing. 2. Airvort Activitv Mi.x: a. Retain a healthy mix of aircraft and activities on the airport by: i. Directing Airport staff to pursue technical solutions to create an all-weather runway; ii. Pursuing the development of quality facilities with appropriate services as market opportunities appear, and; iii. Encouraging the development of hangars on the airport capable of storing light and medium piston and turbine aircraft. iv Support Boeing production needs. b. Seek to attract aircraft production, aircraft retrofitting,aviation education and other maintenance and repair services as market opportunities appear to add employment at the Airport. 3. Policv for Airnort Develonment: a. Encourage the development of a Fixed Based Operator on the old restaurant property. b. A permanent home for U.S. Customs and Border Protection; c. Public access to the shoreline during normal business hours, and; d. Necessary services for the flying public. e. Fair access for everyone. f. In addition to ground leases and rental of existing buildings at the Airport the City prefers public investment in desired facilities. g. Consider contract facility operation,and other fiscally sound methods of high quality and enduring facility development and operation that would further the realization of the City's vision for the Airport. h. Evaluate the development of a new facility to include a restaurant at the site of the Chamber of Commerce building as the lease expires. .; . _ , `+' ' . ' � . ' . � � � TRANSPORTATION%AV�ATI(}�N COMIV��TTEE , , �����l���f��'��'� . . , . � ; �, .` ' . ,� . � � � ' . �. �CC3MMTTTEE�ZE'PURT�� � . - �6�"��������" . . ,. , . . .. � : . . ..� . . . � ' �D�te • �=�f-�..2l�7 �. . 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G �� I 100,000 -�-------------_..___.__.__ _�_________.------------_�_____.___----_v._-- _.__�__.------__. � � E � 90,000 -�---_.__�_.___._____��__�._ _._____ _. ___._ ____�_.____ , � ; I ; 1 � 80,000 -��--_.___.__.__.___.___._._.._---_ .___. ____ ____.__._. __._.___.___.�__ _..__ � �. � *does not include September 70,000 -�---___._,__ .....__.__._________.�_______ ____.__________----------___._.-----__`..___....____�_.____._.-- i , 60,000 -__._�__._.__�_________r__�____�__.---___._�._ ___,..._.____---,--__. _ ,_ __._____--,--__-._--, 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Traffic Count 2008-2009 Fiscal Year by Month 12,000 - �` 10,000 4 I s 8,000 _ � � f � 6,000 - , � � 4,000 - 2,000 - � z � � " 3 t OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG isrr � �i��RE�Ti�� �.��sY o� Renton Airport Advisory Committee �EF �� C`[��� ♦ � � February 20, 2008 �E��,�y ��,N��� MINUTES —Approved September 22, 2009� �"`��������fC� Renton Airport Advisory Committee (RAAC) Chair Mike O'Halloran called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m. Separate sign-in sheets for members and guests to sign were stationed at the door. I. Welcome The Chair introduced the City's staff present for tonight's meeting: City Council President Marcie Palmer; Councilman Don Persson, Vice-Chair of the Transportation/Aviation Committee; Peter Hahn, Deputy Planning, Building, Public Works Administrator— Transportation; Suzanne Dale-Estey, Economic Development Director; Ryan Zulauf, Airport Manager and Jonathan Wilson, Assistant Airport Manager; and Jennifer Jorgenson, Transportation Systems Division Secretary. Ms. Shaunta Hyde, Manager, Boeing Local Government Affairs—Puget Sound and Glen Kanenwisher, the Boeing Senior Manager at the Renton 737 Final Assembly facility were also present. II. Approval of Previous Minutes The Chair called for any corrections, comments, or notations to the previous minutes of December 18, 2007. There being none, the Chair declared the previous minutes approved as written. Peter Hahn briefly addressed the Committee to explain recent developments concerning the Renton Municipal Airport. First, a copy of the February 7, 2008 letter from The Boeing Company to the City of Renton was distributed to the membership. Mr. Hahn noted this was the formal step the City had been looking for in order to officially commence lease negotiations with Boeing for Ramp B at the Airport. For all intents and purposes of this Committee, Ramp B is no longer under consideration as available for anything other than Aircraft Manufacturing uses by The Boeing Company at this time. Second, Mr. Hahn advised that last night during the regularly scheduled meeting of the Mercer Island City Council, the Memorandum of Understanding concerning the Renton Airport development that was signed by both entities has been officially withdrawn as requested by the City of Renton. ' The date of the attendance list was corrected to read February 20,2008, instead of January 20,2008. Airport Advisory Committee M�g � February 20,2008 Page 2 of 6 III. Airport Layout Plan (ALP) Ryan Zulauf, Airport Manager, next spoke briefly again on the process of updating the ALP and the hiring of the consulting firm of URS (John Yarnish) toward this effort. Mr. Yarnish has been working on the ALP since 2005. John Yarnish took the floor and reiterated the background of his work progress to date. Previous efforts were concentrated on demand forecasts and analyzed anticipated available airport space in conjunction with those forecasts. Those changes envisioned more of the small corporate and private jets along with The Boeing Company vacating certain properties. He gave a brief history of Aprons A, B, and C of the Airport Layout Plan in conjunction with Boeing's reduced footprint on the Airport. He explained how his firm had arrived at their analyses of the approximately 100,000 annual operations and mix of aircraft. He explained what they believe the business community would be using in the future, and they built their layout plan accordingly. The result was a "preferred ALP" that had been presented for the RAAC's consideration. In this configuration, Apron C would have been used to accommodate the very light jets and smaller turbo craft, with the possibility of a formal future Jet Center with all of its amenities being established at the Renton Municipal Airport. However, once the mention of a "corporate jet center" came into play, things had very quickly and radically changed. The public outcry was against any fundamental change to the Airport. In response to the outcry, the Renton City Council had determined that a"corporate jet center" was undesirable, and in essence, there would be no fundamental changes to the Airport. Thus, the previously recommended plan was abandoned and the consultants had to start their plan completely over. In the interim, the City learned that The Boeing Company was considering the possibility of obtaining additional leased space on the airport, possibly once again leasing Apron B. It was soon determined that Apron B would be retained for possible lease to Boeing and Apron C should be retained for aviation uses that would include aircraft manufacturing, aircraft storage and/or limited aircraft services. Mr. Yarnish went on to explain they believe the demand on the Airport appears to be for more hangars and tie-down spaces. At the same time, the Customs facility and floatplane space are to be preserved. Chair O'Halloran invited questions. John Middlebrooks commented the area of the old restaurant now is shown as General Aviation Use. Wasn't that area previously reserved for seaplanes? H:\File Sys\AtR-Airpon,Transportation Services Division\01 AdminisVation\02 Committees\Airport Advisory\RAAC Minutes\2008 Minutes\Feb 20 2008 Minutes DRAFT.doc Airport Advisory Committee M,,,�,,�g +�' February 20,2008 Page 3 of 6 Ryan Zulauf indicated that yes, it was and still is retained for seaplane use. He noted that the wording was changed on the layout plan due to Management direction, however the actual underlying use has not been changed. Mike O'Halloran asked when the RAAC would next have to address the Airport Layout Plan. Mr. Yarnish explained that, typically, the FAA reviews them for compliance every five years. Mr. Zulauf commented that if the Airport were to come up with any substantial capital improvements, those might trigger a re-evaluation. But, with the shortfall of available funding, this is not a probability in the foreseeable future. Diane Paholke stated she has four issues with this proposed revised Airport Layout Plan and she would like to address them individually. First, she wanted to know if the FAA would buy off on the term"aviation use" because it is such a general term. Mr. Yarnish advised that term is acceptable because the underlying uses have already been defined, and they all relate to aviation use in one way or another. Furthermore, the FAA goes through a stringent approval process before they will approve a final use. This is usually done through an environmental impact statement (EIS). Second, Ms. Paholke asked what the policy is for the City to arrive at a lease decision. The guiding document is the Airport Leasing Policies that were presented to the RAAC last year. Councilman Persson explained the Council would be addressing the Airport Leasing Policies next Monday, February 25, during their normal scheduled Council meeting. He noted there would be no substantial changes to the policies that were presented to the RAAC earlier; they just have a few basic formatting changes (i.e., moving the Recommendations to the end of the document as opposed to being place at the front, etc.). However, if the formatting changes are not completed in time for the Council meeting, it will be held over for the next Council meeting. He went on to say that the Council has moved more toward actually owning the buildings and taking care of the maintenance and oversight issues as opposed to owning the ground under the leased facilities that are built and taken care of by the private parties and then turned over to the City at the expiration of the lease. He explained how some of the previously leased facilities that had reverted back to the Airport had been neglected, unpainted, in a state of complete disrepair and an eyesore. He and Council President Palmer both stated that the City would no longer tolerate such things on public-owned facilities. H:\File Sys\A[R-Airport,Transportation Services Division\Ol Administration\02 Committees\Airport Advisory\RAAC Minutes\2008 Minutes\Feb 20 2008 Minutes DRAFT.doc Airport Advisory Committee M�„ng �rr� February 20,2008 Page 4 of 6 He also noted that several changes have been made to the application process, one of which is to require a complete financial statement and its analysis and a background check prior to commencing lease negotiations. Third, Ms. Paholke has current issues with a vehicle lane that runs directly in front of three leased buildings, one of which she owns. She moved to the enlarged layout plan, indicated the west side of the runway, and pointed out the three buildings south of the tower. She explained this traffic lane is currently located approximately 6-feet away from her building and runs directly in front of their main access door. She commented this is truly a safety issue and that her husband almost was struck by a truck when he exited the building on the runway side. She has spoken with her two airport neighbors and they share her concerns. She has been having discussions with the FAA about this issue. She also noted that she couldn't support this revised Airport Layout Plan as long as this vehicle lane is located directly in front of the businesses and presents such a hazard. Ryan invited Assistant Airport Manager Jonathan Wilson to explain his recent activities in getting the traffic lanes re-painted to maintain a separation of the aircraft object free zone and the traffic lanes. Jonathan explained the FAA has recently been out to review the situation and they will be working with Airport Management to arrive at a helpful, safe solution for all concerned parties. Ryan went on to explain the past problems the Airport has had with runway incursions and some of the items that have been put in place to prevent them from happening in the future. Councilman Persson interjected saying that this is a safety issue and it will be dealt with as such. This is not a matter for the RAAC to concern itself with in relation to the revised Airport Layout Plan and what we are trying to accomplish this evening. He assured everyone that whenever there is a safety issue, it will be dealt with and corrected in a concerted effort with the FAA, to the FAA's satisfaction. Ms. Paholke's fourth item was directed to the Boeing Company representatives. She wanted to know if Boeing would be taking all of the B-ramp, or if part of it was going to be made available to other airport uses, such as more tie-downs. She also wanted to know where their facilities would be located. Mr. Yarnish explained that the underlying uses determined for Ramp B in the revised ALP would not change. That is to say, it will be leased for any of the three airport uses that were already discussed—aircraft manufacturing, aircraft storage, or limited aircraft- related services, no matter who leases the property. That means, if Boeing releases a future leased area (Ramp B) it could then be leased out for any of the above three uses; it would not have to be used strictly for Aircraft Manufacturing. H:\File Sys\AIR-Airport,Transportation Services Division\01 Administration\02 Committees\Airport Advisory\RAAC Minutes\2008 Minutes\Feb 20 2008 Mmutes DRAFT.doc Airport Advisory Committee M�g �r+ February 20,2008 Page 5 of 6 Councilman Persson explained the RAAC vote this evening would be advisory in nature only, but it would carry substantial weight with the City Council when they take up the issue of approving a final Airport Layout Plan to be presented to the FAA for acceptance. Chair O'Halloran explained the details of tonight's voting process: 1. It will be a roll call vote. 2. Primary members will announce either aye, nay, or abstain. 3. If a Primary member is not available, their Alternate member will be called upon to cast a vote. 4. A simple majority will determine the outcome. The Chair turned the meeting over to the recording secretary. The secretary explained this vote is a roll call vote to approve the Airport Layout Plan dated January 2008, sheet 2 of 7. She then polled each Primary Member on the Airport Advisory Voting Sheet. The tally of votes was nine (9) ayes; one (1) nay; two (2) abstain. The January 2008 Airport Layout Plan, sheet 2 of 7, is accepted as presented. Chair O'Halloran advised the next meeting will be ad hoc and adjourned the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 6:44 p.m. Attendance for Februarv 20. 2008: Member Name Representin� Dina Davis Renton Hill/Monterey Terrace—Alternate Colleen Deal Kennydale—Alternate Matthew Devine Talbot Hill—Alternate Peter Hahn City of Renton—Non-voting Glen Kanenwisher The Boeing Company—Alternate Roger Lewis West Hill—Primary John Middlebrooks West Hill—Alternate Elliott Newman Mercer Island—Primary Michael O'Halloran, Chair Highlands—Primary/Chair Diane Paholke Member-At-Large—Primary Mike Rice Airport Leaseholders—Primary Michael Schultz Renton Hill/Monterey Terrace—Primary Karen Stemwell Pilot's Association—Alternate Colleen Turner Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Jonathan Wilson Airport Operations Specialist—Non-voting Ryan Zulauf Airport Manager—Non-voting H:\File Sys\A[R-Airport,Transportation Services Division\01 Administration\02 Committees\Airport Advisory\RAAC Minutes\2008 Minutes\Feb 20 2008 Minutes DRAFT.doc Airport Advisory Committee M;�,g � February 20,2008 Page 6 of 6 Guests: Marcie Palmer City Council President Chuck Kegley Renton, WA Shaunta Hyde The Boeing Company, Manager, Local Government Affairs—Puget Sound Suzanne Dale-Estey City Department Representative Fred Bahr Renton, WA John Yarnish, Consultant Seattle, WA Michael Krohn Renton, WA Doug Barritt Maple Valley, WA Dan Hemenway Renton, WA Linda Herzog Mercer Island, City Hall, WA H:\File Sys\AIR-A�rport,Transportation Services Division\01 Administra[ion\02 Commrttees\Airport Advisory\RAAC Mmutes\2008 Mmutes\Feb 20 2008 Minutes DRAFT.doc