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(lmprove�nent Ordinance I3ond Form)
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ORDINANGE NO.. ��... :%'..—:'...
�so�•i.l,.; fro�7; ';�%illi:;�s :�treet North to the River, :rlo�e p�.rticul��rly
d�c�cribeu �_.s fcllcy�rs ; LQts 1 to I2 , in Black 1,
Lots 1 to 12, in Block 2,
Lots 1 to 12 , in Block 3,
Zots 1 to 12, in Black 4,
inc�v.ciin� tr�e ribllt o� zJay of the STorthern Pacific �ailvY�.�r Compar�y, �
�.11 in Adsitts I,ake '�Tasr.ingtQn A�.dit.ian to the City of Renton,
1 i�isert streets or portions thereof to be improved) by (specifying nature of improvement)
installin�; a tv�o inch �a�er �:�,in
all in accordance with Resolution No,._�.��..8...... of the City Council of the City of Reiiton, creating a local
improvement district therefor, and providing that payment for said improvement be made Uy special
assessments upou property in said di�trict payable by the mode of "Payment by Bonds."
sect�o�� x: �hat �ixth A�enue IvTorth, frcm Glilliarns �tree�; �.Torth to the
River, more particularl;� described as follc�vs : Lot:s 1 to 12 , in Block
1, Lots 1 to 12 in Bloc� 2, I,o ts 1 ta 12, in Block 3, Lots � to 12
i in Blnck 4, including the right of v�ay of the NcrtY�ern P�cific Rail�rray �i
Ci'Ol"iY�cLl.�= �.11 lYl !"�Cttil ".t.�'. �.�i��� ',-.f�.Si�.:1.T1E�+i.GT: t�?�C.'i1 +:101] �O �i,�n vl'G�- Cf �e21-�
(insert streets or portio�is thei•eot r.o be improve<il be impi•o�-ed b�� (�pecifying natnre of improvement)
�ilS t.;��.i�yi1,' __ ��:`I� l.Yi _11 -.,i.ti�'1" Lr:;.1?:.
end that such otl�er ���ork be done as ma,y be necessary iu connectioil there�vith, according to the plans and
specifications therefor prepared under the direction of the City Engineer and on file in the office of the City
Section 2: That the c,ost and eYpense of said im�rovement, including a11 i�ecessary and incidentai
expenses, shall be borne bp and assessed against the property included in the assessment district herein-
aftex created in accordance with law. The City of Renton shall not be liable in any manner for auc poi•-
tion of the cost aiid expeuse of said improveinent, except as herein provided.
(insert appropriate proaiso for contribntion fi•om the General Ptuld if any)
Section 3: Tliat thet� i� hereby established a local improvement district to be called "Local Im-
provemeut District No..._.f ,z_�' which said district is described as follo�-s:
�`Ali the property �between the terniini of said improvement abutting upoi7, adjacent, vacinal or
proximate to such pox•tion of said streets and avenues to a distance bacli from the margival lines thereof, as
l�rovided by law."
Section 4: Bonds Uearing interest at the rate of..B.loY1� Per ceut. per annum payable on or before �
w_C;�1-�21-.-_._----.years from the date of issuance shall be issued iu payment of the cost and expense of this
improvement, which bouds sha11 Ue redeemed by the collection of special assessments to be levied and '
assessed upon the property �vithin said district, payable in._�.17T�__.equal anuual iustaliments «�ith interest at
the rate of_._.�l T�1-t-Per cent. per annum under the rnode of "Payinent by Bonds," as defined by law and
the charter and ordinances of the City of Renton. These bonds shall be delivered to the contractor i�� �
redemption of warrants on the Local Improvenient Disti•ict Fund issued on estimates of the City Engineer, i
or the City of Renton may, tit its election, sell said bonds aiid make such redemptioti in casli.
Section 5: T}�is ordinance sliall be in full force �nd effect five (5) days from and after its �assage,
appi•oval and leg�al publicat�����
Approved this ___ � r'� �''US't....._, 192--�------• II
9 ---.. day of- - -- -- --� -- --
_ _ , ... .
_ _ _ __ __ _ . _ .
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, Passed this ----_ � -'__-- day of ..........E�:.�F-''-.LtS.�...._..., 192_.7.�__..
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- ---- -- - � -- -- --- - - - - - I-------------
; City Clerk.
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Date of first publication- - --�- I--�-�i�-`---t---=-� --- -- - - . _- .....__.