HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1048 . � '' r .l����� �,� f 1 -` , • ' � 1� `�"�cj �� ' _ � (� . � J, �y k � ..t. l �!� �(y'f J'd'� l�,�� E � . . y.��^O�[fT`y d.a� ` i . �Sy�..'� ��� . ' � ` .� �i�+�,_c p�,�, `�r' ��A'~"���. Y � � :! � . � ; � �, + �Y`��r�y"�"'x-y,a."''. �• �j �` � f? �' , '`� :� � �,�: g '�,� �l?�f��""� '! � � �3 �4 -� � '� / 1 j � „ C'k��F 15c�_ ,a.- '7—� s � ;, c:> �� �J��>� ;L� _�;. 1048 �� ,�.,�(Q�. tSlu , �..�_�� ����-^ � �-�. �-,s_Q�.yr�c,�) �_-„ix���� ����k- �5��—���/s� ��Q�°:,�(}:;Rl.Slb 4 tF.-��«�=-d�cQ -C=..� ��isr� sq._.a,+-ct`/�-3 y- 13—iY i5 ��:, ��Jii�.�i��� _tLL__� ��;;� ,�'U .�i�L ;�l'����TIQN �la' �tilv'iGl-� �7RIViya V;I"-lli;L�;S . _�_;�= -�1�T TriL �ITY OF R�ITOi��, vV::S:��I�?GTCN, THL; RLG�;Ly�TsGi� OF T�� USE -'=:��Is,EQF� p�i,pVIi�11VG x P���aLTY FGR VIGL="�'�ICiIV HE'r[�0� f-:I11� i-i:i�l'�;:�Lli:vu _ �_ , . . �7�, 389, 396, ��9, 4�;0, 436, �66, 493, 458, 5G�, " "r ; . ' ';�, 756, 91�, ��.:0, 96� ���T�1D �09.,� "� � Cit�r Council. of the Cit�r of fi.enton no Ord��in as Follo��rs: `��CT1GP1 I. Triis Ordinance sh�.:L1 be l��Oti`u71 �:.nd aesign�.ted �. .. _ ��T,r: f�"�.c" c�oc+A oi the City o_E' Renton, vyashington. �H�T��,l� l. l��]i iTuTTZUi S ;-i_,.�'�'1GT��� 1. ;�r�ri��ITIO�IS OH T�F�I!�S li�EU. The follo?�rin�; ���or1,s :. ._� �;��r�.s�s, �-r�i�rever used in ti�is ��rdinance, sY�iall hwve tre I�e�ning :� in this section ascribed to the�, unless ��riere used tlie con�e�.t ����1` \� �J���o�� shail cle�.rly indic�.te to tY�e contrary: '�_a.) rr'_lley.f' t� pub�ic hi�ht�•".y �:ithin the ordin�ry ���.nin� of :.��e;; no-c desiane�. for gener�:.l tr�.vel �.n�. ;prim�,ri?y L�sed �s a � -- ��ns of •access to tne re�r of res��ences �.nd business estwbZis��.- _.�_', j.-,S. �i�) ��hrte�ial Ni��,�.y. �� Gvery �ublic highY�ay, ::s r�erein de- ''�!Y:=;:;; or portion thereof design:=.t��d. =as suc�� by �ro�er �.utrority. � (c) �'n��horized �r�erg�ncy V�hicle.'� lzny vei�icl_�, :�.s h�1Qir� :_��=:"__- ,. _; oz any fire department� pc�lice de���rt�ent, s�ez����'f� s oifi ce, �, ; ,�,-, --,-�. l��°os�c�.�tin� ��.ttorne„ ;:�sl�inbtan Stwte l atrol, �:r;i�ul.-:�nce :=;_rvice, puvlic or priv;_vte, or �.ny otn�r v���icle autharized in ..�-� '�'- � by t��e stute comm..�ssion on ecuipra,_nt. _ , �� ; � ';d; y'���to St,��e. �� �ny motor vehicle, as nerein d�zined, _ . _. `'��_• ��,_=, ������^ose o_f cc,�.rrying passengers togetner �JTith incidentdl � . -_� _� -_ � a �'�rei���t, or either, on � r. ���_�...r sc��ed_�l� of time and ��° �, �� i , E ".��.�i_�. _�i?�T S�::tL'.�GU�'� O� ��iG�l'�7.C_1 Gi ,_. 5�11:U.C�vl'�'�� CQi1- si�til�� of one or more sh��fts, spindles, or be�.rings, in the s�.me i or approxit�at�ly the same vertic�.l tr:=:nsvp��se pl���e, by mP�.ns of r�=:ich ,���ith the use of ���heels mount2a thereon, a portion of the ��r�i�ht of a vsh�.cle, �aders or unla�.en, is transr�itte�a to tne ro ad��Tay. (f; ����c�c�e.T� rv�ry vericle, as ��r�in def�rled, �:;.vin�;; a i sadale for the use of the rider, operated. by hum�.n po;�,rer, ana . desi�ned to trwvel on not �.ore th�.n three ��heels in cont�_ct �srith the �ro�na, bvt excluding � farra tr�4ctor. (g) ��Busiress District.�t Tl�e territerJ contiguous to anc? _,, inc?uc�ing the public high,�:ay, as herein defined, y:hen fifty per cent (50i�) ar more of �Lhe fronta�e thereon on e�trer side thereof , for a continuous distance cf thre� rund.red (300) feet or �ore is `� � occ"vied by b��ildings in use for business. �h) �jCancel.3� In ��ll its form.s sha.�1 r�ean the invGli�.ation ir_aefini tely �.�.nd until successful a�plication, but s'r_�Il be fo-r a period of not lpss �han one (1) year. (i) tiCenter Line.�� T?�e line, �arked or vnm�rke�., Parallel to and ecuidist�.nt from the sicies of the road.�r�:y of �. public hight�r��y. (j) �TCentPr of Int�rsection.f� The poirt of intersection of the cen�er lines of tY�e roac��,ay of intprsecting public hibh�w�s. (k) t'City StrPet.f� �very public liighv�ay as herein defined, or p�trt t:n�reof loc,..teo i�:itrin t'rie 1_imits oP t��� City, except G11eys. (1) �'Co�b�.n�:.ticn of Ve}�icles. � vve��y cou�binwticn cf �-�.otor � vehicle and trailer or motor vehicle an� semi-tr-wiler tr�e pri��c;,���1 use af �ricrl is the transport��tion of cor:�r?oc��ties, ��rc��_�:�-�c�.ise, produce, freight or anit��ls, (�1) riCor��r�ercia.l VAhicle. �� hny venicl� the l�r�nc�p��l use o� finich is tne tr�nsport�:.tian of co�oaities, mAre��rdis�, nrodt�ces frei�_�.t, an?r��..ls or p�..as��x.�ers� ��i i1].re. , -�� I (n) �gCross�r��lk.ti TY�le porticn of the road�a�.y bet�F�sen the in�ersection are� and a prolonga.tion or connecticn of the f�.rthest side�va�k �?ine or in tne event there are no side���_lks ttien bettia;een the intersection �._rea �.nd a Iine ten (1G) ieet tPereirom, except a.s modified by a marked crossirralk. (o) i� Explosives.�� Any cremic�.l compounci or �.ect��nical mix-- ture thz.t is co��only used or intended for tre �ur�ose of prociuc- ir,g �.n explosion, ana which cont�,ins �.ny o�iciizing or co�nbustile (coz�.bustihle) ur_its or other ingredients in such �roportions, �u�ntities or packing that an igr.ition by fire, by friction, by concussion, by percvssion or by detonation of an� p�;.rt of the compot:.nd t�i:�ture may c�,use sL?ch a suciden sener�tion of highly 'r�eatecl gases ti�at the resultG.n.t g�.seous pressures :�re capable or (af) producing �lestructible effects on eontigucus o'pjects or of destroying Iife or limb. (�) iiF�;:.rm Tractor.tj Every mctor veh.icle, �.s herein defined, desi�ned and �:sed primarily as a f�.rrs im�Ie�ent for ara�:'1Y?� pla�•rs, �o�:ring maci�ines, `�n�. otnQr i�plements of h�sbandry. (c) `}For Hire Ve�icles.jf �;:ny motor vehicle, �s herein deiined, other tnan an auto stage, �.s rsrein defined, used for the tr�:nsport�tion of persons for con�ensation. (r) tlFiours of �arkness.f' ��h�never tised in this �rdin�nce, sh�.Il mean the hota.rs from one-hulf hour �.fter sunset to one-h�::If hour before sunrise, wna any other tir�n ��hen persons or objects �Z'c!y ilo� b� C��''-._r•l�' :�i:i SC�1.'i�:..�)?.�' �� tt='.��:�:C6' 01'"' i'��P '�'..lY�C.rP �F^,n� I C_ feet. I i (s) '�In_nl�m?="<.b�e :i i�;�_�ci . �: r>r.y ?i:u-ici �-hic�_ h�..s �� f���s�z point � of 70° Fa.renheit� or less� as det�r�i�ed b� �. �1r.`�i:a.�h��e or e�uivalent closed c-_; :; tusT c,e�7ic��. (t) f�Intersect�.� -. a_ , �,_,c ._ r. �' �� �.--.�' . ' ' . : n �� . � r°F yu��. c � 1i� �'"�P 1�:L�— 1C�lg�.t?Ori Of t=1� �_`�LAZ'�:;,�,i, G�?rb �1;1*S� OZ'� 1.f tf`lEl'S b8 ?'10 CUrbSs T :�;^ I the luteral roGd�.�.y bou..nd:.ry lines, of t�yo or more pu�lic highways ��nich joi.n ons another at an angle, r�-hetheror �ot Sucr_ r_�.�n�fs�ys cross one anather. (u} j�Tnt2rsection Center �Ji�.rker.=� t_ny standar�., button, �'lag painted or raised marker, or ot:ner devics Ioca.tPd �.t and �ntenc�ed to designate the approximate center of intersection. (v) �tlntersection Control nre��.ip The intersection as herein defined, togeth�r ��ith such moc�ific�.tion of �he adjacent ra�.diu�.y are�:_ �s results from tne wrc of curb corners and toge-ther c�ith any r��_rked or un�a�.rked crossv�«lks adj��.cen_t to the intersection. (yY} rTTntersection �ntr��nce �i�Rrker." i�:ny st�.ndard., b�atton, flag, caution sign, stop sibn, or othpr aevice located �:t :�n_�roxi- matel� the point of intersectic�n o_f' the center line of an int�r- secting public high���ay �:ith the ne��.rest �_ine of the intersection control area on the ap,�roach thereto. (x) �EL�ned Highr:a.y.fi � hi�hw:-ay the ro�c��r�.y of �:�hich is divided into clearly m��z�k�ci lanes for vehicular tr�ffic. (y) zx�lark�d Crosscv�.lk." �.ny port:ion af �. �oa����y d:istinctly in�ic�-:.tea �or pec�estri�..n cross�ng by lines or other markings on the surface thereof. (z) 'f:�etal 1ire.T1 Every tire, the b�aring surf�.ce ar ��hich in cc�nt�.ct yvith tize higr�°�ay is tirholly or p��rtly of inet�_I or other h�.r� nonrPsilient materi�-�1. � - aa. ���:iotor Truck.'' t�ny i;�otor vehicle c..s ����rein definec, � ) �esi�ne� or used for the trr.nsport�.tion of co�sn.odities, ���erc��.��zzdise, produce, freight or a.nim�.ls. (bb) �f��.�otor Vehicle.tt �very ve_-�icle, ��s {zerein aefir�e�., �-:hich is in i�self a self-pro�elled unit. (cc} tt�.Iotorcycle.i' Every motor ve�icle, as herein a�f�nAd, r�.virl� a. s��.c,ril� far t��e use of t�-;r� rider ��r�_i {�.es:�.�riPC�_ f0 t�-.v=.� on -�-- n.�ti ti1�7.'�' t..L:.c:ii t:�' ._ - -P�v� --,-� u --,-{-, r�a- -- �-! �h -,c, - C� _ ' " . 'c. ,. . � m _ . � _ ._ � ing a f�arm tractar� (d.d) sfii:��uffler. �t _._ de�ice consistin� of �a seri�s ol ci�az,,i��=�.[: or oth�r �:echanicaZ desi�ns Tor ti�e �urnos� of receiving e��.:.-. s�-, gas from an internal co�:��--st��_�, � ,��.r� r.?� �-"_ �,�t; ;,� ;-� r�c, z=:�,> nOiSe reS�?lti��- _ _ _ _ R ' (ee) 'tG _._. � _ _. A_. _ -_ . -_ . _ . _ _'ro " _ , e. >...- � �--r r�,� �-' .c.�" ^.h= a vehicle, or in the event tY�� vehicle is subject to �.n agreer�eni for the conditional sal2 or le�s� thereof :Yith �. rigr�t of au.rc- _.:= upon �erforr��.nce of tne conditions st�.te�. in th� �.`re��:�nt -�.��:' �:ith the im�±ec3i�.te right of passession. vPsted in the canditio:t_::�. verdee ar lessee, o-r in th� event a mortg���;or of a vehicle iu entitZeci to possession, t�aen ar_y such c�n�.itienul vendee ar �=-�s�:� - ., .. , or mortg�.gor h�ving a la.Jfizl ri�ht of possess;� � � _ - I trol for u �eriod of ten or more successive d� ;; : , �I (ff} 't0�er�tor.`i LverJT ��prson }�no is �.n �,ct--:��" ,���rs�c:-.1� cof�- tral of ��. .:otor veh�.cle as r,ei�_n �Pfined, u�on �. y;:tui�lic ��;.isha:-�.y, as herein ci.e�ined. (�g) '�tolice Gf'f'icer.�� 1-iny officer ..�atheri�.ed by I�.�1 to e�ecut� crimin�.l proc�ss or to ma'_�e arrests for the viol�..tion ei the st�:.t�,�t�s genPr�l?y or cf �.ny ±�rticular st�;.t��.te or st:�tiat�s rel�.tive to tn� ��byic high�iays of tl�is st�-.te, or or�in�.nces of the City of Renton. (hh) ��Ped�stri�.n.�t �.ny person �;.foot. (ii} i'pQrson. �� uvery natural person, i:ii:y� coo�rtr��rss�iy�, corror�:.t�on, associatian or org�.nization. (J j) ��Pne�r�.atic '�irQs. �� Evnry tire oi rv�ber or ot��r rpsili�nt r�aterial desi�ned to be infl�:.te�. �4Tit� coT��ressed �.ir to su?aport the Ioad t�lereon. {l�k� ttPY'7.I1a�'� Stc.�S �i��:.si�>jT• 't r:;VPi��; r,;;b�1C Y17.tc,=,--�.�T �iS t��=°�'�'�`� �.Pf:irledj or part thereof, ;e;ch has h- -.� n _ - ?--- '-� '„ :-,-- %-- "' �.- - c� '- -r,� �_• �+- - ��1� ��'�L'1.Vc.t,6' t'id�Q Ol' ljl'�V'�Vs;'�,r. ` ��VQ1'�r �:?c�.j' Oi' r�_ciCB 1I7 I �riv�.te oti�mership and used for tr�.vel of vehicles by tne o.�ner or those having exprPss or irr�rlied p�.rn�ssicn fro;r �Lh� r���.rer, but not by other personse (�) t1Public High�7a.y.�� cvery ���::y, ��n.�, ro���., street, uoule- v�..rd� and every �°,T�.y o� plac� in the Ci ty of :�enton open ��.s �;. I matter of ri�:�t to pL�'�lic vei:icul�..i tr��.vel. (n_n) 'jRailroau.s� 1'_ c�.rrier of persor_s or pra�Prty upon ve- hicles, ot�zer th�;,n street c�.rs, oper�.ted upon stationary r�.ils. (oo} s'P�ailroad �ign or Sigr�al.F� ��y sign, signal, or device erected by ��uthority of U. public boay or official or by a r�.ilro�.d dnd intendec3 to give r�otice of t��e presence of railro��d tracks or the ap�roach of a rCzilro�.�d train. (�p) fiResictence �istrict. fi Ti�e territory conti�uous to and inclu�ing tne uuUlic high�r�ay, as herein de�ined, not com�risi�ig a b�isiness distric�, �=�s '�.er�in deii.ned, F�'_=en th� �rapPrty cn s�lc}.� �;�blic hiblz:-;��.y ior C cont:inuo��.s .:i�sta.r_ce of thr�e hundr�d (300) fe�t or more on either side tizereaf is in t'_�.e m�,.in im�roved aritll residences or resi�e�lces anci b�zildings in use for b��siness. (��) tt Revoke.i' In all its farms shall �eu.n the inv�.lidation for a period of one c�.lendar ye�.r an� tnere�.ft�r until reapplica- tion. (rr) irRo�.�. ir�ctor. �t k�very motor ve�icle, as herein dafined, aesigned and used prim�.rily as a ro<:.d b�ailding vehicle in dr�v:ing road building machinery a.nc� devices. ' (ss) t�lzoad��a�%.s� �'.ze yc��..ved, i�_x�roved or proQ�r ,�riving I porti�n. of �� �,��b7_ic i�:i�ne1�.y desi�ne�. or orain�.rily �sed for vehicvlar tr�vel. (tt) '�Safety Zone.�' The are<^� or space o�fici�.11y set ap�.rt 1t="7],2`1 �:. �_'O�'.�?C:'.�r f'Ol' tre A��C1j'•_S'_Vr ''S@ Of' �pC1pSt,:t'.�,�;�i'_S �'.�^_C� ��rt-�1.C',� � —�— is �rotected or is m��rkea or indic�:ted by p��nteci �_�.r.ks, si�;��s, buttons, st�_�na�.rc�s or otY�er�+F�ise, so �s to be pl���nly discvrr.�_bl�. (uu) ��SeL�oel BL�s." ��ny motor vericle, �.s he.rein desined, ov:°ned by a �tzblic or �overnmer_tal =?gency �.nd o�er:�ted ior the trans�ort�::tion of cnildren to or fr�� school or scrool activities or priv�>tely o�rrned and operated For co:�pensu.�ien for the tr_�:�is- portation of ci�ildren to or froni scnool or school :�ct?vi�ies. (vv) �rSe�i-trailer.�' Eve��y v�nicle �yithout r�otive pos�:��r d�s��,,;��d to be dr�.ran by � r�otor v�ricle o-r truck t-ra.ctor and so cons�ructed thut an n�nr�ciablQ ����.rt of its r4eight and �'��t o`' its load rPs�s �?��on a_n_�. �s c�.�r-ried by such motor vericle or truck t-r�ctor. (��rt�,r) ��Sidet�ralk. ,� T'rz�.t �rop�z�ty bet��Pe� ti�e curb lin.es or ths 12.ter�zl ��nes of �, ro?.d�v�.y, ���s ��erein defined, ar_d t'�� Grdja.c�nt proi Prt;y� s�t ��side a�1d yntended for tne use of ;�edestri�ns or s�ach portion of private i�roperty purallel anu in proximity to � �ovb�ic high��ay and dedicated to use by peaest?�i�;.��s. (xx) trSolid Tire.t� Every tire of rubber or other r�si�_ient �..�::,.teri�1 �:�':�cki does not de�end upon inflation :�ith cornpressed �ir for the sul�l�ort oi tize load thez�eon. (y.y) ��Sus�end.4� In �.11 its for�s s��_all mean i�v��liaation for any p�rioc l�ss tr�n one c�.leizdar ye�.r and. there��.ftsr unti7 reinstatenent. (zz) �'Tr�.�fic." PeriQstri::t�s, ri�c�en or r�r�:e� nri����ls, vpY��.+Ai�s, ;�stre�t cars� and ot��er conve��.��ces ezt'�er s;��lti c;: together �-dhile using any �ublic nigh��vaJ s ior ?.��r�oses of tr:=:.v��=_. (aaa) �iTr�.ffic Control Signal.�t ��nv tr��ific c�ev:ice, �.s i�vre:- defyned, .fi:hetn.er �ilanually, electrically or mecr�.ni c�llly o�er�.��:�, by y°�'r_ich trafi�.c �.lt�i�1__�,��y �s ��i���t�c� zo sto-:� or ,��ra���c� o� at'-��r�:is� con}�cl�_r•?. _�t_ .. , 1 -, _. �r , � , �i�i:p� t'J...P�..:�L7.0 �'=.tT1�;P.;�. '� 1��_- S={�I1S� S bn,'::.�_S� "i_'�_' i��S :'.ri�.:i devic2s not incor_sistent s�rith this aet place�. or e��ecte�. by aut�.ority of a pu'olic Uoc�y or offzci��l 'raaving jurisaiction, for the ���1-rpase o� r��;ul:ting, �rarning or guiding tr�_ffic. (ccc) ''Tr�.iler. '� �very VP'_�'I:LC�P� as here�n defined, :s�ithout -_�ot:�.�de �o�::-er uesioned for Y�ei�zg; dr�j���1 by or �ase�. in co}zjunctic�n �:�itn � �oto� ve'-a:ic�e, �s '�erein def�r_ed, constrL�cted so that no �.pl�reci.able _��.rt of its 5��%eight rasts upon or is c��:�r.,i.Ad by such �otor vel�i c1�. (ddd) `�Train.�t �_ vc�iiclP �r�l�el�!ed by ste�.r::, el�ctricit;� or o�l,er_ �:�.ctiv� pov:�er >>:ith or �¢ithcu�; c��,rs co�a�lad ��-�ereto, oper:;.ted �>>��o�z st:_ t�o���:.:�y rails, e�ce�t street c��rs. (eee) t3I'ruck Tr�c�or.'� nny tnc>tor tr>>ck �.s '�ere�in dei�,r_ed, ciesi�ned a.na �sed �r�._r.�<.rily for yrw::Ting a sei�i-tr�,.ilPr a�.d not co�lstructed to carry �. 1o:.d thereon other tn�:.n U. part of the t_�e,_�nt of such ser�i-tr�..iler und lo�=_�. so dr�.�}�n. (fff) f�i.;sed U�L�cle.`•t 1-� vehi�le y.�izich l�as been sol�, b��r��.ined, e�c����tnged, give� a�Yay, or title tra.nsferr�d fro� th.e pvrson ��,Tho first took title to it fro� the ��nufacturer or first �i:aorter, deal�r or agent of tne ���:�.nuf�-+cturer or importer, and so used as to ha.ve bQceme r�'_�,^t is c��,��<<_only kno�rn �.s r�secondhandif r�ithin tl�e o.r�.inary �Ze�.r_ing thereof. (ggg) '•�Ve��icle. �� ��ve.ry devi cQ capa.ble o�' beino r�oved v�on a �ublic highyY�.y and in, u�oon or by t��T�ich any person or piopQrty is or m�y be tr�nsportea. or c�ra�+an upon �. �ublic nigl�tr�a�, �xcept- is�g devices :aovQd tiy hL���n or anim��l povrez or vsec. excl�asively u?�on s t�tion�__,y r��ils or tracks. 4�`ords and phrases used herein in the p�st, nresent or futi�r� tense shall i.ncl�aae ti�_p i�.s�, pr�sent a.nd fUtv�e tenses; :7ords �.��c� -n'��r,=.SC'S "SP,C '.�i'�i'') j.21 i�1'r' �T':`=.�n �!--7-_�� �.:t"1.1.:i��- -�71�� 1��"Lt,�, n .�'. "�s. _�_ � sna11 inclu�e t�1e masc�alin.e, feminine and ne��t�r g�ndArs; �.�zd .•:ords and phr�ses usec�. 'r��:r�in �n tl�e singul�..r or �lural siiall include tl�e sin�ul�.r and pl�lral; unless thP context �lzereof sl��Il inaic�te to t�A contrary. C�=��s'1�ii IT ;:��:OP� GF riCT SL�TIu=•� 1. ��'P�,T�.�I�ITY �'0 �:I�L,'V��,CL��. The �rovisions of this Ordinance r2latin_g to �he oper��.tion oi vehicles shall be ::.�plic.�ble :Nn� uniform upon all pe.c sons oper:;.tin� v�nicles upon t'_ne public hightrTay's of this City, except -.s other�Tise s�Qcificaliy -,,�ov-�.ded. S�CTTC�N �. RIDi�RS OF BICiCL�S, hi.•aI%T�'LS, ;�TC. Lvery person riu.ing a bi.cycle or an anim�.l or ciriving any �.ni�n.;�l or ap�rating �.ny n�,.ture of convey�ance or dray:ing any vehicle t?�on any �u�ilic izighv�ray of ���is Citv sh�.11 be subj�ct to tl�e provisions of �L;-:�s Orainanc� relatill` to the operation of vehicles ��nd apt�li.cable to the oper�.tor of a vehicle, �xcept those provisions of the la�r �rhich, �y th�ir n�.tur�, c�.n hav� no a�_c�lic��tion. S�CTTuN 3. ;�:1�;1.;.GidCY V�:�H1 CLL �YE%1PT TOI�d S i�.1`1 D 1�LTTI LS OF C;:iUTI0�1---R.�3r� ��QFiK�iiS �:I�11� VEHICLI�S---Oiiii�R SFr�CIFIi, i�,n.���:,; TIQiSS. The pravisions of this Ordinance sh�Il be �.pplic�.b�e to the oper�- tion of any �.nd all ven.icles upon the public high���?ys of this City except that trey' shall not applST in the follot�ing c�ses: (a) To any authorized er�erge�,cy vPhicle r�rop�rly ecL?i�^�p�d as recuired by l�tAi and actt�.�.l�_y responding to an emergency c�tll or in im.rnediate pursuit of an actL�.�:>1 or suspectnci viol�tor o�' t�__e law, ti^ritl�in the �urpose for �vhich such emergency vehicle h�_s been authorized: Provided, tnat tne provisions of tnis sPction snall not relieve the aperator of an autl�ori�ed P��Qrgency vehicle o_f tn� dLty to 0��7:�.te n;tith du� reg��r� for the s�fety of �.11 ��rso��s -;�- :,151:1� t�� -y�_'���1.0 1:1i�'.1'�:r-,�;�j :.'�Q i'' 5;,2:=:1Z 1.� 1 i Q��C� �r't�� Oi��i_,.�GZ' O� c.il�}r s��c=� emerg�ncy vehicle from the consec:�uence of a recklsss dis— r�gdrd for the s�>fety of ot��.ers: Provided, furt'ner, tne provisions oT this section s_�all in na pvent e�t�ncl an.y si eci�l privi�ege o-r i.:..munity in oper�tian oi ::�.n av.thQrized energ��lcy valiicle zor �,ny pur�ose otr�r th�zn th4�t for �°���ich the s�:r.e r�.s been ,-��thorized; (b} To any persons, teams, v�hicle or ot��ei ec�ui1ornent ��;rile �.ct;ually engaged in authorzzed �::ork u�on ths surf��.ce of a ?�ublic i��.`,:�;���.��- ��� so f=ar a.s s�spension of the �rovisions of this �rdinance �_i� i�=�_:��,o:!_.bly necess�lry fo-r the c��rrying on of s�?c:� ����ork: Izi1d �rovidin;;, reasonable prec�.utions -��.re t��ken to ap�rise and prot�ct t�1e users of such public Izi.ghw�.;�, but such provisiQr�s shal? �.��ly �o such persons, teams, vei�iclGs �.nd other ecui�oment y�rhen ti��.veling to �_nd from such ��ork; (c) To �.n;r 7�ersons, vehicles or othertirise, in so far u.s the s�:ae may be speci_fic��lly e�.emnted from �ny �rovisian or provisions of this Orc�in��nce. C�-_.PTLR II1 V��.ICL� LIGriTII�G � SEClIGIv I. LIG�TIi•�i� ��..:ui.±'i�:=r���;�---�iO��.S FOR �;5E---5��'_��D.�:_��� COi�;�I`�'TONS. �very ve��icl� �;.00n the public hiohy�ays of this City shall be e�uipUed �:ith lamps and i1l�amin��ting devices as reruired in tizis Or�in�nce an�. �2ay be e�uiy���:ed �.ith adui�ional l�:�mps �.izd illuminuting devices as permitted by ti�is Ora�.n�nce. k17_ v�ricle lamps and il�u��inating devices rec��ired b�T t�is �rd�nance s'nall ', be 1_ibhter� during the hours of d��,lkn�ss, s�1_bject to �:.r_y ���c��tions in tl�is Ordinance �rovided or unless the s�.�.e ��re s�eci"ic�-�lly recuired to b� lighted at another time. L�'henever recuirsment is in this cr��ptei decl�re�. as to t1_=e dist�,nce fro� �xY�ich cPrta:;.n 1«mps and devices si1�.11 render obj�cts _ - . . , . , V�.�j.':��� rJ�' ;^' f;Y1.�21 :�.'�'11C�� StiC:�.1 c.T�i).�"�. Oi C1�VICCS St�;_'.�_a �"iE V:i.S�_'^vl:'' _l '�_ �aici prcvisicns s�l�;.li =_�o�>iy �.�lr�.n� tr�e t�;:ses ��r•ei�z:..pove st�.ted ��pon a straight lPvel unli�hted c�u'Qlic I�a.gh:^,wy under normal atmos- :�'r�tiric conaitions unless a �iffer�nt time or coszdition is e:i�ressly st�;_ted. SECTION �. I�E�`_i� L�S---P��GP�,R �dU��R---i�i0T0�CYCL�S. Ev�ry r�lotor venicle other than a rnotorcycle s:n�11 bP eruin�ed �-rith no �ore nor less than t�vo hea.a 1:,.�ps l:ith one on e��ch side of the front of th� �otor vehicl�, �.��hich he-�.d l�.m�s snall cou�ply ':�rith the rer,•uirements and limit�.tions set forth in this Ordin�.n.ce. �very motorcycle shall be eruip�eci V�iti� �t l���st one and not �or� thun tyro head 1«.mps ��1ich shall comply �=ith the recuire- ;��nts �.nd li�.it�.tions of this Or�.inance. Si;GTTGN :�. RENR L.�1t�IPS--i�U3J�E�n--C�LO��--VsSIB2LI'�Y--TRI�IL�R LIGHTS--PL�.^1E LIGNTS--I3��FL�CIORS--��TGH1 1'�T�i� �OSITION OI�i C�.R-- S7�tI'I�'C�i CGl�iitUT S. liver;� motor vehicle opsr��.tea not in combination and every trailer and se�i-tr�.il�r shall be pcuip�ed ;�vi th ��. reC.r I:�.i.z�o c�.g�.ble oi e_;l�ibityng a cailtimaous red light pl��inly visible fron a �istance of five nundred (50Q) feQt to the rear, e�ce;�ti th�.�t every nesrr �oi;or vehicle r_at to be used in cor�bin`�.tion and every tr��iler or se�:i-t�ailer sold in this City wfter J�nuary l, 1933, shall be ecuip_�ed ��Tith two re:.r 1_�.mps, on� located ne�}.r eac'n siae, ��ch capable of e�hibiting a continuous red li�ht x�lµinly visible fro�. a a.ist,�.ncP of five hundred (500} feet to tne rear. Lit�zer sucn rear Iamp or a sep�.r_Lte lamp s,��.11 k�e so constructed , ��d placed as to i1_lt?t�inate �dith a �hit� light the re.,r ve��.cle license �l�:.te �_na render it c,early legible fror,� a, d.ist�x�ce of fifty (50) feet �o the re��r. ':�_��n the rear 1ic�nse �late is 11� :'r�j_Yt .tc'G '�,`;' c:71 n� c>;�-V-ri� l_ "': ty O v;�.�n 1....:�I1 +�1'� 'L'i' i"'c�r'_ rL?•'."1' 1.:aT:'J� -i�- , �-� ,, ,, s�.id t�ro 1z��z s s<<<�11 be turned on or off onZ_ b t��e s���e control p Y 3� scFritcn at .�11 t�.mes �-,nenever head l::mps �.re 1.ightAd. Ev�ry ne�y motor vehicle, tr�.iler, or se�i—tr�.iler hersafter sold anct every co�unerci.«1 vef�icle rerP�4fter op�ruted on d ?�u�lic highti�r�.y s�al� �:.Iso c�:_i�ry -�.t t+�e rear, �.r_d locL;.te� �ne�r the left side t'�ereo", a red reiiector �eeting tile re:_uirex�nts of t�i.s section. �Y�henev�r any ref�ec�or is rec;uired or per��itted ta be used in substitution of lamps u�an �, vPiiicle, or in conjunction tl�.eret•Jith, or in adc�ition thereto, �.nder ��.n�j of thP provisiens of tris �ct, st{cr� reflector sh�l1 be mol�nted upon the vehicle at �. height not to erceed si�ty (�0) inches nor less tna.n t��,enty—fo�r (�4) inc�es above t'rle level surfwce upon pyhich the vehicle stands, and every such reflector s�all ��e so designec� �.nd ��.;�rtained as to '�� v�sible at ni�ht fro�n ;��.I1 dist:.�ncss up �o five hundred (500) feet i��hen �.irectly in front oi �. notor vehicle displ�,.STing I.av�fully li�iited hea�. la�ps �irecteci from ��. �ooint in t?�e u�r�c�(;ion i-rl �:�hich such refl�cto_r is f�.ced. � ��.ce�t �.s -�=�roviaed for _� b�?cY—��p 1�,.�p in proper use ��.r,d t'r:e �.hite light illu�inating the rear vehscl� license nU�ber �Iate, it sh�.11 be unl�:.c`.ful for ::ny pPrson to oper;:;.te a vehicl? vsith a.ny l��ht, lamp or refl�ctor visible fro� the re�.r thereof snotitiing any color other th:.n red. S�CTION 4. LR�`�ILt�� L��T���S— ?'I�;Ir��; =�:�_i?I'�.��—li�,':8��� ��;1� �;OLO�S F��=� ��CESS :Yi�TY� r:���:� :�L'�iv�Tr�.. `4�`'ithin ��.irty (30) d�,ys �Lfter tI�?e � effec�ivQ date of this �rainG.nce, every motor v�hicle trail�r and semi—tr�.iler designed or used ior t��e trunsaortation af co��odities, property or �.nimals� or fo� th� tr�nsport�tion of p�sse�.g�rs, or othert�ise � co�:�r�ercial v�nicle, except �or ��i�A V8?,-� ��@S On::s�i�8:i. �'t;.�1z'��j' T;���:��i_n_ :�i_a111C1����11�1.�5 :-:�18ri �1P U1i' —�.., interiors a.re iI7_��in�.t�a, s��al� displ��y �i.glzted lanps �L:r�ng hours of darl�less as rec:Ui-red in t�is section, exce��t such I.a.nps �ay be, but a.re �zot reci2ired to be, liohte�. �:-:h�n wny su.ch ve'nic3.v is u�an G public higll�.Fa.y �:�hich is suffi�iently ill��xlin:.ted by street l�.mps to renuei any �erson or vel�icle clearly �iscernible at r�. aist�,.nce oi five t�undrPd (500) feet. �very such vehicle �aving a :�:�clth of any part in excess o� eighty (80) inehes shall be e�ui��eci. �yi�th four clear�.nce lamps upon the body, tzdo (;�:;) on each side thereof, one of y#�hich snall be loc�.te�s ne�� the fr•ont ��:ac� top, c�isplaying a yellotr li�;ht shov�ing to the front �;.nc� side� ��.n� one of Lrhiciz s���.l� be �!oc,��.ted nPar the re�:�r �;1�d to;^� uispl��y�s��; �:. rer �i�ht sr��.o�;:�;n� to �EZe rear �.nd side, �.11 of �ahich Iwmps snall be visible �tit z �.ist:.nce of rive hundred (5Q0) feet: Provided, svch clew-r�__nce ��.��ps si..:;11 be conveni�ntly located in compli�nce ��.ith the ;�rovisions of this �rdinance upon tne. prominent s�rvct��re of ;.r�yT slch vel�icle: Provide3, That r�ren�ver the st=:tU co.�ulissicn on ec:ain���.:n� sf_:1I �.evise sucr rules a.nci regul��tions ��ith respect to variaus vehicle construction in ord.�r to attain s�zbst2�nt��:l compli�;.nce �f:itr the provisions of this section, the s�.�e �-�.'us� ':�� ��.dhered to. Every suc�2 vehicle h�vins an overa.11 lezlgtrl of thirty (30} feet, ��nd every cor�bina.tion oi venicles havin_g an overall lenoth in e��cess of thirty (30) feet, shdll be e�uip�ed °��it�� four (�) sicie�ar��e� r�flecto�s upon the body, txpo (�} on each side, �n� af t��nich s���a.l? be located near the front :.�;�ci bottom, dis��l.v_;;?r� �a yelloe� reflection, ana one of yihich sn.till be locat�d izear tf�_� rear �;.nc� bottoi�, displwyin� a red rQfl�ction. SECZIGI� �. LIGHTS Oh FL���GS OTd REri�-P�OJr�CTI�G LU�.DS--�ecvire- �ents. ::t-�e}zevpr tne loa�i Lipon any vvl�icle extcn�.s to tne re:ar �-- fo�?r (4) feet or ��o-re ��e�Ten�i the 1�Ac? or �c��'�r oi sucti�� vel,icl�, t��le��e shall be dispi���red �.t the e�trerie �e�.-r end of tF:Q lo�_�., during i�ours of darkness, a rsd light or red IantPrn dis�l_,.ying �. li���t plainly visibl� from a distance oi at �east five hunared (500) feet to thp sides and rear. Ths red light or rQd l��ntern recuired under this section snall be in ad�.ition to the red rear light or �_ig'�ts and reflector reqvired upon every vehicle. r�t �ny other ti-:�� t?^ere sha11 be displa;�ed �.t i,i?e ex�:c��ne i��ar er3d of such load �. riistinctly recl cloth flag ti�hich shall be suspended on a frame or other si.milar devics in such a manner th:-t it ��ill �.isplay a red surface on two sides for a seuare area of not less thar_ one hunared forty—�'our (14�4j s�uare incn$s in appro Li�ately t'�Q s�.me plane. S�CTI�i� 6. LT�HTS :;H`r��T P�+iKED BY i�Ot�.11SIL7�--i�2,"��-Ii�IG. trhen— �ve� �. vehic�P is n:.rkea or stopped �.zpon � roc:dt�:ay or shaulder adjac�nt thereto, ���ether �ttenc�ed or un�.ttended atzring hours of dar��.ess, suciz v�h��l^ s"���11 displwy not less t'r_:�n ta:�o l�.mps, on� on eitner side e<uzib�ting a. ,-.�hite light visi'�1e fro� �. rist��.�ce oi five hundre�. (500) feet to the front "of such vehicle and not less than one continuous red light on the left sid� visible froni a dist�.nce of five hundred {500) f�et to t��e rsar, except th�,.t �.o �ights need be displ�.yed u?on ��;� s,�ch vehicle :'�rlen stoppec�. or p�rked :in a.ccordance 4vith City ?��:.rkin�; re�ul:.�,t�ons upon a public , high�Fray, �ihere there is svfficient light to rev��l any person or object t��ithin a dist<<nce of five hundred (500) feet upon such public highti°�:ay. 1'_ny �ighted 'ne�dl�:.m�s u�on �_ p�,rked vehicle shall be depressed or �.immed. S�CT1�N 7. BICYCLr� HL� ���iD ����� L•IG�T Uti �.EFL�'CTOh. During hours of dar�ess every bicycle shall be ecauii:�ped witn one l�mp on the front exhibitin� � ::�iite li�ht visible from a distance o�' ..�� ,_`'` �V r'-i�'r� �„7'�_'1_�(+P(�- �:_�'.�!1 �F?Pls. to �'�� Pr'�r�i =�c1 ._t�� ._ �_.�:.�71 Q�l the rear e.�libiting a rPd �ight visible fro� a dist�nce of five h�andred (500) feet to tne rear; e�cepting th�t �. red reflector ��:eetirig the -recu�rsnents of this act r��:.y be ��sea in Ziet� of �a rs�r 1i�;i=t. s��c��orv �. �s�oT.T ��;� ���:z�� �z�1�1s �an .���z�:i:,�-�����l�u _r�i� �.ZL O�i'ri�h V�rTCLES-�OuRS--VISIBiLITY. 1�11 vehicles, ir�c?uc?ing �.nir�al dra4�n ve'r�icles a.nd others not sy�ecifica.11y recuired by t�is a.ct to be ecuin1 ed v�ith lam�s, srall, during hours of d•�=.rk- i7ess, be e�ui��ed :�rith at le�.st one ?ighted I:�p or l�.t�tern exhibitin� a �tihite light visible from G cist�.nce of five '�itzndred (500) fept to the front anu sides of sucr� v�niclQ G.nd lrith � l;�.mp or l.�rltern exhibitin� �, red light visible froni �. aist�nce of five nundied (500) fee�t to the rear. S�CTIJPd 9. SPQT LIGH�S--��UXTLI�RY DRIVING LIvHTS--�<<:IG?�T, R��.�?GE, ��'�;:� 5�.��t�;P. �ny motor v�hicle may be e�ui�y�ed �rith not to exceed ons spot l�,m� a.rl� ev�ry lighted spot l�mp sha.11 �e so aimed anci used that no �art of the hi�h intensity portion of the be�.m y�ill be ai-rectea to t�e left o��' the prolong�.tion of the I extrer�e left side af t��e vei�icle nor m�ore tl��:x� on� hundr�d (�i00) fQet ahead of the ven;clp. xny :rotor vsni.cle ��.y be ecuil:.:ed ���ith r�ot to sxcee�. one � auxili�ly czriving la�p mountAci on the front at � ��ei�;ht r�o� �ess than t��e1vP (l�) inchvs nor mor� th� forty-�:�.�o (4�) inches �..��ove I th� lPvel s?irf�ce -- _ .�:���'i �=ze v `-_�c1� ��:__,�_� ���:-_t ir ^c �v���t sh�:ll the center af u -c�-, �:�,��; .-!;.. �.->� ��� 1 ��€; .- -_ LL� ;�e _ _��1�� tf .-���. a 7_ine dra::�n b.orizont�lly t'n-raugh the center of the he�ala�r�l�s of such vehicle� ana evnry svch au.yili�,ry drivir_g l�.mp shall t�eet the recuirements ;�nd limit�.tions set fortn in t}��,is �r�7�^�,.�c^ or �re�cribed b�r the st=.te com.��issi�n on ecu�r�..�����. -15� SECTIOi1 1C�. STUP t�i�i� �ZU�'�.N SIGN��LS :�S�ZD LIGHTS--F�E��T�IP��,��i��:S-- �=.?i�,GV_�I, QF U�VIC�S. l�.ny- r�otor vehicle ��.y be ec�uip,ed, and �rhen �4 si�ndl lamp or device is rec�uired under thi,s Crdin��nce, sl�all be e�uipped Vrith a signal lamp or signal device �rLThich sn2ll be plainly visible �zrci understanda.ble in no-rmal sunlight and during hours of darkn.ess fro�. d dist�nce of one hundred (�00} feet to the front �.nd rear but sr�.11 _�ct �roject �. gla�ing or aazzling ligrt; except that a stop signal need be vis�ble only from the rear. No signsl l�.mp or signal device shall. be usecl to give siga��.l of intsntian to stop or of intention to turn to the right or Ieft unless �.r_d until the sam� has been apprav�d by the state commissien on e�uipment. All vericles nanuf�ctured Qr assembled and first sold after the eff�ctive date of this Ordin�:.nce shall be ec;;ipped vdith a stop signal on the rear thereof ti°�hich may be either separGte or in conjunction �.�:�th any re-r Iamp, an�i sn�_�l be so connected ��1�th the service brake of sucr vel�icle th�.t it �:ill becoi7�e illur�ir_ated ana c�isplay a rea light to tne rear upon application of the service brake of s;�ch vehicle: Provia�d, such stop ldmp shall not be recuired upon any motor vehicle v��en in combinution �tiith a trail�r or se�.-t�.��.il�r. Al�. �ee�anical arm si��.i�.Is YYhen perr�iftea or recuired under the yorovisions of this Ordin�.nce s�zall 'c�e self- illui�inated, or r�flectorized displaying a yello�iT rey?ectior .��� '.�T.�.� directions, a,nd s�zzll co�ply v�ith the nrovisions of this Orcl�.�� j�ce v,�ith respect to reflectars, excent that �hQ sane sh�.11 be wt such height as ma�' be recuirea for the use and display thereof. S;�CTIOI�I 11. C0+�9L iiIVD Fr��D�ft 1,IGB�'S--COi+RTr�SY LIGNTS--E.nC�=-!iP LiGfilS--COLOR r,Tdi7 n��:-�:1.���:s-�LNTS. I�ny motor vehicle may bs ecuipped ��ri,th not more than t�ao sic�e coT;., cr �'s��Pr �_���-^s .--���c'.� s1,��1 �;�,a.t a wY�ite ?i�ht ti��ithout glare. Any �otor ve�icle may b� ec;ui���e� r4yti� r�ot :� c:�°e �;._rwr on� :L'1?-!n;n.7.?�c' Y?Oc:,l'C� COI-.�,jl�'Szr �..,-_.�'.} Q1� n._.(,''f_1_ S'i.i.�' i-.y���7'�`-Oi ".-"_"__G�1 �; - � j_ 0�7.v �l�� � rThi te li ght �:ithout glare. �_ny motor vehicle may be e�uipned iA:ith a b��ck-up I•.:�mp ei�Y±er sep�.r�.tely or in combin�..tion rritn anoi.her Iam�, e�ce�t t��at no sueh bac�:-u� ��.r�� shaZl bn lighted unless necess�=.ry for vision ,-;hile oper��.ti��g such vehicle in a reverse c�.irection and the use of svch back_-�.zp 1�.�-r� �:i�3. not znterfere z�rith or ir_convenience other vehicle oper�.tors u_pon the ;oublic r].7.�YlYJ�.ys. SECTTON -l�. HEAD L.r�J��' ST.i�1D�.RDS F0� �'����s, �I�^r:i�:C..;, PO::ER, .-, ,. - - -, . VTSI�2LT�Y, ��.ND ILT�Di�II�;1�T1Gt��--R�GLL�lI�IVS. . �111 he�d lw��s s%�.��_ be of s_�ch r_ature, and contain st�ch intensity �;.nd distribution of light to reve:::l persons, ve�icles and objects �r.�ithin �.. _ :. ��r��_,r� , able dist�:.r.c� � _,_�:-,_� �,��Pr z-.?1 con��.��.C�Y'_S c��_" �e�c?����, r,.l� f�,.c _ ccnsiderec�. °T'he rv.les an�. regalations of the st�.t� conriiission on ecuip- �=e}�t not ircc�nsiste-r.t ��itn this Ordin�,nce ond provi.ding lighting s�ecifications ��s to color, inte�sity, candle pov�er, uirection or diifusion of' -!ibht bea�, reilection, visibi�ity, Iaad.in� �nd all other ma.tters rel�.ting thereto, inc�.u�ing salP of vericle lanps �.re to be adhered to, �.nd it shall bs vnlawful for �.ny person to oi�erate �.ny venicle or for any o�ner to cause or permit to be operated any vehicle in violation of any such rules and regulations of the stcvte cor�.ission on ecuip�ent. S�CTIOIv 13. Vi�.ilr�'sLE BE��I�i. LIi�iTTS FOR li=:;�,, :;�i� ::rr; 1:_;~: T ,_:-;� --�LEVt�TIOT�?� 3��;PRESS10I�1� ��1VD S�dE�'. The h� a �:..;,:y.�s ^_:� :. .�,-��_a, �'jT I� l�.mps or both of any motor vehicle shall be so arru.n�ed th��.t � sel�ction ��.y be T��;.de by the op�rator betv�pen a.t le�.st tv�o (::�) ' aiff�rent elev�:�;ions of �ro j ected sight bea.n�. ��t le:.st one such bean shall, s�rhen the vehicle �.s not loaded, b� depr�s.��� 'c�%'ot�. � the hori?ental so that at ta'Jenty-f:ive (%.�) feet: '`, ���or,G n�' T;=P � -- ;� , ����� � .i� �.Z� l,^'__.�,.L�.,;� t7�-'�.._.� l,__l� .;C 'v�Ci 1��) ���E l f?'f't;, r'J� .. � �'�'�G�_��`.�.1C�i1 O1' �_�._�� elitrer�e left side of tn� vPhi cl_� sh�:�ll ��ra j ect �.�igher than tpn (�0) inches belov� the level of t��e center of tl�e lamp from v�liich it cor�es; none of the high intensi�y beam directed to the right of a orolong�.tion of the extreti:e le�'t side of thP vehicle s�� 11. �ro j ect higher t��an fzve (5) inches belo� t'rle level of the c��r.tc-r of the l��mp fro�. ti�,�hich it comes; ar_c� in no event shall ".ny of the high in.ter�sity beC�m of such depresse� bean project y�i�her than a levsl of forty-tti°Jo (4�) inches above tre lev�1. st�rface on �vhich the ver�icle stax�.ds ��t a dis�ance of seventy-�'ive ; �r�J) f�et 4.head: Pravided, the provisions of this section �e�;i�ix in� I� _:. cieprAssea projected light beam shall nat �pply to vehicles �"'irst sold �:nd in operation on the effective d�.te of' this Orc��n�:nce. I� �=;�CTT�Tv 14_. EI,�_�RC�LT��CY R�L�ui.�TI,Gi�S x5 �0 i,IurTS. y�,'hpn nAcess�.ry �_,y reason o" emsrgency, any motor ve�zicle �ay be operated dtzring hours of darl�ess v�hen ecvippeci ti�r�th trro Iighted T�mps on the front thpreof capable of revea.l�ng persons and ob�ects seventy-�`'ive (75) f�et ahead in lie�� of other he:,.a I��n�s re�_��ired by tl:is O:�ain- 'i-•11 it be o er�.ted at a s eed ance: Provzded, that at no tl�.e s� u p p in exceed (excess) o�' tyaenty (�:0) r�iles oer iiour. For tt�e purposes of this section an ��erger�cy shall be a mechan�c�.l i�.ilt?re of the h�adla.r�ps ot��eruvise re�uirPa. Such emergency shal]_ exist only so lang �.s is reasonably necsss::_:ry to re�.c'��. tia.� �:.z�:�: � Point �.here the li�hting defect i:i��.y b� co-rrected, ut�CTl�i� 15. I�I�hTS i�T �:TG�-iT--FLE�;iiTR�z_�vTS � ,�: ��� . ...t ,.�_1 times during hours of darkness, at least tz�ro (:-j �_��:i�t�d 'nP��.d- ?anps shall be displa.yea, one on eacY� siae at the front of every �::otor vehicle� and one lighted red rear Zamp, except v�hen such v�hic7.e _is p�.r�pr; �-_�:�iect tr� �;�� rr� ;�_..t�.n�s `�v�rrir_._ � ���ts on p;�:.rked v�-__._ �•� :,.r . _-, _ ::?"Qnev��� �. _:�:otor vehicl� e�_��.�.��ed Vrith he�.d.l?mps, a.s in triis �7'C?.1,:t�.",I'�Ce Z'�t::1,="i i��i.� _S ='.�Sv ��::Li_7.�:'i`'2G `'�1.t�1 BTly 2.L1X7.Z1.Sr'3T lamps ar �. spot la.mp or any other lamp on the front thereof, rzot more th�.n �. total of four (4) of any sL�ch l�.mps on the front of a. vehicle shall be Ii�hted at any one tine yMhen upon a pvblic ��igh���ay, � :c��t that svch limit�tion shull not exclude co�l or fender lamps c�r .;.ny l�.m}�s recuirea by lavr. S�C`I'IUlV 16. RE� LIuPTS 1iv FROTvT- i�_;»� i��iG -:Z"t�•��- r:.'��1��1�i1t1;?S. '-o r.. �rson shall drive or move any v��icle o�� ��u�-y�::�ert ��;;;on :::��T I public highway vrith any lamp or device tY�ereon displaying a red ' l�`ht visible from directly in front t�.ereof. This section sr�.Il �.�� w�ppl�� to �.�athorizeci Q�vrgency v�hicles or vehiclss oi Lhv I �a.ep�.rtment af higni:�ays of the St�te of �`�ashington r,�hich present � : d,.nger by the nature of treir necessary operation. ��uto�atically flashin� lights or inter�ittent lights =r:,� �ro- z.y���.ted on motor vehicles, except as �, rewr sign��,l l�.mp for indicuting intention to stop or turn to thp ribht or left �nd ��,�r�en, �:_s �.nd if approved by the st��te comr�ission on ecui�r,�ent. __ _ -- -- CNkPTr�R. IV UL;�ITCL� E<�U1?T:rr�NT Si'C'I'IGT�I l. BR��KE REC..;;LIR���ET1TS--S�+_-'-_--R.�:,TL, 1�.ND ilufluPL;NDEII�T (�ON- T�G�S--%;�OlORC�'CLES ��iD r�IC�CLES--�R�=�I;.�RS--i:LT-:;��EE'�L BR�.KIT�G-- STOPPING PO:�;L;R .AND DI�.�.Tr�1�iCE-i��TTdT�1Eii�iC� 1Pd EiDJ�S'TT�.i:�1�T. Eve1.'y ;:���nr Zj��'t�=14�_�j other t�,�.n � �notorcgcle, ���hen oper::,ted. t?�on H aub- _.,ic ,,��` l�e::-�„ s;��.�l b� ec�ti?ip�};�d �;��th br t.kes �:decuate to control tk�� mover�ent of �nd to stop and ta hold sucr ver�iclA, including t�.o separate neans of ap?�lyin� such br:;.kes, each of :����zich means ' sl��.11 be effective to ap�ly the br�kes to �,t le�.st t��10 ��heels. If �:�.rs�� �-:�c, s•-:-���.rate L�s�ns of a.pplyin� the brakes ��.re connected .-�.n. .:._ -- �:- ��, ��',_.-� s���ll be so constructed that t�ie fai_lt�re of an�T OY18 T?�'.l"t c�f' t'_�8 O�F'i��.t7.T1� Ti1PC�:=.riiSP1 S'_'1��.�.� YlOf �.22.V8 thE' i�OtOT Zr"=�'-_,,��_� v�ithoti�t brakes on �.t le=.�:st tE+o °�.�-,Pels on �re s���e �.�?e. '1��� separ�.te �e--.ns of applying such br�.kes sh�:1Z be approved by the sta.te cor�ission on ecuipment. EvEry motorcycle and bicycle, :-:?�en opPrat�d upon �. ��3blic high���.y, shall be ec;uipped �rith at le��st one friction brake, ���l�ich m�y be ope-r"ted by hand or foot. Every tr�.iler or sei�i-tr�>iler of a gross �rpi�ht, inc?udin� lo�.d, of t:�:-c ti�o,;s:�Y�� (-?,000) pounds or r�ore, Y.rhen operated upon �, public '�i�;h�rs:�y sr�.11 ve er�uipped �rith brv.kes �.decu��te to contral the move�ent of a_,:.d to stop and to hcld such v�hicle and so de- signed as to be -ap;,�lied by tLe driver af the toLying �ctor ve�licle from its cab. Every ne��� �otor vehicl�, tr.:.il�r, �?nc3. s�mi-tr� iler sold in t'�is C�ty �.fter Se�teni�Pr• l, 1909, and oper�ted u�on th� ���?.'plic hi�r�72ys sh�ll be ecU.ip?�ed vT�th s�rvice br.,�kes ���oon �.11 �yn.eel� of �t I.east t�:o axles of �every s�ach vehicle, ��:ce�::� any bicycle I or �otorcycle,- a.nd exceat th�.t �,ny such tr�4iler or ser�i-tr�.i_ler of less trian tt�ro thous�:.nd (2,Q0�) pa�.;szas gross Y�eight, incl.uaing loaci, need net be ecuip_�ed dr;th br�-:kes. The service br�kes t?pon �.ny �otor vehicle or combination of vehicles s:na.11 be capable of bringing s�.c� �reh�cle or cQr�bination 'I of vehicles to a complets stop ��t a rate of deceler�tior_ eruiv�Ient I to G, sto?� v��tnin thirt;,r-fiv� {�,��; f eefi fror� �. speed of t���enty(�0) '� niZes per hour tirhen upon dry as��,���lt or c�-�,cr•�t;A ��.ver�ent t��e surface of iryhich is freQ fro� Ioose�m�.teriG.l �na the grade of vYhich does not exceed one (1} per cent: 1 rovidAd, t���.t under � si�ch conditions the service br:a.ke upon any �otor vehicle eruipped with sprvi ce br��kes upon one dxle on?y, �dhen the use of s�a.ch vehicle is permitted L�nder the provisions of this Ord�r�nce, sha7 =� be c�.p�.r1.e c�f_ Nr�.�.;�in.� s�ac�� �::otor ve'r_icle to a co�_p�_�+e stop �-.t .. r�.te of deceleration ecuivalent to a sto� �:�ithin forty-five {45) �'��t. ' ��I? br�z'�i..�� dist��:nces �.r_d r��tes of dece�eratiQr_ s�ecified in -t'e i � se�t�-�.�.:���: s1�all app�.y to all vehicles �.:entioneci, �j���hether sLch vericles are not lo�:ded or are loaded to the maximum capacity permitted ta.naer this Ordin��nce. hll br�.kes sh�ll be maintained in goacl �:rOI'k1Tlg order �.nd shall be so �djusted as to op�r�te as ecu�.11y as p-racticable ��ith respect to the N��heels on opposite sides of the vehicles. 1t sha11 be un1Gi�T�ul to oper�ate �ny vehicle rvith tY�e brakes ovt of ad justnAnt to the Pxtent th:-wt the unecual appZic�.tion bet4°:reen o��osite sicies o�' the vehicle ti4�i-�_�. c�.use the vehicle to sr��rTr�, ;ull to the side, or othe_rM,-ise ��'�'�et t�_e o�eratoi�t s contro�. Ti�,e me€:ns of ,��ppltTin& tne brakes o�her th-tin t��e servic� cr foot brake shall be capa'r�le of ho?d.ing any t�otor vehicle a-r co:_�- bin�.tion of vehicles str�.t�onary uioon any plus oz �inus gr��cle upon ti;rhich the sa.�ne is to be oper�ted �:.nd in any event t����n �� plus or r�inus gr�.cie of �.t least five (5) per. cer.t. • SECTION 2. HORI�iiS, GOl`1GS� ��I�SSiLES� r�aJ uIF�LL;ivS- y _�Li�: 'i0 �� SOI7I�D�D--�IREVS ��D `�`:`==ISTLL;S ��STRICT�1� `l'0 C�;RT�.Iii Vcu�l.CLES--LC� :;� � i�uPS�S--�LDIBL� DISTt=�NCE. Ever•y motor vehicle shall be e�uippec�. v�ith a suitable horn �rrich snall be sounded at �a��T �`� �_�� ��- �''Y' s vehicle is approkching a conuition of danger or `=-� =-�°4= �-^ �--'�,-4=� _ � � _ .. _ exercise of dve care warning s'r_ould be made or ��t such ti���s :_.:._c. under such conditions as recuired by la��. It shall be unl���fu� �I for any motor vphicle to be ecuipped �:ith any gong, siren or ���h�.st�.� unless such vericle is used as �.n ar�'p?�la.nce or is oper .te�. by a.ny �olice dep�.rtn�nt, fire dep�.rtment, sherifft s office ar st�.te ���trol, or is otrer�ise �n authorized e�QrgQncy vehicle, or is .>. vc_'' Z n l G f' ',-',- n c i- �c �'(.'=�.`,,,`-� _J f'�',. ,i�" '.�C`,'1 1,,_'F ;�_:.�' t_.. _.j'ti, �__ �,s., O � _ .- _ .. .._ � _ c i , and c•rhich by r��,son of its necess��ry oper��tion f�rPsents a dunger to tr�.f#'ic upon the Public n�ghti°�cy or recuires the benef�.t of tr.� ri�ht of cday over other tr2ffic. The horn u�on any vehicle shdll be cap�.ble of snitting saund auaiblp under� norma.l conditions at a distance of r_ot less than tFvo hundred (200) feet and the gon�, siren or rtr�iistle u�on wny authorized emergency vehicle shall be c�pa.ble of e�itting so�and . o�.�diblP under norr�al conditions at a distance of not l�ss tha.n five hundred (500) feet. No unus�.ally loud harn shall be permitted on any �rshicls, othpr than un authori.:ed emergezicy vehicle. SE�TIGI�i �. i.i;�UFFL�tiS OIV �'EXH�US�S--LT�Lh.:�Fi1L OP�R�TTGN �'�`TTH CUT- OU�'. It shall b� unlav°:ful for any aersor to op�rate a �otor v�:�icle ��Thich sl�all not at all tir���s bP ecuipped with a nuffler upon the exhaust thereof in booci r-:Torking order and in constant aperation to prevent excessivs or unusval noise arid it sPall be unla�viul for any person oper�ting any motor vehicle to use a c��t-ozit, '�y-pass, or similar muffler eli�ination appliancs. Sr_;�T:L�:T�f �. i.�__�-VI���� �.:i.����,G_��--:�T S t'�`i�a�t� VI��.__�__ . �v��ry cit,r�r C�z' OJ�x'�.tQ�' Of �...}"?v r(!OtCi' 'PSh1.C1.� t18@t3. UpOTl ��V UL;1��:iC �",1L�';����,`:V of this Gity :shdll er;_uip such vehicle ��ith �.. mirror or other device to enable the oper��.tor thereof to h�.ve at a,ll times cle�r and �nobstructed viAvr to the rear of such vehicle sufficient to er_able hi� at a11 times to obs�rve conditions existing to the re��r of such vehicle T��r�.thin �, dista.nc� of not less t��.an t��ro hvndred (F�OG) feet. SECTIQRi 5. SfiTCK�i�S hIV� SIGTvS UBSCuRING �:Iiv�Srlc�L.u. It shall be unlawful ior any person to oper�te a.ny motor vehicle upon the . public highzr�ays of this City �°Jith any sign, ooster, ca.rd, sticker or other non-tr�.n.sparent material upon the �rindsriiela or rear o�� , S1.uP ;':'i'I1C�i0'�:"S Q� S .Ci�. T:;nT;01.' VE'=i1.C�� Ct•��o�' l:��c.T? �.. G�r't7. i�. C'.. ��' OI' I -�2- sticker recuired by la�r or rule or reguZ2tion ef �ro�er and la�vful .uthori ty, in �ahi ch case the sc,,ne shall be pl.aced in tr e lo�.�er rzght-hand corner of the ��iindshield only. ���'CTIO�i 6. .:IT?DSNIE�D CL�r".I�TL:�S--:�Fi�I�T TO Bu u��D--���L;`: C�`.F. ���UIR�iuETu�TS. Tt shall be unla�rful for any oerson to oper�.te ��.ny motor vehicle not ecuipped ��ith �. device in good workin� oider for cZeaning the exterior portion of tY��e uTindshield over a sufficient area thereof and in a s�.tisfactory manner to afford such operGtor �. clear viev� ahead, which device shall be controlled and oper�.ted by the oper�.tor of such motor vehicle at �.11 times when from rGin, ; sno«� or otrer cause tl�e condition of the extelior portion oi the :.�inasniela _M��y bPcorae s��cr= tY���.t s�.id op���.tor� s v��e;�� �_a.y b� i_�p�ired. :�fter Se�tember l, 1935' it shu11 be unlailfUl for ur�T ���rson to oper�.te any ne�� motor venicle first sold or dsliver�cti aiter tnat d�.te vyhich is r_ot ec�uipa�7ed with si�ch device or device� in �ood ��iorkin� order capable of cleanin� �he vtiincis�i eId tnereof , over t��o sep<_;.r<�:te �.res, one each on the l�ft ::�nd right side of t=�e ��indshield, e�.c11 caa�able of cl��:ni �_ :. � _� ": ^�= ��' --�g. � �< - _:. one hvndred tt�enty (1`?0) scuare inc_��s, c_. �-__ � �. :z�ic�� c•�� u ��- �es c��pable of acco�plisring substanti�.Ily the same resulte . '.�CTIGI� 7. SPIKED OR CLEhTED G`.�EELS UP1L�.t'��FUL--�;�C -,� 1.;.��:;'S� - t sliall be unla�+Tful for any person to drive, �ropel, dr�.�q., �ov�^ ! corve�T or tr��.nsport, or cause to be driven, prape�led, dra-:,�� :. �oved, conveyed or tr�.�nsported, upon, over, along or �,cross � > v:' �aved, cor_crete or asphalt hi�hway of this Cit�, any vehicle ox� ob�ect �°lhich sh�.11 have any rrhsels or tires so made, constrvet;=:� ; �orm8d or shaped or so ec;uipj�ed �,�ith spikes, clsats, lugs or ot�ner ::_'-}:_,.c:,::_��_�_:-:: o�� _:�roj�ctions, or s���:.11 be constr�acted of such t; ___ �: � . -_ :;�es�roy ar injur� �.ny City i?i�l�v:��y or tl_e suri_c- � ioundatiori""or other tiart tn�rQof. It shall be unlatilful for �r_�� - -., - - - . . . - -�r.-;. -�(' .ZT� - r�.- f- . _ -1 _ _ �... � _. _:. ,,.._. �. . y _ o .,� "� , � - - , 't0 be driven �l'p"C���gC! uT'�,.`v;Ti ?�OV�C�. CO�1Vc�rECi pi' i,T'�':i1S'�Oi�c�. � � 1 s s � � r over, upon, along or �cross �_ny C�.ty ri�'��:�_y wny �rey�.��le or object rThich shall have any ��heels or� tires other tran pneum�.tic rubber ti.i�es, hollo�� center cvshion rubber tires or solid rubber tires, e�cept ryhen the rlirector of high�rays of t'r�e Sta.te oi ��4�asl�ington � ss��� coni;,r�r�% reg?}�_,tia�s: Provided, this section shall r_of r r,:-i�T �-� f �,r:�.�. e�ui��Lnt on s�ootn ��t-;.1 1RrhQels . ��:� �- _t'� =�ro�r :-:TQight not to e�.ceed five thavsand (5,0���0)pound�< :�CTTOAI £3. GFI�"�IluS OR F��_ST�TITIVGS OF LOhDS--_ - . .� __ : -- �i OiuS. It shall be unl�.,=:fu1 to operate any v�hicle upon tne ��:�:F�_c - �-'�.r:ays of tris City tirithout �:avin�; t1�.� lo�;.c� t��rPon sec�,��ni; �'-. .��:Pr_sd �.r_d �rotected by s�.f�ty cL��ins or otr.er uevic�. `�",e :�°ules and regulations of the state commission on ecuipment � - .� what shall co��zstitute adecuate and safe cl�ains or other �:, . ':�r t�e fastening and pratectio� Qf loads upon v�hicles, s};_,, � '�� , c�_,sider�d a part of this section. :�EC'TI�iV 9. DRQl PI�iG Ot� T F�KING L0� �TL,:��Tt;i�.T�-�LS--qr�iTOV�iL �" ,'��' OxD--T�=�O�:Ir��+G D�RPTS GN ROhD--�P�=�Sn PROTECTI01�?. �10 vehic�_e I .. _tJ.�_ rL . .�i�all be driven or moved on any �ublic highway lar�?ess sach ven�c�e �� is so constructed or lo�.dPd �.s to �revPnt �.ny of its Ioad from }roploing, sifting, le�kin.g, or otL�r��rise esc�;:ping t'r�erQfro.�_�_, �:�c:-�'� '�izat s��nd :.�ay be dro�ped ior tile purpose of securing tractrc.�, or .-�:.tc� o-r• af�'_�r s��.��st :�n ._-=.y be sprinkled on a roadvv��� �._ .'��� I cl��.�� ���; or . _-ti:;:;,,h; _ €�� such ro�dway by �ubl.i^ a.� tr_. _'L J _ l.i l��.vi�1g jur�.sdictian. .�i.ny p¢rson operatin� u veh2cle fx�or:1 '_��^i- ��ny ola.ss or objects have f��llen or �sc��ped, �.:��_ich asao�zlo_ constitute an o�struction or injure a vel��.cle or othertir�ise e��clai�g��> t�r_�v�l :-��n s�_�e�1 public hi�;lij°r�=y si�all im�ediate��r c�.��:s� th� - -�:;�?_�.c ni,. �...:-y �o be cl���ned of �,11 s,_�c�� ;�7_�yss ow ��jects. It s���='� I �c' t�t"1� _:.'_f•,i fnr � 1V �n,�,�.cnn i'n �;.h.'_'O`".' OY' �tr^r� �,yZ�r �1 ..S5 Qti`��?C�' debris or ar�3r �'r�_�ste from any r�ovin.� vel�icl� i�.pon the ri�ht of � �zr Of' :�.T13' -y�:7i�17.0 }.17.��1�ti;_a,�*. .._•.� i�ver;� vehicle shall be eruip�oed vJith a device adeGu�,te to Qi�,ectively re�.uce the tialieel spray or s�la.sh of ;��at�r irom tr�e ��:�=:.,��:�_,.y to tr�e r:ur thereof. ._;�- -- -' � �_ : _ -;;SLS--S��P SsGi�:_>L i�t�UTC�S--DISPL=�' r�i��D � '� ` �'��= - - ' '''�7ICLE. AIl school busses shall be _ _ �.;__; �; �_ �_ ,,:.,_ _. ��� ticuipped vYith a t�stop`� signal upon a backg-round not less tran t�.�elve (l�) inches scuare displ��.ying the -�:ord Tfstopt' in letters :_f disti.nctl.y contrasting colars not less 1�nan eight (8} _+nches _ . __ n -�_ C�a_l_1 displ.ay bot� to t��e front �:.��d re�r of such .�u c.�:,, - - - 9 _ � �_=dT cartrolled by the aper�.�tor oi the schoo� ';-�s, eht�nding to th.s left of the �no�.y and s��all be displayed �;zl.y c�rhen such school bus is receiving or disch.3.rging school ��assengers and snall be rel�ased only :-��en such sc��oo� ioassengers _ - . _:c�:�.�red or �1SCYlaZ'bE,'CI. and hav� not iurther need of protection �_-.-_ c_�v�:���� the public ���sh��uy or othert�ise. :�: t shali be u.nla��ful for an;� �erson oper::a.ting a motor ve�.icle - �.� ��-�.thPr direction upon a o�iblic high�.:�y to f�.il to bring such Sr:hicZe to a complete stop a� least �?0 feet c��ray and on the ���_.proach to any schoo� bUs on the roa.d�;r.�;� ar oif t}�� ro�_av�r�_y r�.isplaying such stop signal and reraain standin.g until the su.me is �=�:.�_�ased: Provided, corIlpli��ce u�ith the provisions of �___°: �� ��=����-i �^ � �'�.:411 not re3.ieve �.ny motor v�;iicle o�erator oi the fur�-!_��r c�-�t-- vo exercise reason�,.ble c�re in apx�ro3ci�ing or passing �.ny s�ac�� � s c?,�>�,�_ ,_ q �:::���t TLr� V SIZ�, 'y`'�LIGriT ttL'rll� LO��- �;�i:�i� ._.. ?. v��i�ID�; �;:IDTH LT1t.IIT--OLTSI�� ��i.�_VI��G: �dIRROR ���- '�;�uSI�P1 , �T'�� total ou�side ��:idt�� of any vehiclp or lo�.d thQreon s'_n_a1_�_ �ot A:,-ceec� ez�`��t (,�) �Qet 8'�GBp� t?�at �n c�s�s ;-:,�-,.P _,r,�- G. any person to opAr�.te upon the ��.:�blic high���.ys of this C�t�,T any cor.�ination of veh�cl�s ��nich, �x�itn. or �:ithout Ioa�, :nas `:.�� overall Iength in excess of sixt;� (60) feet or any co�.bir_:,.t�on of ve�zicles containing any vahicle :':-:.�ich has a �Z�ngtlz in e..cess of thirty-five "c� � _. � ��-� — '-i i�� l i r � � (35) z ..et: Prov�ded, s�.�-�. Ien�;th l�r�iz�-. "_o... .._._��]_._ not ap�__5 to vehicles tr��.nsporting poles� �oi�e, machinery or other objPets of a struct�.�r��1 nature i-r'rlich canr�ot b� disrseu.bered ��:.��a o�erated 1�;; a ''� cs��blic uti?ity �rhen 1 ecaired for e�,�ergency rer�.ir of pubZic sprvice fWcilities or �oro�erties. Nor snall tlzis section be construed r_Ns prol:ibiting t.ze ri�.ulin� of tels��honP :.�na telegr�.�N �cl.es or �iling �1�ich rAsults in mors than sixt�T (60) feet o�reral� `I.ength oi s�id truck. Bvt in res��ct to night tr�.nsport�..tion ev�ry s}�cri -��hicle ana the lo�.d thereon shall be ecui.1o��ed �yZth a sUfficient ,�.a�ber o� cie�.r•ance 1��.�s on bo�h sides �..nd m�.rker iarnlos u�on the ���tre�.e en�.s of �.ny ?�ro j ectiilg load to cZparly r�.�:.rk the �.iinensions c;;" <_.,,�A_ lc:-.. � . , ' _ , i'��-. ,�, ,r - --,.� 7^r' C' , " F`^�� ��',_ �_O" n;- :� n ",?"! ":G` � � ,_.,� „ ,.. --.:.- t. ' � - _-.% -. � . y� . _� .. _� �_ ` iror� ve��icl� of a combin�.tion of vehicl�s, shall not extena more than three (3) ieet peyona the �'ront r:heels of such ve��icle, or irle Lront b-::�m�er� if ecui��;�ed ��=ith front bum�er. ���o vehicle shall be oper�.��d u�on the �u'tJ�]..0 11i�h:'�-��ys of this CityT =,rit�� c;_ lo:=.". �xten�ing beyoncx the re�.r of thP v�'�_� ^�.�� - ,, �t^ncP _ , in excess of fifteen (15) feet. S�CTIOTI 4. 1k�il�u�UT�n G1rtOS5 ���Ii:==''�_._��::��.��-�G��� LIi:iTTS--�.D�i- TIOT�i�L �uiLLS--�;t�'�_TLLr LO��S--��n�"TOS OF BR:.K�S, TIRliS, ��;:;D L�i�Gl�:l TO �.�r�Il�:�'T--P�_?.?�TI�S FOu VIOLt"a�TIC��S. (�. Tt s��a11 be Unla�;:ft?1 I } I to op�r_:.te �ny vericle upon th� public hishc�r�.ys of tl�is City, supported u�on t���o (�) �;.1�.-J_es �:� l�ss, r t�,�- �. g-ross ���ey ��������, � �� ��,.� _. lo�d, in el�cess of tre�i�;�'-�'o�_�-r t�:ov.�:.�,�� ('_;4,000) yoo�.�nds, o��° - :}.i�'_�_ �;�'r;CS .o.l._�nj- "r'C�?n �.i���T �nr� �l � _�'l o j;hc�:['�(JF' .-',..�'t Q'_C�S� C� f-' c�� 't'�" ;_ . tiiOtcS�.i1(:i ��8�v'.)l.'� r01�'lU.S. It s'rlall be unla��ful to oper:�te any vel�icle upon the �ublic highti�r�.,ys of tnis City, support�d upon three (3) a.:«les or mo�e, ��:�itL � aross ivei���t, z��c�uding lo�a.�., ir. e�.ces7 ef thirty-fov.r tl�o�zs�_nd (3�-,000} o�,_�.���s, or ��-ith .�_ �;ross �:Tei�l�.t ����cn �_ny o�?� (1) a�le tnerQof in excsss of fourteen tho�.zsand (14,GG0) pounds. It sl�all be unla4aful to operate �.ny one (I) a�Ie ser�i-trailer upon the ���blic hig�Z���ys of this City, z��itn �. gross �eight, including loa.d, upon such. one (I) axle in e�cess of eignteen tnousand (18,OOQ) pounds. It shall be unla�bfu7_ to oper:.te any t�^yo (�) axle se�i.-trai�er upon t:ne �ubli c '�_i�htig�ys of thi s Ci ty, s�ri th a gro s s �ei oht, including load, upon such t�ro (F') a�Ies in el�cess of t�r�enty-six ti���sa��d (26,000) pounds, or :°yith a gross ti�veight upon any one of sucn axles in e�cess of fourteen thousand (14,000) pounds; (b) Subject to the maximuxn axle arld gross �reigrts sgecified in subsection (a) above, it sna11 be anlawful to o��rate any vehicle or cor�bination of vehicl�s �:Tith a gross tiY@Z.�`�—,i^t, incl�adin� Ioad, in excess of tl1�.t d�termin�� by the total area in scu�.re inches of brake lining c��pable of eifective cont��.ct ws�th t��e brake drum or arums of such vehicles or cor�bin�.tion of vehicles mu�.ti�li�d U� sixty (60) pounds: �'rovideci, .a�ere, u:nder t'r�� provisions of triis Or�.in�nce, vehicles �..re per�i.tted to be operat�d upon the p�.blic highvy�,ys of this City �-yit�� service br�.kes on one -a.xle only, the �n�.xi�.um gross �veight, includi�zg load, as determined by t�.is subs�ction, sh�:.11 be determined by the tot�.l area in scuarP inches of �r�:�ke lining capable of effective contact �:i th ts�e br•��ke drun or dr:��:s of s??cn vericl� o� co:�b�.nation o_� veh�clss �ultix�Iied by one hundi ed (100) i_�o�u�ds: Provi�ed, further, tne provisions of tris subsection snall a�ply only to the foot or service brakes c��; •��.�y sacl� venicle cr co�i'pinations cf v��:icles; (c) Subject to the ma�imum �ross vTeight s�pciiied in sub- ��ct��_�_n (a.) above, it shall be L�nla�diul to over�.tv �.n3� vehicle upon the public highways of tr�.i.s City �nri�th a gross �rTeight, incluaing Ioad, vpon any tire concentr��t2d u�on tne su�face of ti�� ',-��,ti:�.���r�.�jr in excess of five hundred (500) po�.nds per inch ::idth o�" s?..e'� t�.����� �c�� tr:�.c, _����rposes oi this suhsection, tre ��idtn of' tire i::�. �:� =- c.� 4 c;?.i�a �}����1_�::� or ho1_�_0;:� center C1�_SP10ri r?�^ber tires, so :to-� � i�:��e use thereof may be �err�.�.tted by t�.e la��, sha11 be �eas�_r��: U:t�Rre�n the flanges oi the ri�. For the �L?r�ose of t�:is ��.,�'�+.s�,c{.;^�,; ��=�:e rdidt�� of tires in c:::.se of pneLu��.tic tires sh�ll be ti ^ �:��°��ss CGC.�.. ,�� �._�. . ._.:t .... . _, ..,.. ._ .._.. _ C��.... .�.�_�' . .. ._`�_ . � �i. ... ,. -., ..J ..'.,. .._ � �: - • �_ ... . ^'t i^- �- �' - - - � - ' ��r,�� ;`,C�a.� G_ E'7 �. .._. _ l. _:;.-. L;Q _ . . �', _- .._.LL� i `. � -_ � -'.�.��c���.t load thereon; L�.) SUbject to the �aximum �:.xle and ��•ross Y�reiSht s�ecified _._- su�section (a) �}.bove, it shall be unla��fuZ to o-oer�:te any motor v��:.icle or co�_1b.ination �i' vericles �:�ith a gross e�+�ight, irc�uain� l��.d, in sxcess oi th«.t ueterminea by the follo4-��ng fcrz:.u?_�-.� I �'nt�1 gross vreight, �ncluaing load, in �ounds ecual 750 (L+4�) �l� 'a�ich L repressnts the overall dist�.nce in f�et betta:een tre first � ��-�.�.n and t��e l�.st axle of such vehicle or co�.bination of vehic?_es. �'�ny person viol��ting a.ny of the provisions of tnis secti.��•r� . '�.:�1� 'oe guilty of a misdemea.nor and upan first convictian t� ^;°,:=�"` si���ll be fined not less than ten dollars (�1G.00) or �nore th�.�. L.�enty-five doll�.rs (��;;5.G0) ; upon sacond conviction thereof ,: ��_�_ 1:� fin.ed nat I.ess than t��enty-�'ive dollars {�;�;S.OJ) or �ore tl��:_l� �'�.fty dol�wrs (�:5G.0�) ; apon a third or subse�uent conviction �: •l � ',; " � - {- � c t'- -^-j v r' � l ;r� � �.!'?��ir_1) nr ,�;n.rn �;r.;,.� � .��_.� L , e _�,��^d .:� ., _ ss _. ftv :��_ ._ _ _ � � . � •- ��-.�__.:.i��_i. -.� -- ._�S �_ . .�_, . S��'I`IGTd 5. :.=��xl�lu�rT Lfl.'.;�5 IN R�_TIG TO �-.�i��L-���_S� L':�kGTr-- __';���'��`1s� �LuS .«Tvi� TR�.TLERU. It shd.11 be �.�.r�.la:�:�ful ta op�rate �vny motor truck upon th� public hi�n��ays af this Cit;�, supported ._��on ttivro (�) �xles and having a gross :rrei`,nt, incl���.ing load, in e-:c�ss of t��elve th�usand (l��,OCC�) pot�nds, sin�;ly or in combin�.tian .:.;.t:n a se�:v.-tr�.ilpr, yY1 (�� a t°:fneelb�.se betyreen tnQ first �:..nd second `_F_:��s thereof of lsss th�.n eight (8) feet. i t sh��ll be un�a��Yful to oper_-te �ny motor truci= upon the _,,���lic highv�ays of this City, supported upon three (�) axles ar :�_o��e, h�,ving a •gross ��reio�t, incluaing lo�..d, in excess of' t;°;�, ,�_ �'�::�usand (l�;,QJO) pounds, sir�gly or in combination Pd1,'tYl � s^: ��� �`-�°.�iler, ���ith a Vyheel'aase bet::pen t�_� fir;�u -:.nc't s�con:� �.xles ti�ereof of less than ei�ht (8) f�et: o.r �. -;�de?r,� s� r�t�=�e� t��� spcor,d > ��.,� third axles tnereoi oi less +h�-.n three (�) feet, six (�} _._-�s. It shdll be unla+:iul to oper�.te any motor truck upon the � .�.=z_ic ni�hr:��ys of t�iis C-?ty, st�nportpd u�o�� t��ro (`�) ax��s •:;.nd � ' .vin� a �;resS tiY�i�li�, :iY?Cluuiil� lo�C�.� 1n @x.cPss oi t?�u��v� �ii.Ol".:,�-_�G. i l��,GvO) poun�.s, in co��bi-r_ation ::itn �. tr�iler, .��ith a >e��eelbc� - - ;� -- ___ - .. . _. � - ^^.-. __ : �_ ^^ p . _ , _ _ t -_ '"`-,_ /, ;-\ _ _ ., � _ - - _ - _ _ � ,_ _-. � - � � � � , � � _ . _ . ,�_ . � �� _ ._: ., ` .� �.:. , ,.__ . _. . ' �.��i4:�.:��s of t�_�s City, su_;:�i orted �a��on three (3) a�les or �-�c � = . ,,_ , ' ,�riYi>� r �'roSs "�tQi �'�ts ;n.C?Uri1ri� l.q�� " � � - - _ � , , _ _ -' - ., .._ , _. - . . _ ����,��0) nounds, in ca��bii�=�t�.on 4°;ith �, tr�.ilei�, .�rith �� .:_�eel'u:_+se �:�ett���e?n tlle i�.rst �nd seconcl axles thereof of less than ten (10) feet or a ��heelbas� bet�aeen the second and t�?ird �,�.les tF�ereof oi �ess t_,_`.n thr�e (3) �'ept, siV (6) inches. i t sL.all be un�_�;.�:i��.1 to o�.l�te any CO�1b11Zati�n o.i vQhi cles �:�ns.isting of a mator truck and semi-tra.iler upon the public �iigh- :-�ays of t��is City ti�rith a gross t^reight upon such ser�i-trui.ler in ��1�cess of ttiaaelve thous�.nd (12,000) pounds z��i-th a �w��.eelbase betGvesn tre l�.st axle of t��� ��:otor truck ��nd the �irst �.yle of t_�p se�i- tr;--.i'�.�r oi less tnan t��elve (1�) feet. It snall be un.��..ylful to oper�.t� any trailer L?;oon the ��blic ��� ���::�ys of this City� support�d upon t�°do (;') �,�cles and having a ;;ross �vei�ht, inc?uding load, in excess of tti�elve thousand (Ir�0�0) .�o,.�nds ��:Titl� � :r�'r_eelUase bet::een the first wn� s�cand �xles ti�ereof �� ��ss th.n t�aslve (I.�) feet. I u s:�all be unla���ful to oper�te �.r_y tr�:.iler u��on the _��,blic ��-�_`a��:�_.;Tc �f thi s City, sup�aorted upon three (3) axles or mare, y_�zving a gross ti�Teibht, including Io��d, in excess af t�:Telve trov.s:nd (I�,C�O) pounds ��ith a d�neelbase bet���een tre first �nd secor_� :,_:�lps tlzereof of less than tc���Ive {l��) feet ar a s�rheelba.se i�eti-rep,�. ���� �pcond at�d third axles t�±ereof of less tz�wn t'r_ree (3) �eet, s;._ ���) inches. It shall be unla.ti�ful to oper�.te any cor�binat�on af vehicles, corw.� stin� of a ruotor vehicl.e snd tr:�.iler, ti�ith a cor��bined gross -�:�ight in e�:cess of ten t'r�o�asand (10,000) �ounds, �f�r�.tl_ a wreelbase � ?�etv,een the Iast axle of the �.ator vehicle and t�ie �°irst �?xle of �--� �:�ail�r of less tt��.n ten (IO) f�et. �'�r the �urposes of tris section, 4�heelb�.se shall be meas�red . , . ',L�t:'_ �z ,,S i"' -� -;^ � � ���c, -�,r•, C;�at. +' �r' C;c='r�l,�i L�fr �'' �.' T?d_:.� . .� _,_ __�_ S _ ,� , _.-_ -- - __� ___�:. i G.�51�;T1^tP�. � —�:Z— � :l�'�'1l ,,;: � �' -i:_T ilr { �; � j-r�. i-,,., --. ,_ � , -_ � . �,m _- �. _ .. a: _ _. _�...,.._ .._+.1��,.� .1_...�. . j. „ � �' _.�_ . 'i.:�.� v , . .l: ..��� _ _ 'r T ,:�� �r _ _ C�o �', _i vj p ,-� ;l' �F o Ci �Z1 `o C?�' �i _�_v ,, - � .. �. a. .` � i J _ ... of tris City vaith a.ny loaa. carried thereon extending bsyond the �ine of the fendsrs on the l�ft side of such vehicle nor extenciin� more than si� (6) inches beyond the line of the fPnders nn 1;�.�Q ri�ht side thereof. ���CTIOTv 7. DR�::�-Bi�H R��UIF�E:�T�ITS FUti CO�:iBITd�°_TIGi�S--I'R�.IL�rtS -:-��:'=T1�'sG OR T'iE1�VIi�u--TOt=:I1`G LIT1�S� SP�CE� .izTtD FLrGS. Thp dz'�,tiv r,.r or otY�er cannection between ve?�icles in cor�bination sha?.l be of sufficient strer_gth to hold the ir�eignt oi the to��ea vehicle on ar��-- vrade �°.r��re op�ratea. No tr�:ilpr shall �aThiio, ��Jsave or oscill�te v��� '�:.il to iolloz� s-ubst�.ntially in the ca�?rse of the to:Yin� vehicl�. -.-:nen a disabled vericle is being tatkTed by me�_ns of bar, chain, rope, cable or similar zseans and the dist�nce bAt���een the to�red vehicle and the ;toi�ing vehicle exceeds fifteen (15} feet trere shall be _� ,s�:�ned on such connection in a�proximat�ly the cent�-r �--�ereo� - (-�� ^l , ; n� cl_(;�t�� rot less ti an t",:�-:@� sjc �l_'�� =--,�'-,nS c --, --, �. . ,. � - _ _s.._ . _, __ __ o L - .�'� _ �ii' �i1.1� �-��+.. -- - r �^ --�n -- - - -�rn -. - �� -. -- - - _ ... ',.��li 1�.�.-L�:�. .__e l� . -���.:_.: :'L _ :-il_�i.�i :l.:���' ' ;.. _.__. .._ . _ . l ... . _ _„ �:. _.- � _ _.... ... ✓ _ �_. � ::=�11Ii�>=J�,�S IN CITY--�BST�iliCT�D VIE::S--�i�TEr:SEC1IGN5--EUST�vESS �IS'TP�C;T�: --SC��OOL n�E�S--'r'ZL�YS--PRIivIt: F1iLIE Tar�GLIG�vT SP�E�--�PEC1FZCt�TIOi v�i SPEED i� t;rii�FGLS OF VIG�..�TI�I�S r.1iD r1GTICES T(3 h�pr��.. (l� Ev�rTT y�srson operating or driving a vehicle of any cr�:.racter ��.��on the y�ublic l�ighi�ays af this City snall o�erate t'r�e same in a c�=.r��f���. �nd prudent m�:nner �.nd at a rate of sneed na gre_�.ter than i s reasonable �nd proper under t��e conditio��s el�istin� at t�1P point of operatian, t�.king into �.ccount the a�ount and c���-r�-.ct^r. of t_�•� tr ffic, �leigr�t or vehicle, grade and :�.idt�� of 'r=igh��:�.yF caY�`;.it�or_ ���" s�arface az�a freedoi:: of obstruction to vie.: �'�e�d �,nd con si s tent ���th any ar_d all cc�ndi t�ons exi s ting at the po'_ :. of operation so as not to tanduly or unrAasonah�_; _ _ �� +��= -�;_ 1..1:_t(�� � O - �'�;,% _)C' Q'��=:.1• � 1��5 Q� >,r�,� ;��,:1_ �;G'__ �_' ,_� '„i.� �O _" _ '� _ - - ` - - . �;� o_� s-.'.C� r_.���Uli C i.�i�h:rays; (`�) Subject to the provisions of su�section (1) of this srctian and exce�t in those instances j`di1ET'B �� lo:�:er �•uximi�m ,_f_t:Tful speed is pravided Qy this �rdinance or otrLerigTise, it sh�.11 � ---=.�_� -_ - � _ _ . �.r�to� of �:.r��r veY�.icle to oper:�.t� �;�_e �-_.Y�e - �_ the follo���rin�:� ���) T��enty-five (25) mi?ss' �oer l:o�;.Y ��ritl�in the Iimits of _ "`u ty of Renton; ;b) Ttivent;� (,20} r�il�s �er izour �n tr�.v�r�ins uny int -s°s����';" :-_ � ' .itr�i.n City of PLenton ��_�ere the o;,o�r�.tort s ; . ��;: -��. r _, �'_� .'. Pro.Ti��d, exce�t �:.s Ot}122'1"77.5� �rovidea in -::is section, tnis provision s��all not a.nply to o�er=:.tors u�on rte���:;.I highr,ays. �°_n o,.,-.���tor� s vie�:y srall be dee�ed to -� ,'�str»eted +�r'nen at aI1jT t1L�}.P durin� ��e ?ast Z�C feet of i.i s Ii � - �:. '�o a�1 �.��t�rsection he does _zot 'riave �.. c1e�:r a.nd ��_. '.-:��- _ ;;:° �� -. of s�;�cn int��i^sectio�l, �:n�,'. of �-.I1 public �Zi�'�v�T��.ys =���terin� such intersection �o-�� a dyst.��.r_cQ of 1^0 feet �.Io��_' '���.^ center ?i�z� of e�.ch thereaf; I (�) �;-ront�7 (20) miles AJ�>r -�Ac:�-r �,1 tr�.vu"'.i��� ,, ;�,,, ..1� . � � �� _ hi�_��,rr;_:y in tne City of n�nton ana tr��vprs�n� �:.n intersection ti-�ith c:,;`?Otl��Y' inU'(J�].0 �11�i1L'v�;�jT Y?Of u.r �;.7't�T'1..`'-..�. �17.��"'i�i12.`Y� �11C� ti1A Qio�r�;tor F � � , , _._. � _ - a _ _ .. _ � stop as rer�zired by 1��,� before er.teriro such arterial higr��: _ , (d) 'l�'+entf (F;0) miles l�er 'rlcur t«Thil� tr�:.v�ling upon at��� public high�r��::y of t'rle Citj� of Renton and �rocee�.�.n�; throiigh � :u� I busyness c�istrict, .-.�=�n � :__ "._ - _ _ _ _ - _ : _ -. -�' .� �. �_- . -- _.. _ - _ ; I I � \ — . ; / ,.\ . . - � . � .� - „ ._ ... , . . ._ .. ,. ; ' ; . . j � ., ,, _.�� .,_. „ �, . .-� -,., , �.., _.. .,. _ i r C , . ,v 1 .. .. i.l � ,; :. � .., .� . S` . , .._ :_ . ..�..- _ . . _ ,._. �'_. .... ,., _._��` �.__�l d __—' . "i .. _ �. � _ . _:.._ . ;ot,_blic �i::_�.;;hway of this City b�rhen p��ssin� �ny sc�oolhouse ^n schoo� d:�.ys, or school or �public playground;'fbet;�een tne ho��rs af 8:00 a.m. and. 4: GO p.r�. , or wheil crossing any m�rksd scnool �_�os:;in� during svch ��ours; ��� ltiv' .'""c.:�1:�!�71i1 ZGt'v7fU.�.. Ci�r�C Of ci !iOt01 VE.'?�1C�_Q 1=7 �:��T _" _� oi C?t;�T s�_�.11 'pe t�.�;�lve {1��) �si�Ls ya-,i hour, Pr�videcA, -�:o��reve-r, that co�pliance r�oit�� this provision a.oes not ���r��ivn !-=_� I ,:�Q of reasonzble ca-re in o�er��,ting s�.id motor ve��icle? ���ze unlawful oper��tion of a vehicle in excess of tne r�a�.imL,i:�_ �. --�-�:-_,�_ s�ne�ls �rovlcted i� this sect�.on �t tre �oint oi o��r�.tion "..:�� -�:l`lr�inY' ��,.:� :'7.Y'CL:�'S�'t:I1CpS C�.ASC�'7.'p�C1 S''�iall b�) jJT'3."f.i� iaC7.@ FVi��-�t�C� ��?P the operaticn of a r�o��r v�ri cle in w reckl^ss ��nr�er by �he �,��er�:tor tiiereof. ��11 ch�.rges for the violation of any of the provisions oT f1�is section, �very n�tice to �.�pear, and every comp?aint charging �-he vio7_�_tian of tris section si��zl1 specify ap�roxir��t21y tl�e speed at ?�:nich the defend�:.nt is al�eged to have o�eruted suc?� v�z�icle, the maxim�m la�vfuZ soeed at the point oi oper��.tion _.,�c� the r�ason�.�.ble and pro��er rate of speed a��?i.cable u.nder thr � con�itions ex�sting at the point of op�r�.tion. SI�CTI�i�? %. i��CING ���;J R�CKLuSS C���;TLS^S. lto person ar �ersons shall r�.ce any motor vehicle or �notor v��icles u_�on any � ��?.lblic nigpr�r�.�y of this City. �ny person or persons ;,�.�ilty of comparing or contesting rel;�:tive speeds by si,mult�neaus o�er:�tions shall be ouilty of reckless arivin� w�.ethQr or not such sp�ed `_s �n excAss of t'_�e !ilaX1.T:1U�1 spsed prescribed 'qy l�.af. :a�. �. -" -� SLO�`� SP��� I��PEDIP3G TR�.FFTC--PO�;.�Er�� QF POLTCE �T,�- _� � __:., OF Vc;nTCLE--VIOI.,r�.TIONS 0�' Un.DLRS. Tt s:ndll be u.nlay�Tful for any p�rson to o�er?te �� �:�oto� ve1_�ic�e at s�_�ch a s1a4: -�4- ' s�eed as to irl�ene or• blocx tn� n���i�_:I��.I ��n�a r�:::s�n�.i�le �:.ov��_��ent ol tr��ffic at the point of oper��.tion thersof, except �v�en ?. rect�.zced speed is nscesswry for s�vfe o;oer�.tion or in compliance y�ith any 1_�.<, rule o-r regula.tion. Police officers are i�ereb3� authorized to erlforc� t��is section by d?rections to vericle operrtors, =wnd �_t shall be unlawfu.l for any person �o oper��te in �ril£ul dis- o'pedience to the provisions of this section or refuse to com�Iy -it�i the directions of any peace officer relatin� tnereto. .._-.��re any slo:^r t:loving vehicle ten�.s to congest �t��ific a.ny police � �'�i cer n�,y cause s?�.ch vehicl.e to b� rLmoved from ro�.d°y-r��ST ,;.nd nprmi t r�e congested traffic to be r�lieved. �=>:�CTIO� 4. ir��Yl�.Ui�I �PE�;D F�R 10,000 PCuivDS GnOSS ��lEIG�T. It �-:��.11 be L�.nlav�rf�al to op�r�te motor trucks h:�v:ing a gross w�ight, �,:;luding lo�.d, exceeding ten thousand (10,000) pounds. ecL�ip�oed •:�-: th 'pneumatic rubber t�res over or �.lon� ��ny 1aublic hi�;il���ys of this Cit� �.t �. greater rate of speed t���;.n t�;:enty (-�Q) ��.�_es , �,�: ,iour. ;.:��CTIOI�1 5. Iut�IP�UI�� S�;�ED rOR CG�BIlV1��iiuiJS Gr V�r�I��ES. It ,,:"�-,�,_ b� �a.nl�:_yrful for any person to operate any combination of v�,'zicles t�non the �ubl.ic high�ays of tnis City �t a r�.te of sl�eed �n excess o.f t�y�ntV (�0) railes p�r hour. This sectian sn��ll not ne construsd to a.ncre:�se the �.axi�.um s�eed allo�jjed in any �.��st�nce .��hQre � ZO`'rPI' s�Led 1�2s been ��rescribed Y�y la�v or i ^o -y,f:t�nt a�athority. �;�CTTQi�1 6. i��Il�,iui�i Sr�;�D FGF� SGLI� On F.O:�Lu'.: �ua`rilUiv 'ill���. �, ��_ ..-_'_ -,� �anla�vful to oper�.te wny vehicle ecui�ned or pa.rtly �c�;�� � ,�_,�� �:ith solid rubber tires or hollo�� center c�_shion tires, or to oper:�te �ny co?�binatior of vehic�es a�z�� p�rt of :r�h�c� is , ecuipped or ��artlj� ecvi�_��:�ed �:itr! solid r�_..bber tires ar ho�loti,: CE?�t,r' C�7.S�"_i0�? t1.Y'?Sy SU �OTI.�'; 2.S SO�7.� 1't�1�rE??' 1�1Y'QS �?' ;�.0� �'OV' C�IiL�:i' C:t�S�"i:i.On '�ii.i �S _ �- t;�' '�Sp�:. _.:iG'1' �.'� _'OV'i.,_+�:'i� `--_ ��'_�S Ordin�.nce, upon a.ny �ublic hi�hdvay of this City at a gre��ter rate of speed than tz�:ent� (`�0} miles ��r hour. lris section sh�.11 not be construed to i��cre�tse the �aximTzm s�eed al.lou�ed in a.ny insta.nce ��rhere a lo:r er speed has been �rescribect by lacd or CO-,. y���L-= �;-, ._,. '`t;":. �:..Lj�r. ;�;:'��TER VII RULES OF TH� R0�1�. �:�V`�'ll,=; 1. Dr�IVTI�IG TO T�� RTG�iT--�XCLP'�'IOtIS--OVli�.T�`:iLI��iG ��I�D - ;_;_. ��---JBSTRUCTIO�iS. ���henever any person is opPrating any vel�icle upon any public '_r��.ghti��y oi tizis City he shall at all times ��c-�v� ���ie same to the ribht oi the center of such highvd�.y e:acept :;-�,.��� in tne exercise of c�re in the overt�.king �.nd p�.ssing o�' :.�noth�r vehicle traveling i�� '�1��� s.;:r,�� �<.a ��ci�ic��, c?�� -_ _.:•� �. o�,- struction exists it is necQss�:�z•� �.,o �zz•zv�� co �r,� �_^f� o' t : cent�r of such ilibh�ray, �rovi�.ing tne s�Lme is done y�ith duv c��re -.nd rigNt of vaay is extended to veY�icles tr�yv�Iing in the ?�roper � �.��ec�:,i�n upon tr�e vno�structQd port�.on of the ���blic highway. _ _ _. _ __ , ..�: . _ � _. " ,.,--�.:�C; .�___ ����--" . _ _. -G TO RIGi��T--D�P�.ESSI1! ; �.: � , _ _ � -ii�=-�,i, _.- --='�e .,�' _ �- - ._ . �_ _ t� g any v..__l..I� upon � _. _ . _ _.. _ _� � „_ ,� n �" ,� o - ��ny �ublic �igh�ray of tnis City s���ll neet or appro�.ci� a vehicle tr��.veling in tne op�Qsite dir�ction, sucr person sha11 s�::.sonably turn �.�zd drive s�ach vehicle as iar ta the rigilt of tne center oi :>�:�cr- ;-�; ���ti����:.y us is practica�Ie. :.�jlenever any pQrson ope.r��ting ,,.�Z�r Tr��.�:�cl� upon ��;yT :�ublic �:.ig?:y�uy of t�is Cit;� d�?.ring ho�?rs of darkness sl��ll approach a vehicle travelin� in the opnosite direction �� �hin a dist�.nce of five hun�.red (500) feet, such op�r�..tor shall c�>��se the high intensity bean of tize he�dlamps upon the vehicle __ _ _ _, _.,� rating to be depressed to the lotRfer elev�:.tion as provi�3pd - .._ � or in the ev�nt th�,t sLch vel�icle is not rsrUired under t'��_e �ro;iisions of tnis Ord�r�tince to bp -.° ? .�< = �_- , ,, _, _ �..�_ _ _� :__ __.. _��;;�. � � ,_�r ` � .;,.= ��. � ;.t, t��en, un�.�er ti�e circu�st�nces 'ri�rein set out, -"'�� :',.���;.� � .���:_�s:�ty bea� of ths her�dlamps tapon such ve��icle s,�all �^ di��ned in Iieu of being depressed to a lo�Ter elevation. �LCTICT�3 �. OV�',I�Tr.ii.Il�iG V��HICLE TO P1iSS L�FT--OVt�I�.TFiK� V;�r'�ICLE TO i:�XTHi'�:i� RIGr'T--CL�;�:h. VI�b�" t�.L;:;UIi�L;D--�."�"IGI1rLS .ti�yD ,SPi:ED RLSIRIC- tions. l�ny person driving a venicle ��r�on any public high�ay of this City and ove-rtu.kin� u��ot�_er verj.cle proceeding in the s�;.:�e di�ection shall nass to the left of such overtaksn ve'rzicle: t rovided., that it shall be L�nlawful for any person to pass a.ny ve��ic?e overtaker tanless he shall have a cleur a.nd vnobs�ri;.etad J.i�.. ._.___w'`.'.�� i^vi �.. C;;1 V��'.�iCB St1ff1C7.F'�t f0� S�a��';'. I��SS7.11�� c'11.1 t�'.CtO:!'S cc_�:��_��. _:red. ;�n;� _ �rson r:�rivin� a veliicle t_;3on Gr.� y,ul�lie rlig�_�-..,;T :;�Zd being overt�::r�en by any vehicle proceedir_p ir_ th� sa�.e direct' -�,- �� =�_all keep ta the extremp ri��it-�l��.nd side of such public hi�hz:�..- , ���d shall not accel.�ratP ris speed �antil tl?e overta.kin� vehic�_�: shall have resumed a driving position and speed a?�eud of hi�:. �'he overt��.kin� vehicle sl�all drive e1Qar o�' tne overt�.�a�ien ve'r�:�c'-�: ��i�c� s>;�>�? �o���;inaQ its ov�it..?��.�:�i speed until it has __ ��.���� ;,_.� overtr.,�iF?Y? V��.ic�_e `c'>fi.C� Sl:�..�1_ 11: ,Tc� -i= . _ _'('� �.+., r' '-�="�==, _-`�~_��.Oi� -F,p ti� r� �h t o i s�ac� publ i c hi gh��r�-.;,-� F.�J�I./����\d 4• OV :J1L11"��1��7 v1..Jjl�ll�_��: ,..j� 11'i�U ..Ll\.i,�.... �.1�.�� ��,�.. _..�.�.a> _:...�'i li,': �.� ^t�l�;ItiIi1G LEFT. The operatar of ��. vehicle may ovqrt�_ke and pass another vel�icle procAeaing in th� s��_�e �a.irection., an tr�e ��•_; n.�- ��:�en si3cli ov�rtake� v��_�_� c�� I ndnd side of s��ch ovPrtaken ve�ic�e, . is r�akino or the aper�.tor thereof has signaled intention to ma.kp ::. left-h.and t�arn: Provided� such passing to the ri�ht may be ��c�ne s�.fely in the e�prcise of ,�??� caution and u��on th� ��roper :�.-�°��r-i,��; nortion of t'r?e roadiAray'. ;�CTI,OI� 5. FOLLQ�'�IiJG V aL;E7.T�Lr�S--uIIiLI.:,'"itv�•�T �1Tr:F:V�.T,--TitU�;�'.� _:'D 1� , j�..f::S--�P�CT::L T�1=��?�5--���tr,T`�'�=_nY Tt�:'_I�?S. It s��ll bP ��nI�,,Arrt�, � fcr t���� �_ ��.�t�r �i �.1�,, __o i��= v�__i cl�� tc� w'� � ?.:�.. _�_���,_ :�� vc._�.c-� � m�re �Iosely than is re�sonable and prudent, navin� due regard �:nr t?�^ s ;�ed of s�ch vehicles �.nd the traffic upon �na tY�e con- ���_��en c� �ny such �ublic highvl�.y. It sh�.11 be U.nln�:fvl for the o_c�erator of any motor truck or an.y combination of vehicles operating :��on �ity nig�t�Jay to follove y�ithin t�ao hunared (2Q�) feet of another �_�otor tr�.�ek or co�bination of vehicles: Provided, this �rovisior �n;�l.l npfi. r;Q �;•��.5';1°�-Qd_ �:� =�pvent OV�Y'�a.�c�1I7.�; c�I1C't. ��.SS3,21g T10T' S':7.;:�� I ��,G s :,� < n �,_�r _;� t, �. ��T � : ..�e sp�cialiy desionate�. for the uss o_" �, ��otor tr��cks or combination of vericles. �his section srall not ���iy to any convo�r of vnhic��s ::z.� f- ^ �;1.�_�.�;���TT ��.rvice c,r �'�e i�,�ited St:�.tes or oi this st�:�te� ,�;� _ ,_, _ _ _. _r, _� . - , � �,,: r ,-' _'- ` - �, v.� t_' �. . �✓ a �`1 _I,�i._ l 17�1�OPPr�I� rjlll� U��": .._I I_;�.:�-i�—�� � 1�.���_ .'.: .•. l ��'� _' �.'L::.�.:. ll '.� -����°�cn c�,�:_ n ,i..-n� ,.� ,T��ic1� b��'r!en averta.king anyr bus or ot_��-=r -��,>ssenger carrier that has stop�ed at any point for tne receiving or disch�.rg�ng of passen�ers shall pass or proce�d to tiie rinn.t of such bus or other passenger carrier unless anu l:;r_tiI all aav�.it��� y�assenge.rs h�.ve been receiv�d or alI �;.lishting passengers h�.ve been c�i scharged and hav� h�,a an oT_portun�t� to _;roceed beyar�a t�_� limits of tre raadt�ray or are �:ithin tti3e �i�nits of any _ -_; :;sj�,�:� :-;, s�7,_�_ety zone and not r�.ttempting to procePd tn�refror�. SECTIOPd 7. T,�''.�KING T�J?�1`35--��1Gri� TiJRN SIGI�1�LS �u�'�ri� �i::�r��;`�--�._T'i �'::u: �IGiv tL5 1�3D CCuRSE. .�ny person driving any motor vehicle u.pon any �ublie Y�igh�ay in this City and aesiring to make a turn to the right snall ,r�easonably and �r�zdenti_�T c�r�u�� �:-.c� �r��.a.c?e �:s close �.s is practicable to the extre��e ri�'�:.t-?�-::>.�d ��.,�� of s�.-ic� roadway �. reasonable aist�.nce before t'rze �oint of making such �� �",� hny person driving any vehicle Upon any public ��.ighway Qf tn� ` City and desirins to rIlake a left-nu.nd turn at cny intersectio�. ___ snall �e..sonahl.�r and pr,adent�� _ia�•� �.Te s-�c�: T���:_�. �.--�' �� - - �==�' '--_. 1�ff-�anu. s�.ct� �i t?.,.,.t y^ortion of the ro��d�:t�y l�Tin�; to thA rioY�t of �?,�P cv�etel �f s'�:��.�. _�v�lic ?�ighw�y ��. re�..sonablP dista.nce before �.�:;.king such left-n�nd turn. It shall be unla.�aful for any person to m�.ke or attempt to make anf right h�.nd or lef't-hand turn until l.�e shall rV.ve att�.ined t'_�e �ro�er rel��ti.ve driving position 2s - '_Q='orJ�.l.Cls � f�i,CTIt�T� 8. Tlir1�ING hi�D STOPPT�,G S_Gl���LS ti��rlT�i �si��i--:���TT-�i t;'-�'s i �J�1�i3ICI3L SIGN�iL. It shall be the duty of every FQrson operat�._^_�: �. I vehicle upon any �ubl.ic high�ray and int�nding to turn from �_ st�ndstill or ��hil� in r�otion intQnding to tlirn or stop, to �:;.v: _. i,-�_-;^��_�r signal fror� the left-hand sicie of st�eh vshicle ir?dic_=_'�'-���:� �c��� ��?��ection in :�hich he int�nds to turn or that he intenus +�r stop, as follo�vs: Tf he intends to turn to �1,:: � �=��:, �_,. .,___ �'.�_ �xtend his arm in a horizontal positifln fro� i,'�-�� - ;=�'*� ^ _ �� �=._;��� vehicle continuously for a reasonable length of time; if ne inten�.s to ;�_���r to the right iie sha11 extend his ar� fron the left side r�" t;�� ;.r�:-�icle �°.��.th nis forearm raised v�rtically continuously for a rea.sonable length of ti�e; if ne intenc�.s to s�c�� ��:, s_.�.,..,��. �.-<�L.;:s::;� I �is �.rm fron the Iaft side of such vehicle �tiTitf�. ��1,r �e�-�����.r`� '' lo��ered vertically con.tinuously for a reascnable length of t=�e� For the nur�ose of this section, a reasonable length of t.i.me s��.?='. be t��at time recL�ired to tr,,.v��rse a distance in feet ecual to five times the max�.mum speed in miles ��r hour allo�,red by la�; d��ring t:�e approach to the point of turning or stopning. � The foregoing signals and no others for turninb s���.11 �e given by any person o�erating a ve�?icle �.nd ir_tending to ch�.nge 'nis driving position either to t�?e left or to the right upon the broper I -�•'.-�_.:�-_�; portian of any public hig�.tTray: Provi�ed, mecranical ;;��=v� �^s capable oi prod�acing sibnals subst��ntially in the �.anner :;rescribed� for arm si�nals snall be permitted �+��en �nd if a?��rc�ved � ��, I� ��y the state coz�issicn on Qc��_ilr:lent. .�Il v�hicles o��,=:r�-��ted on i�=� �ublic high�yays of this C f ty consi�ructed or e-�c���1bered either �ermanently or temporarily so that arm signals are not clearly visible to the rear of such vehicle sh�.Il be ecuinped �.ith s1.zitable mechanical devices capable of displ��ying st�.ch sion�.ls. �11 �.rm or rsechanical signals ��erein �rovi3e� for shW11 be cle2rly visible and sufficier.tly d�finite i.n ti:eir execution to be se�n and un- �ist�.k�.bly understood at a distance of �1ot ?ess th�n td�;o hunu�ea � �c t �o i,he ree-�r of such venicle. �:ECTIQN 9. Ti7ni�S L�;FT �� I��'1'�RSNLTIUI�iS--TO i Ii:;T Utt C#�'bT�;R-- �,�.�� .�,-:�; -.__ '��. I-i�on t�,rnin� to the left _;.� �.ny ir�t�rsec�ion it s;�_�,.i_-'_ ��,e �-:��_�. �f,.�l for tize oper�tor of a vehicl.e to make such i�arn to thg left unless aTl ::�heels of tre v�hicle shall -^�=ss te �:_=� right oi the center of such intersectian: Providing, int��r•- s _�ction center raarker has been installeo. trsrein. In i:he event �;Y��+ ;__'-�._�,�� - '-���z� �ntr..�nce nark_�rs arA �nst�._�sd. t=.t a�. intersectian _:r_ o�:,�:�°�.�c� .:��'-< .�.�! be per�aitted to make u turn to the �eft i�ithout :ceg�.rct to the csnter of sti�ch intersection: Praviuin�, ��II y;h�Als of t�e vericle shall pass to t�1e right of t'r_e intersection entrance n��rkers Ioeated on the vz�blic ��igh��a.ys from ��hicY�� such vericl� is nr�teri.ng ��n� leaving such intersection ��rd. both svch intersecLio�� entrance ma.rkprs are �f�rithin the «re circu�scri'ped by such I�ft turn. Sn th� avent no intersection ceizt2r mark�r or �_�_�tersectio��. entr��ncP na.rkers are ir_st=.11pd ��.t an interse�tion, l�lt t,.�rn r�:,4,T ��e ��a�ie as tr�ough intersect�on entrance m��..r��rs are inst�;.3.�ed.� as ��ove set forth, a�id s,��ch ���i�n mude yaith refererce to t��� � -ooints �t s�?ch int��rsection �:'r�.ere s�.c'� ;�t.���,�ct'.o� ����r.���.��r. i�.�rKers ��oui�z vro��rly be loc«.te�:��.� S�:C�IOAI 10. T:;�JII�G B.I�CK ON ��r�V�a, � ��S'1'�, (ilt :L_ ��;±�v 1��:-'._ -<_ � :_•;�`�'.1l)�;u. I.�'. c._-��i� �o ��rl ��;rflal_ rpr ?;n�t '�2P�OT1 Q?7�7'^t1.�r; �:.Tly V��71C1� ,'''i�_ ;-ron �_,nY y -�:'i c ���x :,- .y ci tizi s Ci ty to tui� t�,e s:�_�_e so _,.s to ���roceed in ar. op�osa.�e i�rection at any oth�r point t'r�.�n street Antnrsection or street end. �;':�C1Ti�Td 11. LGdi� QUT :�DPnG�iChliVG i�ti'I'�riS�C1Iu�v5--V:�iICLES Tv _:iUi=T--�RT�RI�L RO.��S. It shall be tn.e duty of every oper�.tor of _._,,% vehicZ� on appro�ching pUblic highti�ay intersections to 100� _-_�� f_'or �.�r� �ive rigrt af �:ray to vericles on. thPir rigt�.t, si�ul- t:�neousl� appro�.ching a givsn �oint �e�itr�in the irtersection, ::�u :-_nether such vehicl� first entQr and reach tne ir_terssction or r.ot: Provided, this section s���alJ_ z�ot apaly to oper�.tors on �xrtera��.1 ,,,,;��__�.c hi�hiFr�ays. �:;;CTIGT�d I�;�. '.CLF,i�IA�� LLr'T T��TO IIdTu:�S�CTTOF� ���'T�� �I�-,?LL�_L--`1I ��`�LD- �� v�... Tc °1_�___�� �; c�_ �_��c ��c_.� ����:. r— _�F=;� �_��.:_L =�o,.� �1�,,.�_,�z u�T . z t S��_.1_1 'LiC' ��_� _.`4 O�' c7.:1;? C11�nr=:.f•02' Qi '=�^_V V�'''?Cl_n �;:npT? ^_•��t�;'i n�, v,'^t int�rsection and h�;.ving signalled his intention as rec�..aired b;r l�y4v to turn such vehicTe to the 1Qft to look eut for :.i�.;� give right af �=�ay to vehicles a�opro��Izinb in the ol.posite direc��or_ and tr�ereby �Iaced on his rigrt, simult�.neous�y �.y���ro�:.ching t�ze �ijren pc�ir�t ::'�thin ��.` irtersect�or, v:hetrer such vehic�_e _"i.rst ei�ter and rea.aY�. the intersection or not: Provided, this sectian shall not a�ply to �� vehicle ni�.king such a lpft turn -�_i r�ri� : ' �--°�d �,.r_d tL7rning to ��rQceed upon an _artPri�.l high�Tayr S�C�'i0�1 13. S'!0='rII�G �_T ��iT�RIhL Ii��T�fi,SE�`�.�;�:-;-- '--_. .y : . __"m T��e op�_r�.tor of any veh:�.cle snall stop �.s recuir�d by l�.t? �t the entr�.nce to any inte�.�section :�:ith any a.rteri�:I ��ublic hi�h�ray, and h«ving stop�ed s��all look out for a.nd give ri�ht of ���,.y tc any v�hicles u�on such arterial hi�h.:a;� simult�_r�eously appro�tc��i�ib a given goint :F�ithin th� intersectic�r g _._��_�:_ ��� o�° c.� �.• c�, -T�:_; t� � first rP�.ch and er.t�r the intersectic-�� � .- , . - ., r SEC�'._. . _. . . - :_ __ s _ -���- -- -- __. �__�_�C ..__�� _ �,_ _.=�_ ��e tli.�` ��„ C _ . 4 , . . .. - -- - �-- --__. _ �_ . ,_._. ` _ _.__^�.�` '- �-- - - �.,;, __. �r'r� �'� L.._ _� to look cL�t for �.r_d ;;ield th� r�+�_rt of �^r�.y tQ al.� ot��er v�'��,_�.cles �.�c�r tne �ublic l�igrt°�ay. :�CT10�1 15. B�.�KII�G—JTvL�A�k']r'UL B.��C� I1�T0 IIJT��=:��jC�'ING STREET. i�?o motor veiiicl� sh�.11 b? bacYed around a corner irta the inter- �ectin� street in order to pass �::.lon�; saici. intersectino street, . ?_,,� ��., f; :;, c_-, :;i�� _�.r:or.s thp driver ar op�:e.wtor s���.11 procee�l t� t1-�.� -�v,-�� c�o-��yL�,� ��;.�_.< trere turn as ?s by t�:is �rdina.nce recuirea. ,=:,_,C'I'IOT,? 16. ET;��;RGITtG FRG�I I�.LT,`t�Y, ��=�.IV�'r:�:`i, O:Et SIDE--SIG�PPIl�G :_�::� `�:iULllII�G :`kriY. It sh�.11 be unl�..�:�ful foi� t:r_e oper�.tor of a �Tti'��icle to e�.erge from any a.11ey, driveway, building ex�t, ��rivate ,�-_�- or priv<<te rro�erty or fron off tne roadway of any public high- �::,.L%, onto the rG��.c�vray of a.:ny _�.ublic nigYi���_�:y or �.cross a siae�'dalk o-r into the siae�aalk area. exten��n� across wny sz�cr al�ey, d.:i ive- � ��.J�, building e�it� priv�.te ..��.yT or i riv��tp property �:ithout bringing :.��ch vehicle to c. fi;t�1 step znd yiela;.ng t:�e ri�ht of �ray to �11 _,P�-�estri�.n.s upon such sidev��a�k and a.11 veYl�cles vpon sz�_c� nzablic �t�_�j r-t^V;,,i�'-�'r• _. ��TIGi� 17. �iivRGL�'�C� Vt�IICL�S SOUI�iDII�G SIG�:�LS--����TY TO _ =-:=,Fa: �:IG�?T �.T�:D STOP--STQPPIlvG SIGNkLS. �pon tn.e i�le�iwte a��,oroach. ,..i an aL?thoriz�d er�ergency vehicle, :':��sn the driv�r is giving ' - _._.,_r.':�1�� si�n��l �y siren, �xha��st �-:�histl.e, ar bell, the ariver oi �:���,:��- ct�i�r vehicl.e shall �iel� th� rignt of v�ay a.nd shall ir�edi�.tely --�'�:�� L.�: �_ -;asit:.on �:4r�_Ilel to, �.nd �s class as ��cs�:�r.�� to, tI,P :-� __ �; �.._� ;ag� or c�;rb of thP �t?blic 'rli�h��:�aST cle�:.-�� oi t;.nJ inter- �:<.ction and s��.11 stop and remain in sucr position until. tn� ;��thori zed er�ergency�'v�hi cle has passed, excep� �:_��en otherVai se ,:�.irected by a poliee officer. �'��zen tn� opLr�>�;o� of «ny vehicle ;_s c::_ry:�_ying :,-:'i th the 1orovi sions of thi s s�:ction, n.� s?�aI1. �ive _;-�r�- �� ':wnci signal �.ndic�.tin� his intende�. move�ent. , ��;CTIGTv 18. FOLLUl'iTitiG 1jIR� r�'P�'i�'T"��S--P��R�iI�iG I�Er�R--i�I�T�NC� L!_�_�. I 7v s_�._�.L_ z�� ���r�� :�f�.�� for trfe o�Pr�.tar of ��n� vc�Y���c?-e' -4�- � I , , Ot.C1_C..-'1' t'-,.C1c.Y'_ _:Tl ..'.;,���"IQI'j.��FC. ��'=1'�'�-,'i7.C� T7B'_r"i1.C!� OYl C��'i7.C:7 ".1_ s`t3S1Y .`�-.1SS> to follo::� �ny fire �:.�p�.r��tus proceeding in respons� to �. fir�e al�.r�. at a dist�.nce oi less tlzun five hundred (500} feet or dlive or o�.rk s�ack� ve��icle �r�rithin t:�o hvnt�.reu (:��0) feet ol �'irP apparat�as �to�^�d in �.rlstl�7�r to firp alarrs. - ,.-- � - _ ;lit �l : : i :�, ��:�__ d � � i <i v!�_ .!, �i��i:� + -, ;-, -i '- � � l '�;� Jrl.. J_ .. I .n� f.,'�:.� `'�'�l'. .�C^�- F�'!`�' ... ' V�i��.v.t:�� �':' ���C ,. .;(. �:.. . . ��� _ _ �.,':i . _ y :�� _ . � _ . over �ny unprotected lzose af a fire dep�.rtr,lent �����en l�,ia c�o �r� o�. �=.r,�� ��-_ '��ic highv:ay or �ny private road, street, ti�ray or a�le��ro j :�i�GTIOiV �0. D.i3.IVI11�_ �;�ITH vaHt��LS OFF OF P�VED OI3 t�Rr UL�.`�:_: I -G- .� .__. � 1 t ..__�.�:�_ I���� -r��_t.�.��.-f�.z1. t,G �'�'`�-rate or drive �.r-�r � �'�1�.�� .". o�:' �� G(>t-:r�. ���_::.�,�. ,.._ _._ zTc�.;��iG,!vS O�t'1' (;��' .�.� ��r�- c^�..T1;J' Pa.VGI��Tl� C?� , _-_�_u� , n-,: � crushed rock surf�ce on a public high��.:�y �:itr one `v'Ii:PBl or al?_ of the �Theels off the road�ruy thereof, except for the purrc�se o' sto��ing off st�Ch ?'o�dt�dd,y� or having stopped there_�t, ior pro- (��•�� zr;. ��ac'� onto the r��.ve�lent, ` ..z,=w c?�:° .� -t . c,c�� _ c== I ".f_''('G�1�e � :��iCiT!U1'd ....1.. i.�Jai.�L'i1� L�i4�!L�::9 ll1"t1.`/.1.1?ia li`dLi� �ii: 1i,�T�li--idi..li:��7. _ C v���cle shall at any time be c�ri.ven trrough or e;ithin �.n.y peJ;_s'��:_ �� safety zone b�hich h�.s been ctistinctly �.:;�rk�d by signs, butto��s, I��n�v� st�:r_d���ras or , in �.ny other manner. SLCTIOIu `�w. COi�:li�OL SIG1�3�;LS--'��.�.'lUP�� T��D ��GG�� :�T.uD C�'iU'i10T� .��v_:�--RLL�S FOR STOPPII�G, GOT11G, i�;.V� TL;�t1�2PiG--FEDESTRI�:1�3 TR��U�L. ..�=�never, at any point, tr�.ffic is con�rolled by traffs.c control signals ex'r�_ibi.ting the ti�ror�s "Go, �' {'Caution�fT or ��Stons` or e�ibi i-,���. diifvrert colored �i��nts, the fo�yo�Yir.;- ---ords or calors only shalJ_ I �e L�.se�. and shall indicate ds follovas: l.-:l.-c.riy � - -- � �. e _ _. � ..� ` i' i7Yr�.^.b �l�lc= a..:�'��...r = 1�,�_ii��� �4T'-"._.L�_�� � .^... -�_ .,-, �, -' - „ .� _ 1.��,C �-,:� - �-- � -- _ - ._ ._...i � 'r'C@2Q ��i!� 1��1_-',��1 � c CPG';�^T3 l,'" �.C'_�.�r i'1C ` i.� control or turn ripht or Ieft unless a sign at s�.ch point in�icat;�•� C'.� L�"' '.iv t.! ^^I. _ L�' � ��.'l;'�. .'J�_�.1._._ �_. (, -� _�. Jt. . .. . . .: ...� .. . . .. �.� _ ... _ .._ . .�,• .._. ��..__.. .�" - . . .. _.._ � I or the �vord `°bo�� ve'�__cles s�_�.Il y��7d ��e �i�,l�t oi -.. =�y to ot��_��r vehicles and to p�destri�;�.ns Ia�°YTfully in the int�rseci.ion controll�d area i�rr_edi.ately prior ta the ti�e such signa? is e���ibited �.:�nd shall per�it them to proceed fro� the controlled areu. It shall be unlati��sul for any pedestrian to enter or cross the roadiAr�_y in �l��.t portion of the controlled ar�a thro�a�h S�rhich vehicles are dir�cte� to proceed by such e�ibited �rAPn li�ht or svch :$:ord ''Go"; Red or the :Frord ifStop,z� under �vhich circumsta.nces vehicles f�cing the signal shall stop befor�e enterin� the ne��=rest vehicl_e or ��Qdestri.an allac�:ted portion of the controlled area or sU.ch other point as r.ay be indicwted by a clearly visible lin� or otn�r marker �.nd s�l�.�l re�ain st�.nding as long �.s st.ch tr��ffic ccntrol signal s��,1I e�ibit red or the 5;er� ftStop��; �edestrians :��..y cross the rowdiR���y �,�ithin any m��rked or un- m��rk�d cross ��alk v��thin th�.t portion of the control.led area at t?�� �ntrGrlce ta �:hich vericles are directed to stop ancl rer��.in st_.Aae.ii�.;; �y tl�e �xhibited red light or Y:ord �tStop«; Rea or ti�ith �:dord �iStopS1 an�. �reen directiona.l `c'.I'Y'OZu under rahich cirevmstances tr�ff'ic facin� the sign�.l shall stop befo-re entering tre ne�.rest pedestrian or vehicle allocatea portion of the controlled �:.re� or s��c:n. oth�r pai�.t as ����.y be inc�ic�.ted by c�ewrly visible line or other L�n�;rker anct trlen �ay procee�. �or tr�e ��arpose only oi r:aking the ��.oveulent indicatea by t.ne dirpcti�nal arroti^r and tl�en only �dith the exercise of due caution and if the same can be don� v�rithout interfering �rith other tr�.�'fic or endanger- ing pedestrians latiTiul�y �:ithin tlze controlled area; Red intpr�ittent fl�?shing light undPr y�r_�cr_ circu_�.stanees vehicles £acino such �_igrt sna.11 cone to a comple�e stop before enterin� such controllecl area; Yellov� alone or ��ith the c�ord fiCaationiT or yelloj-: �.nt�::��•7-�i �..tent .�.=.Sr�:_i !_�,:_i . y _ ..�tT �� ..__. ( [i ��.. '_t "Y'��� 1 !1�iF;.Y' - • (?1� �^�, l't .!� i,�� �,L i:�._:� '��.' :C7.'J. �i�. . �, . . . :.l. 44- control venicles �:�p�oaching siiall be driven t�lrovgh s�_�ch cor_troZ�le�. area Yvith ex_tra caution. No tr�.ffic control signal or dev�ce s�^a11. be erected oi� maintained upon any city street designated as forming a p�.rt or thQ route o�" a. prim�.ry state r�.ghway unless zirst appreved by tYie uirector of hight�uays. Tn ar_y tr�.ffic control signal directing traffic to alternatinglv s�c"� ;a.nd go, the red 'rSt�p" signal shall be loc-.ted a.t the ta� ef s�:ch signal ar_ci the �.��en ��Go�F s�.�n�.�? sh�:.Il be loc�:.tea b��o°. 1-he <<Stopt� Sign�.l m i;i,�'1'10� ��3. r��L'.;�"�'11�i'µ�� Ttt-V_�--�ICRtii.l.i-i��Jl'.i�vj��i�.l� 1:�.�i��I:'':t:�-- �i��-�+i Cii.U�S�I��'�5--��1GriT G�' «iY=-���GSSSiv u .C�T..L�i`: �`�T�'�F�S��: __j_ .._. �; - LS� �.+F T��k_;�:� --'D C�1� _ P..�S��S, �e�.estri�_ns s'=�.F 1 be s�:� _ w'- i.e �raffic control signals �.t intersectians anci tne directions of officers aischargin� the ctuty os directing tra�'fic at intersec'.ti.;_; :�� ':�n.er� tr::��`'fic contro? si�nals are r�ot in p1 aee or in ap�r�:.tior., t'r,_� c�erw�cor of' �. vericle snall yield tr�e right of w�� , s�_c:�-,� �c�.;,�� or stopping, ii need �e to so yieZd, to �a..riy pedes�;r�.�:t: c���?����� __ the roadway ti�Tithin a marked cross��alk or vsithin any unm�.rked crc�s- �;alk of an;� intersection. ����henev�r any vehicle is sto�n�d ��t _ r��r•ked cross�ralk or at :�.ny unmarked crosst�vdlk at any interssctic�:: to ppr�.it a ,�edestri�.n to cross tl�� road�t���.y, the o?�Qr�.tor of ,. :_�- other vehicle approac:ninb from tYie rear snall not ovErtake �__- pass svci� stopy�ed vehicle. Betv:een adjacent intersections � `; ..rich tr�.ffic control signals are in oper�tion anct in busir.ess districts it shall be unl�.�.-fu1 for pedestrians to cross tre ro:=�;;_. _ _-� Pedestri�:ns crossing a roadti��y otrier th�.n at intersection cross- s:alks shall yi eld the ribh t o�' :�r��y to all vehi cles upon the ro�.c�ti:T�.,;�F It shall be unlawful for a pedestrian to cross �. roC7.�D�'i0y at :: _�?��_�t vyrherp a pedestrian tunnel or overhe�.a pe�.estri.;.n crossir�s has ^��n --:x'OV1d�r�s �To�i°-�,t?�s�•�n�.�r3` tre rrovis�,arLs QT tr�s secticr_; eve�.�y operator o�' �. vehicle s���.11 �iLvrcise dt�e cwre to �.void collidin� vlith any pedestrizn upon 2ny ro�d�rl�.y and s1�.aII �ive �..��_rnin� by soundinb tr�e horn �,hen necessary anc� sr�.I.I ex�rcise ��:.Jl proper precaation uloon obs�rving any cnildren or any canf�.sed o-_r• l:ncdp�.cit�.ted person upon the roadway. ? ,L ;;'T�'�:1 �`, ���LICITI�IC OR G�,F�RIl�G T���:SPGriThTIG�r-H:iLC�PTIOIvS. �t �LL�,,,�.�_. �A �,-;�i_; � �"��l for �-�ny person upon an,y public hightiv�;y of this Cit�r to solicit by ��rord or sign or by a.ny other �e�.ns for �,�.r_�self or for �,n.other or for his b�.gg�:.ge or �'or the b��.�g�.ge of ,.nother any tr�.nsport�;.tion on vehicles being operwte�. upon sucY: P�blic highti�r��ys. It s�:all be un?air4rful for �,ny person o1oer��ting any vehzcle upan o.T1y publiC Yl].gh�4�..y of tl�is City* to offer or oive to :=:.ny suc�. person ar other person afores�id transport:;.tion �pon �.ny such solicitatian. TY�e �rovisions of this sectior_ s���.�1 nat be con.strued to prevent u.ny �erson upon any public high��ray fro�: soiiciting, or any nerson op�r��ting a vehicle upon such pLblic izi�,'r�ti�r;-�y frcr� gr�;.rlting or gi�ring tr�.ns�ort�.tion ��here an em�rgency actuallv e��ists� r_or si�all this section be construed to �revent �;�ny person rrorz si�n;�ling or recuestin� ti�.nsport�:_tiQn frc�z� a passenoer c��rrier for the �urpose of becor::ing a pass�n�er thereon fcr hire. SECTION '�;5. P��S'��.I�1vS--L'SE OF �Ifl�`.�hLKS G�. 1_��'FT �TD�, ONLY. Pedestri�.ns on any public highti7ay 4.here a sideiF��lk is �rovided shall praceed upon sucn si�e�ralk. Ped�strians on any public high- ��ay �Yhere no sidewalk is provided sr:;.11 �roceed on the Extreme left-hand side of the roadv�ay :::��a u�en ��eting �.n oncaning vericle shall step to their I.eft and clear of tne road;f�ay. SECTIGIv 26. STt�PPSNG �T RhTLRO�i� CR�SS1i��G �L'I' i.ilGiVrL--LIS`T�.l�:C�. v��renever any pe:�son oper�=tino a velzicle approaching a.ny railroaa orv.�e crossing and a clearly vis�ble e�!ectric��.I, i ec���.nic�..l or � -- - _ _ manu�.I signal device is in o�oeration ::.nd �ives =�arninb of th� inr�ediats approach of dny train, the or�er��tor oi such vP'r_ic�e shall stop ��:itnin 50 feet, z�,nless vehicles �.head recuire a grea.ter c:�ist�.nce, but not less than tGUenty (�0) feet, srom svch railroad and sh�Il not nrocesd until he can do so s�fely. The oper�..tor of �.ny ver�ic�e sha.11. sto� his ve��?.cle �._�d re���.in st�naing and not �•, A �dP r sin�� or structure •rr�en crossin ti uv,.rse �.ny railror�.d gr� _ „ c os �, � g.�te is lor;ered or v���hen a hum:�r1 il�:gman or �ech:anic�zl or electrical si�nal gives or contin�.?es to ;ive a si�nwl of tne a�rro«ch or passaoe cz ��.ny tr�.in. S�CTIO�� ,:;7. �,nILROy� U�.nDE CROSSINuS--SLO'M'� SrEi:�L--ST�PS �Y Cui1��IiV V�iICi ES--�LO=y SPE�D SI�3�iS. nny person o�er�:.tin� �_:n�r vericle carrying �assengers far hire or onpr�__ting any sc'�ool b�_?s or opQrating any vehicle in u�r'rich �.re being traris�orted ex- plosive subst��nces or infl�=r�able 1_icuids sha.11 br�.ng s�a.ch vericle - �' - C P • ;.. T � �-1 .l� to �, fUll stan :-ithin fift� (50) �eet, but 7ot less th_n t „nty (�0) feet, of any railroa.d or inter�arban gr��de c-rossin� 'r�efore , - � p ,r� P 7!0 ' � !7' V A1CZP � r� o _ �i at_n an e - o s th s:��,.. :n o..rson proceeding �,cr s „ Y 1 � � b Y �� oth�r than tnose speci?ic��.11y mentioned abave, sn�.11, upon apy�rouc�iin� t�ze int�rsectian of ��.zy public hign�Rray ��ith r.-.ilro��d ' or interurban grC.ae crossing, reduce the s�eed oi s��ch v�hicle ta a r�te of sp��d not to exceed tn�,.t =�t :�rhic_�, consic�ering vier- along such tr�:.��. =rl 'r�otn. airections, suc��� vehicle can be brought to a complPte stop not l�ss than ten (1G) feet iro� the nearest � �- �� - - l�'n�- tr�.in. i�-�e actual �.a�i�.u� tr�lck in the ev„nt of un wpproac 1 b speed permitted on tre ap�roach to ar.y high:��a.y r�.il:�o�.d gracie crossing on any public highr�a.y rr��,� be controllPd by signs poste�L ' ('��'? ^1�,� �, �!' ,��-. �n',- r.'� r+,,, L_ ,,.��_,�1_ � (' 7 ,-r c" .�n L-� (v r.o (� ,1 rI p `t( S�O��. Yl��'Cz I�� ?.1;;.Ci2 .E.t �-�1j� S_1C�1 �i.i.�,i....�_.j-1 _,..,_,_Y'O:_,i� L�=�t:,.� C1'C`.:5�._ _, .__�i'� a �o�_icA officer directs tr�fzic to �roceQd. � . w�=CTTGI�1 '�. 1��`iT�RI��L �iIGH�-«�YS 1�ECL�`�K�D--STOPS B��GRE �ls li-:�.�1Nt� --�;��.r��P SIC�IS. �,11 �rin��.ry st�te 'r±igi7��ays are hereby decl��.red to be urteri�.l 'nighi.��;�s ::.s res;oects �11 cth�r , �y}ublic ni�ri���;_�ys or ��iv�.te T�vays. Those city streets desi�nated by t��e director of , ,- s forming � part of the rolztes of �eri�.�.r� st�:.te highiaays _ : �•�_:�:.,-,- decl�zrecc ta be �.rt�rial highv�wys as respects �11 ath�r �T stree�,s or �riv;te k�JG.�'s. ThP oper��tor of a�y vei:icle er_tering . -.; _,:�.��. Gny �vrteri�..l highv��,_y fro� any other ou�lic higr��.°=�� or y�riv�.te - - :.y silall cone to a cor�pl�te stop before e�terin� such arterial :_ ;J :�s�hen sto� si�s ��re erected as nrovidec� by lati�a. �CTTOTv ti9. STGP Ii'1T�RS�;CTIOldS uTH�R Ti�i�.lt1 !ar�T�i1I.�L--PO'. LF Tv - - . _ _ _.. -,- ,- ' ,_ G E���I�� .�:vT;�RII��G. Tn addi- y ., ��-� � _ .. _�� _ -- .. �,.ny l�ubli c �i ght�Qay v�i tli ai�y __rteri�.l nublic highi.��.y :�:ti.ich is constituted by 1a��� or• by �.n;�T _�_�o��r alathorities of this st�ute or Uy Ordin�.rlces of this Ci�;, _ �.rtic?�Iax intArs�ctions, or a.ny p��rticul��r higr��r�,ys, ro�a.ds or s; _ -.:. - �orti.ons t-:_�r�of, c%!ay ve desian��ted �.s a �ola.ce at �;i'_�ich .,_>;,._�.�: �= -:.11 be r_:e_taired to sto� before �:,tel ing s�ch intersection; -:.�Zd ti�ere sha�l be �osted dnd r��i�.tainsd proper signs of the st��ldard '�es�gn a�.opted by the director of ni ghtirays inaic�.�ting th�.t s�ach �.ntersection has besn so determinPd anc� designated and t'rl�;_t vei�icles -_.;�.-� .�_ _ -; �: _:,:-: ure recuired to stop. It sl�c.l1 be unl�v��ul for � �:��; - _ ;.:no any vehicle ti�r�en ent�ring �ny intersection -s��rmine�.� design�tted a.nd Ue�.ring thQ sigr_ afaresaid, to f;;.il and -,��. lect to bring such v�'nicl� to a com�l��te ste� before ente-ring , such intersection. ��LCTT�'_`�� 30. S`1_'UP-'Ii�IG ��ivi� i'_��;.K2��G 1?Lt�CES--F'�:��:BT�Dt�d PL�='�C�;S-- :�-�• ` - T� -� �'«n> l-� �"�' -;�•--'���,n S ..:.�_�_. ���_�� Sf .,.�< <.� nr ^, _��i ._. TTnl�.- `-��-n exc2pt when necess:�ry to avoiu conflict �:��.th other tr..ffic or in co�.�li;.;.ne� �Jitn the directions of a goli.ce o�'_�'icer or tr_.ffic controS devicA� in :::.�?;T of tn� follo�ving places: I. Gn .�� ��:,��;��._�'- or p.�.rking stri�o; . In front of a public or _-�riv�,te dt�ivevray or ti�ythin iive (�) _� �.. �- of the end of the curb radius le�:.�.ing tnereto; ��, 4�ithin �.n intersection; _-. _.'��L.�.,, ���+��� l���1 � ,�- _ - - _°� - -, _. , i'•i_ : C'�t�'C�'�S?-_.�_ `=. �tiiti:�.n t��ent�r (=0) fee� ef a. crnss:�:��.?'_� �Nt =.n zntersectio��; `r. �r�ithin t��irty (30} fPet u�on tne a.pproa.ch to any flashing ���acon, stop sign, or tra�'iic-conLrol sign�l Ioc�ted �_t the side C_'" _ 'C'O?:.Ci k^?�'J j '':. =�et�:;een <_ s�r"ety .��on� and i.he �.djacPnt curb or �vitnin ��.:e��t�-five (=,�5) _'eet of points an th� c�arb imm�ed�atel�r op,�osite the ends of a safety zone, unless �: different distancs is indicated , ��-T s;�_�ns or markir�gs; o L, �;-; �- � �,,,- ( ,.� �`C�- �, f-:-� r� +- - � - - � .,�= i ,•� .__ _ . _ _ y ._ _ _ _ . _ _ __ _ _ _,,,„ _ ' 10. y�it��in �'ifty (��} f�et �r t;-�e c�-riTTe° ..:;� _.���r._._.c� t� _.n� fire or ioolic� st�;�tion or an the side of a street opposite th� ' Pntrwnce to an.y fire st�.tion �rithin ssventy-five ('75} feet of saia entrwncs �vhen �roperl;� sion z�osted; 11. nlongside or opposite any street eycav�tion or obstruction ��hen such stop�ing, st�.nding, or ��:.rking ekould obstr�;ct tr��.ffic; 1�. On the road�tiray si�� �f __ �T _ , c, � �a-� - �n r,,� : +_ tn� edge or curb of a stree�r; ,_�. Jpon any bridge or _,� -_ . _�v � _ _ �°`.,_ � ;.-. _ _ __ � __ _. � e , ' + ni. �? ';('n .._i-,o�.� n�'f'�(?i "l � •��S rn')�C)i L C''n -i i^r . < �� SE�'�'TOiti �l. �'��=L_.��,i,i�L _?'v'� �_��iGL�; Fs:��iLT�„G--�1��:,:;�s.V�� �=:It1T�_LG�;:S ^^v_:�i��DEi.�I. Lvery vehicle sto�red or parked upon a roadz�ay vzhere there is an adjacent c�arb shall be so stop�ed or p�rked ti�ith the r��-;nt-�.�.nd riheels o�' s��ch ve��icl�s ��.r�.11e1 to .:�.nd ��rithin t::Telve (l�;) � _��_�hes oF the right-hana curb. iuo person shall be granted tile right, -��sQ or fr�.nch� se t'o�- ve'_=iclP -^�,r��ing of an� porticn cf the surf�ce ��n_. of any pub�ic l�;_�;'_��_s^��.;r to tr� �1ic?usion of �.��y other like person. :,;CTIOTu 3?. Pr_RKING: BR�itSON 'iPu'1�Y. �?o moto�� :Tei•�ic?e s��.�=�1 be !i y -��`T-.��d �_t anf place on First �;venue i�lorth bet�=�een tne �P���r -`•1Vpr III '�.ridge nd the Library; th�t no �otor vehicle s'r�a11 be parkecl for -:.�ore th�.n one n.o��r on tY�e East or '��;est si�e of P:ii lls St. bet��:��en Second .�ven�aa �.nd th� Ced�r River Bridge. :�ny person gu.ilty of viol.at�ng tnis section of the "trafficft code shall be y:�"nis'�-Qa �Y I �;. fine not ta e�.ceed fifty� (�.50.J0) dol�.ars or imprison��.n��t -�o� t_,o e1 ceed ten (10) days, or by both such fine a.nd imprisonm�nt. � �;�; _+ ,_:- a r� -:KIiVG: G;�i�� `it�_L. Bet:�.=een hours of 8 a.n. and ; n e _�g -_^�� :- _:�.c��s sr��..Il be p�_rked for More than one hour :�t any point on �hird ��,v�nue bet4'�een the �.Iley e�tst of ,��in St. �_nd �orris St. :�or on ���n St. North oz y:��lla. r`ialla �v�naL wizd South af Second kver�ue, nor on Lrells Nort'n of ���alla �zd�.11a and �, _�- � ;;o--�.,< <�.-" Second, nor on �4�i11ia�ns St. i�orth of F-�•�:,1?�. .�r�s-la �v�nue _;r'� �.--�_t�'� of Secon�. hvenue, nor on the East S:icie of Burnett St. �,:o�th o�' ��alla ��a11G. �_v�nue �=.nd Sout� of Second �ver_ue. There ShG.lI. h^ __� �?=;_r�:_�'iv ,:.n _-� - __ �'.-'._1�; . T�:�:'e bat;:o�ri i:�-rr�.=t� ���� 'Third kvenue� �r�,y person guilty of viol�.t�ng tY�i s section of the ��tr�tii,`'-c ` cac��� sh:ll be punish�d. by a fine n.ot to exceed fifty (�50.00; dallars or irnp��i.so_:����t +�ot to e=�ceea t���: (10) c;.::;r�, o,� r��° ^o��� �--n'-_ j'=1^ .; �?f} � y "r'i c� '-�'��yl'}_+ � iJ�_v�n.�.C��. �^a ti��.."�i��_i.�.tr i��'�1.a1..: �i� .�:i<�� ��`.,�liT��{.1.��`.�7 l� _� .._`'_�j.',� : .�j TI\� . _ � . . �r:��1 ll ;; o -,,?�rson o-r� .-r•��t;nf; oz �n c��.��r;=e o�' a r�otor vehicle s��?:.11 ��rmit i t to stand unattendea �vi thaut i irst sto�ping the engine, and ��rhen st=..naing �zpon a perceptible nr_�.de r�rithout effectively setting the n_raks trerean and tUrning the front vrheels to the curb or side of ti�� ^oad��ray. . ��CI'ION 35. P:�t�tKl'3G OR STr"�Ni�I�uG GT3 TR:�UliL�D :i�-_Y uNL�i�r'�FUL-- ::��Cr:�':CIGI�S. It shall be Lnla��rful far any person to stop, park or leave standing a.ny vehicle, �-���et'n.er attended or un�ttenc�ed, upon +-=�z paved, i�proved or main tr�.veleu portion of �.n.y �ublic high�vay oi tne City e:�hen it is �ossible to stop, park, or sa le�.ve such v��_i.cle off s�-cr� n�vea, improved or main tr�.veled portion of such ?,��.Y�lic high�ir�.y. In t�.e event th�t it is not �ossible to leave �?acn velzicle st��nding off the n�.Y8t1� improved or irain tr��veled ���c�rtion of suc� iublic highti�ay wt �east ane 'rlalf of trie zfidLil of �;��c�� -��� : �:.���ay s��all be left cle-:-r �.nd uno�astructed for the free --�.�,�.�: � �," c�her vehicles �nd �. c��ar vie�°: of such sto��ed ve:riicle s_�=�.1?_ bP :_v;..il�:_r�� fo-,� �;. ciis���.nce of trr�� ht�nared (300) feet in e;:,,cn ai»ecti�o�� ���:�on s��c?�,. -^���,�_i� =��__`hs°r�y: Provided, this section si�all not apply to t�e operator of any venicle .��hich is disabled �-.non the pwved or impraved or li�ain tr��.v�ied porti.on of �ny �v.blie i�igh�Tay in such a manrier �.nu to such an extent thut it is ii�possible to avoia sto�ping anci temporari.Iy �P8.V1Y1� such vehic?e in s}�ch position. SLCTIOlv 36. P��r�KIi.`dG: II'� FRO�;'T OF �i�r��`��T�� OR Y�'_L�--':.`��� FOr�- BI�D�1! . No motor vehicle shall b� p.-.rkPd in front of any theater or public n�ll, ciuring the hours --,ren t%��re � s �. si-lo?T- �oin_, on o-c public �eeting �s in l�rogress. I'I SLGT.LOTd 37. Rt��.:�Gj7�L GF V�.:iili�:�,�;u L;�.�`T u�� 'iR_�V�L�� '�:k--_Y--vr�rlLz �-� ' ��TI�S--��OST :�.TvD LT:�1. '�:�'hvnever �ny po1�ce o�=fic�r f�r;:=s .:. v:�����c1.e � I -51- standing upon the p�ved, i�proved or �.in traveled portion of any public highjvaf �rithin this City, such officer is hereby a�.�thorized to re�ove s�ch vehicl.s or to r�c�uire the oper�:tor or oth�r �erson i_�^ c�::,r�� of such vehicle ta remove the s;��e off the paved, improved o-r• �:�c_.�.�: traveied portion of such public hioh�vay. �`�henever �,ny police officer �in�s any ve�iicle u.nattended in such a position th�.�t it constitutes an obstructian to tr��ffic or �roviaes a d��nger to trc�vel v�cn any public hi�h�vay, such officer is hereby �.��thorized tc 1 rovide for the rerfloval of such v��ic1Q to the �e�.res� iolace o� safety. rny cost incurred in tha re:�ov�l tn.ereof sh�.I.I be _:;,.id bv the o:�mer of the vehicl� so removed anu the same sra11 be �. 1_ien upan such vehicl.e. S'i�CiIGI� 38. f'i °"��OVriL GF GLr�SS I�.I`IJ� Dli�L-R.I.�.�., =�N T�1;� �iCt�TD�?�iT--OP:��.- __'�0��1 S �,;:�'i. ��hen ther� 'r��s been any �.ccident or �.��T,T ��:recke�_� or c._.:�u�.oe� ve��ic�e �s r���_oved from the ro��d�..��r of �. y��n,.;c Yil ,�I_`11''1cLjT� �:�n_v glass, a�bris or other inju.rio�ls subst�nce drop_ped from suc�. vphicle sh�11 be rer�oved fr�m th� road�ray by the oper:.tors in- volve�. unless the,y be incapacitdted. S�;C�I^vI�3 39. TRr1\TS�i�F�T=�TION OF P�_��t�I�;i�t�i:S �� t'�� �1�.���ILv��tS i;iv- �x'�y'�FUL. I t shall be unla:lfUl to �ng�.ge in tr:.,.izs�ort stion of �wssengers for hire uQon any conbination of' vericles cansisting oi a motor vehicle in combination tilith a trail�r or �e�i-tr:�iler. S�;CiI01�` �0. OP�f�r�'It7N �":ITH GliriLf.S 1N Tdti;uTR�� OR CLIITC�-I DIS- �."3G��GE1� UNLl��K:�FTJL--�'XCE�TI���S. It shall be unl�tilful for any person to oper°ate a notar vehicle ��ith the gears of such vehiclp in neutra�. Tt shall be unl�.��.�ul for any p^rson to opPrate an;� �:.otor vehicle :.��en traveling u��cn a dav:rn �rade �'.ith the c?utch �a_ise��=.�e��. �'y�is section shal.� not nrevent the �roper srifting o�' gears or the tov�ring of a aisablPd vehicle. S�CTIGN 41. C.�RRYING ��T�IiuL"_LS uNC�_GE� OF� �iUFi�.ST��ED O�i r�UN- NI��1G BO�RD� E`f'i;.--P1�SS;�T4GLR.S UUTSIi�� GF �<_� t��.�i��'. It sn_:.�_�_ nP t�r- -5�. �_ .�:�UZ i'O:C' ,:71„/ w'i�.:1':�vil �O l.L'::(la-'�C%i t' �:.i'1V __1V^��' ,_..'i11.�_,.1 iJll Vi1= _ ;.�__ _�=�,;� bo:�.ra, fenders, h�od, or other outside ��,.rt oi �ny vehicl� I ,_���=�s ����„ :��� .__ �.��_�:::�, cuge or ��^closare be �rovi��.sd �,�ct so .;�tt�.c��^�i �: s tn ;rot��c �:� ���ch �.�i�n�:�l fram �'alling or beir_� t'rfro�r�n t��erei'ron. It s�iall be L:nl.a►riful for any �aerson to tr:.�nsport any �,�^�sons upon thp running board, ienders, hood or otr�er ot�tside ���t of any vehicle, excA�;t tn��.t this provision Sr�a,�1 not ap�Iy i,'' . rt�i.- _ �.�_J.Q f:.--- . �''`�Cj� V���:i?'��F'S. i�1-^_l,�_, '-�1�-.�..� �.. .:_, ��`_��'._T� ,.'i�tz_� ~�.�t'i��C�ii i7 1!� i_-i_:=i!� _-._-.1 i i�'L�',.:,'.1_ ., .� t :;���.11 be L�nlaT�.f�.-�l for any person to oper���te a vehicle �Jith r�ore �`;}�:-::n three (3) persons in the frcnt or oper�.tar� s s���.t ther�ci< SEC�'ION 43. DFiTVIl�G ys"t�Ii�E ��;.BRI�CIiv'G :.IvG��=�LR PE�=t�Gi�. .[,t _�.?-- ':�r .__ "�>1 for a,n.y pPrson to oper�,tQ a �otor vel�ic�P _ _ c�.. . . t-i�� =; `-c? ', � �r1S ltjT ::�f'_?11 5L'_CYl �y`'nrSOn ���5 1[7 i:1S O�� _:��7' �t�brace ano�h�r person yohich prev„nts the iree �.nd unhamper�a oper��.tion af such vehicle. �`��? _ _:rs^L�. sa �'oi.�.�� �-,_�1.'_ ;�� ,?�e�Pd �;uilty of recYless drivin�, SLCTION 44. OPLR.;TI��iG �'<: _�C_�:_ �:_�� . �; ,;_:,__ � ��s...< <;u--����i��L�, It si�all be anla;.fL�l for ��:.ny person to oper���te �. m�tor veY�icle in a reckless �anner over ana ._�Ion� t'_ne l�ublic 1-�i�h�a.ys of this City. For the a•urpose of tl�is section to tloper�.te in a reck�ess mznnerjt shall be construpd to �ea.n the oper�,.tion of u veric�!e upon the pu�?ic high�^��G.ys of this Ci.ty in such �;, ��G.n.nPr �.s to inaic�.te �ither a ��il��_fu� oi� u;wnton disre��rd for t�a Sd124y of lo�rsons or �roper�?�� � ` -ry _ :_..' .: r �,. __ _ .._ �� _ _ _ _ _ `. a r e.. ...-. �_...i ^..��' _. �..�. � ' '"_ � . v ... ��� ..�. _ _ - `'._ � . -�.. _.. . . � ._ . ..�t`.. .� �`��t�.SI� i . �. - 7..n -- - - f,�-x - � r - - ,�� _ __ . _ _ �., . _ _ __ _ . ._ a_ �-, --�.__ _ ,. �_.__ __ _.. _ „ person to oper�<_te any v�ricls uncn the p�ablic hiohvrays of this Ci1�� ��rii�e under t��e infll�ence of or •�?�'fected by tne use oi into,�icatix�:_ Iic_vor oz of �.ny n�.rcotic drug. Upon �'rin first conviction for the viol� �ioY� ��' t��r, ��rovi sions o.f t�i s sect�on the co�art s��:�_�1 i'_.;���:�;` � - r'; �� � c � ,_, - r{- ' '' � - =.(-, �_ y v ' '-',. y � i s_ of r=at ±�ss �����.� �'?� �:r� �o�---_:.rs �.;.OG � _,_c-� tl�:..n ��._r e ����:.�;-,-Qc:. �.ollars (�>300.00) or not Iess than ten (IO) d�.ys or �zore ��a.n ninety (90) d�a.STs in j�il, or both sLch fin� -��nd im�arisonmer.t, � 7�a sh�.Il, in addition trerete, revak� the oper.4tor' s �?icense of �=1�.ch pPrsan. Upon second or subsec�uent convictian for � viol-.tion c:' t_�_e �rovisions of t�is section tre covrt sh:;.l1 im�ose ��. fine of r,o t:. l�ss th�,n one nun�rec� dollars (�:>100.�0) or u�ore th�:.n three " ����ndred ao1��;.rs (�3Q0.00) and not less th�n ninety (90) days in �::.il, ar botYl such fine �:nd i�nrison�ent� �nd sl��.11, in ac;tsiition '�.�iereto, revc�ke the oper�:.tor� s license of such person. - �-- �;��TIuI�i 46. �'�.Ii I:1�L Tii STGP �.�1 STv�' Sluiv. It si�all be un- ,��.°f;f�al for any �prson oper�.tin� �. veriicle upen any ���blic high�v�;�y r�" this City to f�.il to brir�g sL=ch vehicle ta a conplete stop a.t ny point at 6��hich there is �oc�ted a stop sign, e�ce�� ��nen _�-� rectec. to proce�a by a polzce o�'ficPr or tr�.fiic cont�ol signal. �LCTiGN �'7. F�zILi3:�E TO OBS��VE f°:t1�.D CC�U:PLY s:I'T'i-i STGt�S--P�.�iv�1,TY. _: ���, �oerson failing to abserve �.nd cor�ply ��eitr. the restrictions of ��.�� restrietive si�ns erpct��. or -_a�.rt:��ned by com�etent ����thcrity - ; �:�� ;::.ny ��ublic hig����,��y� of this City s���11 be g�iity of �. misde�e�nor. SLCTIUi�1 �8. �ISGB�DIII\CE GF TR��.FFTC CUreTRGL SIG�?��5. Pdo �y;���:�.tor of a vehicle sh�.11 disob�y the instructions of �.ny ��ficial tr��fiic-control device placed in accord�nce ��ith the _:ravisions ef ti��is Grdiz,.:�rce, �.u�.ic:ss �.t ti�� tin:� ot?��.;r::�is� cir�cted '��- �. �^olice offic�r. �;�CTTOi\T 49. DiSO:LllI�:�`�IC� OF OFFIC��L+�R,t S Oil '_�'L:�G�a:.i-:Tv t S ;j1C:��.,LS. 7t shall be �unla:,ful for any p�rson oper�:.tinb any vehicle u�on any ��ub�.ic nighti�ray to fa.il, rpfUse or neglect to obey- �.l? signals of �- police officer o� �uly ��uthorized fl<._gm��.n ti.?^�o is �.t the time ', -�chdrging the c��-_ty of regulating an�. �irect:ng traffic. r��CTI01�i 50. �EruSnL '�'0 C?IV� ��:_-_�� ��'�'D _'���nI��SS--vTUIivG F1�_LS� �.�.� _ I - „� .�,�, � �,:-; - --:- - - , , - �.- - - _. --- _ _ ._.. _.."_ "�...'_'_. U x�__ ;� �J��, .i:���t..1iJl:�l.J __.��Jii'i1..:L V�. �_.� ..V. __.1.,.� .��.�,vL1Vl.��-• i. t si�a1l be unla�sf�al ior an;� person �ani�e on�r;=ting or in ch�:.rge o- any vehicle to refuse ,yhen recuested by a police officer to _ �ve nis �.ame and andress �nd tre n�.ne ar_ci ��wc�ress of the o�:=:mer of s �ch vPiiicle, or ior such person to �ive �:� f�.Zse name and a�3dress, �..�;a it s:�:.I� 1��.'__e��:�;�e >>e �;r:�.�a.r.�Tul for �.:�.v s_�cn y�erscn to re�as� or � v�=r,lPct to sto�? .;'n�� s�.�nu.led to stop �,-� �tiny �olice O1i�.C�.[ or to ;�=fuse upon der�and. of s>?cr �olice officer to praduce his c�:�tific�.te .' license regi str�.ti.an of such vehici e or his vshic�Q o,�er��tort s ,_icense or to rPfLjse to permit suc� officer to take ax�y such �:�cense or c��rti�"ic:_.te ior the �urpose of e�=�.�ir_�_.ticn thereof or I ' �� ref��se to 1 ermit t��e exWmin�.tion of any ecuipm�nt of sucr v�_.ic�e _ ',n refuse or neglect to praduce the certifie��.te of �_ice��s� , . _,_. :'�_ration of s�zch vehicle or n.is vehicle operator� s 1.icense 4��l�en ���c,uestecz by any court. .kny police officer s���.Il on reuu�st i:�ro�.uce _T�T' ::�-��_ce of his authorizati�n �.s s1�cn. � ;��CTluiv 51. SC�OGL �.nT;�GL-�I��:SiGi�<I�--_�t�`3'��R�.^lY--STOF SIG=�:�_.T_,� . _ _ .._- � , � � :. --i7�1TY i0 OB�:Y. It sh::ll be un1�.i�ful for t,�: r c.��- -�:o,= � `• ..� ; ;:T�=-icle to fail to stop his vehicle c�Y�en direc��d t� �o so by a_ny school �oatrol sign or si�n�.l displayed by such r..�:_7ber of the school �atrol engaged in the laerformanc� of his dvty ;:�1� �ae��.ring or disl�l�,,ying appropriate insignia, and it shall _ :�t'_ ;i ;�: _�.� ";_��_ -�c��� �-."�:� o:�er�.tor of c:ny vehicle to disregard . , t-,z, �-, ����� �,�,. �, � , , 'y ,.�����.�OT1S Of ��..rly Ti1a::�'JE.'Z' Of' 1;1-,o SC•''�pC� f7'p� '���� �.cting in perform�.nce of nis duties as s��ch. ;���TIG1V� 5�. Di�IVIi'�G TiiRGUGIi FUt�1�t=�.`-:I� rROC�S�._ _ ::_.y �� _ -.. , --��;. � o o�c�er��.tor or driver of a motor vehicle shall L�.pon t_�e p�zblic hi _:- . ,. . . . _ -� ��. _ __ T,� , .. . ._ ._. ,_ - - - --- ..� ,. ,� : : , , _ ,� ,. , . , _ .. __ _ __ , . . . _ �. _ _. -�-,.,`� . procession or tnroz��h :�ny street ���r��.�:.e nor ir.to uny ��sseL�bly or g�wth�ring of persons la�rfully �,sserabled upon ti�e hi�h��ays. S�CT20A] 53. i�0 PERSON T.�PdD�R 16 b� :�.LLO:,L.� TO llRIV�. No person under tYze �.ge of sixt�en (I6) years sn�.Ii �.rive an avto- mabile tidithin the City lir�its. ChnPT�:R VIII LCCID�i>iTS ;.° m T,� 0�� �,:� TH UN:��TT�ND�1� VF�ri.ICLE--17UTY TO STOP r1�ID � S.�C_IC�N 1. CO_�ISI la I IvOTIFY G'::NL�. 0�� OF�R�,TOii--PRCP�HTY D��E ON Qi� nllJi',CE�iT TO h3Gfi- �';,��Y--I��TICE--R.�PGRTS. The cperator of G.ny vehicle �.�Zich collided y�ith any other vehicle +�r'rsich is un�,ttena.ed shall immQdi�_tel�� stop and sri;:ill then �.nd tnere ei tiier locate and notify tiie a_.��=:,� i�n � or o:�ner of such ve'r�icle of the n�.m� �,nd. address of tize opvr: �-c-_� a.nd o��ner o? the vehlcle striking tiae un�;.ttenc:iec� v�nicle or s�?all leave in a conspicuous ;l�,ce �n the vehicle struck a writtsn notice, giving ths name and addrPss of the o?�er�.to_r ar_d of tl�e o�;.�ner of the vehicle strikir.g such other ve���cle. mhe driv�z of an� venicle ir.valved in an accicient resulting dnly in dama�e to property fix�d. er rl�.ced upon or �.djacent to �ny �ublic higrw�y sr��ll t�:�ke reasor_able steps to loc�.te �.��d ��otify the o��ner or ;�erson in charge oi such property of such fz-�ct ana of tr� n:�nie wnd address of the o��Vrator •�.nd ot°ner of tlze v�lzicle striking such property� or shall �e�..ve in a cans�icuous �I�.ce unon the ?�ropQrty strUck a Vrritt�n notice, givin� the nar�e �:�n.d ���.dress of the o�er��-tor :�.nd of t'rle c.:iner o,�' t��� vehicle so strikin� ��p pro�oerty, and such person sh�.11 f��.rtner make report oi suc'_�� accident a.s in 1, .� � . . °� _ ��' _ _ _ ._ : . -_, -_ - _ r. ,_,. , _ . --- "'S r`�' t��1 S L`1 i":i-� �,, ,�-, , � � ti. - � , V!.:���_�1�.,'1��. :�0 �:':i� . ,.__ ��li �...�.._ v._._..�.._ L.i_ L�.._... ... :.l,i �/..__�•J_,�:_ .. ._ _'.1_ _.... i:�:� .:.-���7 ._: -'i` __ � -:,=;�; �-_-,,_ i'��% TO S1GP �SaD RLTURIv TO PLr?CE--GItT.�T-��� �: _�t� =,i�l� s+_vDR�SS ;,��D GY1��r,I�IO?�� CJF _T•_:�C'�'�1SL'•�--R����1DI`EIC:D? OF .��ID_.,. -i���- r_t�J�7.d.U��.-1dl�L 1� �'_1,��.7=�' ��i-i.i�--1 ._:T'__Tt1Tl` F�j!. i"UT.IiUi,�i`'�.;I..��lrli— �..i 'L:Y.!.LUL'd '�.liH P3:_.�SUV �=�.II:iS�Lli DIS�BLED.�)_An oia�=�z.:.taz o� any ve�icle involved in an �ccider_t resul�ing in t�le injl�ry �o or de�ath or an� �erson s�all imm.eG.iately stop such vehiclp h.t the scene of such accident or as cl.ose thereto �:.s possible but shall then forth�fsith return to, and � in every eve�t remain �.t, the scene of such accident until r.e has fulfilled th� rec<uirem�r�ts c�" s��,bdivis�on(c) of this secti.en: (b) The oppr�:.tor of any v�hicle involved ir� an accident res�lting only in da.mage to a ver3cl� y�.hich is driven or attended by any person si1a:11 irnnedi.�.tely stop such vel�icle �.t the sc�nP of sz�ch �ccident or as close thereto as possible and Sh�.II fortr- ::rith retuin to, and ir. any event sha.11 remain �.t� th� scenP o�' such accident �antil he nas fulfil-�ed the recuiremPnts oi subdivision (c) of this section; (c} The op�rc�tor of a.ny venicle involvect in an accidsnt re- s�alting in :injziry to or dea.th of any pe-rson or cz;�age to any ve- rlicle ��hich is ctriven or attendAd by any �erson sra)_? give i�.is nan�e, �.ddress ��nd vQhicl� �ice�_se �>>.:r•b�r ��.nc� s-,.�.11 e�>hi�it his vehicle cl�c-l:�.to:��is lice-„s� to �:�1v -o�rsc:� st?��_zc'� or injured or the aper�tor or any occupant of, or rny person �.ttending, :�.ny such ' vehicle colliaed �rith and shall render to any p�rson lnjured in sz?ch a.ccident reasonabZe �.ssist�nce, including the c�rrying or the making of. arr�.nge�ents for tize carrying of s�.ch person to a phy- sician or hospitul for m_ec.ical tre<;_t�.en t i f i t is �:.�pare�t t h�_t such tre��.tment is necess_�.ry or if such carrying is recuested b�% the injured person or cn his beh�_lf. Lnder L^o circ�:r�st,��ces sh<<,.??_ � t�e renderiiZg of assistance or otner com�Iiance ��rith tne -����_���v=s=�%-���s , _r � � - - -- ,„s- of this sz?�" ,,^}�.o�' ,� -. ,_.,_ _�ic c t�.. . -__ ,_., _._ � o _e� c , :r �.c. _ -'o-r• �_'G� �_��.��.t:i�-.- � e v�_, i— r . � (d) ����r s-,�,.sciz f,�ilin� to sto�: a�� to co������1� ::; t�, �:ny oi z-r_e rsc:uireraents oi subdivision (c) of tris secticn �:��.�r said cir- curastances shall, u�or_ conviction, be ��i,�n�sz-��d b�T im?�riso��nent for not less tran thirty d��fs �30) nor ir_ore t�s�r� n�r_ety d�:ys (:�Q) or by a fine of not less than one hun�.red dollars (�100.CG) nor �ore tn�n three rundred c�oiiars (�3Q0.00) , or by both such fir_e :.�nd imprisonment: Provided, this prevision shall not apply to any p�rsor. injur�d or inc�.pacit:::ted by s�_c�� ��c�i�!��:t. to t'-:.� ext�nt of' �bein.g physically incapable of co�:i�ly�n� s�e��e��it'_�. SECTIOI� 3. Rs�PORTS TO POL3CE OR Sr��RIFF--SL'PPLr.�:���?T��L =:���`t:TS --�..�TTP��S�F,�� r��PORTS--F�P�iS FO�. Rf�URTS. The oper�.tor of any vehicle involved in �n accident res�.�lting ir_ injury to or de:th of �ny person or tot::�.I or cla�,med. ci�_��.ge to eit��.r or �oth vehicles ' ar r_�raperty to an apparent ey�ent Qf t�-:enty-five �oli��rs (�25.OG) or �ore, sl�al�, ti�bTi trin t«enty-faur haurs of tAr such accident, make ��. �ritten report of such accident to the chief of police of the City. Such re�ort to be in daplic�te and the origir_al irtir�edi��tely �"oi�:�:����rded by the cn.i�f of police receivin� such report to t��e cili ,f of the y�ashington st�.te p=wtrol at Olynoi�., 4'.�as�ningtc�n. I LveY�y rec;uired accicient report shall be m�Lde on a iorm prescribed ;�y tne chief of the �'�as��ington st�;.te p�atrol. ana the chief of -�.olice of City of Renton charged �rith the duty of receiving s�c�; r�Gports sh�.Il provi.ciP S�_1�1.Ci.�1''_� r��,ert farr_s in co�,nli�;-=�c^ : At� II t�?e _�or�? devisea. ��CliC,:��� _ . �. -,�=G�r.�+_ .� --. �,: _.._ ��'�:>;_ �;y�_ �, _���--_ .,�_:��' .-v 1 ---_� ..��:�L�i�:�n '..�5. i�S' �ll=...��_. ..__-1'�< _..�.�...�iL• ._....`_,�vt�'.�� �,ii-, C.J't�..7 .,.,. ,_�1,�1� Q . ,.. :: ,`�'— ��icle invol.ve� in �.ny accident, concerning ��hicn accident re�c���t :is recuired, is physically inca�able of making thP rec_uired acc_�- a�-r�� rerort :,n�� +�-er: �s =-.no�h?r acc=�c�:�t Ot�=r'r t'"_��r �. -��sse��gPr K�- I -�a- .:� -: T::�.�•• for hire therein, in the vehicle ��t the tir�e of tl�� ��.ccid�rzt c��.able of :���_;.king a report, such occun��_nt s=;�l? ����zk� or C.Li52 to be r�wde such report. Unon recovery sucr� o�er�;.tor sh�.Il m�Lke s�ach report i� thv ra�_r_n�r re�uired by lav�r. ' C=T�'�PT�R IX ;�I SC;�L:���:�JUS . . ___. .... ,a .._ � _.:l�L'JS .C.l�i✓ i�rV���:=F: rL_.1.L��' �1�;�J... ���,1'�J�' ���C� V,v_.. �'j� =i`���::��"1. It s��.-�;11 be unl�. .-�ul fo� :x�.5� ���rw.ozl to o-o�-r��.-�� �ny v�hicl� cver �,nc� along any of �he i�ublic �ighFa��.ys of this City T����.thout ":�.rst having obta:i�.ed and ii�.ving in zull force a.nu. eii ect ==_ ct�r�*.�,.t �,.d pro�er veszicle license an�. dis�l�.y veh���c �_ic�A�se -r�.�.?r�b�l _�.�_ t-:s trerefor as by tr�is cn�.�t�r ,lorovideua ' ;C'iT0i3 '. �:TThCH�Jlu�il �ir��D DISP:t�i:Y OF r�.: T�� vi�: `Ju'.-_i�_:��;�--':-� .�: - - �, ��•:��_:�5 �.�iD PE1`�nLTT��. Tiie vei�icle 3icerse num�b�r nl_�tes s���11 be ��;tac��ed cons1�ic��ot�slST at the front �=.nu re�.r of e��.ch ve��icle �"or _ ic?� the sa�e are issuued an.d in s�?ch a �unner th�".t tn�;;T c��.n be �_�:<.in1.�� see�. �:::�.ca. rQ��a :��t �.11 times. r�ach venicle licex�se num'ber � �'_,�.t� si-:?1 '��-�� :_:lace� o� �ung -in ,�. 1<eri�ontal. oosition at a czist::nce , ,, ; - � , _ ,' ; - n fo��.r fvpt frorn th� �:rovnd _ : __ � r� - -: - , , -, , • ,. �. , - r. � ._ d. � . ,-, l'jj;TT c�nor� �•�_tY 1�� -t ,. , �... . .,..1 __ ;, z _. '-�_n.es. `Tt snall be unl�.���ful to disnl,���y u��cn tre front oz reur c �' I -:�y v�hicl�, ve'_��cle lice�s� numbnr ��l�te or �l��tes other than tr�vse � :�_rr_ish�d by trie uirector o�' -�icens�s for s�ac'_� vshicle or to �.isrlay ,,. , ... �.:... �_ = :_-; --;_' , � =: '_ ��nse narr�ber pl�tp o-r �l�.t�s ���hic_� _T._ - _ • _, ___ _ . � a.lter�;�, cs_isfi�ured or h��.ve becar�e =.?_1Qgible. It shall be un���:rfvl fo� ��y person to o^�r�.te r.n�T v�'riicle unless thare sha�1 be disi�l_.yed u;^,on such vti'_liclti t:�:o � J_ li�� vph.�.cl� 1ice�zse n2zmber iolates �.tt�.chQd as ��erein proviaed. � C `�''� ���-5 SECTIGN 3. OP��.:'�TION ."�:iTH�UT ��IC��?�S� UNLx��wF�L- ri�:r�C�P�'Iv��;S OF �-. �..� �6 , . (^'L '� -. - -. , _� . -• --- - _' ,. _ �T -- �" �j] .__ 57t - �'r ��. ._ �_ _ , _ , . _ T ��' ;'Y ' . � _ � 'i � v, T i�,. f .,:�i— be unla:�:-ful fo� �ny �nrson to o�er�te �� �otor vericle upon any c=' t��e public hig��Tv��.vrs of this i:;�t;� vr_less s��cr pQrson s�::�?I ����� -T�� � his aoss�ssion a curr�nt and v_�?i� veh�.cle o�er�ta�f s 1ic��.=�: issu�d on nis os�m 2�i�ication as pravicisd in tris ch��ter: � _ -__ - _, no rerson s'�a11 bP r���?irec:r to o;�t._..�n an op�r:�.tar� s �ic��.s� �"'cr i.: � �:�� ry o�� ol �rivin� ar op�r�.ting ro__ci maci:in�r�, or .�n;� fti rm tr�ctc: or �;-„^? ��>>��.�t o_f ;�ztsbL:n�.r� �,:��:�LL cr��.��ily a-r���.°��, �oved o.r �ropell�a �, �ublic night�ayr: Prcv��.A�, f��rtr.;.r, no person in the s�rvice r�=" the ar�y, n��v�,;�, or �n�,rin? cor_�s or co�.st �u�:.r�. of the ';nity�. -- or in tl�e s�rvice o� the n.ationul gu_,.rd c�f t��is st�:>te or �n� c:, '. _. stat� 4vYlen z"urnis:r_ed �rrith ti2ei� oo�r:�tor� s -o�rmit ��.�?ci. ��:-�li�en o�cr,_;t;-_ an �fficia.l �ator VP�LIICI.P in s�:�� - ' n ;'- .�_`_ ", _ - , - - _ _ •��.un a vphicle oper�.tort s -_icense. vJ�I'IG��: 4• xG� LI..�IT �'O�l SC��.�,�_ � � _ f_J ._ __ _ � _ �° �F_ _ . � -c srall �e �anl�.aafz�� for a;ny ���erson, .:hether �.icense� �.,� -_� � - - -- -_. :�dho is L�ncier the `:.ge of ei�;hteen (I8) , _ �. : __ . ��. ��hicle w�rile in us2 ��s a sc_�ool bus far �. - _ _ , oi pupils to or fro�n school or for =�.ny i�erscn, .;�rether licens� �:�.s �,n o�er�.tor or not, r�rho is vncier t?�� agp of t:�enty—onn (?�) � �- -. .� � to drive any for hire v�?-�;_�I�, G."to st�ge ox ather _ o���� T�-'_;_ - -_ _ �. 7��. usQ �s a �ub�►ic ^�ss��� _ � . _ a_ �� ='� �__ _ - � 1 V __,.'.�„1.'1 !-'lj t7 .�J�::.i� e ' _ _ _ r � n -_ u �_ u�. . � LI:�11T ON .�� � �_-:_�:, : ; 4^��. , __� _ - _ -- •��_o�or ve'r:_icle ov�r i,I�e ��:illiams Str�et briug�, crossing ��u�_- . . . nlve-, ,, „ _. ,.r. � a .__ . 4 , z , rd1 < _ � _ . ., , ._- . ^�. �,-: ,� � - -. _ �. _-. eib'r�t (8) to��».s � li�o �erson s _ . _ �;,_- �_� . �, ',-,_ _ v.� ._�.,__ . �;�. - - -- - � -- _ - 'pridg�� crossinb CQQ.'�_i -._J82� �yri�'_� �. �' - z'�-. _, _ i _ _ _ - -- -_ , --- _ _- -- �� (t<:l -�� :�. � � � , i ' �i.11,`ir 1'C��� l. P�i.�LTY, P��;l'i,n.L, C;GI'�1S'?'I�'U iTG��_LITY ���ZD �4 F�C�'I V� Dr'i E. S�CTTu�� l. P�dz��Z'i�. Exce_�t as otherv�ise s�eci�'icalzy provided h�rein, any person viol�,tzng this Ora�n�nce or any section or provision th�reof, shall. be g�ilty o�' �� �_�is�.�:��G.nc� ::�n�. upon convlction si�all be �unished by �� fine �ot exeP�d.in` t�_r�e huna-red (�;30r.��} dol��rs or by ir�prison�a�nt not to ��ceed tilree (�) �cnf,�s or by bot� s_�ch fine ��.na imprison�a�.t. , �;�C�IQ�. �. Tr�t Oz'�.in�:.nces P�e. �'73� 3a�, 396� v9y� 4:�'�s� �3u� - _� �, �-Q3, 498, ���?-, �0�, 5:�w, 637, '7�6, 918, 9;;0, 95� �vn.ci �69s ..l �:�1 be .and t'_ne� are hpr�b;�r e�.�r�ss1�T �eoealed. ����CT�02�1 3. PnRTI«L T��:V.-rT Ti�T�i�� 0�' Gr;� �i�i1�TC�;. '1'ra�_t ii �:nY spction, �e�t�nce, cl�.use or phr�.se of this Or�yn��nce sho�.lu be '�: _�a to be inv��lid or L�nconst�t��tionGl� th� inv��:Iiuity or t�r�con- �_-ritutionality ther�oi sh.all not ��fQct t'r�� v�.liaity or constit���- I', tion�_Iity of �;n� ot�s�� sact�.an; se��t�r.cQ, clausP or r�hr�sp of t�zis '_ ... ..._.._,�£n.�i uv e �LCTIGI� 4. This �rdinance sh�.11 be in full force w��. c"'�'��t _-_ �<= (5) d�.ys from anc. after its pass���e, wp�rov:�.i r:l�d 3.ag_ �. � ���'�^�-.tion. _����sovec� t�_?s��5th d�.y of n��.`;ust, 1��9. �' _.����y - _ �'-`. �u�?'�.1�. � � r<.�. -_ ,"��e City �o},�ncil oi the City o�' �.enton, '>�n. , this 15��...ec_�',r o`' �_,�_,�St, ���9. l �� f ' �„__...- y} �- ,.J.t.. � ..L._V.JLLi�.:.�'�.�.. � - �^e��` _ _ _ ' _ _ ✓__a.. �..�:1' ._ _ . ___ 'i �. .�.�.�i.���� .��_.�.� .. l.� . .i ...- \ � '�� " :� ��" _ _ __; August 17th, 1939 . v�� � �