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G �-� �':I�T C:;DZ?.(:iTC_uJ �"JL,".'LI�TC ''� ^I�L :t��U�'.'1V^�J-?���, �,�,
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r._ . �'v.�.�..r..... .�,r �i.,�L��,. .ill.;�_.! .�. � OC Ji, LVl� � .: l�v i_:���.J
� i'�Ttir_L�'T��'� ,��;� ���i+�I'i����LI���;G G�.�I??�:`TC_'��� 2�'C. 428 '�1?'J T.:',U. 4�8 �
_-^.ST►'J ALI: ':`:'fi'i�� QI��I?�l.Id��'� .•".?�J �"'.`�:;i� 0`� C=��I�v_',1?T.�iJ;J T,�
� .�
� CG?r� 7!;T rT;���'":1IT:-r.
S�ction I: T��is entire crdinanc� Sr��,ll '��e c;.eemed ,
�.n exercise of thE police �c�o�ver of the St�a �e of �`;�tihins�ton
and of the City� of �?eriton L or the ��ratection of the enanomic
,, .�c: s oci�1 v�relfare, he�lth, p�a,ce �.nd r�or��.ls of the people
..� the Ci ty of �enton �and all it� i�roTri,��ionti :.�h�.11 be
1.1 b 8�"_-11." �`G Y? t:?"L��?Ca `�:i : '� :1' ,;C'G."���� �..__^_"�'t U ,f ;_, �� �"., ..
'� 11
� aectio�� 2: The ter::�, int,u�tic�.t1T1� li;�uar, T�rhereTr�.;r
used in tnis ordinance w,h�.11 be :rzeld �nd construed to
rne�.n ��l�ohol, t�rhiske;;� , brt�nd;� , �in, t��ine , ��1e, beer,
j�,m�.ica �in��es• (me�nin� an�� lic;uid or sclution in zv'riicn
j�.rn�.ic=w �in��er ia co.ibined or mixe�. ��:�i th a,lcohol in ��3�y
c,u<-..nti '.,� �.�h:�.tsoejrer� , �ncz •any spirit�zous , vinous , �r
. malt liquor a.nd ejrery o ther liquor or li luid centainin�
intoxic�.ting �rc�erties , which is c�.p�.ble of bein�; u��ed
as a be�apra�e, •��i�.ether medic��ted or not , ��nd �11 li�uid� i
S��?ti].C�:til@.T' �,rc�riet�ry , ����,t,ai:�PCl OI' Y1Ct � '.*1�11.^,17 G'O'.1��?121 �Ylj�
:�laahol, �,rriicn �.re cap�.ble of bein� used ��s a bezrer=�,e, ��.nd
��.ny twblet� , povrder, �ellet: , l:�quid cr ot?�er suY�ti�t::�r�ce
frosa an;� of' the �'cregoin`, or a mislee.din� iw�itr�.tion
t�:ereof :v��:icn m�.y be ri�:.nu,'�,ctured cr concccted by raixin�
the sar.ie ���itn r�wter or cther lir,uid.
ihe ter�n "��erson" ,��henev�r u�ed in tr.is ordin�.nce
shw11 be held «.rid cons+raed tn r.1e��.n �:;nd inc?ude n�t�ar�l
l�ersons , firm� , cc��,rtrier,,;�iyus ��nd cor aor��tions un�. all
:.,ssociw�ior�:� of' n�.tu.:��.1 r,ersanu , tivhet,her ��ctin� by them�elves
r;.r. by Ner�ant, ��ent or e:M��loye.
�ecticn 3: �trery ��erson ccncerned tiiri�h the ccr�miti�ion �
of a miti,de�:u.•.nor i� zriol�,.tion of this cr��in��nce, �-rhether
:�e di:ectly �ommit� the -�-ct con��itutinV tYie offense, or
�,id� a,.� � �et-- the ti����1e, �,:ret}1er i:re�ent or �bserlt, �...
� ti, .� �_.
_.. . - __ ti � ., ..
�t*ery ;..erwon ti:r:v.o directl;;� cr indirectl�r counsels, enccura�e�,
hire� , comm:�nd� , induce� cr ot:�er�r:i:e procure�: f.:ynot"r�cr to
ccr,�:�nii; such riii�der:�e�..nor, is and ti�.�ll be �;. �,r�i.n�i�e�.l un�)er
tYie ter�:iti of t?�lis crc�in�:.r.ce and shall k�e proceeded ��.�;U,in�t
��.r.� ��ros ecuted �j_s tiuch.
;�ection 4 : It ahall :�e unlwtvful for �_n�;� ;�erson other
�., . .
�r.�an �:. re�ul4rl;; ��daine�:� C12Z'�'j/Yilt�_;i� y�r-�.�ti� cr r:�b�i
w-�tu�ll;r en�woed in r�iini� ter�n�, ��o _.. reli��ioas ccn�r��;�- �
. ; .�
tian to 1�,,,sre in his possession �.n;.� intcYic�ting liquor
ot1�er t:nan �.lchhol and it �h�.11 �e ?znl�.t=�ful f'cr �ny -
l�erson �o m�nu�'v cture, ;�ell, b�=.rter, exch�.n�e, �i�re a,way,
furnish or ot�:er.Td:rise dispose o; an3r intc1iic�tinr�. linuor
except �.s proviaed by thi; ordin,nce or by the LaTrr� of tne
, ::,tate of '�iashin�*ton.
Any y.;erson �r'r.o c�en^ u�, cond�acts cr mtiint�,in� , �itner
{ �.s princip��l cr a�;ent, �.ny �l�.ce fcr the unla�rful ti.r le of
int�xic�tin� lic,,ucr, be �.nd .�erep;,• is defined to i�e :�, �
"jc _� _ �°',.
AY,,, .� .._... . _ c� _ _ .,.. . _ _. _� . :� :.'�. ,� . _. _ _.._ .
liauar for the ��urpose of the unla�Nful ti�le of the s�xne, '
be �.;Id hereby is defined to be a "bootle���er. " .
It tin�.11 be unlwvr�ul fcr �.n�� yer�on tc �ae either a
bootle��es• or � jointist, -�.s herein cie:�ined.
�ection 5: In �,ny z�ro�ecu�ion for the �riolwti�n af ��,.y-
bre�ch af this ordin�nce it sr�ll l�e c�mpetent to ��ro�re
th�.t �:.ny �,er�on ot�her th�n � re�ul�:rly ordl.inecl cler�yr.�l�,
'!'Jr7.@St, ur r��1�bi, �ctua.11y en��4�ed in ministerin� tc �.
r�li��ioue c�n�;re���.tion, h���� in i�is i cs�e�Uion �ny into��-
ic��,tin� lic�uor c t ier than ��lcanol, �.nd tiuc.� y�erw~un �nd
proof thereof �ha11 be prima �a�ie evidence �:���t C��id
liquarLso held �:;.nd =:ept for t'r,e purpose of unla:��ful
��,.le or disposition.
Section 6: It shall be unlatr�ful f'or ��ny ��er�on
o�rnin�; , lea,sing, renting or occupyin� 2ny �rei�lises ,
building, �reni^le , h�useboat, or bo��t to lcnot�^riri�;l;;T
per�r.it intoyicatin� .lic�uor to be rlantzf�.etured, sol�,
, bwrter�d, exchun�;ea� �iven �vr�.y, furnished or ot.ler�vise
clispo�ecl o:f, in violati�n of the i)rG�T7.SlUI2 of tr:is
ordin:.a.nce or to be kept ?�Ti1;h intent to sell, b3rter,
exch�n�e, �ive ati*ray , furnish cr otherti�vise dis�ose of tYie
sa:ae in viol�.ticn uf" trie pz•o�ri�iori� of this ordinance ,
thereon o-r therein; and all g�rerlises , buildin�s ,
zrehicle� hc�use-boa�, a.nd boa.ts �,Trhereon or �.�!herein ::n-
toxicatin� liquar is m�.nufwctured, sold, bwrt�red,
exch�.r�ed, �i�ren a.vvaf, iurnished or ot:�er?�Tise c'�is�,o:ed.
of or �ept �ritn intent to :-ell, 'o�rter , exch�n�e , �iTre
�.v�ay, �'urnish or other�ci�e di��.ose of i;he c:.,:r.ne in Triol�:-
ticn uf tne protrisions of t���is orclinance are ilereby
declareci to be common nuiswnce:: and i:;a�� be aY��ted, �s
such �.nd upen con�riction or' the �rmer, lessee, tenant, cr _
occupwnt of any premises , builciings , ��ehicleti ,hcu�w�;oats
or boats oi �. zriolation �f the prosrisions of thi:; section,
rie shall be punished as prc�rided in section 17, hereof
and t,�e Court sh:�,Il . order th�.�: such nuis.��nc�,�Y��. ;ab��ted
und th�:.t such premises , buildin`,. vehicle, �tiouseboat .
cr bcat be closed until the o;-mer , le�see, ten�nt cr
occupant thereof shall �:ive bond ���ith •: tiufficient .�urety
tc oe �.pproTred by the Court m�ting the order in l�Y�e ��en�1
su��n o�!' One 1houNand Dollars p�,y�b1e to the City of ��entor�
ana canditioned th�.t in�oxic�.ti�i� liquor �-�i11 n.ct triere-
af�ter be rnanufactured, scld, barterea, exch�n�ed, �i��en
a��ray, furniwhed, or cther:�rise disposed cf tY�ereon or
therein, cr r:ept t�ereon or therei� ccntrary to lar:,
. r .
�:� �
�.i>. > �:�y {�: y .�,11 fines, .:�:;vN .��.rzc: a�:.�>�e�- tt:�.; ..����
��, .>:F :, _, ., ,` in�t 'riim f�r ,�:ny zriol�.t:.on of t7,�,;,, or-
dinance; wnd in case a�' the violation cf any condit;ion
o_ ��uch bond tne tarhole amount th:ereo:f:nay be reco�rered
as a penalty for t:�e u�e of the city; a�d in a11 ��.ses
�.rhere �ny ;:erson i��.s been convicted of a viol�.ticn '
of the pro�risions of thiti section and no a.ppeal Yia.� been
t�.�en f'rom such con�riction i t tihall ��e the duty cf the
Court before ,vhora the consTiction is had, in �.dditiun to
imposing tne penalty or penalti�s ��ierein �rcvi�.ed ,t�
order the defendant or defend�.n�s in such action to
forth:;rith aa�,te and remove such nuisance and if t;lie s:�.me
is not d�ne by such offender T�rithin t���enty-four Iiours
the sa.me sh�,ll be ab�ted or remojred �by authority cf the
Chief of Poli�e of the City cf Henton or by �,ny cther
officer �.uttiorized by the order of s�.id Court �rriicri :;�.�d
ord.er cr ubatemPnt sr�all be entered upon t.le u.ocket of the
Ccurt and rraade a part cF the jud�ment in said. �ction.
Section 7 t It sh�.11 be unlawful for any ;�erson �o +,a.ke
or s�licit orders fcr the purcha,se or s�.Ie of any intox-
icatin� liqucr �either in perscn cr b;� sibn, circul�.r,
letter , -poster, hand-bill, card, pricp-list, �dTrerti.:;e-
men� cr oi,her�,�ise, or to distribute,post, or aitiplayr �.ny
advertisement, sign or natice, namin�, represer,tin�,
�escribin�, or referrin� to a �u��ntity cr �u��.lity uf any
intoxicatin� lir.;uor or g i�re the n�.:ne or addre�� of �.ny
1�er�on rnanufwcturinb or de�.lin` in intol�ic��.tin� liquor or
s t,:tin�; vrh�re any such liquor r:��,y be �urch�,sed.
" .�ection 8 : I3othin� in this ordinance �h�.11 be construed
to ?revent a dru��i�t or pnarina.ci� t �.ctuall�r en�=��ed in tl�_e
yrnolesale dru� busiriess in the City o1' Renton .fro�n sellir�
slc:ohol �to _., :•�:t�lil :°ra��ict, t;le ri.os;�i;,_ , �:��
m�,nlzTacturer, licen;�ed te .1�urc'rlw�e ti:� �::s.�e, undPr tr�e
ba�trrs of the S+wte c� �;vsriin�_;�r, or frc�n seilink� n.lcohol
for ex,�ort �nci �hil��in�; trie s�,rr�e to y�lu.ces c;uttii�.e c1' tr�e
�t�te of ,i�:shin�yon , cr to l�re�ent a re�•istPrecl dru��;itit
or p�iarr:��:cist, •-,ctu::.11y en�u�ed in t'riA retu�.il �iru�� nusine�s
• . in the Ci�y uf :�enton, :'CGT11 �ellinv ��_lcorul to ��ny :er�-on
hol�in�� �=. p�rrr�it tc �;ur�Y�a�e tne s��r_ze , �::;�ueci under the
l�l'GzT1S:LOt1:� Gf' t.'lE 'L:sW.�'i Uf' tr.e `:ij:�:t,@ Gf .ici.SY'i121�t.0Yl� v1' tC
ynrchiyait an3�r osdwined cler�yr�an, ��riest , cr rabbi �.ctu��lly
er��.��d in ii�iriisterir_b t� �L reli�icu� cun"re����,ticn in ':,ne
�ity oi ::Zen�on f'roYn a.cui.inist�rin�- intcxic-.tin� licucr fcr
s�cr�rnent^,l pur�c,�eti only � CJllt it �h�ll �be untU,�ful for•
re�i�tered dru��ist cr ?��.�1r,.i�cist en�a�ed in ',he �:�holes��."�.�,
dr�a� b�asines� �nl;� , to sell �leohol tc ^.ny r�rticn th��n ��
retu.il dru��ist, a ho�piL�,i , cr U ra:tinuf`�.ct��re�, licen��d.
to purchr;,se the :at:e under +he prcvisions cf �he La�rs of
th� St�.te of :J�.�hiri�;tcn, �.nc� it �hc�,ll be unlU.tr�ful rcr �.n;y�
person other t'ricti:� a. re�:;ist�red dru��;ist or t�n�.r���citit to
sell alcoliol t or any purpose tisrr!�t,oe�rer, �nd it sh��,ll �e
unlw��f'ul f'o� �.ny re{�istered dru��;i�t or p�iarrl�:ci� t, or ��.n��
other y�erson, tc dilui,e cr ad�al .'�,er�te �.lcchol, or cor�iL�o�and
it �:�ith �.ny otYier ti�ubst��•rice in �uch ;�raportions t�n�:.t it sh::.11
be c��.��..�le cf bein� u�ed �,: �, �ever�-.�e ,an�. tiell, t��:.rter ,
exchan�,e , ��ive away, i urniuh, or otnerr:i�e di::ro::e o f t�e
��x�e , cr to permit _�ny �.lcohol � be c�,.iluted cr a.dulterwted,
or corii��oanc�.ee1 vritri �.ny o�her 4ubst�.nce, G,nd arunk on tYie
?�retni� es v,�here ��o1d.
Sectinn 9: Nothin�r in tnis ordin�.nce shall be con-
�tr�aer� tc ��r����ibit a iicen�eci �hysician fro!� :.�dr.linisterin�
' �uuriol bu� i; �hall Ue un1�.�r�ul �'or �.r��� iicenueu.
y�$�s;.cian �:,c �.dulterate, dilute :�lcuhol cr �,lcohol
eczn��oundeci �rith any c t�ier aubstwnce in such proportio:�s
L�:at it sYiall be capable ot' bein� usec,l as G. be�rer-.�.��e �nd
it s:nall oe unla.v�rful �or any licensec� pnysici�,n tc i:,sue
�. pre�crip�;icn for �lcohol to Y�e diluted, adultera.ted, nr
coinl�ounded t�rith �,ny other �ubstn.n��e in such �ropertions
t�t it v�rc,uld be c�,pable of bein� a�ed as �, be�rer=;.,_e, �.nd
iL shall be unl�.wful for �,ny licensed ;ahysici�n tc istiize �.
�,rescription f'or :�lcoricl to be dilu�:ec�, adulter�.ted or
r.oral�o�znded v��ith a,n;� other tiubst:�nce , in :uch pro�ori;ions
ti�::,fi it �^rculd be c��.�,�.ble of bein� uNed ��� a, ueTTerage , �.nd
it s:all �:;e unlawf�al z cr �,n�� dru��ist or �iiarrls:cist �c iill
_�.ny �re�cri�tion 1'cr �a1;� dcctor for dilutec� or a.dulter^ted
-:�lcohcl, cr r�lcor�.cl corzy�oundea �:rith ��ny ot:.cr tiub:�t�.�.nce , in
:uch pro��ortions th1,t it �:;culd be C�.J�L}Jl.e of bei�z� used ::.s
a be�rer�.�e.
� �Ection 1� : I��. �'r�:�ll be unla.eviul ;'or �_riy _ ��r�or1
to czirectl;� or indireetly kee� ur r.iairi��.in on ni.r:�self, or
by asscciatirir� vait'r� otriers , or �n �n any rn�.nner aid, aswist,
or �bet in �:eepin� cr m�.in�,z�.inin�T �.ny clubhc;use , club-rcorn
cr � tiicr pl:.ce in �rhich intoYica.tin� iiquo� �.; recei�red or
kept, for purchase cr u���, z;ift, barter , e�c?�:�.�e , ��.�.le,
or ditiy�osition, in vialation af the �rozriti�ion� of t::.���
.�ectiun 11: If' upon the syrorn complc�int c� �..ny
�er:�on i t � h�:ll k�P ra�.de to ay�pe�r te �.n;� polic e j ud�e cr
any� jutiti.ce of '�he ner.ce t:n�..t t't��re i� probabl�e c=:�uwe to
k�eli��e that intcxi c��tin� lir1ucr i::,� hein� i:���nuf�:.c��.�red, ,
solc�, ba.rtered, excYi�n�ed, �,�:izren �Tl�ra;� , :f'urni�red cr uther-
•rrise �xi���osed cf, ur �ce��t, in �riolation of the ��;rc�ri�,iori;� of
t�is urdin�nce, ��uch police jud��e G.nd cr ju� tice cf t.�e y�ea.ce
whall is�ue a w�rra,nt directed to any n�lice officer in tr�e
c�unt;;T comm:_�.ndin� rii_n tc Ne�rch� tiie preinise� cie�i��:n�ted
_�.na describec� in such compl�.in� and :Tarr=znt �.r��� to � �eize
_�::.1 intoxicatinF; liquor t��.refrorri tc�ether :r�t.� ti�� �rc;ti=:;eis
in rrhich it is contained, a.nd all irnpler_:ent� , �re:nicle� ,
furniture �nd fixtures used ur kept for tne ill�gal �ii��n-
uf�.cture, sal�, b�rter, exch�.n€;e, �cx�r,�e r-i�re away,
furnish . or ot'ricr�dise dis��ose or', �eepiri�; :.�ucn linucr
-�.nd to safely keep the sa.�ne �.nd, to r1�,e �:a, return on s�.id
�i�rran�t tait?�.in three day� s�lo:�rin� all �.cts �,r:c� thin�s
done wnd sYio�a iiz s t��temenl; �:11 �.rticl�s seized 2nd tr�e
n�;ane of ths per�on i� �r'n�se y�ossession tYie ��:me :��re f�ttnd,
if' �.ny, ��.nd if no �.�erNon be found in the l�ossessio� o� sa,id
articles the returr. sha.11 shok5r s��s:ie. n ecly cf �wid
�.�:arrwnt sliall be ser�rec� upon t:�e pers�n or person� fcund
in l�o�;_etisi on of any intnxi���tin� li qucr , �rehicles ,
; furniture or i'ixtures �c �ei�ec�, ��nc� if :io per�on be i'cund
in posses��iuri therecf a copy of said �varrant sha.11 be
,�ostsd �n the door of the buildinG or room �vherein +he
sarle were found or fif there be no door then in �.ny con- ,
s�icuou� place on the preraiNes .
Section lti: Upon the return of Lhe �vT�.rr�nt ��.s ��raTricled
�::.r�d �r jus;ice �f tr:e �;e��ce,
in ��til�-- r�ext precedin�; tiection t_�e iolice Jud��whall fi�� �z
time not less thwn 10 days and nct :r�ore th�n thirty days
tnere�.ftcar for the hearin� cf said return ��hen he sha,lZ
�roceed to ��e�,r or determine ;�r�.�ther or riot t�ie articl�s
so seized or any Z��s.rt tnereof z�rere ��.sed or in �.n,y r:�cr�ner
l�eut or l,ossessed by any ;�erson in the �riol�.tion �f cr
��ith trie lr. _enticn cf Triolatin� ar,y of t'r�� pro�titiiori�
of tr�is orc�inance. �'Lt such �r�e�.rin� wny �er�cn clwi�in� �ny
interes� in �.n,� c;l the u.rticles tiei�ecz r:.�.;� �:�1�ea� �.nu �e
heard tz�on iilin� a �rritten cl:.ir�� set�in�; f'c�^th ����rtic��7��rly
to eXtent o� ��is i��erest. But uj�cn such ��eari:�c ttie
seaorn car.n�l�,int or ::�ffida�ri t ul�on .���i ch tn.e se�.rc'r: t;-.rr�.nt
ti�ras issued and the posse5s�o� of suc'ri iritor_ic�_tin� lic,uor
shu.11 cQnstitute ,�riirl�� i:>.c�.F� e�riuence ui' tr.�. ,:cr�tra�uand
chz.r��..cter of the li��zor �.nc� �rticle seized .nc? the burcJen
sh�.11 rest u}�on the cla,i.mant to �hoz�r by cor.mpetent
evidence. _lhis prcpert;� ri�ht or intere�t in the �rticles
c�aimed or tl�:.t the u�.rne l:�ere no t ��en t o r u�ed in �;he
�riolation of any o:C tne prozri.�ians oi this crdi:�G.nce
��+:nd e�tere nut i� �ny rr.unner kept cr 1-cssessed �rith tne
intention of Triolatin�; any cf' the pro�ris ions cf' this
orain�.nce. If upon such nearin� the eridence ,d�;.rr�nts,
or :ii no person st�all w�,��e�r �.s cl��i��eci the police judE,e
; shall t'r��reupon �nter a jud�rnent o� surrender nnd. c�der
such artic2es destro;;ecl fort:n��:-itn; Fro�ridec�: r:cvre�rer,
, and cr j u�ti c� of' the l�eace,
� that if �n tlie oy�i�ion c;i �he �'clice Ju�� /a�y of such
Gxti cl e� �th;::r tli�.n in�oxi c-�,ti:�� 1 i.�;uor �.re of zr�.l�ae and
ada��ed tc �.n;� layrful �a�e such police jud�,e sh�:�ll �s a.
pr�rt of tl�e c;rder ��nd jud�ment direct f,;h�.t s�°vid �rticle
other th��n intoxic��.tin�; li�yuor ti1����11 be c�olU. �.s ;��on
� �ecuticn bf tlze C�iief cf the I='olice �e�,arti�ent ��d t1��
Ip.rc�eedti oi' sucri w�..le ��fter ���.;�r:ient �_ �.11 co��: t.= in tre
�:rc�eedin� s��ll be ���id into tlie City '��re�wsury. ��r.tion '
', unc�er tnis section an�z �u�sequ�n� s�,le cl ��n�� ��rticles
tr.er�unc:�er sr�all not be =� t���r tc ��ny y�rosecuticn �ander
�.ny c:Lher 1�ro�rision of t�lis orain�•:nce. �
�ection 13: I:� any ac�i�n or ��roceedin� under tnis
ordin���nce nc� �erson shall be excusea fror.i testifyi��� �
�vhen called as a r;itness i�r the ��rosecizticn cn tYie
�;tcuna t'ri��,t ni� testiir�ony sYi��ll incrimir.�.te i.�ir�,,elf-p:a.� �
no ��erson sh��,ll �:e punished �n :�.ccount of an�� tr-wnti�.ct�on,
r�iatte.r cr triin�; cc�ncernin�� vv'r.ic'ri hs cha.11 i:�e curn�ell�d to
te:��if�� cn be�.�.lf ci thF� ��resecution.
..;-c 4�on l�':: ��= �.�,;,� -��re seclztior:: f'or `� �:� :�c:�� ,�.. ..,
. this cru.iri��.nc� it :.�h«.11 :iot �e necesti.:sy ?'or �,�i� cor,z��1::.i:�t
�o ti�t �'orth �.n�t r_��;��t��re c.].�e�::l�lU21S� :iCi icr �ize pras�cli-
tion ta prave that the defendent d�e� nct ccme ti�ritllin ny
o� tne exc?1�ti ons herei� c on t�.ined; but :such e�cep ti�ns
.,'r��:.11 be eonsidereci a.s a m�,tter ol defense ��nc't tl�i� �burc:en
�hall be upon �he defendant to sho;�r th�vt Aie cci�e�� z��ithin
such exc�pticns.
Section I5 : I�' �,ny secticn, subctiS7iw�ion, uub-�ection
�ez���nce, cl2u se c,r �hrr��e o f t'r:i� �rdina.nce i� �or �ny
re��.son aield to oe unconstituian�.l cr Troid, s�.zcY�i C�QC].n1021
�:��.11 not effect the �r�.liczity c:� trle ren:ain�Ln� y�or*icns
c� t%iis ordin��nce but �}�ie ��i.�e sri�.11 ccntinue in fuil r'a�^ce
� �.nd eifect.
. Section 16 : i�c j�resec�tticn :lovr r;ending and r�c cff�n�e ,
heretoforP ccr:��::i. ttecl unc:er �n;� crclin��.nce neretcfore en:,.cted '�
;�nw11 be �:.,'.'�ected in �:.n;;T ?r�.y b;� tl:� Na�sa�e o� t'r�iti c;rdin:�nce �
�t���i�� �11 suc:n ,�rosec�ticns s��l��.11 be conc:ucted tc S'in�.l
jud,;r�ient �znc:: �,11 ��uch offenses shall �e �ro� ecuted in �
the s�r.ie �nv.nner �s i#' t��i:: ordin�.nee n�,d not be�r� en�:.cted.
���cti�n 17: An;,� -per�;on sriol�,tinr; ,�,n;� r�rc�ri:.�icn,� oi' ti:is i
ordinance s�.�ll oe �;uiltyc c;f :^ :�.�i�der�e�:nor �-,nd l�:r,on �
consr�c ti on tr:erec f :;r:�.11 be �un��Y�ed 'py a �ine c;z i
les� than rift;� 7all4.r;� , :�ar _ ore tYi�Ln ''hree �it�r.�'�� •
��nd or co unty
.I�ollwra or by imprisonznert in the Ci t�'�/j�r�il :�'or ��• � ;
��ericd ef riot �or� th�.,n �^zn�t;� d�.y� or 'r�y -ao�t�� ;suc�: ?��ne �
�.nd ir�prisenr:�en�.
r'�ri;J l�E'Y'a0I1 �G11?r7.Cted 8, �>E�CUiiG't �:1T;F: Ui `'.71� zTiG1F:<,�i021
of t�.is crdinance �h��ll for �uch secor.a a.na e�ch tiub-
sequen� con�rictibn be puniC�:ed b;r .: �ine cf �:o;: :�e��� thnn
, -1 ,�r . , r Y, ,.,, �.,. �,� :� ��- � . � �
Cn�, i:un�.� eci Joll_�r,� .,or r.L.,re �ri�.n .,;r.rc,e ::?and��d .iloll:�.rs ,
��rid c;r co�anty �
:_�ncz �;,� imprisornnent in the cit;�,�j-�il ic�r ��ot less tr._'.n �
j 1�_a�.� '�,; ��;:a , �cv t�_ r .;,n .��ine��y c�.� _ .
_:.r.ci or ,;u��� ce cf t«�� 1�e�cs��,
i'h� city r:�torney, or �'clice J�z��FL�-:w:-in� a
�not�*led�^? a�' nn; �'-Y'�zT].C":IS ccnTri�ti�n c;f �n;� 1�er�cn.
�3ccu�ed c�f i iol�tir.�; tris arctin::-nce ahull in ��re;�;a.rinc�
compl�.ints� for �ul��equent offenNes �.11e�e tiucri �revicus �
, c�n�r�c ti on +��er ein �nd �. certi fi ed }r�a.n�ci��pt iro�.� �'r_e
�.nci o r ju�ti ce of the ��e�:a.ce, �
c'.ccket cs an�r ,�clice jud�e/cr �. ce�tifina cc��r cf tne '
' i eccrd un�er tlie �e�.::l cf �.he Cleri, o�' �.r�y Cc�zrt o�
rec�rd. :���_all i�e :ufficierit evia�nce cf �ny ;�re�ious
ccn�riCt'll.iYl or ccnjr�ctions oz �:iolations al t:�is
orc�in��.r.c e.
' ;ecticn 18: in�.t Crdin_3xlce RTc. 42�3 of the Ci�;� of
?�eritcn en�itle�. "�n Crc.:in`r�cc� '.3�i��.tin� tc the ]�anu�^.c JurP,
i�e�t�in�, ` � ie, ��'r�ns�:cr`�.t�ion, U�e and Dis�c�i�lcr. of
Tri�Gxic��.:;in� Li�uor s.°:ithin the Cit;� of Renton, ;,orc�rid�nU
l�e��+.l�tie� ior the �'rozrisior.�.�� ��creoi, rP��e�wlir� GrU.inr�nce
+ I:o. 336 U.nd Grciinc:�r,ce i?o. `;E;� �.el�:�,tin�; �c ���,v.I�.�in�; trle I
ir�:ffic in I��to:�ic���inw c.nd i.:��lt Liqu�r, wnd ali o�Y�er �
Crc�in�:nce�.� �:�id ,�wrts c� Grc;.i7�%-�.r.ce: in eenfl:ict r��ere���it�"
�.nd Grdin�.nce ITo. �'L6� oi t'r�e City of �=,enten, erlti�led
"r"u� Ordin��n��e rel.atin� to tiie �:i��nu;iacturiri�, keeyi�i�,
s��.1e , 'CrGn:.��orta+,icn , U��e ��nc� Di��;c:iticn cf Ir_t�Yic:�tin�
� • �., �
� Lic�aor r:it=lin �tile city cf ��r�ton �rcviriir� �er��:lt�e� fc� ���e
�riol�.ticn herecf, �>nd re�e�.lir�� �.11 ardir��.:,ces cr ;��.�t.� �::.'
Grdiri�..zcF=�_ �_n ��cni'lict nerezFri+�.h" ��a�a �:�il Gt�er ordir.;.•r�c�U
�� r..:lci ���.rtti� of ordin��,nces in can�'li�t ��ere;--it��: �P �.n�a �:��e � �
� s�,t�,e ];ereby =:.re re�p��-lec:. � �
��ectiorx l� : �r�is crc�in�:.nce :.��4.11 t�:�:�e n�`'ect 5 c��;.y: �
^i ter i� � ..�.� � c�. 7. � . . _ . _ �t;ic�.�.
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___.__�.___ . _.. ____. _..___ __._ -'�.�y- -- - _ _�
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_.._....�.�_ . ._ -� ._i l•� .i lt:r,w �...�......�_, � �
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.. v i �:.�' a t.�i.-�..L'i tl F:�.
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