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ORD 0737
�.� � _ , — ! � ,.-.,,,. _, ' r� • ' 1,�,�,. �_ � . � � „ -� � � �,Q�`� ���;�I1�tii�GL i�, . ,� , ,_ _ . _ „ Ai�� Uts.;_i , _ __...� '�I i�' U�+' h�;i:'i'Ui� , rrAut��I`a�,:;Z'Uid , ix��Li"��i`I�i�G 1 J n �' �}� �'t ( � 1 11G 6'�`•li Y X\«;�: _'••+'-:_-'-_....._.,yw,. _. �'..—++. �J�i11�1"il�i l li �11t11u V r111J� l l� V l�� �����.:. U�_i�l� ri �,,7 t lJi L �l't:AC� �+�'ttU::. :_ ;:, ��,��i`�L�-h�s I�;;IER iIAL�,EY tiA IL�'�AY L Ii��E �il A �U I.�T ;:�:,ST vF :::GFt`tfIS STFtE.�T '1'HE:''�C�; kVi�_�Ii,'C�� Itd Ai,1 t�+,.F�vTErLY i:1IR�'CTIUiv ACr:O��,'S i;:�ri.EzIS S1tt;�;�T Tv LOT SETuE:� �7) �3LOCI� @:�E (1 ) 5:�;�IT�-i:t;IkS �IXTH AL�.�ITIOid TO TiiE CIri'Y 0�+' R::,i�T���, V`rA�HT���;T��.:. r'^t rv n�...,�y -� � n-�y; �7.-. i . �•-.. -. ; . .._. „ . .. _ . l�-T� �I Y Cuulv�IL vb THL CI1 ��ir ���,_: � '.;�� L��� J���t:Si; A�: '�'U�:�u�r�: � cn i . �rhat �nere ae ai�;z i� ner�:ay �;-r�nted ta the Sava�e ` �..�-�--��=���r C aa.�;any , a c or�;or�,t i an , a,n:� �a i t � �u�c e a s cr a �,nci �,_ . ���� : c._" � i�nt , r.rivi'le�e ar��. duthority to l�cate , laSr 1Gv�rn ar_u .__wi� �::�:i�� a � _ur trwck dr�d �,'li n�ces��.iy ��uiy,:�:�nt cl evvr�r ec�rt :�'rc� a paint rn the �:,attle-j�ainier V�,"ll�y iL�,ilwa�- C�:. :,�,r�y 's tracks at a �ai}�t �est c�� the �rest u:dr;�i�ria:i "lir�e of' .:�ierris �tre;;�; the�zcc; run:�inG in an ��.�t<>-r1.y- �.ir�cticn 'dcrc�s �io-r:�is StrePt to Lot Seven (7 ) �"lock �nc (i.) Suditllers �ixtn Aaa_�ti4n tc tr�:: �it,T j.� F�.:nt�n , �'�asnin�;ton, dna t'n�� ri;,izt to svrit�h c}r� ��z� over the �i:a.e trac�s frc.rt, swia rdii�vay co:r�r,�,r��r�-- tc saiu iot ir con,iEc;�ticn ;:ith its , op�-rati�n �� �. -.iur:�er y�.r� �,nu. �a�h �xi�. LLe�c=-r f'actc-r��� �n L�ta Six r (�) ;�n.:� �i�ven '7 ) in s�,i�. �1vck :�:i� �l c�� s�.i.� :��.:_itit�n, �r�a tnc riV�zt to �nt��� u,.cn s�,i�. tr�.:;t ����r th:, �urrt�s<; �f 1�,��ir.� tr�c:�s ans cut*in�; �iva,��ai�� �ri th� ea,at ;;ia� cY i�ioriis Str�;;t ari�. c��irl� �,�.1 sucn ctner ��„���r� ws �,dy� �e ne�es�,ar� tc� ��:���rlet� ��i�. ��Nitch cr s�lur tr�,ck , tc:�;�th:;r witn th� :�,�� t �. :.l�:;t r.ec��sar,r y�eles wns ��vi-r�e scr � 'r�.�� oy>.�ra�cicn ;�; ttz;.: y ..,. ����:.: Secti�.�� a: 'l'i�:, Se�a�e -, �om;an�T , it� �u��e��or� a-r��i aa�i�ns , snd�i , �°�ithin bi.c t, ; v �; __w,�� t-r c�r: dl�ci d:i tcr the pa�s��e °wri�i a�;.r�v�l cz thi� �r��.:.�.wi�:;e , cc����1Lte ths �cn�t�uctic�n cf 5�ia. �l:ux tr��k u�cn tiZe ri�'r�t� her�in �e�i,,r���ce�i. wnu. �iz�,ll , �,s nea,-r as �assi�le , y.lac� it� l�:�i1s uy�cn a �,r�ae :s�ith th� stre�t �,� . 21(;T� �a�'id,t��.].E3r18�.1. aTi(z S71c.�11 s;cLVZ t11@ 3y%?�:`�' ':+7'i�1C' �Y18 1',z'�,Ci� �OE,'8 t',ilz'U tn� �ia.�yla��k �rt�r tne rwil� dr� 1ai:�, �.:ith �ancrete ���viris,:, in a line i*ritn the rest . of ti�e si�iew�,�k w. ... _ .__ ' �'�� ��h� ,��;;:� tc �r� ai jr�vui �z t��z Cit, En�ineer wr.�.� �.. ��: : � :�;�.::_ieaic�n�r. , Secticn 3:.• `�nc: Sa7.u. Sav�,: � ���M'��, ;;Wu,�.ant� , its �ucc- � v � as�i;-ra �ri� ���i;;iis , by �,cce��tirl4 ,���: . __..,_ _� _ izer��;;� :�eree zCr th�::,se�v=<:a , -tiicir �uc:;z�sc-ra �,n�. w��,i .i,� , c � i���4�t:ct wr:a. s�ve hwr�t:- 1.�5� c�l�. Ci�:t.l.i.;8 � c,:.C�1C:71S �^T t1cL:tidc;;BS 0� -G'V8z'�r bli?�L �Tli.t. u�BCrly��lvT1 �Vi11Ci1 L.��j� 3G�1U� �C Vt q8 3U.I'�C;"t��7: �� u,11� y�er;�L�n Cr �;::T8�T18 0� re:,bGri Cf c.:,Il�� c18:��Ct C� ^v�+T1StiU:.t1Qri CT Ti�:�117t�.;:i.�,11C� Cz �:���rOp�r Gccupati�r� cf ��,ia ri�;�,ht �f wa;� c-r uy re�s::�n of rae�lect c�:r" �,�aration o:t car:� cu��j ��,i.� ri�nt o ' v;�,,- wriu i. ��.se suit �r wctier� �� cc�ul- lis�7'iC�1 +.;��G�1il:.it Su�].i.t. �lt',�/' .:� �L�.Tit::71 i�.i :t":.,...a,;�85 cLz'].57.71t; CU�� C��. C:C t�jr r�cL��Tl Gt 5'c;�li1 :x8:i'�C'� �;.'2' ::�n�tru��iCri � :1.alT1t�112��iC8 c;T C:-Btu.tl.�ri ' GT� ��1G� Sc.;�..:C; ��;�' r3al�:a. JrcLT:fi�E.' � 1.�i5 aL1v^uB��C:Z'S c�T'tl.L a.SS1,�;713 � �i::� l;?.•C71 ��r�y��r n�ti�e to it oz �i�e c;��Luc:�n��.::ent cz saia ac�ion, tc d�len:� ths sa�.e at it� c��rrn cGQt ana e:s��en�e ar�:� zully sa�i�fy any ar�u dl1 jua�lr�ents a��tur s�,i.i w�t�en shall hwvc qean l inwliy� u.;t�r��in�e1, i2 s�;t�;r�.ine�. a�verse�;; tc the s�iu. City c��' �;��ntcn. Secticn ��: mh�,t t�� �rantee her�in , it� �ucce::��-rs ��u. w���i�n� , �ia�r , at �,n�� .ti <.e rE:�cve f'r�lil th� stre�t its t-r�.ck� wria c�th�r ��uil��nt ��'Tr11Cri c�G nece���l)r :iCr �11E' Ci�ra.t1C�21 G�f ct� S.�US tz,�,CK, U���21 �;1Vlri�; tfl@ City thirty (30) c�ays natice and. it here"�y cbli�ates its�lf , its �ucc��s- ors and asai�ns , that wnen the ��ic�. tracks are rel:lcvet�, that the surface of the street �ill be re stiorec� t o as go�aa a c c�n�.i�ti on as the reu�a,inin;� _ _ .___ ------.� . R r � ! , � I ' ' : � . portion oF the street ana the siuet*r�,l}� v�il7. be p�.veci to cnrre��,onc� �rith the rc�,winin� �iue�r�lk �,fter re:i.ov�,l ��F the tr,.�cke , th� sa���e to be �t�ny f'e•rthvfitr u,,cc:n r�r�oval. Seciion 5: Tn� ar�.r�tee , its succes�cr4 wr��. �,�::�i;�l�� ta.ke this �r�nci�ise urcn the �.��:;.;:u x-rl,.�i�ic�n th�,t it yyill at al�. ti.:..�s �::w-.�:�twiri �h� �:c:rtiuri ��f th� ;�tr��t �wjacent �to i�s tr�,;;t;� in � � ���.�.�i�:$n z it ��r trwvel u;vr� ,:�i:u. rri�ll y lank �.�_k ke�::x; �;1a,rlke�. the trwvelle:t �ortian cl th� atrz��� aet�reen th:: r�:il� wn:i �crr d suitabl� �i�tance �n t:le cu��ia� Lf t:�� r:�i1� �c as n�t tc il�t�,r- fere ti°�ith the iree u�e o� tne streat wl.� in casu , �t �n�f ti��:�, ir� th� yuture , th� Cit,r ot' l�:;n���n eY�w'll :�etert�:ira.� tc i•�ve ��,iu atrc.�t with eon�r�te , c�r atn,�r nar�. �u'rt�ce ra,trin�, th�t the e-r:�rtee t.ill �a; i�r the ,��,v in�; �i► z�itn �i;c� r��,t�ri�,l , the s,�.�acE ����Je�r. the rwils an� ���ri�;llte�n in�h�� �n �i�e �ut:�i:�e tYl�raaf. ' Secticn �: -_�cthin� in t:n.is �ruinance sna:_:�. be so �cn- s�ruaci ab tc �:r;;vent ti�a wu���crit� �l th� Cityr �y I<.ent�n ixczr� 88.�erirl�;, ;;;lankin�; , "��$V1I1�;, �r�,�:.in" , r2�:`�w�i171F; , u.it,==:i'ir" �T Ot71cl— ';il�f; 7..11Z;1°l,�V].Il:, c,�Y r:)—l::%"lGi;'lr_� �ci.lU. �tI'���'� w71C1. t.C'i@ City 0� �tert�n i3Yl�l.i I:G'v aL' .;.1.;3.i:��t', .1'.��^.1' c„Ti,'�' ...:,�,:..u.�8 uC� �ifiE.' C�;�2'i;15 �.2 ;:;�:,�l:i 'si1t+�:�1� tnat w�,;r ac:;��ut a�y r�d::cn ci tr:� ,��ri'criaanc� ct' s�iu�n ;rcrk �r cy �xerci�ir��, wriy l�i�nt ���lc�via:;u �-r r:;se-rv�u in �r14�_�ra�.ran�e �r any cr�.ir�,nc� h.reir_a�'t�l� y,,ds�es cy tn;, �itJ• ct Rant�:r�. ��e�icn f� : `:'�:i� �ruir:dnc� �ii;�i� _ic.t �e �en�truea �,s tc ae_r.rive th�, Git�� ur 1?ent�r� o:t �_�� ri;;hta cr +�r�.v3��es �icn �,�d yt now haa cr i�i�h ::la�� htra�l't�r aa ci:nl�rieia, u1:,c�n it �¢�C �o -r��u�.at� �ri�, L:�� wn� �t���:.`�-rt :�' t��. :�tr., _�U . �.v����v.�,:� wr�u ai.�i. tr�, �Y ].2]. ��.1.i:. �j'G;; . �;, +�:..li '�.L1��11 �.... 1n1�7 .. ...11.cJ..A.�vv r'��G�.l.�. i�.C: �.'1 .:1.' �U.iV�.. ��l .. ... V ur�l�a� tn� �,rwri��e , it� �uc�e��;�r� wr�c� as`i`ii� �ha11 , it_?it� ti��i�t�- tv(.i� 'i:y,�;8 a.L G:1' lti�:i. ,�:f3,�3��u,�G u,T:.0 a,�::�,1'GV'u.l � f�ll:: 'rrltil t'iliU l�lfi�' `'1:.i� .. lti� :;Lv'., _ '�`cwi:v8 t�:i t:i� t�i;,�5 u::'_:l � �.I1�:ltl`vlit� ii�r80i lri 1Yr7.t171�.; , w21:i if' the �rar�te e �il�l:l �c f�il , �r�i� �ruinane4 ahall �e ,� �_� �.�:w �.;i�._ ar.a o�' ric� fcrce �r �ff'act r�hdtev.;-�. �;�ction :,� : Tnat ncn� �.�_ tr� t-rwck i��-r���l��c:�re a�acri�:;�., Frr.ich i� nc�t u�en tihe �;riva.t� lanu �:•f tn� �rwr�tae , ;�h�ll evc;r be us�a a,s ue�,a trcv��ss rc�r fcr �h�. a-tanuir�� r�i= �a,r�� t�lcrzcn :�ut sna11 be u�eu. c=nly wnw L�,i�c•11�� �:'c�r the l.,ur�c�� o:f tran�fer-rir��; e�r� frc�: t�z u�.in ��ne tc• th:; -y.rc��rt�� ci' the br�,rlt�;;. �ect ic•n 1G: Tni� arant is su�j�:;� �o the ri:ht oi �:�e �it��� cf t��r.tun tC' hvl• :wr`ter re��eal , ch�,rl�,e cr �uauify tn.is :.ruir�ancr.; if� the tra,r.cni�� or«.r�teu. h�re�y i� rlc�t a�:�ra,tea in a�.;ar�ance ��ith �h� y;:-rc�vi�i:�r},� �� �'�is ;:ru:�nwnce �r at�,�.l , aru, th� �ity c�:f P�entc.n rc:s:;TL'::s ti�,; yi _'.���� wt �:_�- �ii�,� h:;r::�,ft�r , ta sL� r�-���a2 , chan���e �r ...��.ii�c� thia �rant. � ::,c�����n :i�. : 'Tl�ia c�ruiria,nc� �hd11 nat ae c��ristl•ue;a �co �.i 1'cct �.r im��,1r tne ri�ht ci a,�uttin� �-rop�rt�T t�tlm�rs tc claix: rr �u�:; :�� �:��li�a,�;;�� c�r i1z �.n,� �:.�nrier ati�ct the ri�,l:t c� �a�a �;rc��erty c�wz_.�ra in th� wr�k�i��s , exc��t , as u.�;� ne ��.���r�l�u. � _:�°��t- =�cti�n o�' s�i�;. �,rcy:�;-rt;� cti�,rn:;r� �,n�. th�ir ri;�nt;�. Secticn 1:�: �'ri�: �i���ntee;�� �hwl.i �:a� �ar the ��o�t L�� t��; pu::;licaticn c�' �Li.ia _r�:��.,:�r_���. �ec�i�•n 1� : �l„r.i3 �.-rainan��v� �h�,l� twk� e;fze�t �,rlu� �� in iu�i �CrC:: Z iV� �::� �,i.�:�,j'o c��tv'i ]."�B ��a�sw;,e � c:�,l.�-�Z GV'G,1 �L'IIU. l��;a2 �:U��J_1Ci�t1.�+1"l. F'�e�,�i tu� .:i�':�� ti:t::; :.�,rc:. �... �J��. �ew,: tY�� �cC�ria ti���e %,r�;t�/7 , 1;::;r�. , • r �� , i . , . . rw" � - ,.,,.:,M .,_.. . „ ���� .� ,;� - L__ ;:i._. - :,._ ___ , �.�,�.,.. . t .. ��a���...r_.-� . .:y�J�- . "' r... • (��� . ., . �. �.. . .. ' . .. �.,-. . j,J�r -.1_..�.�i . ... ��11..� .. .. ' . Y ..w 1.�'.! �U�. .. ..1 .a . i�J Li ...'./ J u..v.s s.�• Cit�� Att�rn�y. Da,t� oi �_+-'ir�t �y�uulicaticn :�ldreh , 1��;�. �