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�N UhUII��liNCE vacating all that portion of Sixth Avenue
T�7orth situated and being south of Lots 7 and 8, in Block 5, Ren-
ton rarr;� Acreage, all o�' that portion of Piggott 1�venue l,ying
north of' Lots 3 to 19, both inclusive, in Bloc k 13, Car �J�dorks
_ Addition, all of that portion oi the alley in �lock 13, Car �`Jorks
F�ddition, �,�rnich lies north of Lots 23 to 36, both inclusive, and
a11 of' tr.:at portion o� Railroad Avenue lyin�� between �he nortl�.-
erly line of Piggott �venue produced to the easterly line of �ail-
road Avenue and �(;he s ou�herly line of Blo ck 13 of C ar Udorks ::d-
diti cr.m. produced to �hhe eas�Lerly lin.e of Hailro�.d 1�venue, located
in the City of' P�enton, State of id�{ashington. -
BL :L'�� ORDt�11v�D B"� `i'ri� C "1'�'Y COuNCIL Ut�` �111Z'' CT�'Y Or' REivlOi�i kS r'OLLQ'uVS:
Section 1.
�1'r:.k'i' cdi�tt:�.�S the Pac if ic G ar �C F'ound ry C ompany, a c orpora-
tion, on the first day of April, 1924, filed wi�;h the �ity C1:erk
of tre City o�' Renton, a petition asking the �ity Council oz the
Citjr oi Renton to make vacation of the fo1lo�Ting describeci �rop-
erty, to-wit :
Sixth Avenue North: A11 of that portion oi' Sixth �venue
Tvorth situated and being south of Lots '7 and 8, in Block
5, ��enton r,arm Acrea�;e.
Pia�ott �.,�enue : kll of that port;ion oi Piggott l�venue
lying north of Lots 3 � to 19, both inclusive, in I31ock 13,
Car ti'�orks tiddition. �
h,lle.y: k7_1 of' t�i.at portion of the alley in block 13,
Car y`�Jorks �?ddition, which lies north of Lots 23 to 36,
- �• both inclusive, in 1�lock 1:3, Car V�'orks kddi�ion.
,_ .__ __. :: _
� �- -� - � Railroad Avenue : All of that portion of h:ailroad Avenue
lying bet�^reen �t;�.e northerly line of Pig�ott �venue pro-
- ducec?. to the eas�erly line of �iailroad xvenue and the
: _ _..__ soL�.th�rly line of Block 13 of Car ��uorks ��ddition produced
to the easterly line of railroad Avenue .
Ai��� Uvr��h:�AS it appeared from said petition that -the said
Pacific Car �c r�oundry Conlpany was at said time the otivn.er of all
o� the abutting property on both sides oi each stree� and �he
alley soug�it �o be vacated: and
t'Jri�hEAS the City �ouncil of the City of Renton, did, by, t'
resolution passed on tre lst day of xpril, 1924, fix the 29tr
da,y of' lapril, 1924, at 8 P .��. as the time v,�hen said petition
sY?ould be :tleArd anu determined by sa'id City Council, and
. ' ' .:�. ..:'i. ' . i
.. . . , '
���=�;�.EkS the �ity Clerk of' tre �ity of '=:en�on has �iven
t���enty days notice of tne pend�ncy of said petition, by vvr>itten
notice set u� iri tYiree of the most pu�l3.c pJ_�:ces in. s�.id �ity of
Kenton and bv a like notice in a conspicuous place on each of' the
streets and �he alley saught to be vacated, �vhich said notice
�ontainecl a stater�ient trat sa�_d petition rad been z iled �o vaca_te
s�id streets and alley wl�.ich v�rere described in said no�ice as
abave set i orth, and cont�ined a stateraen.t of the time and place
fixec� for the hearing of said petition.
1�u:u, `i��i;:<..i�r�UttE, B� 1�l� OP�DAI1vED tha-t; s�:.id -r_�t it:i:On of s a.id
� racif'ic ��-r �: r'oundry �%or��pany be granted, and th�.t the �o]_lo�-ring
streets anc�. alley be and the same are vacated, to-z�it :
Sixth nvenue ivgrth: A7_1 of' that portian of Sixtr� ��v.enue
1�ortn situatecl and being south of' Lots '7 anci �S, in i�lock
5, Renton r��rm xcreage.
Yi�;�ott �:venue: 1�11 of that ortion oi: Z
p ' � g�ott ��venue
lyin� north of Lots 3 to 19, both inclusive, in �lock 13,
C;ar `Y�orks �d.dition.
r�lle � .�11 of tr�a� portion oi the alley in Bi ock l�,
Car �i��orks xddition tivhich lies nori�h oi Lots 23 to 36,
both inclusive, in'Block 13, Car 6��aoz�ks xddition.
�ailroad �venue : �11 oz that portion of :�ailroa:� r�venue
lyin� �e�v�reen tn.e n.ortherly line of' Pig�;ott �Lvenue pro-
duced to the easterly line of rLailroad �venue anci the
sou�;herly line oz' tsloc� 13, of Car �a�Jorks r.ddition pro-
duced to th� eas�erly line of Railroad xvenue .
� �xS��i� bv �he City Council of the �ity of n�nton, on
��t �� //r �--�1_
tne � , �-, 1924, at a regular meetin�; or' sa.id �ouncil
held a.t 8 :00 P.i�,�i.
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