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ORD 0718
�s�r:�rrxo� �o, � �� ��� ��s��v�a � �� ��m� c�ux�rL �� �z9�r ��� c�� ��ra�, ��s�.����a�: Section 1 . T�at � prop€��sd am�ndm�n� at' Stats oP Wash�.r�g- ton Session� �aws of 29�1, Chapter 1C}7', �eetit�n I, a� r�co�aend- ed by� the �t�te ,Advi�org �ouncil on Recreatian, to b � submitted ta ��ze 1949 State Le�;i�lsture, �►hich a�end�ent �rauld amcrn� otl�er thin�s �.ut�ori�e ang �ity ar to� �o �ct in ec�n�unetie�n r�ith another municipal or �overnment�l or;anization irs the a�- q�:is�tion, aper�tic►n ar c�ainten��nce QP p�rks, ;�1�?� ^roiznds, etc ., and ta use prmper�Gy belc+n:�in�; to suc� nt��r arganitiation �it:� its ce�n�ent, �e and the sa�e here�y is er�de�rsed by the City of Renta� as �ein� a desirable ame�dment �f exi �tin� law; Sectic+n �. That the 194� �tate Le,�isl.ature be and is her�- by me�ne�rialized tQ adopt sucb a�endr�ent. ��ct 1c�n 3. That capies of t ht� Resolut ion �e traasmitted tcs Lt�e �tate Advisary Caunci�. on Recr�atie�n, and alsa to the Associat on of' T�ashin�tan uities, �nd �k�at eac� of sa3d vr�arzizatians is aut�oriaed to s�abmit this Re�oluti4n �c� the Le�islature and its co�mittees, a n� is request�a� to use� its ePforts in secur3.n� ths passa�e aP such an ame�nd.naent. P�ssed by �he uitg Caun�il t�iis 7�h d ay m�' I�ecember 2.94�3. . WILEY CRpOK C itg C16P� A{�gra�ed by� t�,e l�a�qor thi� 7th dag af I��c�enber 1948, PERRY H. MITCHELL l�n�.y4i` !�'3��A� �iT�CAT:�I�C� ��.'�E�.'� 1�1'f�. ',7'1$• �►� Ct�:���A.I�E t�' � C�'SY �' R�1�Ta�'� �'AC�T��G Pt?RfiZQ�� t�` ���G� A'�:� ��dU �'�C�'�� ��'�'��`� :� T� CI�'Y' #�" � �'Nfi'a��� ��.�'�� ��' �tIA��I���'(?�3', � I� �AI3�� � t� C�t� Ca'�zc�l c�f' �h+� +�i� �a� R��tc�� �� �'bllc��f �+� ��il.Wi3l�� V+ii,�7 �7i�Y A�3�F.Y ti✓'�iMi +�lnsw`w �4•'W�+�f� �{dkN�� d1* �nd f ���� a� md�lr�;������ca� c��` th� e�'�at� � G��.rl+�� �c��re�.3� d�ces��+�t�, �`�� �. 1��c1 ��d �c���a'�hy W+a�ad� hu�band ��.c� �3�`�� did �'i1� c�t� �h� ���� d�r ��° �'�e� �.�2�� w.�th tt�►� Ci�� C�aa�il r��' �'�� �ity �f' F�.��tvr�i ;� pe�i�i+� �t��i�,;� �t�x �h� ����°��,t�� +� pc��rtic��t� e�i' �i��;c�tt AV�t't� ��t� �a�t��� �'��e'� �► '�h� �3.� +d�' ���;td��, "tat+� �zf �t���in����� �a.c3 �r+a�� a'� �ic� t� th� ca�ar���� c�� �11 ta�" t�.� prca���r�y �butfi.� �n b�a�� �id�s c�f trhe ��'t��►n�► +�" ���.d stx��� �za� �v�� �cru�ht �t� b+e 'vs�t��dt a�d ��:��A� t� Ci'�,� CQua2�i1 �� th� City �" 1����n�, c� th� �5t�, d�q r�3' Jt�.g��, lq��� by r�s�l�:��.�n� d�d f:I�c �2�+� l��h d�► a� �t�g�.�� �92'4 at 8tt� c��'�1� �.M• as t#�� �i.� f�sr �tez�ing �nd ci���x�i.ni� ��id p,���,��.an; � ���F�; �° t�e �it,y C1��t t�f th� �i�� +�F ��r��r��, hs►s ���e�t t�an'�t` day�� �.c��ic� c�` �3.��� ��a�+��;c� a�' ��id �a�t��ic�n l�y po�ti� �t t�ar�� �' � a�+�s� �ublic p:l.�.c�� ia� �u: Ci�y af R����n �nd in � ���p�.+�t�c�,� p�c�r � ��.�� �c�xt�.�rr� c�� '�h� s�x�et �z�d aver�u� s����I�� tc� 'b� ��c�z��rd� � na��.c� ����r��.niz�� ,� statea��n� t�t �a�.d p�ti��.c� I�d. ���� f'�11�d t�► �ae�te ���.d p+�r��c�t� � ���d ��^�$t ��ae� �:�r�nu� �1�3�h �r��� ����€r�.te3.�► das��i'b+�d �'..n �,.�d ��ati+��� a�d �. s�t�tem�n� at tl�e t�,m��e �.�z� pl�..c+� #'ix�ad �'+c� #�.h� h��ar� �` �si�l ��ti,�c�t and p��d, the �a�e a� r�[ p���� mc�r� ��� ��r�'��► �.�.�� ��ic�r � �h� t�am� �;L�� �'ar �a�.d. �.��.�i,n,�� 't�a��rit�, ��r!� �;� ��a�t�' d�y�� p��.r,� '�t� th� 1.2�h d� �af At�u�t� �."�2��, � �'��.� t�� '��r:tx�g upc�� ��.id p$t�.��c�. �r�a dv:�.�r �d a�e��r1y� tzcmt�tt�a+� b;� tb� C�.ty* C�ta�►��1 t'�cca� the 12th. d�y af August�, �.$2� �v �h+� l��h �ay ef �u�u���, �.+�2�; �nd ��`��� � �h� �'�th ci�y c�' �t�u�t� 192�� i� wa� ��;.'��u�l,y va�ed "�� t"�+� C�.�� Cau��3.I c��t` �h«� �i��r Q�' ;�ez�t�n ��t �aici petit�,�, b�e �r�r���l �.n, p���, u��n th� ��r,�it�.��a� �.�c�1 re�er�r��:ic�n� ��e��:��`t+�� �e� ���t�. �fC�t� '���"�, � r� t�'�Ax:�� 1� � c�.�y ��u�zc3�. o�' � �Cs.tq +�t" R�z�tca�n t�,� � p+��r�ic�r� �s�' P�ga�t ����u�a ir� th+� �it� a� F�nta�t,� dr�,�c�i't�d �� �'a11.ow�c� �t��rit�t C�`��.z��t�c� �'t�, 71$ �c�it*� �. � �. B��innir� �� t�,� �r��th���t ccara��r c�f' �.c�t '�rt� (�� 3� �lc��� 1�f ���r �'c��rk� ,Add�i�ic+r� �cs ��r�tan ��n+e� �re���rly �1� �1�� �v�a'G,h 3.i�a� of Pi��;c�t'� ��ve�,u+� �� th� ���t �.�.z�� c�f th� a�3+�y �.r�� �3Zc�� ;' c��' �a�.€� .�c��.1� �it�n; t��r�a� nc�rt�i � di���c� +a�' s:t��;y (6�}� �'+��t �c�ra t� .��s� +c� �h� ���� �.ir�e �,� s�,id �71�y �.r� ��.c�k � ��t��ad�i � �l� �+�r�h 1:i,� c�� I��.��c�t� ��te�tu��, t.I���:+�e �����1�r �le�� � r���th Iir� c+� � �c��� ,���n+� t�r its ��a�n� +�" :f�t�ar- �e���,cm ��th th� +��� lia�+� c��' ��id �� � 3.n �'�o� :1.,�� G� �+�r�s ,�d�i��.�, °�a R�ntan pxc�d��+�d� �?��nc� �,Zo s��.� c�aat ;�+� ��' a'�o� 2 �r�t�d��t�, ttr th� pi��+� c�f �a�gi����� �.nd ,�ll �'�� �+�t�.c�� c�f �"����ry S�r�e`� � �ie City cr�" Rea�tt�a desc�ci��, �� f+��.1�we� ��s��.nra.ia� �� ��� z���'�wes� �+��er ��' T�� t7r��: (l� ;� ���k 13 vf C�� �+c�k� Atc�d�.�ia�t ta l;�nt+�t� t��r��� �t`�ts� �a �h� �;��r�h���� cc>r�ie� �a�' 7G�°� 5�c ��� ��.�k � af �aid �c�+�i�3,tan� �h���� ��u� �►�.+�an� t�� ��s� :��.ne cs�` ��.c� � tc� � p+ai�a,t 2,F�� �'��t �c�u�h �� �1� �au�J� �.�n� af I�t ��'�+�� �?! :� ��-c��� � af said 1�dditi+t�t fi�.���e ���t a� a �,in+� a��.le�. w�.� �s� �a��;�, �.;�i� � �lc�k. � �r� tl�e we��t �i�� �r�` �lc�ek �,'3 i� �ai� .��itira�a� th�r�+�e ��s:� �.c� t�� �r��� 3,�.n� �f' ��i� �lacl� l3 tca �Ghe pc��� �� '���• ����� �1�. �.�c�,��d 3n th� C��y c�' �e��o.nt► �ing �Cc�un��� ���te s�f �x�,�h�..n�Qn� � a1�. 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