HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0500 a_� �1P��N��G� �o� 5o a =�cction 3. That for the purpose of �UTHORIZING BOND ISSUE�� s �,�"� � �� � this impro�:cment tliere is hereby � �- created a�1d establisl�ed a snecial fund I A\ ORDINA.NCf? APPROVII�TG� to be cailed "Local Improvemeut '� o��pp,T���� �]o� A��j A\'D CrJ1VFIRMING TH�E AS-j I�iind, District No. 96," Sai itary Fill ��`� j� L� `,� SESSti1I?NT AND ASSESS-' �:o. 1. M�,\T ROLL OT LOCAL IM- 4. That the � 1 day of - PROVEP�IENT DISTRICT NO.i��j��� is he.eby fixed as the date Aii ordinance of the Cit,y of Ren- ;b, S��ITARY F1LI, NO. 1 for� of issue of the bonds required to be �ton authoriziug the ?Vlayor and City tiie improvemeL:t of the following I,issued on account of this improve- Clerk to issue bonds a�ainst local im- descriUed property, to-wit: �i ment. provement District No. 92 of said IBeginnin� at the Southwest corner!� Sectio+i 5. This ordinauce shall be City, providing for the rate of in-� of C. H. Adsit's I,a1;e Washington � in fu'.1 force and effect fi��e (5) days� tcrest_said bonds shall bear, the date Plat in Sectioii Se�•en (;), Township �from a�id after :ts passage, approval� �f their issue aiid their mat:urity and T�ve.tt}--three (23) 1 orth, Range I and legal publication. a�tthorizing their sale or delivery to ' Five (5) East; thence North no de-i Aj�proved this 24th da�• of August, the contractor making the improve- �grees, sisteen (16') miuutes West, 1920. �� inent in said distri�ct. I�ourteen Hundred 7'wenty {1420) WM. TONI�IN, Mayor. THr CITY COUNCII, OF THE �feet to the place of beginning; thence passed this 24th day of August, I920. '� f CITY OF RE1VT0\� DO ORDAIN coi�tinuing North no degrees, sixteen y�, f, ypIL71IAMS, ,�S g(�LI,OWS: (16') minutes �Vest, fifteen Hundred I City Clerk. cection L That the mayor and �l:ie�ht}-four and four tenths (1�84.4) � o��Proved by me as to form this the Cify Clerl: of the City of Renton i fe�t to the inner hari3or line as shown �4th day of August, 1920. he and they are herel�y authorized on map \?o. 6 of Lake Washington I,OT DAVIS �;ld directed to execute and issue lo- 5hore Lands, "Renton Sect�on" uear- City Attorney. cal impro�ement bouds against Lo- Iing date 1914, now on file in the offi- Date of First Publication, Au�ust cal Improvement District No. 92 of ce of tlie City Clerk of the City of ��t�l 1920. 4 the City of Renton and the property ]Zento�i, ��ashington; thence north included therein, which district was ni�nety (SO) debrees I�:ast along said created bp Ordinance No. 499 of the uiuer harbor line Two Huudred: City of Renton as provided by law � thirty-eight (238; feet; thence Vort�����i and the ordinances of the Ciry of forty-five (45) dearees, forty-fiv�. Penton, in the aggregate sum of (4�) miuutes East along said inner �932.40. � harbor line Ten Hundred iiinety � Sectioti 2. Said bonds shall be in (1090) feet; theuce South thirteen � � � � denomivations as follows: (13) degrees, twenty-nine (29) min- _ _ utes l3ast, Nine Hundred Ei�hty- Bonds numbered 1-8, both inclu- four (984) feet; thence South forty- sive, shall be for the sunz of One tnree (43) degrees, Five (5) minutes f�undred (�100.00) Dollars each and ��%est, Eighteen Hundred Sixty (1860) Bond No. 9 shall be fot- the sum of feet to place of beginning. by Filling S32.Q0. t�le saine under Ordinance No. 472 Said bonds shall be issued on or and levyin� and assessina the a- aftes the Lth day of July, 1920, and motmts thereof against the several shall Ue payable on or before seven lots, tracts, parcels of land and other years after t�he date of their issu:. � property shown on said roll and es- They shall bear interest at the rate I taLlishiiig a I,ocal Improvement of seven (7) per cent per annum from I Fund, and fiaing the date of the is- � the date oi their ussue until called for suance of such bonds. paymei�t by the Treasurer of said TH� CITY COUNCIL OF THE City, wl�ich interest shall be payable I CITY OF RENTON DO ORDAIN annually and shall Ue evider.ced Uy AS POLLOWS: coupons attached to said bonds, one Sectio�i 1. That the assessment coupon for each }•ears' interest, aIl and assessmeirt roll of L,ocal Im- of which said coupons s1�a11 be sub- provement District No. 96 for the ject to the terms and COI1dIt1011S of impro��einent of the folowing proper- the Uond to «�tiich thc same are at- ty, to-wit: tached and if any Uond shall Ue call- Beginning at the Southwest corner ed for pai�ment Uefore the m�turity of C. H. Adsit's Lalce Washington I, of any coupon that may Ue attached Plat in :�ectiou Seven (%) Township' thereto the said coupon shall become T�venty-three (23) I\Torth, Ranbe` void. I+ive. (5) East; thence I�Tarth no de- I Said bonds shall also contain� a no- � grees, sixteeu (16') minut�es West, �tice of all of the facts required by Fcurt'een Hundred Tweuty feet statute to be inserted in the face of �� (1420) to the place of �beginning; the bonds. � thence continuin� 1\'orth no degrees, Section 3. The Uonds issued under si�teen 1,16') minutes West, fifteeii the provisions of this oi-dinance may I�I'undred Eibhty-four and four tenths � � be so:d for cash at not less than the (1584.4) feet to the inner harbor line nar value or ma}� at the election of ' as showu on lfap \o. 6 of L,ake tl:e Citv be issued directly to the con- ��'ashin�ton Shore Lands, "Renton '� tractor malcin7 the improcement ii1 � Section," beaz-ing date i914, now on I said district, delivered to l�im by the �file in the office of the City Clerk of� City Clerlc i�nmediately upon theix th: City of Renton, Washington;I issue, iipon the surreuder b}- him of thence Narth ninety (90�) degrees �varrants issued against said local ]�.ast along said inuer harbor li,�e improvement district in au amount 'Two Hundred thirty-eight (238) � �nual to the bonds so delivered. feet; theiice North fortn-five (45) de-� � ` �;rees, forty-five 45) minutes Ezst a- Section 4. This ordinance shall he �� long said inner � harbor line Ten effective five (5) days from and after Hundred ninety (1090) feet�; thence it5 publication as by law provided. � South thirteen (131 de�rees, ta��enty- Passed by the City Couiicil of the � nii.e (�9) riinu�es J;ast. Nine Hund- City of Fcen�on, August 24, 1920. red 7?i�ht;�-four (984 feet; thence APFxo��ed by the DZayor August South forty-three (43)) degrees, Fiv: 24, 1920. \iinutes Vi�est, Ein�hteen Huiidred WM. TONKIN, Si�:ty (1860) feet to place of bezJin- Mayor I nii:g. i�y Fillin� the same under or- Attest; dinance :�To. 472, as the same now W. J. WII�LIAMS, stand,, Ue, and the same is hereby; City Clerk. 'in all tliin�s approvecl and confirmed.i Approved as to forni. Section 2. That each of the lots,� ' LOT DAVIS tracts, parcels of land and other� �� Citp Attorney. property sho�v�i upon said ro11 is Pttblished: August 27t1�, 1920. hereby declared to be specially Ueni- ' fitted by said improvement in at least the amount charged against the � same a�id that the assessment appear- iu; a�aiust the same is in proportion to Yhe several assessmeuts appearin� upon said roll. Thcre is hereby lev-� " " ied ai�d assessed against each such CouNTr UF K��.�: 1 � _ lot, tract, parcel of land and other property appearing upon such roll I,Wti�, � �� �- �T� � � _ , , , ., , =7� , �. .., , . . T. the amount finally cliar;ed agalnst the 'QSHIN(�C�N� {��1 pEp�R,r4.EATIRY TNAT TNE FOREGOING._. � -si'•+-�e�a �� same therein. �{py ( ��-•---•... ....... .....ts-a �- ,; ,.�rECT COpY OF�.....�.�.�..Z;;�.�.l.//�$.J(�G..C)W TNF_C�IrV C?C REMTO���DS IT 4DP p ' AFRiCi�,NBTpFURtHERQ�a71FYfiN�T fMC9oMt Wa$��;N rJaLijHgu.;,���,,,.,,{�; , E RSo� =;LE . IN WITNE�!WMEfi�t�F�I MAV@ M��I�uryF9 t�gt MY N�NDAN�'P�: ' r� , , . ic�N'�ON�Fkit.........�......i�V t�F....�,,..�:1,:.�, ,.. .....t9..�".. .,..... ��� ,� ,:�,,...�..,.. •%�!/(��� I ..... ....:.......................... ...