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�n ordinar�e of �h.e �i� of Renton, �ashington, re-
lating t� the �s�e of the publie streets, alley�t and pnblic places
therei�, by motor vehieles, figing the �ate o� speed �cd laad, ri$hts
�d rer.le�ies of per�ons �hereo�,, fi�,ng pena3.�ies for a �viola�ion
�� �c�n�.it�.c,�� imposed and repealiag certai� ordinances.
�`he �i��r Cvuneil of �he �Gity of Renton do ordaia �s
�ection 1. That the �ords �d phreses herein used, un-
l�ss ti�e s�me be alearly contrary to o� ineor�siste�t with the
c�nte�t of thie ord3n,an�e or section in �rhich used shall be eo:•n- 'I
�tr�:ed as folla�s: I'
1. `�iotor �Iehiele" shall inelude all vehieles �r
machia.e� propelle� by any po�er othe� ��an mu�cular, use�. u,�Qn
�he streets, alleys o� public pla�es far t�.e trans�ortatior� of
per�ona, �'reight, produce or cammoditq, egeept trsetian eng3.nes ,
te�por�rily upon �he streets, road rollers or road making
machinea �d motor �ehieles �hst run on rails.
2. "�otorayale" sh�ll mean a rnotor vehicle of t:�ia
or three wheel�, intende�. �or carrying o� one, two or three
pers�n� or operated by one person for earr�ing �mall pac�aUe�.
3. "�utamQbiles" shall mean the ordinar3r fonr wheeled.
mator vehiele and sb€�11 be syn���rnozz� �a1,tl� #�i� t��� �o�or ve�i�le
egcept as o the ravise prr ovided.
4. '�,A.uto �tage" as disvinguis��d sror� au�o�ob�le sh�,?1
mean a motor vehiele used for the purpose of ca�r�ing passenger�,
baggage �d freight on a regular sched.ule of time aud �atea, pra-
vided however, tha.t no motor �ehicle shall be co�si.dered an autQ
stage where �he whole ro�te travelleci by such vehiele is wi�hin
the �it;� t�� �ezz��n.
-- �
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�. "ir�0'�0� `r°5C'iYt3k�f �h;z1.]. �1��Yt �1�{ Ti��ax V'�h,1�.@
�.���.��d o�r ��d �'or �� tx����r��t�.vr� ��' a�m�nmd�.��.c�, �nerr�han�i�e, '
padduae, �re3.�h� o� �r�le.
fi. "Tra�1e�°' �,�.1 m�am � v�2�ia1� wh�o� is Bt�aa2���.
t+a � 8o'�qr vehir�,.e �or th� �a�rpo�e �� b�3�e� ��c�rn ��' o�° �ropelle�
by �u c�h rasatar veh�.a'1.e.
'�a "�aasl s�'�I��s�i�3.�� " ��.�11 ir_c�l�s'e ��.L �-�.s�ic�x°� o`' -�'.,��
�i�y p� Ren$4� havi� �u'�htar3.t� aver �c� r��' t�� s�a'���c� �:��te�°
effib��Qed i�t th3.� oar�3.��.
$� ��I�Z�..0 �.�,`�W$�:f f�Yl.�.�. I�S.E�`t�-�.I7. �.1��.. �"s:b°(?t'c'as b �"a�.�e�r�
�td ��blim pl���� in t�,� Ci��r a�' �t�n�un,
9. "�'eaet� CY.��'3.c3e�'' o,: "�'���s� c���ia���`` si��3.7. be t�k�,
to �n�am any ��fia�� �� t����ae�� ��ht�ri���. 'b� �.aW �� e�e�u�� ��iminal
p�ac�e�� ar tt� make �s�e.��; ,���° �'`� �ri��.������� €�� �-"r-�� ����-�_a�.�.�c��
o� the Ci�y o� Rento�.
1�. "PF3.v�a��1� t����.r��. �y�.<�'� a.E�"���ac ���.1 ��1��.:�.:�� �.��
4�'�er�d f�r �.3.re.
� �r �t�V�r J��+4/M�r}' Y�7�GA.}..�. lJCi �Cb„`..i-iLl l34/ �,}i G��a�. LEW�V3�� 1� L:=.A.LJ��1�7
at1�r �h€� �tage� � u�e� �vr �he t�ans�p4rtat�.on o� �r�son�. ��r which
r��.uner�tion o� �uu�r kind. �� �eaeiv ed, ei�her d1r�c��Zy ar indir et�tl�r
�d �ht�ll include matvr h�€�r�e�, c��ad ��gan� a��. �mbul�rutes.
�eo�io�t �. }�c+ �rson und�� �ii'�ee�, y�ear� o� �ge �hall
ope�ca�e or drive a ��Q� veh�.e3e �zp�n �.g hi����r wi��in the Ci�G�r ��"
Re�o�, an.Ze�s �uch �erao� 3:a �,�aflmpau.ied b�r pare�.� or �aardian a�.d
pr�4id�d tk�t, no persc+n �and�r the ag� t�� t�re�.t�-�aue f�1} �%c��.r�
�hall operate or �.�^�i.ge ��r mo�o� 4eJh.iel� �'�� �z�.�e ar �.�tc� �t�;;e
�� �la.e 4��.ghway �i.thi�► �he City t�� ���Qn.
9ec���oa 3. �� �t�r ve�iQle �hal�. �;e ������e�. ��Zn€�� �.
��ablic� high�va� in th� City' o� �entt�x� ��thou� a 13csense h.a�.a�
��en �irs� obtai�ed ther��vr.
� . � , �, , _ � � . ,. . ` .
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��cticm 4¢ :���.� �,�7-�hari.zed numb�� ��.�t�� �� �r_cr� �r<v�or
v��icl� �ha3.l '�e ���a�hed con�pi�4usly �o b��h �rc�nt �.nd re�� o�'
s�u+�� vehic�le �ad fn �a csh manner �ha� �h��r �an 'b� �lls�.�.ly se�n and
re�d at �1�. �imes. Ea�h m�mb�r pla�e s�l�. h�.�i:� �, 3a���.�c-�t��.'�
p+�eit�.on no� l�ee t�an one nc�r m�re than �t�ax �'eet �rom ��-_�
gro�z�8. ar�d t�iey �hall be kep� al��n �a ae tc� b� �a3���ly r�:��� �v�� �12
time� m�d np nvm"b�r �pla�e ��aep`� �h� o�.� �rn.���h�d b�r the :�e��,��ar�r
ti�' ���te �he.l]. '�e c�#.�pl�ved an a�� �e�.i�le � nor �hall n�mb�r �1��� I
�3.ep�,a�ed �n �ny �ehi.cl� be �altered, dis�i��ced �r c�ia�a.g�d. �
�ec�'t�.on �. .�:ver3r mAtor vehiale opera��d v'pon �h� ��ublic
highway in the City d� Renta�� �a�hingf�n , �h�ll eah3bit duriu�, v�.�
period from Qne-hal� haur, a��er �un$e� and erae-hal� �o�r '�eforc: .
�anri�e and at al l time� �ien �8 g or ather atmeepheri� �on��.��i�����
render the Qperation af �aid vehiele daagerans tc� �he trs��'i� �-�
the v�e of the highuray�. at le��t twa head l�mpa, one c�n eaah ei�'�
of' s8id vehiele , ghowi�ag white or �rellow tint�d light� visible �t
1e�,�� �i�ve hza�z�.r�� �c�� c�:� more in edv�aQe �af $aid veY�icl,�. �uch
�e�oi ����ic�.�. �;c �n� �:�:�?l�r att�.c�hed there�t3 �hall have attachee�
�o 'f�.e xesr e�d nvt le�a �lm,n oae 1�p �hawi�g a rec� lig�ht �iaible
�.� lea�t two hundrec� fe�t in �h.e r��� r�f �uch vehi�l.e aud �he �ar�e
Taght or additianal 13�h� �astin.� w�.ite r€�y� o�' �ruffioient ��renE��'rs
t�� the rear numb�r ��lat�+ �her`�o�, �,c� t hat su��i n�mber pl�.t� �y Y�e
_-<:��3.1y re�d a� � di��anoe c�� �� least sixt� feet : Prt�a�.c�efl $ha'�
�������� ���i�s e�.all be rec,�3r�d to carrg� only c�ne l�ght in �ron�G
�����_>o�, v�Lioh �l�a].l �how �rrhit� or �ellow �inted ra�� vis�bl� �,�
� `
l�as� five hundre$ �'��� in advance o� su ah motor e��e ; Frvvi����
�."�rther thst it �hall be unlawful to shav� an�r rpd 1.ight �� the fr�.��
c ,c-
a�� �.�t mc�t or v�t►�#.. -e��.
�ectivn 6. :���� �3s���� �;���:�e �¢� ���.br � �-�. �.;�:�� j -:�:= .::.4
�i� �'eet in wi.dth �hall exhibit dt�ring the �our� c�f ��c��::��,r�.=-��� i-.�_
adc�ition to the abav�e light�, a white 13gh� on the left side c��'
thr nn�dhine de�i.nin� ��he l�.mit ef the body a� the msohine ar t�z�
��erh�n�n�: So�,�., i.f. �n� f�.��� "��, ��c1 b�gone? ��� �ia�s3 e�e th��°�_��,
� � � . , � t . , . • -
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a�.�w�4� . I
and th� said light ehall be �4 fi�eci ar earri�d that �he light
4��..J.�.}.���� ✓Zb�� �7� a7a�'`.��. Eil� l�� ~��(�3w_ �'-4i. � '"^�".i�3a Gt.v.�i�.� ,� �. ..:.� �.n 4`rd.�.�. '^'•p���j'�s
�eet3.ox��.`I �° -�;,T "=�`�,�� ::� ��- :�,��s�� t�;;:�.j� �x �:�°,.z�
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Q�rTying � 3.o8d whi�� p�o�ect� O4ez the re8� �r�3 thTce ��:�$ a�
�nare sht�ll d3spl��r � red �1€�g b� c��y r�nd � r��� li�ht �� ni�.� c��
+�e ��:�;�emr� rea� ez�d of suc�. t�vc�r�a€�n�;ing 1o�,c?.
��U�ion �.� Tt �hall be �he su�: � �� �b.� road ����:�
��r��� ;��r��� driv3�.� a motc�r Qr �thex �eh�cl� on the public
highcv�ys w�..t�in �h� City a� R�to�, c�r�.shi���n, or riding� or �.ri�t-
ing ax�r an�.l c�r anim€���a upon. �h� nvb3.�.a *�i�l�r�ay�► in the Gi� a�
Rentv�,, shall, u�oz�. meeti� a�y v�he� per��. s� ueing $uQh h�,gh�r�;�
se�.�an�,bl;� tvrn to the right �f the �ente� a� t��ach hi�h�va� s� ;;�
to pass �ritho�t interferenee aad a�y �ex�on �c� �asin.� �he hi�-#a°a:��,�
shsLl, up�� c�ve�t�i.n� any ather ��r�oa sc► u�irlg '�&.e high�a�ry ����
t� the l��t ssic�e �an.c� �he �er�� sa avert�cen �hal�. se �oo� a�
� icable t�tr� ta �� ri�� � s� �o a11e�w �'�cee a��a e on t�a�
P �'
left. Az�y pers 4n �pprat ing sa �o�tr�r veh3 cl� or ather veh�.ale ;=.,.,,:�.`�'�$
�t the inter�e�tian of publi� hi�;hwa� k�ep tz� the rig�� o� th�=
�II'�E'Ti9�C"�`,�037 af the cseuters of �uah �.ig�,w�.ya when turni�g �� -tr�L�
right and p�a $.o the� ri�h� t►f su eh intereec�tion when turni��t, ��
th e left; p�ovi c�ed. ho�ever, s vari�,nce in gqod �aith, �'rom the
rules herei� �elating to �he �qrning tu �he 3Ls�'� o� a vehie2e :i��
nvertakiag i� going #�i� the ��me dir�ation where the e�i�eneies
of the $itvstian pPr�n�.t �hall not �u'�?���� �'�?e �-���r����� �� �:��<z;��;
un.der the provasiox�t of �he ardin�,ne�.
S�otian�. Tn na case sY�all �y` ����or vehial� �e- a�i�r��.,
c��ereted ar mc►v�d �t a r��e �f €�peec3 �s�te� than one mile in fi�e
�inute� �.t ao�y ar4s8in� �ithin the mt�re thickl.y set�lea �►r bngirz���
�»r-�i�n of the City c�f .�pntaa nor v�ithin on�+ hur?dred yard� a�'
�ny �chool hause on �c�hool d,�ye be�iee�n eigh� fl'alook in the r.c�r-
�.a���: �ac� �i�� a�a1�c?� �-�u z���.�a.� ���i�� �r. �,n.� �rdtio� o� th,� Ci°�� �-�
r , .
e ' { .� , y %� � • �
�errton faster �han. one mile in three minutes ; no motor nehicle
ca:rrying a capacity of �ro tons � to ti3ree toxis shall be driaen
a� a speed fa�ter t hen fifteen miles per hour; mo�or vehioles of �
a capacity of three tons and �nder fat�r �on� faster ±han fo�rteen
m2les per hour; no eehicle of a eap�acit�r of fou� tons and un�3er
five tons faster than twelve miles per ho�r; and vehicles of five
�nns or over �.t a rate of sgeed faster th�n ten miles per ho�zr.
�ee�ion �b.fo �rer�r �otor vehicle using an internal
c��nbus�ion engine upon the public high�ays wi�hin the �i�y of
�er�ton shall use � exhaust mnffler and tl�e sa�:e shall not be
c�t out or diseonnected with�the i�it� of �renton.
Section 1�: :�'ver�r motor vehicle shall be �rovide� �rrit�
�ood and su�ficient brakes a�:d with s suitable b�ll, horn or
other signal which sha3.l be rung or blown as a signal of. ��rnin�
to �r�y person or wh�ever there �hall be danger of collision or
acc i dent on the public highways of th e �ity of Rent on.
�ec�Eion�1�:� l�a person dri�ing or operating �,ny �oto�
vehicle upo� i�a.e publie highway �ithin the Gity of Renton shal.l
drive or oper�,te the same in any other but a caref�al or tir�dent
manner or at an� greater speed than is reasonable or prope� ,
havix�g c�ue regard to traffie snd use of the highway by other� o� s�
a� v� ez�danger the life or limb of any person or perso�s.
Section ��.`-� r:'very person driving or operating a motor
vehi�:le on the pu�lie high�sy �rithic� �he eify of Rer.�ton, upon
the approaeh of any Qehicle drawn by a: horse or horses or any
horse upan �rh3a� a� per�o� ie ridi�g, shall operate, max�age and
control sue� vehiele in su eh manner as t o exercise reasanabl�
preca�tion ta prevent frightening �ny suah horse ar horses an�3 to
insure the $afety o� any person riding or driving the sam�. If
s�ach horse or horses an�ear �ri�hte�ed, the person in co�.�rfll o�
t3ae said motor �rehicle shal.l redu ce tlze spe�d �hereof and i� r�-�
c�u�sted by the raisa� o� the h�.�zd o� o�her �i�n�1 of tY�e driver
� ' ; , � . ♦ • � • • .
� �' �
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aa�w�rr��� . '
I r - �- . I
o� su cYi ho_ se or �o�ses shall �ri�g �, e�� rrio �c�r �eh�cle to a full stap
�ud shall not preceed fur�her unless su eh movem�ent be necessar� ta
avoid aecident or in�nr�r or tanle�s suc:h animal appears ta be under
the cantrol of its rider or driver.
Section Tri./� In case of an accici.e�t to a �r�an or pro�er�y
on �he public highway within ��.e corporste limite af the �ity of
Ren�ton due to the operation thereo� of a motor vehicl� the person
operating st�eh �ehiele sha�l �top and ugon reqnest af the �ersc�n
in�ured or o�` any person present shall give �Q sueh person nis n�::�
snd adres$ �,n�. if not the ovmer of sueh vehicle �he naffie and adaress
of such ot�er an:� the nar�es ane� adfdresses of othex persor�s acco��a�y-
ing him.
Sec�ion TS-. i�o moto r vehicle shall b e �ae.rked alon g
the curb al.ong an;� publie hig�way wi#�hin the corporate limits of
the �ity of $enton tanless the ri�ht hand of the driver or ope�atdr
the�eof is next to the cur� when the vehicle i� bmu�� ta s st�d-
still and na vehiGle ehatl be park+�-d alon� the curb at a poi��
nearer than t'�renty fee� �o �My fi�:e hvdrant or wi��ir 10 f_eet o�
the co rr�e� of any street.
Section ��G ��o r�otox� veh�cle sha�1 be dx i�en �cro��
the sidewalk at a�y point bet�een street� without the driver or
operator thereof first briaging hia� car to a stanc�-still aud
scaunding the ho� as a �varnirag t� persor� travelling on the s��.e
Section�l&. Any pea 'c e officer of the �ity of Rent cm
may make arrests for a�y viola�ion of this ordinanc� upon the
public highwa;Ts wi�hin the co rporate limits of the �ity of _,e���n
�vi�h or without warrant therefor , �pon showing his anthority and
wi���n or. v�ltho1at �'ne �r�t�ra�e �.imi�� o� t�ae C:ity- o� ue�tc�r;.
•r � � • �s
, . � ,� , � .
. .
• .
_. _ __�
�=����7�-= �. l�o r�otor vehiele shall be p�.x�ed in �ront
c� '' any t�atre e� pubZic rall, durin� �he ho-�rs when trere is a
s'�o:� go-���g an or publ3c �eeting is 3n progress �herein�
5eetion�.9 �dhere, upon the hi�hwa�s wit'
of R�rlta�f tt�o motor vehicles tra�elling at r3ght an�
:�xie another are about to meet at an interesection of -�h� �,i�rtTz�a;�s
��ae c��� c�r_ the r3ght shall ha�re the right of way.
Section �, ?'o driver or opera'�ar of a motor vehicM �
��/Z-ZrZ -�.tic �
s�a:_:i. ',l,z•l� �� upon the highwa� wi'�hin the C i�� "
a� any poizlt other tlzan �he i�te�section of s�rest,:
�ection '�,� `�he driver or opera�or of a motor �ehicle
sha11 t�pon turning at in�ersection of' streets or turnin� 4 '
a corner on�o the in�ersecting street, �hen he t�urn.s �o �'�.._�.: ,�„_
extend the le�t arm out in a horizox���l posi�ior�,
� Section �. I�a r�otor vehicle shall be backed arov.�
a carner into the ir�.tersec��ng street in order �o pass slor.g
said i.ntersecting strest, bnt in all such situati�ns the drivr
or operator shall proceed to the ne�t corner �nd ��iere turn a�::
by this o�^ainan.ce-r�quired.
Section �;� ito opera'�or o� driver of a motor vehic�
sha11., upon the public high�a�s of the C i��� of �enton, drive "�.
vehicle thro�.�.gh an.� funeral processior�. or through any street pa�a��= �
nor into a.Y � ---- ``.�= .. �� - .�� -�?'�--u ,-,-� ��R_.��f.;^� �'_�:r.. _ '.. ':�:_-� : ��'!�.'.
upon the hi; .z�:::: -b$,
Section �. `� ;:Q dr�v�r- a�.� o�er�.�o� a� �r�yr ��o�ar v�l�ici�
wit.Y�in the Ci�y of ?�entcm, shall, �or �he �urpo�e of discharg3ng
passengers or ,�a.oaal�g �e��ht or merc�andise, place his vehicle
a'� right ang7.e s wi�h �he curb.
Sectian �6:' �io m.otar veh3.cle shall be parke� or le�
on t'h� ':'�es� s�de of ��ain Stree� for a dis'�a�ce of seventy-�ive
� '75) fest ��,orth of s�'.hird �venue nor upon the I�io�th si�e of 3rc�
::.venue for a dis�ance o� sevent�,T-five (7�) feet ��est of �:ain
����<.�.-�L.� ;,�� ;;,, frc��.t of tY�e Ren�ns.� P i�•P �:u� '! or t�e eaca..�.t sp�.ce
, . ,-�-� ,,� . �
. .
_ _ � _ . _ _ __ .. � .. i
Section �:� ihe ad�udica�ion I
..�_ .� �,., II
of �his ordir:ance shall not affect L�,� -r�,, ^ � , , n _ . �^ � ����,_..,,,.,r,
as a wh8e or anf other part thereo�; �
Section '�.�� �ny Person ;.�1� ��;:`�,.� �v°� � u�e ��`: c� ���r:�
y�rov-�sions of this ordinance shall be g�zilty of a misac: . . _.
u�oa corviction trereof shall be finec� iri �r1;7 si��� �,o� ��� . ,
�� ,�+
� t , ,�. �: :i3c�-.la-r� r�ot� �eti�. ����_�= �- �y�?6�.00) Dollars c�
confinece >>, ���� �: o � -.�`% ���.i�'. _,c'�; ���:.� m-=,;�� five or more �han ti� irt�
day�s or by both s�.zch ��n.e �.n.d i=prisor2ment.
Sectior� �, �ill ordinan.ces and parts of ordin,ances
in co�.flict here�ri�h are hereby repealed.
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