HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0497 ��"��� � � �ftDI�A��E �Q, 497, � �rdina�c� I��. 43� `��`::��;� p l ` �;� A1V ORDI\'ANCL YROVIDING FOR� T1IE IP.RPI�OVEl�ZENT OF S e c o n d I n ordivavi ce o: the City of F�eii-( Avenue North in tne Cit� of Renton, �o i lmton, relatiiig to the use Washing•Y.on, Yroin MiIl street Northto� �' 1� „�s re ts, Ileys and public� G��rden A�venue,bc clearing•,brading and � , � places e� r. or e,�iicles, fix- g•ravelin�;the saine for �ti 5pa�ce of ten he rate o sp . I�Yoa ght� � fect on cach side of the center line of l -� d eme f persdns' r� fix ,� 3f- st�id Second Avenue and by consLruet- i��nal ie�f ' a'violation of condi- �� �ing�concrete sidewalks on cach side of tions impo��s�d� repea'1� � ertain '� t:hc ��bore desurihed portion of s.Lid ordinances. "'`4.a,�� , ,� �` Second Avenue North, said �ide��alk', "• � to be two feer,from the propert;y ime. '� The City Council of the �G of henton do ardain as follows: � all in accordance with Resolution iVo. I ��„ „ Section l, That the �-ords and ��~� _�3 of the City Council of the City f phrases l�er'ein used, unless the saine �� of �tentcn, creatir.o a loeal improve- Ue clearly contrary to or inconsistent �n�nt district therefor, and providing, �\ that pa5�nent fo�• said improvement be'i with the content of this ordinance or mzde b;� special assessinents upon( �ection in which used shall be con- prcnerty in said district payable by j :trued as follows: ;�1ie mode of "Paymeat by Bonds." � 1. "Motor ti'ehicle" shall include -THE CITY COULL'�7CIL OF THE CITY I all vehicles or m.achiues propelled by {1F RFNT�N DOES ORDAIN AS: auy Power other than muscular, used �� POULOWS: � upon the streets, alleys or public ��� Section 1. That Sccond rlvenuc i nlaces fer the transportation of per- North ir. the Cit�- of. Renton, W�sh-: sons, freight, produce or commodity, I iL�;�ton, fro�m Vlill street North to Gar-� e�cept traction engines, temporarxly e?en Avenue, be improved b,y clearing•, i ` upon the streets, road rollers or road ;�c�a�iug� and g�raveling• the same for a� making machiues and motor vehicles _3p�ce of ten feet on each side oF the i that run on rails. c;_;nter line of s��id �econd rlvenue and�� 2. "Motorcycle" shall mean a mo- by consz�°ucting conerete sidewallcs on� tor cehicles of tw�o or three wheels, each sidcoftha abovedesci°ibedportion� intend�ed for carrying of one, two or cf said Second Avenue north, said side-I three persons or operated by one per- , ;,valk to be t«-o feetfroin the properGy I son for carrying small pacl:ages. ,R_ine,andthatsuchother�-orkbedoneas� ;. "Automobiles" sha'll inean the r..av be necessaiy in connection there-I ordinary four wheeled motor vehicle ;aitli, aecording to tihe plans and speci-I and sha11 be synonymous with the `catioizs therefor preperad und�r the I term motor vehicle except as other- ' rlirection of the �City Engineer and on�� �r,�ise provided. � iile i� �the offi�ce of the City Clerk.� 4. "Auto Stage" as distinauished �.��laielx in.ips. plans and sl�ecifieations� from autonlobile shall inean a motor I z�re l�erebv approved�lnd adopted. � vehicle iised for the purpose of car- ��Section 2: That the cost and ex- r5�ing passengers, bagaage aiid freight I �ense of said improvement, including on a regular schedule oI time and �, all nec�ssary a.nd incidental ex�enses, rates, provided how�ever, that no mo- •�SiaL be borne by and assessed against tor vehicle,shall be considered an auto ,1°�•c>, property included in the rssess- stage �vhere the whole route travcl- ineriE c�'rstrict hereinatter created in Icd Uy sttch ;��hicle is �*.�ithin the City nccor���nce with law. Tt�e City or of Renton. I{enton shall not.be liable in any man- 5. "Motor Truck" shall mean any ;�r for uny portion cf the cost and ,�x�?ense of said improvement, motor vehicle desigi�ed or used for ;Section 3: That thex•e is �:ereb3� es- the transportatio�i of cominodities, taT�4isYted a loc�l improcem2nt distriet merchandise,�'produce, freiallt or ani- to be ca73ed "Local Improvement Dis• nials. 6. "Trailer" shall meaii any vehicle triet No.'�:)�," whieh said distriet is which is attached to a motor �-ehicle �_escribed as follows: � � for the Purpose of being drawn� by or� �°p,tl ine �roperty betiveen the propellel by such moUor vehicle. tsrmini of sri3 im�provement abutting 7. `'Local authorities" shall incIude ;;pon, ��.dj�cent, �icinal oi• proximate the officers of the City of Rentoti ��� s:�ch �ortion of' said streets and � having authority over an� of the ��venues back fro� the rriargin�l lines subject matter embraced in this or- � 2iiereof, as proT�ded by la�v." dinance. Secticn 4: �oncls bearing interest 8. "Public Highways" shall mean ��_t tl�e rate of 8 Per ecnt. ger annum all streets, alleys and public places in� the City of Renton. t ayable on or before i Yc.�ra from the 9. "Peace Officer" or "Peace offi-i !3sto of issuance shall be iss�ied in cers" shall be tal:en to mean an;� offi-G r a.�-meni. of the eost. an1 e�pense of cer or officers authorized by la�v to! ,�:,�;s _�n�p;o�eine�:t, �i�hich bonds s�lall execute criininal process or to make � � },� �ecL^emed by t=1e collection of spec- arrests for the violatior of the ordin- 5:�7 zaeessments to be levied and as- :;ess2c3 u.7cn t'�e �roperty ��ithin said a�ices of the City of Renton. 10. "Privately owned" shall include tiistrict tc:Yable in 5 equtil annttal in• all vehicles uot offered for hire. _ ����I;me:�ts r'+:i�h interest at the rate ll. "For Hire"� shall be :a=zea �tc a�� � per ce.it. p�r annum nnder the mean all motor ��chic?es otl�er than moi':� oi "PaY�:ient bq Bonds," as de- stages, used for the transportatioii of fined b� la.R and the �chartPf' a.nd ordi- persons, for which remuneration of na.nces of the Cit�� of Renton. These any kind is received, eitlier directl�� �boi�d�; slrtil -be. cirli�ere�d to the con- or indirectly and shall �uclude� motor �i•a,et.ot• in r<.dem_r,tion of warra�its on hearses, dead tiva�ons aiid ambulai�- 5���e �Lo�al In��rove�nent District F'und ces. _ -��;<>ll£d �n estimates of the City Engi- Section 2. Na person under fifteen :,e��, nr the City of Itenton may, tit years of a,�e shall operatc or drive a �ts eleei::�n, s�ll �aid bonds and make i_lotor vehicle uoon any highway �ncl? redem:i�ti.Qn in cash. withiu the City of Rentnn, unless � ;Section 5: 7'i?is�ordinance sball be such person is accompanied by par- -i: :'�zll force and �ffect fi�°e (5�) days eiit or guardia�i a�id provid�� thz�t. � �`roiu �nd ��frer its pasata�ge, �tppi'o��al no person under tl�e a�'e of t�cciity- a1�d Ie�a] i�iiU�=cation. � one (21) years sha11 operate or drive AnprovEc�tbis�th cla3�oF Jli]p, 19;�,0. any� moYor cehicle ior l�ire or at;to WM. TONF�IN, sta�e on the higliway within the Cit;� Mayor of Renton. Passt�d this GCh d�l} o�L Jul�-, 1�12(l. Section 3. No r�iotor vchicle slialt W. J.. WILLIAISS, be operated tioon a public hi�h��ay in City 'Clerk. the City of� Renton without a license � � haeing bcen first obtaiued tlterefor. '��,Le�� t�rstptblica*ion�ul�� 9, 1920. srA+� �eNVR�u���rsTDN�Section 4. The autliorized uumbcr �'�'' couNrr c�F �,Nc:� I,WM,J,WfILIAMS,CTTV CLERK IN AND FORTHE CITYOFf#ENTC>' / �%�bF �IVA$MINOTQN, DO MERRl1V CRQTIFY TNAT THE FORfiGO1NG_�_._{'___�C. -�____ ,'_'-__��___t3-�A TRUE AP:.� GnR4ttCT C�'�2R�� ..,,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�,���,�F TNE CITV QR RENTON,AS IT APPEARS ON FILE � . q�±�` �i�w����..'v'a p0"R�IRTN�!l�RkTIFY TMKT TME�SAME F1d'a��,�a�r�dL���.di�pCCJau�tiG rp�q�n. � 'NI�Ntlly Wal�e�., ,�, �E.ita�unT�SETMr wr,i��ntiu ar��;.:� •:�:�.�,, -�- - - s�a..�v;;,:3.i�r . ;. /, ,. .. . ,_ �,.;:�-�1 "`ZC `q ,. .: _. � _. � I�i��'�'_. �� �� //