HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0492 • ` , � ^ `,' '+ I
I (Improvernent Ordin�izce—Fnlar�e�� pi5trict,) ' ' '�
, <�V t�liJaINANCE PROVIDI\�G F��t� �'�31+; �:III'I�O�'E:�l�V�!, OI�,
that portion of Aentan Avenue� baunded on the nor�:h bu the sou��:i� lir�� f ��'�irc�.
�venue� and on the south by the nor�h line o� Section Strest� an.d t� portian
of Sectian Street bounded on the west by �he west lsne of Renton g�enue and
on th�a�,�t�t�e� c���r��'qt],�e�r,��f�o�ie�n�ro�ec� b,y- (s,�ae�fy���;;_i��u� � i�p�v�iilt�t) .
grading, gra�elling and gutter3ng the same
�11 in accordance with Resolution \�o. _._.___..__.. of the City Council of the City of R�enton, creatinb a local
irnprovement district therefor, and �roviding that payinent for said improvement be �na�l� by s��e�cial assess-
�7ieiits upon property in said district payable bv the mo��e of "P'a3�ment by Bon<�s."
5��t�°�z �: 'i'���t that port�.on of �en��on Avenue bounde� on �he ����r°���1 �y �
scu�� �3.�� of yhird �venue and on the `south bu the narth line of Section 5 .. _ .
� �nd that portion of Secti c� Street bounded on �:��. . . ` - , __a ...n:� ._ �. _ 4:� �
Renton �venue and on the east b� the cit� 13rni.�:,
� f���rt,�sti���t� <ri: T�oiti<ins Ther���i' Y� .;i��� i�ir��r���<<].! b;� ini��rut-���( h�- ;�s]����]i�n� n��ttt�� G�i i13�}�r����ei�ia��t��=
�,...'t.::,.. _�,�.i .. . �.- — -,.. < ..,,. 4, ... ., _ _. _. ,� ....._,,
aiid tllat such other v��ork be done as inay be necessary in connection tliere�vith, accordin� to tlie plans and
specifieaYions t �refor prepared �i der the directi n of the City EpbiiiG��cl on file 'n�lie,office of the City
Clerk� A/j�F/ �'�,�G�u4 _ / � ��e_2���4���
5ection 2: '1"hat the cost and e�pense of saic� improvement, includina all necessary and incidental el-
penses, shall be borne by ancl assessed abainst the property included in the assessment district hereinafter
<�re<tted in accordance «�ith la�v. The City of Renton shall not be liable in an�� mann�r for any portion of the
�•���t �in�3 ��til���nse of ��.�tici �ni��ro�-e�uent, e��cept �ts l�crein l�ro��ide�l.
(iiis��it. <i����ral��ri��fe_1�>rqviso F.ot�_co�itrilltttio�i ir��in tl�c. G�nerE�l E.�in�l a� ��t��-)
���.�tiun 3: "Ch��t t,lerr is l��rrl»- ��stabli�l�eil a 1oca1 iui��ro���i��ent �ii�tricf to l�e e�ilic;l "Li��•��1 I�iil>ro�-e-
�,i�•;ii 1)��.i�rict \n.--. ��-------- .. th�� 1>ului�i��r•i��s n[� <<�hi�•h �n��� hrr��l�� �����ri(icrl �ni�l �i���•lrir���l ;in 1'nll�,«-;, Yn-�t-it :
,insert cle,crinti�n s�iven in Resoliition or Petiri�n)
Beginni.�ig at a �aoint on the iTor�h boundary of
�rac� l�o. 1 in Renton C o-operative C oal C o�.p�,ny'� gcre
"'raets 150 fee� T�Yest fror� the T�or�Gheast corner therca-�;
�hence in a soutnerlvr directian 150 fee� dis�ant fro�:
and paral�.el �o �he r��st side af Renton Avenue to the
ayor�h line of Sec�ion S�res'�; thence �n a Sou�herly
3izection to ��ie l�orthwest corner of Tract 8, Highlan�i
hddi�ion to the �awn o� Ren�on; tYvenee South along ��.L
�:,�es� boundar� o� �rac-�s 8� '7, 6 and 5� in said Y�ighl�_c�
.�ddi�ion to the Southwest eorner of �aid '�ract 5; thanc.e
�ast along the Sou-�h boun.dary of saicl Tract 5 to the sou�:-
eas� corner �hereof a�id con�inuing i7i the same diree�ion
:ast to the 8ou�nwest coi�rler of �'rac� l2 in sa3d I�ighland
�ddi-�ion; �thence South along the :�est� boundar� or trae�ts
13 and 14 in said �3i��.land addi�ion �o the sou�hwest corr�c�r
o� said trae� 14; thence East along �he Sou�h boundary oi
s€�id �ract� 14 and 15 to the South�res� corner of �ract 26
in said �ighland �ddi'�ion; thence Soti�h alcng the West
�oundary of �ract 2�, Hi�hla�d �ddi-�ion, to �he sou'�hwe s��
corner �hereof; thence Ea�t along the �au'�h bo�.n.dar� o-�
�°�racts 2'7, 28, 41 and 42 of said Highl�.d Addition t� t��
Sau�theast corner of said �'raet 42; thence Nor�h along the EasL
boundary af �rac�s 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 4? and 48 �o ths inter-
section o� �he East boundary of said �raet 48, egtended �Torth,
��rith the Sou�h line of the �ity .of Seattle Pipe �,ine r3ght-of-tra�r;
thence in a nor�herl� 'direc�i<�n �o the Sou'�heast corner t�� �c_�e
Tract 42 in Plat �'o• 1� �en�on Co-operative Coal Campariy's
�cre �'rae��; �hence �or'�n a�.ong the �as� boundar� of Trae��
42, 41, 40, 39 and 38 in Pla� �o. l, Renton Co-epera'�ive Coa?
�ompany's .�cre Trac�s '�o the Nor�neast bozzndar� of said ir�.�:.�
38; �her�ce �es� along the Nor�h boundary of sai� Trae� 38
and eontinuing �est 40 feet to �he T?ortheast corner of Zot
11, Block 1� Morgan's Grand �iew Addi'�3on to '�he City o�
�?enton.; thence in a I�orthweste�l� direction a7.ong the ltor�r
boundarz� of s�.id Black 1, Morga.n's Gr�n.d Vie�r Addi�ion �o tre
Southeast corner o� ���'e iract 25� in aaid Plat Pdo. l� Ren�c:�
"o-opera�3.�e Coal Co�pax�yts :�cre Tracts; thence isort'a al ong
�he East boundary of Trac�s 25, 26, 27f 28, 29� 30, 31 and
32 in �aid Renton Co-opera�ive �oal �or�.pany's �ere Tracts �o �re
�Ior�heas'� corner of �raa� 32 in said �.ddi�ion; �hence "rles'� u?c�:f:`;
-�hs T�ortn, boundary o� said Acre Tract 32 to '�he L�as� bounda�;-
of Renton gvenus; '�hence Con�in�irig �est across �?enton Aventve
�o �he 1�ortheast corner o-� �ract no. 1, in said �lat �to. 1,
�enton Co-operetive Coal Company's Acre Trac�s; �hence �Test ��.�r�
the ��artb boundary o� �aid tract no. 1 to the place of beginning.
�ec�iu» -�: 'Chxt there he as5csscc� <�<,'r�i»St that portiu�i of t,}:�> prul�crt�- ��-itl�iii sneh enlar���ed ciistrict
lyiu:,� between the termini of the proposec� iruprovement aiid e�tendin�; back frmu the mar�inal ]ines thereol`
to t13e micldle of the block on each side thereof in the n�iode prescribe� in Se�tion �f Chapte��of thc
5ession L�ws of the State of Washinn•ton for-��.����-�-�----�1X'��'--�--�Q--�--ZJe�----el�.-'E''------------------
of the cost and expense of snch i�nprovement, and�that such portion of the remainler of sueh cost and ex-
pense as m�y not be borne by any �eneral fund, be dis�ribnted and assessed a��ainst all the propert,y included
in the reiiiaindPi• of such enlarged •c�istrict in accor�-�nce with special benefits.
�ection �: l3onds bearin� interest �t the rate of ___._a____. per cent, per annnm payable on or before
,_��_��_._.____ years from the date of issuance shall be issueci in payment ��f tl�e cost and expense of this
improveinent, «hich bonds ehail be redeemed by t�e collection of special assessments to be levied and assesse�d
upon the property within said district, payable in ___f1�s._.___ equal annnal installments with interest at the
rate of __._p� �i�.____ per cent. per annum under the mcde of "Payi�i�ent by Boncls," as defined by la�v and the
charter and or�inances of the City of Renton. These bonds shall be delivered to the contractor in redemption
of �varrants on the Local Improvement District Func� issned on estimates of the Cit3� Eng�ineer, or the Cit��
of R�enton rna3r, at its eleetion, sell said bonds and make such recleinption in cash.
�ectioli 6: This ordinaiice shall be �n full force and ef�ect five (5) days from and after its passaae,
a��l�ruval and leg�al publication.
, r ,_ .
�lpl�ra�•ed this . - �aa5' of -- , , _ - � lyl _'._ .
: -- ....._._. . ..._ -- - - ___ . __ _
� s . �� . .lIavor.
I'<Zssc��l thi.� __ - . - d��y of _ �.'..: -... - - - � 191 - , .
--- - - -.. . --.. ._ -- - - - - -
CitS- Clerk.
llate ��L' first publication __ _._._..._.__. ..-.- ---------------------------------
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