HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0491 ` . ,. , . , ' -..� k' + ' . - � �� � , �JL(� .pC �� � "' � , .�. �- ���� � . �� 1a-r�-6 � ORDINANCE �i0. y����---- �'in ordinance of th� City of Renton� �Uaehington, pro- vid3ng for the constructi on, renewal, repair or cleaning the sidewalks in the C ity o f Rent�n and providing i'or t'�e method of pa�rn±ent thsrefor. �he City Cor�neil of the C�ty of Rentan do a�da�n as follov�s: Sec. 1, tiiihenever in the �udgment of the of�i eer or department ha�i�g the care and �uper3ntendence of streets a1d public places in the City of Ren�:on '�he public eonvenience ar safety requires tha'� a side�uslk be cons�ructed, renewed, re�$ irea or cleaned along �ither �ide o� �y street or other publia place therein, said officar or depar'Ement shall im�edi�tely repor� the fact to the City Council ar�d if t�e City Council �hall dee� the construction, renewal, repair or cleaning of sueh sldewal� necessary or con4en�ent for th+e pnblic it shall by resolu�iaQ - order said sidewalk conetructed, rene�red, repaired or cleaned and shall eause a noti�e in writing to be se�ved on t'�:e o�ter o� each lot, block or parcel o� land immediately abutt�ng upon �hat portion and side of snch street or public pla�e �here said sidewalk is to be ec�nstructed, ren.ewed, repaired or cleaned req-uiring him to construct such sidewalk in accordance w��h such resolution. SeQ. 2• �'lze re�olu�ion and notice provi�ed for in the preceding section 8ha11 de�cribed each lo-�� block or parcel o� land imr�ediately abu�tin.g or� that por�ion of the atreet or o'�her pnblic place where said �idewalk 3s ordered to be construct- �d� renewed, repa3red or eleaned and shall spec3fy the ki�.d of sidewalk required, the size and d3mensiona of t�ie sarne, the dist�,nce frc� the curb of the outer edge thereof, the r�ethod and material to be used in �he construc�ion, renewal ar repair, and � shall ccmtain an estimate of the coet thereo�' aad '� Y� notice shalla��. - .., . . . .. *_> ' - . . . � 4 , . � +111-, � � , � ____�2� that unle�� the sidewalk i� con�trueted in aompliarice wi-�h '�he notice and within a reasa�eble time therein s�ecified said �idewalk will be cons'�rue�ed by the C ity of Rent�a and �he cost and expen�e thereof a�sesaed against the property abutting �hereon and described in atzoh notiQe. See. 3. The notiee provided �or in the preeeding section ehall be dee�ed served if flelivered �o '�he o�ner or reputed owner of each 10�� tract or parvel o� land e�feet�d or to the su�hori�ed agent o� such o�e� a� i� a capy be left at the u�ual plaee of abode of �u.eh ewner in su�h eity e�e ,��;�7�� � wi�h a per�on cf �nitable age and disaretion residing therein� or in caae 'the owner is � non-resident of �he Ci�y o� Rentcm and his place o� residence ie I�o�m. a eopy of r�uch not3Qe shall be mailed to suah o�er , addres�ed to hi� laet known plaae o� residence ar in Qase the place o� residenee of , eueh owner i� unl�mow� or if the ownc�r o�' any lot� bloek or pa.rcel of land effected i� un3�own then �ueh natic� shall be served b�r publicatian in two weekly 3ssuea of the of�icial newepaper of such ci�y or to�m. Sueh notice �hall sp�eify a rea��able time within whieh eaid sidewalk shall be eonstructed� renewed, repaired or cleaned whieh, in the case of publioation of the notice �hell not be le ss than sig�y (60) daye �'rc� �h,e date of �he first publieation of the no�iee, and in �he ease af personal $ervice a� the notice or by notice sent to the post—office address of the own.er, tv�en�y (20) day�s, Sec. 4. In csase �he notice �rovicled for �n the praceding section shall not be complied with w3thin t�e time tl�erein specified the officer or department havin� ahar�e of '�he care and superintendence of �he streets and p�a.blic places in tYi,s Ci�y of Rentc� shall proceed to construct, renew� repair or clean said �idewalk forthwith and sha1:1 report to the �ity �ouncil at it$ ne� regular meet�rg or a$ soon therea�ter as practicable ., .. . . , . . � � ; . . • �. � . -----3. an asse s�en� roll sho�rin� eaeh lot, black or parcel of land immediately abu�ting upon $aid sidewalk, the name af �he ovv�ner � thereof i� �iown� .and aportion the co�t of such improvemen'� to be asseesed against each lo�, bloek or parcel of land and the city Cotiu�cil shall �thereupon set a date for hearing any protes�e against said proposed asses�nen� roll �d ahall cause a notice of the tsme and place of said hoaring to 'be published for ��o euccessive �eek� in the official newspaper of �he Ci�y o� Renton, the date of such hearing to be not less than thir�y day� fror� the da'�s of the first publiea43on of said natice. 3ec. 5. �'he Ci�y Cot7ncil sha11 at the time af seid hearin� or at any ad�ournmen� thereof, by ordinance� asse�s the cost of the cons�ruc-�ion� reaewal, repair or cleaning of said sidewalk against the property immediately abu��in� thereon in accordanee with the benefits �hereto snd such assessmen� shall � become a lien upon the respee�ive lots, blocks or parcels of land and sha.11 be �ollected in the manner provided by law in the ease of local imp�ovement assessment$ and shall bear intere�t a� the rate of six t 6) per cent per annum from �he date of approval of such asse ssmen'� there on. See. 6. �.�'or the purpose of thi� ordainance all property ha43ng a frontage on the sida or �argin of any street or other publie place shall be deemed. abutting property and such property shall be chargeable as provided in this ordinance, �i'�-h �t l the costs of construction' renewal, repair or eleaning of any form:�of s�idewelk improvement be�ween the r�argin oP such street ar other pnblic p1aQe and the roadway lyin� in front of arid ad�aeen� to said proper�y, and the term sidewa.lk a� nsed in thi� act shall be e on strued t o mean and inc lucie a�.y ancl gll �tructure� or forrn� of iinproven:er�t included in the �pace betv�een ths e�treet margin and l�m.own a� the sidewalk area. ... � - � ; • , '�+ . . � =----4• Sea. j�,� �his vrdinance sYiall not be construed ae repealing or a�ending any ordinane� now in force relating to the ir�provemen�t of streete or publ3c placee by $peaial a�ses�ments, commonl� known. as local improyemen-� law�, but ahall be construed a� addi�ional legislation €�d aux311ary there�to. See. �.� �his ordinance shall be i,n �'u.11 force and ef�ect ive fron� and af�Ger five �5) day� frm� i�s pas��.�e and legal publicat3a�, '' Approved this ��' d6�y O:t' '. �� 19�Or � � " t����� n�aJor• i P�.ssec3 �his _�� da�r of % � 1920. k/ ��.���z,z:� C i-�� C le rk. Approved as .to �orm �he � day of � f 19�0. - . ` �i`�'��T �'�i�O2'Y1��Ta Da�e of fir�'� publication �' �� 1�� �.. � ____��,r.... --- ,� Da�e of seeonc�. publication 1 :. � ;, �� ;, ; , , ,