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I i ' �� �"l�' � (Improve�nent Ordinance Bond Form.) �
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APR 13 1920
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----------------Clerlc ' ORDFNANC� NO. ` -- --�----
---------- City
� , � � � �AN OR�DI���TC� PR���VIDI\�G FOR: TH� IMPROVE:�IE\�'1` OF
The A1Tey i:n block five of �he ori�inal town(noti�� city) of
Renton,Washi�n�ton, from Fifth Avenue to Fourt;i Avenue,by
cons�ructin� a lateral sewer iri said portion of said alley
to connect �vith the lateral se�rer in said Fourth Avenue,
atl iu xc�c�urcl�iiie�� «-iti� Re,So)iitio�i \o. _�.�Q--.- of the C'it�� Co�in�:i1 of tiie C'ity of RE�ntoii, creatiu,�� �: lu�a1
impro�•ement district therelor, and providinb that payment for saicl i�nproveii�ent b�� �nrlc�� 1�,- special as,,�s>-
ti�euts upon propert,y in said district payable bp the niode of "Pay3nezit by Bonds." �
TIIE� Ct'1'Y C�O�i`\CIL OF� TIIE CI'1'Y OF RF.ATO\ DOi.�S O��D�1I\ aS FOL�I.O���:
�����t;oll 1: �r1�:�t the alley �in blocl� five of the � orfginal town(nov� cit;,•i
of Renton,:�ashington,be improved by constructing a lateral s�:��;r:; �
ga�x�a�X�xs��x�x3t'�gx�x�a�cg i n s ai d p o r t z o n �f s�.i�
alley from Fifth Avenue to FourtY:. ' - �
lateral sewer in said Fourth Aver>:
�uid that �nc1i othel� �vorli be done as rnay be necessary in connection therewith, aecordina to the plans aii�'
specifications therefor prepared under the c�irection of the City Engineer and on file in the office of the Cit�
�'1i���,. "m3c�� sazd plans ar.d specifi�ations are hereby expres�ly approveu
Section 2: '1'hat the cost and expense of saici i�nprovement, including all necessary and incidental ea-
��ez�ses, shall be borne by and assessed against the property include�<1 in the assessment district hereinafter
created in accordance with la�v. The City of Renton shall not be liabie in any �nanner for any portion of the
��ost. and eapeiise of saicl irnprovernent, eYcept as here in provided.
(.� � P ��so ' �r�lr�r�-�3re-�rnc-r-a�Y�+�tr�rc��ri^�rr�
Section 3: T}�at_t]iere is hereby establishecl a local impro�reinent district to be callecl "Local Improve-
���ent District \ro. __�_"�_k______," ��-hich said district is described as foilows:
"All the property between the termini of sai�l improvement abutting npon, adjacent, vicinal or proYi-
mate to such portion of said streets and avenlies to a distance back from the inar�inal lines thereof, as pro-
�-ided by law."
Sectiou 4: Bonc�s bearing interest at the rate of ___.�_____ per cent. per annum payable on or before
___. _��___.____ years from the clate of issuance shall be issued in payment of the cost and expense of this
improveinent, which bonds shall be redeemed by the co�ection of speci�l assessments to be levied and assessetl
npon the pro erty �vithin said district, payable in __..._.:_'____.___ equal annual installments with interest �at the
rate of __.__�_____..__ per eent. per annum under the inode of "Payment by Boncls," a�s defined by law ancl the
charter and ordinances of the Cit�r of Renton. These bonds shall be delivered to the contractor in redernption
of �varr��nts on the Loe,al Improvement District Fund issued on estimates of the City E�naineer, or the City
of Renton ruay, at its election, sell said bonds and make snch redemption in cash.
Sectiion �: 7'his ordinance shall be in full force and et�ect five (�) da�ys from and after its passage,
a1�l�roval and le��al pnblication.
��ppro�•ecl this ------L� -_----,-- day of ___���-:::,1.--•------, 19��1--.
----- --- -----------� ---- ----- -�- ----- �---- - -- -- - - - - ------------
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Yassecl tl�is _ -..._ - - - day of - - '-���/'�' �- �---, 193:: - - •
-- ----- ---.._._._.._._.....- �-�---------------- -- -- -------- ------- -._...-----
City Clerk.
Date of first publication - -,--.---._..............--•-,---....-_-.---_---------,--------