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,' �- . �•- - '' oRDIr1t�ICE � No. ��' . �' • .
� ) ;
An Ordinance, Grant3ng to the Chicago , h�ilta�ukes � St. Peul Railway Company�, ;.
its succeasors end aeaigns, the right, privilege and authority , �
to construct, maintain �and operate, in, along, acrosa and over �
certain publio waye and atreets in the City of Re�bon an d elec- ��
. tric power treriemiaeion line, together with the necessary polea� j
' wires and other appurten�ncea. , F
_ �.:
Section 1. The City of Renton does hereby grant to the Chicago� Milaraukee
e.nd St. Paul Railway Company, a corporation of the State of V,isconsin, its aucceasore
and essigns� the right, privilege snd authority to construct, maintain and operate an t�
electric po�;ler transmiesion line extending from tl�e southern to the eatern City Lim- s
' f,
ita of the City of Renton, end for that purpose to construct, maintairi and operate a ��
. i:
pole line and tivires suitable and proper for the tranamiseion of electric current over �`
. ,
end along the following described route, to-Wit: �
', ' Beginnin� at a point in the southern boundary of seid City of Renton which ;
point is nine (9) Peet east of �he west line of Shattuck Street, being on the center �'
line of Seventh Avenue, and in the south line of Section Eighteen (18) , To�mal��p �rren- �
ty-three (23) , rJorth, of Range F`ive (5) , East, tf1.�f. , and 154�8.6 feet west of the � '
southesst corner of ae.id Section Eighteen (18) ; running thence PI. 0° 13' ti°t., p�rallel �
v�ith the vaest line of Shattuck Street and nine (9) feet ea.sterly thereProm� crossing •
the right of vaay of Pecific Coast P,eilrQed Corapany� a diatance of 1011.1 feet to a
poine nine (9) feet e�st of the west line of Shatfuck Street and 3.6 feet northerly :
of tl�e northerly rigl�t of way line of Pacific Co�st Rqilroad Company measured along
seid courae of T3. 0° 13' IF�.; thence Pl. 23° 21' E. , croesing Shflttuck Street, to a
noint within the limits of B1ock Trro (2) of Scnithers' Fifth Adclition to the Torm of
Renton nBar the electric sub-atation of the Chicago, �:ilwaukee & St. Peul Rail��ey `
Con�p�ny. ALSO, Beginning at e point in the tower of the electric eub-station of the
C�ic�go, Milwaukee �nd St. Paul Rsi.lway Company, �*rithin the limita of Block Trro (2)
•+ � o � h e '
of Sml,,hers Fifth Addition to Renton; thence N. 6 13 E. , crossing from t e w st
side of the alley in E�1ock �ao (2) to a point �wo (2) feet west of the east line of
s�id alley end one hund.red aixty (160) feet eouth of the north line of said Block
�ro (2) ; thence P�. 0° 13' tiV. , parallel viith the east line of t1�e elley in said Block
�xo (2) c�nd tv:o (2) feet v+esterly therefrom, and pa.ra].lel v:ith the er-st line of the � ;
elley in B1ocY. C'ne (1) of Sznithers' Fifth Addition and tv�o (2) feet v�esterly therefrom,
�nd crossing Fourtl� Avenue, Third Avenue and Seattle �unicipal Power Line snd Pipe
°' f t s oint in the south line of the Un lat-
Line Ri ht of 1,a a distance of 1937 eet o P
� Y� p • .
b'n Donation C aim 37 1 ina south of Tobin Avenue
ted trect of lend in Henry H. To i 1 � y o
and nor� owned by D�.vid C. b�itchell, bein6 �lso in the northerly line of the unplr;tted
trEct of land in seid Tobin Don ation Claim now owned by the Smit�ers Estate; thence
PI. 2° 23' V��. , crossinJ the tract of land now oconed by David C. �Ii�chell, a di�etance
of 287 feet to a point nine (9) feet north of the aouth line of Tobin �venue; thencQ
P1. 0° 31' E. , parallel v.�ith the east line of Shattuck Street and nine (9) feet weat- '
erly therefrom, crossin� Tobin Avenue, Tillicum Avenue, Dixie Avenue and Commercial
o �
nc of ?33.6
�venue, � diatance of 806 feet to a .point; thence N. 60 33 E., a dist� e ,
feet to a point; thence P1. 70° 17 ' E. , a distance of 498 feet; thence S. 72° 37 ' E. ,
crossing the .lorthern Pacific Railway Co�►pany's ri�ht of way And track, ti'iiZlir�e Street
2lorth end YJells Street North, parallel crith t�e aoutherly line of Third hvenue Plorth
end nine (9) feet northerly of said. southerly line, e distance of 918 feet to a point; ��
thence S. 79° 50' E. , crossing Main Street North, a distance of 42 feet to a point; - ;
thence N. 89° 48' E. , parallsl with the south line of Third Avenue North and nine (9) #
feet north of said south line; crossing Pelly Avenue, �.ill Street North, Gardsn Avenue,
L:eadorr Street, Fectory Street , Railroad Avenue and rirht of rvay of Plewcastle BrancB of '
Pacific Coast Railroad Company, a distance of 2060.? feet to the sasterly City Li�ite
of the City of F?enton, snd acrosa any and all other atreets and F+eys intersocted or
crossed by said route whetrer h ereinbefare apecifically enumer�ted or not.
The said City of Renton furth or hereby granta to the said Cricago , buil-
v.��ukee &, St. Paul Railway Company, ita succeasors snd �ssigns� the right, p�Yv3le�e •
end autbority to locate, i3�ata11 and maintain all neceasery poles, anchors and guy ,,, `,',-
- . � ' '�..1�.. . . . , . , �
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ti:ires for the carrying und supporting of such povrer trensrnission wire� , said polesto ;
, C
be locpted, installed and maintained at the locations hereinefter mors pFrticulc�rly , �
. , �
descr�bed� �nd not elsewhere, . �' ` '
Section N. The s�id transmission wires shal� be carried ovsr nnd �long �
said pole line at pn elevation of not less 1�an tY�irty-four (34) feet nbove the sur-
face of the e�rth. The said pole line s�all consist of noles not less thpn eight
(Ej inches in diemeter at the top , aet at the locc�tions hereinaftsr described. They I
sh�ll, r��here necess�:ry, be securely guyed to anchors or guy stuba set in the ground� �
. �
Tne exact loce�tion of all poles, anchors end fixtures vrill be dependent on local con- r
ditions applyin� in e�,ch p�sticular loc�tion, end arrangements m�:de e.ith the oc�nera of
other v�ires so ns to prevent interference with same, and as agreed unon �rith the City '
Street Superintendent. Tho approximate l�cation of sll such poles �nd anc�ors shall
be es follo�a�s:
(a) Gne pole nine (9) feet e�at of west line of Shattuck Street snd 76.1 feet north °
of South City Limits; (b) 4ne pole nine (9) feet east of v�rest line of Sh�ttuck Strest �
�nd 301.1 feet north of South City Limits; (c) One pole nine (9) feet e�st q�west line �
of Sh�ttuc!: �treet and 597.1 feet north of South City Limits, said pole set'''�e�point
597.1 feet nort�� of Soutl� City Limits to be guyed to anchor buried in groun� on Q�est-
er13� side of Shsttuck Street and north of said pole; (dj One pole nine (9) feet eaet �
' of west line of Sha�tuck 5treet and 901.� feet north of Soflth City Li�its, being imme- �
diately contituous to the soutlierly right of way line of Pacific Co�.st Railroed Compcny. ;
�dhY �uID SOUTF: Or FOURTH kVENUE: (a) One pole nine (9; feet east of west line of r
Shattuck Street end immediately contiguous to the nortrerly ri�;ht of �;ay line of Pacific '
Co�.st Railrc��d Company, said pole to be guyed to anchor buried in ground on westerly
si�e of Shattuck Street end north of said pole, said pole te be also guyed to anchor �
set on privstely owned property westerly thereof. �
TtiTHU AVEcIUE �;21iu�E1�J SH�:TTUCF: STRE;ET Al`JD V�f-II'IVJORZH STREET: (aj Ono pole two (2j Yeet !
v:est of east line of alley in Block �ro (2) of Smithera' FiftY� Addition and one hundr9d �
aixty (160) feet south of south line of Fourth Av enue , said pole tc be guyed to anchor �
set cn easterl��erE:of on privetely owned property; (b) One pole t�ro (�j feet west of k
F.F.'S't line of alley in Block �vo (2) of Smithers' Fifth Addition and ten (10) feet south
of south line of Fqurth �venue; (c) One pole two (2j feet �vest of east line cf elley
ir. Block Gne (1) of Srnithers' Fifth Addition snd 532 feet south of north line of Third
�:venue; (d) Cne pole tvro (2) feet west of east line of alley in Block One (1) of S�nith- i
ers ' F�fth �:ddition and 382 feet south of north line of T���ird Avenue; (e) One pole taro �
(2) feet �restof eest line of a11ey in Block One (lj of S�.:itti�ers' Fifth Addition and 226 i
feet �outh of north line of Third Av enue. �
nine (9) feet vrest of east line of Shattuck Street and nine (9} feet north of south �
line of Tobin Avenue, said pole to be guyed to anchor buried in ground nine (9) feet '
north of south line of Tibin l�venue and 31 feet westerly of said pole; (b) Cne pole �
r.ine (9) feet v�est of east line of Shattuck Strest and 642.5 feet aout� of north line �
of Comn�ercial l�venue; (c� One pole nine (9) feet ��rost of east line of Sh�,ttuck Street `
attd 505.5 feet Aouth of nortr line of Commercisl Street; (d) b!ie pole nine (9) feet �
�;e�t oi east line of Shattuck Stre.et and 355.5 feet south of north line of Commercisl �
Street; (e) One pole nine (9) feet west of east line of Shattuck Street and 205.5 feet
sout� of north line of Co�mercial Street; (f) Ono pole nine (91 feet vrest of eest line
oi �hc�t�tuck Street extended north �nd 51,5 feet south of north line of Coinr.�erciFl Street.
E. I'i1 Z4iIRD AVEi1UE NORTFi; (a) One pole nine (9) feet eest of wrest'line of
'�ii1liF:ms StreEt Plortl� and nins (9) feet north of aoutherly line of Thir:? nvenue Plorth
er.tended westerly; (b) �vo poles, each nine (9) feet northerly of s�uthc>rly line of
_ : :�: ; , . -. .
, .
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- P;.
Third� Avenue Plorth; between �filli�s Street P.orth end ti'!ells Street Plorth; (c} Three t
poles, each nine (9) feet northerly of southerly line of T}��ird tivenue Plorth � bet�een i`�
liells Street Plorth an�' �ain Street Nort� , t�e pole near corner of Third 6venue :Iorth �
�.nd �:ain Street r;orth being guyed� to an- anchor set in ground ninP (9) feet er+st of the �
t:�est line of L:ain Street P�ortr approximetely 19.5 feet scuth of southerly line of
Third �veiiue tlorth; (d) Three poles , each nine (9) feet� north of south line of Third �
� nvenue PJorth between ��ain Street North and Pell Avenue the ole ne�r corner of Third
Y ► P �
tvenue I1oz•th�e.nd P�ain Street P1ortY� being guyed to an anc�or set in .ground r.ine (9) feet �
vest of eest line of ��in Street Plorth approx3m�toly 19.7 feet south of south line of '
^third Avenue :Iortt�; (e) �vo poles, each nine (9) feet north of south lina of Third Av- �
enue Plor•th� bet�een Pelly Avenue. Pnd Idill� Street Ptorth; (f) Three poles, each nine (9) feet :�;,
north of south line of Tt�ird Avenue Plortr, betwcen t�aill Street riorth and Garden Avenue; �
(o) Tv��o poles� each nine (9) feet noi�tYi of south line of Tr�ird Avenue Plortr, betv�een �;
GFrden Evenue and �:eado�•rStreet; (h) Two poles, eech nine (9) feet north of south line �'
I of Third Avenuo r3orth� between P�eadow S�treet �nd Factory Street; (i) Four poles, each I
nine 9 feet north of south line of Third Avenue P1ort� and Third pvenue rlorth extended •�
� ) �
betvreen Factory Straet �.nd right of way of Newcastle Branch of P�cific R�ilroad Company. ;
There being in Shattuck� Street, in the alley be.tvreen S1�attuck Street �nd j.
��hitoorth Street , in Shattuck Street North and in TY�ird �venus Nort�, a totel of thiri�- (
eiaht (38) �oles. �
Section 3. All poles shall be erectdd in a neat and rrork�anlike m::nner and �
set in the grounc� at such depth end so guyed as i;o prevent the dan�er of leaning or
fallin�, and �11 wires to be strung on eaid poles ahall be secured thereto , or to
cro�s-aru�s effixe� to said poles , in a safe, proper snd v�or�:manlike mEnner, end shall F'
be securoly insulated.
Section 4. The City of Renton srall retain the sa�e control of the streets,
alleys and ways in, along, acroes end over w�ich said pole tr�namisaion line mr.y be �
constructed , ond seid wires suspended, as over other streets end vrays, r.nd s'all have
such further control and police porrer over said structures as the l�rrs of the Stete of
�;t,shin�ton periuit, including �he ri�ht to requi.re t�e Rail���ay Company to mwe tre loca-
tion of any pole, at the expense of the Rail�ry�ay Co�pAny. The said City of Renton re-
se:��o� to itself the ri�ht to carry vrater pipe3� sewera and other conduits in snd along '
the sexd ways in, along, across , or ov er v�hich euch povaer transu�,i�siori lir.e extende, and
to construct , naintain and repnir such vaater pipes, aewers �ind other conduits. Such�
rights, houever, shall be so exercieed as to interfere sa little Fs pr� cticable with the� ,
po1P line to be constructed by the Railvray Co�pany es aforesaid, and so as to leave the r :
same in �:s good con�ition as prior to any exercise of such rights by the City, so far �
ae practicable.
Section 5. The grantee, ita successors and assi�ns� agrees to protact and �;
save hr�rmlesr t�e said City of Renton from �ll claims� demands and causes of action �
v;�ich may accrue to or be suffered by eaid City, or by any person or pPrsons by resson �
; ,
of the construction, mnintenance or operation of said electric po��er trcrismission line; i
�.nd in cr�se any suit shall be brought again�t the said City of T,?e::ton to recovEr dam- ;
��;es on account thereof, the said grantee , for itself� its succesaora snd asairns, ag- 6
rees that �t v,ill, and its successors end assi�ns shall, upon receiv in�� s;ritten notice .
" � � � -4-
::;� of said action, defend the eame at itg or their awn cost end expense, �nd in c�se juc�^�-
ment shall be rendered a�ainst said City in such �ction or suit� to s�tiefy sueh judg-
ment wit�in sixty (60) days after. such �ction or suit shall hay e been finall3 deter-
� mined, if determined �dversely to the City. :
t �ection 6. The ri�;hts, privileges and authoriz�y hereby grsnted, end all ben-
� ..
i efita thereof, shall be asai�nable by said Rail�aay Company, ite succe�sora or assi�ns ,
, ;
� � ��;; �s it or they may at any time see fit; Provided, hor�ever, that notice of any such es-
. _
� . _ _ .
, f`- ` .
� � - signment shall be filed with the City Clerk of s�id City.
�: . , _ •
� '� Section 7. The s�id rantee shall v,
��,�,- , �,_ _ __,__ , �ithin tY�irty (30) deys after the teking
� � ���� x�,.. . ,. i � . . . . . -�_.�__.._ ._
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'�r. rw� , � �, � � .. ' . �
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.r�� . � . . . ., � � ._� a � .. � � '
d �'�en�: � . . ' . : .. � . ;.
i,�� � 4 . : Section a; Providec�. tYiat , the �escri���ions specified . in this ordinance,
I�k,� . . � . .
���}` in c�se of a variance,shall canform ta the blue �rint filed this 4th,
,� � �
` ��''�j(� da� af June ,1918,by the Chica�,e,�iilwaukee bc St.Paul ��ailway Co. aai�
��� ,�<{ _ ,.
'I� x� ;'.� blue print being nu�bcred E..D. 1542.
( q ,t^
� �'� � '� .. ' � .
aY.yw �'fh+.{ � . ' . ' ,. .
/ � /
5.^'_,9 AP p r w e d Ju�S e �", 1918. /_�..,�. �.,� :
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C I T Y C L E R K . '
APPR(NED: AS i0 FORI'ri: �
�=�� �_ � � `�
C I T Y A ,T,T 0 A N E Y . 4`
Published June �__�/� 1918.
� � � t:;�. � � �. �
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$Y .. . . • T'� J " t+ Y ,f�f .L� �•.4k� . ' �
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� .- t.`:�, . _�.� ...,�.-. . . � �, . . , . , ..4 � .,.{<.
:�'�L���S, by Ord.inance �?o. 456, enti�led:- '���� 0'�.DIIyt�TSC.� ,;ranting
to the CHIC=s�O, :.:I1.`w�1nU�.�u �c Si. �nUL ��-�I�,'r��� CO?fa:P�I:�Y, its succes-
sors and assigns, tiie ri�ht, privilege nnd authorit� to cons�ruc�,
nain�ain and operate, in, �.long, �.cross a.nd over cert�,in public
�v�.ys �.nd streets in �he City of '�entan an elec�ric �o�rer tr�.ns�:is-
sion line, to�ether �n�ith the necessar;� poles, s�aires and other ap-
�urtena.nces, " the Cit�T of ?enton, a municip�.l �ar�ora�ion of
the ��a�e of "'�snin�ton, �;rantec� unto the said Ra.ilv�a�,� ;omp�.n�
�ertain ri�hts a.nd pxivile;es ; and,
�.'i�IEF��5, it was in �nd by said Ordinance provided �s follo�-rs;
"Section 7: - �he s�id grantee sh�.11, ��i�hin thirt�r (30) a�.ys
u.fter the ��.7�in� e�fec� af this ordin�.nce, file with �he �;leri� of
. + � � �, � �nd
.� - tnis ordin n�e
;,aid City of _.e�.�on it� �vritten accept�.nce of
oz a.11 �:'ne ter::�s ��nd conciitions thereof. In case such �rritten
accep��nce i� not filed as a�ores�.id, any and �.11 ri�n�s �r�.nte�
hereb� m�.y be for�eited, ende� �.nd deterr_nined. "' ---
ZdO:� `"�`�?�'RE�'O�E, the sa,id ��?IC�sQ , ..:I�1;ti�.J"�`�� � ai. �'w.:Tt.� �::1I1,':�'���'
Ct�?;��':�TTY does nereby accept sa.id Orciinance T?umber 456 a•nd �.11 of
the terms and conditions thereof.
IT�i ��IiT��S :��-IERI�Or', the said .?�ail-:ra.� �ornpwny i��s ca.used �nese '
preserlt� i,o be e�ecutecl in i�s n�.�.e b� its YTice ;�resident �.nd its
corporate se��l �o be hereunto �.�iixed, this �d�.� of �z� ,
�..�. 1918 .
. A . � � . �T• ^ . ..
CH I C�1G0, T��IT,�T.�U�� Rc S�. �.r�.UI� �til I�::.�1Y �0�.�.'�iI'.Y
� �� � � �
_.�__�� _,__ .�___,_
� Vice _�resic�en .
:��'�'r � .
�`� �� Secretar�.��
�hic���3 �ilwaukee & St. F'aul ]l�ailvvay ��t
Oflrice of the Secretary
Subject: ACCEPT���'CE '� OP,DINAhTCE #�56 CITY �F 1�ENTON
�'T�������'r�+�. °p "�y C,r�
is a>.b�a.;' ei�`a�s s> > �✓,d..G�o
C��y �le.�rk� .
Renton, Wash.
D�� e��;�
Herewith I hand yau executed origir� �.ccept-
ar.�:� �;y the C �I & St P Ry. Co. of Ordinanoe 56 passed
by the Gity of Renton, June 4, 1�18 grantin� to said
Rai3v�ay Gampany, authority to conatruct, ma.ir.tain ana
aperate in, alor.g, across and Qver- cer�a�ri publie��ys
�.nd streets in said Ci�y, an electric po�ver transmiss��n
lir.e, together �ith the neces�ary v�ires and otr:er a�pur-
lenances, which acce�t�.nce the Rail�ay Company desirea
to file in your office as praviaed in Section 7 of said
�Dr c�ir�ari c e. �
Lind1ST acY.no�ledge by first mail recei�t of
the �.��;e�t�.nce, and the date of th� f3lir.g of th� same
ir� yo�:r Qf�'ic�;
-- t.,.
V�r y i7�L11Sr� " "`'' i
A CFi J`S�
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�C�`?� n� � �n1y-rrT,���:�-�,.-1, ^.L�' �r'�1^��j ��T.
'Iv:� 0_ :�:.v-.__._._, -��--I.�_
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i��_ _ __ .._ .�_..__ ..1 _. ,.. . . . ...__ ..„ -... `-- t'- . .._� _ .
�O'� d.3'� $E;:r1S'a„� . _.._ . C'r'' tj�1J..�' i7� ��;'��� �.iCct`r� _�__.:e.i-.'t.P��
�t,, �a-1 ��. '-�acific �'ailrcad. ''o:�r,an� assior?�. ta =uget Sourrcl Po�rer
r. �i�-i�t Co��anF� 2, i`2.S$3Ci117_SCt�S cornorati��� all ri�nts �n�er the
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