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ORD 0459
w r � � M1 ` .�J� . � ', � - - rY ■ ' .. j J (! ' � � a - -� I� � �_�}J.�'(;�.i?.=:!;(:E'. �,_.:' . 1 _ � � _. o-r�zinai�ce to pr�;r�.nL ;;�r��,?•:,> :�ers�.�U .��� t':;: �i�:;� �x �::��t��l, ,,..,c, ,� �:: ,;rsic�.lJ.y fit t� perfo�n sor�e useful �er�*ice, fro� re��,inin� i�' , I :�:aring the perio�3 of t�xe war,��rovtidin� �, penalty ai�d decl�,rin� a�� � ... ��ncy. "`��R^a�, it is essenti,�,7. �nd necess�,r�- for the �rotecti�n and - - . ' '",��.r� of t��ie city o�' F�enten, t'�e S�ate of �"�'ashi�;,ton and the Uni- _,._ "v �,t::�s ��' A.-�er:�c�,,bec�,use of the exist�nce of a state af �var �;: �vhich txie United States is nor� enbaged that �ll t'r�ings i;�::-:_:�'�� : be done to a,id the nati�n i� the pre�en� crisis ,no�r ��':erefor�, ..- _" ^tT�' COUs��CIL �F THT� CZ'rY OF l�ItirTtJit �fl 4Ft�AS?? AS FOL.LO�;r a: >ectic�fl I. That it sh�ll be unla,�aful during the period of tlze _, � , �'�r any r.�al� pe.rs�� in th� cit� of Rentor�,?vha is physically :"m� t� yo�;rfo� so:�e us�ful ser�i�e t� re�.ai� idle.-�.nd al.l sucn per� >,�ns shal�. during such peri��d b�; nabitually and re�u�arly en�a;,- ' _ �_ so�e ����c� la�vful ,�seful and reco�nized bu�iness,�r.o�essiar � . :,;upata.on, trade o.� emp�y��nt ,and any nerson refusing to b�� -. .. �I ;�'.o��ed shall. be de�:�ed �vu�ltjr of a violation �f thi,s ordin�z��<. � I� :�'�:-�17. upon conviction t��$7'80:f' in t'ne Poli.ce Court,:�e �uni:�he� by -� fine not exceedi.ng <'.T0�.�7��� or by i�npr.isoxL�nent in t'�e ci.t�r �,�_Wxaa ' ; �.��.". fo� �, period not exceedin�, thre� �ont�zs , ar �;� �o r�� �uch fis�f� ' � �. �.�a� �:;�d i��pra.so�vnent. In no c�,se s:nall the 17:��sL���:�,_�_ ot; ,�`' ��o�����:�J3'0,:: = erty or incora� �ufaica.��nt to sup�ort h�.�:i.,f�lf t�,;�4� t,h�;:: ���;���J.ar�w- dep�ndinJ uyoo�-: hir�z �e �. d�fens� U� �n;l .:�?'osec�ti;,B ;�� ,ax:. ��, :; � :_ .� a�:. ai zlan c�> �' 7�C.v.f.:}lj i�i• T11 AZJ t:c:f,..".'..� ±J.�ij�:�,�J.. i/ilfi v1:.ir.Lu`1 :31 61-iiV =w,li�ir�:'i�'s�l. :��l. .•+.�.._ I ina.��ility to obtain cv�rk or emplo�ent be a �.ef.�nse t� a pr. osem '� , .- cuti.�n hereunder unless it sh�.Il be proved t��at the accused pror.11�`: � ly notifi�� t�e Cnief of Police of the Cit;� of '�enton of hi � � ��ya bility to obtain empl�y:�ent and rea,�ested t��at .,ror�s or eznp�. ,?;;°>_:,::r:'; be found for hiz� �,na t�at sucn emplo;,lment «•�,;� not fi.zr�i �hee� �zirr:_� - shall hold a certifi� _ `' ' '"`_ " _ _ �~� ` _ �... _ ' - n;z.l'I';?`1 7^��cs ��_nn �n�:" : M � � ' � , � v ��'::,lr',�'�.�`_�.�._�.�. :� :}: i 1�t'i�. �?'uZ rS�'t='r,;,` � ��' r. ,• . . �� �� � Y '. !� . '. .' �! Z lr• �'V.�.1�+L.�._�o �..1 v � ..W ' . �-f -'"� r i a v ��1 J.�i t�.�,�. .A .�.w..?. ./� ..J.l fw t�� e _ � -.i�t�s .� �t�i v-.a � l :.,�, .i.i, 4. ....� er any p�rson shall. inforul him of hi s inability to obtain empl��y- :�ent �.s afo�esaid tn xegister f�rt:n.witl�i t�ie name of such person in his office, toget��er with hi�, address, �,�e and any otner information �.-'�icri h� may deem necess�ry. The Chief of Police sh��,11. thereupoz� -. , : � __ _ >:.,;�i�n�3, such ;oer��n to occu�ations a5 ., _ .�� :. _ , w- � Gi�y �f �enton,by tlze State of s�'ashi�,�,- '::��,1 or any county or mur�icipalitJ thereof��r b3� ��rivate empl :��. .: �' ,::z�a�;ed in a�;ricultural , industxial or ot�er nccupation of t'�.�� I .;'�ara�ter �,bove mentioned and �ho accept the >er.vice of s�ac�z j�. �:` ..� �0 s I ,:rovided,hovqevex, that no person shall be rec�uired to work und�;:°° i x,:•+zis ordinance any greater nuraber of hours per �ay than la�*fui.i�r �, �v;::-x;itute a days work, r�.3r for �. �es> Yvaue tlla�n is co�monly pai ._ „ �?; �..�.e ocaup�.tion in ti4�hi��h sucn person tnay �n5a�;e. '1'he appyican-. �, ���� ' " " �., °.,:,--�;,,has �h�ice of positi��ns t^rher. :� I � � � �..� .��� �_ ,. �, v�'` 4�`�*�"2_�e,e, �t.0 . . .._ e .��. � _ _ _. ;.� � .. . .. ...... �. . . �.�use to accept wor.� ,tiariere a ;��:o;;ress. Iri t;1e evezi� of tr:e Chi�f of Police being unab].e ' ,w ::�. �ure employment fo.r suc:h p�rsons ap�lyin� as a�o�esai�,it sl: . " � �.:�:en be the duty of said Chic:f of Police to so certify ta sucYl l;:�xsons in �nritin�. ruch certificate shall exempt tl�e a,pplicant fror,� pr�,.�ecution ur7der t�zis or�.inance for a perind of three day�� , a ,� _ .e _ � ._ , �- ., a ,_ . .. , ...._ _ � � --- t .. _ �..., . y y . .�.., . . . , � , _ . _ . . ._ :.�, ,. ��, �.. , i � , � �- , �. _ � ,, „. _, . . - .., _ ,., _ ,w..... ._ _. : .. . ,...t. y .A, . ._ �,-... _ ,.. _ , . ... .�.. ._. _ , ..,.. . ... ,. .. y _ .?.-�.r7.y employed ���it:�in the raeanin� of the term� of thi�� o_rdi�<..:- - :� y '��cti�n 4. �ny p�rsan faili�� � or �a���a�a�x��.x�� r�-".F _:� i:�� to d.o or to contin�te to cio, t�ze ��ork assigned to him,or vrho, � �':�e meanv�hile has not beco�e re�ularly and continuously ernpl�.,,-; .- ' �.n some la�vful ,��seful and reeo;;nize� busi�ess, occupation, trac�� �:s �roffessi�n o� employment a� afores�,id, sh�.1.]_ be guilt3r o�' ��. v`� ° .-�-. '�:.�n of tha� o:�dinance and upon ^onvi c�:ion tr.er�of sh�,ll �a,y a f:� : . - ,. . _ - ,r<. ,�;a� :s� �., _ - �� _i. ., ., _ , a _ -� -,� _ _ . . . _�. v. . � ._... ,. .. _ .�� �, ,: ,, � �- �.�-: .., �; . _..�. ... _ .,� ._.,, . _ � ... . � , �.. _. w�:� _.. ... ,, , , .. ... . _ _ v � `�ec�.ion �. In assigning any one to vrork t�e G'hief of Polir,e si��,'.�' , , . . w < . �- . , , , • 4 _ . ` � 'r - ,,� z :�i^ - .r� .,; � .�_ . . ca ,�a_...;�_ �..v._..�.�."'. :..,.� . .._..-. y_", ..m.«,..-.... -- ...s.. I'' � � ._..;Z�3.'�'`��:��14G`.��1� k�;��Ot;t i��3,`L� �ii �L�;''TL� �:�.:1.;'v:i J:' 4iii; ��C.i '._Uii :�t) �.i.a:�:.�.:.�:;:�, rection �. It shal]. b� the �uty of e�ery :��ember of tlie Police � 1'���e to seek and to contir�ue to �eer dilligently the n�nes and ��l�.ces of re~idence� of able bodied male persons � �*�it'riin t�ie ��# ^ity of I�enton not re�ula,rly and continu�:�.:ly �m�loyed �,s herein r•<;c��ai red. �ect�on 7. The provisians of t��is orainanc� sh�,ll not �,pply t� ��c:rsons ter�poraril.y unemployed by r�ason of �.iffer�nce jvit'ri their �:l��l�yer.s ,nor to b�n�, fide students durin� tlie scia�aol term, nor to ;�;=���sons fit�in� tJiet, ��lve� to en��.�s in trade �r industri�.l purs�ait.�, p � ��:��ed �ix�� �;::",;;� j�' , I9I8. � � �pproved Ju��,* �,��� T�IB. /�` �����., _ . Attcut :';.tr�r �!�a;-�; ��.�.��'k. ���� -� C1---b Gv ��'�z2< �I ����� ���� �— � ��t/" � j i� ._.. -...... . . . .-,... . .. .. . . . . , , _ ... . . 'I . � . � . •.�., '.�....' � ..__a�.-._.-.�� 4 � . .. . . . � . . .`. ' \ . .i�'W � II � . . �+'�. . . . . ' . . � ,.r,_..-�.,...��.....�.-^-- —..._.--' . . � . . . J . __ . . .. - . � I ..a� .,�,".'o.=� t?'+ , , �y. .. . .,_c,•-r-''"� . . � -- � � . ��'.f" t �/ �f-� _..� � - �.�.,� �� . _, � , .�- . _ � . . . .,. ~ , .�;�_ -��..c,...�-�.__ �.+ I f ;ij .��I.•.. f .. . . f l.� J' . . . . . i ��`Z . t �. / �,'�v � < '�r� Y�.� ; - r�-- �,x � , _ � ' �. L _ - - � _ ,� 1 , t��:�"v,�," • F� .' 1 _ ,�.�.�_�' �� ` ._� � � �J` ',"..o".-c . ' . .. . , . . . . .. , . MT" . . .�s+�sp<..,.... . . � . . . � . , . , r. ' . , . . � -�. i .:_ - _' . F-" _, � .. � . . � . . � . . ' _/F . . ' . . � / % � � i �. � z// �