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(Improvement Ordinance Bond Form.j
OR.DINANCE N0. .. .. ........._
Y�Vhhitworth Street from the stx�eet p�.vin�; on TYiird A.venue ta the
�`oxth line of �'ourth Avenue, in the City of Renton,Washin�ton
Grading the sar,ie ;and paving the same with monolithic brick pa,ve-
ment ,as descr3bed in En�ineer's data,on f31e herein
. ,
�11 in accordance ��ith he�olntion \o. 24�._.__. of the Citv Council o� the City of Renton, creatin�; a local
improve.ment clistrict therefor, and providin� that payment for said i�nprovement be inade by speeial assess-
ments ttpon property in saicl c�istriet payable bv the inode of "Yayment by Bonc�s."
5ection 1: �1�,� that V7hitworth Street from the pavir�g on Third Av-
r���� to the North line of Fourth Avenue,in the City of Renton,'Nash-
xr.�ton,be improved by Grading the same,and paving the sr�me with
��onolithic brick �xiAg pavement _ The paving to ext��d Io feet an
�ach side of the center line of safd �hitworth street-In all 20
feet in width.
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and that such other «-o�°l: be doue as u�ay be tiecessar� iu eo>>nection there��ith, �c,cordin�� to tlie plans an�l
speeifieations tlierefor preparec� tmder the clireetion of the C�1�> l+:n�ineer and oil f�le in the offiee of the City
��1�rk. �.���� said plans and specifa�atiens �,rE here�y e�pr�$�ly
Section 2: '1"hat the cost and espense of saic� improvement, inchidina all necessary antl incidental e��-
pez�ses, shall be borne by and assessed against the property inclucle�l in the assess�nent district herein�lfter
created in accordance �ith law. The C�ity of Renton s tiall not be liable in any inanner for any portion of the
c�ost �nc� expense of saic� �n�provement, �����eK�7p]t��,
Section 3: That tllere is hereb,y� est�ablished a loeal iinprove�r�ent district to be c��11ed "Local I�upro�e- �
inent District \o. �� ___," �hich said district is described as follo«s: �
"�ll the prope bet��*een the termirii of sai�cl improvement abnttin� upon, adja�cent, vicinal or proai-
mate to such portion of said streets and avenues to a distance back from the marginal lines thereof, as pro-
�-ided by la�v."
Sectioii 4: Bonds bearing interest at the rate of .___._.7.._____ per cent. per �auuum payable on or before
___f].Ve_____ years froni the date of issnance shall be issued in payment of the cost anc� expense of this �
improvement, which bonds sliall ue redeemed by the collection of special assessments to be levied and assesse�d �
npon the property within said distriet, payable �n ___f.t1�'_e�____ equal annual installments with interest at the
rate of _...___.._.7._________ per cent. per anilmi� nnder the mode of "Payment by I3onds," as defined by la�v ancd tii�
c�harter and ordinances of the City of R�enton. These bonds shall be delivered to the contractor in redemption
of warrants on the Local Irriprovement District Fund issned on estimates of the City E�n�ineer, or the City �
of Renton n1ay, at its election, sell said boncls and make stich redemption in cash.
Section 5: '1`hie orclinance shall be in fuli force and effect five (5) days froni a�nd after its passaae, !
� <lpproval and legal publication. �
�pprovecl this ---oE�--.---.--. day of -- ---.-- '
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� City Clerk.
D�te o� first publication _.rX�7�..��-�--�-=/---�(-�-�'r-