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� ' � (Improvement Ordinance Bond Form.) �
ORDINANCE N0.�_ __�_._
SrT. tlir;.�j.- y_ C'.�. ., ,�2. {'.. v . A� �,. _ ..�� r.. .,. �l. �.... ..� F,_�C: ��' ;.�V,r1,i..,.. `.}'__i mli? ."� i��Sr`f:_....t`��
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- , , :xe nortn ?ire �f Fo'.arti� r�VE:r�i�::-uRJ Graci�n� a.r.d p�.;rir,g the �ame
' 1`.'��noli t�ii c �'ri cl<; o r cement(the paveMent to be 24 feet between
��•��.�-:-.�) , to�etY�er �V�.t�"f S7 �f'11�;z�1:^ s c`l,l'1C� �.11. �t?��er necessary vro��k��con-
(i�i's<>:��.�a�r��_����o������������_��CR�X�'3����c�#����'�i�r�����4��#ef��� �
°�;���ior. trr:r��Y���.
all in accord��uce ��-ith Iiesolntiun �o. <:'�;,;_____ of the Citv Council c�f tlte Cit,y of It�entoi�, ci•extiu��� a locai
iniprovement diatrict tlterefor, and providing that paynient for said iinproveinent be made by special �sses5-
nients tipon property in said c�istrict payRble bp tlie �node of '`Yayment by Ponds."
���etion 1: Th��t e�'nit�►ortl�. Str�et frala� tl�_e sautY: line of tY�.e pav�,ng
��r� Third Avenue to the north lin���;����rth Avenue be improved by
�radin�;-And pavin� the same wi� �n ric�k or concrete, on �, proner
+�oncrete base, together with sidFw�„1ks,��x�.��x��ffix�a�aB���x�cx4e�xk
(�n5cr.t;:�tr�t'ts �3x'.�}c�rt.io�is_�hc�rc:qf -tc� be i�tipr�ved)r�?e ixn�rt'o;�-ecl k��- (��ecifyita,' r»�t�ir�., ot,ialip�c�z�enletit)
and that such other «�orli be �lone as u�ay be necessary in connection therewitli, according to the pla,ns and
specifications �herefor pi�epared under the direction of the City Enaineer and on file in the office of the City
Section 2: �lhat the cost and espense of said improaement; including �11 necessary ancl inci�ental es-
penses, shall be borne by ancl assessed aaainst the prol�erty includecl in the assessment district hereinafter
createc� in accordance «=ith law. The City of Renton shall not be liable in any mannes for any portion of the
cost and expense of said improvernent,��a�'�����t-���"a��.���c�et:t:�:
(iuSeit�at�ral���rri�rft;.prc���ist�i��r �ontrrblition trorn tl�e Gen��ra)'.�i�:��1, if:<�.�)
Section 3: 'I`hnt here is herebti� established a local in�pro���i7�ent district to b� calle 1 '`Loc�ll Improve-
_ ment District \ra ��____," which said district is described as �ollows:
"�ll the prope t between the teriuini of sai�cl improvement abnttinb upon, adjacent, vicinal or prosi-
� mate to stich portion of said street � to a distance back from the mar�inal lines thereof, as pro-
�-idec� by la�v."
Section 4: Bonc�s bearing interest at the r�te of�%_.__ per cent. per annum payable on or befoie ��
.__.f_�__..__ years from the date of issuance shall be issued in payi�nent of the cost and espense� of this
improvement, which bonds shall be redeemed by the collection of special assessments to be levied a�nd assesse�d
upon the property within saicl district, payable in ___._�.�___________ equal annual installments with interest at the
rate of . _ per cent. per annum under the mode of "Payment by Bonc�s," as defined by law and the �
charter an�d�dinances of the City of Renton. These bonds shall be delivered to the contractor in redemption
of tivarrants on the L�ocal Improvement District Fund issued on estimates of the City Engineer, or the City I
of R�enton may, zlt its election, sell said bonds and mal�e such redemption in cash.
Section � � T'hie ordinance shall be in full force and efie�et five (5) days from and after its passaae, �
approval anc le;al publication.
�pprove� this --- -�-- -- - day of -- - -K:t'��-!��'_..- •--- �---� 191�'- -• � !
, ,
�, ._------- - --------- •------• -----...-�--------- ----•---------- - - ---� -- -- -�-
I'assecl this ......._-�.- -- -•- �--. day of -- .... .. � �- - -.-.._._, 191,''_
-- ... -�-- - �-- �� --� �� -r--- •---------..
' - -- � -- �-- - ._..
� Ci�y Clerk.
Date of first publication .. ...........--_......._---...-----_.---_.--,------._..-----
I Secti�r: 5 . �'Jhen calling for bi&s��-'?'� � 7� ti1':..� �:� -.��.,.:..1 �I��,`���fy .
That tYie,� bidder� ahall be requested to state in their ofier�
� the arount for which trey will pave tr:e street portion with mono-
V lithic brick--and also tY�e amount for which they will pane the
street portion with cement;
\ A_lfio the amount for �vhich a��r��a���a���xs����.s they will
construct cement sidewalke, �
And the city council shall ,upon opening bids, decide which material
t:n use--
?�r;c�rvin� t'r:� right tc: reject all �bids