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(Improvement Ordinance Rond For�n.;
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AP� I 3 1�20 � ,4� .,
ORDINANCE N0. �''""r'�`.�.__..
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� �iill Street in the original town(novr city) of Renton,Washington,
by construc�ing concret� sidewalks in front of and a7.ong the
followin� named lot� a,butting upon sa,id street to wit�
_ �-:Lots�even, ei�ht, �
nine arad ten af block elegen--Zot� elevera, twelv`e,��� tYiirt�en
�- fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eigh�een and nin��een of
(3����c.�x��d � ��x�����"i��;��a�r����cxa�xiaa�����c �
of block ten--I.ots five, �ix and s�;Yen of block t�o
l � T , , �
a 1 in accordance with Resolution �o. __�5_3.__.. of the Citv Coun�il �i'f tl�� ('it}- of I,ent��n. crc�atin� u ]oc�ll ,
improvement district therefor, and providina that pa��nient for sai�l iniproveinent be niade b�- special <l�>��s,-
�nents npon propert� in said distriet pa�-�lble bti- the rLo�3e nf "P�i�-�i�nt b�� t��>n���."
5e�tion i: 'rh��t 1U1z11 �treet , in the �riginal to�rn (now city) of_ Renton,
�lashington,be imgrnved by construata.n{, concret� sidev�ralka ( six
feet in widtn) in fs�ont of and along the follo�ving named lots
abutting upon �aid street to v�it ;
��_ �,f�_��_�+�, �v��.�. �-..�,.��,e�,.,�.m ,_, --I.ots seven, eight,nine
and ten of block o eleven--Lots eleven, tw�lve, thirteen,�
fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen and nineteen of black I
(���c�� x���x�x�� � �s�x��x���.������ae���
ten-rI,ot� five,�� six and seven of block two--
and that such other �vork be clon� as �nay be necessary in connection there«•ith, accordin� to the plans and
specifications tlierefor prepared under the direction of the City F.n,•ineer and oii file �n the office of the Cit3-
�1erk.�llich said pians and specifications are hereby e�ress3y approved.
Section 2: T'hat the cost and expense of said improvei��ient, inchzdinn all necessary an�l incidental eY- �
penses, shall be borne by and assessed against the property includet� iri the �tssessrnent clistrict herein�fter
created in accordance with la�v. The City of Renton shall iiot Ue liable in an�� in�inner for any portion of the
cost and egpense of said improvement, escept as herein proviaed.
i� ������c����9��§���'���'��:
Seetion 3: Th�� here is hereby est�blisbeci a loeal improveinent c3istrict to be calied "Loeal Improl�e-
ment District No. _ �.__," ��hich said district is described as follows: �
"All the property between the termini of said improvement �ibnttiii�; upoii, ac�jacent, vicin�l or pro�i-
mate to sueh portion of said streets and avenues to a distance back fron�i the niarg�inal lines thereof, as pro- � �
eided by la�v." .
Sec ion 4: Bonds bearing interest at the rate of .._�..._..._ per cent. per <�nnnm pa3�able on or before
-._______� years from the date of issuance shall be isSuec�� in payment of the cost and e�pense of this
- ------
improvement, �hich bonds shall be redeer�ecl by the co ection of special assessinents to be levied and assesse:d
upon t�he p�, erty ��ithin said district, pa�able in ____�__..__. equal annu�: iiistailrrients �-ifli interest �at tYie
rate of ______ ___.________ per eent. per aununi under the mode of 'Yayment b5r Bonds," as clefineci by lz��v and the
charter an ordina�nces of thc City of Rsnton. These bonds shall be delivered to the contractor in redemption
of warrants on the Local Improveinent District Fund issned on estimates of the City Enaineer, or the City �
of R�enton inay, at its election, sell said boncls and mal�e such redemption in cash. �
See�tion 5: This ordinance shall be in full force ancl effect five (�) da��s froin and after its passaa�e,
r���proval ancl leaal publication.
��Pproved thi� - �- --- -- -- -- �-- day of -- - ........ - -...- - - --- •---� 191-- --- -.
- - � - � -- -•- -- -•- -................... ... .•--•---._.._.....--� -._..----------- �
� 1layor.
' Passed this ............. �� �---.... day of - -�� �-�--� -..........._........., 191- -- - •
.........--�� --- ---- -� -�--�.............. ---- ...---- �----�--� �-- --�--�-- .....-- ---..
� City C1erk.
Date of first publication .. ......................................................�--�--�--------
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