HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0487 { " �r s a! i ��w.��� � . f (� ^� � I I} � " (Improvement Ordinance Bonc1 Form.) �, AFR 1 3 1g2Q ' ' _ - ,� ---------------------c�ty---v� , Cl�r.c I ORDINANCE NO. :-.---�_--.._.. � � ,�N ORpINANCE PR�nVIDI\G FOI3� THE I�Il'PO�'E�JII;A'C t)F '�1a21a Walla Avenue, in the original tov�m(no�r city) of Renton, `•�ashinton,by constructing concrete sidewalks in front of and �,long the foll.owing nam.ed lot and block abuttin� upon said Avenue to wit; Lot eleven in bloc�ten and block "A" ������'��n�s����xl�xi�x���e�;��x��e�d�xaaxocx�o��a€a�c� all in accordetnce �sith R�;solllti��n \o. ���__.____ of the City Coliz�cil oi tlie City of K�eiito��i. creaYin�; ,i locxl improveriient distriet theref.or, and providing that payrnent for said i�nprovement be made by special �ssess- rnents npon property in saicl ciistrict p�yable bp the mode of "P�ayment by Bonc�s." THE� CL'L'Y COG\CIL OF` '1''FIE CITY OF IZI:ATO\ DOF.S ORll�\I\ aS FOLLO�luS: �e�t�on l: �1'11:�t WaTla �alla Avenue , in the original town(nov�r city) of Renton,�Nashin�ton,be improved by constz-ucting concrete sidewalks (six fest a:n width) iri front of and along the foilowing named lot and block abutting upan saic� Avenue to wit; Z,ot eleven in block t�n and block "A" (��c��x�e�x�€a��xt3a���cba�x�xx���:�����;�x�x���3�����CSt������xx and that 5nch otlier «ork be done as rnay be necessary in connection therewitli, accordina to the plans and specifications therefor prepared under the direction of the Citv Ena�ineer and on file in the office of the City ��t�rk.��'nich saic� plans and specifieations are herEby expressly a��proved.. Section 2: '1'hat the cost and expense of said improvement, including all necessary an� incidental es- ��enses, sh�ll be borne by and assessec� a�ainst the property inciudecZ in the assessment district hereinafter �reated in accordance ��vith la«�. The City of Renton s hall ziot be liable in any� manner for any portion of the cost and expense of s�id improvement, except as herein �rovided. ;��i�t-�t�rr���:t-�--��r�n�n--��`rr�rrhimn-frrzrrr t�re�er�r�l-�rrt�cl--it-�r-�-} Sectiou :3: '1'h�> >cr�� i� hereb� est�hlished a lo���al �mprol-eiueut tlistrict to l�e ceill�d "I.oc<ll Iiuprove- ment District \a �� __.," �.�-hich said district is deseribed as follo���s: "r�l] the prope ty betwe�n the terrnini of sai�d improvement �ibnttin�; iipon, adj�cent, vicinal or prosi- inate to such portion of said streets and avenues to a c�istance bacl: irorn the �uar,��in�31 lines thereof, as pro- vided by la�v." Sec ion 4: I3onds beariub interest at the rate of. ___._�.�. ..____ per cerit, per anr�tun �ayable on or before .____.._� years from the date of isstlance shall be issued in payment of the eost and expense of this ------ -- iuiprovement, which bonds sh�ll be redeemecl by the co tion of special assessnlents to be levied and assesse�ci npon the proper within said district, payable in .______.�_.____ ec�ual annual installments with interest �at the rate of __________ �._____ per cent. per annum under the inode of "Payment by Bonds,'•' as cZefined by law ancl the charter and or�inances of the City of Rsnton. These bonds shall be deliverecl to the contractor in redemption of warrants on the Local Irnprovement District Fund issned on estimates of the City E�n�ineer, or the Cit3> of Renton ma�>, at its election, sell said bonds and make such redemption in cash. Section 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and -effect five (5) da�-s froi�i �nd after its passa�e, ap��roval and le�al publication. ,lppro�ec1 this ----'�__..------.----- day of _ -- ...---- , _ . _..---•---•---, 19�eG_. - �---- - -..--------.._ --..._ -- _._... ___. __ .- -- - -- -- --- �� lIayor. Passed this .....- �. .._..__.... day of --...��Z�Z�!f.. - - � �- > 19'��:�--• � -�- -- ...---•--•--�-- � - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - Citv Clet�li. Date of $rst publication _. ��..�_G=�:� �'� — ���--�_________ �._...�..... -- � -- - .-�.,-- .