HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0472 __,-___�.. _ . T Orc�inance,Y�i.47�. ' `�4= '"� � tti t� I I � �.-�:r�-- !�;r. �r3ci_nanee �:��°c��y�i�r� ac�r• tyle improvement �f' t?�.e p^operty within tha fcllowing described area,to-w.it :�-al1 that real j�ro��rt,�� situatec� in the City of Renton,Court� cf K:�.ng,State of �9ashin.gton,bovndedand more p:e�°? � � cularl� described as folloes :- "Beginning at �he Southwest corner of C.H.Adsit Lake "�ashin�ton Pla: �, rection Seve� (7) ,Township T�:enty-Three {23)North, Range P�.ve(5) East ; �hence north no degrees,sixteen(I6}minutes arest,I'ourteen Hundred and i>}��;�_�;y �I�20s }feet to place of beginning;thence continuing north no de�.rees, �'ixtPen{I6)r�inu�,�s 'uest,Fift�en Hundred �r�-r� �':�?�,t .,�-�':^T�� ,�Y,c? fc���x�-{.�=^� ..: �Io�4.4 ' )feet to the inner harbor lin�a as sh�wn on map.No.E of ?�ke : wash- = ington Share Lands "Renton Secti�n",bearing date I9I4,now on file in the Office of the City Cl�rk of the City o.f Renton,t�tashin�ton;thence north r�3nety (90)degrees east along said inner harbor line Two Hundred and Thirty- peight (238 ' )feet, ;thence'�orth Forty-five (45)degrees,Forty-five(45)minutes east along said inner harbor line Ten Hundred and ninet,;; (I090 ' )feet; • �,hence soutY� Thirt,een(I3}degrees,Te�enty-nine (29)minutes east,Nine Hundred , �nd Fi�h#,y-faur(984 ' )feet;thence south Forty-ty4ree (43)de�rees,f. i�►e (57 Minutes west,Eighteen Hundred. Sixty(I860' )fee* to place of beginning,except- ', ing #,herefrom such property as r�ay now lie �.bove an elevation of three(3) i feet above the lawered elevation of Lake �'ashington at the reguZated level of twent�-#'�ve (25? feet above extremel Io� water af Pu�et Sound"aIJ. in accordance with Re�olutf.on N0. 50I of tize Git.y Counci� of the Ci�,y �f P.enton; �ai;i improvement ta be known and is hereby ipff�,c,i��l.y cieeigna#.ecl as" Sanitary Fill No.I";creating a local improvement ��istrict therefor, and �r�viding that p�.Srment for said improvement be made by s�ecial assessment upon the property in said district, payable by t�e mode of "�'�ymen� be� Bonds: The City Gounci� of the City of henton do ord�ir. as follow�: � � . Sec .I.That the propert,�C wit�?in the following described area,t�w:viL .- � "Beginni*�g at the Southwest c�aner of C.H.Adsi� La.ke `:�Iashingt,on Pl.at in Sectior� (?) ,Tov�nsiiiP Twenty-three (23)Nortn,Range F'ive (5) Ezst; thence nox��,n no d.�Jrees,Sixteer..(I6)minutes west,Fourteen Hundred ar.d Twenty(I420 ` )fevt � to nlace of be��.nnin�;thence continuing north no degrees ,Sixteen(I6) min� ,ate� �vAst,�ifteen I�undred and �;ighty-four and Fou.r-tenths (I584.4 ' )feet ' to the inner harbor line as ehoan on ma.p.No.6 of Lake �'�ashington �hore L��nds ' "Renton Section°t ,�earin�; date I9I4,nova on file in the off'ice of the Ct�tJ ` �lerk° of the Cit}T of Renton,?�'as$ington;thence nortn ninety (90)degrees east �lor� said inner harbor line "'wo Hunclred and Thirty-ei�ht (238 ' )feet ;thence nortn �orty-five (45)d�grees,Fort,y-fitTe (45)minutes eas� along said inner harbor Iine Ten Humdred and Ninety(I090 ' )feet ;thence south ThirtPen(I3) degrees,Twenty-::ire (29)minutas east,?Vzne Hundred ar:d Ei�hty-.four(984 ` )feet ; i t:-�enc�� south Forty-three (43)d��r�=:s ,�'i.ve (5)minutes west ,Fighteen Hundreci Sixty(Ir�60 ' ?feet to place �f be�innin�,excej tir�, tl:erefrom such propert�T �u� :�ay now lie abovP an elevatian of threo (3)feet�bove the lo�ered eleva� �.���� �f Lake !htasnin�Lnn at the regulated leve2 of' t�venty-five (25�feet aboe=�� exvreme low �r�tex of Ptiget Sc�un�",be im�r�ved by fil?in� the saine as a sanitary meaaure,to an elavation of approximai.ely �,izree(3)feet abov� ti.e io�uerr�d elev�tion of Lake suasning�on at the regul�.ted level of teenty-ff��t� I ;; �5)feet above extreme low water of Pli�et Sound,together w��tn such b�alk.. °;���.i.ng as maSl be necessary ta ratain such fill on private property,and �,r:at a7.7_ such ei,!�er work be �one as may be incidental t,hereto or neccesary $ . connec�ion therewith,according to the plans and specif. ications theref'ox9� �s��pared under the direction of the City Engineer of said Cit� and now on �'ile in the office of thP City Clerk;said irnprovement to be and hereb�T � �, �fficially des�.gnated as "Sanitary Fi7.l No.I ". 7�;; . 2.That included in and as a part of said fill and ir�provement is tha i�llov�in� described st��ePt to-ssit : � "That c�rtain unnamed street,being an extention of Railroad Avenue i�a �dsit� �,�ke �'ashington �Iat a� des�ribed and set forth in that certain deed beari:�:g _d��.t�c; ira.rch 4,I�895,executed by C .H.Adsit,Kin� Cca�ani.j�s�ashington,recerde�� ir ':r��ur�ie Fi�ht (8)of Road Book page 269,�ec�rds o1 �he County of King,j�ash- • i��ton,bein� kno�vn as Road No.376,and ths exter.�:�on of the sane ov?b �.��� ��cress the shore-lands To the inner harbor line . " ;ec .3. That a11 th.� cost and. expense of said improvement ,includin� �n� ��reet mentioned in Sect,ion 2 hereof, and all necessary �.nd incident�'� pxpenses ,and all other expensPs and c�sts pro�aided by Iaw,shall bP b�r�t.� s:��ely by�nd assessed against the pro�erty included in the assessmer_t d�strict hereinafter created in accordance with the laws of the State o� �,R�ashin�ton. Tne City of Renton sha�?1 not be liable in any manner or in any e��ent for t;he coat and expense of $�id improvement, or any portion there�f, ��cept as herein expressly provided. Se� .4. That ther� is hereby createa� and established a local improvement t�si.strict to be known and ca7_led"Filling District Ido.i", which said district, is described as follows :- ^11 the property f�und by the City C3uncil af Renton to require such fil�. �s a sanit,ar�r meas�are ,which property is described in >ec#,ion �:�e (I }of �,�7�:� 'J f'�.i_`l c'��'>�..� . �I� a- �i;�t:,�.�'�;�Ci :�?"i :"t�Y�; 's'e�r'r�sj �"` �6�" �ri:iinar�:;�s N��'7>. ����n# ��i�:� �.�`_:.� ,� S�c, 5. Bonds be�ring interest at the rate of ix per� cent (�)per annur�, payai�le on or bef�re twelve (I?)�ears from the date of issuance shall bo is�ued in payment of the cost and expense of this improvement,which bonds a��11 be redeemed by the collection of special assessments t� be levied �nd assessed upon the �roperty in said district, pa.yable in ten(i0)equal ;; ,: ::: 8.ya ��stallr�ents, with interest at the ratP of "s.i� per cent (�per annum, ��nder the mode of "Payment by Bonds" as c.�efined by 1aw and tre ordin�nces :�? the Cityr of Res�ton. That bonds shall be delivered to the contractor in redemption of warrants on tre local improvemer_t district fund,issued o�. estimates of the City Engineer, or the City of Pen��n may, �.t its e?�cu�����, sell said bonds and make such redemption in cash. i Sec ,S. This ordinance shall take effect and be in fores ii,v� (5)days f�•;��u '� and after its passage ,approva.t and legal ���blicatian. Passed the Cit�; Council this 4t,h day of hovember I9I8,arid s��n�d by rne irA open session � in authentieati�n of its passa�e th3s 4th day of Nov.I9IJ. �'m.Tonkin. Pdavr�r� oY �:�1? vi�,Y ��` �:�ri+.�si�. ' 3�Pr�v�� b�• >n� tr�is 4th c�€�� of T:�vember,I9I� '�'„, ;y, s a ::a• �iZ i'�1.Yl a :r�;,a�r oa t.±�e Ci��T a1" �:��.n�on. _�Ai Filed by i�� i�ii� ��h d�y c�: ?'�ovember�,I3T9 �M. •J.:��i.�!.�i am S . -- Cle�rk Qf the City �f Renton. th Published on t?ie 7th and I4hdays of Nov�mber,I8I9. Stat� of �fiashington} � I �s I �caunta� of I�in�� a t`;�'.J.'��'i:1.=i i�n1�,Cit�T Clerk and i3� for the Cit;� of' �:�n�,�t�, ' `:j�`asl�ington,do ��ere�y certify +.,hat the foregoin� is a true and correct copy of c�t��ir._��a�z� �a�a.�-?-=,�f the City of Renton, as it appear4 on fi.le in m5T c�ff��� ,�-.a �:cJ fu�^L"+_,�r certify that the same ha.s been published �.ccording , to law, In witness whereof I have rereunto se+� my hand �nd affiked the � I S�.u�. ;3d' ��"'.� C7.�vi C�i ��21�C�t?� �r��S '�i.�'. ��;y �';� T;'3`r�:?!�y�.'� r.�'t�;�. ��- T� � �� s ____.�.� �� ��� ������s e �