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' ` (Improve�nent Qrdintit�ce--Iinl»���1i�te I'���-�n��r�r 1�'�,7•ni.`��� 'I
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ORDINANCE NO. ._.._'"�,..`;;. . �`.
:�\ ()PDI\�1\CE PP�OtiTDI\G I'0� :l'�II, I1I�'�Oj'�_lI�\'L' ��►�'
1�-11. t:�a� �art �portio_n) of tnQ Aast half of blocf: £�ur � _� �f: �`.�-� vr����� ���
to�rn (now ci�;� of Renton�lying south of t:ne northeastiv margin of thecity
of Seattlets pipe Line Ribht o� `"1ay--a�ad that port3.o_n �(par�) of lot,s fotxr-
��,en (I4) and fifteen(I5) lying nort'� of said northeast,erly marUin (of said
�:.ty of Seat�le 's �ipe Lir�e Right oY �ay) All being in said block .four (4)
;�� the coun�y oi Ki�g and State of `"lashin�ton��y constructing a sewer Ue-
�;inning at a po�nt a'�out 220 feet soutn of the center line of Third Avenue,
�,�id I53 fpet vast of the center Iine of �I311 . street (said co�nmencing
;oint be3ng t�e sotxtn te^�ini of the present s�•�r�r in sai�i bloc%t 4) Thenc�
�t�uth 335 feet more or Iess ,t���n� �n`R�M �'` ^ -^�#.�+ y �'��+ �^,^��-^ c�� +rQ
���:?lter Iins of 4th Avenue.
. . . T�'_
21111Il flCCOPC��llCe vPlt}l R(.'SOIL1t10Il �0. ._.. .._ _._ �j� 11:�' (�1'�A (��illittl� ��]� l�lt' (�Il� ; ; :�i�i�,l:.!L �."< <.��li��� ,I _�i���:i
inzprovement distriet therefor, ancl providin�� tlixt pa�=iiiez�t ior �ai�1 iiuproveuient be �nacle by speeial <�ssess-
i�ients upon propert3r in said district pa5 al�le bv tlie rno��e of "I�niliediate Paynient."
'l'I�F. CITY COi?\CIL QF' TI3F CI'1'Y OF RF\Tp\. Vt%;��I�I\GTO\. DOF,S ORDAI\ ��� Ii0LI,0�`'S:
� �ection 1: 7'h�tAll ef t'��,� part (portion} of the east half of B1ock four (4)
:�_-� the original i�s:lr (n��v city) of Renton,lying south c�f the northeasterl .
��::-;:���ii� �f th� cit� oi Seattle' s Pipe Line Ri�ht oP Way--and tha.t por.tion
i ;?.:�.r+) of la�ts fourteen (I�) and Fifteen (I5) lyir.g north of s�,ici nort�
eity of i
�:v.ste�l�r mar��in ( c�f sai� Seattl�' s Pipe I,ine Right of Wa�r)--All Y3::lnr,
i • `��`
sai.d R2o�;k fvur ( 4) in the c�unty af King and State of �lashin�;tan--�
�3e Inpronea --By constructin� a sew�r be�;inning at a poi:nt about 2�� fee�
south af �he center �..ine of Third Av�:nu�,and I53 fes�: ��.st of the c�;r�ter
line Qf �ill �tr��-i; ( �aid commencanF; po:int be:ir�� �:n.e uouth te.r�i�i �f th�
� present sed;��r in said Block 4) . T,�ence �outh 335 feet more Qr le��,e��
I ter�inatinF� a� ;:► point 5 feet north af the cen:er line of 4th Aven�
mate to such portion of said streets and avenues to a distance back from the margizlal lines thereof, as pro-
victed by law."
Section 4: Tnat the eost and expense of s_�id �mprovement shall be defrayed by special assessinents
payable by the mode of "Iininediate Yayment" a-s defined by law and the charter and orclinances of the City
of R�enton. ��arrants bParinb interest at the rate of 8 per cent. per annnm until paid, shall be issued to
the contractor for the re�clemption of as many of the�warrants issued on the Local Improvenient District Fund
on estimates of the City Engineer, as nlay not be redeemed in cash. '
Section 5: '1'his ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days from and after its passaae,
aPproval and legal publieation.
Approved this - �t'=�- - - - -- day of ._��l�t�,��be�". - __ � 1915- - -,
� - - - - -- � - -� --� �/ ��- -- ----�--- -- �- � ---- -
Passed this -- -7tY� ----- -- day of -- -a8p.teL�1b�.�C'-- -- � 191-�-- •
----- -� -- - - ---� --- ---- =�_�c���...._�...�__- -- - - -
City Clerk.
' llate of first publication _. .....�''.�Pt@mhe r ZOt1_^� I9I5.
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