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� � - , (�I�provin�,� Ordina�l�e—Imme<li��Y,e Ya�-niezii Fo�°lu.)
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ORDINANCE N0. .�j��`�
.\\ ORDI\:\\('la: AYPR()\'I\(� _�\D l:'0\I'IRJII\G 7'IIF. ��SF.S�11I+:\'C �\I) _1`�I;��IiF:\'1' P(?I,I.
.tilock twent,y three (�3) in Renton Farm Plat �30. 3 { the same ��;:�.a�; ;: ,a
Add�tion ta Renton, in the county af King ,State of Washington) ;
Ay �ra9ell:in� the a,ll��� .runnin�; north and �outh �� +�r�au�;h �.ba;�-
Block 23
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nncler Ordinance \o. __3`��3_.____, and levyin� and assessing the amotmts thereof a�ain5t the sevei•al lots.
tracts, parcels of land and otl�er propert,y as �ho�vn on said roll, and establishin,� a Local Improvernent Fund.
'C�Ill? CPl'I" COl'\CII. OF 'C�TI'E CITl OF PF.ATO\� DOI�:� ORD_1I\ aS FOI.LU���'S:
Section 1: That the assessnient and assessment roll of Local Imporovement District \'o.___�___~_____.______._._.
for the im rovetnent of �`3r�.00�C 23 in Renton I�'c�1'Tti Plc3.`� T70. ".
, p � the sam.e �__:.�..;.; ....
Addi �:zc�n vo Renton, in the county of �in�, State pf Washington)
�y gravel�ing the a11���� .rur�in�; :�orth �.r.d sauth �h.xa�u�;h s�,id r�.�;�;��
T�renty Thr�e (23)
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I - ^r�n ��t���trih`�frf'�=`'r�f r�Pf"t`ii��r�`ciYh`�i�'��e���1.rit1 .�"�=pTi�cs`5: �t'11��`ti'�'�ii�'f`'?�ti-"'tif'��ii��ifib�i:`'k5'��' '�"�`�'"''`'F"`�`:
iuidcr Orc�iiiance \o ��-.�.__-.______, as the sa>>��� no��- stan�ls, be, and tllc s;�u��� is, �her�eh�- ii� a1L thins�s �ip��ro�e��
z�nd eonfirn�ed.
�ecl�ion '?: '1'h�lt each of tl�e lot,�, t��e�ct�, parcels of lr�ud and otl�er l�roperty sho��-n npezi �aid roll is �
hereby declarecl to be specially benefittecl by said improveruent in at least the amount charaed a;ainst t}le
same and that the assessiuent app�earina against the same is in proportion to the several assessnients appear-
ing• upon said roll. 'i'here is hereby levied and assess.ec� ag•ainst ea�ch such lot, tract, parcel of land and other
property appearina� npon such roil the ainount finally charbed aaainst the same thereon.
Section 3: For the purpose of this improvement there is hereby created and established a special fimd
to be ��r�11ed '`Loca.l Iiuprovement I�lnt1, District \o.��--____.
Section -�: '1'l�is ordinance shall be in full forcc an�l eiiect fi�-e (5j �Ia�-s fi�o�u :�ncl after its passas'e,
al���roval and lea•al publication. .....,
q ��ppra�-ed t}�is __ '��•�: _ da�� �f __�. ��-,r-� r� -- . 191__.`.<
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